Monitoring Officer Geoff Wild County Hall, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1UD Telephone (01983) 821000 Name of meeting FULL COUNCIL Date WEDNESDAY, 26 FEBRUARY 2020 Time 5.00 PM Venue Members of the Committee COUNCIL CHAMBER, COUNTY HALL, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT All Members of the Council Lead Democratic Services Officer: Marie Bartlett, telephone 821000, email PRAYERS led by Veronica Brown 1. Minutes To approve as a correct record and to sign the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 15 January 2020 (Paper A). 2. Declarations of Interest To invite Members to declare any interest they might have in the matters on the agenda. 3. To deal with any questions from members of the public - a maximum of up to 15 minutes for written questions, with up to a further 15 minutes for oral questions. Questions may be asked without notice but to guarantee a full reply at the meeting, the question must be delivered in writing or by electronic mail to Democratic Services no later than 5.00 pm on Monday, 24 February 2020.The Procedure for asking oral questions is set out below. Details of this and other Council committee meetings can be viewed on the Isle of Wight Council’s website at This information may be available in alternative formats on request. Young people are welcome to attend Council meetings however parents/carers should be aware that the public gallery is not a supervised area. 4. Chairman’s Official Announcements To receive the Chairman’s official announcements (Paper B). 5. 6. Leaders Update report (20 mins) i) To receive the Leader’s update report – (5 minutes maximum) (Paper C) ii) Members questions on Leader’s update report (15 minutes maximum) Budget and Council Tax setting 2020 - 2021 and Future Years Forecasts (Paper D) RECOMMENDATION 1. It is recommended that the Council approve the following: (a) The revised Revenue Budget for the financial year 2019/20 and the Revenue Budget for the financial year 2020/21 as set out in the General Fund Summary (Appendix A) (b) Any variation to the Council's funding arising from the final Local Government Finance Settlement be accommodated by a transfer to or from General Reserves (c) Any further savings made in 2019/20 arising at the year-end (after allowing for specific carry forward requests) be transferred to the Transformation Reserve, Revenue Reserve for Capital (to increase the Capital Resources available) and General Reserves (to improve overall financial resilience) with the level of each transfer to be determined by the S.151 Officer (d) That the level of Council Tax be increased by 1.99% for general purposes in 1 accordance with the referendum threshold for 2020/21 announced by Government (as calculated in Appendix B) (e) That the level of Council Tax be increased by a further 2.0% beyond the referendum threshold (as calculated in Appendix B) to take advantage of the flexibility offered by Government to implement a "Social Care Precept"; and that in accordance with the conditions of that flexibility, the full amount of the associated sum generated of £1,721,900 is passported direct to Adult Social Care (f) That the amounts set out in Appendix B be now calculated by the Council for the financial year 2020/21 in accordance with Section 31 and Sections 34 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (g) The S.151 Officer be given delegated authority to implement any variation to the overall level of Council Tax arising from the final notification of the Hampshire Police & Crime Commissioner and Parish and Town Council precepts and amend the calculations set out in Appendix B accordingly (h) The savings proposals for each Portfolio amounting, in total, to £4.5m for 2020/21 and continuing into future years as set out on the next page: 1 Council Tax increases beyond the referendum threshold can only be implemented following a "Yes" vote in a local referendum Portfolio Adult Social Care, Public Health & Housing Needs* Children's Services, Education & Skills Community Safety & Public Protection Environment & Heritage Infrastructure & Transport** Leader & Strategic Partnerships Planning & Housing Renewal Procurement, Waste Management, Projects & Forward Planning Regeneration & Business Development Resources Grand Total Controllable Budget £ Savings Proposal £ % 49,403,911 1,542,700 3.1% 24,259,004 10,046,454 8,629,007 10,961,276 791,816 1,606,122 341,000 170,300 270,600 797,300 0 128,500 1.4% 1.7% 3.1% 7.3% 0.0% 8.0% 4,109,329 250,100 6.1% 1,296,345 16,015,608 127,118,872 93,500 906,000 4,500,000 7.2% 5.7% 3.5% * Excludes the additional funding passported through to Adult Social Care of £4.5m (which if included would result in an overall increase of 6%) and the additional funding for Children's Services, Education & Skills of £1.7m (which if included would result in an overall increase of 5.8%) **Excludes £19.4m of PFI grant funding, on a Gross expenditure basis the savings amounts to 2.6% (i) Directors be instructed to start