Ministry ol Delence Main Building . . Whitehall London SW1A2HB Of Defence United Kingdom Our Rel: E-mail: Your Ref: Commander th Fors em" 13 February 2020 Dear Commander Thank you Ior your most recent letter, dated 9 January 2020, regarding comments made by Rear Admiral John Gower (th) in relation to the legal standing at a submarine commander given the order to lire a Trident missile. Rear Admiral Gower, since he has retired from the Royal Navy, is not a Government spokesperson and is entitled to express his own views as he wishes, whether they are in agreement or not with the Government's position. In our previous correspondence we have outlined the Government's position on various aspects relating to the legality ol the nuclear deterrent and the use at our nuclear weapons should we ever be required to do so. This position has not changed. While we do not intend to repeat all of that previous detail here, we will summarise again the key points. We hope never to employ nuclear weapons but to deliver a deterrent etlect under all circumstances. We would only consider using our nuclear weapons in the most extreme circumstances ol sell-defence, including the delence ol our NATO allies. The Government is clear that the use ol nuclear weapons - like all weapons - would be subject to the requirements of international law. The 1996 International Court ol Justice Advisory Opinion could not reach a delinitive conclusion on the legality or illegality ol the use ol nuclear weapons by a state in an extreme circumstance ol sell-delence, in which its very survival would be at stake. It concluded that legality could only be determined in light of the specilic circumstances applying when such use is being contemplated and the application ol the general rules at law, particularly those regulating the use ol Ioroe and the conduct at hostilities. Should the circumstances arise in which use ol nuclear weapons needs to be considered, legal aspects would be a contributing lactor in the decision-making process. In our last letter to you, dated 7 November 2018, we suggested that, while we appreciate that you hold strong views on this matter, further correspondence would serve no purposeful outcome as we had already written to you on several occasions. There is no further inlormation to add on this topic beyond what has already been communicated to you. Therefore, no tunher purpose will be sewed by continuing the correspondence. Yours sincerely, Delence Nuclear Organisation Secretariat