STATE OF TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT or HEALTH BOARD OF NURSING In The Matter of: LA TISHA L. HAYDEN, 1m. License No. 135925 3 Case No. 2019obo?321 Respondent. CONSENT ORDER The State of Tennessee, by and through the Office of General Counsel and the ReSpondent, La Tisha L. Hayden, R.N., (hereinafter ?Respondent?j hereby stipulate and agree, subject to approval by the Tennessee. Board of Nursing (hereinafter ?Board?), to the following: 1. Authority and Jurisdiction The Board regulates and s?pervises nurses licensed to practice pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated Section (hereinafter CODE ANN. 63-7-10], et seq. (hereinafter "Co?de?, including the discipline of licensees, as well as those who are required to be licensed, who violate the Code and the Rules promulgated by the Board, Of?cial Compilation of Rules and tate of Tennessee (hereinafter COMP. R. measure-m, et- Regulations of the seq, (hereinafter ?Rules?). The Board enforces the Code and Rules to promote and protect the: health, safety and welfare of the public; accordingly, it is the policy of the Board to require strict compliance with the law and to apply the law to preserVe the quality of musing care provided in Tennessee. 11. Stipulations of Fact 1 Respondent has been at all times pertinent hereto licensed by the Board as a Registered Nurse (hereinafter in the State of Tennessee, having been granted license number 135925 ic?h currently has an expiration date of November 30, 2021. Respondent?s on March 8, 2002, wh RN 11061158 is active and a Privileg? to practice naming in states which have entered into the Interstate Nurse Liceusure Compact- 2. On December 12, 2018, Respondent was arrested for the following: 1" of Memamrvheemines in violation of TENN. CODE Ass. a 39.17434 tar- possession of 4. grams of methamphetamine; B. Unlawful Possession without Prescriptions in violation of TENN. CODE ANN. 5340- 105? for possessiOn of- over six hundred (600) prescription pills prescribed to multiple different people- Respondent admitted to the arresting of?cer she molt the medications ?bm her: patients at her former place of employment, Oak Hills BehaVio'ral Center in Jaokson, Tennessee. Additionally, Respondent admitted lb. diverting the medications for personal use; C. Simple Possession Marijuana in violation, of Tam. CODE ANN. D. The? of Property in violation of TENN. CODE. ANN 39-14-103 for. possess?mn of the prescription medigations; and E. Unlawful Drug Paraphernalia in violation of TENN. CODE ANN. 39?l7?42?5 for possession of a glass tube with white residue and burn marks on the glass tube 3. On July 22, 2019, ReSpondent was indicted by a Grand Jury for the Circuit Court of Fayette County, Tennessee to Possession with Intent to Deliver a Controlled Subsl'utoe (methamphetamine), a Schedule 11 controlled substance, in the amount of 0.5 grams or mate in violation of TENN. CODE ANN. 39-17-434. Respondent did not notify the Board in writing of the indictment within seven (7) business days of acquiring actual knowledge of the indictment 4, On November 25, 2019, ReSpondent pled Nola Contendere in the CrimiualICheuit Court for Fayette County, Tennessee to Simple Possession (methamphetamine) in violation of TENN. La Tisha Lt Hayden Consent Order Page 1 ul? ll '?Iuw- Ir._l CODE ANN. 1; 39.17.4111 muss. to 1m Dmmhor n. 2on am. Ramada" mam juditinl divmim I result of but plot. 1 On New '25. 2019. Remnant pied Nola Comm! in the Conn: for Fayette County. Tennessee to Simple (MW) in violation of TENN. Cons ANN. 39-17-415 relating to he: 11, 2018 mm Respondent. waived judicial dimion a result of In: plan. 6. Number 251. 2019. Respondent pied Nola in the Com {of Fayette County. to Passession of Drug in wiolntion of Cow ANN. 3947-425 relating tn tact December 11. 2018 amt. Respondent Ice-rived jutichl .115 a miter but plan. 7. Nov-unborn; 2019. Respondent pied Nola in the CriminallCim-uit Can! for Fayette. County, macaw: to three counts of'Thet't of Less than 311000 in ?at-lion CODE ANN. 39-14403 relating to he: 12, 2.018 MCSL received judicial divmian as a result of her pied 8, 11110va 25. 2019. Respondent Nola Contendt'm in the riminnIECircuit Court for Fayette County. Tennessee to 91' Legend Drug without in violation 01? TENN. CODE ANN. 53-10-105 relating to her December 12. 2018 arrest. Respondent judicial diversion as a result. of her plea. Ill. Grounds for Discipline The Stipulations of Fact are suf?cient to establish that Respondent has violated TENN. Coma ANN. 634-101, et seq.. for which disciplinary action by the Board is authorized. 9. Respondent's acts and conduct enumerated in paragraph three constitute violations of TENN CODEANN. 63?1-151: Ln L. Haydon Consent Order Page 3 of 11 - .