planning how the Council will achieve the savings requirements of £10.5m for the 3 year period 2021/22 to 2023/24 and that this be incorporated into Service Business Plans (j) The minimum level of Revenue Balances as at 31 March 2021, predicated on the approval of £4.5m savings in 2020/21, be set at £7.0m to reflect the known and expected budget and financial risks to the Council (k) Members have regard for the "Statement of the Section 151 Officer in accordance with the Local Government Act 2003" (l) The Capital Programme 2019/20 to 2024/25 set out in Appendix E which includes all additions, deletions and amendments for slippage and re-phasing (m) The new Capital Investment Proposals ("New Starts") - 2020/21 set out in Appendix D be reflected within the recommended Capital Programme 2019/20 to 2024/25 and be funded from the available Capital Resources (n) The allocation of Disabled Facilities Grants be made to the Better Care Fund, and reflected within the recommended Capital Programme 2019/20 to 2024/25 (o) The S.151 Officer be given delegated authority to determine how each source of finance is used to fund the overall Capital Programme and to alter the overall mix of financing, as necessary, to maximise the flexibility of capital resources used and minimise the ongoing costs of borrowing to the Council (p) That the S.151 Officer in consultation with the Leader of the Council be given delegated authority to release capital resources held back for any contingent items that might arise, and also for any match funding requirements that may be required of the Council in order to secure additional external capital funding (e.g. bids for funding from Government or the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership) (q) The Capital Strategy 2020/21, including the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement contained therein (attached at Appendix F) (r) The Investment Strategy 2020/21 (attached at Appendix G) 2. It is recommended that the Council note the following in respect of the Council's Budget: (a) The Revenue Budget 2020/21 as set out in Appendix A has been prepared on the basis of a 3.99% increase in Council Tax, any reduction from the overall 3.99% Council Tax increase proposed will require additional savings of £861,000 for each 1% reduction in order for the Budget 2020/21 to be approved (b) The Revenue Forecasts for 2021/22 onwards as set out in the section entitled "Revenue Forecasts 2021/22 to 2023/24" and Appendix A (c) The estimated Savings Requirement of £10.5m for the three year period 2021/22 to 2023/24, for financial and service planning purposes, be phased as follows: Financial Year 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 In Year Savings Requirement £m 3.5 3.5 3.5 Cumulative Saving £m 3.5 7.0 10.5 (d) The Transformation Reserve held to fund the upfront costs associated with Spend to Save Schemes and Invest to Save Schemes holds a very modest uncommitted balance of £2.5m and will only be replenished from contributions from the Revenue Budget and an approval to the transfer of any further savings at year end (e) Should the Council elect to reduce the level of savings below £3.5m in 2021/22 (and £3.5m p.a thereafter), the Council's financial risk will increase and therefore the minimum level of General Reserves held will also need to increase in order to maintain the Council's financial resilience (f) The Council Tax base for the financial year 2020/21 will be 53,842.7 [item T in the formula in Section 31 B(1) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended (the “Act”)]. (g) The Council Tax element of the Collection Fund for 2019/20 is estimated to be a surplus of £246,269 which is shared between the Isle of Wight Council (89.3%) and the Police & Crime Commissioner (10.7%) (h) The Business Rate element of the Collection Fund for 2019/20 is estimated to be a surplus of £375,000 (i) The Retained Business Rate income 2 for 2020/21 based on the estimated Business Rate element of the Collection Fund deficit as at March 2020, the Non Domestic Rates poundage for 2020/21 and estimated rateable values for 2020/21 has been set at £38,235,692 The Equality Impact Assessment (attached at Appendix H) 7. 8. Reports of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Resources. (a) Appointment of Monitoring Officer (Paper E) (b) Pay Policy (Paper F) (c) Constitution Matters – Committee Allocation (Paper G) Report of the Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Partnership Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Services Safety Plan (Paper J) 9. Report of the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services Corporate Parenting Board Terms of Reference (Paper H) 10. Motions Submitted under Procedure Rule 9 of the Council’s Constitution (i) By Councillor Michael Lilley To recognises the continuing financial economic impact of the physical separation from the UK mainland on Isle of Wight public service delivery as stated by Portsmouth University and the resulting