District Plan of Action in Response to OIG Performance Review and Recommendations NWEA Administration February 2020 NWEA Overview in CPS • NWEA is an untimed assessment that CPS schools have been required to administer in reading and math to 2nd – 8th grade students since SY12-13. • NWEA results are integrated into many CPS systems of accountability and opportunity, including school quality ratings, principal and teacher evaluations, student promotion and selective enrollment admissions processes. • In SY17-18 CPS conducted its own audit of NWEA testing protocol and detection. CPS has acted on 13 of 17 recommendations identified in that report. 1 Summary of OIG Concerns ● NWEA MAP is an assessment administered at CPS elementary schools and is one of many metrics the district uses to gather an understanding of academic improvements and performance. ● The OIG found that some CPS students took longer to complete the NWEA and paused their tests more often than their peers nationally. ● It is important to note that the OIG did not substantiate systemic or individual wrongdoing, nor did the OIG conclude that NWEA MAP results are invalid. 2 Action Taken in Response to Recommendation Recommendation #1 Response Reduce durations, preferably by setting a time limit. CPS is establishing a policy designed to reduce test durations. This policy and associated guidance will be included in the test administration manual, in test coordinator trainings, and in test proctor trainings beginning Spring 2020. 3 Action Taken in Response to Recommendation Recommendation #2 Response Take concrete steps to limit pauses, including by providing clear instructions on the right and wrong way to use pauses. CPS is establishing a policy to provide proctors with greater clarity of the proper use of pauses and the time-out function. This policy and associated guidance will be included in the test administration manual, in test coordinator trainings, and in test proctor trainings, beginning Spring 2020. 4 Action Taken in Response to Recommendation Recommendation #3 Response Find an auditable way to record the proctor of each test taken so that analysts can look for trends among proctors. CPS is working with NWEA to be able to obtain test proctor data. If needed, CPS will augment with additional procedures for capturing auditable proctor information. 5 Action Taken in Response to Recommendation Recommendation #4 Response Focus on auditing proctors, rather than grades and subjects, by using new proctor data. This recommendation cannot be implemented as part of the SY19-20 proactive site visit audit plan because it would require a data file from SY18-19 that did not exist at the time. CPS is working with NWEA to be able to obtain test proctor data. The Spring 2020 test monitoring plan will include strategic follow up with particular proctors as needed based on proctor data availability and observed testing patterns. 6 Action Taken in Response to Recommendation Recommendation #5 Response Prohibit teachers from being the sole proctors of their students if their evaluations are tied in part to their students’ NWEA results. CPS will implement a revised test proctor policy in Spring 2020 that takes into account the OIG recommendation. 7 Action Taken in Response to Recommendation Recommendation #6 Response Bolster training and the exit slip that must be passed for someone to proctor. Include guidance on improper pauses and long durations. During training, cite OIG as an office to be contacted with concerns about test irregularities. CPS will implement required training for test coordinators and test proctors using the SafeSchools platform. This training will include all updated policies, test administration protocols, and a required quiz to confirm understanding. CPS will cite OIG as an office to be contacted with concerns about test irregularities. 8 Action Taken in Response to Recommendation Recommendation #7 Response Add penalties for test cheating to the Test Security Agreement that all proctors must sign. While the OIG did not substantiate systemic or individual wrongdoing, penalties for test cheating will be included in the Test Security Agreement for Spring 2020 NWEA Administration aligned to current district policy. All school personnel who support test administration are required to sign the test security agreement before the school is approved to begin testing. 9 Action Taken in Response to Recommendation Recommendation #8 Response Hire a test security expert for help and guidance in addressing the OIG’s recommendations and other OIG concerns. CPS has hired a test security firm to help develop, institute, and implement recommendations. 10