Vol 12 / No 1 17 January 2020 Fortnightly by Subscription calendar First 2019 GBGB Awards Winners Announced Trainers’ Notice: Biosecurity, Cleansing and Disinfection 2018 GBGB Greyhound of the Year DOROTAS WILDCAT pictured winning the 4th quarter Ä UHS VM [OL :[HY :WVY[Z (9* 37: .YL`OV\UK +LYI` SHZ[ 1\UL >OV ^PSS IL YL]LHSLK HZ »Z ;VW +VN H[ [OL .).) (^HYKZ on :\UKH` [O 1HU\HY`& Photo: Steve Nash FOR ALL THE LATEST NEWS - WWW.GBGB.ORG.UK -VSSV^ .).) VU ;^P[[LY 'NYL`OV\UKIVHYK 'NINIZ[HɈ HUK 0UZ[HNYHT HUK -HJLIVVR CATEGORY ONE FINALS Date Distance Track Event Sat 15th Feb 500m Brighton & Hove Coral Winter Derby Sat 22nd Feb 714m Crayford Ladbrokes Golden Jacket Sun 1st March 480mH Central Park 2020 Cearnsport Springbok Fri 13th March 400m Romford Coral Golden Sprint 6DW VW 0DUFK P 6KHIÀHOG 5DFLQJ 3RVW *UH\KRXQG 79 6WHHO &LW\ &XS Sat 21st March 480m Puppies Monmore Ladbrokes Puppy Derby 2020 6DW WK 0D\ P 1RWWLQJKDP 7KH 6WDU 6SRUWV $5& /36 *UH\KRXQG 'HUE\ )XUWKHU FRPSHWLWLRQV WR EH FRQÀUPHG $ERYH GDWHV PD\ EH VXEMHFW WR FKDQJH DEPUTY RACING MANAGER Monmore Green Greyhound Stadium is one of the busiest greyhound stadiums in the country racing 6 days a week, featuring 84 races plus 6 trials meetings. To consolidate this position we are looking to recruit an experienced Deputy Racing Manager to bring their expertise and integrity to the table and enhance our already dynamic and successful team. If you think you have the right experience and enthusiasm and the integrity to become part of this dynamic stadium team please email ;VU` >PSSPHTZVU'N]JNYV\W JVT Salary negotiable dependant on experience. (WWSPJH[PVUZ ^PSS IL KLHS[ PU [OL Z[YPJ[LZ[ JVUÄKLUJL Closing date for applications: 29th February 2020 Published by the Greyhound Board of Great Britain Limited at *HQHVLV +RXVH *RGOLPDQ 6WUHHW /RQGRQ (& 9 %' 7HOHSKRQH 020 7822 0900 Fax 020 7822 0901 www.gbgb.org.uk Disclaimer for advertising in the GBGB Calendar: ,QFOXVLRQ RI DQ DGYHUWLVHPHQW LQ WKLV *%*% &DOHQGDU GRHV QRW FRQVWLWXWH RU LPSO\ DQ HQGRUVHPHQW E\ WKH *%*% RI WKH DGYHUWLVHG JRRGV RU VHUYLFHV QRU GRHV LW FRQVWLWXWH RU LPSO\ any representation that use of the goods or services is in compliance with the Rules of Racing in force from time to time or that the goods or services will be suitable or appropriate IRU WKH XVH GHVFULEHG $OO SHUVRQV DUH UHPLQGHG WKDW LW LV WKHLU UHVSRQVLELOLW\ DW DOO WLPHV WR FRPSO\ ZLWK WKH 5XOHV RI 5DFLQJ DQG UHIHUHQFH WR DQ\ DGYHUWLVHPHQW LQ WKH *%*% &DOHQGDU ZLOO QRW EH D GHIHQFH WR DQ\ GLVFLSOLQDU\ SURFHHGLQJV EURXJKW LQ UHODWLRQ WR XVH RI WKH DGYHUWLVHG JRRGV RU VHUYLFHV 7KH *%*% KHUHE\ H[FOXGHV WR WKH PD[LPXP H[WHQW permitted by law any liability arising out of the advertisement or use of any goods or services advertised in this GBGB Calendar. 3ULQWHG E\ 2USKDQV 3UHVV /WG $UURZ &ORVH (QWHUSULVH 3DUN /HRPLQVWHU +HUHIRUGVKLUH +5 /' 7HO 5HJLVWHUHG DW WKH 3RVW 2IÀFH DV D QHZVSDSHU No reproduction in part or whole without the express permission of the publisher. 7KH *UH\KRXQG %RDUG RI *UHDW %ULWDLQ GR QRW JXDUDQWHH WKH DFFXUDF\ RI WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQWDLQHG LQ WKLV FDOHQGDU DQG XQGHUWDNH QR UHVSRQVLELOLW\ IRU HUURUV RU RPLVVLRQV RU WKHLU consequences. 2019 BAGS KENNELHAND OF THE YEAR UNVEILED 7KH %$*6 VSRQVRUHG .HQQHOKDQG RI WKH HYULK 6Ɉ HSS YHJLJV\YZLZ SPJLUZLK by them in accordance with Rule 55 of the Rules of Racing:BALLYMAC CAPRI, I, bk, D, Ballymac Vic, Millroad Capri, 17/03/2017 NOTIFICATION OF GREYHOUND SALES BRIGHTON and HOVE Sunday 9th February 2020 (Anglo Irish Greyhound Sales) LITTERS EARMARKED Sire Dam Dogs Bitches Whelping Sire Dam Dogs Bitches Whelping Aero Majestic Evangeline Snow 4 1 Makeshift Keeperhill Ebony 8 2 01/09/2019 16/08/2019 Aero Majestic Stellas Veekayee 3 3 14/09/2019 Superior Product Tricky Bluebell 4 4 25/08/2019 Droopys Nidge Maid Of Honey 3 8 14/09/2019 Vans Escalade Avril Knockbrack 5 5 26/08/2019 Droopys Sydney Droopys Velma 6 5 09/09/2019 Westmead Max Piemans Princess 4 6 08/08/2019 Forest Con Lemon Ava 3 5 15/09/2019 Zero Ten Millbrook Gaga 2 2 28/09/2019 King Elvis Holly Golightly 0 3 02/09/2019 CALENDAR 13 Open Races General Conditions Unless otherwise stated the following will apply to all open races advertised in this issue of the Calendar: • 7KH 6WDQGDUG &RQGLWLRQV RI (QWU\ 5XOHV RI 5DFLQJ 5XOH DQG LQWHUQDWLRQDO (QWULHV DQG &RQGLWLRQV ZKHUH DSSOLFDEOH 5XOH • &ODVVLÀFDWLRQ :LGH 5XQQHUV ² 2SHQ 5DFHV 5XOHV RI 5DFLQJ 5XOH E BRIGHTON & HOVE STADIUM 1HYLOO 5RDG +RYH (DVW 6XVVH[ BN3 7BZ 7HO 01273 013364 www.brightonandhovegreyhoundstadium.co.uk Runners not attached to Hove will receive £15 appearance money. Also a £40 bonus for ANY trainer supplying 4 or more runners. CATEGORY ONE Sat 1st February *69(3 >05;,9 +,9)@ Heats 500m Flat, 36 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Mon 27th January Winner £250; others £50 Sat 8th February *69(3 >05;,9 +,9)@ :LTP -PUHSZ 500m Flat, 18 greyhounds Winner £300; others £50 Sat 15th February *69(3 >05;,9 +,9)@ Final 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £10000 and trophy + jacket; 2nd £1000; others £500 CATEGORY THREE Thu 23rd January *69(3 :7905; Heats 285m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 20th January Winner £250; others £50 14 • (QWULHV FORVH WR WKH 5DFLQJ 0DQDJHUV DW WKH DGGUHVVHV RI WKH VWDGLXPV FRQFHUQHG at the times and on the date shown. • 7KH GUDZ IRU WUDSV DQG KHDWV ZKHUH DSSOLFDEOH LV PDGH XQGHU 5XOH E\ WKH 6HFUHWDU\ RI WKH *%*% RU WKHLU DSSRLQWHG UHSUHVHQWDWLYH DV VRRQ DV SRVVLEOH • When reference is made in the calendar regarding greyhounds who have not won DQ RSHQ UDFH DW WKH WLPH RI FORVLQJ LW UHIHUV to GBGB open races. *69(3 3(+0,: Heats 500m Flat, 18 bitches & 3 resvs Noon Mon 20th January Winner £250; others £50 For BITCHES only *69(3 7<770,: 500m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs Noon Mon 20th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in February 2018 or younger Thu 30th January *69(3 :7905; Final 285m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 after the closing date for entries unless otherwise indicated in the conditions. CORAL *69(3 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 695m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Mon 20th January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing Sat 1st February *69(3 3(+0,: Final 500m Flat, 6 bitches Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 MINOR Thu 23rd January *69(3 4(0+,5 500m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Mon 20th January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing *69(3 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 20th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3 4(0+,5 :7905; 285m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Mon 20th January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing VOL 12 NO 1 17 JANUARY 2020 *69(3 7<770,: 500m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs Noon Mon 27th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger *69(3 :7905; 285m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 27th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3 4(0+,5 500m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Mon 27th January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing *69(3 :;(@,9: 695m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 27th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 CORAL *69(3 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 695m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Mon 27th January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing *69(3 4(0+,5 :7905; 285m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Mon 27th January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing Sat 8th February /6=, 3(+0,: 500m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs Noon Mon 3rd February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only /6=, 7<770,: 500m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs Noon Mon 3rd February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger /6=, 740m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 3rd February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 /6=, :7905; 285m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 3rd February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 /6=, 4(0+,5 :7905; 285m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Mon 3rd February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing /6=, 4(0+,5 500m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Mon 3rd February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing /6=, 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 695m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 3rd February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing Sat 15th February *69(3 4(0+,5 :7905; 285m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing *69(3 515m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3 