1/30/2020 inewsource Mail - Investigation into UCSD Dr. Kevin Murphy Jill Castellano Investigation into UCSD Dr. Kevin Murphy 3 messages Jill Castellano To: Hoyt Sze Cc: Brad Racino Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 3:42 PM Hello Mr. Sze, My name is Jill Castellano and I'm a journalist at a San Diego news outlet called inewsource. I'm reaching out on behalf of me and my colleague Brad Racino, cc'd here, because of the stories we are writing about UC San Diego oncologist Kevin Murphy. As you may know, we have spent months reporting on Dr. Murphy's work in both his private businesses and public role at UCSD. Part of that has been learning about the ongoing internal investigation led by the UC office of the president into Murphy and the $10 million gift he received from a private donor. We've been told by UCSD that the university can't comment until the investigation is complete, but we wanted to reach out to you since we know you're involved in the investigation in UCOP's office. Can you please let us know if you or anyone in your office would like to speak with us about the investigation? You can reach me via email or at 914-629-1750. Thanks very much, Jill and Brad -Jill Castellano Investigative Data Reporter, inewsource Email: jillcastellano@inewsource.org Phone: (914) 629-1750 Twitter: @jill_castellano PGP: Public Key Hoyt Sze To: Jill Castellano Cc: Brad Racino Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 6:08 AM Hi Jill neither I nor my office are going to comment while the investigation is pending.  We do expect the investigation to be completed in short order.  After it’s done, I think UCSD will be willing to provide you additional information. [Quoted text hidden] Jill Castellano To: Hoyt Sze Cc: Brad Racino Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 3:11 PM Thanks very much for the reply. Best, Jill Castellano [Quoted text hidden] https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=d8ce919e02&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar-2904199360700774100&simpl=msg-a%3Ar-37659497679646435… 1/2