gm QF DIMMBF Case-,No 189030386} 5 . . 5 CaseSiams Nota C?mefOthtr Service EIGHEGRN . - . SECURITY Repm?! Date??im?: 10/312013 11:26:04 AM 3353 Rm"? . . .. . . Mark FILE 11003 - GSC First (151?) Degas?Penetration Oral/Ana}, 11007 CSC Second. (2nd) Degree - Forcible Contabt NATURE 0R 3931: OCCHERED ON. 7/18/2013 12:00:00 AM (and Ra?: can.) VENUE: 1239 DR ANN ARBOR, MI CAMPUS SAFETY SERVICES BUILDING 82 of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw OF: 1173- - 11003 - First Degree ~P6uetration OraUAnaI .of Af?liated: No .WCTIM TYPE: Individual A?i?a?on? Type: UM ID: Campus Addrass: Alcohol/13mg; No A?liation Notes: [2913: RACE: Wu: SEX: Male HGT: WGT: EYES: 0- Other Bthnicitnyational Circumstanccs: Origin SSN: DLN: DL State: ADDRESS MQWLIQN- Phone In?ammation: Emails: - NOTES: University QfMichigan Alumni OF: 1177- 11007 CSC Swond (2nd) Degree? arable Cantact VICTIM TYPE: Individual Campus Address: AlcoholiDrugs: N- No . Af??ationNntes: 5 AG: RACE: Unknown SEX: Male. . IUV: No HGT: - WGT: . HAIR: EYES: . . BETH: Circumstances: SSN: DLN: DL State: ADDRESS . . P110116 MOmla?o?: Emails: - . News: 15;];me ms- Michigan Ahnmi mm OF: 1173 11063 050 First Degree -Pe?etra?dn Oral/Axial VIEW Indivi?uai UofM - Af?liatibn Type: UMHD: Campus Address: Alcohoh?Dnigs: Yes. . . Amman Notes: DB mu . SEEM Case R?po? . Rapur?ng Printed: Na $263018- Pagel of3 CasaNo. 1$90393851 ESE: NEEQHEGAN (Ease Eager-t Case No. 1390303861 Report Date?l?im?: 10/3/2018 11:26:04 Mi Reporting Of?cer: Wat, Mail?: WGT: ETH: HGT: EYES: SEN: mom $10134?- Circumstagices: DL State: 1 w. Phone Information: Emails: . iv?ia??y afmchiga? Aiming} ff; ?mdermn . UofM- Affiliated Y- Yes 1 Naomi/Drugs: N- No Af?liation; Notes: Retired Physician AGE: 90 RACE: Whisc No HGT: HAIR: EYES: 11TH 2; Unknown Circumstances: SMT: DIN: Stats: ADDRESS INFORIVEATION: I Phone Information: Emails 3. (magmas? . ?i Bmployczf?chdol: Occupa?onf?mdp: . ADDRESS 1' UofM N- No . Af?liation Typs: 1 Campus Adda-ass: AloehobDrugg: NvNo I Af?lia?un Notes: RACE HGT Facial Hair: SSN: DL Nimber: Emails . o- :E??mo?simw?a?c Phygi?c?m TQLIietiPefstim Rupenhlg Q?iaar: Wat, Maxie C356 No; 1890303861 Case- Report Pigs 2 of 3 Pm November 25, 29.13 UM - UNIVERSITY QF chem. 1890303861 ECHEGAN Report Date?Time: ice/2013 11:26:04 AM C338 Report Reporting Officer. West, Mark NARRATIVE: - West, Mark 10/3/2018 12:60:00 AM NATURE: Suspicious Circumtances. LOCATION: The inciden?s) occurred at an unknown University of Michigan Canipus location during the years of 1972?1976.. REPORT RECEWED: University of Michigan Police Department Criminal Investigations Unit Super?xdsor Lt. Paul DeRidde'r made Contact with Deteetitie Mike Matthews and I on October 3., 20181 DeRidder- advised that he had been. giVen infoma?On from the University of Michlgan Of?ce of Institutional Equity (0 I pus An?aoiity? (GSA) report. The report Was started after infomation Was receiVed from - - - -. . ad concerns about medical procedures that he experienced as a student years of 1972-1 9?76 then made oohtact with Pain Heaths at I to obtain? more information. . athlete has . MORMATION FROM PAM HEATLIE: Heatlie relayed that current University of Michigan Athletic Director Wards Manual had received a letter in the mail fro July 18th. Manual then forwarded this letter to representatives at the University of Michigan General Counsels office, who forwarded the letter to 0. LE, where it was assigned to Heaths Pam Beadle said that it has been in her work pile since then. Heaths said that she had contacted in Ann Arbor for an appointment; and would come and talk to her Hea?ie relayed what he had to (1 her. - Heaths said that she met wr yho advised that he was a smdent athlete (wrestler) dunng the 72?19%. time Spam and wrestled fer coach Bill Joharmesen Athletic Director Don Canhani was in charge of athletlcs at that time. 1- about medical examinations at that time, that were performed by University of Michigan Athletics Debtor Robert Anderso 5. -Heatiie that he was called Dr. "Drop your drawers" Anderson during his time at Mchigan because every time yet: sawhim to "Drop your drawers?. Hea?ie relayed that a. complaint from that no matter what you saw Dr Anderson for, you would get a hernia check, a pros to she and a penis examination -. ,Heatlie told me dedup losing his scholarship, and later hired a. . . . . . then turned over-a 0 page letter .. . wrote to his wrestling coach at that time, as well as correspondence from the athletic director (Canham) and Coach (Johannesen) to him during the scholarship situation I requested that Pam Heath?e stop any investigation that she may be conducting until my investigation was completed LETTER TO COACH IOHANNE . .. The letter to coach .Tohannesen he be from the time he was a student athlete at the University of Michigan, particularly around the time that he lost his scholarship The letter appeared to be to explain to the coach his displeasure with the wrestling team and his medical problems (dislocated elhow). The letter 15 hand written, 10 pages long, and IS a photo copy of the original. It is hard to read at some pardons due to these reasons?. At one portion of the paper, Written in the 1970'mms "Dr. Drop your pants Anderson says that there is nothing wrong With me?f. He lat-er writes "Something was wrong with Dr 13., regardless of what you are there for, he insists that you "drop year drawers and cough? 1 did not locate any additionai mentions of Dr. Anderson 1-11 the letters DR. ROBERT ANDERSON: DrAndeison was a team physician with the Athletic Deparhnent at the University of Michigan hem 1967 to 1938. He was also a faculty member wi-th the Internal Medicine portion of the Uoiversity of Itiichigan1 and was the director Student Life Services from 1968 to 1980. He died' an .308Anema?mas as estathhis infsti'i?atisti CASE STATUS: Glass . . . . . . . QESE ?rearms Wiser WEE NEE Printed mamas rags. . Page. 3 05:3 case No. i89h3?hs61 113 aims It Case No 139 I03 51 DIVISIBN CF Subject 98 I {immerses . - mm 1 1:46:21 AM Entered Bv: UM 0178 West. Mark UNIV 019' MICHIGAN Narrative: SWMARY: This report is in reference to allegations against a former Universityof Michigan Doctor; I wasahle to make telephone; contact STATEWNI aid that he was a student at the University of Michigan from 1972 ?1336 He was a wrestler on the University?of Michigan team, and went to see Dr Anderson 3 times during his freshman .. . ffi'aid that he sought treatment due to cold sores and aid that this was a eommon problem With being a nrestler. He said that Dr.- Anderson checked his face and if 51.11.4350? told him why he checked for the hemia or prostate, but that as a 17 year old he did not think he would have asked questions . not remember being seen by Dr. Anderson his sophomore year (1973 but went and sa-W him his Junior year due to an eroW dislocation He said that he remembered the procedu:e being the- -,same in that his elbow was looked at, and then the genital check for herpes, the hernia check, and prostate checkheing done. He said that he did not know Why he wouid have had the harem or prostate cheek for an elbow injury. _Went on to say the in Ibis later years as -. tuderit athlete; he lived with other athletes above the Golf Course pro shop. He said that foothall piayer othI made comments at the time about "Dr. Drop your drawers AndersOn" and 33: - laying that Dr. Anderson asked him if he had homosexual tendencies". membered cross athiet I said diat' or Angus: of this year, he received a Itelephoneeali hem his mend asked him what he thought of the "Larry Nassar? news and mentioned that it sounded hide D'r Anderson allover again. II I was surprised, and never mentioned Dr. Anderson before to him. I I I aid that he wont-d be willing to allow his medical records be aimed over to me so that I could mVestig?ate this mamas he was hoping to learn more about other incidents involving Dr. Anderson. ADDITIONAL JNFORMATION: to her that he had heard that they were looking at Dr. Anderson for some past complaints. ?Hearse saidthat she did not mention the incident, and was smp?sed when he hroughtit up. Hea?ie said that Dr. Ernst is the current directh of Smdent Health Services, and had heard mmors Dr. Anderson in the past. Heaths said that Emstmay have information that could assist this investigation. genitals for What he thought were herpes smptoms, but also checked him for a hernia and a prostate check He said that he did not remember? Pam Hea?ie from called-me on OdtoherBrd, 2018 and sa?idthatsii?e Was in. a meb?n?g Robert Em?st?and Dr. Emst had mm?onicd gig: FEW West Mark Frinted: November 5, 2018 - am .5 Case?No; 1390303861 Page I of 2 L. A - -- case No. 189030386 sweater?: DE Sam-em 93 5mm? gamma PUBLIC SAFETY SECURITY Entemi On: tamer-8 11am: AM UNIVERSITY DE MICHIGAN Entered?By; - West, Mark . I was able to ?ll out the. medical release form {both sides) and emailed STATEMENT GF DR. ROBERT ERNST: Emst-Was' contacted byzemail and cal-led. me from. Washington D.C.-, as he was there on business. Ernst said that he was the curred: Director of Health Services and had talked to Teresa Oe?sterle from who had told him about the iINBStiga?Q?. Dr. Ernst said that he had never known Dr. Anderson, but rather heard minors throughout the y'ears about the doctor. 'Dr. Ernst said that he was a University of Michigan Student, starting; hi 19287, and 'did his residency here in 199 1. He said that he has worked in various capacities within the University. Dr. Ernst said that he has heard rumors about Dr. Anderson throughout his years, one being that he performed more exams on males than?necessary. He said that he never heard ahything more than that. Iasked him as. a doctor if there would he a reason to conduct a prostate exam for a subject with an elbowor cold sorefherpes complaint and he did?not know of any reason. He said that herpes is a-disease that is Spread by contact, and there would he- no casual contact with the anal er rectal area. other than by sexual contact Di. Ernst said that Health Services at the University of Michigan transferred their patient records to "h?Cha?" in 2012;;- aod? that all records before that are stored By a companycalled ?iron. Mountain" in the locale area. He: thought that. they would?have medical redords from the 1972 era stored there. He put me in roach with Dam Wait and Free Palms at. the Uniyersi'ty of Michiga? Health Services to assi?t me in gathering those decrements. . RELEASE: ?his signahire. He sen-t it back signed, authorizing me to obtain his medical records ?om 1972 to 1976. CASE srarus: EEG: Entered By: oat-om - West. Mark Pdmed: November 5, 2013. - feta CeseNo. 1890303361 8:21? AM Page 2 of 3332}? E8, 2013 Wards Mame! athletic {Bream University 01? Michigan 3036} Smith State Shae: #31131 $1502?, MI 48} 09-?2231 Bear Mt. Manuel, $321233 this a. few 337303331135 ago, but. it became dawn 333:3 so: I am raw?iing this 113 a sham]? bu?ie?: p013: farm to heip ma :0 3334133 my paint as clear- mid camise as I can, and is help yet}. the re?a?er 31?: 3th: cugh this mass. 1 am waiting infarm the University ofiv?chigan 433333132333; Eepar-tment 3333:3333: samethirig- that happene? 33:: me in ?the: 197?8?5 Yep: that 25 a Eong time: aga. Them are: twa aspects ?if this Eritrea?: E) The University Gchh?gm mes?ing team dearer felt my penis, ami testicieg, and Enserte? his finger-irate my {6653178305 313353 {isms far it is have ham nans?derezi {Eiagnostisum therapeutic..f?r tha wa?itians 23.335 injuries that I had. 2} Th6 secemi aspect is that t?s doamr?s 33:69:35 ini?atad amass-3&6 afevem's that were far mom diffiwk f3: me to deal with a: that time in my lifg. an the: Univarsity BfMich?gan 197-3 to 39:33 133335 reamita? for 3234:6532ng 332.3: of jgat a ride. gmduated 3n 197$. During the ?rst few months (if the mes?Eng 86838011 in 3972, I cantrasted farm (3f herpes to westiizzg. My face brake out in cald- snres 313913113333 war: canstant?y mama, scabhe? er gazing! was mid ta go see E33: ?nderson, the mam Dr. 2531241655013 leaked E116 mid safes aver and th?n chmked my penis far herpes sures. There: ware 3333:3331 Chauking the peais ?i?n?t realty mum me am: knew at the time that 50.3136 farms afhegpes manifest thamselves them Ehad ?33 mugh twica, 3:90. {had a map/Ea afhemias as a. kid and was used 32;: my ?m?y 4:339th 3336321ng fer them. Maman. than gut ?333 a lgtex glove and madmatsd a pmstata am i was 17 years 01d, 313d didn't knew whaf. to make: of 3? - 135%?! Dr. 33$va times for 2133:: faciai herpes 3nd there were p??is, 13933332: and. gmstaie checks. ididn?t Iike it, but I didn't nearly pay. much atteniim: wit He: was ?ie (Easter and it never mad '29 me that he was enjeying what I was get. a {War time, my mid saws; sabsided a bit and i didn't we Dr.A-a1dersan fur a while331$ E21 my junicrr year, My eibow started disi?aa?-ng daring wrestling practice? Again, E33335 363% to Dr. Aa?erson 333110 examined the elbow and oan?nued~wi?1 His penis, hernia and 5:305:33: checks. 3-. {fauna it strange aha; needed mania and h?mia 0333331: @1319 a mbbar gisve shack ?at when my elbaw had di?sloe'aiad, but i never really gave it mus-h waught. ?ne day a mammate and i Wera ml Ring with faca??all player when lived dawn the l: all Mm 113? Eamehow the; fastball player stamd talking abwit Dr. ?Drap Paw Drmuem" An??ersm. T8 put E: Ive-$5 shuaked. Th? football player reEsztecl haw he Went in for wma?hing like: a sh?ulclar a?d gait ?the gl?ve? REA pmstata exam. He salsa mantimad' similar inciclemts that other athleies had an magni?ed - few weeks later my me abuui a 331mm! runner he knew in (me; afhis clagses whose times wara Sl?wing dawn. Tli?? runner Was gem by his mach to Di: A?derson and he heal t9 wugh, get the penis check and the rubber glam This athlete aim gazi- quest?ans hammer-mm taa?an?iies?? Enci?amally? this was marlin; hm? 15mg, flaming bland half, Meanwhile, the way tha training departmeat tiips?ztl my elbaw f9: mam-ins didn?t halp at all. It hasically lumen? my left am late: an immovabla club bent at a 30 {lat-gee angle. A {aw minutes i-Eta practice every clay my left hand was wallet: like: real. balloan beaausa 5f the tagging. The Mi??f, Lindsay Isis-Clair: ml? me that the bleed wag flaming kite. my hand, but was unable t9 leave bgqause af?xes taping, he mid me ta g6 back ta see Dr. Aadarsm Na way was that; ga?ng it: happen Mat}, Lin?gay McClain. had telci {me Gf hEs sta?? mag: my elbow p?o'r max-i ulirase?n? sassian, and 1h: assista?t ?lm Earl. ?aurse amid? *pmb-lem Ewa? am: embarrassed. My albaw came out 0f socket and it hurt, but it was Emplitd thatmind Dr. Malawian-was a pervert. am! Lindsay and my mach wars asshc?aa I: wasn?t until abaut 1.3 years agt) that .1 Eearne? that the was! my elbnw was disleaa?ng was aalled ?nurse maid?S elbaw?? My apalagles :9 Lindsay, but the. damage was ?we. I dl?a?t go back is see; Dr. Andaman and I quit gating my armed taped, and merefera spam the rest {If M?ssiliag 53334311 11me to keep my elhaw ?islacating. 1n larder it: keep my elbow Eran: disloca?ag, bani dc: less with my left arm. {beam-s awry cauti?us one 33:36 wrestler. 3mm a: ma?a point o??vlew; I slaclwd GE I dicin?z knew what 615:: :0 d3. Yap, Iwas worthless t0 the team. As i mentloaa?, Iwaz: 19 years 61d at this ?rm. iwas ambanasseli. This causal probl?ms th?t i ?lial nit kaaw haw it: deal with. i?idr?: dare talk about them; The came: out "a maple ?f?times while swaying. it a?en came out when daing things like changing spark plugs inmy car, swinging a ba?eball hat, Etc. Dace it same But at silage: trying ta autdraw my m?m'mate f?x'tha last mil on tha fable. The season Emieli Iwam home for the summer. Beach Bill Johanaasen sant me a letter that hit me pram hard fer ?wasting? my jam??01? year. In my mimd at the ?lms, ha hit just about wary gain: that scald shame 22ml emharrass me; His latter came as a-bist at? a: shock balms: altar the ?4th had d?siccated the ?rst?imm (30;th Jahanzsesen had pretty much ignored me and had salinver a periad afseveral 8 wards ta me. Serimzsiy. Caach'fahmesea even S??i a cap}! ofls?s letter to my high wrestling mach. This ?ctim?i Was?; par?cuiady devastazing a? heiti my former mack. in very high regard" dc: tqcfay. (My high 5mm mach WEEK get a. 69:13! (If this imam} Nat only had 13?; {ha Michigan wrestling team down, i had {at my high wheat mach ?cvgn, tan. was very. wry aghamed arid embarraasad. $1313, Have avaided my high schwi wash fur war 40 31mm baggage af?aach Ioha?nnasen?s isms: {was ?zrious and in the earfy summee: 9f $975, 1 ?re& back. a. Een-gthy and angry latte? in which I Ee? 51;: very lime. Ems 20- years aid when Mamie latter. {mantioneti my slhaw dis?Esza?ii?g, The gass? wetting. Th6 t?mz?zbie ?aming was Waring. I mg??ane? Er. Drag: Year Drawer??n?ersaa in that 18:26:: 532516 by swarming I Mme in that {men i?axren?t Emked? at; itfm? ci-ecadaa, his: a copy ef?za?: was; is buried samawhere in an mamarked hex i5: {he ham. E?h??ne??n teak away my ?fail ride" and remzwai m3 ??mn The mam.- appwiad t9 mach Jahannewn {Gr rainstatemmt is the the team. Ba refusezi. agepmka? AthE?tic Birecto: Km {Zanham Far reingtatemem. Pie had a mp3,: am?? my latte: aad had {a have been mare 9f my aliega??ns againsi Andaman. Ha saint me a Letter reaming ta rein's?a?ze me. i think his in tha ham, ma. wasn't) image? mi the wres?ing team what ifm?? am that {Teach fahamesen cherry picked parts Qf?my Ie??er am? read thc-m Email}: put qf? camera in the wrest?ing team at a masking in the ?31? 9f 1 Winthe Start {if my swim year. Ewas?humilia?te?- My mammaias cam harms {mm ?ihe meet?izzg visibly 13956:. The?; 2936 me abaait seine ?fths things he~said, butwfusa? tall: abnut athers. In these few minutes in frant at? my frien?s and. teamm?aias, the: mash stripped evenrihingl had ever he?n. Became i ?weuid be am?ga?ve in?uence" (311 my wrestler mammatas, Smash Iahannesen 355$ get the lam brakan for my and 3&1: $42211 to mav? Gut. Eve dad in talk them??ntg ma?a?g Waf?e apartment. anii?y, my friaads re?iseci?t?mdife gut. Isannat emphasize how imgm?tant. 1:133; was at the time. Timy knewwho I was. still talk $33, and dim see, they: hm guys teday. {hired a. lawy?r and appea?ed E9 the mamh 31's the Beard. cf Iaterm-Eiegiate Athletics. [had a meeting wiih ihem.? [was ashamed, and upsat mat}: amid barely get. any words mi; sf my m??th. The heard mmbers all had a angry cfmy letter that mantiaaed Dr. Year Smears A?derwn. The Board (if Enterw?egiate Athietics reinstated my scheiarship and remme? me to the: team. It. declined ta gm bank to the team and (3193611 Johannesen, hut they. let me keep the ??1211 ricie.? Hum?iatian and embarrassumeni were a Ragga part of why re?sscd to g9 back it? the team, plus I was tired my elbnw cemi?g {mi of Meat. Bisiacated elbaws hurt There has been an underlying sense- af guiit and shame that Ins lingered fa: years. 