4(0+,5 500m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing *69(3 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 695m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing *69(3 /<9+3, 515m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 *69(3 740m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3 4(9(;/65 930m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 *69(3 3(+0,: 500m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only *69(3 :,5069: 500m Flat, 6 seniors & 2 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds whelped in February 2016 or older *69(3 :7905; 285m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 CALENDAR CENTRAL PARK STADIUM (XUROLQN 6LWWLQJERXUQH .HQW ME10 3SB 7HO www.centralparkstadium.co.uk Runners not attached to Central Park will receive £15 appearance money. CATEGORY ONE Sun 16th February *,(95:769; :7905.)62 Heats 480m Hurdles, 36 greyhounds & 5 resvs Noon Wed 12th February Winner £200; others £50 1. Restricted to greyhounds which have NOT won a hurdles race in any country up to and including 1st September 2019 2. All entries must run a satisfactory hurdle race or three dog trial over the course and distance prior to closing date 8\HSPÄJH[PVU [PTLZ HYL LɈLJ[P]L from 1st October 2019 4. Greyhounds that have contested this race in previous years are ineligible 5. Irish identity cards will be required for scrutiny prior to closing 6. Runners and reserves chosen on fastest calculated times at Central Park from 1st October 2019 7. Springbok qualifying trials will not be granted to greyhounds that have not run a satisfactory hurdle trial at any GBGB track by 7th January 2020 (hurdle handslip does not constitute a satisfactory hurdle trial). Sun 23rd February *,(95:769; :7905.)62 :LTP -PUHSZ 480m Hurdles, 18 greyhounds Winner £250; others £75 Sun 1st March *,(95:769; :7905.)62 Final 480m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds Winner £5000 and trophy + jacket; 2nd £1000; others £500 15 CATEGORY THREE Sun 26th January :<5+(@ 50./; 3(+0,: Heats 500m Flat, 18 bitches & 3 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £200; others £50 For BITCHES only :<5+(@ 50./; >055,9 6- 65, Heats 480m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £200; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race at the time of closing Sun 2nd February :<5+(@ 50./; 56=0*, :;(@,9: Heats 642m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 5th February Winner £200; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 600m or further at the time of closing ,<96:<0;, :;(5+(9+ Final 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 Sun 16th February :<5+(@ 50./; :7905; Final 265m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 :<5+(@ 50./; 3(+0,: Final 500m Flat, 6 bitches Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 :<5+(@ 50./; 56=0*, :;(@,9: Final 642m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 :<5+(@ 50./; >055,9 6- 65, Final 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 MINOR :<5+(@ 50./; 4(0+,5 Heats 480m Flat, 18 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Wed 29th January Winner £200; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing ,<96:<0;, :;(5+(9+ Heats 480m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 29th January Winner £200; others £50 Sun 9th February Sun 26th January *,5;9(3 7(92 4(0+,5 :7905; 265m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing *,5;9(3 7(92 :7905; 265m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 *,5;9(3 7(92 4050 :;(5+(9+ 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :<5+(@ 50./; 4(0+,5 Final 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 *,5;9(3 7(92 :;(5+(9+ 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :<5+(@ 50./; :7905; Heats 265m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £200; others £50 *,5;9(3 7(92 4(0+,5 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 16 VOL 12 NO 1 17 JANUARY 2020 *,5;9(3 7(92 >055,9 6- 65, 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race at the time of closing *,5;9(3 7(92 3(+0,: 500m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only *,5;9(3 7(92 /<9+3, 480m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 :7905.)62 ;90(3 :;(2, 480m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 In accordance with Springbok rules *,5;9(3 7(92 :;(@,9: 642m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 *,5;9(3 7(92 56=0*, :;(@,9: 642m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 600m or further at the time of closing Sun 2nd February *,5;9(3 7(92 4(0+,5 :7905; 265m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Wed 29th January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing *,5;9(3 7(92 4(0+,5 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Wed 29th January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing *,5;9(3 7(92 :7905; 265m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 29th January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 *,5;9(3 7(92 >055,9 6- 65, 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 29th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race at the time of closing *,5;9(3 7(92 :;(5+(9+ 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 29th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *,5;9(3 7(92 :<7,9 :;(5+(9+ 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 29th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *,5;9(3 7(92 7<770,: 500m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs Noon Wed 29th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger *,5;9(3 7(92 :;(@,9: 642m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 29th January Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 *,5;9(3 7(92 56=0*, :;(@,9: 642m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 29th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 600m or further at the time of closing *,5;9(3 7(92 /<9+3, 480m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 29th January Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 :7905.)62 ;90(3 :;(2,: 480m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 29th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 In accordance with Springbok rules Sun 9th February :7905.)62 3(:; ;90(3 :;(2, 480m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 5th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 In accordance with Springbok rules *,5;9(3 7(92 :7905; 265m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 5th February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 *,5;9(3 7(92 4(0+,5 :7905; 265m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Wed 5th February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing *,5;9(3 7(92 4(0+,5 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Wed 5th February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing *,5;9(3 7(92 7<77@ 450m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs Noon Wed 5th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger CRAYFORD STADIUM 6WDGLXP :D\ &UD\IRUG .HQW '$ +5 7HO www.crayford.com Trainers not attached to Crayford will receive £15 appearance money. CATEGORY ONE Sat 8th February *,5;9(3 7(92 :;(5+(9+ 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 5th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *,5;9(3 7(92 3(+0,: 480m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs Noon Wed 5th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only *,5;9(3 7(92 /<9+3, 480m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 5th February Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 *,5;9(3 7(92 :;(@,9: 642m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 5th February Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 *,5;9(3 7(92 56=0*, :;(@,9: 642m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 5th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 600m or further at the time of closing *,5;9(3 7(92 >055,9 6- 65, 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 5th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race at the time of closing CALENDAR ;/, 3(+)962,: .63+,5 1(*2,; Heats 714m Flat, 36 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £100 The heats will be on the Saturday evening RPGTV card. The Semi-Finals & Final will be on the morning SIS card.The heats will be on the Saturday evening RPGTV card. The Semi-Finals & Final will be on the morning SIS card. Sat 15th February ;/, 3(+)962,: .63+,5 1(*2,; :LTP -PUHSZ 714m Flat, 18 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; others £150 Sat 22nd February ;/, 3(+)962,: .63+,5 1(*2,; Final 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £17500 and trophy + jacket; 2nd £1250; others £500 CATEGORY TWO Sat 15th February ;/, 7,;,9 )<::,@ 4,4690(3 ;967/@ Heats 540m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £300; 2nd £150; others £100 Heats & Final will both be on the Saturday morning SIS cards. 