2/10/2020 statement murmur>>: I I email Erasmus final statement, full for link 1 message -- Mon' Fab 2020 '05' AM "While I was the audit director, I began to find significant problems with the university's governance, including president Shepard himself violating board policies and university rules. Shepard's violations were wide-ranging, from his refusal to provide a simple receipt for a purchase on his reimbursement claim, all the way to improperly blocking my access to the audit committee chairperson to report on several issues and violations." "Upon Shepard forcing me to resign, the full board itself failed to give me any time to inform them of the violations Shepherd had been committing. The Trustees allowed Shepard to decimate the functioning of internal audit from the ways that board policy had designed it to work. And in allowing Shepard to run roughshod over internal audit, the oversight role--a key responsibility of the board's own governance--itself also failed. I observed a lack of transparency that continues today, such as the university closing to the public their Board Audit Committee meetings." wanted a full trial on the issues about the president's wrongdoings, but I lacked the personal resources to continue the case in light of the university's ample resources in creating one legal obstacle after another." They chose a legal maneuver that forced me into a precarious position, like pulling a rabbit out ofa hat, a tactic they used to avoid a trial." It was clear to me they wanted to avoid the accountability that would ensue at a trial. "Although the university avoided a trial, I stand by the accuracy of the violations described in the court filing. Most importantly, that was performing the public duties required of my position, involving difficult audits, that Shepard did not care about." "Regarding the audit report I completed on Shepard's travel expenses, I included a sentence that qualified the audit results (informed the report's readers) that I had to curtail that audit step of obtaining the actual receipt for his expense. The reason for stating the audit was impaired was because of Shepard's own interference in the audit by refusing to provide the receipt. That obstacle was similar to other occasions he interfered with my performance of audits. Audit standards published by the professional association, enumerate several core principles including that internal auditors be "objective and free from undue Hmall gaggle 1/2 2/10/2020 Gmail - final statement, full for link influence (independent).” University Board policy expressly adopted these essential safeguards as required protocols for the campus internal audit function: “The OIA (office of Internal Audit) will govern itself by adherence to the mandatory elements of the IIA … standards.” The standards continue by giving practical guidance on this topic by stating, “Objectivity requires that internal auditors do not subordinate their judgment on audit matters to others.” The Trustees believed this safeguard to be so important that they exactly repeated it in the university’s own audit charter, stating that the campus internal auditors shall not permit the quality of their audits to be compromised and they “will not subordinate their judgement on audit matters to others.” Shepard’s interferences in my audits impaired my objectivity because his actions caused fear of what would happen if I did not go along with his obstructions. For example, I was in the middle of planning a difficult and sensitive audit of the soundness of the university’s ethics program for employees. A topic the Trustees selected for audit. During a meeting with me, Shepard spontaneously remarked about a methodology in the ethics audit that I was in the middle of planning, where he said to me, “I would not conduct or carry out those audit steps if I were you.” This was Shepard’s pattern to impair audit independence, and in doing so, violating university policy. I attempted to inform the audit committee of my several concerns at their April 9 meeting, but Shepard cut me off and silenced me. The very next day he forced me to resign. Informing the Trustees of any and all issues I had found—and I alone determined to be appropriate (without interference) to report on—was the core of my professional responsibility. There were several persons at meeting who observed the muzzling and there is an audio tape of that day. The Trustees never heard my concerns because Shepard removed me within 24 hours of my attempting to perform these public duties. My lawsuit was the only effective way to address the numerous violations of both state statutes and university rules, to correct the wrongdoings and achieve accountability. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=9ae2ec5cf4&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1658176879555619980&simpl=msg-f%3A16581768795… 2/2