From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) Sent: 27 Mar 201817:57:59 +0000 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC);Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject: Dr. Nguyen, Associate Director for Policy Meeting w/ the CDC Director Import ance: High AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000001 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) Sent: 27 Mar 2018 18:08:18 +0000 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD) ;Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) Subject: Dr. Rima Khabbaz, NCEZID Leadership meet ing with the CDC Director Import ance: High AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000002 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) Sent: 27 Mar 201817:56:31 +0000 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) Cc: Sosin, Dan (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Ruiz, Roberto (CDC/OPHPR/OD) (;Gallagher, Kathryn M. (CDC/OPHPR/OD) (;Anderton, John (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Merlin, Toby (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ( Subject: Dr. Stephen Redd, OPHPR's CIO Leadership Meeting w/ the CDC Director Impo rtance : High AMERICAr--.. pVERSIGHT HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000003 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) Sent: 27 Mar 2018 18:14:5 1 +0000 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Seth Kroo p (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7@cdc .gov);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Kuhnert, Wendi (CDC/OID/NCEZID) (;Aleshire, Noah (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Moussakhani, Nisha (CDC/OD/OADLSS) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC);Meechan, Paul J. (CDC/OD/OADLSS) (;Weyant, Rob (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Brandt, Mary (CDC/OID/NCEZID) (;Quinn, Conrad (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);Gaines, Yolanda D. (CDC/OD/OADLSS) (;Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD) Subject: Dr. Steve Monroe, OADLSSLeadership meeting with the CDC Director Im port ance: High HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000004 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) Sent: 27 Mar 2018 18:38:47 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) Subject: Dr. Wolfe, CDC Washington Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000005 From: Se nt: To : (Kyle) (CDC) Subje ct: Attachments : Redfield, Robert R. {CDC/OD) 28 Mar 2018 21:06:22 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. {CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth {CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert EOCTour (Jeff Bryant Tour Guide) EOCTour.msg, EOCTour.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : TB D Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host: TB D Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000006 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting / Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000007 From : Sent: To : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) 28 Mar 201817:04:11-0400 Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D/OCS) Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/0D/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: EOCTour Cc: I just wanted to get everyone on the same page about this request. Kyle asked that Dr. Redfield receive a tour of the EOCin advance of his flu briefing (which is a follow-up from the NCIRD orientation), that Teresa and Tracie are now working to schedule. To get this done as soon as possible, we are building in 30 minutes just before/after his OPHPR orientation tomorrow morn ing. Timing-wise, we will have to wait and see what T& T hear back from EOC,but Seth, you should plan for an early start and/or late end to the OPHPRmeeting tomorrow. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000008 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:41:48 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Whitney Warren (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ID Badge Office HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000009 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:18:15 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Lunch en route to Corporate Square HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000010 From: Sent: To: Subje ct: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 29 Mar 2018 19:59:56 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Memorial Day Federal Holiday HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000011 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:20:14 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Mingle with Staff HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000012 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:59:40 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Prep for AHM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000013 From: Sent: To : (;Baker, Subject: Import ance: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:37:39 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/0D);Whitney Warren (CDC/0D/OCS) Elaine (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/MASO);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OC00/0D) Records Management Briefing High HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000014 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) Sent: 27 Mar 201817:55:01 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/0D);Whitney Warren (CDC/0D/OCS) (;Hokett, Kevin (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OFAS) Cc: Norton, Jennifer (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: Relocation & Passport Applications and Travel/Lodging & Vouchers Import ance: High HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000015 From: Se nt: To : Subject: Attachme nts: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:41:47 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Rx Summit Activities ATLRA_HR_Atlanta_FP.PDF, ATLRA_ HR_Atlanta _CC.PDF Fairlie Room reserved for duration of RX Summit, located on the At lanta Conference Level HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000016 HYATT REGENCY AT L AN TA 265 Peachtree S lreet, N.E. Atlanta. GA 30303 USA T + 1 ( 404) 577 1234 F -t-1 (404) 460 6448 at l -r ~, -----, .-.......--f~-__....,_~_r---"'· _1',--L .. ~L-,,t.._ l , -Le,!-_ ! __j,_,.J..-!.J I "II 11 •• • 1,J FLOOR PLAN Bal!t-oom L evel c:=i r, G----------J G----------Jr::-0. IJ Ct;NT1$NNtA1. BA.LI.ROOM n IV II[ IJ CJ □ □ □ p JJ IJ □ OHN'l"ENNI .-.J,.1-'QYBR NOL """" "'"' 01 I t D D D V l._. ~ JI_ t CORJ\IOOR VI R.EOBNCY &ALI.ROOM VD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000017 01 0 3 HYATT REGENCY AT L AN TA 265 Peachtree S lreet, N. E. Atlanta. GA 30303 USA T + 1 ( 404) 577 1234 F -t-1 (404) 460 6448 at l FLOOR PLAN Exhibit Level ROLL UP ~ J o a • A C p a " q GRAND HALL WEST 0 0 0 □ .... ,, □--· ~ omcsa ORA ND HAl,L EAST a a ifl_□ .d 0. LOADING DOCKS Q [J 0 □ 0 PREFUNCTION AREA A □----□----~ A ll C1l!CAGO B □ >:SCALATOR @ UP1(> R~LR()OM LIWR l,(U,l ) __r;:---'~------~ C 0 HANOVER HALL F 0 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000018 01 0 3 HYATT REGENCY AT L AN TA 265 Peachtree S lreet, N.E. Atlanta. GA 30303 USA T + 1 ( 404) 577 1234 F -t-1 (404) 460 6448 at l FLOOR PLAN Atlanta Conference Level ~7fo '.iiiM: E1"CAl,,AT'O,R.UPTO K)IBASS\' H ALL {J.T,Z) PJEDMONT l--------,i A1UE.M'A; □ 9 HERITAGE BOAJ!OROO j 0 COURTLAND b b SPRING □ DUNWOODY r'1 D [I □ KENNESAW ~OGP.W ~ "'tl r-'"7 FAIRLIE oGREENBR D INMAN Executive (Located Suites on Second Floor of Atrium Towe,·) -0 EXECUTIVE COl\"l'ERENCE SUITE 219 11.XECUTIVE CONFERENCE SlJITE222 EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE SUITE 223 EXBCUUVE CONFERENCE SUITE226 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000019 01 0 3 HYATT REGENCY AT L AN TA 265 Peachtree S lreet, N. E. Atlanta. GA 30303 USA T + 1 ( 404) 577 1234 F -t-1 (404) 460 6448 at l F LOOR PLAN er Level Internation . al Totv 0 INTER NATIONAL BAI.LROOMNORTH I H-=c 7 WO><105'X 26'4" 7.455 550 550 700 420 Centennia/JII 70 ' 7,350 550 550 700 420 Centermia/ IV 66'x 105' 6,930 530 530 690 400 800 CENTENNIAL & REGENCY FOYER REGENCY BALLROOM V.Vl.Vll X 105' X 26'4 " 26'4" X - ' x - 'xlO' 16,094 133' X 136' X 18' 17,000 1.150 1,150 1,320 Rege11cyV 38'8" X 92'10" X 14' 3,366 200 200 250 120 Regency VT 49'5" X 105'8" 5,222 360 360 500 230 X 18' RegeticyVII 49' X 133' X 18' Regency VT& V1I 98' )c 133' 26'6" REGENCY CORRIDOR TERRACE FOYER THE LEARNING CENTER 45' X X X 45' 66' X X 6,517 450 450 700 420 18' 13,143 900 900 1,050 700 18' 1,193 10' 60' x 53' x VARIES 3,600 3,180 MEETINGPLANNEROFFICEl l0'x7'x9' 70 MEETING PLANNER OFFICE 2 10'x15'x9' 150 MEETING PLANNER OFFICE 3 l0'x 15' x9' 150 MEETING PLANNER OFFICE 4 10.5' MEETING PLANNER OFFICE 5 X 10.5' X 9' 8'x6.5'x9' 5.5' 9.5' CENTENNIALSTORAGE2 10.5' X 6' X 10' X 161 56 CENTENNIAL STORAGE! X AMPHITHEATER STYLE SEATING FOR 88 PEOPLE 10' PERMANENT REGISTRATION 23'10" X 5'9 " X 9' 52.25 63 167 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000021 04 13 ----- HYATT REGENCY AT L AN TA 265 Peachtree S lreet, N.E. Atlanta. GA 30303 - USA T + 1 ( 404) 577 1234 F -t-1(404) 460 6448 at l ..... ·•:•:•· T CAPACITY CHART ~-·:·-l Room Dit11ensions LxWxH Room Name Room Size Sq.Ft. - ---- l --- ---- ---- ~-iii- Theater Classroom ·u· . . .·□·. Hollow Square Reception 2,260 2,260 179 /154 U-Shapc I ■■ ■■ Banquet Conference -- Exhibit* Exhibit Level EXHIBrT LEVEL (TOTAL) 58,253 327' GRAND HALL 113' X 14'8" X 39,000 253/216 18,193 1,180 1,180 92/69 GrtnulHall East 114' X 177' X 14'8" / 11'1" 20,178 1,060 1,060 87 /74 GrandHa1lA. B, C, D 109' 14'8'' / 11'1'' 6,540 Grand Hal/A 28' X 14'8" / 11'1'' GrandHallB 25' X 60' X 14'8" Gra,ulHallC 28' X GrandHallD 113'x161'xl4'8" Grand Hall West PREFUNCTION AREA X 60' X 1,680 80 80 110 75 / 11'1" 1,500 80 80 90 60 14'8" / 11'1'' 1,680 80 80 110 75 28'x 60'x 14'8" / 11'1" 1,680 80 80 110 75 10,104 820 820 975 516 778 80 80 80 36 60' X 60' 136' HANOVERHALL X 50' X 11'5" X L·SHAPE 9,778 16/ 14 58/48 Hanove,·A 30'6'' X 25'6" X 11' Haturve,,B 30'6"X 28'4"' X 11' 864 80 80 95 44 30 25 34 HanoverC 45' x34'5" X 11' 1,549 120 120 135 90 42 38 48 HancverD 45' X 24'6" X 11' 1,103 80 80 110 56 38 35 42 Hanover£ 50' X 28'6" X 11' 1,425 90 90 130 65 38 35 42 Hanoc·erF 45'X32'6"xll' 1.463 100 100 130 65 42 38 48 HanoverG 32'6" X HanoverA,B 53'10" X HanoverC,D 87'5" X 24'6" HanoverD,E 87'5" X 24'6'' Hat1overF, G 68'8" X 32'6" Hanover C, D, E CJ-llCAGO 25 34 11' 769 80 80 90 45 26 22 30 11 1,642 120 120 195 80 38 35 42 X 11' 2,652 200 200 296 116 50 45 54 X 11' 2,528 200 200 240 95 50 45 54 X 11' 2,232 160 160 230 95 56 52 60 87'5" x 24'6" x 11' 4.077 250 250 340 150 68 78 L-SHAPE 6.308 580 580 716 352 2,322 180 180 210 120 387 30 30 42 20 HanoL•erC, D, E, F, G HANOVER CORRIDOR 30 23'8'' X 30'6" X 15'6" WIDE x 11' 29' X 80' X 10' 2,155 CJiicagoA 29'x13'4"x10' ChicagoB 29' X 10' 387 30 30 42 20 22 Chicago C 29' X 13'4" X 10' 387 30 30 42 20 22 CMcagoD 29' X 13'4" X 10' 387 30 30 42 20 ChicagoE 29' X 26'8'' X 10' 774 ChicagoA,B 29' X 26'8" X 10' 773 60 60 84 40 30 24 32 ChicagoC,D 29' X 26'8'' X 10' 773 60 60 84 40 30 24 32 SHOW OFFICE 13'4'' 19'x 7' xlO' Note: Exhibit space based on 8 X .1.· l O and 10 :r..·10 22 22 10 133 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000022 04 13 HYATT REGENCY AT L AN TA 265 Peachtree S lreet, N. E. Atlanta. GA 30303 USA T + 1 ( 404) 577 1234 F -t-1(404) 460 6448 at l ..... ·-:~: -· CAPACITY CHART Room Name ~-. :· ·:C Room Dit11ensions LxWxH Room Size Sq.Ft. Banquet - ---- l T --- ---- ~-iii- Reception Theater Classroom Conference ---- ·u· . . U-S hapc .·□·. Hollow Square ■■ ■■ Exhibit Atlanta Conference Level AUBURN 1"/'5" X 32'3" BAKER 43' X32'3" COURTLAND 48' 37' X X 7'5" 7'6" 7'5" 564 20 20 35 24 22 17 22 1,387 100 100 120 72 28 32 40 1.908 120 120 150 60 34 38 46 DUNWOODY 48' X 39'9" X 7'6" 1,776 120 120 150 60 34 38 46 EDGEWOOD 33' X 20'5" X 7'8" 674 50 50 50 24 20 23 26 FAIRLIE 33' X 27'6" X 7'9" 908 70 70 80 51 24 32 36 891 70 70 80 51 24 32 36 GREENBRIAR X X 33' X 27' HARRIS 29'6" X 19'9" X 7'9" 583 30 30 45 24 18 20 20 INMAN 41'4" X 25'5" X 7'1" 1.051 80 80 120 54 28 33 41 70 70 90 48 28 26 34 KENNESAW 7'9'' X 33'9 -''X 27'8" LENOX 33'9" MARIETTA 35'10"xl8'x7'l" X 21'5'' 8' 934 7'9" 723 50 50 70 33 28 26 30 645 50 50 65 30 28 23 26 X X PIBDMONT 41'11" X 27'2" X 7'1" 1.139 100 100 130 57 32 26 42 ROSWELL 46'10" X 22'8" X 7'9" 1,062 80 80 80 39 24 24 30 7'9" 1.082 80 80 120 60 28 32 38 8' 907 60 60 85 42 24 26 32 777 50 50 60 30 24. 26 32 968 70 70 70 42 28 32 38 370 10 10 20 9 16 SPRING TECHWOOD UNIVERSITY VININGS WILLIAMS HERITAGE BOARDROOM 37' X 37' 29'3" X X 24'6" X 37' X2l'x8' 38'10" X 24'11" 16'6" X 22'5" X X 7'9'' 7'9" 12 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000023 04 13 HYATT REGENCY AT L AN TA 265 Peachtree S lreet, N.E. Atlanta. GA 30303 USA T + 1 ( 404) 577 1234 F -t-1(404) 460 6448 at l ..... ·-:~: -· CAPACITY CHART ~-. :· ·:C Room Dit11ensions LxWxH Room Name - ---- l T --- ---- ---- ~-iii- Room Size Sq.Ft. Banquet Reception Theater Classroom 9.150 500 500 1,000 450 Conference ·u· ' ' U-S hapc .·□·. Hollow Square ■■ ■■ Exhibit* International Tower Level INTERNATIONAL BALLROOM 96' x97'x17' International North 96' X 47'6" X 17' 4,480 250 250 460 200 l11ternatio11a/S0t1th 96' X 49'6" X 17' 4,670 250 250 430 200 EMBASSY HALL 85' 85' X 30'10" EmbassyB 31'7" EmbassyC 43' X 29'6" X EmbassyD 43' X 29'6" X EmbassyE 31'2" X 21'5'' X 31' EmbassyG 26'10" EmbassyH 27'10" EMBASSY CORRIDOR -• 30'6" X X 550 800 350 70 70 120 45 28 10' 676 70 70 120 45 28 25 30 10' 1,312 110 110 160 70 35 33 40 10' 1.312 110 110 160 70 35 33 40 X X X X 14'3" X 11'6" 10'3" 550 1,052 X 31 '4" X 25'3" EmbassyF 7,225 10' 10' X Embassy A X 53/42 10' 10' 25 30 791 70 70 120 45 28 25 30 946 70 70 120 45 28 25 30 X 10' 382 30 30 58 20 18 X 10' 320 30 30 50 20 18 1,120 50 50 50 25 30 25 28 784 40 40 25 15 16 15 20 10' 555 Executive Suites EXEC. CONFERENCE SUITE 219. 226 (each) 28'x40' EXEC. CONFERENCE SUITE 222,223 (each) 28' X 28' x8'6" X 8'6" CROWN SUITES (29) 450 30 PANORAMA SUITES (11) 450 30 l.600 100 INT'L SUITES (4) 750 75 DELUXE PANORAMA SUITES(6) 850 75 1.200 75 WOODRUFF SUITE 235 THREE BAY SUITES Note: Exhibit space based on 8 .1.· l O and 10 :r..·10 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000024 04 13 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:26:59 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Transit: Century Center HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000025 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:19:45 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Transition: Emory Conference Center HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000026 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 30 Mar 2018 13:24:06 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Veterans Day HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000027 From: Sent: To : Subject: Import ance: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:34:57 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC);Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) ( Welcome with Dr. Anne Schuchat High HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000028 From: Sent : To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:26:42 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ****FOR MATERIALSONLY*** NCIRD's CIO leadership Meeting with the CDC Director (3:10-4:10 p.m.) Attachments : RE_ CIO leadership Meeting with New CDC Director.msg, RE_ CIO leadership Meet ing with New CDC Director .msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Barbara Cozart, Executive Assistant to Dr Messonnier; email : bcozart@cdc .gov ; Office: 404 .718.453 2 CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000029 5. 060 Review Materials: From: Sent: To: Subje ct: Cozart, Barbara (CDC/OID/NCIRD) 23 Mar 2018 16:02:26 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Thanks for clarifying Teresa, in that case let?s use room 8106 (already reserved) for this meeting. Thank you ladies and have a wonderful weekend! Barbara Cozart Program Specialist & Assistant to Dr. Nancy Messonnier bcozart Tel. 404-718-4532 Bldg. 24 Room: 8119.4 NCIRD From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 3:58 PM To: Cozart, Barbara (CDC/OID/NCIRD) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Hi Barbara, Dr. Messonnier may invite anyone from her Senior Leadership team she would like to attend. There will be two staff members accompanying the Director. Please advise if Room 8121 will accommodate the meeting. Thanks for your prompt response. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000031 Teresa From: Cozart, Barbara (CDC/OID/NCIRD) Sent: Friday , March 23, 2018 3:50 PM To: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) > Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Hi Tracie, yes. Dr. Messonnie r can do 3:10pm? 4:10pm with Dr. Redfield on Wed, 3/28. We?re ju st checking to see ifwe understand correctly that this is more of a smaller l :l rather than Dr. Messonnier and her entire senior staff, correct ? If smaller then we can do Dr. Messonnier ?s office, Room 8121 that can hold up to 5 comfortably and include Kristin Pope and Allen Craig. Thank you, Barbara Cozart Program Specialist & Assistant to Dr. Nancy Messonnier bcozart Tel. 404 -7 I 8-4532 Bldg. 24 Room: 8119 .4 NCIRD From: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 3: 18 PM To: Cozart, Barbara (CDC/OID/NC IRD) > Cc: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) >; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Importance: High Good Afternoon , HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000032 We are reach ing out to see if Dr Messon nier and NCTRD Leadership would be ava ilab le to meet with the CDC Director on March 28th from 3: 10-4: 10pm at NCIRD ?s office . If yes, please respond back with a room location that will be suitable for NCIRD plus 3 additional OD staff perso nnel. Respectfo lly, Tracie Strength Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone : 404-498-6482 1Cell: 404-944-32 10 Email : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000033 From: Se nt: To : Subject: Cozart, Barbara (CDC/OID/NCIRD) 27 Mar 2018 12:46:59 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Great . Dr. Messonnier w ill meet him and his team in the lobby of bldg . 24 then tomorrow © Thank you ladies . Barbara Cozart Program Specialist & Assistant to Dr. Nancy Messonnier Tel. 404- 7 18-4532 Bldg. 24 Room : 8119.4 NCIRD From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, March 27, 20 18 12:46 PM To : Cozart, Barbara (CDC/OID/NCIRD) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director That is correct From : Cozart, Barbara (CDC/OID/NCIRD) Se nt : Tuesday, March 27, 2018 12:34 PM To : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Directo r Hi Tracie , so the tunnel that leads to bldg . 21 then through the hallways that connect 21 and 24, correct? Barbara Cozart Program Specialist & Assistant to Dr. Nancy Messonnier bcozart @cdc .gov Tel. 404-7 18-4532 Bldg. 24 Room: 8119.4 NCIRD From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, March 27, 20 18 11:37 AM To: Cozart, Barbara (CDC/OID/ NCIRD) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Directo r Barbara, It would be great if Dr. Messonnier could meeting them in the lobby of bldg. 24. They should be arriving through the tunnel. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000034 Thxs, Tracie From: Cozart, Barbara (CDC/OID/NCIRD) Sent : Monday, March 26, 2018 10:26 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Sure thing. Thank you. Barbara Cozart Program Specialist & Assistant to Dr. Nancy Messonnier bcozart @cdc .gov Tel. 404-718-4532 Bldg. 24 Room: 8119.4 NCIRD From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, March 26, 2018 10:25 AM To: Cozart, Barbara (CDC/OID/NCIRD) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Barbara, Currently we do not know where they will be coming from or the logistics for that day. Can you check back w it h me tomorrow or Wednesday morning? Tracie From: Cozart, Barbara (CDC/OID/NCIRD) Sent: Mond ay, Mar ch 26, 2018 9:39 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Meet ing with New CDC Director Hi Teresa and Tracie, We were wondering if Dr. Messonnier could meet Dr. Redfield in the lobby of bldg. 24 and escort him and his team up to our conference room . Would that be ok? Barbara Cozart Program Specialist & Assistant to Dr. Nancy Messonnier bcozart Tel. 404-7 18-4532 Bldg. 24 Room: 8119.4 NCTRD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000035 From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Friday, March 23, 2018 4:03 PM To : Cozart, Barbara (CDC/OID/NCIRD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subjec t: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Thanks so much. Have a wonderful weekend too. From : Cozart, Barbara (CDC/OID/NCIRD) Se nt : Friday, March 23, 2018 4:02 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Thanks for clarifying Teresa, in that case let's use room 8106 (already reserved) for this meeting. Thank you ladies and have a wonderful weekend! Barbara Cozart Program Specialist & Assistant to Dr. Nancy Messonnier bcoza rt@c Tel. 404-718-4532 Bldg. 24 Room: 8119.4 NCIRD From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Friday, March 23, 2018 3:58 PM To : Cozart, Barbara (CDC/OID/NCIRD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Hi Barbara, Dr. Messonnier may invite anyone from her Senior Leadership team she wou ld like to attend . There will be two staff members accompanying the Director. Please advise if Room 8121 will accommodate the meeting . Thanks for your prompt response. Teresa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000036 From : Cozart, Barbara (CDC/OID/NCIRD) Sent : Friday, March 23, 2018 3:50 PM To : Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Hi Tracie, yes. Dr. Messonnier can do 3:10pm - 4:10pm with Dr. Redfield on Wed , 3/28 . We're just checking to see if we understand correctly that this is more of a smaller 1:1 rather than Dr. Messonnier and her entire senior staff, correct? If smaller then we can do Dr. Messonnier's office, Room 8121 that can hold up to 5 comfortably and include Kristin Pope and Allen Craig. Thank you, Barbara Cozar t Program Specialist & Assistant to Dr. Nancy Messonnier bcozart@cdc .gov Tel. 404-7 18-4532 Bldg. 24 Room: 8119.4 NCIRD From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, March 23, 2018 3:18 PM To : Cozart, Barbara (CDC/OID/NCIRD) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: CIO Leadership Meeti ng with New CDC Director Import ance: High Good Aft ernoon, We are reaching out to see if Dr Messonnier and NCIRD Leadership would be available to meet with the CDC Direct or on March 28th from 3:10 -4:lOpm at NCIRD's office. If yes, please respond back w ith a room locat ion that will be suitable for NCIRD plus 3 additional OD staff personnel. Respectfully , Tracie Strength Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Ema il: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000037 From: Sent : To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:22:56 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY** Associate Director for Science Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director (9-10 a.m.) Attachments : RE_ ADS Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director.msg 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: Nina Ware , Executive Assistant to Dr. Leslie Dauphin , Associate Director for Science (Acting) CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000038 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000039 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 26 Mar 2018 16:35:12 +0000 Ware, Nina (CDC/OD/OADS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: ADS Leadership M eet ing with New CDC Director Hi Nina, Per our telephone conversation, we are ?tentatively? scheduled April 4th from 10:15- 1I :15 a .m. in Bldg. 21, 8th Floor, CR 8116. I will send a calendar invite. Thank s, Teresa From: Ware, N ina (CDC/OD/OADS) Sent: Monday , March 26, 2018 12:33 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: ADS Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Good afternoon Teresa , Are there any additional meeting options? Nina Ware Rherrass Program Specialist Office of the Associate Director for Science, Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road NE Roybal Campus, Bldg. 21, MS: D-50 Atlanta, GA 30329 404-639-4758 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000040 From: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 12:31 PM To: Ware, Nina (CDC/OD/OADS) > Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: ADS Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Importance: High Good afternoon Nina , I am reaching out to inquire if Dr. Dauphin and the ADS Leadership would be available to meet with the CDC Director on April 4nd from 9:00-10 :00 a.m. at ADS?s office. If yes, please respond back with a room location that will be suitable for ADS plus 3 additional OD staff personnel. Thanks, Teresa Wi!Liams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-711 l emai l: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000041 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000042 From: Se nt: To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:39:56 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY*** Call w/ Dr. Judy Monroe, CEO & President, CDC Foundation Attachment s: RE_ Call confirmed.msg, RE_ Scheduling a call wi t h Dr. Judy Monroe and CDC Director.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TSO Special Assistant: TBO Event Contact: Sherr i Berger CDC Staffer Accompany ing CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: TSO Purpose of Event: TBD Agend a (if applicable): TSO Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000043 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000044 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) 27 Mar 2018 12:17:59 -0400 Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Call confirmed From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Sherri, We could do the following dates and times for a call with Judy Monroe: • April 2nd @ 5:15pm • April 4 • April 4th @ 2:30pm April 6th @ 4:00pm • th @ 2:00pm Let me know -----Original Message----From : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 10:20 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Call confirmed Next is a 15 min hello with Judy M. How about an option for next week? Thanks > On Mar 27, 20 18, at 10:13 AM, Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: > > Thank you, added to calendar > > ----- Original Message----> From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) > Sent : Tuesday, March 27, 2018 10:12 AM > To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject : Call confirmed > > Dr. Redfield and David Ratcliffe 445 -Spm. Dr. Redfield should call David on his cell at 404 -409 -3047 . I've asked Seth to find David's Bio. Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000045 Bien-Aime, Sandra 28 Mar 2018 16:26:49 +0000 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Bien-Aime, Sandra (CDC/OD/OCS) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Scheduling a call with Dr. Judy Monroe and CDC Director From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Good Morning Tracie, Judy is scheduled to be in Puerto Rico on these dates and times, but IS available: Apri l 2nd @ 5:30pm • Will you be sending the calendar invitation? Regards, Sandy Sandra Bien-Aime ExecutiveAssistantto the Presidentand CEO 404.523.3S80 www twitt!!r . ljnkedin . fa,:eQ90k. m.s!llgram ..···~ ...•·· CDC Foundation ' Togelhetour ImpactIs greater From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 11:48 AM To : Bien-Aime, Sandra (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bien-Aime, Sandra Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Scheduling a call with Dr. Judy Monroe and CDC Director Import ance: High Good morning Sandra, We are reaching out to see about scheduling a 15 minute call with Judy Mon roe and the CDC Director Dr. Robert R Redfield . Please let us know if any of the below dates and times work for Dr. Monroe . • April 2nd @ 5:30pm • April 4th @ 2:00pm • April 4th @ 2:30pm Looking forward to hearing from you soon . Respectfully, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000046 Tracie Strength Advance Team / Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000047 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:43:06 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY*** CSELSCIO Leadership Meeting Attachments : CSELSMeeting with Dr. Redfield.msg, Map Bldg 2500 Century Center Parkway CDC OPHSSand Parking Deck Location .... pdf From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TBD Frank Dilley is reserving a parking spot at 2500 that will be mark w ith a cone , see attached map Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : Melanie Ramsey , Executive Assistant to Dr ladmarco, Email : xmaO@cdc .gov ; Office: 404-639-5270 CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000048 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points {TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000049 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Ramsey, Melanie R. (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD) 30 Mar 2018 08:16:19 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) CSELSMeeting with Dr. Redfield Good morning Tracie, Are you able to add the individuals below to the "Dr. Michael lademarco, CSELSCIO Leadership Meeting w/ New CDC Director" invite on Monday, April 2nd at llam? Mac Kenzie, William R. (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS)(; Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSE PD) ; Salerno, Reynolds (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DLS) ; Yoon, Paula (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS)( ); Glynn, Kate (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS)(mjg6@cdc .gov) I can also forward but didn't want Dr. Redfield's inbox to get inundated with forward notificat ions . Please advise . Thanks, Melanie R. Ramsey Executive Analyst Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (CSELS) Office of Public Health Scientific Services (OPHSS) xma0@cdc .gov I 404 -639 -5270 office I 404-229 -8086 cell HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000050 15W b 2Sc:> D P/-J,1. i-:!iNJ [:e C /,C I 5 T 6,-u.)Ut...JJJ CDc ;2) Century Pl-/'fSllAL o,:;,:.'1(,~ C>~ ADD,1.es5 : Pv"/,./c.. ll~~7H ,2oorl ~C>/ 8VIL./)l,cJ8 • . SC/~~r;~,~ Se,ey✓~e.s /':loo/2. 5 ~ e 't> / ZS-OC> Ct=-Nre,111.,y C.t,f,/Tf:A_A4,t1eu,,Ay A-rt-,'/A,J0-1 1 303'1.S- 9,,. , --! ,i, \ I ~ { 1/<>V'19K- e,2 9-t> CDC C.sei5 HQ'.$ \ ·-·""' -- ~6 L ,4126,,(2 e s c ,u 9 2 500 ,91-)/ll( i1v1 DC c i(_ &-t1re j i Cl ,~ .,l -lo,_ .. ~ •-SS- ,.JO/l,·"f'/i IJJ~ ==-- ~ Vi ~ j c-. 0 +- ,- ~ ,il rJtVJOtLAP ' I II I I I 1( HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000051 .ll -r: ~ Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:26:35 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY* ** Dr. Howard, NIOSH Leadership Meeting w/ the CDC Director Attachments : RE_ NIOSH Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director .msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: TS O Special Assistant : Seth Kroop "not traveling" Event Contact: TSO CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : Kyle McGowan email : .... I __ (bl (6l I Office : I (bl( 6l I I Cc: Williams , Teresa (CDC /OD/OCS) Subject: NIOSH Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Good morning , We are reaching out to see if Dr. Howard and NIOSH Leadership wou ld be avai lable to meet with the CDC Directo r on Ap1il 6th from 1:30-2:30pm at NIOSH?s office . If yes, please respond back with a room location that will be suitable for NIOSH plus 3 additional OD staff p ersonnel. Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team / Execut ive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE , MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 1Cell: 404-944-3210 E mail: tmd9 < mailto:tmd9 @cdc .gov> HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000054 From: Sent: To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 19:03:09 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY*** Dr. Stephen Redd, OPHPR's CIO Leadership Meet ing w/ the CDC Director 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TB D Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director : TB D CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host: TB D Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000055 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks /Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000056 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:32:10 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY* ** Dr. Wolfe, CDCWashington Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director Attachments : RE_ CDCW Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: TSO Special Assistant : Seth Kroop "not traveling " Event Contact: TSO CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : Kyle McGowan email : .... I __ (bl (6l I Office : I (bl( 6l I I Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: CDC W Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Importance: High Good morning, We are reaching out to see if Dr. Wolfe and CDC / W Leadership would be available to meet with the CDC Director on April 6th from 2:45-3:45prn at the CDC / W office. If yes , please respond back with a room location that will be suitable for CDC / W plus 3 additional OD staff personnel. Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team / Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 1Cell: 404-944-3210 Email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000059 From: Se nt: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:50:49 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: ***FOR MATERIALSONLY***Dr Nguyen, Associate Director for Policy Meeting w/ the CDC Director (1:15 -2:lSpm) Attachments : RE_ Meeting Request with Von Nguyen and the New Director.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant: Seth Kroop Event Contact: Sandy Bart, Executive Ass istant to Dr. Von Nguyen , Assoc iate Director for Policy CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition : TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. Director 's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000060 From: Sent: To: Subje ct: Bart, Sandra (Sandy) (CDC/0D/OADP) (CTR) 26 Mar 2018 11:23: 49 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) RE: Meeting Request with Von Nguyen and the New Director I will discuss with Von in about 15 minutes and get back to you. From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 10:53 AM To: Bart , Sandra (Sandy) (CDC/OD/OADP) (CTR) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Meeting Request with Von Nguyen and the New Director Good morning, We are reaching out to see if Von Nguyen would be availab le to meet with the CDC Director on March 29th from 1:15-2:15? If yes, please respond back with a room location that will be suitable for Von and whomever he decides to be in the meeting plus 3 additional OD staff personnel. Respectfu lly, Tracie Strength Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000062 From: Sent: To : (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:24:17 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS); Knot t s, Ashley * **FOR MATERIALS ONLY* * *OADC CIO Leadership Meeting (10:15 -11 :15 a.m .) 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant: Seth Kroo p Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TB D Key Participants (if applicabl e): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Direc tor 's Remarks /Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting /Logist ics Materials: 5. OGC Revi ew Mater ials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000063 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000064 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:52:09 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY***OPHPR 's CIO Leadership Meeting w/ the CDC Director {10:45-11:45am) From: Sent : To : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TB D Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Lynn Gershman, Executive Assistant to Dr. Stephen Redd CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TSO CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TB D CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TSO 2. Event Information : Event Host: TSO Purpose of Event: TSO Agenda (if applicable) : TSO Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TS O Proposed Role and Topic: TSO Length of Presentation : TSO Press: TBD Teleprompter: TSO 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000065 5. 060 Review Materials: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:46:09 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY***OSTLTS CIO Leadership Meeting (9:45 -10:45am) Attachments : RE_ OSTLTLeadership Meeting with New CDC Director .msg, RE_ OSTLT Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Georgia McIntyre , Executive Assistant to Dr Montero; Email: ngo7@cdc .gov Office: 404.498.0259 CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000067 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000068 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject : McIntyre, Georgia (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) (CTR) 26 Mar 2018 13:28:00 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: OSTLTLeadership Meeting with New CDC Director Hi Tracie, Yes, Dr. Montero and his team are available. Address: 1825 Century Center, 4th Floor CR: 4047-4A POC: Georgia Mclntyre Thanks . From: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 12:17 PM To: Mclntyre, Georgia (CDC/OSTL TS/OD) (CTR) Cc: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: OSTL T Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Importanc e: High Good Afternoon , We are reaching out to see if Dr. Montero and OSTLT Leadership woul d be available to meet with the CDC Direc tor on April 2nd from 9:45-10:45am at OSTLT?s office. If yes, please respond back with a room location that will be suitable for OSTL T plus 3 additional OD staff persollllel. Respectfully, Trac ie Strength Advance Team / Execut ive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000069 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Cl ifton Road , NE, MS D- 14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404 -498-6482 1Cel l: 404-944-3210 Emai l: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000070 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: McIntyre, Georgia (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) (CTR) 28 Mar 2018 13:37:02 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: OSTLT Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Hi Tracie, Will you update the invite to Dr. Montero 's office #4068, please? Thanks. © From: McIntyre, Georgia (CDC/OSTLTS/OD)(CTR) Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 1:31 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: OSTLT Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Perfect. I will send it to all involved. Thanks. From: Strength , Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday , March 26, 2018 1:30 PM To: McIntyre, Georgia (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) (CTR) Cc:Wi lliams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: OSTLT Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Wonderfu l, thank you so very much . We w ill send out an invite shortly Tracie Strength From: McIntyre, Georgia (CDC/OSTLTS/OD){CTR) Sent: Monday , March 26, 2018 1:28 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: OSTLT Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Hi Tracie , Yes, Dr. Montero and his team are available. Address: 1825 Century Center , 4th Floor CR: 404 7-4A POC: Georgia McIntyr e Than ks . From: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday , Ma rch 26, 201812:17 PM To: McIntyre, Georgia (CDC/OSTLTS/00) (CTR) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000071 Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: OSTLTLeadership Meeting with New CDC Director Importance: High Good Afternoon, We are reaching out to see if Dr. Montero and OSTLTLeadership would be available to meet with the CDC Director on April 2nd from 9:45-10:45am at OSTLT'soffice. If yes, please respond back with a room location that will be suitable for OSTLT plus 3 additional OD staff personne l. Respectful ly, Tracie Strength Advance Team I Executive Ass istant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Cente rs for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE, MS D-14 , Atlanta GA 303 33 Phone : 404-498-6482 I Cell : 404-944-3210 Emai l: tmd9@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000072 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:31:19 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: * **FOR MATERIALS ONLY* * Dr. Charles Rothwell, NCHSCIO Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director (10:30-11:30 a.m.) Invite Dr. Chesley Richards (10:30-11:30 a.m .) Attachment s: NCHS Leadership meeting with the CDC Director.msg, April 6 schedule .msg, Directions-Parking NCHS.PDF, RE_ NCHS Leadership meeting with the CDC Dire ctor.msg From: Sent : 1. Contact s: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : Seth Kroop "not traveling" Event Contact: Kimbe rly Oliver, Executive Assistant to Dr. Charles Rothwell , NCHS CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: Kyle McGowan email : ~I____ ~~E ] ll,e,tyu,w l East-WestHwy~ ~ L c::: u )> tl East-West1-my~ PRl,ICEGEOO.GES PLAZA Me:TRO $TATOII C fl Shuttle Bus Service from and to PG Plaza Metro Rail Station Atlantic Parking operates a courtesy Shuttle Bus service hours are: 6:00 - 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 - 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to/from the PG Plaza Metro Rail Station. Look for a white 15-passenger bus with the lettering Atlantic Parking. The Shuttle Bus departs from Parking Garage A (southwest side, next to our building, Metro 4) at 6:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and travels back and forth to the PG Plaza Metro Rail Station (picks up/drops off on side facing PG Plaza). In the mornings, it takes the Shuttle Bus roughly 15 minutes to make a complete circuit, and in the evenings approximately 25 minutes. In the event that the wait for the Shuttle Bus becomes long, which may occur due to rush-hour traffic or weather , you can call 301-779-9696 to determ ine its location and estimated time of arrival to Parking Garage A or the PG Plaza Metro Rail Station stop. Par king Atlantic Parking Garage A (301-779-9696) is next to the NCHS Metro 4 building. Visitors are encouraged to lock vehicle doors and not leave valuables in plain view . First 2 hours - Free 2 - 3 hrs. $ 5.00 3 - 4 hrs. $ 7.00 $ 9.00 4- 12 hrs. 12 - 24 hrs. $15.00 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000078 From: Sent: To: Subject : Attachment s: Oliver, Kimberly (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS) 27 Mar 2018 15:08: 43 -0400 Strength, Trac ie (CDC/0D/OCS) RE: NCHS Leadership meeting with the CDC Director Directions-Park ing NCHS.PDF Good Grief, I'm sorry, I started my email to you and I guess I was interrupted and it was saved as a draft. The Auditorium Chas been reserved on the 2nd floor. I will also attach directions to the Center. Kim -----Original Message- ---From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 3:02 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Oliver, Kimberly (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS) Subject: RE: NCHS Leadership meeting with the CDC Director Kimberly, Just wanted to check back to see if you have a room location for the April 6th meeting from I0:30-11 :30, thanks Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team / Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email: -----Original Message- ---From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday , March 26, 2018 1:41 PM To: Oliver, Kimberly (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS) Cc: Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: NCHS Leadership meeting with the CDC Director Importance: High Good afternoon Kimberly, I am reaching out to inquire if Dr. Rothwell and the NCHS Leadership would be available to meet with the CDC Director on April 6nd from 10:30-11:30 a.m. at NCHS?s office. If yes, please respond back with a room location that will be suitable for NCHS plus 3 additional OD staff personnel. Thanks , HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000079 Teresa Williams Scheduler for the Acting CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Contrn l and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000080 National Center for Health Statistics (Metro 4 Building) 3311 Toledo Road Hyattsvi lle, Maryland 20782-2064 NCHS Directory 30 1-458-4000 Directions and Map Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA), Arlington, VA Start out going North on S. Smith Blvd. and follow the signs marked "Washington" to exit the airport onto George Washington Parkway. Merge onto 1-395 North toward Washington . Continue on 1-395 for approximately 2 miles and then keep left to take 1-295 South. Take Southeast Freeway/ I-695 South toward Pennsylvania Ave. Merge onto DC-295 North on the left. Continue for approximately 7 miles and take the MD 410/ Hyattsville exit. Turn left at the end of the ramp onto MD 410/East-West Highway . Continue to approximately 3 miles and turn right onto Adelphi Road and then a left onto Toledo Road. The Metro 4 building is located on the left after the parking garage. Total Travel Estimate: 27 minutes / 15.7 miles Baltimore/Wash ington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI), Baltimore, MD Take the Baltimore-Wash ington Parkway (Route 295) toward Washington . Cross 1-495and take the next exit (Riverdale/ Hyattsville/New Carrollton). Turn right at the first traffic light (Riverdale Road/Route 410). At the 6th traffic light, turn right onto Adelphi Road and then left onto Toledo Road. The Metro 4 building is located on the left after the parking garage . Total Travel Estimate: 38 minutes I 26.3 miles Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD), Dulles, VA Start out going Northeast on Saarinen Circle toward the Airport Access Road. Merge onto VA-267 E toward I-495/ Exit 18-19/VA - 123/Baltimore-Richmond. Merge onto 1-495 via Exit 18 toward Baltimore. Continue on 1-495 to exit 28B (New Hampshire Avenue/Takoma Park). At the second traffic light, turn left onto Adelphi Road. Continue on Adelphi Road through 5 traffic lights and turn right onto Toledo Road. The Metro 4 building is located on the left after the parking garage . Total Travel Estimate: 53 minutes I 35.3 miles Metro Rail NCHS is located approximate ly 0.5 from the Prince George's Plaza Metro station on the GREEN line. For additional information including fares , trip planner, bus schedules, maps, and etc. contact the Washington Metropolitan Area Trans it Authority HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000081 ToledoRd ~ ~ NCHS, Metro IV 0 NIVE.1fS1TY =~ TOWN CENTE, j - fd,a(joRd '' 1*- I I CooslUlooDr J The MaHat PrinceGeorges FreocbnWayW - 1O> ~~E ] ll,e,tyu,w l East-WestHwy~ ~ L c::: u )> tl East-West1-my~ PRl,ICEGEOO.GES PLAZA Me:TRO $TATOII C fl Shuttle Bus Service from and to PG Plaza Metro Rail Station Atlantic Parking operates a courtesy Shuttle Bus service hours are: 6:00 - 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 - 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to/from the PG Plaza Metro Rail Station. Look for a white 15-passenger bus with the lettering Atlantic Parking. The Shuttle Bus departs from Parking Garage A (southwest side, next to our building, Metro 4) at 6:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and travels back and forth to the PG Plaza Metro Rail Station (picks up/drops off on side facing PG Plaza). In the mornings, it takes the Shuttle Bus roughly 15 minutes to make a complete circuit, and in the evenings approximately 25 minutes. In the event that the wait for the Shuttle Bus becomes long, which may occur due to rush-hour traffic or weather , you can call 301-779-9696 to determ ine its location and estimated time of arrival to Parking Garage A or the PG Plaza Metro Rail Station stop. Par king Atlantic Parking Garage A (301-779-9696) is next to the NCHS Metro 4 building. Visitors are encouraged to lock vehicle doors and not leave valuables in plain view . First 2 hours - Free 2 - 3 hrs. $ 5.00 3 - 4 hrs. $ 7.00 $ 9.00 4- 12 hrs. 12 - 24 hrs. $15.00 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000082 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:54:00 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subje ct: ***FOR MATERIALSONLY**Opioid Briefing with Dr. Debra Haury and SMEs (2:15-2:45 p.m.) Attachment s: RE_ Opioid Briefing with the CDC Director (at the Rx Summit) - April 3, 2018@ 11-11_ 30 a.m .. msg From: Se nt: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee Special Assistant: Seth Kroop Event Contact: Mara Golde n, Executive Assistant to Dr. Debra Houry , NCIPC CDC Staffer Accompany ing CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000083 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000084 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) 27 Mar 2018 11:17:52 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Opioid Briefing with the CDC Director (at the Rx Summit) - Apri l 3, 2018 @ 11-11:30 a.m. Absolute ly! Thank you Teresa . Mara R. Golden Executive Assistant to Dr. Deb Houry, Director and Amy Peeples, Deputy Director National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) I Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 4770 Buford Hwy, MS-F63 I Chamblee, GA 30341 I Office: (770) 488-1343 1Fax: (770) 488-44221 Email: wtv8@cdc .gov CDC's Injury Center Preventing Inj uries and Violence Through Science and Action From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, March 27, 2018 11:17 AM To: Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Opioid Briefing with the CDC Director (at the Rx Summit) - April 3, 2018@ 11-11:30 a.m. Hi Mara, After reviewing the Director's schedule, 2:15-2:45 p.m . works better on April 3 rd . Can we confirm this time? Thanks, Teresa From : Golden , Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Sent : Tuesday, March 27, 2018 9:05 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Opioid Briefing with the CDC Director (at the Rx Summit) - April 3, 2018@ 11-11:30 a.m. Thank you Teresa! I've got a hold on Deb's and the opioid SMEs schedules. Mara R. Golden HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000085 Executive Assistant to Dr. Deb Houry, Director and Amy Peeples, Deputy Director National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) I Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 4770 Buford Hwy, MS-F63 I Chamblee , GA 30341 I Office: (770) 488-1343 I Fax: (770) 488-4422 I Email: wtv8@cdc .gov CDC's Injury Center Preventing Inj uries and Vio lence Throug h Science and Actio n From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 9:04 AM To: Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Opioid Briefing with the CDC Director (at the Rx Summit) -April 3, 2018@ 11-11:30 a.m. Hi Mara, Please hold 1:15-1:45 p.m . on April 3rd here at Roybal. I will follow up with you short ly. Thanks, Teresa From: Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 7:44 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Opioid Briefing with the CDC Director (at the Rx Summit) - April 3, 2018@ 11-11:30 a.m. Good morning, Deb was asked by OD (Policy and Chief of St aff's office) to brief Congresswomen Clark at Roybal at 12:00 pm. Is there any possibility she and Dr. Redfield can meet earlier? She is planning to leave the Summit by 11:00 am so she can get to Roybal in ample time for the briefing with Rep. Clark. Respectfully, Mara R. Golden Executive Assistant to Dr. Deb Houry, Director and Amy Peeples , Deputy Director National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) I Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 4770 Buford Hwy, MS -F63 I Chamblee, GA 30341 I Office: (770) 488-1343 I Fax: (770) 488 -4422 I Email: wtv8@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000086 CDC's Injury Center Preventing Injur ies and Vio lence Throug h Science and Action From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, March 27, 2018 7:35 AM To: Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Opioid Briefing with the CDC Director (at the Rx Summit) - April 3, 2018@ 11-11:30 a.m. Hi Mara, That would be great. I look forward to hearing back from you. Thanks, Teresa From: Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Sent : Tuesday, Ma rch 27, 2018 7:34 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Opioid Briefing with the CDC Director (at the Rx Summit) -April 3, 2018@ 11-11:30 a.m. Good morning Teresa, I believe we can make this work . I would like to confirm something with Deb that she added to her calendar, though. Can I confirm within the hour? Respectfully, Mara R. Golden Executive Assistant to Dr. Deb Houry, Director and Amy Peeples , Deputy Director National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) I Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 4770 Buford Hwy, MS-F63 I Chamblee , GA 30341 I Office : (770) 488-134 3 I Fax: (770) 488-4422 I Email: wtv8@cdc .gov CDC's Injury Center Preventing Inj uries and Vio lence Throug h Science and Actio n From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, March 27, 2018 7:30 AM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000087 To : Golden, Mara {CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Cc:Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Opioid Briefing with the CDC Director (at the Rx Summit) - April 3, 2018 @ 11- 11:30 a.m . Importance : High Good morning Mara, I hope you are doing well. Please advise if Dr. Houry would be available for a Opioid briefing with Dr. Redfield on Tuesday, April 3 rd from 11-11:30 a.m. at the Rx Summit . Dr. Houry is w elcome t o include any SM Est o attend with her . Thanks for your prompt response. Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the Acting CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Cente rs for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlant a, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (40 4) 639-7000 Fax: (40 4) 639-7111 emai l: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000088 From: Se nt: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:23:49 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knot t s, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : * *FOR MATERIALSONLY** Dr. Rebecca Martin, CGH's Leadership Meeting w/ the CDC Director (9-10 a.m.) Attachments : RE_ CIO leadership Meeting with New CDC Director.msg 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000089 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000090 From: Sent: To: Turner, Kenya D. (CDC/CGH/OD) 26 Mar 2018 10:59:08 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);McKnight , Joh n (CDC/CGH/OD) (CTR);Ervin, Elizabeth (CDC/CGH/OD);CGH OD (CDC) Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Hi Te resa; Please schedule, March 30th from 9:00-10:00; bldg. 2119th Floor/9116 From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 9:25 AM To: Turner, Kenya D. (CDC/CGH/OD) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McKnight , John (CDC/CGH/OD) (CTR) ; Ervin, Elizabeth (CDC/CGH/OD) ; CGH OD (CDC) Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Directo r lrnportance: High Hi Kenya, Would Dr. Martin be available on Friday, March 30th from 9-10 a.m.? If so, cou ld you please provide a locat ion for the meeting? Thanks Teresa From: Turner, Kenya D. (CDC/CGH/OD) Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 3:53 PM To: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) > Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) >; McKnight , John (CDC/CGH/OD) (CTR) >; Ervin, Elizabeth (CDC/CGH/OD) >; CGH OD (CDC) > Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Meet ing with New CDC Director HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000091 Thanks Teresa; Have a great weekend. From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 3:51 PM To: Turner, Kenya D. (CDC/CGH/OD) > Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) >; McKnight, John (CDC/CGH/OD) (CTR) >; Ervin, Elizabet h (CDC/CGH/OD) >; CGH OD (CDC) > Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Hi Kenya, Per our telephone conversation, l will hold this time on the calendar until I hear back from you next week. Thanks so much. Teresa From: Turner, Kenya D. (CDC/CGH/OD) Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 3:43 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) >; McKnight, John (CDC/CGH/OD) (CTR) >; Ervin, Elizabeth (CDC/CGH/OD) >; CGH OD (CDC) > Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Hi Tracie; Are there any other avai lable times we can work with; Dr. Martin has a meeting from I :00-6:00 that has been hard to schedule that include other CIO Directors. We can move some meetings on 3 April if there is availability on your end. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000092 Thanks, Kenya From: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 3:34 PM To: Turn er, Kenya D. (CDC/CGH/OD) >; McKnight, John (CDC/CGH/OD) (CTR) >; Ervin, Elizabeth (CDC/CGH/OD) >; CGH OD (CDC) > Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Importanc e: High Good Afternoon, We are reaching out to see if Dr Martin and CGH Leadership would be available to meet with the CDC Director on March 29th from 1:15-2: 15pm at CGH?s office. lf yes, please respond back with a room location that will be suitable for CGH plus 3 additional OD staff personnel. Respectfully, Tracie StTength Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-49 8-6482 I Cell: 404-944-32 l 0 Email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000093 From: Sent : To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:25:26 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: **FOR MATERIALSONLY** Dr. Rima Khabbaz, NCEZID leadership meeting with the CDC Director (9:00-10:00 a.m.) Attachments : RE_ NCEZID's CIO leadership Meeting with New CDC Director.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant: Seth Kroop Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000094 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000095 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 23 Mar 2018 20:47:08 +0000 Grant, Celeste (CDC/OID/NCEZID) (CTR) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: NCEZID's CIO leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Hi Celeste, Thanks so much for the prompt response. I will send a tentative invite. Thanks and have a wonderful weekend. Teresa From: Grant , Celeste (CDC/OID/NCEZID) (CTR) Sent: Friday , March 23, 2018 4:45 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: NCEZTD's CTO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Hi Teresa, Yes, Dr. Khabbaz can meet with the CDC Director on Friday , March 30th 10:15-1 I: 15. They can meet in Building 16, 5th FL, CR 5224. Thanks , Celeste Celeste Grant Executiv e Assistant to Dr. Rima Khabba z Office of the Director HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000096 Nationa l Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) Contracto r, Syne rgy America , Inc . Cente rs for Disease Contro l and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road NE I Mailstop C-12 I Atlanta, GA 30329-4027 o. (404) 718 -1457 Im. (970) 396-5191 vjk l @cdc .gov Telework : Wednesdays From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday , March 23, 2018 4:41 PM To: Grant , Celeste (CDC/OID/NCEZID) (CTR) > Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: NCEZID's CTO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Imp ortance: High Good afternoon Celeste, We are reaching out to inqu ire if Dr. Khabbaz and the NCEZTD Leaders hip wou ld be available to meet with the CDC Director on Friday, March 30th from I 0: 15- 11: 15 a.m. at NCEZID?s office . If yes, please respond back with a room location that will be suitab le for NCEZ ID plus 3 additional OD staff personnel. Thanks, Teresa Te resa Williams HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000097 Scheduler for the Acting CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404)639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000098 From: Se nt: To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:26:52 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knot t s, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: * * FOR MATERIALSONLY** Dr. Steve Monroe , OADLSSleadership meeting w ith the CDC Director Attachment s: OADLSSCIO leadership Meeting with New CDC Director .msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TB D Key Participants (if applicabl e): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. Director 's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation : TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000099 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject : Import ance: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 23 Mar 2018 20:34:23 +0000 Smith, Lauren (CDC/OD/OADLSS) (CTR) Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) ( OADLSSCIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director High Good Afterno on Lauren, We are reaching out to inquire if Dr. Monroe and the OAD LSS Leadership would be available to meet with the CDC Director on Friday, March 30th from 11:30 a.m.? 12:30 p.m. at OADLSS ?s office. If yes, please respond back with a room location that will be suitab le for OADLSS plus 3 additiona l OD staff personnel. Th anks, Teresa Teresa William s Scheduler for the Acting CDC Director Protocol Specialist Offic e of the Directo r Centers for Disease Contro l and Preventi on I 600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21 , OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000101 email: 02 From: Sent: To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:28:30 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: **FOR MATERIALSONLY** Dr. Jonathan Mermin, NCHHSTP'sleadership Meet ing with the CDC Director (2:20-3:20 p .m.) Attachments : RE_ CIO leadership Meeting with New CDC Director.