Hennepin County An Equal ot,p.,rr:unicy EmJ.,!.ryu January 26, 1998 Mr. RolfE. Sonnesyn Tomsche, Sonnesyn & Tomsche, P.A. Attorneys at Law 888 Lumber Exchange Building Ten South Fifth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 RE: Dunlap vs. Chubb Life Insurance C,,mpany - - Your File No.: 132-1 M.E. File No.: 96-0005 Dear Mr. Sonnesyn: I perfonned the autopsy on Anne Dunlap. My autopsy report for the autopsy I performed on January 2. 1996 is attached. The final diagnoses are contained on pages 1 and 2 of the autopsy report. The information which I considered in forming the final diagnoses is set forth in pages 3 through 10 of the autopsy report. In addition to the final diagnoses set forth in the autopsy report. I hold these opinions within a degree of medical certainty: I) 2) 3) 4) 5) Anne Dunlap exsanguinated in the trunk of her car. The 5-cm injury to the right occiput is consistent with a blunt force blow to her head. She was probably hit over the right occiput with something broad and flat. I found no evidence of "defensive" wounds to her body. There are no wounds to her . , forearms or hands. Either due to positioning or incapacitation. she was apparently un~le to respond to her attacker at the time that the stab wounds were inflicted. No evidence of restraint was present. There was no evidence that she was in an ordeal or a struggle with her attacker. There was no forensic evidence of Anne Dunlap being held a prisoner. Her clothes appeared to be clean except for the blood from her wounds. I found no injury to her vagina or breasts. There was no evidence of a sexual assault. It was subsequently detennined that semen was found in her vagina, but there was no evidence of forced penetration at the time of autopsy. -It is extremely likely that she died during the afternoon of Saturday, December 30, 1995. It is extremely unlikely that she was killed on Sunday, December 31, 1995. The fragments (Continued) Medical Examiner 730 South Scven.rh Street Minneapolis. Minnesota 55415-1798 (612) 347-2125 FAX: (612} 904-4255 FAX: (612) 904-432-3 Mr. RolfE. Sonnesyn January 26, 1998 Page2 of food I found in her stomach at the time of autopsy are consistent with the food items she was reported to have eaten at the brunch over the noon hour on December 30, 1995. In addition to food fragments in the stomach, there was a homogeneous green paste in the first part of the small intestine indicating that she was in the active process of digestion. It is reasonable for someone in good health who has eaten an average-sized meal and with an average rate of motility that most of the food would have left the stomach within a few hours. PUBLICATIONS I have not authored any publications within the last ten years. COMPENSATION TO BE PAID The Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office will be compensated at a rate of$150.00 per hour. PREVIOUS TESTIMONY I do not keep a list of cases in which I have testified. I testify approximately six to ten times a year in homicide cases in the state of Minnesota. I estimate that I have testified 40 to 60 times in homicide cases within the last six years. I did give a deposition in a civil case approximately one to two years ago. I do not know the name of the case. Sincerely, :---~ ,------), . .':---.. < - ~ •~vwt:=7 - Daniel W. Davis, M.D. Assistant Medical Examiner DWD/cb