2/10/2020 email a inquiry I I Gmail Erasmus Inquiry 3 messages Bruce Shepard -- Fri, Jan 17. me at 3:46 AM To: "erasmusbaxierweslerniront@gma .com" Good morning, Mr. Baxter. Thanks lor the inquiry as lwas not aware oi the developments you brought to my attention. My statement lailcws: was not aware clan agreement having been reached in the matter olthe university and Mr. Babick and so cannot cl'ler insights on that subject. I also was not aware of the particulars at any allegations made regarding me. Certainly, though. any suggestions that I ever. in any way, interlered with audits conducted by the Internal Auditor or terminated his employment for impermissible reasons are wholly without merit: I would have welcomed the opportunity. under oath. to set out the facts. Further. it is my understanding that the university has consistently denied and still. today. strongly denies the assertions made by Mr, Babiok in his legal action. This is the lull extent at the comments otter on the matter. My best. Bruce Erasmus Baxlir