. US. Department of Justice fig, Civil Rights Division NDH I Freedom oflnforma?on/Prtvacy A Branch BICN 17-003 950 Pennsyivania Ave, NW Washington, DC 20530 VIA EMAIL Ms. Wendy R. Weiser, Director, Democracy Program Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law 120 Broadway, Suite 1750 JAN 3 1 20m New York, NY 10271 weiserw@brennan.law.nyu.edu Dear Ms. Weiser: This is in response to your July 25, 2017 Freedom of Information Act request, received by the Civil Rights Division on July 26, 2017, seeking information pertaining to the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. Enclosed please ?nd 373 pages responsive to your request. After review of the responsive Civil Rights Division documents referred to our of?ce, I have determined the enclosed 373 pages may be released to you subject to the excision of the names and other identifying information of private individuals pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552 sinCe disclosure thereof could reasonably be expeCted to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy; and pursuant to 5 U.S.C. since the records consist of attorney work product, and include intra?agency memoranda containing pre-decisional, deliberative material and attorney client material. Further, I have determined that access to four pages of documents should be denied pursuant to 5 U.S.C. since disclosure thereof could reasonably be expected to interfere with law enforcement proceedings. I have further determined. that certain information within these records that is exempt from disclosure pursuant to 5 should also be denied pursuant to 5 U.S.C. since the records consist of attorney work product, and include intra-agency memoranda containing pre~decisional, deliberative material and attorney client material. Finally, when some documents were electronically loaded, the transfer left white boxes which are not redactions and some irregular formats on pages. The redacted boxes include the speci?c redaction code within the boxes. Even though this matter is in litigation, I am required to advise you that if you are not satisfied with my response to this production, you may administratively appeal by writing to the Director, Office of Information Policy (OIP), United States Department of Justice, Suite 11-050, 1425 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530-0001, or you may submit an appeal through OIP's FOIA online portal by creating an account on the follOwing web site: Your appeal must be postmarked or electronically transmitted within 90 days of the date of my response to your request. If you submit your appeal by mail, both the letter and the envelope should be clearly marked ?Freedom of Information Act Appeal.? . .. . . . I hope the Civil Rights Division has been of some assistance to you in this matter. Fre 20111 of Information/Privacy Acts Branch Civil Rights Division From: Toomey, Kathleen Sent: 9:03:44 PM To: Herren, Chris CC: Wheeler, Tom Treene, Eric Gore, John [John.Gore@crt.usdoj.goy] Subject: QFRs on Voting issues Attachments: Rosensteln QFRs Voting House and Senate Combined 13 1?.docx Flag: Follow up Ch ris, ?33(5) ?33(5) Our responses are due on Wednesday, July 19. I would appreciate it if you would send me your draft responses by C08 Tuesday, joiy 18. Please let me know if you would like to discuss. Thanks, Kathy lrioting QFRS House I . is; in 2013. in Sirei'fnr County. v. Hoicfer?. the Supreme Court effectivciv struck down Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. which required jurisdictions with a documented historv and ongoing record of race discrimination in voting to preclear' an}; voting changes with either the Department of Justice or a three?judge federai court before their impiementation. Following the Slicing decision. previouslv covered jurisdictions iinpteinented various forms of restrictive voting iaws. which make it inrpossihic or undulv burdensome for millions of people to participate equallv in the poiitical process and elect their candidates of choice. Despite the di?icunrented instanCes of voter suppression cuii?entiv going on in our countrv. the Administration appears singularlv focused on investigating voter fraud. even though there are no substantiated allegations of widespread voter fraud in the 2tiit?i elections. iiarlicr this vear. I led more than it} ofinv colleagues in a ietter to President 'I'itunp urging that anv investigation he conducts into alleged voter fraud also ineiude an investigation of voter suppression. We never received a response to that letter. and just over a month ago the President. announced his Advisorv Commission on lilection Integritv to investigate oniv instances of voter fraud. a. in light of the President?s newiv-liri?rnetl Commission. how does the Department plan to atlocate resources to enforce the Voting Rights Act and cornhat the proliferation oft-'oter suppression laws since Strain}! tb)t5) h. Does the Department acknowledge that. voter ttiffi?if :ssion is a significant and growing prohiein that should be prioritized? According to the t?iscat veai' 2t} 18 budget request. tlhe Department will continue to piriteet voting rights through efforts to detect and investigate voting practices that vioiate federal iaws. through affinnativc iitigation to enjoin such practices. and through the monitoring of eieclions all throughout the counter each veai'." c. Piease describe what is Ineant liv "voting practices that violate federal inns? and provide exampies. Wouiri it include requiring a photo it) to vote. which federal courts have found viotate the Voting Right Act? {blt5l d. These enforcement priorities for voting rights appear to eseiude protecting against voter suppression efforts. which have proiiferated in the wake of the Supreme Court?s Shelby Cosmo-decision. How witl the Voting Rights Section prioritize conthat?ting voter suppression eff nits?including. but not. limited to. the enactment of strict photo ID requirements. efforts to unlawft liv nu 'ge voter rolis. and restrictions on earlv voting and polling locations?? (W5) 5.0 in April 20H. a Federal distriet court found that 'l'esas?s striet voter photo ll) requirement was en aeted purposefully to against Blaek and Latino voters. The Department. of .lustiee had taken the position that 'l'esasrs law was intentionally disei'iminatoijt' and ehallen ged the iaw Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the .8. Constitution. (Joe at the Attorney first decisions was to ahaiidt'ai the litepartnientis oi diseri initiation in its lawsuit against Texas. $11513 did the histiee pain-neat abandon the intentional etaini?? Do you plan to I re positions in. any other pending voting . i rights litigation? tblt5i 4. in Men 2tli T. President Trump issued an exeeutive order that established the Presidential Advisory Commission on l-Ileetion Integrity. Senate What role did the Attorney l(Zienerai andr'or the t.}eputjr Attorney l(Zieneral ave advisir ihiigim? ?resort? ?i 's Commission or the drafting oi? Ihis Executive Order"? Will the Department. commit to not spending an}: of its resources on the operation ol? the Commission. in eluding hut not limited to, providing facilities or oi?t?iee space, funding, for staff or faeilities travei expenses, or ether eests associated with the eomniission?ir {bit?t The Commission is vice ehair is Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kohaeh. who joined the president in estimating that "3.2 million aliens voted in the president election." Do you have ariv evidence that 3.2 niiliion aliens voted in the presidentiai eleetion?? l-low the Department ensure that the Commission is not used to justify voter suppression taeties'? ?53?53 Question 21: Voting Rights and Voter Suppression After your nomination hearing in March. 1 submitted a number of questions to you about voting rights and voter fraud. Speeit?iealh', I asked ifjt'ou helieve there is eredihle evidence that over 2.5 mittion people voted illegally in the last eleetion. and i asked what steps frou would take to ensure strong voting rights enforeenient eontinues. You responded to the First question that you were ?not aware of the eonlext or basis for the [i?resident?s remarks and therefore [you were not in a position to comment.? You also pledged to "E?airlv. effectively and appropriately en Foree vt'iting rights laws and other iaws within the Departmentsjurisdietion." 1. fire you now in a position to continent on whether there is credible eyidence that user 2. 5 million people yoted illegally in the last election? 2. It not. will you corn wit to obtaining the information that you need to answer this question and to doing so by july 31. an [bll5i 3. Since heconiing Deputy Attorney General. what steps hate you taken to ensure that strong voting rights has continued? in the time since you submitted your responses to my questions on yoting rights. President has estahlished a Presidential Adyisoiy Commission on lilcction lntegrity. the Administration claims the purpose of this Commission is ?to promote fair and honest. liederal elect ions." the Department also released a Fiscal Year 2tll8 Budget and l?eit?onnance The 2018 Strategy" for the [limit Rights Diyision states the following with respect to voting rights; ?The lkparltnent will continue to protect yoting rights through efforts to detect and im'estigate practices that yiolate Federal laws. through a tit inititiye litigation to enjoin such practices. and through the monitoring of elections all throughout the country each year." The FY Strategy ntakes no reference to investigating allegations of yoter suppression or to ensuring that all ol" those eligihle to tote are not it. Were you consulted by President 'l?runip or anyone in the Administration about the establishment. ol? the Presidential Adyisoijn' ominission on lilection Integrity"? ibil5l In light of the .lustiee resources and expertise. do you helie? 1h ?ng it Commission is necessary ?to promote fair and honest l: ederal elections"? ti. - did you play in drafting the FY Etll 8 Strategy for the L'iyii Rights (blt5l .7. What role .?el Brand play in drai'ting the FY 2tlt8 Strategy For the Civil Rights Uiyision?l i 8. (?3?55 till the Civil Rights litiyision do to iny'esti gate allegations oi?voter suppression? it. Wh at will the Cit" t: 5 its l.}iyision do to ensure that all of those eligible to Ttote are not disenfranchised? Senator Lankford Voting Rights {rungs-q mums; (9W1) . ju momma ml} 1mm pm? punt} 3.1m m1] gum] um '9 {mm} {3133;7th pmandxn 5'1; 1mm pm? umssumum L10 .iP-j 054 Nady unnq 5m; my; 1 Ir} (GHQ) munmm ml] u; 31%.anng .m [{qu 1i? 1111;me manor: (Immnxuimipn :3ng mm 113nm .qu as}; pun sunumniuuidu [numssm?um pmu unissgummn mu Eih?? mi] .10} {ruin?11ml 1:11} 51.10.? 0131:15- ?lm papumu maumnuau 33354111" an "'Slii?'??lm?j sq; .IUJ 3533:; auaq [lugs-w ammunition 3111 sins $31110 3ng '5 (9)053} (91ch {Fitgu J1 {'Ipmluamm umsmq mam {p.13 mg] up a {gum I EN 31!] ?unun .{Rgd snaiuldum I 33mm. pure 11m} 31m ?1 'smu (11 mun rams; q?nmm 1tmumsugmuajjuasqp.Emm {mm ummum wen] meu pure mm 35.13:. 3.113. [lawn pm? pain} .1310). 30 33513:; ?ngpug 1i? pnaampp sumns {magnum}: sup .mem 5W1 up mm 1143;} am, 315133101111 {12 L11 $.3qu 'i?jg?ilii Em ?193;an 12 pamma mpg} ammaxgi 1mg .{Iaw nu; STATE OF COLORADO Wayne W. Williams Department of State Secretary of State 17cc 3 Suite 203% way Suzanne Staiert Denver, CO 802% Deputy Secretary of State July 14,2017 Hon. Kris W. Kobach, Vice Chair Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity Re: Colorado?s response to your reonestfor information Dear Secretary Kobach: I received your request for input and information on behalf of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. This letter responds to your questions, details some of the processes Colorado election of?cials follow to ensure election integrity, and explains what publicly available voter registration data I can provide under Colorado law. Background Elections are working well in Colorado. By every relevant metric, our state ranks as a leader in election administration. Thanks to sound policy and the hard work of our 64 county clerks and recorders, Colorado is often ranked ?rst and always ranked in the top ?ve in the nation in both voter turnout1 and percentage of eligible Coloradans who are registered to vote.2 Our election model gives voters unmatched choice in how they vote ?whether by mail ballot (returned through the mail or dropped off in secure drop-boxes) or in person (by paper ballot or electronic voting or ballot marking device with paper record). And we continue to innovate by rolling out new technology, including a real-time statewide electronic poll book and a modern voting system with paper ballot records that?s been adopted by most of our counties. This year Colorado will implement a scienti?c risk limiting audit to further assure voters that their votes are counted and reported accurately. As our election processes become more complex and dependent on technology, we remain vigilant in our commitment to the security of our election systems and our statewide voter registration database. And our counties conduct regular list maintenance in accordance with state and federal law to ensure the accuracy of our voter rolls. Colorado also participates in two key I U.S. Election Assistance Comm?n, The Administration and Voting Survey, 20M Comprehensive Report, at 5 2 {2017), avaiiabie at li6i20 i [hereinafter EAVS Report]. 1 EAVS Report, supra note I, at 515th. See aiso The PEW Charitable Trusts, Eicciions Performance index, indicators: Voter Registration Rare (Aug. 9, 2016), visualizationszG] (showing that Colorado had the nation?s highest voter registration rate through the 2014 election cycle). Main Number (3'03) 894-2200 Web Site sea state cons Fax. (3G3) 869-4861 E-mail public clectionsiz?sos statecous (3G3) 369-436? interstate tiatti?siietiag the Eieetteaie Registraties Center {Emit} and the interstate Ctessei?ieek, with it?t?i etemeetaties geitieti i3}; stress etitetia. White i?i'a stead efthe teeth we?re {taiag Caisratzie, these is aiways seats {at itsetesetiteitt. Bettie: i seaside my views slang with seats {if Caietatie?s were ta eieetiea integrity. Assesses ta ysat? {attestieas I . What changes, g'faey, tajederef eieeziea titties siesta? yeti reassessed sesame the integrity efjetfemf efeet?istts? sheet the seestity sect i?i?gt?iiy et?eieetieas emphasize the impatience ef the veisetaty setting systems gaitteiities anti tithes etegiates estahiisiteti by the Eieetieas with the assistance and sappett at state and ieeat assessments at: tees the eeaetty. i therefete eestisites is he my eesitieit that these and etiiet steepest assistance tiara the EAC etesides a sttetig hasis fat" the sf this stieetise sgesey as as assistive i aise waititt streegty that the fedetai gesetetitetii shift tesattrees ta itieeatisise statesg pattieipatieit is the Eieetiea Registratieti {Jester whieh is tiiseassett {tether heiew, preemies preside the mast aeesrate anti eempiete stetheti te maximize pattieipatieti anti. ensure that states tetis are eleetieti iaws sitatiiti assist eqaaiiy aetess the states. mitt it" exemptieris te gatesisieits is these iaws exists esetitetiea sheatd be heated ea states? eetteitt iaws rathei" that} what these laws anti were at the time the fetistai Eats was attested. tier estimate, the hiatiettai Vetei' Registratiett Aet sf i993 exempted the states that has sameatay tegisttatiea at the time ef the iaw?s adeptiett? Because the tiessa?t esteisi the exemptieti ta states Ceietade that iatet adept samewtiay tegistratiett? it diseeatagges states tiers mitigates; tied iaeteasing setet registratien. The Cemmissiaa shattiti eettsidei' whether the ptevisieii the test sitettid he asplieti ta sit states witese iaws itieet the atigittai thtesheid requirements which wettiti eiteaiitage tithes states ta make it easy fat eitieetis te pattieipate. there is aise as ta ta fees the htittieasei?tte astiititig as eitter t?etittg equipment that was eatehaseti with feeds piesitieti tastier the Heist Amesiea Fete Aet {ease} the re teraaitt it} eeaaties Cataracts with iegaey satieg systems that were peiehased with titties. Beepite the feet that eaeh t'atitig system and its ate tiesrestatetia a directive item the tees-rat {fifties atMaeageateat anti Badget tee sires ensite astiits {if this gettetaiiy tt'ai?thless eatiiataeet? is a tiispetseti state iike Ceiei?ade, this exercise is eat a eessa'aetise use ef tesatitees, The Cemmissiee sheaid review the astiit petie}: tat fatty desteeiateti 2. Hats eat: the Cessatissiea supper! state tier} fees? eieetias atistieisti'atei's with regard is {sits-matters techeat?egy security and tittiesrabit?ities? 3 ?2 est; a {it} 0M8. {Iitettiat {i ii} {fast Prise-tyiisis?ir State. sees}. and {titties Tribe? Gesermseats {May it}, My attics has that tesl~ttms sstwortt smattering taetwesn the vets? with tt} and mitigate attacks; wsrkittg with and stats ts attests: ?fustsn smattering tutti capstsitity; and ttrity st sit stats and musty :35er st" vats amt are tasst stat! what: state: experts they nesd ts critics? systems. tecestty sent it ts Secretary Katy vsistt?tg my that that government, identi?es? ts dating the 5 sixties, {sited statss? skis? sisstistt tits: Escsuss states have the experts and ts anti with tt?s that the feasts! ms and stats chief when threats arise. Fm? ?ttest: i Ssctetsty Ketty ts a fist stats at an}? Di? threats as they arise. This 9331? sitsw us it} tattle ts maintain with toast sf?sisis statss. I that the Witfk DES mitts? fattest! ts the universe sf cyhet threats and haw ts tasst t9 stats 3. What 3mm, tar mks? yosr abt?ty is assure tits integrity 3:03: it?s in a mat? hsiist stats itks Cataracts ts have the mast address far sash mtst. Wt: wort: with the Cataracts of {the agency ts: driver?s ts update their what: they get ?t renew And 916% {3111? agencies St} mists st?s ts matte at? new registrations and an a tassis. But there are sther mistress iibtariss ws wauitt titts ts take: advantage sf. Fat the 3?qu list ?rsts {st feast-st ssefut we?d tike: ts bass, This state, ts updats setter tt} that Caists?sns the stattest hattst its a hasist Ts ?sts, my sf?s?s ts have {watt that sitssi? the sf a secure the: smarts and My sf?se uses sit svstisbts tsttis ts that sttiy Citizens are registered ts vats tn 3:8? we: tt {statiy {?tting sisstistt ssttods} {3:085:61}ka sstwestt tits: vats: database and tits sf database ts tdestt?j bassd {tit the they strati?ed Wi?t?ft't getting What} we identify win: is ts ?sts cttisstt what: a driver?s we css?ttct further :ssestck anti, 5f necessary, semi [its ts st' she is sitgibts tt} vests Wt: like tt} take. sf assisting to status, I?ve: masttonsd tiniest} tut}: wheat, which siss tssuitt itsvs that tutti Sst't?tss presides my attics Witt; ts its SAVE ?ats?sass st: we can attempt ts ms?tm the: e?nizeash?e states. af?rese we idenin?y as paien?ai 5;?st dees an: aiiew {Ema-mic aearchee arid rareiy retarns {he eersen?e zneei einzenseip seams. SAVE was nei riea?grled te aeere?a fer whe are nei ie previee :heir rneer deeamenranan. save adsniaisentere have expresseri re werk an enhaneing {he dereease re make it a mere effective iea?. ?e Cemmiss?en Sherrie ?ns apnea 4. Wire? evidence er i?yerezazfee are yen em regarding inssenees afeeferj?'aeri er ?'erra? in year erase? ?zere have been a few cases ef ve?ee and fraud in CeEera?ea eat We rare beeaese ear iaws and are designed to prevent 31'. Each month {and semet?mes weeidy deny, riepenri?ng en ihe reek} ran" eeanaes eandeei ?he fe?ewing are {Tanee?iaa tine te death: Eeeh nrenrn {he Ceierade Beearnneni af E?ubiie iviee?ih and ?ne'ireranen: {(3333243) ray ef?ee were a list ef Ceierade residents wire have died in are ereviens anemia. We impair: {his ?st inre SCQRE and make are Eire: ef ave?abie and seerehabie fer tire eenneiee. in SCGRE hee inneiien ?le: 1y nien?ifiee and ?ags fer earth eane?y abet aepear {e have a nnaennrg 3a tee earrenr rnenin?s Eise. review the ?nfennarien re aerenn?ne whezher minimise?: reateizaerg acniren'a3 are met and enneei registratien 3n arieirien ?re infannanea praeided he ray ei??ee new Eras ta ihe nat?enal Seeanry Breath index. We search {Eris index rnenihi}: ane ereeirie eeieniiai rnaiehee it) each fer eeview and as necessary. Farihernrare? ennariee eaneei regisrrarien nf when rhey receive wrinen cen?rrnaiien ef (Estate feern eieetere? farn?iieaf ?3 Caneei??na eenv?reieri feiens: Earth rnentn an: Ceierade Deearnnear ei?Cerreei?ieae prev?des my ef?ee wee a iis: ef ennen?iy serving a sentence ef er pereie fer a ieieny een?eietiea. The meati?}; lie? Es aea?aeie and searehae?e 3n SCGRE. The aysrem identifies and ?ags peieniiai ?ler Cenniiee review the infennarien :e detenn?ae wherher rearei?r?eg er?reria are nae: and eaneei ?n re tee areeit?eci Eng the Ceiererie Aeierney?s af?ee aen?s quarieriy aetiees ef individnais whe have been of a feiany. {?ner LENS Aeemey?s ef?ees aise gene? ears en regeier basis. 75hr: Seererery ieneards reese iiets in {he appreenare eenniiea fee review. ?i?he eennties deiere?iiee Weeiher rnaiehing erireria are rnet and eeneei registranen fer whe are enrren?iy see?ng a senrenee ineareeraean er supervised release fer a. feieny eeneiezien. 