INVESTIGATIVE REPORT INVESTIGATIONS INTELLIGENCE DIVISION Arnaldo Menadn ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Commissioner Dunn Confidential-For Official Use Only Offense Manslaughter Case No. 17-3918/17-4170 location Elmore Correctional Facility County Elmore Date of offense: 1 1/13/2017 Victim(s): Subject(s)' Billy Smith puss 250393 1. Bryan Elounl Aismszis 2. 2. COMPLAIN On Monday, November 13, 2017 at approximately 1736 hours, inmate Billy Smith, ofElmore Correctional Facility was punched in the head area by inmate Bryan Blounl, while in domitory A-2, Inmate Smith fell striking his head on the concrete floor and was transported to the front shift office ofthe facility. InmateSmith was escorted to the Staten health care unit and later transported the Jackson Hospital E.R. where he was treated for fractured skull and a large hematoma to the left temporal area ofhis head. Inmate Smith died at Jackson Hospital on December 9, 2017 at 0340 hours. This offense is against Alabama State Code l3A-6>>3 (Manslaughter) and against the peace and dignity ofthe State ofAlabama. On Monday, November 14, 2017 at 1450 hours, Supervisory Agent D. Gallew contacted Agent W.D. Favor and advised inmate Billy Smith, had been transported from the Staton Health care unit on November 13, 2017 then to Jackson Hospital due to a possible drug overdose. Supervisor Gallew advised Agent Favor that inmate Smith was in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital and that inmate Smith was in critical condition Supervisor Gallew advised Agent Favor that he was to investigate the incident. On Monday, November 14, 2017 at 1530 hours Agent Favor along with Agent T.A. Wallace res onded to Jackson Hospital's Surgical Intensive Care Unit and spoke to inmate Smith's charge nurseh Nurse-advised inmate Smith had suffered a fractured skull on his lefi temporal area ofhis head. Nurse Cole advised inmate Smith also sustained a large hematoma under the skull at the fractured area. Nurse Cole advised the area had swollen and caused inmate Smith's brain to laterally shifi offits midline to the right. Nurse Cole stated upon his arrival at the emergency room-had performed an emergency surgery to relieve pressure on inmate Smith's brain. When quesu'oned Nurse Cole stated inmate Smith had not re ined consciousness since entering the hospital. Inmate Smith is currently under the care 0H Agent Favor reviewed inmate Smith's body and observed inmate Smith had several cuts to the top ofhis head, abrasions and bruising on both legs, hips, shoulders, however; he did not appear to have any defensive marks or bruising on his arms nor did he have any cuts to his knuckles and hand that would indicate hitting any object with his fist, Agent Favor took photographs ofthe apparent injuries in which are contained within this case file. On Wednesday, November 15,2017 at 0530 hours Agents Favor and Wallace responded to Elmore Correctional Facility and spoke to Warden Joseph Headley along with third shift commander- 2 Warden Headley stated they had located three inmates who had advised they had seen the event in which inmate Smith was injured in dormitory A72. Agent Favor spoke to_ who advised on Manda November 13, ion at approximately 2200 hours, he arrived at the shin otnee for his normal work day. advised he observed inmate Smith lying on a tune without clothing, Wet, with injuries to his head and abrasions on different slatei inmate Smith was shaking and was making strange snoring sounds. stated he was advised by the Second Shift Commander, Lieutenant Waver, that inmate Smith had been taken to the Staten Health Care unit however; had been returned a short time later without treatment. Lieutenant Tippins stated he ordered die officers that were present to take inmate Smith back to the Staten health care unit for treatment.-- stated inmate Smith was taken back to the health care unit then sent to Jackson hospital a short iime later. On Wednesday, November 15 um at0540 hours, Agents Favor and Wallaoe interviewed black male in mare_ inmate - stated he is housed in dormitory A-2 and was present in the dormitory at appt' mately i900 hou on November 13, lol 7 when he observed inmate Smith yelling and around the dormit Inmate- sated inmate Smith then ran at full speed into the front metal door otthe dormitory. inmate - Stated he along with other inmates told him to get off the floor and get into the shower. Inmate- stated about ten minutes later he observed inmate Smith lying on the floor ofthe bathroom with his head in between the toilets Inmate- stated he had heard that inmate Smith had swung on another inmate, however; he did not lmow who the person was. inmate - advised inmate runners had some to the dormitory placed inmate Smith on a gumey and took him to the limit of the facility. inmate- statetl he went (0 pi}! eall a short time later and checked on inmate Smith. inmate - advised inmate Smith was sitting up on the guiney and the nlnner, inmate- was asking him questions. Inmate- stated inmate Smith was giving his name and AIS number inmate inmate- advised as he was walking baekto the dormitory, it was dark and he looked baek tnwar'sthe shifi office and observed Offioei' Green trip inmate Smith by knocking his feet out from under him and inmate Smith sat down on the ground on his buttocks on the ground Inmate- advised he observed Officer Green then sin, inmate smith with an open hand. lnrnate- stated he could not remember which hand Officer Green used to slap inmate Smith. Agent Favor took a de iled recorded statement from inmate- reflectingthe facts of the interview The recorded statement is contained within this ease tile. Later in the investigation this smrementwas discovered to be false. On Wednesday, November 15.2.17 at 0703 hours Agents Favor and Wallace interviewed Inmate - advised he did not have any wimess knowledge of the ohienso. inmate stated he works for the llealthcare unit as a lunner and part of his job is to locate inmates and notify them of their upeoniing appointments. Inmate. stated Lieutenant Waver asked him ifhe knew any inmate by the name ot-- inmate stated he advised the Lieutenant Waver that _was inmate- Inmate stated he had been advised that known inmates had given corrections staftthe name ot- as the pe who had assaulted inmate Smith. Agent Favor took an audio and video recorded statement from inmate. After reviewing, it was discovered that the audio statement did not record, however; the video recording is wntalned within this case file. On Wednesday, Novamber 15, 2017 at 0730 hours, Inmate esoorted to the conference room of the facility and interviewed by Agents Favor and Wallace. Inmalh advised he was in the bathroom area or dormitory A-Z at approximately 1600 hours on November 13, 2018 when he observed a black male arguing with inmate Smith. Inlnate- stated the black male was saying that inmate Smith had shorted a drug package that he was supposed to have smuggled into the facility. Inmate advised the unknown inmate struck inmate Smith on the left side of his head with his right fist and inmate Smith fell, hit the sink with the right side of his head then fell to the floor and began to have a Seizure. Inmate stated a second inmate was in the bathroom at the time of the offense washing clothing items. Inmate advised he did not kno'w the second inmate. inmate- stated the unknown inmate, that he observe 3 inmate Smith, is known as Upon further questioning inmate- identified- as inmate lnmate advised he had seer. him in the holding eell near the shifi office as he was being escorted to the conference room to be interviewed and recognized him as the person who hit inmate Smith. Agent Favor took a detailed recorded statement from inmate- which is contained within this ease rile. Inmate- later changed his story. On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 0757 hours, inmate--, advised he was in the bathrlom otdormnory A-2 when he cbsatved inmate Smith standing with heat knee, hands clasped in front and his eyes rolled back into his head. inmate- stated an unknown blaek male inmate was standing in front of inmate Smith talking to him and asking if he was alri it mate-advised inmate Smith collapsed and he was ahieto catch him before he hitthe floor. lnmaiefi stated he laid inmate smith on the floor. lnmate advised he then went to the eube and advised Officer MoClease ofintrtate Smith's condilion. inmate - stated that inmate was definitely not the inmate who was standing in front nfini-nate Smith when he collapsed nor was in dormitory Inmate-advised he had seen the unknown black male inmate in the dormitory before but did not know his identity. Agent Fay-or took a detailed recorded statement inmate-which is eontained wiihin this case tile. 5, 2017 at 0819 hours, Agent Favor and Wallace interviewed inmat- W, in reference to the offense. gentFaVo! read inmate! rite Miranda Warning from a Standard State otAlahama ri foml. inmat-read the bottom paragrap the form sud stated he wished to give a statement. lama denied the offense. Inmate- advised he awoke in his assigned dormitory cl bed 15A. inmate- stated he stayed in the dormitory and only led to go to the store one time around 12>> hours to 1300 hours. hnnate-stated he neverwent to dormitory- A-Z on the day in question. intnat- did not give any other information that would further this case not did he ask for an attorney Agent Favor took a recorded statement of the interview. The con-action Siaff searched inmate-personal 'mpeny and located a prison made knit'e under his mattress. The weapon was collected and turned over in Agent Favor. Agent Favor retunteti the weapon In 1 and 1 Headquarters and impounded the kniie. there has been no indieation that a knife was used in this offense. On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at approximately 1000 hours R. _called Agent Favor and advised inmate Smith's condition was poor and that Dr- had advise it had suffered a stroke to the right side ofhis hram. On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 1021 hours Fever and Wallace interviewed inmate- Inn-tate assigned to the shift office of the facility and acts a runner. Inmate advised he is referred to bythe slaff as an ambulance driver, due to the factltisjob is in local: and retrieve inmates that are having medical emergencies and transport them to the from shift office. Inmate- stated he Wished to give full details of what had occurred in relation Lo inmate Smiths howuver; he was worried about his safety, After being assured his statement would be kept confidential at this time, inmate advised on Monday, November 13. 