i IOWA 5661 Fleur Drive Des Moines, IA 50321 liizi PM i it; Phone: (515) 244-7292 f: M\l ?x Fax: (515) 244-5051 1 Email: info@iowademocrats.org 12 February 2020 Matt Berg 1133 15th St NW Ste 900 Washington DC 20005 Via electronic delivery Dear Mr. Berg, The lowa Democratic Party Caucus Recanvass/Recount Committee has received and considered your request for recanvass of 25 precinct and three satellite sites (list attached). The Committee is accepting your full request and will conduct a recanvass of those precincts. The Committee expects the recanvass will last for two days and the current plan is to conduct the recanvass beginning Sunday, February 16, 2020. The Committee has further decided to seek input from the [ewe Democratic Party State Central Committee on the process and next steps of conducting the recanvass. To that end, this Committee will send you more details on Friday morning pertaining to the costs associated with the recanvass and the timeline. You will have 24 hours from receipt of that information to proceed with your request. Please contact Kevin Geiken at kgeiken@iowademocrats.org with any questions. oy Price, Iowa Democra ic' Party Chair and member of the Recanvass/Recount Committee On behalf of the Iowa Democratic Party Caucus Recanvass/Recount Committee face/300k.com/iowademocrats twitter com/iowademocrats