Carroll County Fiscal Court Minutes July 24, 2018 The regular meeting of the Carroli County Fiscai Court was held on Tuesday, July 24, 2018. Members present were Judge Executive Bobby Lee Westrick, Magistrate Fioyd Bowiing, Magistrate Kerry Graham, Magistrate Mark Bates and County Attorney Nick Marsh. Judge Westrick called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. Approve Minutes Magistrate Bates made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 10, 2018 meeting. Magistrate Bowling Ali in favor. Motion carries. 4 ayes . 0 nays Budget Transfers None Invoice Approval Magistrate Bowling made a motion to approve the attached iist of invoices. Magistrate Graham Magistrate Bates made a clarification that the volunteer fire department contributions were increased from $30,000 to $40,000 each this year. All in favor. Motion carries. 4 ayes 0 nays Carroli County Schools Superintendent Danny Osborne, the new school superintendent could not attend. Sheriff Report I Sheriff Marshall reported that he has done some research regarding a school resource officer verses a school security guard and the different qualification required by each. He will talk to the schools and attorneys to see if this would be of interestdue August 6. 0 There is currently one officer in the academy and is set for graduation in December. Gary Mathis Magistrate Bates made amotion to approve the attached resolution authorizing the submission of an application for state Community Development Block Grant funds, certifying that said appiication meets the C086 needs and the requirements of the state CDBG program and authorizing all actions necessary to implementand compiete the activities outlined in said application. Magistrate Bowiing Ail in favor. Motion carries. 4 ayes 0 nays Property Motor Vehicle Tax Rates Magistrate Bates made a motion to keep tax rates the same as last year (Reai Property 3.2 and Personal/Motor Vehicle 15.3). Magistrate Graham Ail in favor. Motion carries. 4 ayes 0 nays Radio System Upgrade David Wiihoite presented a quote to upgrade radios from analog to digital to be compatible with the 911 system upgrade. Magistrate Bowling made a motion to approve to purchase the attached list of radios. Magistrate Graham Ail in favor. Motion carries. 4 ayes 0 nays Parks Recreation Report 0 Director i.P. Dale reported to the court that minutes from the iast KARMA meeting were in their mailboxes and that he has had correspondence with the original pool installer. a The haul uniRoad Re ort Judge Westrick reported that the road department has been busy with storm cleanup and repairing equipment. Tobacco Free Ordinance Discussion After the first reading of the ordinance, the jailer informed the court that the jail has their own policy per the Department of Corrections. The jail allows the use of e?cigarettes by inmates as a tool to help control inmate behavior and sells the product in the canteen to generate funds for the benefit of the inmates. The court agreed to exempt the jail from the ordinance and allow them to continue to use their own policy. The County Attorney will make the changes and another first reading will be required. Judge?s Comments Judge Westrick requested to release an easement at Floyd St. Magistrate Bates made a motion to approve a resolution for a quit claim deed. Magistrate Bowling All in favor. Motion carries. 4 ayes 0 nays Judge Westrick reminded the court that fuil time employees can participate with MASA for air ambulance inSurance at their own expense. Applications are due Aug 1 and the cost is 5160. County Attorney Comments The court discussed a request from Westside Fire Department to put their dues on the tax bills. Magistrate Reports Bates - gave a fist of roads that need work to Judge Westrick for the road department. Graham gutters at the lodge at Kysoc need to be fixed. Bowling attended a meeting at about draining the lake and found out that it won?t lower the Kysoc side enough to install the weir. Adjournment Magistrate Bowling made a motion to go into executive session regarding property acquisition/disposition. Magistrate Graham All in favor. Motion carries. 4 ayes 0 nays Magistrate Bates made a motion to come out of executive session with no action taken. Magistrate Bowling All in favor. Motion carries. 4 ayes nays Adjournment Magistrate Graham made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Magistrate Bowling All in favor. Motion carries. 4 eyes 0 nays Date of Approval: 08/14/2018 Bobby Lee Westrick Traci Courtney Carroll County Judge Executive Fiscal Court Clerk