17 Sat 22nd February ;/, 7,;,9 )<::,@ 4,4690(3 ;967/@ Final 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £2000 and trophy + jacket; 2nd £400; 3rd £200; others £100 MINOR Sat 25th January 3(+)962,: *64 1(5<(9@ 4(0+,5 :;(2,: 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 540m or further at the time of closing 3(+)962,: *64 1(5<(9@ 4(0+,5 :7905; 380m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 3(+)962,: *64 1(5<(9@ :7905; 380m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 3(+)962,: *64 1(5<(9@ :;(2,: 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 3(+)962,: *64 1(5<(9@ 7<77@ :;(2,: 540m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 For puppies whelped in February 2018 or younger 3(+)962,: *64 1(5<(9@ /<9+3, 380m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 Preference is given to greyhounds who have raced or trialled over hurdles at Crayford. 3(+)962,: >/,9, ;/, 5(;065 73(@: /<9+3, 380m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 Preference is given to greyhounds who have raced or trialled over hurdles at Crayford. 3(+)962,: *64 1(5<(9@ >055,9 6- ;>6 /<9+3, 380m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 For greyhounds who have won two or less opens over hurdles at the time of closing. Preference is given to greyhounds who have raced or trialled over hurdles at Crayford. 3(+)962,: >/,9, ;/, 5(;065 73(@: :;(@,9: /<9+3, 540m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 Preference is given to greyhounds who have raced or trialled over hurdles at Crayford. 3(+)962,: *64 1(5<(9@ 4(9(;/65 874m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £300 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 3(+)962,: .63+,5 1(*2,; ;90(3 :;(2,: 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £300 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 Sat 1st February 3(+)962,: >/,9, ;/, 5(;065 73(@: 4(9(;/65 874m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £300 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 3(+)962,: >/,9, ;/, 5(;065 73(@: :7905; 380m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 3(+)962,: >/,9, ;/, 5(;065 73(@: :;(2,: 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 18 VOL 12 NO 1 17 JANUARY 2020 3(+)962,: >/,9, ;/, 5(;065 73(@: 3(+0,: :;(2,: 540m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 For BITCHES only 3(+)962,: >/,9, ;/, 5(;065 73(@: 4(0+,5 :;(2,: 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 540m or further at the time of closing 3(+)962,: >/,9, ;/, 5(;065 73(@: .9,@/6<5+: 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over eight bends at the time of closing 3(+)962,: .63+,5 1(*2,; ;90(3 :;(2,: 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £300 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 Sat 8th February 7,;,9 )<::,@ 4,4690(3 ;967/@ ;90(3 :;(2,: 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 >>> *9(@-69+ *64 /<9+3, 380m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 >>> *9(@-69+ *64 :7905; 380m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 >>> *9(@-69+ *64 4(9(;/65 874m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £300 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 DONCASTER STADIUM 6WDWLRQ 5RDG 6WDLQIRUWK 1U 'RQFDVWHU '1 +6 7HO www.doncastergreyhoundstadium.co.uk +65*(:;,9 :;(5+(9+ 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 30th January Winner £200; others £50 +65*(:;,9 :7905; 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 30th January Winner £200; others £50 +65*(:;,9 :;(@,9: 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 30th January Winner £200; others £50 +65*(:;,9 :;(5+(9+ 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 23rd January Winner £200; others £50 +65*(:;,9 :;(5+(9+ 483m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 23rd January Winner £200; others £50 +65*(:;,9 :7905; 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 23rd January Winner £200; others £50 +65*(:;,9 :;(@,9: 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 23rd January Winner £200; others £50 Mon 3rd February +65*(:;,9 :;(5+(9+ 483m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 30th January Winner £200; others £50 www.harlowgreyhounds.co.uk CATEGORY THREE Wed 22nd January /(936> :;(@,9: 4652,@ Heats 592m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 20th January Winner £150; others £45 Mon 10th February Wed 29th January +65*(:;,9 :;(5+(9+ 483m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 6th February Winner £200; others £50 +65*(:;,9 :;(5+(9+ 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 6th February Winner £200; others £50 MINOR Mon 27th January HARLOW STADIUM 7KH 3LQQDFOHV 5R\GRQ 5RDG +DUORZ (VVH[ &0 '< 7HO +65*(:;,9 :7905; 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 6th February Winner £200; others £50 +65*(:;,9 :;(@,9: 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 6th February Winner £200; others £50 Mon 17th February +65*(:;,9 :;(5+(9+ 483m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 13th February Winner £200; others £50 +65*(:;,9 :;(5+(9+ 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 13th February Winner £200; others £50 +65*(:;,9 :7905; 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 13th February Winner £200; others £50 /(936> :;(@,9: 4652,@ Final 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £45 /(936> :;(5+(9+ 4652,@ Heats 415m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 27th January Winner £150; others £45 Wed 5th February /(936> :;(5+(9+ 4652,@ Final 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £45 /(936> 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 4652,@ Heats 592m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 3rd February Winner £150; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 580m or further at the time of closing Wed 12th February /(936> 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 4652,@ Final 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £45 +65*(:;,9 :;(@,9: 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 13th February Winner £200; others £50 CALENDAR 19 /(936> >,+5,:+(@ 4(0+,5 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 20th January Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 410m or further at the time of closing. /(936> >,+5,:+(@ 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 27th January Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 580m or further at the time of closing. /(936> :7905; 4652,@ Final 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £45 /(936> >,+5,:+(@ :;(5+(9+ 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 20th January Winner £175; others £45 /(936> >,+5,:+(@ :;(@,9: 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 27th January Winner £175; others £45 /(936> 4(0+,5 4652,@ Heats 415m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 17th February Winner £150; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 410m or further at the time of closing. /(936> >,+5,:+(@ 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 20th January Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 580m or further at the time of closing /(936> :7905; 4652,@ Heats 238m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £150; others £45 Wed 19th February Wed 26th February /(936> 4(0+,5 4652,@ Final 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £45 /(936> :;(@,9: 4652,@ Heats 592m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 24th February Winner £150; others £45 /(936> >,+5,:+(@ :;(@,9: 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 20th January Winner £175; others £45 MINOR Wed 22nd January /(936> >,+5,:+(@ 4(0+,5 :7905; 238m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Mon 20th January Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing /(936> >,+5,:+(@ 4(0+,5 :7905; 238m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Mon 27th January Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing /(936> >,+5,:+(@ :7905; 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 3rd February Winner £175; others £45 /(936> >,+5,:+(@ 4(0+,5 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 3rd February Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 410m or further at the time of closing /(936> >,+5,:+(@ :7905; 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 27th January Winner £175; others £45 /(936> >,+5,:+(@ :;(5+(9+ 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 3rd February Winner £175; others £45 /(936> >,+5,:+(@ 4(0+,5 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 27th January Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 410m or further at the time of closing. /(936> >,+5,:+(@ 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 3rd February Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 580m or further at the time of closing /(936> >,+5,:+(@ :;(5+(9+ 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 