Petition for Commutation of Sentence Please read the accompanying inslruc1ions carefully before compleling the application. Type or print the amwers in ink. f Each question mus/ be answeredfully, lmth/111/y and accurately. I the space/or any answer is i11s1iff,cienl, you may complele the answer on a separale sheel of paper and a11ach ii to 1he pelilion. You may attach any additional doc111nenla1ion 1ha1 you believe is relevan/ lo your pe1i1ion. The submission of any material, false information is punishable by up lo five years' imprisonmenl and a.fine ofnol more than $250.000. 18 USC.§§ 100! and 3571. Relief sought: (check one) ftZl Reduction of Prison Sentence Only fO Remission of Fine and/or Restitution Only 0 Reduction of Prison Sentence and Remission [O Other ______________ To The President of the United States: The undersigned petitioner, a Federal prisoner, prays for commutation of sentence and in support thereof states as follows: l. Full name: Reality Leigh,- Winner - ------l,-a- s1___________ -,1-=·;,-'--s,-,----- --------M,....,,..;id,'.,.td e 5 6-0 2 1 ________ Social Security No Reg. No. _220 _ _ _ _ _ __ Confined in the Federal Institution at ------'-------'--------------FMC Carswell, Fort Worth, Texas Date and place of birth: -----------------------------12/04/1991 Alice, Texas Are you a United States citizen? [t2f yes!Ono Have you ever applied for commutation of sentence before? [D yesl0no f J you are not a U.S. ci1izen, indica/e your counl!y of citizenship Ifyes, state the date(s) on which you applied, and the date(s) when you were notified of !he final decision on your petition(.5). Offense(s) For Which Commutation Is Sought 2. I was convicted on a plea of for the Southern :es- ,e,., --,,-e,-c.-) -- r-,,-. =w,_, lte ------,(l\""''o-,...., U11i1ed S1a1e s Depar1111e111 ofJ11s1ice Office of/he Pardv11 Allomey 1Vaslti11g1011. D.C 20530 Guilty -. _e,,il.,,..-;, .,--(J'g,...... 110-,-g ...... 11it' 1;-•.1-10 lo_c_o_ 111 1ci·er-e)-,--- in the United States District Court District of -----�Georgia -� ............ ,_- --r, de,,,ify s-,al- e)-,--- of the crime of: January 2002 For Which Commutation Is Sought Unlawful retention and transmission of national defense information in violation of 18 U.S.C. 793(e) (State speci?c provide citation of statute(s) violated. tflmown) I was sentenced on August 23 2018 to imprisonment for 63 Months to pay (month/day) (year) (length of sentence) a fine of El restitution of and to (do not include special assessment) '2 supervised release or Cl special parole for 3 Years and/or to probation for . I was 25 years of age when the offense was committed. (length of sentence) I began service of the sentence of imprisonment on June 3 2017 and I am projected to (month/day) (year) be released from confinement on December 30 2021 (month/day) (year) Are you eligible for parole? ?yes?no If yes, indicate the date when you became eligible for release, and state whether your application for parole was granted or denied Have you paid in full any fine or restitution imposed on you? MyedUno If the ?ne or restitution has not been paid in full, state the remaining balance. Did you appeal your conviction or sentence to the United States Court of Appeals? [Ely . . ?0 Is your appeal concluded? lg)? W110 If yes. indicate whether your conviction or sentence was a?irmed or reversed, the date of the decision. and the citation(s) to any published court opinions. Provide copies of any unpublished court decisions concerning such appeals, if they are available to you. Did you seek review by the Supreme Court? gym? Is your appeal concluded? El yei?no If yes, indicate whether your petition was granted or denied and the date of the decision. Petition for Commutation of Sentence Page 2 Offensc(s) For Which Commutation Is Sought Have you ?led a challenge to your conviction or sentence under 28 U.S.C. 2255 (habeas corpus)? [?yesl?no Is your challenge concluded? ?yes?no If yes. indicate whether your motion was granted or denied, the date of the decision, and the citation(s) to any published court opinions, if known. Provide copies of any unpublished court decisions concerning such motions, if they are available to you. If you have ?led more than one post-conviction motion, provide the requested information for each such motion. Provide a complete and detailed account of the offense for which you seek commutation, including the full extent of your involvement. If you need more space, you may complete your answer on a separate sheet of paper and attach it to the petition. Reality L. Winner was employed in the Air Force as a linguist for a period of 6 years, during which time she held a TOP SECRET SCI security clearance. Upon her honorable discharge from the U.S. Air Force, Reality Vt?nner began employment as a contractor with a private corporation and was assigned to a U.S. Governmental Agency facility In connection with her employment, Reality VWnner maintained her top secret SCI security clearance. Reality Winner received training regarding classi?ed information. to include the proper handling of material. Reality VWnner was aware that unauthorized removal and release of classi?ed materials could endanger national security of the United States and the safety of it's citizens. On or about May 9. 