CRIMES GRAND JURY ADMINISTRATIVE INEORMATIONS JULIE RUIZ 1 GRAND JURY ADMIN PROCESS FOR INFORIVIATIONS The Branch Courts will enter events and charges for the preliminary hearing case. Once a case is found ?Finding Probable Cause? the Preliminary Hearing ASA will add an event result in CRIMES of ?Finding Probable Cause? on the preliminary hearing event. An automated tickler is automatically sent to the Grand Jury requesting a The GI admin staff will place the and the Municipal Number on the defendant?s tab in CRIMES. The admin staff can put the charges in class order and defendants order as needed. The Pre Lim Br Court will schedule the Arraignment Date Admin will then generate the Information packet, the admin staff will add another event result in CRIMES of Information prepared to the result of the ?nding probable cause event. The Information packet shall include the motions, IIRBS, other packet charges as needed. The blue back shall also be prepared. The Supervisor of the Branch Court needs to Lock the Charges on the case before the paper information packet arrives to the Clerks of?ce. A tickler may be sent to the Supervisor of the Branch Court letting them know to lock the charges. NOTE: When the charges are locked the Clerks of?ce will pull the information into their system at Midnight everyday. ENTERING THE ON THE FILE IN CRIMES Search on the CRIMES number written on the ?le. Navigate to the CASE INFO tab and click Click on EDIT Locate the COURT INFO box click on Edit Add the Click Save PLACING THE MUNICIPAL NUMBER IN THE PARTICIPANT SCREEN Click on the next to the CRIMES case number Click on the defendant?s name Navigate to the Participant information tab and click 0 Click on Edit 0 Locate the Municipal Number ?eld and add 0 Scroll to the bottom and remember to click on save I Click on SAVE ADDING A RESULT ON AN EVENT - Locate the EVENTS tab on the case 0 Navigate to the scheduled PRELIMINARY HEARING Event with the result of FINDING PROBABLE CAUSE - Click on Edit Scroll down the event screen to ADD EVENT RESULTS Select INFORMATION PREPARED and add the date when the information packet was prepared/ Click on Save (for the results box) Click on SAVE AND ADD (to add the scheduled event for the Chief Judge) . 5:33 9693- Safetyv Tnolsr a. Pa r?dpa I115 {if Elite-f Selected .. .. .. .. Event Reason Date .: Sm . To enable the Saw: buttons you need to be sure all! sub controls on the screen are closed. ix To schedule the Chief Judge Event - EVENT CATAGORY Administrative (Might Change) 0 EVENT Transfer to Chief Judge for Assignment (Might change) No defendant select 0 Date Date the file was sent 0 Time 9:00 AM 0 Court District 1 Chicago 0 Court Facility 26?1 Street a Court Room Leave Blank 0 Event Attorney Leave Blank - Event Staff Chief Judge Workgroup 0 Click on SAVE was ?aw safetyv redsv Event Category Ever-It? Eliselad, Participants Availabla Selected Defendant?GRAN, TERRENCE L. Po1ice LUIS Police comma Event Data Event Time Court Court Fadl?y Court Room Location Docket Went attorney Event Staff Judge Remember to take a look at the charges in the CASE CHARGES tab and make sure that they are in class order as well as in defendant order as needed. You?re a seasoned set of eyes for these charges look for anvthing that Just Doesn?t Look Right (JDLR). PROCESSING INFORMATION PACKET Navigate to the DOCUMENT GENERATION tab and click Click on ADD DOCUMENT Click on TEMPLATE GROUP Template Name Charging Template INFORMATION ML(for training) Click on ?Add to be Generated? Also add the motions, IIRBs, Blue Back papers Name the packet (INFORMATION packet 09CR-1234) Click on Generate goes straight to the Doc Bin on your Home Page (without view) Click on Generate and Edit able to view the documents right away Once the paperwork has been generated the Admin staff can send a tickler to the Supervisor of the Pre Lim Branch Court to lock the charges GLOSSARY CASE INTAKE Located in the left menu, this is where any case or incident is created into CRIMES CASE LEVEL All case related tabs appearing on top of the screen, these tabs pertain to the case as a whole DOC BIN Tab Enter this tab through your home page. Any document that you generated will appear here awaiting for you to View, edit, save or print and save. Once you save your document from the doc bin, your document will attach to the case it was created from and appear in the ?Documents and Attachments? tab at Case level. DOCUMENT GENERATION At case level tab, create documents within the system for your case. Create any form that is present within CRIMES, ie motions, orders, Grand Jury subpoenas, records subpoenas, letters GENERATE Processing a document through CRIMES from a particular case and retrieving the document from your doc bin without the edit process. GENERATE AND EDIT Processing a document through CRIMES from a particular case with edit capabilities before you save the document to the case. GENERATE AND PRINT - Processing a document within CRIMES that is automatically printed and saved to the case KPS Know Person Search, this has to be performed for every participant added or imported into CRIMES LEA Law Enforcement Agency PARTICIPANT Any person associated within a casein CRIMES, including defendants, victims, witnesses, chemists, and police of?cers. PARTICIPANT LEVEL Clicking on a participant within a case in CRIMES, each participant will have their own tabs depending on the role (defendant, victim etc..) of the participant. PARTICIPANT STATUS This is given only to the defendant(s) at Felony Review level. If the defendant were approved from Felony Review or Narcotics Bond Court the end user would