-.4V GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 6 USA v. BRUCE-UMBAUGH UH WHIP-HUN: In.? ?ht? lln?'r [1-0 It?lr?: 1 .- I Pm is calmed menu-1mm endure! mm? u'xmhmany muse, bin- link with cm" Mm L-r'e w?h?e'i?n F?i named- sa' alarm; annual-nu Lamar?1L mum - IEHNI Bu?fl?la'?u?rulh hula-ism use-M mama-m - rumpus-smug?; am- ?gunman. uln- nude Bums-n mangle unmade-lumen berm SUI-L mamas}? 1? Please do an! muted the maximum capacity a! the T2?seal'e a: any time. - Harem scafeon a ?at surhce. Hakesure ?:31 the scafels nm armed In vibiattuns. alt amass, extreme temperatures. humidhy osdmL dusc'K'. USER GI 70 WITIWE 72-200- ?lm's-unusual 1.1m: L'r. I ?(11:15th net-Mn husm.n baa-El. cinnamon-1m I 10:1!me - (arms. mm (05 mm" La'lfblate. Hum the sale of! anti plats: it - Tum the staleon and wait for i I In semen and acdimm. Illa d?rsptaywil?l then show I10. - The Love: is rem usable when fully open and can be used asan expanslon tray. - The dismay may we nder sligh?y due tn lheemme sensitivity 11me safe, whim ran he a?ened byrhe slightest vibrations or an movement The some: reading is achieved when the madam becomes stable. - mom CAPACITY 2009 0.019 in Mgwe'qri? UNIT Mme n?n "um-m comm-yo! Mr (unau- l7 ?'nmIl mun; um. - Han}.- uunuhnu?d? rum-Eu Irma-e rm ram-M ?has in: . Ln unm- W-E?ll?" '39::qu -.'1wn vane - f?va-Mmuu m- - dq-?Hi: u?lh-urr?u. ?as: A'er'. Maryann-10 ?En-d .M smmirsz 2mg 'x cm; QUICK USER YO (I 11-2?! pan-J mu ?run I: my mm: arm-m: my; a "3m ?tannin-113mm: nun-m1? u) 'emeg. swim lum?m?m?.ms?.anw?au FM mumps. Hill assume}: PULSE NIT map-?Am Muir-Jew}! 1? "Pfia's? do not exceed It! maximum ?pat-Jun! - the narrow 72"smfe a: any time. - Pm: the 5am ona flat suture. Mai: sure {harm suie laminated? \nbra?ol'll. ah menu. dust. - tum w: on and wanfnri-l to QUICK USE - 5th 0.0. "d - I . . 2:331, ifg?m'?? - The dlmraymay wander due Iolheenmn-E sensiumr nilbcuale. .smm, (anbea?emd when the ma dam hemmes slable. - ?at-ne- Lmluwhom?m$ 'F-Wm'ln rem-?- I-aum much? 390.; - umg CAPACITY 21313 59119 om?k USER mamas?: THF ?nonf'?- aw- Flrvu do aura I no nu. :1me raga?r? a! m. numN' H. am,- up n. .mu - ?1.4th! n. ~=mw~r~u IIu-nunuth?amwl Inn aha-H lhmuzuzwl. n. mu . sr- (U-1I I ?fruit? L5, I'durbemd In: 2 Mn .r-frr ?Maw-1- ulna-ml M- .41 a?ulrgh. 1r. . .gn-h: urns-m . nan 1 r. m: Inc-Hum uw-n ?are mambrn" CAPACITY zang . 019 fnih-m Please do untamedmmumwm?yn! m" Hm 12" mfu?nnr Ema. :mmautwu; ml - m. . - ?atnhe sa?le'di? mm M: fuming: gnaw Vibfa?nkaw?muEmmeW?m - Turn Ihesn?em LMMiEIIqumwa show I10. - The dupby may wands: duetn which 1.6mm place me {emu .- -- {an be a?ened by 1112 means! u'hmlons warmth emu mum?: ?as! show achieved when the ma?aut bemuslable. 5.1m: We mum d'anwg um um the ?:1.th FOR MERE It? CIRHKUON - CAPACITY 2209 0.019 LEVINE meant Matiiuana r; i 1'09; "Wish: Lurk Mayiiuana A, 13.1 llr. . IHHRI. . .1. intro! . in Tau: .wgw - v.1 A is. 33m? Em . ?ung 3M WEIR FEDERA I. . 5 I: nu ?33? mm \NkuuFIZIDE AMMU HITION . .: l: \fipt?..l . ill!