Deoemoer Fl Honorable I-i'ooert Batter F?re51ding Circuit Judge 39? Judioral CITCUII ole Limestone Sourlty Courthouse EDD II.Ii'asl'lington Street. 1ll'llest si'nens. Alabama 35511-2553 A 3 I Judge Baker I acknowledge semioe of and receipt of your Deoember 15. 2019. letter. Thank you fer the mm?? ID secure my belongings. I will anange to iet thin?e on Thursday. December 19, 201? I et me take this Decaf-In?" to ea- some h" I renreheneiole oono?uot if ?195 to and ?mam Bf I'llt' ??lthmi mmn? and No excuses are offered. beoause the thin 3 I and were my are excusable. hunt placed in me by my disabled and eldeny giants by stealing :ofn tl'leiraftunds for wl'iioh I owed a ?duciary duty and trust Then I betrayed Ihe trust of the people of Limestone County by stealing flit-?m ?lm-*5 to them and pleased under my control. oounted as nothing the respect and. honor Elf m? colleagues In the Elar;_ tyne are totally free from responsibility for my actions. I hope the oitizene of the county IJleoe on my ehmldere. where it belongs. And, just as disgusting. I violated oaths to the [toneetutions of the State of Alabama and ofIhe United to almighty God- I will seek Hus . . . the publio and my oiients and my oolleagues owe me no?tlng but oontempt and wrath I have disgraced the good name given me by my parents. I trodden underfoot myI vows to my wife. I have greeted a legacy of ill will and hardship for my and family. at oouree. more words cannot deeonloe my eharneful mnducl. I regret allowing these charges to go unanswered this long. It Is to ?nal Ihe of my guitt. I wish only for the u'rnd?roalion of the reputation of the Courts and 31a Bar plain-restate :nd total separation of them from my deap'roeble ante: all of which Were oommitted w'dhout their nowe ge