3 Wait nave: 'd ekilita?ng, but it aura as hell hung mud in the baeic if my min&. A sing an NPR abaut the MSU gymnasts reignited the memn?es afthis. Summary: .. {Enlist pain-ted a periad afmy life m: was extremeiy dif?cult. The: embarragsment {Esme 13551135 checks, hav?ng ta cough wh?: Br. Anew-sax: checked my hernias and especially the rege?e? ?nger insertions inta my rest-13m geatiy In?uanaad the ?63118 efthe angry. Eetter Isant the mach that gui me: Framed the: awestiing team aad teak away my Ssho?az?ship fer a Hi2 while. 1 i An?asen?s gctions! coupled with a pe?ac?ca?y dislacat?rig albaw, bad is: a: cf wants ?113? 5333566 Snatch Ighanmeaen tn:- in a tgta?iy 'Encarract wag; inwards an angry letter written by an immature, and upset, 28 year aid; bay. "Erie 20 year QM hcy?menwas feta-?g uaequippe? Ea with any 13f this. Flame do m3: read any pity irate: ihis. am mereiy aiming a faci. . The; rcmovai ?om the team when has 28 years aid wok away ?m Uni}; idarsti?ty {had aver had until that paint in ?rm. ambamsm? the ha'?i mat elf me in ?ant 9f my awes?i?g frienda cm the Michigan Esam, and amund the enmity. I fee-1 infe??or amund their: and 1 have a gnawingurge expia?m anti apeiagize in them. I avoid many of them as much as pagsibie. in Febmmy? ran mm 9213 05 my femsr teammaws ha?n?t gear: in 413 years or 59, and falt a wave of shame came aver me. I acma?y stammemd wh?a :xyi?g ?0 talk to him abm? naming. 'i a Eknow am made as sense. Luakily, my wrestler did rial; aba?darz me during ?gs: 197 53-76 salami year. The vett?gtling mach, atmetic direcmr am? thia E's-sears} Aim-sacs ?ew. in?amed abomt Andasaa Eh: Asideg?san was ism-king far a mqunsathgi I news: games 13.0 him. {3982;}: 39133121165633 was an; d'zpshit than, an}: pmbabiy 5:31] is to?ay, Sara! awn: this, 13%? I back to: state: this. 1 was ?aked eff af the mam, my schaiarship was teminaiad and I was ?enigr?ate? in of my mama-am: by a; permit ii: the p?sititm {if The Univessity pf being unahia $9 deal mmpiaining awning; peri?dica?y dislemting a ??nedizg??s??, nen?therapeu?a grahbing {sf my pania?, ma?a] as, and the g?aved ?nger E?i??ng? ins?erkad Erica my .fectum by the: team ?oater. 1 am aware that it was tha {97% and it was an mtiraly di?gzernt wuriai than. i am 3-130 aware mat 1&0 plus: yeara is aa Wemeiy bang time age. I axpect nath?ng.? Ewan: ?athing._ {jusi feel the nee? to remit this. M50, I am fail? aware the: many peapie in the swam; UM Athletic: Hepaz'tment wem vary yea rig at 2113 time? at an: even hem yet. Case No. 1390303861 Subject 9800'? Suspicious - - j- Df?eer Narrative - . PUBLIC SNEETY 3t SECURITY CircumstancesMedical Records/West Entered On: Ion-onus 12:27:30 PM Eat-mew. Narrative: SUBMARY: This report is in reference to examinations performed by Dr. Robert A?dersou INFORMATION: I provided Ug?versity ofMohigan Health Services employee Dawn Weir-the ?xedjeal releaSe authorization fo 2 appointments during this time ?ame. - Weir got back to me later in the day to advise that Those reeoxds had since been destroyed and are no longer available. CASE STATUS: ?5.01369 w. -- betWeen the years of1972 and 1976. Of? ?ctive Entered By. means Was-t, Marla; med: No?vembea' s, 2013? are CaseNo. 1890303861 - 8:27 AM Pagel of 1 . Case-No. 1890303361 . - v; Dl?nttaleN as Subject 980077811 ict Qt?eer warrative I PUBLIC SECURITY Circumstan est Entered On: 10/169018 3:33:30 AM Emma-By: - West, Mark Narrative: Kimmy: (This report is in fefefene'e to fennel: University of Michigan Doctor Robert Anderson and aliegations of sexual misconduct. MORMATION: At the start of this inVestigation, Detective h?ke MatheWs eontacted Pamela Bacon at the Michigan LARA (licenSing and regulatory a?'a'irs) office'to see if? any complaints had been ?led against Dr. Anderson. It was learned that there was a complaint of sexual misconduct ?'lcd on Sf13f1994 and closed on 3/1611 995. 'lhe records for this were purged aft 7 but Bacon told Mathews that she would see what she ?3 could ?nd out about it. Bacon then with the name 0 ong with art-address and telephone number. She had coma at he welcomed the call by this agesiey.. 'Imade teiephene' contact 11? 1015/2018. I introduced mysel yicihe said am glad semeone to leak into this"- has}; he weuld feel comfortable talking to me about admha? I . ppened and he said i said that he wasa shident at the University of Michigan and that the incidentjteek place between the years of 1973 and 197 i clayed that heIWentt?o the University health ?ieilim a?d?accordingto the description he g?atfe, We determined that it was University ofMiehigan Health Services on FlewhjerStteet. He said that he went there fo?r a teatime rememheIetl that it was a Samday, as the. receptienist told him that Dr. Andetson did not generaily work oaSatuqlaysb 7d thatDi: Mdersen*m&edm genitals? duringtheeitaminatidn. Ibia??'ed thisceuld have - . lied "you don?t untl?erstand: he fondled my genitals until fluid came out?. but agreed to?thim I been a . .- he say anything. He said that he dealt with this foryears, but ?naily ?led the complaint because couldn?t live With DEERE. I. informed. him that We were looking into. this,- a-txd hesaid?tjhat he would be willing to talk to me again He mas teld efthe passing of Dr. Anderson. aid that It? was; a at that time, atld didn't lmow what to do. Hesaid that Dr: Andersen dict not-appear to. reagt to this, nor did (gees STATUS: Open. gf?anvc ?1 gums By: UNI-GUS - West, Mas: Printed: Novembu? s, 2913 Case No. 1390303361 3:27 AM Page 1 of 2 . Gf?cer Harraiive PUBLIC SAFETY 8: SECURITY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Case, No; 189030386} Subject98007??3 Circums Entered On: 10/1629013 33:30 AM Eniewd By: - West, Mark O?car Nanative' PagaZef'Z . Enirrad By: 13291?0178 - West, Mark Case Na. 1690303851 Pn'nted: Novam?bEI i, 2018 - 89'? AM Case No. 139030386i . or Subjeet' G?ioer Narra?ive PUBLIC. SAFETY 3{ SECURITY Oestede?rww ummsmomm?rcm Entered on: 10/19/2013 10;;5 :08 AM Entered By: 1?18 West, Mark Narrative; stream? I This repozt is in reference to former Univei'sity of-Miohigan Physician Robert Anderson MORMATION: I was made aware that SS Deputy Director Teresa Oesterle- had infomatio?n about a per?on that had an experience with Dr. Anderson. This person did not Wish to de?ne forWar?d by name with his/her account, so she relayed what had nempired. MORMATION FROM TERESA OESTERLE: Oesterle told me that a University Af?liated person had made contact with her recently to discuss .3 personal mama that they had. Oesterle 1 reiayed that this persOn had been ?oated by Robert Anderson in the late 1999?s for a possiblemmor on their pituitary gland. The person had hishppoin?nent at {he east Aim Arho'r?Heal?l Care- :Pac?jty, where Dr?. Anderson ?nished his career at the UniVezsity of Michigan. The person said that at the meeting they were laye? downon the examinatioh table ?like a ooqme?, without a gown being provided. Dr. Anderson reportedly wasoheoking his extremities ahd did. so without using any gloves: The pe?ent feported'that while this examination Wes being - echuckleted1 Dr. Ahoerson sodom?y-grabhed his penis ?like g?eaxshi?er?- This was mea?t to meanthat?it wa?s? quick The patient . thohghi that'this was odd at-thetimef, and the more they thought about it afterwards, the more "Bizarre? ithecame. The patient wanted to -. report is as they thought that ii: Would "vii]idhte" other 1ilictiims bf?ie doctors. This ljatient s?li has thoughts of this anaemic-er. . bepu-ty ?ireotor Oes?rlewas able to pro?de the p?atieiit With some fesom'ces of people that they cored talk to abhut this incident. CASE STATUS: 0136a gi?w Emmi 35" Wm?) Printout NoVemherS, 2913 - Case No. ?1890303361 am AM Page 1 oil Case-hit} 1890303861 Subject 9. Qf?cer iterative PUBLIC at SECURITY Circumstance st - UNIVERSITE OFMECHIGM EnIemd On: 10?! 8 12.0 :46 PM Narrative: SWY: This is to Dr. Robert E. Anderson; a former physici?aii'iidth the University of Michigan. M-ORNIATION: 7ho was a friend of his While he attended the University of joked about the strange actions of Anderson 111 the past. STATEMENT contacted by telephone I explained who I was and told him that I was looking into suspicio?s behavior from back in the 1970?s while he was a student at the Univeisity? of Michigan I asked him if'he renie . a ?Dr Ahdeis'on" and he said that he did. - - I . ?d that he remembered fellow students 30 - about Anders aid that the joke was "ifybu had cauli?ower ear eiid west to'Dr Andaman, he. Would check your prostate". aiti that it was a common assert-once, but that he was not a doctor, and morefore did sot know if it was inappropriate He?said that he thought of him as a good doctor, and ditl not know if it was a "Gross Exaggeration? by the other students or it'd that he is now 65 years old, and he said that he had more prostate exams When he i was a student than he has had since. AEDITIQNAL MQMTION: A request was. faxed to the Ami Arbor Police Dosanmenfrcootds division to see ifthejr had shynephns involving Dr. Anderson While hewas . Gmp'ioyed at the University of Michigan. . CASE STATUS: Effective Baf?ed 33?? - Wm, Mari; sensed: November 5, 2018 - ?a eat so. 1890363861 811?? AM Page CaseNo. 1890303361 .. . . -- . Subject ?5 OGC Recordstesi Wm WM SECURITY We?: 11:5;201395721 13mm. By: West, Mark Narrative: This report is in reference to the Criminal Sexual Co?duct investigation involving a. fonner UniverS'ity of Wchigan Physician, Dr. Robert Edward Anderson. WORMTION: On 11/1f201 8, I was able to meet with Carolyn Wi?gniewski, the KRIS Process Coordinawr of .1316 University of Michigan Health Services Human Resources. She was able to provide me with 343 pages of Dr. Anderson's. Human Resources documentatibn fat the service times that he was employed with the University of Michigan. Wismewsld was able to also provide me with the conia'ct- i?n-fomtion of Dom Ie'dele. Jedele is 1;}16 Human Resouttcs and Information Services Supervisor for the University ofMichigan. ?riSDiGWSki ?lo?ght that Jedcle may have additional mforma?on on Dr. A?derson. edeie was contacted and I am waiting to determine if she has any documentation on Din Agderson. CONTACT WITH JEANNE STRICKLAND: . Jeanne Strickland is the University of Michigan Health-Services Chief compliance O?icerJP?vacy HIPAA Of?cer/EEC Compliance 01$ch and Adjunct Clinicai instructor with the school ofNursing; Strickland was contacted and asked ifshe womd have possible records. for a physician 'that nomad for the University of?chigan ?om 1957 to 2003'. Stickland said that icy-did not have a database in compliance timing those times,~and that she came to her pogitio}; in 2005. She . said that she "inherited an empty of?ce we no ?ies". She said that compliance did not have thoautomated hotlj?nc number until 2009.. She . recommended committing Kara Morgenstemai the Gouda} Counl?els o?ice, as they may. have dooumenta?on on any serious incidents that may have occurred. GENERAL COUNSELS OFFICE: Kara Morgehstem wag cmen?y in a mee??g, so I was dimmed to 'pmiega?l?Karen Staszel. prm?ded'K?en Staszel the infmma?on on Dr. Anderson and She advised that she would Start resemhmg the Deqoesit and get Back with me. CASE STATUS: Open. 3:2: *6 Entered By: West, Mark - Printed: November 6, 261-8 - Case No". 1890303861 424? PM ?gel-ofiz . - .a x- . . . .121; PUBLIC SAFETY SECURITY CaseNo. 1390303361 Subject 9800WHR OGC Records/Wes: PageZGfZ. - ammo. 1899303861 G?iaer Narrative; 0n: 9:57:21 AM Ejatere? B?y: W?sn Mark O??mr . Ent?r?dByi Wait, Pli??tt??. Navambm' 6, 21333 - Narratva 4:47 PM Case Nth-189030586} Subject . 0F . Gee-er Manatee - SAFETY a SECURITY we - UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN EnteredQn: 1115/2013 10:56:58 AM Entered By: West, Mark Narrative: SUMMARY: This report is in reference to a Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC) birdstigation inVoIving fermer University of Michigan Physician Dr. Robert Anderson. Tom. Easthope was the former Vice President of Student Life at the University of Wc-higan. Student Health Services fell Under the control of Student Life. Mary In Deepreez is currently in charge of the Universi Easthope, in regards to Anderson. She was able to give me his contact informa?en. Detective Ryan Cavanaugh' and I were able to reapend to his. residence today, November 6,2018, and talk-to him- OF TOM EASTHOPE: I taiked to Tom Easthope at his residence I??s . . . information about Anderson, as. it has bo?iet?ed he: hushand and he Easthope relayed that he was the Vice President of Rebel-t Anderson was the director of Health Services during. histi-me, and that'he had stories to; tell about I told him that we were. inveStigating behavior" involving thatylilSt". Easthope said that heiremem -- . .. .. . if, 1 reiayed thathe had several peepie that were in the gay community that told Inm they were assaulted by Dr. Anderson. said that he remembered the phrase "fooling around with boys in the exam room" - "5i- if: told him. Easthope said that as an ac familiar with the hemosexual community, and penple said to hire as they tmst?d him to hate. then said am: he may have resigned, but that he Was goaeas director ?iat day; East'hepe' said that teams in: emasanalsma?ie him i and is slill in his conscious at thiS?ine. He Said that Anderson Went maxim: Practice fitter he left Universitgoi?Migbigan?. Eas?iope said thathe knew he was in private prac?ee, as he had renewed his p?ets license several years ago; and. it was Dr; Adamant: that?a?ralked in the; enazn room to give him the physical. Eas?iope said that it was. aWkwaId andthat knew lie-had hetternnt teach me". Hesaid that this ty ef Michigan Wellness and bed head rumors from. her father, Tom i3 'd that she was aware ofitbe different oeeasions. . also present- alked to her about iten tu'dent Life?at the Universiw of Mohigan and knew Dr. Robert Anderson He said that Dr. Anderson and a patient and he replied bet there are eve: 100~peop1e that could be on, activist,- appiaichm- him back "40?50 years ass" and telling him 215th A?de . Easthope said that he has nonbie remembering of the conversation.- and circumstances, but said that he ?will never forget walle'ng across the i 1: campus to Health Services to ?re Bob". He said?that he was fairly new inth?e pesition, and that Bob (Dr. Anderson) was a "big shot" at the University. Easthepe said that he told Dr. Andetsen that he knew he was fooling areund in the exam rooms with the boy patients, and Dr. Andersen 'jnst ioekeii at him, but did it deny it. He said that he told Dr. Anderson ?Yea Go". said that he ?red him on the dedhimthathe allowedhimto resL .- said that ha: backgroundis-in human - spot, bat his .. I, - reSeuroes, and em died that he was 2111er to resign because he was gene that mp day. aid that for is I rim is i a longer process, getaway, . . - practice was near the corner IofTHmen River Drive and MI. 4 .. smeaaegi sleet as-l-J?ii-?ia. his: - Page i-?ef cities . aimi- . . . . CaseNc. 139030-3851 Subject .. .. . . of?cer sarratwa PUBUC SAFETY SECURITY We . UNIVERSITY OF Entered On: 11/6/2013 10:56:58 AM Entered By: West, Mark I then told Easthope that he had never left the University of Michigan, and that he had spent time st the HeapitaL with the football} team, sod later at the East Ann Arbor Health Care Facility until he retired in 21103; Easthop?e Wes visually she-ken by thisnews and said-that he was sure that he had left the University. Easthope said ADDITIONAL MOWATIONEOCUMENTATION: Donnejedele, Human Resource Records sod Infomation Services Supervisor was able to email me the hm resoepces records of Dr, Robc'rt Andeison. These records con?sisted of the time time of Andeison?s di?crent appointnents within the University of Michigan. This i v'vas attached to this report. STATEMENT was a wrestler at the University of Michigan and his name was given to me to provide more infomation to me about Dr. Anderson. utacted me. by telephone a?er I had left his a mes layed that his memory was bad and that most: of the Stuff he heard was "hearsay?. He said that he remembers people saying that ?you would see him for something, and wouid etid up dropping your drawers fox something: un?reiat :2 id that he never recalled soy physical 3001-1th with Andetson that he thought Would constitute an assault. CASE Open. gi?w Emmi By: {mi-0173 - Wm Mark Primed: November 5, 2913 Case No. 1893303361 4:47 PM Page 2 of 2 . 'Casewu. 1890303861 Subject . . . . . . . 98007/{3 Gificer Narrative PUBLIC SECURITY UNIVERSITY OF MSCI-UGAN Entered On: 11/512013 12:02:07 PM EnteredBy: 1113543173 Wongark Narrative: SWARY: This report is in reference to the Criminal Scxu'ai Conduct investigation involving former Universi?qr ofix?chiganl?hysioian Dr. Robert Anderson MORMATION: Dr. C. Daniol Hond?ckson was a former Unixregsity of Athletics Physician. He is now tho Director of Health Services at the University of North Carolina at Grocnsboro. I was able to talk to him by telephone on 11/6/2018 about Dr. Anderson. STATEMEM OF DR: . Hendrickmn said that hc?had taken age: for DI. Anderson when Doctor A?do?rson retired, but nchr- workocf?vith him. Hendrickson said that he 133$ never hoard anything Bad?a?iout Di: moors-.013, and did not how of any nicknames or rumors about him. He said that the physicians shared a socrctary while at Athletics,- and her name was May Ann Foutch. Hend?ckson said that he was notsure of the Spelling of Foutch. STATEMENT OF. ION PALE: Jon Fall: is a'lo?gtijne staff watcher w?h the football team, dating ?back to 131639 Schembechlor era. I madc cantact with Balk to 566 if he knew anything ab pot Dr. Mags 9? I acclaim thatattanded the Univcrsity of Michigan W-i $1th 3113? have somc mom?cn about Dr. Andersoo. . I made telephone contact Ti I (1 he said that he romcm?crod rumors about Dr. Andorson, but that it was so long ago he did not rcr?ncmbor speci?cs. 121:: said that ho nova: had any strange oocunencos with DI. Andaman. He said ?mt if he remembered my?ling ho woulgi contact me. Ef?e: Em W1 By: Wcst, Mark 9mm Nowmbc?r 6. 