ece,ven 0 nFEBI 0 2020u D\t.J BY: ~~--t~ ur~~ .-f flJ\ .-f llt'.exag Jatsij ~pafu ~.ecr.etart! of tq.e ~.enat.e February 3, 2020 Mr. Austin Evers Executive Director American Oversight 1030 15th Street NW, Suite B255 Washington , DC 20005 RE: Public Records Request, MUL TI-20-0065-0069 Dear Mr. Evers: Pursuant to your request for (1) Any current policies, memoranda, or other guidance regarding the storage of records, both physical and electronic. This includes, but is not limited to, any current agency records retention schedule; (2) Any current policies, memoranda, or other guidance regarding the automatic deletion of electronic records, including emails, documents, or other iriformation stored electronically , " we have reviewed our files and I have enclosed the responsive document. The encJosed document is the current records retention sched ule for the Texas Senate and the Lieutenant Governor's Office. The document was re-approved in 2018 , but was not reprinted as .; no changes were made to the schedule. Sincerely , ~ Sis~ Secretary of the Senate Enclosure AMLRICA pVERSI I Jilox 12068 • J\ustin, ' )> ~ i ~~ :m:a !JJo "J> iu, •- Z G) ::::r:: -I CAUTION A state record whose retention period has expired may not be destroyed if any litigation, claim, negotiatjon, audit, public information request, administrative review, or other action involving the record is initiated; its destruction shall not occur until the completion of the action and the resolution of all issues that arise from it. A state record whose retention period expires during any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, public information request, administrative review, or other action involving the record may not be destroyed until the completion of the action and the resolution of all issues that arise from it. I..=,-. Olvlsfon Stateandlocal RecordsManagement TexasStateLibraryandArchivesCommission (Rev.2111) MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000002 ~ ~ iu .~ l< :: ·mr- SLR 105 [ /JJC. ,,....,..., !U~ !- Form SLR 105Cmust accompanythis form. STATE OF TEXAS -!. .-i: !G> Records Retention · Schedule I:::c -I 2.Agency Code 4. Records Series Item No. 101 5. Agency Item No. 1.Page 1 3. Agency Name TEXAS SENATE 7. 6. I Ret~ntionP1eriod I : ;TsLAc . .'ONLY· Ar~ ·.'. ·,Aipe~d 9. 106 No. Remarks RecordSeries Title 38 ,11; · ·, · 0. B. d : ' No.·.:.. Texas Government Code 306.003, 306.004, 323.017, and 552.106. 323.017, Chapter 552, In accordance with the Texas GovernmentCode, Chapter 306, Sections306.003 and 306.004, and Chapter 323 Section as follows: Section 552.I 06, the LieutenantGovernor,the Members of the Texas Senate, and the Senate departmentswill comply that are composed SECTION 306.003. CONFIDENTIALRECORDS.(a) Records of a member of the legislatureor the lieutenantgovernor communicatingwith the person the g exclusively of memoranda of communicationswith residents of this state and of personal infonnation concernin or a part of a record to which this member or lieutenantgovernor are confidential.However,the memberor the lieutenantgovernormay disclose all, a record coveredby Subsection subsection applies, and that disclosuredoes not violate the law of this state, &b)The method used to store or maintain · 1987'.. 1, Sept. eff. (a) does not affect the confidentialityof the record. Added by Acts 1987,10• Leg., ch. 167, Sec. 2.0S(a), petition state government,as SECTION306.004. PUBLIC DISCLOSUREPROHIBITED.(a) To ensure the right of the citizens of this state to of citizens with a member of the cations communi guaranteed by Article I, Section 27, of the Texas Constitution,by protectingt~e confidentialityof cationfrom a citizen of this state legislatureor the lieutenant governor,the public disclosureof all or part of a written or otherwise recorded communi or by clear implication received by a member or the lieutenantgovernor in his official capacityis prohibited unless: (1) the citizen expressly (3) the official detennines that or ; disclosed be to statute by d authorizes the disclosure; {2)the communicationis of a type that is expresslyauthorize (b) This section does not person. the disclosure does not constitute an unwarrantedinvasionof personalprivacy of the communicatoror another employee acting in an official apply to a communicationto a memberof the legislatureor the lieutenantgovernor from a public official or public all or part ofa communicationto which this section applies, and that capacity. (c) A member or the lieutenantgovernor may elect to discloseth 1987. disclosure does not violate the law of this state. Added by Acts 1987,70 Leg., ch. 167, Sec. 2.05(a), eff. Sept. I, Codes(Field7) Retention E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC -After Closed,Tenninated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV-Administrative Value SLR 105 Rev. 2/09 Archival Codes(Field 8) C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE- FiscalYearEnd 0 - Open Record LA - life of Asset MO-Months I PM - Permanent US - Until Su~erseded A - Transferto StateArchives R - Review by State Archivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000003 ~! 1m :c SLR 105 iJJc !~; STATE OF TEXAS iG') !J: l-1 Form SLR 105G must accompany this form. Records Retention Schedule Name Code Records Series Item No. 2 d 38 3.Agency 2. Agency 4. 1.Page 5. Agency Item No. [10. 7. 6. I ,. ___,..,_... _,,__ I RecordSeriesTitle I 8. . 11,. .' TSLAC :: !~~~: -; I Archival r--- 9. Remarks 106 No. .·· No. ·;·. SECTION 323.017 CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATIONS.Communicationsincluding conversations,correspondence,and electronic communications,between a member of the legislature or the lieutenantgovernor and an assistant or employee of the council [i.e., the Texas Legislative Council] that relate to a request by the official for information,advice, or opinions from an assistant or employee of the council are confidential. Infonnation, advice, and opinions given privately by an assistant or employee of the council to a member of the legislature,or the lieutenant governor, acting in the person's official capacity, are confidential.However, the member or lieutenant governor may choose to disclose all or a part of the communications, infonnation, advice, or opinions to which this section applies, and such a disclosure does not violate the law ofstthis from V.T.C.A., GovernmentCode 323.016 by Acts 1989, 71 state. Added by Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 1053, 2, eff. ·June 20, 1987. Renumbered th 9.002, eff. Sept. 1, 2001. . 1420, Leg., ch. 2, 16.01(25),eff. Aug. 28, 1989.Amended by Acts 2001, 77 Leg., ch. SECTrON 552.I 06. EXCEPTION: CERTAIN LEGISLATIVEDOCUMENTS.(a) A draft or working paper involved in the preparation of proposed office for the purpose of legislation is excepted from the 552.021. {b)An internal bill analysis or working paper prepared by the governor's rd ch. 268, Sec.I, eff. Sept. 1, 1993. Leg., 73 1993, evaluating proposed legislation excepted from the requirements of Section 552.021. Added by Acts th Amended by Acts 1997, 75 Leg., ch. 1437, Sec. I, eff. June 20, 1997. RetentionCodes(Field7) E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC-After Closed,Tenninated, Completed,Expired,Settled AV-Administrative Value SLR 105 Rev. 2/09 ArchivalCodes(Field BJ C - Confidenlial CE - CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYearEnd 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months I A - Transferto State Archives PM - Pennanent US - Until Superseded R - Reviewby StateArchivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000004 '() ~ '<· m SLR 105 JJ en - Form SLR 105Gmust accompanythis form. STATE OF TEXAS G) Records Retention Schedule :::c --i 3 3. Agency Name 2. Agency Code 4. tPage 5. Records Series Agency Item Item No. No. I 11. ... ·- 0. 7. 6. . TSLAC·. · ONLY. .. 8. Ret~ntlon P1eriod IAr~ : ·Arnerid. 9. 106 No. Remarks RecordSeries Titre ·... No; . .. • : . .. LT. GOVERNOR'SOFFICE I.I.007 LTG•l 4 CAUTION: This records series and item number 1.1.008should be used only for correspondencethat is not included in or I A !directlyrelated to another records series in this schedule. procedures that govern them. Correspondence-General 2 RetentionCodes(Field7) E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC -After Closed,Tenninated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV -Administrative Value SLR 105 Rev.2/09 I t··· :·.:..~,:.:". 