Notice First Regular Joint Quarterly Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Colorado River Water Conservation District and of the Colorado River Water Conservation District Acting by and Through Its Colorado River Water Projects Enterprise January 21-22, 2020 9:00 a.m. Glenwood Springs, Colorado The first regular joint quarterly meeting of 2020 of the Board of Directors of the Colorado River Water Conservation District and of the Colorado River Water Conservation District acting by and through its Colorado River Water Projects Enterprise will be held on Tuesday January 21, 2020 commencing at 9:00 a.m. at the offices of the Colorado River Water Conservation District, 201 Centennial Street, Glenwood Springs, Colorado and continuing to Wednesday January 22, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. Agenda First Regular Joint Quarterly Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Colorado River Water Conservation District and of the Colorado River Water Conservation District Acting by and Through Its Colorado River Water Projects Enterprise January 21-22, 2020 9:00 a.m. Glenwood Springs, Colorado Please Note: Executive Session is scheduled on Tuesday January 21, 2020 at approximately 9:20 a.m. 9:00 1. Review Meeting Agenda and Objectives. 9:00-9:05 2. Presentation and Report of Directors’ Credentials for Mesa, Moffat, Pitkin, Routt and Saguache Counties. 9:05-9:10 3. Election of Board Officers for 2020: a. Election of President. b. Election of Vice President. 9:10-9:15 4. Appointment of Committees for 2020: a. Executive Committee (Rotation). b. Other Standing Committees. c. Retirement Advisory Committee. 9:15-9:20 5. 9:20-9:25 6. Consent Agenda: a. Designation for Posting Notices. b. Reappointment of General Manager, General Counsel and Treasurer. c. Approval of Minutes and Actions Taken: i. Minutes of Fourth Regular Joint Quarterly Meeting, October 1516, 2019. d. Acceptance of Treasurer’s Reports, Financials, and Check Registers for September and October 2019. Confirmation of Assistant Secretary. Agenda – First Regular Joint Quarterly Meeting (River District and Enterprise) January 21-22, 2020 Page 2 9:25-11:30 7. General Counsel’s Report: a. Matters Proposed for Executive Session: i. Wolford Mountain Reservoir and Ritschard Dam Operations (an Enterprise Matter.) ii. CRCA Implementation Matters. iii. Upper Colorado River Wild and Scenic Alternative Management Plan. iv. Colorado River District Conditional Water Rights. v. Application of the United States of America for the Taylor Park Reservoir River/Refill Exchange, Case No. 11CW31, Water Division 4. vi. Colorado River Compact, Interstate, International, and Intrastate Negotiation Matters, including Demand Management. vii. Fair Campaign Practices Act. 11:30-11:40 Break 11:40-11:50 8. Public Comment. 11:50-12:15 9. General Counsel’s Report (cont’d.): b. Public Session: i. Summary and Action Items from Executive Session. ii. Approval of Special Counsel Rate Increases. iii. General Counsel’s 2020 Goals and Objectives. iv. Discussion of Other Items in General Counsel’s Report. Lunch will be provided to the Board of Directors of the Colorado River Water Conservation District and River District staff at 12:15 p.m. at the offices of the Colorado River Water Conservation District, 201 Centennial St., Suite 200, Glenwood Springs, Colorado. 1:10-1:45 10. Discussion with Ted Kowalski, Colorado River Initiative Lead and Senior Program Officer with the Walton Family Foundation. 1:45-3:00 11. General Manager’s Report: a. Update on CRWCD Long Term Fiscal Condition. b. Drought Contingency Planning and Demand Management Update. c. UCRC and CRWUA December Meeting Updates. d. Colorado River Basin Hydrology: Short Term Forecast for 2020. e. Phreatophyte Control Report on Current State of the Science. f. Phase III Risk Study Update. g. Water Bank Workgroup Update. h. Approval of Joint Funding Agreement, re: USGS Gaging. i. Approval of Contract with Lurline Underbrink Curran, re: CRCA Implementation Matters. j. Discussion of Health Insurance Policy. k. General Manager’s 2020 Goals and Objectives. l. Service Anniversaries Recognition. 