2017 at approximately 1 7304800 hours. he was sentby corrections sin to dormitory Ae2 due to an inmate passed out in the bathroom, Inmat. stated lie along with inmate runner . responded to the dormitory A-Z bathroom and loomed inmate Smith lying on the floor between two toilets and seemingly unconscious. lnmaie- stated inmaxe Smith had a cut to the top of his head and his nose was bleeding Inmats- stated they loaded inmate Smith on a gummy and pushed him 10 the front shift office, Upon arrival at the front 0f the shift affine, inmate advised they lowered the gumey as low as they could so that inmate Smith would not fall off. Inmate stated inmate Smith had awoken an the way to the shift office and upon arrival he get uffthe gumey. Inmate stated Lieutenant Waver came outside the shift office and advtsed inmate Smith to sit on the ground and not to move. Inmate stated Lieutenant Waiter advised him that if inmate Smilh got up ground for him to com: inside": shifl office and [all 4 him. Inmate Smith then. stood up and inmate [J advised he walked inside and advised Lieutenant Waver. Inmate [J stated inmate Smith if he and walked inside time inmate Smith Lieutenant Waver came back outside and produced a can of mace and threatened to spray did not sit down. Inmate [J advised inmate Smith sat down on the ground then got back up the shift office as soon after the Lieutenant walked back inside. Inmate [J advised from the arrived at the shift office he constantly complained that his head was hurting badly and holding his head with his hands. Inmate [J stated Officer Singleton came outside and threatened inmate Smith if he did not sit down on the ground he would slap him. Inmate [J stated Officer Singleton counted to three and on the third count inmate Smith sat down, however; as soon as Officer Singleton turned around he stood back up. Inmate advised Officer Singleton slapped inmate Smith very hard with his right hand to imate Smith’s left side of his head. Inmate [J stated inmate Smith sat down then got right back up and Officer Singleton slapped him a second time with the back of his right hand to the right side of inmate Smith’s face. Snmate [J advised during this time inmate Smith was complaining that he was cold, due to only wearing boxers and a damp sweatshirt. Inmate [J advised someone brought him some pants and inmate Jj along with Officer Singleton escorted inmate Smith to the hallway bathroom where @ificer Singleton advised inmate GM to tum on the hot water only and advised inmate Smith that he “better not touch the knobs”. Inmate stated inmate Smith’s nose was bleeding on his shirt and he had smeared the blood on his hands and face. Inmate J stated the officers were mad at inmate Smith, due to him touching the door knobs and that they were worried about diseases. Inmate a advised inmate Smith touched the water control knobs twice, due to the water being too hot, and that Officer Singleton punched him in the left side both times, advising him that “I told you not to touch that mother fucking knob”. After putting pants on, inmate Smith was then taken back outside and sat against the wall. Inmate stated Smith stood again complaining of head pain. Inmate stated Officer Singleton then kicked inmate Smith’s feet out from under him causing him to fall on his side. Inmate [J stated inmate Smith got up offthe ground again and Officer Singleton escorted him to the side of the building and demanded that he sit there and counted to three. On the third count inmate Smith sat down. Inmate [J stated after Officer Singleton walked back inside, inmate Smith stood up again and walked back towards the shift office. Inmate J stated Officer R. Johnson advised that he “would take care of this”. Officer Johnson then grabbed inmate Smith by the shirt with his left hand and slapped him twice with his right hand and pushed him to the ground making him sit on his buttocks. Inmate [J advised inmate Smith stoed again and walked back into the shift office door and Officer Singleton became mad, pushed him back outside and punched him in the face. Inmate [J advised inmate Smith was complaining that his head was hurting repeatedly and holding his head from the time he arrived at the shift office, Inmate [J stated that Officer Singleton then hog- tied inmate Smith by cuffing his hands behind him and shackling his feet then connected the cuffs and shackles. Inmate Smith was then placed on his stomach onto the gumey. Inmate [J stated inmate Smith was then strapped te the gurney where he was left there for approximately one to two hours. Inmate J stated inmate Smith repeatedly yelled for help to everybody that walked by, Inmate [J stated some unknown inmate put a blanket over him while he laid on the gurney then another unknown inmate stole the blanket. Inmate JJ advised inmate Smith began regurgitating. Inmate [J stated Lieutenant Waver then advised officer Singleton and Officer White to take inmate Smith to Staton Healthcare Unit. Inmate [J advised he along with inmate runner escorted inmate Smith to the back gate where he was loaded on the transport van. Inmate stated he returned to his dormitory and fixed something to eat and was called back to the back gate approximately 2200 hours to get inmate Smith out of the van. Inmate [J stated as he approached the van, Officer Singleton advised him “he has more knots on him but I didn’t beat him”. Inmate J advised he along with inmate opened the van door and observed inmate Smith lying on his left side wedged between the first and second bench seat, his shirt had been pulled over his head and gathered around his cuffs in the front, his pants were down around his ankles, and his boxers pull down to his thighs. Inmate [JJ stated inmate JJ got inside inmate before inmate inmate the van Smith he was Smith Smith and pulled a trash bag filled with ice from between his chest and the first seat. Inmate [J stated was unresponsive and that he had several scrapes and bruises on his body that he did not have transported to the health care unit along with all of his clothing being wet. Inmate [JJ advised was shaking uncontrollably and making a weird snoring noise. Inmate [J stated they placed on the gumey and rolled him to the shift office hallway where Lieutenant Waver exclaimed “oh 5 my God" and asked why he was back. Officer Singleton advised Lieutenant "'aver that the nurse at the health care unit refused to treat him. Inmate. stated Lieutenant Waver ordered inmate Smith to be taken back to the Staton Health Care unit. officers Rasbeny and Officer R. Johnson along with inmate runners. and- transported inmate Smith to the Health Care unit the second time. Agent Favortook a detailed audio and video recorded statement from inmate. The statement is contained within this case file. Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 1252 hours, Agents Favor and Wallace interviewed inmate- advised he responded to dormitory A-2 at approximately 1300 hours on November 13, 2017 along wi mate. and . and located inmate Smith. inmate- described the scene the same as inmate - did in dormitory A-Z. lnmatc- stated they escorted inmate Smith to the front shift office and remained behind the shifi office until supervisors advised he and inmate- to escort inmate Smith to the back gate to be transported to the health care unit. inmate- advised Officer Singleton placed inmate Smith in handcuffs because he continually kept standing and walked into the shift office, Inmate advised he walked away for approximately ten minutes to obtain a cigarette. Inmate- stated that at no time did any officer strike inmate Smith. During further questioning inmate - stated Officer Johnson did sweep inmate Smith's feet out from under him and made him sit. on the ground on one occasion. Inmate - further advised inmate Smith was sent to the health care unit the day before for swallowing dm gs after bei stopped by officers in the cafeteria. This incidentwasverified by ADOC records. Agent Favor took a detailed recorded Statement of the interview. On \Vednesday, November 15, 2017 at 1315 hours, Agent Favor and Wallace interviewed inmate runner -.- Mn. advised the same description ofhow they found inmate Smith in don-nitol'y A-Z as inmate. and how they transported him back to the shifi office. Inmate. denied that any officer struck inmate Smi h. Inmate. did however verify the same story as to inmate Smith physical description when inmate. and he removed inmate Smith from the van when inmate Smith returned from the Staton health care unit as inmate. had depicted, Inmate. advised he would tell Agent Favor more information if he could be moved to another facility. Agent Favortook a detailed recorded statement from inmate. Inn-ate- later changed his story after being moved to another facility See below. On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 1402 hours, Agents Favor and Wallace interviewed inmate- --. Inmate- advised that on the date and time in question inmate Smith was arguing with an unknown black male by the name aka who sleeps in bed 46A. lnrnate- advised inmate Smith was saying "some on man" and said something to the effect that "you better go get something" then hit inmate Smith three times knocking him unconscious. Inmate - advised inmate Smith fell to the concrete floor hard and struck his head on the floor. Inmate- advised several inmates helped him to the bathroom where he attempted to put on another inmate's pants then fell to the floor as if he was having a seizure, Agent Favor took a recorded statement from inmate- Agent Favor then spoke to Warden Headley who advised he would have A-Z Dormitory Officer Joel McCleese, Officer Jeremy Singleton, Officer Walter Green, Officer Ell White, Offioer Ramus Johnson, -, Sergeant Jonathan Richardson and Lieutenant Kenny Waver come to 1 and i headquarters located at 301 South Ripley Street on Thursday, November 16, 2017 for questioning. On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 1606 hours, Agents Favor and K. McNatt interviewed Tara Parker at I and I Headquarters. Agent McNatt read Nurse Parker the Miranda Warning from a Standard State ofAlabama rights form. Nurse Parker advised she was at Elmore Correctional Facility and after completing pill call at approximately at approximately 2210 hours, she went back to Staten Correctional Facility Healthcare unit. Staten Healthcare unit is located approximately 2000 Yards from Elmore Correctional Facility, Nurse Parker stated as she arrived back at the healthcare unit inmate Smith along with Officer White and Officer Singleton were smnding in the hallway. Nurse Parker stated she advised the officers that she needed to go to the 6 back of the unit and put her things away and that she would be back. Nurse Parker stated she came back to the front ofthe healthcare unit a short time later and sat at the intake desk and asked the officers where the inmate was. Nurse Parker advised the officers advised her that he was “wigging out” and that he was in the holding cell acting erratic. Nurse Parker stated as she approached the cell she observed inmate Smith lying on the floor rolling around on the floor, thrashing and yelling out unintelligently. Nurse Parker advised she observed blood on the walls as if someone had placed their hands on the wall and smeared bleod. When asked, Nurse Parker advised she did not see any water on the floor. Nurse Parker stated she advised the officers she could not assess inmate Smith in condition and that they would have to stay with him until he sobered up. Nurse Parker advised the officers told her that they were supposed to have gotten off at 2200 hours and could not stay, Nurse Parker advised she told the officer to take inmate Smith back to Elmore Correctional Facility until he sobered up. Nurse Parker stated the two-officers placed inmate Smith in a wheelchair and rolled him out of the healthcare unit. Nurse Parker stated that she had made a mistake in not completing a body chart and to sending him back to Elmore Correctional