U.S. Department of Homeland Security Washington, DC 20528 Homeland Security April 1, 2019 SENT VIA EMAIL TO: weiserw@brennan.law.nyu.edu Wendy Weiser Brennan Center for Justice, Director 120 Broadway, Suite 1750 New York, NY 10271 Re: 17-cv-06335 (2018-HQFO-00465) Brennan Center for Justice and the Protect Democracy Project v. DOJ, et al. Sixth Interim Release Dear Ms. Weiser: This is our sixth interim response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), dated January 8, 2018. For this production, DHS reviewed 509 pages of which seven pages are released in full, one page is withheld in full, and 176 pages are withheld in part pursuant to FOIA exemptions (b)(5) and (b)(6). 215 pages are duplicates or non-responsive. DHS has also located and sent 110 pages to other agencies for consultation. The 184 pages for release are bates stamped DHS-001-6335-001241 to DHS-001-6335-001424. If you have any questions regarding this release, please contact Assistant U.S. Attorney Casey Lee, United States Attorney’s Office, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, by email at Casey.Lee@usdoj.gov. Sincerely, Bradley E. White FOIA Program Specialist Enclosure: 184 pages ~iapp.org> From: (b)(G) T f"Cantor Jonathanl(b)(6} o1(b)(6) I I Subject: Privacy Act scope question Date: 2017/06/30 10:51:50 Type: Note Good morning , Jonathan. Sam Pfeifle just told me to reach out to you about a question we have been discussing this morning... we would love your input if you are able to provide any guidance Specifically, we are wondering whether the President's Advisory Commission on Election Integrity (established by Executive Order 13799, May 11 , 2017) could be subj ect to the Privacy Act if it were to create a database of voter information gathered from various states. It appears that the Advisory Commission recently reached out to state election authorities requesting any "publicly available voter ro.ll data," including the fo llowing information ("if publicly available" under state law): at ''full first and last names of all registrants, middle names or initials if available, addresses, dates of birth, political party recorded in your state), last four digits ofsocial security number Vavaitabte, voter histmy (election voted in) .fi-om 2006 onward, active/inactive status, cancelled status, information regarding any felony convictions, information regarding voter registration in another state, information regarding military status, and overseas citizen i1~forma tion. " I know the Executive Office of the President is an agency under the Privacy Act, so unless an advisory commission is apart from the Executive Office or exempt DHS-001-6335-001241 from the requirements, I fail to see how it wou1d not be required to publish a SORN when collecting this smi of information. I also don' t recall there being an exception to the requirements if an agency only collects publicly available information, but I am still new to the P1ivacy Act, so I could have missed something. Thanks in advance for any help you can give us. All my best, b)(6) JAPP I International Association of Privacy Professionals 75 Rochester Ave., Suite 41Portsmouth, NH 03801 USA rb)(6) l(b)(6) ~iapp.org ~iapp.org > Sender: b)(6) Recipient: 1...antor, Jonatnan i'b)(El) ~)(6) I I Sent Date: 2017/06/30 10:51:46 Delivered Date: 2017/06/30 10:51:50 DHS-001-6335-001242 Houlton Tvler Kb)(6) From: b)(6) "Hoffman, Jonathan (b)(6) b)(6) "Manfra Jeanette < (b)(6) To: '"Kreos, Lnnstopner b)(6) vvales tsrandon (b)(6) (b)(6) "Clattey, Lauren b)(6) FW: Executive Order on the Termination of Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Subject: Integrity Date: 2018/01/03 19:25:15 Priority: Normal Type: Note ICY MI From: White House Press Office Se nt: Wednesday, January 03, 2018 7: 16:23 PM To: Media Inquiry Subject: Executive Order on the Termination of Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity DHS-001-6335-001243 THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 3, 2018 EXECUTIVE ORDER TERMI NATION OF PRESIDENTIAL ADVISORY COMMI SS I ON ON ELECTION I NTEGRITY By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and t he l aws of t he Uni t ed States of America , it is he reby ordered as follows : DHS-001-6335-001244 Sectionl. Executive Order 13799 of May 11 , 201 7 (Establishment of Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity), is hereby revoked, and the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity is accordingly tem1inated. Sec . 2. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or othe1w ise affect: (i ) t he au tho ri t y gran ted b y law t o an executive depar t me n t , a ge n cy , or t he he a d the r eof ; o r ( ii ) t he f u nct i ons of t h e Dire ctor of t h e Off i ce o f Manage me n t and Budge t relat ing to budgetary , administrative , or l e gis la tive proposa l s . (b) Thi s order s h a ll be implemen t ed consis tent wi t h a p pl icab l e law and s ub j ec t t o t h e ava i l ab i l i t y o f a pprop ria ti o n s . Th is o r der is not i ntended t o , and does no t , c reate a n y r i gh t or (c) b e n e fi t , subs t an t i ve o r p r oced u r a l, enforceabl e a t law or i n equi t y b y any p art y (other than by the United States) against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person. DONALD J . TRUMP DHS-001-6335-001245 THE WHI TE HOUSE , January 3 , 2018 . ### Unsubscribe The White House· 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW· Washington DC 20500 · 202-456-1111 Houlton, Tylerl(b)(6) lb\16\ b)(6) "Hoffman, Jonathan (b)(6) "Manfra, Jeanette <1 (b)(6) 'Kreos, L.nnscopner Recipient: (b)(6) I "Wales, Brandon b)(6) (b)(6) 1...1arrey, Lauren Kb)(6) Sender: Sent Date: 2018/01/03 19:25:13 Delivered Date: 2018/01/03 19:25:15 DHS-001-6335-001246 Plcv Exec Sec ~(b)(6) From: ~b)(6) I "Immigration Policy ¥ b)(6) To: I (b)(6) "Plcv Exec Sec~b)(6) (b){6) c Kb)(6) (b)(6) I ~LCY-BIT Taskin~(bµ "Petvo Briana lfb)f6) (b)(6) I Subject: [Due 1/26 at 4 p.m.] [ PLCY draft] WF #1156585 - Rep. Bennie Thompson ( D-MS) writes re: OHS responsibilities related to the defunct Presidential Commission on Election Integrity Date: 2018/01/24 15:50:05 Priority: Normal Type: Note Good afternoon BIT/IMM, Per PLCY FO guidance, you are the lead for this tasking. Please prepare a response for A/S Nealon's signature, as weJl as a COS cover memo, and submit to PLCY Exec Sec hY 4 p.m. on Friday, January 26. For awareness, PLCY Exec Sec will circulate the draft to MGMT, NPPD, OGC, and OLA for clearance once received. Best regards, Grant Blanton Social Science Analyst Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans I Executive Secretariat 1 d Secun.ty U.S. D eoartn1ent· ofH omean Desk: b)(6) Mobil UNCI.:-A~ (b)(6) HSDN: l JWIC S: Plcv Exec SecKb)(6) Sender: (b)(6) I "Immigration PolicyKb)(6) I {b)(6) ,...,,rv t:xec sec 1(b)(6) (b){6) I Recipient (b)(6) I b)(6) b)(6) 'Petyo, Bnana "1'n)(6) b)(6) I I I ft"'L\...Y-1:111 DHS-001-6335-001247 Taskin~ I Sent Data: 2013f01124 15:50:04 Delivered Data: 2018f01/24 15:50:05 DHS-OO1-6335-001248 C!tongre.a.a of t~e 11niteb §fate.a Da.sqingtnn, iC!t 2D515 "'> CJ) C:::> January 23, 20 l 8 co c_ --- J> The Honorable Kirstjen Nielsen Secretary U.S. Department of Homeland Security 245 MurTay Lane SW Washington, D.C. 20528 n co> z -< ~ w _.,c .,, x- "Tl c:.n f'T1 0 N £Tlr;'f :x ,,"' -.. n!::! < 0 Dear Secretary Nielsen: We write seeking clarification regarding the Department of Homeland Security's (the Department or DHS) responsibilities related to the defunct Presidential Commission on Election Integrity (the Commission). On May 11, 2017, President Trump signed Executive Order 13799, Establishment of Presidential Advisory Commission on Elec1ion Integrity 1 to investigate allegations "improper voter registrations and improper voting, including fraudulent voter registrations and fraudulent voting," substantiated by nothing more than the President's active imagination and frustration that he did not receive the majo1ity of the popular votes cast in the 2016 presidential election. The Commission was the subject of criticism from the start. Advocacy organizations ultimately took legal action on multiple occasions, alleging violations of several federal laws, including the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. the Privacy Act, the Hatch Act, and of multiple state Jaws. among other things.2 On January 3, 20 18, fewer than nine months after he established it, the President abruptly terminated the Commission. 