3 4? Changevetladeress Ceiererie garesaeinseeyr updaie regisrratien infennarien er seed eerresgaenaenee n; e3ee?ers based en Snibnnanen in tire ?r?erienai 5 Seeaens in?u??ii are? Raie 2.5.3 {?e?ning minimasn rearehing eriieria as ?re e?ee?er?s narne, ?are 0f erg-e, end an}r ene ef the feiiewiag: i) Ceierade ?rmer? iieenae manner; 2} iaar fear digger: ef {he Seein? ?eenriiy Number; er 3} residennal nddreaa}. 5 2'32 1.3 Seetien Seeaen z-z-eez (EELS. 3 52 {5.313. Seetiees 1~2u382 14-595, Eieenen Raie 2.9. Change ui?Aderess database reentiriy tissis eur eff?iee eertteeres veter- registretiett fer eligieie with dete te itieutify eieeters wee here reeveti. Ceueties use the meetiziy {irate te update fer setiee eieeters wire eerie wither the tutti te seeti eetii?ieetierts te ether eieeters wire have trieveti re euctiter eeurtty er {tut of state. 3* Ceierede is eise member tire Eieetiert Registretierr tirtti {Teeter wirieit eiiews states te better with eieeters by sharing eieetieus, rueter eehieie, (teeth, feiee, tied ether msiriieitteti it? stete tigerteies. By sggregetirtg reuitiwstete tits: eiiews eeriieipeiirtg sieies it) treeit err individualist resideriey sect seed seeregtiriete ittferteetiett. Fer essmpie, if it persist} reeves re Cuierede freer seether eertieipetieg state and ubteius Ceierstie tirieefs iieertse, the system rtetify tire etiter eieetiees department that they need te eerrespeue with the eersee ts (ietertriine if he er site is it resident of that street Witiie BREE is reletitreiy new, with 2% member states its date, it eerttiritre ie grew as resetrree iri tire sittie?s eiferts it} reeirtteirt Veter reiis. Gtiter iist Counties regeieriy eetteel er update registreiieri based err veteruirritieteti uetivitiesg tiriver?s iieettse etitiress eizertges.? if err eieeter withdraws his er her registratiue, the eeuuty eerieei tire Wititdrewei is eveiiebie ett extiit?te teeter registratiert system at if eeuety freer: sitetiter stete titet tire eieeter has moved ettd registered in the new state, ti?ie eetteei the registratiee efier determining titer reiititrturtt titeteitirtg eriteritt are met.? Fertherreere, SCGRE is at i?ti?iMii?'t? statewide database, it that art ettiy ites tt siegie registratiett itt Ceieretie, ever: if tite eieeter reeves. if the eieeter submits err eppiieetiert in new eeuuty re change his er her eetiresst the trees eeurtty treesfer tire eieeter?s itt SCGRE. irt eti?itiert te keeping the tester reiis eieert, Ceiereele eise re?ects its itt-rtrersert tutti reeii? heiiet eetirtg Witett it teeter gees 1e err}: water service urtti eertter in his er her eettuty te suite in perserr, the eeuriiy eierit trees 3 reei-rtitrte eieetrettie peii beck: that?s te SCGRE te register tire eeter {if necessary), issue the preper styie? tied give tire veter ereriit fer retieg the system {titers tire teeter eredit, he er she is uneisie te eete er errether the eeuuty? ertti e'euiti be stepgaeci freer ettett?tptirtg te register itt tutether if it tester eiteeses te trete itis er iter rtteii beiiet {itt 2816 ebeut 93 pereertt ef teeters returned ti iteiiet reiiser their vetirtg iri the rise t\rerifieetiert titet tire returned beget beiertge to the persurt entitieti te rete it.M Lieder this erecess, the eeuuty receives the beiiet iri tire returrt the sigeeture err tire return efiitievit with the signature en fur titer veter iri SCQRE. A bipartisett 5? Seetieu 1-3 1d *1 Seetien ?3 Seetiee ?1323, 57? Seetiert i-Z-??fi *5 Seetieti t-r.5-tur.3 {t 3 tree. tesnr et? eteetien jneges reviews en}; qnestieneeie end witi reject signature if heth hinges egt'ee that it tieesn?t ninteh the ene in the veter?s in that ease?er if the enter ferget te sign the affidavit the eierit preteen? entities the enter whe hes nntii eight days eiiet the eleetien tn enre the issne.?5 in the 2t} 26 eieetien, theessntis ef innit hniiets wete rejecteti fer signetnre rnissing signatures, er rnissing itientitieetien {whieh eertein first-?rinse enters ereeide when returning it tneii hniieti?). Many neenie whese heliets were tejeeteti teeh the ephettnnity te enre end had their eetes eenntert; seine {tie net. nit tent, Ceierede eennties rejeeteti end tiitt net eennt 26.269 hniiets ef eiserepeneies, 2,596 heiiets that were never signed, enti 2.593 heiiets that were missing identifieetien. in with {Zeietnee iew,?r the $3,284} nnenred signature diseregsnneies hnee heen tnrneci ever in the district ntterneys fer ineestigntien, in teeny eases. they that the enter en signetnte which they ehese net te enre. Zn ether esses they wit! diseever that enether {trinity nrenteer er resident signed the heitet that the intent was net snft?ieienti}! te initiate preseentien. in ether eases. they witi he enneie tn whe snenritteti the hetiet. {teseite these sni?egnerds inest at enter freed, a few eheeters have been Fer teent news ergenieetinniE-n-unnsing the same pnhiie enter tints that the Cemniissien requested identifiett henefnt ef wire te have fereett signetnres en batten-return eneeinpes fet hsiiets they were net entitierzi te eete. Cine persen, whe eppenred in mint in this week; hes been ehntged with {seeing the ef het' herents end their heiiets in ntnitipte state eteetiens. My ef?ee is eise enrrentiy with the Arteries Attemey Generei?s eftiee, which is ereseenting hesitated end wife whe have been ehetgeti with 1when in heth Ceierette end Arieene during the 2&2 genernl eieetinn. Anti there he ntere enses this. Timing}: ens nettnetshies in ERIC and the Zntet'stnte Ctesseheeit? we have int?estigetiens nndetwny inte instenees ef ctenhteweting {teeth fer eeting twiee in Ceierntie end fer setting in Ceteretie end enether state}. When we eernetete enr ineestigstien and nitrite enr ?ndings hnewn te enfereenient, weSZi ereeitte ntete detnil tn the Centtnissien. 5. their: ennetetr?ensfer eieetinnar'efeied erfrnes knee in tree s?tnte sisters? the Stiti?jedemf eteetien? thithennh there iiheiy he ntet'e eftet? tny eft?iee?s 2&26 investigntien, i?nt nwere ef the feitnwing eeneietiens end pending eeses: in 24395, the! Sheh wee eeneieteti ef enter {tenet fer ntterneting te tegister it}; presiding feise inferrnetien regnrtiing US. citizenship; in 29?: i, Bevin Herein Shnektey was eenvietee et? eeting in ntere then ene Cetererte CGtit?tty in the 2&68 end 2869 eieetiens; in 26?: 3. Rodney heel Eenes eeneieted in Arizene eftienete eeting in nrisene anti ?eietetie in the EGGS generni eieetien; ?5 Seetien 13.34313 ens. ?5 Seetien i~2m2tii Seetien 33.54% ?i Seetien 33.54913 in}, {331.3, 35 See Erien Meess enti Merit {33-34 Finn?s ?end Veneer Casting Batters in Ceieentin, {"383 new es. {Sent 22? E?le}, a in 282 E, Jaha a?az?a?a was aanv?aiad ?31 Miaana a? a?amgiad mega? Wang far casiiag aa?iais in am}: and Caiarada a the aama aiaciiaa; a ia 281%, Cami Karina}: was caav?aiad Bf vatar fraud far 19:33;ng in. bail} and Caiarada in ?31: 2926 a?aat?an; a 2:3 2&25, Viial?y B, Grabchanka piaa?ad ga?lty in Mapahae Gaunt}: far araca?ag a fa?ae water in 2813; 3 1a Emma Rickay was ahargad witia tasting tw?ca in iha 2%?5 a?aatian; *3 Ia 2i}? 6, a?auman M933 gaiity {a {gaging signamraa aa a pataiaa Ea qaa?fy a US ta 211$ Party y?mm? aiaa?aa ba?at; 4* In 2&6, Eiaadig Merghaai p?aadad guilty :9 fargiag sigaa?aras an a aetii?aa {a quaiify a. bal?a: iaitiaiiva an aha 2926 a 1a 2616, Eamas Criswaii piaa?e? ga?li}? in Kansas a; daabia Wang in am? Kansas in the 2815 a in 2:315, Shaman Erma alaadad gai?iy a Kansaa to dauhic vaiiag ?a Calarada and Kansaa in ?za 2am geaerai *3 Ia 291$, Ran R, Waama in Kansas a} vaiiag in haih Kansas and Caiara?a in the: 2912 am? 2914 ganara? 1* In 2916, Linaaia aiaada? ga?iy in Kaasas ia vaiiag in baih Kansaa and Ca?aracia in in 261%, 2912, and 263%; a in 2616, Rams-a3} K??aa piaadad gui?y Ea Kaasas ta vaiiag ia Caiarada anti Kaasas ?n 2?3?2 ganara? a?aatiaa; a in 283 7, aagaia Faiix abaii pica?ed ga?iiy {a fargiag aigaaiaras an. a pat?iiaa a} a an the 2616 aEaat?an bai?at; a in 29W, Tani Lea piaadad gaia}! ta mating twiae aging ha? faihar?s aama ?n Lida 203 3 ganarai aiaatiaa and $31 the: 2825 primary aiaciian; a in 283?, Siavaa Cams was charged with ?aa?aian?y Siga?ng and ratam?ag his ex: wif?a aa?at; anti *3 3a 283 Sar?a was charged wiih farging he: ciacaasaci paranis? s?gnaiarea and vaaiag :heir bai?ats ?n mait?aia aiaatiana, in ana?her case ia Larimar Caiamda, paiaat?ai vats was aa? rafarrad a} iha disiriai aitaraay. Tiaara, a vaia was cast ?n that aama af? 3 damaged mam", Irvin Mn?azaws? Date: Tue, Sep 5, 201? at 6:43 PM Subject: Fhirago vote problems {bits} To: Christi,I ?aohcom> Christv: I hope voo are weli. Per beiow, Chris Cieveiand sends the link and asks to be put in touch with you die Mr Eike the to do that? Thanks. Forwarded message From: Chris Cieveiand john, We finailv got some national attention on the prohiem: Cari you get this story in front of your friend at the Commission? Can you out me in tooth with them? on Wed, jul s, 2017 at 6:49 PM, John Gore Chris: Egmaiiromsw wrote: Idid pass this atong to someone dose to the Commission. just sent a reminder so it wooid be back on their radar Thanks. On Fri, ion 30, 2017 at 3:36 PM, Chris Cleveiand wrote: iohn, It appears that the Eiection integrity Commission is finaily gearing up. They?re in the press today. Did you succeed in passing this matter on to anyone on the Commission? This might be a good time to ping them again. On Mon, May 15, 201? at 3:03 PM, Chris Cieveland wrote: Thanks, John. Wili do. ibii?i On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 2:44 i?M, iohn Gore igmail.corn> wrote: Thanks, Chris. i have sent this along to someone I know who may be cioser to the task force than i arn. if you come across any more info, please feel free to send it along. On Fri, May 12, 201? at 10:34 AM, Chris Cieveland wrote: Here it is: In January the Chicago Repubiican i?arty flied a FOEA request with the Chicago Board of Eiections for the list of voters who had voted in the November 2015 generai eiections. The board responded with a list of 1,101,178 individuals. A duicic check of the elections returns puhiished on the Chicago Board of Eiections website showed that 1,115,664 votes had been cast. The difference between the number of voters in the file and the number of votes cast was 14,000, or about There shouid be never be more votes than voters; every ballot cast should be recorded against a registered voter. A breakdown of the votes by precinct shows that the discrepancies are not evenly distributed. Fifteen precincts show 100 more haiiots cast than voters. Cine precinct shows more baliots cast than registered voters. Some precincts show a negative discrepancy, that is, more voters than votes cast. Subtracting out those precincts, the totai discrepancy is about 15,000 votes or The Chicago Repuhiican Party made an inquiry, pursuant to FGIA, as to the source of the discrepancies. Despite repeated foilowups, the board has to respond except to say that they have been "reviewing ali discrepancies? and that there wiil be a "finai report". It's been more than three months since the first inquiry and more than six weeits since the report was due. At this point it seems to he more than a simple cierical error. Given the history of voter fraud in Chicago, the magnitude of the problem, and the Chicago Board of Eiection's history of favoring the Democrats, the problem warrants external scrutiny. A spreadsheet is attached. Tab one shows the discrepancies by precinct. Tab two shows the same data sorted with the Eargest discrepancies first. On Fri, May 12, ml? at 9:1? Al'v?i, John Gore i *maiicom: wrote: Chris: Good to hear from you. idon't have anyI relationship with the task force, but if yot?d like to send me a write-up, i?someone who does. Thanks. On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 4:39 PM, Chris Cleveiand wrote: ioho, Thanks for speaking with me a few weeks back about the discrepancies in Chicago?s vote. I saw this today: Do you have any reiationship with this group? Do you know anyone in charge there? I?d iike to get a brief writeup on the prohiem into someone's handsHt}: E: {Knob-Win}: E- ?15:31:" Chris Cieveiand Chairman, Chicago Republican Party amass-26?? Chris Cieveiand Chairman, Chicago Republican PartyI amass-26?? Chris Cieveiand Chairman, Chicaga Repuhhcah Party 312339?2677 Chris Cieveiahd Chairman, Chicago Repubhcah Party 312-339-2677 From: Christy McCormick {CMcfiormick@eac.gov} Sent: 9:20:03 PM To: Subject: Re: 2 works great! Thank you! Christy On Feb F, 201?, at 4:18 PM, Riordan, Maureen (CRT) Date: Wed, Sep 6, 201? at 10:11 Bivl Subject: Re: Introduction To: Chris Cleveland (We) ngail.com> Cc: iohn Gore Thank you John, and hello Chris! Chris, as John mentioned, I have forwarded the information he sent to me on the Chicago issue to the Presidential Commission staff. wili foliow up on that and find out what they are doing to investigate it. I don?t know the members of the Chicago Board of Eiections, hot I do know Lance (Bough, the Executive Director. i aiso know ?bll?l lfrom Cook County. is Cook County aiso invoived in this particular issue?I it does not surprise me at all that they are working on behaii of Democrats. A write-up of your experiences would he very helpful. i'd be happy to speak with you as weil. Please send me a good phone number for you and some times it wouid be best to cail. ifyou are willing, i could aiso ask the Presidential Commission's Director if we might add you to one of our meeting agendas as a witness. I think the entire Commission would benefit from hearing from you on what is going on in Chicago. Thanks for fighting the good fight! Best:32? On Sep 5, 2017, at 7:48 PM, Chris Cleveiand wrote: Thanks, John. Christy, i can give you much more information on the inner workings of the Chicago Board of Eiections. It's an extremeiy partisan organization that has been working on behaif of the Democrats for decades. They got sioppy in this most recent matter, and it was bad enough to draw pohiic attention. But what isn?t puhiic is that their behavior is part of a larger pattern of giving an advantage to one party in ways both iarge and smaii. We had to sue them in federal court last year to stop them from trying to install Democrats in internal Republican Party positions. {Hard to beiieve, but true.) We won, and the iudge wasn?t kind to them. But it's rare that we can get them into federai court when they step over the iine. {Here?s the case, if you're curious: I would iike to bring some of the problems to the attention of the Commission. Teil me how best to proceed. I?d be happy to haye a call with you, or to do a succinct write up on our experiences with them. I beiieye a broader investigation into their practices is more than warranted. Chris On Wed, Sep 6, 201? at 5:39 PM, john Gore libii?i bgmailcono wrote: Chris: By this ernaii, I introduce you to Christy McCormick. Christy is a member of the President?s Commission on Election Integrity and, in her day job, Commissioner of the Eiection Assistance Commission. have sent Christy your information on the Chicago issue, and she has passed it on to the staff ofthe Commission on Eiection integrity. Feel free to reach out to Christy directly if you wooid like to provide her any more information or discuss the issue further. Best, john Chris Cieyeiand Chairman, Chicago Republican Party 312-33929? a From: John GorerI bgmailcom] Sent: 11:21:12 PM To: Gore, John {iohn.Gore@crt.usdoi.goyj Subject: Fwd: Chicago yote problems Forwarded messa From: iohn Gore Date: Mon, May 15, 2017 at 3:42 PM Subject: Re: Chicago yote prooiems To:Christy( Baoi.com> Christy: wili definitely iet you know it I hear of any further deyeiopments. Thanks for your support and your great work for the country! May 15. 201? at 3:3? PM, Christ Thanks John. Very interesting and disturbing. i'll make sure to bring it to the group. i suspect we won?t be meeting for a ?aol.com> wrote: bit, so if you hear of any updates in the meantime {such as a report from the Bard of Electionsi), piease let me know. Hope ail is welii I appreciate ali you are Original 2185 . Fro (but?) Domailcoma To: Daolcorna Sent: Mon, May 15. 2017 3:09 pm Subject: Fwd: Chicago vote problems Chrisiy: Chris Cieyeiand of the Chicago GOP reached out to me a couple months Dacia regarding discrepancies in Chicago's vote totals in the 2036 election. We briefly discussed the issue and he promised to keep me apprised. Per beiow, he asked if I knew anyone on the task force to whom this information couid be sent, so i am sending it aiong to you. Feel free to cali me if you'd like to discuss it. Thanks. Forwarded message From: Chris Cieyeland Date: Fri. May 12, 29%? at 10:34 AM Subject: Re: Chicago vote probiems (bit?i To: John Gore gmarlcom> Here it is: In January the Chicago Repubtican Party tiied a FOIA request with the Chicago Board of Elections torthe tist of voters who had voted in the November 26t6 general elections. The board responded with a list of ?t,iG1,?i?8 individuals. A quick check of the elections returns published on the Chicago Board of Etections website showed that 1,115,664 votes had been cast. The difference between the number of voters in the tile and the number of votes cast was 14,066, or about i396. There shoutd be never be more votes than voters; every bailot cast should be recorded against a registered voter. A breakdown ofthe votes by precinct shows that the discrepancies are not eveniy distributed. Fifteen precincts show 166 more bailots cast than voters. One precinct shows more baliots cast than registered voters. Some precincts show a negative discrepancy, that is, more voters than votes cast. Subtracting out those precincts. the total discrepancy is about 36,060 votes or The Chicago Repubtican Party made an inquiry, pursuant to FOIA, as to the source ofthe discrepancies. Despite repeated toilowups, the board has faited to respond except to say that they have been "reviewing alt discrepancies" and that there witl be a "tinal report?. It's been more than three months since the first inquiry and more than six weeks since the report was due. At this point it seems to be more than a simple ciericat error. Given the history of voter fraud in Chicago, the magnitude of the probiern, and the Chicago Board of Election's history of favoring the Democrats, the probiem warrants externat scrutiny. A spreadsheet is attached. Tab one shows the discrepancies by precinct. Tab two shows the same data sorted with the iargest discrepancies first. (W5) On Fri, May i2, at 9:1? AM, John Gore Chris: ggrnaitcorna wrote: Good to hear from you. i don't have any reiationship with the task force, but if you'd litre to send me a write-up, t'someone who does. Thanks. On Thu, May 11, 261? at 4:39 Ptv'l, Chris Cleveland wrote: John, Thanks for speaking with me a few weeks back about the discrepancies in Chicago's vote. I saw this today: Do you have any reiationship with this group? Do you know anyone in charge there? lid titre to get a brief writeup on the problem into sorneone's hands. 312?339?2677 Chairman, Chicaga Repubiican Party Chris Cieveiand From: Riordan, Maureen Sent: 11:37:19 not To: Keliev, Neal {NeaLKelEev@rov.ocgov.com] CC: Commissioner Christv McCormick [CMcCormick@eac.gov] Subject: RE: Invitation to Orange Countv, CA Elections ivir. Keliev, Thanks so much for voor invitation What a great opportonitvi i am iooiting forward to the opportonitv to meet with you and Commissioner McCormick. Sineereiv Maureen Riordan From: Keliev, Neat rov.oi:gov.com] Sent: Friday, March 3, 231? 12:26 i?M To: Riordan, Maureen (C837 Cc: Commissioner Christv McCormick Subiect: Invitation to Orange Coontv, CA Elections Good iviorning, Ms. Riordan, recentiv spoke with Commissioner McCormick from the U.S. Eiection Assistance Commission, who I understand is a former colieague of vour?s. The Commissioner be coming out to our office on March 29, 201? for an election vendor demonstration (i have attached the officiai invitation to companies in the eiection tethnologvI space}. Commissioner McCormick suggested reach out to you in the hopes that you would be able to visit our office at the same time this wooid be a good opportunity to show you our operations and to have an informai chat about how eiection officiais can work cooperativelv with Please iet me know if you have any questions thank you. Neai Keiiey Registrar 0f Voters County of Orange 714?56761 39 neat.keiiev?r0vocqovcom From: Maureen Riordaniibii?