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Michael Williams Email: xkk3@cdc .gov Office: 40 14-718-45 16 CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000103 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Williams, Michael (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) 27 Mar 2018 07:29:39 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Morgan, Avonette (Ava) (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director We will be in Corporate Square, Building 8, Conference Room 28 Thanks! -Michael NCHHSTP/OD/OPPP Office: (404) 718 -4S16 Cell : (404) 754 -0732 From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, March 26, 2018 8:09 AM To : Williams, Michael (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Morgan, Avonette (Ava) (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Directo r Thank you Michael, We have noted the building and will look forward to your room confirmation . Thank you in advance for saving a parking spot . Respectfully, Tracie From: Williams, Michael (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Se nt : Monday, March 26, 2018 8:05 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; M organ, Avonette (Ava) (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Subje ct: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Theresa and Tracie : We can confirm this Friday at 2:20pm - I just need to confirm a room but we will be at Corporate Square Building 8 . Seth - we will have a spot reserved out front for Dr. Redfield. I will follow -up with you the day of . Thanks, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000105 -Michael NCHHSTP/0D/OPPP Office: (404) 718-4516 Cell: (404) 754-0732 From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Friday, March 23, 2018 4 :53 PM To : Williams, Michael (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Morgan, Avonette (Ava) (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE:CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Directo r Hi Michael, That would be fine. Have a wonderful weekend . Thanks , Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Spec ialist Office of t he Director Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suit e, 12th Floor Ma il Stop D-14 Atlan t a, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (40 4) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639 -7111 email: coo4@cdc .gov From : Williams , Michael (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Sent : Friday, March 23, 2018 4 :32 PM To: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Morgan, Avonette (Ava) (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Directo r Tracie: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000106 The time you proposed looks good. Can I shore things up on Monday? I am holding time on our end among NCHHSTPSr. Leadership in anticipation of confirming this time. Thanks, -Michael NCHHSTP/OD/OPPP Office: (404} 718 -4516 Cell: (404} 754 -0732 From: Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 3:39 PM To: Williams, Michael (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP); Morgan, Avonette (Ava) (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Me eting with New CDC Director Thank you Michael and look forward to your confirmation on Dr Mermin's availability for the 30th . Dr Mermin is aware that this meeting is forthcoming, if you need additional information please follow up w ith him . Respectfully, Tracie From: Williams, Michael (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 3:35 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Morgan , Avonette (Ava) (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Thanks, Tracie . I believe Dr. Mermin's schedu le can accommodate this meeting but I need to double check. Can you tell me a little but about the objectives for the meeting? What do we need to prepare? Thanks! -Michael NCHHSTP/OD/OPPP Office : (404} 718 -4516 Cell: (404) 754 -0732 From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, March 23, 2018 3:30 PM To: Williams, Michael (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP); Morgan, Avonette (Ava) (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000107 Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: CIO Leadersh ip Meeting with New CDC Director Importance: High Good Afternoon, We are reaching out to see if Dr Merm in and NCHHSTPLeadership would be available to meet with the CDC Director on March 30 th from 2:20-3:20pm at NCHHSTP'soffice. If yes, please respond back with a room location that will be suitable for NCHHSTPplus 3 addit ional OD staff personnel. Respectful ly, Tracie Strength Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE, MS D-14 , Atlanta GA 303 33 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell : 404-944-3210 Email : tmd9@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000108 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:42:33 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC);Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) 1:1 with Dr. Anne Schuchat ._I __ (_bl_(6l_ ___, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000109 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:07:35 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Arrival HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000110 From: Sent: To : Subject: Import ance: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:09:52 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Arrival: CDC Roybal Campus High HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000111 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) Sent: 27 Mar 201817:32:56 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC);Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) I (b)( 6J t Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OO/OCS) ( Subject: Arrive CDC Roybal Campus High Im port ance: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000112 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:56:58 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Break and Lunch HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000113 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:10:16 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Break HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000114 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:04:45 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Break HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000115 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 28 Mar 2018 16:42:32 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Monroe, Judith A. (CDC/OD/OCS);j monroe@cdcfoundation .org; Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject: Call w/ Dr. Judy Monroe, CEO & President , CDC Foundation From: Sent: To : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000116 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) Sent : 27 Mar 2018 18:39:36 +0000 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: Attachments : Call with Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) RE_ Member meetings update .msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TB D Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Aimee Schattner CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000117 5. 060 Review Materials: 18 Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 26 Mar 2018 16:07:18 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Member meetings update From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Hello! We have Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) confirmed for 2:45pm tomorrow (March 27) for a 15-20 min call with Dr. Redfield. Please let me know the best# for the Senator to dial. Thank you! From : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent : Monday, March 26, 2018 4:04 PM ,--------, To : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) (b)(6) '---~--....,__----'-~ illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) I . (b)(6) r Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) (bJ(6) . (b)(6) ~ Schwarcz, Cristi L. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) From : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent : Monday, March 26, 2018 4:03 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) (b)(6) Cc:Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWOI (b)(6) iSchwarcz, Cristi L. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc:Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/0D/CDCWO l I (b)(6) I Subject : RE: Member meetings update Added here, thank you 1 (b)(6) I Subject : RE: Member meetings update Hi SherriSen. Isakson is confirmed for 2:45pm tomo rrow . Still waiting to hear back from Alexander , and Michelle is working on Blunt . Attached are both bias. Who do I contact in the OD to work out the detai ls for phone#, etc? Thanks, Aimee From : Schwarcz, Cristi L. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Se nt : Monday, M arch 26, 2018 2:23 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD)~I-C -bl-C6J--~ Cc:Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/0D/CDCWO _l___ (b)(6) I - ; Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS) ; Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) Subject: Member meetings update Minor adjustment - we will schedule three calls tomorrow for Dr. Redfield: Blunt, Alexander and Isakson. Can you try to schedule between 2&4pm? Each call should be 15-20 min max. Thanks On Mar 26, 2018, at 1:11 PM, Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA)l.____ (_b)_(6)__ _.r rote : Hi Kyle, Times to avoid for call with Chairman Blunt tomorrow? Thanks, Michelle HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000120 From: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 12:41 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD)◄~-(b)(6-l-~I; Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA)j Subject: Re: Member meetings - Appropriators (b)(Gl I have not . I'll set it up around the other meetings. Can we do the Blunt call sometime tomorrow afternoon? He asked that we plan a call with Isakson as well tomorrow . They haven't been able to chat yet. On: 26 March 2018 11:44, "Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OO)" i~__ <_bl_; Wi lson, Michelle l I (b)(6) (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) Subject : Re: Member meetings - Appropr iators +Michelle to schedule these. Thanks On Mar 26, 2018, at 9:30 AM, Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS) wrote: Good morning, Yes, that's correct . Senator Blunt asked specifically for a call with in the next two weeks and would like to meet him once Congress is back in session in mid -Apri l, so Kyle's proposal would work well. I would just recommend that we set up a call as well with Blunt before the in-person meeting on the 9th . From: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 9:28 AM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS) Subject: RE: Member meetings - Appropriators HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000121 We could try to do the Isakson and Blunt meetings on the afternoon of the 9th then Murray the following day. From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OC00/0D( (b)(6) Se nt: Monday, March 26, 2018 9:25 A'"' A________ _. To: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) Cc: Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS) Subject: Member meetings - Appropriators Hi KyleMy staff spoke w/ Amanda. Evident ly, Blunt asked that the new director meeting w/ him in first two weeks. I think Amanda (please confirm) suggests we schedule Blunt before Murray. Thanks Sherri A. Berger, MSPH Chief Operating Officer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road NE Mailstop D-14 Atlanta, Georgia 30329 (b)(6) !hone 404-639-7171 fax HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000122 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:21:40 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Call: David Ratcliffe HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000123 From: Sent : To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:00:52 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject: CDCAll Hands Meeting Attachments : Re_ March 29th and 30th .msg, CDCAll-Hands Meeting on Thursday , March 29, at 3_ 00 p.m .. msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. Director 's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000124 5. OGC Review Materials: From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 22 Mar 2018 16:51:17 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Re: March 29th and 30th Yes Sent from my iPhone On Mar 22, 20 18, at 4:45 PM, Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) > wrote: Hi Scott , Would you like me to add the AHM for 3/29 from 3-4 p.m. on the CDC Directors Scheduling calendar? Thanks, Teresa From: Scale s, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday , March 22, 2018 4:40 PM To: Stewait , Tracy E. (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR) > Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC /OD/OCS) >; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) >; Strength, Traci e (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: Re: March 29th and 30th Yep. KLD will have more details Sent from my iPhone On Mar 22, 2018, at 4:38 PM, Stewart, Tracy E. (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR) > wrote: Nope. I'm reserving it now. Do you want the suede chairs setup like we did for the fireside chat for Milken event? Tracy HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000126 From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday , March 22, 2018 4:38 PM To: Stewa1t, Tracy E. (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR) > Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) >; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OO/OCS) >; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OO/OCS) >; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OO/OCS) > Subject: Re: March 29th and 30th Need Aud A for AHM 3-4pm on Thursday 29th. Fire side chat stage setting. Set up prior. Need full AV plans. Questions? Sent from my iPhone On Mar 22, 2018, at 4:28 PM, Stewart, Tracy E. (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR) > wrote: I reserved both days from I :00-5 :00pm for you. Tracy Stewart,CGMP Chenega Facilities Management, LLC General Manager Tom Harkin Global Communications Center Division of Communication Services / OADC Centers for Disease Control 1600 Clifton Road , MS-D32, Atlanta, GA 30333 P) 404.639.7519 I F) 404.639.2260 I C) 404.942 -7124 testewart@cdc .gov * *This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. lfyou have received this email in error please notify the system manager. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company. Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000127 From: Sent: To: Subject : CDC OD Announcements 26 Mar 2018 16:48:33 -0400 CDC All - CDC & ATSDR and non-CDC & non -ATSDR CDC All-Hands Meeting on Thursday, March 29, at 3:00 p.m. CDC Director and ATS DR Adm inistrator Robert R . Redfield, MD , wil l hold an All -Hand s Meeting on Thursday, March 29, at the Royba l Campus, in the Global Comm unications Center, in the A lexan der D . Langmuir Auditorium (Building 19), begi nning at 3:00 p .m. ET. Co ntractor s may attend this meet ing with the prior approva l of thei r employ er. Please plan to attend, watch the All -Hands on IPTV, or listen by phone. A lso, consider carpooling to the meeting with your co-workers. Access this link to add the meeting to your Outlook calendar. Accessibility CDC encourages participation by emp loyees with disabilitie s. An ASL interpreter will be available in the auditorium, and assistive listening devices are avai lable from blue- shirted technicians at the event. Please plan to arrive early to ensure your needs are met before the event begins. A closed-captioned version will be available via IPTV (select Channel 4 from the list of channels on the IPTV website). Captious and participation by persons wit h communications challenges will also be ava ilable online via Relay Conference Captio nin g. To view the onl ine captions at the start tim e of the eve nt, p lease login for capt ioning on your computer, smartphon e, or tab let at , eve nt I fbl[Gl I Requests for accommodations , questions , or comments on accessibility (Sec tion 508) complianc e may be dir ected to the CDC Section 508 Helpdesk. Federal RCC ? Mobile Federal RCC ? Mobile is a wireless application that provides secure real-time text of your conference call to your Smartphone device . Browse to http:/ /mobi lercc .sfprintre and then enter your name and the event number, I Cbl@ I Bridge Line: Toll Free for Domestic Callers: 800-857-5006 Participant passcode: I Cbl@ I Toll Number for Internat ional Ca llers: l -415-228 -4564 Partic ipant passcode: I cwm I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000128 IPTV The All-Hands will be available via IPTV via your computer. IPTV Services are not available via CITGO , but CDC staff not able to connect to the CDC network at the time of the event can use external IPTV if internet access is available by connecting to http://remoteiptv and using CDC network login information . Interna tional CDC network connected users can go to http://globalremotciptv / to access the confe rence. For farther details on accessing remote events, refer to the IPTV FAQs page. CDC Agency Wide All-Hands IPTV Viewing Sites Cincinnati , Taft Building, Auditorium Cincinnati, Hamilton Building, Conference Room C Morgantown , Building L, Room L3A Pittsburgh , Bui lding I , Room I 16 Washington , Patriots Plaza Building, Room CR9000 Fort Colli.ns, Main Conference Room ( 1-505) Spokane Campus , Room 230 Century Center, Building 1825, Room I 042- IB Chamblee, Building 106, Room 9A Chamblee, Building 107, Room 4A Corporate Square , Building 8, Room 2A University Office Park, Vanderbilt Building , Room 1004 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000129 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:50:35 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) Subject : Coffee w/ Members of Congress Attachments : FW_ quick question.msg, floor plan.pdf From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Schuchat : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000130 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. Dr. Schuchat's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs) : Dr. Schuchat 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000131 From: Sent: To: Scales, Scott L. {CDC/OD/OCS) 23 Mar 2018 07:44:01 -0400 Cc: Williams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Strengt h, Tracie (CDC/OD/O CS) Subject: FW: quick quest ion Please add the coffee as tentative for the hour before congressional panel to both AS and Director calendars From: Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 9:07 PM To: Berg er, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: quick question FYI ? status of this. We?ll hold the hour before the Congressional panel just in case, along with the panel itself . From: Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA ) Sent: Thursday , March 22, 2018 8:57 PM To: Patterson , Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH /NCIPC) > Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: RE: quick question Yes, hour before panel. And thank you!! From: Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDfEH/NCIPC) Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 8:43 PM To: Wilson , Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) > Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: RE: quick question OK? we?ll keep a hold on calendars jus t in case. The hour prior to the Congressional panel if it happens? From: Wilson , Michelle (CDC/OCOO /OFR/OA) Sent: Thursday , March 22, 2018 6:49 PM To: Patterson , Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH /NCIPC) > Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: RE: quick question HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000132 Hi Sara, Still working this out. Keep you posted (And if yes? it would be more of an informal coffee , not breakfast ? keep it easy). From: Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 4:43 PM To: Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) > Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: quick question Hi Michelle, Is the breakfast with members of congress confirmed for Tuesday morning the 3rd before the Congressional panel at the Rx Summit? If so, what time is it? Thanks, Sara Patterson Deputy Chief of Staff (Acting) Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention Office: 770.488.1429 Mobile: 404. 790.1046 spatterson @cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000133 n 7 Ill IV I I I I I I I ...J 1 ~5 €fl -· d I I I i ~6 -· e :Lm~1 [11!£] ~-~ ----u - ..... I n C C C V yI __~--·-·_..ll _._ -- - I I TI I __L_ = ______ _ VD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000134 FLOOR PLAN Aclanta Conference Leuel Ezecaufoe Su , (Located 1tu O "Second · Fl oor of At rium Tower) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000135 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 30 Mar 2018 13:12:04 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Delta 2660 Depart ATL 9:58am Arrives BWI 11:50am (Duration - 1 hour 52 minutes) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000136 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:22:22 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Depart HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000137 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:40:37 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Depart HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000138 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) Sent: 27 Mar 2018 18:35:31 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS)I (bl {6l !;Oliver, Kimberly (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) Subject: Dr. Charles Rothwell, NCHS CIO Leadership Meet ing with the CDC Director HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000139 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:19:14 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)( 6J !;Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) Subject: Dr. Jonathan Mermin, NCHHSTP'sLeadership Meeting with the CDC Director Im port ance: High From: Sent: To : I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000140 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:11:54 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Scales, From: Sent: To : I (b)(6) ~Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS)I (b)(6) r otts, Ashley Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) Subject: Dr. Katherine Lyon Daniel, OADC CIO Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director Im port ance: High HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000141 From: Se nt: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:30:48 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC);lademarco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Richards, (b)(6l ~eth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS )I (b)(6) !Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Mac Kenzie, William R. (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD);Salerno, Reynolds (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DLS);Yoon, Paula (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DHIS);Glynn , Kate (b)(6l peth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD);Scales,Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS)I (bl (6l Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. Michael lademarco , CSELS CIO Leadership Meeting w/ New CDC Director Attachmen ts: CSELSMeeting with Dr. Redfield.msg I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000142 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Ramsey, Melanie R. (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD) 30 Mar 2018 08:16:19 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) CSELSMeeting with Dr. Redfield Good morning Tracie, Are you able to add the individuals below to the "Dr. Michael lademarco, CSELSCIO Leadership Meeting w/ New CDC Director" invite on Monday, April 2nd at llam? (bJ(6J Mac Kenzie, William R. (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS)I ':=-::-==-::-:-;::: ======'.,__-~ (b)(6) Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSE PD)I Salerno, Reynolds (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DLS ,.....:.... __ (.:.!:: b)(=6l==::::::;------' Yoon, Paula (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS) Glynn, Kate (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS).__ _____ (b)(6) _. I can also forward but didn't want Dr. Redfield's inbox to get inundated with forward notificat ions . Please advise . Thanks, Melanie R. Ramsey Executive Analyst Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (CSELS) Office of Public Health Scientific Services (OPHSS) xma0@cdc .gov I 404 -639 -5270 office I 404-229 -8086 cell HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000143 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:44:51 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NC IRD);Kroop, Seth (b) (6J !Rasmussen, (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sonja (CDC/OID/OD) ;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) Subject: Dr. Nancy Messonnier, NCIRD's Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director Im port ance: High From: Sent: To : I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000144 susan 10 May 2018 21:48:00 +0000 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Yassanye,Diana (CDC/OD/OCS); Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dikembe Mutombo Foundation Importance: High From: Sent: To: Good evening Scott, Thank you for your email. Unfortunately Mr. Mutombo will be out of town on those dates except Wed., June 20 th . We would be delighted to host Dr. Redfield at our offices, but I understand reasons it might better for us to meet with him at CDC. I will check with Dr. Mireille Kanda and Mr. Mutombo about June 20 th that for security and then get back to you. All the best, Susan SusanM. Johnson,J.D. IExecutiveDirector rr omHU DH HUlOHBO fOUIIDUION , INC. P.O. Box 674227 Marietta, Georgia 30006 Tel. 404-262-2109l www.dmf .org From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 4 :03 PM To: susan Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Yassanye, Diana (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dikembe Mutombo Foundation HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000145 Hi Susan! Unfortunately with travel and programmed leave, Dr. Redfield won't be available until June. Does June 7, 8, 15, or 20 work fo r you? I assume the meeting would be here at CDConce scheduled, but please clarify that for me too . I'm including our team here for their awareness and to assist with the visit once scheduled . I'm looking forward to hearing from you! Scott From: McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 3:56 PM To: susan ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) I Cc: Dikembe Mutombo (b)(6J Subject: RE: Dikembe Mutombo Foundation II {b){ 6) II (b)(6) Thank you for your email Susan. I have added Scott Scalesto this email. He will assist you in finding a time for Mr . Mutombo to meet with Dr. Redfield. The director has some travel planned the rest of this month so I'm not sure these dates will work, but Scott can assit you . I know that Dr. Redfield is looking forward to the meeting . Kyle From: susan Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2018 3:41 PM To: McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) I Cc: Dikembe Mutombo (b)(6J Subject: Dikembe Mutombo Foundation Importance: High ii (b)(6) I ._I____ ('-'b)"'(6-'-)------' Dear Mr. McGowan, Hope you are well. My name is Susan M. Johnson and I am the Executive Director for the Dikembe Mutombo Foundation here in Atlanta. Mr. Mutombo and Dr. Redfield met yesterday during the CDC Foundation's board meeting. Dr. Redfield would like to meet with Mr. Mutombo to discuss the Biamba Marie Mutombo Hospital in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the possibility of an exchange of techn ical training between CDCand the hospital. Would you kindly assist me in scheduling a meeting with Dr. Redfield, Mr. Mutombo , our Senior Medical Advisor and me? At th is time the following days are available, May 15 - May 18 and May 21st . We can also look at some dates in June. It might interest Dr. Redfield to know that Dr. Rebecca Martin, Director, Center for Global Health at CDCvisited the Mutombo hospital in February 2017. While she was there, she met with Dr. Groesbeck Parham, our gynecologic/oncologist consultant. Dr. Martin's primary interest, as it relates to CDCis support for activities that are presently underway at the hospital and to in increase the numbers of women who are tested for HIV, and making sure that those HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000146 who test positive are screened for cervical cancer, and of course started on ARV's". In her follow up meeting with us here she discussed laboratory capacity at the hospital and engaging the private-sector around health in the DR Cong. Thank you for your assistance and please let us know when we might be able to meet with Dr. Redfield. Best regards, Susan Susan M. Johnson, J.D. IExecutiveDirector r DIUHB[ MUJOHBO fOUHDUION , INC. DH f P.O. Box 674227 Marietta, Georgia 30006 Tel. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000147 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 11 May 2018 18:53:42 +0000 susan Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Dikembe Mutombo Foundation Hi Susan, This is wonderful news. We are confirmed June 20th from 1-2 p.m. Thanks so much for providing M r. Mutombo 's bi o. A member from our Advance Team will contact you soon to coordinate logistics . Have a wonderful weekend . Best, Teresa From : susan Se nt : Friday, May 11, 2018 2:22 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Dikembe M utombo Foundation Yes, 1-2 p.m. on June 20 th will work for us. Mr . Mutombo's bio is attac hed for your reference. I will send the others before the June 20th meeting. Thank you, Susan From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, May 11, 2018 2:12 PM To: susan dmf .org Cc:St rengt h, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Dikembe M utombo Foundation Thank you for being flexib le. Would you like to confirm 1-2 p.m. on June 20th ? Thanks, Teresa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000148 From: susan Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 2:10 PM To: W ill iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dikembe Mutombo Foundation Yes, of course . Susan From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 2:08 PM To: susan Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dikembe Mut ombo Foundation Hi Susan, Thank you so much for the offer to host the meeting at your office . Would it be possible to confirm the meeting here at CDCjust in case Dr. Redfield would like to include other Senior Leaders to attend? Best, Teresa From: susan Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 1:44 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dikembe Mutombo Foundation Teresa, We can confirm the meeting anytime between 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Please know that we are more than happy to host Dr. Redfield here at our offices. We are in a secure high-rise building with on-site security personnel. We are located near the new SunTrust Park Stadium. Susan From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 1:34 PM To: susan Cc:Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dikembe Mutombo Foundation HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000149 Good afternoon Susan, It would be a pleasure to assist with scheduling a one hour meeting with the DMF team and Dr. Redfield on Wednesday, June 20th at our CDC Headquarters. Wou ld it be possible to confirm a one hour meeting between 1:00-3:00 p.m.? If this t ime is unacceptable, could you offer some times that wou ld be convenience? Kind Regards, Teresa Teresa Willi ams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road , NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4 From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, May 11, 2018 1:15 PM To : 'susan' Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Yassanye, Diana (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dikembe Mutombo Foundation Thank you Susan. My colleague Teresa Williams will schedule it with you, and then others from my team will be in-touch a few weeks before to coord inate logist ics and discussion points. Have a great weekend! Scott From : susan Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 1:10 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000150 Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Yassanye, Diana (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dikembe Mutombo Foundation Hi Scott, The DMF team is available to meet with Dr. Redfield on Wednesday, June 20 th at CDC. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you . Susan From: susan Sent : Thursday, May 10, 2018 5:48 PM To: 'Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS)' Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Yassanye, Diana (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dikembe Mutombo Foundation Importance: High Good evening Scott, Thank you for your email. Unfortunately Mr. Mutombo will be out of town on those dates except Wed., June 20th . We would be delighted to host Dr. Redfield at our offices, but I understand that for security reasons it might better for us to meet with him at CDC. I will check with Dr. Mireille Kanda and Mr. Mutombo about June 20th and then get back to you. All the best, Susan Susan M. Johnson, J.D. IExecutive Director f DH r omHSE HUfONBO fO\lllHJI0M , INC. P.O. Box 674227 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000151 Marietta, Georgia 30006 Tel. 404-262-2109l www From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, May 10, 2018 4:03 PM To: susan Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Yassanye, Diana (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Dikembe Mutombo Foundation Hi Susan! Unfortunately with travel and programmed leave, Dr. Redfield won't be available until June. Does June 7, 8, 15, or 20 work for you? I assume the meeting would be here at CDC once scheduled, but please clarify that for me too. I'm including our team here for the ir awareness and to assist with the visit once scheduled. I'm looking forward to hearing from you! Scott From : McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, May 10, 2018 3:56 PM To : susan ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Dikembe Mutombo {bJ(6J {b)(6J (b)(6) I II II Subject: RE: Dikembe Mutombo Foundation Thank you for your email Susan. I have added Scott Scales to this email. He will assist you in finding a time for Mr . Mutombo to meet with Dr. Redfield . The director has some travel planned the rest of this month so I'm not sure these dates will work, but Scott can assit you . I know that Dr. Redfield is looking forward to the meet ing. Kyle From : susan Sent : Thursday, May 10, 2018 3:41 PM To: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Dikembe Mutombo (bJ(6J (b)(6) I ii I ._I____ ('-'b)"(6 '- "-) -----' Subject : Dikembe Mutombo Foundation Imp ort ance: High HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000152 Dear Mr. McGowan, Hope you are well. My name is Susan M. Johnson and I am the Executive Director for the Dikembe Mutombo Foundat ion here in Atlanta. Mr . Mutombo and Dr. Redfield met yesterday during the CDC Foundation's board meeting . Dr. Redfield would like to meet with Mr. Mutombo to discuss the Biamba Marie Mutombo Hospital in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the possibility of an exchange of techn ical training between CDCand the hospital. Would you kindly assist me in scheduling a meeting with Dr. Redfield, Mr. Mutombo, our Senior Medical Advisor and me? At this time the following days are available, May 15 - May 18 and May 21 st . We can also look at some dates in June. It might interest Dr. Redfield to know that Dr. Rebecca Martin, Director, Center for Global Health at CDCvisited the Mutombo hospita l in February 2017 . While she was there, she met with Dr. Groesbeck Parham, our gynecologic/oncolog ist consultant. Dr. Martin 's primary interest , as it relates to CDCis support for activities that are presently underway at the hospital and to in increase the numbers of women who are tested for HIV, and making sure that those who test positive are screened for cervical cancer, and of course started on ARV's". In her follow up meeting with us here she discussed laboratory capacity at the hospital and engaging the private-sector around health in the DR Cong. Thank you for your assistance and please let us know when we might be able to meet with Dr. Redfield. Best regards, Susan Susan M. Johnson, J.D. IExecutive Director f DM f o1mmMUIONBO rGUHDAIION , INC P.O. Box 674227 Marietta, Georgia30006 Tel. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000153 Brathwaite , George (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) on beha lf of CDCSecurity (Physical) From : Sent: To : Cc: 14 Jun 2018 14:03 :28 -0400 Bartee Brad Allen ICDC/0D/OCS\ I (b)(6) I (b)(6) Subject: RE: Roybal Access request Access Approved George Brathwaite Security Specialist Security Services Office (SSO) Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management (OS SAM) Office of the Chief Operating Officer (OCOO) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000154 (Office) 404-639-2888 8 8 QSSAMSecurlty Officeof Safety, Security,and AssetManagement Services Office (SSO) Savir.gLrvos . Protec.Mg People,- From : Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Thursday, June 14, 2018 1:43 PM To : CDCSecurity (Physical) Subject : Roybal Access request Dikembe Mutombo, DMF, Inc. US Citizen June 20, 2018 from 1:00-2:00pm Building 21, Director's Conference Room Vis itor's Center, Bui lding 19. Office of the D irector, Roybal Campus, Building 21, Dirs Conference Room ~I__ < ~bJ~<6~ l -~ Brad Bartee, 202-600-6537 Meeting with Dr. Redfield Brad A. Barte e Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 40 4-718-5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email: bba rtee@cdc .gov Rm: 12107 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000155 From: Se nt: To : Subject: Attachme nts: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) 15 Jun 2018 12:05:19 +0000 susan RE: Mr . Mutombo Visit to CDC Dash Pass Mr. Mutombo .pdf, MAP_ Roybal Campus_Visitor ParkingB45.docx Thank you Susan. I've attached a dash pass and map for Mr. Mutombo to make it easier to get on to campus. He will still have to go through the visitor lane before enter ing but I will let the guards know that he is coming. Once through, he w ill have a parking space reserved as soon as he enters the garage to the right (there will be a cone with his name on it). I will also be there at the visitors center to direct him in and get him to his meeting with the Director. If there are any questions the day of the meeting, (b)( 6J my cell ij I Lastly, can you let me know approximately what time he will arrive? That way I can start looking for him. Thanks, Brad From : susan Sent : Thursday, June 14, 2018 5:10 PM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Mr. Mutombo Visit to CDC Hi Brad, M r. Mutombo has been to CDCseveral t imes as far back as 1998. We also worked with CDCon the National Immun ization Days polio erad icat ion campaign in the DR Congo back in 1999. A parking pass wou ld be appreciated and if you wou ldn't mind meeting him at the visitor"s center that wo uld be terrific. Thank you for your assistance. Susan Susan M. Johnson, J.D. IExecuti ve Director r omHUHUlOHBO fOU-MDUION , INt P.O. Box 674227 Marietta, Georgia 30006 Tel. 404-262-2109l www.dmf .org r DM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000156 From : Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, June 14, 2018 12:32 PM To : susan Subject: Mr. Mutombo Visit to CDC Hi Susan, My name is Brad Bartee and I am a member of Dr. Redfield's advance team. I am writing to you today to help coordinate Mr . Mutombo's visit to CDC next Wednesday from 1-2pm . I understand that he has been to CDCpreviously, so, I just wanted to find out what support he needs from us? I can provide a parking pass and instructions on entering the Campus if that is needed and can also meet him at the visitors center to escort him to Dr. Redfield's office. Thank you and let me know how I can be of assistance. Brad Brad A. Bart ee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404-718-5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email: Rm: 12107 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000157 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention VIP Guest Dikembe Mutombo Wednesday, June 20, 2018 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDC Roybal Campus 1600 Clifton Road NE Atlanta, GA 30329 Building 45 and 21 Contact : Brad Bartee Cell: 202 .600.6537 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000158 rmt C tto t ••• ,..• ., • •• t..-. •• C.•1•-.,.. ••• •••,.U•••• ~ \ PARK ING DECK • EXTERIOR ELEVATOR HANDICAP ROUTE ................. _..., ·--......... ......... ..... HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000159 From: Se nt: To : Subject: susan 15 Jun 2018 18:49:53 +0000 Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Mr . Mutombo Visit to CDC Hi Brad, Dikembe will probably arrive around 1:40 or 1:45 p.m. depending on traffic . All the best, Susan From : Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, June 15, 2018 8:05 AM To : susan dmf .org Subject: RE: Mr. Mutombo Visit to CDC Thank you Susan. I've attached a dash pass and map for Mr . Mutombo to make it easier to get on to campus . He will still have to go through the visitor lane before entering but I will let the guards know that he is coming. Once through , he will have a parking space reserved as soon as he enters the garage to the right (there will be a cone with his name on it) . I will also be there at the visitors center to direct him in and get him to his meeting with the Director . If there are any questions the day of the meeting, my cell is 202-600-6537 . Lastly, can you let me know approximately what time he will arrive? That way I can start looking for him . Thanks, Brad From : susan Se nt : Thursday, June 14, 2018 5:10 PM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Mr . Mutombo Visit to CDC Hi Brad, Mr. Mutombo has been to CDCseveral times as far back as 1998. We also worked with CDCon the National Immunization Days polio eradication campaign in the DR Congo back in 1999. A parking pass would be appreciated and if you wouldn't mind meet ing him at the visitor " s center tha t would be terrific . Thank you for your assistance. Susan HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000160 Susan M. Johnson, J.D. IExecutive Director f DH r omMB{ MUTONBO fOUllDUION , IMC. P.O. Box 674227 Marietta, Georgia 30006 Tel. 404-262-2109l www.dmf .org From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Thursday, June 14, 2018 12:32 PM To: susan Subject: Mr. Mutombo Visit to CDC Hi Susan, My name is Brad Bartee and I am a member of Dr. Redfield's advance team. I am writing to you today to help coordinate Mr . Mutombo's visit to CDC next Wednesday from 1-2pm . I understand that he has been to CDCpreviously, so, I just wanted to find out what support he needs from us? I can provide a parking pass and instructions on entering the Campus if that is needed and can also meet him at the visitors center to escort him to Dr. Redfield's office . Thank you and let me know how I can be of assistance. Brad Brad A. Bart ee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404-718-5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email: Rm: 12107 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000161 From: Swilley, Lendale (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) on behalf of CDC Security (Physical) Sent : 18 Jun 2018 12:42 :03 -040 0 To : Bartee , Brad Allen (CDC/ 0D / OCS) Cc: (0)(6) (0)(6) Subject: RE: Roybal Access Request Access Approved Lendale Swilley Security Specialist HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000162 Security Services Office (SSO) Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management (OS SAM) Office of the Chief Operating Officer (OCOO) (Office) 404-639-2888 8 8 QSSAMSecurityServicesOffice (SSO) coc@ Office of Safety, Security,and Asset Management Sav,ngLives ProtectingPeople'." From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/0D/OCS) Sent : Monday, June 18, 2018 12:37 PM To: CDC Security (Physical) Subject : Roybal Access Request Additional members accompan ying Dikembe Mutombo Dr. Mireille Kanda, DMF , Inc. US Citizen June 20, 2018 from 1:00-2:00pm Building 21, Director's Conference Room Visitor ' s Center , Building 19. Office of the Director , Roybal Campus, Building 21, Dirs Conference Room .... I __ <....bJ.._<6 ._ l _ Brad Bartee, ~I____ isn8@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000181 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject : Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) 1 May 2018 13:27:16 +0000 Sterk, Nancy Tracie Strength (CDC/0D/OCS) ( RE: Invitation to lunch w/Dr. James W. Curra n Good morning Nancy, I hope you are doing well. Would it be possible to schedule a meeting instead of lunch? Would any of the dates/times work for Dr. Curran? 6/6 11-11:30 a.m. 6/15 11-11:30 a.m. If these times are unacceptable, could you offer some times in June? Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention l 600 Clifton Road , NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000182 Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404)639-7 111 email: coo4@cdc .gov From: Sterk, Nancy Sent: Monday , April 16, 2018 8:49 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Invitation to lunch w/Dr. James W. Curran Good morning? I am writing on behalf of Dr. James W. Curran, Dean at the Rollins School of Public Hea lth/Emory University. He would like to invite Dr. Redfie ld to lunch in our offices sometim e this summer if at all possible. When you have a chance, could you please respond with some options if Dr. Redfie ld is amenable to this request? Thank you! Nancy Nancy Sterk Executive Administrative Assistant to James W. Curran, MD, MPH / James W. Curran Dean of Public Health / Rollins School of Public Health , Emory University / 1518 Clifton Road , NE, Suite 8000£ / Mailstop: l 5 l 8-002-8BB / Atlanta, GA 30322 PH:404.727.8720 / CELL:404.786 .6045 / F AX:404.712.8879 I email: / web: http://www.sph .emory .edu HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000183 This e-mail message (includin g any attachments) is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this message (including any attachments) is strict ly prohibited. If yo u have received this message in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail message and destroy all copies of the origina l message (including attachments). HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000184 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 1 May 2018 13:35:59 +0000 Sterk, Nancy Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Invitation to lunch w/Dr. James W. Curran From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Hi Nancy, Thanks for your prompt response. Yes, please send driving directions . Have a wonderful day. Teresa From : Sterk, Nancy Se nt : Tuesday, May 1, 2018 9:31 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Invitation to lunch w/Dr. James W. Curran Hi -June 6 from 11:00-11:30a works fine . Wou ld you like for me to send driving directions? I will reserve a parking spot too if needed . Thanks so much! Nancy (404)727-8720 From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, May 1, 2018 9:27 AM To : Sterk, Nancy Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Invitation to lunch w/Dr. James W. Curran Good morning Nancy, I hope you are doing well. Would it be possible to schedule a meeting instead of lunch? Would any of the dates/times work for Dr. Curran? 6/6 6/15 11-11:30 a.m . 11-11:30 a.m . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000185 If these times are unacceptable, could you offer some times in June? Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4 From: Sterk, Nancy Sent: Monday , April 16, 2018 8:49 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Invitat ion to lunch w/Dr. James W. Curran Good morning- I am writing on behalf of Dr. James W. Curran, Dean at the Rollins School of Public Health/Emory University. He would like to invite Dr. Redfield to lunch in our offices sometime this summer if at all possible. When you have a chance, could you please respond with some options if Dr. Redfield is amenable to this request? Thank you! Nancy Nancy Sterk Executive Administrative Assistant to James W. Curran, MD, MPH/ James W. Curran Dean of Public Health/ Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University/ 1518 Clifton Road, NE, Suite 8000E / Mailstop :1518-002-88B / Atlanta, GA 30322 PH:404.727.8720 / CELL:404.786.6045 / FAX:404.712.8879 / email: nsterk@emory .edu / web: http://www HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000186 This e-mail message (including any attachments) is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this message (including any attachments) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail message and destroy all copies of the original message (including attachments). HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000187 Sterk, Nancy 1 May 2018 17:40:25 +0000 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Invitation to lunch w/Dr . James W. Curran From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Directions to RSPH/Dr. Jim Curran's office: Turn right out of CDConto Clifton Road. Proceed ahead to Houston Mill Road - turn right at light. As you start down the hill, take the first left onto Rollins Way . Enter the first parking deck on the right -you will need to press the buzzer to have them lift the gate. Drive ahead and you will see a parking spot w/an orange cone w/Dr. Redfield's name on it. Once parked, walk back across Rollins Way. You will see two building connected by a bridge. Enter the one to the left (Claudia Nance Rollins Building). Proceed ahead to the elevators and take them to the 8th floor - left off the elevator into the Dean's Suite. I wanted to send you the complete direct ions but of course I will be more than happy to meet Dr. Redfield at the parking deck to escort him - if the driver could call me at (404)786-6045 when they are close I will come down . Let me know if you need anything else and I hope you are having a wonderful day also! Nancy From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 9:36 AM To: Sterk, Nancy Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Invitation to lunch w/Dr. James W. Curran Hi Nancy, Thanks for your prompt response. Yes, please send driving directions . Have a wonderful day. Teresa From : Sterk, Nancy Sent : Tuesday, May 1, 2018 9:31 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000188 Cc:Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Invitation to lunch w/Dr . James W. Curran Hi - June 6 from 11:00-11:30a works fine. Would you like for me to send driving directions? I will reserve a parking spot too if needed. Thanks so much! Nancy (404)727-8720 From : Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, May 1, 2018 9:27 AM To: Sterk, Nancy Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Invitat ion to lunch w/Dr. James W. Curran Good morning Nancy, I hope you are doing well. Would it be possible to schedule a meeting instead of lunch? Would any of the dates/times work for Dr. Curran? 6/6 6/15 11-11:30 a.m. 11-11:30 a.m . If these times are unacceptable, could you offer some times in June? Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000189 From: Sterk, Nancy Se nt : Monday, April 16, 2018 8:49 AM To : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Invitation to lunch w/Dr. James W. Curran Good morning- I am writing on behalf of Dr. James W. Curran, Dean at the Rollins School of Public Health/Emory University . He would like to invite Dr. Redfield to lunch in our offices sometime this summer if at all possible. When you have a chance, could you please respond with some options if Dr. Redfield is amenable to this request? Thank you! Nancy Nancy Sterk Executive Administrative Assistant to James W. Curran, MD, MPH/ James W. Curran Dean of Public Health/ Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University/ 1518 Clifton Road, NE, Suite 8000E / Mailstop:1518-002-8B8 / At lanta, GA 30322 PH:404.727.8720 / CELL:404.786.6045 / FAX:404.712.8879 / email: nsterk@emo / web: htt p://www.sph .emory .edu This e-mail message (including any attachments) is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. If the reader of this message 1snot the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this message (including any attachments) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail message and destroy all copies of the original message (including attachments). HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000190 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 11 Jun 2018 12:05 :06 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) ;Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Vertefeuille, Joh n F. (CDC/CGH/GID) ;Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ;Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) ;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Ehrhar dt, Derek T. (CDC/CGH/GID);Wassilak, Steve (CDC/CGH/GID) ;Schlute r, W. William (CDC/CGH/GID);Hill, Gena (CDC/CGH/GID);Pallansch, Mark A. (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Cor ley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) Cc: Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. John Germ, President of Rotary International Sent : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000191 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) Sent: 27 Mar 201817:28:04 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Cc: Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject: Dr. Jose Montero, OSTLTSCIO Leadership Meeting HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000192 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) Sent: 27 Mar 2018 18:10:16 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Richa rds, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject: Dr. Leslie Dauphin , Associate Director for Science Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000193 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 May 2018 19:28:49 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Dr. Redfield -I (b)(6l I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000194 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 12 Apr 2018 12:38:13 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. Rich Besser, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Attachments : FW_ Rich Besser .msg, Fwd_ Besser's assistant .msg, RE_ Meeting Req uest_ Dr. Richard Besser and Dr. Robert Redfield - May 7, 2018.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Nikki Romani k Special Assistant: Seth Kroop Event Contact: Kim Elliott, Executive Ass istant email : Kelliott@rw Office : 1-202-2437841 Cell : 1-202-215 -2292 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable) : TBD Number of Attend ees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000195 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000196 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 12 Apr 2018 08:05:48 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: Rich Besser Please reach out to schedu le. We could meet here at CDC if they agree, otherwise let's do at Emory. Maybe around Anne's morning talk or lunch From: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Se nt : Wednesday , April 11, 2018 6:23 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Re: Rich Besser Yep , sounds good . From: Berger , Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Date: April 11, 2018 at 11:44:30 AM EDT To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) , William s, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject: Rich Besser Tunderstand he's attending the 1918 event on May 7 at Emory . I'd like to reac h out to see if he has time to meet with Dr. Redfie ld, as long as Kyle agrees. Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000197 From: Sent: To: Subject: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OC00/00) 11 Apr 2018 16:54:38 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/00/0CS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) Fwd: Besser's assistant For May 7 Begin forwarded message: I From: Sherri Berger (b)(6l Date: April 11, 2018 at 4:41:47 PM EDT To: "Sherri Berger (work)" Subject : Besser 's assistant Kim Elliott is the contact. Kelliott@rw and phone 202-243-7841 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000198 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 13 Apr 2018 15:39:06 +0000 To : Elliott, Kimberly Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/O0/OCS) ( Subject: RE: Meeting Request: Dr. Richard Besser and Dr . Robert Redfield - May 7, 2018 From: Se nt: Hi Kimberly, Per our telephone conversation today, the meeting between Ors. Besser and Redfield is confirmed May 7th from 11:00-11:30 a.m. at our CDC Roybal Campus, 1600 Clifton Road, NE. The meeting will take place in Building 21, 12 th Floor, OD Suite in the Director's Conference Room. A member of our Advance Team will contact you soon to discuss logistics for security clearance and an escort for Dr. Besser and Dr. John Lumpkin . Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions. Have a wonderful weekend. Best, Teresa From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OO/OCS) Se nt : Thursday, April 12, 2018 10:07 AM To : Elliott, Kimberly Cc:Strength, Tracie (COC/O0/OCS) Subject: RE: Meeting Request: Or. Richard Besser and Or. Robert Redfield - May 7, 2018 Hi Kimberly, Thank you so much. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000199 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4@cdc .gov From : Elliott, Kimberly Se nt : Thursday, April 12, 2018 10:06 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Meeting Request: Dr. Richard Besser and Dr. Robert Redfield - May 7, 2018 I am checking with his office and will be back in touch as soon as possible. Kimbe rly Elliott Director, Public Policy Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Office: 202-243-7841 Mobile: 202-215-2292 Follow on Twitter: @Kimelliottdc From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sen t : Thursday, April 12, 2018 8:41 AM To : Elliott, Kimberly Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Meeting Request: Dr. Richard Besser and Dr. Robert Redfield - May 7, 2018 Good morning Kim, I hope you are doing well. Will Dr. Besser be in Atlanta attending the CDC/Emory 1918 Influenza Pandemic Commemoration on May 7th ? If yes, would it be possible to schedule a 30 minute meet ing at Emory or CDC? Could you offer some times that Dr. Besser wou ld be availab le? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000200 Thank you for your consideration. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000201 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 Apr 201817:32:10 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: Dr. Scott Gottlieb, FDA Attachments : RE_ Request for meeting w ith Dr. Scott Gottlieb, FDA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC .msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : Brad Bartee Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: Janice Sheehy, Executive Assistant to the Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Commissioner, FDA email: Office: 1-30 1-796-4552 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TB D Key Participants (if applicabl e): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentatio n: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000202 4. SupportingiLoqistics Materials: 5. 066 Review Materials: From: Se nt: To : Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 2 Apr 2018 17:39:16 +0000 Sheehy, Janice (FDA/ORA) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: RE: Request for meeting with Dr. Scott Gottlieb, FDA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Janice, This is wonderful news. Dr. Redfield will meet Dr. Gottlieb in the Wi lliams Room. Thanks again I really appreciate your flexibility and accommodating this request. Teresa From : Sheehy, Janice (FDA/ORA) Sent : Monday, April 2, 2018 1:33 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for meeting w it h Dr. Scott Gottlieb, FDA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Thank you, Teresa, 2:30-2:55 pm sounds goo d. We can have the meeting in the Williams Room - it will be just Dr. Redfield and Dr. Gottlieb present. Thanks again ! -janice From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [ 1 Sent : M onday, April 2, 2018 1:31 PM To: Sheehy, Janice Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC) Subje ct: RE: Request for meeting w it h Dr. Scott Gottlieb , FDA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Janice, I can't confirm a location at the Hyatt yet , please disregard the Fairlie room . Thanks, Teresa From: Williams , Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : M onday, April 2, 2018 1:28 PM To: Sheehy, Janice (FDA/ORA) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for meeting w ith Dr. Scott Gottlieb, FDA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Janice, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000204 I'm sorry, Dr. Redfield has meetings scheduled the morning of April 4th . Could we confirm 2:30-2:55 p.m. in the Fairlie Room at the Hyatt? Much appreciated . Teresa Fro m : Sheehy, Janice {FDA/ORA) Sent : Monday, April 2, 2018 1:02 PM To: Williams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Request for meeting w it h Dr. Scott Gottlieb, FDA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Teresa, Thanks so much for letting me know. I know Dr. Gottlieb would very much like to meet with Dr. Redfield. By chance, has breakfast opened up for Dr. Redfield on April 4? Dr. Gottlieb could do any time between 8:00-10:00 am. If not, we will make the 2:30-3:30 pm time work (we have the Williams Room booked at the Hyatt - located on the Atlanta Conference Level of the Hyatt) . Thanks again ! -janice From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS)(mailto ] Se nt : Monday, April 2, 2018 11:29 AM To : Sheehy, Janice Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC) Subject: RE: Request for meeting w ith Dr. Scott Gottlieb, FDA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Janice, Dr. Redfield maybe traveling to the Rx Summit earlier on April 4th . Would Dr. Gottlieb still have anytime available between 2:30-3:30 p.m.? Thanks so much for your consideration . Best, Teresa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000205 From : Sheehy, Janice (FDA/ORA) Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 10:01 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/O0/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/O0/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Request for meeting with Dr. Scott Gottlieb, FDA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Thank you, Teresa, I totally understand . Please do let us know when Dr. Redfield is in DC and available to meet . We would be more than happy to host him at our White Oak campus in Silver Spring, MD, or Dr. Gottlieb could meet him in DC, whichever is most convenient for Dr. Redfield. Take care, -janice From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto:coo4@cdc .gov1 Se nt: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 9:55 AM To: Sheehy, Janice Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC) Subject: RE: Request for meeting with Dr. Scott Gottlieb, FDA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Good morning Janice, Unfortunately that t ime will not work for Dr. Redfield as he has meeting scheduled at our CDC Office during that time . Maybe we can schedule a meeting when Dr. Redfield is scheduled to travel to DC. Thanks again for all your help . Teresa From : Sheehy, Janice (FDA/ORA) Se nt : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 9:07 AM To : Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for meeting w ith Dr. Scott Gottlieb, FDA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Good morning, Teresa, l1 m so sorry but I'm unable to make that time work on April 4 as Dr. Gottlieb already has a meet ing at that time that l1 m unable to reschedule . I can make him available though any time between 1:00-4:00 on April 4, if that would work (I j ust need to make sure he eats lunch dur ing some portion of that block!)? Thanks so much! -janice HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000206 From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS)[mailto :coo4@cdc .gov] Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 8:24 AM To: Sheehy, Janice Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC) Subject: RE: Request for meeting with Dr. Scott Gottlieb, FDA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Good morning Janice, Unfortunately Dr. Redfield will not be at the Rx Summit the morning of April 4 th . Dr. Redfield wi ll be at the Rx Summit in the evening of April 4 th and could be available for a meet and greet from 4:40-5:10 p.m. Would this time work? Thanks, Teresa Teresa William s Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4 From: Sheehy, Janice (FDA/ORA) Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 4:35 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for meeting with Dr. Scott Gottlieb, FDA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Good afternoon, Teresa, I am doing well, thank you, and hope th at you are too. Thank you for your email. Unfortunately Dr. Gottlieb won't be in Atlanta on April 3. He is flying in and out on April 4, as his partic ipation at the Summit is from 5:15-6:30 pm that day. We might be able to HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000207 adjust Dr. Gottlieb's travel on April 4 though. If we can, does Dr. Redfield have any availability on April 4 for their meet and greet? Perhaps they could meet for breakfast or lunch? Thanks so much! janice Janice Sheehy Special Assistant to the Commissioner (on detail) U.S. Food and Drug Administration Et] 10903 New Hampshire Ave{ Bldg 1 Room 2217 Ir : 301-796-4552 ~ f Silver Spring, MD 20993 ianice.sheehy@ U.S. FOOD& DRUG ADMINISTRATION D C C ·· II From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [ ] Sent : Tuesday, March 27, 2018 9:24 AM To: Sheehy, Janice Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC) Subject: Request for meeting with Dr. Scott Gottlieb, FDA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Import ance: High Good morning Janice, I hope you are doing we ll. Dr. Redfield is scheduled to attend the Rx Summit in Atlanta at the Hyatt Regency hotel and would like to schedule a 30 minute meet and greet with Dr. Gottlieb on April 3, 2018. Would Dr. Gottlieb be available from 12:30-1:00 p.m.? Thanks so much for your consideration. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000208 Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30333 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 ema il: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000209 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 18 Jun 2018 19:18:09 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Holloway, Rachel (CDC/OCOO/OD);Patterson, John (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject : Escort Dr. Redfield to Bldg. 19, DLA Attachments : RE_ Next week.msg From: Sent : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000210 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 19 Jun 2018 13:19:28 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy From: Se nt: To : Cc: (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Next week Thx. Please handle them escorting him to the event too . From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, June 19, 2018 11:03 AM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Next week Yes for Thursday at 10:00am From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, June 19, 2018 11:00 AM To: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: Next week Is this on our schedule? Did not see it for next week From : Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD) Se nt : Tuesday, June 19, 20 18 10:59 AM To: Holloway, Rachel (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Scales, Scott L. {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson, John (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Next week .