r I NY...._I__ b3 b7E __. As a result of tp.is :file review j ·the NYOis ·searching its indices conc~rning. tho~e individual$ who were resident~ of NY'G,w~~e students- in a technical field ~d there is some· ttnd-icati·on that the particular indi.vtdual,___ __________ .... Upon completio~ qf this indices search, cases will be opened. onthe~e inqivid~als to be handied in accordance with in$Xl'.'1ctions in c~ptioned-m~tter. In the eou;r~e .of this .fii.e review anc}., in par~icular ,. the review •¢f "·Chit).e.se.~qientiftc Workers in America.; IS' - CH-,!' ~twas noteQ that this organization had ~ranc~es in most of the· Uni vers:i.:ti.e$ th;roughout the U. s. and these pranqhes wer~ not ;Limited to universities located ~ JJJ.a·joru. s. c•ities. It had a national member.ship, of several huner.shave ret~rned to Chin~. ·irp.e file, however,cdi;). m9st cases dqes not iµdicate· which ·specific~mbers· ~etu;rned to Chip.a, s~par~te I \\ The ~r?au .ca~e fi~es who was -stud:sdntr I i-n is requested tQ agvis~ if it rlesires that be 9pen¢d ~n ¢aq~ ~ember of this organization, sorne tecbri1 caJ field~ I ·· I· . •f? e . y e · • a a case ~ -e ould ..................... ._......,...._._ ........ ..._......,.~ individual wo~ld ce~tainly be· consigered an associa~e 6! a returh~d Ch~~es~ scientist·since, ~~ 1?t~ted ~bove, illost. q:f tre ·m~mbers of 1;;h:j1sorganization. ;have re~urned to Chi~~- . It is roughly ~stim~ted in the lf¥'0 :would be approximately tq~~ th~ number of .cases 200. - 2 - opened b7D