2613 - ?3 Case No. 1890303861 PM Page 1 of 2 i CascNo. 1896303861 Subject . . . . - .. - DWISIQN 9F . .p . 9800WCS .J . Of?cer Narrative -. PUBLIC SAFETY EST UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1 . Entemem 11/620133 12:02:07 PM Entered By: - Wes?, Mark CASE STATUS: Open 3:53:36 Emmi! By: 8134-0178 - Wm Mark Printed: Hammer 6, 202 Case No. 1398303861 #:46m Page 2 of 2' Case No. 1890303861 Subject . . Of?cer Narrative - PUBLIC SAFETY 81 SECUFH I EST - UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGM - Entered On: 11/612013 4:54:57 PM Entered By: {mi?017.8 West, Mark Narrative: SUMMARY: . This report is in reference to the CSC investigation involving former University of" Michigan Physician Robert Anderson: HQFORMATION: Carolyn Wisrdewsid, HIRE Process Coordinator, Human Resources,? had previously turned over a large quantity ofpapemork. related to Robert Anderson and his employment, After talking to Tom Eastbope, Detective Cavanaugh was able to locate 3 sheets out of Andersons numerous?. careervrelated paperwork. This showed that Anderson su?ered a ?Demotion? from his position as Director of Health Services and was transferred to a position as a Senior Physician with Health Services. The employee Representative that processed this paperwork or; 1/15l1980 was "Andy Perez". I was able to make telephone contact with Perez, Who is retired from his position with the University of Micl?ga?. OF ANDREW PEREZ: Perez did not remember this pertieular transaction, but s'aid that he oompleted so many that it would not have stood out, even if itwes a director?s position. Perez said that his johw?as to Sign an-appoinhneut, so thetit oouldbe probessed and completed. He said that any moves from 1 position to another within the tiniVers'ity of Michigan at that ?res would ilitVG been posted, and it would haveheen applied for.. He saidthat at that time the Human ResoohCES manager was Lemite Thomas, but; she is at an elevated position within the University of Michigan now. He said that she may have knowledge of the particular motion. Perez said that the Medical Field is one position thet people aremoved from position to position without much discussion of suspicion. He. said that to? that reason, this change in appointee-oi would have possibly been made without much "-noiSe" . Perezsaid that the "staf?ng. Union? witth Human Resources. at the University of Michigan, would also he peeple familiar withtdeels made with personnel within the 3 University of Michigan, hint that this group as he knew it was "tight-Iipped" about talking abOutthis type of?informa?on. CASE STATUS$503? Bowed By. reviews ?West,MeIk PM 5?30?" "m ?3 Gase'No. 1890363861 mm - Pagelofl . - CeseNo. 1896303861 533535: SAFETY SECURITY UNIVERSITY Demonic?AH Entered By; 13ng] 3?8 - Vsli?r??ltst, Mari: adiees Serratiee Narrative: SUWARY: This report?is in reference to the CSC investigation involving former. University of Michigan Physician Robert Anderson- INFORMATION: In researching the HealthServiees staffJ was able to locate additional people that worked at that location during Dr. RobertAndersonis tenure ?as Director. STATEMENT OF MARILYN KELLUM: as a nurse practioner at the UniverSity of Iv?ehigau Health Services facility. She said that she started' in late i980 and did not ever work with Dr. Anderson Kellum said that she did not remember exactly why he left the position as Director, but thought he had ?Duel roles" that took his time. She said that She did not remember any complaints that were ?led against Anderson, but did remember "Rumors", but she "did not get invcilved in them". Ke?ura said that she sti? reads the "University Record" {University of Michigan FacultyIStafgfnewSpaper) and saw ail-article. about an investigation into aHealth Services. Staff member in 1936. She Said that she immediately?thonght about Dr. Anderson when she read it. I asked-her Why she thought of him and she said "due to the rumors". She said then that she thought the minors were about "male patients?. Kellurn saidkt?hat Arlene Taylor and Ka??eea Rose Were also employed there during Dr. Anderson's tenure, and may have additional in?ammation. STATWF OF ARIENE TAYLOR: - - at Health Services right a?er Dre Robert Anderson left. She was hired by Anna Bevel, and did not know Dr. Anderi-iin; Tayior did not know of or witness any mapytopiiate behavior during her time at Health Services. STATEMENT OF KATHLEEN ROSE: she red ?ier-e" whoa "Ben? Anderson was the director, But did not know of the reason do why he left the: position.- I told her thatI had .obtained her name from someone that thought that she would have lotion things about Dr. Anderson, and she said that she had heard a ?comment" about him a?er her left, but? did not remember what it Was. She was able to tell me. that Debbie Kowal Worked withDr. Anderson the most, and that she may have more alienation that could be provided I. naked as a nurse praetioner at Health Services ?ora September of 1977 to May of 20 17. She Was able to tell me that . CASE STATUS: Open. 'lgaffr??ive a dBy: UM 4,173 ~WesLMaIk . Painted: Passage 2019- - Case No. i890383861 7: 38' AM - Page 1 of 2? . Qf?cer ?arra?ve PUBLIC UNIVERSITYQF MICHXG Ea SECURITY Case Nox 1890303861 Suhi?ct CSCfAndexfsonfUI-IS Emma 0n: 12f1332018 12:17:47 Entacd By: M_W'cst, Mark - Of?cer Nam?ve Pag? 2 of 2-2 Emma By: ?West; Maxi: Case Nu. 1890303861 Printed: Febmary 2t!L 3.43 [9 7:38- . . Case No. 1890303861 salmon! or Subject Gttloer liarratioa .l PUBLIC SAFETY SECURHY vanacgh177 - WCWGAN Entered On: 12(20/2018 PM Entered By: UNI-0177 Cavanangh, Ryan Narrative: DETAILS: On Nov. 2, 2013 i was noti?ed hy Lt. DeRidder that I was assigned to assist Dot. West with an investigation rogarding allegations . of sexual assault that occurred back in the 19705 through 2003. Detective West briefed me on the importance and status of the investigation. 1' accompanied Def. west. on interviews and. began my main focus on the personal records of the suspect,Dr. Robert Anderson. INVESTIGATION: Def. West had approxnnafely 400 gag-es of personnel records (electronic/PEP ?les} ?om Dr. Anderson. Most of'the records contained facultyititle information to include salaries, bonuses, and time allotment for each title. ldid not see any7 disciplinary paperwork except for one piece. On Adobe 'page 2-40 the title is, OF AN OPEN POSITION On that piece it has the personal information of Dr. Anderson to include his social security number, date (3be and address. Do that form, I noted a spot that was?sta'ted, "demotion" under the ass with the effective date of 1/14f30. This information was . consistent With the statement from Torn Easthope. i found the demotion of Dr. ?nderson signed?by Andy Perez on 1/1530, and S. Weber on 1/23/80- On the document the. reason for leaving is resuming former position." And then on Adobe page 238 ?where is lists the titles ofDr. . Anderson Director of University Health Service these strikethrough Nowhere did it state that?he was ?red andior resigned as Easthope reportediso vividly; During an additionalsearch I noted a client copy of what appeared to be, a maiprac?Ce insurance policy through the Michigan Physicians M?tual Liability Georgian}! After doing extensive research I was able to discover that was bonglit hya new nialpractice insurance company called, ?The Doctor Company". I made Contact with The Doctor-Cocteau}? malpractice. insmancve group which con?rmed that they purchase the. WMLG Michelle item The Doctors Conic any informed me that they previously had an issuance policy for-Robert Andorsoa MD out of Ann Arbor. The policy was approximately two years in length at which time I requested a claims history report Ms. put me in touch with their corporate legal couriZsei which is located in Napa, California. I spoke With attorney DevonO?Brien at which time he infommdnie . SEARCH WARRANT I wrote a search warrant for the records at their o?ice which is. located East Lansing, Michigan The prop city to seized was. any electronic records relating to any claims and/or claim history reports for Robert Anderson and any evidence pertaining to any criminal activity rotating to the willful neglect of duty for a public o?cc or person holding public employment The search mm was sworn to by Magistrate Tamara Garwood on November; 15, 2013' and executed on November 16, 2018. The return i and tabulation was ?led with the court. that they would have to review their policy on releasing the information of their former incised physician, Dr. Anderson who is now deceased. The search warrant on November 14, 2.918 and reviewed by Washtenaw County Prosecutor Konrad Siller on November 15; 2018. Egg?? Bulb?s? . ?sense; - . Case 340.. 31390333851 PM . .. . . .- Case No. 1893393861. . . . or SUbjmt (Ef?eer Manatee 1 PUBLIC SAFETY SECURITY avanaugh177 Enteredon: f2032018 2:19:55 PM Entered By: Hid?0177" - Ryan Mr. O?Brien was able to facilitate the execution of the search warrant fer electronic reedrd's. was able idobta?ined information relating to the two claims against Dr. A?ders?on under the WW policy. .F urthennore one oftbc claims was consistent with the name of a female W110 had ?led 3 22nd circuit court case against Dr, Anderson back in ?ugust 1995. INTERVIEW: Barbara Hoogenboom Edi], PT, 303, ATC Cook?D eVos Center for Health Science's =1 make Contact with Barbara Hengenboml Whore is 21' board certi?ed Sports clinical specialist in West Michigan. Hoo?genboom received her certi?cation of physical therapy Cleveland State. Universib', hold?a Masters degree in?health science??om Grand?Va?ey State UniVersity, and a doctorate in educational leadership from Eastcm Michigan Universiw. Hoogenbo em is?also a member o'fithe Therapy Association and?a member of the Seeds Section. Hoogenboom is also amenaber ofthe American or?iopcdic Society for Sports Medicine. Hoogenboom has authored Ina-11y articies on thefemale athlete, nutrition, and sports? phjeical therapy and-he?s contributed to I 8 texibooks. She is. also the seeior associate editor for the Intema?onai Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. Hoogen?oorn has been therapist sjece. 1985, certi?ed edi?ces: trainer since 1939, and is currently a professor at Grand Valley State University teaching ehysi'cial therapy for the past 20' years; Heogenbeem has extensive history in the sports medicine. ?eld in addition-to athletic ?aining relating to athletes . athletic injuries. I When asked about rectal and/er prostateenares on college athletes Heegenbo om reported the; during her roughly 30 years of Sp experience she has nearer" seen a ph?ieianeo?duct a. prostate and/or rectal em on an a??etes. Fartherinere, Hoogenboom reported that when performing a hernia checks and male athletes: you would not lisve to maniealate the pesticles or penis. Hoogenboem wenton to talk about vii-nestling injuries toinclude abrasions, ?cauli?ower ear", and side lesions being common injuries. In closing HOD-genbcomreiterated that she has never seem- wres?er have the need, or a team physician perfonn a rectal exam on any athlete. POLICE ACTION: After working with De: was: for 6 days i was informed that due to staff shortage I would be. rte-assigned back to my court o??cefduties. All information and records Wm givenfreia?yed?w Der. West; :Sraeis: Cemplefce- No fartherae?on by 1-77 1% ti' Entered By: - ??va?augh. Ryan Printed: January 3, 2019 a 1:34 CaseNo. 1390303351 PM Page 2 of 3 . . Gf?cer Narrative QIUISFQN 0F CaseNo.1390303361 SECURITY WNUHIYERSITYOFMICHJG EntaedOn.12/2O 3 2- _:19 55 PM Entered?y: ;Cavanaugh, Ryan Of?csr Nma?ve Page 3 of 3 EnteredBy: UM-D-WT- Cavauaugh, Ryan- Case No. ?1 893303861 F?nted: Januay 3, 2019? 1:34 PM . . .. . were SF: titeehteoeer Sorority rei? Stet. Good: .. At?ent: Detective Ryan A Gaveneugh Complainti?eport number: UMPD 1890303861 The person, piece or thing to be is described as and is located at: The items to be see-rotted are located at 1301 North Hegedorn Rd, East Lansing. Michigan. This location is the office building for The Doctor Company Malpractice Insurance. This building is a muiti-ievel offloe building, black and greyin color with the main entrance on the North side of the buiidin?g. 2. The property to tie search ed for and seized, if found is speci?caliy described as: ins-t end/or oteim history reports for Robert E, to January 1. 1968 through January'- 211 2003 3.. The estabiishing probable cause or the grou ndefor the search are: A. A?iant is currently assigned to the divis Adient has over 20 years of law-enforcement experience with the Weshtenaw County Sheriff Department and Univereity of Michigan PD. B. Affiant has conducted numerous investigations: i-nciudiog narcotics sates, firearm :vioietione, CSC, death investigations. larcenies, identity and participated in numerous high risk search warre die as . member of the Weshtenew County Sheriff SWAT Team. G. Af?ent is currently investigating a criminei sexual assault case that was reported to University of Michigan Athtotic Director Werde Manuel in Juiy 2013. Det. West informed A?ient here-c enoei oame inre letter that was mailed from a former University of Michigan wrestier GE Director Pam Heatlie told Det. West who then' toformed Atria-m that the Ur?rlv?ersity of Michigan Athtetio Department delivered the letter to an unknown person at the University of Michigan?s Genera-I Couns'ei?s Office. The totter was then routed to the Of?ce of institutional Equity Director Pam Heeti-ie to July 2013. On October 3. 2018 Detective Merit West received the ietter?from Heettie end a orimtnei inves-tigationwes started. . Dot. West toid Attient that he did a teiephone interview .. confirmed he was the author of the letter sent to Warde Menu ported concerns regarding medical procedures done by Dr. Robert Anderson beck in 197?2-1 9 -etment due to cold sores and heroes on his face, which is a common injury MKWI. ere. Kittie-Lt was 17 and who .__Aod on conducted a hernia and prostate idn't think to ask any questions ethe tim e-oorted that Dr. Anderson had the nicknamed Your Brewer's." Fudtterm tated that there ereedditlonai victims. F. Bet. West told Attient that on October 16, 2018 Det. West received information from Perri Bacon who works for the Michigan Licensing and Reggietory Administration regarding a com piaiot ?led by a former University of Michigan student against Dr. Anderson. Tire-i compieint was tiled in 1994- ion ee a detective with the University of Michigan Potice Department. "this A ?idevit consists of 2 oegee. {kitten-t Detective thefts Cevaneugti/f .r Reviewed on' 1131512918 i (e .3 Date Subscribed and swornt' Katee/?ee? 13 E) )6 Jf?k By Konrad Sitter 943982 . . f? Qa??goe?d Prosecuting ee?tomey - -. it. g?moeoi . Judgeitdegietreie i 33%: 6. Del. West and Af?ant spoke with Thomas East-hope on or about November 2; 2018 who was the associate director of student life at the University of Michigan back in the late 70?s and early 80's for additional information. When asked about Dr. Anderson, Easthope referred to him as "Dr. Drop Your Drawers.? ope told Affiant and West the following. in late 1978or 19719, East'hope received information fr at Dr. Anderson was ?fooling around with male students and athletes? in the examination rooms. At the . Dr. Anderson was the Director of Health Services located on Fletcher Ave. Easthope remembers that. day. like it was yesterday. Easthope was a young associate director and had to go fire theDireotor of Health Services. Easthope confronted Dr. Anderson on the allegations. 'Dr. Anderson never anatvered. Easthope told Dr. Anderson "you got to go" for the inappropriate conduct. a tired Dr. Anderson on the spot- A few minutes later, reported that he may i. Easthope originally stated that e. Whichever one it Was, Easthope' stated that Dr. have let Dr. Anderson resign and return to priVate practio Anderson was gone and Couldn't hurt anymore students. n?derson continued to work at the University in multiple capacities until J. Dot. West informed Easthope that Dr. A. Anderson was gone.- gone for good. Easthope 2003. Easthope was visibly upset. Easthope thought Dr. reported that we(?the police) may have over 106 victims. Af?anl that he has made contact with multiple victims that have reported they Were sexually K. Det. Wes-t informed iversity of Michigan during the timetrarne of assaulted by Dr. Anderaon asa student andlor athlete at the Uh 197291.996. Dr. Anderson's human resource/personnel file. as an investigative 1968 until January 2. 2003 when he retired. Dr. Anderson had Services, Clinical instructor urologyisurgery, and Athletic L. On November 2, 2018 Af?ant began to rev-lo tool. Dr. Anderson's employment started in multiple titles during his career from Director of Health Senior Physician to name a few. tilt. While reviewing the personnel file Af?ant located one pieoe of paper that is consistent with Easthope's statement. In Aug. 19?9 Dr. Anderson was demoted from Director of Health Services effective Januarv14. 1980. The reason for the demotion was typed in as "resuming former position.? at maioraotioe insurance policy from Wchigan Physicians Mutual Liability Company PMLC) dated to #08196. This date is approx. 12 months later than the LARA complaint filed in 1994. At?ant learned that was purchased by The Doctors Company insuranoe out of Napa?. California with a resident agent of?ce. In East Lansing, Michigan. N. Furthermore, Af?ant located a medic Af?ant spoke with The Doctors Company supervisor Michelle on November 13, 2018 and con?rmed they now have Dr. Anderson?s medical malpractice insurance records from When asked about a claim history report. reported that there are ?old files" regarding previous claims- With the information received from Dot. West. interviews conducted; and additional-victims of sexual aesaults. have additional victim infonnationand Aidan-t believes that the records held by The Doctors Company may possible evidence pertaining to criminal activity- relating "to the willful r?t?egl?eotot duty for a public of?cer or person holding pool-lo employment. Q. Further. the Afliant sayeth not. the 5ng gag?mm msgmamw main mm?? THE QR MY QFEEQER: The p?ers?zm, mace or thing Ea be searche? is described as am? is Eacateci at: The items {a be: searched are heated at 1381 Nurth Hagadorn Rd, East Lansing, Michigan. This iocatibn is the office buii?dlng f?r The Doctor CompanyMalpraaiice Insurance. This buiiding is a mul??ie??ei of?ce buiid?mg, biack and gray in migr with the main entrance on the North side of fine buiiding. 