} Pcomcastnet} Sent: 12:21:32 AM To: Riordan, Maureen Subject: Fwd: The HIIE: No, we don't need nationai voting standards Original Message From: Christian Adams To: adams@electioniawcenter.corn Date: February 14, 2017 at 9:38 AM Subject: The Hlii: No, we don't need nationai voting standards The comments to my piece below have been surprising, and show the necessity of educating Trump supporters that centraiizing election control in Washington DC. is a very bad idea, no matter who is President. They seem to thinitjust because Trump is the President, Washington is the soiution and centraiization of election controi is good. This is the fallacy that affects a number of Trump supporters. entralizi control (even if through the Time Pi ace Manner provisions of the Constitution) always heips the Left. No, we don?t need national voting standards By 3. Christian Adams, opinion contributor - 0211317 10:00 AM EST 2?3_ 21 How has the American constitutional system managed to survive 230 years despite the aiieged scourge of voter confusion, long iines at polling pi aces, and Russian hacking? Why do we not have nationai voting standards? The answer is sinipte: Aiexander Hamiiton and James Madison knew what they were doing. Professor Bradiey Bl aheman toot: to the pages of this publication declaring that ?it makes sense that there be uniform standards in federal etections that insure all Americans are treated equaiiy and fairly when exercising their most valued right as a citizen." The East thing we need is Washington, DC. issuing more standards. Stepping outside of the academy, it makes no sense for Vermont and Hawaii be held to the same standards of seiecting the number and iocations of polling piaces they should provide iet atone how many voting machines each shouid have therein. It makes even iess sense to adopt a uniform voting machine for Americans, especialiy after the Dutch demonstrated that using a single system invited the undivided attention of hackers. The Constitution gives states the power to run their own eiections. The vast majority of proposals advanced by Prof. Biakenian are at ready state law of one form or another with understandable, state-specific variations. The professor?s individuai ideas are not the prohietn, but his belief that Washington, DC. is the soiution is wrong. Perhaps most alarming is Professor Blakeman?s charge that ?it makes no sense that states have the power to make their own rules and requirements with regard to federal eiections.? Reaiiy? That nonsensical arrangement was the subject of much deliberation by the Founders. The only reason the federal government was given any power to set the terms for eiecting federai offices was because of a fear of suffocation, that the states would suffocate the federai government by not hoiding any elections. {Federalist No. 59). In 2017, suffocation of the federai government by the states is hardiy a problem we face. The opposite is true. States titre Kansas and Georgia recentiy petitioned the US. Eiection Assistance Commission, an entity charged with producing the federal voter registration form, to inciude in their statewspecific instructions that proofs of citizenship be incorporated into the registration process. Following recent, reinforcing Supreme Court ruiings hoiding that states are tasked with setting voter qualifi cations, the EAC adjusted state forms. Shortly thereafter, the Commission was sued by leftist organizations to block the change in instructions. The Obama Justice Department decided to align itself with the piaintiffs, despite its pro-existing ohiigation to defend the EAC. Kansas is now more vuinerable to illegal voting because unelected federai attorneys decided to override an exciusiveiy state function. Today, states are fighting the federal government to execute their Constitutionai duty to craft and uphoid reasonahie voter quaiifi cations especiaily where keeping noncitizens from casting ballots is involved. Professor Biakeman?s initiai proposais for federal standards may offer something for everyone, but he cannot reasonahiy trust an increasingly polarized Washington to resist the temptation to shift ruies to benefit incumbent powers. Decentraiization over the power of eiections helps preserve iiberty. Centrai authority is the probiein, not state governments crafting election systems best suited to their locai needs. Decentraiization also provides an inherent form of security that transcends technological advancement. During the height of the Russian hacking scare of 20't6, election off] cials knew the doomsday scenarios pitched by Washington were practicaiiy impossihie. the decentralized election systems inake hacking a fruitiess endeavon Fifty different databases of voters house registration tiles, each connected to hundreds of other databases designed to pipe in new voter information. Counties and municipalities engage with different vendors for voting hard- and software. Officers print baiiots and seiect iocations to fit iocal needs and ianguages. Professor Biaheman?s caiis for ?uniformity? wouid reduce the target to just one. Finally, decentraiization naturaily serves the most vuinerabie of voters. in the vast majority of the thousands of jurisdictions, locai eiection officials have reiationships with their constituents. Transferring that power to Washington, where some distant bureaucrat across the continent tnust opine about any change drives a wedge between the citizen and the franchise. Election administration is, at its core, a customer service function best performed iocally. The genius of the Constitution was the decentralization of power and decision making. When it cornes to something so important as states hoiding elections that Constitutional design shouldnit be scrapped so the federal government dictates more rules to the states. J. Adams is the President and Genera! (?annseffirr the Pub/re Inreres'r Lena! fti?nm'dutftm and afin'nrer Justice Department {tn-eye}: From: John l[Eigmaiicom] Sent: 11:22:10 PM To: Gore, John {John.Gore@crt.usdoi.govj Subject: Fwd: Chicago vote problems Forwarded messa re {bits} From: Christy McCormick aol.com> Date: Wed, Jul 5, 201? at 8:15 PM Subject: Re: Chicago vote prohiems !_maii.com> To: John Gore have not forgotten and will be bringing this up at our first Presidentiai Commission meeting on July 19. i've been reading the stories/conspiracy theories about your NVRA letter and the Commission?s letter going out to the States on the same day and am amused at ail the speculation and conciusions in them. between and the Commission we can ciean up the voter roils. For the life of me, i don't know why people shouid be against cleaning them up. Of course, that's a rhetoricai statement, because i do know why some peopie are against it. in any case, here?s to continuing to do what's right for our country and the voters! Thank you for your sacrifices and ali your efforts. I'm doing well and hope you are too. iul s, 2017, at 2:50 AM, John Gore -_maii.corn> wrote: - consider this me pinging you again. Hope you're doing weil. Forwarded message From: Chris Cieveiand Date: Fri, ion 30, 2017 at 3:36 PM Suhiect: Re: Chicago vote prohiems a To:John Gore ngaiicoma john, It appears that the Eiection integrity Commission is finaily gearing up. They?re in the press today. Did you succeed in passing this matter on to anyone on the Commission? This might be a good time to ping them again. On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 3:03 i?ivl, Chris Cieveland wrote: Thanks, John. Wili do. On Mon, May 15, 2017? at 2:44 PM, iohn Gore _mail.com> wrote: Thanks, Chris. i have sent this along to someone I know who may be closer to the task force than i am. if you come across any more info, please feel free to send it along. On Fri, May 12, 2017' at 10:34 AM, Chris Cieveland wrote: Here it is: In January the Chicago Repuhiican i?arty a request with the Chicago Board of Eiections for the list of voters who had voted in the November 2016 generai eiections. The board responded with a list of 1,301,178 individuals. A quick check of the elections returns puhiished on the Chicago Board of EEections website showed that 1,115,664 votes had been cast. The difference between the numher of voters in the file and the number of votes cast was 14,000, or about There shouid be never be more votes than voters; every ballot cast should be recorded against a registered voter. A breakdown of the votes by precinct shows that the discrepancies are not evenly distributed. Fifteen precincts show 100 more baiiots cast than voters. One precinct shows more baliots cast than registered voters. Some precincts show a negative discrepancy, that is, more voters than votes cast. Subtracting out those precincts, the totai discrepancy is about 16,000 votes or The Chicago Repubiican Party rnade an inquiry, pursuant to FOIA, as to the source of the discrepancies. Despite repeated foilowups, the board has taiied to respond except to say that they have been "reviewing ali discrepancies? and that there wiil be a "final report". It's been more than three months since the first inquiry and more than six weeks since the report was due. At this point it seems to be more than a simple clericai error. Given the history of voter fraud in Chicago, the magnitude of the probiem, and the Chicago Board of Election's history of favoring the Bernocrats, the problem warrants external scrutiny. A spreadsheet is attached. Tab one shows the discrepancies by precinct. Tab two shows the same data sorted with the iargest discrepancies first. On Fri, May 12, 2017' at 9:1? AM, John Gore wrote: Chris: Good to hear from you. i don't have any relationship with the task force, but if you?d like to send me a write?up, i?someone who does. Thanks. On Thu, May 11, 2017' at 4:39 PM, Chris Cleveiand wrote: iohn, Thanks for speaking with me a few weeks back about the discrepancies in Chicago?s vote. I saw this today: Do you have any reiationship with this group? Do you know anyone in charge there? I?d iike to get a brief writeup on the probiem into someone's hands. r" . h. . . .1.: . - - - i Chris CieveEand Chairman, Chicago Republican Party 312--339-25?7 Chris Cieveiand Chairman, Chicago Republican Party Chris Cieveiand Chairman, Chicago Republican Party ?hColumns A-E are from the precinct results on the Chicago Board of Elections websit Ward Precinct Register Voters 894 837 1001 921 939 845 556 795 658 935 919 1042 411 855 799 729 768 935 998 597 972 538 1103 913 864 705 919 331 794 990 910 Baliots Cast 637 501 749 837 579 604 441 673 227 630 727 647 Turnout 71.25% 71.88% 74.83% 78.28% 76.14% 76.69% 81.83% 78.24% 83.74% 81.02% 77.91% 71.79% 69.59% 77.19% 73.97% 83.13% 72.66% 72.01% 79.66% 72.74% 79.22% 69.98% 75.88% 63.42% 69.91% 62.46% 73.23% 68.58% 79.35% 73.43% 71.10% 8 0 36 1 32 823 629 76.43% 37' 1 33 972 719 73.97% 38 1 34 716 561 78.35% 39 1 35 1009 810 80.28% 40 1 36 884 688 77.83% 41 1 37 845 655 77.51% 42 1 38 841 660 78.48% 43 1 39 807 563 69.76% 44 1 40 875 650 74.29% 45 1 41 443 347 78.33% 46 1 42 251 192 76.49% 47 1 43 568 425 74.82% 48 1 44 677 533 78.73% 49 2 1 979 716 73.14% 50 2 2 653 533 81.62% 51 2 3 914 781 85.45% 52 2 4 825 602 72.97% 53 2 5 996 793 79.62% 54 2 6 910 657 72.2067.81% 56 2 8 1085 801 73.82% 57 2 9 776 623 80.28% 58 2 10 715 597 83.50% 59 2 11 797 673 84.44% 60 2 12 789 618 78.33% 61 2 13 704 616 87.50% 62 2 14 907 688 75.8574.83% 64 2 16 868 622 71.66% 65 2 17 1001 745 74.43% 66 2 18 767 670 87.35% 67 2 19 576 488 84.72% 68 2 20 1058 786 74.29% 69 2 21 878 655 74.60% 70 2 22 827 715 86.46% 8 0 71 2 23 566 462 81.63% 72 2 24 772 647 83.81% 73 2 25 909 762 83.83% 74 2 26 806 615 76.30% 75 2 27 752 666 88.56% 76 2 28 912 770 84.43% 77 2 29 886 745 84.09% 78 2 30 720 581 80.6983.52% 80 2 32 739 622 84.17980 87.42% 82 2 34 631 545 86.37% 83 2 35 1096 909 82.94% 84 2 36 649 562 86.59% 85 2 37 673 590 87.67% 86 2 38 725 645 88.97% 87 2 39 654 495 75.69% 88 2 40 985 826 83.86% 89 2 41 1032 744 72.09% 90 2 42 923 789 85.48% 91 2 43 1098 95 1 86.61% 92 2 44 493 442 89.66% 93 2 45 870 660 75.86% 94 2 46 534 421 78.84% 95 3 1 1081 743 68.73% 96 3 2 808 684 84.65% 97 3 3 838 615 73.39% 98 3 4 880 640 72.73% 99 3 5 710 463 65.2 1% 100 3 6 942 773 82.06% 101 3 7 590 430 72.88% 102 3 8 884 627 70.93% 103 3 9 841 602 71.58% 104 3 10 645 363 56.28% 105 3 11 855 626 73.22% 8 106 3 12 756 567 75.00% 107 3 13 862 742 86.08% 108 3 14 876 690 78.77% 109 3 15 878 651 74.15% 110 3 16 900 602 66.89% 11 1 3 17 997 784 78.64% 112 3 18 1306 912 69.83% 113 3 19 871 749 85.99% 114 3 20 923 646 69.99% 115 3 21 843 710 84.22% 116 3 22 1097 888 80.95% 117 3 23 842 574 68.17% 118 3 24 832 583 70.07% 119 3 25 1255 1040 82.87976 802 82.17% 122 3 28 637 384 60.28% 123 3 29 1081 725 67.07% 124 3 30 800 579 72.38% 125 3 31 966 775 80.23% 126 3 32 927 781 84.25% 127 3 33 955 800 83.77% 128 3 34 1010 822 81.39% 129 3 35 610 316 51.80% 130 3 36 665 404 60.75% 13 1 3 37 841 573 68.13% 132 3 38 658 502 76.29% 133 3 39 1056 874 82.77% 134 3 40 909 714 78.55% 135 3 41 800 535 66.88% 136 4 1 949 797 83.98% 137 4 2 948 800 84.39% 138 4 3 826 607 73.49% 139 4 4 1129 838 74.22% 795 597 75.95% 141 4 5 934 734 79.59% 142 4 7 942 725 75.95% 143 4 9 991 599 77.22% 144 4 9 915 547 79.39% 145 4 19 929 597 74.57% 145 4 11 932 799 75.11% 147 4 12 955 592 71.41% 149 4 13 999 744 92.95% 149 4 14 932 541 77.94% 159 4 15 1992 759 75.95% 151 4 15 1942 945 99.59% 152 4 17 944 952 91.31% 153 4 19 927 573 59.29% 154 4 19 933 533 57.95% 155 4 29 799 597 92.91% 155 4 21 1945 995 95.55% 157 4 22 925 531 75.39% 159 4 23 999 919 91.99% 159 4 24 934 577 59.19% 159 4 25 945 744 97.94% 151 4 25 934 525 75.95% 152 4 27 929 739 79.53% 153 4 29 714 591 91.37% 154 4 29 994 539 72.29% 155 4 39 1211 979 72.59% 155 4 31 799 592 95.99% 157 4 32 931 572 72.19% 159 4 33 979 593 77.79% 159 4 34 759 572 75.45% 179 4 35 999 731 73.99% 171 4 35 991 593 75.99% 172 4 37 1212 1941 95.9994 173 4 39 793 529 79.32% 174 5 1 945 579 57.45% 8 0 175 5 2 811 518 63.87% 176 5 3 658 85.23763 513 67.23% 180 5 7 ?01 581 82.88% 181 5 8 724 632 87.29% 182 5 9 854 691 80.91% 183 5 10 789 550 69.7 1% 184 5 11 ?80 629 80.64% 185 5 12 828 491 59.30% 186 5 13 ?87 525 66.71% 187 5 14 628 468 ?4.52914 628 68.71% 190 5 17 831 570 68.59% 191 5 18 680 569 83.68% 192 5 19 706 586 83.00% 193 5 20 ?87 658 83.61% 194 5 21 776 644 82.99% 195 5 22 ?26 648 89.26% 196 5 23 1213 1049 86.48% 197 5 24 830 670 80.72% 198 5 25 766 543 70.89% 199 5 26 812 634 ?8.08110.96% 201 5 28 ?96 609 ?6.51% 202 5 29 926 658 71.06% 203 5 30 800 502 62.75% 204 5 31 722 506 70.08% 205 5 32 ?80 624 80.00% 206 5 33 845 624 73.85% 207 5 34 869 ?83 90.10% 208 5 35 739 619 83.76% 209 5 36 ?05 403 57.16% 232 523 54.53% 211 5 35 523 599 22.25% 212 5 39 524 555 51.59% 213 5 45 534 422 25.24% 214 5 41 354 299 54.45% 215 5 1 252 525 24.52% 215 5 2 254 515 23.55% 212 5 3 255 521 23.59% 215 5 4 523 449 55.22% 219 5 5 241 415 55.33% 225 5 5 555 425 59.34% 221 5 2 251 515 55.55% 222 5 5 552 555 23.94% 223 5 9 555 559 55.49% 224 5 15 551 451 55.55% 225 5 11 255 493 52.22% 225 5 12 552 452 52.52% 222 5 13 599 395 55.11% 225 5 14 292 512 55.25% 229 5 15 955 545 55.45% 235 5 15 592 495 21.52% 231 5 12 242 453 51.55% 232 5 15 593 435 52.91% 233 5 19 229 495 52.95% 234 5 25 255 355 55.54% 235 5 21 534 352 52.59% 235 5 22 555 454 55.59% 232 5 23 555 355 53.35% 235 5 24 552 322 55.33% 239 5 25 539 345 54.45% 245 5 25 251 455 59.52% 241 5 22 551 321 54.45% 242 5 25 525 331 49.54% 243 5 29 555 555 24.15% 244 5 35 253 492 53.42% 8 245 6 31 684 489 71.49% 246 6 32 714 485 67.93% 247 6 33 715 512 71.61% 248 6 34 727 531 73.04% 249 6 35 669 461 68.91% 250 6 36 688 524 76.16% 251 6 37 672 481 71.58% 252 6 38 710 509 71.69% 253 6 39 788 492 62.44% 254 6 40 679 449 66.13810 563 69.51% 257 6 43 694 463 66.7 1% 258 6 44 815 568 69.69% 259 6 45 742 567 76.42% 260 6 46 553 364 65.82% 261 6 47 619 439 69.47% 262 6 48 772 517 66.97% 263 7 1 763 502 65.79% 264 7 2 898 546 60.89% 265 7 3 637 463 72.68% 266 7 4 684 455 66.52% 267 7 5 716 441 61.59% 268 7 6 784 632 80.61% 269 7 7 816 559 67.49% 270 7 8 700 418 59.71% 271 7 9 1067 798 74.79% 272 7 10 717 513 71.55% 273 7 11 882 609 69.05% 274 7 12 797 521 65.37% 275 7 13 529 339 62.38% 276 7 14 842 555 65.91796 461 57.91% 374 444 35.33% 233 7 13 773 433 33.33% 231 7 13 733 473 34.53% 232 7 23 333 335 53.33% 233 7 21 723 434 53.32% 234 7 22 743 447 53.33% 235 7 23 353 453 73.15% 233 7 24 735 441 33.33% 237 7 25 327 437 53.33% 233 7 23 537 333 37.32% 233 7 27 352 412 33.13% 233 7 23 337 331 31.33% 231 7 23 331 413 32.33% 232 7 33 737 423 54.13% 233 7 31 572 331 57.37% 234 7 32 735 332 73.33% 235 7 33 773 551 73.73% 233 7 34 733 532 37.34% 237 7 35 334 432 31.13% 233 7 33 733 531 71.37% 233 7 37 725 533 33.33% 333 7 33 333 451 34.33% 331 7 33 373 423 33.13% 332 7 43 332 433 35.41% 333 7 41 737 433 33.34% 334 7 42 335 447 35.23% 335 7 43 723 473 33.33% 333 7 44 732 447 31.37% 337 7 45 337 533 34.23% 333 7 43 233 232 33.33% 333 3 1 735 427 33.57% 313 3 2 357 515 33.33% 311 3 3 333 434 72.31% 312 3 4 353 535 73.33% 313 3 5 332 433 72.73% 8 314 8 6 779 494 63.41% 315 8 7 767 562 73.27% 316 8 8 651 445 63.36% 317 8 9 469 335 71.43% 318 8 10 724 557 76.93% 319 8 11 652 455 69.79% 320 8 12 619 449 72.54% 32 1 8 13 892 582 65.25% 322 8 14 752 491 65.29% 323 8 15 731 509 69.63% 324 8 16 296 183 63.5 1% 325 8 17 545 398 73.03% 326 8 18 976 569 53.39% 327 8 19 753 504 66.93% 328 8 20 760 523 63.82% 329 8 21 941 660 70.14% 330 8 22 662 456 63.83% 33 1 8 23 700 449 64.14% 332 8 24 393 303 77.19% 333 8 25 771 520 67.44% 334 8 26 792 526 66.41% 335 8 27 718 517 72.01% 336 8 28 732 511 69.81% 337 8 29 868 573 66.59% 333 8 30 796 552 69.35% 339 8 31 597 392 65.66% 340 8 32 578 417 72.15% 341 8 33 717 492 63.62% 342 8 34 675 444 65.78% 343 8 35 709 496 69.96% 344 8 36 743 520 69.99% 345 8 37 5 10 389 76.27% 346 8 38 542 332 61.25% 347 8 39 739 509 63.83% 343 8 40 565 392 69.38% 8 0 349 8 41 741 544 73.41% 350 8 42 898 674 75.06% 351 8 43 440 285 64.77% 352 8 44 526 347 65.97% 353 8 45 805 549 68.20% 354 8 46 600 424 70.67% 355 8 47 629 415 65.98% 356 8 48 736 495 67.26% 357 8 49 682 454 66.57% 358 8 50 697 492 70.59% 359 8 51 704 530 75.28% 360 8 52 853 610 71.51% 361 8 53 397 278 70.03% 362 8 54 740 497 67.16% 363 8 55 534 386 72.28% 364 8 56 710 511 71.97% 365 9 1 785 502 63.95% 366 9 2 683 452 66.18% 367 9 3 823 500 60.75% 368 9 4 626 401 64.06% 369 9 5 689 425 61.68% 370 9 6 708 472 66.67% 371 9 7 687 397 57.79% 372 9 8 872 549 62.96% 373 9 9 765 539 70.46% 374 9 10 689 413 59.94746 532 71.31% 377 9 13 715 489 68.39% 378 9 14 793 569 71.75% 379 9 15 1066 623 58.44% 380 9 16 676 422 62.43% 381 9 17 695 462 66.47% 382 9 18 649 367 56.55% 3 4: 3 333 3 13 700 455 65.00% 334 3 20 744 434 65.05% 335 3 21 634 441 63.54% 336 3 22 632 433 72.23% 337 3 23 723 503 69.82% 333 3 24 630 473 68.55% 333 3 25 633 431 63.91% 333 3 26 1315 673 66.30% 331 3 27 710 466 65.63% 332 3 23 637 367 53.42% 333 3 23 751 516 68.71% 334 3 30 665 423 63.15% 335 3 31 735 413 56.19% 336 3 32 633 473 67.77% 337 3 33 713 417 53.00% 333 3 34 763 454 53.50% 333 3 35 651 454 63.74% 400 3 36 715 443 61.95% 401 3 37 343 603 72.12% 402 3 33 733 435 66.98% 403 3 33 753 512 67.55% 404 3 40 773 433 63.78% 405 3 41 613 402 64.34% 406 3 42 633 466 66.75% 407 3 43 355 515 63.23% 403 3 44 537 402 67.34% 403 3 45 637 454 66.08% 410 3 46 736 523 66.54% 411 3 47 712 433 63.34% 412 3 43 726 507 69.83% 413 3 43 724 504 69.61% 414 3 50 311 537 72.33% 415 3 51 643 462 71.30% 416 10 1 633 457 66.91% 417 10 2 730 456 65.14% 8 418 10 3 772 466 60.36% 419 10 4 814 470 57.74% 420 10 5 671 403 60.30% 42 1 10 6 677 428 63.22% 422 10 7 639 373 53.37% 423 10 3 651 411 63.13% 424 10 9 721 461 63.94% 425 10 10 731 502 68.67% 426 10 11 1012 603 60.03% 427 10 12 552 353 63.95% 428 10 13 895 549 61.34% 429 10 14 955 628 65.76% 430 10 15 1356 910 67.11% 43 1 10 16 678 392 57.82% 432 10 17 909 612 67.33% 433 10 18 645 345 53.49% 434 10 19 736 513 65.90% 435 10 20 792 507 64.02% 436 10 21 859 505 53.79% 437 10 22 566 312 55.12% 438 10 23 741 461 62.2 1% 439 10 24 715 499 69.79% 440 10 25 275 165 60.00% 441 10 26 818 414 50.61% 442 10 27 1045 545 52. 15% 443 10 28 885 561 63.39% 444 10 29 759 466 61.40% 445 10 30 836 480 57.42% 446 10 31 739 386 52.23% 447 10 32 793 479 60.40% 443 10 33 624 365 58.49% 449 10 34 697 373 54.23% 450 10 35 776 517 66.62% 451 10 36 202 117 57.92% 452 11 1 874 584 66.82% 8 0 ?53 11 2 1040 90 8.65% 11 3 717 519 72.38% ?55 11 4 817 520 63.65% ?56 11 5 1153 730 63.31% ?57 11 6 1030 802 77.86% ?58 11 7 1130 961 85.04% ?59 11 8 882 540 61.22% ?60 11 9 879 ?96 56.43% ?61 11 10 9?5 530 56.08% ?62 11 11 915 604 66.01% ?63 11 12 1043 729 69.89% 11 13 1018 672 66.01% ?65 11 14 587 364 62.01% ?66 11 15 397 230 57.93% ?67 11 16 735 ?40 59.86% ?68 1 1 17 883 646 73.16% ?69 11 18 813 ?77 58.67% ?70 11 19 1040 714 68.65% ?71 11 20 614 391 63.68% ?72 11 21 914 677 7?.07% ?73 11 22 1075 699 65.02% 11 23 436 322 73.85% ?75 11 24 781 602 77.08% ?76 11 25 816 628 76.96% ?77 11 26 894 63? 