3 To the best of our knowledge, the Commission was unable to produce any evidence of improper voter registrations and improper voting, including fraudulent voter registrations and fraudulent voting. Indeed, we understand that, contrary to the Administration's initial statements, the Commission did not develop any "preliminary findings" that would be transferred to DHS.4 Moreover, all of the voter data it collected will, rightfully, be destroyed. s 1 Exec. Order No. 13799, 82 Fed. Reg. 22389 (May. 16, 2017), availuble ar https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys.tpkg/FR2017-05-16/pdf/2017-10003.pdf. 2 See Legal Actions Taken Against Trump's " Voter Fraud" Commission," Brennan Center for Justice (Dec. 26, 2017), hupsJ/www.brennancen1cr.org/legal-aclions-taken-aga inst-!rum p%E2%80%99s~ oE::!%80%9Cfraud%E2%80%9D-comm ission (last accessed Jan. I0, 2018). 3 Exec. Order No. 13820, 83 Fed. Reg. 969 (Jan. 3, 2018), available at https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-201 8-0 I· 08/pdf/2018-00240.pdf. 4 Josh Gerstein, "White House Plans to Destroy Trump Election Fraud Commission's Voter Data," Politico (Jan. 9, 2017), available ar https://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2018/0 l/09/trump-election-fraud-comrnissionvoter-data-332745. 5 Id. PRINTED ON llEC:VClfO PAPER DHS-001-6335-001249 In the meantime, to its credit, the Department of Homeland Security has continued its work to carry out its responsibilities related to the designation of election infrastructure as a critical infrastructure subsector. Then-Secretary Jeh Johnson made the designation on January 6, 2017, following the Intelligence Community's assessment that "Russian efforts to influence the 2016 US presidential election represent the most recent expression of Moscow's longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order, but these activities demonstrated a significant escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort compared to previous operations.''6 Over the course of the past year, nothing has occu1Ted to suggest that Russia has any less interest in undermining confidence in our democratic processes. Accordingly, helping states secure their election infrastructure against credible foreign threats should remain one of the Department's top priorities. When he terminated the Commission, the President directed OHS to examine "its initial findings and determine next courses of action. " 7 It is unclear how the Department will carry out this charge given that the Commission never produced any findings. Moreover, we are concerned that directing OHS essentially to take over where the Commission left off could distract the Department from its pressing obligation to protect US election systems from foreign interference and may undermine the burgeoning relationships DHS is building with state election officials. Public statements from the Department have been somewhat reassuring that DHS will not divert resources from its ongoing election security work, but they are not conclusive.8 Accordingly, pursuant to Rule X(3)(g) and Rule XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives, we respectfully request you provide a written response to the following information, and whatever supplementary information you deem responsive, by January 26, 2018: • According to the President, the Department will take over the work of the Commission. We understand that all voter data collected will be destroyed and that the Commission never made any findings. If that is the case, what will the Depa.ranent be taJcing over? Please identify any documents, files, electronic records, or infom1ation that the Department has received or anticipates receiving from the Commission. • What new activities, if any, will the Department undertake pursuant to the President' s decision to terminate the Commission and transfer its responsibilities to DHS? What 6 Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. £leerions, ICA 2017-0ID (Jan. 6, 2017), https://www.dni.gov/liles/documents/ICA 2017 0 l.pdf. 7 Press Release, The White House, Statement by the Press Secretary on the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity (Jan. 3, 2018), available at httpsJ/www.whitehoust:.gov/briefings-statements/statement-presssecretary-presidential-advisory-commission-election-integrity/. 8 Dustin Volz & Julia Harte, "OHS Election Unit Has No Plans for Probing Voter Fraud: Sources," Reuters (Jan 5, 20 18), available al https://www.reuters.co111/a1ticle/us-usa-e lection-dh s/dhs-el~ction-unit-has-no-plans·for-probing­ voter-fraud-sources-idUSKBN I EU I YF?feedType=RSS&fcedName=politicsNews (citing a DHS official who said that the Department would continue '"to worl< in support of state governments who are responsible for administering elections, with efforts focused on securing elections against those who seek to undennine the election system or its integrity."'). DHS-001-6335-001250 information will info1m OHS' actions? Will these new activities, if any, require the Department to divert resources from existing activities? • Some state election officials have expressed concern that charging OHS with investigating voter fraud allegations may undermine the cooperative relationships between the Department and the states that are necessary to keep elections secure.9 What are you doing to preserve those important relationships? Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions or require additional inf01mation, please contact Alison Northrop, Chief Director for Oversight, at (202) 226-2616. Sincerely, :!. $ ...:, . ~ -~ BENNIE G. THOM N Ranking Member Committee on Homeland Security DHS-001-6335-001251 R OBERT A. BRADY Ranking Member Committee on House Administration Page 012 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b )(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act DHS-001-6335-001252 From: To: Subj ect: Shuchart, Scott 1(b)(6) b)(6) I "Sultan, Jennifer (b)(6) I I RE: DHS Election Integrity Task Force and E.O. Disbanding Presidentiar Advisory Commission on Election Integrity Date: 2018/01/10 17:25:37 Priority: Normal Type: Note Legislative taskers are particularly challenging because we get PDFs from the Hill, not Word, but I suppose yom word version could have gone on sharepoint. Let's not tty to change anything else about document handling processes until the Windows 10 tt·ansition next month. We may get more modem tools at that time. From: Sultan, Jennifer Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2018 4:23:02 PM To: Shuchart, Scott Subject: RE: DHS Election Integrity Task Force and E.O. Disbanding Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity Thanks and appreciate all of your help on a variety of the things that keep me busy. Is there not a better way for all of us to have worked on edits to the bill? From: Shuchart, Scott Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2018 4:08 PM ,.,,.T ..,..o=:_S_u_lt_a_n_ , J_e_n_n_if_e..... rl(_b)_(6....) