COMMmWBALTII OF MASSACHUSETTS SUPBUOR COURTDBPAR'IMENT CIVIL AC'IlONNO. 20 BRENDAN CAMERON. ....- e~'"" ~-..> !i r'"Tl :;x_., 'PJainri~ § .. - Cl'\ n::r. o"'l :2 e n v. zo -tC BRBWS'TBRAMaULANCE SBR.VICB. INC. -<::C ~ 1,'> ~ <"": :-! <. ,..., 0 -W* ~ ~ r- C) r- U> DefendlUll CQMPLAINTANQ JURY Dl!ft\NP' '1bi$ 4 a whistleblower action brought by Plaintiff Brendan Cameron against his former emproyer, Brewster Ambulaooe Service, Inc.• for monetary damages. 'The Plaintift's claims arise out oftbc Defcmdant"s wrongful termination of the Plaintiff's employment 1. 1. PARTIES Brendan Cameron is an individual who resides in Quiooy, Norfollc County, Massacbuseus. 2. Brewster Ambulance Service.lPC. (tbe ..Company") is one of the largest ambulance service companies in New England with 15 regional locations in Massachusetts including its corporate headquarters located at25 Main Street, Weymouth. MA 02188. n. 3. .JURISDICTION Ah'D VENUE This Coun has personal jurisdiction over the defendants pursuant to MG.L. c. n3A§2. 4. Venue is proper under M.O.L. c. 223 § l. W. .5. ALLE.GA TIONS AS TO ALL COUNTS Mr. Camc.'Ton has an extensive background in revenue cycle proce~s. medical billing ;md compliance specifically in tbe EMS industry. Prior to joining tbe Comp~~ny, Mr. Cammon tnweUed the country configurina t'MS medical billinJ ~ ud couultiag OD proocdural incfficienciel atow.r a buruhcl EMS aaeorJes. Duriftg this time hoauined Ccnificd Ambullncc Coder and Cadilied Ambul.clm;e Compliance Officer catiftcatiOil&. 6. T.hrougb his uaining mel prior wort cxperieoce. Mr. CU~Cron fmniliari2ed himself with Medicaro and Medicaid guidelines regarding appA)priate billing of glaims. He provided guidance to his cliClttS when he found situations that were questionable. 7. Mr. Cmeron bepn worlcins for the Company as a Billing Consultant in tbe soouner of2.019. Shortly into the consulting relatlonship MT. Carne«>o was overseeing the entire biUing department. and the Company offered him a full-time position which he did not~ 8.. On or ;uound October 1, 20l9, Mr. cameron agreed to accept the full-time offer and was hired as tbe Director of Revenue Cycle with the Company. Mr. Cameton's compensation pacbge wus robust and included, but was not limited to, a base salary of $120,000 per year. a living-.expensc stipend of $1500.00 per month for tbe first year of employment and a company vehicle whose associated costs (fuel and maintenance) were paid by the Company. 9. In his role as Director, Mr. Cameron reported to the Chief Fina~al Officer ("CFO'') and was responsible for "managing all functions of the billing office and revenue cycle ensurin~ Oll$h flows are ma)(1mi1.ed and that all intern&\ and eldemal customer relations arc being maintained." 10. Mr. Cameron managed a team ofover 50 employees. 6 of whom he had established as mnnasers for each ponion of his department: Intake, Coding, Claims/Follow Up, Training/QA ~n (ri~t 1 teading the nacrati~~) would put the Corti pany at a compliance risk. The CFO 1 1 Ill J..ctJ JIMfal documeats to tbe email wid~ "Dowmcntatioo OuideliDca,,. "Do~~ n ~arTMivo Bumple8~" and "Medicare Doc:umenbltfoD., to llluttrate the tsne~llld ber poiDt z:;, At that same time. tbe Owoer/BxeQ.rtive infotmed Mr. Cameron 8Dd the others i.b ~ hts ~·IUJet that. eoing foMard. DO olaiml were to be refunded to Medicare (4)t other payOI$) W~nleJ~t.e J~ a~d - Prior to tblt pOint Mr. Camolon bad authority to rcftJnd ctalm8 ~ felt were improper. 28, Mr. Cauteron and hia manqer1 posbed back on that issue as well and. u a ~t the Owner/Executive began conducting meetiop regarding the billios depactmenl with staffen (t~e IT Director, the Dispatch Manager and his executive assistants) wbo had nothing-to do with 'II b~l,.~ns ~r coropl~e. 29. Ov« the next two weeks, the Owner/Executtw had secret meeting$ witb. various employees and decided 10 split tbe billing department into two teams; one employee would be in charge of Team A and Mr. Cameron would be in charge of Team B. Team B was only responsible for work denials and foUow-up on unpaid claim~ significanl demotion from l.bc job description ~r. Cru;wteron wn$ give:o when hired full-rimo-wbieh kept him away from the Medicare oompliamc:e issues ho had complained about. 30. On or about December 20. :2019, the CI10 save Mr Cameron permis:;ion to work remotely over the holiday break; she informed Mr Cameron ttud lhc 0\o\-'llerfE)(C(;utive's secretary would rn:ed to be notified. The secretary then informed Mr. Cameron that he would need to speak with the Owner/Exec-q.,tive. The OWller/1-!xecutlve was not available so Mr. Cameron received a~proval frqm hjs $j>lt, llle c~ of~te Company, 3 l. When Mr. C1U1'1ero&onebly llflliclpoled flllur& medical and. h~lt:ai8Qql811- ........................~ ...................._.......m Rc:M-On.Rbfr nntl~ l~t .,...liei .,,,...,...,_.....,,,f!l,lf+l ,................................... "~"-'""-""'" .._ ,_ _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on... _ _.,................................................ _, _ _. ., _ , . _ , _ , _ ,.................. . C»>et dooumCilted ilcmt or ~II'IIIIJC$ (des tribe below) ............. ····-~ ..- .... - .....- ...........,_., ....- .-...........,_._.._,____ MD'd relocaeo,.. C7Penks r•·uo•u···-·-·- $ $ $ ,: $ s s • $ TOTAL IA..f):S CON'IBACT ClAIM I (eltlctl edc111oolll shuts.,.,.• ._...._, .11 dot~~lled clll'lltrip(on o! cllllrm(s): 1'0TAt.: t PURSUANTTOs.JC RULE 1:18 I"'f di$,."Uie re~~>luUm dlscusswilh lhem tt..