01/31/2020 14 : 29 Image# 202001319184654079 REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FEC FORM 3 1. PAGE 1 / 14231 For An Authorized Committee NAME OF COMMITTEE (in full) Office Use Only Example: If typing, type over the lines. TYPE OR PRINT  12FE4M5 Mark Kelly for Senate PO Box 27202 ADDRESS (number and street)  Tucson STATE ZIP CODE   CITY 2. 85726 AZ  Check if different than previously reported. (ACC) FEC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER  C 4. TYPE OF REPORT (a) 3. IS THIS REPORT C00696526 (Choose One) (b) NEW (N) ✘ STATE  DISTRICT AMENDED (A) OR AZ 12-Day PRE-Election Report for the: Quarterly Reports: Primary (12P) General (12G) Convention (12C) Special (12S) Runoff (12R) April 15 Quarterly Report (Q1) July 15 Quarterly Report (Q2) M October 15 Quarterly Report (Q3) ✘ M / D D / Y Y Y in the State of Y Election on January 31 Year-End Report (YE) (c) 30-Day POST-Election Report for the: General (30G) Termination Report (TER) M M / Runoff (30R) D D / Y Y M / D Y Y D / Special (30S) in the State of Election on M 5. Covering Period M 10 / D D / 01 Y Y Y 2019 M Y through 12 Y Y Y Y 2019 31 I certify that I have examined this Report and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct and complete. Type or Print Name of Treasurer Peshlakai, Jamescita, , , M Peshlakai, Jamescita, , , Signature of Treasurer [Electronically Filed] Date M 01 / D D 31 / Y Y Y Y 2020 NOTE: Submission of false, erroneous, or incomplete information may subject the person signing this Report to the penalties of 52 U.S.C. §30109. Office Use Only FEC FORM 3 (Revised 05/2016) Image# 202001319184654080 SUMMARY PAGE of Receipts and Disbursements FEC Form 3 (Revised 05/2016) PAGE 2 2 / 14231 Page Write or Type Committee Name Mark Kelly for Senate M Report Covering the Period: From: M 10 / D D 01 / Y Y Y Y M To: 2019 COLUMN A This Period 6. M / D D 31 / Y Y Y 2019 COLUMN B Election Cycle-to-Date Net Contributions (other than loans) (a) 7. 12 Total Contributions (other than loans) (from Line 11(e))..... ,  ,  6010828.72 (b) Total Contribution Refunds (from Line 20(d))................................... ,  ,  57680.54 (c) Net Contributions (other than loans) (subtract Line 6(b) from Line 6(a))....... ,  ,  5953148.18 .  ,  ,  19786228.01 .  .  ,  ,  130038.04 .  ,  ,  19656189.97 .  ,  ,  6503687.22 .  .  Net Operating Expenditures (a) Total Operating Expenditures (from Line 17)....................................... ,  ,  2156402.03 (b) Total Offsets to Operating Expenditures (from Line 14)................. ,  ,  0.00 .  ,  ,  5667.97 (c) Net Operating Expenditures (subtract Line 7(b) from Line 7(a))....... ,  ,  2156402.03 .  ,  ,  6498019.25 8. Cash on Hand at Close of Reporting Period (from Line 27).................. ,  ,  13609178.47 9. Debts and Obligations Owed TO the Committee (Itemize all on Schedule C and/or Schedule D)................. ,  ,  0.00 10. Debts and Obligations Owed BY the Committee (Itemize all on Schedule C and/or Schedule D)................. ,  ,  0.00 .  .  .  For further information contact: Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, NW Washington, DC 20463 Toll Free 800-424-9530 Local 202-694-1100 .  .  .  Y Image# 202001319184654081 DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE of Receipts FEC Form 3 (Revised 05/2016) PAGE 3 3 / 14231 Page Write or Type Committee Name Mark Kelly for Senate M Report Covering the Period: From: M 10 / D D 01 / Y Y Y Y M To: 2019 / D D / 31 Y Y Y 2019 COLUMN B Election Cycle-to-Date COLUMN A Total This Period I. RECEIPTS M 12 11. CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans) FROM: (a) Individuals/Persons Other Than Political Committees (i) Itemized (use Schedule A)............ .  ,  ,  10256826.68 .  ,  ,  9223057.87 .  ,  ,  19479884.55 0.00 .  ,  ,  0.00 .  ,  ,  306343.46 0.00 .  ,  ,  0.00 .  ,  ,  19786228.01 .  ,  ,  451007.75 0.00 .  ,  ,  0.00 0.00 .  ,  ,  0.00 0.00 .  ,  ,  0.00 0.00 .  ,  ,  5667.97 0.00 .  ,  ,  0.00 .  ,  ,  20242903.73 ,  ,  3179411.40 ,  ,  2771383.86 ,  ,  5950795.26 ,  ,  ,  ,  60033.46 ,  ,  ,  ,  6010828.72 12. TRANSFERS FROM OTHER AUTHORIZED COMMITTEES..................... ,  ,  266290.62 13. LOANS: (a) Made or Guaranteed by the Candidate............................................. ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  14. OFFSETS TO OPERATING EXPENDITURES (Refunds, Rebates, etc.)............................. ,  ,  15. OTHER RECEIPTS (Dividends, Interest, etc.)............................ ,  ,  16. TOTAL RECEIPTS (add Lines 11(e), 12, 13(c), 14, and 15) (Carry Total to Line 24, page 4)............. ,  ,  6277119.34  (ii) Unitemized..................................... (iii) TOTAL of contributions from individuals ........................ (d) (e) (b) (c) Political Party Committees.................. Other Political Committees (such as PACs).................................... The Candidate..................................... TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans) (add Lines 11(a)(iii), (b), (c), and (d))... All Other Loans.................................... TOTAL LOANS (add Lines 13(a) and (b)).....................  (b) (c) .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  Y Image# 202001319184654082 DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE of Disbursements FEC Form 3 (Revised 05/2016) PAGE 4 / 14231 Page 4 COLUMN A Total This Period II. DISBURSEMENTS COLUMN B Election Cycle-to-Date 17. OPERATING EXPENDITURES...................... ,  ,  2156402.03 .  ,  ,  6503687.22 18. TRANSFERS TO OTHER AUTHORIZED COMMITTEES...................... ,  ,  19. LOAN REPAYMENTS: (a) Of Loans Made or Guaranteed by the Candidate.................................. ,  ,  0.00 .  ,  ,  0.00 0.00 .  ,  ,  0.00 ,  ,  0.00 .  ,  ,  0.00 ,  ,  0.00 .  ,  ,  0.00 ,  ,  57680.54 .  ,  ,  130038.04 ,  ,  0.00 .  ,  ,  0.00 ,  ,  0.00 .  ,  ,  0.00 TOTAL CONTRIBUTION REFUNDS (add Lines 20(a), (b), and (c))............... ,  ,  57680.54 .  ,  ,  130038.04 21. OTHER DISBURSEMENTS.......................... ,  ,  0.00 .  ,  ,  0.00 22. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (add Lines 17, 18, 19(c), 20(d), and 21) ,  ,  2214082.57 .  ,  ,  6633725.26 23. CASH ON HAND AT BEGINNING OF REPORTING PERIOD................................................ ,  ,  9546141.70 24 ,  ,  6277119.34 25. SUBTOTAL (add Line 23 and Line 24)................................................................................... ,  ,  15823261.04 26. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS THIS PERIOD (from Line 22)....................................................... ,  ,  2214082.57 27. CASH ON HAND AT CLOSE OF REPORTING PERIOD (subtract Line 26 from Line 25).............................................................................................. ,  ,  13609178.47 (b) (c) Of All Other Loans............................... TOTAL LOAN REPAYMENTS (add Lines 19(a) and (b))...................... 20. REFUNDS OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO: (a) Individuals/Persons Other Than Political Committees................... (d) Political Party Committees................... Other Political Committees (such as PACs).....................................  (b) (c) .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  III. CASH SUMMARY TOTAL RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD (from Line 16, page 3)...................................................... .  .  .  .  . 