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l1 51 DHS-001-6335-001281 Question#: Topic: 4 Executive Order Repm1s Hearing: The Department ofHomelaod Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Claire McCaskill Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: On March 2, 2017, I requested all. reports generated by Executive Orders 13767, "Border Secmity and Immigration Enforcement Improvements," 13768, "Enhancing Public Safety in the [nterior of the United States," and 13769, "Protecting the Nation from Foreign Tenorist Entry into the United States" as soon as they are ffoalized. These reports include but are not limited to 90-day progress reports to the President regarding implementation of Executive Orders 13767 and 13768, both of which were due no later than April 25, 2017. To date, no reports required by the executive orders have been provided to the Committee. You stated in a letter dated Jtme 9, 2017 that no reports have been generated under Executive Order 1.3769. You explained in your testimony that the ongoing litigation over Executive Order 13769 prevented the Department from completing these reports. With regard to Executive Orders 13767 and 13768, you stated that "DHS will work with the Committee to exchange info1mation in a timely and appropriate manner." Has DHS generated any reports, inclLiding but not linlited to the 90-day progress reports that were required by Executive Orders 13767 and 13 768? If so, for each report that has been generated in adherence with Executive Orders 13767 and 13768, please provide the date on which the reports were transmitted to the President. Will you commit to providing the Committee with copies of all reports that have already been generated under Executive Orders 13767 a11d 13768, and will you commit to providing the Committee with copies of all future reports required by Executive Orders 13767 and 13768 when they are transmitted to the President? b11 51 DHS-001-6335-001282 Question#: Topic: 5 CBP's Progress Hearing: The Department of Hoinelaod Security Fiscal Year 20 I 8 Budget Request Primary: T he Honorable CJairc McCaskill Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) Question: On April 12, 2017, The Washington Post published an article citing a draft version of the 90-day progress report required under Executive Order 13767. The draft report described CBP's, illlffiigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE's), and U.S. Citizenship and Immigrati.on Services' (USCIS's) progress in updating operational programs, deploying adclitional detention facilities, hiring 15,000 Border Patrol agents and immigration officers, entering into 287(g) agreements with state and local law enforcement agencies, and responding to requests for asylum. Regarding CBP's progress in implementing Executive Order 13767, I ask for: A description of the initiatives CBP is implementing in order to expedite the hiring of additional personnel; DHS-001-6335-001283 Question#: Topic: 5 CBP's Progress Hearing: The Department of Hoinelaod Security Fiscal Year 20 I 8 Budget Request Primary: T he Honorable CJairc McCaskill C11mmittee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) Question: A description of CBP's plans for hiring additional CBP officers at our nation 1s ports of entry, given the statement in the draft progress report that "improving border secmity to prevent illegal inunigration, dmg and human trafficking, and acts of tenor, also necessitates the hiring of additional CBP Officers": and DHS-001-6335-001284 Question#: Topic: 5 CBP's Progress Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 l 8 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Claire McCaski ll C11mmittee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) Question: The CBP-wide agency plan to expand the 287(g) program and enhance border security efforts with state and local law enforcement agencies. (b)f5'1 DHS-001-6335-001285 Question#: Topic: 6 !CE Progress Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 18 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Claire McCaski ll Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: On. April 12, 2017, The Washington Post published an article citing a draft version of the 90-day progress report required under Executive Order 13767. The draft report described CBP's, Inuuigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE' s), and U.S. Citizenship and Irnrnjgrati.on Services' (USCIS's) progress in updating operational programs, deploying adclitional detention facilities, hiring 15,000 Border Patrol agents and immigration officers, entering into 287(g) agreements with state and local law enforcement agencies, and responding to requests for asylum. Regarding ICE's progress in implementing Executive Order 13767, I ask for: The fie ld guidance ICE issued to each of its operational programs on February 21 , 2017; Question: A list of each detention facility where capacity has been added since January 25, 2017, the number of detention beds that have been added at each faci lity, and the name of each entity that operates each detention fac ility; ,b )( 5l Question: A list of the 27 potential locations capable of prov iding 21,000 additional bed spaces that ICE has identified. b)(5J DHS-001-6335-001286 Question#: Topic: 6 LCE Progress Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Claire McCaski ll Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) (b )i51 DHS-001-6335-001287 Question#: Topic: 6 ICE Progress Heariug: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 l 8 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Claire McCaski ll Committee: HOMELAND SECURTTY (SENATE) b)(S) DHS-001-6335-001288 Question#: Topic: 7 USC1S Progress Hearing: The Department of Hoinelaod Security Fiscal Year 20 I 8 Budget Request Prima ry: The Honorable Claire McCaski ll Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: On April 12_, 20 17, The Washington Post published an article citing a draft version of the 90-day progress report required under Executive Order 13767. The draft repoit described CBP's, Immi gration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE's), and U.S. Citjzenship and Immigration Services' (USCIS 's) progress in updating operational programs, deploying additional detention facilities, hiring 15,000 Border Patrol agents and immigration officers, ente1ing into 287(g) agreements with state and local law enforcement agencies, and responding to requests for asylum. Regarding USCIS 's progress in implementing Executive Order 13767, I ask for: The revised - and unrevised - instn1ctions on the proper application of the Trafficking V ictims Protection Reauthod zation Act (TVPRA) ; (b )( S) DHS-001-6335-001289 Question#: Topic: 7 USCIS Progress Heariug: The Department of Homelaud Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Claire McCaski ll Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) Question: The repmt on the "vulnerabilities in the asylum program and steps to be taken to mitigate/eliminate such vulnerabilities" that was referenced in the draft progress report. fb )(5) DHS-001-6335-001290 Question#: Topic: 8 OIG Funding Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable CJairc McCaskill Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: The President's FY 2018 budget request would increase DHS's overall net discretionary budget authority by $2.8 billion - or 6.8 percent - compared to annualized levels contained in the FY 2017 Continuing Resolution (CR) while significantly reducing staffing and spending at the Office of Inspector General (OIG). The President requested a reduction of $3.2 million - or 2.3 percent - for the OIG compared to the FY 2017 CR. Compared to spending levels contained in the FY 2017 omnibus spending bi.ll Congress approved in May, the President's request would reduce ftmding for the OIG by $ 17 million - or 9. 