27th January Winner £175; others £45 /(936> >,+5,:+(@ :;(@,9: 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 3rd February Winner £175; others £45 /(936> >,+5,:+(@ :7905; 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 20th January Winner £175; others £45 20 /(936> >,+5,:+(@ 4(0+,5 :7905; 238m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Mon 3rd February Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing Wed 29th January Wed 4th March /(936> :;(@,9: 4652,@ Final 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £45 Wed 5th February VOL 12 NO 1 17 JANUARY 2020 Wed 12th February /(936> >,+5,:+(@ 4(0+,5 :7905; 238m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing /(936> >,+5,:+(@ :7905; 238m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing /(936> >,+5,:+(@ 4(0+,5 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 410m or further at the time of closing. /(936> >,+5,:+(@ :;(5+(9+ 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £175; others £45 /(936> >,+5,:+(@ 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 580m or further at the time of closing. /(936> >,+5,:+(@ :;(@,9: 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 10th February Winner £175; others £45 Wed 19th February /(936> >,+5,:+(@ 4(0+,5 :7905; 238m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Mon 17th February Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing /(936> >,+5,:+(@ 4(0+,5 415m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Mon 17th February Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 410m or further at the time of closing. /(936> >,+5,:+(@ :;(5+(9+ 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 17th February Winner £175; others £45 /(936> >,+5,:+(@ 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 17th February Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 580m or further at the time of closing. /(936> >,+5,:+(@ :;(@,9: 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 17th February Winner £175; others £45 MONMORE GREEN STADIUM 6XWKHUODQG $YHQXH 0RQPRUH *UHHQ :ROYHUKDPSWRQ :9 -7HO www.monmoredogs.co.uk CATEGORY ONE Sat 7th March 3(+)962,: 7<77@ +,9)@ Heats 480m Flat, 36 puppies & 12 resvs 11am Wed 4th March Winner £200; 2nd £70; others £60 For puppies whelped in April 2018 or younger Sat 14th March 3(+)962,: 7<77@ +,9)@ :LTP -PUHSZ 480m Flat, 18 puppies Winner £250; 2nd £75; others £60 Sat 21st March /(936> >,+5,:+(@ :7905; 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 17th February Winner £175; others £45 3(+)962,: 7<77@ +,9)@ Final 480m Flat, 6 puppies Winner £12500 and trophy + jacket; 2nd £1000; others £500 CALENDAR MINOR Sat 1st February 3(+)962,: >05;,9 -,:;0=(3 264m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Wed 29th January Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 3(+)962,: >05;,9 -,:;0=(3 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Wed 29th January Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 3(+)962,: >05;,9 -,:;0=(3 7<77@ 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 11am Wed 29th January Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger 3(+)962,: >05;,9 -,:;0=(3 4(0+,5 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 11am Wed 29th January Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 3(+)962,: >05;,9 -,:;0=(3 630m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Wed 29th January Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 3(+)962,: >05;,9 -,:;0=(3 4(0+,5 630m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Wed 29th January Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over six bends at the time of closing 3(+)962,: >05;,9 -,:;0=(3 684m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Wed 29th January Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 21 Sat 15th February 3(+)962,: >05;,9 -,:;0=(3 264m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Wed 12th February Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 3(+)962,: >05;,9 -,:;0=(3 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Wed 12th February Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 3(+)962,: >05;,9 -,:;0=(3 4(0+,5 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 11am Wed 12th February Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 3(+)962,: >05;,9 -,:;0=(3 7<77@ 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 11am Wed 12th February Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger 3(+)962,: >05;,9 -,:;0=(3 4(0+,5 630m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Wed 12th February Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over six bends at the time of closing 3(+)962,: >05;,9 -,:;0=(3 630m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Wed 12th February Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 3(+)962,: >05;,9 -,:;0=(3 684m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Wed 12th February Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 22 NOTTINGHAM STADIUM &ROZLFN 3DUN 1RWWLQJKDP NG2 4BE 7HO www.nottinghamdogs.com 15% of the prize money advertised for the Nottingham open races below, will be deducted from the prize money for all runners and paid to the respective trainer. 2% Prize Money deduction for homing charities that work with Nottingham Stadium. The management reserve the right to refuse entries. MINOR Mon 27th January Mon 3rd February >>> 56;;05./(4+6.: *64 :7905; ;967/@ 305m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 6 resvs 11am Thu 30th January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 >>> 56;;05./(4+6.: *64 ;967/@ 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 6 resvs 11am Thu 30th January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 >>> 56;;05./(4+6.: *64 :;(5+(9+ ;967/@ 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 6 resvs 11am Thu 30th January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 .4. 4(0+,5 ;967/@ 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 11am Thu 23rd January Winner £175 and trophy; others £40 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing >>> 56;;05./(4+6.: *64 :;(@,9: ;967/@ 680m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 6 resvs 11am Thu 30th January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 .4. 3(+0,: ;967/@ 480m Flat, 6 bitches & 3 resvs 11am Thu 23rd January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only >>> 56;;05./(4+6.: *64 7<77@ ;967/@ 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 6 resvs 11am Thu 30th January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger .4. :7905; ;967/@ 305m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Thu 23rd January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 .4. :;(5+(9+ ;967/@ 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Thu 23rd January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 .4. 7<77@ ;967/@ 500m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 11am Thu 23rd January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in February 2018 or younger .4. :;(@,9: ;967/@ 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Thu 23rd January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 VOL 12 NO 1 17 JANUARY 2020 >>> 56;;05./(4+6.: *64 4(0+,5 ;967/@ 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 6 resvs 11am Thu 30th January Winner £175 and trophy; others £40 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing Mon 10th February -6336> <: 65 ;>0;;,9 ' 56;;05./(4F+6.: 4(0+,5 ;967/@ 500m Flat, 6 maidens & 6 resvs 11am Thu 6th February Winner £175 and trophy; others £40 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing -6336> <: 65 ;>0;;,9 ' 56;;05./(4F+6.: 3(+0,: ;967/@ 480m Flat, 6 bitches & 6 resvs 11am Thu 6th February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only -6336> <: 65 ;>0;;,9 ' 56;;05./(4F+6.: 7<77@ ;967/@ 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 6 resvs 11am Thu 6th February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger -6336> <: 65 ;>0;;,9 ' 56;;05./(4F+6.: :7905; ;967/@ 305m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 6 resvs 11am Thu 6th February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 -6336> <: 65 ;>0;;,9 ' 56;;05./(4F+6.: :;(5+(9+ ;967/@ 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 6 resvs 11am Thu 6th February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 -6336> <: 65 ;>0;;,9 ' 56;;05./(4F+6.: :;(@,9: ;967/@ 680m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 6 resvs 11am Thu 6th February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Mon 17th February :;(+0<4 )6624(2,9: :7905; ;967/@ 305m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 6 resvs 11am Thu 13th February Winner £200; others £50 :;(+0<4 )6624(2,9: ;967/@ 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 6 resvs 11am Thu 13th February Winner £200; others £50 :;(+0<4 )6624(2,9: 7<77@ ;967/@ 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 6 resvs 11am Thu 13th