In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon For Multnomah County Coun 0205-32852 ATE OF OREGON. DA Cas: 1296526 Cnm: Report PP UZ-43267 y. BALLOT Indiclmenl [or Violnlion of a: (mural 5 3332mm IOSEYH CHRISTIAN ORS 164 415 (I7 . 0R5 163 27s (3) Bibs ORS 166:220 ORS 156250 (5) The nheye-nnmed nelenunnr ls accuscd by lhe Grand Jury Counly. Sun of Oregon, by lhis of miners) er. COUNT ROBBERY IN THE FIRST DEGREE WITH A FIREARM. COUNT KIDNAPPING IN THE SECOND DEGREE WITH A FIREARM, COUNT 3 -- COERCION WITH A FIREARM. COUNT 4 UNLAWFUL USE OF A WEAPON wrrl-l A FIREARM, COUNT 5 . UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF A FIREARM nr foans COUNT ROBBERY IN THE FIRST DEGREE WITH A FIREARM 'rllu sald defendunl, on or aboul May 12, 2002, ml ounl olMullnunlah, Slale urOregun, did unlawfully and use and- lhrenlen llre rrnmedrnle m: a! (om: upouh and was urnled a deadly weapon a handgun, while In the enurre pl cummlulng and lhefr of properly. lu-wn. lawful currency ol rhe Unued Slams of Amenca and lhe mlenl of prevenlmg and overcoming resrslance lo rhe rald defendunl's and relenlron nlrer rhe laklng oflhe said properly and dunng lhe oflhis lelony, lhe delendunl used lhrenlenwl rhe use 0! a firearm lO-Wll .357 callber reyolyer. conuary lhe slalutcs in such cases made and providcd and lhe pence and nl [he Slale el chgon, COUNT KIDNAPPING IN THE SECOND DEGREE WITH A FIREARM The dzfendanl, on or aboul May 12 2002, in rhe enunly or Mulmonrnh. Sure or Oregon. unlawfully, wuhoul eunsenl or legal lake --6rom one place lo another. me lnlenl lo rnlerlere wirh lhe ruin - 5 personal lrberly. anll during llre commission of lelony Ihe defendant did use and lhlcalcn lhe use ol a firearm. a 357 culrher revulvcv, comrary ln rhe slalulcs in such mule Ind provuled and agalnsl peace and nnhe Sum of Oregon. 3 CDERCION WITH A FIREARM The said delenuunl an or aboul May l2 2002 In rhe Calluly olMullnurnrh sure ofOl'egcn unlawfully and compel and lnducc-- lo engag: In conducl from which --had a legal lo nbslain |o~wl| leuye lhe slore presence of lhe delenrlanl by means at rn leer Lhal ll from lhe cunllucl compelled and induced defendant would unlawfully cause injury lu -- dunng me commission of ms leleny lhe used and unenleneul use ol a (warm. l0 wil: 357 culrher revolver, comrary rn lhe statutes in such cam made am provided and lhe pence and of me Slnle nf Or=gon. 9913!! 4 UNLAWFUL USE OF A WEAPON WITH A FIREARM I ENTERED MAY 22 2002 IN 4* I I I. mum-mm Din: Otig'luh lefl- Corns: Dduldml, w. AlloI-anM, Dali Entry lulu-fl Nb: MS DA Unil uc Realm Nb: Page?) "Defendant: JEREIVH JOSEPH CHRISTIAN Court: 02-05-32852 use said dsrenusm, on or about Msy 12s 2002. in ms Coumy of Mulmomull Stan: DfOrc ma unlawfully luzmpl lo use. carry van. mum to use and possess mien! use mudgun, A dangerous and deadly vipsfapou. and dunug me commissnon 0f nus felonyfimarm, wn: ,357 caliber mtolvcr. conuasy Io statutes such cases made and psuudsd and againsl the peace and rhgnily of H1: Sme nmegon, COUNT UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF A FIREARM < Veri?ed Correct Copy ot?Origina] 553053017. 4" FORREST N. RIEKE 1. WILLIAM SAVAGE MICHAEL BANKS JAMES R. GREGORY ANDREW M. KOHLMETZ RICHARD E. OBERDORFER H. SCOTT RAIVIO BRADLEY E. SANDS JASON A. STEEN BRUCE TARBOX MultnomahCounty Courts Room 106 1021 SW 4th Avenue Portland, 01' 97204 To whom it may concern: RIEKE SAVAGE, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW "moms MANN BUILDING 140 S.W. YAMHILL STREET PORTLAND, OREGON 97204-3090 AREA coma 503 TELEPHONE 222-0200 May 16,1 2002 FAX 243-1820 Nil: 2131731 32:: 4?23: Ties; mew?57' an?? r. in RB: State v. Jeremy Christian Case Please change the attorney of record from Forrest Rieke to Andrew Kohlmetz, OSB 95541 in the above mentioned case. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Sincerely yours, Paul Piche Legal Assistant Lam: Dun 64955330 ENTERED FILES MAY 1 5 2002 cmcUnmi's'rmm ovum COUNTV OREGON 2002051 05-12- 002 ADDRESS 0 2 90mm, or. wear AS gun was REPLY was SEND cop?ro: DATE OF OFFENSE PLACE OF BIRTH (STATE OR coummr} counmv or: CITIZENSHIP ENTER 0399 MM 00 YY OROZGDIBA 0110260200 - - 0R >1 msceum?bus 100013595 SCARS. MARKS, TATTOOS, AND AMPUTATIONS eri?ed Correct ADDRESS CITY STATE 5-. OFFICIAL ?aunts. NAME on LOCAL IDENTIFICATIONIREFERENCE LAN 820915 HOTO PALM PRINTS YES GORSEK can 10663 EMPLOYER: 4F U.S. GOVERNMENT. INDICATE SPECIFIC AGENCY. OCCUPATION IF MILITARY, LIST BRANCH OF SE RVICE AMI) SERIAL NO. CHARG EICITATION 1. 