2 I US+l US+IIR US+3 US+3 I A IP,E ·•:' ~-.. ,.,! • ·1 •• • ........ . ... ..\.;: . ;-/i(,\~:- SEE commentto item 1. l.007. GovernmentCode, Section306.003. ISEE ALSO item number 1.1.010. _::<~3\(/: ·.':•'t.:· ~ ... Closed throughthe retention period. LTG•3a !Directives LTG-3b !Executive Orders :~, .. .•, Vital, c~P 1.1.011 • . ......·..... Vital, C, P administrative regulations,policies, and 1.1.010 • .~ .. Incoming/outgoingand internal correspondencepertaining to the fonnulation, planning, implementation, I 4 interpretation, modification, or redefinition of the programs, services, LTG-2 ••: I•::•'•••••.~:•• :...- ·. Correspondence•Administrative or projects of an agency and the 1.1.008 38 d ·.,,:", C,P . , .. ArchivalCodes (Field 8) C - Confidential CE- CalendarYearEnd FE - FiscalYearEnd 0 - Open Record LA - life of Asset MO-Months I A- Transferto StateArchives PM- Pennanent US - UntilSuperseded R - Reviewby StateArchivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000005 'c)> i< :m SLR 105 iJJ1 rcn ·-G) STATE OF TEXAS Records Retention Schedule :::c: -I Form SLR 105Cmust accompanythis fonn. 1.Page 38 cf 3.Agency 2. Agency Name Code Records Agency Series Item No. Item No. I 8. Ret:ntion P1eriod . O_NLY I Ar$!Yfil 9. 106 No. Remarks RecordSeries Title LTG-4 1.1.014 ILTG-5 Legal Opinions and Advice CE+l AV ARCIIlVE NOTE: Only the calendars, appointment,and itinerary records of elected officials,executive staff, board or commissionmembers,division directors, and program heads require archival review. Contactthe State Archiveswheri these records have met their retention CE+l I A periods. CAUTION:A record of this type purchased with personal funds, but used by a state official or employee to documenthis or her work ac!ivities may be a state records and subject·10 this retention period. See Open Records Decision635 issues in December 1995 by the AttorneyGeneral. C,P AV ;Amend.: No.-· ... ..:;.,. ..... .. . . . C,P Calendars, Appointment and Itinerary Records 11.: ... TSLAC.· 0. 7. 6. 5. 4. l.1.013 4 R !CAUTION: Does not include legal . '_ '-':<·:··(?/: .. ·. . :·:· . ".·.: ~ •' .. ,.... ·:· -:: :... ~ ~ ..~ •, . .. : : : _".. .· ::::·:.': ).··;-.:~ -~ /::· ... ·t·.:;-:~ ...... ' .,• \)· :-::;:.·:'i: ...... . :',".:-• ..,• ... ........ ..... ·.: •. ......... .... •. opinionsor advice renderedon a matter in litigationor with regard to pending litigation.See item 1.1.048. :.,.· .: . .. . --(•'<:: ~··>,·• ' ',:· .... •',.: I ArchivalCodes (Field 8) RetentionCodes(Field7) M - Microfilm E - Electronic P - Paper AC -After Closed,Tenninated, Completed,Expired,Settled AV -AdministrativeValue SLR 105 Rev. 2109 C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYear End 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months j A- Transferto State Archives PM- Pennanent R - Reviewby State Archivist ed Supersed US - Until MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000006 < r::::==;;;;;,-------------------------------------1 Im:.... n~ JJi 1 I !rnnn . 'lnnnl SLR 105 (f) , -· Form SLR 105Gmust accompanyth;s form: STATE OF TEXAS G) Records Retention Schedule :::c --i 2. Agency Code 3.Agency 4. 6. Records Series Item No. l.1.019 1.1.020 1.1.021 1.1.023 1.1.040 Name 5. Agency Item No. LTG-6 LTG-7 LTG-8 LTG-9 LTG-10 5 :TSLAC' 8. Ret~ntion P1eriod .:,:._: ···. .' ·. ··.·. . ·. · ,·,·:.'.::....:,,. ..'-:-: -~ .;. >"-: /·: >)-·: Codes(Field 8) Arcl1iva1 E - Electronic AC-After Closed,Terminated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV-Administrative Value SLR 105 Rev. 2/09 38 :· o~i.:.v. Agency Item No. LTG-11 d J1., ::·.. ,•;· 0. 7. 6. 5. c. p 1.1.048 6 3. Agency Name I I Form SLR 105Gmust accompanythis form. C - Confidential CE - CalendarYearEnd FE - FiscalYearEnd 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months PM- Permanent I R - Reviewbl A - Transferto StateArchives US - UntilSuperseded State Archivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000008 :b ~ I< Im ·•nnl"l SLR 105 . nt\Ani i:D !en 1c5 Form SLR 105Cmust accompanythis form. STATE OF TEXAS Records Retention Schedule :::c: :-1 2. Agency 3. Agency Code Name 4. Records Series Item No. Agency 1 Item No. -··-I Total Transitory Information AC AC 38 d .11.- ·-tslAC 8. . . ·-·-····-·· i RecordSeriesTitle Records of temporary usefulnessthat · 'are not an integral part of a records series of an agencyt that are not regularly filed within an agency's recordkeepingsystemtand that are 1.1.057 LTG-12 required only for a limited period of time for the completionof an action by an official or employeeof the agency or in the preparationof an on-going records series. 7 0. 7. 6. 5. 1.Page ONLY.,:~-. r-- al 1 Archiv .Amend-. 9. -·,No.:- 106 No. ··Remarks ••♦ C,P, E AC=Purposeof record has been fulfilled. Includespaper and electronicrouting slips, messages,correspondence attachmentrequests;phone messages, internal staff meetingnotices,tracking and approval routingslips for correspondence. CAUTION:Records management officers should use caution in assigning this records series item numberto records of an agency to make certain they are not part of another records series listed in this scheduleor, for records series unique to an agency, are not part ofa records series that documentsthe fulfillmentof the statutory obligationsof the agencyor the documentationofits functions. The disposal of transitoryinfonnation need not be documentedthrc:.igh destructionauthorizations{1.2.00 I} or in records dispositionlogs (1.2.010),but agencies should establishprocedures governingdisposalofthese records as Ipart of its records managementplan. :. • : :: • ~~.: : ·{.-\\.-.)-:·_, :...·.: . ..·,-~ :-) ' ' !"",., • ' ··-'• ..... . .·. ·. ''.i·:.f.~;\.. ...: · .. : · .·:. • .. ·.. ~ ;.·:\:>~ _1_i>\''.:····:·. ..... . .:"...~ ....:: ,, , ' •·:·· ·,·"· •• ~>, .• •• , ·.:: .. .• ... '• , •• I _: ::t"\ ·-:~~:... , .. .., :,:, :·. ':• :·.:": ... :. : .. . . .. ~ ... .... · ;: :· ,t- • ArchivalCodes (Field8) RetentionCodes(Field7) E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper · ted,Expired,Settled Comple ated, Termin , Closed AC- After AV-Administrative Value SLR105 Rev. 2/09 C - Confidential 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset FE - FiscalYearEnd MO-Months CE - CalendarYear End State I AR-- Review toState Archivist PM- Permanent US - Until Superseded Transfer by Archives MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000009 b )> I< SLR 105 im 'JJ( lu, Form SLR 105C must accompanythis (01111. STATE OF TEXAS ~ l.)1iJ., Records Retention Schedule iJ: -I Name Code Records Series Item No. 1.l.070 1.1.071 3.3.024 Agency 1 8. Item No. RecordSeriesTille LTG-13 Agency Rules, Policies, and Procedures-Final AC+3 Agency Rules, Policies, and Procedures- Working Files AC+3 LTG-14 LTG-16 5.5.002 LTG-19 106 No. 0, P, Vital us l Work Schedules/Assignments PersonnelPolicies and Procedures Any internallydistributedmanuals, LTG-17 guidelines,or similar records that define US+3 agency wide policies and procedures LTG-18 Am~rid..: 9. Remarks Records Retention Schedule (SLR 105) · ·:Tsl:Ac;_ -.:oNLV.·. l r----1 Archiva . --·- I ····-··. I-··-- AC+3 R IAC=Completionor tennination of . ()rocedures. program, rules, {)Olic~sO_l'_ 0, P, Vital AC+3 R IAC=Completionor terminationof program, rules, policie~ or procedures. 0, P, Vital Original is retained byState and Local Records ManagementDivision, Texas State Libra_!!and Archives Commission. C,P us :·. No... '.:-~. ··::...:::~:. .. ',:.;!...~: . .•. •. ~-.'-.·-:~· ·:~ ~-:::~~ • • . . ;~• ~ ••._,I ..... . ·, -: '://\ ·.· \ ••.' . ~:· ' ' :~ ~~ . : .::~·... " '\. '..·.::·: . ;~ ,'• US+3 0,P . ~ ...-:· ~~--..: '• : ..=·-_: . ,...· ,-,,-:• ··-;:·. concemin~ the personnel of any agency. Visitor Control Registers 5.4.01I 38 c1 .11: ·.. · -: · 0. 7. 6. 5. 1.2.005 LTG-15 3.3.020 8 3. Agency 2.Agency 4. 1.Page ,, ·· ' .· : ·.·. :, ._;~r .. --: Logs, registers,or similar records documenting visitors to limited access 3 or restricted areas of ag~cy facilities. Logs Long Distance Tele_p_hon~ AV 3 C,P GovernmentCode, Section 306.003. .... • •• f ~ •• .-::;,.:: -~~~:::-_ AV :. :· . .:: C,E ArchivalCodes(Field 8) . Codes(Field7) Retention E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC -After Closed,Terminated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV-Administrative Value SLR 105 Rev.2/09 C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYearEnd 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months j A- Transfer to State Archives PM - Permanent US - Until Superseded R - Reviewby StateArchivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000010 b )> i< 3 SLR 105 im :c JJc:: - (J) 'J;;, G') Records Retention Schedule J: -I Form SLR 105C must accompanythis form. STATE OF TEXAS Series Item No. 7. 