February Winner £200; others £50 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger :;(+0<4 )6624(2,9: 4(0+,5 ;967/@ 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 6 resvs 11am Thu 13th February Winner £175 and trophy; others £40 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing :;(+0<4 )6624(2,9: :;(5+(9+ ;967/@ 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 6 resvs 11am Thu 13th February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 ROMFORD STADIUM /RQGRQ 5RDG 5RPIRUG (VVH[ 50 '8 7HO www.romforddogs.co.uk :;(+0<4 )6624(2,9: 3(+0,: ;967/@ 480m Flat, 6 bitches & 6 resvs 11am Thu 13th February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only PERRY BARR STADIUM $OGULGJH 5RDG 3HUU\ %DUU %LUPLQJKDP % (7 7HO www.lovethedogs.co.uk Runners not attached to Perry Barr will receive £15 appearance money. MINOR Sat 25th January ;/, 36=, ;/, +6.: +(:/ 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 ;/, 36=, ;/, +6.: :;(5+(9+ 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 ;/, 36=, ;/, +6.: 4(0+,5 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £180 and trophy; others £35 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing ;/, 36=, ;/, +6.: :;(@,9: 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 ;/, 36=, ;/, +6.: 4(0+,5 +(:/ 275m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Wed 22nd January Winner £180 and trophy; others £35 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing CALENDAR Trainers not attached to Romford will receive £15 appearance money. CATEGORY ONE Fri 28th February *69(3 .63+,5 :7905; Heats 400m Flat, 36 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Tue 25th February Winner £250; others £50 Fri 6th March *69(3 .63+,5 :7905; :LTP -PUHSZ 400m Flat, 18 greyhounds Winner £300; others £50 Fri 13th March *69(3 .63+,5 :7905; Final 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £10000 and trophy + jacket; 2nd £1000; others £500 CATEGORY THREE Fri 24th January 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; :;(@,9: Heats 575m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250; others £50 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; :;(5+(9+ Heats 400m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250; others £50 Fri 31st January 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; :;(@,9: Final 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 23 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; :;(5+(9+ Final 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; 4(0+,5: Heats 400m Flat, 18 maidens & 6 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £200; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; :7905; Heats 225m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250; others £50 Fri 7th February 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; 4(0+,5: Final 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; :7905; Final 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; :;(5+(9+ Heats 400m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250; others £50 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: Heats 575m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over six bends at the time of closing 24 Fri 14th February 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; :;(5+(9+ Final 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; :7905; Heats 225m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £250; others £50 Fri 28th February 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: Final 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 ;65@ >0330(4: 4(9(;/65 Final 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 :;,=, :04465: :;(5+(9+ Heats 400m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250; others £50 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; 4(0+,5: Final 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; :;(@,9: Heats 575m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250; others £50 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; :7905; Final 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 Fri 21st February :;,=, :04465: :;(5+(9+ Final 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; :;(@,9: Final 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 ;65@ >0330(4: 4(9(;/65 Heats 750m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £250; others £50 964-69+ -90+(@ 50./; 4(0+,5: Heats 400m Flat, 18 maidens & 6 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £200; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing VOL 12 NO 1 17 JANUARY 2020 MINOR Fri 24th January *69(3 /<9+3,: 400m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3 :7905; 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3 :;(5+(9+ 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3 :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3 4(9(;/65 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3 >055,9 6- 65, :;(5+(9+ 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race at the time of closing *69(3 4(0+,5 7<770,: 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in February 2018 or younger that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing Fri 31st January *69(3 >055,9 6- 65, :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds& 4 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race over six bends at time of closing *69(3 )0;*/,: :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only *69(3 )0;*/,: 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only *69(3 7<770,: 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in February 2018 or younger *69(3 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over six bends at the time of closing *69(3 4(0+,5 4(9(;/65 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over eight bends at the time of closing *69(3 4(0+,5: 400m Flat, 6 maidens & 4 resvs Noon Tue 21st January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 365+65 96(+ /<9+3,: 400m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 365+65 96(+ :7905; 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 365+65 96(+ :;(5+(9+ 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 365+65 96(+ :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 365+65 96(+ 4(9(;/65 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 365+65 96(+ >055,9 6- 65, :;(5+(9+ 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race at the time of closing 365+65 96(+ >055,9 6- 65, :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race over six bends at time of closing 365+65 96(+ )0;*/,: :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only CALENDAR 365+65 96(+ )0;*/,: 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only 365+65 96(+ 7<770,: 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in February 2018 or younger 365+65 96(+ 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over six bends at the time of closing 365+65 96(+ 4(0+,5 4(9(;/65 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over eight bends at the time of closing 365+65 96(+ 4(0+,5: 400m Flat, 6 maidens & 4 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 365+65 96(+ 4(0+,5 7<770,: 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs Noon Tue 28th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in February 2018 or younger that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing Fri 7th February 964-69+ :;(+0<4 /<9+3,: 400m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 964-69+ :;(+0<4 :7905; 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 964-69+ :;(+0<4 :;(5+(9+ 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 25 964-69+ :;(+0<4 :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 964-69+ :;(+0<4 4(9(;/65 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 964-69+ :;(+0<4 >055,9 6- 65, :;(5+(9+ 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race at the time of closing 964-69+ :;(+0<4 >055,9 6- 65, :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race over six bends at time of closing 964-69+ :;(+0<4 )0;*/,: :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only 964-69+ :;(+0<4 )0;*/,: 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only 964-69+ :;(+0<4 7<770,: 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger 964-69+ :;(+0<4 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over six bends at the time of closing 26 964-69+ :;(+0<4 4(0+,5 4(9(;/65 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over eight bends at the time of closing 964-69++6.: *64 >055,9 6- 65, :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race over six bends at time of closing 964-69+ :;(+0<4 4(0+,5 7<770,: 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 964-69++6.: *64 )0;*/,: :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only 964-69+ :;(+0<4 4(0+,5: 400m Flat, 6 maidens & 4 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing Fri 14th February 964-69++6.: *64 /<9+3,: 