My name is Anna Invictus. I am the wife of Augustus Invictus. After nearly 6 years in this relationship, I have finally found the courage to stand up against Augustus and his perpetual abuse. I want you to understand through the examples I’m about to provide, that this man, Augustus Invictus, has abused me more times than I can count. • To conceal the bruises from the public, he regularly punched me in my stomach and in my head so hard it caused me to see flashes of light. • He locked me in a bedroom and wouldn’t let me out for days. • He nearly fractured my wrist; to which Kathleen Snyder is a witness. • He threw me on the floor, stepped on me, and screamed vile insults I will never forget. • He dragged me through the house violently for my teenage daughters to witness. • He pulled my hair out by the hand full. • He has torn my clothes off, ripping them. • He violently choked me on multiple occasions to the point where I passed out. • He has threatened to end my life on multiple occasions. • He frequently took my phone to prevent me from calling the authorities. • He rarely brought home money and often spent his time with multiple women in other states; he even stole my car and money to do so. • I am aware of nine separate police reports filed against Augustus, including my own, documenting similar types of abuse. Three of those were with a gun. • I worked through both my pregnancies until the day I gave birth, each time, returning a week after because he didn’t provide. • I was left in abject poverty to care for the children on my own and survive on food stamps and charitable aid. • His threats often involved taking our children from me, effectively keeping me under his control and creating a great fear in me because he is a lawyer. • My 13 year old daughter and I fear he will come into our home and kill me if he is granted bond. We often have trouble sleeping in anticipation of this decision today. I have photos of his journal in which he lists types of people he will have executed and another list of those who he will have publicly hanged when he is “God Emperor of the New America”. You might laugh or roll your eyes at his seemingly ridiculous aspiration. But I have no doubt he is indeed seeking this end goal, as I’ve watched him map it out in our home for years. This man is not only violent, he is a master manipulator. His public face is very different from the one my family and I have endured. He has told countless people over the years, whether I had met them or not, that I am mentally ill. He has told this cruel lie, establishing a preconditioned image of me to bolster his credibility. I have a letter here from my credentialed doctor in which she has given me a different diagnosis of PTSD, in fact, due to severe physical and mental abuse. If he is released, he will continue to use his knowledge of the law, his impressive vocabulary, and spectacular ability to manipulate and mold his political followers and women into obedient servants, exactly like the ones you see here today. Many of his devotees know the truth; they have seen the abuse or the aftermath of my beatings, they are witnesses with their own eyes. Yet, because of his Charles Manson-like mind control, they would testify before the court that he is innocent. Augustus understands manipulation strategies well, and has gone out of his way to study Charles Manson. In a month’s time, I watched him read stacks – many dozens – of books written about Manson. The entire truth will come out in a future trial. For now, I implore you, I beg you, I plead with you, your Honor, to keep him safely behind bars so me and my children and the others who have helped me escape him do not fear for our lives. He claims he needs to have bond work and provide for his family,but he has not done so as long as I’ve had children with him. Augustus is not the stereotypical drunken wife beater. His calculated, violent, manipulative intentions deserve special consideration. Finally, if you doubt he is a danger to the community, let his own journal passages speak for themselves: “Victims will be sacrificed; politicians will be assassinated; wars will be begun. You know these things will happen, yet you will not stop me….And yet – though I am quite easy to find – you will not come put a bullet in my head to stop what you find so objectionable from coming to fruition. You act as though this is because of your reverence for the law – but you only hide behind the law to mask your cowardice….There is no moral reason behind your inaction: you are simply too scared to pull a trigger. And when the day finally comes, and you gloat that you knew it all along, and you say, 'someone should have stopped him' – know that their blood is on your hands, too."