Strip Searches on Employees and Visitors The table below reflects the total number of incident reports submitted to VACORIS from January 2017 to November 2019 with an employee or a visitor strip-searched. The numbers do not reflect the total individual strip searches conducted because some incident reports may include multiple strip searches. Strip searches conducted on visitors were determined by the participant being identified as a visitor or were flagged by the keyword search using "visitor" and ?strip search? in all incident report descriptions. The incident reports were then unduplicated based on the incident date and location. Ifthe incident was flagged as containing ?visitor? and "strip search? within the incident description, but the participant was only listed as Staffthey were counted as a visitor strip search. Strip searches conducted on staff were determined by using the HR nature ?Strip search of an employee or visitor," in addition to using the keyword search to flag incidents containing the words ?strip search." in order to isolate only incidents involving a staff member being strip-searched, another keyword search was used to exclude any incidents involving the words ?offender" 0r ?visitor.? VisitorNote: These numbers re?ect the total number of incident reports submitted with either the Internal incident Nature (IIR) "Strip search of an employee or visitor? or the incident decscription indicated a strip search was performed on a staff member or visitor. These numbers do not re?ect that total amount of individual strips searches performed as one indicent report may detail multiple individuals were strip searched. The incidents were unduplicated based on incident date and location. *Slrip searches conducted on a visitor were identified by the participant class of "vistior" and the a keyword search using "visitor" and "strip search" in addition to the HR nature ?Strip searched conducted on staff were identified by the HR nature ?Strip search of an employee or visitor? as well as the keyword search of all incidents using "slIip search." To ensure offender strips searches and visitor strip searches were not included, if the incident description contained the Word offender or visitor those incidents were not included in the staff strip search numbers 0 Overall, incident reports regarding strip searches of either a visitor or staff have continuously increased since 2017. It is important to know that this does not necessarily indicate the number of individual strip searches have increased; reporting strip searches may have improved over time by inputting the incident into VACORIS or writing an individual incident report per strip search. a The majority ofthe reported strip searches on visitors occur at Security Level 3 facilities followed by Security Level 2 facilities from January 2017 to November 2019. The majority of reported strip searches conducted on staff also occur primarily at Security Level 2 and Security Level 3 facilities. Strip Searches Conducted on Minors Strip Searches that were conducted on a minor were identified after collecting all incidents from January 2017 to November 2019 by using the Visitor ID and if they were a minor. Since not all Visitor IDs may be entered into VACORIS under the incident report, another keyword search was used to identify any incidents that used the word ?minor? before any incidents were unduplicated. After collecting the incidents that indicated the possibility that a minor was strip-searched, each individual report was read to ensure that the minor was in fact the one being strip-searched. In total, there were 16 confirmed strip searches conducted on a minor. This number may not represent the total amount of minors that were subjected to a strip search. Lunenburg Correctional Center (4) and Virginia Correctional Center for Women (4) conducted the most reported strip searches on minors. The most common age of the minors at the time of the strip search was 13 years old or 17 years old. Minors Strip Searched with Consent 2 17 1 rom January 0 to ovember 20 9 Ages at the time of Strip Search from January 2017 2019 to November 2019 ota Total Minors Total Minors Total Minors Aqe Count Location Searched Searched Searched :l Buckinqham 0 0 2 2 6 1 Coffeewood 0 2 2 8 1 Fluvanna 0 2 2 Green Rock 0 1 1 2 13 4 Lunenburq 2 1 1 4 15 1 VCCW 0 4 0 4 16 3 Total 2 8 6 16 17 4 Strip Searches of Minors by Location, Year, and Age Strip Searches conducted on a Minor from January 2017 to November 2019 Location Year Aqe of Minor Buckinqham CC 2019 8 Buckingham CC 2019 13 Coffeewood CC 2019 15 Coffeewood CC 2019 17 Fluvanna CC 2018 16 Fluvanna CC 2018 16 Green Rock CC 2018 13 Green Rock CC 2019 16 Lunenburq CC 2018 13 Lunenburq CC 2019 17 Lunenburq CC 2017 17 Lunenburq CC 2017 17 VCCW 2018 1 VCCW 2018 6 VCCW 2018 3 LCCW 2018 13