IN THE SOUTH my: JP STATE OF SEERIZONA. M. COUNTY the COURT PAGE .1 '3 estates ?guest-11311111111111; NAME 1:11;. 1111111111- . A. GENERAL ENFURMATION lCharges 1 111-11. 11-11 111111111111 pea-rites 111. PROBABLE CAUSE STATEMENT Entiee: {tote-.111 11 epoei?c {-1111}: it" i8 aeulett or 1111111111111 t?r-t {Stuart or {Tim-t1. at the time they tire provided to the {fnur' Pursuant to ARE. ?4t--1?50 tenaprint fingerprints were taken of the arrested person? Yes El No If yes, PCN .. Pursuant to ARES. ?13?6t?} one or more of the above 1 charges requires the arresting agency to secure a DNA santpie from the arrested person? Yes No if yes. does the defendant have a vatid DNA sampie on ?le with [it] Yes No if no. Arresting Agency not; taken required earnpte?? a Yes No Offense Location Offense Date: 11.1 An-eet Location. 1.1211 1-1 1-- A- 111111.1111-1101-1 1111? ?181-13333 3-121 9511.101 1. Please summarize and include the facts which establisi probabie cause for the arrest: See Addendum [Page 3} acted by the {Tutti-t, all Form H?s are records ef?u- ent] will 1.1111111111111111 in their entirety upon 1111111111?. DO 19?91111111-1217 NO. 1-1512-1111-1: CASE NO. C. OTHER (Check if applicable} Defendant is press-1111311 or: probation. parole or any other form of releaSe invoiving other charges or convictions: Explain: 2. List any prior: Arrests? Convictions? 15.1.1131? 3. is there any indication the defendant is: An Aioohoiic? An Addict? Mentaliy disturbed? F?l?tyeicaliy 4. Defendant is employed With whom How long: 5. 1tether-e does the defendant currenthr reside? 1111:1171 eats-1- RCSQIJ 335131-331With whom HOW iota 1113313 months days Explain: int-1.11.1111: 3.131 Ni?: fiflRRETNtt.? What facts does the state have to oppose an unsecured raiease? Explain:1111111-1111113111111 1111111 no 11o T11111- Tc- AAtsoe-A o. OF THE oFFewsetcneck 11 appiicabte} 1. Firearm or other weapon was used Type: {31 Someone was injured by the defendant Medical attention was neceseary Nature at Injuries use 111:1 111311. 111: 2. Someone was threatened by the defendant Nature and extent of threats: 3. Did the offense involve a chitd victim? Yes No If yes, was DES noti?ed? 5] Yea No 11. Itrriroperty1 offense, value of propertyr taken or damaged: Property was recovered 5. Nan-tots} of co-defendantts): DEF EN NAME endless Li?s? E. CRIMES OF VIOLENCE Relationship of defendant to victim: eon-tee Q's} Viotirnt's} and defendant reside together 2. How was the situation brought to the attention of 3? [j Victim it] Third Party {3 O?ioer observed 3 There are previous incidents involving these same lpartie Explain: ?it. is defendant currently the subject of: An order of protection Any other ootrrt order Injunction against harassment Explain: F. DGMESTIC {Check if spoiler-two] Defendant?s actions Threats of homicideisuisiderbodity harm ?3 issues t1] Crime Prior history of DU {3 Kidnapping {It Frequenoyiintensity of increasing [1 Depression [It nosess to or use of weapons Stalking oenavier Violence against ohitdrenianimais Multiple violations of court orders CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE ARREST [Check ifeppiioable) Did the defendant attempt to [it Avoid arrest 3 Resistarrest Sett Surrender Exeiain: 2. Type: CD DOB tee'trosnss NOJt-stza'tss CASE r: Pass 3. Ed Evidenee of the offense was found in the defendant's possession Exoiain: see was sees see son WETH 1H Fiat-3'53 113-- 4. Was the defendent under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the offense? Yes No {3 Unit H. DRUG QFFENSES 1. it the defendant is considered to be a drug deaier, please state the supporting-3 facts: 2. What quantities and types of drugs are directly involved in the offense? [3 Drug ?eld test oomoleted Defendant admission of drug type Approximate monetary value: 3. Was any money seized? Yes No Amount: I. ADDFTIQNAL 