----- Forwarded by Patrick Davis/MOH on 21/01/2020 09:04 a.m. ----- T AC N IO AT TH E  FF   O  IC IA L  M  R   This power is extremely important It should apply widely, eg to housing providers, GPs, employers and bodies of employers, Serco, education (including private providers) HDC has this power now, but linked to its narrower mandate of health and disability services ACC can sometimes use its similar power to inquire into disability, which can be broader by virtue of the kinds of services in this area (eg, an art programme for people with disability could count) Accountabilities for the way the HDC uses its powers include the OIA and Ombudsman. Not all the information sought by the HDC can be OIAed (eg, it might be commercially sensitive), but the way the HDC uses that information (eg, DHB reports, issues papers) is able to be OIAed. The recommendations made by the HDC are at system level rather than individual level (eg, a DHB will be named, but not a particular doctor). However, this means that individual level and the system level are inextricably linked. They don't name and shame - there is a high bar for actually naming someone. Rather, they focus on system learnings. HDC anticipates they would share their information with the Commission. HDC has an MoU with the Director of MH and Addiction - and possibly one with the Ombudsman, but Catherine will check They don't have to invoke their power/offence, because people comply. IN FO   Anna McMartin/MOH Patrick Davis/MOH@MOH, Claudia Ibbotson/MOH@MOH, David Pickering/MOH@MOH, 08/05/2019 02:58 p.m. Power to obtain info - notes from discussion with HDC (Catherine) 19 From: To: Date: Subject: 82 Appendix 1 R EL EA S D U N D ER Dr Anna McMartin (on secondment - Principal Analyst, Mental Health & Addiction Directorate) Manager Community Wellbeing Population Outcomes Strategy and Policy Ministry of Health Ext: 2860 s 9(2) (a) mailto:Anna_McMartin@moh.govt.nz