Case 9:15-mj-08251-JMH Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/20/2015 Page 1 of 5 AO 91(Rev 08, 709) CriminalCompl aint U NITED STATES D ISTRICT C O T forthe FILEDdy , SouthernDistrictofFlorida UnitedStatesofAmerica ) v. MichaelJamesAntonoff, ) ) ) ) ) D.C. MAy L g 2gj5 ? ! spjj)tjljà Lgk t!a. g wjF l s.o.ol rFL.- . . CaseNo. 15-8251-JH CRIM INAL COM PLAINT Isthe complainantin thiscase.statethatthe following istrueto the bestofmy knowledgeand belief. Onoraboutthedatets)of Spklthern Districtof CodeSection Ti tle 18,Uni ted StatesCode, Sections111(a)(1)and(b) May 19.;915 inthecounty of Florj4q ,thedefendantts)violated: Palm Beach . in the OffenseDescrl ption did forcibly assault,resist,oppose,impede,intimidate,and inte/erewith offi cersand employeesofthe United Statesand ofan agency i n a branchof the United States Governmentdesignated in Ti tle 18,Uni ted StatesCode, Section 114,thatis,employeesofthe Homeland Security Investigations, whilethose officerswere engaged in and on accountoftheirperformanceof theirofficialduti es,and inthe comm issionofthe offense did use a deadly and dangerousweapon,tow it,a m otorvehicle. Thiscriminalcomplaintisbased onthese facts: SEE ATTACHED AFFIDAVIT D Continued on the attached shett. j f ' t Conl plainant. î gnature David Janpqr !aSpvçiplAgqntHSI . Prlnled nameT/rlt : /tl ï tle Swornto beforemeand signed in my presence. Date: 05/20/2015 ludge' s. %ign re Cityand state: W estPalm Beach,Florida James Hopkins,U.S.Maqislpte Judge lDt. it3lt?:/??:1,?7t?c/??tïtitlç? Case 9:15-mj-08251-JMH Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/20/2015 Page 2 of 5 A FFID AV IT 1,David Jansen,being duly swonz,hereby deposeand state: 1. lam aSpecialAgentwithHomelandSecuritylnvestigations(;ûHSI''),andhavebeen soemployedformorethaneightyears.AsaSpecialAgentCiSA''),mydutiesincludeinvestigating violationsofTitles8,18,19,21,and 31oftheUnited StatesCode.BeforejoiningHSI,1wasan officerwithU.S.CustomsandBorderProtection(t$CBP'')forfouryears.Duringmycareer1have completed sixty weeks of training atthe Federal Law Enforcem enttraining Center regarding conductingcriminalinvestigationsintoviolationsofim migrationandcustom slaws.AsaSA,lhave been trained to investigate the m ethodsand m eans dl'ug traffickers use to conceal,transport,and distribute narcotics. The inform ation contained in thisaftsdavitisbased on my personalknowledge,as wellas inform ation relayed to m e by otherlaw enforcem entagents involved in this investigation. The infonnation setforth in thisaffidavitisprovided solely forthe purpose ofestablishing probable cause for the arrestof M ichaelJam es ANTONOFF. As such,it does not include allof the infonnation know n to m e aboutthis investigation. OnoraboutM ay l2,2015,anHSlSA workinginanundercoverC1UC'')capacitywas contacted by phone by an individualidentified asM ichaelJam esAN TO N O FF to discussthesale of cocaine. A N TO NO FF and the U C spoke by phone several tim es over several days about ANTONOFFsellingtheUC one(1)kilogram ofcocaine.OnoraboutM ay18,2015,theUC again spoke w ith AN TON O FF and they agreed to m eetthe follow ing day in W estPalm Beach,Floridato $ conductthesaleofthe cocaine. 