3:00-3:30 12. Directors’ Basin Updates and/or Concerns. Agenda – First Regular Joint Quarterly Meeting (River District and Enterprise) January 21-22, 2020 Page 3 3:30-4:15 13. Annual Policy Discussion: a. Procedural Discussion regarding Instream Flow Policy. b. Aging Infrastructure. c. Colorado River Compacts. d. Colorado’s Entitlement to Colorado River Basin Water. e. Interstate Water Marketing. f. State Funding: Water Projects and Programs. g. Transmountain Water Diversions. PLEASE NOTE: An Information and Outreach Committee meeting of the Board of Directors of the Colorado River Water Conservation District will be held following the Tuesday afternoon session of the Board meeting. Dinner will be provided to the Board of Directors of the Colorado River Water Conservation District and River District staff at 6:30 p.m. at the Glenwood Canyon Brew Pub, 402 7th Street Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Continue the meeting to Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. 8:30-9:30 14. External Affairs: a. Information and Outreach Committee Report. b. State Affairs. c. Federal Affairs. 9:30-10:00 15. Division Engineer’s Report: Bob Hurford, Division 4 Engineer and Jason Ullman, Assistant Division 4 Engineer. 10:00-10:30 16. Project Operations and Updates: (Enterprise Matters). a. Wolford Mountain Reservoir: i. Approval of Continuing Services Agreement with Raindrop Water, re: Potable Water Deliveries. ii. Approval of Contract with Eco-Rx, Inc., re: Weed Control. b. Elkhead Reservoir. c. Water Marketing Policy: i. Proposed Approval of Water Marketing Rates for 2020. 10:30-10:35 17. Future Meetings: a. Special Joint Meeting Teleconference Meetings, beginning February 6, 2020 at noon. (Biweekly, Pending Board Approval). b. Second Regular Joint Quarterly Meeting, April 21-22, 2020, Glenwood Springs, CO. c. Third Regular Joint Quarterly Meeting, July 21-22, 2020, Glenwood Springs, CO. d. CRWCD 2020 Budget Workshop, September 10, 2020, Grand Junction, CO. e. CRWCD Annual Seminar, September 11, 2020, Grand Junction, CO. Agenda – First Regular Joint Quarterly Meeting (River District and Enterprise) January 21-22, 2020 Page 4 f. g. h. Fourth Regular Joint Quarterly Meeting, October 20-21, 2020, Glenwood Springs, CO. Board Fact Finding Mission to Lower Basin, re: Agricultural Fallowing and Augmentation Programs, November 10-13, 2020. Other Meetings: i. Colorado Water Congress Annual Convention, January 29-31, 2020, Westminster, CO. ii. CWC Summer Conference, August 25-27, 2020, Steamboat Springs, CO. iii. CRWUA Conference, December 14-16, 2020, Las Vegas, NV. The Board may address the agenda in any order to accommodate the needs of the Board and the Audience. -----Persons with special needs due to a disability are requested to call the River District at 970-945-8522 at least three days prior to the meeting. This agenda may be viewed and printed from our website at 2. Directors? Credentials for Mesa, Moffat Saguache RECEPTION#: 2909028 1/6/202010:32:13AM, 1of1 Recording: , Tina Peters, Mesa County, CO. CLERK AND RECORDER GO BACK NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT TO COLORADO RIVER WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS This is to certify that the Board of County Commissioners of Mesa County has appointed ___::t-e \J{, D1E:trid for Act[t),(A h--e~ co....___ ~t as Director of the Colorado River Water Conservation t•':'rrn <::>nding in January 2023. beginning with the January 21, 2020 first regular quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors of said Colorado River Water Conservation District. _has been a resident of Mesa County for at least two years preceding the date of his/her appointment and is a freeholder who has paid taxes on real prope1iy in Mesa County during the preceding year. Chairm~ty Commissioners RECEPTION#: 2909029 1/6/2020 10:32:13 AM, 1 of 1 Recording: , Tina Peters, Mesa County, CO. CLERK AND RECORDER OATH OF OFFICE FOR COLORADO RIVER WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS. ce k~ I, ) . CC /' C:Z , being first duly sworn, do solemnly swear upon my oath th will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution the State of Colorado, and that I will impartially, without fear or favor, discharge the duties of a Director of the Colorado River Water Conservation District. STATE OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF MESA ) ) SS. 5/0v-e/n ke5 Ac c; it .q r a , has appeared before me and subscribed and / sworn to the foregoing Oath of Office on this~ ~ay of _ _,~__,""'b-"//.d...=...~=_,.t:<=Z/?"-'-'.~=t=~-' 2020. ~~(2_ . countY Clerk and Recorder GO BACK NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT TO COLORADO RIVER WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS This is to certify that the Board of County Commi ssioners of Moffat County has appointed I