7 percent. Do you supp011 the President's request to reduce funding for the OIG in FY 201 8? Why or why not? Question: Do you believe that when the overaJl budget authority at OHS increases, the budget for the OIG should grow proportionally? DHS-001-6335-001291 Question#: Topic: 9 Countet1errorism Grants Hearing: The Department of Homelaod Security Fiscal Year 20 I 8 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Claire McCaskill Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) Question: The President's budget request would reduce funding by more than $500 million for DHS programs intended to build state and local resilience to terrorist attacks. The proposed cuts include $ 156.1 million to the Urban Area Security Lnitiative (UASI), $117.6 million to the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP), $70.7 million to the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) program, $'52.2 million to the Port Security Grant Program (PSGP), $52.2 million to the Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP), $45 million to the Law Enforcement Officer Reimbursement Program, $43 million for V isible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) teams, $39 million for the Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks (CCTA) program, and$ I 0 million fo r the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) grant program. Given the number and magnitude of threats facing om country, do you support the President's request to reduce funding for these countertenorism programs in FY 20187 Why or why not? DHS-001-6335-001292 Question#: Topic: 9 C0tmterterrorism Grants Heariug: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 l 8 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Claire McCaskill Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) (b )(5 ) DHS-001-6335-001293 Question#: Topic: 10 FEMA Grants Hearing: The Department of Hoinelaod Security Fiscal Year 20 I 8 Budget Request Primary: T he Honorable Claire McCaskill Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) Question: The President's FY 2018 budget request would reduce funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA's) Pre-Disaster Mitigatjon (PDM) grant program by $41. 1 million. This is a program that supports various initiatives aimed at mjtigating against natural disasters before they occur, such as retrofittjng public buildings against hunicane-force winds or seismic damage, acquiring and relocating properties out of flood-prone areas, elevating structures that lie within a floodplain, flood-proofing public buildings, managing vegetation to mitigate against wi ldfires, and constmcting or converting public spaces into safe rooms in tomado-prone areas. Discretiona1y funding for the National .Flood Insurance Program's (NFIP's) Flood Hazard Mapping and Risk Analysis Program (Risk MAP) would also be reduced by $189.6 million. Based on FEMA's map inventory, 98.8% of the U.S. population is covered by an existing flood map; however, many of the maps do not account for recent population growth and development and were produced using outdated technology. Do you suppo1t the President's request to reduce funding for the PDM grant program and Risk MAP in FY 2018? Why or why not? DHS-001-6335-001294 Question#: Topic: 10 FEMA Grants Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 l 8 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Claire McCaski ll Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) b )(5) DHS-001-6335-001295 Question#: Topic: 11 Federal Air Marshals Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable CJairc McCaski ll Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: To which countries have has the Federal Air Marshal Service provided training to develop or enhance its their own Air Marshal program? To any other countries? Please list the c0tmtries that have participated in the last year and the countries that will participate through 201 8 and describe the training. b1151 DHS-001-6335-001296 Question#: Topic: 12 Missouri REAL ID Legislation Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 J 8 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable CJairc McCaski ll Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: On June 12, 2017, Governor Eric Greitens signed legislation aimed at bringing the state of Missouri into compliance with the REAL ID Act of2005. As DHS Secretary, you have the authority, once an extension is requested, to grant extensions to non-compliant states that have taken leg.islative action to come into compliance with the provisions of the REAL ID Act. Have you or other DHS officials reviewed the legislation that Governor Greitens signed into law on June 12, 20 l 7? Do you intend to grant an extension to the state of Missouri once a request is made? DHS-001-6335-001297 Question#: Topic: 13 Voter lntegrity Commission Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable CJairc McCaskill Com mittee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach was quoted in The Kansas City Star on May 11, 20 17 as saying that the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election fntegrity, created by Executive Order 13799, would have full-time staff from the Office of the V ice President and the Department of Homeland Security. Are you aware of any plans to staff the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity with DHS employees? If so, what office within DHS will staff the Commission, how many DHS employees will staff the Commission, and what is DHS's anticipated annual budget for the Commission? b )( 5 ) DHS-001-6335-001298 Question#: Topic: 14 H-28 Visa Cap Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable CJairc McCaski ll Com mittee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: U nder Section 543 of Division F of the FY 2017 omnibus spending legislation, you were given the authority, after consultation with tbe Secretary of Labor and upon determining that there are not American workers who are willing, qualified, and able to perform nonagricultural labor, to raise the annual cap on H-2B visas by an amount not exceeding the number of " returnj11g workers" who were exempted from the H-2B cap in any previous fiscal year. Have you determined whether you will raise the H-2B visa cap for the remainder of FY 2017? If so, how many additional H-2B visas will be available for the remainder of the fiscal year? (b)(S\ DHS-001-6335-001299 Question#: Topic: 15 Land P011s of Entry Rep011 Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable CJairc McCaskill Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: The U.S. Customs and Border Protections (CBP) complex mission to provide security, faci litate operations, and manage 328 ports of entty (PO Es) throughout the country in partnership with the General Services Administration (GSA). In both 2010 and 2014, CBP provided the House Comn:littee on Homeland