4. On M ay 19,2015,the U C m etA N TO N OFF at1901 OkeechobeeBlvd in theparking Case 9:15-mj-08251-JMH Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/20/2015 Page 3 of 5 1otofE1Dorado Furniture.The UC entered ANTONOFF'Svehicle atwhich time ANTONOFF provided the UC with a package the UC believed was one kilogram ofcocaine.The UC exited ANTONOF'Svehicle.Otherundercoveragentsop thescenqthen movedintoarrestANTONOFF. ln response,A N TO N O FF sped offin his vehicle suddenly atahigh rate ofspeed and attem pted to tlee and elude arrest. AsANTONOFF tled throughtheElDoradoparking lothewaspursued bySA 'sina vehiclewith itsred and bluepolicelightsactivated. Duringthepursuit,ANTONOFF m aneuvered his vehicle directly atthree H SlSA 's on footand quickly accelerated tow ard them ata high rate of speed. The SA 'swere directly in the path ofAN TO N OFF'Soncom ing vehicle and feared fortheir lives. To avoid being stnlck by ANTONOFF'Svehicle,two SA'sdischarged theirfirearmsinto AN TON OFF'S vehicle as they attem pted to m ove from AN TON O FF'S path of travel. ANTONOFF'Svehicleslowedm omentarilyandthenacceleratedagain pasttheSA'sashecontinued i. . >. y..; to tlee.ANTONOFF'Svehiclefinallycametoasiop duetothevehiclebecominginoperableasa resultofdam age sustained by gunfire. ANTONOFFwastransportedto thehospitalformedicaltreatmentandsubsequently transported to the W estPalm Beach Police Departm entto beinterview ed.A NTON OFF wasadvised ofhisM iranda rightswhichhewaivedin writing.Duringtheinterview ,ANTONOFFstatedthathe knew thattheindividualswhoapproachedhisvehicleaftermeetingwith theUC wasthepoliceand thathetledtoavoidgoingtojail.ANTONOFF furtherstatedthathesaw theredandbluepolice lightson the vehicle pursuing him . He said he thoughtaboutstopping and knew he w asw rong for fleeing. Based upon the foregoing,yourA ffiantsubm itsthereisprobable cause to believethat Case 9:15-mj-08251-JMH Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/20/2015 Page 4 of 5 M ichaelJamesANTONOFF did forciblyassault,resist,oppose,impede,intimidate,and interfere with officersand employeesoftheUnited Statesand ofan agency in abranch ofthe United States Governm ent designated in Title 18, United States Code,Section 114,that is,em ployees of the Homeland Security Investigations,while those officerswere engaged in and on accountoftheir performance oftheirofficialduties,and in the com m ission ofthe offense did use a deadly and dangerousweapon,to wit,a motorvehicle,in violation ofTitle 18,United StatesCode,Sections 111(a)(1)and(b). FU RTH ER Y OU R A FFIAN T SA Y ETH N A UG H T / DA V ID JA SEN , CIA L A G EN T HO M ELAN D SECU RITY IN V ESTIG ATION S Swprntoandsubscribedbeforemethis 20tnday ofM ay, 2015 < J M ES M .H OPK m S UN ITED STATES M A G ISTRA TE JUD GE Case 9:15-mj-08251-JMH Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 05/20/2015 Page 5 of 5 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SO UTH ERN D IST RIC T O F FLO R ID A N o.15-82514 11 UN ITED STA TES O F A M ER IC A VS. M IC H A EL JA M E S A NT O N O FF, Defendant. / C RIM IN AL C O V ER SH EET Did thism atteroriginate from a m atterpending in the N orthern Region ofthe United States Attorney'sOfficepriorto October 14,2003? Yes X No 2. Did thism atteroriginate from a m atterpending in the CentralRegion ofthe U nited States Attorney'sOfl-ice priorto Septem berl,2007? Yes X No Respectfully subm itted, W IFRED O A .FERRER UN ITED STATES A TTORN EY BY : MA D ISPO TO A SSISTAN T UN ITED STA TES A TTO RNEY Cgurtld.No.$5501143 j ()0 Sbuth Auktralian Avenue W estPalm Beach,Florida 33401 Tel:(561)209-1032