6. 5. Records I Agency Item 8. Ret~ntion P~riod LTG-20 E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC -After Closed,Terminated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV -Administrative Value SLR 105 -Airienl 9. Nci·•; 106 No. ·. ·<·.~. ·-::· . :;({_::.·;-\ -<: ·. . ~\ --: Includesdocumentsgeneratedfrom legislativemanagementsystem. Codes(Field7) Retention 38 ·· ONLY- Remarks Record Series Title No. IAr~ d . 11. · ;: . .._: ·TSLAC . 10. Special Project Fil~ Rev.2/09 9 3. Agency Name 2. Agency Code 4. 1.Page 3 3 R C,P ArchivalCodes(Field 8) C - Confidential CE- CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYearEnd 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months j PM - Permanent US - Until Superseded A - Transferto State Archives R - Review9y State Archivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000011 h ;r u < '<~ SLR 105 [](5~ Fann SLR 105C must accompany this form. STATE OF TEXAS Records Retention Schedule 'J: 1.Page '-1 10 38 d ] 3.Agency 2.Agency Name Code 5. 4. Item No. 110. I 8. Archival Agency Item No. Recorqs Series - 7. 6. · TSLAc •:· ·.·ONL'f,- : Ainencf: 9. I Remarks Record Series Title 11.- · · · 106 No. ;:·· ··..:,,Jo, ..·.., .. SPRI SPR2 SENATE OFFICES Senate Journal Manuscripts Committee Working Files l 3 I I 4 I Committee files may include meeting files, bill files, reports and studies, administrativecorrespondence,project files, resident/constituentcasework and correspondence,and administrative Senators files may include administrativecorrespondence, · resident/constituentcasework and correspondence,proposed legislation, committee files, press releases, district -:·. .: ~ .·-::_\.~; CAUTION: Officialcommitteeworking ·......; IAV+4 I A Ifiles must remain separatefromthe officeI 90-l 0 1-002 \ recordsof senatorsservingon the committee. SEE ALSOnote for SPRJ. ..· 91-101-005 I 90-101-003 C,P,E AC=tenn of office AV I AV+ AC I AC E - Electronic AC -After Closed,Terminated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV -AdministrativeValue Rev. 2/09 .... : (AUTfON: Senators'own workingmes 1 ·"\'' • .' .. working files of the committeeson which they serve. SEE ALSO note for SPR2. '' : '~:' ..·. ··•1• .,!;' Archival Codes(Field 8) RetentionCodes(Field7) SLR 105 ·.• •, A mustremainseparatefrom the official calendars,and schedules. M - Microfilm ;.• · .: • files, photographs, ~nd clippings, P - Paper . :. . ...,...'•. C,P AV I 4 - ·'· . ~ J. files. Senators Legislative Working Files SPR3 190-101-001 ...'. IO,P C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE - Fiscal YearEnd 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months j PM - Permanent US - Until Superseded A - Transfer to State Archives R - Review by State Archivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000012 0 •. ~ r.= ~ > . m m::; JJc u,~ ~=:;,;;~--------------------7sti1cis-7 it nnn SLR 105 nnnnl Form SLR 105Gmust accompany this fonr,. STATE OF TEXAS '5 Records Retention Schedule u::: H Records Series Item No. 11 38 d 3.Agency 2.Agency Code 4. 1.Page Name I Agency Item :·•TStAC. 8. . ·-·-····-··. I -··-- I i· -·'.ONLY I Archival r-- 9. 106 No. Remarks Record Series Title No. ·-11.· 10. 7. 6. 5. ·Arrie~ rid. o_:·. .·N... . .. ,· · .... ·:.:.·.: ~ 3.1 SPR4a Includes: 3. I ;002 Applications for employmentHired AC+l 3.l.022-Personnel Action Forms 3.1.029- EmploymentEligibility 3. l.037 - Employee Recognition 3.4.002-Leave Status and Reports 3.4.006 - Time Cards and Time Sheets 3.1 SPR4b SPRS Codes(Field7) Retention E- Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC - After Closed, Terminated,Completed, Expired,Settled AV -Administrative Value SLR 105 Rev.2/09 " : .......... :~_ .., -~ : :.· :· ::· :, . . , :.•·,.:'.· . ~. . ·.:· . ' 4 AC+5 .• . . . 91-101-007 -::..-/.:'.:· C, P. Vital AC=Terminationof employment. , •• .. .\I · ·. _: . , .......... ·•..• .··1, ·.. .. l: .:· ·....·~ ~ . .. . . -::...... ~. ' . . . : . :_..::,: ~ .... . . . ~ ,, 3.4.007 - Time Off and/or Sick Leave Personnel Files 2006 and after Includes: 3.1.002 - Applications for employment AC+S -hired 3.1.037- Employee Recognition Records AV Reoorts -Administrative ....... =· Personnel Files -2005 and earlier only -· AC+S 3 . , '•: ·.. ,\::-. ~-: :~:· ... C, P, Vital AC=Tenninationof employment. ., ' ,\: : .-; .. '. ~ :·-:·~_~~-. ·: ~ ... i • :•. ...~·:: ·: . . ,~·- ·::. ' ..:. .:: ;_/ ·-:·-_/ 97-101-013 :, ·,:::.: ~; AV+3 A C,P ArchivalCodes (Field B) C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYearEnd O - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months PM - Permanen~ I US - Until Superseded A- Transfer to State Archives R - Reviewbv State Archivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000013 '"'" · " U ~ i< " SLR 105 mi_ iJJr-. ' _ Form SLR 105Gmust i: (J) !G) i~ accompany this form. STATE OF TEXAS Records Retention Schedule 2.Agency Code 4. Records Series Item No. 1.Page 3. Agency Name I Agency Item No. 110. 7. 6. 5. 12 8. ... i_____ I Archival . ·-·-····r--, l .11; ·., :.: ' TSLAC : ::ONLY . · ·Amend. 9. 106 No. Remarks Record Series Title 38 d .' ·,. .:'.rizci :•,, Audits l.1.002 ISAl Audits and reviews performed by an agency on external entities, on the agency by other entitie.s,or on the a_g~ncyby internal auditors. on (Fiefd 7) Retenti·Codes E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC -After Closed,Terminated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV -Administrative Value SLR105 Rev.2/09 AC+7 AC+7 O,P AC=Publicationor releaseof final audit findings.The recordcopyof any audit perfonnedby the State Auditor's Office is retainedpermanentlyby that agency. .. :~.~... ... . : • • C ,:,::• •: ~ • : •• • =.i:•:··•.···· .:~ f.... . .. ..:.. , .· :.-.! ,., ArchivalCodes(Field 8) C - Confidential CE- CalendarYear End FE- FiscalYearEnd 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months j PM- Permanent US - UntilSuperseded A - Transferto StateArchives R - Reviewby State Archivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000014 'o)> . ~ m < :o rm SLR 105 JJo ga~ " :tt: +-I Form SLR 105C must accompanythis form. STATE OF TEXAS Records Retention Schedule andArchives Commission Records Series Item No. I.l.007 13 38 d 3. Agency 2.Agency Code 4. I.Page Name 5. Agency Item No. ISA2 1 8. Archiv 1 ,---- al 9, Remarks • ·-·-·I .•,_... l-· ·-- RecordSeriesTitle Correspondence-Administrative Incoming/outgoing and internal correspondencepertainingto the formulation,planning,implementation, interpretation,modification,or redefinitionof the programs,services, or projects of an agency and the administrativeregulations,policies, and proceduresthat govern them. ..1.1. ·, . 0. 7. 6. 4 4 R ·.1st.Ac.. . ·ONLY · Amenct· 106 No. C, P, Vital C=Somemay be Open NOTE: Only the ARCI-UVES administrativecorrespondenceof executivestaff, board, or commission members,divisiondirectorsand program heads require archivalreview. Contact the State Archiveswhen these records have met their retentionperiods. !CAUTION:This records series and item number 1.1.008 should be used only for correspondencethat is not included in or directlyrelated to another records series on the agency's approvedschedule.For example,a memoran.dum that documents an appropriationrequestmust be retained for the minimumretentionperiod prescribedby item number l. l .004. SEE ALSO item number 1.1.0I l. · No. ., : ,. ·-.: ..•. , . :· '· .... •. .,, ·--;:>: ~-~ ,•¥· • - > . . . \· ..-~. . ,• ... :t:. . . . .. . /''.'•:):::: :, ... : . ::: .... :: ..... . :, . ,. ·•./ ,· .,... •.. ·.·. .\·. ·• .:., ArchivalCodes(Field8) (Fiefd7) Codes Retention E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC - After Closed,Terminated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV-Administrative Value SLR 105 Rev.2/09 C - Confidential End r CE- CalendaYear FE - FiscalYearEnd 0 - OpenRecord LA - Life of Asset MO-Months PM- Permanent j US - Until Superseded A- Transferto StateArchives R --_ReviewM State Archivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000015 b> < SLR 105 m JJ en - Form SLR 105Cmust accompanythis fonn. STATE OF TEXAS G) Records Retention Schedule ::C ' -I 3. Agency Name 2.Agency Code 4. Records Series Item No. 1.Page Agency 1 Item No. 1.1.008 ISA3 110. 