Secu1ity, Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security with a report, National Land Border Ports of Entry Assessment, which lists current POE infrastructure and explains their various needs. Please provide an updated report if it is available. P lease provide the below information if it is not provided in the updated report: A list of all land POEs that includes: Modes of access (truck or rail crossings) and CUlTent infrastructure (number oflanes or rail lines) Annual commercial traffic voltm1e by mode (truck and rail) Average traffic crossing wait time (truck and rail) Ownership structure (CBP, GSA, state or local government, private partnership) A prioritized list of land POE commercial traffic infrastructure needs that includes: Estimated costs for completion Age of infrasuucture since last refurbishment Ongoing infrastn1cture projects Land POE commercial traffic funding in the last 10 years, including: Spending at CBP and GSA sites Appropriations for CBP and GSA sites. b )l 5 ) DHS-001-6335-001300 Question#: Topic: 15 Land Ports of Entry Report Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Claire McCaski ll C1>mmittee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE} DHS-001-6335-001301 Question#: Topic: 15 Land Ports of Entry Repo11 Hearing: The Department of Horneland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Claire McCaski ll CQmmittee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA11~} lb•f5i DHS-001-6335-001302 Question#: Topic: 15 Land Ports of Entry Report Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Claire McCaski ll Cc,>mmittee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA11~} DHS-001-6335-001303 Question#: Topic: 16 Electronic Device Search Software Hearing: The Department ofHomelaud Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable CJairc McCaskill Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) Question: Please provide a list of all electronic device search software that the Department has purchased from 2007 through the present. State the contract number for each purchase, the date of the purchase, and the name of the developer and seller of the software. For all electronic device search software that DHS has purchased from 2007 to the present, please provide a detailed explanation of the Department's intended purpose in using the software, as well as any policies and guidelines that govern the potential use of the software. (b )(5 ) DHS-001-6335-001304 Question#: Topic: 17 PllysicaJ Wall Investment Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Prima ry: The Honorable Joh11 McCain Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: Secretary Kelly, do you agree that a wall to secure the southern border of the United States may consist of fences, drones, towers, personnel, and/or hardware and software technologies to prevent illegal immigration, drug and hwnan trafficking and acts of ten-orism? b )1 5 ) Question: How will $1.59 billion investment in a physical wall advance this definition? l(bl(SJ DHS-001-6335-001305 Question#: Topic: 18 Surveillance Technology Heariug: The Department of Homelaod Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Joh11 McCain Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: $197.2 million .is proposed to provide southwest border technology, which is approximately 12% of $1.59 billion budget for a physical wall. According to your assessment, is this sufficient to provide the technological surveillance necessary to achieve a virtual wall that wi ll more effectively secure our border? DHS-001-6335-001306 Question#: Topic: 19 Border Patrol Agents Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 I 8 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Joh11 McCain Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: There are 18,000 Border Patrol agents. Last month, there were 12,000 apprehensions. That is less than l apprehension per agent over the entire month. With the number of apprehensions dropping, do we need an additional 5,000 Border Patrol agents rather than use those resources elsewhere to prevent the entry ohnanufactured narcotics? (bif5 1 Question: With an increase in CBP officers, has there been an increase in effectiveness in preventing manufactured heroin from crossing the border and ports of entry? DHS-001-6335-001307 Question#: Topic: 19 Border Patrol Agents Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 l 8 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable John McCain Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) l(b)(5) DHS-001-6335-001308 Question#: Topic: 20 Unaccompanied Minors Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 I8 Budget Request Prima ry: The Honorable Joh11 McCain Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Q uestion: Tn fiscal year 2016, $750 million was appropriated to address root causes to deter and prevent children and families in the Northern Triangle from illegally immigrating to the U.S. Although a budget was drafted, there is no public data as to the effectiveness of the program and how tl1e fund was allocated. How will the $7.94 billion budget request for immigration and customs enforcement address the issue of unaccompanied minors in the United States? (b)15 ) DHS-001-6335-001309 Question#: Topic: 20 Unaccompanied Minors Heariug: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Joh11 McCain Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) DHS-001-6335-001310 Question#: Topic: 21 Cyber Activities Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 I 8 Budget Request Prima ry: The Honorable Joh11 McCain Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) Question: Our greatest collective frustration has been the lack of any direction from this administration or the lack on how we should be deterring our adversaiies in cyberspace. With $971.3 ntillion being budgeted for cyber activities, how could ai1 overly strict int.erpr.et.ation of sover:eignty limit or impair the Department of Defense's ability to plan or employ offensive cyber capabilities? b )iS\ DHS-001-6335-001311 Question#: Topic: 22 NCCLC Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 I 8 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Joh11 McCain Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: Additional $42.3 milJion is allocated to allow tbe National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCfC) to protect private sector entities through the Enhanced Cybersecurity Services program. What is the intersection between the civilian hub, National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration. Center rNCC lC), Federal entities, and non-Federal entities, including the private sector? 