Dear Chancellor Khosla, The majority of Academic Student Employees (ASEs) across the University of California system are rent-burdened, a term used by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to define families and individuals who pay more than 30% of their income for housing. Since our last round of bargaining, ASE compensation has not kept pace with the skyrocketing cost of onand off-campus housing. ​Here at UC San Diego, ASEs are no exception. ​The typical 50% Teaching Assistant spends 42% of their monthly income (on average) on housing costs and therefore, is considered ​rent-burdened by the HUD.1 Moreover, UC San Diego administrators’ insistence that UCSD housing is 20% below market rate is simply false. Over the last year alone, UCSD ASEs and graduate students at-large have met with you and other administrators to discuss the rent-burden crisis. Last March, the Graduate Housing Committee (previously known as ARCHAC) advised HDH to freeze rental rates for the upcoming year. HDH overruled the committee’s advice and chose to increase rents, continuing to put students in a rent-burden crisis. In order to address this immediate rent-burden crisis, ​we propose the following solutions​: 1) Provide all ASEs With a Housing Stipend to Eliminate Rent Burden ● Given the lack of affordable housing stock on each campus, UCSD must provide ASEs with a monthly housing stipend of $1,422. ● There is precedent at UC for providing housing stipends to student employees: UC has already agreed to housing stipends in collective bargaining with medical interns and residents at UCSD2, UCLA3, and UCSF4. ​​. ASEs who pay 30% or more of their income on rent are considered rent-burdened by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2 ​​, Section 20 1 ● We propose that the University increase these housing stipends on a yearly basis to ensure that ASEs do not become rent burdened as a result of future increases in housing costs. 2) Eliminate rent burden in existing on-campus housing ● The vast majority of ASEs who live in UCSD on-campus housing still experience rent burden. Currently, the only on-campus units which do not leave 50% FTE TAs rent burdened are ​One Miramar Half ​and Rita Atkinson Half. However, Rita Atkinson will be converted to undergraduate student housing at the end of this academic year and very few ASEs currently have access to One Miramar. ● Thus, the University must reduce the rent at its housing units to rates that eliminate the rent burden currently experienced by on-campus ASE tenants. 3) Build more affordable, on-campus social housing ● Given the lack of affordable on-campus housing, the majority of ASEs are forced to find housing – often far away from campus – in the private market, where rental rates are skyrocketing across the state. ● UC must also address the rent burden crisis by dramatically increasing the amount of affordable on-campus social housing so that all ASEs have the option of living on-campus without rent burden. ● UC must consider the larger ecological impact of building so that non-UCSD environments and communities are not overly burdened by any future construction. Since 2000, ASEs and graduate students at-large have prioritized cost of living concerns and we have bargained over these matters in every set of contract negotiations at the systemwide table. As we present you with our demands, we look forward to working with the University to eliminate rent-burden at UCSD. We believe both the Union and the University have an interest in ameliorating the economic hardships for all and welcome sitting down to negotiate over these matters. ​Please advise us of your availability to meet and collectively bargain over this proposal. Sincerely, John Sarracino, Unit Chair, UAW 2865 San Diego Celine Khoury, Recording Secretary, UAW 2865 San Diego On behalf of ASEs at UC San Diego 3 4 ​​, Article 12 ​​, Article 27