Jan'sizaizo WAYNE STATE UNIVERSETY February-18,2020 For immediate release: As rnernbers of the?Wayne State University- Press Editorial Board, we are. advisers, liaisons. and .?ambassadors for the Press within the University and b.?eyond We have. and will Continue to protest the abrLIpt firing of Press Staff Annie Martin Kristin HarpSter,? and Emily Novak and Call fortheir reinstatement. We have registered our comolaints with universityf administration 'We appreciate President'Wils'onis support ofthe Pre'ssand his degisi'on to place it in the Office; of the Presidentunder thesupereision 'of'Micha'el Wright; Michael has 'asSure?d us that, he is} :working'torestore trust. To that end, we welcome Wildfori'g' Director and look fonts rd._t_o.tl_1e hiring ofa permanent Directer. We are hopefL'I'I' about the future of the Press. Members-of the Board 1will rernain vigilant-as iweadvoca'te for anthers, staff,'a'nd the community served by?the Press. I The Wayne State University Press Editorial Board Lisa Alexa'nd'ier Jonathan Anderson Natalie: Bakopoulos M?lb?a J. Boyd Stephen Chris?omalis. Victor Figueroa Jennifer Hart Jerw- Herron Chera'lKee Karen Marrero Lisa Maruca Karen MeDevitt Elena Past Aaron Reltish Mitt-heel David Weih be rgs- Jonathan Weinberg '1i'1