164.415 ROBBERY 15-1 2. 163.225 KIDNAPPING 2ND DEG CHARGES 10. 11. _12. ADDITIONAL FOR CAUTION BISPOSITION 1. DEG ADDITIONAL STATE BUREAU STAMP ADDITIONAL CHARGES mm Q3 12 PORTLAND i BIA 4 pbuce BUKEAU JUS TODY REPORT mm "32.1mm - 5 mm mam>> [2&1 2.2 211 - 213' LDC 7 7" 'jer'harfwr I a: mmCOPIES New mums 14v onxw Suva SEN mom . mm 02c mum unrkui moo-<<4 Emanuel ER. Um JUVENILE mm uavu ONLY wwsi' 53an x, mm FNMEWGUARDVAMIAVES Mm Annaiss wow won: ADDRESS WDFIFHDNE qu "ammo": 3cm cmumws's DESCRIPTORS VQ 7 wlum 11 Ilwn- IS luumlm: 15 Emu-Mum new." Muwm mum many a mum as 9: 0147mm mmmmMmml/115 Slim n! Kenn at D6 "warm 1: m-uly mm cm, 1 Human hum nY mm 17 smmom CIMV Mumuwmie mum an: mwmweCNARGES mm wseaammy nissVEnARnEsv .ssmusnom 7 usvso mamm Mona 06-" 3 ms no 051mm no ,1 5m ~o uEuMan no mu coum mm mm 7 I "5111-- "Lt mm; mm mm"? 911407.>>.qu isms mum mam?" FOR mEN'anAnoN DWISIDN USE ONLV w: 7 my>> BMW LISTED ms '2 5] 5/ BELOW 0 "r m. fickma m- ofi INLIECM mvicn VIPED sm- Doom 197M) nsoommaomcsfiksy am m: Assam: Daniels 37"" 07-3 1? __Vcri?cd Correct Copy of?riginal 5:30:20]? 1? ?3 g. maWw-uw .atw Wu - . 0-. - In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon For Multnomah County Conn 02705-32352 ATE OF OREGON DA Case 1296526 2 Cum kepun PP 02--43267 2" Plamrirf, 2 BALLOT MEASURE v, Infulmuion a! District Attorney . JEREMY losnrH CHRISTIAN 0R5 163 225 (2) 0 (IRS IE3 275 (3) D:I':ndam. The abovcmamed delendanl I: accused by this Infomiatian of the :nmc(s) of COUNT 1 - ROBBERY THE FIRST DEGREE WITH A FIREARM, COUNT 1 - KIDNAPPING IN THE SECOND DEGREE WITH A FIREARM. COUNT 3 COERCION WITH A FIREARM commincd as follows: COUNT I ROBBERY IN THE FIRST DEGREE WITH A FIREARM In: said dcfendanl, on or about May 12, 21102, in 1he ofMth-iomuh, Stale awregan unlawfully and knowingly use and mmalen rhe immudmle use {orce upon kind was armed a deadly weapon. ln-wii handgun, while In due course and anempung to cannrui thefi In-wn: lawful currency nnhe United sures nlArnenea and merchnunrae, wuh rhe rurenr ofpreveulmg and rensunee are slid uking and relumon immedmely afin the raking nhhe said property and during rhe cummssion oflhis felony. 1he defendam used and ilrrearened the use on firearm. to-wll .13 nnliher revolver, comraly the statutes such cascs made and provided nun against the peace and dignily nnhe 5ch u; Oregon, FILED COUNT TI-IE sEann DEGREE WITH A FIREARM MAY I 5 239 The said rleteudunr, an ar aboul Mny 12, 2 2, in the Coumy or Mulrnormh sure of Oregon, did unlawI'uIly, wnhou! consul! or le a1 uurhon rake --gmi one place [0 anorher, with lh: imrnr Interfere suhsranually wlih the said- personal libeny, and dunng lire comnussion of :hrs felony rhe did use and lhrcaien are use ufa \o-wil: as caliber revnlver, ennuary to 1he sraiures such cases made and pmvidcd md lgumsi the peace and dignily <Page: '2 Defendant: JEREMY JOSEPH CHRISTIAN Court: 02415-32852 Ts'he sald defendant, on by about Msy 12, 2002, In the Coumy ur Mulmumah sme cf on, did and compel < THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF THE STATE OF OREGON, 020532852 plaintiff, 1295525 AFFIDAVIT or PROBABLE chus 0 To SUPPORT CONTINUED nafimu? JEREMY JOSEPH CHRISTIAN OF DEFENDANT 9% 93* 0? De fendanc . o\ 2335' rnnon Up' at lint ROD UNDERHILL, swear that I am a Deputy District Attorney for Multnomah County and that have reviewed the police reports which have been filed in this case by police officers,- that the crimes charged against occurred in hultnomah county and that the probable cause for detention following the arrest of defendantls) is as follows: That have reviewed several police officer reports regarding an incident reported to have occurred on 5/12/02 at Ed's Market located at sin n. lombard st. in Portland on. officer Albert, 29707, reports being first on the scene