7. 6. 5. 8. . ---- · ···-· . . I_____ I Record Series Title Correspondence- General Non-administrativeincoming/outgoing and internal correspondence,in any media, pertainingto or arising from the routine operations of the policies, programs, services, or projects of an agency. 14 Archival 1 r--9. Remarks 38 d 1,1,"· ., :': ·TSLAC . ~NL)'. :. .Am.end. 106No. -·.· No.<-·, ...~ .. . ·•c,P, E; C=somemay be Open 2 2 •· ·:.·=· \~:·:·: ~ , ., SEE commentto item number l. 1.007. SEE ALSO item number 1.1.0IO. .,1\ :•..:·,~·· '~- . ;:·~.·.-~ ,• ··:~·"': ,, Archival Codes (FieldBJ RetentionCodes(Field7) E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC - After Closed,Tenninated,Completed,Expired, Settled AV-Administrative Value SLR 105 Rev. 2/09 C - Confidential CE - CalendarYearEnd FE - FiscalYearEnd O - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months I A - Transferto PM- Pennanent US - Until Superseded State Archives R - Reviewby State Archivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000016 t'o )> :< SLR 105 :m :D \ i CJ')_ - STATE OF TEXAS .t!. G) Records Retention Schedule :::c: -I Form SLR 105Cmust accompanythis form. 3. Agency Name 6. 2. Agency Code 4. Records Series Item No. 5. Agency Item No. Total Calendars, Appointment and Itinerary Records 1.1.013 ISA4 CE+l hours that documentappointments, itineraries,and other activitiesof agency officials or employees. Legal Opinions & Advice 1.1.014 ISA5 From agency legal counsel or the Attorney General,includingany AV requestselicitingthe opinions. 38 rf .11. '• :.: . ·.·TsLAC'.. 8. Ret~ntionP1eriod RecordSeriesTitle Calendars, appointment books or programs and scheduling,or itinerary records, purchased with state funds or maintained by staff during business 15 10. 7. I 1.Page ·:oNLY:- IAr~ ArnencL 9. 106 No. Remarks C, P, E; C=somemay be Open ARCHIVENOTE: Only the calendars, appointment,and itinerary records of elected officials,executivestaff, board or commissionmembers,division directors, and program heads require archival review. Contactthe State Archiveswhen these recordshave met their retention CE+I I R !periods. CAUTION:A record of this type purchasedwith personal funds, but used by a state official or employeeto documenthis or her work activities may be a state recordsand subject to this retentionperiod. See Open Records Decision635 issues in December 1995 by the AttorneyGeneral. C, P; C=Some may be Open CAUTION:Does not include legal AV I R Iopinionsor advice rendered on a matter in litigationor with regard to pending litigation.SEE item number 1.1.048. . ·: No.. .',: ·: { \·:i\Y// };}}f! ·-< ·.:::..:_:·.:··:~ ···••···'\' _; ;,:., . ... ~ . '•. '~-. .\:', .:.\ • ·:- ... f, • ~ :· :: •• . ·.-~;_·~-/'-: • '-'•, l '' :t:\ ~- ·<=:.-. ... . ·:·.:·;.·: ....: .~ ArchivalCodes(Field B) RetentionCodes(Field7) E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC - After Closed,Terminated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV -Administrative Value SLR 105 Rev. 2/09 C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE- FiscalYear End 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months I A - Transferto StateArchives PM - Permanent R - Reviewby StateArchivist eded Supers US - Until MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000017 ·--~ 'o< ~ SLR 105 fT "12; :De (/) "J; STATE OF TEXAS G5 !t -I Form SLR 105Cmust accompanythis form. · Records Retention Schedule Name Code Records Series Item No. l.l.021 1.l.023 1.1.027 I Agency Item No. RecordSeriesTille . ·---·I ·-·-··. I-··-- SA6 SA7 Organization Charts SA9 Proposed Legislation and Legislative Documents Includes proposed legislation, committee printings, engrossed bills, enrolled bills, amendments offered, resolutions, and related correspondence. E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper , Expired,Settled ed Complet ted, Termina Closed, After AC AV-AdministrativeValue Rev. 2/09 . !SLA<'i,; . ·oNLY ,· 1 'Amend'. No, . ·. 106 No. .: ' us SA8 8. I Archival r---9. Remarks A9en AC+l Includes all correspondence and for documentation relating to requests records that are furnished to the public. Public Information Requests Exempted Includes all correspondence and AC+2 documentation relating to requests for Public the records that are exempt under lnfonnation Act (Chapter 552, Government Code). 7) (Field Codes Retention SLR 105 38 d . 11. ,.., . . 0. 7. 6. 5. Public Information Requests - Not Exempted 1.l.020 16 3.Agency 2.Agency 4. 1.Page AC+l ~-:,··: ~ ., O,P AC==Daterequest fulfilled. \.•.:· ! . .... .. .: . . ·· , . , ..:;·?·_~/:.::• , AC+2 O,P AC=Date of notificationthat records are exempt. ,. '.• .::·/." .. -.:·, r ..: ~ .· .. ..., .. · ........ ,·, •.'••.:···.': ,.,. ·. ,,, . .. us A)O,P . ...- ~. AC .. : . . ·-, C,P,E AC . \ ~. ,": ·, ., A IAC=At the completionof the legislative session,documentsare transferredto the LegislativeReferenceLibrary. .. ', :· :~ ..~- .::: (Field8) l ArchivaCodes C - Confidential CE - CalendarYearEnd FE- FiscalYearEnd 0 - Open Record LA- Life of Asset MO-Months I A - Transferto StateArchives PM- Pennanent US - UntilSuperseded R - Reviewby StateArchivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000018 :'Q> I< :.m SLR 105 i JJ i 00 Fann SLR 105G must accompanythis fonn. STATE OF TEXAS iG) Records Retention Schedule I :::C f.Page 17 38 d --i 3. Agency Name 2.Agency Code 4. Records Series Item No. 5. - --- J --·. ----- I Notes or text of speeches, papers, or reports delivered in conjunction with agency work. RetentionCodes(Field7) E - Electron!c M - Microfilm P - Paper AC - After Closed, Terminated, Completed,Expired,Settled AV -Administrative Value SLR 105 Rev. 2/09 Archival r--106No. Remarks Speeches, Papers, Presentations 1.1.040 ISAIO I 9. RecordSeriesTitle No. /rsLAc -··oNLY.:·. :~erid. 8. I Agency Item 11":.: ::-. 0. 7. 6. . 0, P, E, Vital AC AC .':;No: :,;·. I R jAC=Endoftenn in office or termination of service in a state position. . .~·· : .~ . ~ ~ ... • :_: I"::·';~ Archival Codes (Field 8) C - Confidential CE- Calendar Year End FE- Fiscal Year End 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months I A - Transfer to State Archives PM - Permanent US - Until Superseded R - Revif!Wby State Archivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000019 h ..,.__ ;U : l <• m: 1trnnn, SLR 105 JJ, Fonn SLR 105Cmust - (J) accompany this form. STATE OF TEXAS G') Records Retention Schedule J: -I I t onnnl Records Series Item No. Name I Agency Item No. RetentionPeriod I I Total Record Series Title M - Microfilm E - Electronic P - Paper AC - After Closed,Tem,inated, Completed,Expired,Settled AV -Administrative Value ONLY. j Archival '9:- ~_end:"; --106 No. RemarkS C, P, E; C=some may be open AC=After purpose of records has been recordkeepingsystem,and that are required only for a limited period of time for the completionofan action by an official or employeeof the agency or in the preparationof an on-going records series. Transitoryrecords are not essentialto the fulfillmentof statutory I AC obligationsor to the documentationof agency functions.Some examples of transitory infonnation, which can be in any medium {voicemail, fax, email, hard copy, etc.) are routine messages;internal meeting notices; routing slips; incoming letters or memorandaof transmittalthat add nothing of substanceto enclosures;and similar routine informationused for communication,but not for the documentation,of a specific agency transaction. Codes(Field7) Retention .TSLAC. 8. Records of temporary usefulnessthat are not an integral part of a records series of an agency, that are not regularly filed within an agency's 1.1.057 ISAll ·11.··. ,10. 7. 6. 5. TransitoryInformation SLR 105 Rev. 2/09 38 d 3.Agency 2.Agency Code 4. I.Page 18 AC fulfilled. CAUTlON: Records management officers should use caution in assigning this records series item number to records ofan agency to make certain they are not part of another records series listed in this scheduleor, for records series unique to an agency, are not part ofa records series that documentsthe fulfillmentof the statutoryobligationsof the agencyor the documentationof its functions.The disposal of transitory informationneed not be documentedthrough destruction · sign offs) 1.2.0Ol}or in records dispositionlogs (1.2.0l OJ,but agencies should establishprocedures governing disposal of these records as part of its records managemefl!plan (1.2.014). : No:. .. ... ..