__ __ (_bl_(6J__ ..... Fan you have Rachel or John accompany Dr. R to do the OFR All Hands please HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000211 From: Sent : To : (;Knotts Subject : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 May 2018 15:12:01 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Ethics Reporting System On-Line HHS system and Jason can walk him through that. 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : N/A Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Jason Blanchette email: phone: 202.260.6 122 CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TSO Number of Attende es and Composition: TB D HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000212 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000213 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 20 Apr 2018 12:04:14 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Whitney Warren (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Patterson, John (CDC/OCOO/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( ;Whitney Warren (CDC/OD/OCS) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: Executive Performance Review Process HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000214 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 18 Jun 2018 19:28 :05 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Green, Hugh (CDC/0D/OCS) ;Campbell, Amanda (CDC/0D/OCS) ;McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);DeNoon, Daniel (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR);Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC);Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ;Lansdale, Ashley (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR) Subject: Final Prep-Walter Reed HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000215 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 16 Apr 2018 18:43:21 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) (;Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Jernigan, Daniel B. (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: Flu Briefing (Confirmed) Can discuss up to TS only HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000216 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 30 Mar 2018 19:09:27 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NC IRD);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Wiley , Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD) Cc: Jernigan, Daniel 8. (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD);Pope, Kristin (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Katz, Jackie M. (CDC/OID/NCIRD);King, Dawn R. (CDC/OID/OD) (CTR) Subject: Flu Briefing Att achment s: Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza briefing_Draft agenda top ics_v2.docx, RAH Dr. Redfield 8 May 2018 Briefing.docx, TAB 1- Slide Deck for Redfield Briefing_NC IRD.pptx, TAB 2 - Interim VE Estimates for 2017-18 Season (MMWR).pdf, Seasonal Flu vaccine backgound_0S-02-18.docx , Flu DosesDistri butedSeason _ 5-2-2018. pdf Updat e: Background ma t eria ls att ached. Please br ing you r own copies to th e mee ti ng. Note: Dr. Nancy Messonnier may include other participants as needed. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000217 Seasonal and Pande mic Influ enza Briefing for the CDC Director Tue sday May 8, 2018 3:00pm - 3:45 pm Building 21, Director' s Conference Room NCIRD Attendee s: Nancy Messonnier • • • • • Dan Jernigan Jackie Katz Melinda Wharton Kristin Pope Agenda Items • • • • Characteristics of current vaccine technologies Reasons for the season: 2017-18 influenza season CDC efforts to improve influenza vaccines Pandemic vaccine considerations HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000218 READ-AHEAD FOR DR. ROBERT REDFIELD, CDC Director May 8, 2018, 1500-1545 Attendees: Nancy Messonnier, M.D., Dan Jernigan , M.D ., Jacqu eline Katz, Ph.D. , Dave Wentworth , Ph .D., Melinda Wharton , M.D., MPH (b)(5) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000219 Page1076 Page1077 Page1078 Page1079 Page1080 Page1081 Page1082 Page1083 Page1084 Page1085 Page1086 Page1087 Page1088 Page1089 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Interim Estimates of 2017-18 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine EffectivenessUnited States, February 2018 Brendan Flannery, PhD 1; Jessie R. Chung, MPH 1; Edward A. Belongia , MD 2; Huong Q. McLean, PhD 2 ; Manjusha Gaglani, MBBS3; Kempapura Murthy, MPH 3; Richard K. Zimmerman, MD 4 ; Mary Patricia Nowa lk, PhD 4 ; Michael L. Jackson, PhD\ Lisa A. Jackson, MD\ Arnold S. Monco, MD 6 ; EmilyT. Marrin, PhD 6; Angie Foust, MS 1; Wendy Sessions, MPH 1; LiShondra Berman, MS 1; John R. Barnes, PhO 1; Sarah Spencer, PhD 1;Alicia M. Fry, MD 1 In the United States, annual vaccination against seasonal influenza is recommended for all persons aged <"!6months (1). During each influenza season since 2004-05, CDC has estimated the effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccine to prevent laboratory-confirmed influenza associated with medically attended acute respiratory illness (ARI). This report uses data from 4,562 children and adults enrolled in the U.S. Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Network (U.S. Flu VE Network) during November 2, 2017-F ebruary 3, 2018. During this period, overall adjusted vaccine effectiveness (VE) against influenza A and influenza B virus infection associated with medically attended ARI was 36% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 27%-44%). Most (69%) influenza infections were caused by A(H3N2) viruses. VE was estimated co be 25% (CI = 13% to 36%) against illness caused by influenza A(H3N2) virus, 67% (Cl = 54%-76%) against A(H 1N l)pdm09 viruses, and 42% (Cl = 25%-56%) against influenza B viruses. These early VE estimates underscore the need for ongoing influenza prevention and treatment measures. CDC continues to recommend influenza vaccination because the vaccine can still prevent some infections with currently circulating influenza viruses, which are expected to continue circulating for several weeks. Even with current vaccine effectiveness estimates, vaccination will still prevent influenza illness, including thousands of hospital izations and deaths . Persons aged ~6 months who have nor yet been vaccinated this season should be vaccinated. Methods used by the U.S. Flu VE Network have been published previously (2). Ar five study sires,* patients aged <"!6months seeking outpatient medical care for an ARI with cough within 7 days of illness onset were enrolled. Study enrollment began after local surveillance identified increasing weekly influenza activity or one or more laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza per week for 2 consecutive weeks. Patients ~The U.S. Flu VE Network sites and rhe dares enrollment began are as follows: Kaiser Permanence Washington (Seattle, Washington) (Novembe r 27, 20 I 7); Marshfield Clinic Reseacch Institute (Marshfield , Wisconsin) (December 26 , 20 I 7); University of Michigan School of Public Heal ch (the School of Public Health parrneced with the University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor , and the Henry Ford Hea lth System, Detroit , Michigan) (Decem ber 4, 20 I 7); University of Pittsburgh Schoo ls of the Health Sciences (the Schoo ls of the H~>a.lrhSciences partnered with che University of Pittsburgh Medical Cencer, Pimburgh. Pennsylvania) (November 29, 2017 ); and Baylor Scott & White Healrh, Texas A&M University Healrh Science Center College of Medicine (Temple, Texas) (Novembe r 2, 20 I 7) . 180 MMWR / February 16, 20 18 / Vol. 67 / No. 6 were eligible for enrollment if they 1) were aged ~6 months on September 1, 2017, and thus were eligible for vaccination; 2) reported an ARI with cough with onset ~adays earlier; and 3) had not been treated with influenza antiviral medication (e.g., oselramivir) during this illness. After obtaining informed consent from patients or from parents or guardians for their children, participants or their proxies were interviewed to collect demographic data, informatio n on general and current health status and symptoms, and 2017 -1 8 influenza vaccination status. Nasal and oropharyngeal swabs (or nasal swabs alone for children aged <2 years) were collected to obtain respiratory specimens; nasal and oropharyngeal swabs were placed together in a single cryovial with viral transport medium. Specimens were tested at U.S. Flu VE Network laboratories using CDC's real-rime reverse rranscriprion polymerase-chain reaction (rRT-PCR) protocol for detection and identification of influenza viruses. Participants (including children aged <9 years, who require 2 vaccine doses during their first vaccination season) were considered vaccinated if they received <°!1 dose of any seasonal influenza vaccine ~ 14 days before illness onset, according to medical records and registries (at the Wisconsin site); medical records and self-report (at rhe Washington sire); or self-report only (at rhe Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Texas sites). VE against all influen za virus types combin ed and against viruses by type/subtype was estimated as 100% x (1 - odds ratio).t Estimates were adjusted for srudy site, age group, sex, race/ethnicity, self-rated general healrh, number of days from illness onset to enrollment, and week of illness (3-week intervals) using logistic regression. Interim VE estimates for rhe 20 I 7-18 season were based on patients enrolled through February 3, 2018. Among the 4,562 children and adults with ARI enrolled at the five study sires from November 2, 2017, through February 3, 2018, a tota l of 1,712 (38%) rested positive for influenza virus by rRT-PCR, including 1,392 (81 %) influenza A viruses and 323 (19%) influenza B viruses (Table 1). Among 1,340 subtyped influenza A viruses, 1,143 (85%) wereA(H3N2) viruses and 208 (16%) were A(HlN l)pdm09 t I 00% x (I - odds ratio [ratio of odds of being vaccinated among outpatients with influenza-po sitive test results co the odds of being vaccinated among outpatients with influenza -ncgath •e test results)). US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000234 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report viruses. Most (98%) influenza B viruses belonged to the B/Yamagata lineage. The proportion of patients with influenza differed by study site, sex, age group, race/ethnicity, self-rated health status, and interval from illness onset to enrollment (Table 1). The percentage of patients who were vaccinated ranged from 45% to 59% an1ong study sites and differed by sex, age group, race/ ethnicity, and self-rated health stacus. Among ARI pati ent participants, 43% of those with influenza had received the 2017-18 seasonal influenza vaccine, compared with 53% of influen za-negative participants (Table 2). After adjusting for study site, age group, sex, race/ethnicity, self-rated general health, number of days from illness onset to enrollment, and week of illness onset (3-week intervals), VE against medically attended ARI caused by all influenza virus types combined was 36% (Cl= 27%-44%). VE for all ages was 25% (C I = 13% co 36%) against medically attended ARI caused by A(H3N2) virus infection, 67% (CI = 54%-76% ) against influenza A(H 1Nl)pdm09 virus infection, and 42% (CI = 25% - 56%) against influenza B virus infection. VE point estimates against medically attend ed influ enza for all virus types varied by age group; statistically significant protection against medically attended influenza was found among children aged 6 months through 8 years (VE= 59%; CI = 44% - 69%) and adults aged 18- 49 years (VE = 33%; CI = 16% - 47%), whereas no statistically significant protection was observed in other age groups . As of February 3, 2018, a total of 257 influenza A(H3N2) viruses from U.S. Flu VE Network participants had been characterized by CDC; 240 (93%) belonged to either genetic group 3C.2a (226 viruses) or the related subgroup 3C.2a I (14), whereas 17 (7%) belonged to group 3C.3a. Genetic group 3C.2a includes the A/Hong Kong/480 I /20] 4 reference virus representing the A(H3N2) component of the 2017 - 18 Northern Hemisphere influenza vaccines (3). Discussion Early and widespread influenza activity during rhe 2017 - 18 influenza season provided the opportunity to estimate interim VE against several circulating influenza viruses , including the predominant A(H3N2) virus . These interim estimates reflect ongoing challenges with the A(H3N2) vaccine component since the 2011-12 season. The interim estimate of 25% VE against A(H3N2) viruses this season indicates that vaccination provided some protection, in contrast co recently reported, nonsignificant interim estimat es ofl 7% from Canada and 10% from Australia (4,5) and is similar co final (32%) VE estimates in the United States against A(H3N2) viruses during 2016-17§ (6). However, among children aged 6 months through 8 years, the interim estimates against any influenza and A(H3N2) virus infection were higher; the risk for A(H3N2) associated medically-attended influenza illness was reduced by more than half (59%) among vaccinated children . Also, w ith inter im VE estimates of 67% and 42% against influenza A(H 1N l)pdm09 and B viruses, respectively, vaccination provided substantial protection against circulating A(HJNJ)pdm09 viruses, as well as moderate protection against influenza B viruses pre dominantly belonging to the B/Yamagata lineage, the second influenza type B component included in quadrivalent vaccines. CDC continues to recommend influenza vaccination while influenza viruses are circulating in the community; several more weeks of influenza activity are likely. Influenza vaccination has prevented thousands of hospitalizations during previous seasons when influenza A(H3N2) viruses were predominant , including during the 2014-15 season when interim VE estimates were similar to those reported here. Appropriate use of influenza ant iviral medications for treatm ent of severely ill persons or persons at high risk for complications from influenza who develop influenza symptoms is important, especially among older adults, who currently have the highest hospitali zation rares (3) . VE estimates against A(H3N2) viruses have been lower than estimates against A(H1Nl)pdm09 and B viruses for several years (7). Although there is no definitive evidence for antigenic drift of viruses circulating this season compared with cell culture-propagated reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) vaccine component (3), challenges with antigenic characteriza tion of recent A(H3N2) viruses, many of which could not be characterized us ing traditional hemagglutination inhibition assays, have required the use of additional virus neutralization assays to assess antigenic characteristics. Multiple factors might be contributing to the reported VE against A(H3N2) viruses chis season. Immune responses covaccination differ by age and previous infection or vaccination history and can affect vaccine protection; higher VE against A(H3N2) viruses among young children suggests that vaccination might provide better protection against circulating A(H3N2) viruses co this age group . Also, genetic changes in the vaccine virus hemagglutinin pro tein chat arise during passage in eggs might result in a vaccine immune response that is less effective against circulating viruses (8,9) . Human serologic data indicate decreased inhibition of circulating cell cultur e- propagat ed A(H3N2) viruses compared with egg-propagated viruses among persons vaccinated with egg-based vaccines.' Additional studies are needed to assess whether VE against circulating A(H3N2) viruses varies by vaccine type, including comparisons between egg-based and § h crps://www.cdc.go v/vacci nes/acip/ mee tings/ downlo ads/slid es-2 01 7-06/ flu- 03-ferdinands.pdf. ' http:// apps.wh / iris/bitstream/ I 0665 /2592 7 5/ l / = I. US Depa rt ment of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention MMWR / February 16, 2018 / Vol. 67 I No. 6 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000235 181 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report TABLE1. Selected characteristics for 4,562 enrolled outpatients with medically attended acute respiratory illness and cough, by influenza test result status and seasonal influenza vaccination status - U.S. Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Network, United States, November 2, 2017February 3, 2018 Test result status Characteristic Overall Vaccination status* Influenza-positive Influenza -negat ive No.(%) No.(%) 1,712 (38) 2,850 (62) Study site Michigan Pennsylvania Texas Washington Wisconsin Sex Male Female 735 (39) 977 (36) Age group (yrs) 6 mos - 8 9-17 18- 49 50-64 ;,:65 359 (33) 288 (49) 56 1 (36) 288 (39) 216 (37) 739 300 989 454 368 Race/Ethnicity§ White Black Other race Hispanic 1,169 (37) 16 1 (43) 144 (33) 231 (42) 2,020 218 287 317 264 (35) 330(41) 572 (42) 195 (27) 351 (39) Self-rated health status Fair or poor Good Very good Excellent Illness onset to enrollment <3 3- 4 5-7 Influenza test result~ Negative Influenza B pos itive 8/Yamagata BNictoria B lin eage pending Influenza A positive A(H l N1)pdm09 A(H3N2) A subtype pend in g 491 480 806 518 555 (65) (59) (58) (73) (61) Vaccinated p-v aluet No. enrolled No. (%) vaccinated 4,562 2,259 (50) <0.001 755 810 1,378 713 906 0.03 1,868 2,694 865 (46) 1,394 (52) <0.001 (67) (51) (64) (61) (63) 535 (49) 204 (35) 642(41) 436 (59) 442 (76) <0.00 1 <0.001 1,098 588 1,550 742 584 (63) (58) (67) (58) 3,189 379 43 1 548 1,659 (52) 150 (40) 21 7 (50) 225 (41) <0.00 1 0.004 135 (56) 559 (52) 875(51) 687 (45) <0.001 0.23 1,133(61) 1,7 17 (64) 422 376 6 14 420 427 p-valuet (56) (46) (45) (59) (47) <0.001 75 (31) 377 (35) 618(36) 639 (42) 168 (69) 695 (65) 1,087(64 ) 898 (58) <0.001 243 1,072 1,705 1,537 856 (48) 589 (35) 267 (24) 940 (52) 1,082 (65) 828 (76) <0.001 1,796 1,67 1 1,095 866 (48) 829 (50) 564 (52) 2,850 323 260 5 58 1,392 208 1,143 52 1,518 (53) 132 (41) 112 (43) 2 (40) 18 (31) 6 10 (44) 60 (29) 530 (46) 23 (44) (days) 2,850 323 260 5 58 1,392 208 1,143 52 * Defined as having received ;,:1 dose of influenza vaccine;,: 14 days before illness onset. A total of 102 part icipants who received the vaccine ,s 13 days before illness onset were excluded from the study sample. t The ch i-square statistic was used to assessdifferences between the numbers of persons w ith inf luenza-negat ive and influenza-positive test results, in the distribution of enrolled patient and illness characteristics, and in differences between groups in the percentage vaccinated. § Enrollees were categor ized into one of four mu t ually exclusive racial/ethnic popu lations: white, black, other race, and Hispan ic. Persons identifying as Hispanic might have been of any race. Persons identify ing as white, black, or other race were non -Hispanic. Race/ethn icity data were missing for 15 enro llees. ' Fourteen patients had coinfection w it h infl uenza A and influenza B, making the sum 1,726, or 14 greater than the total number of infl uenza-positive patients. non- egg-based vaccines. CDC will continue to monitor VE through the remainder of the season and is investigating these facrors. In addition, many efforts are under way to improve selection and development of candidate vaccine viruses that are optimal for vaccine production and provide protection against a majority of circulating viruses. 182 MMWR / February 16, 20 18 / Vol. 67 / No. 6 These interim VE estimates underscore the need for influenza antiviral treatm ent for any patient with suspected or confirmed influenza who is hospitalized, has severe or progressive illness, or is at high risk for complications from influenza , regardless of vaccination status or results of rapid , point-of-care influenza US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000236 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report TABLE2. Number and percentage receiving 2017-18 seasonal influenza vaccine among 4,562 enrolled outpatients with medically attended acute respiratory illness and cough, by influenza test result status, age group, and vaccine effectiveness against all influenza A and B and against virus types A(H3N2), A(Hl Nl )pdm09 and B - U.S. Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Network, United States, November 2, 2017 February 3, 2018 Test result status Influ enza-positive Influenza type / Age group Vaccine effectiveness * Influenza-negative Total No. (%) vaccinated Total No. (%) vaccinated 1,712 741 (43) 2,850 1,518 (53) 359 288 56 1 288 216 127 (35) 100 (35) 198 (35) 159 (55) 157 (73) 739 300 989 454 368 1,143 530 (46) 200 203 395 198 147 Unadjusted Adjusted %(95%CI) %( 95 %CI) Influenza A and B Overall 33 (24to41) 36 (27 to 44Jt 408 (55) 104 (35) 444 (45) 277 (61) 285 (78) 56 (42 to 66) O (-41 to 29) 33 (17 to46 ) 2 1 (-6 to 42) 23 (-14 to47) 59 (44 to 69)t 5 (-38 to 34) 33 (16to47) t 17 (-15 to 40) 18 (-25 to 47) 2,850 1,518 (53) 24 (13 to 34) 25 (13 to 36)t 79(40) 75 (37) 155 (39) 115 (58) 106 (72) 739 300 989 454 368 408 (55) 104 (35) 444(45) 277 (61) 285 (78) 47 (27 to61) -10(-60to24) 2 1 (-1 to 37) 11 (-24 to 37) 25( -16to 51) 208 60(29 ) 2,850 1,518 (53) 64 (52 to 74 ) 67 (54 to 76)t 105 84 19 22 (21) 26(31) 12 (63) 1,039 1,443 368 73 (56 to 83) 55 (28 to 72) 50( -31 to81) 78 (63 to 87)t 51 (20 to 70)t 34 (-96 to 78) 323 132 (41) 2,850 1,518 (53) 39 (23 to 52) 42 (25 to 56)t 127 151 45 46 (36) 53 (35) 33 (73) 1,039 1,443 368 512 (49) 72 1 (SO) 285 (78) 42 (14 to 60) 46 (23 to 62) 20 (-62 to 60) 36 (1 to 58)t SO(28 to 66)t 25 (-62 to 66) Age group (yrs) 6 mos-8 9- 17 18- 49 50-64 2:65 Influenza A(H3N2 ) Overall Age group (yrs) 6 mos-8 9- 17 18- 49 50-6 4 2:65 51 (29 to -8 (-62 to 20 (-4 to 12 (-26 to 17 (-35 to 66)t 29) 38) 39) 49) Influenza A(H1 N1)pdm09 Overall Age group (yrs) < 18 18- 64 :?:65 512 (49) 721 (SO) 285 (78) Influenza B Overall Age group (yrs) < 18 18- 64 2:65 Abbreviation: Cl = confidence interval. " Vaccine effect iveness was est imate d as 100% x (1 - odds rat io [rat io of odds of being vaccinated among outpatients with influenza -po sitive test resu lts to the odds of being vaccinat ed a mong outpati ents with influe nza-nega tive test resul ts)); odds ratios were estimat e d using logistic regress ion. t Statistically significant at the p <0.05 level. diagnostic tests.** C D C recomm end s ant iviral medications as an adjun ct to vaccination , and th eir pot ential public health benefit is increased in the context of low VE. A CDC health •• A complete summ a ry of guidance for ant iviral use is available at htt ps://www . flu/professionals/ant ivirals/summa ry-clinicians.htm. Gro ups at high risk for influenza compl ications include the following : children aged <2 years; adulcs aged 2:65 years; pe rsons wich chronic pulmonary conditions (including asthm a); persons with cardiovascular d isease (except hypertens ion alone ); persons with renal, hepatic, or hematologic (includ ing sickle cell) disease; perso ns with metabo lic disorders (including d iabetes mellirus); persons with neuro logic and neurodevdopmenca l conditions (including disorders of the brain , spina l cord, periphera l nerves and muscles, such as cerebral pa lsy, epilepsy [seii.ure disorder s], srroke, intellectua l d isab ility [mental rerardatio n], mode rate co severe developmen tal delay, muscula r dystrop hy, or spinal cord injury); persons with immunosuppress ion , including that caused by medications or by h uman imm un odeficiency virus infection; women who arc pregnant or :.2 weeks posrparrum ; persons aged <19 years who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy; American Ind ian/Alaska Narives; pe rsons with mo rbid obesity (i.e., body-mass index 2:40); a nd residents of nursing hom es and other chron ic-care facilities. update issued Decembe r 27 , 2017, regarding treatm ent with antiviral medi cations is available at htt ps:/ /e han/han00409.asp . C linicians should be aware that influenza activity is widespread, and influenza should be co nsidered as a possible diagno sis in all pati ents with acute respiratory i.llness. Th e findings in this report are subject to at least four limi tation s. First, vaccination status included self-report at four of five sites. En d-of-season VE estimates based on updated documentation of vacc ination status might differ from interim estimates . Second, infor mation from medical records and immunization registries is needed to evaluate VE by vaccine type and for fully vaccinated versus partially vaccinated children , as well as to evaluate the effects of previous season vaccination and t iming of vaccination; end-of-s eason analysis of VE by vaccine type and effects of part ial or previous season vaccination is planned . Third, an obse rvat ional study design US Depa rtme nt of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention MMWR / February 16, 2018 / Vol. 67 / No. 6 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000237 183 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Acknow ledg ment s Summary What is already known abo ut th is topic? Effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccine can vary by season and has generally been higher against influenza A(Hl Nl )pdm09 and B viruses than against A(H3N2) viruses. What is added by this repo rt? So far this season, influenza A(H3N2) viruses have predominated, but other influenza viruses are also circulating. Based on data from 4,562 children and adults with acute respiratory illness enro lled during November 2, 2017-February 3, 2018, at five study sites with outpatient medica l facilities in the United States, the overall estimated effectiveness of the 2017- 18 seasonal influenza vaccine for preventing med ically attended, laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infection was 36%. What are the Im plications for public health practice? CDC continues to monitor influenza vaccine effectiveness. Influenza vaccination is still recommended; vaccination reduces the risk fo r influenza illnesses and serious complications. Treatment with influenza antiviral medications, where appropri ate, is especially important this season. has greater potential for co nfounding and bia s relative to randomi zed clinical trials. However, the test-negative design is widely used in VE studies and has been used by the U.S. Flu VE Network to estimate VE for previous influenza seasons . Finally, small samp le sizes in some age groups resulted in wide confidence int ervals, and end-of -season VE estima tes could change as additional pati ent data beco m e available or if there is a change in circulating viruses lat e in the season. It is also important to note chat the VE estimates in this report are limi ted to the prevention of outpatient medical visits rather than more severe illness outcomes, such as hospitalization or death; data from studies measuring VE against more severe outcomes will be available at a later date. Annual moni toring of VE supports ongoing efforts to improve influenza vaccines . Although more effective vaccines are needed , vaccination prevents a substant ial burden of influen za-related illn ess annually. During th e 2014 - 15 season, when VE against medically attended illn ess caused by any influ enza virus was less than 20 %, vaccination was estimat ed to prevent 11,000 -144, 000 influenza-associated hospitalizations and 300-4,000 influenza-associated deaths (https:/ /www.cdc. gov/flu/ about/ disease/2014-15 .htm). Small increases in VE can substantially affect the number of hospitalizations prevented during a severe season (J 0). Although interim estimates suggest that vaccination has prevented some influenza-related illness this season, influ enza vaccine s with improved effectiveness are needed to substantially reduce the incidence of disease . 184 MMWR / February 16, 20 18 / Vol. 67 / No. 6 Jennifer K. Meece, Jennifer P. King, Madalyn Palmquist, Lynn Ivacic, Carla Rottscheit, Sarah Kopitzke, Jacklyn Salzwedel, Deanna Cole, Trish Aldrich, Jennifer Anderson, Elizabeth Armagost, Cory Arnold, Marya Theresa Balinghasay, Kaleigh Bettinger Terry Foss, Dyan Friemoth, Wayne Frome, Keith Gilge, Sherri Guzinski, Tara Johnson, Julie Karl, Diane Kohnhorst, Tamara Kronenwetter Koepel, Karen McGreevey, Nidhi Mehta, Vicki Moon, Lisa Ott, Maisie Pettin ger, Rebecca Pilsne r, D eeAnn Polacek , Martha Presson, Emily Redmond, Megan Sauer, Eleanor Scockheimer, Patrick Stockwell, Sandy Strey, Julie Zierer, Tom Dalcher, Gregg Greenwald, Marshfield Clin ic Research Institute, Marshfield, Wisconsin; Joshua G. Petrie, Lois E. Lameraco, Ryan E. Malosh, E.J. McSpadden , Hannah Segaloff, Caroline K. Cheng, Rachel Truscon, Emileigh Johnson , Anne Kaniclides, Elizabeth Alleman , Sarah Bauer, Michelle Groesbeck, Emerson Bouldin, Chrisroph Baker, Kimberly Berke, Mackenzie Smith, Nihar ika Rajesh, Kristyn Brund idge, Neha Hafeez, Jayla Jackson , Ian Anastasia, Gabriel Kadoo, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and Henry Ford Health System, Detroit , Michigan; G.K. Balasubramani, Todd M. Bear, Heather Eng, Samantha Ford, Edward Garofolo, Robert Hickey, Philip Iozzi, Monika Johnson, Donald B. Midd leron, Krissy K. Moehling, Jonathan M. Raviotta, Evelyn C. Reis, Bret Rosenblum, Sean Saul, Theresa Sax, Michael Susick, Joe Suyama, Leonard F. Urbanski, John V Williams, University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Michael Smith, Chandn i Raiyani, Lydia Clipper, Teresa Ponder, Todd Crumbaker, Mary Kylberg, Martha Zayed, Melissa Zdroik, Kimberley Walker, Marcus Volz, Arundhati Rao, Robert Fader, Lea Mallett, Hania Wehbe-Janek, Madhava Beeram, Michael Reis, Jennifer Thomas, Jaime Walkowiak, Jeremy Ray, Renee Day, Deborah Price, Jennifer Fox, Robert Probe, Baylor Scott & White Health, Texas A&M Un iversity Health Science Center College of Medicine, Temple, Texas; Erika Kiniry, Stacie Wellwood, C. Hallie Phillips, Suzie Park, Lawrence Madziwa, Matt Nguyen, Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, Seattle, Washington; Erin Burns, Rebecca Garten, Thoma s Stark, Shoshona Le, Juliana DaSilva, Influenza Division, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, CDC. Co nflict of Interest No conflicts of interest were reported. 1Influ enza Division , Nationa l Cente r for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, CDC; 2Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, Marshfield, Wisconsin; 3Baylor Scott & Whi te Health, Texas A&M University Health Science Center College of Medicine, Temple , Texas; 4Un iversiry of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences and University of Pirrsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ; 5Kaiser Permanence Washington Health Research ln scirute, Seattle, Washington; 6 University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Michigan. Corres pond ing author: Brendan Flanner y,, 404 -7 18-42 76. US Departmen t of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000238 Morbidi t y and Morta lit y Weekly Repo rt References I. Grohskopf LA, Sokolow LZ, Broder KR, ec al. Prevention and control of seasonal influenza with vaccines: recommendations of the Advisory Com mitt ee on lmmuniiation Pracrices-Unired Scares, 2017 -18 influ en7.a season. MMWR Recomm Rep 20 l 7 ;66(No. RR-2). hrrps:// 1 2. Jackson ML, Chung] R, Jackson LA, e1 al. Influenza vaccine effectiveness in d1e Un ired States during rhe 2015 - 20 I 6 season. N Engl J Med 20 17;377:534-43. hnps://do LO.1056/NEJMoa 17001 53 3. Budd AP, Wenrworrh DE, Blanton L, er al. Updare: influenza acr iviryUnited Stares, October I. 2017 -F ebruary 3, 2018. MMWR Morb Morral Wkly Rep 2018;6 7 :169 - 79. 4. Skowronski DM, Chambers C, De Se rres G, er al. Early season co-circ ulation ofi nfl uenza A(H3N2) and B(Yamagara): interim esrimares of 2017 /l 8 vaccine effectiveness, Canada , January 2018. Euro Surveill 2018;23. https://doi.ocg/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.5.18-00035 5. Sullivan SG, Ch ilver MB, Carv ille KS, et al. Low inrc rim influenza vaccine effectiveness, Australia, 1 May to 24 Septe mb er 20 17 . Euro Surveill 20 17;22. hrrps:// 10.2807/1560 -7917.ES.2017.22.43.17 -00707 6. Flannery B, Chung JR, Thaker SN, et al. Interim estima tes of2016-1 7 seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness- United Stares, February 20 17. MMWR Morb Morral Wkly Rep 201 7 ;66: 16 7- 7 1. hrrps://doi. org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6606a3 7. Belongia EA, Sim pson MD, King JP, er al. Variable influenza vaccine effectiveness by subtype: a systemati c review and meta-analysis of restnegative design srudies. Lancer Infect Dis 2016; 16:942-51. https:/ /do i. org/ l 0. 1016/S L47 3 -3099( 16)00129-8 8. Zost SJ, Parkh ouse K, Gumina M E, er al. Conrcmporary H3N2 influ enza viruses have a glycosylation site that airers binding of antibod ies elicited by egg-adapted vacci ne strains. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 20 I 7; 114: 12578 - 83. hnps:// 14 9. Wu NC, Zo st SJ, Thompson AJ, et al. A structural explanati on for the low effectiveness of rhe seasonal influenza H3N2 vaccine. PLoS Pathog 2017; 13:e 1006682. http s://doi.o rg/ 10.1371/ journ al.ppat .100 6682 \ o. Fry AM, Kim I K, Reed C, et al. Modeling rhe effect of different vaccine effectiveness estimates on rhe number of vaccine-prevented influenzaassociated hospitalizat ions in older adults. Clin Infect Dis 20 I 4;59:406-9 . l 0.1093/cid/ciu328 US Department of Health and Human Services/ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention MMWR/ February 16, 2018 / Vol.67 / No. 6 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000239 185 For internal discussion, May 2, 2018 Seasonal Flu vaccine strains for 2018-2019 (b)(5) 1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000240 Far internal diScussian, Mail. 2018 AMERICAN HT Page1098 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 1 May 2018 13:46:40 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Briss, Peter (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Richardson, Lisa (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Camejo, Christina (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP) (CTR);Bauer, Ursula (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP) Subject: Follow up Discussion on Gynecologic Cancers HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000243 From: Sent: To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) 20 Jun 2018 14:39:43 +0000 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH);Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Conrad, Patricia (NIH/NIAID) [E];Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAID) [E];Vance, Meaghan (NIH/NIAID) [C);Grabner, Juanita (HRSA);Sigounas, George (HRSA) Subject: Follow Up Discussion POC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000244 From: Office of the Executive Secretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS) Sent: 26 Apr 2018 20 :32:51 +0000 To: Office of the Executive Secretary Master Calendar (HHS/OS);Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH);Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Gottlieb, Scott (FDA);Sigounas, George (HRSA);Collins, Francis (NIH/OD) [E];McCance-Katz, Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS);Wagner, Steven (ACF);Bright, Rick (OS/ASPR/BARDA);Brandt, Kimberly (CMS/OA);Khanna, Gopal (AHRQ/IOD);Shipley, Samuel (HHS/IOS) Cc: Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR);Greenstein, Bruce (O5/IOS);Trueman, Laura (HHS/IEA);Stecker, Judy (OS/ASPA);Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL);Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Sheehy, Janice (FDA/ORA);Grabner, Juanita (HRSA);McManus, Ayanna (NIH/OD) [E];Encarnacion, Dolkie (SAMHSA/OA);Fleming-Michae l, Karen (AHRQ/OMS);Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS);Manning, Lelisa (OS/IOS);Kouzoukas, Demetrios (CMS/OA);Bennett, Jason (CMS/OA);Bush, Laina (HHS/ASPE);Townsend, Kara (HHS/ASPE);Chesley, Francis (AHRQ/OEREP);Meyers, David (AHRQ/IOD);Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS);Trolley, Devon J. (CMS/CCIIO);Wolfe, Mitchel l (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Follow-up Principals' Briefing from the Secretary's Opioid Retreat Purpose: To follow up on the ideas of the opioid retreat and coordinate on implementation. Ca11-In Number: 877-934 -68 l O code I Cb)(6l I Location: Conference Room - 729-G Participants Brett Giroir (Lead - OASH) Robert Redfield (CDC) Scott Gottlieb (FDA) George Sigounas (HRSA) Francis Collins (NIH) Elinore McCance-Katz (SAMHSA) Gopal Khanna (AHRQ) Laura Pence (IOS) Steve Wagner (ACF) Rick Bright (BARDA) Kim Brandt (CMS) Dem etrios Kouzoukas (CMS) Kara Townsend (ASPE) Laina Bush (ASPE) If you have additional question s, p lease contact Sam Shipley (samua l.shipley @hhs .gov) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000245 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 28 Jun 2018 14:05 :39 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Mastin, Larry (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D/OCS) (;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Allin, Robert (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Subject: Foreign Travel Security Briefing (Secret Level) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000246 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 10 Apr 2018 15:26:34 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Mastin, Larry (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM);All in, Robert (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM);Hamaty, Tamara (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) ( ;Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) Subject: FTSBwith Larry Mast in, OSSAM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000247 From: Sent: To: Rucker, Donald (05/0NC) 2 May 2018 18:09:57 +0000 Rucker, Donald (05/0NC);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : FW: Meeting: Dr. Rucker (ONC)/ Dr. Redfield (CDC) -----Original Appointment---- F rom: Rucker , Donald (OS/ONC) Sent: Wednesday, May 2, 2018 1:47 PM To : Rucker, Donald (OS/ONC); Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subj ec t: Meeting: Dr. Rucker (ONC)/ Dr. Redfield (CDC) Wh en: Monday , June 11, 2018 1:00 PM-1:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Wh ere: Humphre y TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000248 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 23 Apr 2018 13:36:20 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) Subject: FY 2020 Feedback HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000249 From : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 8 May 2018 18:29 :19 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Braden , Chris (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) (acsl@cdc .gov);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( ;Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Cor ley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Damon, Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Lubar , Debra (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Arthur , Ray (CDC/CGH/DGHP) Cc: Miller , Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Pesik, Nicki (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Mart in, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Wolfe, M itchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Ebola Briefing HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000250 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 18 May 2018 13:57:01 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: Ebola Communication Planning and Run Through Attachme nts: RE_ Ebola communication planning and run through.msg From: Se nt: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000251 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OO/OCS) 18 May 2018 09:52:20 -0400 To: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OO/OADC) Cc: Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC);Galatas, Kate (CDC/OO/OADC);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OO/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OO/OCS) Subject: RE: Ebola communication planning and run through From: Sent: Tracie can get that added today . Thx! From: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 9:45 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Guest, Megan (CDC/OO/OADC) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OO/OADC) ; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OO/OADC) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Ebola communication planning and run through Hi Scott, Thanks so much, 8:30-9:15 will be perfect . KLD is out of office at t hat time, can you please include Michelle Bonds and Kate Galatas on the invite? They will be the ones prepping Dr. Redfield for this session. Many thanks! Delaney From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018 2:36 PM To: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc:Guest, M egan (CDC/OO/OADC) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OO/OADC) ; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Ebola communication planning and run through Hows 8:30 -9:15 am on 4 June? From: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018 2:33 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Guest, Megan (CDC/OO/OADC) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OO/OADC) ; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: Ebola communication planning and run through Hi Scott, When Dr. Redfield gets back from WHA, OADC will need to work with him on com ms prep for the current Ebola outbreak (talk through/prep for media, lessons learned, etc .). We were hoping to see HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000252 when might be the earliest that we can meet with him for this? Ideally it would be great to block an hour, but understand if that is not physically possible. Thanks! Delaney From: Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018 12:05 PM To: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc:Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Ebola Prep Sessions We need to work with his schedulers to get time on his calendar labeled something like "Ebola communication planning and run through". From: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent: Thursday, May 17, 201811:30 AM To: Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc:Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: Ebola Prep Sessions Hi Katherine, This morn ing on hot topics you mentioned media prep sessions for Dr. Redfield on the Ebola outbreak , once he gets back from WHA. We weren't quite sure on next steps so wanted to check in -would you like us to start scheduling those with his team, or do you need to talk through this with others before anything goes on the calendar? Thanks so much, Delaney HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000253 Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) 31 May 2018 01:35:58 +0000 To : Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Braden, Chris (CDC/O1D/NCEZID);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Jafari, Hamid (CDC/CGH/OD);Dahl, Benjamin A. (CDC/CGH/GID);Rollin, Pierre (CDC/O1D/NCEZID);Arthur, Ray (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Moore, Melissa (CDC/CGH/OD) Cc: Paye, Yarkasah (CDC/CGH/DGHP) (CTR) Subje ct: Ebola Discussion with Secretary Azar From: Se nt: UPDATE: The times have shifted a bit. This discussion will take place from 9:S0-10:3Sam. Thanks, Nikki Ors. Dahl and Rollin, currently in DRC,will deliver a report to Sec. Azar in the ECRat 10:00 on Fri. 1 June. Below is the bridgeline information: USA Toll Free: 866-719-6879 International: 210-234-3 578 Passcode: I lbl'6l A/V, please assist by connecting them to the meeting . Their mobile numbers are: Dr Dahl - 404 - 3748702, Dr Rollin - 470 -312-579 1. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best, Nikki Nikki Jo Romanik Office of the Director, Office of Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road NE , Room 12002.1, MS D-14 Atlanta, GA 30333 404.498.0810 (o) 470.217.1558 (b) (b)(6) I I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000254 Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) 31 May 2018 01:41:34 +0000 Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Marston, Barbara J. (CDC/CGH/DPDM);Gantt, Judy M. (CDC/OD/OADC);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Subject: Ebola Exhibit From: Sent: To: UPDATE: Times have shifted. We have added 20 minutes onto this tour. The new times are now 1:352:0Spm. Dr. Barb Marston will give a brief overview of the Ebola Exhibit interwoven with her personal stories from CDC's Ebola Response. We will meet Dr. Marston and Judy at the front of the exhibit around 1:20pm. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best, Nikki HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000255 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 14 May 2018 13:18:01 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Roman ik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO) Subject : Ebola in DRC Attachments : Fwd_ Call to add today-- 530-545pm.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: TS O Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts , Seth Kroop Event Contact: TSO CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBO CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TSO CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TS O 2. Event Information: Event Host: TSO Purpose of Event: TBO Agenda (if applicable): TSO Number of Attendees and Composition: TBO HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000256 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000257 From: Sent: To : Subject: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 14 May 2018 09:12:44 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Fwd: Call to add today -- 530-545pm Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Berge r, Sherri (CDC /OCOO/OD)" Date: May 14, 2018 at 9:10:44 AM EDT To : "Scales, Scott L. (CDC /OD/OCS)" , "William s, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS)" Cc: "Schuchat , Anne MD (CDC/OD)" , "McGowan , Robert (Kyle ) (CDC/OD/OCS)" , "Wolfe , Mitchell (CDC /OD/CDCWO)" Subject: Call to add today -- 530-545pm Dr. Schuchat to update Dr. Redfield on "Ebola in DRC" Others to invite to listen in : Kyle, KLD, Mitch, Sherri HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000258 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Se nt: 2 Apr 2018 15:06:33 +0000 To : Anne MD (CDC/OD) Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Schuchat, Subje ct: Attachme nts : EISConference: Welcome & Call to Order 67th An nual EISConference Schedule - CDC Director.docx HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000259 67™ ANNUALEIS CONFERENCESCHEDULE CDCDIRECTORCONFERENCEEVENTS Room 219 is available on Monday and Wednesday to be utilized as Ors. Redfield and Schuchat's administrative office. CONFERENCELOCATION Hilton Atlanta 255 Courtland Street NE Atlanta, GA 30303 MONDAY,APRIL 16, 2018 8:00 am 8:15 - 8:45 AM Welcome and Call to Order 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am Hilton Hotel {Salon) Opening Session • • Moder ate Opening Session Ask first question during Q&A 10:30 am 11:00 am HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000260 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 2018 l'imm 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 12:00 pm Lunch with Surgeon General Southern Element (Hilton Atlanta Hotel Lobby) 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm Meet and Greet time with Incoming EIS Officers/LLS Fellows Hilton Hotel (Ballroom C) 2:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4 :00 pm 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM Langmuir Hilton Hotel (Salon) 6:30 - 9:00 PM Oral International Night Hilton Hotel (Ballroom East) 4 :30 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000261 From: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 2 May 2018 19:24 :38 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7@cdc .gov);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: Emory/CDC 1918 Influenza Pandemic Commemoration HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000262 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 May 2018 19:21:52 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subje ct: Emory/CDC 1918 Influenza Pandemic Commemoration Attachme nts : Flu.symposium.program.05022018 .CLEARED.03.pdf, Media - 1918 Registrations 05022018.xlsx, Rollins auditorium .jpg From: Se nt: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000263 100 YEARSOF INFLUENZA PANDEMICS AND PRACTICE: 1918 -2018 n:•::·--·::·:n =·=· •• 1918 ·=·= •• rI■ FLU·= ■I PANDEMIC •• =■=■ •• 100YEARS■=■= 111.11 .... 11.:11 WE REMEMBER. WE PREPARE. 3:00 - 3:20 p.m . Break 3:20 - 4:00 p.m. Universal Influenza Vaccine Discussion Dr. Walter Orenstein, Moderator 1he Hope of a Universal Influenza Vaccine Dr. Florian Krammer The Challenges of a Universal Influenza Vaccine Dr. Sco tt Hensley What are we Doin g? Countermeasures to Influenza Dr. Jacqueline Katz, Moderator CDC, National Center/or Immunization and Antiv iral Treatmen t for Influenza: Gaps and Challenges Dr. Tim Uyeki CDC, National Center/or Immunization and Innovations for Pandemic Countermeasures Dr. Rob ert John son Influenza Vaccine Infrastrncture - Global and Domestic Dr. Bruc e Gellin Closing Remarks Dr. Carlos del Rio 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. Emory VaccineCenter Icahn Schoolof Medicineat Mount Sinai Universityof Pennsylvania,PerelmanSchoolof lVledicine RespiratoryDiseases,Influenza Division RespiratoryDiseases, Influenza Division ASPR, BARDA, Influenza and Emerging InfectiousDiseases Sabin VaccineInstitute, GlobalImmunization Emory University,RollinsSchoolof PublicHealth and Department of Medicine Hubert Department of GlobalHealth 100 YEARS OF INFLUENZA PANDEMICS AND PRACTICE: 1918 -2018 Experts from academia and government will convene to discuss and debate current pandemic influenza threats and the future of pandemic preparedness and influenza prevention and control. Dr. Daniel Jernigan CDC, National Centerfor Immunization and RespiratoryDiseases,Influenza.Division Thank you! *Food and dr inks for lunch and breaks are being generous ly provided by the Emor y Vaccine Center. v4~WI IS.Z \VhereScienceMeets Ho{}<' . EMORY MAY 7, 2018 ~ 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Rollins School of Public Health Audito rium Claudia Nance Rollins Building HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000264 CnN 'f' UOl ilN D Pu v v1 • N T tnN1 100 Years of Influenza Pandemics and Practice: 1918-2018 The Rollins School of Public Hea lth and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention May 7, 20 18 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Rollins Auditorium , Claudia Nance Rollins Building, Emory University, Atlanta , GA TIME SESSION 7:45 - 8:30 a.m. Breakfasr and Registr ation 8:30 - 8:45 a.m. Welcome and Introduc tory Remark s 8:45 - 9:20 a.m. 9:20 - I 0:00 a.m. Nature Against Man Multidisciplinary 1918 History Panel SPEAKER/FACILITATOR 10:50 - 11:20 a.m. 2018 Threats: H7N9 and Beyond Dr. Yuelong Shu Sun Yat-Sen University, School of Public Health 11:20 - 12:00 p.m. Could a Severe Pandemic like 1918 Happen Again? Point/ Counte rpoi nt Discussion Dr. Daniel Jernigan , Moderator CDC, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Influenza Division Dr. James W. Curran Dean of Public Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University Definit ely Dr. Anne Schuch at Deputy Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Dr. Michae l O sterholm University of Minn esota, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy Unlikely Dr. Arnold Monto University of Michigan , School of Public Health Joh n Barry Author, The Great influenza : 1he Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in Histo1y Dr. Martin Cetron, Moderato r CDC, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Division of Global Migration and Quarantine Box lunches in the lobby; bring into auditorium for the next session if you wish 12:00 - 12:30 p.m. LUNCH 12:30 - 1:00 p.m. Current Gaps: United States and Local Public Health Pandemic Readiness 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Pub lic Affairs and PolicyDr. Richard Besser, Moderator making During Pandemics Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and High Profile Outbrea ks: Acting CDC Director 2009 Former CDC Directors ' Panel Dr. William Foege Bill and M elinda Gates Foundation CDC Director 1977- 1983 Dr. Robert Gaynes Emory University, Department of Medicine Dr. Seth Rotramel Department of State, Office of the Historian Dr. Hugh es Evans Emory University, Department of Medicine Dr. Jeffrey Koplan Emory Global Health Institute CDC Director 1998-2002 John Barry Author, The Great Influenza : The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History 10:00- 10:15 a.m. BREAK 10:15 - 10:50 a.m. 2018 Threats: The Challenge ofH3N2; Impact of Epidemic on Health Systems Dr. Carlos del Rio, Mode rato r Emo1y University, Rollins School of Public Health and Department of Medicine Hubert Department of Global Health Dr. James Steinberg Emory University Hospital Midtown Dr. Jeffrey Lennox Grady Affairs for the Department of Medicine, Emo1y University School of Medicine Dr. Kate Koplan Kaiser Permanente of Georgia John Auerba ch Trust for America's Health Dr. Julie Gerberding Merck & Co. Inc. CDC Director 2002-2009 2:00 - 3:00 p.m . Roundtable Discussion: Are We Ready to Respond to the Next Pand emic; USG Preparedness Posture in 2018 De bra Goldschmidt , Moderator CNN, Health Unit Dr. Luciana Borio White House, National Security Coun cil Dr. Rick Bright HHS , ASPR , Biomedi cal Advan ced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) Dr. Nan cy Messonnier CDC, National Center for Immuni zation and Respiratory Diseases HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000265 ITitle I First Name ILast Name I Organization of Attend! Length of Attendance CBN Radio Brazil In Person JA Ii Day lzumo NHK In Pe,son Betsy McKay The Wall Street Journal In Person All Day Ms. Maryn McKenna Wired Magazine; Brandeis University In Person All Day Ms. Lena Sun The Washington Post In Person A ll Day Mr. Junya Yabuuchi NHK In Person A ll Day Dr. Luis Fernando B Mr. Naoki Ms. JCorreia IAIIDay HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000266 a . ., Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 Apr 2018 15:12:51 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Emory/CDC 1918 Influenza Pandemic Commemoration Attachments : Influenza symposium.msg, Agenda Rollins CDC 1918 Symposium 0423.docx From: Sent: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts Event Contact: Nancy Sterk , Executive Assistant to James W. Curran, MD, MPH, James W. Curran Dean of Public Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University email: nsterk@emory .edu Office: 404-727-8720 CDC Staffer Accompanying Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Elizabeth Painter (NC IRD), 0: 404-718-6486 , ocv3@cdc .gov CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University Purpose of Event: The Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University and the U.S . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), will bring together experts from different disciplines for a one-day symposium on pandem ic influenza threats. In the context of the centenary of the 1918 influe nza pandemic, the one-day symposium will feature perspectives on its history from world experts on influenza and public health. The event will facilitate interactive discussion and debate about our ability to identify and respond to novel influenza threats today and convene experts from acade mia and govern ment for public discussion on prioritization of future investment in pandemic influenza. Agenda:atta ched HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000268 Number of Attendees and Composition: Public health researchers , pract itioners, and future leaders , policymake rs, Public Health and Preparedness Partners , Physicians and Healthcare Providers , and Media invited to attend . Key Participants: Speakers will include leading experts in global public health , policy making , epidemiology, virology, medicine , and medical and nursing history. Recognized public health leaders from Emory and CDC (past and present) , academics, authors, and media personalities will engage in dynamic sessions: roundtable discussions , point/counterpoint , and other creative opportunit ies for debate and discussion. Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on the 2/15/18 DL. (for Schuchat) 3. Or. Schuchat's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs) : Dr. Schuchat 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: 6. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000269 From: Sent : To : Subject: Attachments : Sterk, Nancy 4 Apr 2018 15:02:25 +0000 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Influenza symposium 1 Rollins CDCSymposium 3 APRIL 2018 DRAFTAGENDA.DOCX Good morning - Dr. Jim Curran asked that I send the attached "draft" agenda for an influenza symposium that is being hosted here at the Rollins School of Public Health on Monday, May 7. He thought that Dr. Redfield would be interested in seeing it - we understand that it would be doubtful for him to attend any portion of it but if he is able to, please contact me and I can make arrangements on this end. Thanks so much! Nancy Nancy Sterk Executive Administrative Assistant to James W. Curran, MD, MPH/ James W. Curran Dean of Public Health/ Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University/ 1518 Clifton Road, NE, Suite 8000E / Mailstop :1518-002-8B8 / Atlanta, GA 30322 PH:404.727.8720 / CELL:404.786.6045 / FAX:404.712.8879 / email: nsterk@emory .edu / web: http://www .sph.emory .edu This e-mail message (including any attachments) is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this message (including any attachments) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message m error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail message and destroy all copies of the original message (including attachments). HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000270 Page1127 Page1128 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000272 Page1129 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000273 100 years of Influenza Pandemics and Practice: 1918 -2018 The Rollins School of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention May 7, 2018 8:30 AM-5 :30 PM Rollins Auditorium, Claudia Nance Rollins Building, Emory Univer sity, Atlanta, GA Breakfast* and Registrat ion : 7:45-8:30 AM *Food and drinks for lunch and breaks are being generously provid ed by the Emory Vaccine Center. Time 8 :30 - 8:45AM Session Welcome and Introductory Remarks 8:45 -9 :20 AM Nature Against Man 9:20 -10:00 AM Multidisciplinary 1918 History Panel I Speaker/Facilitator Dr. James Curran Dea!!~ Ro/Ii~ Sehgal of Public Health, Emor~ Unii:_ersit~ Dr. Anne Schuchat Deputy Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) John Barry Author, The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in_History Dr. Martin Cetron, Moderator CDC,National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Division of Global Migration and Quarantine Dr. Robert Gaynes Emory University - Department of Medicine Dr. Seth Rotrame l Department of State Dr. Hughes Evans --+-_ Em _ ory University- Department of Medicine John Barry Author, The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History 10:00 - 10:20 AM 10:20 - 11:00 AM Coffee Break I 2018 Th-r-ea-t-s:_T_h_e -ch_a_ll enge of H3N2; impact of Dr. Carlos del Rio, Moderator Emory University - Rollins School of Public Health and Department of Medicine Hubert Department of Global Health Dr. James Steinberg, Emory Healthcare epidemic on health systems _J_ Dr. Jeffrey Lennox, --+-_ G_rady Memorial Hospital Dr. Kate Koplan, 1----------+--------------------+-- K_a,_·se _r_P_e_rm _ a_ne_n_t_e ~of~ G _ e~org~ia____________ ---< 11:00 - 11:20 AM 2018 Threats: H7N9 and Beyond Dr. Yuelong Shu Sun Yat-Sen University - School of Public Health 11:20 AM - 12:00 PM Could a Severe Pandemic like 1918 Happen Again? (How likely is another pandemic like 1918): Point/Counterpo int Discussion Definitely Dr. Daniel Jernigan, Moderator CDC,National Center for Immun ization and Respiratory Diseases, Influenza Division Unlikely 12:00 -12 :30 PM Dr. Michael Osterholm University of Minnesota - Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy Dr. Arnold Monto University of Michigan - School of Public Health LUNCH (box lunches in the lobby; bring into auditorium for the next session if you wish) 1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000274 12:30-1:00 PM 1:00 - 2:00 PM Current Gaps; United States and Local Public Health Pandemic Readiness John Auerbach Public Affairs and Policymaking During Pandemics and High Profi le Outbreaks: Former CDC Directors' Panel Dr. Richard Besser, Moder ator Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Acting CDCDirector 2009 Dr. William Foege Trust for America's Health -~- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation CDCDirector 1977 -1983 Dr. Jeffrey Koplan Emory Global Health Institute CDCDirector 1998-2002 Dr. Julie Gerberding Merck Vaccines CDCDirector 2005 -2009 2:00 - 3:00 PM Roundtab le Discussion: Are We Ready to Respond to the Next Pandemic; USG Preparedness Posture in 2018 Debra Goldschmidt, Moderator CNN, Health Unit Dr. Luciana Borio White House, National Security Council Dr. Rick Bright - PENDING FINAL APPROVAL Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) Dr. Nancy Messonnier -~ 3:00 - 3:20 PM Break 3:20 - 4 :00 PM Universal Vaccine Discussion C _D_C, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases Dr. Walter Orenstein, Moderator Emory Vaccine Center Dr. Florian Krammer The Hope of Universal Vaccine Icahn Schoof of Medicine at Mount Sinai Dr. Scott Hensley The Challenges of Universal Vaccine University of Pennsylvania 4:00 - 5:00 PM Dr. Jacqueline Katz, Moderator CDC, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Influenza Division What are we doing? Countermeasures to Influenza --I-- Dr. Tim Uyeki Innovations in Antivirals CDC, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Influenza Division Innovations for Pandemic Countermeasures Dr. Robert Johnson Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority 5:00 - 5:30 PM Influenza Vaccine Infrastructure - Global and Domestic Closing Remarks - - Dr. Bruce Gellin Sabin Vaccine Institute Dr. Carlos del Rio Emory University- Rollins School of Public Health and Department of Medicine Hubert Department of Global Health Dr. Daniel Jernigan CDC,National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Influenza Division 2 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000275 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 10 May 2018 10:38:52 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Pirkle, Jim (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Arias, Ileana (ATSDR/DCHI/OD);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD) ;Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Hugh Green (CDC/OD/OCS) (yke8@cdc .gov);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Lab Tour Attachmen ts: Director v isit to Chamb lee.msg From: Se nt: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000276 From : Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) 18 May 2018 12:49:39 +0000 Bayless, Blake N. (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM);Shepard, John (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Director visit to Chamblee Hi John and Blake, Just a request to reserve a parking spot near the visitor center for Dr. Redfield on 5 June from 2:00-4:00. He will visit Chamblee that day to partic ipate in a lab tour. Thanks, Brad Brad A. Bartee Advance Team Off ice of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Off ice: 404- 718-5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email : bbartee@cdc .gov Rm: 12107 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000277 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 2 Apr 2018 16:52:11 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: Langmuir Lecture with Surgeon General Adams (Speaker) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000278 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 14 May 2018 18:52:32 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Lunch Meeting: Dr. Robert Kadlec, ASPR Attachments: RE_ Tuesday , June 19.msg, RE_ June 19.msg, Final ASPR Visit Agenda 6.19.18.doc4.docx 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: Teresa Williams Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicabl e): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Numbe r of Attendees and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000279 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: • Lunch Orders from Fresh-to Order: o Dr. Redfield : Almond Crusted Seared Tuna + ½ small house salad with blue cheese or balsamic dressing +8.50++ o Dr. Kadlec : Casear Salad (possibly with check) 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000280 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 14 May 2018 14:50:37 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE:Tuesday, June 19 sure From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, May 14, 2018 2:50 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : FW: Tuesday, June 19 Please confirm if this is correct: 30 minutes 1 hour 1 hour 1:1 meeting Group Discussion lunch Thanks, Teresa From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : M onday, May 14, 2018 2:48 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: FW: Tuesday, June 19 From : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Se nt : M onday, M ay 14, 20 18 2:42 PM To: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) ; Redd, St ephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Subject: Tuesday , June 19 Bob Kadlec and Chris Meekins will spend the day at CDC. Please block time for a lxl meeting, as we ll as time for Dr. Redfield to join at least one group discussion, and place a hold for lunch in case he'd like to join. Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000281 Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD) 4 Jun 2018 10:43:22 -0400 To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE:June 19 From: Sent: +Kyle I am thinking lunch is Dr Redfield and Kadlec alone. They can walk to B16 together. I (Kyle and I) will have lunch w/ Chris. The 1-2pm will include others . Thanks From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, June 4, 2018 10:42 AM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE:June 19 Hi Sherri, I've added Rima. Also, is this meeting confirmed? Please advise if the 12-1 p.m . lunch with Bob Kadlec and Chris Meekins is confirmed? Thanks, Teresa From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent: Monday , June 4, 2018 10:40 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: June 19 Please add Rima to the 1-2pm Thanks From: Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent: Monday, June 4, 2018 10:39 AM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) Subject: Re: June 19 Hi Sherri, Yes I will be in town, happy to participate. Rima HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000282 From : "Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD)" Sent : Monday, June 4, 20 18 7:34 AM To: "Khabbaz, Rim a (CDC/OID/NCEZID)" CC: "McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS)" ,"Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD)" Subject : June 19 Hi RimaAre you here? Kadlec is coming & meeting w/ Redfield 1-2pm . I would like the session focused on EZID-related items, hoping you can be there . We will invite a few members of the transition unit as well. Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000283 ASPR's Agenda: 06/ 19/ 2018 Agenda U.S. Department of Health and Human Serv ices Cente,sfo, Disease Controland Prevention June 19, 2018 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Welcomes Health and Human Services Dr. Robert Kadlec, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response and Mr. Chris Meekins, Chief of Staff CDC Chamblee Campu s - 4770 Buford Highway , Chamblee , GA 30341 CDC Roybal Campus -1600 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329 9:45-10 :00 AM Dr. Robert Kadlec and Mr. Chris Meekins Arrive Greeted by Mr. Kyle McGowan and Dr. Ileana Arias Location: Chamblee Campus, Visitor's Center - Walk to Building 110 National Center for Environmental Health Participa nts: 10:00-11 :00 AM • Mr. Kyle McGowan , Chief of Staff, CDC • Dr. Ileana Arias, Acting, Principa l Senior Adviso r to the Deputy for Noncommunicable Diseases, National Center for Environmenta l Health • Dr. James L. Pirkle, Director, National Center for Environmental Health Location : Building 110, Environmental Health Laboratory Transition from Chamblee to Roybal Campus 11:00-11 :30 AM Transporta tion prov ided by Kyle McGowan, Chief of Staff , CDC Division of Strat egic Nation al Stockpil e Meeting Participants: DSNS Staff and Leadersh ip 11 :30 - 12:00 PM • Mr. Greg Burel, Director , Strateg ic Nationa l Stockp ile • Ms. Shirley Mabry, Branch Chief, Logistics • Ms. Fran Harrell, Branch Chief, Program Planning and Analysis Branch • Ms. Lisa Dillard , Branch Chief , Responses Branch • Mr. Ron Ottem, Chief , Community Resilience Activity Location: Building 21, ?fh Floor, Room 7116 12:00-12:15 PM Break/Walk to Building 21, 12th Floor , Director 's Confer ence Room Working Lunch 12:15-1: 15 PM Participants: _-Dr. Robert Redfield and Dr. Robert Redfield Location : Building 21, 12th Floor, Director 's Conference Room National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases ·-.,1- - - HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000284 ASPR's Ag enda : 06/ 19/ 2018 1: 15 - 1 :45 PM Participants: • • • Dr . Robert Redfield, Director , CDC • Dr. Toby Merlin, Director , Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonot ic Infectious Diseases • Or. Inger Damon , Director , Division of High Consequence Pathogens and Pathology , National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases • Dr. Nicki Pesik , Assoc iate Director for Infectious Disease Preparedness, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Ms. Sher ri Berger, Chief Operating Officer , CDC Or. Rima Khabbaz, Director, Nationa l Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Location: Building 21, 12th Floor, Room 12302 1 :45-1 :52 PM Transition from Building 21 to Building 18 Tour of the High Containment Laboratory Participa nts: • • 1 :52-2:37 PM Dr. Steve Monroe , Assoc iate Director fo r Laboratory Science and Safety , CDC Dr. Danie l Jernigan , Director , Influenza Division, National Center for Immunizat ion and Resp iratory Diseases • Dr. Rima Khabbaz, Director, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases • Dr. Inger Damon , Director, Division of High Consequen ce Pathogens and Pathology , National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases • Dr. Stuart Nichol , Branch Chief, V iral Specia l Pathogens Branch , National Center fo r Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases • Dr. Victo ria Olson, Branch Chief, Poxvirus and Rabies Branch, National Center for Emerging and Zoono tic Infectious Diseases Location: Building 18 2:37 - 2:45 PM Transition from Building 18 to Building 21, Room 12302 SNS Security Meeting Participa nts: 2:45- 3:15 PM • • • • Ms. Jackie Edwards, Directo r, Secu rity Serv ices Office Mr. James Brand Duncan, Physica l Security Specialist Mr . Neil Muckinhoup t, Physica l Security Specia list Mr. Radnotic, Security Specia list Location: Building 21, 12th Floor, Room 12302 3:15-3:30 PM 3:30 PM Walk to Building 45 , Visitor's Center Dr. Robert Kadlec and Mr. Chris Meekins Depart HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000285 ASPR's Agenda: 06/ 19/ 2018 Location: Exit Building 45, Visitor's Center Roybal Campus : Chamblee Campus: OCoS POC : Teresa Williams , Office : 404-639-5998 ; Mobile: 404-889-7957; OCoS POC : Seth Kroop , Office : 404-639-6206; Mobile: 404-860-7750; Security POC: Gregory Johnson, Mobile : 404-725-4404 ; gdj2@cdc .gov Dr. Ileana Arias, Officel NCEH POC: Security POC: John C. Shephard,; Mr .__ b1 "·1 ""' J...-----Security POC: Blake Bayless , Mobile_ (bl(6l ,-b1 -r61 ____ (b)(6) ...__ ~, (b)(6l (bl(6l I Page 3 of 3 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000286 From: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 1 May 2018 18:13 :09 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Sabin, Keith (CDC unaids .org) Subject: Lunch with CDC Geneva Assignees HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000287 From: Sent: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:41:08 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/0D);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OC00/0D);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: Lunch with Meet & Greet (impromptu) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000288 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 Apr 2018 16:21:26 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: Lunch with Surgeon General [Accompa n ied by Kyle McGowan] Attachments : 67th Annual EISConference Schedule - CDC Director.docx, RE_ EIS conference .msg, 67th Annual EIS Conference Schedule - CDC Director.docx, RE_ EISconference.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : Brad Bartee Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Speechwriter : TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying Director : Kyle McGowan CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : Bios: TBD Source Invitation : 3. Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000289 Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting /Logistics Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000290 67™ ANNUALEIS CONFERENCESCHEDULE CDCDIRECTORCONFERENCEEVENTS Room 219 is available on Monday and Wednesday to be utilized as Ors. Redfield and Schuchat's administrative office. CONFERENCELOCATION Hilton Atlanta 255 Courtland Street NE Atlanta, GA 30303 MONDAY,APRIL 16, 2018 8:00 am 8:15 - 8:45 AM Welcome and Call to Order 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am Hilton Hotel {Salon) Opening Session • • Moder ate Opening Session Ask first question during Q&A 10:30 am 11:00 am HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000291 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 2018 l'imm 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 12:00 pm Lunch with Surgeon General Southern Element (Hilton Atlanta Hotel Lobby) 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm Meet and Greet time with Incoming EIS Officers/LLS Fellows Hilton Hotel (Ballroom C) 2:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4 :00 pm 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM Langmuir Hilton Hotel (Salon) 6:30 - 9:00 PM Oral International Night Hilton Hotel (Ballroom East) 4 :30 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000292 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OO/OCS) 2 Apr 2018 09:30:56 -0400 Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD);Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD);Williams,Teresa (CDC/OO/OCS) Cc: Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD);Kroop,Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OO/OCS);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OO/OCS) Subject: RE: EISconference Attachments: 67th Annual EIS Conference Schedule - CDC Director.docx Importance: High From: Sent: To: The Director is fine with his proposed EIS schedule. Teresa w ill get it on his calendar accordingly, and Brad will be in touch, as needed, for logistics. Many thanks! From: Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Sent: Monday , April 2, 2018 8:21 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Cc: Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: EIS conference We have not confirmed anything with the Director and appreciate your help. Pattie Patricia M. Simone, M.D. Director, Division of Scientific Education and Professional Development (DSEPD) Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services (CSELS) Office of Public Health Scient ific Services (OPHSS) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 404 -498 -6484 Assistant - Kathy Young - vhu9@cdc .gov - 404-498-6391 From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday , April 2, 2018 7:55 AM To: Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD); Simone, Patricia {Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Cc: Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: EIS conference HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000293 Hi Latwanda. Thanks for sharing. Do you know if anyone confirmed the Director's participation him yet? If not, we'll try to do that this week and then let you know what's feasible. Thanks! with Scott From: Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Se nt: Saturday, March 31, 2018 7:27 PM To: Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD); Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Subject: RE: EIS conference Hi Scott, Please see the attached schedules. Let me know if anything additional is needed. -twanda From: Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Sen t : Friday, March 30, 2018 11:30 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD); Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Subject: RE: EIS conference Thanks. Keep us posted Pattie Patricia M. Simone, M.D. Director, Division of Scientific Education and Professiona l Development (DSEPD) Center for Surveil lance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services (CSELS) Office of Public Health Scientific Services (OPHSS) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention psimone@cdc .gov 404 -498 -6484 Assistant - Kathy Young - vhu9@cdc .gov - 404-498-6391 http://www.cdc .gov/O PHSS/CSELS/DSEPD/ From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Friday, March 30, 2018 10:58 AM To: Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Cc: Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD); Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000294 (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: EISconference For now, we're assuming that his schedule will closely mirror Anne's, so: Monday: Opening Session 0845-1030 Wednesday: Lunch session thru lecture 1150-Spm It's possible that he may arrive a bit earlier on Wed if we can get some sought 1:1 side meetings that Teresa is working on From : Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 10:53 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Broughton , Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DS EPD) Subject: EISconference Sherri ment ioned that Dr. Redfield might come to the opening session and Anne would introduce him. Is that still the plan? Is there anything else he was planning on attending? Let us know if you need us to resend the schedule or anything We won't change the printed program but would be happy to have him as much as he would like Pattie Patricia M. Simone , M .D. Director, Division of Scientific Education and Professional Development (DSEPD) Center for Surveillance , Epidemiology and Laboratory Services (CSELS) Office of Public Health Scient ific Services (OPHSS) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention psimo 404 -498 -6484 Assistant - Kathy Young - - 404 -498 -6391 http ://www.cdc .gov/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD/ HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000295 67™ ANNUALEIS CONFERENCESCHEDULE CDCDIRECTORCONFERENCEEVENTS Room 219 is available on Monday and Wednesday to be utilized as Ors. Redfield and Schuchat's administrative office. CONFERENCELOCATION Hilton Atlanta 255 Courtland Street NE Atlanta, GA 30303 MONDAY,APRIL 16, 2018 8:00 am 8:15 - 8:45 AM Welcome and Call to Order 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am Hilton Hotel {Salon) Opening Session • • Moder ate Opening Session Ask first question during Q&A 10:30 am 11:00 am HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000296 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 2018 l'imm 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 12:00 pm Lunch with Surgeon General Southern Element (Hilton Atlanta Hotel Lobby) 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm Meet and Greet time with Incoming EIS Officers/LLS Fellows Hilton Hotel (Ballroom C) 2:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4 :00 pm 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM Langmuir Hilton Hotel (Salon) 6:30 - 9:00 PM Oral International Night Hilton Hotel (Ballroom East) 4 :30 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000297 67™ ANNUALEIS CONFERENCESCHEDULE CDCDIRECTORCONFERENCEEVENTS Room 219 is available on Monday and Wednesday to be utilized as Ors. Redfield and Schuchat's administrative office. CONFERENCELOCATION Hilton Atlanta 255 Courtland Street NE Atlanta, GA 30303 MONDAY,APRIL 16, 2018 8:00 am 8:15 - 8:45 AM Welcome and Call to Order 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am Hilton Hotel {Salon) Opening Session • • Moder ate Opening Session Ask first question during Q&A 10:30 am 11:00 am HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000298 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 2018 l'imm 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 12:00 pm Lunch with Surgeon General Southern Element (Hilton Atlanta Hotel Lobby) 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm Meet and Greet time with Incoming EIS Officers/LLS Fellows Hilton Hotel (Ballroom C) 2:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4 :00 pm 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM Langmuir Hilton Hotel (Salon) 6:30 - 9:00 PM Oral International Night Hilton Hotel (Ballroom East) 4 :30 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000299 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OO/OCS) 2 Apr 2018 09:30:56 -0400 Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD);Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD);Williams,Teresa (CDC/OO/OCS) Cc: Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD);Kroop,Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OO/OCS);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OO/OCS) Subject: RE: EISconference Attachments: 67th Annual EIS Conference Schedule - CDC Director.docx Importance: High From: Sent: To: The Director is fine with his proposed EIS schedule. Teresa w ill get it on his calendar accordingly, and Brad will be in touch, as needed, for logistics. Many thanks! From: Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Sent: Monday , April 2, 2018 8:21 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Cc: Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: EIS conference We have not confirmed anything with the Director and appreciate your help. Pattie Patricia M. Simone, M.D. Director, Division of Scientific Education and Professional Development (DSEPD) Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services (CSELS) Office of Public Health Scient ific Services (OPHSS) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 404 -498 -6484 Assistant - Kathy Young - vhu9@cdc .gov - 404-498-6391 From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday , April 2, 2018 7:55 AM To: Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD); Simone, Patricia {Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Cc: Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: EIS conference HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000300 Hi Latwanda. Thanks for sharing. Do you know if anyone confirmed the Director's participation him yet? If not, we'll try to do that this week and then let you know what's feasible. Thanks! with Scott From: Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Se nt: Saturday, March 31, 2018 7:27 PM To: Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD); Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Subject: RE: EIS conference Hi Scott, Please see the attached schedules. Let me know if anything additional is needed. -twanda From: Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Sen t : Friday, March 30, 2018 11:30 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD); Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Subject: RE: EIS conference Thanks. Keep us posted Pattie Patricia M. Simone, M.D. Director, Division of Scientific Education and Professiona l Development (DSEPD) Center for Surveil lance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services (CSELS) Office of Public Health Scientific Services (OPHSS) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention psimone@cdc .gov 404 -498 -6484 Assistant - Kathy Young - vhu9@cdc .gov - 404-498-6391 http://www.cdc .gov/O PHSS/CSELS/DSEPD/ From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Friday, March 30, 2018 10:58 AM To: Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Cc: Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD); Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000301 (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: EISconference For now, we're assuming that his schedule will closely mirror Anne's, so: Monday: Opening Session 0845-1030 Wednesday: Lunch session thru lecture 1150-Spm It's possible that he may arrive a bit earlier on Wed if we can get some sought 1:1 side meetings that Teresa is working on From : Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 10:53 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Broughton , Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DS EPD) Subject: EISconference Sherri ment ioned that Dr. Redfield might come to the opening session and Anne would introduce him. Is that still the plan? Is there anything else he was planning on attending? Let us know if you need us to resend the schedule or anything We won't change the printed program but would be happy to have him as much as he would like Pattie Patricia M. Simone , M .D. Director, Division of Scientific Education and Professional Development (DSEPD) Center for Surveillance , Epidemiology and Laboratory Services (CSELS) Office of Public Health Scient ific Services (OPHSS) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention psimo 404 -498 -6484 Assistant - Kathy Young - - 404 -498 -6391 http ://www.cdc .gov/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD/ HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000302 67™ ANNUALEIS CONFERENCESCHEDULE CDCDIRECTORCONFERENCEEVENTS Room 219 is available on Monday and Wednesday to be utilized as Ors. Redfield and Schuchat's administrative office. CONFERENCELOCATION Hilton Atlanta 255 Courtland Street NE Atlanta, GA 30303 MONDAY,APRIL 16, 2018 8:00 am 8:15 - 8:45 AM Welcome and Call to Order 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am Hilton Hotel {Salon) Opening Session • • Moder ate Opening Session Ask first question during Q&A 10:30 am 11:00 am HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000303 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 2018 l'imm 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 12:00 pm Lunch with Surgeon General Southern Element (Hilton Atlanta Hotel Lobby) 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm Meet and Greet time with Incoming EIS Officers/LLS Fellows Hilton Hotel (Ballroom C) 2:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4 :00 pm 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM Langmuir Hilton Hotel (Salon) 6:30 - 9:00 PM Oral International Night Hilton Hotel (Ballroom East) 4 :30 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000304 From: Se nt: To : Subject: Attachme nts: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 1 Jun 201817:57:37 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) LUNCH Timgad Cafe.docx USAID Food Options There are two restaurants right by there called: Market to Market (hot bar/salad bar/sandwich place) Timgad Cafe(sandwiches and a couple of salad options) 202-289-6444 Both are located In the center of the Reagan Building Plaza, walk down steps to the lower concourse level and they are beside the Federal Triangle Metro entra nce. Timgad menu attached. These details will be in the lunch invite in the calendar too . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000305 Timgad Cafe Espresso, Sandwiches, Salads SANDWICHES We Offer Toasted Italian Sandwiches and Grab N Go Fresh Made Sandwiches Toasted ParmaSandwich Prosciutto, Genoa Salami, Hot Capicola , Provolone Cheese, Roasted Red Pepper, Tomato and Onion on a Fresh Baguette / $8.75 Toasted Beef (Halal) Sandwich Roasted Beef, Mozzarella Cheese, Roasted Red Pepper,, Fresh Basil, Tomato, Onion and lettuce on a Fresh Baguette I $8.75 Toasted Genoa Sandwich Genoa Salami, Hot Capicola, Peppered ham, Fresh Moz zarella, Fresh Basil, Tomato and Onion on a Fresh Baguette I $8.75 Toasted Veggie (Vegan) Sandwich Hummus , Grilled Eggplant and Zucchini , Roasted Red Pepper , Tomato and Lettuce on a Fresh Baguette. / $8.75 GrabN Go Chicken Sandwich Roasted Chicken, Roasted Red Pepper Pesto Sauce, Carameli zed Onion, Goat Cheese, Tomato and Lettuce on a Fresh Baguette / $8.95 GrabN Go Turkey Sandwich Turkey , Mayonnaise, Caramelized Onion , Provolone Cheese, Tomato and Lettuce on a Fresh Baguette I $8.75 GrabN Go Tuna Salad sandwich Tuna, Mayonnaise, Carrots, Celery, Red Onions, Lemon , Garlic, Kalamata Olives, Cucumbers and Fresh Black Pepper on a Fresh Baguette / $8.50 GrabN Go egg Salad sandwich Hard Boiled Eggs, Gorgonzola Cheese , Preserved Lemon, Mustard , Mayonnaise , Cucumber and Tomato / $8.50 SALADS Caesar Salad G1illed Chicken , House Made Croutons , Tomatoes, Cucumbers , Onions, Kalamata Olives , Parmesan Flakes, Romaine Lettuce and Caesar Drressing I $8.75 Greek MediterraneanSalad Cucumber, Feta Cheese, Tomatoes , Olives, Red Onion, Preserved Lemon , Lettuce , and Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing / $7 .25 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000306 From: Sent: To: (omc2@cdc .gov);Street, Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 23 Apr 2018 12:47:25 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) Amanda (HHS/10S) Lunch HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000307 From: Sent: To : (omc2@cdc .gov);Street, Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 20 Apr 2018 19:45:08 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) Amanda (HHS/IOS);Kemper, Laura (HHS/ASL) Lunch HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000308 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 19:27:25 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) LUNCH HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000309 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) Sent : 27 Mar 2018 19:44:42 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) (;Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( ;McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject : Georgia Delegation Event @ CDC Attachments: FW_ Save the Date_ May 3 CDC Event fo r the Georgia Delegation .msg, May 7 event _outline .docx, May 3 GA delegation outline.docx 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : Brad Bartee Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBO CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : T SO CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TSO CDC Media Contact (if applicabl e): TS O 2. Event Information : Event Host: TS O Purpose of Event : TSO Agenda (if applic able): HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000310 • Opportunity for the Georgia Delegation to meet the new CDC Director • Time for CDCSenior Leadership to provide the Delegat ion with several updates in areas tha t the Agency is working in the Georgia community • A chance for Members to meet senior CDC leaders and netw ork with other members in order to advance CDC's mission Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TB D Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentatio n: TB D Press: TB D Teleprompter: TB D 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000311 From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: 3 Apr 2018 16:42:40 -0400 To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR);Johnson, Marsha (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: Save the Date: May 3 CDC Event for the Georgia Delegation For calendars too . Note this date/event is different from what I just sent. From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent : Tuesday, April 3, 2018 4:40 PM Subject: Save the Date: May 3 CDC Event for the Georgia Delegation The Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention (CDC) will host an open house for the Georgia Delegat ion w ith our new Director, Dr. Robert Redfie ld, M ay 3, 2018 fr om 3:30 - 5 :30pm . On the agenda: • Opportunity for the Georgia Delegation to meet the new CDC Director • Time for CDCSenior Leadership to provide the Delegation with several updates in areas tha t the Agency is working in the Georg ia community • A chance for Members to meet senior CDC leaders and network with othe r members in order to advance CDC's mission More details and formal invitation to come shortly. We hope you w ill join us. Thank you, Sherri Sherri A . Berger, MSPH Chief Operating Officer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road NE Mailstop D-14 Atlanta, Georgia 30329 404-639 -7000 phone 404-639 -7171 fax HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000312 CDC Open House with Key Partners and New CDC Director May 7, 2018 Date Monday, May 7, 2018 3:30 - 5:00pm Location CDC's Roybal Campus, Global Communications Center Purpose The purpose of this event is for key partners in the Georgia community to meet the new CDCDirector. This event will also provide an opportunity for Georgia business leaders to receive a few key public health updates . The event will create an environment that will allow conversations between participants to help advance CDC's mission, emphasizing the role of public-private partnerships. Event Outline 3:30pm Arrival 3:45 - 4:45pm Formal Remarks Welcome Highlights: Public-private partnerships Introduce the Director Judy Monroe 10 minutes Introductory Remarks Dr. Redfield 10 minutes Opioids Update : Georgia focus Deb Houry 5 minutes Influenza Update Nancy Messionnier Highlights: Impact on workforce/ economic data Flu Season/GA specifics 5 minutes Q&A Session w/ Dr. Redfield David to moderate 15 minutes Closing David Ratcliffe <5 minutes 4:45 - 5:00pm Networking, CDC Museum Tours 5:00pm Depart HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000313 CDC Director Event with Georgia Del egati on May 3, 2018 Date Thursday, May 3, 2018 3:30 - 5:30pm Location CDC's Roybal Campus, Global Communications Center Use the museum classroom for the speaking portion Create a U-shape with members across from the speakers. taffer sit behind members Purpose The purpose of this event is for the Georgia Delegation to meet with the new CDCDirector . This event will also provide an opportunity for the Delegation to receive several Agency focused on the Georgia community . The event will also create an environment that fosters conversations/follow-up between participants in or der to advance CDC's mission. Event Outline 3:30pm 3:45 - 4:45pm Arrival Formal Remarks Opening Foundation/Corporate Friends Introduce Director David Ratcliffe <5 minutes Welcome Dr. Redfield 10 minutes Opioids Update: Georgia focus Deb Haury 5 minutes Rural Health Update: Georgia focus Robin Ikeda 5 minutes CDCin Georgia : Georgia impact, workforce Sherri Berger 5 minu t es Q&A Session w/ Dr. Redfield David to moderate 15 minutes Closing David Ratcliff e <5 minutes 4:45 - 5:30pm Networking, CDC Museum/ Exhibit Guided Tours Include EISOfficers for Ebola Exhibit 5:30pm Depart HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000314 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 2 May 2018 13:40:02 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Mitchell Wolfe (CDC/OD/CDCWO) (;Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) (;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) Subject: GHSA Prep HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000315 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:02:43 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Whitney Warren (CDC/OD/OCS) ( McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Government Travel Card/ Training/ Application and HTSOSTraining Enrollment HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000316 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 31 May 2018 12:40:25 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7@cdc .gov) Subject : Greet and Small Group Meeting with AMA Landing ATL at 7:40am, expected at CDC between 8 & 8:15 AM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000317 Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) 31 May 2018 01:39:20 +0000 Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Braden, Chris (CDC/OID/NCEZID);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Craig, Michael R. (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Kallen, Alexander (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Elkins, Christopher (CDC/OID/NCEZID);McDonald, Clifford (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS) Subject: HAI Lab Tour with Secretary Azar From : Sent: To : UPDATE:Times have shifted a bit . HAI Tour now goes from 11:30-12:00pm. Steve Monroe, Chris Braden, Secretary's Delegation, Kyle McGowan, and Sherri Berger will all walk from building 18 to building 17 via tunnel. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best, Nikki HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000318 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 16 Apr 2018 15:53:54 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) (; Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Damon , Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) Cc: Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/O1D/OD);Braden, Chris (CDC/O1D/NCEZID);Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Gemella, Athena (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Mcleod, Timothy (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Brykailo Pearce, Melissa (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Rima Khabbaz Subje ct: HCL Lab Tour (Steve Monroe will escort) Attachme nts: RE_ BSLTour .msg From: Se nt: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : Brad Bartee Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts & Dee Dee Downie Event Contact: Sarah Wiley CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : Same as event contact CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : N/A 2. Event Information: Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000319 Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: 2 from CDC OD & TBD from Program Key Participants (if applicable) : Dr. Redfield and Kyle McGowan Bios: N/A Source Invitation: N/A HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000320 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 17 Apr 2018 11:35:14 +0000 To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: RE: BSLTour From: Sent: Good morning Scott, I've updated the calendar to reflect the BSLtour on Monday, Apri 23 rd from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Thanks, Teresa From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 4:40 PM To: Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) Cc:Janflone , Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: BSLTour Hi Sarah. Thank you. We will confirm that date and time. Delaney, copied here is the OADC POC. I will circle back tomorrow with my logistics POC.Scott Sent from my iPhone On Apr 16, 2018, at 4:20 PM, Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) wrote: Hi, Scott . It looks like the morning slot on 4/23 will work best . If you can let us know who w ill be the POCfrom OD for this, Phoebe can work with that person on the detai ls, clearances, timing specifics , etc. NCEZID,NCIRD,and OID will participate from program side. Re: phot ographs, we have limits on the number of people who can go on an HCLtour. If we have a photographer , we would also need to include additional safety and security staff . If this is for a CDC Connects story, I'm wondering if we could get photos of Dr. Redfie ld on his way into the lab building, or at a different spot before we actually get to the HCL,so that we can ensure that the program staff and leadership who need to talk with him about the work going on in the lab are able to go. Let me know if there's someone in OADC I can talk with about whether or not we need to do photos in the HCL corridor on this visit . Thanks. - Sarah HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000321 From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Monday, April 16, 2018 8:48 AM To: Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS) ; Wiley , Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) Cc: Damon , Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Braden, Chris (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wi ll iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Johnson, Marsha (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: BSLTour Great, thank you sir! If there is no problem with the afternoon of the 24th , can we confi rm the 2 :30-3:30 pm visit t ime? If possible, would you be able to meet them in the lobby of 21 and walk/talk en route to the lab as you did w ith the Acting Secretary visit several months ago, or do you have other ideas? From: Monroe, Steve {CDC/OD/OAD LSS) Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 8:26 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wiley , Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) Cc: Damon , Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Braden, Chris (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Johnson, Marsha (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: BSLTour Scott, • Monday 23 April, 10:30-11 :30 am (OK] or 3-4 pm (Conflicts w ith NCHS D2R2 session] • Tuesday 24 April, 2:30-3 :30 pm (OK] Steve Monroe, PhD Associate Director for Laboratory Science and Safety, CDC From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 8:21 AM To: Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) ; Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS) Cc: Damon , Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Khabbaz, Rima HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000322 (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Braden, Chris (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Johnson, Marsha (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR); Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: BSLTour Hi Sara and Steve. We' d like to arrange for Dr. Redfie ld and Kyle to visit the BSLIV lab as part of the ir continued CDCorientation, and to highlight Dr. Redfield's commitment to lab safety & quality . Look ing at our calendars, the following two dates & times work best on our end, so please let me know your thoughts or concerns w ith these options, and if you're avail able to join them Steve. Also, we expect that KLD's team may want to do a CDC Connects story as part of the visit, so there may be some limited CDC photography as allowed . • • Monday 23 April, 10:30-11:30 am or 3-4 pm Tuesday 24 April, 2:30-3:30 pm Thanks! -Scott HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000323 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 11 Apr 2018 15:06:58 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: HHS Security Clearance Indoctrination Attachments: RE_ Scheduling Security Clearance lndoctrination.msg, RE_ Scheduling Security Clearance lndoctrination .msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TS O Special Assistant : TBO Event Contact: TSO CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TSO CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TSO CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TSO 2. Event Information : Event Host: TSO Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TSO Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000324 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000325 From : Relph, Ruby (OS/IOS/OSSI) Sent : 11 Apr 2018 14:43:51 +0000 To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Schmoyer, Michael (OS/OSSl);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Scheduling Security Clearance Indoctri nation Good morning Scott , Mr. Redfield is being briefed by one of our Senior specia lists as I write this emai l. Thanks, Ruby L. Relph Chief , National Security Adjudicatio ns Branch Personne l Security Divis ion Office of Secur ity and Strategic Information (OSSI) U.S . Departme nt of Health and Human Services Washin ton DC 20201 (0)(6) Off ice: BB: (OJ(6l Email: Ruby .relph@hhs .gov ■ T II E.OHI CEOF 1:. CU RI T Y& STRA l l:.G I C INJ--O RMA 'I ION Vou r HH S Pa rtn e r i n N a t io n al Sec u rity For Personnel Security quesr ons or for information related to background investigatio ns, please emai l the OSSI Personnel Security Team at (0)(6) I For Badging questions or to get the status of a badge request, please emj~_____ ; Schmoyer, Michae l (05/0551) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Scheduling Security Clearance Indoctrina tion Michael, would 11 or 1110 today work? Location at HHS? From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 10:30 AM To: Schmoyer, Michael (OS/OSSI); McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Scheduling Security Clearance Indoctrination +fo lks to assist you From : Schmoyer, Michael (OS/OSSI) Sent : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 10:24 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; McDonald, Caroline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Aguirre, Lisa (OS/IOS/OSSI) ; Relph, Ruby (OS/IOS/OSSI) ; Freas, Christa (OS/ASA/OSSI) (CTR) Subject : Scheduling Security Clearance Indoctrination Good morning TeresaI just left a voicemail for you relating to scheduling a security clearance indoctrinat ion appointment for Dr. Redfield. it is my understanding that he has a meeting scheduled with Dr. Kadlec at 1230 today where the intent is to discuss classified information. Would you be able to help us find some time (about 20-30 min) before then? Thanks; Ruby (cc'd) would be the briefer for him. Very respectfully, Michael Schmoyer, Ph.D Assistant Deputy Secretary for National Security Direct or, Office of Security & Strategic Informat ion (OSSI) CAPT, U.S. Public Health Service HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000327 U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 1b11S1 Office: I Cell: I fb)(sJ Secure: I ,ws, I Unclassified email: Michae l.Schmoye r@hhs .gov (b)(5) ! SIPR/HSDN: ! JWICS:! (b)(5) ■ Vour HHS T II E.OHICE OF 1:.CURITY STRA l l:.GI C I NJ--ORMA 'I ION Partner in National & Security HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000328 Schmoyer, Michael (05/0551) 11 Apr 2018 14:44:00 +0000 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Relph, Ruby (OS/IO5/O55I) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Scheduling Security Clearance Indoctrination From : Sent: To : Thanks all! Just snagged him from the Secretary's office and he's being indoctrinated this very moment . ETA of completion: 11:05. Thanks again, Michael Michael Schmoyer, Ph.D Assistant Deputy Secretary for National Security Director, Office of Security & Strategic Information CAPT,USPHS Office_l (b){6) ,.._________ __, From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto] Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 10:38 AM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD); Schmoyer, Michael (OS/OSSI); McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD); Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS); Relph, Ruby (OS/IOS/OSSI) Cc: Kroop, Set h (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Scheduling Security Clearance Indoctrination + Ruby this time ... From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 10:32 AM To : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Schmoyer, M ichael (05/0551) ; McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subj ect : RE: Scheduling Security Clearance Indoctr ination Michael, would 11 or 1110 today work? Location at HHS? From : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 10:30 AM To: Schmoyer, Michael (OS/OSSI); McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) ; Wi lliams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Schedul ing Security Clearance Indoctr inat ion +folks to assist you HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000329 From : Schmoyer, Michael (05/0551) Sent : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 10:24 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; McDonald, Caroline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Harrison, Brian (HHS/IOS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IO5) ; Aguirre, Lisa (OS/IO5/OS5I) ; Relph, Ruby (OS/IO5/O55I) ; Freas, Christa (OS/ASA/O5SI) (CTR) Subject: Scheduling Security Clearance Indoctrination Good morning TeresaI just left a voicemail for you relating to scheduling a security clearance indoctrinat ion appointment for Dr. Redfield. it is my understanding that he has a meeting scheduled with Dr. Kadlec at 1230 today where the intent is to discuss classified information. Would you be able to help us find some time (about 20-30 min) before then? Thanks; Ruby (cc'd) would be the briefer for him. Very respectfully, Michael Schmoyer, Ph.D Assistant Deputy Secretary for National Security Director, Office of Security & Strategic Informat ion (0551) CAPT, U.S. Public Health Service U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office: I ; Williams, Michael (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Cc:Jamieson , Sara R. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Rescheduling HIV/STD exec dir meeting Scott - I wanted to raise that I am concerned about shortening the time of the meeting . Is it possible to still retain the agreed upon 1 hour length for the meeting? Thanks, Sara From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:48 AM To: Williams, Michael (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Cc:Zeigler, Sara (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) ; Jamieson, Sara R. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Mcca lliste r, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Rescheduling HIV/STD exec dir meeting Thanks Michael. I've included a few others for awareness and to allow them to comment as needed. I am concerned about your timing. Dr. Redfield is scheduled to join from 3-3:45pm, but we can tweak that some, however he does have a hard stop at 4:30pm, so if you wanted , we could do 3:45-4:30. We expect that Amanda Campbell, Dep Chief of Staff , and maybe Mitch or others from CDCW may also join . Let us know and thanks for sharing and arranging. -Scott HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000335 From: Williams, Michael (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:41 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Zeigler, Sara (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) ; Jamieson, Sara R. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Rescheduling HIV/STD exec dir meeting Hi Scott : Sara Jamieson in our CDC/W office will take care of the non-CDC building access at CDC/Won June 21 at 3:45pm. As an FYI, attached is an ema il I sent to Campus Security on May 12 when this meeting was originally scheduled if that is any help to you or anyone in your office. CDC/W has reserved CR 9150 from 3-Spm for this meeting; the meeting is set to start at 3:45pm. Attached are the bias for the five Executive Directors Dr. Redfie ld will be meeting with and I have listed their names and organization immediately below: Non-CDC Attendees: • Jesse Milan -AIDS United • Murray Penner - NASTAD • Michael Ruppal -AIDS Institute • Paul Kawata - NMAC • David Harvey- NCSD CDC Attendees • Robert Redfield • Jonathan Mermin • Special Assistant to the CDC Director? Please let me know if you need anyth ing else. I am happy to help! Thanks, -Michael Michael D. Williams, MPH Special Assistant to Dr. Jonathan Mermin , Director National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis , STD, and TB Preventio n (NCHHSTP) U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, MS E-07, Atlanta, GA 30333 Email: Office: (404) 718-4516 Cell: (404) 754 -0732 From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) < > Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 3:00 PM To: Zeigler, Sara (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS); Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: RE: Rescheduling HIV/STD exec dir meeting Yes we can. Teresa will add it to the calendar now, and move the conflict ing event that we have. Can you get us the attendee list for access? From: Zeigler, Sara (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 2:58 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000336 Subject : RE: Rescheduling HIV/STD exec dir meeting Yes- they can make this work. Can we lock in the time/date? One of the individua ls is not located in DC so they will be purchasing a plane ticket. Thanks, Sara From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, May 22, 2018 2:30 PM To : Zeigler, Sara (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subje ct: RE: Rescheduling HIV/STD exec dir meeting Yes, but can we start at 3:45 and go until 4:45? From : Zeigler, Sara (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Sent : Tuesday, May 22, 2018 2:25 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Rescheduling HIV/STD exec dir meeting Scott - This time will work well. Can the meeting be from 3:30 - 4:30 pm at CDCW? Thanks, Sara From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, May 22, 2018 10:32 AM To : Zeigler, Sara (CDC/O1D/NCHHSTP) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Rescheduling HIV/STD exec dir meeting He's at Walter Reed all day for an event . Can they do the 21 st @ 3:30, at CDC-W? From: Zeigler, Sara (CDC/O1D/NCHHSTP) Se nt : Tuesday, May 22, 2018 9 :58 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Rescheduling HIV/STD exec dir meeting Scott - The EDs have come back and want to see if they could meet for 1 hour in DC on June 22 nd . Is that possible? Thanks, Sara From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Friday, May 18, 2018 11:40 AM To : Zeigler, Sara (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Rescheduling HIV/STD exec dir meeting Sorry no . R3 leaves for DC at 9am that day ... Secretary's Budget Council. Do you have other dates in ATL that you'd like to consider? He could do the morning of the 20th , or late afternoon on the 19th , both that same week, here in ATL HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000337 From: Zeigler , Sara (CDC/01D/NCHHSTP) Sent: Friday , May 18, 2018 11:36 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: Reschedu ling HIV/STD exec dir me eting Scott- we are try ing to rapidly reschedule the meeting w ith exec directors t hat was supposed to be this week . One date suggested is June 21st in Atlanta. Can you please let me know if t hat date is possible? Thanks, Sara Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wi reless 4G LTE network . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000338 Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) 31 May 2018 01:38:27 +0000 Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);McQuiston, Jennifer H. (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Braden, Chris (CDC/O1D/NCEZID);Nichol, Stuart T. (CDC/OID/NCEZID);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Olson, Victoria (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Stevens, James (CDC/OID/NCIRD) Subject : HLC Lab Tour with Secretary Azar From : Sent : To : UPDATE: Times have shifted a bit. Lab Tour now starts at 10:55 and goes until 11:2am5. At 10:45am, Steve Monroe will meet up with the Secretary's Delegation, Sherri Berger, Kyle McGowan in building 21 lobby and walk over to building 18. Delegation will arrive to building 18 at 11:10am. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best, Nikki HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000339 From: Sent : To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 11 May 2018 18:11:22 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (yxa0@cdc .gov) Subject: HOLD: Call: Dr. George Sigounas, HRSA RE: FY 2020 HHS Budget Process Attachments : RE_ Request for Meet ing with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSA and Dr. Robert Redfield , CDC.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: Juanita Grabner, Special Assistant to the Administrator, HRSA email: JGrabne r@hrsa .gov Office: 1-301-443-2216 (Office: 5600 Fishers Lane, Parklawn Bldg ., Rockville , MD 20857 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000340 4. Suggortianl?gistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Redfield, CDC Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) 29 May 2018 17:23:29 +0000 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Hi Tracie, Thank you for the follow-up. I will get back to you about a call later that week. Juanita Grabner Special Assistant to the Administrator Office of the Administrator Health Resources and Services Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building, Room 13N136A Rockville, MD 20857 301-443-2216--Phone 301-443-1246--F ax From: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 1:11 PM To: Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Juanita, Dr. Redfield will not be available for the 12:15 on June 11th as hoped. Please let me know if Dr. Sigounas would be interested in holding a call and if so some available times for him for the remainder of that week. Thank you so much for being patient and for your assistance. Respectfully, Tracie Strength Executive Assistant to the Director , Dr Robert Redfield Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Mail: I (bl{6l 1 1 Direct Line: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404- 718-0962 Email: From: Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Sent : Friday, May 25, 2018 9:07 AM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000342 To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Thank you! Juanita Grabner Special Assistant to the Administrator Office of the Administrator Health Resources and Services Adm inistration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building, Room 13N136A Rockville, MD 20857 301-443-2216--Phone 301-443-1246--Fax From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, May 25, 2018 7:33 AM To: Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Sure I will give you a call at 10, thanks Tracie From: Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2018 6:29 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Tracie, Can we talk tomorrow morning around lOam? Can you call me: 301 -443-2216? Thanks so much, Juanita Grabner Special Assistant to the Administrator Office of the Administrator Health Resources and Services Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building, Room 13N136A Rockville, MD 20857 301-443-2216--Phone 301-443-1246--Fax From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 12:22 PM To: Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000343 Cc:Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Thanks Juanita. Teresa From : Grabner , Juanita (HRSA) Se nt : Tuesday, May 22, 2018 12:17 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Request for Meeting with Dr . George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Yes, I will add that to my question to him . Thank you! Juanita Grabner Special Assistant to the Administrator Office of the Administrator Health Resources and Services Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building , Room 13N136A Rockville , MD 20857 301-443-2216- -Phone 301-443-1246--Fax From: Williams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, May 22, 2018 12:13 PM To: Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Cc:Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Please let DR. Sigounas know the topic for discussion is FY 2020 HHS Budget Process. From : W illiams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, May 22, 2018 12:12 PM To : Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Cc:Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with Dr . George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Juanita , Dr. Redfield was hoping to meet with Dr. Sigounas on June 11t h in person. If that's not possible, could we look at scheduling a call sometime the week of June 11th ? Thanks, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000344 Teresa From: Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Sent : Tuesday, May 22, 2018 11:49 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Is June 25 th an option still, 12:30-1:00pm? Juanita Gra bner Special Assistant to the Administrator Office of the Administrator Health Resources and Services Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building, Room 13N136A Rockville, MD 20857 301-443-2216- -Phone 301-443-1246--Fax From: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, May 22, 2018 11:42 AM To: Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with Dr . George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Juanita, That would be great. I will be out of the office May 23-28. Tracie will respond to any question you may have if you respond on tomorrow. Thanks again. Teresa From : Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Sent : Tuesday, May 22, 2018 11:40 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Teresa, I think that will be okay . Can I get back to you? I need to run this by Dr. Sigounas. Thank you, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000345 Juanita Grabner Special Assistant to the Administrator Office of the Administrator Health Resources and Services Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building, Room 13N136A Rockville, MD 20857 301-443-2216--Phone 30 1-443-1246--F ax From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, May 22, 2018 10:34 AM To: Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with Dr . George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Good morning Juani t a, Just following up. Do you think we can confirm the meeting on June 11th from 8 :30-9:00 a.m.? Thanks, Teresa From : Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Sent : Friday, May 11, 2018 2:26 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with Dr . George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield , CDC Thanks so much! Juanita Grab ner Special Assistant to the Administrator Office of the Administrator Health Resources and Services Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building , Room 13N136A Rockville, MD 20857 301-443-2216 --Phone 301-443-1246--F ax From: W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Friday, May 11, 2018 2:25 PM To: Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with Dr . George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Juanita, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000346 No problem at all. I will definitely hold both dates. Best, Teresa From: Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Date: May 11, 2018 at 2:23:12 PM EDT To: Williams, Tere sa {CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Teresa, Let me check with Dr. Sigounas on the 8:30am time on June 11. Since we are located outside of DC we need to allow t ime to get downtown with rush hour traffic . The June 25 th time looks best for us, but let me check and get back to you. Can you hold both of those times. I may not get back today, but will as soon as possible . Thank you, Juanita Grabner Special Assistant to the Administrator Office of the Administrator Health Resources and Services Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building, Room 13N136A Rockville, MD 20857 301-443 -2216--Phone 301-443 - 1246--Fax From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 1:45 PM To: Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Juanita, We may have some difficult ies securing a time on May 15th . Dr. Redfield has a conflicts at the t imes you offered on June 11th . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000347 Would it be possible to schedule a meeting on June 11t h from 8:30-9:00 a.m .? If not, what about June 25th from 12:30-1:00 p.m .? Thanks so much for your time and consideration. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Schedul er for th e CDC Dir ector Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Cent ers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D- 14 Atlanta, GA 303 29 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: 404) 639-7111 (b)(6) email: _ f I From : Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Se nt : Friday, May 11, 2018 12:48 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Teresa, I still don't have a firm answer about Dr. Sigounas' schedule for next Tuesday, May 15. What time , if any, do you have open that day? I can see if we can accommodate Dr. Redfield's schedule . Or, we can look at Monday, June 11. Dr. Sigounas is downtown every Monday for meetings 9:30-12:15 {9:30-10 ; 10-10:30 and 11 :30-12 :15). Any chance oh ime 10:30-11:30 or 12:30? Thanks, Juanita Grabner Special Assistant to the Admin istrator Office of the Administrator Health Resources and Services Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building , Room 13N136A HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000348 Rockville, MD 20857 301-443-2216--Phone 301-443-1246--Fax From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Monday , May 07, 2018 8:19 AM To : Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Good morning Juanita, I can wait to hear back from you regarding options on May 15th . Unfortunately we don't have any time available on May 14th . Thanks, Teresa Teresa Willi ams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4@cdc .gov From : Grabner, Juanita {HRSA) Se nt : Friday, May 4, 2018 5:48 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subjec t: RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Teresa, Dr. Sigounas is scheduled to speak on May 15, 10:45-11 :30am and I don't know how much time he wants to stay for this HRSAregional event . Until, I can talk to him, I don't want to commit . Could we either go back to May 14 in the afternoon or wait until I know about May 15. I think Dr. Sigounas would like to meet with Dr. Redfield as soon as possible. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000349 Thank you, FYI- I am not in the office (b)(6} Juanita Grab ner Special Ass istant to the Admin istrator Office of the Administrator Health Resources and Services Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building , Room 13N136A Rockville, MD 20857 301-443-2216--Phone 301-443-1246- -Fax From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, May 04, 2018 9:11 AM To: Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Juanita , There is a possib ility there may be options between 8:30 -10:30 a.m . on May 15th . I look forward to hearing from you . Thanks Teresa From : Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Sent: Friday, May 4, 2018 8:36 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC I understand. One of the meet ings that Dr. Sigounas has every Monday at HHH is 11:30-12:lSpm , so 11:30 is not good . Let me look at May 15 and get back to you . He is actually going to be at Humphrey that day attending a HRSAmeeting , but we don't have the times locked up yet. That might work . Thanks, .Juanita Grab ner Special Assistant to the Admin istrator Office of the Administrator Health Resources and Services Admin istration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building , Room 13N136A Rockville , MD 20857 301-443-2216 --Phone HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000350 301-443-1246--Fax From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, May 04, 2018 8:25 AM To: Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with Dr . George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Juanita, Honestly, he's booked. We may have time on May 15. What about June 11 at 11 :30 am? Thanks Teresa From : Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Dat e : May 4, 2018 at 8:13:00 AM EDT To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Trac ie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subj ect : RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Teresa, Normally, he comes back here when he finishes his meetings downtown . So, I don ' t want to keep him there unnecessarily . Is there any chance of meeting earlier on June 11? Also, what does he have available on May 14? Thank you , Juanita Grabner Special Assistant to the Administrator Office of the Administrator Health Resources and Services Adm inistration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building , Room 13N136A Rockville, MD 20857 301-443-2216- -Phone 301-443 - 1246--Fax From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Friday, May 04, 2018 7:23 AM To: Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subjec t: RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000351 Good morning Juanita, Dr. Redfield has meeting scheduled at the times you offered on May 14th . Would Monday, June 11th from 2-2:30 p.m. work? Thanks for your consideration. Best, Teresa From : Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Sent : Thursday, May 3, 2018 6:30 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Teresa, Dr. Sigounas goes downtown every Monday for meetings at HHH. One meeti ng is 9:30-10:00amSenior Leadership and the other one is 11:30-12:15. He could meet 10:15-11:lSam or 12:30-1:00pm on Monday, May 14. Do either of those times work? Thank you, Juanita Grabner Special Assistant to the Administrator Office of the Administrator Health Resources and Services Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building , Room 13N136A Rockville, MD 20857 301-443-2216--Phone 301-443-1246--Fax From : Wil liams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, M ay 01, 2018 12:20 PM To: Grabner, Juanita (HRSA) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Request fo r Meeting with Dr. George Sigounas, HRSAand Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Good afternoon Juanita, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000352 I hope you are doing well. Dr. Redfield is scheduled to be in DC on May 14th and is interested in scheduling a 30 minute meeting with Dr. Sigounas. Could you offer some times if Dr. Sigounas is available on May 14th ? Also, is it possible to schedule the meeting to take place at the HHS Humphrey Building? Thank you for your consideration. