SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF FRESNO DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF WARRANT OF ARREST (MADE UNDER 2815.5 CCP) The undersigned hereby declares: That he is employed as a peace of?cer for the Fresno Police Department; That person(s) known to her as Jesus Antonio Castaneda Sonia did commit the crime(s) of PC 243.440 1, PC PC PC PC 242. PC 242. 243.4( 0). PC PC PC PC 243.4( 0) as shown by the facts set forth in this declaration; That your declarant has personal knowledge as herein stated, and has obtained information from Various other persons not herein stated, regarding the above alleged offensefs); and that as to those matters which are not within your Declarant?s personal knowledge, your declarant was informed and does believe that the matters stated and set forth herein are true: On 10X30f1 7 Fresno PD Of?cers responded to 1300 Shaw Ave regarding the report of a possible sexual assault. Upon arrival to that location officers spoke with reporting party, Bishop Menees of the Anglican Diocese of the San Joaquin. BishOp Menees reported that several members of his congregation had informed him that one of the priests in the diocese, Suspect Jesus Antonio Castaneda Serna, had touched congregation members in an unwanted, sexual manner. Bishop Menees identi?ed Victim-l to of?cers as one alleged victim. He reported that 8115- Some had rubbed oils on his body as part of a ?healing ritual?. During the ritual, Victim-1 was convinced to strip naked white 8113- Some anointed his body with oil to include Victimd ?s penis. Bishop Menees advised that Tv?ictiIn--1 was hesitant to speak with law enforcement. Officers advised Bishop Menees that unless the victims came forward to law enforcement, no criminal case could be generated. On 01/29! 201 3, Bishop Menees contacted detectives with the Fresno PD Sexual Assault Unit and stated that Victim-J wanted to come forward to law enforcement and make a report. He advised that Victim?1 was Spanish Speaking only. Of?cer Delgado, who is Spanish speaking, was requested to respond to the Diocese offices at 1300 Shaw Ave to take Victim-l ?3 report. During that interview, Victim?l stated that he attended St. James Episcopal church in 2014, which was located in Fresno CA. During that time he met Sus- Serna in his capacity as priest of that church. Victimal volunteered with the church and worked directly with Sus? Berna. During that time Victim-1 stated he turned to the church for healing after a four year relationship ended and he was also suffering from physical and emotional stress from maintaining sobriety from alcohol. 011 a day in September of 2014 Victim-l met with Sus? Serna to discuss if Victim?l would continue to serve with the church. During that meeting, Sus- Berna told Victim~l that he would help him with a method of massage and prayer. Sus- Serna told Victim?l that he had been cursed by those in his life who wished him ill and that he was spiritually sick. Sus? Sema told Victim-1 that he needed this healing massage and prayer where Susu Sonia would rub sacred oils on Victim-1?s body to remove the curse from him. While alone in Sus? Serna?s of?ce at the church, Sus? Serna convinced Victimvi to disrobe to his underwear and lie down on a brown recliner he had in his of?ce. During the massage, Sus? Sema had Victim-l lay face down and Susn Serna rubbed Victim-1?s back, legs and feet. Sus? Sema had Victim?1 turn onto his bacic and he rubbed Victimd ?s chest, legs and feet. Victim-1 stated that Sus- Sema then reached inside Victim?1?s underwear and rubbed his penis and testicles. He _/lf goats stated Bus? Berna was not masturbating him at this time, only touching him. Bus- Berna then told ctim~l that he would need to inspect his semen to determine the exact curse or illness that was afflicting Victim?l. Bus- Berna instructed Victim~l to pull his underwear down and to ejaculate into his hand so that Bus- Berna could inspect his scmen. Victim-l complied and masturbated. While Victim] was