select ?Approved?. This allows the end user to create charges for their case. Only defendants with ?Approved? status can be charged. TICKLER - Is an in system reminder. A user can create a tickler and send the tickler to ASA, Staff, Victim Witness Coordinator, Investigator etc. Once a tickler is created from a case and sent to an individual the tickler is attached to that case in CRIMES. TI CKLERS SHALL NOT BE USED FOR PERSONAL MESSAGES. Ticklers should be used ONLY for case related information. FELONY TRIAL JULIE RUIZ RUNNING A DAILY REPORT (COURT CALL) 0 0 See below screen shot Click On the tab REPORTS located in the left menu Click on the DOCKET UPDATE tab Enter the date needed from Enter the date needed to To a run court call for today the same date should be entered in both date ?elds] Court District 1 Chicago Facility 26?h Street Court room Court room Number Click on RUN Paoo' S?eiyk Took Division iAnv 'Case Sub- 9 Type Event Event Judge Current i Primary Sort Secondary Sort Tertiary Sud . Dale and l'irne . Event Alto rn ev Event Sta If Even! Resu? View your results: Casefvents . .. . 33533? ?mm? 3363309' . Eggs. 5d?" ?Emmi. . . 338:3? IERegahs PhD,Boing . Igifmfmog 09:0?? No dc :Direct Indictment Brown,Devonshay .No Click on the event, this will take you into the events tab for that case. Edit and click on the ADD RESULT TAB Add the results from the event, click on SAVE Click on SAVE AND ADD to save the whole and event and schedule the next court date Click out of the Pop-up box to click on the next case and repeat process The ASA can use the daily report sheet to enter these events into CRIMES. Any and all events should be entered into CRIMES. Editing the arraignment date: Locate the EVENTS tab and click Locate the Arraignment event, click on edit Event Attorney ASA in courtroom Event Staff Admin Staff Judge Already Assigned CLICK on ADD EVENT RESULTS Result Add results for arraignment Select the defendant(s) that were arraigned Date: Date arraigned Click on Save (save the results) Click on SAVE AND ADD to save the whole event and scheduled the next event. You can add the event from the results tab, below is adding an event when you do not run the court call. FELONY TRIAL PROCESS FOR CRIMES The Chief Judge assigns a felony case to a Felony Trial courtroom. The scheduled arraignment is heard in the felony courtroom. The felony case while assigned to the Felony Division encounters many types of events before trial. Each event shall be entered into CRIMES including results. Typically subpoenas are needed for upcoming scheduled court dates including the trial. Civilian and Police Subpoenas can be generated by CRIMES when a next scheduled court date is scheduled. - Record subpoenas, Motions, Orders or any type of letter can be obtained by Document Generation tab. A paper copy of the term counter issued by the Grand Jury is also critical during the felony trial process. The ASA currently keeps track of this on paper. The can keep track of this function in CRIMES in the speedy trial tab at the participant level for the defendant. This tab has to be manually turned on and off. When the defendant pleads out or the trial ends in a result of a disposition a pen letter can be generated through CRIMES. The Illinois Department of Correction is integrated with CRIMES. Once the Statement of Facts has been typed the ASA can click on export and the pen letter goes to a platform waiting for the Illinois Department of Corrections to request it. The State of Facts unit will manage this feed coming from IDOC. ASSIGNING A CASE 0 In the quick search, under ?case type in the CRIMES case number and click 011 go. I NOTE: You may only type the last ?ve numbers of the CRIMES case number to search. 0 You may have to select the case you need. 0 The case will open in the Case at a Glance tab in CRIMES. 0 Locate the Assigned Staff hyperlink (Hyperlink will have the words assigned staff in blue) and click. 0 The case may then be assigned to a workgroup: Everyone in that workgroup will receive a tickler regarding this case or the case may be assigned to an individual. It is not necessary to type in an end date and time when you assign a file. ADDING AN EVENT AND ADDING THE NEXT COURT DATE Click on the Events tab. Click on the Add Event box. Event Event Dale Edent Time Court Court Facility Court Room Latation Docket: Event Attorney Staff Judge Event Category Event Evan! Category apposing Attorney other Involved Person I I Trial 2 Filter Availahla \m??urd . Selected Saarch Select the event needed Select the defendant(s) for this event Date Event Time Court Court Facility Court Room Event Attorney Event Staff Judge Datelof the event Event Time District 1 Chicago 26th Street Court room event Select courtroom workgroup Admin Staff Assigned Judge In the ?Notes? box the attorney can type in any notes that they would originally write on a blue back. 0 Click on Save 0 Click on SAVE AND ADD to save the whole event and schedule the next court date. You will receive a blank event screen to begin entering the next scheduled court date. If your event has a result, click on the Add Event Result. Click on the Result dropdown arrow to select the result for the event and type in the date. Click save. Then SAVE AND ADD to save the whole event. You may enter multiple results for your event] SETTING UP YOUR SUBPOENA PRINTER [To choose your designated printer: Click on preferences located on the top right of the CRIMES screen. Navigate to Default Printer, click on the dropdown arrow, and select the subpoena printer. (Select your PROMIS printer) Click Save. Coll Theme Grid'b?iew Page Size {