- me- - When *1 is under indictment in this state for an offense ed substances under state or dietment to the practitioner?s t' acquiring involving the sale or dispensing of controll federal law. the practitioner shall report the in licensing board in writing within seven (7) calendar days 0 actual knowledge of the indictment. The knowing failure of a practitioner to submit tlte report required in subdivision-(am) to the licensing board shall be considered unprofessional. dishonorable or unethical conduct and may be grounds for such licensing board to take disciplinary action against the practitione?s license.? claim that the practitioner was not aware of the obligation required in subdivision (20(1) may not excuse the practitioner from discipline based on the failure ol?the practitioner to submit a report. 10. The facts stipulated in paragraphs two (2) through eight (8) constitute a violation of TENN. CODE ANN. 631-7-1 (C) ls un?t or incompetent by reason of negligence, habits or other cause; and (F) Is guilty of unprofessional conduct. 11. The facts stipulated in paragraphs two (2), seven and eight (8) constittue proof of Rule of the TENN. COMP. R. REGS, which defines ?unprofessiottal. conduct, un?tness or incomp?etency by reason of negligence, habits or other cause? as including, but not limited to: of narcotics, drugs, supplies. or equipment Unauthorized use or removal school, institution or other work place from any health care facility, location; and Engaging in acts of dishonesty which relate to the practice of nursing. 1V. Stipulated Disposition dent?s license to practice as an RN in Tennessee, pursuant to the antherity vested 3-7-115 and 116, shall be and is hereby SUSPENDED 12. Respon rd under TENN. CODE ANN. 6 to practice in any other party state is DEACTIVATED. in the Boa and Respondent?s multistate pn?vileg 13. Respondent may undergo an evaluation approved by the Tennessee Professional Consent Order Page 4 of La Tisha L. Hayden I I - I I 'V?xwx_. #99W&ww? ?949.45?? ??a&ao '2}th ?141.1121 a 10.5? 111$: It? 8195 :a '4 "1:1 Maihim? (; $91,471? 51' .HLH *iqqoqg$%% ?39 I Vg??a?wa?a? 9 .q .r .1.: ?15?1?1 NE, ff?i?f?q") '51? - W?$?gy VI Nan EU {3 [bu/441.1. 1344.33634441' @aawa?? QQagg?w? $?aw93?9 gg?ggw??ag j%?f a L.m 433.4449?? ??a?gw . ??gmg ??xg F. @??gm?gw Q. 1: ?t #Vw??om?3 ?$99 50?90-900 a?w?aww ~Tmlp 4 . 502$? a9?; 33933: so b3 7? i'll - .vql?olx;al. I5 3. n.1I 56' 993~utzkj 3e .. . ?aaxa ?ww??wavcw 333%" 03$ I3 I 3%9 ws?s . 1 in ill Mllki 64? n! . .c I 533-333 wa? #9 33'1'31'! L.h?h ?3 :p31: in?. {.33 3 new: \rlvl?l'. 5329143 Liam-.11, {$333, ,33- 3 mm?nweiif 3 .5 sx&&Auc?#ww? ??aoea.a 6.6 35.151 MT: .123ij @?awwo waamaza @?85 35-6933 ?k 3% a a 3} We 1?2? MEI-U ?wg ?ag?gfk?w?m? W- bka??mw?v-?? smgg? $$awv . maesg 3 aht?la??wi a. ?904-99? ?Waka?eqw?a 3% swag terms - i and conditions for a pertod of three (3) years from the date of the receipt of mill-103?? from of the evaluation results: ll ?1 I. 'i A. Respondent shall not violate Tenn. Code Ann. et seq., the rules promulgated pursuant thereto, any other state or federal law, rule, or regulation relating to the practice or the ability to practice nursing: B. ReSpondent shall not violate any local, state or federal criminal law. C. ReSpondent shall not violate any term of criminal probation or parole. D. Respondent shall report any arrests, criminal citations, and probation violation warrants in writing to the Disciplinary Coordinator by certified mail within ten (10) working days. E. Respondent shall report any guilty pleas, no contest pleas, criminal convictions and violations of criminal probation in writing to the Disciplinary Coordinator by certi?ed mail within ten (10) working days. F. Respondent shall report any discipline of. Respondent?s nursing; license and/or multistate licensure privilege by another state?s licensing authority to the Disciplinary Coordinator by certi?ed mail within ten (10) working days. G. All settings in which Respondent is employed as a nurse, during Respondent?s period of probation, shall be informed of Respondent?s probationary status. Within five 4 (5) days of the receipt of this Order, Respondent shall furnish a copy to Respondent?s supervisor or supervisors, if there are multiple employers. The supervisors must acknowledge this probation to the Disciplinary Coordinator in writing on employer letterhead within ten (10) days. Should Respondent change employers, Respondent must supply a copy of this Order to ReSpondent?s new supervisor within five (5) days. The new employer shall acknowledge probation in writing on employer letterhead to the La Tisha L. Hayden Consent Order Page '7 of ll Disciplinary Coordinator within ten (10) days. Respondent shall be: t'wipmu?ble f? assuring that Respondent?s employer-(s) Submit such acknowledgement of probalion? H. If during the period of probation a contested case is commenced by the 0" 3 of Charges against Respondent?s. license the probationary period shall ammonia?? in extended and shall not expire until the? case has either been nonsuitcd or has been acted upon by the Board. 