400m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 964-69++6.: *64 :7905; 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 964-69++6.: *64 :;(5+(9+ 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 964-69++6.: *64 :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 964-69++6.: *64 4(9(;/65 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 964-69++6.: *64 >055,9 6- 65, :;(5+(9+ 400m Flat, 6 maidens & 4 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race at the time of closing VOL 12 NO 1 17 JANUARY 2020 964-69++6.: *64 )0;*/,: 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only 964-69++6.: *64 7<770,: 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger 964-69++6.: *64 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over six bends at the time of closing 964-69++6.: *64 4(0+,5 4(9(;/65 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over eight bends at the time of closing 964-69++6.: *64 4(0+,5 7<770,: 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 964-69++6.: *64 4(0+,5: 400m Flat, 6 maidens & 4 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing Fri 21st February *69(3 964-69+ /<9+3,: 400m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3 964-69+ :7905; 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3 .63+,5 :7905; ;90(3 :;(2,: 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3 964-69+ :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3 964-69+ 4(9(;/65 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3 964-69+ >055,9 6- 65, :;(5+(9+ 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race at the time of closing *69(3 964-69+ >055,9 6- 65, :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race over six bends at time of closing *69(3 964-69+ )0;*/,: :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only *69(3 964-69+ )0;*/,: 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only *69(3 964-69+ 7<770,: 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger *69(3 964-69+ 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over six bends at the time of closing *69(3 964-69+ 4(0+,5 4(9(;/65 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over eight bends at the time of closing *69(3 964-69+ 4(0+,5 7<770,: 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing *69(3 964-69+ 4(0+,5: 400m Flat, 6 maidens & 4 resvs Noon Tue 18th February Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing Sat 14th March 9(*05. 76:; .9,@/6<5+ ;= :;,,3 *0;@ *<7 :LTP -PUHSZ 500m Flat, 12 greyhounds Winner £300; others £75 Sat 21st March 9(*05. 76:; .9,@/6<5+ ;= :;,,3 *0;@ *<7 Final 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £10000 and trophy + jacket; 2nd £1000; 3rd £500; others £100 INVITATION Sat 29th February 9(*05. 76:; .9,@/6<5+ ;= 1<=,503, 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Wed 19th February Winner £5000 and trophy + jacket; 2nd £1000; 3rd £500; others £300 Invitations by RPGTV. Nominations [V [OL :OLɉLSK 9HJPUN 6ɉJL ILMVYL noon on Wednesday 19 February 2020. For greyhounds whelped in July 2017 or younger. Preference may be given to the winners of leading puppy competitions from June 2019 onwards. Greyhounds that competed in the Greyhound Derby will be ineligible for this race. MINOR Tue 21st January SHEFFIELD STADIUM 3HQLQVWRQH 5RDG 6KHIÀHOG Hillsborough 6 '( 7HO 0114 3221326 www.owlertonstadium.co.uk CATEGORY ONE Sat 7th March 9(*05. 76:; .9,@/6<5+ ;= :;,,3 *0;@ *<7 Heats 500m Flat, 36 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Tue 3rd March Winner £250; others £50 CALENDAR :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 :;(@,9: 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 17th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 :;(5+(9+ 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 17th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 :7905; 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 17th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 17th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 27 :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 3(+0,: 500m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs Noon Fri 17th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 17th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 550m or further at the time of closing Tue 28th January :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 :;(@,9: 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 24th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 :;(5+(9+ 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 24th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 :7905; 280m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 24th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 )90;0:/ )9,+ 480m Flat, 6 british bred & 2 resvs Noon Fri 24th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 >055,9 6- 65, 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 24th January Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race at the time of closing Sat 8th February :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 :;(5+(9+ 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 :7905; 280m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 28 :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 :;(@,9: 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 4(9(;/65 915m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 4(0+,5 :7905; 280m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 6>3,9;65 :;(+0<4 >055,9 6- 65, 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race at the time of closing SUNDERLAND STADIUM 1HZFDVWOH 5RDG 6XQGHUODQG 7\QH DQG :HDU 65 53 7HO www.sunderland-greyhounds.co.uk CATEGORY TWO Fri 7th February :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Sat 15th February 6>3,9;65 :;(+0<4 :;(5+(9+ 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 6>3,9;65 :;(+0<4 :7905; 280m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 6>3,9;65 :;(+0<4 :;(@,9: 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :/,--0,3+ :;(+0<4 4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 550m at the time of closing 6>3,9;65 :;(+0<4 7<77@ 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs Noon Tue 11th February Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger VOL 12 NO 1 17 JANUARY 2020 (9,5( 9(*05. *647(5@ 7<77@ ;967/@ Heats 450m Flat, 24 puppies & 6 resvs Noon Tue 4th February Winner £200; others £45 For puppies whelped in March 2018 or younger Fri 14th February (9,5( 9(*05. *647(5@ 7<77@ ;967/@ :LTP -PUHSZ 450m Flat, 12 puppies Winner £200; others £45 Fri 21st February (9,5( 9(*05. *647(5@ 7<77@ ;967/@ Final 450m Flat, 6 puppies Winner £1500 and trophy + jacket; 2nd £750; 3rd £500; others £250 INDEX OF FUTURE OPENS +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ *SVZL Wed 22 Jan +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ 275m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Dash ,U[YPLZ *SVZL 22 Jan 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Maiden 22 Jan 238m Harlow Harlow Maiden Sprint Monkey (Final) 592m Harlow Harlow Stayers Monkey (Heats) 20 Jan 275m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Maiden Dash 22 Jan 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden 20 Jan 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Standard 22 Jan 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Sprint 20 Jan 660m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Stayers 22 Jan 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Stayers 20 Jan 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Sprint 20 Jan Sun 26 Jan 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Standard 20 Jan 265m 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Stayers 20 Jan 480mH Central Park Central Park Hurdle 22 Jan 500m Central Park Central Park Ladies 500 22 Jan 480m Central Park Central Park Maiden 22 Jan Thu 23 Jan Central Park Central Park Maiden Sprint 22 Jan 500m Brighton Coral 500 20 Jan 450m Central Park Central Park Mini Standard 22 Jan 500m Brighton Coral Ladies (Heats) 20 Jan 642m Central Park Central Park Novice Stayers 22 Jan 500m Brighton Coral Maiden 500 20 Jan 265m Central Park Central Park Sprint 22 Jan 515m Brighton Coral Maiden 515 (Final) 480m Central Park Central Park Standard 22 Jan 285m Brighton Coral Maiden Sprint 20 Jan 642m Central Park Central Park Stayers 22 Jan 695m Brighton Coral Maiden Stayers 20 Jan 480m Central Park Central Park Winner Of One 22 Jan 500m Brighton Coral Puppies 20 Jan 285m Brighton Coral Sprint (Heats) 20 Jan 695m Brighton Coral Stayers (Final) Fri 24 Jan 400m Romford Coral Bitches 21 Jan 575m Romford Coral Bitches Stayers 21 Jan 400mH Romford Coral Hurdles 21 Jan 750m Romford Coral Maiden Marathon 21 Jan 400m Romford Coral Maiden Puppies 21 Jan 575m Romford Coral Maiden Stayers 21 Jan 400m Romford Coral Maidens 21 Jan 750m Romford Coral Marathon 21 Jan 400m Romford Coral Puppies 21 Jan 480mH Central Park Springbok Trial