2. The graper?yta be Seamheei far am? aaizet?, if fauna! is gpe?ificaEly dascri?ed a5: d! ctron?o records reta?ins to any .. inst andfor ciaim hisiory reports for Robert sm January 1. 1968 ihroUgh January 2. 2003 ?34 mama 0F TE-EE PEGPLE WEE STATE GE: have faund that pmbabie Gauge exisis and that yaw are cammanded Ea: make the search and $2Em the deacribec? pmpar?y. Leave a ?e?a?pgz am wax-raft? and a tabma?ion {a writ?an invantary} a? grapes-w when the gamers fr- ham m3 graparw was faker-s as at {aim premises. Yau are ?fume? Ea pra?m?gi return and tabu?a?an'to the cam. issued ?kg t? ?lalcn?ilg?i Date Ju?ge??agis?aia $322234. ?Fax-"mm 5a. gamma Am maummwi Search was made on .. and the foilowing-pmperty was taken: _.continued on reverse side G?icer I Witness COPY of affidax?it, warrant and tabulation Served on ?ame TabuE?tio? ?ied - Date Case No.1 890303851 Wee? ?smite SAFETY sis-Ewes? as: UNIVERSITY or women; Entered By: KIM-0178 West, Mark Narrative: This report is in reference to the Criminal Sexual Conduct investigation involving University of Michigan Robert endorses. Montana-12 'To Easthope, the former Vice President of Student Life, advised me 111d have more. information about Dr; Robert Anderson, as the person who brought the problem to Easthope?s attention. as a longtime enmloyee of Student Life, as well. as a longtime activist in 11161511111 Arbor area. I was able to make contact with him on 11/7/2018 and obtain his information STATEMENT 9011 and he replied quickly "Dr. Robert Anderson". I told him that this was I t5? . .. . I would like to talk to him about Dr. . correct and he saii ?yes: I know Dr. Robert Anderso -d ?rst he had an incident with Dr. Anderson years ago possibly around the said that he. wont to late 79?s or early 80?s. He said that Dr. Anderson ?was the director of Health Services at the times but stiil saw patients Anderson told him to put his hands on the exam table, and that he then moved behind him aid that 'n Ways mought qf this as 5 his (Dr. Anderson' 5) ?Position OfPower? He said fuel: he had his pants down,- and Dr Anderson was going to a proetological . . anus, rather hardEin his estimation, and he let out a "Ahh" type of nozse due to the pain. 115 said that Dr Anderson then . . that YOU would hairs enjoyed that!" that Tom Easthope 3 boss, Homy Johnson, is still 111 the A1111 Arbor? area, and that he may hsVe more information ahoht D: Anderson. I ADDITIONAL Detective hillsbury was consulted with aad she suggested that I check with Blue Cross/B hie Shield who was the primer} insurance company any information about Dr. Anderson. investigator Brian Zasadny was contacted at Blue 010 sszlue Shield,- and he was going to investigate further. that The University of Michigan dealt with at that time ?ame. P?lshury was also going to check with Safehouse and SAPAC to see if they had CASE STATUS: Open 0111qu .1 . 8 - . . Nm?ve entered By. 1111-017 West, Marl: nmmba 9,2013 - Pace 1 0m Case No. ?1890303861. 11:33 AM @?icar f?ae?ra?ve? PUBLE EC SAFETY SECURITY OF MICHIGAN Case No; 189030386! Subject Entered On: 1118(2018 9 22. Entemi By: W-0178- We?st, Mark O?'ccr I Narrative Page 2 of 2 gummy: uwons - West, Ma?a CaseNo. 1890303361 Printed: N?k'cmbm' 9,201.3 - 11:31 Case No. 18903033 6i ?mm? Subject CSCJAndetsonfMi?erfWest . . . . .. . G?wmmw? . I SEUURITY Entered AM Entered By: Uta?sire West, Mark Narrative: some; . This repdrt-is in reference to the Criminal Sexual Conduct investigation involving former University of Michigan Physician Dr. Robert Anderson. momarron: I I :a able to de ermine that Miler was the athletic trainer during Dr. Anderson's time with University of Michigan Athletics. Miller aid that he worked with Dr. Anderson, and that Dr. Anderson was an "Unbelievable Team- Doctor". -: Minor said. that Dr. Anderson was the director of Health services at the University of Michigan, and that then Athletic Director Caehazn worked out a deal so that he would come over and work with Athletics as well. Miller said that when he left Health Services, he openeda private practice; and Canham was able to. get him to come over to the football :team to work. Miler said?that the team aema?y had two physicians. Dr Gerald O'Cenner wee the Orthopedic Surgeou, and ?Wonid?maltea point. ofletting Er. Anderson know he was the primary care physician?. He said. that Dr. Anderson Was more. of an "Internist? working in Internal Medicine. ,He said that to his knowledge Dr. I Anderson was more for Flu?, Cold, and medical things such as that . Miler said that he had worked with several doctors over his gamer, and rates Dr. Anderson near the topof them. Iv?iler said thetes I the football team, Dr?- Anderson also was the- for most efthe staftand theirsaid that the thoughtof Dr. Anderson haV-lng-a?fs? invesllgation done on m?"hercs him Miller m: that NassarwaSa student trahier of his and he was shocked to hear about this as Well. . said that; the smdenl athletes were often crude and'jok?ed about things when seeing the doetor. He said tha'the remembered athletes asking him "He isnt going to be using 2 ?ngers is he?" Miller said. that the stud'?ms joked about this even though Dr. Anderson did notgive reotaiiexains. He said that he heard. statements like this mentioned about all doctors, not sgeei?eaily Dr. Anderson. Miller said that he never heard any complaints or- nicknames about Dr. Anderson. He said that Dr. Anderson had a well known reputation for Athletics,as he had started A??e?e Training in the Flint area schools prior to his days at the University efMiohigan. ?e said that this reputation was what made him an appealing doctor to Canham: gift-Eve Eats-red By: mm?- Wm, Mark Printed: Mommas: 9, 2913 - Case No. 1890303861 11:27 AM Page 1 of 1 . . Case-No. 1890303861 . DIUISIDN or Subject PUBLIC mason: 1119/2018 Entered Uta-#0178 West, Mark Narrative: SWARY: This report is in reference to the criminal sexual conduct investigation involving fenner University of Michigan Physician Robert Edward Anderson. I INFO RIVIATION: In researching Human Resources records, I located a letter from I31: Anderson to Dr. laurence McMahon. This letter was a resignation letter that Anderson had Sent with his intention of retiring. I then setup. an appointment to meet with Dr. McMahOn to talk about Dr. Anderson STATEMENT OF DR. LAURENCE McMahon said that the University of Michigan acquired Dr. Robert Anderson?s private practice in 1993. He said that this prae?ce was located by St; Joe?s hospital, and when he joined the University of Miehigam the patients that wanted to come with him were. allowed to. His o?ce was at the East Ann Arbor Health Care Facility. McMahon said that Dr. Anderson had 2 distinct specialties that he. practiced; The ?rst was general Internal medicine; the second was - ?Aadrology?. McMahon said that the ?Audiology" ?eld was. something that only Dr. Anderson practiced McMahon said that this is the smdyi of male hermenes, and that he would he required?to preset-?ied Testosterone; if that was what the investigatioh was sun?oundhig relayed that a subject had a seepected tumor on his pihdtary gland. and-had wentto see Dr. Anderson about this. I relayed that the subject was made to lie naked on the atom table and that his penis was "grabbed like a gear shifter on aear" as was described. Dr. McMahon said that mere would have heenrno reason to have had the person totally naked for this procedure. 'Mchaiahon said that standard protocol would have beento have him change into a ?Johnnie", which is a hospital go'wn. McMahon said that i?he was. going to be looking at his ehestarea; he him to be asked on the exam table-?like a corpse" was unusual. Dr. Moll/Islam; said that protocols at that time required a ?mammals" to be present if the gigoin area of a wenien had to be checked by a male doctors, or a male patient had to have their groi?a checked by a female doctor. Women exan?njng women and M?a examini?g men did not require a chaperone. Dr. McMahon said that chaperories are used more pow due to new protocols put in place. the rr?d?ZBOU?s-the US Preventative Medicine Task Force thatthere was "notaluefin routine exams of the prostrate?. McMahon said that back lathe 1970f?s it would riot have been unusual to he tested fore. hernia, or givena prostate exam during a routine physical. He said i that Wasps enderson it would wsmm?w sees madame! arses foamsasat? I then talked toDr. McMahon about the complaint-that was received that happened is the 1990's at? the East Ann Arbor HealthCare Fac?iba I would llaVe had him pull the gown doWn. ?lm was looking at the testicles, he woal'dhave had him pull the gown up. He said ?rst for I then asked him about prostate examina?ons on sub} sets for routine physical exams and he said diet thiswas not needed now. 'i?esaid that in . g?ie Ewe?sales: mast rs asst Mark" Whisk stigma-?, 3&134 1- assess. messages-1% ass?as Page} of? . - CasaNo. 1390503361 or Subject Of?cer {Qarra?ve PUBUC SECURITY um?vaasm'm EntmjodOn: 11/9/2018 11:47:36 AM Entge? By: ., Wost; was; - Dr McMahon; said that he did not 'femcmber-r'any comp-hints '?ied'against?Dr. Anderson during his time- Ho said that he would have gotten noti?cation from Risk Management if a complaint would have been ?led. He did not think he received any. McMahon said that the current director of the East Ann Arbor Health Care is Dr. Y-cong Kwok- CASE STATUS: 2 Open. 3:6: .6 Entered By: 5_West.. Mari: P?nted.? Novembar 9, 2013 a CaseNo. 1393303861 FM - Page 2 of2 rimming- ?rmly-Hm ??wi?gs amm-nai 1114;912:313 ammn?aa minis: Emma! mmnm? mnmam Wm mm 994 mm Hats Hmmt?'?l Ema-frigmfg?! .2921: 2923':- Haw-t Emwm?muw 35R THE .umvsas'?? as Hacm?fsm Emmoymant Hia?org'for amna?so??osa?rg. 5R 3452:1ng em; 2311Err}?! am 11175an H?mc?? . mum Datum mm mm mm. mamas . was; swarms 5mm Fm 1 an memo? Rm! harm gum Ha'zlaw?mm Jab cl .192: mm Mar mu 1144? mars-mm 1N4: wwle-EAN PHYSICIAN ?w?a?a PHYSICIAN rm: 3244: 17142 W?am 1_ 1m: 1193-1 rum saws-1mm. 11m um aim-Islam mm sag-Iraclif? . nun-z amm 29254 cumw 211254 amen. g?zw male?. mama] 213254 mf?im?m?n?a ?nes afar-15min BERWGE 1mm Pm Appt mg Gd k1e5 '1 155 115$? '1135 115% 1155_ 3155 1135 1135 ?11a5* 1195 11a: 319311373 ?mu mitt-r155 ?mEnas 471%me amLEncs mums. smua?ncs AMERCS. mis?ts am?ehcs gamma 11mm 2mm are HEALTH mum'suaamv El?n-r momma-Liam EEBET um 53m 5561 mmsvamaem THE mmg?i??os nacmm. Empiogmi Hiatus! app! Ea? DI wamm 3:131!st angina-1 1:91:11an 11:61:19? 3 1:01am 1 136111984 3176111984 ?remen wmm! 0171mm gm?mtl 975-91th - nmins?rs ?Human: Wad? 59.3 Gimmes: naming: ?Fling? ??m?lwa 15mm: usm?gas umnsu 09895364 GENE 91mm: mamam .mm'san gamma swam 09191!sz . End at MFIHR W993 nanmm 115mm.? mamas arm ma:- ?2 mm . ??git?m Imman- 123111-93! ?aw-1m 11mm wining? W3 mmaau au?mau inhuman 5.3mm $55,236.06 mamb- momma: 311mm seam-1m sag-mum 555mm I330 $55.83I3nb 551356330 54mm?:- Eamon; ?manna 59m stomp sum 5533mm Lani Edmund mama mum I Hate Hlninqr (FTR) Jab Bf 5d Jab class Dakar HESS nut 3mm ms: 2:25: minim. 2:254 .. ms: anemia H1655: cl :4 mm new will cumm p.531 PROF I: .32? cums; A351 1:30,: gt max-1 mam assswim. assrmur 11? am mum gss?pam?n 29256 :1 gm mama marmciuk?u: i321? cumm Lumberoat'r ms: :Lmlm?amumn 1: 2cm 5mm mandamus: II HHUJI 2310 23m as am wauwwensma? mtmma [631'me H??fory fur M?m?m. Wm M: DR DH: Tint-1mm. 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I1 Walkman: Dept. [:31 Na} [at Hum-n . I REMRHS {jam Emu-en mm aims AFTACNEE ?avor? AND remtm?ou mm anus A'rmcnen imam: mm mama ATTAQHED Mama enema mm cums arm Appravud by Hal-gunman: ltmd- a; - .-: . Dam; my: PGRM ?xig??a ., 1337312384 I ION 0F riEE? . Reinstate {Bate Emmi 31m Eerhize R33 2531ch Hie gig?; Ermpriate Begin 13am: E?Retur? from LBJ: Immanuel Transfer Caa?idita Candidate. Fasting EmmbErg%E fk A i Eravims Jab Family maviag ta 3 ?333 {if Eff Tim-bat 333? -- Earns ?m??amw, QQEEW ?r 3 - . . Service: Dara Benefit Eiigibglicy Date 55 {22" I: ?dmi? 31391: 5' Major Stat ?agt ?36.35? Major Title Sad? ?553%; ?ars Hui: ?axt. Review Confidentiai Iz?sst Exi?'?easpa Ins: Exit maze, 17:3 513%? Eli Eaativa Bate 5:3 Apr; End Esta Wm. E?ay Ra: Ete- ?at} Apgit Pea?!" :3 Rate: Bate ?3 Reagan resuming farmer p?si?ti?? Seniarity Swap Hale 333:3 Eeiatiiwi 3. 3 3 Tg?? Em} 9f Entry Kira qumatinn Traasfer ?amgtia? A??ed ?ata ?as?tiaa I Title: Ccde If?siif :53 bi??g?b?i? ZIPFG TWELVE MCEEZ FIBR- Eff mm E5311 ??air? ?it" .2233: .2 ?rDR?ii? 5 Fm 5.509" Aceauat 3559:: ij? Eff gaze Em: ta ?ctnai ?31. Spat: (?3235: nag: i Mu?? 253* Ema . I inRammt?s - m, Ma?w or? gas 3? .k Empiagrmemt 69:23:: .?pgrwed Esprasentatiye: ifzyf?a?y By ?ake gamma}. Team is: at. gamma-9431:: teraazrcaa?wrl Max:231 Effice=?iwcekiy Case No. 1890303361 nlvt'smu or 3?15th steer fierm?se SAFEW SECURITY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Entered 011: 11/12120 13 924923 3 AM mess By: mic?st, Mash Narrative: I This report is in reference to the Criminal Sexual Conduct investigation involving former University of Michigan Physician Dr. Robert Anderson. 4 INFORMATION: .. - Henry Johnson was the hoss of Tom EasthoPe during Anderson? tenure as Director [if-Health Services at the University of Michiga?. Imade 2' contact with Johnson at his Ann Arbor residence on November 9111 2018. STATEMENT os HENRY . Johns 011 aid. that he knew DI. R?b? it All (561250 I -. Johnson said that he wise disec'tor ofHealth Services at the University of Michigan, but le? to go into pyivate practice. Johnson did ?not know of any problems with Dr. Anderson while he was at Health Services Johnson said that sometimes peeple at his level are ?isolated? from- problems that may 011011: He said that he did not remember Tom Easthope ever telling him ahout problems with Dr. Anderson. CASE STATUS: Hit: gm: 6 Entemd By: Watt, Mad: Printed: Remember 12? 2013 CsseNo. 18911303351 955.1111 ?age 1 of 1 CaseNo. 1390303361 . . . meson 0F . . . . . SubjectBAAI-{CfRisk Manag?emen?West . 5 . . . eff. teer earratwe . . g! SECURITY mm 011: tins/2013 3:13:00 AM Entered By; TIM-0173 Mark NarratiVe: 51on This report is in reference to the investigation iitto Dr. Robert Anderson, former: physician at the University ofh?ohigan. INFORMATION: Dr. Robert Anderson endedhis? career at the University of Michigan working at. the East. Amt Arbor Health Care Facility on 13151111011111 Road. He worked for internal medicine at the location. . Detective Cayanaugh'and I responded to that of?ce to meet With Sta?. I eff King was the "Clinical Lead" on dilty 'at that of?ce, anti-knew of Dr. Anderson, but said that Dr. Aodetson was gone when he arrival He provided us with the name of Mmy'l" memt'who. was the senior Medical Assistantj'in the o?i'ee. King thought that she may have Worked with Dr. Andersen- King theh took us to the facility difeotor, Vicki Patket, and the as??i'sta?nee fab?ity directot, Kathie Antieait, who were employed at the East Ann Atbor Health Care Facility at that. time! meet/twat FROM-VICKI ANTIEAN: Both Parker anti Amieen rememhered Dr. Anderson, _as he had. a iargere?rement party. that many people attended?tiue to his Tong time at that Uniyetsity of Iv?ch?iah; Neither Subject had any had memories of Dr. An?e?rs?ohi Amie-an remembered that he. bed a tirivete practice that the UBiyersity of Michigan Ac quired, and that?he did Physicals" fat pilots renewing their hoenses. Vicki Parker tetaemh med that he. ofteii fall sta? ont??d have .to ?whim lip. She said that She Bid not know etaay?nega?ve reputations tha't' heve had. CONTACT 3151: MANAGEMENT: We then made contact With Kata Re?ned dirsemr?of?stsmasesnem) amiPaul Masesch (Di-rested Risk Management) to ascertain as to whether any disciplinary claims hadbeett ?ied a?gai?hst Dr. Andemon. Ryehlinski was able to tail that they did not have any current, or past eleims ?led agaittst Dr. Rob er! ?ndersom It} eonvetsation with Ryehiinslti, she 1erasable to expijain the Human Reietions ?depa'thnent at the tittivetsity of Michigan, ?11 layman?s was able to explain thatit?was separated?ihto two parts. The i empioyment" section whieh dealt with lunng compensation, appoinh?ehis, medical teases, em, and the?Sta??Uni0-?ns" portion. This per?en. dealt w?h Discipline, gtievanees, and union relationships. She said that the reason that we did not see any discipline related items. may be because we did not get the information item the "hteff Unions" side. She wasalso able to remember that. Tony benton, Senior Vice President . and Chief'Opeta?ng Of? Michigan was a sta?'uhidns mployee for. the hospitalih the 1980's. She said that he may tememhergthe transaction. it: which Dr. Anderson was moved from Heal?z Seittices hack to the hospital.- She also wasvable to remember that Royster Vice Pratemtefsmdent Life, Web also employed at the Timersity ofh??ohigee at that ?nie. Heal?i Sciatica-.5 was - part of Student Life, therefore Harper may have knowledge of Dr. Anderson's move as well. These subjects will be contacted for possible 3' information as Well. 2mm?? 6 Enmd 1mm 7'8 wcgt? Mm Printed: November 13, 2913 - . Easel-Hm 1890303351 9:94 AM Page i of; Case No. 1890303861 - . -- -. t?V Narraw? - PUBUC SAFETY SECURITY 5:35 On: 11/135313 68L UNIVERSITY OF Micmcm . - West, Mall: EAPEHOUSB: I Safehouso was contacted by Detective to determine if they had. any past information on Dr. Anderson. They advised that their records did not go back that far, but they. did not have anythi?g recent involving Dr. Anderson. LARA: The Miohi'gan Licenso?andRegulator?Affaii?s (LARA) was contacted to see if they had'auy files on the datos of Dr. Anderson's private practice's, Pam Bacon advised that they did not have anything of this nature on ?le, and would only have information if the doctor was Sikoi?iir?g? For" a? car?a?n hoot-ant} {hay graft: No Uta An?pmsle?? ram: 113.39%? 6m: to that {attain-t. CASE STATUS: Open. Of?ce: ?ve Britaiod By: {Mag} 78 West Mink Pn?nted: November 13? 2013 arm Case No.- 1890303861: 9514 AM Page 2 of 2 Johannesen was the Weeding eoaoh??iat CaseNo. 