Of?ce of the Mayor City 8: County of San Francisco VIA EMAIL Anonymous March 4, 2020 Re: Whatsapp Records Dear Anonymous: This letter relates to issues raised regarding certain messages in the WhatsApp platform that were responsive to your request, characterized as an electronic communications audit from July of 2019, under the reference number Speci?cally, we provided records responsive to that request from Communications Director Jeff Cretan that were messages in WhatsApp concerning an event with the Department of Emergency Management. You later sought certain embedded photos from those messages. We have provided those photos. This letter is to con?rm that I) we in the Mayor?s Of?ce possess the ability to retain and disclose as public records WhatsApp records that pertain to city business, including all attachments and inline images, that are maintained on the devices of Mayor?s Of?ce staff, including Jeff Cretan?s device and that 2) it will continue to be our practice to maintain such WhatsApp records in accordance with applicable retention polices and periods as set out in state and local record retention law and the Mayor?s Of?ce records retention policy and to disclose such records as appropriate in response to records requests pursuant to the Public Records Act and the Sunshine Ordinance. If you have any questions about these or similar records, please let me know. Sincerely, WW Hank Heckel Compliance Of?cer Of?ce of the Mayor City and County of San Francisco CC: San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance Task Force 1 Dr. Carlton B. Place. Room 200. San Francisco, California 94102?4641 (415) 554-6141