• ..•.·: .... \:;_'/{\_:· .. :~: . "· -\.'_.·:·\'•,:·--:: ·::·· . . , . ~ ...... /:_\ ~-~-. .·. ···:·:~·., . ·..· ~ . ·:. ,. _:t/'. •' ,·:,_.; ~-;·::: :~:~~::·-. . ' .' ·.' :. ..' :.• ArchivalCodes(Fiefd B) C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE - Fiscal YearEnd . 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months j PM - Pennanent US - Until Superseded A - Transferto State Archives R - Review by State Archivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000020 'o;> i< SLR .105 !m lJJ c !y,- STATE OF TEXAS lcS I~ Form SLR 105Gmust accompanythis form. Records Retention Schedule 3.Agency Name 2. Agency Code 4. Records Series Item No. I Agency Item SAI2 boards, committees,commissions, and councils that conduct open meetings as required by Government Code, Chapter 11'·" .. ... .'ONLY 9. 106 No. Remarks Meeting Agenda & Minutes Official agenda and minutes of state 1.1.058 IAr~ PM 551. PM 38 d :·;-s't1c.· .- 8. Ret~ntionP1eriod Record Series Title No. 19 0. 7. 6. 5. 1.Page O,P,E ARCIDVESNOTE: Agency retains pe"1'anentreco~ copy. The archival requirementwill be met by sending a copy to the Archivesand Information ServicesDivisionTexas State Library and ArchivesCommission. CAUTION:This recordsseries and item A numbers 1.1.059,1.I.060, 1.1.061,and 11.1.062must be used for those state boards,committees,commissions,and councils,which by !awor the biennial AppropriationsAct, are administeredby anotherstate agency.These records and all others relatedto the functionsof any of these dependententitiesmust be includedin the recordsretentionschedule of the administeringagency. .. Amend ..· No: ·<. . . . ~ \ ' ' ;:,t;=/ -r.·;. . -. . ) . :, ::·.. .• •. .. ",•.,: ' ..:'.'...:::, ·; .•:~~ '. :.:., :. ,· ·•·"· ~ , : .::. ' .. ...: .':. . ···;• ':' ·,, ·,·: •• t - ~.. ;• ·•·, ·,• _: ;~ . :_':,: ... ; : ·.. ·. __;.·~~-. '-~: :i-··.;. ; .. > ;-_:·; .. i'. ·;/·t):\\ - ·:· ·.~-: ,• ;' ,. ... . ....~ , .·.: ArchivalCodes (Field8) Codes(Field7) Retention E - Electronic M - Mlcrofilm P - Paper AC - After Closed,Terminated,Completed,Expired, Settled AV -Administrative Value SLR 105 Rev.2/09 C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYearEnd O - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months j A- Transferto StateArchives PM- Permanent US- UntilSuperseded R - Reviewby StateArchivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000021 =~-------------r:::"=~ < ; ~- -----· m D~ JJ( - (f) . SLR 105 STATE OF TEXAS G) Records Retention ·schedule J: -I Fonn SLR 105Cmust accompanythis fonn. Name Code Records Series Item No. 5. l Agency Item No. I I l Archival r- SA20 Audio or videotapes of open meetings of state boards, commissions, committees, and councils. jAC+9C days AC+90 days Narrative Biennial narrative reports to the governor and legislature as required by AC+6 an agency's enabling statutes, including annual narrative reports if they are required by statute. AC+61A ··..,No., · 106 No. Remarks Reports - Biennial or Annual Agency SA13 ·Arn~incL 9. 1 ·: · ". ·:rsLAC ·_ONLY,. 8. . ---- ·--·- ··. _____ Record SeriesTitle Open l.l.066 38 ci 11. ·. 10. 7. 6. Meetings, Audio or Videotapesof 1.1.060 20 3. Agency 2. Agency 4. 1.Page AC=Officialapprovalof written minutes of the meetingby the governing body of an agency. CAUTION: Minutesof state agencies are pennanent records. Audio and videotapes are not pennanent media. State agencies may not retain audio or videotapes of the meetings of governing bodies in lieu of written minutes. The proceedingsof all meetings of state boards, committees,commissions,and councils must be reduced ,o writing. SEE ALSO caution comment at item 1.1.058. O,P AC=September 1 of odd-numbered calendar years. The archival requirement is met by sending the requiredcopies of the reports to the Texas State Publications DepositoryProgram,Texas State Library and Archives Commission. -! ..... . ··:-:: :/' ..;; • . :- ;.: . !'- ··\.:?-' ..;."°: ···.·:. ,,;,,. . ' .. .. . \~~-·~·: .:~· ::::·:.',, :·{..-..."·· • •• .'. ♦:. :,. ,$ • --~. : .: •• ' : .· .... :~·=. • _:'~·::( ... .... .. . ..~.-: ·;:.~ ·:· . }. • ...: ~·:: ·',.,. ,: _: :•;t;/.: .·:-:: :...... ' \:·.:r:::\ ArchivalCodes (FieldBJ Codes(Field7) Retention E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC -After Closed,Terminated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV -Administrative Value SLR 105 Rev. 2/09 C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYearEnd 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months I PM - Pennanent US - Until Superseded A - Transferto StateArchives R - Review by State Archivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000022 b< n> < SLR 105 m2 tlJc v,~ -t:c STATE OF TEXAS. C) H Form SLR 105Gmust accompany this form. Records Retention Schedule Records Series Item No. Name 5. .. I Agency Item Ret~ntionP1eriod IAr~ : · ONLY · . ··Amend 9. 106 No. Remarks E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC -After Closed,Terminated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV-AdministrativeValue .:··'No:. ··.. ..r • • ·..··. Manuals, guidelines,administrative rules, or similar records distributed internallyfor the use of employeesor AC+3 externally to the public or those individualsor entities regulated by an agency that sets out the rules, policies and proceduresthat govern an agency's !programs,services, or prqjects. Codes(Field7) Retention TSLAC 8. RecordSeries Title No. 1.1.070 SAI4 Rev.2/09 38 d ·;1.1;· "... · ., 10. 7. 6. Agency Rules, Policies, and Procedures-Final SLR105 21 3. Agency 2. Agency Code 4. 1.Page 0, P, Vital AC+J j R AC=Completionor tenninationof 'program,rules,policies,or procedures. SEE ALSO:AgencyRules,Policiesand ProceduresWorking Files 1.1.071. . . ,( }::::/ ~ ·:•·. I • ,1 . -~. :t; '1 ··•:, ..~:~ ;· <=· ~'-~:~ ,. .. . .···.~:·--.: ·•·.·· ; ....::: ,, ... ~- ArchivalCodes(FiefdBJ C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYearEnd O - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months j A - Transferto StataArchives PM - Permanent US - Until Superseded R - Reviewby StateArchivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000023 n~ i< ; :m: i JJ<. ·•AM SLR 105 MML Form SLR 105G must Jen · STATE OF TEXAS l:::C Records Retention Schedule lc5 i--1 1.Page Name Agency ItemNo. No. :10. 7. 6. 5. Records Series 8. 1 _-----i ----·· . i-· ·-- 106 No. Remarks Record Series Title SAIS SLR 105 Rev.2/09 ~ ' ·_.,: 0, P, Vital AC=Cornpletionor termination of AC+ J R rrogram, rules, policies, or procedures. j \ f : .:, .....~..-·-~:. ,', :/ .. .· ,; . ... ~):: >.:> :··.-.; ''':_ ...:,.: ·;_:_·;~ SEE ALSO: Records Series Item Number 1.l.070. ;.. .. --·.:· •, ~:?-~:~->~ ·-~/~· • ·-~·. ' r . .. .. ..·-·\ .. ,::, ·-:,>/. 105) Fonnerly RMD 105.Includes documentationof certificationand approval - forms SLR 1OSC(formerly RMD 105C)and/or other fonns designated by the State Records Administrator. E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC -After Closed,Terminated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV-Administrative Value -··'No.'·.' .., ·:.,; .......,: .. :~ RecordsRetentionSchedule(SLR RetentionCodes(Field7) : .: . TSLAC \..'_) \_\/,: Procedures- Working Files Working files used in the development of manuals, guidelines, administrative rules, or similar records distributed AC+3 internally for the use of employees or externally to the public or those and procedures that govern an agency's proiects. ores, lprogram__§,_§ervic SA16 ~1~ :· L Ariienc 9. Item individualsor entities regulatedby an agency that sets out the rules, policies, 1.2.005 38 d ' ONLY, r-1 Archival Agency Rules, Policies, and 1.1.071 22 3. Agency 2.Agency Code 4.. accompanythis form. us us O,P Original is retained by the State and Local Records Management Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission. .... :}_;;:.: 1...-f..-~: .: -~::_~~ :. -~~ ·. ···\/·..~ ArchivalCodes (Field8) C - Confidential • CE - CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYearEnd 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months I PM - Pennanent US - Until Superseded A- Transferto StateArchives R - Review by State Archivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000024 i 'o )> <~ SLR 105 [)!JJJ :DO 00)> ....z ~ -H Form SLR 105C must Records Retention Schedule r 2.Agency I Code i i ! ! accompanythis form. · STATE OF TEXAS 4. Records Series Item No. 3.Agency Name 5. Agency Item No. 1.2.010 ISAI7 7. 