2/10/2020 inewsource Mail - Please read: Claims made by Dr. Murphy Jill Castellano Please read: Claims made by Dr. Murphy 2 messages Jill Castellano To: amundt@ucsd.edu Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 5:52 PM Good evening Dr. Mundt, My name is Jill Castellano and I'm a journalist with inewsource. As you may know by now, my colleague Brad Racino and I have been working on a story about Dr. Kevin Murphy. He mentioned you several times during our interviews, and I'm reaching out in the hopes you will let us know whether what he's told us is accurate. I know that UCSD faculty are limited in what they can say about Murphy due to the ongoing UCOP investigation, but I'm not asking you to comment on the investigation or on Murphy — I'm asking you to confirm or deny Murphy's statements involving you. Otherwise, we have no way of independently verifying them and must publish what he says unchecked, because it is important to the story. I hope that can be avoided. Here is a summary of what Murphy told us. I'm happy to provide more details. Murphy received a $10 million gift that was intended to be used specifically by Dr. Murphy to study PrTMS. In early 2016, Murphy learned that the donation had been redirected -- it was going to the Cancer Center generally instead of to Murphy specifically, and it would be announced at that year's annual fundraiser gala. Murphy eventually managed to get the money into his own research account, but he developed a reputation as "the bastard who stole the $10 million back." He says you, Lippman and others held a vendetta against him because you didn't get to keep the money for the Cancer Center. He also said you and others had no interest in honoring the donor's intent. Murphy says that you were involved in overseeing the $10 million fund. The fund manager would seek approval for purchases from Casey Sandack, who would seek approval from you. Murphy told us he has had “no access” to the Kreutzkamp funds at any point in time -- you and others had the access. Murphy accused you of spreading a rumor about him being forced to take a part-time position when he actually did it voluntarily. This led him to send you a cease and desist letter. Murphy says you were on a phone call in which former compliance officer Dan Weissburg threatened him for filing a whistleblower complaint. Because of your vendetta against him, Murphy claims, you refused to give him a promotion and withheld two quarterly bonuses. He added that you didn't take any interest in his work, visit his neuromodulation center or give him his annual reviews. Please let me know if this aligns with your understanding of events. You can reach me via email or at 914-629-1750. Thank you in advance, Jill Jill Castellano To: amundt@ucsd.edu Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 10:00 AM Hi Dr. Mundt, I'm following up on my previous email to see if you might have some time to speak with me for the story I'm working on. We are planning on publishing very soon and I want to make sure you have a chance to review the information relevant to you that will be included. Feel free to email me or give me a call. Jill [Quoted text hidden] -Jill Castellano Investigative Data Reporter, inewsource Email: jillcastellano@inewsource.org Phone: (914) 629-1750 Twitter: @jill_castellano https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=d8ce919e02&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar1984721304880999211&simpl=msg-a%3Ar866448612907417943… 1/2