10115 1 DHS-001-6335-001312 Question#: Topic: 23 National Biodefense Analysis and Countem1easwes Center Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: T he Honorable Rob Portman Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: The President's budget states that Science and Technology Directorate assesses that capabilities at the National Biodefense Analysis and Counte1measures Center (NBACC) can be repl icated at other facilities. lf NBACC is closed as proposed in the President's budget, which specific agencies or organizations will assume responsibility for supporting the threat characterization currently conducted by NBACC? Has DHS coordinated with these entities? Were similar detenninations and plans made for the Chemical Secmity Analysis Center (CSAC)? jb q5 1 DHS-001-6335-001313 Question#: Topic: 24 NBACC Closure Plan Hearing: The Department of Homelaud Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Rob Portman Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) Question: I understand NBACC has already received notification that the organization should begin developing a closure plan. Given the dependency of any such closing on Congressional action, what steps are you planning to take, if any, regarding the closure of NBACC following the completion of the closure plan and prior to the completion of the Congressional authorization and appropriations process for FY2018? (b l(5) DHS-001-6335-001314 Question#: Topic: 25 Polar Icebreaker Program Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Rob Portman Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: At the bearing you stated that the Coast Guard plans to buy si.x icebreakers, three heavy and three medium. Does the cunent acquisition plan of record for the Polar Icebreaker Program reflect this intention? 1"''5' Question: The Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2015 (Public Law 114-1 20 ), Section 207, POLAR ICEBREAKERS, states: "(a) INCREMENTAL FUNDING AUTHORIZED FOR POLAR ICEBREAKERS - In fi scal year 2016 and each fiscal year thereafter, the Commandant of the Coast Guard may enter into a contract or contracts for the acquisition of Polar Icebreakers and associated equipment using incremental funding."(§207(a)) This authorization provides the Coast Guard with the ability to enter into a contract or contracts to acquire as many new Polar Icebreakers as are required - as long as the Coast Guard uses the incremental funding acquisition process. I understand that the cmTent Polar Icebreaker acquisition process now being executed by the Coast Guard does not take advantage of this authorization. What evaluation process occurred prior to the Coast Guard decision not to enter into a conu·act or contracts to acquire as many Polar Icebreakers as are required using the incremental acquisition process? Was a formal cost-evaluation completed to compare the existing Polar Icebreaker acquisition process and a b.lock buy incremental acquisition process? If not, why not? (b)( 5 ) DHS-001-6335-001315 Question#: Topic: 26 Urban Area Security Initiative Allocations Heariug: The Department of Homelaod Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Rob Portman Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: I understand that FEMA is conducting a review of the risk methodology used to detennine Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) allocations. What is the schedule for that review and what is the plan to incorpornte Congressional and stakeholder input? b )(S) DHS-001-6335-001316 Question#: Topic: 27 St Elizabeths Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Thomas R. Carpet Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: For the last several years, I have been a strong advocate for the Department of Homeland Security's Headquarters Consolidation at St Elizabeths. I firmly believe that finishing the DHS headquarters would improve our national security, increase morale and productivity at the Department, and save money for the taxpayers. The President's budget proposes $135 million for GSA's portion ofDHS Consolidation at St Elizabeths but does not include DRS fundin g for new development at the site. As you kn.ow, GSA is largely responsible for infrastructure investments at the site, whil e DHS is responsible for tenant renovations and improvements. Can you please share your vision for Headquarters consolidation? ls the current funding request enough to keep the project on schedule'? (b)(5) Question: Have other Administration infrastructure priorities for DRS, such as building a border wall, shifted resources away from DHS Headquarters consolidation at St. Es? DHS-001-6335-001317 Question#: Topic: 27 St Elizabeths Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 l 8 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Thomas R. Carper Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) b )(S) DHS-001-6335-001318 Question#: Topic: 28 Cybersecurity Hiring Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 I 8 Budget Request Primary: T he Honorable Thomas R. Carpet Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: Cybersecurity breaches, such as the "WannaCry'' ransomware attack last month, are becoming more common and increasingly rely not on expensive or sophisticated technology, but 011 a combination of common software bugs and user error. [tis important that the Department have the resources it needs-ind ucting qualified cybersecurity professionals-to help work with private sector partners and federal agencies to detect, mitigate, and respond to such attacks. Please provide an update on the Department's progress in hiring and training qualified cybersecurity professionals. l_b.H5 1 DHS-001-6335-001319 Question#: Topic: 28 Cybersecurity Hiring H earing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 I 8 Budget Request Primary: T he Honorable Thomas R. Carpet Cvmmittee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: What portfon of the increased cybersecurity funding will go to building up DHS ' s cyber workforce? b1iS 1 DHS-001-6335-001320 Question#: Topic: 29 TSA VJPR Funding Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable T homas R. Carpet Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: Last year in the wake of the attacks on the airport in Brussels, the Senate voted 91 to 5 for an amendment to double the number of TSA Visible fnterrnodal Prevention and Response, or VIPR teams. These teams patrol our airports and public transit spaces in ordet to deter and respond to terrorist attacks. The provision, which l worked on with a number of my colleagues including Senator Heinrich, was ultimately signed into law. lnstead of funding the doubled teams, the President's FY201 8 budget request cuts the number of VTPR teams to eight. Please explain how this proposed cut is justified in light of increased attacks on soft targets. DHS-001-6335-001321 Question#: Topic: 30 !CE Private Prisons Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Thomas R. Carper Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) Question: Senator Harris and I sent a letter to DHS last month asking a number of questions about ICE's use of private_, for-profit detention facilities. As you know, an outside panel last year reviewed these facilities and found that these facilities are generally less safe than publicly run facilities, and made a nw11ber of recommendations for their improvement. I believe we requested a reply to that letter by next week (June 12th). I have not a question for you but a request. Can you please commit to reviewing our letter carefully and provirung a thorough response to our questions? DHS-001-6335-001322 From: I Friedmann Pamelal(b)(6) llbl/6l "Maier Mark < Ilk 11c::. 1 llfb)(6) "Scallan James 11b lf6 l To: f(b)(6) Dluu~, I I I I I .:>t:1uc:11 1, ..,. ,, C: , I I b l(6 l "Lester-Saura, Victoria l(b )(6·1 (b)(6) CC: Kbl(6) I I I "Sobel, Ted 11h 11,;1 I b)(6) I FW: Due lOAM 7/31: [QFR Comment/Clearance] 6/6/17 HSGAC Hearing "DHS FY 2018 Budget Subject: Request - Set 1 of 2 (WF 1145721) Date: 2017/07/27 13:01 :28 Priority: Normal Type: Note More incoming!! See ~.....