OFFICIAL RECORD TO: CYRUS FARIVAR FROM: PUBLIC RECORDS - EAM 02/05/2020 • r\ng April!2,2018 Ring wants to help reduce crime and increase sa.fety in Escambia Count,.,. .. _ . bia Count' Sheriff So Office to help ~duc:e .crime nnd Rine. is excited to propose a solut;on to the Estam ) inv~igations in )'our communit)" Program Description 8S'iISt with This program will provtde the ESC3m~Ja CQu?t} communiC3te with ~ing Neighbors. VIew Ne~h~ . . .••.. m-- •• plalrOTDl '0 Sherifi~s Office access to lhc Rmg NeIgH\1\-\ red "d _ determine general camera density/location JJnd m:~ee~~Cambill Count}' neighborhoods safer. encourage eommunt1y engagement as we wo og o " ::::t~ \NUll . "Nei'thbomoods platfonn IS a diuital neighborhood walch Ihat both law enfor~emenl and lhe o ~~l~I::n ac;es5 free of charge by oo\\111aading the Ring mobile app (iOS and Android), o The app-allows Rin~ Neigh-burs their neighborhood. o U) shaft &I\dccmll\~t on rea\ time (Tlmt and sllfet)" C\'cnts in As part of the program. Escambi:l C-ounty Sheriff.:; Ol1ic-c may: ;.... Utilize the critical crime and safety c\'crlls that arc posted in rhe app by ncighbol'$l0 law enforcement operntions and investigations; and '> assist ill 1)051infonnation relating 10 critical incidents and other incidents in the app to keep neighbors informed regarding issues in their neighborhoods. Respunsibilitiei Ring Will: o Make the Ring app available 10 Escnmbia County Sheriffs Office free of charge. o Make the Ring Neighborhoods portal available to Estamhia CQUllty Sheriffs Office. ffee including support and trBining for Escambi:a Coumy Sheriffs Office employees. o Wort;: with F..$cambia County Sheriffs Office to obtain EscalJlbia Coullty Shcritrs Office daW-calllogs and publish the Ttlevant incidenls in Ihe app based on tenn~ agreed with Escambia Coumy Sheriff!: Office EsC'aml1ia ConnlY Sheriffs {)f cmuge. Office will: o Maintain appropriate access controls for Esc;:lmbia County Sheriff"s Office pers,(mnet to use Neighborhood Police portaL o Make data related 10 Escambia County Sheriffs Office incidcnts!caillogs agreed upon basis. o Have the option. but 110obligation. to panicipjl(, in a stlbsidited camera program. \nt Ring avaihlblt to Ring on a mUhlally Term Escmnbia County Sheriffs OUice participation in Ihc program shnll commence upon f'.SCambill Count)' Sherirrs Office acceptance of Ihest program tenns. Either party rna}' Icrrninate Escambia County SherHfs OtT'tCe p!lnicip'i\liNl in the program tit any time upon providing written notice to the other party. The Ring Ndghborhoe-ms PUl1al will be ftVailLlbl..: to Escambio County Sheriff's Offic--e by 5,'07n 8. Page 11 OFFICIAL RECORD TO: CYRUS FARIVAR FROM: PUBLIC RECORDS - EAM 02/05/2020 Press Rei@9Se The panics shall agree to n joint press rdense to be mutually agreed upon by the parties. Privacy and Terms of Use Ring will not provide allY customer persol'l