Stake 265m Central Park Sunday Night Dash (Final) 500m Central Park Sunday Night Ladies 500 (Heats) 480m Central Park Sunday Night Maiden (Final) 480m Central Park Sunday Night Winner Of One (Heats) 22 Jan 22 Jan 22 Jan Mon 27 Jan 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Standard 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Standard 23 Jan 23 Jan 275m Doncaster Doncaster Sprint 23 Jan 661m Doncaster Doncaster Stayers 23 Jan 480m Nottingham GMG Ladies Trophy 23 Jan 480m Nottingham GMG Maiden Trophy 23 Jan Nottingham GMG Puppy Trophy 23 Jan 225m Romford Coral Sprint 21 Jan 500m 400m Romford Coral Standard 21 Jan 305m Nottingham GMG Sprint Trophy 23 Jan Nottingham GMG Standard Trophy 23 Jan Nottingham GMG Stayers Trophy 23 Jan 24 Jan 575m Romford Coral Stayers 21 Jan 500m 400m Romford Coral Winner Of One Standard 21 Jan 500m 575m Romford Coral Winner Of One Stayers 21 Jan 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maiden Stayers (Final) Tue 28 Jan 480m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium British Bred 280m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Sprint 24 Jan 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Final) 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Standard (Heats) 21 Jan 500m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Standard 24 Jan 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Stayers (Heats) 21 Jan 660m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Stayers 24 Jan 500m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Winner Of One 24 Jan 27 Jan Sat 25 Jan Ladbrokes Golden Jacket Trial Stakes 21 Jan Wed 29 Jan 380mH Crayford Ladbrokes.com January Hurdle 21 Jan 415m Harlow Harlow Standard Monkey (Heats) 380m Crayford Ladbrokes.com January Maiden Sprint 21 Jan 592m Harlow Harlow Stayers Monkey (Final) 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.com January Maiden Stakes 21 Jan 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden 27 Jan 874m Crayford Ladbrokes.com January Marathon 21 Jan 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Sprint 27 Jan 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.com January Puppy Stakes 21 Jan 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Stayers 27 Jan 380m Crayford Ladbrokes.com January Sprint 21 Jan 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Sprint 27 Jan 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.com January Stakes 21 Jan 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Standard 27 Jan Ladbrokes.com January Winner Of Two Hurdle 21 Jan 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Stayers 27 Jan 714m Crayford 380mH Crayford CALENDAR 29 +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ *SVZL Thu 30 Jan +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ 480mH Central Park Central Park Hurdle ,U[YPLZ *SVZL 29 Jan 500m Brighton Coral Ladies (Final) 480m Central Park Central Park Maiden 29 Jan 285m Brighton Coral Sprint (Final) 265m Central Park Central Park Maiden Sprint 29 Jan 642m Central Park Central Park Novice Stayers 29 Jan 500m Central Park Central Park Puppies 29 Jan Fri 31 Jan 400m Romford London Road Bitches 28 Jan 265m Central Park Central Park Sprint 29 Jan 575m Romford London Road Bitches Stayers 28 Jan 480m Central Park Central Park Standard 29 Jan 400mH Romford London Road Hurdles 28 Jan 642m Central Park Central Park Stayers 29 Jan 750m Romford London Road Maiden Marathon 28 Jan 500m Central Park Central Park Super Standard 29 Jan 400m Romford London Road Maiden Puppies 28 Jan 480m Central Park Eurosuite Standard (Heats) 575m Romford London Road Maiden Stayers 28 Jan 480mH Central Park Springbok Trial Stakes 400m Romford London Road Maidens 28 Jan 500m Central Park Sunday Night Ladies 500 (Final) 750m Romford London Road Marathon 28 Jan 480m Central Park Sunday Night Maiden (Heats) 400m Romford London Road Puppies 28 Jan 480m Central Park Sunday Night Winner Of One (Final) 225m Romford London Road Sprint 28 Jan 400m Romford London Road Standard 28 Jan Mon 3 Feb 575m Romford London Road Stayers 28 Jan 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Standard 400m Romford London Road Winner Of One Standard 28 Jan 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Standard 30 Jan Doncaster Doncaster Sprint 30 Jan 29 Jan 29 Jan 29 Jan 30 Jan 575m Romford London Road Winner Of One Stayers 28 Jan 275m 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Heats) 28 Jan 661m Doncaster Doncaster Stayers 30 Jan 225m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Sprint (Heats) 28 Jan 480m Nottingham www.nottinghamdogs.com Maiden Trophy 30 Jan Nottingham www.nottinghamdogs.com Puppy Trophy 30 Jan 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Standard (Final) 480m 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Stayers (Final) 305m Nottingham www.nottinghamdogs.com Sprint Trophy 30 Jan 500m Nottingham www.nottinghamdogs.com Standard Trophy 30 Jan 680m Nottingham www.nottinghamdogs.com Stayers Trophy 30 Jan 480m Nottingham www.nottinghamdogs.com Trophy 30 Jan Sat 1 Feb 500m Brighton Coral Maiden 27 Jan 285m Brighton Coral Maiden Sprint 27 Jan 695m Brighton Coral Maiden Stayers 27 Jan Wed 5 Feb 500m Brighton Coral Puppies 27 Jan 592m Harlow Harlow Maiden Stayers Monkey (Heats) 285m Brighton Coral Sprint 27 Jan 415m Harlow Harlow Standard Monkey (Final) 695m Brighton Coral Stayers 27 Jan 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden 3 Feb 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Sprint 3 Feb 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Stayers 3 Feb 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Sprint 3 Feb 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Standard 3 Feb 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Stayers 3 Feb 4 Feb 500m Brighton Coral Winter Derby (Heats) 27 Jan 714m Crayford Ladbrokes Golden Jacket Trial Stakes 28 Jan Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Hurdle 28 Jan 380mH Crayford 540m 540m 714m Crayford Crayford Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Ladies Stakes 28 Jan Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Maiden Stakes 28 Jan Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Maiden Stayers 28 Jan 874m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Marathon 28 Jan 380m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Sprint 28 Jan 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Stakes 28 Jan 540mH Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Stayers Hurdle 264m Monmore Ladbrokes Winter Festival 264 3 Feb Fri 7 Feb 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maiden Stayers (Heats) 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Final) 225m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Sprint (Final) 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Standard (Heats) 4 Feb 400m Romford Romford Stadium Bitches 4 Feb 28 Jan 575m Romford Romford Stadium Bitches Stayers 4 Feb 29 Jan 400mH Romford Romford Stadium Hurdles 4 Feb Romford Romford Stadium Maiden Marathon 4 Feb 4 Feb 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Winter Festival 480 29 Jan 750m 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Winter Festival 480 Maiden 29 Jan 400m Romford Romford Stadium Maiden Puppies 29 Jan 575m Romford Romford Stadium Maiden Stayers 4 Feb Romford Romford Stadium Maidens 4 Feb 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Winter Festival 480 Puppy 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Winter Festival 630 29 Jan 400m 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Winter Festival 630 Maiden 29 Jan 750m Romford Romford Stadium Marathon 4 Feb 684m Monmore Ladbrokes Winter Festival 684 29 Jan 400m Romford Romford Stadium Puppies 4 Feb 225m Romford Romford Stadium Sprint 4 Feb 400m Romford Romford Stadium Standard 4 Feb 575m Romford Romford Stadium Stayers 4 Feb Sun 2 Feb 450m 30 Central Park Central Park 450 Winner Of One 29 Jan VOL 12 NO 1 17 JANUARY 2020 +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ 400m Romford Romford Stadium Winner Of One Standard ,U[YPLZ *SVZL 575m Romford Romford Stadium Winner Of One Stayers 4 Feb 450m Sunderland Arena Racing Company Puppy Trophy (Heats) 4 Feb 4 Feb Sat 8 Feb 500m Brighton Coral Winter Derby (Semi Finals) 740m Brighton Hove 740 +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ 500m Nottingham Follow Us On Twitter @nottingham_dogs Standard Trophy ,U[YPLZ *SVZL 6 Feb 680m Nottingham Follow Us On Twitter @nottingham_dogs Stayers Trophy 6 Feb Wed 12 Feb 3 Feb 592m Harlow Harlow Maiden Stayers Monkey (Final) Harlow Harlow Sprint Monkey (Heats) 10 Feb 500m Brighton Hove Ladies 3 Feb 238m 500m Brighton Hove Maiden 3 Feb 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden 10 Feb 695m Brighton Hove Maiden Stayers 3 Feb 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Sprint 10 Feb Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Stayers 10 Feb 285m