70.92% ?78 11 27 487 245 50.31860 631 73.371.87% ?82 11 31 780 546 70.00% ?83 11 32 377 278 73.74% 11 33 825 656 79.52% ?85 11 34 3 12 229 73.40% ?86 11 35 243 173 71.19% 8 0 487 11 36 468 267 57.05% 488 11 37 364 203 57.14% 489 11 38 422 274 64.93% 490 12 1 745 516 69.26% 491 12 2 756 428 56.61% 492 12 3 830 626 71.14% 493 12 4 770 515 66.88% 494 12 5 795 461 57.99% 495 12 6 909 521 57.32% 496 12 7 919 513 56.37% 497 12 8 906 530 58.50% 498 12 9 728 447 61.40% 499 12 10 964 576 59.75% 500 12 11 868 527 60.7 1% 501 12 12 899 539 59.96% 502 12 13 923 545 59.05% 503 12 14 920 483 52.50% 504 12 15 837 493 55.53% 505 12 16 906 510 56.29% 506 12 17 954 575 60.27% 507 12 18 899 468 52.06% 508 12 19 822 507 61.63% 509 12 20 999 621 62.16% 510 12 21 858 549 63.99% 51 1 12 22 993 497 50.05% 512 12 23 803 520 64.76% 513 13 1 472 366 77.54% 514 13 2 462 362 73.35% 515 13 3 501 358 71.46% 516 13 4 611 469 76.76% 517 13 5 696 513 73.71% 518 13 6 495 401 81.01% 519 13 7 520 364 70.00% 520 13 8 443 347 73.33% 52 1 13 9 631 453 71.79% 3 6 6 522 13 16 434 369 26.24% 523 13 11 533 445 26.33% 524 13 12 662 395 65.61% 525 13 13 522 416 23.94% 526 13 14 661 441 23.33% 522 13 15 353 651 25.32% 523 13 16 443 334 24.55% 529 13 12 555 462 23.33% 536 13 13 493 364 23.33% 53 1 13 19 254 543 22.63% 532 13 26 334 234 23.96% 533 13 21 613 431 22.33% 534 13 22 666 452 26.12% 535 13 23 566 324 23.91% 536 13 24 544 416 25.32% 532 13 25 629 453 22.62% 533 13 26 636 449 21.22% 539 13 22 544 392 22.93% 546 13 23 496 343 26.66% 541 13 29 422 333 36.29% 542 13 36 434 342 23.36% 543 13 31 656 459 69.92% 544 13 32 513 362 21.54% 545 13 33 564 393 22.93% 546 13 34 612 496 29.42% 542 13 35 436 336 23.19% 543 13 36 323 223 22.22% 549 13 32 645 434 25.64% 556 13 33 435 324 22.11% 551 13 39 553 432 23.32% 552 13 46 469 342 23.99% 553 13 41 661 563 26.35% 554 13 42 561 411 23.26% 555 13 43 662 442 23.42% 556 13 44 652 426 21.54% 8 557 13 45 654 476 72.78685 521 76.06% 560 13 48 482 385 79.88% 561 14 1 692 522 75.43% 562 14 2 925 635 68.65% 563 14 3 778 558 70.69% 564 14 4 634 463 73.03% 565 14 5 1038 707 68.64% 566 14 6 360 254 70.56% 567 14 7 903 592 65.56% 568 14 8 867 583 67.24% 569 14 9 772 551 71.37% 570 14 10 548 337 61.50% 571 14 11 424 304 71.70% 572 14 12 724 509 70.30% 573 14 13 575 399 69.39% 574 14 14 679 481 70.84% 575 14 15 776 564 72.68% 576 14 16 602 360 59.80% 577 14 17 619 411 66.40% 578 14 18 291 195 67.01% 579 14 19 672 483 71.88% 580 14 20 555 348 62.70% 581 14 21 686 462 67.35% 582 14 22 927 626 67.53% 583 14 23 569 388 66.78% 584 14 24 727 547 75.24% 585 14 25 489 318 63.39% 586 14 26 561 370 65.95% 587 14 27 714 508 70.03% 588 14 28 582 386 66.32% 589 14 29 598 432 72.24% 590 14 3D 440 285 64.77% 591 14 31 392 288 71.43% 8 0 592 15 1 857 491 57.29% 593 15 2 642 347 54.05% 594 15 3 662 355 53.63% 595 15 4 879 483 54.95% 596 15 5 910 478 52.53% 597 15 6 923 534 57.85% 598 15 7 751 406 54.06% 599 15 8 784 432 55.10% 600 15 9 1024 617 60.25% 601 15 10 1022 673 65.85% 602 15 11 970 586 60.41% 603 15 12 897 574 63.99% 604 15 13 872 478 54.82% 605 15 14 867 449 51.79% 606 15 15 817 447 54.7 1% 607 15 16 882 532 60.32% 608 15 17 660 379 57.42% 609 15 18 727 393 54.06% 610 15 19 825 435 52.73% 611 15 20 736 332 45.1 1% 612 15 21 616 326 52.92% 613 15 22 753 428 56.84% 614 15 23 783 420 53.64% 615 15 24 726 408 56.20% 616 16 1 889 554 62.32% 617 16 2 808 461 57.05% 618 16 3 695 395 56.83% 619 16 4 745 429 57.58% 620 16 5 722 366 50.69% 621 16 6 736 422 57.34% 622 16 7 729 413 56.65% 623 16 8 619 339 54.77% 624 16 9 776 468 60.31% 625 16 10 739 415 56.16% 626 16 11 767 446 58.15% 1.67% 628 16 13 806 502 62.2859.3 1% 630 16 15 794 456 57.43% 63 1 16 16 708 419 59.18% 632 16 17 866 524 60.51% 633 16 18 733 457 62.35% 634 16 19 729 413 56.65% 635 16 20 694 382 55.04% 636 16 21 708 386 54.52% 637 16 22 787 417 52.99% 638 16 23 866 484 55.89% 639 16 24 452 266 58.85% 640 16 25 747 473 63.32% 641 16 26 677 386 57.02% 642 16 27 673 420 62.41% 643 16 28 743 402 54.10% 644 16 29 774 418 54.01% 645 16 30 686 405 59.04% 646 16 31 720 434 60.28% 647 16 32 833 513 61.58% 648 16 33 722 408 56.5 1% 649 16 34 660 401 60.76% 650 16 35 882 522 59.18% 65 1 16 36 610 331 54.26% 652 17 1 716 455 63.55% 653 17 2 795 475 59.75% 654 17 3 795 517 65.03% 655 17 4 872 635 72.82% 656 17 5 676 400 59.17% 657 17 6 814 474 58.23% 658 17 7 795 459 57.74% 659 17 8 809 486 60.07% 660 17 9 581 385 66.27% 661 17 10 932 632 67.81% 6 6 662 17 11 661 429 63.66% 663 17 12 966 664 67.21% 664 17 13 733 463 63.17% 665 17 14 616 535 66.65% 666 17 15 662 573 66.47% 667 17 16 796 499 63.16% 666 17 17 617 462 56.55% 669 17 16 733 492 67.12% 676 17 19 632 346 53.66% 671 17 26 619 564 66.66% 672 17 21 766 523 66.16% 673 17 22 745 444 59.66% 674 17 23 596 336 55.37% 675 17 24 763 544 69.46% 676 17 25 716 397 55.45% 677 17 26 663 576 64.55% 676 17 27 767 464 61.56% 679 17 26 661 466 59.91% 666 17 29 731 493 67.44% 661 17 36 696 436 62.75% 662 17 31 663 352 53.69% 663 17 32 741 432 56.36% 664 17 33 696 366 53.64% 665 17 34 696 361 54.74% 666 17 35 712 421 59.13% 667 17 36 751 497 66.16% 666 17 37 766 421 59.63% 669 17 36 696 546 66.67% 696 17 39 712 493 69.24% 691 17 46 736 476 65.21% 692 17 41 775 545 76.32% 693 16 1 657 453 66.95% 694 16 2 753 466 64.54% 695 16 3 616 424 66.61% 696 16 4 679 466 71.67% 8 0 697 18 5 576 362 62.85% 698 18 6 582 433 74.40% 699 18 7 745 517 69.40% 700 18 8 656 470 71.6574.06% 702 18 10 771 572 74.19% 703 18 11 628 407 64.81% 704 18 12 633 463 73.14% 705 18 13 718 506 70.47% 706 18 14 69 1 478 69.18% 707 18 15 808 561 69.43% 708 18 16 658 444 67.48% 709 18 17 695 488 70.22% 710 18 18 622 385 61.90% 711 18 19 672 462 68.75% 712 18 20 586 405 69.1 1% 713 18 21 746 560 75.07% 714 18 22 703 509 72.40% 715 18 23 687 458 66.67% 716 18 24 713 480 67.32% 717 18 25 704 527 74.8675.64% 719 18 27 622 395 63.5074.53% 72 1 18 29 729 512 70.23% 722 18 30 786 559 71.12% 723 18 31 679 494 72.75% 724 18 32 703 491 69.84% 725 18 33 589 380 64.52% 726 18 34 704 534 75.85% 727 18 35 670 497 74.18% 728 18 36 712 509 71.49% 729 18 37 721 507 70.32% 730 18 38 648 426 65.74% 73 1 18 39 689 430 62.41% 8 0 732 18 40 726 555 76.45% 733 18 41 709 530 74.75% 734 18 42 698 456 65.33% 735 18 43 587 395 67.29% 736 18 44 652 432 66.26% 737 18 45 738 486 65.85% 738 18 46 744 526 70.70% 739 18 47 604 400 66.23% 740 18 48 604 396 65.56% 741 18 49 581 339 58.35% 7?42 18 50 653 406 62.17% 743 19 1 578 463 80.10% 744 19 2 791 645 81.54% 745 19 3 522 409 78.35% 7?46 19 4 730 590 80.82% 747 19 5 637 536 84.14% 7?48 19 6 666 53 79.73% 749 19 7 597 488 81.74% 750 19 8 755 590 78.15% 75 1 19 9 471 405 85.99% 752 19 10 737 602 81.68% 753 19 11 674 533 79.08% 754 19 12 565 452 80.00% 755 19 13 732 602 82.24% 756 19 14 746 580 77.75% 757 19 15 888 692 77.93% 758 19 16 676 542 80.18% 759 19 17 568 479 84.33% 760 19 18 558 460 82.44% 761 19 19 767 638 83.18% 762 19 20 626 437 69.81% 763 19 21 725 55 76.00% 764 19 22 637 536 84.14% 765 19 23 639 517 80.91% 766 19 24 474 388 81.86% 8 767 19 25 588 491 83.59% 768 19 26 636 539 84.75% 769 19 27 622 488 78.46% 770 19 28 746 579 77.61% 771 19 29 737 558 75.7 1% 772 19 30 622 485 77.97% 773 19 31 523 465 88.91% 774 19 32 576 458 79.51568 481 84.68% 777 19 35 549 457 83.24% 778 19 36 919 724 78.78% 779 19 37 593 482 81.28% 780 19 38 576 462 80.21% 781 19 39 320 228 71.25% 782 19 40 668 545 81.59484 396 81.82% 785 19 43 917 706 76.99% 786 19 44 740 591 79.86% 787 19 45 619 506 81.74% 788 19 46 665 538 79.78% 789 19 47 871 716 82.29% 790 19 48 904 661 73.12% 791 19 49 754 598 79.3 1% 792 19 50 553 442 79.93% 793 19 51 696 564 81.03% 794 19 52 788 607 77.03% 795 19 53 588 484 82.3 1% 796 19 54 549 435 79.23% 797 19 55 600 473 78.83% 798 19 56 611 537 87.89% 799 19 57 530 424 80.09% 800 20 1 727 546 75.18% 455 237 52.09% 302 20 3 597 425 50.93% 303 20 4 529 271 51.23% 304 20 5 920 547 59.45% 305 20 5 503 235 55.10% 305 20 7 910 550 51.54% 307 20 3 720 479 55.53% 303 20 9 345 571 79.41% 309 20 10 539 440 53.35% 310 20 11 939 554 70.71% 311 20 12 533 439 59.35% 312 20 13 1014 539 53.02% 313 20 14 331 234 74.54% 314 20 15 935 543 55.07% 315 20 15 743 552 74.29% 315 20 17 573 343 50.97% 317 20 13 574 432 54.09% 313 20 19 337 552 55.95% 319 20 20 722 457 53.30% 320 20 21 751 451 59.25% 321 20 22 773 500 54.27% 322 20 23 323 519 75.21% 323 20 24 573 515 75.57% 324 20 25 723 425 53.52% 325 20 25 705 535 75.39% 325 20 27 504 312 51.90% 327 20 23 557 325 57.32% 323 20 29 912 595 55.24% 329 20 30 445 255 59.55% 330 20 31 353 520 71.43% 331 20 32 339 533 59.95% 332 20 33 559 354 55.12% 333 20 34 333 755 35.15% 334 20 35 395 542 50.55% 335 20 35 352 199 54.97% 8 836 20 37 297 188 63.30% 837 20 38 385 222 57.66% 838 20 39 100 69 69.00% 839 21 1 762 477 62.60% 840 21 2 658 412 62.61% 841 21 3 779 511 65.6060.83% 843 21 5 757 533 70.41% 844 21 6 674 448 66.47% 845 21 7 683 488 71.4570.52% 847 21 9 726 509 70.11% 848 21 10 716 463 64.66% 849 21 11 713 472 66.20% 850 21 12 702 469 66.81% 85 1 21 13 828 509 61.47% 852 21 14 828 552 66.67% 853 21 15 720 465 64.58% 854 21 16 724 452 62.43% 855 21 17 7'45 466 62.55% 856 21 18 817 536 65.61% 857 21 19 777 505 64.99% 858 21 20 682 482 70.67% 859 21 21 693 407 58.73% 860 21 22 693 463 66.81% 861 21 23 659 446 67.68% 862 21 24 715 468 65.45% 863 21 25 642 436 67.91% 864 21 26 815 542 66.50% 865 21 27 728 469 64.42% 866 21 28 887 625 70.46% 867 21 29 762 540 70.87% 868 21 30 682 434 63.64% 869 21 31 460 333 72.39% 8 870 21 32 711 474 66.67% 871 21 33 729 487 66.80% 872 21 34 778 523 67.22% 873 21 35 738 495 67.07% 874 21 36 718 504 70.19% 875 21 37 586 429 73.2 1% 876 21 38 741 521 70.31% 877 21 39 604 422 69.87% 878 21 40 667 444 66.57% 879 21 41 720 460 63.89% 880 21 42 786 535 68.07757 476 62.88% 883 21 45 722 446 61.77% 884 21 46 787 547 69.50% 885 21 47 743 497 66.89% 886 21 48 726 468 64.46% 887 21 49 755 535 70.86% 888 21 50 670 411 61.34% 889 21 51 724 458 63.26% 890 21 52 774 511 66.02% 891 21 53 586 384 65.53% 892 21 54 678 439 64.75% 893 22 1 462 292 63.20% 894 22 2 787 562 71.41% 895 22 3 1 162 680 58.52% 896 22 4 726 408 56.20% 897 22 5 855 505 59.06% 898 22 6 854 481 56.32% 899 22 7 588 362 61.56% 900 22 8 843 618 73.31% 901 22 9 776 454 58.5 1% 902 22 10 1021 684 66.99% 903 22 11 828 447 53.99% 904 22 12 656 429 65.40% 8 905 22 13 884 485 54.86% 906 22 14 879 425 48.35% 907 22 15 729 425 58.39% 908 22 16 698 424 60.74% 909 22 17 932 519 55.69% 910 22 18 845 477 56.45% 911 22 19 467 288 61.67% 912 22 20 837 462 55.20% 913 22 21 964 565 58.61% 914 22 22 887 444 50.06% 915 22 23 939 616 65.60% 916 22 24 1023 57 1 55.82% 917 22 25 867 492 56.75% 918 23 1 571 451 78.98% 919 23 2 610 472 77.38% 920 23 3 604 437 72.35% 92 1 23 4 657 501 76.26% 922 23 5 678 491 72.42% 923 23 6 724 529 73.07% 924 23 7 642 457 71.18% 925 23 8 747 544 72.82% 926 23 9 611 418 68.41% 927 23 10 774 554 71.58% 928 23 11 762 546 71.65% 929 23 12 581 440 75.73% 930 23 13 652 415 63.65% 93 1 23 14 552 412 74.64% 932 23 15 644 434 67.39% 933 23 16 564 422 74.82% 934 23 17 625 356 56.96% 935 23 18 586 413 70.48% 936 23 19 661 429 63.54% 937 23 20 596 347 58.22% 938 23 21 595 454 76.39% 939 23 22 655 459 70.08% 8 940 23 23 588 446 75.85% 941 23 24 625 406 64.96% 942 23 25 750 481 64.13% 943 23 26 677 476 70.31% 944 23 27 543 409 75.32% 945 23 28 627 453 72.25% 946 23 29 536 375 69.96% 947 23 30 737 536 72.73% 948 23 31 592 393 66.39% 949 23 32 679 470 69.22% 950 23 33 759 507 66.80% 95 1 23 34 724 465 64.2375.41% 953 23 36 575 438 76.17% 954 23 37 558 415 74.37% 955 23 38 547 407 74.41% 956 23 39 669 463 69.2 1% 957 24 1 757 424 56.01% 958 24 2 890 479 53.82% 959 24 3 930 524 56.34% 960 24 4 596 386 64.77% 961 24 5 494 307 62.15% 962 24 6 786 452 57.5 1% 963 24 7 485 281 57.94% 964 24 8 463 227 49.03% 965 24 9 818 495 60.511.02% 967 24 11 984 566 57.52% 968 24 12 540 308 57.04% 969 24 13 540 306 56.67% 970 24 14 839 481 57.33% 971 24 15 524 309 58.97% 972 24 16 875 513 58.63% 973 24 17 629 388 61.69% 974 24 18 748 462 61.76% 8 0 975 24 19 860 550 63.95% 976 24 20 625 405 64.8056.28% 978 24 22 1004 645 64.24% 979 24 23 850 483 56.82% 980 24 24 1130 651 57.61% 981 24 25 777 360 46.33% 982 24 26 906 609 67.22% 983 24 27 807 486 60.22% 984 24 28 598 347 58.03% 985 24 29 509 309 60.7 1% 986 24 30 392 264 67.35% 987 24 31 893 524 58.68% 988 24 32 419 279 66.59% 989 24 33 506 290 57.3 1% 990 24 34 797 448 56.21% 991 24 35 699 450 64.38% 992 24 36 955 557 58.32% 993 24 37 5 14 301 58.56% 994 24 38 568 357 62.85% 995 24 39 874 525 60.07% 996 24 40 836 528 63.16% 997 24 41 531 332 62.52% 998 25 1 732 485 66.26% 999 25 2 857 565 65.93% 1000 25 3 1002 794 79.24% 1001 25 4 801 580 72.41% 1002 25 5 893 592 66.29% 1003 25 6 711 229 32.21% 1004 25 7 905 560 61.88% 1005 25 8 916 625 68.23% 1006 25 9 945 616 65. 19% 1007 25 10 1073 908 84.62% 1008 25 11 958 580 60.54% 1009 25 12 825 526 63.76% 8 0 1010 25 13 960 636 66.25% 101 1 25 14 833 436 52.34% 1012 25 15 814 512 62.90% 1013 25 16 1104 867 78.53% 1014 25 17 902 616 68.29% 1015 25 18 943 534 56.63% 1016 25 19 994 620 62.37% 1017 25 20 826 487 58.96% 1018 25 21 1 166 982 84.22% 1019 25 22 871 555 63.72% 1020 25 23 880 629 71.48% 102 1 25 24 961 596 62.02% 1022 25 25 765 615 80.39% 1023 25 26 868 532 61.29% 1024 25 27 1062 810 76.27% 1025 25 28 861 580 67.36% 1026 25 29 784 553 70.54% 1027 25 30 906 562 62.03% 1028 25 31 132 1 1069 80.92% 1029 25 32 813 506 62.24% 1030 26 1 702 478 68.09% 103 1 26 2 667 424 63.57% 1032 26 3 711 520 73.14% 1033 26 4 633 369 58.29% 1034 26 5 604 407 67.38% 1035 26 6 655 383 58.47% 1036 26 7 544 423 77.76% 1037 26 8 450 243 54.00% 1038 26 9 653 406 62. 17% 1039 26 10 622 418 67.20% 1040 26 11 622 419 67.36% 1041 26 12 692 485 70.09% 1042 26 13 480 296 61.67% 1043 26 14 540 344 63.70% 5 1: 5 5 1544 25 15 517 252 55.45% 1545 25 15 555 253 55.53% 1545 25 17 551 373 74.45% 1547 25 15 552 352 54.41% 1545 25 15 457 334 55.55% 1545 25 25 535 455 53.54% 1555 25 21 552 555 53.75% 1551 25 22 517 257 57.45% 1552 25 23 555 255 55.55% 1553 25 24 545 433 55.52% 1554 25 25 511 417 55.25% 1555 25 25 551 335 55.71% 1555 25 27 743 474 53.55% 1557 25 25 732 573 75.25% 1555 25 25 442 252 55.25% 1555 25 35 455 345 55.55% 1555 25 31 354 233 55.55% 1551 25 32 755 541 75.41% 1552 25 33 574 441 55.43% 1553 25 34 551 455 75.45% 1554 25 35 555 414 52.15% 1555 25 35 512 443 72.35% 1555 25 37 725 555 55.57% 1557 25 35 411 252 53.75% 1555 25 35 571 475 75.75% 1555 25 45 452 354 53.57% 1575 25 41 715 525 74.51% 1571 25 42 517 352 55.55% 1572 25 43 454 255 55.55% 1573 25 44 444 274 51.71% 1574 25 45 437 243 55.51% 1575 25 45 444 317 71.45% 1575 25 47 557 325 55.35% 1577 25 45 552 425 73.25% 1575 25 45 455 255 55.53% 8 6 1679 27 1 963 782 86.66% 1686 27 2 864 626 77.11% 1681 27 3 615 337 54.86% 1682 27 4 482 309 64.11% 1683 27 5 817 406 48.96% 1684 27 6 734 559 76.16% 1685 27 7 942 756 79.62% 1686 27 8 797 472 59.22% 1687 27 9 353 293 83.06% 1688 27 10 858 551 64.22% 1689 27 11 768 644 83.85% 1696 27 12 499 416 82.16% 1691 27 13 970 686 76.72% 1692 27 14 565 332 65.74% 1693 27 15 650 396 66.06% 1694 27 16 855 682 79.77% 1695 27 17 767 551 71.84% 1696 27 18 671 413 61.55% 1697 27 19 684 356 52.05% 1698 27 20 761 508 72.47% 1699 27 21 692 572 82.66% 1106 27 22 635 319 56.24% 1101 27 23 599 403 67.28% 1102 27 24 861 429 53.56% 1103 27 25 728 496 68.13% 1104 27 26 636 408 64.15% 1105 27 27 971 676 69.62% 1106 27 28 342 275 86.41% 1107 27 29 794 441 55.54% 1108 27 30 438 286 63.93% 1109 27 31 659 438 66.46% 1116 27 32 689 453 65.75% 111 1 27 33 778 556 71.47% 1112 27 34 724 485 66.99% 1113 27 35 746 596 79.89% 8 1114 27 36 600 396 66.00% 1115 27 37 801 635 79.28% 1116 27 38 1025 816 79.61% 1117 27 39 543 353 65.01% 1118 27 40 951 739 77.71% 1119 27 41 734 492 67.03% 1120 27 42 474 382 80.59% 112 1 27 43 682 451 66.13% 1122 27 44 742 439 59. 16% 1123 27 45 1244 1059 85.13% 1124 27 46 504 406 80.56% 1125 27 47 509 405 79.57% 1126 27 48 1176 908 77.21% 1127 27 49 666 392 58.86% 1128 27 50 731 519 71.00% 1129 28 1 711 442 62.17% 1130 28 2 652 444 68.10% 113 1 28 3 660 429 65.00% 1132 28 4 616 427 69.32% 1133 28 5 335 241 71.94% 1134 28 6 278 235 84.53% 1135 28 7 875 536 61.26% 1136 28 8 658 505 76.75% 1137 28 9 870 481 55.29% 1138 28 10 847 607 71.66% 1139 28 11 1352 923 68.27% 1140 28 12 845 511 60.47% 1141 28 13 683 470 68.81% 1142 28 14 753 451 59.89% 1143 28 15 248 168 67.74% 1144 28 16 565 333 58.94% 1145 28 17 720 437 60.69% 1146 28 18 480 355 73.96% 1147 28 19 613 419 68.35% 1148 28 20 673 473 70.28% 8 0 1149 28 21 661 401 60.67% 1150 28 22 619 429 69.31% 1151 28 23 1010 605 59.90% 1152 28 24 788 451 57.23% 1153 28 25 909 587 64.58% 1154 28 26 913 566 61.99% 1155 28 27 664 493 74.25% 1156 28 28 723 544 75.24% 1157 28 29 678 280 41.30% 1158 28 30 98 72 73.47% 1159 28 31 1024 609 59.47% 1160 28 32 799 492 61.58% 1161 28 33 911 561 61.58% 1 162 28 34 1340 923 68.88% 1163 28 35 965 580 60. 10% 1164 28 36 493 284 57.61% 1165 28 37 1090 649 59.54% 1166 28 38 469 232 49.47% 1167 28 39 627 379 60.45% 1168 28 40 1007 612 60.77% 1169 28 41 593 373 62.90% 1170 28 42 865 551 63.70% 1171 28 43 1006 634 63.02% 1172 28 44 606 357 58.91% 1173 28 45 645 526 81.55% 1174 28 46 1198 849 70.87% 1175 29 1 826 636 77.00% 1176 29 2 1180 777 65.85% 1177 29 3 1000 641 64. 10% 1178 29 4 940 610 64.89% 1179 29 5 810 522 64.44% 1180 29 6 858 486 56.64% 1181 29 7 689 507 73.58% 1182 29 8 906 537 59.27% 1183 29 9 747 579 77.51% 8 0 1184 29 10 785 622 79.24% 1185 29 11 517 343 66.34% 1186 29 12 860 633 73.60% 1187 29 13 894 605 67.67% 1188 29 14 801 510 63.67% 1189 29 15 869 611 70.31% 1190 29 16 909 596 65.57% 1191 29 17 763 521 68.28% 1192 29 18 877 552 62.94% 1193 29 19 873 597 68.38% 1194 29 20 1 133 742 65.49% 1195 29 21 1196 749 62.63% 1196 29 22 694 448 64.55% 1197 29 23 798 570 71.43% 1198 29 24 738 52 70.60% 1199 29 25 871 612 70.26% 1200 29 26 755 537 71. 13% 1201 29 27 682 482 70.67% 1202 29 28 1070 680 63.55% 1203 29 29 849 557 65.61% 1204 29 30 802 620 77.3 1% 1205 29 31 870 559 64.25% 1206 29 32 830 535 64.46% 1207 29 33 528 389 73.67% 1208 29 34 497 340 68.41% 1209 29 35 694 413 59.51% 1210 29 36 681 452 66.37% 121 1 29 37 795 506 63.65% 1212 29 38 825 541 65.58% 1213 29 39 846 507 59.93% 1214 29 40 870 612 70.34% 1215 29 41 703 474 67.43% 1216 29 42 933 603 64.63% 1217 29 43 807 607 75.22% 5 4: 0 5 1215 29 44 1051 550 54.70% 1219 30 1 550 597 70.24% 1220 30 2 559 542 53.10% 1221 30 3 555 395 70.97% 1222 30 4 525 532 54.41% 1223 30 5 747 471 53.05% 1224 30 5 572 424 53.10% 1225 30 7 535 559 55.14% 1225 30 5 575 552 55.44% 1227 30 9 745 470 53.09% 1225 30 10 973 525 54.23% 1229 30 11 512 509 52.55% 1230 30 12 520 541 55.95% 1231 30 13 745 455 54.97% 1232 30 14 545 354 59.25% 1233 30 15 555 435 74.23% 1234 30 15 455 277 50.75% 1235 30 17 515 527 54.55% 1235 30 15 929 513 55.95% 1237 30 19 939 535 57.29% 1235 30 20 531 559 57.27% 1239 30 21 555 411 52.75% 1240 30 22 1005 559 55.35% 1241 30 23 949 507 53.95% 1242 30 24 1042 555 52.55% 1243 30 25 1053 713 55.54% 1244 30 25 572 353 53.45% 1245 30 27 544 355 55.25% 1245 30 25 775 551 72.11% 1247 30 29 595 375 53.09% 1245 30 30 425 255 59.55% 1249 30 31 505 351 59.37% 1250 30 32 555 413 74.25% 1251 31 1 535 354 57.32% 1252 31 2 525 304 57.90% 8 1253 31 3 556 364 65.47% 1254 31 4 653 476 72.89% 1255 31 5 568 377 66.37% 1256 31 6 495 321 64.85% 1257 31 7 725 556 76.69% 1258 31 8 522 288 55.17% 1259 31 9 657 417 63.47% 1260 31 10 610 361 59.18% 1261 31 11 496 334 67.34% 1262 31 12 539 338 62.71% 1263 31 13 659 396 60.09% 1264 31 14 556 355 63.85% 1265 31 15 558 337 60.39% 1266 31 16 661 448 67.78% 1267 31 17 603 354 58.7 1% 1268 31 18 559 336 60.11% 1269 31 19 504 313 62. 10% 1270 31 20 547 360 65.81% 1271 31 21 554 371 66.97% 1272 31 22 579 360 62.18% 1273 31 23 571 356 62.35% 1274 31 24 598 375 62.71% 1275 31 25 589 355 60.27% 1276 31 26 584 393 67.29% 1277 31 27 673 404 60.03% 1278 31 28 606 345 56.93% 1279 31 29 625 378 60.48% 1280 31 30 507 304 59.96% 1281 31 31 538 367 68.22% 1282 31 32 545 339 62.20% 1283 31 33 562 368 65.48% 1284 31 34 600 389 64.83% 1285 31 35 637 389 61.07% 1286 31 36 549 368 67.03% 1287 31 37 541 341 63.03% 8 0 1288 31 38 620 396 63.87% 1289 31 39 645 408 63.26% 1290 31 40 672 407 60.57% 1291 31 41 630 359 56.98% 1292 32 1 1061 765 72. 10% 1293 32 2 880 758 86.14% 1294 32 3 861 704 81.77% 1295 32 4 793 633 79.82% 1296 32 5 841 690 82.05% 1297 32 6 914 752 82.28% 1298 32 7 924 724 78.35% 1299 32 8 999 805 80.58% 1300 32 9 880 682 77.50% 1301 32 10 938 722 76.97% 1302 32 11 733 604 82.40% 1303 32 12 663 490 73.91% 1304 32 13 922 72 78.20% 1305 32 14 826 674 81.60% 1306 32 15 792 645 81.44% 1307 32 16 806 648 80.40% 1308 32 17 833 646 77.55% 1309 32 18 774 646 83.46% 1310 32 19 820 639 77.93% 131 1 32 20 830 642 77.35% 1312 32 21 798 682 85.46% 1313 32 22 1055 852 80.76% 1314 32 23 810 678 83.70% 1315 32 24 729 575 78.88% 1316 32 25 811 651 80.27% 1317 32 26 844 674 79.86% 1318 32 27 792 658 83.08% 1319 32 28 845 633 74.91% 1320 32 29 864 71 82.29% 132 1 32 30 796 682 85.68% 8 1322 32 31 875 72 1 82.48% 1323 32 32 793 662 83.48% 1324 32 33 853 697 81.7 1% 1325 32 34 869 728 82.85% 13 26 32 35 821 692 84.29% 1327 32 36 863 716 82.97% 13 28 32 37 875 668 75.43% 1329 32 38 889 665 82.28% 1338 32 39 910 745 81.87% 133 1 32 40 829 724 87.33% 1332 32 41 824 688 83.58% 1333 32 42 780 613 78.59% 1334 32 43 734 581 79.16% 1335 33 1 948 685 72.26% 1336 33 2 1155 863 74.72% 1337 33 3 1809 788 77.38% 1338 33 4 1117 866 77.53% 1339 33 5 859 603 78.28% 1348 33 6 842 612 72.68% 1341 33 7 1828 744 72.94% 1342 33 8 970 805 82.99% 1343 33 9 951 748 77.81% 1344 33 10 816 612 75.08% 1345 33 11 983 732 74.47% 1346 33 12 932 689 73.93% 1347 33 13 851 65 1 76.58% 1348 33 14 494 356 72.06% 1349 33 15 985 737 74.82% 1358 33 16 1205 904 75.02% 1351 33 17 1801 748 74.73% 1352 33 18 1204 863 71.68% 1353 33 19 183 1 725 78.32% 1354 33 20 982 773 78.72% 1355 33 21 936 709 75.75% 1356 33 22 832 623 74.88% 8 0 1357 33 23 881 702 79.68% 1358 33 24 964 800 82.99% 1359 33 25 1083 807 74.52% 1360 33 26 681 537 78.85% 1361 33 27 991 737 74.37% 1362 33 28 823 625 75.94% 1363 34 1 758 512 67.55% 1364 34 2 697 386 55.38% 1365 34 3 824 550 66.75% 1366 34 4 723 422 58.37% 1367 34 5 682 448 65.69% 1368 34 6 787 547 69.50% 1369 34 7 751 524 69.77% 1370 34 8 704 432 61.36% 1371 34 9 786 454 57.76% 1372 34 10 726 467 64.33% 1373 34 11 798 449 56.27% 1374 34 12 794 523 65.87% 1375 34 13 756 523 69.18% 1376 34 14 741 43 58. 