Resolution #: SEN-##-YR TITLE: A Resolution Regarding the Actions of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s Vice Chancellor for Student Life, Vincent Carilli, Ph.D. SPONSORS: Austin Smith, Nursing Senator (​​) DATE: April 10, 2018 WHEREAS, in the Fall of 2011, the University of Tennessee adopted the Ten Principles of Civility based on research from other campuses across the nation, and WHEREAS, the aforementioned principles include, but are not limited to: ● “Dialogue: We value and encourage, and facilitate free exchange of diverse ideas and points-of-view along with free speech and expression. However, we discourage uncivil speech or expression that infringes upon the ability of others to express themselves.” [1] ● “Collegiality: We value an environment that facilitates collegial relationships, encourages mutual understanding among diverse individuals and leads to addressing issues and differences in an atmosphere of ​mutual respect and civility​.” [1] ● “Respect: We believe that a person’s views, ideas, and behavior best reflect the goals of the academic community ​when the dignity of each individual is respected​ and when members of the community are considerate of the feelings, circumstances, and individuality of others.” [1] ● “Response: We encourage all community members to speak out against incidents involving bigotry and other types of incivility so the university can fulfill its responsibility of responding in a fair, timely and consistent fashion” [1], and WHEREAS, Undergraduate Student Senators are a part of the “community members” mentioned above, and WHEREAS, the Chancellor of the University of Tennessee, Beverly Davenport. Ph.D. has released the following statements regarding civility and respect: ● “We have a responsibility to condemn what we know is wrong…” [2] ● “I encourage all of you to be guardians of our campus. Protect it and make it a symbol of what you honor and love. Take care of it and each other. Be mindful of what’s hurtful and hateful.” [2] ● “Kindness matters. Words matter. Support matters.” [2] ● “We will be defined by our stance against words, actions, and deeds that demean, threaten, divide, and harm our campus community” [2], and WHEREAS, in an email sent to a female student, Emma Heins on March 27, 2018, Vice Chancellor Vincent Carilli, Ph.D. stated the following: ● “I think the information you have shared in your ​bombastic​ email is not accurate.” [3] ● “To suggest that student input was not received is just plain false, ​irresponsible, and unbecoming​ of an involved student leader on our campus” [3], and WHEREAS, the University of Tennessee Knoxville’s Women’s Coordinating Council attests that: "The Women's Coordinating Council envisions a campus community in which members of different backgrounds are respected and valued. It is our understanding that, in the tone and language used in Vice Chancellor Vincent Carilli's email to Emma Heins, her concerns addressed in the original email to Vice Chancellor Carilli were neither respected nor valued. Furthermore, ​the use of the word "unbecoming," a term historically rooted in misogyny​, is not behavior that the Women's Coordinating Council expects or condones from the administration of the University of Tennessee,” and WHEREAS, Ms. Heins stated: “The specific language of the email felt very uncalled for, and it implied that I was twisting facts to suit my agenda, which is false. I felt that by using the term ‘unbecoming,’ he was being demeaning towards me due to my gender. I feel that as a student, and a student leader, I deserve more respect from an administrator than what I was given,” and WHEREAS, Vice Chancellor Vincent Carilli’s apology at the March 27, 2018 Senate Session consisted of, “I am sorry [Ms. Heins], that you were offended,” and WHEREAS, “indignation” is defined as “anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean” [6], and WHEREAS, the Undergraduate Student Senate is permitted, under its bylaws, ​“To take all actions which shall be necessary and proper for carrying out its functions” [4], and WHEREAS,​ the function of the Undergraduate Student Senate is to “​support students by creating and sustaining a positive and inclusive environment in order to bridge gaps that exist on campus…” [5], and WHEREAS,​ the Undergraduate Student Senate cannot simultaneously execute this function and condone the use of ​the terms “bombastic,” “irresponsible,” and “unbecoming” to label a student or their opinion,’ BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that in order to uphold the University of Tennessee’s Ten Principles of Civility and to pursue its vision to “support students by creating and sustaining a ​positive​ and inclusive environment,” the 2017-2018 University of Tennessee Undergraduate Student Senate respectfully, and in good faith, expresses indignation with Vice Chancellor Carilli’s use of the terms “bombastic,” “irresponsible,” and “unbecoming” to label any student, student organization, or genuine opinion thereof. ACTION TAKEN BY THE STUDENT SENATE Seconded by ______________________________________________________________ VOTE for _________ against _____________ abstentions _____________ ACTION TAKEN BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE Signature _____________________________________________________ Date _________________________________________________________ ACTION TAKEN BY THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT Signature _____________________________________________________ Date _________________________________________________________ [1] Civility and Community, The University of Tennessee [2]“Your Voice Matters,” Announcements, Office of the Chancellor, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville ​ [3] E-mail sent by Vice Chancellor Vincent Carilli, Ph.D. to Emma Heins on March 27, 2018 [4] Article I – Powers and Duties of the Student Senate, The Bylaws of the Student Senate, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville [5] Vision of the Student Senate, Student Government Association, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville ​ [6] Indignation, Merriam-Webster Dictionary