at the market based on a 911 call for assistance pertaining to an allegation of robbery. ofc. Albert reports that upon arrival he/she observed the store clerk handcuffed to a metal bar. Ofc. Albert reports interviewing -- and that Mr. reported an adult white male dressed in black with a stocking mask on had Just robbed him at gunpoint, That the robber had a black .33 caliber revolver and that the weapon was pointed in his direction and that threats such as "I'll shoot you five were said by the robber during the incident. ofc. Albert reports that Mr. Sung said that the robber took us. currency from the cash till and that he also took cigarettes and other merchandise during the robbery and placed these items in a large black bag _told ofc. Albert: that the suspect also ordered him to go to the front double doors wh ch were propped open and to close the door from outside and also said at that time "don-t go awayrl'll shoot you." --reports to ofc. Albert that he then went back in the store and the suspect pulled a set of handcuffs from his front pocket and ordered --to handcuff himself. told -rt that the suspect had clear plastic 9 oves on during incident; that toward the end of the robbery a customer,walked in an the cooler was and that the suspect fled, at which tim customer to call 911 and a description was given to the 91.1 ofc. Michaelson reports that he responded to the seen . ry and then quickly responded to another location when he heard ofc, Devl roadcast that he had a possible suspect walking away from him at Kerhy and Stafford. Ofcl hichaelson reports that as he was arriving he heard what sounded like a gunshot and then observed a person later identified as Jeremy christian falling to the ground on the eastside of ln the middle of the street and that just west of christian was ofc. cevlin. Ofc. Michaelson reports that he approached and observed that Christian was shot and that christian was then placed in custody. That Michaelson then reports searching christian and that he located a black backpack, u.s. currency and clear plastic gloves. officer Michaelson reports that while this procedure was occurring he heard the defendant say "he robbed the market because the guy there doesn't sell any winning lottery tickets." officer Michaelson reports that the defendant also said that he pulled his gun out but didn-t intend to shoot the officer, that he was going to shoot himself and that he should have gotten rid of the mask because it gave him away. mm A.- "w Officer Michaelson reports that the defendant later said robbed Ed?s market on Lombard because he sells everyone losers." Date 5? 5km, ?9?th MM Signature ROD UNDERHILL, 83324 Name - Printed OSB SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME ON THE ABOVE DATE: Correct Copy of Original Notary Public For Oregon: My Commission Expires: \l 040$ Deputy Clerk of the CerUlt Court Judge of the Circuit Court AFFIDAVIT OF PROBABLE CAUSE AFFPCI GEMS 061549 .- IN 1" IRCUIT COURT FOR THE .GON FOR MULTNOMAH COUNTY DISPOSITION, COMMITMENT AND REFERRAL ORDERS STATE OF OREGON, Plaintiff DDA: r4 v. 8 Dgendant CHRISTIAN EBB True Name D.O.B. A?iress City State Zip Pli?ne ix?) O.D.L. Arrest Date Afgorney: E3 Retained mppointed Metro Other Do?endant is: In Custody [3 On Recog. On Cond. Rel. Ci On See. Rel. Tl?l? FOLLOWING SENTENCE OR SPECIAL ORDERS ARE HEREBY ORDERED: (raise Number 0205_3 2533-30? 4 . 9 a, (gage (0 Res 1 91/51,! 2 bur/1?34 - $910102 0/ Fliea Finding Bail Set \V?vv as Bail Amount Posted ?0 Jail Days r\3\ Fine 0% Assessment Court Costs Ct. Apr. Atty. Costs Forfeit all Trust to Fine and Assessment Payment is Deferred to at 5:00 PM Restitution? A separate restitution form including victims? names and addresses must be completed Probation Yr/Mo Type DBEBF UBDF UBDF [331:3]: EJBDF All persons placed on County Probation are required to pay a fee. Alt. Community Service Pte -Sentence [Ordered Comp Comp [3 Comp [3 Comp Ev om Case Set-Over (618 f! Additional Orders: 665 SET OVER EURTHR PROCEEDINGS: 5-22-02 JC3 a? Date: 5~15-02 03-22 (4/99) Distribution: Original - Court BY ORDER OF THE COURT Copies Probation Judge, Jail, Probation, Attorney