masturbating, Bus? Berna would occasionally touch Victim-1?s penis and testicles. Victim?l stated he never gave Bus- Bcrna permission to touch his genitals. lt'l?uce 1it"ictim?l ejaculated iut?n Bus- Berna?s hands, Bus? Berna told 1t.lictimd that his es? girlfriend had placed a curse on him. Victim?1 left the location snou alter. He felt confused and upset but hoped that what had transpired would help hint to not be cursed any longer. Victim-l stated this same sequence of events occurred on three separate occasions. Once per year, approximately in of?tlldi, 201:7 and 2016 the assaults involving masturbation occurred. Victim?l stated Bus- Berna gave him massages iu the ?healing ritual? on an additional sis occasions; however, he could not remember the dates. Du sis occasions Bus- Berna did not direct ?v?ictim?l to masturbate. Victim-l believed there was another church member present for some ofthc sessions whom be identified as Jesus Zamora. Approximately imd-r?tugust 201T, Bus- Berna told Victim-l that he needed to spealr with him regarding allegations that 1?fictimul had touched a sacred item in the church. When "'v'ictimd arrived to Bus- Berna?s Bus? Berna told his assistant, .lavier l-lernaudca, to wait outside. Bus- Bcrna began questioning Victim?l regarding 1vlictim-i distancing himself liom the church. While in the office, ?v?ictim?l noticed there was a blaclt, folding massage table in the of?ce and Victim-t believed that Bus- Berna vras still conducting the messages. ?v?ictim?l told Bus? Berna that he was looking into di?hrent methods of healing. Bus? Berna told Victim?1 that something was wrong with him and instructed hint to masturbate and ejaculate into Bus- Berna?s hand. 1victim?l told Busr Berna that he could not achieve an erection in front of Bus? Berna. Bus? Berna told him he had done it before and could do it again. He told ~'v'ictim-l that he would help ?v?ictim-l achieve an erection. iv?ictimul pulled his pants and underwear down and began to masturbate. While he did so, Bus- Berna rubbed his hmer thighs, penis and testicles. iit"ictim?l did not consent for Bus- Berna to touch his genitals. 1v'ictim?l ejaculated into Bus~ Beruais hand. Bus? Berna instructed 1viictimnl to hug him. ?v?ictim?l complied. Bus- Berna instructed victim-l to sit in front of him. Bus? Benin told that he loved him. lr?ictimd told Bus? Berna that he loved him in the name of God. Bus? Berna told him that he loved him as a man loves a woman. ?'v'ictimd responded that he did not feel the same about Bus? Berna and left shortly after. Victim-1 was visibly upset during the interview. lie stated that as a result of Bus? Berna?s actions, he began to question his faith. Victim?1 believes that Bus- Berna tool?: advantage of his position as Victim-tn priest, and also of Victim?l ?s position in life. 1t-lictirn-l is undocumented and feared that coming forward would cause him to be deported. 1ir?ictim-l stated that Bus- Berna was never armed and did not threaten him in any way. He positively identified Bema by photograph. {in dilWEtll B, detectives spoke with Witness Magaua?l-ieniandez. He stated heinined the Nuestra Bcnora De Guadalupe church in Etlt? or Etit'lB. In about EDGE or Elit?d, Bus?Berna became lead pastor in that church. Magana?llemandca stated that for the first four to sis years he was amazed by the spiritual growth and unity of the church. He personally had a great deal of love and respect for Bus~Bema. ln approx. Jan 21315, Bus- Bcrna asl-ted Magaua-Hcmandes tnjoiu him in prayer of healing for a man su?cring liom drug addiction. hiagaua-l?lcniandes, BusnBerna, and the unknown man walked into a room and the young man was directed to lie dovm on a bench. Magaua-l?lcrnandes stated he was praying with his eyes closed. When he opened his eyes, he observed that the yoimg man had removed his pants and was wearing only boners. Magana-Hcrnandca observed BusuBemareach into the mantis through the log hole, and began pulling and rubbing n11 the young mauis testicles and penis. Bus?Berna