Brighton Hove Maiden Sprint 3 Feb 592m 500m Brighton Hove Puppies 3 Feb 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Sprint 10 Feb 285m Brighton Hove Sprint 3 Feb 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Standard 10 Feb 540m Crayford Peter Bussey Memorial Trophy Trial Stakes 4 Feb 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Stayers 10 Feb 714m Crayford The 2020 Ladbrokes Golden Jacket (Heats) 4 Feb 380mH Crayford www.crayford.com Hurdle 4 Feb Fri 14 Feb 874m Crayford www.crayford.com Marathon 4 Feb 380m Crayford www.crayford.com Sprint 480m Sheffield 280m Sheffield 915m 280m 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maiden Stayers (Final) 4 Feb 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Standard (Final) Sheffield Stadium 480 4 Feb 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Stayers (Heats) 11 Feb Sheffield Stadium Maiden Sprint 4 Feb 400m Romford romforddogs.com Bitches 11 Feb Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Marathon 4 Feb 575m Romford romforddogs.com Bitches Stayers 11 Feb Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Sprint 4 Feb 400mH Romford romforddogs.com Hurdles 11 Feb 500m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Standard 4 Feb 750m Romford romforddogs.com Maiden Marathon 11 Feb 660m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Stayers 4 Feb 400m Romford romforddogs.com Maiden Puppies 11 Feb 575m Romford romforddogs.com Maiden Stayers 11 Feb 400m Romford romforddogs.com Maidens 11 Feb 750m Romford romforddogs.com Marathon 11 Feb 400m Romford romforddogs.com Puppies 11 Feb 225m Romford romforddogs.com Sprint 11 Feb 400m Romford romforddogs.com Standard 11 Feb 575m Romford romforddogs.com Stayers 11 Feb 400m Romford romforddogs.com Winner Of One Standard 11 Feb 575m Romford romforddogs.com Winner Of One Stayers 11 Feb 400m Romford Steve Simmons Standard (Heats) 11 Feb 450m Sunderland Arena Racing Company Puppy Trophy (Semi Finals) Sun 9 Feb 500m Central Park Central Park 500 Winner Of One 5 Feb 480mH Central Park Central Park Hurdle 5 Feb 480m Central Park Central Park Ladies 5 Feb 480m Central Park Central Park Maiden 5 Feb 265m Central Park Central Park Maiden Sprint 5 Feb 642m Central Park Central Park Novice Stayers 5 Feb 450m Central Park Central Park Puppy 5 Feb 265m Central Park Central Park Sprint 5 Feb 480m Central Park Central Park Standard 5 Feb 642m Central Park Central Park Stayers 5 Feb 480m Central Park Eurosuite Standard (Final) 480mH Central Park Springbok Last Trial Stake 5 Feb 4 Feb Sat 15 Feb 480m Central Park Sunday Night Maiden (Final) 515m Brighton Coral 515 10 Feb 642m Central Park Sunday Night Novice Stayers (Heats) 5 Feb 740m Brighton Coral 740 10 Feb 265m Central Park Sunday Night Sprint (Heats) 5 Feb 515mH Brighton Coral Hurdle 10 Feb 500m Brighton Coral Ladies 10 Feb 500m Brighton Coral Maiden 500 10 Feb 285m Brighton Coral Maiden Sprint 10 Feb 695m Brighton Coral Maiden Stayers 10 Feb 930m Brighton Coral Marathon 10 Feb 500m Brighton Coral Seniors 10 Feb 285m Brighton Coral Sprint 10 Feb 500m Brighton Coral Winter Derby (Final) The 2020 Ladbrokes Golden Jacket (Semi Finals) Mon 10 Feb 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Standard 6 Feb 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Standard 6 Feb 275m Doncaster Doncaster Sprint 6 Feb 661m Doncaster Doncaster Stayers 6 Feb 480m Nottingham Follow Us On Twitter @nottingham_dogs Ladies Trophy 6 Feb 500m Nottingham Follow Us On Twitter @nottingham_dogs Maiden Trophy 6 Feb 714m Crayford 480m Nottingham Follow Us On Twitter @nottingham_dogs Puppy Trophy 6 Feb 540m Crayford The Peter Bussey Memorial Trophy (Heats) 11 Feb 305m Nottingham Follow Us On Twitter @nottingham_dogs Sprint Trophy 264m Monmore Ladbrokes Winter Festival 264 12 Feb 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Winter Festival 480 12 Feb 6 Feb CALENDAR 31 +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Winter Festival 480 Maiden ,U[YPLZ *SVZL 12 Feb 225m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Sprint (Heats) 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Winter Festival 480 Puppy 12 Feb 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Stayers (Final) 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Winter Festival 630 12 Feb 400m Romford Steve Simmons Standard (Final) 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Winter Festival 630 Maiden 12 Feb 684m Monmore Ladbrokes Winter Festival 684 12 Feb 750m Romford Tony Williams Marathon (Heats) 450m Sunderland Arena Racing Company Puppy Trophy (Final) 660m Sheffield Owlerton Stadium Maiden Stayers 480m Sheffield Owlerton Stadium Puppy 480 11 Feb 11 Feb 280m Sheffield Owlerton Stadium Sprint 11 Feb 500m Sheffield Owlerton Stadium Standard 11 Feb 660m Sheffield Owlerton Stadium Stayers 11 Feb 500m Sheffield Owlerton Stadium Winner Of One 11 Feb Sun 16 Feb ,U[YPLZ *SVZL 18 Feb 18 Feb Sat 22 Feb 714m Crayford The 2020 Ladbrokes Golden Jacket (Final) 540m Crayford The Peter Bussey Memorial Trophy (Final) Sun 23 Feb 480mH Central Park 2020 Cearnsport Springbok (Semi Finals) 480mH Central Park 2020 Cearnsport Springbok (Heats) 12 Feb 642m Central Park Sunday Night Novice Stayers (Final) Wed 26 Feb 265m Central Park Sunday Night Sprint (Final) 415m Harlow Harlow Maiden Monkey (Final) 592m Harlow Harlow Stayers Monkey (Heats) 24 Feb 25 Feb Mon 17 Feb 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Standard 13 Feb 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Standard 13 Feb 275m Doncaster Doncaster Sprint 13 Feb Fri 28 Feb 400m Romford Coral Golden Sprint (Heats) Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Final) 661m Doncaster Doncaster Stayers 13 Feb 400m 480m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Ladies Trophy 13 Feb 225m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Sprint (Final) 480m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Maiden Trophy 13 Feb 750m Romford Tony Williams Marathon (Final) 480m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Puppy Trophy 13 Feb 305m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Sprint Trophy 13 Feb Sat 29 Feb 500m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Standard Trophy 13 Feb 500m 480m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Trophy 13 Feb Sheffield Racing Post Greyhound TV Juvenile 19 Feb Sun 1 Mar Wed 19 Feb 415m Harlow 480mH Central Park 2020 Cearnsport Springbok (Final) Harlow Maiden Monkey (Heats) 17 Feb Wed 4 Mar 238m Harlow Harlow Sprint Monkey (Final) 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden 17 Feb 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Sprint 17 Feb 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Stayers 17 Feb Fri 6 Mar 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Sprint 17 Feb 400m 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Standard 17 Feb 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Stayers 17 Feb 592m Harlow Romford Harlow Stayers Monkey (Final) Coral Golden Sprint (Semi Finals) Sat 7 Mar Fri 21 Feb 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Puppy Derby 2020 (Heats) 400m Romford Coral Golden Sprint Trial Stakes 18 Feb 500m Sheffield Racing Post Greyhound TV Steel City Cup 400m Romford Coral Romford Bitches 18 Feb 575m Romford Coral Romford Bitches Stayers 18 Feb 400mH Romford Coral Romford Hurdles 18 Feb 750m Romford Coral Romford Maiden Marathon 18 Feb 400m Romford Coral Romford Maiden Puppies 18 Feb 575m Romford Coral Romford Maiden Stayers 18 Feb 400m Romford Coral Romford Maidens 18 Feb 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Puppy Derby 2020 (Semi Finals) 750m Romford Coral Romford Marathon 18 Feb 500m Sheffield Racing Post Greyhound TV Steel City Cup 400m Romford Coral Romford Puppies 18 Feb 225m Romford Coral Romford Sprint 18 Feb 575m Romford Coral Romford Stayers 18 Feb Sat 21 Mar 400m Romford Coral Romford Winner Of One Standard 18 Feb 500m Sheffield 575m Romford Coral Romford Winner Of One Stayers 18 Feb 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Heats) 18 Feb 480m Monmore 32 (Heats) Fri 13 Mar 400m Romford Coral Golden Sprint (Final) Sat 14 Mar (Semi Finals) Racing Post Greyhound TV Steel City Cup (Final) VOL 12 NO 1 17 JANUARY 2020 Ladbrokes Puppy Derby 2020 (Final) 4 Mar 3 Mar THE RACING WEEK TRACK Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun AM PM Eve AM PM Eve AM PM Eve AM PM Eve AM PM Eve AM PM Eve AM PM Eve Belle Vue Brighton Central Park Crayford Doncaster Harlow Henlow Kinsley Monmore Green Newcastle Nottingham Pelaw Grange Perry Barr Peterborough Poole Romford 6KDZðHOG 6KHτHOG Sunderland Swindon Yarmouth TRIAL SESSIONS TRACK Mon AM PM Tues AM PM Wed AM PM Thurs AM PM Fri AM Sat PM AM Sun PM AM PM Belle Vue Brighton Central Park Crayford Doncaster Harlow Henlow Kinsley Monmore Green Newcastle Nottingham Pelaw Grange Perry Barr Peterborough Poole Romford 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