16% 1377 34 15 839 491 58.52% 1378 34 16 777 453 58.30% 1379 34 17 921 628 68.19% 1380 34 18 765 401 52.42% 1381 34 19 893 631 70.66% 1382 34 20 776 542 69.85% 1383 34 21 781 534 68.37% 1384 34 22 658 449 68.24% 1385 34 23 651 412 63.29% 1386 34 24 760 470 61.84% 1387 34 25 778 524 67.35% 1388 34 26 823 534 64.88% 1389 34 27 727 459 63.14% 1390 34 28 678 383 56.49% 1391 34 29 684 405 59.21% 8 1392 34 30 604 422 69.87% 1393 34 31 806 457 56.70% 1394 34 32 779 484 62. 13% 1395 34 33 738 473 64.09% 1396 34 34 744 52 70.03% 1397 34 35 849 557 65.61% 1398 34 36 668 443 66.32% 1399 34 37 716 364 50.84% 1400 34 38 661 302 45.69% 1401 34 39 754 388 51.46% 1402 34 40 807 562 69.64% 1403 34 41 635 365 57.48% 1404 34 42 681 461 67.69% 1405 34 43 605 427 70.58% 1406 34 44 722 478 66.20% 1407 34 45 752 503 66.89% 1408 34 46 481 316 65.70% 1409 34 47 823 514 62.45% 1410 34 48 742 494 66.58% 141 1 34 49 881 578 65.61% 1412 34 50 725 453 62.48% 1413 34 51 707 505 71.43% 1414 34 52 518 352 67.95% 1415 34 53 667 388 58. 17% 1416 35 1 809 588 72.68% 1417 35 2 759 554 72.99% 1418 35 3 805 544 67.58% 1419 35 4 767 55 71.84% 1420 35 5 721 521 72.26% 1421 35 6 805 539 66.96% 1422 35 7 785 574 73.12% 1423 35 8 785 600 76.43% 1424 35 9 801 583 72.78% 1425 35 10 930 728 78.28% 1426 35 11 865 609 70.40% 8 0 1427 35 12 778 427 54.88% 1428 35 13 785 438 55.80% 1429 35 14 782 475 60.74% 1430 35 15 930 662 71.18% 143 1 35 16 751 408 54.33% 1432 35 17 876 665 75.91% 1433 35 18 742 469 63.2 1% 1434 35 19 757 382 50.46% 1435 35 20 782 547 69.95% 1436 35 21 822 522 63.50% 1437 35 22 938 669 71.32% 1438 35 23 798 577 72.31% 1439 35 24 761 527 69.25% 1440 35 25 877 706 80.50% 1441 35 26 751 491 65.38% 1442 35 27 765 535 69.93% 1443 35 28 808 543 67.20% 1444 35 29 879 568 64.62% 1445 35 30 864 588 68.06% 1446 35 31 809 625 77.26% 1447 36 1 803 557 69.36% 1448 36 2 803 532 66.25% 1449 36 3 645 466 72.25% 1450 36 4 886 533 60.16% 1451 36 5 825 526 63.76% 1452 36 6 796 466 58.54% 1453 36 7 794 577 72.67% 1454 36 8 685 428 62.48% 1455 36 9 812 491 60.47% 1456 36 10 876 587 67.01% 1457 36 11 663 427 64.40% 1458 36 12 727 355 48.83% 1459 36 13 632 366 57.91% 1460 36 14 784 543 69.26% 1461 36 15 790 543 68.73% 8 1462 36 16 774 520 67.18% 1463 36 17 812 548 67.49% 1464 36 18 776 503 64.82% 1465 36 19 938 621 66.20% 1466 36 20 789 508 64.39% 1467 36 21 829 500 60.31% 1468 36 22 772 479 62.05% 1469 36 23 812 488 60.10% 1470 36 24 856 550 64.25% 1471 36 25 861 517 60.05% 1472 36 26 782 484 61.89% 1473 36 27 731 498 68.13% 1474 36 28 786 492 62.60% 1475 36 29 866 566 65.36% 1476 36 30 789 516 65.40% 1477 37 1 798 444 55.64% 1478 37 2 686 404 58.89% 1479 37 3 737 423 57.39% 1480 37 4 731 440 60.19% 1481 37 5 815 516 63.31% 1482 37 6 784 510 65.05% 1483 37 7 708 372 52.54% 1484 37 8 745 41 1 55.17% 1485 37 9 885 565 63.84% 1486 37 10 882 582 65.99% 1487 37 11 778 436 56.04% 1488 37 12 748 416 55.61% 1489 37 13 687 402 58.52% 1490 37 14 881 546 61.98% 1491 37 15 865 534 61.73% 1492 37 16 848 546 64.39% 1493 37 17 764 462 60.47% 1494 37 18 819 483 58.97% 1495 37 19 811 453 55.86% 1496 37 20 783 443 56.58% 8 1} 1497 37 21 782 469 59.97% 1498 37 22 836 466 55.74% 1499 37 23 738 495 67.07% 1 500 37 24 807 534 66.17% 1501 37 25 787 483 61.37% 1502 37 26 853 586 68.70% 1503 37 27 829 532 64. 17% 1504 37 28 694 455 65.56% 1505 37 29 810 520 64.20% 1506 37 30 841 489 58.15% 1507 37 31 840 547 65. 12% 1508 37 32 755 474 62.78% 1509 37 33 871 580 66.59% 1510 37 34 832 511 61.42% 1511 37 35 805 518 64.35% 1512 37 36 820 516 62.93% 1513 37 37 950 592 62.32% 1514 37 38 847 536 63.28% 1515 37 39 815 502 61.60% 1516 37 40 800 526 65.75% 1517 37 41 740 488 65.95% 1518 38 1 732 475 64.89% 1519 38 2 757 559 73.84% 1520 38 3 832 571 68.63% 1521 38 4 760 513 67.50% 1522 38 5 799 560 70.09% 1523 38 6 867 559 64.48% 1524 38 7 788 522 66.24% 1525 38 8 777 511 65.77% 1526 38 9 839 581 69.25% 1527 38 10 715 501 70.07% 1528 38 11 686 479 69.83% 1529 38 12 797 549 68.88% 1530 38 13 862 571 66.24% 8 153 1 38 14 822 566 68.86% 1532 38 15 231 501 68.54% 1533 38 16 275 553 21.35% 1534 38 12 860 618 21.86% 1535 38 18 803 548 68.24% 1536 38 19 855 602 20.41% 1532 38 20 826 574 69.49% 1538 38 21 222 466 60.36% 1539 38 22 215 498 69.65% 1540 38 23 298 563 20.55% 1541 38 24 818 596 22.86% 1542 38 25 681 462 62.84% 1543 38 26 279 548 20.35% 1544 38 22 824 525 69.28% 1545 38 28 877 636 22.52% 1 546 38 29 293 509 64.19% 1542 38 30 847 536 63.28% 1548 38 31 213 532 24.61% 1549 38 32 801 515 64.29% 1550 38 33 805 546 67.83% 155 1 38 34 262 522 69.16% 1552 38 35 282 533 68.16% 1553 38 36 221 429 66.44% 1554 38 37 283 532 67.94% 1555 38 38 266 482 62.92% 1556 38 39 816 570 69.85% 1557 38 40 254 524 69.50% 1558 38 41 672 487 22.47% 1559 39 1 645 522 81.21% 1560 39 2 208 558 28.81% 1561 39 3 229 583 24.84% 1562 39 4 648 505 27.93% 1563 39 5 238 562 26.83% 1564 39 6 867 555 64.01% 1565 39 2 648 468 22.22% 0 1566 39 822 62 1 21.22% 1562 39 9 802 526 21.82% 1568 39 10 356 264 24.16% 1569 39 11 219 510 20.93% 1520 39 12 1064 245 20.02% 1521 39 13 228 519 66.21% 1522 39 14 229 530 22.20% 1523 39 15 849 616 22.56% 1524 39 16 292 541 62.88% 1525 39 12 261 553 22.62% 1526 39 18 226 530 68.30% 1522 39 19 243 539 22.54% 1528 39 20 824 653 24.2 1% 1529 39 21 229 516 20.28% 1580 39 22 224 536 24.03% 1581 39 23 222 542 25.02% 1582 39 24 852 629 29.69% 1583 39 25 291 495 62.58% 1584 39 26 230 543 24.38% 1585 39 22 1 16 92 83.62% 1586 39 28 842 631 24.94% 1582 39 29 489 312 64.83% 1588 39 30 918 696 25.82% 1589 39 31 292 509 64.22% 1590 39 32 283 515 65.22% 1591 39 33 923 666 22.16% 1592 39 34 893 622 20.21% 1593 39 35 256 542 22.35% 1594 39 36 350 193 55.14% 1595 39 32 643 524 81.49% 1596 39 38 360 296 82.22% 1592 39 39 449 332 25.06% 1598 39 40 690 486 20.43% 1599 39 41 263 591 22.46% 1600 39 42 686 582 84.84% 8 1601 39 43 738 576 78.05% 1602 39 44 550 434 78.91% 1603 39 45 649 505 77.81% 1604 ?10 1 827 571 69.04% 1605 40 2 785 580 73.89% 1606 ?10 3 923 750 81.26% 1607' 40 4 553 347 62.75% 1608 ?10 5 836 619 74.04% 1609 40 6 869 717 82.5 1% 1610 ?10 7 713 595 83.45% 1611 40 8 895 730 81.56% 1612 ?10 9 728 544 74.73% 1613 40 10 964 678 70.33% 1614 ?10 11 753 604 80.21% 1615 40 12 600 491 81.83% 1616 ?10 13 1005 901 89.65% 1617 ?10 14 830 548 66.02% 1618 40 15 878 550 62.64% 1619 ?10 16 900 749 83.22% 1620 40 17 702 525 74.79% 162 1 ?10 18 825 577 69.94% 1622 40 19 1032 762 73.84% 1623 ?10 20 927 620 66.88% 1624 40 21 839 682 81.29% 1625 ?10 22 747 592 79.25% 1626 40 23 914 679 74.29% 1627 ?10 24 833 591 70.95% 1628 40 25 838 714 85.20% 1629 ?10 26 737 595 80.73% 1630 40 27 1060 805 75.94% 163 1 ?10 28 836 653 78.11% 1632 40 29 765 573 74.90% 1633 ?10 30 671 520 77.50% 1634 40 31 806 668 82.88% 1635 ?10 32 828 657 79.35% 8 0 1636 40 33 692 596 86. 13% 1637 40 34 787 552 70.14% 1638 40 35 771 495 64.20% 1639 40 36 685 565 82.48% 1640 40 37 878 663 75.5 1% 1641 40 38 857 743 86.70% 1642 40 39 349 225 64.47% 1643 41 1 705 525 74.47% 1644 41 2 752 595 79. 12% 1645 41 3 728 515 70.74% 1646 41 4 700 563 80.43% 1647 41 5 874 660 75.51% 1648 41 6 784 637 81.25% 1649 41 7 788 642 81.47% 1650 41 8 7'26 569 78.37% 165 1 41 9 777 581 74.77% 1652 41 10 738 597 80.89% 1653 41 11 852 642 75.35% 1654 41 12 866 606 69.98% 1655 41 13 902 695 77.05% 1656 41 14 774 640 82.69% 1657 41 15 918 702 76.47% 1658 41 16 762 558 73.23% 1659 41 17 752 584 77.66% 1660 41 18 682 532 78.01% 1661 41 19 775 631 81.42% 1662 41 20 693 461 66.52% 1663 41 21 754 541 71.75% 1664 41 22 793 598 75.41% 1665 41 23 870 627 72.07% 1666 41 24 792 532 67.17% 1667 41 25 976 604 61.89% 1668 41 26 703 543 77.24% 1669 41 27 850 559 65.76% 1670 41 28 1067 714 66.92% 8 0 1671 41 29 826 535 64.77% 1672 ?11 30 780 569 72.95% 1673 41 31 794 613 77.29% 1674 ?11 32 638 473 74.14% 1675 41 33 742 554 74.66% 1676 ?11 34 684 502 73.39% 1677 41 35 855 656 76.73% 1678 ?11 36 723 559 77.32% 1679 41 37 839 634 75.57% 1680 ?11 38 767 530 69.19% 1681 41 39 776 619 78.61% 1682 ?11 40 770 619 80.39% 1683 41 41 788 587 74.49% 1684 ?11 42 750 604 80.53% 1685 41 43 804 629 77.1 1% 1686 ?11 44 772 603 78.11% 1687 41 45 765 559 73.07% 1688 ?11 46 746 577 77.35% 1689 41 47 771 567 73.54% 1690 ?12 1 748 646 86.36% 1691 42 2 1068 832 77.99% 1692 ?12 3 926 766 82.72% 1693 42 4 1576 1292 81.98% 1694 ?12 5 738 587 79.54% 1695 42 6 786 665 84.61% 1696 ?12 7 985 836 84.87% 1697 42 8 800 649 80.09% 1698 ?12 9 1110 796 71.71% 1699 42 10 1069 918 86.69% 1700 ?12 11 604 492 81.46% 1701 42 12 705 579 82.13% 1702 ?12 13 680 578 85.09% 1703 42 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2 659 472 71.62% 182 1 45 3 636 503 79.09% 1822 45 4 817 649 79.44% 1823 45 5 730 543 74.38% 1824 45 6 856 664 77.57% 1825 45 7 1018 768 75.44% 1826 45 8 782 57 1 73.02% 1827 45 9 828 581 70.17% 1828 45 10 840 599 71.3 1% 1829 45 11 648 438 67.59% 1830 45 12 790 536 67.85% 183 1 45 13 631 470 74.48% 1832 45 14 103 1 71 1 68.96% 1833 45 15 867 653 75.32% 1834 45 16 663 456 68.78% 1835 45 17 864 626 72.45% 1836 45 18 890 577 64.83% 1837 45 19 466 325 69.74% 1838 45 20 584 435 74.49% 1839 45 21 704 495 70.31% 1840 45 22 761 537 70.57% 1841 45 23 770 537 69.74% 1842 45 24 680 437 64.26% 1843 45 25 483 353 73.08% 8 1844 45 26 437 310 70.94% 1845 45 27 738 522 70.73% 1846 45 28 650 472 72.62% 1847 45 29 564 379 67.20% 1848 45 30 712 524 73.60% 1849 45 31 645 442 68.53% 1850 45 32 721 471 65.33% 1851 45 33 545 37 1 68.07% 1852 45 34 837 571 68.22% 1853 45 35 782 556 71. 10% 1854 45 36 769 549 71.39% 1855 45 37 748 522 69.79% 1856 45 38 746 476 63.81% 1857 45 39 810 543 67.04% 1858 45 40 742 534 71.97% 1859 45 41 735 52 1 70.88% 1860 45 42 707 530 74.96% 1861 45 43 759 558 73.52% 1862 45 44 722 531 73.55% 1863 45 45 534 377 70.60% 1864 45 46 613 446 72.76% 1865 45 47 579 414 71.50% 1866 45 48 634 445 70.19% 1867 46 1 781 509 65. 17% 1868 46 2 739 593 80.24% 1869 46 3 882 791 89.68% 1870 46 4 770 602 78.18% 1871 46 5 1039 830 79.88% 1872 46 6 863 668 77.40% 1873 46 7 816 723 88.60% 1874 46 8 761 519 68.20% 1875 46 9 835 708 84.79% 1876 46 10 1256 1090 86.78% 1877 46 11 865 685 79. 19% 1878 46 12 847 708 83.59% 8 0 1879 46 13 793 672 84.74% 1880 46 14 1047 769 73.45% 1881 46 15 882 715 81.07% 1882 46 16 864 717 82.99% 1883 46 17 899 756 84.09% 1884 46 18 945 760 80.42% 1885 46 19 508 467 91.93% 1886 46 20 848 566 66.75% 1887 46 21 748 523 69.92% 1888 46 22 774 532 68.73% 1889 46 23 748 504 67.38% 1890 46 24 866 729 84.18% 1891 46 25 813 637 78.35% 1892 46 26 863 675 78.22% 1893 46 27 974 840 86.24% 1894 46 28 725 647 89.24% 1895 46 29 745 587 78.79% 1896 46 30 842 709 84.20% 1897 46 31 825 721 87.39% 1898 46 32 950 701 73.79% 1899 46 33 857 768 89.61% 1900 46 34 1012 799 78.95% 1901 46 35 963 811 84.22% 1902 46 36 721 641 88.90% 1903 46 37 632 509 80.54% 1904 46 38 959 733 76.43% 1905 46 39 806 671 83.25% 1906 46 40 702 574 81.77% 1907 47 1 563 424 75.31% 1908 47 2 767 67 1 87.48% 1909 47 3 779 649 83.31% 1910 47 4 812 688 84.73% 191 1 47 5 848 714 84.20% 1912 47 6 932 781 83.80% 1913 47 7 763 614 80.47% 1914 47 795 676 85.03% 1915 47 9 726 626 86.23% 1916 47 10 988 840 85.02% 1917 47 11 811 696 85.82% 1918 47 12 822 71 86.50% 1919 47 13 712 611 85.81% 19 20 47 14 706 605 85.69% 192 1 47 15 963 794 82.45% 1922 47 16 772 62 80.44% 1923 47 17 806 634 78.66% 19 24 47 18 834 696 83.45% 1925 47 19 1022 829 81.12% 1926 47 20 750 62 82.80% 1927 47 21 759 608 80.11% 1928 47 22 829 736 88.78% 1929 47 23 845 708 83.79% 1930 47 24 794 693 87.28% 193 1 47 25 966 786 81.37% 1932 47 26 1070 913 85.33% 1933 47 27 707 611 86.42% 1934 47 28 775 624 80.52% 1935 47 29 834 697 83.57% 1936 47 30 958 827 86.33% 1937 47 31 798 649 81.33% 1938 47 32 879 776 88.28% 1939 47 33 806 673 83.50% 1940 47 34 800 694 86.75% 1941 47 35 829 682 82.27% 1942 47 36 891 767 86.08% 1943 47 37 807 725 89.84% 1944 47 38 779 673 86.39% 1945 47 39 787 666 84.63% 1946 47 40 708 63 1 89.12% 1947 47 41 861 762 88.50% 1948 47 42 758 658 86.81% 8 0 1949 47 43 773 664 85.90% 1950 47 44 883 701 79.39% 1951 47 45 770 636 82.60% 1952 47 46 732 600 81.97% 1953 47 47 928 815 87.82% 1954 47 48 83 75 90.36% 1955 48 1 708 587 82.91% 1956 48 2 366 302 82.51% 1957 48 3 966 788 81.57% 1958 48 4 753 634 84.20% 1959 48 5 402 340 84.58% 1960 48 6 1003 803 80.06% 1961 48 7 764 633 82.85% 1962 48 8 443 357 80.59% 1963 48 9 546 461 84.43% 1964 48 10 98 1 845 86.14% 1965 48 11 597 496 83.08% 1966 48 12 895 743 83.02% 1967 48 13 965 792 82.07% 1968 48 14 44 1 358 81.18% 1969 48 15 577 448 77.64% 1970 48 16 851 680 79.91% 1971 48 17 717 607 84.66% 1972 48 18 682 463 67.89% 1973 48 19 555 429 77.30% 1974 48 20 844 687 81.40% 1975 48 21 1 101 830 75.39% 1976 48 22 599 518 86.48% 1977 48 23 873 724 82.93% 1978 48 24 946 769 81.29% 1979 48 25 678 544 80.24% 1980 48 26 439 362 82.46% 1981 48 27 1788 1280 71.59% 1982 48 28 1007 810 80.44% 8 0 1983 48 29 367 308 83.92% 1984 ?18 30 620 546 88.06% 1985 48 31 1 181 943 79.85% 1986 ?18 32 877 712 81.19% 1987 48 33 403 356 88.34% 1988 ?18 34 617 553 89.63% 1989 48 35 859 ?157 53.20% 1990 ?18 36 424 373 87.97% 1991 ?18 37 833 665 79.83% 1992 48 38 748 614 82.09% 1993 ?18 39 613 523 85.32% 1994 48 ?10 628 550 87.58% 1995 ?18 ?11 999 823 82.38% 1996 48 ?12 959 765 79.77% 1997 ?18 ?13 861 661 76.77% 1998 48 ?14 882 752 85.26% 1999 ?18 ?15 583 ?182 82.68% 2000 48 ?16 525 ?133 82.48% 2001 ?19 1 765 ?178 62.48% 2002 49 2 536 ?125 79.29% 2003 ?19 3 953 707 74.19% 2004 49 4 1087 803 73.87% 2005 ?19 5 902 647 71.73% 2006 49 6 811 613 75.59% 2007 ?19 7 867 726 83.74% 2008 49 8 726 556 76.58% 2009 ?19 9 871 682 78.30% 2010 49 10 834 626 75.06% 201 1 ?19 11 998 776 77.76% 2012 49 12 1 12 928 82.78% 2013 ?19 13 959 788 82.17% 2014 49 14 753 555 73.7 1% 2015 ?19 15 703 525 74.68% 2016 49 16 847 63 74.50% 2017 ?19 17 646 513 79.41% 8 8 2818 49 18 988 823 83.38% 2819 49 19 851 633 74.38% 2828 49 28 1 149 935 81.38% 282 1 49 21 584 422 72.26% 2822 49 22 988 679 24.78% 2823 49 23 1811 773 76.46% 2824 49 24 838 598 22.85% 2825 49 25 1894 882 88.62% 2826 49 26 1883 776 27.37% 2827 49 27 1839 815 78.44% 2828 49 28 1 184 868 27.98% 2829 49 29 966 761 78.78% 2838 49 38 962 768 29.83% 283 1 49 31 722 538 74.52% 2832 49 32 954 688 22.12% 2833 49 33 729 573 78.68% 2834 58 1 288 536 26.57% 2835 58 2 582 347 69.12% 2836 58 3 651 453 69.59% 2837 58 4 812 582 71.67% 2838 58 5 592 418 69.26% 2839 58 6 895 597 66.78% 2848 58 7 242 588 29.25% 2841 58 8 777 565 72.72% 2842 58 9 667 452 67.77% 2843 58 18 912 617 67.65% 2844 58 11 562 484 71.89% 2845 58 12 298 246 82.55% 2846 58 13 1838 687 66.18% 2847 58 14 2 18 188 86.24% 2848 58 15 737 571 77.48% 2849 58 16 225 187 83.1 1% 2858 58 17 868 546 62.98% 2851 58 18 156 127 81.41% 2852 58 19 658 428 63.83% A 8 2953 59 29 778 577 74. 16% 2954 59 21 676 475 79.27% 2955 59 22 773 53 68.69% 2956 59 23 629 384 61.95% 2957 59 24 757 489 64.69% 2958 59 25 781 594 64.53% 2959 59 26 949 635 67.55% 2969 59 27 193 172 89.12% 2961 59 28 929 674 73.26% 2962 59 29 845 599 69.82% 2963 59 39 636 419 64.47% 2964 59 31 1927 689 67.99% 2965 59 32 971 791 72. 19% 2966 59 33 585 453 77.44% 2967 59 34 899 696 77.42% 2968 59 35 828 643 77.66% 2969 59 36 733 496 67.67% 2979 59 37 687 535 77.87% 2971 59 38 277 225 81.23% 2972 59 39 659 431 65.49% 2973 59 49 829 589 69.96% 2974 Total 1115664 2975 2976 2977 14486 5319 {3 i i kDOOHJmm-l?z-Lumw ?hCelumns G-l are a roilup of data from the file of voters who provided by the 6806. 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519 21.88385 222 52.66889 486 68.82695 462 66.42998 295 29.661255 1049 82.82623 516 26.62492 321 25.41985 826 83.86986 543 55.82268 523 68.821092 925 84.211014 639 63.82889 533 59.96845 590 69.82914 628 68.21693 411 59.31928 815 82.82962 268 29.83882 526 21.821024 825 89228 428 66.39224 418 54.81692 485 28.891126 988 22. 21% 22 48 822 36 8 8 55 29 11 517 343 66.341818 685 59.98625 485 64.88711 442 62.17847 687 71.66944 862 91.31887 467 57.871822 673 65.85928 547 59.46893 524 58.68988 844 85.43784 632 88.61776 564 72.68855 682 79.77535 464 86.73882 689 69.85837 538 64.28836 466 55.74636 583 79.891889 818 88.28926 658 71.86733 492 67.12% 17 18 463 29 3 3 32 23 11 333 554 73.7135 753 451 53.3335 342 512 725335 534 422 53.3735 354 534 533135 573 353 52.1335 752 555 33.5535 573 443 55.7235 335 532 52.2335 722 433 55.5135 574 432 54.3335 353 523 71.4335 1321 1353 33.3235 25 31 1342 27 35 23 25 333 537 54.5335 1324 533 534735 425 255 533535 312 433 53.1335 1375 333 33.3235 535 355 53.3535 733 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29? 298 299 219 211 212 213 214 215 216 8 6 217 27 21 692 572 82.66724 485 66.99682 448 65.69761 527 69.25867 555 64.61878 663 75.51774 646 82.69995 831 83.52876 696 78.77766 662 86.661213 1649 86.48% 5 23 1633 16 229 6 5 741 416 55.33634 367 57.89735 568 69.12686 395 58.69749 447 59.68737 469 63.64765 427 66.57771 526 67.441645 545 52.15899 539 59.96669 451 74.66682 482 76.67% 21 26 466 16 217 218 219 22D 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 22S 229 231 232 233 234 235 236 23? 238 239 241 242 243 6 6 244 22 3 1162 666 56964 565 56.611136 651 57.61963 762 66.66635 319 56.241665 961 69.651616 652 63.66966 779 65.96617 649 79.441256 1696 66.76% 46 16 1674 16 255 49 4 1667 663 73.67966 623 63.36996 727 73.43641 666 76.46676 666 75.661697 666 66.95645 624 73.65639 346 54.46576 417 72.15746 497 67.16696 461 66.91% 9 25 466 15 244 245 246 24? 248 249 251 252 253 254 255 256 25? 258 259 261 262 263 264 265 266 26? 268 269 8 6 271 9 33 719 417 58.66817 526 63.65897 574 63.99794 456 57.43866 524 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61.84635 365 57.48% 34 41 352 13 325 326 327 32S 329 331 332 333 334 335 336 33? 338 339 341 342 343 344 345 346 34? 348 349 351 8 9 352 35 16 751 498 54.33782 484 61.891968 832 77.99721 471 65.33439 362 82.46972 719 73.97841 573 68.13689 569 83.68737 623 84.53693 436 62.91682 493 72.29751 516 68.71651 411 63.13869 631 73.37619 411 66.49677 386 57.92712 599 71.49689 449 63.86837 552 65.95362 199 54.97874 525 69.97 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 368 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 378 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 9 9 329 25 9 945 919 95.199 225 599 999299 444 224 91.219 959 399 99.999 291 599 22.429 1999 949 59. 5499 992 929 22.319 919 245 91.929 951 412 93.299 992 492 595299 921 599 99.599 932 511 91.429 995 519 94. 3599 213 532 24.919 995 241 932399 993 911 94.229 951 933 243999 559 455 91.939 914 291 95.459 299 919 29.339 942 524 991299 925 232 29.149 224 932 92.299 292 525 99.219 222 599 29.999 292 512 95. 2999 925 331 499499 9 29 329 11 379 388 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 398 391 392 393 394 395 396 39? 398 399 488 481 482 483 484 485 5 5 455 5 35 559 451 559195 579 449 55.1395 574 444 55.5595 595 473 57.7795 557 454 55.5595 571 455 55.5595 577 425 53.2295 452 255 55.5595 737 552 51.5595 724 529 73.5795 951 595 525295 512 443 72.3995 435 255 539395 474 352 55.5995 913 555 51.9995 745 475 53.5995 922 721 75.2595 553 557 59.3595 545 455 72.2595 553 427 54.4595 532 355 579195 745 415 55.5195 545 545 54.3995 575 711 51.2595 555 755 559495 935 797 55.2495 751 559 55.1795 45 1 495 11 496 498 499 411 412 413 414 415 416 41? 418 419 421 422 423 424 425 426 42? 428 429 431 432 3 3 433 43 9 545 451 34.4395 333 555 79.3395 999 323 32.3395 592 413 59.2595 557 452 57.7795 537 535 77.3795 913 579 53.4295 775 523 33.2395 797 573 34.4495 373 551 743395 519 449 72.5495 733 449 541495 715 439 53. 3995 733 545 73.3395 333 451 573595 743 432 54.1395 741 432 533395 555 429 55.4395 592 393 55. 3995 757 424 553195 935 539 57.2295 1373 933 34.5295 325 437 539595 371 555 53.7295 543 433 553295 353 551 54.2295 973 535 73.7295 27 13 575 13 433 434 435 435 437 435 439 441 442 443 445 446 44? 448 449 451 452 453 454 455 455 45? 455 455 8 468 22 12 262 551 21.84242 439 59.16493 284 52.61682 482 28.62528 389 23.62841 698 82.851112 866 22932 689 23.93921 628 68.19285 688 26.43829 532 64.12888 526 65.25923 666 22.161229 984 88.82821 249 85.99945 245 28.84822 694 84.43298 536 62.851839 838 29.88959 288 82.12838 598 22.85288 536 26.52% 58 1 526 18 468 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 478 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 488 481 482 483 484 485 486 3 3 437 1 3 1331 743 743333 1332 744 723333 534 421 73.343 335 434 33. 7533 731 531 32.333 733 543 733333 732 523 743733 331 431 533333 334 433 71.433 333 524 731333 733 413 53.713 334 432 31.133 443 235 347733 314 473 57.743 313 477 53.373 724 533 73. 3333 313 333 547733 334 332 55.343 733 333 545233 733 544 334333 737 434 31. 5333 753 433 34. 