grabbed hand and stated, ?Look at all this salt.? ivlagana?l-lemaudes stated that he heard the young man scream as Bus?Berna began to pull on his testicles and penis. He believed that he was viewing Bus-Berna masturbate the young man. Dnce the incident had ended, Magma-Hernandez had left, feeling confused. He reported feeling spiritually, and emotionally gel-(VF, will?" injured by Suerernah aetiens. He did net knew and dues net knew whe that man was; whem he witnessed being assaulted. [in METHE. deteetives speke with Vietim-E at liit'll} E. Shaw Ave #133. ?v'ietim?E stated he attended bluestra Senera lie Guadalupe fer 3-4 veers. The priest far that ehureh: flushema, left the ehureh in Hill". Vietim?E stated that Sue?Berna had infenned him that he was ?ill" and that Sus-E-lema weuld ?de things? te him se that 1" ietim?Il weuld he fergiven fer his sins. Sus?Sema weuld massage lilietim-Eis bedg with a lest ef feree, se mueh as re leave bruises en his hed_v. He stated that he was in se mueh pain afterwards that he eeuld barelyr meve. Vietim?E stated= that after ene massage he was left with bruises te his neek and ehest beeause ef the feree that Susuiienia had used. Vietimrii phetegraphed these injuries at the time and upen request previded them is deteetives. Ens?Eterna teld ?ilietim-E that his illness was spiritual in nature. The massages teak place at Sus~ Bernie?s effiee at the ehureh, whieh was leeated at lCedar and Dal-rats, in li'resnu. 1tilhen the ehureh sieved te Kings Canven and Fewler. the massages then teelt plaee at Sue-Serna's ef?iieer leeated at 1300 EL. Shaw in Fresne. Three davs after Sue-Berna teld ifietimn? that he was ill and needed healing, Vietim?E arrived in Bus- Elerna?s e'l?iiee at 13le id Shaw Ave fer an appeintment. "'v'ietim?E trusted what Ens?Serna teld him; due te his pesitien as paster. 1vTietim?E stated his family alse teld him te de what Sus~3erna teld him te de. At his first appeintment, a persen named Jesus E?n'l?l'tt? was present. In the effiee, Hus?Berna teld vnim?a te undress eempletely an that he eeuld use eils as he prayed. Vietim-E eemplied, but kept his beaers en. Tv'ietim-E said that he had never had te undress previeuslg; as part ef any religieus eeremenp er ritual. 1When he asked wh}I he needed te remeve his elething: Sus-Serna teld him that he needed te rub helv eils en his bed}; te sure ?v?ietimr? ef the witeheraft that was ailing him. Dnee ?v?ietim?E had remeved his elething= he laid dewn en a beneh in Elus? Serua?s efflee. Sus-Serna used ?a let ef three" te massage his bedgv. ?v'ietim?E vars in pain but tlreught that this was te heal him. tins-Seine teld 'v'ietim-E he weuld need te return the neat dav fer mere treatment. After 5 er ti massages in this manner, Etus?Serna teld Vietim?E that he needed in see his semen. Sus?ema teld lv?ietimQ that he had been with se mauv wemen, that as a result, Sus?Sema weuld need te see ?v?ieitmvii?s semen te see what was ailing him. Vietim-E teld Sus?Serna that he was net eemfertable masturbating in hunt efhim. Susuderna teld Vietimwil that he had te de it and that it was the enlg way he eeuld be helped. hietim?fi?. attempted te masturbate in a di'l'ferent teem. r-?tfter seinetime in the mean by himself, Sus?Sema entered the teem and Vietim-E eevered his eapesed penis with his hand. Sus?Sema grabbed Vietim?Eis hand and meved it an he eeuld see ?v'ietim-Eis penis. Sus-Sema attempted te grab lv'ietim-Ts penis, but ?v?ietim-E stepped him. Vietimd eentinued te see Sushema ["er messages with help all and at every appeiutment, Elus-Sema asked ?v'ietirn-E te masturbate. During the massages at this peint, 1v'ietim?E was eempletely nude and Sm-Serna grabbed 1'v'ietim-E's penis and pulled an it. lvlietinr?Et heard a eraelring neise and felt terrible pain. l-le deubled ever in pain and saw that Suererna had a napkin in his hand. Bus-Berna teld trim that he had remeved a vellew substanee frem his penis altheugh lv'ietimLE never saw the vellew substanee flushSerna had deseribed. ?v'ieitm-E said that his