1890303861 - . DIVISION-OF . Subj?c" ?fties? hisrra?iee PUBLIC SAFETY at GSC/Anderson?iR/JohaooeseanEST UNIVERSITY OF ??3315? Entered On: 11/ 14220131015333 AM sis '58 Wash Mark Narrative: SUMMARY: This report is in reference to the investigation into University of Michigan physician Dr. Robert Anderson. JNFORMATION: In talking with Risk Management Associate Director Kate Ryehlinski,? she informed me that Human ~Resou?ees records 3130 had Unions" portion that contained discipline and grievances. Idid 'oot obtain anything in relation to discipline other that foam that had "Demotion? circled when Anderson left Health Services after talking to Tom Easthope. suggested I retum and see i'f-I obtained all ofthe-infomiatiozi that they had. RESOURCES: 31 returned to Human resources on North Campus and talked to Comm-i Wisiewski once, again. I inquired as to if I obtained all of the human resources paperwork, and atso asked for hny?iing. from Staff and Uhions. Wisiewskisaid that I could. wait, and she would check on that request A short time later, Carrie 1? eterson, the HR Solutiom Center interim manager; introduced herself and said that?she WGuld look into the files and get bank with me. Peterson later me an email advising that they eouid not. locate anything, biz: D?r. M'sig?aret Gyet?ico, Associate Professor with intemal? Medicine would he Willing to speak with me. I made telephone contact. with Gyetko, and she was able to tell me his datessf appoin??sntsa I asked her about paperwork showing reasons Why he left Hoi?th Services and?ahy? he Dime tothe hospitai and She Said~that She Would look into this. Gye?co was informedthat his position. change was not voluntary and that there should he pagerworlc regarding that. I have hot?heard back from; her as of yet CONTACT BRYAN ZASADNY: Zasadny is so investigator with. Blue Cross and Blue Shield insurance. He was notable to ?nd ahydocumesiationio {chemise to Dr. Reheit Anderson ?5 cosmos WITH mi piayss for, he siss sen-t toa?e'r his reassess the Wres?iogtem Is this letteq', he refers to ?i"brop you; drawers. Anderson". IL was shale to make ieiephoneeonseet width Iohggn sis: iohannesen con?rmed that he Was the former meshing coach is: the University ofh?ohigan Iadvised him that i was in?es?ga?ngis?me eompiaints ofinaporopriete behavior involving a doetoihack the ~1970?s, and" that one of the victims was a wrestler. Johssheson said?thet he heirs: remembered any weesiler sayingth?a?t he Was violated by a doctor; but remembered ?lseghing? and "joking? about Ldoetor. Hessid that you may go to this doctor for a "hurt show". andthe ?rst thing he would tell you was to ?Tske your pants down". 1 then asked him ifhe rememhered the doctors name, keeping in? mind that it was is the 1970'siaod Iohannesea said "Dr. Andeison?. ?ve Emmi jg; Wag-173 Wm, . Printed: November 14,2913 Case No; 1890303861 11:15 AM Pagel 5' OF MICIHGAN c535 No, 1890303861 -. a murmur! BF Subject . Q?icer Narrative 3 PUBLIC SAFETY SECURITY -CSCIAndersongm/JohannesamVEST Entered On: 11/14/2018 10:53:33 AM Entered: By; Wes:- Mark. 3 1- CASE STATUS: I Hr: said that his wrestlers and the matches would all get yearly physiCals that ware-performed by Dr. Anderson. Hi: saidfthat he remembered that ii seemed like each war a new prosedure was mentioning ?Cardiogmms" 1 year arid "Blood Scans" the next ye Open. Ef?e?: ?21de 33!: UNI-0178 - Wm, Mark 12mm 14, 2mg - ?3 Cass-No. 1393383361 Page?! 0f: . . CaseNo. 1890303851 . . 5 - . . Subject mm? - Eggig?e??g??l Entered On: l1/152?2038 11:36:57 AM mt?red By: West, Mark Narrative: SUMIIARY: This report is it} reference to the investigation of former University of Michigan Physician Robext Anderson. INF ORMATION: As part of my investigation into DI. Anderson, I was able t0 detenniue 11131: there were civil eases that had been ?ged inWashtenaw County invoking Dr. Robert Anderson. Detective Cavanaugh and I were able to respendto 22nd. Circuit Cow?; and investigate these clajms, In 1984 Dr. Robert Anderson and Dr. Edwin Petersen ?led suit against the washtenaw Professional building. Itrwas diSmissed with prejudiee. In 19-83, Mary Louise Andersen and Robert Anderson ?led for divorce. Robert Anderson It was diSmissed. I was able to make telephone contact ?ed s?uit against Dr. Robert Anderson. The suit Was, dibpped I . during the Dr ..066F3i,11gshave attempted to e? 1y telephone numerous times, but have notbeen able _te maize contaet with:1mm:ye;1 CASE STATUS: 013611 ma?ve CaseNo. 1890363661 21:52 AM I {?eet 1 I - ET Entered By: Wm Maxi: Printe?: Nevemba 15, 2M3 - Page 1 of 1 .. CaseNo. 1890303861 . . - b'ceCSCfOGCM'nia Iii/B} awe: Rafia?i?ie' 8? 15:th oi: 111192291132331923; moi-norm Eniered?By: 173 West, Mark Narrative: SIMIARY: This report is in reference to the CSC investigation involving former University of?h?ohigan Physician Robert B. Anderson. INFORMATION: On 8 I contained the General Counsel of?ce at the University of Michigan to ascertain if they had eny- records pertaining to Robert Anderson- I was directed .to paralegal Karen Staszel, who toid me ?lm she would research this request and get back with me. A couple of days later, Associate General Counsel Diane Winiarsld contacted me to ask what I was looking for in reference to DI. Robert Anderson. I explained about his demotion from Health Services, and about the senior University of?cial that was able to tell me of his release due to "fooling around with boys in the exam rooms?. I requested. further paperwork related to this move= as Anderson continued on with his employment with the University of Michigan after this demotion. Winiarski emailed me on 11/19/2018 and told me that she had checked. with Athletics, and someone formerly with Patient Relations and none of these departments had anything". nave not been-abie to looeige any additional infonna?onreiated to Dr. Robert Anderson?s demotion from Health Services at this time. CASE STATUS: Open. Ef?e: gamed By: - West, Ma?a . Printed; November 21? 2018 V6 Case No. 1890363861 19:27 AM Page 1 of 1 . . . Case No. 1890303861 of Subject . . .1 - . 335%? hermit? . 35?3?le Entered By: {1114;0178 ?West; Niall: . Narrative: SWARY: This report is is reference to the CSC investigation invoivihg? former University of Michigan Physipian Robert Anderson. INFORMATION: In investigating these incidents. I thought it would- be appropriate to reach outside of the University ofMiehigau to obtain information on. medical procedures; I was able to make telephone contact with Retired Dr. Greg Landry. Dr. Iandt'y was a primary care and sports medicine. physician with University of Wisconsin Health, and an athletic doctor for the University of Wisconsin athletic teamshfor 30' years. 331:. Landry was the ?rst 35111 tihle athletic physician for the University of Wisconsin, wo?cmg primarily With the footbalt and hockeyteams. MOMTION FROM DEL GREG LANDRY: Dr. Landry Was asked if prostate. exams in. athletic physicals was part of the standard procedures hack in the 70's and?he replied ?absolutely not". Dr. Landry said that there would be no reason to: students to be checked for prostate heuhle at that age, and for a routine physical. I then asked him if there would'he any reassure-check the anus of an athlete fora routine physical.? and he said "absoluteiy not". I theta asked him about ?hemia checks? and he said that they were more common but that it was a "low yield procedure". He said that doctors ?wosld check thiefif smdent athletes; complained of "Groin pulls?, but itwas done more to ?reassure them" ma?amarros oN HEALTH I followed up on the directors of Health Services, primarily Ceaser Breifer, who replaced Dr. Anderson. I thought he may be able" to give some additional insight into Dr. Andersen?s reciovai here that position. It was determined that Caesar B?efer passed away. FOLLOW UP 1? found to. have ?ied a lawsuit against 331% Anderson in 1995 for an happroprlg?te icatt ?the case was dimss?ed when .. -, .municatihg With}?! attorneys. I have made numerous calls ?d each. cal-1 is forwarded to a voice 've a message". I have left numerous messages fer her so contact me; but have not heard from her mail mesSBge that says; . 'at this pejnt. CASE STATUS: Open. 332%.? Bum" Mark Prhated: November 26, 2013 I 1390303351 11:51 AM Page 1 of2 . 1 1 I Wiser ?a?a?ve SAFETY SECURITY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GastNo. 1390303361 Subjmt CSC/Andersonfiandry/W?si Emma 01:: 3 11:35 :40 AM Entered By: Mark O?ccr Nma?ve Page 2 of 2 Entered By: L78 - Watt, Mark Case No. 1890 303361 Primed; November 26, 2018: - . 11:51 AM Case No.- 1390303861 - . . . I - - . Subject CSC/Anclerso Mica E??armwe Egg?g?h??lm 355'?le Entered 01:: Inseam 8- 12:15:50 Entered By: LINE-0178 West, Marl: Narrative-:- . SUMMARY: This report is in reference to the CSC investigation involving fermer University of Michigan Physician Dr. Robert Andersen. MOMATION: I was able to looate 2 additional fomler University of Michigan Wrestling athletes thathad additional infannation about Dr. Anderson. STATEMEJT as a. University of Michigan Wrestler in the 1970?s. I aidthat he was recently having lunch with former wrestle g: the topic of Dr Anderson was brought . had told them that a de chive from the University of Michigan Pohce Department had recently contacted them; and they ther'r? started talking about the prostate chants that Anderson perfonned. . . . .- that he did not remember ever havmg restate checked by Dr. Anderson but did remember a weird exchange he had with Dr. Anderson, even though it was so 1 I. that he had went to see D: Anderson for a swollen elbow aad remembered Dr Anderson asking 0rhim if he "had sex ever the Weehend" and then said "you probably banged it Esaid that it seemed especially strange being said by a I said that he had 1?Event to middle school at 1'11 Ann AIl:or later attended Pioneer High . that he was a Freshman Wrestler at the University ofMichigan in 1976?1977 and had went to Dr Anderson for a hurt ankle. He said that during this exam, Dr Anderson checked his prostate by inserting his ?nger 1n his rectum He said that he le? the o?Ce and that he "thought I had been abused". He said that he did not say: an -..- about the meldent to anyone at ?rst. He said that a short time later he was I e?ime a Practice . I told him that he went tosee 131'. Anderson for a hurt elbow and Anderson had I aid that he ?Sheepishl said that it was a common he was glad that ?he Was ?nally caught? and that "as an 1-8 year old {dds you don?t think to question stu?' like that?. 133:: Entered By: UNI-0173 ?West, Mark 13mm Dm? 3, 2913 - CaseNo. 1890303861 3:18 AM Page ..-. . fofcer mwsaw or PUBLIC SAFETY Ea. SECURITY OP Case No. 189'03?3861 Subject Entered On: 1113.0i29 3. 12:15:50 PM Emma Buy: West, mask CASE STATUS: 0pm. O?cea' Narrative Page 2 of 2 Entered By: UNI-8178 - West, Mark 63531413. 1 890303361 :P?ntedzbaccmber??fol?- 8:18 AM Case as. 1890303861 1 Dmsaasus . subjmt Gf?eer ldarraeive i PUEUC SAFETY Entered On: 12/312018 1:14:12 PM seesaw: LEM-0178 West. Mark Narrative: SUMMARY: Thisreport is in reference to the CSC investigation into forn?ier University of Michigan Physician Robert Anderson. 7 maesamriom 0n 12/3/2018, I?met with. University of Michigan athletic trainer Paul Schmidt. Schmidt was the: head football athletic: trainer underDr. Robert Anderson, and-continues to he a trainer for the Universityof Michigan athletics. STATEMENF OF PAUL Schmidt?sayid that he started with the University of Michigan in 1983 and worked for many years with Dr. Robert'Anderson. He described . Anderson as a. i?very incredible doctor? and a ?personal friend". Schmidt said that Dr. Ahderson was a very kaoWledgeabIe doctor, and also i had a good bedside marine Schmidt clari?ed .that he used this term to describe that Dr. Anderson communicated with the patients very well: Schmidt said that ?Dr. Anderson was very well respected and worked along side Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Gerald O?Conner. Schmidt recalled aeonversation with Dr. O?Conner hr which 0*Con'ner said that Anderson was a "Dr's Doctor". said that O?Conner clari?ed this to are first if he had?a medical problem or questioghe himself would go to Dr. Anderson for the answer. - . Schmidt relaYed that Dr. Anderson was previously The director of Health Sewices, and them went hack into the?UniVersity of Michigan hospiials. He said thatvhe hadhi's- own ?Private Practise" over near?The St. Joe HospitaUEh-IU cainpris for years,.also as a teamdoctor during those times. Schmidt said dist he sold his practice to the Universityef Michigan around 1:99? (used 1115 football Championship as a . date reference) and con?hued to work for the Universityas an employee until. he retired. Schmidt said that daring. his years Working. for Dr; Ander?on, he. wasdh the exar?nihation messes 'Dr. and patients frequently. Schmidt said that he never saw anything inappropriate and never got any "Wired Vibes" ihom Dr. Anderson. Schmidt said that he never witnessed any ?mes When a patient would come is for a minor irriury, and would have a hernia and prostate em. Schmidt did sayr that Dr. Anderson practiced "endocrinology" and lhat several athletes wor?d come see Dr. Anderson for sexually transmitted diseases. Schmidf said anything that appeared to be inappropriarc, and never observed any rectal or prostate type exams. Schmidt was able to tell me that Lindsy; McClean was the athletic trainer before he came so the Uniyersity of Michigan, and may have more infomation. - Schpaidt said that Dr. Anderson was married for 60 years and has 3- adult children ?rst live out of Schmidt did notthhalcrhat she would have any informatldn about Dr. Anderson. STATEMENT 0F LINDSY he relayedihal he 1dodged for theUnive?rsity 43f Michigan ?om 196.3 to 19?? and I made ielephone. contest wi?l McCle . McClean said that he worked for a mimher of intemists,?and Dr. Anderson was by . that Dr. Robert Anderson was one of verite doctors. that Dr. Anderson was never phased by these types of visits, and always was professional in heating these ailments. Schmidt never wimessed . I girth? Emma By: [12.141173 Wm Mark P?nted: December 3.36.18 - Case No. 1390303351 mm Page I of 2 G?feer Merre?ee far the most lmowle PUBLIC SAFETY UNIVE OF MICHIGAH Case No. 1890303861 Subject CS est Entered 0n: 12/312018 1:14:12 PM Entered By: - West, Mark. dge'abl'e, likeab1e and available doetore that he "worked for. He relayed that he would be the doctor: that would answer his phone at 3 in the morning if you needed someti?ng. He said that he was profitessional and had a good sense of humor. Mia-Clean said that Dr. Anderson was the director of? Health Services while he worked for the football team as a doctor. He said that he never saw anything inappropriate done by Dr. Andersom andnever heard a. bad word mentioned in. regards to Dr. Anderson. McClean did. not have any other knowledge a?oat Dr. A?derson that caused him concern. CASE STATUS: Open. News: E?lmd [News ?ark Primed; December 3. 2013 - . a CaseNo. 1890303861 Page 2 of2 i Case No. 1396333861 @f?eer warmth-e . PUBLICSAFETY 3; SECURITY Signatures/?le?iS/West 0? Entered On: Hid/2018 1:52:48. PM Entered By: Dist-0173 West; Mark Narrative: This report is in refereoce to the CSC Investigatiop involving former University of Michigan Dr. Robert B. Anderson; INFORMATION: I reviewed the human resources paperwork provided to me inrefereoce to Dr. Anderson and was able to decipherthe signatures'oe the demotiontpapersiork from when-he left the University of'lviichigdn Health Services and retumed to the University of Michigan medical staff as a Senior Physician. I was able to determine that one of the;signattires_ was?that of Jane Duperrauit, who is now with Stanford University. I believe another signature is that estria Mills. MESTIGATION: I was ahle to ?make telephone contaet with the hush and of Jane Dupenraulg {who advisedthat she had my earlier email-and wohld contact me at at later date. I was able to search the interest for ?Dana MillsiI and located Mill's name in the 1979?1980 Volume Report of the University of Miohi-gari. This report listed Daria Mills as the Adminismative Manager of the Health Services. In reviewing this report I found an "Acknowledgement" portion that rep ortcd that Dr. Robert Anderson resigned as Director of University of Health Services to "devote more time to his clinical ?elds of urologyfandrology and athletic medicine both here and in privatepraetice?. The Health services staff wanted to dedicate the annual report to him Under the "Admihis??ative Division? headi?g of this report, it relayed once agah?s that Dr. Anderson resigned to "concentrate more time on his clinical specialties, ?but continues as a senior physician on the medical sta?". Dr. AnnaDavol had been appointed at thattime as the Interim Director. This document provided me with the names of several other people that merited at?the Healer Services Buildingat that-time. STMEMENI oi: ELEANOR purse: M~as the Patient and Public Relations Coordinator at the Health Semtees, and she doesn?bed herself as the "Complaint Lady?, who ?elded the complaints from various people Pu?