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Contr ol and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta , GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: f404) 639-7111 email: (b)(6) I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000353 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 24 Apr 2018 17:05:51 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Whitney Warren (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Taylor, Dia (CDC/OCOO/HRO) Subject: HR Benefits Briefing w/ Dia Taylor and Whitney Warren HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000354 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 8 Jun 2018 15:43:46 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC);Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: In-person Media Inte rview w/ Betsy McKay Wall-Street Journal 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): Kather ine (Kate) Grusich email: yhb3@cdc .gov 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000355 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000356 From: Sent: To : Anna (FDA/OC) Gottlieb , Scott 29 May 2018 18:09:46 +0000 Gottl ieb, Scott ;Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Silvis, Lauren (FDA/OC);Abram, Cc: Campbe ll, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) In-Person Meeting : Dr. Robert Redfield/ Dr. Scott Gottlieb Subject: POC: CDC: Trac ie Strength FDA: Janice Sheehy janice.sheehy@fda HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000357 From: Sent : To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 22 Jun 2018 14:41:14 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);Harben , Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: In-Person Photos/Portraits w/ Associated Press Photographer Attachment s: RE_ Media interview for June 28.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : Katherine (Kate) Grusich email: yhb3@cdc .gov 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points {TPs): CDC Director's Remarks /Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press: T BD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting /Logistics Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000358 5. OGC Review Materials: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) 22 Jun 2018 10:35:43 -0400 To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: RE: Media interview for June 28 From: Se nt: Hi Teresa, The interview with Associated Press on June 28th is a go. We're currently planning to spend 3:30 to 3:45 pm prepp ing Dr. Redfield, followed by in-person photos/portraits with an AP photographer from 3:45 to 4 pm, and the interview w ill be from 4 to 4:30 (along with any wiggle room on the back-end, if possible) . As of now, the interview will be by phone since the reporter isn't located in Atlanta. I'll let you know if that changes. Please let me know if you need any further information, but I'll continue to update as we finalize the details . Thanks, Kate From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Thursday , June 21, 2018 9:21 AM To : Grusich, Katherina {Kate) {CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Scales, Scott L.{CDC/OD/OCS); Bonds, Michelle E. {CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject : RE: Media interview for Friday Will so. Thanks . From : Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt: Thursday, June 21, 2018 9:19 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov>; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday Yes, please continue to hold . Should have an update on that soon . From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, June 21, 2018 9:19 AM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000360 To : Grusich, Kather ina {Kate) {CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Scales, Scott L.{CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy {CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) Subjec t: RE: Media interview for Friday Hi Kate, We are holding time on the calendar for a possible media interview on June 28th from 3:30-4:30 p.m . Do we still need this time? Thanks Teresa From: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent : Friday, June 8, 2018 2:44 PM To: Williams , Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Scales, Scott L. {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bonds, Michelle E. {CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: RE: Media interview for Friday Hi Teresa, Betsy has confirmed the June 18th interview, so let's proceed with prep from 5 to 5:30 pm, and the interview from 5:30 to 6 pm. Please also keep the hold on June 28th as time for a possible interview with another reporter/outlet - and we'll circle back on that as details are final ized. FYI: I'm on leave next week, but Michelle and Kathy will follow up with any needed updates regarding the interview . Thanks for all your help on this today! Kate From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, June 8, 2018 11:39 AM To: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Scales, Scott L.{CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; Bonds, Michelle E. {CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kat hy {CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday Hi Kate, Dr. Redfield is open to having the interview on Monday , June 18th from 5-6 p.m. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000361 Also, per our conversation , I am holding Thursday, June 28th from 3:30-4:30 p.m . Please advise how you would like to proceed . Thanks, Teresa From: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent : Friday, June 8, 2018 11:07 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday Hi Tracie, Can we put a hold on his calendar for 3 to 4 pm on Wednesday , June 20t h (after the CERCtraining)? We'd like to see if we can arrange the interview (3 to 3:30 prep ; 3:30 to 4 pm interview) at that time . Also, if you know of any other 1-hour windows tha t we may be able to claim on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday (June 18-20), please let me know . Thanks, Kate HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000362 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 11 Jun 2018 11:59 :38 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Ve rtefeuille, John F. (CDC/CGH/GID);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( ;Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Mitchell Wolfe (CDC/OD/CDCWO) (;Ehrhardt, Derek T. (CDC/CGH/GID);Wassilak, Steve (CDC/CGH/GID);Schluter, W. William (CDC/CGH/GID);Hill, Gena (CDC/CGH/GID);Pallansch, Mark A. (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OC IO/ITSO) (CTR) (;Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) Subject: In-person: Prep for Polio Oversight Board Meeting (POB) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000363 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 13 Jun 2018 14:00 :22 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases {ICEID) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000364 From: Sent : To : Subject: Chris Elias 23 Apr 2018 16:33:52 +0000 Chris Elias;Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Introductory Call: Robert Redfield I Chris Elias HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000365 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 28 Mar 2018 16:34:09 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Sorre11s, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject: KAC Visit & Lunch Attachments : RE_ Kellyanne visit to CDC in Atlanta.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : Brad Bartee Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Scott CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host: TB D Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000366 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting / Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000367 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 30 Mar 2018 19:23:50 +0000 To : Hudson, Renee R. EOP/WHO;Joannou, Tom W. EOP/WHO Cc: Megan Guest (CDC/OD/OADC) (;Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ;Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) (acsl@cdc .gov) ;Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Kellyanne visit to CDC in Atlanta Att achments : Fresh to Order.pdf, WHC DRAFTAgenda 3_30_ 2018_v8.docx Import ance: High From: Sent : Hi Renee & Tom! Renee, thanks for chatting today and Tom, we look forward to work ing with and meeting you next week . Attached are our DRAFTagenda, lunch menu , and car service contact detai ls for your transit from the Summit to CDC and onward to the airport. If you could let Brad Bartee and I know her lunch desires by Tuesday, we'll make arrangements accordingly . Car Service Solutions P.O. Box 14818 Atlanta , GA 30324 Tel: (678) 559 -5509 Email: reservat ions@carserviceso Joe Sr. Cadillac XTS (Black) Plate - LM 6229 Joe Jr. Tesla (Black) - WFT891 Please let us know any thoughts about the agenda, or other questions , and I' ll look forward to talking again on Monday . Enjoy your weekend! Scott Scott l. Scales Director of Scheduling and Advance Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Rd. NE Atlanta, GA 30329 -402 7 Office : 404-639-7015 Cell: 404-368-4750 From: Hudson, Renee R. EOP/WHO Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 11:56 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000368 Cc:Joannou, Tom W. EOP/WHO Subject: Re: Kellyanne visit to CDC in Atlanta Hi Scott, I've copied Tom Joannou from our team here. He will be on the ground with Kellyanne. Maybe we can all jump on a call in a bit? Would that work for you, Scott? H. Renee Hudson Chief of Staff Office of Kellyanne Conway 202-881 -8946 On Mar 30, 2018, at 8:41 AM, Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov> wrote: Hi Renee. I'm the CDC Advance Lead and will be handling all of your logistics for the visit. Is there someone from your staff that I can connect with to discuss those details? Thank you! Scott From: Hudson, Renee R. EOP/WHO Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 8:39 AM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Catharine.D .Cypher@who .eop .gov <'Catharine.D.Cypher@who .eop .gov'>; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Kellyanne visit to CDC in Atlanta Hi Sherri, Our schedule timing has changed slightly. I will call you shortly. She is looking forward to visiting! H. Renee Hudson Chief of Staff Office of Kellyanne Conway 202-881-8946 On Mar 29, 2018, at 9:28 PM, Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) wrote: Hi Renee, Per our chat yesterday, you are looking at a CDCvisit on Wednesday Apr 4 at 10:00am. You are still confirming the arrival and departure times . During the visit, Kellyanne will: 1) tour CDC's emergency operations center, 2) receive a CDC 101 briefing, 3) tour CDC's influenza lab, and 4) tour the Ebola exhibit . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000369 Smith, Ayanna 4 Apr 2018 15:37:39 +0000 Smith, Ayanna;Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS); Koplan, Jeffrey P;Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Subject: Kaplan/Redfield Discussion From: Sent: To : Dear Dr. Kaplan and Dr. Redfield, please confirm your conference call on Friday, April 6, 9:30-10:00am. Dr. Redfield, please calll (bJ(6J ~o reach Dr. Kaplan. Thank you, Ayanna Smith Executive Administrative Assistant Global Health Institute 1599 Clifton Road NE, Suite 6.105 MS: 1599 001 lAH Atlanta, GA 30322 Phone : (404) 778-2444 Fax: (404) 727-9745 This e-mail message (including any attachments) is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient. you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this message (including any attachments) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail message and destroy all copies of the original message (including attachments). HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000370 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 5 Apr 201817:47:42 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) (bJ(6J Kyle j I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000371 From: CDC CSO (CDC) Sent: 29 Apr 2018 15:47:37 +0000 To : CDC CSO (CDC);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Pirkle, Jim (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) Subject: Lab Meeting UPDATE: The Office of the Director confirmed that this meeting is still scheduled to occur. Due to a technical problem , the SCIF calendar w as delet ed wh ich may have caused a FALSEcancellation of the Director' s meeti ng. Dr. Pirkle will provide unclass slides by COB 5/7/2018 to Dr. Vaca Iis as a CD for use during the meeting. SVTC: NO Level: Top Secret POC: Dr. Vacalis Attendees: Dr. Redfield (CDC Direct or) - TS Dr. Jim Pirkle - TS Dr. Robert McGowan - TS Dr. Patri ck Breysse -- TS Hi Lawrence, My apologizes, we would like to reserve the SCIFfor May 9th from 11-11:30 a.m. Thanks, Teresa Good afternoon Will, I hope you are do ing well. Dr. Redfield will be meet ing with Dr. Jim Pirkle in the SCIFfor a Lab briefing on May 8th from 11-11:30 a.m . Robert (Kyle) McGowan may accom pany Dr. Redfield . Could you please reserve the SCIF? Thanks, Teresa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000372 Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000373 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 1 May 2018 13:04:00 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Whitney Wa rren (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: Meeting with Sherri Berger HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000374 From: Sent: To: Subject: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OC00/0D) 14 Jun 2018 01:49 :41 +0000 Berger, Sherri (CDC/OC00/0D) ; Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Meet ing with Sherri to review SBCslides HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000375 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 16 Apr 2018 20:02:08 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik , Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) Subject: Meeting with the WHO EURO Regional Director Attachme nts: Meeting with the WHO EURO Regional Director .pdf , RE_ Meeting with the WHO EURO Regional Director.msg From: Se nt: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts (Dee Dee will staff) Event Contact: Sukeshi Mehta Roberts, Venesco , LLC Contractor, (CGH), Office: (404) 498-1476, Mobile : (404) 317-0619 , nwn7@cdc .gov CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Schuchat: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: CGH Purpose of Event: Meet with Dr. Zsuzsan na Jakab, WHO EURO Regional Director, who will be visiting CDC to meet with key programs to discuss collaborations and opportunity for strengthening our efforts. Key topics include outbreak and emergency response , as well as gene ral multilateral engagement discussions . Dr. Rebecca Martin would also like to join this meeting. The US is a member of WHO , which directs and coordinates the health activities of the UN. Specifica lly, WHO shapes the world's health research agenda and provides technica l support to countries at the global, regional and local levels - Dr. Jakab is Director at the Regional Level. WHO monitors and assesses health trends with the common goals of responding to diseases and achieving better health globally . WHO is charged with outbreak and emergency response, and important ly, serves as an important non-partisan convener both technical and political. Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: http://www .euro .who .int/en/about -us/regional-director/b iography Source Invitation : Yes on the 3/5/ 18 DL; Originally run on the 1/18/18 DL; previous Director deferred it back to CGH. AS comm ents: yes, but good to keep on Steve Redd's radar in case last minute conflict. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000376 3. Dr. Schuchat 's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs) : Dr. Schuchat's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000377 From : To : Cc: Subject: Date: RobertsSukeshj/CQC/CGH/Op) /CTR) Mccallister Jeremy/CDC/OD/OCS) DownieDiane/DeeDee}/CDC/CGH/DGHP) : Williams Teresa1cpc1001ocs1 : KnottsAshley Icoc1O01ocs\ : MooreMelissa/CDC/CGH/OD} : Stanojev ich Joel G. /CDC/CGH/0D) ; Ervin Elizabeth/CDC/010/NCEZID} RE: EURO Regional Directo r Visit to CDC April 23-24 , Decision List Monday , February 26, 2018 5 :04 :38 PM Hi Jeremy , This reque st was sent to Dr . F's DL at the begin ning of Janua ry, but w e w ant ed to resubmit it for Dr. Schuchat' s con sid erat ion. See deta ils belo w and let us know if you have any q uest io ns. Who: Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakab, W HO EURO Regional Direct or . Dr. Rebecca Ma rtin wo uld also like t o j oin t his meet ing . When: Apr il 23 rd o r 24 th (we wi ll confirm the date depend ing on Dr. Schuchat's availabi lity) Why : CGH is host ing a visit from the EURO Regiona l Director to meet w ith key prog rams t o discuss co llabo rat io ns and o pp o rtu nity for st rength ening o ur effo rt s. Key top ics incl ude out break and em erge ncy respon se, as w ell as gen eral mu lti lat eral engagemen t discussio ns. CGH Recommendation: Dr. Mart in recommend s that Dr. Schuchat take t his meet ing. Than k you and t ake care, Sukeshi Sukeshi Mehta Roberts Venesco, LLC Cont ract or Center for Global Healt h (CGH) Office: (404) 498-1476 M obile: (404) 317-0619 owoZ@cdc gov From: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 10:21 AM To: Lickness, Jacque lyn S. (CDC/CGH/OD) Cc: Moor e, Me lissa (CDC/CGH/OD) ; CGH Policy and Issues Management Information Requests (CDC) Subject: RE: EURO Regiona l Director Visit to CDC April 22-24, Decision List I know Scott mention ed this was deferred back to CGH but wanted to make sure everyone was aware since it was getting mixed in with other subjects . Thanks and have a good day . Jeremy HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000378 Jeremy McCallister Advance Tearn Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention (CDC) Phone: 404-639 -7989 BB: 404-384-2610 isn8@cdc .gov From: Lickness, Jacq uelyn S. (CDC/CGH/O D) Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2018 8:27 AM To: Mcca ll iste r, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mo or e, Me lissa {CDC/CGH/OD) ; Scales, Scot t L.{CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov > Subject: EURO Regional Directo r Visit to CDC Ap ril 22-24, Decisio n List Hi Jeremy, I wo uld like t o subm it an it em to t he Directo r's Decision list. Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO EURO Regional Director, is planning to visit CDC April 22-24 to meet with key programs to discuss col laborations and opportun ity for strengthening our efforts. As you may know , t he Unit ed States is a member of t he Wo rld Health Organ izat ion (WHO), w hich dir ects and coo rdi nat es t he health activ ities of th e Un it ed Nat ions . Spec ific ally, WHO shapes t he w o rl d's healt h researc h age nda and p rovides tec hn ical supp ort to coun t ries at t he glo bal, reg ional and local levels-D r. Jakab is Directo r at the Regional Leve l. W HO monitors and assesses health t rends with the common goa ls of respond ing to d iseases and achievi ng better health global ly. WHO is charged with outbrea k and emerge ncy respo nse, and im por t antly, serves as an impo rta nt non -part isan conve ner - both t echn ical and po liti cal. Al l t hat said, WHO is an impo rtant part ner for CDC and CGH recommends taki ng t his meet ing if Dr. Fitzgerald is available. Please let me know if yo u have any q uestio ns. Best, Jacque lyn Jacquelyn Sunshine Lickness Special Assistant to Dr. Rebecca Mart in Office of the Director, Center for Globa l Health Room 9003, Building 21, Clifton Campus Phone:(404) 639 -8039 Cell: (678) 519-8389 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000379 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 16 Apr 2018 16:00:48 -0400 To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Meeting with the WHO EURO Regional Director From: Sent : Thx. Pis also ask if there ' s a gift exchange planned From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, April 16, 2018 4:00 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Meeting with the WHO EURO Regional Director Will do . From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, April 16, 2018 3:59 PM To: Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Meet ing with the WHO EURO Regional Director Import ance: High Yes, R3 w ill meet instead of AS. Teresa, please add to his calendar . AK or DD, please do prep and connect with CGH so they know it 's R3 and not AS meeting now . ----- Original Appointment ----From: Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) On Behalf Of Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) Sent : Monday, April 16, 2018 12:37 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS); Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: Meeting with the WHO EURO Regional Director When: Tuesday, Apri l 24, 2018 3:00 PM-3 :30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Wh ere: DCR Hi all -This came to AS after BF left. She will now need to be in DC for the SAMHSA opioid strategy meet ing so won't be available . Is R3 going to meet with Dr. Jakab? ----- Original Appointment ---- From: McCall ister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) On Behalf Of Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) Se nt: Thursday, March 15, 2018 10:39 AM To: Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD); Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ); Ashley Knotts (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ); Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ); Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000380 Subject: M eeting with the WHO EURO Regional Director When: Tuesday, Apri l 24, 2018 3:00 PM-3:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Tim e (US & Canada) . Where: OCR 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: Sukeshi Mehta Roberts , Venesco, LLC Contractor , (CGH) , Office: (404) 498-1476 , Mobile : (404) 317-0619 , nwn7@cdc .gov CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Schuchat: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: CGH Purpose of Event: Meet with Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO EURO Regional Director , who will be visiting CDC to meet with key programs to discuss collaborations and opportunity for strengthening our efforts. Key topics include outbreak and emergency response , as well as general multilatera l engagement discussions. Dr. Rebecca Martin would also like to join this meeting. The US is a member of WHO , which directs and coordinates the health activities of the UN. Specifically, WHO shapes the world 's health research agenda and provides technical support to countries at the global, regional and local levels - Dr. Jakab is Director at the Regional Level. WHO monitors and assesses health trends with the common goals of responding to diseases and achieving better health globally. WHO is charged with outbreak and emergency response , and importantly, serves as an important non-partisan convener both technical and political. Agenda (if applicable): TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000381 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: http://www .euro .who .int/en/about-us /regional-director/biography Source Invitation: Yes on the 3/5/18 DL; Originally run on the 1/18/18 DL; previous Director deferred it back to CGH . AS comments: yes, but good to keep on Steve Redd's radar in case last minute conflict. 3. Or. Schuchat's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Or. Schuchat 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000382 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 21 May 2018 13:37:19 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Meet ing with WHO Regional Director for Europe, Dr. Jakab HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000383 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 6 Apr 2018 16:12:03 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH);Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: Meeting: ADM Brett P. Giroir, OASH and Dr . Robert Redfield, Director, CDC [Accompanied by: Kyle McGowan] HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000384 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 23 May 2018 17:14:47 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Memorial Event for Katrin Kohl Attachments: FW_ Katrin Kohl.msg, Fwd_ Memorial Service for Katrin Kohl.msg 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : TB D Event Contact: Sherry Sma llwood , ssmallwood@dcdc .gov ; office: 639-729 1 CDC Staffer Accompanying th e Director: TB D CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Cont act (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attend ees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000385 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000386 Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) 23 May 2018 13:09:11 -0400 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie From: Sent: To: (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: FW: Katrin Kohl Very tentative hold: June 15, memorial event on campus. EZIDis lead, please reach out to Sherry Smallwood next week for an update. Thanks From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent: Monday , May 21, 2018 9:05 AM To: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Fwd: Katrin Kohl Dr. R will want to call the family. And we should send a note from him. Can you get contact info? Thank s Begin forwarded message: From: "Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD)" Date: May 2 1, 2018 at 7:28 :25 AM EDT To: "Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD)" , "Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC)" Subject: Fwd: Katrin Kohl Terrible news. We will get more from N CEZID. From: Khabbaz , Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Date: May 21, 2018 at 7:24 :34 AM EDT To: Schuchat , Anne MD (CDC/OD) Subject: Katrin Kohl Anne , 1 am very saddened to let you know Ka::: Kohl passed away I (b)(6) 1 Rima HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000387 Sent from my BlackBen'y 10 smartphone. Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 25 May 2018 07:36:46 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa From : Sent : To : Cc: (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Fwd: Memorial Service for Katrin Kohl Pis add to calendar Sent from my iPhone Begin forwa rded message : From: "Berger , Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD)" Date: May 25, 2018 at 7:34:3 1 AM EDT To: "Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD)" , "Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS)" , "Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS)" Cc: "Roberts , Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR)" , "Hoo , Elizabe th (CDC/OD/PPEO)" Subject: RE: Memorial Service for Katrin Kohl I let them know the three of us (AS, R3, me) will attend I offered for Anne to say a few remarks since she knew Katrin Thank s From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2018 5:32 PM To : Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) ; Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Fwd: Memorial Service for Katrin Kohl Please see below from update on the memorial plans. If anyone would like to speak, let me know . Thank you so much , I have been talking to her husband - very sad From: Smallwood, Sherry (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Date: May 24, 2018 at 4:42:45 PM EDT To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO /OD) Cc: Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZ ID) , Lubar , Debra (CDC/OID/NCEZ ID) , Braden , Chris (CDC/OID/NCEZID) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000389 , Nonnenmacher, Pamela (CDC/OID/NCEZID) , Cetron, Marty (CDC/OID/NCEZID) , Mercer , J. Todd (CDC/01D/NCEZID) Subject: Memorial Service for Katrin Kohl Hi - we've confirmed the date, time, and location for the memorial service for Katrin. It's scheduled for June 15th , 11:00am, in Auditorium A of the GCC. It will be followed by a tree planting, and we're working with OSSAM on the locat ion for that on the Roybal campus. If anyone from the CDC/OD is planning to attend, or would like to speak, can you let us know so we can factor it in as we continue the planning process? Thanks, Sherry Smallwood Management Officer National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention I 404-639-7291 office I 404-729-9810 cell 1600 Clifton Road, NE I MS C12 I Atlanta, GA 30329 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000390 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 25 May 2018 11:47:16 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Cc: Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) (kdl8@cdc .gov) Subject: Memorial Service for Katrin Kohl HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000391 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 26 Apr 2018 1S:18:4S +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Hugh Green (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject : Men's Health SK Walk/Run (Opening remarks and then depart) Attachments : Men's Health SK Walk-Run .pdf, Men's -Health-Week SK.PDF,Talking po ints for Dr. Redfield.docx, SK Run_ Walk .msg, Men's Health SK Lullwater Map - 2018.docx, RE_ Dr. Redfield Participation in SK at Lullwater .msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : Brad Bartee Special Assistant : Hugh Green Event Contact: Becky Rentz , 0: 404-639-2129 , C: 404-606-2311, ibi2@cdc .gov CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Redfield: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: OCOO/OSSAM/WWO Purpose of Event: to promote men's health during National Men's Health Week. The event is held in partnership with Emory Univ. The Worklife We llness Office provides and promotes comprehens ive approaches to health and wellbeing for CDC employees and staff. Agenda (if applicable): TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000392 Number of Attendees and Composition: 100 - 200 CDC employees, staff, and other guests. Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on the 4/23/18 DL 3. Dr. Redfield's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Dr. Redfield's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: Present opening remarks on the importance of overall wellness , including physical activity for improved men's health. There is also the option of 45 min. for walking or running the course. The Worklife Wellness Office can provide main talking points if needed . Length of Presentation: 15 min. Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: Onsite registration and check-in will begin at 7:30 a.m. and Walk/Run will begin at 8:00 a.m. from the Emory University Woodruff Residential Hall located at 1495 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30322. This event is rain or shine (but will be cancelled in the event of lightning). 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000393 From: To: Cc: cpc speakersBureau ScalesScottL /COC/00/0CS) : Williams Teresa/COC/00/0CS) : McCal lister Jeremy/CDC/00/0CS) PIBECTOR"S INCOM ING/CDC} : Bonds MichelleE 1cpc1op10APC} : HeldmanArnyB /GPC!QP/OAPC} : Qra.n1. Llelwyn /CDC/00/0ADCl Subjec t : Date: FW: Directo rs Request Sunday,April 15, 2018 4:56:00 PM Hello Scott, Ter esa and Jerem y, Please find below a reque st from OSSAM /WorkLife Wellness Office (WWO ) for Direc tor Redfie ld to serve as both a speake r and partic ipant in its Men's Health 5K Walk/Run on Jun e 14 at Lullwat er Park (on the campus of Emory Unjversity). OSSAM is host ing the event in par1nership with Emory and has requested Dr. Red field to provide br ief opening remark s ( ~15 minutes) highlighting the importance of physica l activity for improved men's health. If Dr. Redfield is amenable, OSSAM would also like both him and Princip al Deputy Director, Dr. Anne Schuchat, to spe nd about 45 minu tes walking or runnin g the race course. Additional request details are included below. Jf the Speakers Bur eau ca n assist the OCS with this request, please let me know. Thank you. Warm regards , Ashante Dobbs Cooper, MPH, MS CDC Speakers Bur eau 404-498-0146 speake rsburea u@cdc .gov ******* New request from Req uest Directo r form -Event Overview: Event Title: Men 's Health 5K Walk/Run Name of Organization Host ing Event: OCOO /OSSAM/WWO Description of Organization: Th e WorkLife Wellness Office provides and promotes comp rehensive approache s to health and wellbeing for CDC employees and staff. Event Location: Atlanta , Ga at Lull water Park on Emory Campus Event date: 6/14/2018 Event start time: 7:30 AM I End Time: 9:30 AM Dir ector's participation requested start time: 7:45 AM Director 's participation requested end time: 8:00 AM Contact Person Contact Person: Becky Rentz Contact Office Phone: 404-639 -2 129 Contact Cell Numb er: 404-606-23 11 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000394 Contact Email: Event Details What is the purpose of this event?: To promote men's health durin g National Men's Health Week. Event is held in partnership with Emory University. Proposed role of Director ?: speaker If the Director is unable to attend, would you still be interested in a CDC speaker?: YES If the Director is unable to attend in-person , would joining by video teleconference be an option?: NO If the Director is unable to attend in-person or by VTC, would a pre-recorded message be an option?: NO Presentation Details Topic of Presentation: Importance of physical activity for improved men's health. Type of Presentation: Opening Remarks Presentation Special Notes: Additional Speakers: RADM USPHS Stephen Redd, Dr. Steve Monroe , and Dr. Anne Schuchat Length of Presentation: 15 Minute s for opening remark s and option of 45 minutes for walking or running the course. PowerPoint requested: [ppt-available] Will there be Q&A?: NO Specific topic/points you would like the Director to address: Importance of overall well.ness, including physical activity for impro ved men's health . We can provide main talking point s if needed. Audience and Key Participants? : Public Health/Medical Professional s Audience Size?: 151-200 Expected Media Coverage?: NO Will this event be videotaped?: NO Additional details?: [Additional-details] HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000395 CDC National Men's Health Week SK Walk/Run Making Men's Health a Run for the Future Registrationis now open 11 CDC's 5th Annual Walk/Run in Collaboration with Emory University CDC Director, Robert R. Redfield, MD will give opening remarks at 7:45 a.m. and start the race at 8:00 a.m. Lullwater Park Celebrate National June 14, 2018 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Men 's Health Week June 11-17, 2018 Onsite registration and check-in will begin at 7:30 a.m. and Walk/Run will begin at 8:00 a.m. from t he Emory University Woodruff Residential Hall located at 1495 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30322. This event is rain or shine (but will be cancelled in the event of lightning). Men can make their health a priority by taking daily steps to be healthier and stronger. There are many easy things you can do every day to improve your health All CDC staff (including women) are welcome! and stay healthy . Non-federal employees can attend the event after obtaining permission from their supervisor. • Get Good Quality Sleep • Toss Out the Tobacco Please allow ample t ime to park at CDC and walk to the start location, • Move More sign in and check out the invited vendors. There is ample parking in the • Eat Healthy Roybal south surface parking lot C, nearest the Michael Street gate. • Tame Your Stress • Stay on Top of Your For more information or if you would lik e to volunteer, please contact Beverly King (bxe1@cdc gov). Game • Find more on the National Men's Health Workli/e Welln ess Office (WWO) Web a e Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management (OSSAM) http:// int ranet 8 ~ QSSAM Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management WorkUfe WelJness Office (WWO) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000396 Services. Support. Solutions. Talking points for the Men's Health 5K Walk/Run National Men's Health Week is observed each year leading up to Father's Day. This week is a reminder for men to take steps to be healthier, but they don't have to do it alone! Whether it's your husband, partner, dad, brother, son, or friend you can help support the health and safety of the men in your life. Those here today are taking a big steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Regular activity and exercise is vital for overall health & wellness in both men and women as we age and is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Heart disease and stroke are two of the leading causes of death in the United States. According to the National Physical Activity Guidelines, getting at least 150 minutes a week (2 hours and 30 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity can put you at a lower risk for these diseases. You can reduce your risk even further with more physical activity. The good news is that regular physical activity can also: • • • • • • • • Control Your Weight Reduce Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Reduce Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome Reduce Your Risk of Some Cancers Strengthen Your Bones and Muscles Improve Your Mental Health and Mood Improve Your Ability to do Daily Activities and Prevent Falls Increase Your Chances of Living Longer Men can make their health a priority by taking daily steps to be healthier and stronger. In addition to physical activity, there are many easy things you can do every day to improve your health and stay healthy: • • • • • Get Good Quality Sleep Tass Out the Tobacco Move More Eat Healthy Tame Your Stress For men, the importance of testicular self-exams in younger men , and screenings for prostate cancer, thyroid disease, low testosterone, and depression are especially important. CDC has an excellent comprehensive Worklife Wellness Program and offers many benefits like free fitness centers , healthy eating options, and an employee assistance program . https://www.cdc .gov/nchs/fastats/mens-health .htm https://www.cdc .gov/physicalactivity/basics/pa-health/index .htm HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000397 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) 18 May 2018 12:17:37 +0000 Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) (tmd9@cdc .gov) SK Run/Walk Ashley, I registered Dr. R for the SK Run or Walk - j ust in case you see something in his in box regarding that. Thanks, Brad Brad A. Bart ee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404 -718-5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email: Rm: 12107 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000398 Southern Lane -+ I 8 Outgo ing Route Return Route Medical Station t ••\ St: Andrews C· ~ ' Men's Health 5K June 14, 2018 from 8 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Onsite registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. and Walk/Run will begin at 8:00 a.m. Start and finish from the Emory University Woodruff Residential Hall located at 1495 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30322. No onsite parking. CDC and Emory employees must park at their work locations and walk to the race start. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000399 Rentz, Becky (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) 17 May 201816:10:12 -0400 Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Weinkle, Robert K. (Bob) (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM);Mabery, Mamie Jennings (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM);Potter, Willie A. (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield Participation in SK at Lullwater Att achment s: Men's Health SK Lullwater Map - 2018.docx From: Sent: To : Hi Brad, I was j ust thinking we need to coord inate! Thanks for reaching out. I am copying Bob We inkle who wi ll be intro ducing Dr. Redfield at the event . He will be able t o meet him once he arrives at the venue . He can regist er for the SK here . He will be giving his remark s at t he race start area which is will be in the back parking lot of the Emory University Woodruff Residential Hall located at 1495 Clifton Road, At lanta, GA 30322 . It is at the corner of Clifton Rd. and Gatewood Drive . Here is the Google map directions to race start and a map of race course is attac hed. Becky Rentz Healt h Communications Specialist WorkLife Wellness Office (WWO) Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management (OSSAM ) Office of the Chief Operating Officer (OCOO) I404-639-2129 Off ice I 404-606-2311 cell Telework on Tuesdays I Off 1st Friday of each pay period, telework on alternate Fridays. OSSAM & 8 Office ol Safety, Security, and Asset Management Office (WWO) Join the 2018 Health iest CIO Challenge and learn how you can find BALANCEth is year! Check the Worklife Wellness webs ite each month for specific dates and times of events and for all the latest Wellness info rmat ion for better wor k-life balance. From : Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, May 17, 2018 3:08 PM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000400 To: Rentz, Becky (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Subject: Dr. Redfield Participation in SK at Lullwater Hi Becky, I hope this finds you well. I wanted to start coordinating with you for Dr. Redfield' s participation in the SK on 14 June. My first question is what I need to do to get him registered for the run/walk, and also where exactly you would like him to give remarks prior to the start? If you have a map that you can refer me to that would be great. Thank you. And if you have questions for me just let me know. Brad Brad A. Bartee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404-718-5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email: bbartee@cdc .gov Rm: 12107 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000401 Southern Lane -+ I 8 Outgo ing Route Return Route Medical Station t ••\ St: Andrews C· ~ ' Men's Health 5K June 14, 2018 from 8 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Onsite registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. and Walk/Run will begin at 8:00 a.m. Start and finish from the Emory University Woodruff Residential Hall located at 1495 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30322. No onsite parking. CDC and Emory employees must park at their work locations and walk to the race start. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000402 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 11 Apr 2018 11:49:18 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: Metro Atlanta Chamber, Executive Committee Meeting (10 minutes on the agenda] Attachmen ts: FW_ MACOC request for Dr. Redfield to speak.msg, RE_ MACOC request .msg, 191 Building Directions-Final.pdf , 6.21. 18 Exec Agenda .docx 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : Nikki Romanik Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts Event Contact: Kathryn Kryder Putnam, Chief of Staff , email: kputnam@macoc .com Office : 404-586-8489 Makena Brown will meet R3 at the security desk . Makena's cell phone is: 678-469-9840 We have the ATL conference room reserved for him, as a waiting room. Make na Brown w ill take him into the board room when it is his time to present . Delaney and Ash ley will have seats reserved for them along the back wall. Dr. Redfield is welcome to leave at the conclusion of his remarks or move to a seat along the back wall, for the final presentation of the meeting . CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000403 Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): attached. Dr. Redfield will be speaking from 8:35am-8:45am. Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000404 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 11 Apr 2018 07:48:16 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: MACOC request for Dr. Redfield to speak From: Sent: To : Please add to the calendar for June 21. I' ll get us a POC From : McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Sent : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 7:43 AM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/O CS); Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kelly, Alison (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subject: Re: MACOC request for Dr. Redfield to speak Let's move forward with scheduling it. From: Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD) Dat e: April 11, 2018 at 7:25:57 AM EDT To: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) , Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , Kelly, Alison (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subject: Re: MACOC request for Dr. Redfield to speak Yes. Yes. On Apr 11, 2018, at 7 :17 AM, McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) wrote: The Atlanta Chamb er correct? I think it's okay but let me check. These are typically closed press right ? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000405 From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Date: April 11, 2018 at 6:53:58 AM EDT To: Sca les, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) , William s, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , McGowan, Robe1t (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Cc: Kelly, Alison (CDC/OCOO /OFR/OA) Subject: MACOC request for Dr. Redfield to speak June 21 is their next Exec Comm meeting, this would be a very good opportunity to link with the GA business community. Kyle - if the dates works, are you OK with us confirming? Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000406 Kathryn Kryder Putnam 12 Apr 2018 13:02:55 +0000 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Emma P. McVey;David B. Hartnett;Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: MACOC request 191 Building Directions-Final.pdf From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Attachme nts : Hi Teresa, The parking and directions information for our building is attached . All the best, Kathryn Kathryn Kryder Putnam Chief of Staff T: 404.586.848 I F: I www.metroatlantachamber .com 404.586.8416 9 191 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 3400 I Atlanta, Georgia 30303 METRO ATLANTA C H A M B E A From : Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS)[mailto:coo4@cdc .gov] Sent : Thursday, Apri l 12, 2018 8:45 AM To: Kathryn Kryder Putnam Cc: Emma P. McVey ; David B. Hartnett ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OO/OCS) Subject : RE: MACOC request Hi Kathryn, Thank you so much for you r prompt response. Are there any special parking or entry instructions? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000407 Thanks, Teresa From : Kathryn Kryder Putnam Se nt: Thursday, April 12, 2018 8:42 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS); Emma P. McVey ; David B. Hartnett ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: MACOC request Good morning Teresa, We look forward to having Dr. Redfield join us for the June 21 Executive Committee meeting. The meeti ng will be held at our offices: 191 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 3400, Atlanta, Georgia 30303. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any additional questions in the meantime. Thank you and have a great day. All the best, Kathryn Kathryn Kryder Putnam Chief of Staff T: 404.586.848 I F: I www 404.586.8416 2 191 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 3400 I Atlanta, Georgia 30303 METRO ATLANTA From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [ ] Sent : Thursday , Apri l 12, 2018 8:21 AM To: Kathryn Kryder Putnam Cc:Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS); Emma P. M cVey ; David B. Hartnett ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: MACOC request HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000408 Good morning Kathryn, I hope you are doing well. Dr. Redfield is available Thursday, June 21st from 7:30- 9:00 a.m. Could you please confirm the location for the meeting? Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: f404) 639-7111 email: (b)(Gl I From : Kathryn Kryder Putnam Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 4:44 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< >; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Emma P. McVey ; David B. Hartnett Subject : RE: MACOC request Good afternoon Sherri, When he is available, we would love to have Dr. Redfield present at an upcoming Board of Directors meeting. The list of the upcoming meetings are listed below . The meetings are from 7:30-9:00am here at the Metro Atlanta Chamber offices. Dr. Redfield would not need to stay for the entire meeting. We would 15 minutes on the agenda for him to present . Thursday, June 21 Thursday, August 16 Thursday, September 20 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. 7:30 - 9:00 a.m . MAC Offices MAC Offices MAC Offices HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000409 Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any additional questions. Thank you and have a great evening. All the best, Kathryn Kathryn Kryder Putnam Chief of Staff T: 404.586.848 I F: I www.metroatlantachamber .com 404.586.8416 2 I Atlanta, 191 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 3400 Georg ia 30303 METRO ATLANTA C H A M B E R From : David B. Hartnett Sent : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 9:25 AM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS)<>; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Kathryn Kryder Putnam ; Emma P. McVey Subject : RE: MACOC request I am looping on Hala's Chief of Staff, Kathryn Putnam, who runs the executive committee meetings. Kathryn, if you take it from here, you are closer to the process. Thank you all! David B. Hartnett Chief Economic Development Officer dhartnett@macoc .co I m T: 404.586.844 I C: 404.754.5532 J 191 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 3400 I F: 404.586.8464 I Atlanta, Georgia 30303 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000410 METRO ATLANTA From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) [mailto:sob8@cdc .gov] Sent : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 8:08 AM To : David 8. Hartnett Cc: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< >; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: MACOC request Morning David ! For June 21, can you providing the scheduling team more details (time, location, length of session, etc), so we can determine Dr. Redfield's availability? Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000411 PARKING METRO ATLANTA C & DIRECTIONS 191 PEACHTREE STREET SUITE 3400 ATLANTA, GA 30303 H A M B E R By MARTA NE PARKING & TRANSIT OPTIONS 191 Peachtree Towe r is located at the Peachtree Cente r MA RTA statio n From 1-85/75 Trav eling South METRO ATLANTA CHAMBER 191Peachtree Tower Parking Garage Take the Courtla nd Street Exit (249-A) toward Georgia State Univers ity; Turn right onto Andrew Young Interna tiona l Blvd NE; Take a left at your second light onto Peachtree Street , NE; Take a left at your first light onto Ellis Street; Take a left at the second entrance into the One Ninety One Peachtree Tower Parking Garage. Peachtree Center MARTA Station Ellis St / Peachtree St EAST Exit Self Park 0 221 Peac htr ee Center Ave , Atlanta, GA 30303 Centra l Parking System From 1-85 / 75 Traveling North 218 Peachtree St NW. Atlanta, GA 30303 Take the Andrew Young Inte rnational Blvd/ GA-10 (248-C) Exit; Ramp becomes Fort St NE; Take a left at Andrew Young Inte rnatio nal Blvd NE; Take a left at Peachtree St NE; Take a left at your first light onto Ellis Street; Take a left at the second entrance into the One Nine ty One Peachtree Tower Parking Garage. t,/) t,/) :E <( ...J ..I ~ - D - ..• .. • International Garage 192 Peach1ree Center Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30303 I 0: w z 0: ::> ~ a w ~ w z ~ (I) w w 0: ~ z w > [Ml BLVD 0: w ANDREW 0 YOUNG INTL BLVD w w w 0: I- :I: u w w z I- <( It,/) - a z <( ...J ELLIS ST NE I0: ::> 0 u D. JOHN WESLEY DOBBS z -' D. ~ 0: <( NE <( u T I I PORTMAN ' w <( D. JOHN 0 J: w 161 Peacht ree Center Ave NE, At lanta, GA 30303 I z u Peachtree Center Garage 0 t ' HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000412 AVE PARKING METRO ATLANTA C & DIRECTIONS 191 PEACHTREE STREET SUITE 3400 ATLANTA, GA 30303 H A M B E R By MARTA NE PARKING & TRANSIT OPTIONS 191 Peachtree Towe r is located at the Peachtree Cente r MA RTA statio n From 1-85/75 Trav eling South METRO ATLANTA CHAMBER 191Peachtree Tower Parking Garage Take the Courtla nd Street Exit (249-A) toward Georgia State Univers ity; Turn right onto Andrew Young Interna tiona l Blvd NE; Take a left at your second light onto Peachtree Street , NE; Take a left at your first light onto Ellis Street; Take a left at the second entrance into the One Ninety One Peachtree Tower Parking Garage. Peachtree Center MARTA Station Ellis St / Peachtree St EAST Exit Self Park 0 221 Peac htr ee Center Ave , Atlanta, GA 30303 Centra l Parking System From 1-85 / 75 Traveling North 218 Peachtree St NW. Atlanta, GA 30303 Take the Andrew Young Inte rnational Blvd/ GA-10 (248-C) Exit; Ramp becomes Fort St NE; Take a left at Andrew Young Inte rnatio nal Blvd NE; Take a left at Peachtree St NE; Take a left at your first light onto Ellis Street; Take a left at the second entrance into the One Nine ty One Peachtree Tower Parking Garage. t,/) t,/) :E <( ...J ..I ~ - D - ..• .. • International Garage 192 Peach1ree Center Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30303 I 0: w z 0: ::> ~ a w ~ w z ~ (I) w w 0: ~ z w > [Ml BLVD 0: w ANDREW 0 YOUNG INTL BLVD w w w 0: I- :I: u w w z I- <( It,/) - a z <( ...J ELLIS ST NE I0: ::> 0 u D. JOHN WESLEY DOBBS z -' D. ~ 0: <( NE <( u T I I PORTMAN ' w <( D. JOHN 0 J: w 161 Peacht ree Center Ave NE, At lanta, GA 30303 I z u Peachtree Center Garage 0 t ' HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000413 AVE AGENDA EX ECUTIVE COMMITTEE June 21, 2018 I 7:30 Russel l Stokes, MEET I NG - 9:00 a.m. 2018 Chair, Pr esiding 7 :30 a . m . W e lco me and Op ening Co mm e nts I Russell Stokes President and Chief Executive Officer, GE Power 7 :35 a.m. Ele ct ion Update I Katie Ki rkpatrick Chief Policy Officer, Metro Atlanta Chamber 7 :4 0 a.m. Rep ublic an Ca ndid a t e s for Gov e r nor Lt. Governor Secretary Casey Cagle of State Brian Kemp 8: 10 a.m. Pr es iden t's Re po rt I Hala Modde l mog Pr esident and CEO, Metro At lanta Chamber 8: 20 a . m . Back e d by ATL Georgina I Nelson CEO and Founder, TruRating 8 :25 a. m . Ende avo r and Emo ry Inn o vat ion Ce nt e r Jeff Arnold I Chairman and CEO, Sharecare Sanjay Gupta-TBD 8 :35 a. m . Cen t e r s fo r Disease Control a nd Pre v e nt i on Robert I Redfield Director, Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention 8: 45 a . m . Economi c Mobili t y Wendy I Stewart Atlanta Market President an d Co-Head Southeast Region, Bank of America I Frank Fernandez The Arthur Vice President M. Blank Family of Community Development, Foundation 9 :00 a .m. Clos e a nd Ad j ourn Russell Stokes I President and Chief Executive Officer, GE Power HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000414 From: Sent: To : Subject: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OC00/0D) 11 Jun 2018 13:29 :19 +0000 Berger, Sherri (CDC/OC00/0D) ; Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Move - Sherri & Dr. Redfield walk through draft SBCslides HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000415 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 9 Apr 2018 19:09:08 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: Mr. John Auerbach and Dr. Nadine Gracia, TFAH [Escorted by: Sandy Bart] Attachme nts: RE_ Meeting request.msg, JNG Bio.docx From: Se nt: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee [Sandy Bart will escort and wi ll work logistics ] Special Assistant: Seth Kroop Event Contact: La Toya Ray, Manage r of Organizat ional Ope rations , email; lray@tfa : phone: 202-864 -5947 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000416 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000417 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 9 Apr 2018 19:49:39 +0000 John Auerbach Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);J.Nadine Gracia RE: Meeting request May 8th at 9:30-10:00 a.m. would work great. I look forward to seeing you . Best, Teresa From: John Auerbach Se nt : M onday, April 9, 2018 3:29 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/O CS) Cc:St rength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS); J. Nadine Gracia Subje ct: RE: Meeting request Thank you very much. If all of those options are equally good for you, how about the 9:30 am slot on the 8th ? From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS)( ) Se nt : Monday, April 09, 2018 3:08 PM To : John Auerbach Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Meeting request Good afternoon John, I hope you are doing well. Would you like to propose a time that would work for you on May 8th and 9th ? I have some available on May 8th between 9:30 a.m. - Noon and currently I could almost accommodate anytime on the 9th between 10 a.m. - Noon and after 1 p.m. Please advise. Thanks, Teresa Teresa Willi ams HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000418 Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4 From:Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, April 9, 2018 2:36 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) ; John Auerbach ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Meeting request Happy to! Sent from my iPhone On Apr 9, 2018, at 2:34 PM, Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) wrote: John will be in ATL on May 8 and 9, can you find 30 minutes for a meeting w/ Dr. Redfield? They spoke over the weekend. Thank you HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000419 J. Nadine Gracia J. Nadine Gracia is Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at Trust for America 's Health (TFAH), where she is a senior policy adviser to the president and manages TFAH 's core business functions and internal operations. She has more than twenty years of leadership and management experience in federal government, advocacy organizations , academia , and clinical practice. Prior to joining TFAH, Dr. Gracia served in the Obama Administration as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). In that capacity, she directed departmental policies and programs to end health disparities and advance health equity and provided executive leadership on administration priorities including health reform and criminal justice reform. She also led the federal Office of Minority Health, where she oversaw a budget of $57 million and pioneered innovative, multi-sectoral partnerships in the public and private sectors . Previously, she served as Chief Medical Officer in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, where her portfolio included adolescent health, emergency and disaster preparedness, environmental health and climate change , and global health. Prior to that role , she was appointed as a White House Fellow at HHS and worked in the Office of the First Lady on the development of the Let's Move! initiative to solve childhood obesity . A first-generation Haitian-American, Dr. Gracia received a Bachelor of Arts in French with honors from Stanford University, a medical degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and a Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology from the University of Pennsylvania. She completed her training as a pediatrician at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh and later was a clinical instructor and research fellow at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia , where she conducted research on community risk factors for violence. Dr. Gracia is active in many civic and professional organizations. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000420 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 15 May 2018 16:16:04 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject : Mandatory Travel Training [1 hour] Attachments : RE_ Mandatory Travel Training for Dr. Redfield and Kyle - June 21st@ 10-11 a.m .. msg, Fwd_ 4 June Mandatory Travel Train ing @ HHS.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : NA Special Assistant: TBD Event Contact: Catherine Bird (OS/OCS), Advisor and Legal Counsel, OGC email: Office: 1- (202) 205-5647 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000421 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000422 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 15 May 2018 16:03:56 +0000 Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Johnson, Marsha (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) RE: Mandatory Travel Training for Dr. Redfield and Kyle - June 21st@ 10-11 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: a.m. Hi Catherine, My apologizes, I meant May 21 st. Could the training be by phone or envision? Dr. Redfield could be available June 4th or sth . Do you have a time in mind? I've copied Marsha to respond regarding Kyle's participation. Thank you for your consideration . Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: 404) 639 -7111 (b)(6) email: f I From: Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC) Sent : Tuesday, M ay 15, 2018 11:51 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OO/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Mandatory Travel Training for Dr. Redfield and Kyle - June 21st @ 10- 11 a.m. Hi Teresa, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000423 Just to make sure, the original training is set for May 21st not June. Does that still not work for Dr. Redfield and Kyle? If not, we will be doing the training one more time on June 4th or sth . Do either of those dates work? Thank you! Catherine From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto] Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 10:53 AM To: Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : FW: Mandatory Travel Training for Dr. Redfield and Kyle - June 21st @ 10-11 a.m. Importanc e : High Good afternoon Ms. Bird, Dr. Redfield will be traveling internationally on June 21st and not available to attend the Mandatory Travel Training scheduled June 21 st from 10-11 a.m. Would it be possible to schedule a date for Dr. Redfield to participate in the training? Thank you for your consideration. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: 404) 639-7111 email: (b)(6) f I -----Original Appointment----From : Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC) Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 5:32 PM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000424 To : Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC); OS - Politica l Staff Subject: Mandatory Travel Training Wh en: Monday, May 21, 2018 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Wh ere: Humphrey Building, First Floor Auditorium Catherine Bird Associate Deputy General Counsel Office of the General Counse l Department of Health & Human Services Direct Line: 202-205-5647 Cell: 202-823-3006 Jmportant Notice: The contents of this message and any attachments may be privileged and confidential and should not be disseminated without prior approval of the HHS Office of the General Counsel. If you are not an intended recipient, or have received this message in error, please delete it, and please do not print, copy, forward, disseminate , or otherwise use the information. Also, please notify the sender that you have received this conununication in error. Your receipt of this message is not intended to waive any applicable privilege . Teresa Willi ams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 ema il: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000425 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 25 May 2018 18:00:16 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Fwd: 4 June Mandatory Travel Training @ HHS FYI Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message : From: "Bird, Catherine (OS /OGC)" Date: May 25, 2018 at 5:5 1:55 PM EDT To: "Sca les, Scott L. (CDC /OD/OCS)" - Subject: RE: 4 June Mandatory Travel Training@ HHS .-I Thank you Scott. Just to follow -up . I am working on having the training recorded . Thanks so much! Catherine From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) [ mailto:] Sent: Friday, May 25, 2018 12:39 PM To: Bird, Catherine (OS/OGC) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: 4 June Mandatory Travel Training @ HHS Catherine, thanks very much fo r just chatting . I sincerely appreciate you looking at alternative options that may be available for Dr. Redfield and Kyle to receive th is tra ining at another time besides the 4-Spm time when Dr. Redfi eld is on stage closing the Global Health M eeting here in Atlanta . Please let me know if I can assist in any way, and I hope you enjoy your Memoria l Day weeke nd. Best, Scott Scott L. Scales Director of Scheduling and Advance Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC} 1600 Clifton Rd. NE HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000426 Atlanta, GA 30329-4027 404-539-7015 iagmg?wgg? Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 16 Apr 2018 17:39:56 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Mitchell Wolfe (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ( Subject: Meet & Greet Jim Carroll, Director, ONDCP & Dr. Richard Baum, Senior Advisor to the Director, ONDCP [Accompanied by: Kyle McGowan and Mitch Wolfe] Attachments : RE_ Request for Meet & Greet _ Jim Carroll and Dr. Richard Baum, ONDCP and Dr. Robert Redfield , CDC .msg, RE_ Request for Meet & Greet _ Jim Carroll and Dr. Richard Baum, ONDCP and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC .msg, RSVPConfirmation.