Facility. Nurse Parker advised inmate Smith was brought back to the healthcare unit a short time later and that he had several] marks on his body that were not there when he was in the healthcare unit the first time. Nurse Parker advised inmate Smith looked as ifhe had been dragged. Agents Favor and McNatt took a detailed recorded statement from Nurse Parker. On Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 0935 heurs, Agents D. Jones and T, Wallace interviewed Officer El White in the conference room of I and cffice located at 301 South Ripley Street. Agent Jones read the Miranda Warning to Officer White and he signed the form advising he wished to give a staternent. Officer White stated he first observed inmate Smith behind the shift office appearing to be intoxicated and screaming as he arrived back from Kilby Correctional Facility on a transport or inmates. Officer White advised Lieutenant Waver advised him to assist in taking Inmate Smith to Staton health care unit. Officer White stated Inmate Smith walked into Staton health care. Officer White advised Nurse Parker came in and advised she could not help them for a few minutes. Officer White advised he placed inmate Smith in the holding cell. Officer White advised he checked on inmate Smith and that he was sitting on the bench in the cell with his eyes closed and a small amount of blood was on the back of the seat, Officer White stated Nurse Parker came into the room and advised him that she could not examine inmate Smith and to take him back to Elmore Correctional Facility. Officer White denied hitting inmate Smith other than to take his gloves and lishtly tap inmate Smith on the side of the head and tell him to wake up. Officer White stated he never allowed inmate Smith to fall to the floor other than as he stood him up in the holding cell, he clasped and he was able to ease him to the floor. Agent Jones repeatedly asked Officer White if there were any other details of what had happened at Staton Health Care unit involving Inmate Smith. Officer White advised he had given all details. Agent Jones further questioned Officer White about having friends on Facebook that are inmates at Elmore Correctional Facility. Officer White repeatedly denied having any Facebook friends that were inmates. Agent Jones then confronted Officer White about two inmates that were found on Officer Whites’ Facebook page. Officer White confessed that he was friends with the two inmates and that one of the inmates had completed a tattoo en his right arm. Officer White advised he would not take a polygraph test in reference to the details of the interview. A video recorded statement was taken from Officer White. On November 16, 2017 at 115° hours Agents Jones and Wallace re-interviewed Officer White, Officer White changed his story and advised when he returned from Kilby Correctional Facility completing a transport of inmates, he observed inmate Smith “hog tied” on a gurney behind the shift office. Officer White advised he asked Officer Singleton about the inmate and Officer Singleton advised him that he hog tied inmate Smith on the gurney to stop him from coming into the shift office and getting blo#d on everything. Lt. Waver advised him and Officer Singleton to take the inmate to the Staton Healthcare unit. Officer White advised they walked him to the back gate and he got into the van under his own power and upon arrival inmate Smith walked into the Staton Healthcare unit. Nurse Parker advised them that she needed to go to the back room to eat her lunch. Officer White advised he locked inmate White into the holding cell. Nurse Parker came back up front and advised she could see inmate Smith at that time. Officer White advised Nurse Parker, Officer Singleton and 7 himself walked to the holding cell and inmate Smith was sitting with his eyes closed on the bench. Officer White advised Officer Singleton and he helped inmate Smith to stand and walk towards the door of the cell. Officer White advised inmate Smith collasped and they eased him to the floor. Officer White stated he tapped inmate Smith lightly on the back of the neck “nothing ruthless” and advised him to get up. Officer White stated he then picked up the Igloo water cooler from inside the cell, placed it over the top of inmate Smith and pushed the button allowing ice water to drain on inmate Smith in an attempt to wake him up. Officer White stated not eneugh water was coming out, so he tipped the cooler over and poured ice and water on inmate Smith. Officer White stated during this time @fficer Singleten also poured ice and water onto inmate Smith while he lay on the floor. Officer White stated inmate Smith was just lying on his back not responding to their stimuJation. Officer White advised inmate Smith’s shirt had risen up on his body and Nurse Parker advised she could not evaluate inmate Smith and to take him back to Elmore Correctional Facility. Officer White stated he did not question Nurse Parker as to why she could not evaluate inmate Smith nor did he call his supervisors and advise them that they were returning inmate Smith to his assigned facility without treatment. Officer White advised they loaded inmate Smith in a wheelchair with no leg supports and Officer Singleton held his legs out while they rolled him back to the van. Officer White stated when they got back to the van inmate Smith was not moving and that he got into the van and pulled inmate Smith into the van while Officer Singleton helped from the ground. Officer White advised, due to the fact inmate Smith was unconscious and was a large man, they could not get him in yan. Officer White advised he and Officer Singleton swapped positions and Officer Singleton was able to pul him into the van, Officer White advised when they arrived back at Elmore Correctional Facility mmate Sm was unconscious and lying between the seats starring up at the ceiling, Officer White stated they had buckled inmate Smith in his seat. A second audio recorded statement was taken from Officer White. Office White gave consent to have Agents look into his cellular phone. Officer White signed a consent form and contents of his cell phone were downleaded by the STG STG unit Lt. H. Futral downloaded Officer White’s cell phone and discovered a text conversation between Officer White and an unknown female where they are having a conversation about where an unknown officer had been assaulted by an inmate and that on November 12, 2017 he along with approximately twenty officers pulled the inmate aside and beat him. Agent Favor has not found any evidence, as of this time, that this offense occurred. The text records are included within this case file. On Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 0937 hours, Agents Favor and K. McNatt interviewed Officer Jeremy Singleton. Agent Favor read Officer Singleton the Miranda Waming from a Standard State of Alabama rights form. Officer Singleton advised he wish to give a statement and signed the ferm. Officer Singleton advised he heard over the facility radio that an inmate had passed out in dormitory A-2. Officer Singleton stated at approximately 2000 hours on the day in question inmate runners went to dormitory A-2 and retrieved inmate Smith. Officer Singleton advised when inmate Smith arrived at the shift effice he had a bloody nose, he was angry, making threats, wearing boxers and a wet sweatshirt. Officer Singleton stated inmate Smith was cemplaining that he was cold and had a bad headache. Officer Singleton stated inmate Smith was bleeding profusely from his nose and he escorted him to the bathroom to clean up and put pants on him that had been retrieved from the dormitory. After being escorted back outside, Officer Singleton advised inmate Smith continued to get up and touch things in the shift office and that the runners had to clean the doorknobs with Clorox cleaner. Officer Singleton denied ever slapping, hitting, kicking or assaulting inmate Smith in any manner, Officer Singleton advised he placed leg shackles and handcuffs on inmate Smith after he came into the shift office five to six times. Officer Singleton stated he placed him on the gurney lying face down and strapped him to the gurney. Officer Singleton advised sometime after some unidentified Officer connected the leg shackles and handcuff on inmate Smith “hog tying him”. Officer Singleton advised inmate Smith was left on the gurney was outside the shift office for another forty-five minutes until he began to regurgitate. Officer Singleton advised Lieutenant Waver advised Officer Ell White and himself to take him to Staton Health Care unit after he began to regurgitate on the gumey. Officer Singleton stated inmate Smith walked to the back gate, got on the 3 van himself, and walked into the Staton health care. Officer Smith stated the nurse came in and stated, “give me a few minutes”. Officer White placed inmate Smith in the holding cell. Singleton advised Nurse Parker returned a short time later and they went to the holding cell in an attempt to retrieve inmate Smith. Officer Singleton advised inmate Smith was sitting calmly on the bench with his eyes closed and that there was blood in the trash can, bload on the bench, blood on the wall and blood on the floor. Officer Singleton stated the water cooler had been turned over and a large amount of water on the floor. Officer Singleton stated inmate Smith then slid off the bench and started to kick and hitting his head on the floor and on the bench and inmate Smith grabbed at his legs while kicking at him, Officer Singleton stated Nurse Parker advised she could not treat him at this time and to take him back to Elmore Correctional Facility until he sobered up. Officer Smegleton advised they placed inmate Smith in a wheelchair and that he made his body stiff and attempted to slide out of the chair. Officer Singleton advised he grabbed inmate Smith’s legs and held them straight while Officer White pushed the chair back to the van. Inmate Singleton stated they pulled and dragged inmate Smith on the van and placed him on the second seat lying on his side. Officer Singleton stated he placed a seat belt around inmate Smith. Officer Singleton advised while on the way back te Elmore Correctional Facility he observed inmate Smith pulling at his clothing and that he pulled his sweatshirt over his head. Officer Singleton stated when they arrived back at Elmore Correctional Facility he unbuckled the seat belt from around inmate Smith and that he began thrashing around and fell between the first and second seat. Officer Singleton did not call his supervisor from Staton health care unit and advised Nurse Parker refused to treat inmate Smith. After returning to Elmore Correctional Facility, Officer Singleton clocked out and left the facility. All other witnesses advised inmate Smith was totally unresponsive upon arrival back at Elmore Correctional Facility and that Officer White had to pull at inmate Smith by his feet very hard to dislodge him from between the two seats. Both inmate runners stated that one of inmate Smith’s eye pupils were very large and the other very small when he was placed on the gurney. Agent Favor took a detailed statement from Officer Singleton which is included within this case file. On Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 1204 