Christaphss Garden 13,0. Box '34 Kaktovik, AK 99747 Becambes 30, 20-19 Dear Mr. Garden: Thank you for meeting with the Native Village 0f Kaktovik Tribal Council (?'l?ribal Council") and representatives 6f the. Aiaska Nana's: C05Managemsm Councif on July 225, 2019'. As discussed. with YOU during. this meeting, the Tribal Council that yau did 210%: cars for the psiar baa? ys?a aims on December 20, 2.018 in yam" yard. As an llamas, you knew it is the ?way of our people is take care 0f an animal right: away sense you. have takan its life. We appreciate that in msstisg yau teak rsspansibility far your assigns, and far ysur cam?mitmant is rspaising the haml you. caused. You. are a values member sf the of Kaktbs?ik. The community looks is you as a provider, leads-r, and as a posi?iss example fin: the youth. By no: fsiiowing the propsr protocol, you disregarded the aapsrtan?? T016 you held and caused harm to the communiw. Iastice requires that you .a-Iosk ta repair "the harm 310a caussd. As shared with yen during any meeting, {ha Tribal Council ds?bsratsd, and in partaarship with the ANCC hereby issues the panaltiss as the appropriate way for yes to repair the harm you caussd' and ham ya?ur assigns: i. 3 years prsbation 2? $1,060 to the community f0: polar bear-salami activisias 3. 396 hours cammunity service a. Examples: {fig ice ca?ar, p-aiar bsar pah?OL wark an graveyard Pubiic apology is fh?t swarms-it}; of Kakmsik, Present quarterly on haa?sg amiss and. duty is take care of the animal} Hum far Eidsrs and disabled N0 framing of pals: bsar fix 1 year ?sexy: DFENDANTS Case Document 38-1 Filed 02/26/20 Page We will be ?134 cantata-t with you t0 ?zrther discuss a process for yen to cam' 0115 these penaities. Sincereiyt, few/$5555? ngJ/af Edward Rexferd 555555555 55:. Native Village of Kaktevik ?x .r Chair Alasm Name?: Ce~Managemem Council CC: Brian Si?b?itzy Reeves Amedie, LLC Elizabeth Landye Bennett BEumgtein, Page 2 e? 2 Case Document 38-1 Filed 02/26/20 Page 2 of 2