6. 1 ISA18 Forms (RMD 106) Agency Copy. SLR 105 I US 38 ·-tsLAc· ·-oNLY r--1Archival . Amend; 9. 106 No. Remarks Records Disposition Logs Logs or similar records listing records destroyed or transferred to the Archives I I0 and InformationServices Division, Texas State Library, showing records series title, dates of records, and date RetentionCodes (Field7) E - Electronlc M - Microfilm P - Paper AC -After Closed,Terminated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV -Administrative Value Rev. 2/09 . ----·I ----... I-· ·-- rJ .11•. · ...... 0. 8. Record Series Title destroyedor transferred. Records Center Storage Approval 1.2.01I t.Page 23 ::·.'. No. ·~·. ~ ..:, .. :- •'-)::::.. 10 0,P :/.:/_:<:.:.r· .. ~ ' ·, :.:'-• .c. >' . \~~ ~:., us ;_\':~.·:. :.·}~i:.: :·.:-..·~· O,P :. , '•. ArchivalCodes(Field8) C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE- FiscalYear End 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months j PM - Pennanent US- Until Superseded A - Transferto StateArchives R - Reviewby StateArchivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000025 b )> < SLR 105 m JJ c - (f) ~ Form SLR 105Cmust accompanythis form. STATE OF TEXAS G) Records Retention Schedule J: -I Name 38 d Agency Series Item No. Item No. I ·.,:-;;~c,.-: 8. Ret~ntion P1eriod Total Record Series Title State Publications One copy of each state publication, ISA21 ,:11,"·•.:· :. 10. 7. 6. 5. Records 1.3.001 24 3.Agency 2.Agency Code 4. 1.Page except a publication that is subject to a I AC+2 different retention period in this schedule. AC+2 . ~NLY f Ar~ Amend.· 9. · Remarks . No;:·, 106 No. AC=Untilsupersededor obsolete. CAUTION: Many state publications must be submittedto the Texas State PublicationsDepositoryProgram,Texas State Library and ArchivesCommission, by law (GovernmentCode § 441.l O1441.106). 'The Texas State Library and ArchivesCommissionwill retain a copy of all state publicationssubmittedto it on a continuingbasis, subject to periodic evaluationto determineif the publication merits furtherretention. For additional informationand requirementsconcerning state publicationsmade availableto the public through the Int~met,consult the administrativerules of the Texas State PublicationsDepositoryProgramof the TexasState Libraryand Archives . Commission{13 TAC §§1-1-3.16} .•• :·.; ... . ~· . .••t .. · •, ' , ,• •: . '. ;' .! : :..•, .. :•,. ,'}.' • ·, ~. ' 4 •• -~.': . ·,·_.: •_, '• ~ :.:,.· ' ... ... . : ~ · :►; -:•- · ::• . \·· •• : . :._.\.·/:.._.' . ·, ~ ~: .~- . ArchivalCodes (Field 8) RetentionCodes(Field7) E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC - After Closed,Terminated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV -Administrative Value SLR105 Rev. 2/09 C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYearEnd O - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months I PM - Permanent US - Until Superseded A - Transferto State Archives R - Review by State Archivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000026 b~ - Form SLR 105Cmust accompanythis form.· STATE OF TEXAS G) Records Retention Schedule :c -I 3. Agency Name 2.Agency Code Records Series Item No. 8. . RetentionPeriod Agency Item 1.Page 25 !10. 7. 6. 5. 4. I IsLR 1os < ~9.2.01 m I1~oru JJ _ er, al Archiv ,--- 9. Remarks RecordSeriesTitle No. 106No. 38 cf .11.·-.:. . 'TSLAc· · ·ONLY. · :Amenl· ·..;·No:.,.·.. :~~;.. :·... ' .=.· 1.3.002 SA19 PublicationDevelopmentFiles Background material, copy (drafts), original artwork, photo negatives, prints, flats, etc~This includes all work performed both inside and outside the agency. AV AV 2.1.007 SEl _: ~ ~ - (~.i>,'. R10,P,E . .-:. : .. ~~ .. .. ·:~:' Software ?rograms Automated software applications and operative system files includingjob control language, program listing/sourcecode, etc. . : -~ ··.··.. AC AC C, E, Vital;C=somemay be open AC=Untilelectronicrecordsare transferredto and made usable in a new softwareenvironmentor there are no electronicrecordsbeing retained to meet an approvedretentionperiod that requiresthe softwareto be retrievedand read. 13 TAC 6.97(a). CAUTION:Softwareneeded for access to electronicrecordsmust be retainedfor the period of time requiredto access the records. .; .'• ',, :•· : ..\· ... ~ :_: :: .' ····· :"_<_"' -~·::·~-' .. ' .if . ·:.' ·."l ,,,. .•• ::;:,· .. · ~1 ·...:·- :: • :/- ··: .. ., ,. ArchivalCodes(Field8) RetentionCodes(Field7) M - Microfilm P - Paper E - Electronic eted,Expired,Settled Compl ated, Termin , Closed -After AC AV-Administrative Value SLR 105 Rev. 2/09 C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE- FiscalYearEnd 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months I A- Transferto StateArchives PM- Permanent US- Until Superseded · R - Reviewby StateArchivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000027 o~ <~ SLR 105 m JJc (J) ":. !- Form SLR 105Cmust accompany/his form. STATE OF TEXAS .t. 'G') li-1:r: Records Retention Schedule 5. 7. 6. Records Series Agency Item Item No. No. 2.1.008 SE2 I Ret~ntion P1eriod AC 38 d .,11..-: :: ',, .·TSLAC. :· ONLY:· { Ar~ 9. . Amend; :.·No:.• :· 106 No. Rernari~ :::.<./~ .. :!· . .,·~..' _· ';·. . .: · •. ~. : ... ....:...::: .. ..-'-: .. ·~:-~ __ · ' . .- ·r.,. ~ , ' •:"•' .., .: ·~:;·,:· :;:',:·/· ·.·~?.. ,• '' Archival Codes(FieldBJ C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYearEnd O - Open Record LA- Life of Asset MO-Months StateArchives I A - TransfertoState Archivist PM - Pecmanent US - Until Superseded R - Review bY MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000028 'o ~ 'Ir:: =g~=91~------------------------,r-S-LR-10_5 __ __,I .. IIJl==9iu_= JJ en - G) :::c -I Form SLR 105Cmust accompanythis form. STATE OF TEXAS Records Retention Schedule Archive~ 1and Commission Records Series Item No. 3.1.001 J. l .00Z Name 38 d I Agency Item No. SPl SP2 RetentionCodes(Field7) E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC -Alter Closed,Terminated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV -Administrative Value .TSLAC. 8. Ret~ntion P1eriod IAr~ . ONLY·,_· ·Amend> 9. :Nd.··· 106 No. Remarks Record SeriesTitle Applications for Employment-Not Hired Applications, resumes, transcripts, letters of reference, and similar documentswhosesubm_issionby · candidates for vacant positions is required on the application form, by application procedures, or in the employment advertisement. Applications for Employment-Hired Applications, resumes, transcripts, letters of reference, and similar submis~!onb~ s docu?1entwhose candidates forvacantposttlons ts required on the application form, by application procedures, or in the ·.11~.· 0. 7. 6. 5. : .:·:·.-; . ·. ._-: ·_··:~ · ·:-::;_ ·:'·. '--':,.-·. .-_· ·>.'.· · :<. 2 2 · \ ···.:\"·-· ~9~FRt 60231 · ·· · _-· .::. ·.· :_··: -·-·· . _. ./ ·..:·_;_-:.: .: ·. • ·. · :=: ·;·:. · :-.·. ·: · · · .', · : / .:: AC+S AC+S o,~ ..:'·_.·.·. . ·_:: . . . ·-:-.··-:. AC-TenmnatJonofemployment. :,·} :..:..:/;'.. ~:·.,.:.~: . ·· :·:,:i _.. ; ·. . · - · emolovmentadvertisement. SLR105 Rev.2/09 28 3.Agency 2.Agency Code 4. 1.Page ArchivalCodes(Field8) C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYearEnd 0 - OpenRecord LA - Life of Asset MO-Months I A - Transferto StateArchives PM - Permanent US- UntilSuperseded R - Reviewby StateArchivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000029 b< ' m I• nn.n SLR 105 n.nnn.l JJ en - STATE OF TEXAS G) Records Retention Schedule :::c --i Form SLR 105Cmust accompanythis fonn. Name 5. 7. 6. Records Agency Series. Item No. Item No. 3.l.0l l SP3 1 a. _.,__ . ·-·-····-··. I i EmployeeInsuranceRecords Agency copies of infonnation relating to the selection by employees of life, disability, health, and other types of insurance offered by the State of Texas to its employees. AC AC ·TSLAC _:,oNLY.- r---1Archival 9. 106 No. Remarks Record SeriesTitle 11.. . · 10. C,P or tennination of l AC==Untisuperseded employment. CAUTlON: Documentsthat serve as payroll deductionauthorizationsmust be maintained for the retentionperiod prescribed foritem number 3.2.001. .. d Amen .·•. . ·:No : · -:- .,,:' . ;,:. SP4 Forms or similarrecordsused to create or change information concerning the records of an employee including pay grade, position classification, employee number, and termination of employment. SP5 Job descriptions, including all associated task for skill statements, for E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC -After Closed,Tenninated,Completed, Expired,Settled AV -Administrative Value SLR 105 Rev. 2/09 '. ,•, ~ ..., .. . ... . ~ ,>-:~:~=-·' .._,.' 