(b_H_5 l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___. Selden, please seef.....b-)(-S)_ _ _ _ _ __ . Please send consolidated comments back to me. Thank you. bnBehalf Of Plcy Exec Sec From: kb )(6 ) Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 12:56 PM To: PLCY-SPAR Tasking ; PLCY-BIT Tasking j b)(6l ~ ; PLCY-TPSP Tasking < b)(6l l(b)(6) PLCY-CIRTASKING (b)(6) f; I fb )(6) Cc: Immigration Policy Policy b)(6) ; Law Enforcement b )(6 ) t (b)(6) >; Americas 1 b)(6) Subject: Due lOAM 7/31: [QFR Comment/Clearance] 676717 HSGAC Hearing "DHS FY 2018 Budget Request - Set l of 2 (WF 1145721) NOTE: ESEC sent set 2 of2 earlier today. A ll: Please provide consolidated comments/clearance of the attached QFR set by 1Oam on Monday, July 31. To the extent possible, I've attempted to identify areas of purview to facilitate your review. However, we welcome your input on any responses you deem necessary. Thank you . DHS-001-6335-001323 I'll?? DHS-001-6335-001324 I I I (b 1!5,1 Hearing Date: June 6, 201 7 Hearing Title: Request" ''The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget DHS Witnesses: John K elly- OHS Secretary DHS-001-6335-001325 I QFR Breakdown by Sen. /Rep.: 16 questions from Sen. McCaskill (D- MO) 6 questions from Sen. McCain (R-AZ) 4 questions from Sen. Portman (R- OH) 4 questions from Sen. Carper (D- DE) l(b)(6) Office of Policy, Executive Secretariat U.S. Department of Homeland Security l(bJ(6) I JWICS:...... f b-)(6_) _ _ _ _ _ __,, Sender: I Friedm::inn Pamel::il'h \lh \ "b)(6 ) ~ "Maier, Mark i'b \£6 \ kb )l 6 ) "Scallan James -11.._ 1;.:::1 b )(6) "Biaas Selden ; Scallan, James 4..._ (b_)(..._ 6_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.I Maier, Mark Subject: RE: Due lOAM 7/31: [QFR Comment/Clearance] 6/6/17 HSGAC Hearing "OHS FY 2018 Budget Request - Set 1 of 2 (WF 1145721) l(b)(6) I SCO reviewed l(b ..........l(..._5._ l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __..~s per attached . Thank you. SCO team From* b)(6) Ion Behalf Of Plcy Exec Sec Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 12:56 PM To: PLCY-SPAR Tasking < ,... llb-\1_6_ \ - - - - - - - - - . .I PLCY-BITTasking <~(b )(6 l l l(b)(6) I; PLCY-TPSP Tasking 1 (b)(6) DHS-001-6335-001327 f; PLCY-CIRTASKING Cc: Immigration Policy i h 11r:. 1 I; I: Law Enforcement Policy Plcy Exec Sec r l(6 l \..CJ11dll1 I 11b)(6) SCO reviewedl(b)(S) Thank you. .___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.las per attached. SCO team From: fb)(6) Ion Behalf Of Plcy Exec Sec Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2017 12:56 PM To: PLCY-SPAR Tasking ; PLCY-BIT Tasking ~(b )(6) PLCY-TPSP Tasking mmittee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA 11~) lb)f51 DHS-001-6335-001405 Question#: Topic: 16 Electronic Device Search Software Hearing: The Department ofHomelaod Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable CJaire McCaskill Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) Question: Please provide a list of all electronic device search software that the Department has purchased from 2007 through the present. State the contract number for each purchase, the date of the purchase, and the name of the developer and seller of the software. For all electronic device search software that DHS has purchased from 2007 to the present, please provide a detailed explanation of the Department's intended purpose in using the software, as well as any policies and guidelines that govern the potential use of the software. (b )l 5 ) DHS-001-6335-001406 Question#: Topic: 17 PllysicaJ Wall Investment Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Prima ry: The Honorable Joh11 McCain Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: Secretary Kelly, do you agree that a wall to secure the southern border of the United States may consist of fences, drones, towers, personnel, and/or hardware and software technologies to prevent illegal immigration, drug and hwnan trafficking and acts of ten-orism? (b )( 5 \ Question: How will $1.59 billion investment in a physical wall advance this definition? 1~)151 DHS-001-6335-001407 Question#: Topic: 18 Surveillance Technology Heariug: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Prima ry: The Honorable Joh11 McCain Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: $197.2 million is proposed to provide southwest border technology, which is approximately 12% of $1.59 billion budget for a physical wall. According to your assessment, is this sufficient to provide the technological surveillance necessary to achieve a v irtual wall that wi ll more effectively secure our border? ib )\5) DHS-001-6335-001408 Question#: Topic: 19 Border Patrol Agents Hearing: The Department of Homelao.d Security Fiscal Year 20 I 8 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Joh11 McCain Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: There are 18,000 Border Patrol agents. Last month, there were 12,000 apprehensions. That is less than 1 apprehension per agent over the entire month. With the number of apprehensions dropping, do we need an additional 5,000 Border Patrol agents rather than use those resources elsewhere to prevent the entry of l\l1armfactured narcotics? .b 1i5 J Question: With an increase in CBP officers, has there been an increase in effectiveness in preventi11g manufactured heroin from crossing the border a11d ports of entry? DHS-001-6335-001409 Question#: Topic: 19 Border Patrol Agents Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 l 8 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Johu McCain Committee: HOMELAND SECURTTY (SENATE) (bH5) DHS-001-6335-001410 Question#: Topic: 20 Unaccompanied Minors Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 I8 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Joh11 McCain Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) Question: Tn fiscal year 2016, $750 million was appropriated to address root causes to deter and prevent children and fami lies in the Northern Triangle from illegally immigrating to the U.S. Although a budget was drafted, there is no public data as to the effectiveness of the program and how tl1e fund was allocated. How will the $7.94 billion budget request for immigration and customs enforcement address the issue of unaccompanied minors in the United States? DHS-001-6335-001411 Question#: Topic: 20 Unaccompanied Minors Hearing: The Department of Homelaud Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Joh11 McCain Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) (b )1 5 J DHS-001-6335-001412 Question#: Topic: 21 Cyber Activities Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 I 8 Budget Request Prima ry: T he Honorable Joh11 McCain Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: Our greatest collective frustration has been the lack of any direction from this administration or the lack on how we should be deterring our adversruies in cyberspace. With $971.3 ntillion being budgeted for cyber activities, how could an overly strict interpretation of sover:eignty limit or impair the Depa1·1ment of Defense's ability to plan or · employ offensive cyber capabilities? b 11 5 1 DHS-001-6335-001413 Question#: Topic: 22 NCC LC Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 I 8 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Joh11 McCain Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) Question: Additional $42.3 milJion is allocated to allow tbe National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCfC) to protect private sector entities through the Enhanced Cybersecurity Services program. What is the intersection between the civilian hub, National Cybersecurity and Communications Integrati.on Center rNCC lC), Federal entities, and non-Federal entities, including the private sector? DHS-001-6335-001414 Question#: Topic: 23 National Biodefense Analysis and Countem1easwes