penis was bleeding fer several days a'lteiwards. Bus?Senna teld him that he was deiag what was ?v'ietim-E eventually teld his wife what has-Sema had been deing. She infenned him that priests sheuld net ask parishieners te undress fer healing purpeses. Vietim~2 stepped bv Sus~Serna?s heme and infermed him that he weuld net be returning fer any mere massages. Suererna began disparaging Vietim-Ts wife fer diseeuraging him frem the massages and klietim-E left the ehureh and ne lenger met with Sits?Seine. Vietim-E reperted that ether parishieners had teld him ef similar ineidents happening te them. UietimHE stated he felt used and vielated and that Ses?Serna was abusing his pesitien as priest frem the beginning ef his attendanee at the ebureh: Bus-Berna teld Vietimnii that he was a sirmer and net wertlw ef velunteeriug at the ehureh. Vietim-E believed that he needed te de what Sus-Sema teld him te de, se that he eeuid be fergiven ef his sins and werthv te partieipate in his eengregatinn. Uietim?E was shewn a phetegraph ef SusFSerna and he pesitiveljr identified Sus-Sema as the persen whe had assaulted him. wield-Lt 1C1 {in Hill l3 Etishep lvlenees was interviewed. Bishep ivlenees eversees ferty that are part ef the .dnglieae ef the San ieaquin. He stated that while empleyed as Eishep, he was made aware in Deteber ef Eill?? that ene ef his priests, identified as Sus~ Set-ea, had ?miseendneted? with ?petentinily seeres ef peeple?. Bishep tried in repert tn the peliee but was teld that the l.iietirels wenld need in l'erward themselves. Bishep lvlenees stated that the maturity at the alleged vietitns were undeenmeeted and ?were releetant te eenie ferward fer l'ear ef being departed. Sue Berna was paster ef a ehuteh eailed Neestra Senera de Guadalupe whieh met in Fresne at 515?? Kings iflaeyen Rd at St. Mary?s Chereh. Ses- Serna was the asseeiate priest ef his ehureh in Edit?? and beearne the priest in Frier te 2th}? Ses- Berna was a priest fer the Cathelie faith and werlted ent ef the Yakima in Washingten. By January nf 2013, eighteen parishienets had eetne thiward te Eishep Menees advising they had been vietimised seaually by Sus? Berna. Bishep lvlenees stated he met Ses? items in his effiee after the sliegatiees were made heewn te him. Father Raines and Father Seiefani were alse present fer the meeting with Sus- Same. During that meeting, Ses- Set-ea eenfessed that he weuld aeeint men?s genitals with eil if they were having diffieulty with lustful theughts. blus? Elerna denied being and stated the praetieing ef aneinting men?s genitals was part ef his ?Padre de Pie? ministry but denied assisting the men te masturbate. Elishep lvlenees immediately suspended Stts- Berna frem priestly duties. Bishep lvlenees stated that per the eannens ef the Aegiiean faith, a persen eenlel enly he aneieted en the ferehead er hands. This was regardless efwhat needed healing. It weuld never be preper in any situatiee fer a priest in ask a parishiener te disrebe er teneh their genitals. When ehureh e'lliees meved in 13th} 13 Shaw Ave in Edie, Elishep I'vlenees teld all the priests that they had te have a deer with windews in their effiees fer their ewe preteetien. Despite the leasing eenipany erdering new deers with windews in them, Ses- Serea refused te ehange ent his effiee deer and maintained an effiee that had ne windews. Bishep Menees identi?ed Ses? Seine as living in Cearsegeld ea with a parishiener, .lavier Hernandez, and his wife, Fler Heniandes. He stated Ses? Serea went te respeeted seheels within the Cathelie faith and was etnpleyed as a Cathelie priest frem till}? [e He was fired ??em ministering in the Cathelie faith fer ?grave eaese? but Eishep htenees was net advised as in what the aetual reasee was. Susi Berna was new preaehing fer a grenp ealled The letereatienal Cnalitien ef Celtie Churehes. lie is paster ef the Apestelie Taber-naele Ieeated at .?tshlan Ave and Ave in the eity ef Iiresne. lie previded deteetives with the perseimel phetegraph ef Sus? Eterna that was en ?le with