5433 373 433 71.373 373 437 741333 723 555 73.453 333 473 733333 523 271 51.233 23 4 232 3 497 488 499 499 491 492 499 494 495 496 497 49S 499 599 591 592 599 594 595 596 597 59S 599 519 511 512 519 8 514 21 52 774 511 66.82467 288 61.67652 415 63.65627 453 72.25494 387 62.15860 556 63.95994 626 62.37611 417 68.25891 429 53.56480 355 73.96849 557 65.6116188 689 68.35518 352 67.95789 588 64.39798 444 55.64881 546 61.98811 453 55.86881 515 64.29728 544 74.73830 548 66.62985 836 84.87668 579 86.68999 874 87.49996 767 84.66% 44 22 758 9 514 515 516 51? 518 519 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 52S 529 53D 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 53S 539 54D 8 541 45 5 853 558 22.45248 523 59.92955 251 23.29212 552 84.55228 522 24.15193 122 89.12955 552 55.89532 384 55.281555 824 82.221212 1541 85.89% 4 32 1533 859 283 95.15283 492 53.42532 453 22.58212 513 21.55215 484 58.12552 412 53.19552 455 58.88555 424 25.52258 422 55.521555 523 58.44923 545 59.55% 12 13 532 8 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 556 551 552 553 554 555 556 55? 558 559 561 562 563 564 565 566 56? 8 568 13 5 696 513 73.71736 422 57.34787 417 52.99523 465 88.91740 591 79.8669.00817 536 65.61810 503 62.10678 439 64.75564 422 74.82524 309 58.97850 483 56.82861 580 67.36450 243 54.00666 414 62.16661 401 60.67826 636 77.001180 777 65.85738 521 70.60830 535 64.46620 396 63.87% 31 38 388 8 568 569 578 571 572 573 574 575 576 578 579 588 581 582 583 584 585 586 58? 588 589 598 591 592 593 594 5 5 595 32 5 915 752 52.2595 735 551 79.1595 1531 725 753295 755 523 59.1595 575 353 55.5995 757 352 55.5595 555 525 52.5595 555 515 71.5595 779 555 753595 572 521 71.2295 775 519 55.7195 755 573 75.9595 755 525 75.5795 795 513 77.2595 532 552 51.9795 995 535 53.7395 525 755 95.7595 555 535 75.5995 553 575 75.2295 599 515 55.5595 729 573 75.5595 155 127 51.5195 523 529 75.5395 593 552 59.5595 525 557 73.5995 755 593 52.7295 732 511 59.5195 5 25 555 7 595 596 597 598 599 666 661 662 663 604 665 666 66? 668 669 611 612 613 614 615 616 61? 618 619 621 3 3 322 9 5 339 425 313333 333 393 53.393 313 433 35.333 333 333 534233 324 534 39.313 1353 913 33.123 359 433 314333 393 333 54.233 393 233 53.933 333 343 331333 1343 314 33.353 939 522 533233 333 523 33.313 333 254 311.5333 443 235 34.333 353 423 53.343 323 433 53.233 345 429 53.533 333 433 59.133 932 332 33.313 333 433 331333 313 432 53.553 393 332 54.343 333 433 35.213 391 433 391333 293 133 33.333 323 439 34.423 21 23 432 3 622 623 624 625 626 62? 628 629 631 632 633 634 635 636 63? 638 639 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 64S 3 6 649 21 35 233 495 62.62226 463 64.46323 442 53.99334 435 54.36932 519 55.69623 491 22.42242 544 22.32596 342 53.22625 466 64.96216 529 24.51366 633 23.66255 532 21.131642 655 62.36326 624 31.66326 639 22.93296 632 35.631626 244 22.94494 356 22.661265 964 25.62692 336 55.33349 552 65.61259 554 22.99936 662 21.13265 535 69.93% 35 22 523 2 649 656 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 65S 659 666 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 66S 669 671 672 673 674 675 8 676 36 17 812 548 67.49745 411 55.1778? 483 61.3779? 549 68.88672 48? 72.47686 582 84.8482? 571 69.04748 646 86.36786 665 84.61878 ?43 84.62678 559 82.45801 665 83.02488 412 84.43958 745 77.77621 80.441070 913 85.33555 429 77.3075? 489 64.60?16 561 78.35996 ?93 79.62912 84.43654 495 75.69923 789 85.48% 2 42 783 6 676 678 679 688 681 682 683 684 685 686 68? 688 689 698 691 692 693 694 695 696 69? 698 699 798 261 2'92 3 3 733 3 23 733 537 32.313 772 353 352333 323 333 73.523 733 533 333333 733 313 33.733 533 333 331133 532 322 553333 1337 733 73.733 333 333 72.313 233 133 33.513 733 333 333333 532 332 31.253 351 353 33. 7333 313 313 53.313 735 333 533333 753 323 53.313 325 335 33.353 327 323 37.533 332 532 333233 573 332 323533 713 333 373233 333 332 77.333 533 357 332333 573 332 33.213 323 223 712533 723 373 33.533 312 535 352333 23 23 533 3 193 1'04 195 1'96 191 1'98 1'99 1'11 112 1'13 114 1?15 116 1'11? 118 1'19 1'21 122 1'23 124 1'25 126 1'21? 128 1'29 3 6 236 21 2 633 433 21.45332 625 26.46224 453 63.26664 432 22.35396 429 53.32546 363 52.64629 333 61.69699 456 64.33563 352 62.35531 332 62.521164 362 23512 292 52.45432 243 55.61234 559 26.16621 413 61.55652 444 63.16335 241 21.94949 662 63.96653 426 22.39563 322 66.32666 339 64.33% 31 34 333 6 95L ESL F511 ESL ESL ISL GEL 6h: 8?91 mi 9?91 Stu: W1 EFL EFL I?m: {3?91 65L 8E1 9E1 SEL FEL ESL BEL TEL GEL 8 6 757 32 2 886 758 86.14793 633 79.82866 648 86.46729 575 78.88821 692 84.29776 542 69.85661 362 45.69867 562 69.64738 495 67.67826 516 62.93724 536 74.63787 552 76.14962 695 77.65767 536 69.16765 559 73.67926 792 85.53736 665 82.88624 548 87.82937 714 76.26561 443 88.42916 741 81.431672 943 87.97 E81 ?81 {81 {381 611 811 111 911 S11 F11 E11 Z11 I11 G11 691 891 191 991 991 F91 E91 191 {91 {391 651 SS1 1S1 945 760 80.42508 467 91.93932 781 83.80441 358 81.181007 810 80.44768 558 72.66979 716 73.141058 786 74739 622 84.17590 430 72.88884 627 70.93997 784 78.64949 797 83.981211 879 72845 570 67.46812 634 78.08708 521 73.59742 453 61.05786 561 71.37741 544 73.41% 8 41 539 5 184 1'85 186 1'81? 188 1?89 1?91 192 1?93 194 1?95 196 1?91? 198 1?99 881 892 883 894 885 896 881? 888 889 8 8 811 9 12 746 532 71.31726 587 69.83552 353 63.95786 518 65.981818 672 66.811875 699 65.82986 538 58.58993 497 58.85617 498 79.42561 378 65.95784 432 55.18872 478 54.82866 484 55.89618 331 54.26657 453 68.95674 533 79.88622 488 78.46619 586 81.74693 463 66.81659 446 67.68642 436 67.91682 434 63.64757 476 62.88618 472 77.38% 23 2 467 5 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 826 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 836 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 8 8 838 23 21 595 454 26.38943 534 56.63265 615 88.39653 486 62.12444 312 21.48682 451 66.13248 168 62.24565 333 58.94622 329 68.45948 618 64.89295 586 63.65242 421 63.85622 424 63.18828 541 65.98596 326 63.89556 355 63.85622 482 68.52861 284 81.22292 658 83.88282 542 69.58251 524 69.22222 453 58.38658 449 68.24% 34 22 444 5 838 839 848 841 842 843 844 845 846 84? 848 849 858 851 852 853 854 855 856 85? 858 859 868 861 862 863 864 5 5 555 54 55 755 475 54.555 721 521 72.255 755 574 75.125 775 555 54.525 555 521 55. 2555 547 555 55.255 755 515 55.775 525 577 55.545 514 575 74. 2555 775 551 51.425 1555 521 55.555 515 751 55.555 555 717 554555 551 555 55.525 514 441 55.555 545 552 55.525 525 555 555455 571 755 54.555 455 555 755555 554 575 57.255 552 751 55.555 775 552 75.155 555 754 524555 755 545 51.555 445 557 55. 5555 755 555 757155 551 455 55. 5555 55 5 445 5 865 866 867 868 869 878 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 888 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 898 891 8 6 892 56 6 895 597 66.76868 546 62.96781 564 64.53828 643 77.66845 655 77.51967 688 75.85871 749 85.99816 556 67.46827 487 58.89785 562 63.95626 461 64.66766 455 65.66665 426 63.16712 498 69.94715 499 69.79836 486 57.42793 479 66.461153 736 63.311636 862 77.861136 961 85.64945 536 56.68487 245 56.31 892 893 8911 895 896 89? 898 899 988 981 982 983 984 985 986 98? 988 989 918 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 8 8 919 13 15 858 651 75.87485 374 77.11783 428 53.64795 51? 65.83581 385 66.27819 564 68.86771 572 74.19586 485 69.11721 58? 78.32578 463 88.1863? 536 84.14666 531 79.73871 716 82.28722 45? 63.38713 472 66.28782 469 66.81828 589 61.47724 452 62.43468 333 72.39711 474 66.6729 425 58.38845 56.45625 356 56.96% 23 17 352 4 919 92D 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 92S 929 93D 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 93S 939 94D 941 942 943 944 945 8 9 946 23 38 542 492 24.41955 552 58.32292 428 68.99384 233 69.68615 332 54.89482 399 64.11353 293 83.99951 239 22.21666 392 58.86829 559 64.25456 222 69.25831 559 62.22635 364 52.32496 334 62.34545 339 62.29845 633 24.91982 223 28.22936 299 25.25223 422 58.32228 422 54.88822 522 63.59264 462 69.42282 469 59.92% 3? 21 465 4 946 94? 948 949 958 951 952 953 954 955 956 95? 958 959 968 961 962 963 964 965 966 96? 968 969 9?6 971 9?2 8 8 973 37 32 755 474 62.78815 582 61.68832 571 68.63855 682 78.41798 563 78.55816 578 69.85648 585 77.93785 588 73.89927 628 66.881868 885 75.94349 225 64.47682 532 78.81978 882 82.68478 414 86.611844 988 861269 1135 89.44% 44 1 1131 778 537 69.74746 476 63.81793 672 84.74825 721 87.391812 799 78.95782 574 81.77763 614 88.47% 47 7 618 4 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 98D 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 939 9% 997 998 999 3 0 1000 4? 3 795 676 35.03% 4? 3 672 4 1001 47 11 311 696 35.32% 4? 11 692 4 1002 4? 30 953 327 36.33% 4? 30 323 4 1003 47 37 307 725 39.34% 4? 37 721 4 1004 4? 42 753 653 36.31% 4? 42 654 4 1005 43 12 395 743 33.02% 43 12 739 4 1006 1007 1003 49 16 347 631 74.50% 49 16 627 4 1009 49 17 646 513 79.41% 49 17 509 4 1010 50 11 562 404 71.39% 50 11 400 4 1011 50 15 737 571 77.43% 50 15 56? 4 1012 1013 1014 1 16 729 606 33.13% 1 16 603 3 1015 1 42 251 192 76.49% 1 42 139 3 1016 2 16 363 622 71.66% 2 16 619 3 1017 2 26 306 615 76.30% 2 26 612 3 1013 2 35 1096 909 32.94% 2 35 906 3 1019 4 12 955 632 71.41% 4 12 679 3 1020 4 13 393 744 32.35% 4 13 741 3 1021 4 33 379 633 77.70% 4 33 630 3 1022 23 650 456 70.15% 23 453 3 1023 1024 3 36 743 520 69.99% 3 36 517 3 1025 3 44 526 34? 65.97% 3 44 344 3 1026 3 47 629 415 65.93% 3 47 412 3 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 8 9 1927 9 19 689 413 59.94% 9 19 419 3 1928 9 16 676 422 62.43% 9 16 419 3 1929 1939 19 35 776 517 66.62% 19 35 514 3 1931 11 3 717 519 72.38% 11 3 516 3 1932 11 24 781 692 77.98% 11 24 599 3 1933 1934 12 29 999 621 62.16% 12 29 618 3 1935 12 21 858 549 63.99% 12 21 546 3 1936 13 6 495 491 81.91% 13 6 398 3 1937 1938 13 21 618 481 77.83% 13 21 478 3 1939 13 23 596 374 73.91% 13 23 371 3 1949 13 32 513 367 71.54% 13 32 364 3 1941 13 49 469 347 73.99% 13 49 344 3 1942 13 45 654 476 72.78% 13 45 473 3 1943 14 1 692 522 75.43% 14 1 519 3 1944 14 3 778 559 79.69% 14 3 547 3 1945 14 11 424 394 71.79% 14 11 391 3 1946 14 21 686 462 67.35% 14 21 459 3 1947 14 27 714 599 79.93% 14 27 497 3 1948 15 19 825 435 52.73% 15 19 432 3 1949 16 3 695 395 56.83% 16 3 392 3 1959 17 1 716 455 63.55% 17 1 452 3 1951 17 21 768 523 68.19% 17 21 529 3 1952 17 37 796 421 59.63% 17 37 418 3 1953 18 12 633 463 73.14% 18 12 469 3 102? 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 103? 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 8 8 1854 18 16 658 444 61.48% 18 16 441 3 1855 18 32 183 491 69.84% 18 32 488 3 1856 18 34 184 534 15.85% 18 34 531 3 1851 18 39 689 438 62.41% 18 39 421 3 1858 18 45 138 486 65.85% 18 45 483 3 1859 18 58 653 486 62.11% 18 58 483 3 1868 19 12 565 452 88.88% 19 12 449 3 1861 1862 19 26 636 539 84.15% 19 26 536 3 1863 19 29 131 558 15.11% 19 29 555 3 1864 19 56 611 531 81.89% 19 56 534 3 1865 28 28 561 325 51.32% 28 28 322 3 1866 21 1 162 411 62.68% 21 1 414 3 1861 21 3 119 511 65.68% 21 3 588 3 1868 21 42 186 535 68.81% 21 42 532 3 1869 22 18 1821 684 66.99% 22 18 681 3 1818 22 22 881 444 58.86% 22 22 441 3 1811 22 23 939 616 65.68% 22 23 613 3 1812 23 1 511 451 18.98% 23 1 448 3 1813 1814 23 14 552 412 14.64% 23 14 489 3 1815 1816 26 11 622 419 61.36% 26 11 416 3 1811 26 14 548 344 63.18% 26 14 341 3 1818 1819 26 38 411 262 63.15% 26 38 259 3 1888 26 43 484 286 59.89% 26 43 283 3 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 3 3 1331 22 33 333 333 33.333 22 33 333 3 1332 23 33 333 232 334233 23 33 223 3 1333 23 14 331 513 33.323 23 14 532 3 1334 23 33 332 332 25.223 23 43 334 3 1335 33 2 353 542 33.133 33 2 533 3 1333 33 3 553 333 233233 33 3 333 3 1332 33 41 323 532 344133 33 4 523 3 1333 33 2 335 533 33.143 33 2 533 3 1333 31 3 352 412 334233 31 3 414 3 1333 31 13 353 333 33.333 31 13 333 3 1331 31 23 333 345 533333 31 23 342 3 1332 32 33 333 213 32.323 32 33 213 3 1333 33 13 351 351 23. 5333 33 13 343 3 1334 33 15 335 232 24.323 33 15 234 3 1335 34 3 324 553 33. 2533 34 3 542 3 1333 34 22 222 453 33.143 34 22 4153 3 1332 35 13 235 433 553333 35 13 435 3 1333 35 12 323 335 25.313 35 12 332 3 1333 35 22 333 333 21.323 35 22 333 3 1133 33 3 233 433 53.543 33 3 433 3 1131 33 15 233 543 332333 33 15 543 3 1132 32 32 353 532 32.323 32 32 533 3 1133 33 32 233 532 323333 33 32 523 3 1134 33 5 233 532 233333 33 5 534 3 1135 33 21 223 513 232333 33 21 513 3 1133 33 3 323 253 31. 2333 43 3 2412 3 1132 43 2 213 535 334533 43 2 532 3 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 8 1108 1109 1110 40 12 600 491 81.83% 40 12 488 3 1111 40 28 836 653 78.11% 40 28 650 3 1112 40 36 685 565 82.48% 40 36 562 3 1113 1114 41 4 700 563 80.43% 41 4 560 3 1115 41 43 804 620 77.11% 41 43 617 3 1116 42 25 997 804 80.64% 42 25 801 3 1117 43 12 568 504 88.73% 43 12 501 3 1118 43 22 595 502 84.37% 43 22 499 3 1119 43 23 606 503 83.00% 43 23 500 3 1120 43 33 824 703 85.32% 43 33 700 3 1121 1122 44 31 836 660 78.95% 44 31 657 3 1123 45 19 466 325 69.74% 45 19 322 3 1124 45 30 712 524 73.60% 45 30 521 3 1125 46 7 816 723 88.60% 46 7 720 3 1126 1127 46 22 774 532 68.73% 46 22 529 3 1128 1129 1130 1131 47 34 800 694 86.75% 47 34 691 3 1132 48 7 764 633 82.85% 48 7 630 3 1133 49 11 998 776 77.76% 49 11 773 3 1134 50 16 225 187 83.11% 50 16 184 3 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 112? 1128 1129 113G 1131 1132 1133 1134 8 1135 1 5 939 715 76.14% 1 5 713 2 1136 1 18 936 674 72.61% 1 18 672 2 1137 1138 1 26 766 441 62.46% 1 26 439 2 1139 1146 1141 2 23 566 462 81.63% 2 23 466 2 1142 1143 4 11 932 766 75.11% 4 11 698 2 1144 1145 5 9 854 691 86.91% 5 9 689 2 1146 1147 6 22 686 464 58.89% 6 22 462 2 1148 1149 6 38 716 569 71.69% 6 38 567 2 1156 7 21 728 434 59.62% 7 21 432 2 1151 7 39 679 429 63.18% 7 39 427 2 1152 8 4 656 565 76.98% 8 4 563 2 1153 8 6 779 494 63.41% 8 6 492 2 1154 1155 8 11 652 455 69.79% 8 11 453 2 1156 8 17 545 398 73.63% 8 17 396 2 1157 8 24 393 363 77.16% 8 24 361 2 1158 1159 8 53 397 278 76.63% 8 53 276 2 1166 9 26 744 484 65.65% 9 26 482 2 1161 9 23 729 569 69.82% 9 23 567 2 1135 1136 113? 1138 1139 114G 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 114? 1148 1149 115G 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 115? 1158 1159 1155 1151 3 0 1162 9 26 1015 629 66.90% 9 26 622 2 1163 9 36 215 443 61.96% 9 36 441 2 1164 10 21 359 505 53.29% 10 21 503 2 1165 10 23 241 461 62.21% 10 23 459 2 1166 11 23 436 322 23.35% 11 23 320 2 1162 11 25 316 623 26.96% 11 25 626 2 1163 11 33 325 656 29.52% 11 33 654 2 1169 11 33 422 224 64.93% 11 33 222 2 1120 12 3 330 626 21.14% 12 3 624 2 1121 12 4 220 515 66.33% 12 4 513 2 1122 12 9 223 442 61.40% 12 9 445 2 1123 12 13 399 463 52.06% 12 13 ?166 2 1124 12 19 322 502 61.63% 12 19 505 2 1125 1126 1122 13 4 611 469 26.26% 13 4 462 2 1123 1129 13 12 555 402 23.33% 13 12 405 2 1130 13 19 254 543 22.63% 13 19 546 2 1131 13 30 434 342 23.30% 13 30 340 2 1132 1133 13 43 432 335 29.33% 13 43 333 2 1134 1135 14 19 622 433 21.33% 14 19 431 2 1136 1132 14 29 593 432 22.24% 14 29 430 2 1133 14 31 392 230 21.43% 14 31 223 2 1152 1153 1154 1155 1155 1157 1158 1159 11?? 11?1 11?2 11?3 11?4 11?5 11?5 11?? 11?8 11?? 1188 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1185 118? 1188 8 6 1189 15 7 751 466 54.66% 15 7 464 2 1196 15 15 817 447 54.71% 15 15 445 2 1191 16 16 739 415 56.16% 16 16 413 2 1192 16 18 733 457 62.35% 16 18 455 2 1193 1? 2 795 475 59.75% 1? 2 473 2 1194 17 36 698 438 62.75% 1? 36 436 2 1195 1? 35 712 421 59.13% 1? 35 419 2 1196 18 6 582 433 74.46% 18 6 431 2 1197 18 11 628 467 64.81% 18 11 465 2 1198 18 46 744 526 76.76% 18 46 524 2 1199 18 49 581 339 58.35% 18 49 33? 2 1266 19 4 736 596 86.82% 19 4 588 2 1261 19 51 696 564 81.63% 19 51 562 2 1262 19 54 549 435 79.23% 19 54 433 2 1263 26 16 743 552 74.29% 26 16 556 2 1264 26 26 765 535 75.89% 26 26 533 2 1265 21 14 828 552 66.67% 21 14 556 2 1266 22 4 726 468 56.26% 22 4 466 2 1267 22 5 855 565 59.66% 22 5 563 2 1268 23 7 642 457 71.18% 23 7 455 2 1269 23 23 588 446 75.85% 23 23 444 2 1216 23 25 756 481 64.13% 23 25 479 2 1211 23 37 558 415 74.37% 23 37 413 2 1212 24 6 786 452 57.51% 24 6 456 2 1213 25 7 965 566 61.88% 25 7 558 2 1214 26 3 711 526 73.14% 26 3 518 2 1215 26 4 633 369 58.29% 26 4 36? 2 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 119? 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 120? 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 5 5 1215 25 5 554 457 57.3595 25 5 455 2 1217 25 23 555 299 59.5595 25 23 297 2 1215 25 27 743 474 53.5595 25 27 472 2 1219 25 42 517 352 55.5995 25 42 355 2 1225 27 12 499 415 52.1595 27 12 455 2 1221 25 7 575 535 51.2595 25 7 534 2 1222 25 19 513 419 55.3595 25 19 417 2 1223 25 42 555 551 53.7595 25 42 549 2 1224 25 44 555 357 55.9195 25 44 355 2 1225 29 5 515 522 54.4495 29 5 525 2 1225 29 5 555 455 55.5495 29 5 454 2 1227 29 9 747 579 77.5195 29 9 577 2 1225 29 15 755 522 79.2495 29 15 525 2 1229 29 15 559 511 75.3195 29 15 559 2 1235 29 25 1133 742 55.4995 29 25 745 2 1231 29 35 594 413 59.5195 29 35 411 2 1232 35 1 555 597 75.2495 35 1 595 2 1233 35 25 775 551 721195 35 25 559 2 1234 35 31 555 351 59.3795 35 31 349 2 1235 31 15 555 337 55.3995 31 15 335 2 1235 31 25 554 393 57.2995 31 25 391 2 1237 31 35 557 354 59.9595 31 35 352 2 1235 31 35 537 359 51.5795 31 35 357 2 1239 31 35 549 355 57.5395 31 35 355 2 1245 31 37 541 341 53.5395 31 37 339 2 1241 32 11 733 554 52.4595 32 11 552 2 1242 32 17 533 545 77.5595 32 17 544 2 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 123G 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 123? 1238 1239 124G 1241 1242 8 1243 32 34 869 720 82.85% 32 34 718 2 1244 1245 33 8 970 805 82.99% 33 8 803 2 1246 33 17 1001 748 74. 73% 33 17 746 2 1247 33 22 832 623 74.88% 33 22 621 2 1248 33 26 681 537 78.85% 33 26 535 2 1249 34 32 779 484 62.13% 34 32 482 2 1250 34 36 668 443 66.32% 34 36 441 2 1251 34 46 481 316 65.70% 34 46 314 2 1252 35 4 767 551 71.84% 35 4 549 2 1253 35 23 798 577 72.31% 35 23 575 2 1254 35 30 864 588 68.06% 35 30 586 2 1255 1256 37 15 865 534 61.73% 37 15 532 2 1257 37 26 853 586 68.70% 37 26 584 2 1258 38 5 799 560 70.09% 38 5 558 2 1259 1260 38 11 686 479 69.83% 38 11 477 2 1261 38 13 862 571 66.24% 38 13 569 2 1262 1263 38 21 772 466 60.36% 38 21 464 2 1264 38 22 715 498 69.65% 38 22 496 2 1265 38 27 824 575 69.78% 38 27 573 2 1266 1267 38 30 847 536 63.28% 38 30 534 2 1268 38 33 805 546 67.83% 38 33 544 2 1269 38 35 782 533 68.16% 38 35 531 2 1243 1244 1245 1245 124? 1248 1249 125G 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1255 125? 1258 1259 125G 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1255 125? 1258 1259 8 6 1276 38 38 766 482 62.92% 38 38 486 2 1271 39 26 874 653 74.71% 39 26 651 2 1272 39 24 852 679 79.69% 39 24 677 2 1273 39 29 489 317 64.83% 39 29 315 2 1274 46 24 833 591 76.95% 46 24 589 2 1275 46 25 838 714 85.26% 46 25 712 2 1276 41 2 752 595 79.12% 41 2 593 2 1277 41 5 874 666 75.51% 41 5 658 2 1278 41 32 638 473 74.14% 41 32 471 2 1279 41 37 839 634 75.57% 41 37 632 2 1286 42 4 1576 1292 81.98% 42 4 1296 2 1281 42 9 1116 796 71.71% 42 9 794 2 1282 1283 42 3 1 1665 966 85.67% 42 31 964 2 1284 42 34 788 645 81.85% 42 34 643 2 1285 43 5 738 617 83.66% 43 5 615 2 1286 44 11 961 798 83.64% 44 11 796 2 1287 45 14 1631 711 68.96% 45 14 769 2 1288 1289 1296 1291 46 9 835 768 84.79% 46 9 766 2 1292 46 24 866 729 84.18% 46 24 727 2 1293 47 2 767 671 87.48% 47 2 669 2 1294 47 16 988 846 85.62% 47 16 838 2 1295 47 26 756 621 82.86% 47 26 619 2 1296 47 27 767 611 86.42% 47 27 669 2 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1288 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1285 1287 1288 1289 1298 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1295 8 1297 1298 47 38 779 673 86.39% 47 38 671 2 1299 47 40 708 631 89.12% 47 40 629 2 1300 48 32 877 712 81.19% 48 32 710 2 1301 48 34 617 553 89.63% 48 34 551 2 1302 48 39 613 523 85.32% 48 39 521 2 1303 49 10 834 626 75.06% 49 10 624 2 1304 49 28 1104 860 77.90% 49 28 858 2 1305 50 10 912 617 67.65% 50 10 615 2 1306 50 12 298 246 82.55% 50 12 244 2 1307 50 23 629 384 61.05% 50 23 382 2 1308 50 30 636 410 64.47% 50 30 408 2 1309 50 3 1 1027 689 67.09% 50 31 687 2 1310 1 2 837 601 71.80% 1 2 600 1 1311 1 4 921 721 78.28% 1 4 720 1 1312 1 11 919 716 77.91% 1 11 715 1 1313 1 43 568 425 74.82% 1 43 424 1 1314 2 8 1085 801 73.82% 2 8 800 1 1315 2 43 1098 951 86.61% 2 43 950 1 1316 1317 3 20 923 646 69.99% 3 20 645 1 1318 3 26 866 737 85.10% 3 26 736 1 1319 3 35 610 316 51.80% 3 35 315 1 1320 1321 4 2 948 800 84.39% 4 2 799 1 1322 4 7 942 725 76.96% 4 7 724 1 1323 129? 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 130? 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 131? 