Judge or Mu. 711445 (ALI D'Ai/Dl'rl/ Stare cf Mlswun Defendant M7!ka I 14/5er RUM-E Minn-l, Pmseclning Anamcy/MO Bar'No.: fleLJ SHJL, #0575 Defense Aunme'y/MO Bar No DO D'll~i'1 ss [1 Assessmem Repon Ordered Xmasunmce Asessmenl Repim Waived Appeal Bond Dale: Ammam- (Du: rue Stamp) Judgment Cnum Nu. I chagelmulpuunJ'WJJ'I If Charge cm: SSJZ'I-aljfi'l 5mm: 555,924 135 am Due ufOfl'ense: 0,43. 10,1 Couth. ll Cuuge Description: Ava] .1 Charge Cod: 511.015 SZ Slams) 57.1. ms 125/11 Date ufOffense: Z'i -- NFelouy Class 32' l] El A 0n the Ibov: cwm. it has been adjudged lilac me his been- Xround guilly upon 1 plea ofguilry Fauna guilty by zJury/coun l:l mums/Noll: pros/found ml guilty El Bf Felony Class l: l: x' A Unclusified On in: abcve com has been adjudged um lhe delendum has haul: Krona guihy upon a plea ofgullry Found guilty by a jury/com a Dismseumlle pros/found not guilty class Unclassified - .judged um gulcy by a jury/ccun 2 Dismissed/Noll: pros/found uol oscMam l) cluan 15am) :1 (Rev. am) WHITE-- COURT comunusm l:l Fo . a gulle upon a plea ofguilly - ound gullzy by aJury/caurl - Dismissed'Nolle mus/found um n" CANARY-- SHERIFF ound guiky by a Jury/0mm a Dismissed/Noll: pros/{mind not guilty 2I7.105.559.l|5 mu FINK-- s-rn: GOLDENROD-- a The defendant has been found beyond a reasonable doubt to be 3: Persistent Sexual Offender (558.018 Persistent Drug Offender (195.285, .291, .292, .295, or .296 RSM 0) Persistent Misdemeanor Offender (558.016 RSM 0) Persistent Offender (558.016 RSM 0) Persistent Domestic Violence Offender (565.063 RSM 0) Persistent Offender (Intoadcation-related Traffic Offense (527.023 Agavated Offender (577.023 RSM 0) Not Applimble on (date). Predatory Sexual Offender (558.018 RSM 0) Prior Drug Offender (195.285, .291, .295, or .296 Dangerous Offender (558.0} 6 RSM 0) Prior Offender (558.016 RSM 0) Prior Domestic Violence Offender (565.063 RSM 0) Prior Offender (Intoxication-related Traf?c Offense) (577.023 RSM 0) Chronic Offender (5 77.023 RSM o) Cl DECIDED Th court: Informs the defendant of verdictf?nding, asks the defendant whether (s)he has anything to say why judgment should not be pronounced, and ?nds that no sufficient cause to the contrary has been shown or appears to the court. Defendant has been advised of hisfher rights to f1 le a motion for post-convict ion relief pursuant to Rule 24.03 5129. 15 and the court has found Probable cause KNO probable cause to believe that defendant has received ineffective assistance of counsel. On count I the Court: Cl Suspends imposition of sentence. Defendant is placed on probation for a period of under the supervision of .Defendant shall comply Mityhe :Jitions set fojh in the separate Order of Probation. Sentences and commits the defendant to the custody of I mill-:1 (pitta Err/h for a period of years MVinrtencefl to Mbe served: HConcurrent I El Wh (a El suspends execution of sentence. Defendant is placed on probation for a period of under the supervision of . Defendant shall comply with the conditions set forth in the separate Order of Probation. On count the Court: El Suspends imposition of sentence. Defendant is placed on probation for a period of under the supervision of . .Defendant shall comply (Milfjitions set fort in the separate Order of Probation. Sentences and commits the defendant to the custody of M) for a period of 3 [yea-(Q KConcui-rent With GUM I Suspends execution of sentence. Defendant is placed on probation for a period of under the supervision of . Defendant shall comply with the conditions set forth in the separate Order of Probation. Cl Fines the defendant . The court stays with the remainder due by (date). OSCA (07:11) CRIBO (SEJD) 2 of3 217.305. 559.115 and Chapter 553 31D-SDJ-2 (Rev. 7? 2) The clerk to deliver a certi?ed copy of the judgment and commitment to the sheriff. defendant to the Department of Corrections. the defendant for the crime victims compensation fund for the sum of El $10.00 ?$4600 Ci Satis?ed Unsatis?ed 1:1 Judgment for the State of Missouri and against the defendant for appointed counsel services in the sum of Satis?ed El Unsatis?ed [Pi/Costs taxed against Costs waived. Defendant to report immediately to the Department for ?ngerprinting. The Defendant is ordered to submit to the ?ngerprinting, and is further ordered to provide all information necessary for the officer taking the ?ngerprints to fully complete all identi?cation and photograph portions Defendant to register as a sex offender with the chief law enforcement of?cial of the county or city not within a county in which (s)he resides within three (3) days of conviction, release from incarceration, or placement on probation. The court orders: [3 The sheriff to authorize one additional officen? guard to transport That judgment is entered in favor of the state of Missouri and against El $68.00 [3 of the standard ?ngerprint cards. ?217.785 Missouri Post Conviction Drug Treatment Program Non-Institutional Institutional ?21 ?.362 RS Mo Court Ordered Lon g-term Substance Abuse Program ?217.3?8 Regimented Discipline Program The court sentences ?559.115.2 RS Mo General Population Department of Corrections shall provide a report and recommendation whether probation should be granted. The court recommends placement to (?559.115.3 i20-day programz) El Institutional Treatment Program Department of Corrections shall provide a report and recommendation whether probation should be granted 30 days prior to the probationary release date. (Statutory Discharge) Shock Incarceration Program Department of Corrections shall provide a report and recommendation whether probation should be granted 30 days prior to the probationary release date. (Statutory Discharge) The court recommends placement to the Sexual Offender Assessment Unit pursuant to ?559.115.6. (Mandatory if the Defendant has pled guilty or been found guilty of sexual abuse, class felony - See ?559.1 15.5.) The Department of Corrections shall provide a report and recommendation whether probation should be granted. Thecourtfurtherorders:;C1ng3 Egg ?lb (UM 04L amid?. Defendant is placed on house arrest with electronic monitoring for a period of All costs associated to the electronic monitoring shall be charged to the defendant. ii P?m A Ez? W96 treat i DEPUTY SHERIFF COURT REPORTER 77 Wed/- 7 ?/76 Judge So Ordered: awe? 24220 3 Date I certify that the above is a true copy of the original Judgment and Sentence of the court in the above cause, as it 5 appears on record in my of?ce. THOMAS KLGE CLERK Issued on: M215) meg-r? Date Deputy Clerk 3 of3 217.305, 559.115 and Chapter 558 310-SDJ-3 (Rev. 3115)