hours, Agents Favor and McNatt interviewed Lieutenant Kenny Waver. Agent Favor read Lt. Waver the Miranda warming and Lt. Waver signed the fonm and gave a statement. Lt. Waver advised on the date in question at approximately 1915-1930 heurs inmate Smith was brought to the shift office due to passing eut in dormitory A-2 bathroom. Lt. Wavier advised that Sergeant Richardson advised him that inmate Smith was on narcotics. Lt. Wavier stated he went eutside to check on inmate Smith and inmate Smith regurgitated. Lt. Wavier advised he told inmate Smith to sit down on the ground and he refused. Lt. Wavier advised he pulled out his mace and threatened te spray inmate Smith and he sat down. Lt. Waver advised inmate Smith was wearing a shirt with blood on the front and boxers, Lt. Waver advised he was bleeding from his nose and came into the shift office door at least two times. Lt. Waver denied that any officer struck inmate Smith at any time. Lt. Wavier advised he never saw inmate Smith handcuffed and shackled on the gurney then later in the interview he advised he observed inmate Smith restrained on the gurney outside the shift office for appreximately one hours to one hour and fifteen minutes. Lt. Waver advised he sent inmate Smith out to the Staton Healthcare unit and inmate Smith walked to the back gate with Officer Singleton and White. Lt. Waver stated inmate Smith was brought back to the shift office a short time later and he was lying on the gurney, wet and only wearing boxers and shaking. Lt. Waver advised inmate Smith was unresponsive with his eyes open and snoring, Lt. Waver advised Officer White and Singleton advised they did not assault inmate Smith, Lt. Waver stated he advised his officers to take inmate Smith back to the Staton Healthcare unit, Lt. Waver did not question his officers further or have them write statements that night. Agent Favor took a detailed recerding of the mterview. The recording is contained within the case file. On Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 1322 hours Agents Jones and Wallace interviewed Officer Jeel MceClease who advised he along with Officer J. Johnson were inside the cube area of dormitory A-2 when an inmate came to the window and knocked on the glass. Officer McClease stated the unknown inmate advised there was an inmate in the dermitory bathroom “wigging out”. Officer MeClease advised he responded to the bathroom and observed inmate Smith lying on the floor and appeared to be disorientated. Officer McClease stated he got on the radio and called for the inmate runners to bring a gumey and transport him up front shift 9 office. Officer McClease advised he did not remember seeing any injuries to inmate Smith's head. Officer McClease advised inmate Smith left the dormitory about 1815 hours. Agent Jones asked Officer McClease ifhe observed any officer strike inmate Smith. Officer McClease stated at seme point he was outside the dormitory and looked towards the front of the facility at the shift office and observed an officer in a gray shirt walk out of the shift office and something happened. Officer McClease advised he believed something happened due to the fact as the officer in the gray shirt walked outside he observed the four to five inmates standing close to him step back suddenly and heard them acclaimed “WOO”. Officer McClease stated he could not say he saw any officer hit inmate Smith. Officer Singleton was the only officer wearing a gray shirt. Agent Favor took a recorded statement from Officer McClease. On Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 1316 hours, Agents Favor and McNaitt interviewed Sergeant Jonathan Richardson in Agent Favor’s office at the I and [ Headquarters. Sergeant Richardson stated Officer McClease called on the radio and advised he had an inmate passed out on narcotics in the dommitory. Sergeant Richardson could not give a time when the call came from officer MeClease or when inmate Smith was brought to the shift office. Sergeant Richardson advised he believes Pill Call was late on the day in question and that it did not began until approximately 1900 hours. Sergeant Richardson stated he knows that inmate Smith was at the back of the Shift office before Pill Call. Sergeant Richardson advised inmate Smith was sent to the health care unit but could not give a time. Sergeant Richardson advised he did not see any officer strike inmate Smith. Sergeant Richardson stated Officer Singleton handcuffied and shackled inmate Smith on the gurney, however; he could net remember if the cuffs and shackles were connected in a hog tie position. Sergeant Richardson advised he calied the health care unit approximately 2140 hours to check on his officers and was advised the nurse would not sec the inmate. Sergeant Richardson recounted the same informatien as other witnesses as to the condition of inmate Smith when he returned to the Shift office. Agent Favor took a detailed recorded statement from Sergeant Richardson. On Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 1351 hours, Officer Ramus Johnsen cameto Agent Favor’s office at I and I Headquarters and was interviewed. Agents Favor and McNatt interviewed Officer Johnson. Agent Favor read Officer Johnson the Miranda Warning and he advised he understood his rights and signed the form. Officer Johnson advised he was conducting the trash detail on the back dock when he observed inmate Smith on gurney outside the shift office. Officer Johnson advised he observed inmate Smith getting off the gurney and stumbling alk over the area, Officer Johnson stated while he was behind the shift office he had assisted other officers and forced inmate Smith to sit down twice. Officer Johnsen stated they only lifted inmate Smith up and sat him down on his buttocks with no violent force used against him. Officer Johnson advised inmate Smith continued get back up and go into the shift office. Officer Johnson stated that no officer struck inmate Smith. Officer Johnson stated he then went to B dormitory to act as a rover. Officer Johnson stated that he worked third shift overtime. Officer Johnson advised he went back to the shift office at the beginning of third shift and observed mmate Smith on the gumey, only wearing boxers, wet and unconscious. Officer Johnson advised he was then advised by Lieutenant Waver to escort inmate Smith back to the Staton Healthcare unit. Officer Johnson advised upon arrival back at the Staton Healthcare unit, inmate Smith was evajuated by a white nurse who said he appeared to have water in his fungs. Agent Favor took a detailed audio and video recorded statement from Officer Johnson. On Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 1425 hours, Agent Favor interviewed Officer Walter Green at I and J Headquarters. Agent Favor read Officer Green the Miranda Waming from a Standard Alabama Department of Corrections rights form, Officer Green advised he wished to give a statement in reference the assault of inmate Smith and signed the form, Officer Green advised on the date and time in question he was working as a yard rover. Officer Green stated a yard rover helps with any details in which he is needed. Officer Green stated at the time he met inmate Smith he was working inside the office helping Nurse Parker with “Pill Call”. Officer Green stated he observed inmate Smith wearing shorts and a sweatshirt with blood on it and that he came into the shift office two times and that he assisted Lieutenant Waver and escorted inmate Green back outside the shift office 10 by the arm and demanded that he sit on the ground. Officer Green Slated inmate Smith sat on the. ground without any force being placed on him. officer Green stated he became busy with Pill Call and did not notice inmate Smith again until he was being escorted to the Staten Healthcare unit. Officer Green advised he saw inmate Smith again when he was brought back to the shift office some time later and that he was lying on the gumcy snoring strangely. wet and only wearing boxers with his lying across his Waist. Officer Green denied ever striking inmate Smiths Agent Favor took a recorded audio and video statement from Officer Green, On Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 1441 hours--as interviewed by Agents MoNart and Agent Wallace. Office_ advised he was uig at the facility on the date in question on third shift hours. Office-advised when he an-ived at work he was advised by the third shift supervisor to go directly to the back gate to assist with a transport to Staten health care unit. Officer-stated he observed inmate Smith lying on the they wearing boxers and slide shoes only. Officer dvised inmate Smith was wet. Officefl stated inmate Smith was making strange snorina noises and shaking. Officer--slated he retrieved a blanket and placed it over inmate Smith othoer_ stated he along with <l1 "twenty tops" every day and had been spending the prison money on drugs. Agent Loria took a detailed recorded statement from inmate On Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 1400 hours STG Lt_ .ntaoteti Agent Favor and advised she had obtained information from Lt. Wavcl' that different inmates in dormitory A-Z were advising inmate Smith had been beaten by an inmate by the nick name and no- Lieutenant -stated inmate real name is Bryan BlountAlS#225319 and that he is being housed in donnirnry A-Z. Lieutenant -- advised Shift Supervisor Lieutenant Waver gave her the lnformatiln. On Monday, November 27, 2017 at 1525 hours. Agents Favor and T. Wallace went to Elmore Correctional Facility and interviewed Ms. - works as the snitt Clerk for the scoond shifl at the facility. Ms- enre ever seeing or earing any ohicer talking about hitting inmate Smith. Ms. --stated she did see inmate Smith being brought into the shift omee by inmate - Ms. - stated she types a shifi office log and makes entries on all important happenings Ms. -- ated she also remembered typing on entry for inmate Smith advising "Officers E. White and J. singleton transported inmate Billy Smith to sncu" sometime between 1900 hours and 2100 hours. Agent Favor asked -ifslie could go to her office and print out the shift log for the day in question. Ms. - complied. Upon returning to the conferenoe room of the facility, she showed Agent Favor the shift log printed for November 13, 2017 during second shifl hours, Ms. -stated someone had changed the log and that the entry for when inmate Smith was transported to the Staten Healthcare unit was missing. When Agent Favor asked was she sure, she advised that she was. Agent Favor asked Ms. -ofthe procedure as to how \lle logs are keep. Ms, stated she completes the logs at the end of the shifi then goo one of the supervisors to sign the log. Ms. advised she then places the shift log along with other shift paperwork in a green {older which is passed on to the first shifi clerk who disseminates the paperwork. Agent Favor asked Ms -what happens to the log ofier that and she stated that a copy orthe log is placed on aclipboard in the from entrance girl's bathroom ofthc facility. Agent Favor asked Agent T. Wallace to escort Ms.