.) JAPANESE PATENT OFFICE D1 PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN (11) Publication number: 09285886 A (43) Date of publication of application: 04.11.97 (51) 0' 823K 26/00 823K 26/00 8230 36l00 BZ3H 7l02 3230 15/00 II 323K 7/00 (21) Application number: 08102959 (22) Date of ?ling: 24.04.96 (71) Applicant: MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORP (72) Inventor: SHIBATA HIROAKI MURAI TORU (54) AUTOMATIC PROGRAMMING DEVICE FOR CUTTING PLATE (57) Abstract: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To control deterioration of the dimensional accuracy of a product due to thermal distortion in the cutting process as much as possible in performing the outing at the common line. SOLUTION: An automatic programming device is provided with a composite pattern data preparation part 1 in which the pattern data to de?ne the shape of each product are inputted, and the composite pattern data are prepared so that a plurality of products are arranged adjacent to each other on one plate, the outer contour side of the adjacent products is given by one cutting line, and the composite pattern data are prepared so as to perform the common cutting, and a cutting route data preparation part 3 in which the ?rst outing route is the outer circumferential cutting route of a composite pattern so that a plurality of outer contour sides forming the angle are left in the composite pattern de?ned by the composite pattern data prepared by the preparation part 1, the subsequent cutting routes including the cutting at the common line are set so that the product by the respective pattern data can be detached from the plate one by one under the condition where the left outer contour side is ?nally cut. and the cutting route data to de?ne the whole cutting route are generated as the tool route data for a working machine. 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