6th Feb 2020 Bruno Van Gompel Sustainable Packaging Office Coca-Cola Western Europe, Classified - Confidential A WORLD WITHOUT WASTE – OUR GLOBAL GOALS 1. Design • Make all consumer packaging 100% recyclable by 2. Collect 3. Partner • 100% collection • Work together or equivalent of packaging by 2030*. • Create packaging that is 50% recycled materials by 2030*. Classified - Confidential to support a healthy debris-free environment and oceans. EUROPE PABKAGINE We?ll callast all of our packaging sa that nuns of it ands up as litter or in the usaans. We'll make sure that 100% cf cur packaging is recyclable cr reusable. We'll werk with lecal and naticnal partners te cellect at our packaging in Western Europe. We'll use the reach at cur brands tc inspire eyerynne tn recycleWe'll make sure that at least 50% at the material we use fer cur PET battles ccmes frern recycled plastic. Cafes" sot We'll lead the way in picneering sustainable packaging including renewable materials and smart new ways tc reduce packaging waste. We are making progress In 2018…… 98% 74% 27% Towards a world without waste of our primary packaging was recyclable of our packaging was collected for recycling Classified - Confidential of the plastic in our bottles was recycled plastic FOR We are removing all INTERNAL unnecessary or hard to recycle packaging from our portfolio USE ONLY Classified - Confidential FOR Our target is 100% recycled or renewable INTERNAL content in all our plastic bottles – we will reach 50% by 2023 USE ONLY Classified - Confidential FOR We support well-designed INTERNAL deposit return schemes where a proven alternative does not exist USE ONLY Classified - Confidential FOR We will publish our INTERNAL packaging footprint on an annual basis by pack type USE ONLY Classified - Confidential futile-?I Plan In; F'GI-l'rg' r: {Fl-fl OUR STRATEGIC DIRECTION TOWARDS A WORLD WITHOUT WASTE FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Reduce & Reuse Remove unnecessary and hard-to-recycle single use packaging 100% recycled and renewable content* Working to collect 100% of our packaging Innovation *defined as a combination of mechanical, enhanced and plant-based PET to ensure a bottle made of no virgin fossil fuel based material Classified - Confidential Exploring refillable and packaging free delivery models TOWARS A CIRCULAR ECONOMY FOR PACKAGING Bottle gees back A ccneurner buys one to a chef: or cafe he of cur crcducte be seld again OUR VISION 0F SUOGESS Ccnsurner enjcye their drink and recycles the battle vie recycling bin or a reverse vending machine Bottle goes to be recycled intc a newr Dr bottle goes to be refilled Actlon F'Len u'l-Ilqu- Reduce & Reuse Remove unnecessary and hard-to-recycle single use packaging FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Innovation *defined as a combination of mechanical, enhanced and plant-based PET to ensure a bottle made of no virgin fossil fuel based material Classified - Confidential REMOVE UNNECESSARY PACKAGING FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Today a 500ml plastic bottle weighs only 19.9g compared with 28g in 2008. Changing the closures on our bottles saved us nearly 3500 tonnes of plastic per year Classified - Confidential We have also reduced the weight of our cans saving 6500 tonnes of metal every year far/E SP ?at: F'ian Ema} WW $33? Reduce & Reuse FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 100% recycled and renewable content* Innovation *defined as a combination of mechanical, enhanced and plant-based PET to ensure a bottle made of no virgin fossil fuel based material Classified - Confidential TOWARDS 100% RECYCLED PET ANYMORE 2018 28% 2019 2020 31% 40% Projected NO VIRGIN OIL BASED PET Target Classified - Confidential 2023 The future 50% 100% Ambition ALREAIY CONVERTED TO 100% NO MORE VIRGIN OIL BASE. PET Antlon Plan dun-.- Ina LOBAL FIRST, Coca-Cola Sweden will transition all locally produced PET bottles 100% If?: REC YCLED - Lima" luff-.1} x? LASTI world withc-ut waate *Lahel and cap not included Enhanced recycling will help us to reach the 100% Recycled Content goal Coloured bottles Clear bottles Feedstock: Waste of Clear PET beverage bottles Cleaned PET (rPET) Feedstock: Any PET waste Mechanical Recycling Non-food bottles Marine litter Polyester textile Regenerated PET Enhanced Recycling Classified - Confidential We are investing in new technologies to recycle the unrecyclable The latest: 300 test bottles made with 25% marine plastics" A first for food drink packaging A world of possibilities Our work continues towards a #worldwithoutwaste *Plastic retrieved from the Mediterranean Sea and beaches in Spain and Portugal. Label and caps not included. Not for commercial scale. TOWARDS THE PET BOTTLE OF THE FUTURE 5% A CIRCULAR PACKAGING ECONOMY RENEWABLE 25% ENHANCED RECYCLED 70% MECHANICAL RECYCLED SELL ONE COLLECT ONE Classified - Confidential • NO MORE LITTER • NO MORE VIRGIN OIL-BASED PET • SIGNIFICANT REDUCTION OF CARBON EMMISSIONS AS NON-FOOD PET APPLICATIONS INCREASE WE WILL NEED A SEPARATE RECYCLING LOOP FOR NON-FOOD PET (EU 282/2008) FROM TO Renewable Raw Materials & Consumption Non-Food PET < 5% Classified - Confidential Non-Food >5% 23 Reduce & Reuse FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Working to collect 100% of our packaging Innovation *defined as a combination of mechanical, enhanced and plant-based PET to ensure a bottle made of no virgin fossil fuel based material Classified - Confidential vc1 kg wrc'yp INFINITUM interseroh Classified - Confidential .3, II ecocm . cs Sustalr'anllit'g'hnt Reduce & Reuse FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Innovation *defined as a combination of mechanical, enhanced and plant-based PET to ensure a bottle made of no virgin fossil fuel based material Classified - Confidential Exploring refillable and packaging free delivery models Sustalr'atullify Antlc-n Plan ?llfI-DI University of Readlng freestgle . (ff-?2531? ic-n Plan We will find the most sustainable way to deliver our products to consumers Classified - Confidential We are making progress In 2018…… 98% 74% 27% Towards a world without waste of our primary of our packaging was of the plastic in our bottles was packaging was recyclable collected for recycling recycled plastic Classified - Confidential 6th Feb 2020 Bruno Van Gompel Sustainable Packaging Office Coca-Cola Western Europe, Classified - Confidential