2 2 .. .\\:, ·...::~ C,P 29 CFR 1602.31 . ,; ,, ~ 0, P, E, Vital AC+4 AC+4 AC=Untilsupersededor job eliminated. 40 TAC 815.106(i) .... . ,'-:":·.:: ~~.. : •! • • ..../. ·. ... !positionsin an agency. Codes(Field7) Retention ;.,_(, ·. (· · ......, ·.__:::y· Position/Job Descriptions 3.1.023 . ~ Personnel Action Forms 3.1.022 38 d 3.Agency 2.Agency Code 4. t.Page 29 I ~ ; ... :~..'. ArchivalCodes (Field8) C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYear End 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months PM - Permanent US - Until Superseded j A- Transferto StateArchives R - Reviewby State Archivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000030 ......... :'o :<~ i - I SLR 105 im r i -r, i J,J =--- C Form SLR 105Gmust accompanythis form. (f) -:P STATE OF TEXAS :::c Records Retention Schedule c5· -I 2. Agency Code 4. 5. Records Series Item No. ISP8 7. 6. EmploymentEligibility, Documentationor Verificationof Federal reportingform (INS 1-9). EmployeeBenefits - Other than Insurance Agency copies of informationrelating to the selectionof available benefit options other than insurance. Employee Recognition Records Awards, incentives,tenure, etc. RetentionCodes(Field7) E- Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC - AfterClosed, Terminated, Completed, Expired, Settled AV -Administrative Value SLR 105 Rev. 2/09 AC+l AC+2 AC+5 AC+l AC+2 AC+5 .-------------9. 106 No. I Remarks 0, P, Vital AC=Tenninationof employment. CAUTION: Federal regulationrequires that INS 1-9 forms be retained for 3 years from date of hire or 1 year after separationof the employee,,vhichever later. Agenciesshould make certainthat the INS 1-9 forms for employeeswho terminatefrom an agency less than 3 years from date of hire are kept for the 3year retentionperiod. and (c)(2) 8 CFR 274a.2(b}(2)(i){A) C, P, Vital AC=Untilsupersededor terminationof_ employment. CAUTION: Documentsthat serve as payrolldeductionauthorizationsmust be maintainedfor the retentionperiod Iprescribedfor itemnumber3.2.00l. , :· 'TSLAC· Y. ·: :bt:!L I Archival Total I Record Series Title 38 d .11., 10. 8. RetentionPeriod 3.1.029 ISP6 3.l.037 30 3. Agency Name Agency Item No. 3.1.031 ISP7 1.Page .Amend~ ·-..;.No.·- · ,·:.··· •.·c ~...:- .• ...., . , ,., .. .., . , ,. .... !• ':. ; ; ..... ·\?\, .. ,. ./ ·..;: ·.-~~- ...... :..~ ...;.. ).~:·· •✓ ,, ·. :·. ~;.~.: • . ...... t;,•· , .::,., ·: •, .. . ··:: ·. ·:·· , •.· AC=Tenninationof employment. ... Archival Codes(Field 8) C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYear End O - Open Record LA- Life of Asset MO-Months PM - Permanent I R- A - Transfer to State Archives US - Until Superseded Reviewby State Archivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000031 'o~ :< rT SLR 105 m:i JJc i ,,.. -;; IB :::r: accompany this form. Records Retention Schedule i -I Form SLR 105Cmust STATE OF TEXAS · u~ 5. Agency Item Item No. No. 3.2.002 3.2.003 7. SPlO . ·-·- I ..··- ... I_,.__ 38 11 · .. Employee Deduction Authorizations · • Documentationused to st:irt, modify, or AC+4 stop all voluntary or reqmred deductions from payroll, including garnishmentor other court~ordered attachments. Employee Earnings Records 4 Federal Tax Records Includes 1099, W2, FICA, and other tax AC+4 records. SP 11 W~4 Forms , 4 AC+4 AC+4 Employer's copy of"Employee s WithholdingExemptionCertificate." AC+4 3.2.007 SP 21 Unemployment Compensation Records AC+5 AC+S 3.2.008 SPIJ US us Application/Authorizations Codes(Field7) Retention M - Microfilm E - Electronic P - Paper AC -After Closed, Tenninated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV-Administrative Value 9. No. · 106 No. · .:...·, · ·\. ,·.;,:' C, P, Vital · · · · ,. . ,. ;· -~ .:·.·,:__<:, :·: - :, , , • . .• ._:'.'-:'. .; ·:.:",_' p Vital · :.; ; ·_.-. AC=Afterterminationofemployeeor after amendment,expiration,or terminationofauthorization, whichever sooner. 0 815.106(i) 40TAC · : · -.,. · ·. 0, P, Vital AC=Tax due date, date claim is filed, or date tax is paid, whichever is later. . · ::· , :. ·:·;· :-'...-_..; ·_;·,. .'. , · ·...•_\ 0, P, Vital AC=Untilsuperseded,obsolete, or upon separationof employment. 26 CFR31.600I-l(e)(2) : ··..: /· . . ··:::.:. ,., ·:· AC=Dispositionof claim. . .·.: :.:· :.__ ·:···. · .. ,_· SP12 Direct Deposit ·· ONLY. Americi:; . AC+4 ': -·TSLAC I Archival rRemarks Record Series Title 9 SP 0. 8. I 3.2.005 SLR 105 Rev. 2/09 cl Name 6. Records Series 3 2 00 · • l 31 3. Agency 2. Agency Code 4. 1.Page ''.·:,·.:•-·> :· :., · · ·-_·-. .. . c, P, Vital .. · : . _.·:. -~: ArchivalCodes (Field8) C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYear End 0 - Open-Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months I PM - Pennanent US - Until Superseded A - Transferto StateArchives R - Reviewby StateArchivist MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000032 SLR 105 Form SLR 105G must accompany this form. STATE OF TEXAS Records Retention Schedule 2.Agency Code 3. Agency 4. 6. I.Page Name 5. Records Agency Series Item No. Item No. '-··. '"'""''-'" I -•t-~ I Tolal Record Series Title ISP14 State Deferred Compensation Records AC+5 AC+S ·J'$LAC-.'· 8. al r-1 Archiv . ONLY·. · Amend; 9. Remarks · No.i,: 106 No. AC=Allaccounts with a vendor or vendors for the individualparticipant have been closed. 3.2.009 38 d :.11~. ·: .'::: 0. 7. 1 32 -;"': :··.·-:~• ·, ,, ~r.. ·.... ,, For instructionsregardingthe detenninationof the closure of accounts and for additionalinformationregarding the retentionperiod see the most current edition of the BenefitsCoordinator ReferenceManualissuedby the EmployeesRetirementSystemofTexas. . -. 3.3.01 I 3.3.022 SPI5 SP22 Records Minimum infonnation needed to verify ¼.C+751 employment, includes name, social security number, exact dates of employment, last known address and most recent public access option fonn. Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Reports. Reports to the agency 3 from TWC or its predecessor pertaining to employees. Codes(Field7) Retention E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper ted,Expired.Settled Comple ated, Tennin , Closed -After AC AV -Administrative Value AC+75 0,P, Vital AC=Tenninationof employment. .. -··. ., -·_-.. ;.. . ..., ·/\··Y, . ·: . / _·_ :·:,:;·.:· ... :,. , Former Employee Verification :.; • •u '' • .- :.)~5 ·:.··· •·: . •·· . ,'.; . '• . -:~...:·.'~- :_ ' ..... 3 ·:··• ·-:· ;• • •.:• ;'.· . • I~ ·•·.... ArchivalCodes(Field8) C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYearEnd 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months PM - Pennanent US - Until Superseded A - Transferto State Archives R - Reviewbv State Archivist SLR 105 Rev. 2/09 MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000033 1J: i C!Jl L -/ t ~°' SLR 105 Form SLR 105Cmust accompanythis form. STATE OF TEXAS Records Retention Schedule 2. Agency Code 4. Records Series Item No. 3.3.024 3. Agency Name 6. 5. Agency Item No. SPI6 1.Page .. _,_.,.,_... _,.__ I I Record Series Title Personnel Policies and Procedures Any internally distributed manuals, guidelines, or similar records that define US+3 agency wide policies and procedures Archival Amend: r---- 9. Remarks 106 No. 3 3 ·OJI · 3 _4 _002 SP 17 SPIS Includes documentation used to complete EEO reports. Leave Status Reports Cumulative re~ort is issued each pay cycle and provides employee leave status infonnation for each position. 3 .· : No. -·. • :',: ·. :: .:.·.;:: · . ·.._.-_· US+3 o,P 3 o, P .·..'; .'/<"_:·.:- . :_: "\< :".,-,-:· · · · :..-i ·: .':··--:·..·.:·;-~ concerning the personnel of an agency. EEO Reports and Supporting Documentation 38 .. · TSLAC :; ONLY 8. 1 d 1-1. .. ..·· ..: 0. 7. 1 33 . 29 CPR 1602.32 r/./; './ .. >·; _. -~·._-·-:, .:.· .. · •··,:- -·:·:.:·_··· FE+J FE+J :_.-::-,-;--. ..,.-: ::__ o, P, E, Vital . ';· .=· . . -;.: ~:,:.· .· -~··:' . :·, 0 p ·:' .>·.-'- 4 40 SP20 4 Time Cards and Time Sheets Time Off and/or Sick Leave Requests FE+3 FE+3 O, P 4 .1.003 SP23 ~::::led Checks/Stubs/Warranty FE+J FE+J ._~: ·,,.\_'.>,: 4.1.00S SP24 Electr?nic i:-unds Transfer. Direct FE+J FE+J :': · -\.·.:>::-·:·_ .-·. :·· ·. ,.. 