Center Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Rob Portman Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: The President's budget states that Science and Technology D irectorate assesses that capabilities at the National Biodefense Analysis and Counte1measures Center (NBACC) can be replicated at other facilities. lf NBACC is closed as proposed in the President's budget, w hich specific agencies or organizations wiU assmne responsibility for supp01iing the threat characterization currently conducted by NBACC? Has DHS coordinated with these entities? Were similar determinations and plans made for the Chemical Security Analysis Center (CSAC)? I DHS-001-6335-001415 Question#: Topic: 24 NBACC Closure Plan Hearing: The Department of Homelaud Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Rob Portman Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) Question: I understand NBACC has already received notification that the organization should begin developing a closure plan. Given the dependency of any such closing on Congressional action, what steps are you planning to take, if any, regarding the closure of NBACC following the completion of the closure plan and prior to the completion of the Congressional authoriza6on and appropriations process for FY2018? b)(Sl DHS-001-6335-001416 Question#: Topic: 25 Polar Icebreaker Program Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Rob Portman Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: At the bearing you stated that the Coast Guard plans to buy si.x icebreakers, three heavy and three medium. Does the cunent acquisition plan of record for the Polar Icebreaker Program reflect this intention? Question: The Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2015 (Public Law 114-120 ), Section 207, POLAR ICEBREAKERS, states: "(a) INCREMENTAL FUNDING AUTHORIZED FOR POLAR ICEBREAKERS - In fiscal year 2016 and each fiscal year thereafter, the Commandant of the Coast Guard may enter into a contract or contracts for the acquisition of Polar Icebreakers and associated equipment using incremental funding."(§207(a)) This authorization provides the Coast Guard with the ability to enter into a contract or contracts to acquire as many new Polar Icebreakers as are required - as long as the Coast Guard uses the incremental funding acquisition process. I understand that the cmTent Polar Icebreaker acquisition process now being executed by the Coast Guard does not take advantage of this authorization. What evaluation process occurred prior to the Coast Guard decision not to enter into a conu·act or contracts to acquire as many Polar Icebreakers as are required using the incremental acquisition process? Was a formal cost-evaluation completed to compare the existing Polar Icebreaker acquisition process and a block buy incremental acquisition process? If not, why not? DHS-001-6335-001417 Question#: Topic: 26 Urban Area Security Initiative Allocations Heariug: The Department of Homelaud Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Rob Portman Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) Question: I understand that FEMA is conducting a review of the risk methodology used to detennine Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) allocations. What is the schedule for that review and what is the plan to incorporate Congressional and stakeholder input? tbJ(S) DHS-001-6335-001418 Question#: Topic: 27 St Elizabeths Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Thomas R. Carpet Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: For the last several years, I have been a strong advocate for the Department of Homeland Security's Headquarters Consolidation at St Elizabeths. I firmly believe that finishing the DHS headquarters would improve our national security, increase morale and productivity at the Department, and save money for the taxpayers. The President's budget proposes $135 million for GSNs portion ofDHS Consolidation at St Elizabeths but does not include DRS fundin g for new development at the site. As you kn.ow, GSA is largely responsible for infrastructure investments at the site, while DHS is responsible for tenant renovations and improvements. Can you please share your vision for Headquarters consolidation? ls the current funding request enougJ1 to keep the project on schedule'? Question: Have other Administration infrastructure priorities for DHS, such as building a border wall, shifted resources away from DHS Headquarters consolidation at St. Es'? b )/5 ) DHS-001-6335-001419 Question#: Topic: 27 St Elizabeths Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 l 8 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Thomas R. Carper Committee: HOMELAND SECURTTY (SENATE) (b )(5) DHS-001-6335-001420 Question#: Topic: 28 Cybersecurity Hiring Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 I 8 Budget Request Prima ry: The Honorable Thomas R. Carpet Committee: HOMELAND SEC URITY (S ENATE) Question: Cybersecurity breaches, such as the "WannaCry'' ransomware attack last month, are becoming more common and increasingly rely not on expensive or sophisticated technology, but on a combination of common software bugs and user error. [tis important that the Department have the resources it needs-including qualified cybersecurity professionals-to help work with private sector partners and federal agencies to detect, mitigate, and respond to such attacks. Please provide an update on the Department's progress in hiring and training qualified cybersecurity professionals. (b )15 ) DHS-001-6335-001421 Question#: Topic: 28 Cybersecurity Hiring Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 20 I 8 Budget Request Prima ry: The Honorable Thomas R. Carpet C~1mmittee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) (b )i5) Q uestion: What portfon of the increased cybersecurity funding will go to building up DHS's cyber workforce? b)(5 1 DHS-001-6335-001422 Question#: Topic: 29 TSA VJPR Funding Hearing: The Department ofHomelaod Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Thomas R. Carpet Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENATE) Question: Last year in the wake of the attacks on the airport in Brussels, the Senate voted 91 to 5 for an amendment to double the number of TSA Visible fnterrnodal Prevention and Response, or VIPR teams. These teams patrol OLU- airports and public transit spaces in ordet to deter and respond to terrorist attacks. The provision, which l worked on with a number of my colleagues including Senator Heinrich, was ultimately signed into law. lnstead of funding the doubled teams, the President's FY201 8 budget request cuts the number of VTPR teams to eight. Please explain how this proposed cut is justified in light of increased attacks on soft targets. DHS-001-6335-001423 Question#: Topic: 30 !CE Private Prisons Hearing: The Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Primary: The Honorable Thomas R. Carper Committee: HOMELAND SECURITY (SENA TE) Question: Senator Harris and I sent a letter to DHS last month asking a number of questions about ICE's use of private_, for-profit detention facilities. As you know, an outside panel last year reviewed these facilities and found that these facilities are generally less safe than publicly run facilities, and made a nw11ber of recommendations for their improvement. I believe we requested a reply to that letter by next week (June 12th). I have not a question for you but a request. Can you please commit to reviewing our letter carefully and provirung a thorough response to our questions? DHS-001-6335-001424