FILED* COURT SE R V IC E S VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR FAIRFAXaStSUSOTO AH 0: 06 Civil Division CLERK. CIRCUIT COURF FAIRFAX. VA UNDER WILD SKIES, INC., Plaintifl/Counter-Defendant, v. CL19-12530 NATIONAL RIFLE A SSO CIA TIO N OF AM ERICA Defendant/Counter-PlaintifF, COUNTERCLAIM ANSWER PlaintifflCounter-Defendant, Under Wild Skies, (“ Plaintiff’ ), by and through undersigned counsel, D ycio & Biggs, states the following as its Answer to Defendant, National Rifle Association o f A m erica’ s (“N RA” ) Counterclaim: 1. Plaintiff admits the allegations in Paragraph 1 o f Defendant’ s Counter-Claim. 2. Plaintiff states that Paragraph 2 o f Defendant’ s Counter-Claim states a legal conclusion to which no response is required. Further, Plaintiff states that the Agreements referenced in Paragraph 2 speak for themselves. Plaintiff avers as a new matter, specifically requiring a response, that ' Wayne LaPierre instructed that two episodes in 2018 not be aired. 3. Plaintiff states that Paragraph 3 o f Defendant’ s Counter-Claim states a legal conclusion to which no response is required. Further, Plaintiff states that the Agreements referenced in Paragraph 3 speak for themselves. T o the degree a response is required, the allegations are denied. 4. Plaintiff denies the allegations in Paragraph 4 o f Defendant’ s Counter-Claim and demands strict .proof thereof. 5. - Plaintiff denies the allegations in paragraph 5 o f Defendant’ s Counter-Claim and demands strict proof thereof. Plaintiff avers as a new matter, specifically requiring a response, that the two “ missing”episodes were in fact produced, but were not released at the sole direction o f Wayne LaPierre (“LaPierre” ) in his capacity as Vice-President and CEO o f the NRA. Plaintiff further avers as a new matter, specifically requiring a response, that the aforementioned episodes contain video footage o f LaPierre firing multiple gun shots, at an elephant in Botswana while attempting to kill it. Plaintiff further avers as a new matter, specifically requiring a response, that the video contains footage o f LaPierre’ s wife, Susan LaPierre, cutting off the elephant’ s tail. Plaintiff • further avers as a new matter, specifically requiring a response, that the video contains footage o f Susan LaPierre holding the elephant tail in the air, and proclaiming “ Victory... with Under Wild Skies!”Plaintiff further avers as a new matter, specifically requiring a response, that LaPierre, Susan LaPierre, and other members of the hunt posed for photos while sitting on the deceased elephant. 6. Plaintiff admits only eleven episodes have been aired in 2019. Plaintiff avers as a new matter, specifically requiring a response, that NRA failed to make contractual payments under the Agreements, thus breaching the Agreements prior to any alleged non-production. COUNT I - BREACH OF CONTRACT (Advertising Contract) 7. Plaintiff incorporates by reference the responses set forth in the paragraphs above. 8. Plaintiff admits the allegations in Paragraph 8 of Defendant’ s Counter-Claim. 9. Plaintiff denies the allegations in Paragraph 9 of Defendant’ s Counter-Claim and demands strict proof thereof. 10. Plaintiff denies the allegations in Paragraph 10 o f Defendant’ s Counter-Claim and demands strict proof thereof. 11. Plaintiff denies the allegations in Paragraph 11 o f Defendant’ s Counter-Claim and demands strict proof thereof. COUNT II - BREACH OF CON TRA CT (Sponsorship Contract) 12. Plaintiff incorporates by reference the responses set forth in the paragraphs above. 13. Plaintiff admits the allegations in Paragraph 13 o f Defendant’ s Counter-Claim. 14. Plaintiff denies the allegations in Paragraph 14 o f Defendant’ s Counter-Claim and demands strict proof thereof. 15. Plaintiff denies the allegations in Paragraph 15 o f Defendant’ s Counter-Claim and demands strict proof thereof. 16. Plaintiff denies the allegations in Paragraph 16 o f Defendant’ s Counter-Claim and demands strict proof thereof. GROUNDS O F DEFENSE Under W ild Skies reserves the right to rely on any defense which is applicable, including those which becom e apparent through the taking o f evidence at trial. Without waiving that right. Under Wild Skies asserts the following affirmative defenses: a. The Counter-Complaint has failed to state a claim upon which relief may be granted. b. The causes o f action in the Counter-Complaint are barred because NRA would be unjustly enriched if it were to prevail. c. N RA ’ s claims are barred, in whole or in part, by the doctrines o f waiver, ratification, estoppel and/or unclean hands. d. N R A ’ s claims are barred, in whole or in part, based upon N RA ’ s first and continued breach o f the contract. e. N RA ’ s claims are barred, in whole or in part, because it has not been damaged. WHEREFORE, Under W ild Skies, Inc. prays for judgment as follows: a. That the Counter-Complaint be dismissed in its entirety with prejudice; b. That N R A obtain no relief by way o f this action; c. That Under W ild Skies be awarded their costs o f suit, including reasonable attorney’ s fees; and d. That Under W ild Skies be awarded such other relief as the Court deem s just and . proper. Under W ild Skies requests a jury trial on all issues. Respectfully Submitted, Under W ild Skies, Inc., By Counsel DYCIO & BIGGS ____________ >502 10533 Main Street Fairfax, Virginia 22030 Telephone: (703) 383-0100 Facsimile: (703) 383-0101 Email: dquinn@ Counsel fo r Plaintiffs/Counter-Defendants CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and accurate copy o f the foregoing was served oh this 20th day o f December, 2019 via fax and first-class mail, postage paid, to the following: Robert Cox, Esq. Briglia Hundley, PC 1921 Gallows Road, Suite 750 Tysons Comer, VA 22182 F: (703) 883-0899 Danielle A. Quinn, Esq. Counselfo r Plaintiff/ Counter-Defendant