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'zn?r-?smHJ ?rm :puGqua npmmou menu! a we ni_1nom'zamrb mm mmomu. m: npmmaw'rbc no vco?a m: nonnuna zo?pamcna u: Rum-x ?mum mum He npufnw: m: Hume campus-Luv? 6} Bum) aizoay auxcz}. jinx-M4 mo. mo Rn nomammu Icpmn ncpe?) Baum (TILIA. Bu nco?uc :?uaumcn ?a cxauyaamm Bia?mxia nanbuin. In Bamo?i cnpaau. Ha cnm?ccu} mpiucpma 1: uommui famimcu. mamqu an co?i nacnopTu. UH ?New?: bum." x?ni lumeo upo naponmculm. Hr leacpucmm mum npimuma (nanpumu. cninom-no npo onpymeuna), ,icu} \mm: 1 u} L160 [Imiuii Lumo ni?nhuocri. umam a?up} SEVIS. {Hummus Bunpamcna 410mm I?p} 19155?? ,lulomp. nimmcamm npauiammom. UHUUHI 7 Cemon moms animus Baum cnpaae. mamnmucn Ha anuinicrpamanouy poamnui. Mn aa'mxexloca '3 Basm, KOJIH postman 6y11e .Hacpumm Harmi sin Bac uc momma: HOLIZUIMIJHK nil?i. Inmc . '1 u. or?! - >1 Maw- mmu in Bu nnammi npm?mi . 3 nacnopmu Ta ucooxummn 110mmMb." . up? nmnnum cmnuecuu. ?1.13 Toro, 11106 npnzuamrm cnia?ecinv Ba? nm-pno ii?OHCy?bCHy-mbkm?o u- - - I a lump} Hmupm! 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PM DEL: 1-5? - 24 . Stii mung Sm Rel: I hx?csh?oalenelquwx as San Sen De?ned 11GEI3H4TUMAUTC 5- Run $152013 '1 43 :?Awm? 54$ gum Just ianded back In FL sun :eri Denna . Run 2 var-'92 p: gtc-L c-?ar' Armaments 542! Hanan: Image I ,pg Iva-r ?5.93" m. It I ?32019 73803 I . .m H: my brother I hope you got there safe ar?d sound I hate to bother you your at Augusta . 1m 90an to get a can the morning he has tickets for Saturday what shouid I tell rum . Sis? Sent Denna: 1: 28 1? Hum:? nzan magma 32914 mum: -.-, in 201?: Lu JV 5. Its gong to .~.ork I hays: no 1 In Status . 116 meas com ?Sent mumw a 30 513mm: 5: lid can Hit them stranghl worm and try to reiax and enjoy the moment Mm you son sag Sent mm 14000196 3133;?ng in momma Lgmoaienetgy; my" Good mommg my brother they called mm from embassy and told mm to cancel ms t?ckers because he not 95an wsa Sin Sen! 1.11 row 100' 05AM: in. in Real @wbaicrevgymoducm con- Hi can him now sag Sen 111201818 330:- AMUTC nan 11291910505?.th 5; I II 201-: Auntie i4 Gave Ja?: ?umber 5233.5 [3.1253 Read Attacnmen?s- PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Extraction Report Apple :Phone Partioipents I @swhatsapp net Robert Hyde ?@s-wnatsawnec Lp (owner) Conversation Instant Messages (61) . System Message System Message Messages to this chat and calls are now: secured '?v?ith end-to-end Tap for more info. Ptanbrm M'Jbiie 352120138 13 US i@s whalsapp net Lp 1083423482563461 12?s=12 Attachments: ii .mdlo. . TlIle: Laura Ingraham on Size; 4173 Fde name: thumb thumb sum Sent Whine 813.06 @s .whatsapp net Lp probe-into-us-eiection Title: Senior Ukrauuan offloal says he's opened probe Into US election Sin: 6966 Fla name: thumb thumb Stats: Sent Ptatkl'm: Mobtle 301/2019 8.1329 @s whalsapp nel Lp 1083980387191029777s=12 Attachments True Sean on Twm-at Size 406:3 ?le name: thumb 8374 E-203?c5d74da3-b962-adfcc thumb Slams. Sent Platfonn Monte 321201;?: [is whatsapp net Lp election-says-top-ukrainian Attachments .J Title ermlman of?cml accuses Punn of "blackmail' ahead raf Size 4245 File name' ae2702ad-?3 ., thumb - 1538339 thumb Slams Sent Human: 3'21?201?3 813-17 H.111 @s whalsapp net Lp help-ciinton?emerges Attachments Time As Russm faces Ukmmlan plot to he!p Clinton ems-195$ Size. 0 Stats Sen! Haitian. Mobile 14 02 @s whatsapp net Lp Armaments: I Title Whlle House personnel of?cual desc: bed Trump GOP nommaizon as ?end 0! me worlu' Size: 4435 File name, thumb thumb 5:311:55th Plathm? Mamie 3-22.20 IE: 4 50 04 l@s whaisapp net Lp 10916594846290739375=12 Attachments: 5 Ti?e Dan Bongmo on T?mtter SIZE. 44-17 File name. thumb thumb Status: Sent P'?fonn IUoLute 3 222013 55 I: PMIUTCHJ) wharsapp net Lp Attachments; Size? 57462 File name' ,pg Path' .'v'rnmg-fna whatsapp net ffAunuv c?nc Sled M-3I?a14a684530b4193a133a7?e1 I 3- 22 2011713 56 DH, F?Mll fj? wharsapp