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 5 5 2324 5 15 555 545 554525 5 15 544 2 2325 5 22 551 321 544525 5 22 325 2 2325 2 15 225 455 53.3525 2 15 452 2 2322 2 32 225 553 553525 2 32 552 2 2325 5 5 455 335 21.4325 5 5 334 2 2325 5 22 215 512 22.5125 5 22 515 2 2335 5 21 554 441 53.5425 5 21 445 2 2331 25 2 255 455 55.1425 15 2 455 2 2332 25 15 545 345 53.4525 15 15 344 2 2333 22 2 2545 55 5.5525 11 2 55 2 2334 22 11 515 554 555125 11 11 553 2 2335 22 12 2543 225 55.5525 11 12 225 2 2335 22 14 552 354 52.5125 11 14 353 2 2332 22 35 243 123 21.1525 11 35 122 2 2335 22 35 455 252 52.5525 11 35 255 2 2335 23 12 552 355 55.5125 13 12 354 2 2345 23 22 555 452 251225 13 22 455 2 2341 23 24 544 415 25.3225 13 24 455 2 2342 23 25 525 453 22.5225 13 25 452 2 2343 23 33 554 353 22.5525 13 33 352 2 2344 23 35 325 223 22.2225 13 35 222 2 2345 23 35 555 432 25.3225 13 35 435 2 2345 23 43 552 442 23.4225 13 43 441 2 2342 24 5 2535 252 55.5425 14 5 255 2 2345 24 5 552 553 522425 14 5 552 2 2345 24 24 222 542 25. 2425 14 24 545 2 2355 25 2 542 342 54.5525 15 2 345 2 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 133G 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 133? 1338 1339 13?? 1341 13?2 1343 13?4 1345 13?6 134? 13?8 1349 135G 8 8 1351 16 16 188 419 59.18% 16 16 418 1 1352 16 34 668 481 68.16% 16 34 488 1 1353 11 16 198 499 63.16% 11 16 498 1 1354 18 1 145 511 69.48% 18 1 516 1 1355 18 8 656 418 11.65% 18 8 469 1 1356 18 22 183 589 12.48% 18 22 588 1 1351 18 23 681 458 66.61% 18 23 451 1 1358 18 38 648 426 65.14% 18 38 425 1 1359 19 1 591 488 81.14% 19 1 481 1 1368 19 18 558 468 82.44% 19 18 459 1 1361 19 23 639 511 88.91% 19 23 516 1 1362 19 34 568 481 84.68% 19 34 488 1 1363 1364 19 43 911 186 16.99% 19 43 185 1 1365 21 2 658 412 62.61% 21 2 411 1 1366 1361' 22 16 698 424 68.14% 22 16 423 1 1368 22 25 861 492 56.15% 22 25 491 1 1369 23 9 611 418 68.41% 23 9 411 1 1318 23 12 581 448 15.13% 23 12 439 1 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 24 31 514 381 58.56% 24 31 388 1 1316 25 14 833 436 52.34% 25 14 435 1 1311 25 32 813 586 62.24% 25 32 585 1 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1355 1357 1358 1359 135G 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1355 1357 1358 1359 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1375 1377 8 8 1328 26 16 586 283 55.93% 26 16 282 1 1329 1388 26 39 621 425 28.29% 26 39 424 1 1381 22 25 228 496 68.13% 22 25 495 1 1382 28 8 658 585 26.25% 28 8 584 1 1383 28 28 223 544 25.24% 28 28 543 1 1384 28 38 98 22 23.42% 28 38 21 1 1385 28 48 1882 612 68. 22% 28 48 611 1 1386 29 25 821 612 28.26% 29 25 611 1 1382 38 8 826 582 66.44% 38 8 581 1 1388 38 25 1883 213 65.84% 38 25 212 1 1389 1398 31 6 495 321 64.85% 31 6 328 1 1391 31 22 623 484 68.83% 31 22 483 1 1392 32 33 853 692 81.21% 32 33 696 1 1393 33 9 951 248 22.81% 33 9 239 1 1394 34 32 216 364 58.84% 34 32 363 1 1395 34 42 681 461 62.69% 34 42 468 1 1396 1392 35 9 881 583 22.28% 35 9 582 1 1398 35 26 251 491 65.38% 35 26 498 1 1399 36 4 886 533 68.16% 36 4 532 1 1488 36 25 861 512 68.85% 36 25 516 1 1481 36 28 286 492 62.68% 36 28 491 1 1482 36 29 866 566 65.36% 36 29 565 1 1483 36 38 289 516 65.48% 36 38 515 1 1484 32 3 1 848 542 65.12% 32 31 546 1 1378 13?9 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 5 5 1455 35 4 755 513 57.555 35 4 512 1 1455 55 5 557 555 544555 55 5 555 1 1457 35 15 715 551 755755 35 15 555 1 1455 55 15 775 553 713555 55 15 552 1 1455 55 45 754 524 55. 5555 55 45 525 1 1415 35 15 745 555 72.545 35 15 555 1 1411 55 25 542 531 745455 55 25 555 1 1412 35 55 445 357 755555 35 35 355 1 1415 55 43 735 575 755555 55 45 575 1 1414 45 11 755 554 552155 45 11 553 1 1415 45 15 575 555 525455 45 15 545 1 1415 41 5 777 551 74.775 41 5 555 1 1417 41 15 515 752 754755 41 15 751 1 1415 41 24 752 552 571755 41 24 551 1 1415 41 34 554 552 733555 41 54 551 1 1425 41 42 755 554 55.555 41 42 553 1 1421 42 5 555 545 555555 42 5 555 1 1422 42 17 1155 1517 55.2555 42 17 1515 1 1425 42 25 1525 551 545555 42 25 555 1 1424 42 25 555 515 554555 42 25 555 1 1425 42 45 1153 552 523155 42 45 551 1 1425 43 5 545 525 51.755 43 5 527 1 1427 45 17 575 552 555555 45 17 551 1 1425 43 27 775 575 55.755 43 27 574 1 1425 45 25 517 751 555555 45 25 755 1 1435 43 54 551 552 55.455 43 34 551 1 1451 44 27 535 522 57.535 44 27 521 1 1405 1406 140? 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 3 6 1432 44 34 915 766 33.66% 44 34 759 1 1433 44 37 396 793 39.66% 44 3? 797 1 1434 45 7 1613 763 75.44% 45 7 767 1 1435 45 13 631 476 74.43% 45 13 469 1 1436 45 15 367 653 75.32% 45 15 652 1 1437 45 31 645 442 63.53% 45 31 441 1 1433 45 36 769 549 71.39% 45 36 543 1 1439 45 39 316 543 67.64% 45 39 542 1 1446 46 11 365 635 79.19% 46 11 634 1 1441 47 14 766 665 35.69% 47 14 664 1 1442 47 21 759 663 36.11% 4? 21 667 1 1443 47 32 379 776 33.23% 47 32 775 1 1444 47 43 33 75 96.36% 47 43 74 1 1445 43 11 597 496 33.63% 43 11 495 1 1446 43 27 1733 1236 71. 59% 43 27 1279 1 1447 1443 1449 49 31 722 533 74.52% 49 31 537 1 1456 56 3 777 565 72.72% 56 3 564 1 1451 56 13 1633 637 66.13% 56 13 636 1 1452 56 19 653 426 63.33% 56 19 419 1 1453 56 36 733 496 67.67% 56 36 495 1 1454 1455 1456 2 29 336 745 34.69% 2 29 745 6 1457 2 33 1121 936 37.42% 2 33 936 6 1453 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 144G 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 145? 1458 16672 3 3 1459 3 13 362 742 36.33% 3 13 742 3 1433 4 23 999 313 31.33% 4 23 313 3 1461 5 39 624 533 31.39% 5 39 536 3 1432 5 41 354 299 34.46% 5 41 299 3 1463 3 3 637 533 73.94% 6 3 533 3 1434 6 16 697 495 71.32% 3 16 495 3 1465 7 33 696 451 64.33% 7 33 451 3 1433 3 13 724 557 76.93% 3 13 557 3 1467 3 52 353 313 71.51% 3 52 613 3 1433 9 9 765 539 73.46% 9 9 539 3 1469 13 7 639 373 53.37% 13 7 373 3 1473 1471 13 17 939 312 67.33% 13 17 612 3 1472 13 36 232 117 57.92% 13 36 117 3 1473 11 23 614 391 63.33% 11 23 391 3 1474 11 23 474 271 57.17% 11 23 271 3 1475 13 2 462 332 73.35% 13 2 362 3 1473 13 7 523 364 73.33% 13 7 364 3 1477 13 11 533 445 76.33% 13 11 445 3 1473 13 13 493 364 73.33% 13 13 364 3 1479 13 35 436 333 73.19% 13 35 333 3 1433 1431 14 4 634 433 73.33% 14 4 463 3 1432 14 13 291 195 67.31% 14 13 195 3 1433 14 23 555 343 62.73% 14 23 343 3 1434 1435 15 14 367 449 51.79% 15 14 449 3 1459 1468 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1478 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1488 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 3 3 1433 13 31 723 434 332333 13 31 434 3 1437 17 14 313 535 33.35% 17 14 333 3 1433 17 22 745 444 53.33% 17 22 444 3 1433 17 23 331 433 33.313 17 23 433 3 1433 13 3 313 424 33.31% 13 3 424 3 1431 13 13 713 333 73.473 13 13 533 3 1432 13 13 322 335 31.33% 13 13 335 3 1433 13 21 743 333 75.373 13 21 533 3 1434 13 41 733 533 74.75% 13 41 533 3 1435 13 42 333 433 35.333 13 42 453 3 1433 13 3 471 435 35.33% 13 3 433 3 1437 13 14 743 333 77.733 13 14 533 3 1433 13 13 737 333 33.13% 13 13 333 3 1433 13 23 323 437 33.313 13 23 437 3 1333 13 22 337 533 34.14% 13 22 333 3 1331 13 24 474 333 31.333 13 24 333 3 1332 13 33 322 435 77.37% 13 33 433 3 1333 13 32 373 433 73.313 13 32 453 3 1334 13 42 434 333 31.32% 13 42 333 3 1335 13 43 334 331 73.123 13 43 331 3 1333 13 53 533 434 32.31% 13 53 434 3 1337 23 17 373 343 33.373 23 17 343 3 1333 21 13 713 433 34.33% 21 13 433 3 1333 21 13 777 333 34.333 21 13 535 3 1313 21 47 743 437 33.33% 21 47 437 3 1311 21 43 733 333 73.333 21 43 535 3 1312 22 2 737 532 71.41% 22 2 332 3 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1495 149? 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1505 150? 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 8 1513 22 24 1823 521 55.82% 22 24 521 8 1514 1515 24 4 596 386 64.22% 24 4 386 8 1516 24 8 463 222 49.83% 24 8 222 8 1512 1518 1519 26 13 488 296 61.62% 26 13 296 8 1528 1521 28 6 228 235 84.53% 28 6 235 8 1522 28 32 299 492 61.58% 28 32 492 8 1523 29 12 263 521 68.28% 29 12 521 8 1524 29 23 298 528 21.43% 29 23 528 8 1525 29 36 681 452 66.32% 29 36 452 8 1526 1522 29 44 1851 688 64.28% 29 44 688 8 1528 1529 31 24 598 325 62.21% 31 24 325 8 1538 31 29 625 328 68.48% 31 29 328 8 1531 1532 32 32 293 662 83.48% 32 32 662 8 1533 1534 33 11 983 232 24.42% 33 11 232 8 1535 33 24 964 888 82.99% 33 24 888 8 1536 33 28 823 625 25.94% 33 28 625 8 1532 34 14 241 431 58.16% 34 14 431 8 1538 1539 36 2 294 522 22.62% 36 2 522 8 1513 1514 1515 1516 151? 1518 1519 1528 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 152? 1528 1529 1538 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 153? 1538 1539 3 9 2549 35 22 222 429 52.9535 35 22 429 9 2542 32 19 332 532 55.9935 32 29 532 9 2542 32 22 223 435 55.9435 32 11 435 9 2543 32 29 329 529 54.2935 32 29 529 9 2544 32 39 342 439 53.2535 32 39 439 9 2545 33 3 222 522 55.2235 33 3 512 9 2545 33 9 339 531 59.2535 33 9 532 9 2542 33 23 393 543 53.2435 33 23 543 9 2543 39 19 355 254 24.1535 39 29 254 9 2549 39 24 229 539 22.2935 39 14 539 9 2559 39 23 225 539 53.3935 39 23 539 9 2552 39 23 222 542 25.9235 39 23 542 9 2552 39 25 239 543 24.3335 39 25 543 9 2553 39 22 125 92 33.5235 39 22 92 9 2554 39 32 292 599 54.2235 39 32 599 9 2555 39 35 359 193 55.2435 39 35 293 9 2555 39 49 599 435 29.4335 39 49 435 9 2552 39 44 559 434 23.9235 39 44 434 9 2553 49 12 292 525 24.2935 49 22 525 9 2559 49 25 232 595 39.2335 49 25 595 9 2559 42 5 234 532 31.2535 41 5 532 9 2552 42 2 233 542 32.4235 41 2 542 9 2552 42 12 252 534 22.5535 41 22 534 9 2553 42 22 293 593 25.4235 41 22 593 9 2554 42 22 359 559 55.2535 41 22 559 9 2555 42 49 229 529 39.3935 41 49 519 9 2555 42 12 594 492 31.4535 42 22 492 9 154G 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1545 154? 1548 1549 1555 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1555 155? 1558 1559 1555 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1555 5 5 1557 42 12 755 579 52.135 42 12 579 5 1555 42 15 519 552 79.5155 42 15 552 5 1559 42 15 572 745 54.555 42 15 745 5 1575 42 25 1555 519 51.2555 42 25 519 5 1571 42 22 551 455 51.445 42 22 455 5 1572 43 1 453 375 51.5555 43 1 375 5 1573 43 3 544 594 52. 2355 43 3 594 5 1574 43 4 1111 942 54.7955 43 4 942 5 1575 43 31 575 755 51.355 43 31 755 5 1575 43 35 745 599 55.4555 43 35 599 5 1577 44 7 555 529 57.445 44 7 529 5 1575 44 14 797 595 57.2555 44 14 595 5 1579 44 39 593 735 52.315 44 39 735 5 1555 45 9 525 551 75.175 45 9 551 5 1551 45 15 545 599 71.3155 45 15 599 5 1552 45 11 545 435 57.595 45 11 435 5 1553 45 17 554 525 72.4555 45 17 525 5 1554 45 15 595 577 54.535 45 15 577 5 1555 45 27 735 522 75.7355 45 27 522 5 1555 45 25 555 472 72.525 45 25 472 5 1557 45 45 742 534 71.9755 45 45 534 5 1555 45 45 534 377 75.555 45 45 377 5 1559 45 47 579 414 71.5555 45 47 414 5 1595 45 25 513 537 75.355 45 25 537 5 1591 45 35 542 759 54.2555 45 35 759 5 1592 45 35 721 541 55.955 45 35 541 5 1593 45 37 532 559 55.5455 45 37 559 5 1557 1568 1559 1578 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 8 8 1594 1595 47 35 829 682 82.27% 47 35 682 8 1596 4? 36 891 76? 86.88% 47 36 767 8 1597 47 45 778 636 82.68% 47 45 636 8 1598 48 23 873 724 82.93% 48 23 724 8 1599 48 29 367 388 83.92% 48 29 388 8 1688 48 33 483 356 88.34% 48 33 356 8 1681 48 36 424 373 87.97% 48 36 373 8 1682 48 46 525 433 82.48% 48 46 433 8 1683 49 3 953 78? 74.19% 49 3 787 8 1684 49 5 982 64? 71.73% 49 5 64? 8 1685 49 6 811 613 75.59% 49 6 613 8 1686 58 2 582 34? 69.12% 58 2 34? 8 1687 1688 58 33 585 453 77.44% 58 33 453 8 1689 1 1 894 63? 71.25% 1 1 638 ?1 1618 1 12 1842 748 71.79% 1 12 749 -1 1611 1 22 588 411 69.98% 1 22 412 ?1 1612 1 39 887 563 69.76% 1 39 564 -1 1613 2 2 653 533 81.62% 2 2 534 ?1 1614 2 17 1881 745 74.43% 2 17 746 ?1 1615 2 38 728 581 88.69% 2 38 582 -1 1616 4 32 931 672 72.18% 4 32 673 ?1 1617 4 38 793 629 79.32% 4 38 638 -1 1618 7 24 735 441 68.88% 7 24 442 ?1 1619 33 779 551 78.73% 7 33 552 -1 1628 7 48 662 433 65.41% 7 48 434 ?1 1594 1595 1595 1597 1598 1599 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1505 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1515 151? 1518 1519 1520 8 1521 7 45 289 282 59.98% 7 45 283 -1 1522 8 37 518 389 75.27% 8 37 398 ?1 1523 8 39 739 589 58.88% 8 39 518 -1 1524 1525 9 41 519 482 54.94% 9 41 483 -1 1525 1527 9 58 811 587 72.38% 9 58 588 -1 1528 1529 18 14 955 528 55.75% 18 14 529 -1 1538 18 15 578 392 57.82% 18 15 393 ?1 1531 18 28 792 587 54.82% 18 28 588 -1 1532 18 22 555 312 55.12% 18 22 313 ?1 1533 11 1 874 584 55.82% 11 1 585 -1 1534 11 8 882 548 51.22% 11 8 541 ?1 1535 11 32 377 278 73.74% 11 32 279 -1 1535 12 5 795 451 57.99% 12 5 452 ?1 1537 12 17 954 575 58.27% 12 17 575 -1 1538 13 3 581 358 71.45% 13 3 359 ?1 1539 13 14 581 441 73.38% 13 14 442 -1 1548 1541 13 28 384 284 73.95% 13 28 285 -1 1542 13 27 544 397 72.98% 13 27 398 ?1 1543 13 28 498 343 78.88% 13 28 344 -1 1544 1545 13 37 545 484 75.84% 13 37 485 -1 1545 13 47 585 521 75.85% 13 47 522 ?1 1547 14 9 772 551 71.37% 14 9 552 -1 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1525 152? 1528 1529 1535 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1535 153? 1538 1539 1555 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1555 155? 8 8 1648 15 6 923 534 57.85% 15 6 535 -1 1649 16 1 889 554 62.32% 16 1 555 ?1 1658 16 7 729 413 56.65% 16 7 414 -1 1651 16 11 767 446 58.15% 16 11 44? ?1 1652 17 29 731 493 67.44% 1? 29 494 -1 1653 1? 33 698 366 53.84% 1? 33 36? ?1 1654 18 17 695 488 78.22% 18 17 489 -1 1655 19 3 522 489 78.35% 19 3 418 ?1 1656 19 16 676 542 88.18% 19 16 543 -1 1657 19 25 588 491 83.58% 19 25 492 ?1 1658 19 36 919 724 78.78% 19 36 725 -1 1659 19 49 754 598 79.31% 19 49 599 -1 1668 19 57 538 424 88.88% 19 57 425 ?1 1661 28 6 588 285 56.18% 28 6 286 -1 1662 21 24 715 468 65.45% 21 24 469 ?1 1663 21 36 718 584 78.19% 21 36 585 -1 1664 21 53 586 384 65.53% 21 53 385 ?1 1665 22 7 588 362 61.56% 22 7 363 -1 1666 23 18 774 554 71.58% 23 18 555 ?1 1667 23 11 762 546 71.65% 23 11 547 -1 1668 23 18 586 413 78.48% 23 18 414 ?1 1669 23 29 536 375 69.96% 23 29 376 -1 1678 23 36 575 438 76.17% 23 36 439 ?1 1671 24 7 485 281 57.94% 24 7 282 -1 1672 24 18 443 226 51.82% 24 18 22? ?1 1673 24 28 598 34? 58.83% 24 28 348 -1 1674 24 29 589 389 68.71% 24 29 318 ?1 1548 1559 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1555 1557 1558 1559 1555 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1555 155? 1558 1559 15TH 1571 15?2 1573 15?4 8 8 1675 26 15 517 292 56.48% 26 15 293 -1 1676 26 18 562 362 64.41% 26 18 363 ?1 1677 26 38 496 348 68.55% 26 38 341 -1 1678 26 48 482 384 63.87% 26 48 385 ?1 1679 2? 19 684 356 52.85% 27 19 357 -1 1688 27 28 342 275 88.41% 27 28 276 ?1 1681 28 12 845 511 68.47% 28 12 512 -1 1682 28 13 683 478 68.81% 28 13 471 ?1 1683 29 16 989 596 65.57% 29 16 59? -1 1684 38 15 586 435 74.23% 38 15 436 ?1 1685 38 32 556 413 74.28% 38 32 414 -1 1686 31 7 725 556 76.69% 31 7 55? ?1 1687 31 18 618 361 59.18% 31 18 362 -1 1688 31 17 683 354 58.71% 31 17 355 ?1 1689 31 33 562 368 65.48% 31 33 369 -1 1698 32 12 663 498 73.91% 32 12 491 ?1 1691 32 15 792 645 81.44% 32 15 646 -1 1692 32 21 798 682 85.46% 32 21 683 ?1 1693 32 25 811 651 88.27% 32 25 652 -1 1694 34 31 886 45? 56.78% 34 31 458 ?1 1695 34 34 744 521 78.83% 34 34 522 -1 1696 34 39 754 388 51.46% 34 39 389 ?1 1697 35 3 885 544 67.58% 35 3 545 -1 1698 35 6 885 539 66.96% 35 6 548 ?1 1699 35 11 865 689 78.48% 35 11 618 -1 1788 35 18 742 469 63.21% 35 18 478 ?1 1781 35 25 877 786 88.58% 35 25 787 -1 1575 15?5 157? 15T8 1579 1585 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1585 158? 1588 1589 1595 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1595 159? 1598 1599 1158 1781 8 1202 35 31 809 625 22.26% 35 31 626 -1 1203 36 2 803 532 66.25% 36 2 533 ?1 1204 36 5 825 526 63.26% 36 5 522 ?1 1205 32 3 232 423 52.39% 32 3 424 -1 1206 32 2 208 322 52.54% 32 2 323 ?1 1202 32 28 694 455 65.56% 32 28 456 -1 1208 32 41 240 488 65.95% 32 41 489 ?1 1209 38 14 822 566 68.86% 38 14 562 -1 1210 39 3 229 583 24.84% 39 3 584 ?1 1211 39 38 360 296 82.22% 39 38 292 -1 1212 39 45 649 505 22.81% 39 45 506 ?1 1213 40 5 836 619 24.04% 40 5 620 -1 1214 41 10 238 592 80.89% 41 10 598 ?1 1215 41 11 852 642 25.35% 41 11 643 -1 1216 41 16 262 558 23.23% 41 16 559 ?1 1212 41 21 254 541 21.25% 41 21 542 -1 1218 41 23 820 622 22.02% 41 23 628 ?1 1219 41 29 826 535 64.22% 41 29 536 -1 1220 41 30 280 569 22.95% 41 30 520 ?1 1221 41 33 242 554 24.66% 41 33 555 -1 1222 42 3 926 266 82.22% 42 3 262 ?1 1223 42 24 839 218 85.58% 42 24 219 -1 1224 42 32 680 546 80.29% 42 32 542 ?1 1225 43 45 480 415 86.46% 43 45 416 -1 1226 44 36 920 225 84.24% 44 36 226 ?1 1222 45 26 432 310 20.94% 45 26 311 -1 1228 45 35 282 556 21.10% 45 35 552 ?1 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 171G 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 172G 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 8 6 1729 45 37 748 522 69.79% 45 37 523 -1 1736 45 41 735 521 76.88% 45 41 522 ?1 1731 45 48 634 445 76.19% 45 48 446 -1 1732 46 17 899 756 84.69% 46 17 757 ?1 1733 47 5 848 714 84.26% 47 5 715 -1 1734 47 43 773 664 85.96% 47 43 665 ?1 1735 47 46 732 666 81.97% 47 46 661 -1 1736 48 6 1663 863 86.66% 48 6 864 ?1 1737 48 36 626 546 88.66% 48 36 547 -1 1738 49 21 584 422 72.26% 49 21 423 ?1 1739 49 26 1663 776 77.37% 49 26 777 -1 1746 1741 56 39 659 431 65.46% 56 39 432 -1 1742 56 46 829 586 69.96% 56 46 581 ?1 1743 2 24 772 647 83.81% 2 24 649 -2 1744 2 25 969 762 83.83% 2 25 764 ?2 1745 3 3 838 615 73.39% 3 3 617 -2 1746 1747 1748 1749 1756 5 28 796 669 76.51% 5 28 611 ?2 1751 6 7 751 515 68.58% 6 7 517 -2 1752 7 32 785 662 76.69% 7 32 664 ?2 1753 8 31 597 392 65.66% 8 31 394 ?2 1754 9 11 639 397 62.13% 9 11 399 -2 1755 1729 173G 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 174G 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 175G 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 8 0 1756 10 10 731 502 68.67% 10 10 504 -2 1757 10 33 624 365 58.49% 10 33 367 ?2 1758 11 30 642 333 51.87% 11 30 335 -2 1759 11 37 364 208 57.14% 11 37 210 ?2 1760 13 41 661 508 76.85% 13 41 510 -2 1761 14 10 548 337 61.50% 14 10 339 ?2 1762 14 23 569 380 66.78% 14 23 382 -2 1763 15 3 662 355 53.63% 15 3 357 ?2 1764 16 35 882 522 59.18% 16 35 524 -2 1765 17 6 814 474 58.23% 17 6 476 ?2 1766 18 33 589 380 64.52% 18 33 382 -2 1767 20 22 778 500 64.27% 20 22 502 ?2 1768 20 35 895 542 60.56% 20 35 544 -2 1769 21 9 726 509 70.11% 21 9 511 ?2 1770 21 50 670 411 61.34% 21 50 413 -2 1771 22 6 854 481 56.32% 22 6 483 ?2 1772 23 30 737 536 72.73% 23 30 538 -2 1773 24 13 540 306 56.67% 24 13 308 ?2 1774 24 18 748 462 61.76% 24 18 464 -2 1775 25 23 880 629 71.48% 25 23 631 ?2 1776 25 27 1062 810 76.27% 25 27 812 -2 1777 26 2 667 424 63.57% 26 2 426 ?2 1778 26 17 501 373 74.45% 26 17 375 -2 1779 26 20 638 406 63.64% 26 20 408 ?2 1780 26 47 557 325 58.35% 26 47 327 -2 1781 29 18 877 552 62.94% 29 18 554 ?2 1782 29 28 1070 680 63.55% 29 28 682 -2 1755 1757 1758 1759 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1755 1757 1758 1759 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1775 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 8 8 1783 29 39 846 587 59.93% 29 39 589 -2 1784 29 41 783 474 67.43% 29 41 476 ?2 1785 31 8 522 288 55.17% 31 8 298 -2 1786 31 12 539 338 62.71% 31 12 348 ?2 1787 31 21 554 371 66.97% 31 21 373 -2 1788 31 41 638 359 56.98% 31 41 361 ?2 1789 32 37 875 668 75.43% 32 37 662 -2 1798 34 8 784 432 61.36% 34 8 434 ?2 1791 34 18 726 467 64.33% 34 18 469 -2 1792 34 12 794 523 65.87% 34 12 525 ?2 1793 1794 34 45 752 583 66.89% 34 45 585 ?2 1795 34 51 787 585 71.43% 34 51 587 -2 1796 35 14 782 475 68.74% 35 14 477 -2 1797 36 12 727 355 48.83% 36 12 357 ?2 1798 36 16 774 528 67.18% 36 16 522 -2 1799 38 2 757 559 73.84% 38 2 561 ?2 1888 38 24 818 596 72.86% 38 24 598 -2 1881 38 25 681 462 67.84% 38 25 464 ?2 1882 38 36 721 479 66.44% 38 36 481 -2 1883 1884 48 19 1832 762 73.84% 48 19 764 -2 1885 48 21 839 682 81.29% 48 21 684 ?2 1886 48 32 828 657 79.35% 48 32 659 -2 1887 48 33 692 596 86.13% 48 33 598 ?2 1888 41 3 728 515 78.74% 41 3 517 -2 1889 41 8 726 569 78.37% 41 8 571 ?2 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 8 8 1818 1811 41 26 783 543 77.24% 41 26 545 ?2 1812 41 35 855 656 76.73% 41 35 658 -2 1813 42 13 688 578 85.88% 42 13 588 ?2 1814 43 7 563 464 82.42% 43 7 466 -2 1815 43 28 1115 898 79.82% 43 28 892 ?2 1816 44 28 875 768 86.86% 44 28 762 -2 1817 44 32 1828 856 83.92% 44 32 858 ?2 1818 45 6 856 664 77.57% 45 6 666 -2 1819 45 8 782 571 73.82% 45 8 573 ?2 1828 45 42 787 538 74.96% 45 42 532 -2 1821 46 14 1847 769 73.45% 46 14 771 ?2 1822 46 33 857 768 89.61% 46 33 778 -2 1823 47 13 712 611 85.81% 47 13 613 ?2 1824 47 25 966 786 81.37% 47 25 788 -2 1825 48 2 366 382 82.51% 48 2 384 ?2 1826 1827 48 13 965 792 82.87% 48 13 794 ?2 1828 48 28 844 687 81.48% 48 28 689 -2 1829 48 45 583 482 82.68% 48 45 484 ?2 1838 58 22 773 531 68.69% 58 22 533 -2 1831 58 34 899 696 77.42% 58 34 698 ?2 1832 58 38 277 225 81.23% 58 38 227 -2 1833 3 24 832 583 78.87% 3 24 586 ?3 1834 1835 4 27 928 738 79.53% 4 27 741 ?3 1836 4 28 714 581 81.37% 4 28 584 -3 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 3 1332 5 32 236 624 36.66% 5 32 622 -3 1333 2 23 632 391 61.33% 2 23 394 ?3 1339 1346 1341 1342 1343 16 11 1612 663 66.63% 16 11 611 -3 1344 16 25 225 165 66.66% 16 25 163 ?3 1345 11 9 329 496 56.43% 11 9 499 -3 1346 11 26 394 634 26.92% 11 26 632 ?3 1342 1343 1349 13 31 656 459 69.92% 13 31 462 ?3 1356 14 14 629 431 26.34% 14 14 434 -3 1351 15 13 222 393 54.66% 15 13 396 ?3 1352 16 12 242 336 51.62% 16 12 339 -3 1353 12 25 216 392 55.45% 12 25 466 ?3 1354 13 26 262 531 25.64% 13 26 534 -3 1355 13 36 236 559 21.12% 13 36 562 ?3 1356 1352 25 6 211 229 32.21% 25 6 232 ?3 1353 25 12 325 526 63.26% 25 12 529 -3 1359 25 15 314 512 62.96% 25 15 515 ?3 1366 22 33 223 556 21.42% 22 33 559 -3 1361 22 45 1244 1659 35.13% 22 45 1662 ?3 1362 29 34 492 346 63.41% 29 34 343 -3 1363 183? 