-lo the front girl's bathroom and retrieve the log. Ms._ond Agent Wallace retumed a short time later and advised the oopy that was on the clipboard look the same as the copy dat was printed and that the oopy on he clipboard did not have a signature. When questioned about the missing supervisory signature, Ms. -ernphatioally advised she never turned in a shift log without a signature of one ofthe shifi supervisors. Sgt. Richardson or Lt. Waver. Ms-stated she has waited foras muoh as one to two hours for one ofthe supervisors to return to the shifl office to have the log signed before she could go home. Ms. -stated she would have remembered ifshe had to have turned in a log in without a signature. Agent Favor took a detailed recorded statement fiom Ms - On Mondav. November 27. 2017 at 1555 hours, Agems Favor and Wallace interviewed inmate inmate -tated he first saw inmate Smith inside the outside the shin office lying on a gurney and Lt. Waller was attempting to take photographs of his injuries. Inmate stated he works in the shift office and cuts hair. inmate --suited he observed inmate Smith come in and out of the shifi office and he had advised inn-late Smith at one point him to stop coming in the shift office and touching things because hehad to clean up the blood. lnrnale McDaniel denied knowing ifany officer used any type of force against inmate Smith. Agent Favor took a recorded statement from inmate On Wednesday, November 29. 2017 at 0920 lluurs, Agent McNatl went to Draper Correctional Facility and interviewed inmat_. lnmaie- stated he had just been transfmed to Draper Correctional Facility for a discipline action. 1nmate- stated while in the holding cell next to the Elmore Correctlunal Facility Shift office, he observed inmate outside Elle shift office. Inmate advised he was in lock up due to a discipline charge and it was normal pramic: that during the day he and other inmates on lock up status would he placed in cells at the back gate during the day then escotted to the holding oells next to the shift ufi'lce airtight, Elmore Facility does not have a segregation unit. 12 Inmate- advised he could smoke a cigarette before being placed in the holding oell. lnrnate- stated while smoking a cigarette outside the shifi offl he observed Lt. Weaver pull his mace and threaten to spray inmate Smith ifhe did not sit down Inmate- advised Officer Green then put on gloves that have hard plastic knuckles and advised Lt. Waver that "I've got this" and demanded that inmate Smith sit, Inmate advised when inmate Smith refused Officer Green punched him in the ribs. Inmate Smith advised he was then placed in the holding cell. Inmat stated after a Short period inmate Smith walked into the shift office bleeding from his nose. Inmate- advised both supervisors demanded that he get out and advised one of the runners to spray the door knobs with Clorox cleaner. Inmate- advised he saw Oflioer Singleton place latex gloves on and walk outside and heard someone getting punched andthe inmate runners advising inmate Smith to just sit down before they kill you. Inmate- stated he knew that during the night if any of the inmates advised they needed to defecate they were not allowed to use the administration bathloom and are escorted to the back--gate area bamroom. Inmate- stated he advised the supervisors in the shifi office he needed to defecate and as he was being escorted to the back13 Agent Favor showed inmate - a photo ofOffleer Singleton and he advised Officer Singleton was in fact the officer who told him to leave the area. On Wednesday, November 29, 2017 at 1302 hours, Agent Favor and Wallace, interviewed inmate Bryan Blount, Agent Favor read inmate Blount the Miranda Warning from a Standard Suite of Alabama rights form. Inmate Blount advised he would speak to Agent Favor regarding the incident. Inmate Blount denied any involvement in the injuries to inmate Smith. Inmate Blount stated he was in the center of the dormitory talking to inmate Smith along with other inmates when inmate Smith "wigged out" from drug usage' pushed the other inmates and ran to the from ofthe dormitory. Inmate Blounl admitted to seeing inmate Smith fall to the floor but denied hitting him. Inmate Blount became frustrated with further questions and asked for an anomey. The interview was stopped at that point and inmate Blount was taken back to his dormitory. Inmate Blount was later transferred no Draper Correctional Facility and on December 27, 2017 at 0930 hours he set fire to the segregation unit ofthe facility and caused extensive damage and causing the evacuation of the other nineteen inmates housed in the unit. All inmates were treated for smoke inhalation. A case was presented to the Elmore County Grand Jury for Arson l" degce and Destrucrion of State Property. See case #17-4333. On Wednesday November 29, 2017 at 1409 hours Agent Favor interviewed inmate -. Inmate-stared on the date in question at approximately 1830 hours, he was rn ormrtory an decided to take a shower. InmatHdvised as he entered the shower area, he observed inmate Smith lying on the floor, clodied and bleeding om nose area stated he helped inmate Smith to his feet and escorted him to the sink area and he cleaned the blood from his face. inmate-advised he watched inmate Smith While he took his shower and observed him leave the bathroom area twicethen name back. Inmate-rinsed as he got out of the shower inmate Smith was sitting on a toilet crying. Inmate - advised he left the area and returned approximately ten minutes later and observed inmate Smith had taken a shower and was leaving the area in his boxers. Inmate -dvised he lefl behind inmate Smith at which time inmate Smith dropped his wallet. Inmate "advised he picked up the wallet and gave it back to inmate Smith and walked to the TV room. Inmate stated he later heard that inmate Smith had been taken out of the dormitory on a stretcher: Agent Favor took a recorded statement from inmate - On November 30, 2017 at 1032 hours Worden 11 Gr Baber! came to 1 and I Headquarters and was interviewed by Agent Favor and T. Wallace. Warden Bakers advised she was notified about the incident at 2357 hours on November 13, 2017. Warden Babel: advised Lt. Wavers called her and stated inmate Smith had to be transported to the Jackson hospital ERfi'om Staten l'lealthcare unit due to a head injury. Warden Babers advised she did not ask any details of the injury. Inmate Babers advised next nromirrg at approximately hours she asked her officers and supervisors involved to write statements as to what happened. Warden Babers advised this was the only action she took in reference to the assault of inmate Smith. Warden Babers advised she did not go into the dormitory to look attire scene nor did she question her officers or any inmates, or request any photos or video or the offense or take any corrective action in relation to the offense or the manner it was handled. Warden Babers stated she only knows information given to her by Warden Headley. Warden BabErs Signed a consent to have her state issued cell phone searched and the cell phone was downloaded. Agent Favor read V/arden Babel: the Miranda Warning from a Standard State of Alabama n'ght form. Warden Bubers signed the form and answered a series of questions. Warden Bakers denied ever seeing any inmate at Elmore Correctional Facility being beaten or slapped. Warden Babel-s did confirm meeting Lt. Waver at the chain link fence as she was leaving from work on November 13, 2017 and that she had a conversation with him. Agent Favor asked Warden Babors if she would take a polygraph test in relation vs her stwments on this day and she refused. As Agent Favor continued to ask questions, Warden Babers stated she would like to exercise her right to stop answering anymore questions. Agent Favor stopped the interview at that time. It should be noted that Warden Babers typed Officer White's written statement after talking to him on the phone on November 14, 2017. Agent Favor took an audio and video recorded statement of the interview, The audio recording malfunctioned, however; the video recording is contained within this case file. Upon later review of Warden Babers' time card 14 along widi the video footage, it appears Warden Bhbers clocked out at 1750 hours on the day in question and that inmate Smith was broughtm the shift office at 1829 hours. Inmate Smith is last seen on the shifi office camera walking into the shift office hallway at 1939 hours. if Warden Babers time card is correct then inmate statements about her seeing inmate Smith hog tied to the gumey are incorrect. it should be noted that Warden Babers' time card showed to have been edited. The reason for the editing is unknown. On Friday, December 1,2017 at 0900 irours, Agent Favor retunied to Elmore Coneotional Faollity and spoke to -- Sergeani-l' assisted Agent Favor in a cursory reviewing the Video evidence on the camera system. Sagan-advised he did not know how to copy the video footage from the system. Sergzant-ststad he would hail--Copy the video Agent Favor requested and call him on a later date. The video was collected from Mn 3 later date. The video shows that a white male inmate is talking to two black male inma in mi of dormitory A-Z. The White male pretends to place his arm on the top ofa bunkbed for support then he punches one smie black male inmates and runs towards The front of the dormitory and stops at the front door. The black male inmate followed him to the door area and one of the black males who got punched rushes the white inmate and move: off camera. This action coincides with witness restimony that inmate Smith was transporting drugs from Lugmm Trade back to Elmore Correctional Facility to deliver them inmate Blount and that he was accused by inmate Blount that he had shorted a package of some marijuana (No Show). Witnesses advised inmate Blount and inmate- oonfionted inmate Smith in the middle of the dormitory and that inmate Smith had punched inmate Bloum and ran to the from ofi'he domiimry where he stopped in the men of the front door, Witnesses further adVised inmate Blount followed and punched him in the head causing him to fall on his head on the mnereate. See below for video broke down: Overall video time line - 1736 hours inmate Smith hit inmate Blount in A--Z dormitory and the altercation begins I 1748 hours Nurse Parker enters the Shift office to conduct Fill Call 6 1823 Officer Singleton enters shifl office to work overtime 1825 Officer Singleton walks out the East side door I 1825 hours unknown inmate notifies and retrieves officer from A-Z cubical and escorts him in bathroom - 1825 hours inmate runners are seen pushing gurney to A--2 Dorm on A-l outside camera - 1827 hours Officer Singleton walks back into the east door - 1828 hours inmates are see pushing the gurney to the back of the shift office on A--l Camera - 1829 hours inmate runners' lower gumey behind shift office seen on A-l camera . 1830 hours Lt. Waver walks out East side door - 1832 hours Lt, Waver walks back into the east door And points to his head while talking to Sgt. Richardson and Nurse Parker 0 1836 Lt. waver walks back out the East Door 1838 1.7. Waver walks back into the east Door Between 1839 hours and 2039 hours Sgt. Mohardfiou Walks ouside the East door 6 times (He advised twice in separate interviews that he only walked outside 1 time Viewing inmate Smith sitting and never saw him hog tied) 1840 LL Wave! walks back out East Door 1849 Lt. Waver walks back into the East Door i 1850 Lt. Waver walks out the East Door - 1852 Lt. Waver walks back into the East Door 15 - 1353 hours inmate Smith is seen walking into the East side door and attempts to walk pass the shifi. office (wearing boxers, sweatshirt with blood on front) and is ran out by Lt. Waiver and other officers 1859 hours initiate Smith walks back into East Door and is forced out by LL Waver - 1900 hours Oifioer Singleton walks out East door . 