r1?! Rotten Hv}: Fuck that blICh Status Read Piatforrn mun" I@s whatsapp net Lp Avian-ems: )i Size: 48473451 Fite na?e~ mp4 Itmmg? fna whatsapp 09c0qT ant 69344 7d3?100c40c1998d-25t533d02659 mg 5m: Sent 3030019 3 07 02 Iigis whatsapp net Robert Hyde Wow. Can't believe Trumo hasn't ?red this bitch. I?ll get right in that Status Read Ptauonn? Mobile 322- 2019 F- 37 3t AMMTC Hit Iris whatsapp net Robe-n Hyde Attachments Size: 5287 Fite name: I tE?3499c723 opus Path' - whatsapp net :1 fAan I enc it 1193455IGC723 0 .us 3723-2019 8 4G 49 I-Tj-s whatsapp net Robert Hyde Attachments: Size: 85316 File name: Path tna whatsapp new-f oe??'sDx enc 3 23 ?019 8 40 I whatsapp he: Robert Hyde She under heavy protection outside Kiev Status: React Platform: tubule 3232019 42.45 [gs whatsapp net Lp I know crazy Shit Slams. Sem Hakim. Maude 393/20 l9 8 44 57 :2 wha?sarn net Robert Hyde My guy thinks maybe Status Rear: Plan'orm. Home whaisapp net Lp ukraine?ryan-saavedra Attachments. Tme' Cafls Grow To Remove Obama's Ambassador To Uklame Size 4818 Fiie name: 46932451-f3c74361 AMTO-ce??zdhEeBc thumb 1-b4TG-cef-8'Fd73288c thumb Status: Sent Wm: Mobde 124-20194 3'3 PMIUTC +01 whatsapp net Lp ukraine-{yan-saavedra True Calls Grow To Remove Obama?s Ambassador To Ukrame Size: 4818 F312 name: thumb thumb Status: Sent Pta?um: Moose 3-2420 19 4 3-1 34 whats-Jpn net Remen Hyde Attachments File name i" Path: mm 2015' 5: 5.) whatsapp net Robert Hyde Attachments: v. L. '1 Ti?e: White House personnel of?cial descnbed Trump GOP nommatron as 'end of the world? Size; 4435 File name: e39e5ebB4j-t7f4 10 thurrb thumb 51311.5: Read Platform: Nubile 3252019 *3 29 4E: E's whatsapp net Robert Hyde What should I do with this? Status: Read Plattorm: Monte 325-20 l9 *3 2?5 58 kins whatsapp net Robert Hyde They are moving her tomorrow Stems: Read Platform. P.1oblle 372512019 8 58 4t whatsapp net Robert Hyde The guys over they asked me what I would like to do and what is in it for them Status: Read Pta?orm: Home 3 25 2015: 5'9. 03 his whatsappnet Robert Hyde Wake up Yankees man Status: Read Pta?on'n; Module 325120 19 9 5-9 13 Robert Hyde She's talked to three people. Her phone is off. Computer is off. Stats: Read Ptattorm; Inmate 3?25/2019 39 42 31292019 6 01 '09 @s_whatsapp net Roben Hyde She?s next to the embassy Status: Read Pia?onn: Mobile 31.12019 1 I 33 55 .st whatsapp net Robe-r1 Hyde Not in the embassy Stains: Read WIT. ?ame 3?25 201!{! 40 01 @s whalsapp net Roben Hyde Private security. Been there since Thursday Status: Read Platform: Mobile 3252019 do 15 kins whatsappnet Lp Interesting sums: Sent Pun": Maude 3/25/2019 II 40 38 Li?s whatsapp net Robert Hyde They know she's a political puppet Status Read 3 25 201911412? libs whatsapp net Roben Hyde They will let me know when she's on the move Status; Read Ph?u'm: Monte 3.2 45 3?8 whatsapp net Roben Hyde And they'll let me know when she's on the move Status: Read Plairon'n: Mobile C313 1 I 45- 55 thatsapp net Lp Perfect sun: Sent Ph?urru Mobile 305/2019 11 46.06 Ii?ts whatsapp net Robert Hyde I mean where if they can ?nd out. Status; Read Platmrm: Mobile ll 46 13 @s whatsapp net Robert Hyde That address I sent you checks out Status: Read Pta?onn: Mobile 3:25 2019 1146 22 Pmiurcmi @5 whatsapp net Robert Hyde It's next to the embassy Status: React Platt?onn: Mobile 3'25 "0153 11-16 30 Is??s whatsapp net Robert Hyde They are willing to help if wefyou would like a price status: Read Ptatl'orm: Home 3.252019 11 4-6 53 @s whatsapp net Robert Hyde Guess you can do anything in the Ukraine with what I was told Status: Read Pla?mn: Mobde ll 47 19 kajs whatsapp net Robert Hyde Update she will not be moved special security unit upgraded force on the compound people are already aware of the situation my contacts are asking what is the next step because they cannot keep going to check people will start to ask questions States: Read Penman: Mobile 32652019 10 