3.4.006 SP19 3.4.007 TAC Sl5.106(i) :·, . :. = ·(. Depos1tReg1sters. RetentionCodes(Field7) E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC -After Closed,Tenninated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV -AdministrativeValue 1-i ArchivalCodes(Field8) C - Confidential CE - CalendarYearEnd FE - FiscalYearEnd 0 - Open Record LA - Life of Asset MO-Months I A- Transferto StateArchives PM - Permanent US - Until Superseded'' R - Reviewby StateArchivist SLR 105 Rev.2/09 MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000034 J:i CJI L -/ 00 j l ~Qi ! ......... Form SLR 105Cmust accompanythis form. STATE OF TEXAS Records Retention Schedule 1.Page Name Agency Item No. No. I Item • RecordSeries Tille FE+3 FE+3 ... 4.5.007 SP26 USAS Reports-Daily AC AC 4.5.008 SP27 USAS Reports-Monthly AC AC 4.5.009 SP28 USAS Reports--Annual 4.1.001 SFl FE+3 FE+3 FE+3 FE+3 O,P FE+3 FE+3 O,P AC=Receiptand reconciliationof monthly reports. AC=Receiptand reconciliationof annual report. SF4 4.4.001 SF5 SF6 4.4.002 4.5.001 ISF7 Requisitions,orders,receivingreports, FE+3 invoices,or statements,changeorders, ExpenditureVouchers Jrayel, payroll,etc. _ General and Subsidiary Led2ers Accounts Receivable Lede-ers Worksheets for Preparing Fiscal Reports ~~ ... •• . ·.. ··,t·./·~ / ···:. .. •'• ...,, ... . ~-. : .. . .. ...'" .•, ,-.·:·._,: FE+3 O,P :..: ·,;.::~-/~: ·ti:.- best value d~te{!tlinations, etc. 4.2.007 ! ;• • ' .. •: Purchase Vouchers SF3 ·. No: ' 106 No. Remar1 SLR 105 Form SLR 105Gmust accompanythis fonn. STATE OF TEXAS Records Retention Schedule Name Agency Item Item No. No. 4.5.002 ISF8 4.5.003 ISF9 4.7.004 38 d ISFlO SFll I RecordSeries Title :.tsLAc ·· 8. . . ·-·-····-·· l -··-- J Annual FinancialReports Required by the General AppropriationsIAC+6 Act (100 Day Report). Annual Operating Budgets Required by the General AppropriationsI FE+3 Act. LA+3 : :·ONLY nd.· ,:Ame al I Archiv ,--- 9. 106 No. Remarks Agen Internal Fiscal ManagementReports I FE+3 Includes agency monthly budget reports. Capital Asset Records 11: ., · · 0. 7. 6. 5. Records Series 4.5.006 35 3.Agency 2.Agency Code 4. 1.Page FE+3 ·,. No. .- O,P 0,P AC=SeptemberI of odd-numbered calendar years. CAUTION:If an agency does not produce a biennial or annual narrative report as described in item number I. 1.066,then these annual financial AC+6 I A !reportsmustbe marked with Archival Code A. The archival requirement,when a biennial or annual narrativereport is not produced, is met by sendingthe required copies of the reports to the Texas State PublicationsDepository Program,Texas State Library and Archives Commission. FE+3 0,P LA+3 O,P . •'• ... ,,., ,· . : :? .<:<:,:~· . · ·•,, •• ! ..: ' ; ::"\'. ::::. .·. · ....., : ·....... Archival Codes(Field 8) Codes(Field7) Retention I 1J: C, SLR 105 ~en: ua: w Rev. 2109 UJ> E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper AC -After Closed,Tenninated,Completed,Expired,Settled AV -Administrative Value C - Confidential CE- CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYear En9 0 - Open Record LA- life of Asset MO-Months PM- Permanent US - Until Superseded A- Transfer to State Archives R - Review by State Archivist c:: MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000036 ·----······· ~Q .,.,_,•.,,.~--·····- ...- SLR 105 Fann SLR 105Cmust this fo,m. accompa_ny STATE OF TEXAS · Records Retention Schedule 3. Agency Name 2. Agency Code 5. 4. Records Series Item No. I Agency Item No. RecordSeriesTitle 36 110. 7. 6. 1.Page 8. ..._, ' ,..., I nlV'I' I -· J :Ame.nd. 106No. Remarks Aqen 1· · · 1. uc· :rs ·. .-'ONLY ival I Arch r-9, ·-"" 38 ,. d •.:·.:·No.· : .. :•,/ · ·\ 4.7.01 I 5.1.001 5.1.005 SFI2 SSl S82 Texas Facilities Commission Statements (fFC) FE+3 Charge or bill statements received by agencies from the TFC for services provided. Contracts & Leases Contracts, leases, and agreements include general obligation, land lease utilities, and constructionexcept for buildings. Documents include AC+4 specifications, affidavits of publication of calls for bids, accepted bids, performance bonds, contracts, purchase orders, inspection reports, and correspondence. Postage Records FE+3 Records and reports of postage e. usag r mete expenses, including postal -~. FE+3 • :i :·. • ~•:. • Y'. . .• ·· .... · ._ • ~ ... ~.; ~ , . ·.... \ . ... ':~.. _:i :: •::: .. .. ...".... . :• ~ . ·~ . . ',··· .. AC+4 .• !·. . . O,P, Vital AC=Expirationor tenninationof the .. •\ ... ,. ; .. ..::··--: ..:·.:. . . instrument according to its tenns. ', • • •• • ..: . . • t• ..: ~ .. .. .: : . . .. ;.:·· ·: . ' FE+3 O,P , .._,.. ·.•., .·•: : .. " .' ~ ArchivalCodes(FieldBJ Codes(Field7) Retention E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper ed,Settled AC -After Closed,Tenninated,Completed,Expir _ ___ AV-AdministrativeValue C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE- Fiscal YearEnd 0 - OpenRecord LA - Life of Asset MO-Months I A - Transfer to StateArchives PM - Permanent ivist d US - UntilSupersede R - Reviewby StateArch SLR 105 Rev.2/09 MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000037 1J: c., ✓- u5 : 00 o:w iQ SLR 105 Form SLR 105Gmust accompanythis form. STATE OF TEXAS Records Retention Schedule 3. Agency Name 2. Agency Code Records Agency Series Item Item No. No. I 8. 5.2.014 5.4.007 5.4.013 SS3 SS4 sss S86 .f, . .- . TSLAc ·· 9, Remarks 106 No. . : ..···No'"-.. .. ,., .........!':;.,-:.. . : : ·_. ..:·: !:_.. :•:·:. LA+3 LA+3 ---:\~\;. ·\·;_--: . -~ O,P . : . .... ~·-: · .• ~ .' . .: : . ::.~·-: ~--~ . . •: _:· .. ·. " Inventory - Annual Physical FE+3 Property, eauioment, sucolv verification Hazardous Materials Training Records Records of training given employees in an agency hazard communications program. Disaster Preparedness & Recovery 38 :Amend. ' Equipment History File; Equipment Service Agreements 5.2.008 a ONLY· ival I Arch r--- . ·-·- I ... --.. . i_,,__ Record Series Title Agreementsor contracts betweenthe agency and equipmentvendor to provide maintenanceservice for equipment.Includesrequests for installation,moves, service, etc.; and service/repairlog books, etc. 37 '10. 7. 6. 5. 4. 1.Page 5 FE+3 : •,. O,P .. ' O,P,E 5 us .. :, .·. : :i~. ·.~ ..... =:,. ... .. :-:· •' ' · . ·.:,.t:.;', .-~· :•~·,. . ., . ..: Health and Safety Code, 502.009(g) ' , us ~ ,::~.: . .. . •: ..·.·... ... ~ 0, P, E, Vital .,·' , ., . . Plans ArchivalCodes(Field8) Codes(Field7) Retention E - Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper pleted,Expired,Settled Com d, lnate Tenn AC - After Closed, Value ative inistr AV -Adm C - Confidential CE- CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYearEnd 0 - Open Record LA- Life of Asset MO-Months I A - Transferto State Archives PM - Permanent Archil@t US - Until Superseded R - Reviewby State SLR 105 Rev. 2109 MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000038 1J: c., ; ✓- u5 : 00 o:w iQ SLR 10t> Form SLR 105Cmust accompanythis form. STATE OF TEXAS Records Retention Schedule 2. Agency Code 5. 4. Records Series Item No. 3. Agency Name 6. Agency Item No. 38 11.-. . · · ·.. TSLAC . -: oNLY _·_ 8. Ret~ntlonP.eriod r Ar~ .Amend~ 9. .' No.-:.<. 106No. Remarks RecordSeriesTitle .. SS7 Billing Detail- Telecommunications (TEX-AN) 5.5.006 SS8 In addition to summary detail, includes FE+3 any accompanyingdetailed listing of long distance calls. . . : : FE+3 · FE+3 SEE item number 5.5.006for TEX-AN billing detail. The billingagency will maintainall long distanceTEX-ANrecords and will provide each usingagency its bill summaryof centralizedcapitol complex telephoneservice withoutcall detail records.For these bill summaries,SEE item number4.7.0 I 1. SEE item number S .5.00l for billingdetail from carriers other than TEX-AN. .. • : : l •. • • \ O,P I • ' \.' .. : . Billing Detail - Telecommunications (Other than TEX-AN) In addition to summary detail, includes FE+3 any accompanyingdetailed listing of long distance cans. SEE item number 5.5.006 for TEX-AN billing detail. ..- ,• .'•"';' •: 5.5.001 38 cl 10. . 7. I 1.Page ·: ~ • : :..·.:··.:•_:·.:~.. ...., ·._·::,·:-'•. ~- .. ·. .. .. ·..··... ::· ...· :.· :.:..·· : .. . . :. ' ·,. :· -··.· ~ ·:' .. :,. ... .... .. ·. '• . . .···· , ', ,• ' .. ... : ~ .· -~ .. f Codes(Field8) Archival 7) (Field Codes Retention E- Electronic M - Microfilm P - Paper pleted,Expired,Settled Com , d inate Tenn ed, Clos r AC -Afte AV-Administrative Value C - Confidential CE - CalendarYear End FE - FiscalYearEnd 0 - Open Record LA- Life of Asset MO-Months ives j A - Transferto StateArchivist PM - Permanent Arch State by ew Revi R ed US - Until Supersed 1- ::c (!) z- <(CfJ () (( rr:w SLR 105 Rev.2/09 MULTI-TEX-SEN-19-0069-A-000039 l~>~ ~Q