-?e said that she started at Health Services 111 January of 1980,1ightefterDr. Anderson left. She said that she worked to: Anna ?avoL P?u??e said that she did not remember any mots or information regarding Dr. Anderson in partieulsr. but ?rst it was a long time ago. She. said that she thought that there were "issues:if With Dr; Anderson and that was what she hlad heardwas the reason he led. She said that she did not remember ever taking any complaints against Dr. Anderson Puffe said that she keeps in contest with Dr. Tom Clark, who she said; referred to as the "Snow Flake Man" due to- him melting elaborate mow ?akes. She said ?sat shetreceives Ch?shrlas Cards from him and that he stiil lives 1'11 the Ana Arbor area. - Narrative I I 2:21 PM Page 1 of3 Caselo- 1890303861 0mm: Entered By: {mt?0173 West, Mark - 953mb? 5, 2013 Case No. 1 89030386 1 . mm a. Subject CSC/Anderson/Demotion ??ieer F?arratisre PUBLIC SAFETY 81 SECURITY Signatures/UMHSMest umvsasnw mammals Entered 0n: PM sates: By; - West, Marl: 0F DANA lv?IiS as the Administrative Manager at Health Sefvi?fes Mills signature was possibly one of the signatures on the r. Anderson ?ombis position at Health Services Mills said that he worked for Dr. Anderson and eventually worked his way up to Assistant DMirector He said that Dr. Anderson was one of the reaSons that he got to his higher positiongood word for him. Mills said that it was "possible" that 1t was his signature on Dr. Anderson 5 human resources paperwork when he left Heal?tbServices, but did not know for sure. Mills?said that the Of?ce" would have been responsible for Dr. Anderson's traitsfer; Mills did not remember anything about why Dr. Anderson left Health Services, and did not remember anything negative about??ie move. STATEMENT OF DR. ANNA DAVGL: contacted on 12/5/2013 and she was able to tell me that she took over for Dr. Anderson when he left Health Service; Dr. Davol said that she Was appointed the Interim Director by Henry Johnston, and at that time she had told hire that it would be temporary, as she was planningon moving back to tbe'Boston MA area. Davol said that her understanding was that Dr. Anderson left Health Services to be the full time team doctor with the Universibf of Michigan Football team. Dr. Davol?s?d that she had never heard anything bad said about Dr. Andersen. Dr. Davol. said that Be At or: and or. Edmund Whale worked more closely With Dr. Anderson that she did. Dr. Davol said that she would Work With Dr. Anderson for- "Sports but that they were done fairly because there were so many that had to be condueted Dr Dave} said that the primary consideration for her when she did physicals was the heart and Lungs. She said that "Cardiac Conditions" we a big concern due. to concerns that could R?i an athlete I asked Dr. Davol if she would ibave a111,:r reason at that time to. check a college age male for prostate troubles or any?eater reason to oheclg the rectum and she said Dr. Davol said that she wasreplaeed with Dr. Ceasar?Briefer and moved out to?B'os?ton. to wed: for Harvard Universigr. steamer SYLWA oases: Sylvia W?bi': . the?superrisor of'PersoanellSta? services atHealtll Services dwing?Dr. Robert Anderson?s tenure. Weber said that she Worked upstairs and didnot have distinguish contact with Dr. Anderson. She referredto him as a iinice man" and did not know why he left Health 5 erviees. Weber did not remember any complaints against Dr. Anderson. STATEMENT OF GAIL RYAN: .ordinated the Health Bdueatioa?Depamnent at He?aith enrices during Dr; Anderson?s tenure. Ryan said that she worked at Health Services for approx 1 1:22 Years befoieUtaldnga Po?sition?at the VAhospital. Ryan said that'she resorted to. Dr. Alana D'avol. and did. nothave much contact with Dr. Anderson, other than a greeting when she. mired. Ryan said thatshe says Dr. ?Andersori more on the siddlines: of football games than?at the Health Servieesbu?ding. Rise-did not havering-ether infnmationionlDr. Anderson. I Ge; Enteredsy. West, Marl: mmim?b?imb CaseNo. 1399303851 221m Pagez of 3 Case No. 1390303361 . Subject CSCfAndeIson/Demotion PUBLIC SAFETY SECURITY SignaturesmMH-Wcst i EnteredOn: 1274/2013 same By: use-.0178 - West, Marie G?ieer STATEMENT OF BARBARA MERKEL: a registered nurse at Heaim Services. Merkel told me. 6151?: she was a Plant Depertme?t Employee that was moved to E-Iea -erv10es, . had a more ?ele?cal? position. Merkel said that she did not Im'ow Dr- Andersen, and moved heel: to the Plant Department a short time after she started at Health Services. Merkel said that Nuxse Jan Newton, who still resides in Ann Arbor, may know more about?I-Iealth Services, as she was there longer. STATEMENT OF JANE DUPERRAULT: Jane Duperra works. for Stanford UniVersity. Dupen?aultielayed thatshe never worked for Heai?l Service?s, but-rather the hospital and did not know Dr. Robert Anderson. Dueen'ault said that the signature on the paperwork did not belong to her, as she would not have signed anything related to a transfer. 9 facilitate care for injured Plant Depero?ent employees. Merkel said;that she did'not "feel like part of the staff?, and CASE STATUS: 0pm . SECCEV Entered By: 7-8 - West, Mark mum; 5, 2913 - '3 ease-Na. 1890303861 2:21 PM Page 3 of 3 VGLEJME 95Bani ?niversity Haalth Service atgff wiah to the 11 yearg 0f laa?erahig gravide? by Eebert E. An?ezgeng Ma?a In Januazy cf 1988, Dr. an?ergom regigned as ?irectar 9f the ?nivezsity Health S?zvica ta ?evmte mare,tima t0 hi3 clinical fields of uralagyfan?ralagy aha athletic ma?icine both here and in private gractice? ?aring his tenure as Qirectez, h? enargetically ?evalope? many many qontributions ta health care are acknowledged at all levels mi the Univeraity aammunity. The waiver?ity Health Service staff wiah t0 thank Dr. Andarsan fax his 33355 mi leaderahip an? t6 de?icate the R?nual Rapart ta him. Digitized by KEQ- {3g In gamuary Rabert Ea aargan; ragigne? a5 Eirectar 3f the Umivexsity ?aalth Sarviae t0 son?antxate m?ra time an hia cliniaal agecialtiesr but cantimu?s a3 a Seniar ghygim Gian on the me?ical gtaffa Anna Qavalg Man? has been appainte? Interim ?iractar by the vice Ezaai?ent far ?tu?ent Servicea an? remains the ?irectur 9f Clinical Serviaese Erw naval i5 a?vi?a? by the Stu?ent Haalth C?mmit?ea an? tha Adminiatrative Come mitteef a ba?y campa?a& of the Eiractar af Clinical Services, the Cc??iractara cf ?arsing\Serviceag the a?ministram tiva manager? an? the Manager? The managam?nt 0f the 5 a?ministrative units repart ta the Interim Diractarz 1. ?e?icai Exeeutiva Cammittee. @hia bady ampervises the me?ical ataff an? has juris?iction aver all medical affairga The members 5f thig cammittee include An?a Bavolg the - ?irectoz of Clinical Services, _&1bart Girzg the Directar of Prefessienal Services,3 and Thirza Smith, (memberwatw laxgag electe? by the me?ical Staff); the mixectcr 0f the Gynew colagy Clinic, 2. 9f Naraing Serviae . Sean Arn?t, an? Mary Taylar? Rg?q auparvise the 21.nembers 0f the nursing staff? Haa'?xnat averseea the nuraea in the Infirmary, the ?edical an? Emargeney Cli?iCS? and.the gummer camp pragram. She alga cowardinates the Tuberculin Testing ?rogram f0$ health Gaza stu?ents. Maw Taylar supervises nuraea in the Allergy/ meunizaticn, Gynecolagy an?_5pecialty Clinias an? canardinates the Physical Examination Fragram. 1Areas under the auspices af clinical services include: the Allergyfimmnnization, Aphasia, Medical and Emergency Clinics, the Kutritioniat and ?ealth Educator, and the Physical Examination Program an? the Occupational Health Office. ZAIeas un?er the auspidas of professional services inclu?e: the Infirmary, Laboratory, Eharmacy, Physical Therapy, ?sychiatry, Radialogy, and the Specialty Clinic. 2 3? e?miniettetive ?enegett gene title the 19 peteet staff in e?mitietretive (ztg-the He?itel Infetmetien Eepettment and teteetnel/Steff it?? te ?enegett Themee E, Eileen ?iteete the 28 peteen etaff in the 5? Eetient and ?uhlie Reletie?e {Kleenet @mffeEh the interim Eireetet meinteine eiminietretive ties with the Variant pregteme heuee? within the buildinqw inclu?e the Dentei Slieie, ?ivieien at the mental Seheel; the Fetiediei?eelth tetreieel UnitF divieien ef the foite of teedemic.tffeites the Physical Exeminetiet Free greme unit at the thice of Oceegetienel 3efety end Envitenm mental Heeith; end the Geeugetienel Health effice, a unit at the Univeteity Plant Beyettmenta glee inelu?e? is the Venereel tregrem which ie centteet between $35 eta the Week? tenew Gaunty Keelth Department? the funetiene and activities of this ?eyattment are cowardinate? en? directe? by Bane Mills, the A?miniettetive ?eneger, The meneger 9f the ?e?ital Zeformetien Department (Themes Holly}; the euyetvisor pf PersonnelfSteff Sezvicee (Sylvie Weberi, eta the administrative Resistant I (Virginie Car?in} regart to the e?minietrative Manager. The focus of the administrative essiete?t I petition hee been altered thie year; the ptineipel functien is to pretide e?miw nietrative support tn the A?ministrative Manager. In adaition he giant service caeetdination and general planning activities, 'the Administrative Assistant I is involved in information system ?evelopment, research elanning, end grant acquisition-activities. there has been a Meaical Center Personnel audit of the secre- tarial poeitien in-thie degertment. As a reenlt, the positien has been epgreded from a Senior Searetary t6 a Principal Sen eretary position. This position, hewever, has been temperarily frozen. The Administrative ?aneger wiehee t0 assume the leede. ershig in ?eet containment gtactiee. Fl. 1-: A. Digitized by it; Gag L5: MEIEQEZETRETZVE 3 All apprave? aiminiatr?tive aativitiaa are camar?inate? by the a?miniatrative staff: these inclu?a canstruetion and maintemamca prajactgr ?ata far int?rnal an? axtar?al agencias, gafaty and Security aparati?mgg peraamnal liai?an functia?sg and hu?getary planningg @145 Phase II Qf the Fira ?azshall Pgeject has been camgleta?g items cited in the January 1&83 imsgacticn have been corrected? _Im a??itiam; the patient waiting area in the Kwray Departmant an? tha blood drawing area in the Labaratary h&ve been remm?ele?q Ema Thig year 333 h$g particip&te? in a ?amber af auzveya amnducta? by fe?er&1 an? state aqeneiegg athar univeraity health aarvicaag an? internal ?niyersity unitgg fhe questiannaireg require? infarmation an affifmative actia? ?aliaiesg sga?e invantaryy 335 services, preaa?aree and gbliciesg and accupatianal utilim a?tian statistic$. Euke University an& Princetem University will farward tha regults at their national surveys upan cam? ?Eetian 9f their analygeg. ?33 SECURITY Safety s?curity maagures have been raviawe? by the Safety ana Infectien Cantrol Committee, and a?justments have baan ma?a. .Uni?exaity Security.ig sanaitiva ta an: gee?s ana has aajaste? their patrolling as such. In Syring the American Red Crass FOR cuurse was affere? ta HHS staff? ever ?0 geapla garticigated in the pram gram and received their CPR castificatiog. The functions,,policies, an? proceaures of Business Oparationa are directed by Thamas E. Wilsony?the Business ?anager. The de? yartmant has experience? a year of transitian an? imprevamenta Dig?rtized LET Cassi-lo. 1390363851 . i ms on BF Subject CSC/AndersonfUh?iS or?car Narrative . PUBLIC SAFETY 8t STAFFIWEST .. - EnteredOn: 121610.018 1:13:24 PM . . Entered By: oil?0178' ~Wes-t, Mark Narrative: sororARr?: This report is in reference to the CSC cemplaint against former University of Michigan physician Dr. Robert B. Anderson. INFORMATION: 1 was able to ?nd documentation with names of subjects that worked at. the University of Michigan Health Services during Dr. Anderson?s tenure. I have been following up with these subjects in regards to this STATEMENT OF KAREN SEIDMAN: qued to the business of?ce at Health Services Seidman said that she started at Health- Services in 1.9171 and worked there "quite a while?. She said that she never worked with Dr Anderson but thought that he left Health Services for Private Practice, and to work oath the Athletic teams more She said that Kathy Miller and. Sarah ?Sally" Sia?no both worked for. Dr. Anderson and. provided me with their contact. information. Seidrnan said that she never heard any motors of negative cements about Dr. Anderson. STATEMENT or SALLY (Sarah}'3'lANO: 2 'Si' . .2232: the secretary for Dr. Anderson while he was at Health Servioes. Slant) said tint she: started at Health Services 111 1973 and worked her Way into a position as Dr. Anderson secretary. Siano said that she- Worked fer Dr. Anderson until he left Health 2 Sendees Sia?no was asked Why Dr Anderson had left, and she recalled that he left to go into Private Practice; Slant) said thatDr. Anderson had a good reputation,_ and did not remember any discipline or negative talk about him. . MORMATION FROM FRANCES PALM: Palin' rs Ehe Admh?soative Director at the University of Michigan Health. Services Ioontacted Palm to inquire about current sla?? at the Health Services that may have been employed there during the l97??s? Palm said that she was currently researching this information for General Counsel Attorney Denise Wmiarski, who also was looking for thoSe names. Paint told me that she would give me the list ofnarnes when she obtained it; Palm was also given the earns of Mortosson" that appears on the Appointment Change paperwork. Palm was going to research and ?nd out if she eould determihe who this subject was STATEMENT OF DR THOMAS CLARK: Dr. Clar orlred with Dr. Anderson during the 70?s and pohsihly the 80's before he tell Health Services. Dr. Clark remembered that he was the director of Health Services and that he was "vet-3r AotiVe" in his practice, as he would see patients as well as being an charge of the building. Dr Clark said that he would "consult? with Dr. Anderson, but did not remember ever seeing .a patient with Dr. Anderson. Dr. Clark said that he renterabered deal he was active withthe Sports teams, and thought he was the "Main physician? for these 0mm- Entered By: ems-0173 West, Mad: Printed: December 12,2053 - Narrative . 993 . ?5 3:09 AM 610?}; CaseNo ?13 038 .1 . short period of time when Case No. 1890303861 -- mm? Subject ass/AndersonfUMHS Gt?oer? iterative .1. - PUBLIC SAFETYSL SECURITY STAFFIWEST . - vanes-some MICHIGAN Enema On: 12/6/2018 1: 13:24 PM Entered By: Uni-.0178 - West, Mark I University of Michigan Athletics. I asked Dr. Clark if Dr. Anderson would have conducted the sports physicals exclusively for the Athletic teams, and he said that he was sure that Dr. Anderson did the sports physicals; but that he remembered conducting sports physicals as well. I asked Dr. Clark what the standard things that would have been checked during a routine sports physicals for athletes and he said "Heart, Lungs, abdomen, and blood pressure?. I then asked if he recalled anything else and he did not remember anything. I then asked about a hernia check, and Dr. Clark said "yes maybe". I then asked Dr. Clark if a checl? of an athletes rectum would have been standard and he said I don?t know, maybe?. In asking what the rectum check would have been done for, Dr. Clark said the prostate could have been checked for "tendemess or infection". I then asked if this was a common ailment for student athletes to have a tender or infected prostate and he replied "No it would not be common" . Dr. Clark said that he did not ever witness anything strange about Dr. Anderson, nor did he remember any negative cements about his. Dr. Clark said that the nurse practi?oner that worked for Dr. Anderson was "Rodin" but could not remember a last name. STATEMENT OF DR. RICILQRD WEBER: said that he Worked at the Health Services building from April Ist, 1980 to Spting of 1982, and only worked for a 31- W6 . I r. Robert Anderson was the director. Weber said that he had heard that Dr. Anderson le? to go back into ?Private Practice" and to work for the "athletic teams". Dr. Weber said that he thought. that Dr. Anderson was more. of an "Administrator" while he ?was atthe Health Services, and could not remember if he saw patients or not. Weber said that he had never heard of any complaints being ?led against Dr. Anderson. I then asked him if he had ever nemessed any "odd? behavior or behavior that he thought later was unusual and he said that he never saw anything, but had heard rumors. Dr. Weber said that years after he had left the University of Michigan, he heard rumors that Dr. Anderson may have been "gay" and that he had had an "ineidentwith a football player". Dr. Weber said that these rumors seemed so he accrue-to due to experiences he had had With DI. Anderson. Dr. Weber said that he took over Dr Anderson?s private?praetice in Flint MI, when Dr.- Ande?rsoncarne to?the UniVersity to be the Health Services Director. He said that Anderson was the fall time director at theUni?versity of Mchi?gan, hatlwas not ready to fully give up his practice in Flint. Dr. Weber said that he remembered him still working Wednesdays and Sahttdays at the Flint emote. Dr. Weber said-that he had books on his bookshelves that were ?Male related? but could not remember What they were. Dr. Weber said that en Wednesday's he same male nurse {could not remember his name) and would only see male patients. Dr. Weber said that he woyl'd perform "Cystoscophfs" on men during these times. Dr. Weber said thattbis procedure involved placing a long nzbe with a? camera into the tip ofthe penis and up into the bladder. Dr. Weber said that it is a valid procedure, but he never saw a general internist" complete that procedsne in the of?ce. Dr. Weber said that the practice was with the MeCIaren Hospital system and was called ?Anderson, Abbott, and Gt?owicz. it was on Ballenger Hwy in Flint, near the.McClaren hospital. - ?5-5 Open - s. - . 0mm salaried as: meats: erases. distill-33W? lit-2m" . some I?m? - .- at assesse- Pigtail. 0133. j: .. Q??iaer ?a?a?ive DF PUBUC SAFETY SECURITY . UNIVERSITYOF MICHIGAN I I Casc~No.1890303861 STAFFWEST 511(6er 02: EZJEJZOIB 1:13:24. PM Eht?rbd By: 7 W558i,- Mark Of?cer Narrative Fags 3 of _3 Eutapd By: UM-ons West. Mark Case No. ?i 89030386?! mm Decembq 12, 2013 8:09 AM Ca'seNs. 1390303861 nmston Subjeot CSQ?Andersoannonymouo?EE?est 1 .- . mmerf?i?ri?im SECURITY semen; 1212212018 Entered 333: Elsi?017:3 - West? Mark Narrative: SUWARY: This report is in reference to the CSC investigation involving former University of Michigan Physician Dr. Robert Anderson INFORMATION: On 1211232018513 met with DPSS Deputy Director Teresa. Oesterie and the Anonymous subjectthat had regerted' an assault to her earlier in this investigatiorl. This victim had resently obtained his medical records from the incident and was even more?npset, as procedures that he did not remember hadtalcen place}. This information was documented by Dr. Robert Anderson on his notes from the STATEMENT OF VICTENE: The victim said that he recently obtained his patient records from his visit from Dr. Anderson and was shocked at; What had occurred, The victim started?out by explainingthat he was having headacheswwhioh?tookhim to Dr. Anderson?s of?ce. He Was given a Scan and wenthask to Dr. Andersonzwho' told hh?he had a "Pituitziry Microedenoma" on his brain; The victim then went has}; to Dr. Anderson on for follow up to this CetvSoan discovery. fie. said; thet he was told to take off oil of his clothes; and to lay doom on the examination table. He said thathe- did so,- and was naked, except for his seeks, which wereleft OIL He said that Dr. Anderson started to feel his feet and legs with both hangs, in a ruhbing, prodding; fashion; He said thet When Dr Anderson got to his penis,_ he toolg it i?nitiallyin one hand, and then brought up his other hand and held itbetweenhis two hands. He ?said that r. Anderson had his penistcuppe?d inboth his hands, and then started to message the tip of'his Qenis with both of his thuinhs. He said thet he thought it-wes 1701231115..r inapprogriete, and; remembered the way that Dr. Anderson's breathing patterns changed while he was messaging the tip of histpenis. The victimsaid that he did not remember anything else, other than leaving the of?ce and wa?dng out-to his vehicle to drive home. He said f- that in again about theepisode, it scared him 13ha?the could not remember what had happened. I assmeci him that this was nonnal,_ as ileum?c episodes can make the brain ?block things out": He said that he understood this and thiswas the reasonth he had gothis medics} records. He sai??zat whomhe read the records, Dr. Amhersm had mitten in them that he had checked his reenmi. and prostate, making .Z notations about the size of prostate. The victim said thetthis was something that he did not know {or remember) assuming, and didnot understand Why he would have had his prostate checkedi He said that he had blood Work taken after the exam, whiehshowed that the - Microede?noma Was not the type that secretes hormones. In ?milking to a ?riend of who is a physician; the ?iend said that it appeared odd to him that he would have had a physical examination prior to the-blood Work. LEEDICAL The medical reestds previded tome by, The victim consisted of three pages. The. ?rst rage showed the Dr. Anderson and showed that he switchedto Dir.