Printed 04/15/97 ·1t~3-, Min~~iis ~~lice Departmi=>nt Case Supplement Case: MP-95-388534 Supplement: 142 PAGE: 1 FBI ANALYSIS OF DUNLAP MURDER CASE: 1/10/96 BCA Special Agent Kohout contacted the FBI's profiling unit to request some assistance with this murder investigation - specifically the reviewal of the video and audio tapes of the interview given by BRAD DUNLAP to the Mpls Police investigators. It was requested that the FBI review the video and taped interview for any insight as to BRAD DUNLAP'S behavior and word use. FBI Special Agent James A. Wright and James J. McNamara were appraised of this case by S.A. Kohout. 1/12/96 The FBI Agents Wright and McNamara received the video and audio tape as sent to them by Agent Kohout. On 1/15/96 a conference call was held between the FBI and Sgts Voss and Smulski during which the opinion was expressed that BRADLEY DUNLAP is a viable suspect. The FBI's opinion was based upon his behavior and an assessment that the crime was committed by someone who knew the victim very well and staged the scene. On 1/24/96 Special Agents Wright and McNamara travelled to Mpls and met with Agent Kohout, Sgts Voss and Smulski. At our request, Agents Wright and McNamara and Kohout met with and interviewed DONN and LOUISE BARBER on 1/25/96 for the purposes of eliciting 11 victimology information" and establishing a positive law enforcement contact. In summary, DONN and LOUISE BARBER told the FBI that their - 1ghter ANNE was a good student, a good girl, and a good and successful 1... .criage with no major arguments. They added that ANNE got her way most of the time and that BRADLEY spoiled her in that regard. As an example the BARBER'S sighted the design and construction of their new house as totally under the control of ANNE. They described ANNE as meticulous in her life, no decisions were made quickly or precipitously. As an example they listed how ANNE DUNLAP went about selecting the design of her house. They also stated that when ANNE DUNLAP went shopping, she knew exactly what she wanted and where she would go, she never "just went shopping". They stated ANNE was very organized and a perfectionist, and very career oriented. She stated the entire family was safety and security conscious and that ANNE carried a can of mace while she ran and had another can of mace on her k~y ring. On conclusion of the interview Mr. BARBER reflected that whoever killed his daughter must have known her and she must have known the perpetrator. On l/30/96 Sgts Voss and Smulski facsimiled a copy of the Hennepin County autopsy report on ANNE DUNLAP to Agents McNamara and Wright for their review. In turn the FBI had this autopsy report reviewed by Dr. James Luke forensic pathologist and consultant to the FBI's behavioral sciences unit. Dr. Luke reported that the autopsy was well done and documented. He observed that the wounds to the victim were very unique and no doubt inflicted by "an intelligent· and thinking individual, but an individual with no experience at killing". Printed 04/15/97 16:53 ~inneapolis Police Departmr ·t Case Supplement Case: MP-95-388534 Supplement: 142 PAGE: 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Th~ FBI agents note that a review of the VCAP for Violent Criminal Apprehension Program database of homicides revealed no similar cases which could be linked to : DUNLAP homicide. A full report was sent about their assistance in this case and it will be property inventoried. CASE OPEN FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Printed From HOMICIDE9 By Employee# 07441 04/15/97 16:53