2017. Reality Vi?nner identi?ed and printed a classi?ed intelligence report of a U.S. Government Agency dated on or about May 5, 2017, which consisted of National Defense Information. Reality L. Winner removed the intelligence report from its authorized location and unlawfully retained it. Reality L. Winner unlawfully transmitted this top secret intelligence report to an online news outlet with the intent that the report be published. Reality Vt?nner pleaded guilty to the offense listed above and acknowledged that she engaged in the conduct described. Petition for Commutation of Sentence Page 3 Other Criminal Record 6. Aside from the offense for which commutation is sought, have you ever been arrested or taken into custody by any law enforcement authority, or convicted in any court, either as a juvenile or an adult, for any other incident? [Uyesl?no For each such incident. provide: the date. the nature of charge. the law enforcement authority involved, and the ?nal disposition of the incident. You must list every violation, including tra?ic violations that resulted arrest or in an criminal charge. such as driving under the in?uence. Arrests: None. Convictions: None. Petition for Commutation of Sentence Page 4 Reasons for Seeking Clemency 7. State your reasons for seeking commutation of sentence. Ifyou need more space, vou may complete your answer on a separate sheet of paper and attach it to the petition. Reality Leigh Winner anonvmouslv released a single document to a media outlet in violation ol? her contract and the law. In contrast to others charged and convicted under the Espionage Act. however. she did not work with a foreign agent or entity to conspire against her country. l-ler disclosure did not jeopardize the security or safety of human lives or strategic information. She sought no compensation or attributes and only acted to inform the public. Reality's sentence of63 month prison time in a speciallv secure managed (Greater Management Variable or GMV) setting which prevents her from stepping down to a camp. plus 3 vears supervised release is disoroportionate to her crime. Hers was the harshest sentence to date For any single leak olclassi tied information to the public. On August 23. 20] 8. in a Tweet. President Trump decried that Reality Winner's sentence was "unfair" and criticized then Attornev General Sessions for her disproportionate sentencing. Reality Winner acknowledged her crime and wrongdoing and has taken full responsibilitv for her actions. She expressed sincere remorse for betraying her country's trust and for the potential that her actions put her nation in danger. As a Language Analvst for the 94m Intelligence Squadron. Airman Winner served honorably in the US. Air Force and was awarded a commendation medal for meritorious service to her country. but her service was not considered during her sentencing. Reality Winner has no previous criminal record and is not a threat to the US. or any community. She has a laudable record of volunteerism and service. The court. at the time of her sentencing acknowledged that there was little chance Realitv Winner would ever see the inside ofa courtroom again as a defendant. Reality Winner has served almost 33 months of her 63 month sentence and has exhibited model behavior while incarcerated. with no infractions. She has served her incarcerated community as a ?tness trainer within the facility and has sought to further her education on her own. Realitv was 25 vears old at the time Petition for Commutation rgf?Semcnce Page 5 of her crime and has shown maturing during her incarceration. She has shown her ability to follow all rules laws and continued incarceration does not serve the purpose of protection of community nor does it serve to correct her behavior any longer. Reality Winner is diagnosed with depression. anxiety. and bulimia. Her placement at FMC Carswell was recommended so that she could receive treatment, however, the only treatment available to Reality Winner at this placement is medication. The Bureau of Prisons does not offer therapy to deal with the underlying causes of her mental illness or assist in providing coping mechanisms that will help her overcome, adiust, and function. Reality is enduring substantial suffering and in need of therapy to treat her illness. In summam, commutation and release for Reality Leigh Winner is in the best interest of the count_[y, the community, and Realig herself. Really Winner has shown through her service to her county and during her time incarcerated that she has a lot to give to her countg and her communig and has a great willingness to be of service. The continued imprisonment of Reality Leigh Winner serves no social or preventative purpose. Her continued incarceration is costly, unnecessag to protect the public, burdensome to her health and wellbeing, and not commensurate with the severity of her offense. Petition for Commutation of Sentence Page 6 Certi?cation and Personal Oath hereby certify that all answers to the above questions and all statement contained herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information. and belief. I understand that any intentional misstatements of material facts contained in this application form may cause adverse action on my petition for executive clemency and may subject me to criminal prosecution. Respectfully submitted this 2 day of 7-on (month) (year) 422%th Signamrc 1% Pen oncr l?elt'lianfor ofSemencc Page 7