1903 hours inmate Smith walks back into the Eastsiie Door holding his head I 1905 hours Officer Singleton and Lt, Wave! walk bank into the east Door, then walk back out 0 1906 hours Officer Singleton walks back into the shifi office by East door without his jacket on and wearing latex gloves I 1907 hours Oflioer Singleton walks back outside shifi office by east door I 1908 hours Offioer Singleton walks hack in shifi office by East door a 1914 hours inmate Smith walks back into the eastside Door and is forced back out by officers . 1929 hours inmate Smith is escorted into the Eastside Door by inmate- and Offioer Singleton and walked down the hallway towards the bathroom r. 1932 hours inmate Smith is forced back down the hallway and is pushed out the East side door (wearing pants) 1937 hours inmate Smith walls back into the Eastside Door and is ran out the door by officers 1939 hours inmate Smith walks into the Eastside door and is ran out by officer 1950 hours Officer White enters shift office and hugs Officer Singleton in what appears to be a geeting Between 1951 hours and 2040 hours Officer White walks in and out the East Door 6 times 2028 hours Nurse Parker walks out of shifi office and returns to Staten Healflicare I 2035 hours Office Singleton Walks out of Shift office - 2043 hours Officer White walks towards the rear of the shift office and does not remm (must have walked out the rear South Door ofthe shifi office) 2050 hours Officer Singleton Walks around the front of building to get van, Back gate camera a 2055 hours transport Van leaves back gate And drives towards Staten C.F . 2205 hours transport Van returns from Slater. and pulls into back gate, Back Gate Camera 2213 hours inmate Smith is brought into the East side door on a gumey and observed by supervisors in hallway outside shift office - 2217 hours inmate Smith is pushed out of hallway on a gumey and out the East side door The above times reflect an adjustment often minutes' prior than what is displayed on the camera, All camel-a times are ten minutes fast. See individual detail sheets in each camera footage folders for camera stamped times along Willi further details of movements of>the officers and inmates. This is in the video folder of this case file. On Friday, DetembEr I, 2017 at 1000 hon r5, Agents Favor and Wallaoe attempted to locate and cullect the Shift Log that ms on the clip board on November 27, 2017 at 1525 hours when Ms, -had escorted Agent Thomas Wallace to the female bathroom next to the Central Control deck and showed him the Shirt Log hanging on the wall. Upon arrival at the bathroom Agent Favor did not see the Shifi Lot clip board on the wall and that an empty clipboard was lying on boxes next to where the clipboards are placed on the wall. Agent Favor then went in the business office and spoke to the business manager who advised Ms -ovetsaw colleetinglhe lags, Agent Favor spoke to Ms. -who advised the different logs are placed on the correct clipboards on the wall ofthe female bathroom daily. Ms-tdvised at the end ofthe month it is her job to collect the paper copies of the paperwork on each cliyhoard and pack it into boxes for storage. When Agent Favor inquired about logs for the month of November she stated that she had Went into the female bathroom the day before and collected all the paperwork; however, the eomplem month at November's Shifi Logs were missing and that the empty clipboard was not on the wall and was lying to the side on the boxes. 16 On Friday, December 1, 2017 at 1030 hours, Agents Favor and Wallace rte-interviewed inmate Agent Favor showed inmate a photographic Line of Bryan Blount along widi five other black males of Similar likenesses. Inmate looked at the lineup and immediately picked out inmate Blounl stating he was the inmate that hit inmate Smith. Inmate - advised he was positive that he observed inmate Blount strike inmate Smith several times near the front door of the dormitory on the day in question and ihat inmate Smith fell and struck his head on the coherent: floorv 0n Frid y, December 1, 2017 at 1036 hours, Agent Fave and Wallace Elmore Correctional Facility and re-interviewed inmate- - Inmate- changed his story from his first interview stating inmate Bryan Blount hit inmate Smith the bathroom and caused him to fall, hit his head on the Sink then he hit the final. him: picked inmate Blount out of a photographic line--up. Agent Favor did not find inmiitc- credible. On Friday, December 1, 2017 a! 1145 hours, Agent Favor weni to Wardcn Headley's office and spoke W'arden lieadlev and Captain- Agent Favor advised them ofthe Shift Logs being changed and ofthe missing Shifi Logs forth: entire month Warden Headlcy advised he did not know how the Shifi Logs were discriminated and did not know they were placed on the front icinolc's bathroom wall. Both Warden and Captain - advised they did not know of what had happened to are missing logs. Warden Headley then advised the orig al copy should have been placed in Ms Twila Pigg's ofiice At 1200 hours Agent Favor, Warden Headley and Captain- Went to - office where Warden Hendley had her unlock a filing cabinet and retrieve the original copy. Upon viewing>> what was presented as the original copy. the document was missing the entries related to inmate Smith's movements at the shift ofiice that Ms. Murray ndvised she had typed on the document on November 13, 2017. Along with the missing entries, the document presented as the original had a signature or Sergeant Richardson on the top. Agent Favor advised Worden Headlay that Agent Thomas Wallace and Ms. Murray had viewed the copy placed on the (rum clipboard on November 27, 2017 and that it did not have a signature and now this copy in which was supposed to be the original document itwas copied from, has a supervisor's signature. Agent Favor asked Warden Headley to explain how this could be. Warden Headley and Captain-became defensive land stated that only dupe persons othertlian Ms.- had keys to Ms. Pigg's .Hice. Ward stated that only he along with Warden Babers and Captain McKee had the office and filing cabinet. When Agent Favor advised Warden Hadley this statement would mean that there would only be three suspects who could have changed the log. he stated other officers may have keys, On Friday, December 1, 2017 at 1454 hours, Agent Favor and Ti Wallace went to Kilby Correctional and rcinterviewcd inmate - - Inmate advised the same story as inmate. as to how they collected inmate Smith fi-om the dormitory. Inmate further confirmed haw upon arrival at the shift Office, the officers believed inmate Smith was under the influence because the inmates in the dormitory had advised them so. Inmate- stated on the eastside of the shift office he did not see Officer Singleton hil inmate Smith other than to kick his feet out from under him and sit him down on his buttocks. Inmate- advised inmate Smith repeatedly advised he was cold due to the fact he was only weaving boxers and a sweatshirt. Inmate! stated inmate went to the dormitory and retrieved a pair of pants and he, inmate - and Officer sing clon walked inmate mith to the bathroom Inmate. repeated the same story as inmate - as to how Officer Singleton hit inmate Smith in the ribs in the bathroom for touching the sink knobs. Inmate- advised inmate Smith continued to be uncooperative constantly getting up and welkingintn the shifi office and tracking blood on the door handles and floor. Inmate. stated at one point. omcers Green, R, Johnson, and Officer Singleton made he and the other inmates walk around the comer of the building and he heard them yelling "you stupid "Drug Head", "Son oft: bitch" and other curse words and threats to inmate Smith and that he heard someone striking inmate Smith: however; he did not see the offense. Inmate. advised inn-late - ind laid back when they were mode to walk ai-oundrhe comer oithe building l7 and that he may have seen more. Inmate- stated when they came back from around the comer, he saw the three oflioers placing handeutfs and shackles on innate Smith then hogtied them ether, inmate- stated he helped the offieers strap inmate-to the gumey so he would not fall off. inmate advised at one point he observed inmate Smith bleeding from the nose very badly and the blood was pouring down the side of the gumey. inmate- stated he walked inside the shifi office and advised Officer Singleton. Inmate stated Officer Singleton and Lt. Weaver walked outside and look at inmate Smith and advised "he will be and walked bank inside. Inmate. oonfirined inmate-'s statement as to how inmate Smith was escorted to the back gate and how they reuieved him later from the van after returning from healthoare Due to the fact inmate Samue - had reported that Warden Babers had exited the fi'ont side door of the administration building while leaving work and had viewed inmate Smith being assaulted by the officer behind the shifl office, Agent Favor asked inmate. about the allegation. Inmate. stated he observed Warden Babet's leave the facility dtnugh fl'le front side Inmate- stated she did in fact stop and look down the side of the building through the chain link fence, however, a! the time. she was at the chain link fence, all-their unknown inmate was strapped to the gurney. inmate. stated the unknown irunate was 'Tlock'ing out" and yelling vulgar language at Warden Baberss Inmate- advisod officers called for a gumey approximately twenty minutes later and that they had to remove the unknown inmate from the gumey to go to dormitory A-2 and piek up inmate Smith, Inmate. advised he had been transported to Kilhy Correctional Facility and placed in protective custody in the segregation unit. Agent Favor asked inmate. had any person involved in the incident attempted to contact him and he stated Officer singleton had come to the segregation unit at Kilby Correctional Facility on Thursday, November 30, 2017 at approximately 1800 hours: while being escorted by an unknown officer. Inmate. stated the two officers walked by his cell and the other officer was desoribing the unit as if he was giving him a tour. Inmate-stated afler walking by his cell, omeet Singleton came back to his dell by himself and stated, suppose Iknow why you are up here" and "they are trying to pin that inmate's death on me". Inmate. stated Officer Singleton then advised him to "my strong" and walked away Inmate- stated he believed Officer Singleton was telling him not to talk about the incident. Agent Favor took a detailed recorded statement from inmate- Agent Favor and Wallace then met with Warden Billups, who was the Warden 111 of Kilby Correctional Facility, Agent Favor advised her of the information given by inmate. regarding Ofiicer Singleton coming to his cell. Warden Billups advised Officer Singleton was working a! the facility on oveltime, however; he was not wot-km in the segregation unit Warden Billups stated she would make sure Officer Singleton would only work on the outside towers ofthc facility from this point on. On Saturday, 9, 2017 at 0547 hollrs,Directt1r A. Mercado called Agent Favor and advised the On- eell Supervisor had asall from Kilby Correctional Facility advising that inmate Billy Smith had died, Director Mercado stated the 011--0311 Agent T. Lamb had been notified and had responded to Jaokson Hospital E.R. At 0617 hours Agent Favor Called Agent Larnb and advised her of the details ofinmata Smith's injuries. Agent Lamb stated inmam Smith had been released from the hospital and sent back to Kilby Correctional Facility: healthoare unit, then sent back to Jackson Hospital's ER where he died. Agent Favor was unable to respond to the ER. duero being snowed in at his residence. Agent Favor called Kiloy Correetional Facility and spoke to the shirt supervisor Sgt. - who stated inmate Smith was transported from Jackson Hospital ICU to Kilhy on December 3, 2017 to be placed in the longvtenn care unit. Sgt. Dixon stated upon arrival it was determined that inmate Smith's oxygen levels were too low to stay and he was returned to Jackson Hospital. vrsed inmate Sm] it died on December 9,2017 and was pronounced dead at 0340 hours by CNP mate Smith next of ken was listed as his mother, Teresa Smith. ol- Smith was last seen by R.N. who located him unresponsive in Jackson Hospital room number 553. inmate Smith was serving a 2 year sentenoe out of Morgan County for Breaking and Entering ofa Motor Vehicle. 