A:COM Connecticut OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST pgrT PORT FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS AUTH ORI TY REHABILITA TED FINGER PIERS (CENTRAL PIER DREDGE TO EL -39) NEW LONDON, CT Cost Breakdown by Major Est im at e Element s NOTE: This cost breakdown has been provided in response to CTPA's request . It should be not ed that costs fo r each of th e listed it ems cannot be con sidered in isolat ion du e to int errelation ships between th e various scope it ems. As such, thi s breakdown should be viewed as an appro xima tio n. Upon determinatio n of a comprehesive scope of wo rk, a compre hensive cost estimate be provided for that scope. Demolishingthe Adm in Building, Warehouse No .1, and Maintenance Shops (2) Relocat ion of the Ent rance Roadwa y. Construction of New Security Facility to include Offices. l evelling of Hill Area Construction of Drainage Systems, Storm Wat er Treatm ent and Discharge Surface Treatment(s)- Pavement & l oad Bearing Capabilities (Upl and) Mooring Do lphin s - Remova l and Rep air / Up grade Construct a Heavy Li ft Platform - ( VRR Pier Dredgin g Center Section > Dredging - East Side M ain Pier Dredging - W est Side CVRR into Cove Dredging - Approach Channel Improvement from M ain Channel Pier Ut ilities State Pier - St ructu ral Improvement s, M arine Hardware & Surface Treatments CVRR Pier - Structu ral Imp rovements, M arine Hardware & Surface Treatm ent s NW Qu ay - St ruct ural Im provements, Marin e Hardware & Surface Treatments NEQuay - Struct ural Improvements, Ma rine Hardware & Surface Treatments GRAND TOTAL (CONSTRUCTION) , $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 930,000 24,80 0,00 0 3,600,000 3,200,000 2,300 ,000 19,000,000 30,700,000 2,500,000 24,300, 000 22,900,000 4,500,000 33,300,000 6,300,000 73,700,000 65,800,000 5,400,000 25,27 0,000 349,000,000 Newl ondon_Port_lmpr 18.07.02 (BREAKOUTI.xlsx SUMMJINGERS_CTR_ EL(-39) JULY 2, 2018