disadvantage to IW residents. To pursue legislation that tackles this historic disadvantage through a comprehensive Island (IW) Act that gives Island residents parity with UK mainland counterparts by engaging with its IW MP and IW Representatives in the House of Lords to pursue a private members Bill. 11. Member Question time of the Leader (30 minutes) Questions must be delivered in writing or by electronic mail to the proper officer no later than Thursday, 20 February 2020. GEOFF WILD Monitoring Officer 18 February 2020 2 Includes Retained Business Rates of £19.5m, "Top Up" of £13.1m, S.31 Grants of £5.2m and a Collection Fund surplus of £0.4m Interests If there is a matter on this agenda which may relate to an interest you or your partner or spouse has or one you have disclosed in your register of interests, you must declare your interest before the matter is discussed or when your interest becomes apparent. If the matter relates to an interest in your register of pecuniary interests then you must take no part in its consideration and you must leave the room for that item. Should you wish to participate as a member of the public to express your views where public speaking is allowed under the Council’s normal procedures, then you will need to seek a dispensation to do so. Dispensations are considered by the Monitoring Officer following the submission of a written request. Dispensations may take up to 2 weeks to be granted. Members are reminded that it is a requirement of the Code of Conduct that they should also keep their written Register of Interests up to date. Any changes to the interests recorded on that form should be made as soon as reasonably practicable, and within 28 days of the change. A change would be necessary if, for example, your employment changes, you move house or acquire any new property or land. If you require more guidance on the Code of Conduct or are unsure whether you need to record an interest on the written register you should take advice from the Monitoring Officer – Geoff Wild on (01983) 821000, email, or Deputy Monitoring Officer Justin Thorne on (01983) 821000, email Notice of recording Please note that all meetings that are open to the public and press may be filmed or recorded and/or commented on online by the council or any member of the public or press. However, this activity must not disrupt the meeting, and if it does you will be asked to stop and possibly to leave the meeting. This meeting may also be filmed for live and subsequent broadcast via a hosted internet site (except any part of the meeting from which the press and public are excluded). If you wish to record, film or photograph the council meeting or if you believe that being filmed or recorded would pose a risk to the safety of you or others then please speak with the democratic services officer prior to that start of the meeting. Their contact details are on the agenda papers. If the press and public are excluded for part of a meeting because confidential or exempt information is likely to be disclosed, there is no right to record that part of the meeting. All recording and filming equipment must be removed from the meeting room when the public and press are excluded. If you require further information please see the council guide to reporting on council meetings which can be found at All information that is recorded by the council is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. For further information please contact Democratic Services at Arrangements for Submitting Oral Questions at Meetings of Council and Cabinet: The front desk “opens” for public wishing to attend the meeting half an hour before the meeting. In the circumstances that a member of the public wishes to ask an oral question, they should approach the front desk and notify them of their intention. They will be given a form to complete which details their name, town/village of residence, email address and the topic of the question (not the question in full, unless they wish to provide this). These forms will be numbered in the order they are handed back. The time for registering questions will be for a 20 minute period (up to 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting). After that time expires the forms will be collected and given to the Chairman of the meeting. If time allows after dealing with any written questions, the Chairman will then ask those who have submitted a form to put their question. These will be in the order they were received. As the subject matter is known, the Chairman should be able to indicate which member will reply. If time permits the Chairman may accept further questions. The option to ask a supplementary question will be at the Chairman’s discretion. Once the defined period of time allowed for questions has passed (and assuming the Chairman has not extended this) then all remaining oral questions are left unanswered. No oral question will receive a guaranteed written response, unless the member responding indicates as such.