- Ianioe-Stephensog and then Dr. hemenee MoMester The 2nd and 3rd eeges shewed the Desmrs regards (if his aypointment?on 2&63002. Itis here that the notes say"?Reotai Eatemalexam nominal Normal Prostate, sm'sIL smooth and . symmencan. These records had the name and descriptors blacked out at the victim's request They were scanned into this report 3 Ef?e: 6 -W?snMark Printed: December 12, 2018- . CaseNo. 1890303861 Page 1 ofl a . . ?ff?'mr Narrative .PUBUGSAFETY SECURITY U. RIVERSITY OF Case No. 1890303861 Subject CSCZAndersoanHO?ymqu?est Entered On: 12/ EZIZOIS 12:21 :56 PM Entcmi 33y: UM-D 178 West, Mark Page. 2 of 2 Case No. 1 89030 333-1 CASE STATUS: Open. Of?ce? Em ed By: mans - wesg Mark gm member 12, 291?3 - Nananve 12:56 PM .. OF PUBLIC SAFETY 8L SECURITY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Gl??eer hi atratis?e (issue. 1890303861 Subject Entered 0n: 12f14z?2018 9:4752 AM Entered By: 1136:0178 - West, Mark Narrative: SUMMARY: This report is in reference to the CSC investigation involving fonner University of Mchigan physician Dr Robert. Andaman. Meal/{anon Dr. Anderson was the Isl/inhigan Football Team dnctor for several years, and it was learned that he was the physician for several of the members thhe football team as Well as. their families. STATEMENT I contacted former University of Michi . STATEMENT OF COACH JERRY HANLON: Jerry Hanlon?was an ahSistant coach timing the Be Sehembechler? years, which Would haye been in the early 70's when some ?ef the reported asgaults took place . Haulen said that he never heard of any negative comma ass Andaman, a?d?Said that he Was a "1.20s:I k?yed? man, and a "Well respected married family man? I asked him If he had any knowledge of complaints again:t the doctor and he said he "never would have guesse that the police would have been asking questions about Dr. Anderson. OF COACH JACK HARBAUGH: ?Jaelc Harbaugh was on. the University hf?Michigan oo?aall Staff during the early 19 7035. Jack Harbaugh said that he was on the football sta?? for 7 gears and lmew Dr Andersen well He said that he did not know errative about CONTACT WIIH mam ?1 eaataeted the phene number 1' nuts-ed ham: names, 14,201:? V6. ease-so. 1390303861 2:22 PM Page 1 of 3 . Case Ne. 1390383861 mwglu? .UF . a Subject (Effieer Efx?erratise PUBLIC SAFETY 81 SECURITY - Emacs 12/14/2013 9:47:52. AM Entered By; West, Mark STATEMENT or C0 ACH FRANK ?Maloney was an assistant coach? during the Be Schembeohler' days is the early 193?0?5. Maloney said that he remembered there being a team doctor, but that he was not? around him that 11111011 and d?i?d not remember him well- Maloney mentioned that it was a long time ago, but did not remember any complaints from players. OF COACH EVELIANI MCCARTNEY: Coach McCartney was an assistant coach on the football team in the 19?0?s. MoCart?e?y said that it was? a long time ago= and that he Didn't wanna say something that was not?accuIa-te due to the time involved. {asked STATEMENT or ROBERT THORNBLADH: Robert Ibombladh wasra student athlete on the Eootball. team ?es: 19714973 and later a coach from 1980-1986. He was. also a graduate his playing and'eoaching positions. Ihomh?ladh rememberediDr. Andersoa and thought of him as a "competent" physician who "also ran Health Services" . Thombladh said that he thought that Dr. Anderson left Health Services to go into private practice. Thombla'dh did nothave any negative e?oounters isi?th?Dr. A?dcrsoa and said that he fadughthe slide good job. Thembladh said that he never had a player complain to him about their Ueatment by Dr. Anderson.- A message was left on the voieemail of farmer eeaeh Lloyd Can: to please call whenthe got a chance. . him if he lenew Dr. Anderson, and he said that he was not sure. He did not remember any complaints from anyo?e about do?otor appointments. CASE STATUS: Open. gigs Entered Ban ELM-9178 - Wes Mark PrintuifDecmber 14, 2018 - I Case No. 1 390303861 2:22 PM Page-2.03 Q??icer ?arrative DIVISIGN BF PUBLIC SAFETY 81 SECURITY UNNERSITYDF MICHIGAN {13511110. 139030386] subject 08le Andersonf ATHLETIC 51m 011: 12/147213 18 9:47:52 AM I . Eatem? Ely: - West, Mark. 05136:: Namtive Page 3 of 3 Enid-ed By: 11111411 78 - West, Mark C135: No. 1893303851 Printed: Devan-11m- 2018 2:12 PM 1 Case No. 1896303 861 WW 3 b' . escorted gallant? PUBLIC SAFETY SECURITY elicit: On: 12/5303}? 10:02:00 AM UNIVERSITY OF {Cl-110m Entered sy: - West, Mark Narrative: SUWARY: . This report is in referehce to the CSC investigation involving former University of Michigan Physician Dr. Robert Anderson. University of Michigan Nurse Kathleen Rose told me that Debbie Kowal worked alongside Dr Anderson while at Health Sendces and may he I able to give me more information about Dr Anderson and his practices. I was able to leave a' telephone message on the answen'hg machine of Deborah Kowal, which lead to a message left from Richard Goodman (Husband) telling me that Kowal was not currently home, but if she talked to me his Son, a federal agent, would haw: to be present. I then received a message from Zack Goodman, who introduced himselfas federal agent, and mother of Dehdrah Kowal. In a realm call to him, he advised that his mother was at his residence visiting, and that he would put her on speaker phone-so that he could listen into the. conversation as well. Goodman said that he was sure that this was a Complaint about medical treatment. STATEMENI OF DEBORAH KOWAL: Kowel told-me?that she worked at the University ofM:ichigaoHealth Services from 1975 to 1978 as a Physicians Assistant. She said that she: 13a to take a position in the Atlanta Georgia area. She said that Dr. Robert Anderson was the director of Health Services at the time, and said that he did actively see patients. She Volunteered that he was a Ur010glst,- and therefore saw male patients for urological problems: She also said that he was the physician for the Athletics teams, and whet; asked if he was the doctor to perform the annual sports physicals she said . diet he was. I asked Kotval What; the sport?s physicals Were comprised of and she said they checked heath, mag-?5, blood pressure, andjs?he said that they Were all checked for hernia-?3 and testicular cancer. She said that they also had a rectal exam performed. I asked her if these were all perfomied by Dr. Anderson and she said that they were, as she hadconduc-ted a couple of the rectal exams, until Unirersity of h?chigan . Football Coach Shemhechler found out. She said that coach Shembechler did not Wants women pzerfonning rectal exams on his males players, so Dir. Anderson did the. physicals after this. - I asked Why a rectal exam was performed on a sports physical and she said that it was to check the prostate and other abnormalities. I asked Why this was needed for college aged males and she said was hained to do rectal exams as part of a complete physical while at the Umversity?. Kowal went on to say that the athletes would some over to the Health Services buildings fer the physicals, and it Was by appo mutter?ti. Open. Eiffm ?ltered By: worms-- Kit est; their Prhatrl; Beeczolzerla go {it - P?fm-a ea :ss - Qf?car E?arra?ve f. I DIVISIGN BF PUBLIC SAFETY SECURITY UNIVERSE TY DE MICHIGAN Case No. 1890303861 Subject Enicred 011: 12:.r 1519.018 10:02:00 Mvi Entered By: UMAGNS West, Maik Of?ce: Narrative . Page 2 of 2 Buick-Gd By; W317i; - West, Mali: Case No. 1 890303361 Printed: Beam b515, 2028 - 10:18 AM CaseNo. 1890303865. Subject . emsms 0F . . . - seem seem PUBLIC SAFETY SECURITY CSC/Anderson? Imemm?iwow?est . 0F wearers Entered On: 11312019 10:00:22 AM Entered By: West, Mark Nerretive: . sommy: This report is in reference to the CSC investigation inmlving former University of Michigan physician Dr. Robert Anderson. - I was able to make teiepho?ne contact with Mary Timmemlann and Dr. Yeong Kwok, both of'who work in the same of?ce that Dr. Anderson worked out; of in the East Ann Arbor Campus. STATEMENT OF MARY Imemenn relayed that she did not remember Dr. ergo did not ?remember any negatiVeeommentsabout any of the doctors in the of?ce. STATEMENT OF DR. YEONG KWOK: Kwok is a physician Workinget the-East Ann Arbor Campus and?worked alongside Dr. Robert Anderson; Dr. KWOJC said ?rst he thoyght that DL. Anders on only worked at that lo eation for 273' years? and did not remember any negative interae?ons with Dr. Anderson or any patient complaints Anderson. - I I told-Dr. KWok about the "Anonymous? patient who had showing 35 mm area on {he Pin?tary gland and ?ie follow 11;; eiamination in which his: penis wes."Grabhed like a gear shifter? and? he had his rectum and prostate; checked. also?iaold Kwok about?the footie head exam, while naked en. The exam tab-1e. Dr. Kwo}: said that the only? thing that he would have examined on the patient were The testicles, and this would have been .to look at the size. - The testicles can shrink due to lack of hormones produced by the pituitary gland. Dr. Kwok said that there would have been no reason to grab 1 ?the penis, or examine it with both He said that the oniy reason to touch the penis would have been to move the testieies, but that would not be a usual movement. Dr. Kwok said that there would have been no reason ~10 do a foot to head touching exam - on the legs and other body gents either. He saint that the rectal/prostate exam was a"p1ns or minus". He explained this as a routine type of rest hack in the early 2000's. He gave. the example of his physical for medical school in 1993, in which he had his prostate checked during this exam; He said ?ne: was not om:- of the or?inary in thatera?. .. koomonsr. Pres Pain: from. Health Services got back with main reference to my request about names onrhes'fDemo?on" paperwork ?nm ?nitfer'siiy ofh?ehigan Human Resenmes. "fame Duoperraul?' Was an emsloyee from at the Heal?s Services facility in roles of'h?ling supervisor, admin assoe., and Financial manager. 3&0? Entered 73 - west? M3111 Printed: February 19, 2919 - CaseNo. 1890303861 mar-AM Bagel of 2- . . . mwsmus 3?11?th G?f?oer ?arra?ve PUBUC SAFETY SEEURJTY CEO/Anderson/T?nmormaanwoWest Entered On: 1/3/2019 10:00:22 AM Entered By: West, Mask was detennined to be that of Ralph Elliot Mortonson who hired in on 4l23/1962 and The signature of what appeared to be Mortosson" senior ?nancial analyst. retired 031'9/30/1994. He had the roles of auditor, business manager, analyst, admin associate, and It appears" that Ralph M'ortonson has passed away; All additional ?fIane Dupperrault" was locate? on "acourinthom" and this person is also I deceased, I Open, mm Febmary 19,2919 Of?m Entered By: mm 173 ?West, Mark 1913i Ahl ?mm CaseNo. 13913393351 Page 2 of 2 Case No. 1890303361 .. 5 0F . Subject CSC/Andersom?CARRfWest Mimi? . Eg?ggsg??g?? Y- Entm 011: 11229019 10:17:45 AM Enterei By: West, hiatk Narrative: EMMY: This report is in reference to the CSC investigation into former University ofM'chigan Physician Dr. Robert Anderson. This investigation has involved ihterviewhtg several people that worker} Wither knew Dr. Anderson 011 112212018; I was abie to make telephone contact with Fourier University ofMiehigan Footha? Coach Lloyd Catt. STATEMENT OF LLOYD CARR: Carr said that he knewDr. Anderson, and had had a telephone call a couple of weeks ago from an associate that also knew Dr. Antietam. He said that I "had previously asked about?DI, Anderson, so he had "a long tinge- to thinkahout . Hesaid that he could not think of any .3 negative about Dr. Anderson. He Said that he did not ?Fitness, nor hear any rumors about anything inappropriate invoking Dr. Anderson and patients. (1311 said that he became head- coach in 1995- and saw and interacted with Dr. Anderson more at that point. He said that it dealt with player health related issues and was always professional. He dirt nothave anything else tosa?y about Dr. Anderson. MORMATIGN FRGM MARVIN JOE ROBERSON IR: ctic Director at the '1 I hag? mihea'r'd 2.11 EDIE ?-om Romson Ir; rel"tioi1 to his fathef the farmer Pith} I have not heard back foom Roherton Ir. CASE STATUS: Dem. . . .. . . Of?cer - I . Mark Prh'iteszehmary19,2919- N?m?m? CeseNo. 1898303861 Pagel of 1? . . 7 ammo. 18903113861 . . . . magma BF Subject csczisnae - . 1-51.? .. {tartaeve PUBLIC UAFETY 8: SECURITY Emmott 3 ,1 ?101 2&2. valvaasrry OF MICHIGAN Entered By: 178 West, Marl: NarratiVe: 7 Closed SUMZMARY: 1 This report is in reference to the CSC investigation involving Dr. Robert Anderson a former ghysician with the University of Michigan; EIFOMTION: While investigating this case, retired-human resources staff member Andrew Perez and Risk Management associate director Kate Ryehiins?ki both mentioned that Anthony Benton worked in HumaHISSouroes at die time of Dr. Andersons demotion ??om the-Health Services Director position: mentioned that he was on the Sta??ng Unions?I side of human resources and may have in?ammation about Dr. Anderson. - INFORMATION FROM ANTHONY BENTON: Anthony Benton is the current Senior Vice President and Chief G??iccr of the Univetsity?ofh?ehigau Hospitals and Health Care Centers. 3. met with him, along?with his attoiney David OBn?en, and the Miller can?eld oi?oes on Mam Street Arbo: M1011 311/2019. Anthony Benton said that he. attended the Universe}r of Michigan from 19814983 on a fellowship, slid-Mined in at the U?iversibr of Miehigaa in 1983' as a Human Resource Advisor.- Benton said that he was involved in the ?S'taifUnions" portion of human resources He said that his position was in "management guidance" and this was related to employee discipline; said that they cal}: dealt With "Staff? issues and did not deal with the Faculty, which Dr Anderson Would have been categonzed. Demon said that he did not recognize the same ofDr . Anderson arid did not remember hearing any tumors or talk of Dr; A?derson's departure ?rom Heal?i Services . Benton said that the Faculty portion ofthe discipline would ?all underthe. "Medical School acuity a?a?s, or Clinical aifairs department ADDITIONAL: I had previously talked to Dr. Margaret Gyetko at Faculty affairs and that department did or): basic any discipline or other information on Dr. Robert Anderson. CASE STATUS: ?1 . Partial? We at ?mm (lens; a; 1esoeaasa1- an Errata-18h *1 West-513$ Ema-a was ?f?cer f??arra?va DNISIDN UF PUBLIC SAFETY 82 SECURITY OF MICHIGAN Case No. 1890303861 Sul?cct 311th On: 3/1/20} - Emcred By; 13930173 Mark Of?cez Narrative Page 2 of 2 Emma By: umms - Wat, Mark Case No. 1890303861 Printed: Mach 1, 2019 - 2:42 PM Case N5. 1890303861- Subject Gem Narrative Willi SAFETY a SECURIW 352??; as MICHIGAN . Entered On: 3/26/2019 3 :37: 16 PM Marat By". 178 - est, Mark Narrative: SUMMARY: This report is in reference to the Cn'minal Sexual Conduct mvestiga?on involving former physieihn RobeIt Andersorn INFORMATION: Information was provided to me that E. Royster Harper, Vice President of Student Life, may have been with Student life at the time that Dr. Anderson worked for Health Services. Health Services is under the control ofstudent life. I requested to talk to Hanger, ?and was contacted by her attorney, David Damonchel. Dumouchel said that he talked to Harper and she provided hiinwith her resume Dumouchel said that. Harper was not with student life at that time Demonchel? also relayed that Harper did not know Dr. Anderson, had never talked to him, and did not have any additional information about Dr Anderson that could help this investigation NORMATIDN FRO I Was able to locate an address . was not .1911: II I and :93ponded to that address A11 unknown subject advised that - - 525' tasted me later tin the dayon 41?8172019 me: Ill-leftabusiness . :after ?this examined her temperature checked said that she started work at the company ?aat she got the exam and was talking to a co. worker a short me la ithat {re-Worker was . .1 . remembers asking hat about that prc?employment yhysical" and ieamed not have to Submit t6 1 said that the she 18.13111:th I the- . . .. 'ust rehnned hack; approx? dyes-1's gf?te? geese Big: melts 45631 has mm .1 mes Page}. 1113': '3 . 3.11111 v. 15111er- DIVISION OF Gf??cer Narrative I PUBLIC SAFETY SECURITY UNIVERSITYUF MICHIGAN Case No. 189030386E Subject 33$ Entered 0n:.3f26f2019 3:37:16 PM Entered By: Wit?0178 Mark . Maddage said that she did ?at remamber much else about the ?lcidcnt CASE STATUS: Closed. 0mm? Entered By: - Wat, Mark Narra?ve i . . . FagsZon Fiascho. 1390303881 I?m-intent April 3, 201-9- - 1:43 PM caress. 