the Deteetives interviewed htlensigner Siler whe led the ef Yakima. lvlenisgeer Siler eenfinned that snspeet Serna was with the ef Yakima fer-just under It] years. He was the priest fer St. Jean Diege Parish in we, having been erdained in 199?. He was depesed fer "?vielatiag the seal ef eenfessienal?. After snap Set-ea was depesed by the Cathelie IEhureh, a parishiener reperted that he had previensiy been sexually assaulted by Sns~Serna. Deteetives spake with that parishiener whe did net wish in eeme thrward as a vietirn. hiensigner Siler teld deteetives that in the Cathelie faith, a priest may enly arieint a persen?s head at hands when praying fer healing. Aneinting seanal weuld never be eensidered apprepriate ner weuld a priest ask a parishiener te disrebe. Deteetives speke with father Caries Rsines whe had shared etliees with SuaSerna at littl? E. Shaw Ave. ill T4. Father Raiees shewed deteetives Ens? Berna?s fermer effiee whieh still eentained a felding green massage table. Deteetives teek phetegraphs ef the effiee dents and effiee spaee used by Sus?Eierna. Fadier Raines stated during the first between Elishep lvlenees and Ses~Serna, Bishep ivienees eenfrented Susaiierna with the allegatiens against him, speeifieatly that SessSerna weuld have adult male parishieners ship naked and he wenid aneint their genitals with eil heeause they were sinners and the set was resteratien. Ses? Semis did net deny the eharges, initially stating that what he was deing was geed. He eventually agreed that his aetiens were wreng and net the teaeln'ngs eftheir .t'aith. Father Raines deseribed his presenee ie the meeting as that ef a witness btit stated that he persenally knew ef lL-l parishieners whe had reperted being vietimired seaeally by Sus-Serna. r'tppreaitnately I week later, Bisbep ivienees, Sus- Serna, Father Raiees, and Father Selat'aei met again. During this meeting, Hishep Menees had JiftFEHl drafted a statement for Sus-Serna to make to his congregation the following Sunday, taking responsibility for his actions against his parishioners. 8113- Some made changes to the draft statement until he felt it was appropriate and agreed to make the statement formally at church services and then leave for professional treatment provided at an Anglican Monastery in Indiana. Sus-Serna did not show up for services the following Sunday- Bishop Menees provided the apology statement to detectives. Father Raines has been a priest for 35 years. He stated in the Angiican faith, there would never he a reason for a parishioner to remove his clothing while with a priest. Massage is never used within the Anglican faith as a method of healing. Father Raines further stated if Sus- Serna had truly believed he wouid not have hidden what he was doing from the other priests or the Bishop. When Father Raines and Sus-Serna moved into the office space on E. Shaw Ave. 8135- Some rejected the of?ce next to Father Raines. He also refused to have a window in his of?ce or office door. During this time Sus- Sema moved a professional massage table into his of?ce. Father Raines esplained that man),r of Sus? Sema?s parishioners were raised Roman catholic which does provide for teaching of or curses. He stated a priest couid control specific parishioners by telling them there was a demon inside of them. A parishioner would believe their priests, however, this would he ?spiritually abusive?. For some parishioners, priests have great power and unquestioningly trusted. Based on the information given above, Suspect Jesus Antonio Castaneda Serna (93/28/1968) is in vioiation of. PC PC PC PC PC 242, PC 242, 664JPC PC PC PC 243 PC That this Declaration is made and ?led herein for the purpose of showing probable cause for the issuance of a Warrant of Arrest for the above named defendan?s). I declare under the penalty of perjur}r that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in Fresno California, and dated this 22nd day of February 2019 (Signature ofDeeIarcmt Ojj?icer) Steven Taylor Fresno Police Department 243,13