18 On Saturday, December 9, 2017 at 0635 hours, Agent Favor called Jackson Hospital ICU and spoke to inmate Smith's Charge Nurse who advised his attending physicians along with the Alabama Department of Corrections physicians had decided inmate Smith was stable enough to be transported to Kilby Correctional Facility's long term care unit. She advised inmate Smith was discharged from the hospital and transported to Kilby Correctional Facility at 1350 hours on December s, 2017 and returned to the hospital approximately an hour and fineen minutes later. Inmate Smith never regained consciousness from the time he arrived at the Jackson Hospital ER. on November 13, 2017 until his death on December 9, 2017. Agent Favor then called the on-call Alabama Department of Forensic Science investigator-- and advised her ofthe details of inmate Smith's death. Agent Favorthen call Capital Removal Ser and arranged to have inmate Smith's body picked up and transported to the Alabama Depaerent of Forensic Science where a postmortem examination could be completed, On Monday, December 11, 2017 at 0600 hours Agent Favor arrived attire Alabama Department ofForensic Science laboratory located at 8160 AUM Drive Montgomery, Alabama Dr, -- conducted a postmortem examination on inmate Smith's body at 0630 hours. Dr. Boudreau findings will be presented later in the investigative report. Inmate Smith's body was released and picked up by Arab Heritage Memorial Chapel located at 1340 North Main Street Arab, Alabama 3501 5 phone number 256-5864100 Dr-later sent Agent Favor a copy of the Final Autopsy Report of his examination of inmate Smith to I and Headquarters. Dr. advised in his report that the Cause of inmate Smith's death was Blunt-force Head Trauma. Dr. Bond cone uded the Manner of inmate Smith's Death was Homicide. Upon speaking to Dr. --and explaining all witnesses' statements as to the details of the original fight with inmate Blount and all witness statements ofcontactwith the officers, Dr- advised the injuries that caused inmate Smith's death was consistent the injuries inmate Smith sustained by the altercation with inmate Blount On Monday, December 11, 2017 at 1152 hours, Agents Favor and Butterbaugh went to Ventress Correctional Facility and attempted to re--iirterview inmate_ Upon reading inmate - the Miranda Warning, he advised he did not wish to give a statement or sign the form. Agent Favor stopped the interview process at that time. On Tuesday, December 12, 2017 at 0910 hours, Agent Favor Went to Elmore Correctional Facility and interviewed . Inmate - stated on the date in question at he went to the front shifi office for cal Inmate stated he observed inmate Smith on the gumey lying on his stomael-l and that his hands and feet were hogtied behind him. inmate- stated the officers moved he along with other inmates around to the south side ofthe shift office during this time and then told them to go back to their dormitories. Agent Favor asked inmate- itdaere was any officer he knew that were abusing inmates and he stated a young officer named White. Agent Favor showed inmate - a photo ofOfficer Ell White and he advised he was the officer he was talking about. Inmate- adVlsed Officer White would take food items from inmates and make them pay money to get them back Inmate- stated that inmate White was a Blood Gang Member and that from time to time he would challenge inmates to go to the back ofthe dormitory and fight. Agent Favor asked inmate- why Officer White would be fighting inmates and he stated he did not. know for catain, however; he believed it had something to do with being a gang member. Agent Favor asked inmate- when the last time he saw inmate White fight inmates in the baclt ofthe dormitory and he stated approximately two months prior. Agent Favor took a detailed recorded statement from inmate - On Tuesday, December 12, 2017 at 1401 hours, Agents Favor. Wallace and D. Jones interviewed inmate . Inmate- advised on the day andtime in question he had went to the pill call line at the shifi office and he saw inmate Smith lying on the gumey yelling and that he was wet. Inmate- advised it was raining and 0001 outside lnmate- stated he went inside the Shift 19 office asked the officers to get inmate Smith some clothes. 1nmate- stated the officers told him to "go an" den ran him and the other inmates around the corner ofthe building nmate- stated he observed inmate Smith get offthe gumey and walk into the shift office. Inmate- stated he observed officer Singleton and Officer White push inmate Smith a ainst the wall, took him to the ground, hog ties him while he was face down then put him on a guiney. Inmatei advised he ohserved inmate Smith on the gumey for approximately one hour then he left the area. During inmate- statement, he advised two statements that did not align with other facts discovered during the investigati n. 1nmate - stated he observed inmate Smith walk to the shift office from dormitory A-2 and that he had no apparent injuries at that time. All other witnesses advised he was taken by the inmate runners on a gumey in which upon arrival at the shift office they lowered the gumey all the way down to its lowest point. so he would not fall off. The other witnesses stated this is when inmate smith got off the gumey and walked into the shift office multiple times. The second issue with inmate- statement is that he advised inmate Smith was handcuffed when he got to the shift office and that at one point he was shoved against the wall and then his feet were kicked out from under him causing him to fall face down on theconcreate while handcuffed to the rear. The other witnesses advised inmate Smith was not originally handcuffed at the shifi office. The other witnesses advised as he continued to walk into the shift office and touch the doorknohs they had to be cleaned off due to him leaving blood on them and that this was the reason for the officers to become angry towards inmate Smith. Upon reviewing the video footage from the shift office clearl shows inmate Smith walk into the shifi office hallway without handcuffs. Agent Favor did not find inmate statement credible. Agent Favor took a recorded statement from inmate On Tuesday December 12, 2017 at 1453 hours, Agents Favor and D. Jones interviewed -- . 1nmate - advised he observed officer McClease walk inmate Smith to the front shifi office at approximately 1730 hours. 1nmate- stated he was in the inmate ill call line at approximately 2200 hours, when he heard inmate Smith yelling for help. Inmatefi stated he was inside the Shift office and observed inmate Smith in the "Bull Cell" (the holding cell next to the shift office) yelling and beating on the outside door. inmate- advised after he went outside he continued to hear imnate Smith yelling for help and beating on the outside door. inmate - stated the officers brought inmate Smith outside about twenty minutes later and that he had numerous injuries and continued to yell for liel . Inmate advised officers sprayed him with awater hose then forced him to the ground. 1nmate advised the officers then put him on a gurney, handcuffed him and strapped him down. inmate advised inmate Smith began to rock the gumey back and forth and that Sgt. -called an emergency code and every officer in the facility including all the outside perimeter officers and tower officers responded. 1nmate- advised twelve to fourteen officers surrounded the gumey and officer 1 inmate Smith in the head wi a retractable baton with gt-and Richardson watched. inmate stated after Officer Felder hit inmate Smith he stopped yell inmate advised Lt. Waver advised the other officers to take him to the healthcare unit at Staten Correctional Facility and they rushed him on the gumey to the back gate. Agent Favor concluded that all ofinmate- statements were false. 1nmate Smith did not walk to the shifi office. Sgt." was not working on November 13, 2017 nor was in the facility. Richardson was seen on video inst et shift office when inmate- advised he was outside surrounding the gumey. Video evidence shows that no emergency call was every made nor did all the officers in the facility respond to the shift office. 1nmate- statements were no only misleading but totally fabricated. Agent Favor took a recorded statement from inmate- On Tuesday, December 1 z. 2017, the following inmates were interviewed and advised they did not have any On Tuesday, December 18, 2017 at 1252 hours, Agent Favor and Agent Caulfield went to Elmore Correctional Facility and interviewed inmate--. 