1890303861 . Qi?cer {tarrattva Sr SECURITY UNIVERSITY 6F MICHIW :omastest . - . :09 AM Enter-ed By; West, Mark Narrative:- SWARY: This report is in reference to the Criminal Sexual investigation involving former University of Michigan Physician Robert Anderson. . MOMTION: ILau-rita Thomas is the current Associate Vice President for Hmnan Resources at the University of Michigan. Her naine came Up in talking 'with Employee RepresentatiVe Andy, Perez. Perez's name appears on the "demotion" paperwork as the employee processing this transaction. Perez told me that he had thought Laurita Thomas was in charge of human resources during this transaction; I met with Laurita Thomas and her attorney, John Shea on 4/23/2019 and obtained information tic-om Thomas. THOMAS: Thomas said that she thought that she would have been at the University of Michigan Hospitals (now called Mchigan Medicine) in 1980. She, said that although Health Services was under the "St11dentLife" umbrella, the faculty, such as Dr. Anderson, would have been under the Michigan Medicine Human Resources Thomas said that she did not remember the transaction involvmg Dr Anderson moving ?rdm the Health Services to the hospital as a Clinical instructor. When asked about whet-her Dr. Anders on would have had to apply for this po sition, she said that it has changed since them Thomas said that I if. Anderson. would have been 111 an appointed position at the hospital prior to moving to Health Services he would not have had to apply for a position. IfDr: Anderson was not in an appointed position prior to becoming a director at Health Services which applies to Dr. Anderson}, she said that she thought that he would have had. to apply for that position Thomas said that she was not 100% sure of this procedure hack then. Thomas said that presently a department chair can identify individuals that would enhance their deparhnents and malre appointments regardless if the}r had prior appointments at the hospital or not; When asked about discipline in the eniployeefs ?le, Thomas relayed that generally that information remained in the employee?s un?lthey . left the University of Michigan Thomas- gave the example of an "insubordinate" employee. Thomas said that if they had an "insubordination" disciplinary incident it would remain in the ?le, but if it happened more than 2 years prior, they could not use that; 1n consideration of discipline the current incident - - She said that currently they keep all discipline in a ?le-regardless ifthey leave theUniversity of Michigan or not. Thomas said-that tins .. would be on "Micro?hn" and would be kept forever. She said that they started this procedure when she came to her current position in 2004 . DI. Addc?s?n retired'in 2003); Thomas said that this ?demotion" onhis paperwork could have been related to him leaving a higher position to go to a lower position. Thomas will look "mto the disciplinary ?les related to or. andemon and get back with me if she can locate them. it DECEASED: Erased 363?: Uhi?ll? Vi?esl. Kiss}: 5??ng 213131133: "till t; :51 33 Page} of Of?cer errative Case No.1890303361 ?li?lSi?N OF PUBLIC SAFETY 8t SECURITY UNIVERSITY OF MICKICAH Entered By: West, Mark Director. These subj eats worked W1 about these incidents CASE STATUS: Closed. [This initial maiden: occurred in the early 19 70?s, ?Lois Margaret Dick, RN, Nursing services director at Kaleb Administrative manager who processed Dr. A-odersons Kathleen Daonem?ler Assistant to former President Lilian Dene. former mam-Dome Canham GleanE. "Bo" Schemhechler, Former University of Michigan Football Coach daring Dr. Alex Aggse-Former Assistant Football Coach during and due to this, several people with 3 00311606011 are now deceased. These subj ects are: ?Dr. Thirza Smith, faculty at Health Services during Dr. Robert Anderson?s tenure- Dr. Albert Girz, Faculty at Health Services during Dr. Robert Anderson's tenure. ?Dr. Thomas Holley, Fatality at Health Services during Dr. Robert Anderson's tenure. lean Arodt, RN at Health Services during Dr. Robert Anderson's tenure. Mar-1,4r Taylor, RN at Health Services daring Dr. Robert Anderson's tenure. Bernice Fanning, RN at Health Services during Dr. Robert A?derson?s tenure- Sima Teadorovic, RN at Health Services during Dr. Robert Anderson?s tenure- Health Services during Dr. Anderson?s?teoure. Evert Ardis, Health Services Director prior are Dr. Robert Anderson transfer from Health'Services to the Hospital.. of Student life Henry Iohrtson. Dr; Gerald O?Connor, Fellow Athletic Department physician -that worked with or. Robert Anderson Donald Canhamr; Former Athletic Director at the University of Michigan Robert Anderson?s transfer from Health Services a Threletoo, Assistant Football came during the early1970?s.: . Vooletieh, Former Assistaht Football Coach dining the early 1970's. the early 1970 s. ith, or for Dr. Anderson during the years of his employment and may have been able to provi?e details or information Qf?eer Nan-awe a? Fae-1 39030386? mm 33:. ?Ubii?l?'i- \?s'aa1; Mari; receipamiaeax 14:33 are minivan Case 1890303361 95;. ?ii - 1 PUBLIC SAFETY 81 SECURITY . Entered By: West, Mark 11' Narratts?e SUMMARY ?gg?f I This report is: 111 reference to tlia Criminal Sexual Conduct Investigation involving Dr- Robert Anderson INFORMATION I. - On 3321320? Criminal anesttgatlons Uniti Superwsor Lt Paul DeRidder forwarded me an entail he received from Dave Masson general counsel for the Universny of Michigan Masson had received an email fromI Dr Robert Ernst current director of the University of Michigan ho. obtamed his Bachelors degree horn the University of Michigan in 1972 and a Masters Degree 2' The einait con51sted ofah assaalt' RIoberIt Anderson IasIaf 3311;111:1251 31111111 he was-:11 student at the University, and the suspect was identi?ed as Dr. . 'The ema1l was titled "Andersons Boys, My: Michigan Me-Too Moment i97l". This email was aItt'aeIhed to this report The email was about a 1151111111115 Health department when Dr: Anderson Was director and physician th piained that he was a "young gay man 1 just coming to terms With his sexuality" and that he had thought thathe has Icouh'acted Ia sexua ly transmitted disease. He said that he reached . ?cohzld Jusu'hame reqtlest" Dr Anderson and the friend told him to Just tell his of?ce that he (friend) sent yof II II 1d so aihd was able to '-IobIt;ain an appomtment ZII days later that he ntet with Dr. Anderson in his of?ee and they then went into the exam room. This Was just the 2 of them. Dr Anderson i asked him if he "pulled back his foreskin and look for deposits or discharges"; and than Dr. Anderson' ?without warning or hesitation? "opened his lab coat and began to remove his belt and unzip his pants." 1 "Dr. Anderson then said "here, let me show you" "Dr. Anderson then pulled down his pants and bottom juinped up on the exam table, and began to digital manipulation of his small, uncircumcised penis". Dr. Anderson II then insisted that .I come otter to the exam table and he "placed myI hand on his erect penis and asked me to pull back the foreskin icomplied, and then he placed his hand on top of mine and began moving it up and down on his erectio aid that he "wanted to get this over as quickly as possible but 1 was not going to allow this to continue without the doctor's acknowledgenient of what was really going on, So I asleed in: Anderson Do yon want to have an orgasn1?I He replied yes'f, .. etc that he was horri?ed and dazed and qnestioned how sonaething like that could happen to . id that ?i am reaching out- to 3911 (E11151) with this letter 111 hopes you will do everything within your power to make sure sortie-thing like this never happens again at M1ch1gan .- . . . gf?csr Film 33;; 1111-11173 Wm Marl; I 1111111511; Seplember 10. 21119 1; Case No. 1890303861 - 11:12 AM Page 1 of1 . . i I- - N?IsI-?I?fati??; r; . 553; I 1 ?i?cm 551390393351 .. - I I i 1 Lad I PUBLIC SAFETY CSCfAnderso . . es: i OFMICHIGAN Enlered On: 3122/2019 1.40133 PM Entered By; UM- West, Mark the othen Vi5iIIs sun) all of Anderson 5 Igay patients Just had to eh I Assumatlo saiidI that he re- 1: ..sIaid that he send me his medlcal records I inf" .1d_thatI}eIivquld IIif he remembered anything else; .5 I I We} IIrio?It fahIeI to trackI dc} i: STATUS greed to speak with me and said that he has thought ofthe incidem every since hat I had read his Ietter, and he said that he could not give me much more 5}}ng that" at that time homosexuality was stIIi eIaS5i?ed as a mental illness by the thaIt Andaman wonld see him whenever he needed after thaIl and it was strictly professional on 'ste'Ii his medical records- horn the' of Michigan 1993 and the visit on Jone 30 was annotated as a . iId thI'Iat he thought ihis Was- _a code IAIInderson used for the "special treatment reserved for his gay maie patients". hatI he was not alone, and provided him with this case report number. ADDITIONAL in the state of Michigan and multiple alumni with that name. IOpen - 33:1}: ?M'bm'wwyma'k i . Primed: September in, 20154 I Page?)! of?2-2~ - 3 fik who. no fol. new at 5:25 en. - F?l?l $ent horn my anone Eegln forwarded monsoon: Hello Lt. EeRidd?er: I understand dint recently- LIMPD wee investigating ioon-ae related lo Dr. Robert Andereon ed) em not euro lfihlo matter 13 still on open inves'ligetlon or not. however em lhe entail below which eppeere in he related to Dr monsoon. Dove Date. 918.2019 at 7:05 PM Subject: My Michls - . .. To: Dr: Robert Ernst and Aching Dean Elizehetll Sole, II are roaching on! to you with this letter' In hopes you: will do everything within your: I power to make sore something like this never heppene. egaln at Michigan Anderson's Boys My Michigan Me-too IMomenh 197i Some things you never forget. I who 20, an undergraduate In the school of Liternhire, Soienoe, . not! the Arts, and a yhung gay manjuot coming to ternis with his oe'xnality. Ann Arbor was a. kind and tolerant place for those of on who did not conform to the gender-nonnative standards of the era. But there were tithes when medical Itooneo could I?oot?I no end icovc no vulnerable Dr. Andemon was the head of the University of Michigan Student Henlth Service when I was an and graduate student there. I saw him several nmes in Deoemher 1970 because of the room-moo: of a hymn- -an acutely painful testicular swelling. I was white his of?ce, I believe, because I dropped In a deed faint onto the ?oor of the health service while I was standing In line to check-in to see a physician. The health service rotated snidents to whatever physician was available when you arrived. I believe they sent me to the hood of the which Bot" to Ions as. 197 ii sto sold do a somnl partner . . . I see a rats: was s. new experience for oss- and I didnfs- ?snow . 3 what to do I thme for tire. assassins assessing a. ogodossioo line so a sodas soso factory in .I out toying doongh assess. I sonido't and soy formiiy physician and we sensory dido?t hose one nod he seenmms health session bassoon nay attention as oienriy seats. Dr oodogsoss: presets medications seed tho prohiosst. ?1 . .. n. - -.- I-?t fog anything sod tom wosit .soj?sny So I seashed noise a few gay sosie? stands? to! 1 11m Arbor wise weso1Isise-Mtohsono Sassoon; Goo of them said no, ?Go see Dr. moans; 'ho?ii mite ease of yeast? dosing oiohoieo at the; health semen was rarely possthiet i? -. Di Anderson was dso Diseases of son- onisrosot?yI a health service, sodi jostosmev. . tensions him. My. noon continued ?It won ?it its a: osnhieoo he takes dad of so tho gay gays on I . - osmosis; nod its doesis' It soon. dines resonois to ?die. Dopstoot of Dahlia Iionith. I instead his re?ne and seilihoosisensyon I . . . ers denoted my: friend, hnsI seas eta where arse to man. oat piooed soniewhss astonished. when I was given no oppeiotosoot with D?s Andersen two days into on I ions 30; I971 Irwas summer and I had to drive. neat Ann Ashes to keep sho- . npootnooeot. toy eno=hetss drove I screamed oe?ssroos and uncommon with toy: I SIIiidi?sona I- hold needs heats exposed to venereal disease ood I issd oniy recently hegtm hosting not; worth soon 36:3; waisted through the doors oioef health oomce and ooid site appetotnseos too. That?s I headed I . for Dr; Anderson a aorta was ieossod prohineriily to tho front of the hniidin?fg, not foal: .. goose the main entrance Itdeott?ed toysolf to his receptionist-tend waited to do esll?d Seen . dildos-sen emerged ?oss Iain of?ce and motioned toe. in. ?Dr. Anderson was ?a short, sotussd little man brown hair, weamtgo white iah cent door has ?5 . ?street; clothes I do about forty?years?old. I don't think he had any memory of one ?tti?o the appomttnent I hid isn?t-I months earlie?o A?erall, Mtehigart was, and stilt? 15?, a big ?ocheel I glaneed around the? (?ee as?. I sat down at his desk, odti?eieg fat the. ?rst tired hoary 5 spectrum; and well~appemted it was touch better disothe. of?ces of other I had consulted for rentine health matters I sat in the ?dh'air tit dent of his desk as he sat de?wat . ?sxeppesne rate will go?evoi fdi'get tho horned picture on the eredeoza holtindhiin showing the faces of several young and a wort-tots assumed to be his wife The lsr?g?I?e? \wmdew behind to dosh operas aria risotto jot. on sun sheathed ai?mtigh venetian bonds is, TI 3 . explatned the reformatted I goeeived frosty. m3}: some]. partners. Dr Andersen listened, then get up ft-omhts chats saymg ?Let a ge into the exam rectointo a largeadjaeent examtnattm redm sod asked me to take BI seat in the? room 8 only chart: Andersen their ladnoh?d into dissertation shear the sytoptor?hs of venereal dis?ease- (none. 301" which I had) andwhat to {disk for. Nothtn'g he oa?id wits new to me; I was naive; t?tot . steptd. i responded, ?Thanks this knew. than his presentatton tdelt: an awkwsi'd dad. . sun tum: He tnqutrnd,?De you letew hewtepull 13361:me foreshn andIeok? for depesrts . . . I .: or aneumctsed.? [replied ?23? that?s 110*? 133W ?amen, wrthom mg or hesttatton, Anderson opened?hts to coat and Ihegatt 1d rosette his . s. belt ?and hts? trousers Here," he volunteered, ?let? the Show Event? He proceeded to. pull .. I down his pants sud 1:01:65,ij onto the exam tibia; and hosts the digital mempulatton of . . I his entail, Ho ddottnned talking, e??crieg? stints. quasr?mcdteal aceompamment for Andersen itisia?ied I come dvo?r'te the exam table. I stood walked Elias. and he placedrny hand do his erectpems and salted me to pullhsolt the soidod diseaso? '35 1- 3 1; down an his erection. At this heist, iniew exactly what his was; it was net educational. Bush had has yet received the medical . . tinn needed Khan to get ever as quichiy as Ieemphed, and than hegmeed his hninldfien?ieg nfininef had. and h?wihie, hut not geing in allow- ihis in oentinne withent the doctor?s achiewledgemeni . ($thth resily going on. a I Se Eashed?i? Andersen, ?Dd yen want to have an eigasmf?? was? Ana wise: deems go: the hand?jnh he seeking. shamans, he gniehly steed up, cleaned v? . self a seesaw of his patient He wash a slide 03? the tip of nay gems - (despise the news there was no discharge) and he hiond. The tests wenid some. ?53 back?ncgia?ve-? 2 I - 3 When I the dined was ?gm?ed and dazed. Haw eeuid such a thing hsgpen in me, 01? I 1 ageg?g; ai gnawing; was not unmanned, jnat disgusted. Refine leaving Ann ?endwhe made the safari-a1 to Anderson, in tell him what happened. .?fwhii?dian?fi i??mtested. My ?-iend just shrugged an shoulders and incised . i away; massaging; was she pines align Andersen?s gay male naiients paid for his sewiees Land Simply?endaijed it. It was 1971; homosexuality was still ?classi?ed als- b? tii'afhme?can Assaeatian. We were ?hams, net :eas?ef?a?aesie it. - I IsawAndeiisonfora fo?low?np,and shic?y husiness, wiihnut a sexual . - II: guess youcauldsaylhecame ens af Anderson?s bays. He would see -. 1 811th; iab?sjsa?sntism am away Missions. . - ?most 33.1??an hsg'Phs?sd. ab?agt it this experience. I wanderedlf it Edmag?ef Andaman?s gay patients, if there was ?6th the Introductory ffiemdf?_fon 1;:le heirs; @?wiibmusc we didn?t an about ?sje? In those degen- niag?ad?to {San Psahgimo :a?es ?niall?ing'graduate school at 1 1 5113113deth ? Iih?W deld??di? that magi-cgl?itif?i? 90? live f9 393 Old . 335. 111511.31?me this is not Visitation meg; 3? 5: mleasmquestamymem: mm Theywere an a in a. @1116 was marl! ph?tawbied?recordwasm 'Asdessqs's annotations for my visit of 30,1971. "It-?gauges sands; sag;- and the mutation Survey" gay" with shamans. sepsis giginshence-aon: Bur . regs-e rabfeatlyhaifa ween able ti. sit aniw?i? itEaut. I?hola min-will toward theUmversny Dr Andersonl "imagine the 'ddbaog's closeted life was hat an easy one. But . . a when aims; sumvoxs some. io?mpag long?suppressed instances of sexual abuse, I - Bduft daubi theta; price yen have had yg?town ?me-too? moment. it changes you. And jinn mamas i .. rs . 11111114111111813011111 12331110. 18903113361 Subject EnteredOn' 911112019 1140-43 AM Wlarr?alzwem Entered By; UM 0178 West Mark This report is in reference _to the 8161111211 1415541111 incidents involving former University 'of how his appointment with Dr. Anderson was labeled and also to preserve 536 years had been long: destroyed 31411512113111: 1 written or: .the tap. cornerofthe?page "This was thevis'itll Survey? . from 1111111111111 peri i. ed to clarify that Anderson if It was a sexual problem 111 1111111: due tohiscon? "Homosexuality was thoughi of as a ineiital Margie .. I even though he had been Vienrnized by Dr Anderson dentialiry. 11319561111" .. rit me his medical records _that he had obtained from the UniVersity of Michigan in 1 he only saw Dr Anderson 3__t1mes a?er his Eince again brought up his belief that during that time period '11 that this was aeoncern with him, which lead him to only go to Dr. Anderson, Michigan Physician Roberr Anderson. ad requested these records to them. The medical records from other survivors during those ?Molestation", andwould only go to Dr. Ef?e? gamed By {111.9113 W251 Mark . ma. ?'26 Easel-40 1390303851 Page 1 oil . Printed: September 10, 2019 11:56 AM August 23 2919 Mark West, Seteottye .. - - of Michigan Poiroe Department . IQ - Qt Michigan Qt Puhlro Safety artd Seourrty t?239 Ktpke mite Arth' Arbor Mt 48199 Deteotrye West Here ate my complete medtcai records the at Michigan Heatth Servroe as Qwell. as "a copy of. the original request that I made for them 1rt .. 1993 The health seryrce did the records with oomment they simply stapled them to my Original Ietter and pat therrt? the mail. They are Irt? reverse chronologtoal order With the ?most recertt teoord and; the earIrestr?I? record at 199 9991 The 999W IS 59er heo?ettse they were printed sure; from macrotrlm My orrgmats are th dtfferent rrt: quality from the copies attached I I I have af?xed a Post?1t tab to the page containing the question Will 99,9 sort?te art the upper right corner That handwriting ts mine, made In 1993- tyhert received these reerds. There tQ art asterisk and the comment ?This Survey Ha!? One Qt- the reasons I requested my: records was to see exactly how St Anderson referenced the sexual assault on my medlcal record I found out Lrt?f 1993 If you have further questions please tee! tree t9 contact me at the address artd phone number shown below Attachments: 1