1838 1839 184G 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1845 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1855 1857 1858 1859 1850 1851 1852 1853 8 1864 30 18 929 613 65.98% 30 18 616 -3 1865 31 19 504 313 62.10% 31 19 316 ?3 1866 31 25 589 355 60.27% 31 25 358 -3 1867 32 20 830 642 77.35% 32 20 645 ?3 1868 32 3 1 875 721 82.40% 32 31 724 -3 1869 35 20 782 547 69.95% 35 20 550 ?3 1870 36 27 731 498 68.13% 36 27 501 -3 1871 37 2 686 404 58.89% 37 2 407 ?3 1872 37 18 819 483 58.97% 37 18 486 -3 1873 38 20 826 574 69.49% 38 20 577 ?3 1874 38 34 762 527 69.16% 38 34 530 -3 1875 39 2 708 558 78.81% 39 2 561 ?3 1876 39 11 719 510 70.93% 39 11 513 -3 1877 39 16 797 541 67.88% 39 16 544 ?3 1878 42 29 916 773 84.39% 42 29 776 -3 1879 1880 1881 43 30 1042 892 85.60% 43 30 895 ?3 1882 44 8 1072 942 87.87% 44 8 945 -3 1883 45 33 545 371 68.07% 45 33 374 ?3 1884 46 16 864 717 82.99% 46 16 720 -3 1885 47 17 806 634 78.66% 47 17 637 ?3 1886 47 18 834 696 83.45% 47 18 699 -3 1887 47 19 1022 829 81.12% 47 19 832 ?3 1888 47 23 845 708 83.79% 47 23 711 -3 1889 47 33 806 673 83.50% 47 33 676 ?3 1890 48 15 577 448 77.64% 48 15 451 -3 1854 1855 1855 1857 1858 1859 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1875 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1885 1887 1888 1889 1890 8 1891 48 38 248 614 82.09% 48 38 612 -3 1892 50 4 812 582 21.62% 50 4 585 ?3 1893 2 22 822 215 86.46% 2 22 219 ?4 1894 4 9 815 642 29.39% 4 9 651 -4 1895 4 15 1002 260 25.85% 4 15 264 ?4 1896 5 11 280 629 80.64% 5 11 633 -4 1892 5 20 282 658 83.61% 5 20 662 ?4 1898 6 19 229 495 62.90% 6 19 499 -4 1899 1900 2 34 290 532 62.34% 2 34 536 -4 1901 1902 9 14 293 569 21.25% 9 14 523 -4 1903 10 9 221 461 63.94% 10 9 465 ?4 1904 13 13 522 416 28.94% 13 13 420 -4 1905 14 16 602 360 59.80% 14 16 364 ?4 1906 12 4 822 635 22.82% 12 4 639 -4 1902 12 23 596 330 55.32% 12 23 334 ?4 1908 1909 21 34 228 523 62.22% 21 34 522 ?4 1910 21 41 220 461] 63.89% 21 41 464 -4 1911 22 20 832 462 55.20% 22 20 466 ?4 1912 24 14 839 481 52.33% 24 14 485 -4 1913 26 6 655 383 58.42% 26 6 382 ?4 1914 22 2 942 251] 29.62% 22 2 254 -4 1915 22 22 921 626 69.62% 22 22 680 ?4 1916 1912 30 12 815 522 64.66% 30 12 531 ?4 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 8 1918 31 3 556 364 65.42% 31 3 368 -4 1919 31 18 559 336 60.11% 31 18 340 ?4 1920 33 1 948 685 22.26% 33 1 689 -4 1921 33 10 816 612 25.00% 33 10 616 ?4 1922 33 23 881 202 29.68% 33 23 206 -4 1923 33 22 991 232 24.32% 33 22 241 ?4 1924 1925 36 14 284 543 69.26% 36 14 542 ?4 1926 1922 39 1 645 522 81.21% 39 1 531 ?4 1928 39 32 643 524 81.49% 39 32 528 -4 1929 40 6 869 212 82.51% 40 6 221 ?4 1930 1931 40 31 806 668 82.88% 40 31 622 ?4 1932 41 41 288 582 24.49% 41 41 591 -4 1933 44 9 852 690 80.99% 44 9 694 ?4 1934 44 15 813 622 82.66% 44 15 626 -4 1935 44 38 958 254 28.21% 44 38 258 ?4 1936 46 20 848 566 66.25% 46 20 520 -4 1932 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 15 299 591 23.92% 1 15 596 -5 1944 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 194G 1941 1942 1943 1944 8 1945 2 21 878 655 74.69% 2 21 660 -5 1946 3 2 898 684 84.65% 3 2 689 ?5 1947 4 25 846 744 87.94% 4 25 749 -5 1948 5 2 811 518 63.87% 5 2 523 ?5 1949 7 12 797 521 65.37% 7 12 526 -5 1956 8 15 731 589 69.63% 8 15 514 ?5 1951 8 49 565 392 69.38% 8 48 397 -5 1952 15 4 879 483 54.95% 15 4 488 ?5 1953 17 19 632 349 53.89% 17 19 345 -5 1954 1955 18 44 652 432 66.26% 18 44 437 -5 1956 19 28 746 579 77.61% 19 28 584 ?5 1957 21 45 722 446 61.77% 21 45 451 -5 1958 22 14 879 425 48.35% 22 14 430 ?5 1959 1966 25 26 868 532 61.29% 25 26 537 ?5 1961 26 32 788 541 76.41% 26 32 546 -5 1962 1963 38 11 812 569 62.68% 38 11 514 -5 1964 32 1 1061 765 72.19% 32 1 770 ?5 1965 33 18 1284 863 71.68% 33 18 868 -5 1966 35 16 930 728 78.28% 35 16 733 ?5 1967 35 29 879 568 64.62% 35 29 573 -5 1968 41 12 866 686 69.98% 41 12 611 ?5 1969 43 43 863 733 84.94% 43 43 738 -5 1976 1971 45 5 738 543 74.38% 45 5 548 -5 1945 1995 194? 1998 1949 195G 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1955 195? 1958 1959 1959 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1955 195? 1958 1959 19?1 8 8 1972 1973 48 16 851 688 79.91% 48 16 685 ?5 1974 1975 4 14 832 641 77.84% 4 14 647 ?6 1976 7 29 661 416 62.93% 7 29 422 -6 1977 9 31 735 413 56.19% 9 31 419 ?6 1978 1979 18 15 888 561 69.43% 18 15 567 ?6 1988 19 52 788 687 77.83% 19 52 613 -6 1981 1982 21 4 848 511 68.83% 21 4 517 -6 1983 27 39 543 353 65.81% 27 39 359 ?6 1984 32 18 938 722 76.97% 32 18 728 -6 1985 32 26 844 674 79.86% 32 26 688 ?6 1986 37 5 815 516 63.31% 37 5 522 -6 1987 38 732 475 64.89% 38 1 481 ?6 1988 1989 46 38 959 733 76.43% 46 38 739 -6 1998 48 1 788 587 82.91% 48 1 593 ?6 1991 48 18 682 463 67.89% 48 18 469 -6 1992 48 31 1181 943 79.85% 48 31 949 ?6 1993 49 15 783 525 74.68% 49 15 531 -6 1994 2 4 825 682 72.97% 2 4 689 ?7 1995 1996 3 29 1881 725 67.87% 3 29 732 ?7 1997 5 5 818 587 72.47% 5 594 -7 1998 6 28 785 388 55.84% 6 28 395 ?7 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1998 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 8 0 1999 2000 8 2 857 515 60.09% 8 2 522 ?7 2001 2002 17 31 663 352 53.09% 17 31 359 ?7 2003 2004 27 41 734 492 67.03% 27 41 499 ?7 2005 31 2 525 304 57.90% 31 2 311 -7 2006 2007 34 50 725 453 62.48% 34 50 460 -7 2008 2009 40 30 671 520 77.50% 40 30 527 -7 2010 41 46 746 577 77.35% 41 46 584 ?7 2011 42 36 1470 1190 80.95% 42 36 1197 -7 2012 48 21 1101 830 75.39% 48 21 837 ?7 2013 49 20 1149 935 81.38% 49 20 942 -7 2014 4 4 1129 838 74. 22% 4 4 846 ?8 2015 7 16 796 461 57.91% 7 16 469 -8 2016 7 31 572 331 57.87% 7 31 339 ?8 2017 2018 23 33 759 507 66.80% 23 33 515 ?8 2019 27 5 817 400 48.96% 27 5 408 -8 2020 28 17 720 437 60.69% 28 17 445 ?8 2021 33 3 1009 780 77.30% 33 3 788 -8 2022 2023 37 6 784 510 65.05% 37 6 518 -8 2024 41 36 723 559 77.32% 41 36 567 ?8 2025 47 4 812 688 84.73% 47 4 696 -8 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 200? 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 201? 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 8 8 2826 4 36 881 683 75.88% 4 36 682 -8 2827 2828 8 34 675 444 65.78% 8 34 453 -8 2828 15 11 878 586 68.41% 15 11 585 ?8 2838 28 2 455 237 52.88% 28 2 246 -8 2831 3 15 878 651 74.15% 3 15 661 ?18 2832 26 7 544 423 77.76% 26 7 433 -18 2833 1 36 884 688 77.83% 1 36 688 ?11 2834 8 18 753 584 66.83% 8 18 515 -11 2835 21 21 683 487 58.73% 21 21 418 ?11 2836 24 38 382 264 67.35% 24 38 275 -11 2837 4 22 826 631 76.38% 4 22 643 ?12 2838 4 18 828 687 74.67% 4 18 788 -13 2838 28 687 425 68.88% 28 3 438 ?13 2848 737 ?13 2841 38 35 756 547 72.35% 38 35 568 -13 2842 4 26 834 626 75.86% 4 26 648 ?14 2843 7 2 888 546 68.88% 7 2 568 -14 2844 658 ?14 2845 28 11 1352 823 68. 27% 28 11 837 -14 2846 738 ?14 2847 4 35 888 731 73.88% 4 35 746 -15 2848 584 ?15 2848 26 26 561 335 58.71% 26 26 358 -15 2858 41 44 772 683 78.11% 41 44 618 ?15 2851 452 -15 2852 765 ?16 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 204? 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 8 0 2053 49 27 1039 815 28.44% 49 22 832 -17 2054 591 ?18 2055 4 34 258 572 25.46% 4 34 590 -18 2056 19 33 677 536 79.17% 19 33 554 ?18 2057 49 23 1011 773 26.46% 49 23 791 -18 2058 425 ?19 2059 647 -20 2060 45 2 659 472 71.62% 45 2 492 ?20 2061 47 1 563 424 25.31% 42 1 444 -20 2062 418 ?22 2063 16 19 229 413 56.65% 16 19 438 -25 2064 15 20 736 332 45.11% 15 20 361 ?29 2065 487 -30 2066 39 17 761 553 72.67% 39 12 584 ?31 2067 5 36 205 403 52.16% 5 36 435 -32 2068 34 18 765 401 52.42% 34 18 434 ?33 2069 24 25 222 360 46.33% 24 25 471 -111 2020 34 25 778 524 62.35% 34 25 690 ?166 2053 2054 2055 2055 205? 2058 2059 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2055 205? 2058 2059 2020 From: John Gore Sent: 11:22:53 PM To: Gore, John {John.Gore@crt.usdoi.govj Subject: Fwd: Chicago vote problems Forwarded message From: iohn Gore =1 _maii.com:> Date: Wed, Sep 6, 201? at 6:36 PM Subiect: Re: Chicago vote prohiems To: Christy McCormick ?laoicomrw Cbristy: Thanks. l'li out Chris Cieveland in touch with you directly. I hadn?t heard about the ACLU suit, but that is unbeiievable. larn thriiled for Maureen that the opportunity opened up for her. I am sure she is knocking it out of the park! Would iove to catch up at some point, particuiariy once we have our confirmed head, which after today is looking much better. We are doing what we can to fight the good fight - glad to be in the trenches with youi Best, john {bli?i On Tue, Sep 5, 201? at 11:44 PM, Christy McCormick ?aolcorm wrote: Hi John, Hope you are weii. i sent the info on the Chicago issue {deleting your email address and messages from it} to the staff of the presidential commission a coupie of months ago so we can co super it and hopefuily investigate it. Piease feel free to give Chris Cleveiand my contact info. I'd be happy to talk to him. Did you see the ACLU lawsuit against Caiifornia for throwing out 40,880 or so haliots? read that California's defense was that the bailots were tossed because signatures on them didn't match. If that's not admitting that there is voter fraud, then is it otherwise admitting to voter suppression? i have 't read the actual but given the Secretary of State out there says there?s no voter fraud, find it quite fascinating. I know you must be crazy busy, but would iove to catch up soon - maybe we can find some time in October. I spoke to Maureen this week and she toEd me about her detail to the Western District of Virginia. I honestly don't know how you're doing it! God biess Best, Christ Duplicate From: John Gore (We) ?3gmail.com] Sent: 11:21:27' PM To: Gore, John Subject: Fwo: Chicago vote problems Forwarded message From: Christy McCormick hr? Date: Mon, May 15, 2017 at 3:59 PM Subject: Re: Chicago vote prob?ems To: John Gore Elgmaiixomra Thanks so much John. Sometimes I dream of a peaceful ?fe, but we can?t afforo to cede any territoryi Duplicate From: Christy McCormick Sent: #13291? 10:16:06 PM To: Riordan, Maureen Subject: HAVA Grant Report Attachments: Finai FY 2915 Grants Hi Maureen, Here is the HAVA Grant Report that shows the HAVA monies provided to each state and the balances. This report is the latest we have - in fact, another one was due a couple of weeks ago, but our grants peopie have not provided it to me yet. As soon as get a copy, I wiil forward it to you. I think they were waiting on some of the reports that are due from the states. Piease let me know it you have any questions. IstiEE need to provide you with a iink to whatever NVRA list maintenance guidance we have - as soon as get that, will send it to you. Thanks! Christy Christy A. McCormick Commissioner U.S. Eiection Assistance Commission 1335 East West Highway Suite 4300 Silver Spring 1 MD 20910 [301} 563-3965 of?cel {202} celi cmccormich@eac.gov 39 ELEQTM {m 2&35 Mamh 2&5 Overview The Election Assistance Commission was created by Congress in 2002 to improve the administration of elections for Federai offices through funding, guidance and policy deveiopment under the Help America Vote Act or 2002 546 has administered nearer $3.3 (HAVA), HAVA funds support State billion in Federal funds to States and and Eocal voting districts in upgrading other entririss thCE 1?35 systems for casting votes, registering voters in statewide voter registration databases, providing provisional voting options, and implementing other improvements to the administration of Federai elections that include training for eiection officials and poil workers, piece accessibility improvements, and information on now and where to vote. Grants Expenditure Summary Through September 30, 2015, a totai of $3,247,294,645i has been made avaiiabie to the 50 States, American Samoa, the District of Coiumbia, Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Isiands {hereinafter referred to as States) under HAVA. States have reported totai expenditures of or 89% percent of totai Federal funds and accrued interest availabie under Sections 101, 102 and 25i of HAVA (See Attachment A). Election Reform?Formula Funds HAVA Section 101 Payments Supports activities that improve the administration of Federal eiections. Year: 2063 Award amount: $349 iniltion Status: 85% Expended Funds are available to States until expended HAVA Section 25'! Requirements Payments Supports States in becoming compiiant with Titie of Years: 2003, 2004., 2008., 2009, 20H), 20'? Amount: $2.604 billion Status: 39%? Expended Funds avaiiabie to States untii expended 5 This inciudes $300.3 nnilinn in Sectirm Funds that 1were appropriated the replacement ofpuneh card or lever voting machines. 'i'hirtv States received Section 'ii? funds. States were required to expend Funds under this secrirnt Xovemher 2ii'lti and return any; remainingr funds to for disbursement as Section 25'] funds. 2 A total of $349,382,267 was disbursed to States in 2003 under Section 101 of HAVA, which provided funds to States for activities to improve the administration of Federat elections. As of September 30, 2015, States reported total expenditures of $338,048,344 or 85% percent of the funds awarded and accrued interest. Twenty three (23) States have spent att of their Section 301 funds and interest and another 14 States have spent at teast 90 percent of their funds. Table 1 provides a fult accounting of expenditures by State. ?i?nt?a 2 Section i-f?i Wt ?ends as {23? East tamper fit}, Ema? Alaska $5,999,099 5652.810 539095353 $552,310 Arizona!? $25,864,208 i" $2,912,299 $26,250,396 $3,122,021 Connecticut Of Columbia $5,860,083 $5,609,868- $408,108 Georgia Hawaii 523351533 53,339,914 .2 $1 241 200 $11 833 832 Etiinois $5,999,999 $994,225 $5,449,329 $234,395 Kentucky 52 56-8 325 $3 162 613 $4 699 196 Massachusetts $5,590,331 $904,353 $2,494,244 so Misseuri Nebraska New Mexice North Caroiina Puerto Rico South Caroiina Virgin isiands* Washingten *2015 financiai reports have not yet been submitted??2014 expenditures ieveis reported here. $5 875 170 $5,000,000 $7,887,740 $10,384,931 $3 161 144 $4,662,412 $1 000 000 $6,098,449 $348,646,145Me $998,292 $719,611 $426,837 $872,041 $259,047 $48,503,878 $6 693 768 $5,998,292 $9,496,422 $10,811,768 $3 447 240 $5,258,794 $6,357,496 $338,048,344 $266,668 $59,101,679 ?Re?ects a deobiigation of $536,122 as a resuit of an Audit finding. Totai awarded was 349,182,267. Note: Negative beiances indicate that States have expende? state matching in addition to spending Federai funds Section 251 funds, known as Requirements Payments, were distributed to the States using a formula based on a percentage eguat to the quotient of the Itoting age mm over 35?? Off?{A VA 39mm poputation of each State and the total voting 25f expended state spending is age population of all States. HAVA requires acceieratrng. in FY 205 annua! that States deposit Section 25t money in . . . spending was $.08 miffron, up interest bearing state eiection accounts. from $75.5 rnrl'iifon 2014 and As of the September 2015, Ten (t0) States have reported using 100 percent of their 365 milk)? in 2 0?13- Requirements Payrnent funds (inciudrng interest) white another 24 States reported using alrnost 90 percent of their funds and interest. States reported cumutative expenditures of $2,559,820.23 (86% percent of funds and accrued interest) through September 30, 2015 (See Table 2} taste titration 35% .t nit us i-?unrts as of Eispternner tit}. 3:35: DEL-P .: sari": $12,192,8?2 HRIZDNA $45 516 638 $49 11"9 62? $230,354,133 CONNECTICUT - $13,021,8?3 . .: :12. 0F $1,904,504 $4,777,215 Regal we Instances Indicate that hiatus have expended st silo matching In :adttlitrm to spending i'odorol funds. 232353 .22? 33473203 33.? 5233 5534 27423053 3'3 33323320332? .35? 252.33 .F 1. $925,292 $11,932,543 HAWAII $13,023,252 $2,055,905 2 EE $110,593,933 $9,203,291 $112,445,540 $2,355,239 $513,021,303 2 2 $1,522,238 $14,393,253 I 552 OBIS 132 $10 053 615 $22 343 259 NEBRASKA $15,442,405 $1,046,152 $15,483,522 NEW NEW MEXBCO NORTH CAROLINA $23,421,225 $2,202,321 $25,559,033 $3,955,553 PUERTD 33:0 $5,353,252 $203,113 $1,503,921 $4,522,449 SOUTH $36 384 612 $903 394 $32 112r 842 $121325,542 :5 $942,442 UTAH $18,481,44? $2 319 361 $1 832 412 WASHENGTON $48,295,088 Total $2,593,330,253 $2 28,352, 362 $2,559,820,255 $315,822,325 25315 [Munch-s] Imu- 12.1 hL-L-n 3111\1Insl1u'l 2111-5 z-xIn-m?liuIn-e: inn-1:: n-p-Jrhd (1 ==32rcent - FundsF :ewu?ni From: Christy McCormick {CMcfiormick@eac.goy} Sent: 4 :14:49 PM To: Subject: Re: Meeting went weii. Good discussion on eiections inciuding EAC, and DHS. Was toid Senator McConneii is very interested in e1ections. Sitting in the car deaiership re?reading the district court opinion in NC. SMH ?again on how partisan the Appeais Court opinion was. On Feb 8, 201?, at 7:53 AM, Riordan, Maureen (CRT) wrote: 3' Let me know now your meeting goes todayf a Originai Message From: Christy McCormick Sent: Tuesday, February 201? 4:20 PM To: Riordan. Maureen (CRT) Subject: Re: 2" 2 works great! Thank you! Christy On Feb 201?, at 4:18 PM, Riordan, Maureen (CRT) wrote: How does Monday at 11 or 2 work? ss Maureen Riordan Attorney ss Voting Section Ciyii Rights Division LLS. Department of Justice From: Christy McCormick {CMc?ormick@eacgoy} Sent: End/2917 6:53:45 PM To: Subject: Re: Tuesday meeting time Hey downstairs but they don't have clearance from you. On Feb 14, 201?, at ?:26 AM, Riordan, Maureen (CRT) {Maureen.Riordan@usdoj.goya wrote: Thank you Christy. Look Forward to seeing you this afternoon! This iist is awesomei Original Message From: Christy McCormick Sent: Monday, February 13, 201? 10:51 PM To: Riordan, Maureen (CRT) Subject: Re: Tuesday meeting time Hi Maureen, Long day! Here are some topics For the meeting: 3* I hope this is a heioful starting point on several areas in which we could cooperate. Not sure we have time to thoroughly discuss them ail, but even if we just touch on them it would be good. See you tomorrow! Christy On Feb 13, 2917, at 9:44 AM, Riordan, Maureen wrote: Major miscommunication. We are back to 2pm. Iil cail you Tater today and explain. ss Originai Message From: Christy McCormick ss Sent: Monday, February 13, 201? ?:13 AM To: Riordan, Maureen (CRT) Cc: wheeler, Tom (CRT) Gore, John (CRT) ss Subject: Re: Tuesday meeting time Good morning Maureen, That works For me. See you thenf 25'} Christy sea On Feb 13, 201?, at 5:23 AM, Riordan, Maureen (CRT) Sent: Thursday, Aprii 13, 201? 9:22 AM To: Christv McCormick Suhiect: RE: HAVA Grant Report Major thanks "Christvi vesterdav, hence, never coiled. Lets talk on Fridav. are voo at home then? From: Christi,I McCormick Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 6:15 PM To: Riordan, Maureen Subiect: HAVA Grant Report Hi Maureen, Here is the HAVA Grant Report that shows the HAVA monies provided to each state and the balances. This report is the latest we have - in fact, another one was due a couple of weeks ago, but our grants peopie have not provided it to rne yet. As soon as get a copy, I wili forward it to you. i think they were waiting on sorne of the reports that are due from the states. Piease let me know if you have any questions. need to provide you with a iink to whatever NVRA list maintenance guidance we have - as soon as i get that, will send it to you. Thanks! Christv Christv A. McCormick Commissioner U.S. Eiection Assistance Commission 1335 East West Highway Suite 4308 Silver Spring 1 MD 20910 [301} 563-3965 office; {202} celi cmccormick??eaogov i Skip to message list Search Mail and People Folders Favorites Inbox Sent Items Drafts Christy McCormick Inbox Drafts 1 Sent Items Deleted Items Junk Email Notes Inbox Filter New Delete Archive Junk Sweep Move to Categories Next: Loading your upcoming Next: No events for the next two days. Agenda Map update 3:14 PM Commissioners, There was an error on the previous map update, so please use the image and link below for the All Commissioner Travel map: http: //j.mp/20rSS 1m Commissioner Hicks, The updated image for your travel map is also attached and her Updated San Antonio draft 2:42 PM Hello, again! I've received some additional feedback to the second draft. Attached is the most recent piece with changes highlighted in yellow. Please let me know if you have additional edits or if you're good to go. Thanks! NVRA 1:45 PM Christy, I believe these are the ?les you were looking for (actually, the larger one, but I found two) related to NVRA. All Commissioner Travel Map 11:49 AM Commissioners, Attached is the updated "All Commissioner Travel" map through the end of May 2017. You can use the attached image or the link for the map is: [Draft] Riordan, Maureen (CRT) HAVA Grant Report 9:22 AM Major thanks Christy! Ilbxs) Ihence, I never called. Lets talk on Friday. Are you at home then? From: Christy McCormick Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 6: 16 PM To: Riordan, Maureen (CRT)