1nmate - advised on the day in question he walked up to the front shift office for the pill call line observed Officer Green hag tying inmate 20 Smith behind the shift office. Inmate stated inmate Smith was on the gumey face down and the gumey had been lifted to its highest point. Inn-mte stated Officer Green picked inmate Smith off the gummy and dropped him straight down face first onto the mncreate from the height of the gumey then retrieved a water hoseand sprayed him down with water. Agent Favor questioned him on the details of his statement and inmate - advised it could have been Officer Singleton. None of the witnesses that were on the scene on the date and of the incident advised inmate was ever sprayed with a water hose 1101' did inmate Smith have any injuries consistent with baing dropped om four feet in the air with his hands and feet bound behind him. Agent Favor did not believe inmate- was advising a truthful statement Agent Favor took a recorded smement from inmate - On Thursday, January 18, 2018 at 1428 hours. A nt Favor and CJ. Bunei'baugh went to Staton Correctional Facility and interviewed inmateh Inmate-was the inmare Working in the Sraron Healthcare unit on November 13'2018, inmat-ao'vised he was working in the healthcate unit on the night ofthe incident and that he did see inmate Smith. Inmate stated he has been working with the Hospice patients in the facility for the last four years. Inmate stated on the night in question, he entered the hallway ofthe unit sometime around 2100 hours or a little after and observed initiate Smith in the holding cell Inmate-vised he always looks in the cell as he enters in case he is asked by officers as to how many inmates are present during a facility count Inmate Hattie stated he observed "Billy", inmate Smith, stand up fi'oin a seated position on the bench in handcuffs, stagger over to the wall and bump his head on the wall then return to the bench inmate-stated he observed inmate Smith do this acttwice Inmate-stated inmate Smith was yelling unitite gibly. Inmate-stated a shorttime later he entered the doorway ofthe holding cell and observed the two owners Singleton and White. alon nursing staff was standing ovet inmate Smith 8nd inmate Smith was lying still on the floor. lnmaiitated every time die officers would touch inmate Smith, he would begin to [hi-ash nround (Wigging Int). inmate -stated the nurses advised "we min treat him like this" and advised the officer that they would have to wait for him to calm down, lnmane -narrd the ofiioers advised the nurse that they were about to get and that they could not wait around inmu Ftated the officers put inmate Smith in a wheel chair and rolled him out to their van. Inmate adv a never saw any cancer strike inmate Smirh in the healtiioare unit or pore Water on him Inmate stated inmate Smith did appear wet when he saw him on the floor. Agent Favor took a recorded statement from inma On Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 1000 hours, Corizon Health care nurses Tara Parker along with then Attorney Bill Lunsrord came to i and i headquarters to be interviewed by Agent Favor. Agent Favor escorted each ufthe nurses separately to the rear interviewing mom of the office accompanied by their attorney. At 1031 hours Agent Favor interviewed R.N-gent Frvor questioned Nursfl about the Body chart that was written for inmate Smith. Nurse -dvisod when she arrived at the faci ity or work on third shift. She observed inmate m'th lying on the bed snoring loudly and further advised the way he was snoring was irregular. Nut advised she looked at inmate Smith's eves with a light. Nurs- stated she noticed a large knot on inmate Smitlfl right side ofhis head. Nurse-stated she conducted a stemum rub with no effect. Nurse-suited she checked his lungs and found the sounds ofwater in his lungs. Nurse-advised she asked if he had been given Narcan and she was advised no. Nurse-bated she gave inmate Smith the Narcan drug and that it did not have any effect. Nurse stated shortly after Haynes Ambulance arrived and transported inmate Smith to Jackson Hospital ER. Nuts hated she then made her notes on the body chart. Agent Favor askel Nur lacing water or Ice on inmates to snap them out of drug episodes was Corizon policy. Nurse dvised no it was not and that she had not ever done this act. Agent Favor asked if she had ever seen a correctional officer do this and she advised she had seen several officers place water and/or ice on inmates to bring them around and that it does work sometimes. Agent Favor took a recorded statement from Nurs- 2! On Thursday, January ms at 1052 hours, Agent Favdr interviwm. Nurse -:dvised she remembered ornser White and singleton bring an inmate into ea care unit Nurse dvised she could not remember the time in which they arrived at the healthcare unit. Nuts- stated she saw the two officers but did not see the inmate because she was working on another inmate. Nurse -- stated she did not see or hear of anything else on the first-time inmate Smith came to me healthcarc unit. Nurse-advised the swondrtime inmate Smith arrived at the unit, see observed him lying on the bed snotln and she ot her pin light and looked athls pupils. Nurse-advised his pupils were totally dilated Nursefilad she asked omcer R. about inmate Smi and he advised he was "Wiggin out" and that "he a een in and out orthe shirt ordee all day". Nurse advised she did not have any other informnu'on. Agent Favox took a recorded statement from Nuts 0n Thursttav January 25, 2018 at 1110 hours, Agent Favor interviewed RN. -- Nuts_ advised she was in the medical observation unll on the night in question. Nors-tated she never heard or saw inmate Smith the first time he earneto the health Nurse--advised she only saw inmate Smith as she was leaving the unit at shift change. Nurse advised as she was leaving he observed inmate Smith on the gumey and that Nurse Sanders asked her for a pin light. Nurse dvised she gave her the light then the Ambulance showed to transport inmate Smith and she lcfi the facility. Agent Favor took a recorded statement iiom Nursefl On Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 1123 hours, Agent Favor rte-interview N. Tara Parker. AgentFavor read Nurse Parker the Miranda Warning from a Standard State of Alabama rig"; fonn. Nurse Parker signed the form and advised she wished to give a smtement. Nurse Parker lepeats the same story as the first statement other than to say She did see Officer White pour ice water on inmate Smith while he an die floor ofthe holding cell and that inmate Smith had mow. visible injuries on him when he returned to the healthme unit the second time than when he iefi the first time. Agent Favortook a recorded statement from Nurse Parker, On Thursday, February 23, 2013 at 1105 hours, Agents Favor and Butlerbaugh wentm Kilby Cm'rsctiottal Facility. located at 12201 Wares Ferry Road Montgomery, Alabama, and interviewed inmate Inmate - advised he was housed Elmore Correctional Facility on November 13, 2017. Inmate-advised a! that time he would go to the Shift officer after pill call every evening and have the nurse dress a wound under his arm where he had a removed, Inmate - advised he arrived at the shift ofii be at 1730 hours and observed inmate Smith on a gumey and that he was alleady hogtied Inmate Cable advised he observed Officer Singleton mke the handcuffs and leg shackles off and that inmatc Smith walk imo the shifi offit'ze. Inmate - advised Officer R. Johnson choked inmate Snith inside the sliifi office hallway and pushed him out the side door while choking him. Inmate- further advised oificnr Singleton, Officer J. Lanier, Officer G. Clay and other officer surrounded inmate Smith as he laid on the ground and kicked and beat him Officer Lanier deployed his retractable baton and stuck inmate Smith with the weapon. Agent Favor verify that inmate-fhlsifled his story. The front gate duty roster advised Pill Call ended 3t 2210 hours. Offiwts Lanicr and Clay were not working on November l3, 2017 and were not in the fdcility and the video [tom the shifi office did not show any officer attacking and pushing inmate Smith out the door while choking hint. Agent Favor took a recorded statement from inmate - On Wednesday. October 10, 2018 at 1316 hours, Agents Favor and w. Thomas re-intervlewed Sergeant Jonathan Richardson in Agent Favor's office at the I and 1 Headquarters. Sgt. Richardson recounted the same story as his first interview and denied knowing that inmate Smith had ever been placed on a gumey and has tied. Sgt. Richardson stated at one-point inmate Smith walked into the office and asked why he needed to go to the unit. Sgt. Richardson stated he advised him that he had to go get a body chart. Richardson denied ever changihgthe shit't log that Ms. Murray had completed. Sgt. Richardson also denied ever knowing that any person ehan ed the sltifi log and that his signature was in facrthe signature found on the shift log located in Msiorrice. Agent Favor asked Sgt. Richardson about the text conversation from Officer 22 White's cell phone downloaded information where he was texting back and forth with an unknown female and having a conversation about heating another inmate along with twenty omeers on November 12. 2017. Richardson denied any uffense as such this ever occurring at Elmore Correctional Facility and that they never even have twenty officers inside the facility working at one time and that they have serious issues manning the designed post on it daily basis. Agent Favor asked Sgt. Richardson if he would submit a handwriting sample to be used for eamparison. gt. Richardson agreed to the sample and wrote his signature twenty times on pieoe or paper than three times while writing fast on a separate piece of paper. gt. Richardson advised he would take a polygraph test in relation to his statements. Agent Favor took a detailed recording of the interview. Agent Favor contacted Supervisor Leroy Dale who advised he would come to the and 1 Officer any test Sgt. Richardson on rhursdey, Novemher is, 2013 at 0900 hours. Richardson advised he would come to and {Headquarters on the assigned date and time. On Thursday, October 18, 2018 at 0900 hours Sgt. Richardson arrived at I and I Headquarters for his scheduled polygraph test. Sgt. Richardson was escorted the conference room or the facility were Supervisory Agent Leroy Dale administered the test. The test questions were developed to answer if Sgt. had seen inmnte Smith hog tied on the gumoy outside the shirt office and had he signed the Shift Log after it had been changed or did he lmow who had changed the Shifl Log, Sgt. Richards-n advised no on all questions. The test showed Sgt. Richardson was deceptive on ell the questions and failed the exam. Agent Fuvnr spoke to Sgt. Richardson afier the exam. Richardson continued to advise he was telling the truth and did not know why he failed the test. On Friday, October 26, 2018 at 0909 Office--rid -- come to I and I headquarters for scheduled appointments with Agent Favor. At 0937 hours Agent Favor, escorted Officer-- the and 1 conference room and interviewed him about the offense, Upon questioning Officer-. he advised he remembered inmate Smith come into the shift office wearing boxers and a sweatshirt. Officer-- deriied ever seem inmate Smith being struck by any officer nor did he see him restrained due to the fact he had gotten off work before anything like thet could have happened. omoer-dvised he got off work at approximately 1730 hours. Agent Favor look a recorded statement from Ofiicer - At 0959 hours, Agent Favor interviewed awash- advised he did not remember seeing inmate Smith on the day in question. omc vised he was wont at the back gate on the day ofthe offense and that he worked until approximately 2000 hours then Went home. Officer- slated he did not know about the offense until the next day when first shift supervisor's asked him if he had the times when inmate Smith Was taken to Staten healthcare and did he write on the Sick Call log if a body chart was completed. Officer-advised he thought the supervisors were asking about the day time on the log since he gets off got off at 2000 hours. The from Central Contml log sir-wed Office- clocking out at 2002 hours. DISPOSITION: Show this case exceptionally cleared" and "aimed" due to the fact this case will he presented to the Elmore County Grand Jury for Manslaughter against inmate Bryan Blount. Case Type: Cm Disposition: Status: Criminal Suhstanu'azel Exec. Cleared: Open Administrative Sup, I'Offeuder Death Closed