OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR November 5, 2019 TimoThy P. WhiTe Chancellor, California UniversiTy 40l Golden Shore Long Beach, CA 90802 Dear Chancellor WhiTe, As The California UniversiTy (CSU) negoTiaTes The nexT conTracTs wiTh iTs supporT sTaff workforce, I urge The CSU To address a longsTanding inequiTy faced by dedicaTed and skilled employees who are facing sTagnanT wages and declining markeT raTe salaries due To a lack of meriT sTeps. As you are aware, Assembly Bill 369 (Weber) moved Through The LegislaTure This year wiTh biparTisan supporT, which would have provided annual meriT salary inTermediaTe sTep adjusTmenTs for CSU supporT sTaff employees meeTing saTisfacTory performance sfandards. This followed a similar legislaTive proposal lasT year. Building upon These legislaTive efforTs, if is my expecTaTion ThaT The CSU Tackle This issue head on during upcoming collecTive bargaining negoTiaTions. In T996, The CSU halTed meriT salary sTeps for supporT and despiTe workers' aTTemst To negoTiaTe increases, They have noT been reinsTaTed. Meanwhile, execuTive and manager salaries have climbed creaTing a significanT hardship for The mosT loyal supporT sTafT as well as a growing sense of inequaliTy on campuses. The Troubling absence of meriT salary sTeps Takes The biggesT Toll on The mosT long?serving workers, who fall furTher behind Their more recenle hired colleagues each year They serve our sTudenTs. Moreover, The CSU is The only sTaTe agency ThaT does noT provide salary sTeps To iTs sTaff. The CSU is an economic engine for our sTaTe and Thanks in large measure To your leadership, we are wiTnessing hisToric increases in The amounT of sTudenTs who graduaTe. In order To susTain ThaT commiTmenT, we musT Take proper care of The Tens of Thousands of supporT sTaff who represenT The backbone of The CSU's TwenTy-Three campuses. GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 - (916) 445-2841 The upcoming negoTidTions should resuIT in on ogreemenT wiTh our labor ThoT erdses The inversion gdp, provides soldry sTeps, and fairly and jusTiy compensoTes These for Their hard work. As long-Time CSU TrusTee, hove opprecidTed our ond know you shore my commiTmenT To TreoTing our dedicoTed wiTh The digniTy respecT They deserve. IT is my firm belief This woge inequiTy is long-overdue 0nd in line wiTh The insTiTuTion?s values. As you compIeT- The final year in your service as Choncellor of California?s UniversiTy, know w- con work TogeTher on This impoernT gool. Sincer Iy, dein New!" . ou/vernor olifornid