THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR WASHINGTON FEB 24: 20201 The Honorable Gavin Newsom Governor of California Sacramento, CA 95814 Dear Governor Newsom: Thank you for your correspondence dated Monday, February 17 (Presidents Day), which I received at 8:41 pm. EST that same day. In this correspondence you emphasize your commitment to ?protecting our environment while maintaining our state?s economic Vitality.? You further explain that our ?intertwined state and federal infrastructure demand harmonized management?; that our water users ?rely on us to work together to reliably provide water?; and that ?[r]ecovering our ?sh populations requires our state and federal environmental agencies to work together and use all tools at their disposal.? While I could not agree more with your comments, it is equally notable that less than 48 hours after delivering your correspondence, you announced your intention to ?le litigation regarding the long- term operations of the State Water Project and the Central Valley Project and associated biological opinions, minutes before the President arrived in Bakers?eld on Wednesday. Given the extensive collaboration in the development of the biological opinions by your State agencies, and the science they are grounded in, I believe your litigation is ill-founded. However, I am respectful of your decision to litigate. Over time, I suspect this litigation, like many other California water cases before, will end up with many parties and many twists and turns. As the litigation you initiated proceeds, I anticipate the State of California and the Department of the Interior will face signi?cant administrative and operational challenges regarding the intertwined operation of these two water projects, some of which have not been seriously contemplated for decades. The result of this and any litigation will be further uncertainty of water supplies to 35 million people, including numerous disadvantaged communities, farms, and ecosystems dependent on these water sources. Given that tens of millions of people and over 3 million acres of farmland depend on the intertwined operation of these projects for their crucial water resources, your expressed commitment to ?staying engaged and working to ?nd a shared path forward? after precipitating this litigation will not be forgotten. SinCerely, Secretary of the Interior