05 ll It?jswhatsapp net Robert Hyde If you want her out they need to make contact with security forces Stems: Read Platform: We 325.2019 10 05 It 30512019 11.43.47 @s whatsapp net Robert Hyde From Ukranians Status: Read MCOtle 3062019 10 05 24 ?ts whatsapp net Robert Hyde What's the word bro Status: Real: Wt Momle 30700192 whatsapp net Robert Hyde Any good stuff? Status: Read mm Moblle 3/27/9019 2 20 54 IQS whatsaw net LP Call you soon in studio Wm whatsapp net Robert Hyde Let's go Hotmes Status: Read Ptalol'm. Moblie 327/2019 3 42 33 whatsapp net Robert Hyde R6 was good. But Ingraham had some hard questions Status: Read Platoon: Mobile 3070019 3 42 5-4 whatsapp net Robert Hyde Nothing has changed she is still not moving they check today again Stains: Read m: Mame 3070019 9 42 57 t@s whalsappnet Robert Hyde Hi buddy Stats: Read Ptdiorm? Mobile 312710019 9 42 57 3127/2019 2:22:12 his whatsapp net Ruben Hyde It?s con?rmed we have a person inside 3131115: Read Platform: Motxle 352720 We '3 42 57 kals whatsapp nel Lp Title" Trumps lake-down of FBI (Winning montage!) Size: 3439 Fie name: dODdS5:7603841c1b7234583039676 thumb Id thumb sun: Sent Plallmn? We 3'2812019 I2 4140 ?gs whatsapp ?61 Hyde Nice status: Read Pla??orrn: 3738-72019 1 4-105 his whalsappnel Robe-n Hyde Hey brother do we stand Or you still need intel be safe Status: Read PlatmITn: Mobile 3.292019 1.01 07 LES whatsapp net Roben Hyde She had viSItors Slams: Read Pla?onn: Mame 3/29 2019 I 01 13 [pl-s whatsapp net Robert Hyde lt?s con?rmed we have a person inside Slants: Read Pla??mn'. Mobile 3292MB 101 Ijs whatsapp nel Robert Hyde Hey broski tell me what we are doing what's the next step Status; Read Morn}: Mobile $29.20!le 1'01 45 1O lips whatsanp net Robert Hyde Attachments; SIZE 942! I Fale name. 4? Path; httosan: 31* whatsapp net Robert Hyde What's up bud? Heard that got cancelled Stains. Read Pla?onn. r. 1e 6.3.2019 1-1 @s whatsapp net Lp Guuluam Plans Ukraine 20 Push for lnqumes Thai Hetp Trump Size: 5140 File name: lhumb thumb Stalls: Sent Hanan! Mable 7 30 00 '3 533 11 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK "swam?hum Gib" Hemwaam mm mmwaszsammc-u 403120194 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK RuooLeH W. GIULIANI May ll}, 21.119 President-Elect Dieitsaodroyych zeiensky do Ministry of lntentai Affairs of Ukraine 1i} Bogornoltsa str. DIEM llyiy. Ukraine Dear President-Elect I am private counsel to President Donald J. Trump. Just to he pmcise, I represent him as a private citicen, not as President of the United States. This is quite common under American law because the duties and priylleges of a President and a private citizen are not the same. Separate representation is usual process. Congratulations on a truly impressive yictory in the recent election. I have a great fondness foryour country and have yisited there often. I haye even had the privilege of being there most recently on 2MP. Along with many others, I am yery hopeful that your election is a real taming point and allows the Ukraine to prosper and overcome some of the long-standing problems oi the past. Anything I can do to help you or your country would he a great honor. Howeyer, have a more speci?c request. In my capacity as personal counsel to President Trump and with his knowledge and consent. I request a meeting with you on this upcoming Monday. May 13" or Tuesday. May In?. I will need no more than a halivhour of your time and i will be accompanied by my colleague Victoria Toensing. a distinguished American attorney who is very familiar with this matter. Please have yeur of?ce let me ltnow what time or times are convenient for you, and ?y?lctoria and i will be there. Sincerely, {Ml/i ill/Mm: tic: Arsen Ayakoy Minister of intemai Afiairs PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Extraction Report Apple iPhone @s whalsapp net .3 Sergy Sheafer @s whatsapp net Lp (owner) at?. Conversation - Instant Messages (16} System Message System Message Messages to this chat and calls are non-.' secured with end-to-end Tap for more info. Platform Ltcoite 5"11320193 59 @s whatsapp net Lp ?105pr Beuep Cepre? aoeyr nEa i?lapHac mapa pygu nynuam nomanyi?acra nepeaeonwre cnacm?o scans Sent mum: more 51 H2019 3 59.02 whatsapp net Lp Mats: Size: 76380 Fate name: Path: 1:me- tna whatsapp 1 160 enc sans: Sent P?h'm; Mantle 5/1 112019 4 0657 whatsapp net Lp 3?ro Konun nucwa nepeAaHHan uepea Aeaxoaa no noaoay acrpeuu Stan: Sent Mum Mobile $110019 4 03 47 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK +1917951 guy is cance?ng meeMg I think? ?Read 910mm 7 37 09 mum-4) +19l7951? Rwy6ulam advising the PRES ELECT are no friends at the President At least one was hvotwd 1n delivering hudutent evidence fatsety accusing ?Wham! Hopefully Pres elect wi rest. that tge operatives around him don't have his best interests at heart 911311925049 MUTE-4) 5110301910 47 2 PMUTCA) ?917951ij friendsofthepmsidon Athastmewas?lwotvedhde?ve' MMGmancefalsely destabdefaathlm. Hopeful ?than ?51mm? 511nm191057 16MUTG4) i am adUtSEd that the PRES ELECT ts in the hands of people :-ho are enemas of the Presdent. At least one ?as invotved in deiwemg fraudulent eviderce false?! actusing the campaign and made horrible statements about his desire to defeat him Pres elect ?.Iil realrze that the operatives around him don have has best enterests at heart 5&5 Hes!) Read 1 bl 2 54'; l: -i '1 71-51 .J. its" Sorry i had to cancel See if you can come Lack and regroup. 335 Rear: near 5.1- :2 2 . I lit text a" ctoria Wenorgwmersm sax Sent ?151190136 EDZGAMWTGA) 5 1.2019 2 5824 #1317931 ?1ij 63.. I concluded that the President etect is bemg advised by people ..ho "ere ?er, vocal opponents of Freeldent Trump and peculiarly vocal supporters o? HlliarJ part Colar Sergii Leschenl-zo. He has already been found to he 4e acted improperly regard to our 2016 election Under these circumstances the meet-n9 uscuid have accompiusned little and may be in the hands of those -.ho might misrepresent it LU purpose has to share inter-match to assist their con-gong investigation of Ukrarnan of?oals be ng used by Americans to gather nl'orrnatlon to assast Clinton in last election it as afso to aiert them to the very real dangers that the: are people in the .nvestgaton as targets and are attempting to shut rt down before it reaches a concluson. This in\ estgatlon has the potentzal to reveal some of the people who ongtnated andor propagated the false dam of coiluson which has been found to be false new by 2.not 1. FBI investigate-'15. This false charge oi on?t emerge from thin air. it it didn't originate in Ukraine. there =5 ev oence it .as pursue: there and pursued usng ill-c3 means. Stalls Rea: Rate 1' 31:2 :3 :7 ii Wetter-groomers com Is this a statement you issued sun: Sent Danced no awry) nut 5111,2019 a 10 t7 LJ PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 9-1 mamas 1520 70/2019 ?917951 [Rudy Gm? Wow! an Read mums 515:55 W041 7mm 5.15.55 MW) PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK John M. Dowd - 571-435- From: jay sekulow ?glawcom> Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 201911214 AM To: John Dowd> Subject: Re: Lav Parnas and lgor Fruman? John, have discussed the issue of representation with the President. The President consents to allowing your representation of Mr. Parnas and Mr. Furman. Jay Sekulow Counsel to the President Sent from my iPhone PLEASE NOTE: This email and any files transmitted with it are con?dential and may be subject to the attorney?client privilege. Use or disclosUre of this e-mail or any such files by anyone other than a designated addressee is unauthorized. if you are not an intended recipient, please notify the sender by e?mail and delete this email without making a copy. On Oct 2. 2019. at 9:04 AM. John Dowd i x? . .4 3-111} 'pi Far! 1.151: 11