46. SUBJECT: FREE TRANSIT FOR LOS ANGELES COUNTY STUDENTS APPROVE Motion by Directors Solis, Garcetti, Bonin, Dupont-Walker, Butts and Hahn that the Board direct the CEO in collaboration with LAUSD and other school districts, local municipalities, the State and other stakeholders, to return to the Board In April 2020 with a report that includes: 1. Review of the performance of existing free transit programs for K-12 students, including the City of Los Angeles' DASH to Class program, Metro's Just Transit pilot with LAUSD and other school districts, and the City of Sacramento's RydeFreeRT program; 2. Cost estimates for the provision of free Metro transit services for LAUSD and other school district students and potential funding mechanisms to offset those costs with considerations for phasing based on Metro's Equity Platform; Cost estimates should include Information on fare subsidies and costs to administer the program; 3. Forecasts of impacts to Metro farebox revenues as a result of free Metro transit services based on existing K-12 student pass utilization and other data; 4. A survey of various schools. In collaboration with LAUSD and other school districts, to determine transit dependency and interest of students switching to transit as a result of potential free fares; 5. Mapping of various school district boundaries in the County in relation to existing and planned transit services utilizing Metro's Equity Platform to identify high-need communities; 6. Analysis of effects on ridership, inclusive of impacts to operations on transit lines that may experience over-crowding during peak hours and potential impacts to school bus ridership; 7. Outreach to municipal operators that have transit service supported by Metro formula funds connecting to K-12 schools; 8. Recommended actions to minimize or eliminate barriers for Los Angeles County households to take advantage of potential free transit for students, including, but not limited to, partnering with LAUSD and other school districts for administrative support. 9. Return to the Board in June 2020 with a separate report, covering directives 1 through 8 of motion 46, on a partnership with Community College Districts within Metro's service area to provide no-cost transit programs for campuses that have self-imposed supplemental student fees dedicated towards the cost of transportation, including but not limited to the LA Community College District (LACCD) and LACCD's College Promise program.