16. Respondent's multistnte privilege to practice in any other party state shall ?remain DEACTIVATED until such time as Respotidentts license is? no longer suspendcd or on probation. Upon completion of probation, Respondent?s license Shall be returned to unencumbered status. 17. Each condition of discipline herein is a separate and distinct condition If any condition of this Order, or any application thereof. is declared unenfomdable in whole, in pan. or to any cattent, the remainder of this Order, and all other applications [her-sol; shall not be. affected; Each condition of'this Order shall separately be valid and enforceable to ?the: fullest extent permitted by law. V. Representations of Respondent 18. Respondent understands and admits the allegatidns. charges, and stipulations in this Order. 19. Respondent understands the rights found in the Code. Rules, and the Uniform Administrative Procedures .Act, TENN, CODE ANN. 4-5-101 thru 4-5404, including the right to a hearing, the right to appear personally and by legal counsel, the right to confront and to cross-examine witnesses who would testify against Respondent, the right to testify and to present Consent Order Page 3 of II La Tisha L. Hayden evidence on - cspondent own behalf, as well as to the lasuance of subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the producnon of documents, as Well as the right to appeal for judicial reView, Respondent voluntarily waives these rights in order to avoid further ,adminisnative action. 20. Respondent agrees presentation of this Order to the Board and the Board?s consideration of it and. all matters divulged during that ?process shall not constitute unfair disclonnre such that- the Bqard or any of its members become prejudiced requiring their disquali?cation from hearing this matter should this Order not be rati?ed. All matters, admissions, and statements disclosed during the attempted rati?cation process shall: not be need against the. Reapondent in any subsequent proceeding unless independently entered into evidence or introduced as admissions. 21. ReapOndent agrees facsimile/PDF copies of this Order. including signatures thereto, shall have the same force and effect as Originals. 22-. ReSpondent also agrees the Board may issue this Order Without, further process- If the Board rejeCts this Order for any reason, it willbc of'no force or effect, far either. party.- 23. Respondent agrees she has not received any threats or premises of any kind by the State or any agent or representative thereof, except such ?as is detailed herein. VI. Noticc 24, The discipline in this Order is formal disciplinary action and will be reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank in addition to being disseminated to the public in accordance with TENN. CODE ANN. 25 A violation of this Order shall constitute a separate violation, pursuant to TENN. Coos ANN and is grounds for further disciplinary action by the Board, including revocation of Respondent?s license. Consent Order Page 9 of ll La Tisha L. Hayden APPROVED FOR ENTRY: gim?wrwmaj?m 1:1 M: 491?? La Tisha L. Hayden DATE. RN. License No. 135925 Respondent T. Erie Winters (BPR :1 036263) DATE Associate General Counsel TenneSSBe Departlnent of Health Of?ce of General Counsel 6?65 Mainstream Drive, Second Floor Naahville, Tennessee 37243 (615) 741-1611 Approval by the Board Upon the agreement of the parties and the. record as a whole, this CONSENT ORDER was approved as 21 FINAL ORDER by a majority of?n Quomm of the Tennessee Board of . . Nursing at a public meeting of the Board and Blgl?lEd tins I day arm 20:9 ACCORDINGLY, IT IS ORDERED that the agreements of the parties will, and hereby do, become the Final Order of the Board. lairperson Aelmg Chairpers r1 ennessee Board of?Nursing Consent. Order Page ll) of ll La Tisha Hayden as; - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned hereby certi?es that a true and correct copy of this document has been served upon the Respondent, La Tisha L. Hayden, 2969 Tamerlane Lane, Germantown, Tennessee 38138 and 20 Oakbend Court, Spring?eld, Illinois 62704, by delivering same in the United States regular mail and United States certi?ed mail, numbers 7018 3090 0002 0151 1161 and 7018 3090 0002 0151 1178, return receipt requested, with suf?cient postage thereon to reach its destination. This Jug) T. Eric Winters Associate General Counsel La l'islm l-layden Consent Order Page II of II