1. Military Service: Has the defendant served in the military services of the United States?? ?res No Unknown If yes. onrrenlty on aotiye duty? [3 Yes No Branches Served In: AirForoe 1618- Army (36- Coesthiard MC nttiarinetmrp MerchantMaiinesr-l? NetionaiGoardNV Navy 2. is the defendant homeless? {3 Yes No CI Unknown 3. Do you need the court to provide an interpreter to help communicate and to understand what is being said?? Yes No If so, whet language: :lf" a fugitive attest a Forrn ly?A must also 3.3. oompieteo? mi oertity that the information presents K111i?! 12"; .19? r) '3 5F 'ri'iti?tE 1 DEPARTM Ei DE ~10? 'aeewowo?d?r PHONE mt) HENRI [303 3:2 2 --F BOOKING CASE NO, RAH. 3. '5 ADI ENDUM B1. Probabte Cause Staiement ON JANUAIT 20TH, 2020 AT 1920 HOURS, OTFICERS HITH THE PHOENIX POLICE DEPARTMENT RESPONDED TO A CALL OF AN UNHNOHN TROU2LE AT 2520 EAST VINEYARD ROAD. DISPATCH ADVISED AN UNIDENTIEIED FEMALE HAS CALIING TO REPORT THREE CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF THREE TEARS OLD HERE POUND DECE SED INSIDE THE RESIDENCE. OPEICERS AND FIRE PERSONNEL RESPONDED NITNIN MINUTES AND DETERMINED ALL THREE .REN A THREE SEAR OLD MALE, A ONE YEAR OLD REMALE, A SEVEN MONTH OLD FEMALE HERE DEIEASED. THE FATHER OP THE CHILDREN, AND THE MOTHER, RACHEL HENRY HERE ROTH ON SCENE AND TRANSPORT 2HOENIN POLICE HEAD ARTERS FOR FURTHER INTERN-TERI. THE I-IONSTNINER. HAS ALSO TRANSPORTED. AUDIOIVIDEO MIRANDIEED INTERVIENS HERE CONDUCTED WITH ALL THE PARTIES INVOLVED. ACHNOHLEDGED RACHEL HAD A NETHAM HETAMINE ADDICTION AND HAD SEEN ACTING STRANGE THE PIRIT SEVERAL DAYS. -ST SAN THE CHILDREN ALIVE AT ATELT 1-100 1-H2URS. THE TO PICK LIP-FROM HORN. RI- TOLD NOULD PUT THE CHILDREN ONE FOR A NAP NHILE SHE HAS GONE. RETURNED HOME AT APPROXIMATELY ISOD HO RS AFTER PICKING LIP-AT HAS HOME BY THE CAME EACH. REPORTED SEEING THE THREE NEAR OLD HALE AND THE ONE YEAR OLD FEMALE SL0 '2 ON THE COUCH AND RACHEL HOLDING THE SEVEN MONTH OLD FEMALE. RACHEL TOLD APPROXIMATELY 30 MINUTES LATER, SHE HAS GOING INTO HER ROOM TO PUT THE SEVEN MONTH OLD FEMALE DONN FOR NAP. DID SEE THE SEVEN MONTH OLD FEMALE ANAHE AFTER RACHEL TOOR HER INTO HER BED2 ROOM. RACHEL ADMITTED TO SMOTHERING EACH CHILD STARTING HITH THE ONE NEAR OLD FEMALE. RACHEL HAS PLAYING HITH THE ONE YEAR OLI EEMALE AND HRESTLING ON TOP OF HER. RACHEL FELT THE ONE YEAR OLD FEMALES BREATHING HAS OESTRUCTED BUT CONTINUED TO IMPEDE HER BREATH BY PLACING HER HARD OVER THE ONE YEAR OLD FEMALES MOUTH. RACHEL STATED THE ONE NEAR OLD FEMALE IICEED AS SHE DID SO, HHILE THE THREE YEAR OLD MALE TELLED NO AT HER IN AN ATTEMPT TO GET HER TO STOP. RACHEL KNEW SHE HAD RILLED THE ONE YEAR OLD PEIALE HHEN SHE STOPPED HICHING RACHEL. THE THREE YEAR OLD MALE ATTEMPTED TO HELP THE ONE REAR OLD FEMALE ST PUNCHING RACHEL TO NO AVAIL, RACHEL NEXT CHASED THE THREE NEAR OLD HALE AND STATED SHE HAS INTERRUPTED HHEN TO THE RESIDENCE. AFTER SOME TIME PLAYING SITE THE THREE YEAR OLD MILE, RACHEL TOOR THE THREE YEAR OLD MALE INTO A EACH DEDROOM NHERE SHE CHANGED 21S UNDERPANTS .AS RACHEL DID SO, SHE PLACED THE THREE TIER OLD MALE ON THE FLOOR OF THE BEDROOM, STRADDLED HIM WITH ONE OF HER LEGS AND PLACED HER HAND OVER HIS NOSE AND MOUTH. RACHEL DESCRIBED SINGING TO THE THREE YEAR OLD MALE AS IS SCRATCHING HER CHEST AND PINCHING HER HHILE SHE PLACED HER HAND OVER HIS NOSEXMOUTH. RACHEL USED HER HEIGHT ON TOP OE THE NEAR OLD MALE, STRADDLING HIM, TO SMOTHER HIM UNTIL HE DIED. RACHEL FED THE SEVEN MONTH OLD FEMALE A EOTTLS IN HER SEDROON UNTIL SHE FELL ASLEEP. RACHEL SANG HER A SONG AS SHE PLACED HER HAND OVER HER FACE AND IMPEDED HER BREATH. RACHEL SANG TO THE SEVEN MONTH OLD FEMALE UNTIL SHE HECAME UNCONSCIOUS AND DIED. RACHEL PLACED ALL OF THE CHILDREN IN A POSITION ON THE LIVING ROOM COUCH AS IF THEE HERE TAKING A NAP. RA DID NOT EITHER -OR NHAT HAPPENED.