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : Nikki Romanik Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: Vanessa Woodberry , Executive Assistant to the Director email: vwoodberry@ondcp .eop .gov Office: 1-202-395-6669 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000428 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000429 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 17 Apr 2018 14:46:16 +0000 Woodberry, Vanessa L. EOP/ONDCP Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) ( RE: Request for Meet & Greet: Jim Carroll and Dr. Richard Baum, ONDCP and Dr. From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Robert Redfield, CDC Good morn ing Vanessa, Would it be possible to confirm 3:15-3:45 p.m.? Also, cou ld you please confirm the meet ing locat ion? Thanks again for all your help . Kind Regards, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlan ta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (40 4) 639-7000 Fax: 4 04) 639-7111 email : _ (OJ(6J f I From : Woodber ry, Vanessa L. EOP/ONDCP Se nt : Tuesday, April 17, 2018 10:30 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Request for Meet & Greet : Jim Carroll and Dr. Richard Baum, ONDCP and Dr. Robert Redfield , CDC Hi Theresa Can we confirm 3:00pm w ith Acting Director Carroll? Thanks Vanessa Woodberry HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000430 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Woodberry, Vanessa L. EOP/ONDCP 18 Apr 2018 14:19:44 +0000 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Request for Meet & Greet: Jim Carroll and Dr. Richard Baum, ONDCP and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Good morning Teresa, The meeting is confinned for April 27 th at 3: l 5pm. Meeting will be held the Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB) Room 530. 1650 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC. Will anyone be accompanying him . If so, please have them all submit their clearance information via this link: http s ://events .wh iteho use .gov /? rid= RCRMD60 W 4G Thanks Vanessa Woodberry Director's Executive Assistant Office of National Drug Control Policy 750 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20503 202-395 -6669 (Office) 202-395-6700 (Director's Office) From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, Apri l 17, 2018 10:46 AM To : Woodberry, Vanessa L. EOP/ONDCP Cc:Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meet & Greet : Jim Carroll and Dr. Richard Baum, ONDCP and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Good morning Vanessa, Would it be possible to confirm 3:15-3:45 p.m.? Also, could you please confirm the meeting location? Thanks again for all your help . Kind Regards, Teresa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000431 Teresa Willi ams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: 404) 639 -7111 email: (b)(6) f I From : Woodberry, Vanessa L. EOP/ONDCP Sent : Tuesday, April 17, 2018 10:30 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Re: Request for Meet & Greet: Jim Carroll and Dr. Richard Baum, ONDCP and Dr. Robert Redfield , CDC Hi Theresa Can we confirm 3:00pm w ith Acting Director Carroll? Thanks Vanessa Woodberry Executive Assistant to the Director Office of National Drug Control Policy 750 17th Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20503 202-395-6700 main number 202-395-6669 desk On Apr 16, 2018, at 8:58 AM, Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Good morning Vanessa, I hope you are doing well . Dr. Redfield will be in DC on April 27 th and would like to schedule a 30 minute meet and greet with Mr. Carroll and Dr. Baum. Would it be possible to schedule 30 minutes between 2:45-4:00 p.m.? Thank you for your consideration . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000432 Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the Acting CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639 -5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000433 From: Sent: To: Subject : THE The White House 18 Apr 2018 14 :45:01 +0000 Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) RSVPConfirmation WH WASH I TE HOUSE I NGTON Dear Robert , Thank you for submitting your RSVP. We have received your information. Please reach out to your point of contact with any questions. Sincerely, The White House The White House• 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. NW. • Washington. D.C. 20500 • 202-456-1111 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000434 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 16 Apr 2018 20:05:28 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Deussing, Eric (CDC/OPHPR/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( ;Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Meet & Greet w/ Dr. Eric Deussing, Depart. of Defense Liaison to CDC HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000435 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 12 Jun 2018 18:04:50 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Aimee Schattner (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ;Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Mitchell Wolfe (CDC/OD/CDCWO) (;Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Meet & Greet with CDC/ W Staff HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000436 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 3 Apr 2018 15:43:40 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McCance-Katz, Elinore (SAMHSA/OAS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( ;Encarnacion, Dolkie (SAMHSA/OA);Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Meet & Greet: Dr. Robert Redfield and Elinore Mccance-Katz, Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Abuse HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000437 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 2 Apr 2018 16:50:51 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: Meet & Greet: Incoming EISOfficers/LL$ Fellows HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000438 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 16 May 2018 13:12:53 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Meet and Greet USG Panel Meet and Greet with Ambo Birx, Ken Staley, PMI Coordinator Andrea Hall, NSC Terry Rauch, Deputy Assistan t Secretary for Health Readiness Policy & Oversigh t (acting) , Department of Defense HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000439 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 9 Apr 2018 12:04 :19 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Meet and Greet w/ CDC Director Dr. Redfield (12:30-1 :00) Attachments : Fwd_ Time this Wednesday_.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TB D Special Assistant : Seth Kroop (not atte nding) Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director : Kyle McGowan CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host: TB D Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000440 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks /Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000441 From: Sent: To: Subje ct: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D/OCS) 9 Apr 2018 07:39:49 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) Fwd : Time this Wednesday? Please handle Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Meekins , Chris (OS /ASPR/1O)" Date: April 8, 2018 at 10:00:31 PM EDT To : "Berger, Shen-i (CDC /OCOO /OD)" Cc: "McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC /OD)" , "Wi lliams , Teresa (CDC /OD/OCS)" , "Scales , Scott L. (CDC /OD/OCS)" , "Ford-Barne s, Arwenthia (HHS / ASPR/1O)" Subject: Re: Time this We dnesday? He should be able to do that. I'm copying his EA. On: 08 April 2018 20: 16, "Berger , Sherri (CDC /OCOO /OD)" wrote: Hi Chr is, Dr. Redfie ld and Kyle will be in DC th is week , do you and Dr. Kad lec have time on Wednesday to schedu le a meet and greet? It looks like they can meet 12-1230 or 1230-1. Teresa will confirm in the morning. Thanks, Sherri HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000442 From: Sent: To: Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/10) 9 Apr 2018 18:11:58 +0000 Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/IO);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Ford-Barnes, Arwenthia (HHS/ASPR/IO);Stephan, Briana (OS/ASPR/IO);Meekins, Chris (OS/ASPR/IO);Seiler, Brittney (OS/ASPR/IO);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Meet and Greet w/ CDC Director Dr. Redfield and Dr. Robert Kadlec, ASPR POC for Dr. Robert Kad lec - The Assistant Secretary for Preparedn ess and Response (ASPR) • Briana M. Stephan-Nelson , Senior Advisor to the ASPR - 202-690-8340 • Arwenthia Ford-Barnes - Executive Assistant - 202-205-8905 From: "Meekins , Chris (OS/ASPR/1O)" Date: Apri l 8, 2018 at 10:00 :31 PM EDT To: "Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO /OD)" Cc: "McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD)" , "Williams , Teresa (CDC /OD/OCS)" , "Scales, Scott L. (CDC /OD/OCS)" < ixj3@cdc .gov>, "Ford-Barnes, Arwenthia (HHS/ASPR/1O)" Subj ect: Re: Time this Wed nesday? He should be able to do that. I'm copying his EA. On: 08 Apr il 2018 20 : 16, "Berger, Sherri (CDC /OCOO /OD)" wrote : Hi Chris, Dr. Redfield and Kyle will be in DC this week, do you and Dr. Kadlec have time on Wednesday to schedule a meet and greet? It looks like they can meet 12-1230 or 1230- 1. Teresa wi ll confirm in the morning . Thanks, Sherri HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000443 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 3 Apr 2018 12:24:03 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7@cdc .gov);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS); Subject: Meet and Greet w/ Michael Fraser HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000444 From: Sent : To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 28 Mar 2018 16:19:33 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: Meet and Greet w/ Michael Fraser Attachments : FW_ Meeting with Dr. Redfield .msg, RE_ Meeting Room on Wednesday at RX Summit.msg 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant: TBD Event Contact: TB D CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Sherr i Berger CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000445 From: Se nt: To : Subject : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 3 Apr 2018 08:14:54 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) FW: Meeting with Dr. Redfield From : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Se nt : Tuesday, April 3, 2018 6:48 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subject : FW: Meeting with Dr. Redfield See below , thanks From : Michael Fraser Sent : Tuesday, April 3, 2018 6:27 AM To : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject : Re: Meeting with Dr. Redfield Perfect! I look forward to it. Just let me know where. Thanks. Mike On Apr 2, 2018, at 20:57, Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) wrote: Hi MichaelMichelle mentioned t hat you would like to meet with him in person this week. He is available at the Summit on Wednesday 4:45 - 5:00pm. Once you confirm, we will cancel Friday's introductory call. Thanks, Sherri Disclaimer The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. This email has been scanned for viruses and malware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast Ltd, an innovator in Software as a Service (Saas) for business. Providing a safer and more useful place for your human generated data. Specializing in; Security, archiving and compliance. To find out more Click Here . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000447 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) 3 Apr 2018 08:20:40 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Meeting Room on Wednesday at RX Summit Yes, we have priority over everyone. So, I will let them know. Is there any other t ime dur ing the week that we need the room? Brad A. Barte e Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404-718 -5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email: bbartee@cdc .gov Rm: 12107 From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 3, 2018 8:14 AM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Meeting Room on Wednesday at RX Summit Brad, Can we confirm availability to hold a meeting for Dr Redfield at 4:45-5:00 at the RX Summit on Wednesday in the Fairlie Room? Thanks, Tracie HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000448 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 10 May 2018 16:58:25 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik , Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Hugh Green (CDC/OD/OCS) (yke8@cdc .gov) Subject : Meet and Greet with the Shepard Awards Speaker Roberta B. Ness, MD, MPH Attachments : Meet and Greet with the Shepard Awards Speaker .pdf, RE_ Shepard Awards 10_00 -11_ 30am June 14th ..msg, Reservat ion updated -- GCC, GCC B19, Room Speaker Rm 6_ 14_ 2018 9_ 30 AM - 12_00 PM.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : Nikki Romanik Special Assistant : Hugh Green Event Contact: Nina Ware Rherrass (OADS), 0 : 404-639-4758, CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Redfield: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : N/A CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : Associate Director for Science (OADS) Purpose of Event: Conduct a meet and greet (15- 20 min.) with the Shepard Awards keynote speaker, Dr. Roberta Ness, and introduce her before she presents. Dr. Schuchat will still provide introductory remarks . Since 1986, OADS and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) present the Charles C. Shepard Science Awards to the authors of the most outstand ing peer-reviewed resea rch papers published by CDC/ATSDR scientists . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000449 Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicabl e): TBD Bios: https :/ /sph .uth .ed u/ness/b iography .htm Source Invitation: Yes on the 5/7 / 18 DL 3. Or. Redfield 's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Or. Redfield's Remarks/Pr esentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: N/A Length of Presentation : N/A Press: N/A Teleprompte r: N/A 4. Supporting /Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000450 Cc: StrengthTraciefCPC/QD/OCS) ScalesScottL 1cocIO0Iocs) MccallisterJeremy/CDC/OD/OCS) : WjlljamsTeresa/CDC/OD/OCS) : McGujreDelaney(CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: Date: Thursday, April 26 , 20 18 1 :41 :00 PM From : To : RE: Meet and Greet with th e Shepard Awards Speaker , Robert a Ness I have let her know and wil l update everyone once I hear back. From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday, Apri l 26, 2018 1:38 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mcca lliste r, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS); Wi lliams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); M cGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject : Re: M eet and Greet with t he Shepard Awa rds Speaker, Roberta Ness M ay want to te ll Nina that Anne is scheduled to de liver the remarks. If Von wants to change that and have R3 conside r it, then th at needs to be on t he DL too . Sent from my iPhone On Apr 26, 2018, at 1:35 PM, Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Scott , Is t his somet hing t hat needs to go on the DL? Respectful ly, Tracie From: Ware, Nina (CDC/OD/OADS) Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 1:33 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Meet and Greet w it h t he Shepard Awards Speaker, Roberta Ness Good morni ng Tracie, I wou ld li ke to schedu le a meet and greet with Dr. Redfiel d and t he Shepard Awards keynote speaker, Roberta Ness, on June 14t h. This is t he meet ing is usually held from 15-20 min ute. I have attached her bio. Also in t he past t he director gives open remarks at t he Shepard Awa rd ceremony. Who shou ld I wo rk w it h this year to pan out the details and ta lking points? Nina Ware Rherrass Program Specialist Off ice of the Associate Dire ctor for Science, Office of t he Directo r Centers for Disease Contro l and Preventi on 1600 Clifton Road NE Roybal Campus, Bldg. 21, MS: D-50 Atlanta , GA 30329 404-639 -4758 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000451 From: Se nt: To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 14 May 2018 13:30:02 -0400 Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO);Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subje ct: RE: Shepard Awards 10:00 -11:30am June 14th. Just huddled with JM and R3 did agree to intro speaker. Here's what we're going to do. Please revise calendars accordingly and let me know if any problems ... 9-9-30am R3 meets with ASTHO Board in OCR 9:30-9:45 R3 & AS move to Speaker Ready Room to meet with Shepard Speaker (please reserve SRR) 945-l0am, AS & R3 meet with speaker in SRRand prep for talk 10am Lecture begins From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday , May 14, 2018 1:21 PM To: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO) Subject: RE: Shepard Awa rds 10:00-11:30am June 14th . I'll defer to JM about any acceptance of R3 to do remarks as you've outlined below . If he has not agreed per our protocols, then they need to subm it via the DL process for him to do that, otherwise he's just attending From : Romanik , Nikk i Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : M onday , May 14, 2018 12:41 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bartee , Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGui re, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO) Subject: RE: Shepard Awards 10:00-11 :30am June 14th . Hi Scott, Another question regarding the Shepard Awards, for clarity . There seems to a be a lot of confusion regarding these events . Here is the tentative run of show from OADS. It shows AS as giving the opening remarks (5 min) and then R3 giving longer remarks and introducing the keynote speaker (10 min) I spoke with JM and he confirmed that R3 did agree to this during the DL meeting . Delaney is checking with OADC as they may have under the impression that AS was giving the majority of remarks. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000452 Is the below run of show consistent to what you thought was happening at this ceremony? Thanks, Nikki From : Ware, Nina (CDC/00/0ADS) Se nt : Monday, May 14, 2018 11:58 AM To: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS); lskander, John (CDC/OD/OADS) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS); McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject : RE:Shepard Awards 10:00-11:30am June 14th. Good afternoon Nikki, Dr. Schuchat has been asked to give the Introductory remarks and Dr. Redfield is asked to introduce the keynote speaker. Below is a proposed "run of show'. Introductory Remarks: RADM Anne Schuchat (could include acknowledgment of the recent passing of last year's keynote speaker) approx. 5 minutes Introduction of Keynote Speaker: Dr. Robert Redfield, approx. 10 minutes Keynote : Innovation and Creativity in Modern Public Health, Dr. Roberta Ness (approx . 45 minut es including Q and A) Presentation of Awards: John lskander, MD (approx. 25 minutes) Closing: John lskander , MD(< 5 minutes) Nina W are Rhe rrass Program Specialist Office of the Associate Director for Science, Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road NE Roybal Campus, Bldg. 21, MS: D-50 Atlanta, GA 30329 404-639 -4758 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000453 From: Sent: To: Subject : 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM 14 May 2018 14:13:03 -0400 Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Ware, Nina (CDC/OD/OADS) Reservation updated -- GCC,GCC B19, Room Speaker Rm 6/14/2018 The following reservat ion has been updat ed. Updated By: Sylvia Brown (FCJ7) View even t detai ls Down load the latest Calendar Appo intme nt Shepard Awards Ce remony Room : Speaker Rm GCC B1 9JGCC) --Setup Time: 0 9:00 AM - 09:30 AM Thm sday, Jun. 14, 20 18 Actual Event 09 :30 AM - 12:00 PM Thursday , Jun. 14, 2018 Time: Recurrin_g_:_ N0 Speaker: NIA Description: --< None Setup: Round Attending: 3 Est. number of 0 vehs driving to this event Equipment: "Vl P" Dr. Redfie ld, Dr. Schuchat and Guest Speaker. STAFF: Please clean other·· Compute r Room 223 for Dr . Redfield's use. - *** UPDATED Notes: on 5/ 14/2018 2:13 :03 PM by FCJ7. Item s modified: No setup informa tion (e.g., attendees, room layout, eq uipment) was updated. c--N one IRomanik. Nikki J - 404.498.0810 Archiv ed Notes:-------; Coordinator: Backup are, Nina Coordinator Room Technical Support : Room Scheduling Contact: Status: Confirm ed Created/Updated: 5/ 14/2018 2:11 PM fcj7 / 5/ 14/20 18 2:13 PM fcj7 If you have added this reservation as an appointmen t to your Microson Outlook Calendar, please be sure to verify the reservation information. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000454 You can review your reservations or submit new reservations using the Conference Room Scheduling System . If this email was sent to you in error, please notify your Conference Room Administrator by sending an email to meet ingreguest Conference Room Scheduling System HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000455 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 19 Apr 2018 11:38:27 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Moore, Melissa (CDC/CGH/OD);Stanojevich , Joel G. (CDC/CGH/OD);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Turner , Kenya D. (CDC/CGH/OD);Parise, Monica E. (CDC/CGH/DPDM);Tharpe, Marquita (Rene) (CDC/CGH/DPDM) Subject: Meet w/ Dr. Ken Staley, PMI Coordinator Attachments: RE_ Request fo r Dr. Redfield meeting with Dr. Ken Staley, PMI Coordinator.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: N/A Special Assistant : TB D Event Contact: Melissa Moore, CG H ema il: apo3@cdc .gov office: 404 .639 .8557 CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TB D CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicabl e): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : CG H Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applic able): TB D Number of Attendees and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000456 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Dr Redfield agreed 4/18 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000457 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Moore, Melissa (CDC/CGH/OD) 18 Apr 2018 17:08:38 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Turner , Kenya D. (CDC/CGH/OD) RE: Request for Dr. Redfield meeting w ith Dr. Ken Staley, PMI Coordinator Tracie, I am sorry : Can we move this to 1:30 on May 4 instead of 1:00? Dr. Martin cannot do 1:00 pm but she is available at 1:30. Thanks! From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Wednesday, April 18, 2018 2:42 PM To : Moore, Melissa (CDC/CGH/OD) Subject: RE: Request for Dr. Redfield meeting with Dr. Ken Staley, PMI Coordinator Perfect , thank you. Will someone be bring ing him to the OCR? From : Moore , Melissa (CDC/CGH/OD) Dat e: Apr il 18, 2018 at 2:34:21 PM EDT To: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) , Knotts , Ashle y (CDC/OD/OCS) , McCallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) , Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Stanojevich , Joel G. (CDC/CGH/OD) , Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subj ect : RE: Request for Dr. Redfield meeting with Dr. Ken Staley , PMI Coordinator Hi Tracie, Program says 1:00-1 :30 on May 4. Thank you! MEM From : St rength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Wednesday, April 18, 2018 12:13 PM To: Moore , Melissa (CDC/CGH/OD) ; Knott s, Ash ley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Stanojevich, Joel G. (CDC/CGH/OD) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Dr. Redfield meeting with Dr. Ken Staley, PMI Coordinator Melissa, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000458 Dr Redfield is available for the following ti mes on May 4th : • • 11:00-12:00 1:00-2:00 Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team / Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email: From: Moore , Melissa (CDC/CGH/OD) Se nt : Wednesday, April 18, 2018 11:58 AM To : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Stanojev ich, Joel G. (CDC/CGH/OD) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Request for Dr. Redfield meeting with Dr. Ken Staley, PMI Coordinator Thank you! Let me circle back on how to outreach to Ken Staley' s team. Teresa are there specific t imes he is available for a 30 minute meeting on 05/04? If that doesn't work, Dr. Staley will also be here on 05/03 and we would recommend something in the afternoon as a second choice . From : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, April 18, 2018 11:14 AM To : Moore, Mel issa (CDC/CGH/OD) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Stanojevich, Joel G. (CDC/CGH/OD) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Request fo r Dr. Redfield meeting w it h Dr. Ken Staley, PMI Coordinator He wants to take the meeting . His calendar looks relatively open on the 4th . Let us know how you'd like to hand le outreach to Staley's team . Adding others for help w ith scheduling. From: Moore , Mel issa (CDC/CGH/OD) Sent : Wednesday, April 18, 2018 10:44 AM To: Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Stanojevich , Joel G. (CDC/CGH/OD) ; Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Dr. Redfield meeting with Dr. Ken Staley, PMI Coordinator HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000459 Thanks! I appreciate it. I know things might need more advance notice in these first few months. Ashley can we get this in front of Dr. Redfield, please? Thank you! Thanks to both of you ! MEM From: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 10:42 AM To : Moore, Melissa (CDC/CGH/OD) Cc: Stanojevich, Joel G. (CDC/CGH/OD) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Request for Dr. Redfield meeting with Dr. Ken Staley, PMI Coordinator I'm including Ashley now so she can weigh in, but I don 't think it'd get done fast enough on the DL. Jeremy Jeremy Mccallister Advance T earn Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Phone: 404-639-7989 BB: 404-384-2610 isn8@cdc .gov From: Moore, Melissa (CDC/CGH/OD) Sent : Wednesday, April 18, 2018 10:41 AM To : Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Stanojevich, Joel G. (CDC/CGH/OD) Subject : Request for Dr. Redfield meeting with Dr. Ken Staley, PMI Coordinator Hi Jeremy, Dr. Ken Staley, the new PMI Coordinator for USAID, will be in town on May 4, and Dr. Mart in recommends that Dr. Redfield meet with him for 30 minutes while he is here. Can we run this on the Decision List? This is 2 weeks and 2 days out. Is this okay to go on the DL or should I re-route for Ashley Knotts and others on the A-Team to get on his calendar? I know we typically route things under 2 weeks that way, but wasn't sure if this was bordering on too tight. Thanks! Melissa A. Ely- Moore, MPH Office of the Associate Director for Policy Center for Global Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000460 1600 Clifton Road, MS D69 Atlanta, GA 30329 404-639 -8557 - Office 678-428 -4858 - Mobile Apo3@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000461 From: Sent: To: Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/10S) 14 May 2018 14:49: 4 1 +0000 Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/10S);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/0D);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject : Meet with Dr. Redfield and Peter Urbanow icz HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000462 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 19 Jun 2018 16:13:20 +0000 To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Pirkle, Jim (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Kadlec, Robert (OS/ASPR/IO);Meekins, Chris (OS/ASPR/IO);Redd, John T. (CDC/OPHPR/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Merlin, Toby (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ( Subject: Meeting in SCIF HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000463 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 17 Apr 2018 13:16:59 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Meeting Prep for Umair Shah (5mins) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000464 From: Sent: To: Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH) 21 Jun 2018 13:43:54 +0000 Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Valentine, Steven (HHS/OASH);Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: Meeting w Dr. Brett Giroir and /Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC POC: Dinah Bembo 202-690-7694 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000465 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 21 May 2018 12:56:42 +0000 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Ashley Knotts (CDC/OD/OCS) (bJ(5J (;Hugh Green (CDC/CGH/DGHP) Subject: Meeting w/ ADM Brett Giroir, OASH (CDC Visit Close-out) and FY 2020 HHS Budget Process Discuss (15 mins) Attachments: RE_ ASH visit to CDCAtlanta.msg, RE_ ASH visit to CDC Atlanta.msg, RE_ ASH visit to CDCAtlanta .msg, ASH visit Agenda 6.14 .20 18_v4.docx I I 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : Hugh Green/ Seth Kroop Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): Agenda attached . Number of Attendees and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000466 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000467 From: Sent: To : Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 21 May 2018 08:53:18 -0400 Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE:ASH visit to CDCAtlanta We can From: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 8:52 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Thanks Scott. Have a meeting with Anne this afternoon to get more details about what she wants for this visit . Can you keep a loose hold on that afternoon? Should have more information tomorrow. From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 8:50 AM To: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Von, the afternoon of 14 June is open for R3. Recommend 2 or 3pm if able . Teresa wi ll schedule once you OK From: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 6:58 PM To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) ; Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov > Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Yes, we can also work to find time with Dr. Redfield. I'll touch base with Dr. Redfield ' s scheduler next week. From: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Date: May 18, 2018 at 5:37:33 PM EDT To: Nguyen , Von (CDC/OD/OADP) , Roberts , Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) , Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDC Atlanta HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000468 Von, That's perfect! If Dr. Redfield is in town, would it be possible to meet with him for as well; they have had an initial visit . Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690 -7694 From: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) fmailto:dl y1@cdc .gov ] Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 3:41 PM To: Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Hi Dinah, Can we get back to you by the middle next week? We will shoot for the June 14th . We need to check the schedules of a few leaders to make sure they are not on vacation or otherwise committed. Thanks -von From: Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Sent : Friday, May 18, 2018 2:38 PM To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Hi Dinah, Yes, Dr. Schuchat will be in the office that day. However, she will be involved with a CDC event that morning (just an FYI). Thanks Ursula From: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 12:47 PM To: Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000469 Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Good Afternoon Von, I hope all is well today! Yes, Thursday, June 14th is the date we have on hold for the visit - Does that date work for Dr. Schuchat and othe r leadership at CDC? Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202 -690 -7694 From : Pence, Laura {HHS/IOS) Sent : Friday, May 18, 2018 11 :18 AM To: Nguyen, Von {CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta I'm adding Dinah, Dr. Giroir ' s EA because I think she was looking at or around June 14th for a visit . Yes, opioids will be the main focus . Learning about CDC's surveillance efforts would be helpfu l. - From : Nguyen, Von (CDC/0D/OADP) [ mailto :dlyl@cdc .gov] Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 11:12 AM To: Pence, Laura (HHS/105) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/0D/OADP) Subject : ASH visit to CDC Atlanta Hi Laura, I was asked by Anne Schuchat, the Principle Deputy at CDC,to work with you on a visit by Admiral Giroir to the CDC Headquarters in Atlanta . I wanted to get started on planning this visit and was wondering if there were specific dates that Admiral Grioir had in mind. Also, any thoughts you may have on specific interests from Dr. Giroir would be great. I suspect meeting with the leadership working on opiates will be among the priorities. Looking forward to working with you . -Von Von Nguyen, MD MPH HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000470 Acting Associate Director for Policy Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 404-639 -7412 (office) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000471 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 4 Jun 2018 15:57:55 +0000 To: Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Bart, Sandra (Sandy) (CDC/OD/OADP) (CTR);Singletary, Ivy (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject: RE:ASH visit to CDCAtlanta From: Sent: Hi Jim, Great . I will confirm this time on Dr. Redfield's schedu le. Have a wonderful day . Teresa From: Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent : Monday , June 4, 2018 11:30 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bart, Sandra (Sandy) (CDC/OD/OADP) (CTR) ; Singletary, Ivy (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Hi, TeresaWe've heard back and have scheduled the 45 min for 4: 15-Spm. Thanks Jim From: Williams, Teresa (CDC /OD/OCS) Date : June 4, 2018 at 11: 12:04 AM EDT To: Kucik , Jame s (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC /OD/OCS) , Bart , Sandra (Sandy) (CDC /OD/OADP) (CTR) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDC Atla nta Good afternoon Jim, I am following up on the request below . Please advise if you have received ADM Girior's trave l schedule to CDC on June 14th ? We are holding 4-5:30 p.m . for a 45 minute meeting to include 15 minutes to discuss the FY 2020 HHS Budget Process. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000472 Thanks, Teresa From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, May 30, 2018 10:57 AM To: Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) (tmd9@cdc .gov ) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Hi Jim, Thank you for your response. I look forward to your response. Best, Teresa From: Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent : Tuesday, May 29, 2018 4:33 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Hi, TeresaVon is out, but I have not yet seen a response from OASH as to Adm . Girior ' s travel schedule in the evening . I'll check back in and see if we can confirm soon . Thanks Jim From: Williams, Ter esa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 2:36 PM To: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mcca llister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Good afternoon Dr. Nguyen, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000473 Have you confirmed a meeting time with Admiral Giroir on June 14th between 4-5:30 p.m.? Would it be possible to schedule the meeting with Admiral Giroir for 45 minutes instead of 30 to include a FY 2020 Budget discussion? Thank you for your consideration. Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 2:19 PM To : Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Patterson, Sara 5. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject : RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Ok, and if you need it earlier, just let us know From : Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent : Wednesday, May 23, 2018 2 :18 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Puddy, Richard (CDC/00/0ADP) ; Patterson, Sara 5. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Roberts , Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta That works . Will need to confirm flight tim es w ith Adm . Girior but good to penci l this in. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000474 From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Date : May 23, 2018 at 2:15:10 PM EDT To: Nguyen , Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) , Kucik , James (CDC/OD/OADP) , Puddy , Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) , Patterson , Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) , Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDC Atlanta Do you want to do 4 :30 or Spm? From: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 2:12 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Sure. How late can R3 meet? With a noon/1 pm start time with 4 other meetings, we will be running pretty close to the end of the day. From: Scales, Scott L.(CDC /0D /OCS) Date : May 23, 2018 at 12:58:29 PM EDT To: Nguyen , Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) , Kucik , James (CDC/OD/OADP) , Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) , Patterson , Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) , Roberts , Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDC Atlanta Thanks Von . Would you like to have R3s meeting at the end to wrap up the visit, and if so, what time would you like? Tracie can add it for us today . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000475 From: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 11:39 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Hi Scott, Looks like we are going to shoot for June 14th in the afternoon . Tentatively, the ASH will visit the regional office in the morning and come to CDC in the afternoon. It would be great to lock down a time for the Dr. Redfield visit . Jim Kucik and his staff wi ll be helping to coordinate the meeting schedules . Meetings/topics that we are proposing include 1. R3 2. Public Health Workforce 3. Opiates with surveillance 4. Physical activ ity/Obesity/Nutrition 5 . HIV/Viral hepatitis Let us know if you need additional information From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday , May 21, 2018 8:53 AM To: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta We can From: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent: Monday , May 21, 2018 8:52 AM To: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov > Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Thanks Scott. Have a meeting with Anne this afternoon to get more details about what she wants for this visit. Can you keep a loose hold on that afternoon? Should have more information tomorrow . From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 8:50 AM To: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000476 Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Von, the afternoon of 14 June is open for R3. Recommend 2 or 3pm if able . Teresa w ill schedu le once you OK From: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent : Friday, May 18, 2018 6:58 PM To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) ; Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Yes, we can also work to find time with Dr. Redfield. I'll touch base with Dr. Redfield 's scheduler next week . Fr om : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Date: May 18, 2018 at 5:37:33 PM EDT To: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) , Roberts , Ursu la (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) , Pence , Laura (HH S/IOS) Cc: Puddy , Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDC Atlanta Von, That's perfect! If Dr. Redfield is in town , would it be possible to meet with him for as well; they have had an initia l visit . Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690-7694 From: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OO/OADP) [ ] Sent : Friday, May 18, 2018 3:41 PM To: Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OO/OCS) (CTR); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OO/OADP) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Hi Dinah, Can we get back to you by the middle next week? We will shoot for the June 14th . We need to check the schedules of a few leaders to make sure they are not on vacation or otherwise committed. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000477 Thanks -van From: Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 2:38 PM To : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject : RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Hi Dinah, Yes, Dr. Schuchat will be in the office that day. However , she wil l be involved with a CDC event that morning (just an FYI). Thanks Ursula From: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 12:47 PM To: Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Good Afternoon Von, I hope all is wel l today! Yes, Thursday, June 14t h is the date we have on hold for the visit - Does that date work for Dr. Schuchat and other leadership at CDC? Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690 -7694 From: Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 11:18 AM To: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000478 Subject : RE:ASH visit to CDCAtlanta I'm adding Dinah, Dr. Giroir's EA because I think she was looking at or around June 14th for a visit. Yes, opioids will be the main focus. Learning about CDC'ssurveillance efforts would be helpful. From : Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) [ mailto] Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 11: 12 AM To: Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject: ASH visit to CDC Atlanta Hi Laura, I was asked by Anne Schuchat, the Principle Deputy at CDC,to wo rk with you on a visit by Admiral Giroir to the CDCHeadquarters in Atlanta . I wanted to get started on planning this visit and was wondering if there were specific dates that Admiral Grioir had in mind. Also, any thoughts you may have on specific interests from Dr. Giroir would be great. I suspect meeting with the leadership working on opiates will be among the priorities. Looking forward to working with you . -Von Von Nguyen, MD MPH Acting Associate Director for Policy Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 404-639-7412 (office) Dl Yl@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000479 From: Se nt: To : Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) 7 Jun 2018 21:12:40 -0400 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Subject: Attachme nts: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Smith, Monica A. (CDC/OD/OADP) (CTR) RE:ASH visit to CDCAtlanta ASH visit Agenda 6.14.2018_v4.docx All Attached is a revised draft agenda that includes participants. I wanted to ask whether additional staff should sit in on the 1:1 with Drs. Redfield and Giro ir? We'll follow your gu idance on attendees for that session. I'll send an updated agenda tomorrow as the participant list for the 3:15 is in flux . Thanks Jim From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Thursday, June 7, 2018 3:23 PM To : Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Smith, Monica A. (CDC/OD/OADP) (CTR) Subject : RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Jim, I' ll let Seth address that and share an examp le. -Scott From: Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) Se nt: Thu rsday, June 7, 2018 3:21 PM To: Willia ms, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov>; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Smith, Monica A . (CDC/OD/OADP) (CTR) Subject : RE: ASH visit t o CDCAt lanta Hi, TeresaDo you know who coordinated the v isit on our end for Secretary Azar? We wondering if that was a packet of CDC info that is typically given to HHS VIPs in advance or when they arrive . Thanks Jim From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:23 PM To: Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Bart, Sandra (Sandy) (CDC/OD/OADP) (CTR) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Singletary, Ivy (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000480 Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Hi Jim, Thank you for clarifying and providing the agenda. Teresa From : Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) Date: June 5, 2018 at 5:05:35 PM EDT To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Singletary, Ivy (CDC/OD/OADP) , Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) , Bart, Sandra (Sandy) (CDC/OD/OADP) (CTR) , Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: ASH visit to CDC Atlanta TeresaThe 4:15-Spm is scheduled to be a 1:1 (see attached drat schedule). Thanks Jim From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, June S, 2018 1:04 PM To: Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixi3@cdc .gov >; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bart, Sandra (Sandy) (CDC/OD/OADP) (CTR); Singletary, Ivy (CDC/OD/OADP) Subje ct: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Good afternoon Jim, Could you please confirm if the Closeout on 6/14 from 4:15-5 :00 p.m. is a 1:1 meet ing between Dr. Giroir and Dr. Redfield? If not, we will need to schedu le 30 minutes for the close-out if it is with a group , and 30 minutes as a 1:1 with Dr. Redfield. Please advise. Thanks, Teresa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000481 From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, June 4, 2018 11:58 AM To: Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc:Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bart, Sandra (Sandy) (CDC/OD/OADP) (CTR) ; Singletary, Ivy (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject : RE: ASH visit to CDC Atlanta Hi Jim, Great . I will confirm this time on Dr. Redfield's schedule . Have a wonderful day . Teresa From : Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent : Monday, June 4, 2018 11:30 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bart, Sandra (Sandy) (CDC/OD/OADP) (CTR) ; Singletary, Ivy (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject : RE: ASH visit to CDC Atlanta Hi, TeresaWe've heard back and have scheduled the 45 min for 4: 15-Spm. Thanks Jim From: Williams, Teresa (CDC /OD/OCS) Date: June 4, 2018 at 11: 12:04 AM EDT To: Kuc ik, Jame s (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC /OD/OCS) , Bait , Sandra (Sandy) (CDC /OD/OADP) (CTR) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDC Atla nta Good afternoon Jim , I am following up on the request below . Please advise if you have received ADM Girior's travel schedule to CDC on June 14th ? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000482 We are holding 4-5:30 p.m. for a 45 minute meeting to include 15 minutes to discuss the FY 2020 HHS Budget Process. Than ks, Teresa From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 10:57 AM To: Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Hi Jim, Thank you for your response. I look forward to your response . Best, Teresa From: Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 4:33 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Hi, TeresaVon is out , but I have not yet seen a response from OASH as to Adm. Girior ' s travel schedu le in the evening . I'll check back in and see if we can confirm soo n. Thanks Jim From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 2:36 PM To: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS)< >; Kroop, Seth {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Patterson, Sara S. {CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Good afternoon Dr. Nguyen, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000483 Have you confirmed a meeting time with Admiral Giroir on June 14 th between 4-5:30 p.m.? Would it be possible to schedule the meeting with Admira l Giroir for 45 minutes instead of 30 to include a FY 2020 Budget discussion? Thank you for your consideration . Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4 From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, May 23, 2018 2:19 PM To : Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; W illia ms, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Ok, and if you need it earlier, just let us know From : Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent : Wednesday, May 23, 2018 2:18 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Roberts , Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject : RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000484 That works. Will need to confinn flight times with Adm. Girior but good to pencil this in. From : Scales, Scott L.(CDC /0D /OCS) Date: May 23, 2018 at 2:15: 10 PM EDT To: Nguyen , Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , McCalli ster, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) , Kucik , James (CDC/OD/OADP) , Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) , Patterson , Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) , Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDC Atlanta Do you want to do 4 :30 or Spm? From : Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent : Wednesday, May 23, 2018 2:12 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/OND IEH/NC IPC) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Sure. How late can R3 meet? With a noon/ l pm start time with 4 other meetings, we will be running pretty close to the end of the day. From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Date: May 23, 2018 at 12:58:29 PM EDT To: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , McC allister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) , Kucik , James (CDC/OD/OADP) , Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) , Patterson , Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) , Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDC Atlanta Thanks Von . Would you like to have R3s meeting at the end to wrap up the visit, and if so, what time would you like? Tracie can add it for us today . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000485 From: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 11:39 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kucik, James (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Hi Scott, Looks like we are going to shoot for June 14th in the afternoon . Tentatively, the ASH will visit the regional office in the morning and come to CDC in the afternoon. It would be great to lock down a time for the Dr. Redfield visit . Jim Kucik and his staff wi ll be helping to coordinate the meeting schedules . Meetings/topics that we are proposing include 1. R3 2. Public Health Workforce 3. Opiates with surveillance 4. Physical activ ity/Obesity/Nutrition 5 . HIV/Viral hepatitis Let us know if you need additional information From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday , May 21, 2018 8:53 AM To: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta We can From: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent: Monday , May 21, 2018 8:52 AM To: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov > Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Thanks Scott. Have a meeting with Anne this afternoon to get more details about what she wants for this visit. Can you keep a loose hold on that afternoon? Should have more information tomorrow . From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 8:50 AM To: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000486 Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Von, the afternoon of 14 June is open for R3. Recommend 2 or 3pm if able . Teresa w ill schedu le once you OK From: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent : Friday, May 18, 2018 6:58 PM To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) ; Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Yes, we can also work to find time with Dr. Redfield. I'll touch base with Dr. Redfield 's scheduler next week . Fr om : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Date: May 18, 2018 at 5:37:33 PM EDT To: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) , Roberts , Ursu la (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) , Pence , Laura (HH S/IOS) Cc: Puddy , Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDC Atlanta Von, That's perfect! If Dr. Redfield is in town , would it be possible to meet with him for as well; they have had an initia l visit . Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690-7694 From: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OO/OADP) [ ] Sent : Friday, May 18, 2018 3:41 PM To: Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OO/OCS) (CTR); Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OO/OADP) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Hi Dinah, Can we get back to you by the middle next week? We will shoot for the June 14th . We need to check the schedules of a few leaders to make sure they are not on vacation or otherwise committed. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000487 Thanks -van From: Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 2:38 PM To : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject : RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Hi Dinah, Yes, Dr. Schuchat will be in the office that day. However , she wil l be involved with a CDC event that morning (just an FYI). Thanks Ursula From: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 12:47 PM To: Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) ; Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: ASH visit to CDCAtlanta Good Afternoon Von, I hope all is wel l today! Yes, Thursday, June 14t h is the date we have on hold for the visit - Does that date work for Dr. Schuchat and other leadership at CDC? Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690 -7694 From: Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 11:18 AM To: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000488 Subject : RE:ASH visit to CDCAtlanta I'm adding Dinah, Dr. Giroir's EA because I think she was looking at or around June 14th for a visit. Yes, opioids will be the main focus. Learning about CDC'ssurveillance efforts would be helpful. From : Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) [ mailto] Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 11: 12 AM To: Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS) Cc: Puddy, Richard (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject: ASH visit to CDC Atlanta Hi Laura, I was asked by Anne Schuchat, the Principle Deputy at CDC,to wo rk with you on a visit by Admiral Giroir to the CDCHeadquarters in Atlanta . I wanted to get started on planning this visit and was wondering if there were specific dates that Admiral Grioir had in mind. Also, any thoughts you may have on specific interests from Dr. Giroir would be great. I suspect meeting with the leadership working on opiates will be among the priorities. Looking forward to working with you . -Von Von Nguyen, MD MPH Acting Associate Director for Policy Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 404-639-7412 (office) Dl Yl@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000489 Agenda U.S. 0-epart m ent of Hea lth and Human ~rvices Cente rs for Dlseasl! Con t rol and P,~cntion June 14, 2018 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Welcomes Assistant Secretary for Health Brett Giroir, MD ADM, U.S. Public Health Service CDC Roybal Campus, 1600 Clifton Road, NE, 30329 Arrival and Security Check-in *Please bring a valid passport or government-issued ID Location: Roybal Campus, Building 19, Visitor's Center 11 :45 am - 12:00 pm Assistant Secretary ADM Giroir Arrives, Welcomed by Dr. Robin Ikeda (RADM, USPHS) CDC Deputy Director; Director of the Office of Non-communicable Diseases, Injury and Environmental Health (ONDIEH) Travel to building 21 and take elevator to 12 th floor. Location: Roybal Campus, Building 21, Floor 12, Room 12302 Working Lunch with the Nat ional Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP) Lunch Topic: HIV/HCV Participants: • Assistant Secretary ADM Giroir 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm • • Steven Valentine, Deputy Chief of Staff, OASH Laura Pence, Policy Advisor for Public Health and Science, HHS • • Dr. Jonothan Mermin, Director (NCHHSTP) Dr. Paul Weidle, Acting Director, Division of Viral Hepatitis (DVH), NCHHSTP Dr. Eugene McCray, Director, Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP), NCHHSTP Ms. Sara Zeigler, Associate Director for Planning and Policy Coordination, NCHHSTP Ms. Sara Patterson, Acting Director, Program, Performance and Evaluation Office (PPEO) • • • Location: Roybal Campus, Building 21, Floor 12, Room 12302 Conference Bridge Line: 1-866 -790-5704 Passcode: I mvGl I CDC Influenza Lab Tour 1 of 3 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000490 Participants: • Assistant Secretary ADM Giroir 12:45 pm- 1:30 pm • Mr . Steven Valentine, Deputy Chief of Staff, OASH • Ms. Laura Pence, Policy Adviso r for Public Healt h and Science, HHS • Escort: Ms. Sara Patterson, Acting Director, PPEO Location : Roybal Campus, Building 17, Floor 5 Meetin g with National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP)/ Division of Nutrition Physical Activity and Obesity (DNPAO) Topic: Physical act ivity/Obesity/Nutrition Participants: • Assistant Secretary ADM Giroir 1:30 pm - 2:15 pm • Mr. Steven Valentine, Deputy Chief of Staff, OASH • Ms. Laura Pence, Policy Adv isor for Public Health and Science, HHS • Ms. Ruth Petersen, Division Director, DNPAO • Ms. Janelle Gunn, Associate Director for Policy, DNPAO • Dr. Heidi Blanck, Chief, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch, • Ms. Nafisa Jiwani, Policy Analyst , Office of the Associat e Director DNPAO for Policy, CDC • Ms. Sara Patterson, Act ing Director, PPEO Location : Roybal Campus, Building 21, Floor 12, Room 12302 Conference Bridge Line: 1-866 -790-5704 Passcode: I rb1rm I 2:15 pm - 2:30 pm BREAK Meetin g with the Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services (CSELS) Topic : Public Health Workforce Participants : 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm • • Assistant Secretary ADM Giroir M r. Steven Valent ine, Deputy Chief of Staff, OASH • Ms . Laura Pence, Policy Advisor for Public Health and Science, HHS • Dr. Michae l lademarco, Director, CSELS • Dr. Leandris Liburd, Associate Director for the Office of Minority Health and Health Equity, CDC • Dr. Patricia Simone, Director , Division of Scientific Education and Professiona l Development (DSEPD),CSELS • Ms . Heather Duncan, Deputy Director, DSEPD,CSELS 2 of 3 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000491 • Ms. Sara Patterson, Acting Direct or, PPEO Location : Roybal Campus, Building 21, Floor 12, Room 12302 Conference Bridge Line: 1-866 -790-5704 Passcode: I lb)IGl i Meeting with CSELSand the National Center on Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) Topic: Opiates and Public Health Surveillance Participants: • Assistant Secretary ADM Giroi r 3:15 pm - 4 :15 pm • M r. Steven Valent ine, Deputy Chief of Staff, OASH • Ms. Laura Pence, Policy Adv isor for Public Health and Science, HHS • Dr. Chesley Richa rds, CDC Dep uty Directo r, Director of t he Offi ce of Public Health Scientific Services • Dr. Michael lademarco, MD, MPH, Director, CSELS • Dr. Paula Yoon, Director, Division of Health Informatics and Surveillance (DHIS), CSELS • Dr. Debra Houry, Director, NCIPC • Dr. Puja Seth, Division of Unintentiona l Injury Prevent ion , NCIPC • Dr. Alana Vivolo- Kantor, Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention, NCIPC • M s. Sara Patterson , Acting Director , PPEO Location: Roybal Campus, Building 21, Floor 12, Room 12302 Conference Bridge Line: 1-866 -790-5704 Passcode: I lb}IBl I 1:1 Meeting with Dr. Redfield Part icipan t s: • Assistant Secretary ADM Giroir 4:15 pm - 5:00 pm • M r. Steven Valent ine, Deputy Chief of Staff, OASH • M s. Laura Pence, Policy Adviso r for Public Healt h and Science, HHS • Dr. Robert R. Redfield, Directo r, CDC, and Adm inistrator, ATSDR • M s. Sara Patterson , Acting Director, PPEO Location: Roybal Campus, Building 21, Floor 12, Room 12302 Conference Bridge Line: 1-866 -790-5704 Passcode: I 'bl Subject : Request to meet - Chicago Departme nt of Public Healt h Comm issioner Hello Dr. Redfie ld, I wi ll be attend ing a meeting at CDCon Monday, June 13th . I would reai:@ appreciate having an oppo rtu nity to meet w ith you to discuss some of the work (e.g., opio ids, commu nicable diseases, immun izations, prepa redness) t hat my department has been able to do. Directly funded, large urban areas have t he capacity to quick ly implement and evaluate programs that reach the highest r isk populations. If you have any availability on the afternoon of June 13th , I w ill make myself available. Thank you fo r consider ing my request. Julie Julie Morita, MD Commissioner Chicago Department of Public Health 333 S. State Street, Suite 200 Chicago, IL 60604 312-747-9870 HEALTHY CHICAGO o o e This e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is intended only fo r use by the addressee(s) named herein and may contai n legally privi leged and/o r confidentia l info rmat ion. If you are not t he int ended recipient of t his e-mai l (or t he person responsible for delivering this docume nt to t he inten ded recipient), yo u are hereby notified that any disseminatio n, distrib ut ion, print ing or copyi ng of th is email, and any attachme nt t heret o, is strictly pro hibited. If you have received t his e-mail in error, please respond t o t he individ ual sending t he message, and perma nently delete t he original and any copy of any e-mail and pr intout th ereof . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000501 This e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named herein and may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail (or the per son responsible for delivering this document to the intended recipient), you are hereby notified that any dissemination , distribution , printin g or copying of this e-mail, and any attachment thereto, is strictly prohibit ed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please respond to the individual sendi ng the message, and permanently delete the original and any copy of any e-mai l and print out thereof. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000502 From: Sent: To: Subject: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/0D/OCS) 1 Jun 2018 13:14:20 -0400 Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/0D/OCS) Secretary comments Azar: Integrity Teamwork Courage Discipline Things he looks for when interviewing folks. Jeremy Jeremy Mccallister Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404-639-7989 iPhone: 404-384-2610 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000503 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 10 Apr 2018 15:37:53 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: Meeting w/ Dr. Umair Shah, NACCHO President RE_ Meeting with Dr. Schuchat.msg Attachme nts: From: Se nt: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts Event Contact: Lorine Spencer, RN, BSN , MBA, CPF , CSTLTS/ Nationa l Partnerships Branch (proposed) , 4770 Buford Highway NE, MS E-90 , At lanta , GA 30345 , Office : 770488-1524 , Fax: 770-488-1600, akx4@cdc .gov CDC Staffer Accomp anying Dr. Redfield: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicabl e): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: CST LTS Purpose of Event : Introductory meeting with Dr. Shah, the Exec. Dir. of Harris County Public Health and Pres. of the National Association of City and County Health Officia ls (NACC HO), who will be in ATL for the Preparedness Summ it. Dr. Shah is meeting with Sherr i Berger on 4/16 , 3 - 4 PM. Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000504 Key Participants (if applicable): Dr. Montero will also attend. Bios: https ://www.naccho .org/about/board/umair -a-shah Source Invitation: Yes on the 4/2/ 18 DL 3. Dr. Redfield's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs) : Dr. Redfield 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000505 From : Sent: To : Cc: Spencer, Lorine M. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) 10 Apr 2018 10:32:17 -0400 Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Moore, Georgia Ann (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Hart, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Taveras, Sam (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject: RE: Meeting with Dr. Schuchat Thanks Jeremy. Appreciate the fol low up . 1:30 -2p will work. Is it ok to also include the NACCHO co-directors Dr. William Barnes and Laura Hanen as Dr. Shah is the President of NACCHO? Lorine From : Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 10, 2018 9:41 AM To : Moore, Georgia Ann (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Spencer, Lorine M. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cc: Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Hart, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) ; Taveras, Sam (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject: RE: Meeting with Dr. Schuchat Dr. Redfield has agreed to a brief introductory meeting with Dr. Shah . 4/19 is the only day he has time available so please let me know what the ideal time is for a 15 min . meeting and we'll go from there . He can do 10:30 - 11 :30 AM , 1:30 - 2 PM , and 2:30 - 3 PM. Jeremy Jeremy Mccallister Advance T earn Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Phone: 404-639-7989 BB: 404-384-2610 isn8@cdc .gov From : Moore, Georgia Ann (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Sent : Monday, April 2, 2018 2:54 PM To : Spencer, Lorine M. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) ; Hart, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Taveras, Sam (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subje ct : RE: Meeting with Dr. Schuchat Import ance: High I thought we all agreed that we would hold on scheduling meet ings between Redfield and external partners until Redfield has had a chance to meet with CDC leaders across the agency and catch his breath. Has something changed? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000506 GA From : Spencer, Lorine M . (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Se nt: Monday , April 2, 2018 2:01 PM To : Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Moore, Georgia Ann (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) ; Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Hart, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subje ct: RE: Meeting with Dr. Schuchat Please combine Dr. Shah and NACCHO's request together. Dr. Shah is the President of NACCHO & as thus request has shifted to meet with Dr. Redfield we can combine these requests. Thanks From : Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, March 30, 2018 2:38 PM To: Spencer, Lorine M . (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Moore, Georgia Ann (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) ; Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Hart, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subje ct: RE: Meeting with Dr. Schuchat So since this request is going in front of Dr. Redfield, is the purpose to be an introductory meeting or something else? Jeremy Jeremy McCallister Advance T earn Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Phone : 404-639-7989 BB: 404-384-2610 isn8@cdc .gov From : Spencer, Lorine M. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Se nt : Thursday, March 22, 2018 8 :57 AM To : Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Moore, Georgia Ann (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) ; Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Hart, Kimber ly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subje ct: RE: Meeting with Dr. Schuchat Dr. Shah has met her before and wanted to re-establish a connection. He realizes there is transition & would stil l like to meet with her if possible. Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000507 From : McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 2:35 PM To : Spencer, Lorine M . (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Moore, Georgia Ann (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) ; Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Hart, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject : RE: Meeting with Dr. Schuchat Lorine, What's the purpose for this meeting? Once we get that I think we 'll have a enough to get it in front of Dr. Schuchat. Thanks! Jeremy Jeremy Mcca llister Advance T earn Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Phone: 404 -639-7989 BB: 404-384-2610 isn8@cdc .gov From: Spencer, Lorine M. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Se nt: M onday, March 19, 2018 9:48 AM To: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Meeting with Dr. Schuchat Dr. Umair Shah Executive Director of Harr is County Public Health will be in Atlanta for the Preparedness Summit and would like to meet with Dr. Schuchat if available on 4/16 th or 4/19 th . He is meeting with Sherri Berger 4/16 th - 3p -4p. Here is more info if needed http://publichealth.harriscountytx .gov/About/Leadership . Bio (long) http :// /Documents/About/Leadership%20Bios/U Shah MD Long Bio.pdf?ver=2018 -02-13-153440-587 Appreciate your assistance and hope this works. Best, Lorine Spencer, RN, BSN, MBA, CPF CSTLTS/National Parnerships Branch (proposed) 4770 Buford Highway NE, MS E-90 Atlanta, GA 30345 Off ice: 770-488- 1524 Fax: 770-488-1600 Email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000508 ~ I. Connect v with US CDC@ s~""'9 l ,vca ProtectingPeople. S"v,ngMonoy ThroughPrevention cdcgov/2 4 7 I apologize in advance for any typos or grammatical errors as I am typing one-handed. Supporting the following partners : American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Ame rican College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM), American Public Health Association (APHA), National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)& United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC). Telework days Thursday and Friday. If you need to speak to me in person on either of these days, please call me at I fbl/61 From : Spencer, Lorine M . (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Sent : Monday, March 26, 2018 4:48 PM To: M ccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Taveras, Sam (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) ; Moore, Georgia Ann (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject: Meeting with Dr. Redfield Hi Jeremy: Laura Hanen and Dr. William Barnes from NACCHO (National Association of City & County Health Officers) will be in town for the Preparedness Summit 4/ 16 th - 4/1 8 th and would like to meet with Dr. Redfield. Purpose: to welcome him to CDC and provide a very general overview of their work with the Agency. Below are their bios . Unsure when he will be here and accepting meetings but t hought I would ask. https ://www .naccho .org/ a bout/ about -int eri m-execut ive-d irecto r-laura-ha nen-m pp https ://www .naccho .org/about/about -acting -execut ive-director -w illiam-m-barnes-ph-d-mba Look forward t o hearing back from you . Best, Lorine Spencer, RN, BSN, MBA, CPF CSTLTS/National Parnerships Branch (proposed) 4770 Buford Highway NE, MS E-90 Atlanta, GA 30345 Office : 770-488-1524 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000509 Fax: 770-488-1600 Email: ~ I. Connect Vl with US Sa""'9 l ,I/CS CDC@ ProtectingPl!()ple. Sav,ng Monoy Tlvough Prevention cdcgov/24 7 I apologize in advance for any typos or grammatical errors as I am typing one-handed. Supporting the following partners : American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM), American Public Health Association (APHA), National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)& United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC). Telework days Thursday and Friday. If you need to speak to me in person on either of these days, please rb)l6J call me at I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000510 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 3 Apr 2018 16:48:43 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Foege, William Herbert;Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: Meeting w/ Dr. William (Bill) Foege and Dr Redfield HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000511 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 22 May 2018 13:19:15 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Yassanye, Diana (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Meeting w/ Oz Nelson & Sue Rusche Attachments: RE_ Meeting Request from Oz Nelson .msg, RE_ Notice of VIP Visitors for Dr. Redfield .msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Nikki Romani k Special Assistant : Seth Kroop / Hugh Green Event Contact: Oz Nelson phone : 404-256 -91 14; ~I---~ ; Kroo p, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Yassanye, Diana (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Meeting Request from Oz Nelson If Kyle's agreeable, I'd recommend June 15th for meeting. We have too much already on the 1st and 4th and R3 is on travel on t he 13th . From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Monday, May 21, 2018 2:31 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Set h (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Meeting Request from Oz Nelson Oz Nelson j ust called requesting a meeting with Dr. Redfield to discuss the marijuana situation and would like to have Sue Rusche jo in them. He mentioned this would be a follow up meeting. Dates that would be available for Oz Nelson and Sue Rusche are: • June 1st • June 4 th • June 13th • June 15th Please advise if ok with moving forward to schedule. Respectfully, Tracie HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000514 Battle, Edward J. (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) on behalf of CDC Security (Physical) 11 Jun 2018 16:04 :34 -0400 Romanik Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) From : Sent: To : r'r • I I (b)(6) Subject: RE: Notice of VIP Visitors for Dr. Redfield Access approved . Sincerely, Edward Battle Security Specialist HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000515 Security Operations Center Security Services Office Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Direct 404-639-2888 Fax 404 -639-0837 From: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, June 11, 2018 3:37 PM To: CDCSecurity (Physical) Subject: Notice of VIP Visitors for Dr. Redfield Please see the request below. Thank you, Nikki Dat e of Visit 6/15/18 1. Kent "Oz" Nelson 2. Susan Rusche Yes and Yes 3:00pm Visitor' s Full Nam e U.S. Citizen Dat e and Time of Visit Campu s/ Bldg/Room Visited Roybal, Building 21, 12th floor, Director's Conference Room Entry Point of Visitor Building 45, Visitor's Center CDC Point of Conta ct and Phone Num ber Nikki Romanik (470)217-1558 Point of Contact's Campus, Building, a nd Room Roybal, Building 21, 12th floor, Cube 12002.1 Escort Name a nd Cont act Numb er: Nikki Romanik (470)217-1558 To visit Dr. Redfield Purpose of Visit Nikki Jo Romanik Office of the Director , Office of Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road NE, Room 12002.1, MS D-14 Atlanta , GA 30333 404.498.0810 (o) 470.217 .1558 (b) I (b)(6) I CDC@/1 ~:;::~ Sallf~g U-es. ~ ~ ~ 4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000516 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 28 Mar 2018 15:44:01 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: Meet ing w/ the Associat ion of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) Board of Directors Attachments: RE_ Invites .msg, 2017-2018 Board of Directors.docx , ASTHO Invitation Redfield.pdf, FW_ ASTHO Invitation - Redfield .msg, RE_ ASTHO Board of Directors meet ing.msg, RE_ Shepard Awards 10_00 -11_ 30am June 14th ..msg, RE_ ASTHO Board of Directors meeting .msg, RE_ ASTHO Board of Directors meeting .msg, 06-14-18 Board of Directors Visit to CDCAgend a.docx 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee Special Assistant: Seth Kroop Event Contact: Michael Fraser, PhD MS CAE FCPP, Executive Director Association of State and Territoria l Health Officials, National Headquarters: 223 1 Crystal Drive, Suite 450 , Arlington, VA 22202 , Regional Office: 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30308, Tel: (202) 371-9090 I Asst: (571) 527-3142 I 24/7 S/THO Help Line (571) 527-3 131, Mobile : (202) 222-5166 , Follow me on Twitter @mfraserdc1 CDC Staffer Accompan ying Dr. Redfield : TB D CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Jeffrey Walker, Public Health Adv isor , OSTL TS, khz2@cdc .gov, 404-718-8543 . CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Informat ion: Event Host: ASTHO Purpose of Event: Meet with the AST HO Board of Directors so they can learn more about the Director's vision and priorities for CDC, and discuss current state and federa l efforts to advance the nation's health. ASTHO is the national non-profit organization represent ing state public health agencies in the US, the US Territories, and the District of Columbia, as well as the over 100,000 public HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000518 health professionals these agencies employ . ASTHO's vision is state and territorial health agenc ies advancing health equity and optima l health for all , and its mission is to support , equip , and advocate for state and territorial health officials in their work of advancing the public's health and well-being . Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: BoD list attached. Key Participants (if applicable): BoD list attached . Bios: BoD list attached . Source Invitation: Yes on 4/2/18. 3. Dr. Redfield's Speech Information or Talking Points {TPs): Dr. Redfield's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press: n/a Teleprompter: n/a 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000519 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 2 Apr 2018 14:02:04 -0400 McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Invites Got it, thanks! I'll stop over with the remaining invites from Friday's Decision List email. From : McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Se nt : Monday, April 2, 2018 1:59 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Invites ASTHO- Let's proceed with having R3 meet with them on either June 14th or 15th. The Wor ld Bank Group meeting in DC - I'm not sure we are going to be able to make t his work this time, but wo uld like to try to do something with them in the future. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000520 A SSOCIATION OF STATE AND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO 2017-2018 Board of Directors Officers President John M . Wi esman, DrPH, MPH Secretary of Health, Washington State Department of Health John Wiesman was appo inted secretary of health for the Washington State Department of Health in April 2013. He has worked in four local public health departments in Washington and Connecticut . He started his public health career in Connecticut in 1986 and was in its first group tra ined to provide HIV counseling and testing. During his career, Wiesman has transformed health departments from providing ind ividual clinical services to implementing policies, systems and environmental changes that make healthy choices easier and less expensive. He also partnered with a community clinic to provide integrated primary care and behavioral health . Wiesman also worked at the University of Washington, School of Public Health as a project director on a back pain outcome assessment team grant. A native of Wisconsin, Wiesman earned his Doctorate of Public Health in public health executive leadership from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill in 2012. He received a Master of Public Health in chronic disease epidemiology from Yale University in 1987 and his Bachelor of Arts degree in biology from Lawrence University in Wisconsin in 1983. President-Elect Nicole Alexander-Scott , M D, MPH Director, Rhode Island Department of Health Nicole Alexander-Scott has been the director of the Rhode Island Department of Health since May 2015 . She brings to this position tremendous experience from her work as a specialist in infectious diseases for children and adults at hospitals in Rhode Island affiliated with Brown University and at the Rhode Island Department of Health. Her clinical and academic responsibilities were balanced with serving as a consultant medical director for the Office of HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STDs,and TB in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology at the Rhode Island Department of Health. Alexander-Scott is board certified in pediatrics, internal medicine , pediatric infectious diseases, and adult infectious diseases. She obtained a Master of Public Health degree from Brown University in 2011 . She is also an assistant professor of pediatrics and medicine at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University . Originally from Brooklyn, New York, Alexander-Scott attended Cornell University, major ing in human development and family studies, and subsequently graduated from medical school in 2001 from SUNY HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000521 A SSOCIATION OF STATE AND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 Upstate Medical University at Syracuse. After completing a combined internal medicine-pediatr ics residency at SUNYStony Brook University Hospital in 2005, Alexander-Scott finished a four-year combined fellowship in adult and pediatric infectious diseases at Brown in 2009 . Imm ediat e Past Preside nt Jay Butler, MD Director of Public Health, Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Jay Butler was appointed chief medical officer for the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services and director of the Division of Public Health by Governor Bill Walker in December 2014. From 2010 to 2014, Butler served as senior director for community health services at the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium in Anchorage, where he was also a clinical infectious diseases consultant and medical director for infection contro l and employee health. His earlier wo rk includes serving as chief medical officer of the Alaska Department of Health Social Services from 2007 to 2009, Alaska state epidemiolog ist, 2005-07, director of CDC'sArctic Investigations Program, 1998-2005, and medical epidemiologist in CDC's National Center for Infectious Diseases in Atlanta, 1991-98. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina Medical School, has completed clinical tra ining at Vanderbilt and Emory unive rsities, and maintains clinical board certifications in infectious diseases, internal medical, and pediatrics . He has authored or co-authored over 100 scientific papers and medical textbook chapters on infectious diseases and emergency preparedness , and he is an affiliate professor of medicine at the University of Alaska Anchorage . In 2010, he received ASTHO's National Excellence in Public Health Award. Past President Karen McKeown, M SN, RN Administrator and State Health Off icial, Wisconsin Department of Health Karen McKeown is the state health officer and has served as administrator of the division of public health in the Wisconsin Department of Health Services since January 2012. In this role, she leads the division and works with many partners to realize the vision of Everyone Living Better, Longer. As an oncology staff nurse and leader for 11 years, M cKeown previously oversaw the clinical operat ions of inpatient and outpatient oncology departments . McKeown's health policy experience includes a student fellowship with the U.S. Senate finance committee and a graduate fellowship with the Heritage Foundation . McKeown holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Texas in Tyler, and a master ' s degree in nursing management, policy and leadership from Yale University. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000522 A SSOCIATION OF STATE AND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Secret ary-Treasurer Gerd W. Clabaugh, MPA Assistant Secretary for Public Health, Iowa Department of Health Gerd Clabaugh was appointed by Governor Branstad in May 2014 as the Director of the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH). Clabaugh has served in many capacities within IDPH, including Deputy Director, Director of Health Promot ion and Chronic Disease Prevention, Directo r of Acute Disease Epidemiology and Emergency Response. During the early 1990s, he was appointed Director of the Center for Health Policy. Clabaugh has experienc e in both st ate government operations and nonprofit organizations . He is the former director of operations at the Iowa Healthcare Collaborative (IHC) where he worked with Iowa hospitals in promoting infection reduction strategies. As a private consultant, he supported public health agencies in assessing community health needs, program development, planning for public health improvement, and grant writing . He is past-president and past-legislative chair of the Iowa Public Health Association, and has served as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Iowa, Montana State University-Billings, Des Moines University, and Iowa State University. He has authored or contributed to academic publ ications in the journals Value in Health, American Journal of Medical Quality, and Vaccine. Clabaugh has pursued doctoral studies at the University of Iowa, holds a Master's degree in Public Administration from Iowa State University and a Bachelor's degree from Drake University. He is married with four children . Regional Representatives Represent ativ e, Region I [Map] Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH Director, Rhode Island Department of Health Nicole Alexander-Scott has been the director of the Rhode Island Department of Health since May 2015. She brings to this position tremendous experience from her work as a specialist in infectious diseases for children and adults at hospitals in Rhode Island affiliated with Brown University and at the Rhode Island Department of Health. Her clinical and academic responsibilities were balanced with serving as a consultant medical director for the Office of HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STDs, and TB in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology at the Rhode Island Department of Health. Alexander -Scott is board certified in pediatrics, internal medicine , pediatric infectious diseases, and adult infectious diseases. She obtained a Master of Public Health degree from Brown University in 2011 . She is also an assistant professor of pediatrics and medicine at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000523 A SSOCIATION OF STATE AND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 Originally from Brooklyn, New York, Alexander -Scott attended Cornell University , major ing in human development and family studies, and subsequently graduated from medical school in 2001 from SUNY Upstate Medical University at Syracuse. After completing a combined internal medicine-pediatr ics residency at SUNYStony Brook University Hospital in 2005, Alexander-Scott finished a four -year combined fellowship in adult and pediatric infectious diseases at Brown in 2009 . Representative, Region II [Map ] Japhet C. Rivera Diaz Puerto Rico Department of Health Mr. Rivera Diaz's bio will be available soon. Representative, Region Ill [Map ] M arissa Levine, MD , MPH Commissioner of Health, Virginia Department of Health Marissa Levine was appointed by Governor Terry McAu liffe as the State Health Commissioner at the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) effective March 14, 2014. She previously served as the Interim State Health Commissioner, Chief Deputy Commissioner fo r Public Health and Preparedness and, prior to that, held the position of Deputy Commissioner for Public Health and Preparedness beginning February 2009. Levine directed local healt h departments in two districts within Virginia from 2002 until 2009. Levine is a board-certified family physician who also completed a Masters of Public Health (MPH) from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She received her MD from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, NY and completed family practice residency training at the University of Virginia in Charlottesvi Ile. Levine started her career in private medical practice in Pennsylvania. She subsequently joined t he staff of an academic medical center and became the director of a fami ly practice residency training progra m in northwestern Pennsylvania. While in Pennsylvania, Levine was also very involved in commu nity health improvement efforts and was a member of the local board of health. Representati ve, Region IV [Mapl M ary Currier, MD , MPH State Health Officer, Mississippi St ate Department of Public Health Mary Currier became Mississippi's state health officer in 2010 after serving as state epidemiologist from 1993 to 2003, and again from 2007 to 2009. Currier has 30 years of state service experience and 25 years serving in public health . Prior to serving as state epidemio logist, Currier was a medical consultant with the M ississippi State Department of Health, where she began her career as a staff physician for the prenata l care, family planning, STD, and pediatrics programs. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000524 ASSOCIATION OF STATEAND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 Currier is a member of the American Medical Association, the Mississippi Central Medical Society, the American Public Health Association , and is board certified in general preventive medicine and public health . She received her Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Mississippi School of Medicine in 1983 and her Master of Public Health degree from the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health in 1987. Representative, Region V [Map] Karen McKeown, MSN, RN Admin istrator and State Health Official, Wisconsin Department of Health Karen McKeown is the state health officer and has served as administrator of the division of public health in the Wisconsin Department of Health Services since January 2012. In this role, she leads the division and works with many partners to realize the vision of Everyone Living Better, Longer. As an oncology staff nurse and leader for 11 years, McKeown previously oversaw the clinical operations of inpatient and outpatient oncology departments . McKeown 's health policy experience includes a student fellowship with the U.S. Senate finance committee and a graduate fellowship with the Heritage Foundation. McKeown holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Texas in Tyler, and a master's degree in nursing management, policy and leadership from Yale University . Representative, Region VI [Map] Nathaniel Smith, MD, MPH Director and State Health Officer, Arkansas Department of Health As a member of the governor's cabinet, Nate Smith serves as director and state health officer of the Arkansas Department of Health. In this position , he provides senior scientific and executive leadership for the agency with over 5,000 personnel and a budget of over $400 million delivering services throughout the state in more than 94 locations. He was selected as interim director in May 2013 by Gov. Mike Beebe and then appointed director in August 2013. Smith has a strong commitment to the mission of ADH: "To protect and improve the health and wellbeing of all Arkansans." In his role as director, he strives to help colleagues achieve their full potential using public health best practices supported by science-based decisions . Smith previously served the Arkansas Department of Health as branc h chief for infecti ous diseases, state epidemiologist, and deputy director for public health programs . He is board-certified in internal medicine and infect ious diseases and holds voluntary faculty positions in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the UAMS College of Medicine and in the Epidemiology Department at the College of Public Health. From July 2006 until he returned to Arkansas in August 2009, Smith served as infectious diseases consultant at Kijabe Hospital, country medical director for the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Kenya, and senior medical technical advisor for the AIDSRelief program in East Africa . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000525 ASSOCIATION OF STATEAND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 Represent ative, Region VII [Map] Randall W . William s, MD, FACOG Director, Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services Randall W. Williams, MD, FACOG,is an obstetrician and gynecologist who graduated from the University of North Carolina with Honors in History and Zoology and received his medical training at the University of North Carolina where he was a Holderness Fellow . Williams was appointed by Governor Eric Greitens to serve in his Cabinet as Director of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)and was subsequently unanimously confirmed by the Missouri Senate on March 9, 2017. He believes a fundamental tenet of effective leadership is to be readily available and accessible and he has visited all of Missouri's 115 counties to listen and learn from all of Missouri's citizens. DHSSaccomplishments to date with Williams include passage of Missouri's Good Samaritan Law and Universal Narcan Availability Law; working with Governor Grietens on the Executive Order establishing a statewide POMP; holding opioid summits throughout the state; and bringing together and meeting with all 115 local health departments for the first t ime in more than a decade. The department is also working to increase the number of providers in rural and underserved areas; improve behavioral health services for veterans and their families; promote physical fitness and community engagement through the My Missouri Steps Up init iative; enhance interagency coordination and collaboration with the state Departments of Social Services and Menta l Health ; and improve all aspects of women's health, especially to reduce infant and maternal morta lity. Williams previously served as both the Deputy Secretary for Health and State Health Director in t he Department of Health and Human Services in North Carolina. His responsibilities there included developing, integrating and communicating state health policy and helping lead a 17,000 member agency with a 20 billion dollar budget t hat combined Medicaid, social services, public health and ment al health services. To help patients and families affected by the opioid crisis, Williams led efforts in North Carolina that resulted in the legislature voting unanimously to implement a statewide standing order to treat narcotic overdoses by making naloxone available to everyone in North Carolina under his authority . He also visited stakeholders and citizens in all 100 counties in the state during his time with the department . Williams has also previously served on local and state boards of health, in addition to delivering 2000 babies as a practicing obstetrician. He also helped serve the medical needs of people in overseas conflict zones. His ongoing work has taken him to Iraq 12 times, and he has also worked in Afghanistan, Libya and Haiti. Recognition of these efforts was reflected in his selection as Triangle Red Cross Humanitarian of the Year and the Raleigh News & Observer's Tar Heel of the Week. He is also an avid runner. Williams believes physical exercise contributes greatly to a sense of wellness and led a campaign to encourage families to run SKsfor charity. He enjoys tra ining for and running marathons and has run marathons in Boston, New York, Paris, Athens, Florence and Jerusalem. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000526 ASSOCIATION OF STATEAND T ERRITORIAL H EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 Represent ati ve, Region VIII [Mapl Mylynn Tufte State Health Officer North Dakota Department of Health State Health Officer Mylynn Tufte's previous experiences as a health management executive and former critical care nurse bring an extensive background to the top leadership role in t he North Dakota Department of Health . Tufte brings more than 20 years of experience in the health indust ry, serving in a strategic and health advisory role to some of the largest payers and providers in the country . Her diverse experience includes working with state governments, nat ional and regional health plans, integrated delivery networks, academ ic and community medical centers, physician groups, and accountable care organizations. As a progressive leader with extensive experience in strategy, operations, and health informat ion technology, she has helped organizations develop and implement innovative solutions that improve healthcare for broad populations. Her experience in population health management has helped organizations improve quality and access to care, decrease the total cost of care, and improve the overall experience for consumers. Tufte earned a bachelor's degree in nursing from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, followed by a Master of Business Administration degree and a master's degree in information management degree from Arizona State University . Representativ e, Region IX [Mapl Karen Smith, MD , MPH Director and State Public Health Officer, California Department of Public Health On March 23, 2015, Karen Smith was sworn in as director of the California Department of Public Health and state public health officer. Smith is a physician specializing in infectious disease and public health. Prior to her appointment, she served as public health officer and deputy director at the Napa County Health and Human Services Agency beginning in 2004. She was also on medical staff for infectious disease at Queen of the Valley Medical Center in Napa from 2012 to 2014. Smith served as clinical faculty at the Santa Clara County Valley Medical Center Division of Infectious Diseases from 1997 to 2004. She served as assistant section chief at the California Departmen t of Health Services Tuberculosis Control Branch from 2000 to 2001 and was a faculty consultant for the Francis J. Curry International Tuberculosis Center at the University of California, San Francisco from 1997. Smith held several positions at the Stanford University School of Medicine from 1992 to 2004, including resident, fellow, and international health course director. Smith also served as TB Controller and Deputy Health Officer for Santa Clara County from 1997 to 2004. Smith completed her medical training and infectious diseases fellowship at Stanford University after having obtained a Master of Public Health degree at Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public health . Prior to her medical training, Smit h served in the Peace Corp as Public Health Laboratory Director for the Marrakesh Province in Morocco and at the Wichienburi Regional Hospital in Thailand. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000527 ASSOCIATION OF STATEAND T ERRITORIAL H EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 Representative, Region X [Map] Elke Shaw-Tulloch, MHS Public Health Administrator, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Elke Shaw-Tulloch began her current position as administrator of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare on Sept. 2, 2012. The division of health provides services ranging from immunizations, testing for communicable diseases, regulating food safety, certifying emergency medical personnel , vital record administration, and compilation of health statistics to bioterrorism preparedness. The division's programs and services actively promote healthy lifestyles and prevention activities, while monitoring and intervening in disease transmission and health risks as a safeguard for Idaho citizens. Shaw-Tulloch began working for the division of health as a health educat ion specialist in 1996. She was promoted to manager of th e Radiation Health Effect s Program (1998) and the n became manager of the Environmental Health Education and Assessment Program (1998-2001) . In 2001, Shaw-Tulloch was hired as bureau chief for environmental health and safety, which evolved under her leadership to become the Bureau of Community and Environmental Health in 2003. Shaw-Tulloch has an undergraduate degree in environmental health with a biology minor and a Master of Health Science degree with an environmental health emphasis from Boise State Universit y. USAPI Director Esther L. Muna, MHA, CPC, CEO Chief Executive Officer and Financial Services Administrator, Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation Esther Muna was appointed chief executive officer for the Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation (CHCC),the health agency fo r the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in April 2014. As CEO, Muna oversees strategic direction and all operations of the Commonwealth Healt h Center Hospital, Rota Health Center, Tinian Health Center, Public Health Services, and Behavioral Health Services and provides leadership and direction of Kagman Community Health Center . Past experiences include : • • • April 2013-April 2014: interim CEOfor CHCC October 2012-April 2013 : chief operations officer for CHCC;instrumental in the abatement of immediate jeopardies issued in September 2012 CMS survey January 2012-September 2012: Medicaid advisor and Medicaid HIT coordinator under the governor's office; instrumental in the amendment of the Medicaid State Plan to change t he payment methodology for the only hospital in the CNMI (CHC) Muna also worked for the Commonwealth Health Center Hospital under the Department of Public Health for several years. She was a hospital administrator for one and a half years and hospital CFOfor HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000528 A SSOCIATION OF STATE AND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 four years. She held other healthcare management positions including business office manager, privacy officer, and medical records manager. She received a Master of Health Admin istration degree from Saint Joseph's College of Maine and is an alumna of Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana (social and behavio ral science major) and Northern Marianas College (accounting major). She is act ive in several membership organizations, including the Pacific Island Healt h Officers Association - Board of Directors secretary, 2013 to current, the Amer ican Public Health Association, the American College of Healthcare Executives, the Healthcare Financial Management Association , the Amer ican Hospita l Association, and the American Association of Professional Coders - president (Guam-CNMI Chapt er), 2010. Other recognitions of note include being featured in the February 2010 issue of AAPC Coding Edge Magazine : "Minute with a Member", the w inner of CDCSustainable Management Project and presented winning project in CDCSustainable Management Conference in Cape Town, South Africa (2006) : "Improving Revenue Collections with Total Quality Management" . She is also a certified professional coder since 2004 and AHi MA-Approved ICD-10 coding instructor since 2012. USAPI Atl antic Director Mic helle S. Davis, PhD Health Commissioner and Chief Health Officer, Virgin Islands Department of Health Michelle Davis currently holds the position of regiona l health administrator (RHA) with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) New York Regional office . The RHA serves as the principal federal public health authority for the secretary of HHSand the assistant secretary for health . The RHA also assures collaborative promotion of the Surgeon General's initiatives. Prior to her current position, she served as the deputy RHA for the Mid -Atlant ic region (DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV) as the health liaison between DHHS and state/ local agencies, coord inated regional/nat iona l programs, recommended policies and served on the federal emergency preparedness, response and recovery team. Davis has worked as a public health professional in a variety of positions at the federa l, state , and municipal levels. This included the dep uty secretary for the Pennsylvania Departme nt of Health . She was responsib le for oversight of over 600 staff and a budget of $250 million . Before working with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania she held positions as deputy health commissioner for policy and planning with t he city of Philadelphia and senior epidemiologist with CDC. She has also held positions with the states of South Carolina, Indiana, and New York and at the local level with the city of Detroit and with the District of Columbia as a CDCfedera l assignee. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000529 A SSOCIATION OF STATE AND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat ional Headqua rte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl in gton, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Regional Office 60 0 Peacht ree Stre et NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 Davis has held several elected positions within professional organizations including : president and chair of the board of the Pennsylvania Public Health Association (PPHA), president and vice-president of the Black Caucus of Health Workers of the American Public Health Association (APHA) and governing councilor for the epidemiology section of APHA. Davis matr iculated at the University of Michigan majoring in biology and psychology at the undergraduate level. She continued her education at the University of South Carolina, Johns Hopkins, and the University of North Carolina where she majored in epidem iology for her graduate degrees. Ex Officio Members Mich ae l Fraser , PhD, CAE, FCPP Executive Directo r, ASTHO Michael Fraser has served as ASTHO'sexecut ive director since August 2016 . Most recently, he served as the execut ive vice president and CEO of the Pennsylvania Medical Society in Harrisburg, Pa. During his tenu re there, he worked with physician leaders t o t ransform the organization into a dynamic, relevant, and effective membersh ip organization representing all of t he state's physicians, and tackling critical issues such as the opioid misuse and drug abuse crisis. Fraser served as CEOof the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP) from 2007 to 2013, where his leadership was recognized nationally by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau's Director's Award in 2014. In addit ion, the American Public Health Association's MCH Section awarded AMCHP the Outstanding Leadership and Advocacy Award. Prior to jo ining AMCHP, Fraser was the deputy executive director of the Nationa l Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)from 2002 to 2007, and served in several capacities at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, including positions at the Health Resources and Services Administration and CDC. Fraser received his doctorate and masters degrees in sociology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and a masters of science in management with a concentration on management, strategy and leadership from the Eli Broad School of Management at M ichigan State University. He received a B.A. in sociology from Oberlin College in 1991. Fraser is an Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Global and Community Health at the George Mason University College of Health and Human Services and a Professional Lecturer in Health Policy & Management at the M ilken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University . Joan Duwve , MD , MPH Chair, Senior Deputi es Committ ee Chief Medica l Officer, Indiana State Department of Health I ;/;i"'I' i~, , ~ _ , t, . ..__ -~ HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000530 ASSOCIATION OF STATEAND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Joan Duwve is the associate dean for public health practice at the IU Fairbanks School of Public Health and the chief medical officer at the Indiana State Department of Health . Duwve received her bachelor 's degree from The Ohio State University, a Masters of Public Health degree from the University of Michigan and her medical degree from The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. She completed a residency in Family Medicine at St. Vincent's Hospital and Health Services in Indianapolis . Duwve spent her pre-medical years serving in the Peace Corps and working in international public health in North Africa and the Middle East and then worked as a private practice family physician for 11 years. Duwve serves on several state committees, including the Mental Health and Addiction Prevention Advisory Committee, and the Covering Kids and Families Board of Directors. She co-chairs the St ate Prescription Drug Overdose Prevention Task Force. Regionally, Duwve serves as an advisor to t he Midwest Injury Prevention Alliance Board of Directors and co-chairs the MIPA Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force. Lori Tremmel Freeman, BS, MBA Chair, Affiliate Council CEO,Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs Lori Tremmel Freeman, BS,MBA is currently the Chief Executive Officer at the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs {AMCHP) in Washington, DC. In her role, Freeman provides direction and leadership for organizational mission, vision and objectives, working every day to protect and promote the optimal health of women, children, and families and to strive for a nation that values and invests in the wellbeing of all women, children, families, and communities. She also manages the organization's operations, ensures partnerships with federal, state, and local agencies, nationa l policy makers, organizations, foundations, and the public; ensures that member needs are addressed through organization's committees, programs and activities; and supports the work of the President, Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. Freeman has had a 27-year career in nonprofit management, holding senior leadership positions with the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO);the International Test and Evaluation Association (ITEA); the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAM I); the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI); the American Public Health Association (APHA); and Grant Thornton LLP. Freeman received a Bachelor of Science degree in Management Science from Lock Haven University in Pennsylvania, and went on to complete a Masters degree in Business Adm inistration and Marketing minor from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She is active in her local community holding leadership positions on the Paul VI Catholic High School Board, Middleburg Horse Trials, and Middleburg Pony Club. Freeman currently resides in Haymarket, Virginia with her husband and twin children. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000531 A SSOCIATION OF STATE AND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO David L. Lakey, MD Alumni Board M ember Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, University of Texas System Senior Vice President for Population Health and Isadore Roosth Distinguished Professor, University of Texas Health Science Center Tyler David Lakey serves as the vice chancellor for health affairs for the University of Texas System, and the senior vice president for population health and Isadore Roosth Distinguished Professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Tyler (UTHCT).He is the dean of the School of Community and Rural Health at UTHCT.He currently serves on a federal pub lic health advisory committee fo r CDCand the Defense Health Board. Lakey served as comm issioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services from January 2007 to February 2015, leading the Texas pub lic health response to mult iple high profile events including hurricanes Ike, Gustav, and Dolly, the HlNl influenza pandemic, and the Ebola outbreak in Dallas. During his tenure as commi ssioner, Lakey served as president of ASTHOin 2011-2012 , and received several national aw ards includ ing the AMCHP President's Award, the March of Dimes President 's Public Health Leadership Award, the Arthur T. McCormack Award, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Distinguished Service Award. As ASTHO president , he issued ASTHO's 2012 Healthy Babies President's Challenge focused on reducing infant mortality and prematurity in the United States. In 2015, Lakey was elected by the March of Dimes to a five-year term on its board of trustees. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000532 ASSOCIATION OF STATE AND T ERRITORIAL H EALTH OFFICIALS National Headquarters 223 1 Crysta l Drive , Suite 450 Arl in gton , VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www Regional Off ice 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (20 2) 371-9090 @ASTHO March 28, 2018 Dr. Robert R. Redfield, Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/ATSDR 1600 Clifton Road Building 21, Floor 12 Atlanta, GA 30333 Dear Dr. Redfield, On behalf of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officia ls (ASTHO),it is our pleasure to invite you to meet with our Board of Directors during our June meeting in Atlanta, GA. ASTHOis the national nonprofit organization representing state public health agencies in the United States, the U.S. Territories, and the District of Columbia, and over 100,000 public health professionals these agencies employ . ASTHO's vision is state and territorial health agencies advancing health equity and optimal health for all and its mission is to support, equip, and advocate for state and territorial health officials in their work of advancing the public's health and well-being . The Board would be extremely appreciative of the chance to meet you in person, learn more about your vision and priorities for CDC,and discuss current state and federa l efforts to advance the nation's health. The ASTHO Board of Directors will conduct its next meeting on June 14 and 15 in Atlanta, GA. The Board is scheduled to meet with CDCleaders on CDC's Roybal campus on Thursday, June 14 and will be at the Emory Conference Center on Friday, June 15 to conduct Board business. We wou ld welcome an opportunity to meet with you as your schedule allows during either or both of these times. I look forward to hearing from you soon and working with your staff to make the visit as productive and helpful as possible. Most sincere ly, Michael Fraser, PhD, MS, CAE, FCPP Executive Director encl: ASTHOBoard of Directors Listing CC: Dr. John Wiesman, ASTHO President and Secretary of Health, Washington State Dr. Jose Montero, Director, CDCOSTLTS HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000533 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) 28 Mar 2018 15:20:53 -0400 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: DIRECTOR'SINCOMING (CDC);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : FW: ASTHO Invitation - Redfield Att achment s: 2017-2018 Board of Directors.docx, ASTHO Invitation - Redfield.pdf Import ance: High From: Sent: To : Should this go on the DL? Tracie Strength From: Michael Fraser Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 3:14 PM To: OSTLTSDirector (CDC); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS); Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Wiesman, John (CDCdoh .wa .gov); Amber Williams Subject: ASTHO Invitation - Redfield Import ance: High Dear Dr. Redfield, On behalf of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), it is our pleasure to invite you to meet with our Board of Directors during our June meeting in Atlanta, GA. ASTHO is the nationa l nonprofit organization representing state public health agencies in t he United States, the U.S. Territories, and the District of Columbia, and over 100,000 public health professionals these agencies employ. ASTHO's vision is state and territorial health agencies advancing health equity and optimal health for all and its mission is to support, equip, and advocate for state and territoria l health officials in their work of advancing the public's health and well-being. The Board would be extremely appreciative of the chance to meet you in person, learn more about your vision and priorities for CDC, and discuss current state and federal efforts to advance the nation's health. The ASTHO Board of Directors will conduct its next meeting on June 14 and 15 in Atlanta, GA. The Board is scheduled to meet with CDC leaders on CDC's Roybal campus on Thursday, June 14 and will be at the Emory Conference Center on Friday, June lSto conduct Board business. We would welcome an opportunity to meet with you as your schedule allows during either or both of these times. I look forward to hearing from you soon and working with your staff to make the visit as productive and helpful as possible. Most sincerely, Michael Fraser, PhD, MS, CAE, FCPP Executive Director, ASTHO Disclaimer The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copy ing, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. This email has been scanned for viruses and malware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast Ltd, an innovator in Software as a Service (SaaS) for business. Providing a safer and more useful place for your human generated data. Specializing in; Security, archiving and compliance. To find out more Click Here . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000534 A SSOCIATION OF STATE AND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO 2017-2018 Board of Directors Officers President John M . Wi esman, DrPH, MPH Secretary of Health, Washington State Department of Health John Wiesman was appo inted secretary of health for the Washington State Department of Health in April 2013. He has worked in four local public health departments in Washington and Connecticut . He started his public health career in Connecticut in 1986 and was in its first group tra ined to provide HIV counseling and testing. During his career, Wiesman has transformed health departments from providing ind ividual clinical services to implementing policies, systems and environmental changes that make healthy choices easier and less expensive. He also partnered with a community clinic to provide integrated primary care and behavioral health . Wiesman also worked at the University of Washington, School of Public Health as a project director on a back pain outcome assessment team grant. A native of Wisconsin, Wiesman earned his Doctorate of Public Health in public health executive leadership from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill in 2012. He received a Master of Public Health in chronic disease epidemiology from Yale University in 1987 and his Bachelor of Arts degree in biology from Lawrence University in Wisconsin in 1983. President-Elect Nicole Alexander-Scott , M D, MPH Director, Rhode Island Department of Health Nicole Alexander-Scott has been the director of the Rhode Island Department of Health since May 2015 . She brings to this position tremendous experience from her work as a specialist in infectious diseases for children and adults at hospitals in Rhode Island affiliated with Brown University and at the Rhode Island Department of Health. Her clinical and academic responsibilities were balanced with serving as a consultant medical director for the Office of HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STDs,and TB in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology at the Rhode Island Department of Health. Alexander-Scott is board certified in pediatrics, internal medicine , pediatric infectious diseases, and adult infectious diseases. She obtained a Master of Public Health degree from Brown University in 2011 . She is also an assistant professor of pediatrics and medicine at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University . Originally from Brooklyn, New York, Alexander-Scott attended Cornell University, major ing in human development and family studies, and subsequently graduated from medical school in 2001 from SUNY HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000535 A SSOCIATION OF STATE AND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 Upstate Medical University at Syracuse. After completing a combined internal medicine-pediatr ics residency at SUNYStony Brook University Hospital in 2005, Alexander-Scott finished a four-year combined fellowship in adult and pediatric infectious diseases at Brown in 2009 . Imm ediat e Past Preside nt Jay Butler, MD Director of Public Health, Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Jay Butler was appointed chief medical officer for the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services and director of the Division of Public Health by Governor Bill Walker in December 2014. From 2010 to 2014, Butler served as senior director for community health services at the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium in Anchorage, where he was also a clinical infectious diseases consultant and medical director for infection contro l and employee health. His earlier wo rk includes serving as chief medical officer of the Alaska Department of Health Social Services from 2007 to 2009, Alaska state epidemiolog ist, 2005-07, director of CDC'sArctic Investigations Program, 1998-2005, and medical epidemiologist in CDC's National Center for Infectious Diseases in Atlanta, 1991-98. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina Medical School, has completed clinical tra ining at Vanderbilt and Emory unive rsities, and maintains clinical board certifications in infectious diseases, internal medical, and pediatrics . He has authored or co-authored over 100 scientific papers and medical textbook chapters on infectious diseases and emergency preparedness , and he is an affiliate professor of medicine at the University of Alaska Anchorage . In 2010, he received ASTHO's National Excellence in Public Health Award. Past President Karen McKeown, M SN, RN Administrator and State Health Off icial, Wisconsin Department of Health Karen McKeown is the state health officer and has served as administrator of the division of public health in the Wisconsin Department of Health Services since January 2012. In this role, she leads the division and works with many partners to realize the vision of Everyone Living Better, Longer. As an oncology staff nurse and leader for 11 years, M cKeown previously oversaw the clinical operat ions of inpatient and outpatient oncology departments . McKeown's health policy experience includes a student fellowship with the U.S. Senate finance committee and a graduate fellowship with the Heritage Foundation . McKeown holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Texas in Tyler, and a master ' s degree in nursing management, policy and leadership from Yale University. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000536 A SSOCIATION OF STATE AND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Secret ary-Treasurer Gerd W. Clabaugh, MPA Assistant Secretary for Public Health, Iowa Department of Health Gerd Clabaugh was appointed by Governor Branstad in May 2014 as the Director of the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH). Clabaugh has served in many capacities within IDPH, including Deputy Director, Director of Health Promot ion and Chronic Disease Prevention, Directo r of Acute Disease Epidemiology and Emergency Response. During the early 1990s, he was appointed Director of the Center for Health Policy. Clabaugh has experienc e in both st ate government operations and nonprofit organizations . He is the former director of operations at the Iowa Healthcare Collaborative (IHC) where he worked with Iowa hospitals in promoting infection reduction strategies. As a private consultant, he supported public health agencies in assessing community health needs, program development, planning for public health improvement, and grant writing . He is past-president and past-legislative chair of the Iowa Public Health Association, and has served as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Iowa, Montana State University-Billings, Des Moines University, and Iowa State University. He has authored or contributed to academic publ ications in the journals Value in Health, American Journal of Medical Quality, and Vaccine. Clabaugh has pursued doctoral studies at the University of Iowa, holds a Master's degree in Public Administration from Iowa State University and a Bachelor's degree from Drake University. He is married with four children . Regional Representatives Represent ativ e, Region I [Map] Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH Director, Rhode Island Department of Health Nicole Alexander-Scott has been the director of the Rhode Island Department of Health since May 2015. She brings to this position tremendous experience from her work as a specialist in infectious diseases for children and adults at hospitals in Rhode Island affiliated with Brown University and at the Rhode Island Department of Health. Her clinical and academic responsibilities were balanced with serving as a consultant medical director for the Office of HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STDs, and TB in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology at the Rhode Island Department of Health. Alexander -Scott is board certified in pediatrics, internal medicine , pediatric infectious diseases, and adult infectious diseases. She obtained a Master of Public Health degree from Brown University in 2011 . She is also an assistant professor of pediatrics and medicine at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000537 A SSOCIATION OF STATE AND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 Originally from Brooklyn, New York, Alexander -Scott attended Cornell University , major ing in human development and family studies, and subsequently graduated from medical school in 2001 from SUNY Upstate Medical University at Syracuse. After completing a combined internal medicine-pediatr ics residency at SUNYStony Brook University Hospital in 2005, Alexander-Scott finished a four -year combined fellowship in adult and pediatric infectious diseases at Brown in 2009 . Representative, Region II [Map ] Japhet C. Rivera Diaz Puerto Rico Department of Health Mr. Rivera Diaz's bio will be available soon. Representative, Region Ill [Map ] M arissa Levine, MD , MPH Commissioner of Health, Virginia Department of Health Marissa Levine was appointed by Governor Terry McAu liffe as the State Health Commissioner at the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) effective March 14, 2014. She previously served as the Interim State Health Commissioner, Chief Deputy Commissioner fo r Public Health and Preparedness and, prior to that, held the position of Deputy Commissioner for Public Health and Preparedness beginning February 2009. Levine directed local healt h departments in two districts within Virginia from 2002 until 2009. Levine is a board-certified family physician who also completed a Masters of Public Health (MPH) from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She received her MD from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, NY and completed family practice residency training at the University of Virginia in Charlottesvi Ile. Levine started her career in private medical practice in Pennsylvania. She subsequently joined t he staff of an academic medical center and became the director of a fami ly practice residency training progra m in northwestern Pennsylvania. While in Pennsylvania, Levine was also very involved in commu nity health improvement efforts and was a member of the local board of health. Representati ve, Region IV [Mapl M ary Currier, MD , MPH State Health Officer, Mississippi St ate Department of Public Health Mary Currier became Mississippi's state health officer in 2010 after serving as state epidemiologist from 1993 to 2003, and again from 2007 to 2009. Currier has 30 years of state service experience and 25 years serving in public health . Prior to serving as state epidemio logist, Currier was a medical consultant with the M ississippi State Department of Health, where she began her career as a staff physician for the prenata l care, family planning, STD, and pediatrics programs. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000538 ASSOCIATION OF STATEAND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 Currier is a member of the American Medical Association, the Mississippi Central Medical Society, the American Public Health Association , and is board certified in general preventive medicine and public health . She received her Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Mississippi School of Medicine in 1983 and her Master of Public Health degree from the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health in 1987. Representative, Region V [Map] Karen McKeown, MSN, RN Admin istrator and State Health Official, Wisconsin Department of Health Karen McKeown is the state health officer and has served as administrator of the division of public health in the Wisconsin Department of Health Services since January 2012. In this role, she leads the division and works with many partners to realize the vision of Everyone Living Better, Longer. As an oncology staff nurse and leader for 11 years, McKeown previously oversaw the clinical operations of inpatient and outpatient oncology departments . McKeown 's health policy experience includes a student fellowship with the U.S. Senate finance committee and a graduate fellowship with the Heritage Foundation. McKeown holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Texas in Tyler, and a master's degree in nursing management, policy and leadership from Yale University . Representative, Region VI [Map] Nathaniel Smith, MD, MPH Director and State Health Officer, Arkansas Department of Health As a member of the governor's cabinet, Nate Smith serves as director and state health officer of the Arkansas Department of Health. In this position , he provides senior scientific and executive leadership for the agency with over 5,000 personnel and a budget of over $400 million delivering services throughout the state in more than 94 locations. He was selected as interim director in May 2013 by Gov. Mike Beebe and then appointed director in August 2013. Smith has a strong commitment to the mission of ADH: "To protect and improve the health and wellbeing of all Arkansans." In his role as director, he strives to help colleagues achieve their full potential using public health best practices supported by science-based decisions . Smith previously served the Arkansas Department of Health as branc h chief for infecti ous diseases, state epidemiologist, and deputy director for public health programs . He is board-certified in internal medicine and infect ious diseases and holds voluntary faculty positions in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the UAMS College of Medicine and in the Epidemiology Department at the College of Public Health. From July 2006 until he returned to Arkansas in August 2009, Smith served as infectious diseases consultant at Kijabe Hospital, country medical director for the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Kenya, and senior medical technical advisor for the AIDSRelief program in East Africa . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000539 ASSOCIATION OF STATEAND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 Represent ative, Region VII [Map] Randall W . William s, MD, FACOG Director, Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services Randall W. Williams, MD, FACOG,is an obstetrician and gynecologist who graduated from the University of North Carolina with Honors in History and Zoology and received his medical training at the University of North Carolina where he was a Holderness Fellow . Williams was appointed by Governor Eric Greitens to serve in his Cabinet as Director of Health and Senior Services (DHSS)and was subsequently unanimously confirmed by the Missouri Senate on March 9, 2017. He believes a fundamental tenet of effective leadership is to be readily available and accessible and he has visited all of Missouri's 115 counties to listen and learn from all of Missouri's citizens. DHSSaccomplishments to date with Williams include passage of Missouri's Good Samaritan Law and Universal Narcan Availability Law; working with Governor Grietens on the Executive Order establishing a statewide POMP; holding opioid summits throughout the state; and bringing together and meeting with all 115 local health departments for the first t ime in more than a decade. The department is also working to increase the number of providers in rural and underserved areas; improve behavioral health services for veterans and their families; promote physical fitness and community engagement through the My Missouri Steps Up init iative; enhance interagency coordination and collaboration with the state Departments of Social Services and Menta l Health ; and improve all aspects of women's health, especially to reduce infant and maternal morta lity. Williams previously served as both the Deputy Secretary for Health and State Health Director in t he Department of Health and Human Services in North Carolina. His responsibilities there included developing, integrating and communicating state health policy and helping lead a 17,000 member agency with a 20 billion dollar budget t hat combined Medicaid, social services, public health and ment al health services. To help patients and families affected by the opioid crisis, Williams led efforts in North Carolina that resulted in the legislature voting unanimously to implement a statewide standing order to treat narcotic overdoses by making naloxone available to everyone in North Carolina under his authority . He also visited stakeholders and citizens in all 100 counties in the state during his time with the department . Williams has also previously served on local and state boards of health, in addition to delivering 2000 babies as a practicing obstetrician. He also helped serve the medical needs of people in overseas conflict zones. His ongoing work has taken him to Iraq 12 times, and he has also worked in Afghanistan, Libya and Haiti. Recognition of these efforts was reflected in his selection as Triangle Red Cross Humanitarian of the Year and the Raleigh News & Observer's Tar Heel of the Week. He is also an avid runner. Williams believes physical exercise contributes greatly to a sense of wellness and led a campaign to encourage families to run SKsfor charity. He enjoys tra ining for and running marathons and has run marathons in Boston, New York, Paris, Athens, Florence and Jerusalem. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000540 ASSOCIATION OF STATEAND T ERRITORIAL H EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 Represent ati ve, Region VIII [Mapl Mylynn Tufte State Health Officer North Dakota Department of Health State Health Officer Mylynn Tufte's previous experiences as a health management executive and former critical care nurse bring an extensive background to the top leadership role in t he North Dakota Department of Health . Tufte brings more than 20 years of experience in the health indust ry, serving in a strategic and health advisory role to some of the largest payers and providers in the country . Her diverse experience includes working with state governments, nat ional and regional health plans, integrated delivery networks, academ ic and community medical centers, physician groups, and accountable care organizations. As a progressive leader with extensive experience in strategy, operations, and health informat ion technology, she has helped organizations develop and implement innovative solutions that improve healthcare for broad populations. Her experience in population health management has helped organizations improve quality and access to care, decrease the total cost of care, and improve the overall experience for consumers. Tufte earned a bachelor's degree in nursing from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, followed by a Master of Business Administration degree and a master's degree in information management degree from Arizona State University . Representativ e, Region IX [Mapl Karen Smith, MD , MPH Director and State Public Health Officer, California Department of Public Health On March 23, 2015, Karen Smith was sworn in as director of the California Department of Public Health and state public health officer. Smith is a physician specializing in infectious disease and public health. Prior to her appointment, she served as public health officer and deputy director at the Napa County Health and Human Services Agency beginning in 2004. She was also on medical staff for infectious disease at Queen of the Valley Medical Center in Napa from 2012 to 2014. Smith served as clinical faculty at the Santa Clara County Valley Medical Center Division of Infectious Diseases from 1997 to 2004. She served as assistant section chief at the California Departmen t of Health Services Tuberculosis Control Branch from 2000 to 2001 and was a faculty consultant for the Francis J. Curry International Tuberculosis Center at the University of California, San Francisco from 1997. Smith held several positions at the Stanford University School of Medicine from 1992 to 2004, including resident, fellow, and international health course director. Smith also served as TB Controller and Deputy Health Officer for Santa Clara County from 1997 to 2004. Smith completed her medical training and infectious diseases fellowship at Stanford University after having obtained a Master of Public Health degree at Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public health . Prior to her medical training, Smit h served in the Peace Corp as Public Health Laboratory Director for the Marrakesh Province in Morocco and at the Wichienburi Regional Hospital in Thailand. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000541 ASSOCIATION OF STATEAND T ERRITORIAL H EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 Representative, Region X [Map] Elke Shaw-Tulloch, MHS Public Health Administrator, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Elke Shaw-Tulloch began her current position as administrator of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare on Sept. 2, 2012. The division of health provides services ranging from immunizations, testing for communicable diseases, regulating food safety, certifying emergency medical personnel , vital record administration, and compilation of health statistics to bioterrorism preparedness. The division's programs and services actively promote healthy lifestyles and prevention activities, while monitoring and intervening in disease transmission and health risks as a safeguard for Idaho citizens. Shaw-Tulloch began working for the division of health as a health educat ion specialist in 1996. She was promoted to manager of th e Radiation Health Effect s Program (1998) and the n became manager of the Environmental Health Education and Assessment Program (1998-2001) . In 2001, Shaw-Tulloch was hired as bureau chief for environmental health and safety, which evolved under her leadership to become the Bureau of Community and Environmental Health in 2003. Shaw-Tulloch has an undergraduate degree in environmental health with a biology minor and a Master of Health Science degree with an environmental health emphasis from Boise State Universit y. USAPI Director Esther L. Muna, MHA, CPC, CEO Chief Executive Officer and Financial Services Administrator, Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation Esther Muna was appointed chief executive officer for the Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation (CHCC),the health agency fo r the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in April 2014. As CEO, Muna oversees strategic direction and all operations of the Commonwealth Healt h Center Hospital, Rota Health Center, Tinian Health Center, Public Health Services, and Behavioral Health Services and provides leadership and direction of Kagman Community Health Center . Past experiences include : • • • April 2013-April 2014: interim CEOfor CHCC October 2012-April 2013 : chief operations officer for CHCC;instrumental in the abatement of immediate jeopardies issued in September 2012 CMS survey January 2012-September 2012: Medicaid advisor and Medicaid HIT coordinator under the governor's office; instrumental in the amendment of the Medicaid State Plan to change t he payment methodology for the only hospital in the CNMI (CHC) Muna also worked for the Commonwealth Health Center Hospital under the Department of Public Health for several years. She was a hospital administrator for one and a half years and hospital CFOfor HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000542 A SSOCIATION OF STATE AND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 four years. She held other healthcare management positions including business office manager, privacy officer, and medical records manager. She received a Master of Health Admin istration degree from Saint Joseph's College of Maine and is an alumna of Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana (social and behavio ral science major) and Northern Marianas College (accounting major). She is act ive in several membership organizations, including the Pacific Island Healt h Officers Association - Board of Directors secretary, 2013 to current, the Amer ican Public Health Association, the American College of Healthcare Executives, the Healthcare Financial Management Association , the Amer ican Hospita l Association, and the American Association of Professional Coders - president (Guam-CNMI Chapt er), 2010. Other recognitions of note include being featured in the February 2010 issue of AAPC Coding Edge Magazine : "Minute with a Member", the w inner of CDCSustainable Management Project and presented winning project in CDCSustainable Management Conference in Cape Town, South Africa (2006) : "Improving Revenue Collections with Total Quality Management" . She is also a certified professional coder since 2004 and AHi MA-Approved ICD-10 coding instructor since 2012. USAPI Atl antic Director Mic helle S. Davis, PhD Health Commissioner and Chief Health Officer, Virgin Islands Department of Health Michelle Davis currently holds the position of regiona l health administrator (RHA) with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) New York Regional office . The RHA serves as the principal federal public health authority for the secretary of HHSand the assistant secretary for health . The RHA also assures collaborative promotion of the Surgeon General's initiatives. Prior to her current position, she served as the deputy RHA for the Mid -Atlant ic region (DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV) as the health liaison between DHHS and state/ local agencies, coord inated regional/nat iona l programs, recommended policies and served on the federal emergency preparedness, response and recovery team. Davis has worked as a public health professional in a variety of positions at the federa l, state , and municipal levels. This included the dep uty secretary for the Pennsylvania Departme nt of Health . She was responsib le for oversight of over 600 staff and a budget of $250 million . Before working with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania she held positions as deputy health commissioner for policy and planning with t he city of Philadelphia and senior epidemiologist with CDC. She has also held positions with the states of South Carolina, Indiana, and New York and at the local level with the city of Detroit and with the District of Columbia as a CDCfedera l assignee. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000543 A SSOCIATION OF STATE AND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat ional Headqua rte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl in gton, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Regional Office 60 0 Peacht ree Stre et NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 Davis has held several elected positions within professional organizations including : president and chair of the board of the Pennsylvania Public Health Association (PPHA), president and vice-president of the Black Caucus of Health Workers of the American Public Health Association (APHA) and governing councilor for the epidemiology section of APHA. Davis matr iculated at the University of Michigan majoring in biology and psychology at the undergraduate level. She continued her education at the University of South Carolina, Johns Hopkins, and the University of North Carolina where she majored in epidem iology for her graduate degrees. Ex Officio Members Mich ae l Fraser , PhD, CAE, FCPP Executive Directo r, ASTHO Michael Fraser has served as ASTHO'sexecut ive director since August 2016 . Most recently, he served as the execut ive vice president and CEO of the Pennsylvania Medical Society in Harrisburg, Pa. During his tenu re there, he worked with physician leaders t o t ransform the organization into a dynamic, relevant, and effective membersh ip organization representing all of t he state's physicians, and tackling critical issues such as the opioid misuse and drug abuse crisis. Fraser served as CEOof the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP) from 2007 to 2013, where his leadership was recognized nationally by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau's Director's Award in 2014. In addit ion, the American Public Health Association's MCH Section awarded AMCHP the Outstanding Leadership and Advocacy Award. Prior to jo ining AMCHP, Fraser was the deputy executive director of the Nationa l Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)from 2002 to 2007, and served in several capacities at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, including positions at the Health Resources and Services Administration and CDC. Fraser received his doctorate and masters degrees in sociology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and a masters of science in management with a concentration on management, strategy and leadership from the Eli Broad School of Management at M ichigan State University. He received a B.A. in sociology from Oberlin College in 1991. Fraser is an Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Global and Community Health at the George Mason University College of Health and Human Services and a Professional Lecturer in Health Policy & Management at the M ilken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University . Joan Duwve , MD , MPH Chair, Senior Deputi es Committ ee Chief Medica l Officer, Indiana State Department of Health I ;/;i"'I' i~, , ~ _ , t, . ..__ -~ HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000544 ASSOCIATION OF STATEAND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO Joan Duwve is the associate dean for public health practice at the IU Fairbanks School of Public Health and the chief medical officer at the Indiana State Department of Health . Duwve received her bachelor 's degree from The Ohio State University, a Masters of Public Health degree from the University of Michigan and her medical degree from The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. She completed a residency in Family Medicine at St. Vincent's Hospital and Health Services in Indianapolis . Duwve spent her pre-medical years serving in the Peace Corps and working in international public health in North Africa and the Middle East and then worked as a private practice family physician for 11 years. Duwve serves on several state committees, including the Mental Health and Addiction Prevention Advisory Committee, and the Covering Kids and Families Board of Directors. She co-chairs the St ate Prescription Drug Overdose Prevention Task Force. Regionally, Duwve serves as an advisor to t he Midwest Injury Prevention Alliance Board of Directors and co-chairs the MIPA Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force. Lori Tremmel Freeman, BS, MBA Chair, Affiliate Council CEO,Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs Lori Tremmel Freeman, BS,MBA is currently the Chief Executive Officer at the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs {AMCHP) in Washington, DC. In her role, Freeman provides direction and leadership for organizational mission, vision and objectives, working every day to protect and promote the optimal health of women, children, and families and to strive for a nation that values and invests in the wellbeing of all women, children, families, and communities. She also manages the organization's operations, ensures partnerships with federal, state, and local agencies, nationa l policy makers, organizations, foundations, and the public; ensures that member needs are addressed through organization's committees, programs and activities; and supports the work of the President, Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. Freeman has had a 27-year career in nonprofit management, holding senior leadership positions with the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO);the International Test and Evaluation Association (ITEA); the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAM I); the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI); the American Public Health Association (APHA); and Grant Thornton LLP. Freeman received a Bachelor of Science degree in Management Science from Lock Haven University in Pennsylvania, and went on to complete a Masters degree in Business Adm inistration and Marketing minor from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She is active in her local community holding leadership positions on the Paul VI Catholic High School Board, Middleburg Horse Trials, and Middleburg Pony Club. Freeman currently resides in Haymarket, Virginia with her husband and twin children. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000545 A SSOCIATION OF STATE AND T ERRITORIALH EALTH OFFICIALS Nat iona l Headq uarte rs 2231 Crystal Drive, Suit e 450 Arl ington, VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 Regional Office 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (202) 371-9090 www @ASTHO David L. Lakey, MD Alumni Board M ember Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, University of Texas System Senior Vice President for Population Health and Isadore Roosth Distinguished Professor, University of Texas Health Science Center Tyler David Lakey serves as the vice chancellor for health affairs for the University of Texas System, and the senior vice president for population health and Isadore Roosth Distinguished Professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Tyler (UTHCT).He is the dean of the School of Community and Rural Health at UTHCT.He currently serves on a federal pub lic health advisory committee fo r CDCand the Defense Health Board. Lakey served as comm issioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services from January 2007 to February 2015, leading the Texas pub lic health response to mult iple high profile events including hurricanes Ike, Gustav, and Dolly, the HlNl influenza pandemic, and the Ebola outbreak in Dallas. During his tenure as commi ssioner, Lakey served as president of ASTHOin 2011-2012 , and received several national aw ards includ ing the AMCHP President's Award, the March of Dimes President 's Public Health Leadership Award, the Arthur T. McCormack Award, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Distinguished Service Award. As ASTHO president , he issued ASTHO's 2012 Healthy Babies President's Challenge focused on reducing infant mortality and prematurity in the United States. In 2015, Lakey was elected by the March of Dimes to a five-year term on its board of trustees. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000546 ASSOCIATION OF STATE AND T ERRITORIAL H EALTH OFFICIALS National Headquarters 223 1 Crysta l Drive , Suite 450 Arl in gton , VA 22202 (202) 371-9090 www Regional Off ice 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 1000 At lanta, GA 30308 (20 2) 371-9090 @ASTHO March 28, 2018 Dr. Robert R. Redfield, Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/ATSDR 1600 Clifton Road Building 21, Floor 12 Atlanta, GA 30333 Dear Dr. Redfield, On behalf of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officia ls (ASTHO),it is our pleasure to invite you to meet with our Board of Directors during our June meeting in Atlanta, GA. ASTHOis the national nonprofit organization representing state public health agencies in the United States, the U.S. Territories, and the District of Columbia, and over 100,000 public health professionals these agencies employ . ASTHO's vision is state and territorial health agencies advancing health equity and optimal health for all and its mission is to support, equip, and advocate for state and territorial health officials in their work of advancing the public's health and well-being . The Board would be extremely appreciative of the chance to meet you in person, learn more about your vision and priorities for CDC,and discuss current state and federa l efforts to advance the nation's health. The ASTHO Board of Directors will conduct its next meeting on June 14 and 15 in Atlanta, GA. The Board is scheduled to meet with CDCleaders on CDC's Roybal campus on Thursday, June 14 and will be at the Emory Conference Center on Friday, June 15 to conduct Board business. We wou ld welcome an opportunity to meet with you as your schedule allows during either or both of these times. I look forward to hearing from you soon and working with your staff to make the visit as productive and helpful as possible. Most sincere ly, Michael Fraser, PhD, MS, CAE, FCPP Executive Director encl: ASTHOBoard of Directors Listing CC: Dr. John Wiesman, ASTHO President and Secretary of Health, Washington State Dr. Jose Montero, Director, CDCOSTLTS HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000547 From: Se nt: To : Subject: Attachme nts: Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) 11 May 2018 13:06:35 -0400 Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) RE:ASTHO Board of Directors meeting ASTHO Board visit to CDC.docx Thanks Kimberly. Hi Brad - Good talking with you earlier; per our conversation, I am sending the draft agenda. Please note that center participants and two of the times (highlighted) are subject to change. I hope this is helpful. Talk with you in the near future. My kind regards, Jeff Jeffrey Walker, MPH Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Public Health Service Public Health Advisor Management and Operation Unit Office of the Director Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support (proposed) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 0 : 404-718-8543 I C: 470-985-5160 I 18l: jwa ,. Connect W with US From : Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Friday, May 11, 2018 12:51 PM To : Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cc: Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject : RE: ASTHO Board of Directors meeting Thank you Kim and no problem at all. I just talked to Jeffrey, thanks for connecting us. Have a good weekend . Brad From : Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Sent : Friday, May 11, 2018 12:35 PM To : Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subje ct: RE: ASTHO Board of Directors meeting Hi Brad! HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000548 Thanks again for all your assistance last week! I sure appreciate it! Jeffrey Walker is working on the meeting, I have cc'd him on this email. Have a great weekend! Kimberly Kimberly W . Cantrell From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, May 11, 2018 12:02 PM To: Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subje ct: ASTHO Board of Directors meet ing Hi Kim, Would you happen know who would be handling the ASTHO visit on 14 June? Just need details of where they will be on Roybal Campus and a POC. They are meeting with Dr. Redfield at 9am . Thanks, Brad Brad A. Bartee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404-718-5097 Cell: 202-600 -6537 Email: bbartee@cdc .gov Rm: 12107 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000549 May 11, 2018 v2 DRAFT AGENDA ASTHO Board visit to CDC Roybal , Building 21, 12th Floor , Director 's Suite 12105 8:30-5:30 pm , June 14, 2018 Time I Participants I Topi cs (b)(5) Page 1 of 1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000550 From: Se nt: To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 14 May 2018 13:30:02 -0400 Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO);Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subje ct: RE: Shepard Awards 10:00 -11:30am June 14th. Just huddled with JM and R3 did agree to intro speaker. Here's what we're going to do. Please revise calendars accordingly and let me know if any problems ... 9-9-30am R3 meets with ASTHO Board in OCR 9:30-9:45 R3 & AS move to Speaker Ready Room to meet with Shepard Speaker (please reserve SRR) 945-l0am, AS & R3 meet with speaker in SRRand prep for talk 10am Lecture begins From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday , May 14, 2018 1:21 PM To: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO) Subject: RE: Shepard Awa rds 10:00-11:30am June 14th . I'll defer to JM about any acceptance of R3 to do remarks as you've outlined below . If he has not agreed per our protocols, then they need to subm it via the DL process for him to do that, otherwise he's just attending From : Romanik , Nikk i Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : M onday , May 14, 2018 12:41 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bartee , Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGui re, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO) Subject: RE: Shepard Awards 10:00-11 :30am June 14th . Hi Scott, Another question regarding the Shepard Awards, for clarity . There seems to a be a lot of confusion regarding these events . Here is the tentative run of show from OADS. It shows AS as giving the opening remarks (5 min) and then R3 giving longer remarks and introducing the keynote speaker (10 min) I spoke with JM and he confirmed that R3 did agree to this during the DL meeting . Delaney is checking with OADC as they may have under the impression that AS was giving the majority of remarks. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000551 Is the below run of show consistent to what you thought was happening at this ceremony? Thanks, Nikki From : Ware, Nina (CDC/00/0ADS) Se nt : Monday, May 14, 2018 11:58 AM To: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS); lskander, John (CDC/OD/OADS) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS); McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject : RE:Shepard Awards 10:00-11:30am June 14th. Good afternoon Nikki, Dr. Schuchat has been asked to give the Introductory remarks and Dr. Redfield is asked to introduce the keynote speaker. Below is a proposed "run of show'. Introductory Remarks: RADM Anne Schuchat (could include acknowledgment of the recent passing of last year's keynote speaker) approx. 5 minutes Introduction of Keynote Speaker: Dr. Robert Redfield, approx. 10 minutes Keynote : Innovation and Creativity in Modern Public Health, Dr. Roberta Ness (approx . 45 minut es including Q and A) Presentation of Awards: John lskander, MD (approx. 25 minutes) Closing: John lskander , MD(< 5 minutes) Nina W are Rhe rrass Program Specialist Office of the Associate Director for Science, Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road NE Roybal Campus, Bldg. 21, MS: D-50 Atlanta, GA 30329 404-639 -4758 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000552 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) 24 May 2018 12:03:30 +0000 Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Brown, Tamika (CDC/OD/OCS)(CTR);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) RE:ASTHO Board of Directors meeting Hi Jeffrey, I booked Room 12126 that is down the hall from 12105, where you will be. It's a small conference room with a table that can fit 5 comfortably with dial in capability. Also, I will be (b)(6) mg you wou I e o go over your event. I or tomorrow. Would you like to visit to get an idea of the space? hen you have ea either today Also, copied above are Tamika Brown who handles all of our conference room space and Nikki Romanik who is my colleague and will be a good source of information when I am out. Let me know if you want to swing by today or tomorrow. Thanks, Brad From: Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2018 7:33 AM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: ASTHO Board of Directors meeting Good morning Brad. I hope all is well. May I have your assistant or be guided to a POCin the OD that can help me with an ASTHOrequest related to the ASTHO Board of Directors meeting? On Thursday, June 14th ASTHO has a group of S individuals who will need to meet from 11:30-12:30 and they would like to use meeting space at the CDCoffice, if possible, since the individuals will be there participating in the CDC/ASTHOmeetings that day. In addition to these 5 people who will be onsite, they will have 2 people calling in for this meeting, so they would need a speaker phone in the room as well . Is there someone I can work with about securing a meeting location on the same floor as the ASTHO Board of Directors meeting? Jeffrey Walker, MPH Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Public Health Service Public Health Advisor Management and Operation Unit Office of the Director HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000553 Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support (proposed) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 0: 404-718-8543 I C: 470-985-5160 1121: il tl • Connect ~-= · , withUS From: Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 1:07 PM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject: RE: ASTHO Board of Directors meeting Thanks Kimberly . Hi Brad - Good talking with you earlier; per our conversation, I am sending the draft agenda. Please note that center participants and two of the times (highlighted) are subject to change. I hope this is helpful. Talk with you in the near future. My kind regards, Jeff Jeffrey Walker, MPH Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Public Health Service Public Health Advisor Management and Operation Unit Office of the Directo r Center for State, Tribal , Local, and Territorial Support (proposed) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 0: 404-718-8543 I C: 470-985-5160 1121: jwa ~1111. Connect Q withUS From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 12:51 PM To: Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cc: Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject: RE: ASTHO Board of Directors meeting Thank you Kim and no problem at all. I just talked to Jeffrey, thanks for connecting us. Have a good weekend. Brad HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000554 From : Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Sent : Friday, May 11, 2018 12:35 PM To : Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject : RE: ASTHO Board of Directors meeting Hi Brad! Thanks again for all your assistance last week! I sure appreciate it! Jeffrey Walker is working on the meeting, I have cc'd him on this email. Have a great weekend! Kimberly Kimberly W. Cantrell From : Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, May 11, 2018 12:02 PM To : Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject : ASTHO Board of Directors meet ing Hi Kim, Would you happen know who would be hand ling the ASTHO visit on 14 June? Just need details of where they w ill be on Roybal Campus and a POC. They are meeting with Dr. Redfield at 9am . Thanks, Brad Brad A. Bartee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office : 404-718-5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email: bbartee@cdc .gov Rm: 12107 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000555 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Attachme nts : Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) 24 May 2018 14:27:38 -0400 Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Brown, Tamika (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) RE:ASTHO Board of Directors meeting Attendee List for CDC Security Clearance.xlsx Here are the names of non-CDC visitors. I spoke to security earlier today and will submit this information to them now. Is there other information that is needed? I can ask the ASTHO POC about name tents unless that is standard procedure. Jeff Jeffrey Wa lker, MPH Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Public Health Service Public Health Advisor Management and Operation Unit Office of the Director Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support (proposed) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 0: 404-718-8543 I C: 470-985 -5160 I 18l:jwa .1~h Connect Q withUS From : Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Thursday, May 24, 2018 8:12 AM To : Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cc: Brown, Tamika (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR); Subject : RE: ASTHO Board of Directors meeting Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) No problem. We can connect by phone if that is better. I'm free all day. From : Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Se nt: Thursday, May 24, 2018 8:10 AM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Brown, Tamika (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR); Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: ASTHO Board of Directors meeting Thanks for sending the information so quickly and for adding Tamika and Nikki. If we could touch base today that would be great (maybe around 1 or later). In fact, I could stop by to see the space. I am also okay with phone call if that is better for your schedule. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000556 Thanks, Jeff Jeffrey Wa lker, MPH Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Public Health Service Public Health Advisor Management and Operation Unit Office of the Director Center for State, Triba l, Local, and Territorial Support (proposed) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 0 : 404-718-8543 I C: 470-985-5160 I l8J: jwa il~ v Connect with US From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, May 24, 2018 8:04 AM To: Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cc: Brown, Tamika (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR); Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: ASTHO Board of Directors meeting Hi Jeffrey, I booked Room 12126 that is down the hall from 12105, where you will be. It's a small conference room with a table that can fit 5 comfortably with dial in capability. Also, I will be (b)( 6) when you have your event. If there is anything you would li ke to go over before I leave that would be idea either today or tomorrow. Would you like to visit to get an idea of the space? Also, copied above are Tamika Brown who handles all of our conference room space and Nikki Romanik who is my colleague and will be a good source of information when I am out. Let me know if you want to swing by today or tomorrow. Thanks, Brad From : Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Sent : Thursday, May 24, 2018 7:33 AM To : Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: ASTHO Board of Directors meeting Good morning Brad. I hope all is well. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000557 May I have your assistant or be guided to a POCin the OD that can help me with an ASTHOrequest related to the ASTHO Board of Directors meeting? On Thursday, June 14th ASTHO has a group of 5 individuals who will need to meet from 11:30-12:30 and they would like to use meeting space at the CDCoffice, if possible, since the individuals will be there participating in the CDC/ASTHOmeetings that day. In addition to these 5 people who will be onsite, they will have 2 people calling in for this meeting, so they would need a speaker phone in the room as well. Is there someone I can work with about securing a meeting location on the same floor as the ASTHO Board of Directors meeting? Jeffrey Wa lker, MPH lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Public Health Service Public Health Advisor Management and Operation Unit Office of the Director Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support (proposed) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 0: 404-718-8543 I C: 470-985-5160 I l:8l:jwa ,i,11l Connect Q withUS 1 From : Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Se nt : Friday, May 11, 2018 1:07 PM To : Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS); Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject : RE:ASTHO Board of Directors meeting Thanks Kimberly . Hi Brad - Good talking with you earlier; per our conversation, I am sending the draft agenda. Please note that center participants and two of the times (highlighted) are subject to change. I hope this is helpful. Talk with you in the near future. My kind regards, Jeff Jeffrey Walker, MPH Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Public Health Service Public Health Advisor Management and Operation Unit Office of the Director Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support (proposed) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 0: 404-718-8543 I C: 470-985-5160 I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000558 i1~ll., Connect 1 ,~ ""-' with US From : Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, May 11, 2018 12:51 PM To : Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cc: Walker, Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subjec t: RE: ASTHO Board of Directors meeting Thank you Kim and no problem at all. I just talked to Jeffrey, thanks for connecting us. Have a good weekend . Brad From : Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Sent : Friday, May 11, 2018 12:35 PM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Walker , Jeffrey (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject: RE: ASTHO Board of Directors meeting Hi Brad ! Thanks again for all your assistance last week! I sure apprec iate it! Jeffrey Walker is working on the meeting, I have cc'd him on this email. Have a great weekend! Kimberly Kimberly W . Cantrell From : Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, May 11, 2018 12:02 PM To : Cantrell, Kimberly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subje ct: ASTHO Board of Directors meeting Hi Kim, Would you happen know who would be handling the ASTHO visit on 14 June? Just need details of where they will be on Roybal Campus and a POC. They are meeting with Dr. Redfield at 9am. Thanks, Brad HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000559 Brad A. Bart ee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404 -718-5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email: bbartee@cdc .gov Rm: 12107 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000560 Last Name Alexa nd er-Scott Bashir Blum enst ock But ler Clabaugh Coo ney Currie r Davis Duwve Dwel le Ensign Fraser Gup ta M ackie M cKeow n M ericsko M ille r M ulle n Mu na Plescia Rivera Shaw -Tulloc h Smith Smit h Smith Wi esman W il liams Wi lliams First Name Nico le Zarnaaz James Jay Gerd Ma ry Ann Ma ry Michelle Joan Terry Kar l M ichae l Rahul Chr isti Karen John Sharon Caroly n Esthe r Ma rcus Japhet Elke Karen Mape nzi (Penny) Nat hanie l John Ambe r Randall June 14 CDCVisit YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Email Address Nico le.alexande rscott @health.r i .gov zbashir@ast jb lumenstoc j ay .but aba ugh@idp h .iow mcooney@as t ho.o rg Mary.C urrier@ms .gov michelle.davis@do h.v jdu wve 2@isdh. I Notes (bl(6) kensign@ast ho.o rg mfrase r@ast ho.o rg rahul.g upt a@wv.go v cmack Karen. McKeown@d hs.wiscons i n .gov j sm ill er@ast ho .org cmu lle n@ast ho.o rg est her.m una@d .mp mplescia@ast ho .o rg j a phet.rive ra@sal ud .pr .gov Elke.Shaw -Tull och@dhw .idaho.go v kare it h@cdph .ca .gov nathanie l.smit h@ar nat hanie l.smit h@ar jm aw il liams@ast ho .org Rand all.williams@ healt .gov Will be arriving later than the rest of t he group Atten dance not conf ir med US citize n; DOB 03/ 24/99; daughter of Natha ni el Smith HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000561 Associat ion of State and Territorial Health Officials a" sthotm Board of Directors Visit to Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Thursday, June 14, 2018 Arlen Specter Headquarters and Operations Center, Building 21, Room 12105 -Atlanta, GA AGENDA 7:00 a.m.- Small groups shuttle or walk from Emory Conference Center to CDC Global Communications 7:30 a.m. Center/Visitors Center , Building 19 (see attached arrival schedule) (valid photo ID required for security check-in) 8:00 a.m. Breakfast Availabl e 8:15 a.m. Welcome & Call to Order Agenda Review and Meeting Preparation J. Wiesman (WA) 9:00 a.m.- Meeting with CDC Director- Roles for States in Eliminating Diseases 9:30 a.m . CDCAttendee(s): Robert R. Redfield, M.D., Director; Rear Admiral Jonathan Merm in, MD, MPH, Director of the National Center for HIV/AIDs, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP); Captain Paul Weidle , PharmD, MPH Acting Director of Division of Viral Hepatitis, (NCHHSTP) State Experiences J. Wiesman (WA) Group Discussion 10:00 a.m. Emergency Preparedness - Hurricane Preparednes s & Response CDCAttendees: Daniel Sosin, MD, MPH, FACP,Deputy Director and Chief Medical Officer, Office for Public Health Preparedness and Response; Jeff Bryant , MS, MSS, Director, Division of Emergency Operations; Christine Kosmos, RN, BSN, MS, Director, Division of State and local Readiness-Office of Public Health Preparedness & Response Threat Assessment, Public Health Emergency Preparedness Changes J. Wiesman (WA) Group Discussion 11:00 a.m. Chronic Disease/ Non-Communicable Disease Prevention CDCAttendee(s): Ursula Bauer, PhD, MPH, Director, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention & Health Promotion N. Alexander -Scott (RI) State Non-Communicable Disease (NCO} Prevention & 6/18 Efforts E. Muna (MP) Territorial NCO Prevention Group Discussion BRFSS- Future Support, Ideas for Transformation Group Discussion Population Health 12:00 p.m. Luncheon Brea k Audit & Finance Committee Meeting (Conference Room 12126) 1:00 p.m. Opioids, Primary Prevention Activities & ACEs Research CDCAttendee(s) : Debra Haury, MD, MPH, Director, National Center for Injury Prevention & Contro l; Elizabeth Solhtalab, MPA, Act ing Associate Directo r for Policy & Partnerships, NCIPC;Melissa T. Merrick, PhD, Behavioral Scientist, Surveillance Branch, Division of Violence Prevention, NCIPC State Experiences J. Butler (AK) Group Discussion State Spend Down Issues with STR& New Opioid Activities Preventing ACES/Rolesfor State and Territorial Health Leadership Group Discussion HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000562 2:00 p.m . Surveillance, Informatics, Big Data & State -Federal Strategy Sharing CDCAtten dee(s): Chesley Richards, MD, MPH, FACP, Deputy Direct or fo r Public Health Scient ific Services, Directo r, Off ice of Public Health Scient ific Services; Rear Admira l Michael ladema rco, MD, M PH, Directo r, Center for Surveillance , Epidemiology & Laboratory Services; William Mac Kenzie, MD, Act ing Associate Director for Science Enterprise-wide Surveillance System Planning & Sustainability K. Smith (CA} Update on CDC's National Surveillance Strategy Group Discussion Big Data & HHS-wide Approach to Public-Private Partnerships Group Discussion 3:00 p.m . Brea k 3:15 p.m . Environmental Health - PFOS and PFOA as Emerging Issues of Concern CDCAttendee(s) : Patrick Breysse, PhD, CIH, Director , Nat iona l Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry; Pamela Protzel Berman , PhD, MPH, Deputy Director of Division of Cancer Prevent ion and Contro l (NCEH) State Efforts to Address PFOS/PFOA R. Gupta (WV) Current Challenges and Needs Group Discussion 4:15 p.m . Wrap-Up 4:30 p.m . Adjourn/Transit or Walk Back to Emory Conference Center Hotel 5:30 p .m. Reception & Dinner in Silverbell Pavilion-Emory J. Wiesman (WA ) Conference Center Hotel HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000563 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 25 Apr 2018 15:00:51 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Meeting w/ the Leadership from The Pew Charitable Trusts Attachments: Meeting with the Leadership from The Pew Charitable Trusts .pdf, RE_ Proposed times for Partner meeting at CDCW.msg, FW_ Meeting request. .msg Sent: To : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : Nikki Romanik Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts / Hugh Green Event Contact: Sarah Despres , 0: 202-540-6601, sdespres@pewt rusts.o rg, CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Redfield : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Cont act (if applicabl e): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: The Pew Charitab le Trusts Purpose of Event: Meet with leade rship from The Pew Charitable Trusts to introduce the Directo r to the ir work and discuss ways they can advance shared priorities, part icularly in addressing antibiotic resistance , which is an area where governments , public health groups, patie nts, healthcare prov iders, and industries such as drug develope rs and meat producers, have come together to support meaningful policies to add ress the topic. The Pew Charitable Trusts is driven by the powe r of knowledge to solve today 's most cha llenging problems . We are an indepe ndent nonprofit organ ization - the sole beneficiary of 7 individua l trusts estab lished between 1948 and 1979 by 2 sons and 2 daughters of Sun HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000564 Oil Company founder Joseph N. Pew and his wife , Mary Anderson Pew. From its first day in 1948 , Pew's founders steeped the new institut ion with the entrepreneurial and optimistic spirit that characterized their lives. As the country and the world have evolved, we have remained dedicated to our founders' emphasis on innovat ion . Today , Pew is a global research and public policy organizat ion, still operated as a non-partisan, non-governmental organ ization dedicated to serving the public . In recent years, The Pew Charitable Trusts have worked closely with CDC in 4 areas: Antibiotic Resistance ; Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Initiative (SUPTI) ; Food Safety ; and Health Impact Assessments and Lead Exposure. Agenda (if applicable): Coming 6/6 or 6/7 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : Allan Coukell, Senior Director , Health Programs; Sarah Despres , Director , Gov Relations; Brett Becke rson, Manage r, Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Initiative ; Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on the 4/16/18 DL 3. Dr. Redfield's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Dr. Redfield's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000565 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000566 _'\ M~ ,, -_ ~ -,..\·K PHE T EW 2005 Ma rket Street, Su ite 1700 Phi lade lph ia, PA 19103 -7077 215.575 .9050 Phone 215.575 4939 Fax 901 E Stree t NW, 10th Floor Washington , DC 20004 202 552.2000 Phone 202.552.2299 Fax ..... ~ ~, CHARI T ABLE TR US TS vww p<>wtrt st< Of'J April 5, 2018 Robert R. Redfield, MD Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road Atlanta, GA 30329 Dear Dr. Redfield: On behalf of The Pew Charitable Trusts, I am writing to congratulate you on becoming the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Preve ntion (CDC) and to request a meeting to introduce you to our work and discuss ways we can advance our shared priorities , particularly in addressing antibiotic resistance. The Pew Charitable Trusts is an independe nt, non-p rofit research and public policy organizat ion that seeks to improve public policy, inform the public, and invigorate civic life. In recent years, we have worked closely with CDC in four areas: 1. Antibiotic Resistance: As you know, antibiotic resistance is an urgent public health issue that requires sustained, high-level leadership and attention. Antibiotics underpin modern medicine, but resistant bacteria threaten that progress. Pew has enjoyed a multiyear part nership with the CDC Foundation to addres s ways to improve antibi otic stewardship. For examp le, Pew worked with CDC to analyze data for use in setting national targets for reducing inappropriate antibiotic prescribing in ambulatory care settings , to develop tools to faci litate the adoption of CDC's antibiotic use measures in hospitals, and provide guidance for sma ll and rural hospitals in impl ementing stewardship. Pew is committed to increasing funding for the CDC's Combatting Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria (CARB) activities as an esse ntial compo nent of the broader, government-wide One Health Initiative. In FY2016 , we were pleased that Pew's involvement in a multistakeholder advocacy campaign resulted in substantial additional baseline funding for CDC's efforts to strengthen antibiotic resistance surveillance and improved state laboratory capac ity, and we continu e to advocate for increased funding for these act ivities in the current Labor-HHS appropr iations legis lation. 2. Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Initiative (SUPTI): CDC's statistics on the effects of sub stance use paint a gr im picture of a growing epidemic . Pew is conduct ing research and working at the federal and state levels to advance policies to improve prevention and treatment. We collaborated with CDC on efforts to evaluate practices intended to increase prescriber use of prescription drug monitoring programs , including a wo rkshop for Preve ntion for States and Data -Driven Prevention Initiative grantees. SUPTI also supports CDC's efforts to disseminate research reports and other messages. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000567 3. Food Safety: Each year, one in six Americans gets sick from a foodbome illness. Pew's Safe Food project has been working to address this public health issue through implementation of the Food Safety Modernization Act and through collaboration with CDC on food safety and enteric disease issues in an effort to improve root cause analysis following a foodborne outbreak. We continue to hold discussions with CDC's Divi sion of Foodborne, Waterborne and Environmental Diseases over strategies to improve foodborne disease surve illance and the interpretation and reliability of cultureindependent diagnostic testing . 4. Health Impact Assessments and Lead Exposure: Despite improvem ents in reducin g lead expos ure, there are still at least half a million children, ages 1-5 with blood lead levels over CDC's reference dose. After a year long research process, the Pew Health Impact Project recently released a report titled "10 Policies to Prevent and Respond to Childhood Lead Exposure," an assessment of the risks communities face and key federal, state , and local solution s related to lead exposure. Pew regularly engaged with CDC staff as this report was developed. If you have the time, we would very much look forward to meeting to discuss ways we can advance our common goals. We are particularly interested in ensuring that the United States continues to lead in tackling antibiotic resistance. This is an area where governments, public health groups, patients, health care providers, and industries such as drug developers and meat producers, have come together to support meaningful policies to address antibiotic resistance. Your leaders hip will be critical to maintaining the momentum of this effort. My colleague Sarah Despres can be reached at sdespres@pew or (202) 540-6601 to assist with schedulin g. ~ Allan Coukell Senior Director , Health Program s HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000568 Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 4 May 2018 14:54:15 -0400 To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Schwarcz, Cristi L. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Proposed times for Partner meeting at CDCW From: Sent: Will do! From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, May 4, 2018 2:54 PM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schwarcz, Cristi L. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Proposed times for Partner meeting at CDCW Let's do that; thanks! If you have contact with Sarah already, would you mind mentioning to her as our preference? From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Friday, May 4, 2018 2:51 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wolfe, M itche ll (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schwarcz, Cristi L. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Proposed times for Partner meeting at CDCW Also, we are happy to host the Pew meeting at 3pm @CDCW to make it easier for Dr. Redfield and Kyle. CR 9150 is booked . Will your team loop back with Sarah Despres to suggest this as an option? If not, we are happy to. She will most likely be at the 2pm partner meeting . From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, May 4, 2018 10:41 AM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wolfe, M itchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schwarcz, Cristi L. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Proposed times for Partner meeting at CDCW Let's go with his involvement from 2-2:30pm . Teresa can add that to the calendar. Thanks! HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000569 From : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent : Friday, May 4, 2018 9:53 AM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS); Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schwarcz, Cristi L. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subje ct: Proposed times for Partner meeting at CDCW Hi ScottPer Mitch's email below and as mentioned on the call this week, we wanted to suggest possible times on Monday, June 11 for Dr. Redfield's attendance at the Partner meet ing at CDCW. Our first choice is a 1pm start but seeing that he has a meeting scheduled during that time slot, starting at 1.30 or 2pm would also be great. Given that he has to leave by 2.30pm for the Pew meeting, we wou ldn't want to start any later than 2pm to allow him to be there for the first half. The meetings typ ically last one hour, and he has the option of attending the entire meeting (as outlined below) or just the first 15 mins - either is completely fine. Please let us know if any of these options work, and thanks in advance for accommodating! Aimee From : Wolfe, M itchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Se nt : Monday , Apr il 30, 2018 4:04 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Brand, Anstice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subje ct: Recommendation for Dr. Redfield meet ing in Washington, DC Hi Scott, We have a recommendation for some time that Dr. Redfield is in Washington, DC. Several times a year, CDC/W convenes a group of government affa irs leads for DC-based policy partners (see the list below) to discuss important issues, make sure we are in touch w ith cross-cutting partners, share information, etc. Each meeting begins with a welcome and policy discussion led by CDC/W followed by a budget discussion by Sherri Berger and Alison Kelly. We usually like to have a th ird speaker (a CIO director or other CDCleader) at the meeting to discuss a CDCprogram or initiative or agency priority. We also use these as a forum to introduce CDCleaders to this group so that they can get to know partners and vice versa. I think it would be good for Dr. Redfield to meet with this group . Normally about 25 or 30 people come, and it's an interesting and useful discussion and the introductions, and their hearing about his pr iorities, would be very helpful. **** American Academy of Family Physicians American Academy of Pediatrics AAP American Cancer Society/Cancer Action Network HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000570 American College of Preventive Medicine American Diabetes Association American Heart Association American Lung Association American School Health Association America's Health Insurance Plans Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs Association of Public Health Laboratories American Public Health Association Association of Professiona ls in Infection Control and Epidemiology Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health ASTHO Campaign for Public Health Coalition for Health Funding CGA CSTE Friends of NCBDDD Global Health Council Infectious Disease Society of America March of Dimes Foundation NACCHO NASTAD National Association for Chronic Disease Directors National Network of Public Health Institutes PATH PEW Charitable Trusts Research America Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Trust for America 's Health The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America YMCA Mitchell Wolfe, MD, MPH RADM, USPHS Chief Medical Officer, Office of the Director Acting Director , CDC Washington Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Ph: {202) 245-0600 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000571 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 4 May 2018 15:32:20 -0400 Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales,Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Schwarcz, Cristi L. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) FW: Meeting request. Jeremy, see below . Pew is fine with coming here. Sarah Despres, Allan Coukell, Kathy Talkington and Josh Rising will join the meeting. Anstice Brand CDC Washington Office (202) 245-0622 www ington From : Sarah Despres Sent : Friday, May 4, 2018 3:24 PM To: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schwarcz, Cristi L. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subje ct: RE: Meeting request. That's excellent. It would likely be me, Allan Coukell, Kathy Talkington (who directs our AMR work) and Josh Rising, who oversees our SUD work . Thanks! From : Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) [mailto ] Se nt : Friday, May 04, 2018 3:21 PM To: Sarah Despres Cc: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schwarcz, Cristi L. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: RE: Meeting request. Sarah, The scheduling team is working to book the meeting with you and Allan Coukell when he is in town on June 11th . We were wondering if you would be able to come here to CDC/Washington. Hoping it actually might be extra convenient for you since we are tentatively scheduling (you are the first to know!) one of our quarterly partner meetings at 2pm that day and have Dr. Redfield join and then have the Pew meeting at 3pm. Would that work? If so, would it be just you and Allan Coukell in the meeting or others? Thanks! Anstice Brand HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000572 CDC Washington Office (202) 245-0622 www From: Sarah Despres Sent: Monday, April 23, 2018 12:23 PM To: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: RE: Meeting request. Terrific! Thank you so much. Will Dr. Redfield be in DC? We will, of course, work around his schedule. Sincerely, Sarah From: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) (mailt o:isn8@cdc .gov1 Sent: Monday, April 23, 2018 12:15 PM To: Sarah Despres Cc: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: RE: Meeting request. Sarah , You and Mr. Coukell should be notified shortly from our official channe l that Dr. Redfield has accepted this meeting. If you'd like to go ahead and start finding a time that works to schedule this, just let me know and we can make it happen . Have a good day! Jeremy Jeremy McCallister Advance T earn Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) From: Sarah Despres Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2018 4:03 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; DIRECTOR'SINCOMING (CDC) Subject: Re: Meeting request. Thank you so much! On Apr 5, 2018, at 3:23 PM, Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Thanks Anstice . Jeremy will get it added to the Director's upcoming Decision List for consideration. Thank you! HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000573 Scott From : Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Thursday, Apri l 5, 2018 3:07 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Sarah Despres Subject : Meeting request . Hi Scott, Please see attached request for a meeting with Dr. Redfield from Pew Charitable Trusts. I am ccing Sarah Despres who works with their Government Relations office and is the contact for scheduling . Thanks for your help! Anstice <04-05-18 Meeting Request-Dr. Robert Redfield CDC.PDF > HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000574 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 1 Jun 2018 14:10:12 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Ashley Knotts (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (yxa0@cdc .gov) Cc: Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbe ll, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Meeting w/ the Liberian Minister of Health (MoH) From: Sent: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000575 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 7 Jun 2018 17:09:22 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Meeting w/ the President -Elect of Association of the State and Territoria l Health Officials (ASTHO) Attachments: Re_ ASTHO meeting with the Director.msg 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : Brad Bartee Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Michael Fraser, PhD MS CAE FCPP (Exec. Dir., AST HO) CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Redfield: TB D CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Cont act (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event : Meet with Dr. Nicole Alexander-Scott (Pres . Elect , ASTHO) for a followup on the conve rsation that she and the Director had regarding disease eradication . She would be joined by John Wies man. Agend a (if applicabl e): TBD Number of Attendee s and Composition: TB D HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000576 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on the DL 3. Dr. Redfield's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Dr. Redfield 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000577 From: Sent : To : Cc: Subject: Michael Fraser 8 Jun 2018 12:27:09 +0000 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Re: ASTHO meeting with the Director Yes! Perfect. Thank you very much . I will send bios to you for background by Monday . My cell (bl (6l lif anything changes j ust let me know. Best, Mike is I On Jun 8, 2018, at 08:21 , Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Good morning Dr. Fraser, Dr. Redfield is availab le Thursday, June 14th from 8:45-9:00 a.m. before the ASTHO meeting scheduled 9-9 :30 a.m . Would this t ime work? Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Schedule r for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639 -5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (40 4) 639-7111 email: coo4 @cdc .gov From: Michae l Fraser Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 10:52 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: ASTHO meeting with the Director Many thanks - most appreciative. Mike HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000578 Michael R. Fraser , PhD , MSMSL, CAE, FCPP Executive Directo r, ASTHO 2231 Crysta l Dr ive, Suite 450 Arlington , VA 22202 e: mfraser @astho .org o: 202-371-9090 c : 202-222-5166 @mfraserdc 1 On Jun 6, 2018, at 10:50, Strengt h, Trac ie (CDC /OD/OCS) wrote : Dr. Fraser, Good morning . We are currently looking at Dr. Redfield's calendar and determining is availability . Dr. Redfield's scheduler Teresa Williams will be reaching out to you shortly to provide available times and dates. Respectfully, Tracie Strength Execut ive Ass istant to the Director, Dr Robert Redfie ld Office of the Director Centers for Dis ease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 (b)( 6l 11Direct Line: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404- 718-0962 Ma il: I Email: tmd9 @cdc .gov From : Michael Fraser Sent : Wednesday, June 6, 2018 10:08 AM To : McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/00/0CS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) Subject : Re: ASTHO meeting with the Director Awesome - many thanks! Mike Michael R. Fraser, PhD , MSMS L, CAE, FCPP Execut ive Di rector, ASTHO 2231 Crystal Drive , Suite 450 Arlington , VA 22202 e: mfra ser@astho .org o : 202-371-9090 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000579 c: 202-222-5166 @mfraserdc 1 On Jun 6, 2018, at 10:07, McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Good morning Michael , I think could be a possibility . I've copied Tracie Strength who can help find a time that works. We look forward to seeing you next week . Kyle From: Michael Fraser Sent : Wednesday, June 6, 2018 9:46 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ASTHO meeting with the Director Dear Teresa and Kyle , Dr. Alexande r-Scott (SHO-RI) and Dr. Wiesman (SHOWA) were hoping for a brief chance to meet with the Director while in Atlanta next week. Dr. Alexander-Scott was not able to join us in May and would really like some one on one time to introduce herself to the Director, and she and Dr. Wiesman wanted to follow-up on the potential idea of a commentary or Op-Ed that the Director mentioned while we were there in May . Wou ld it be poss ible to find sometime on Thursday the 14th (maybe 15 minutes) while we are there? Thank so much , Mike Michael R. Fraser, PhD, MSMSL, CAE, FCPP Executive Director , ASTHO 2231 Crystal Drive, Suite 450 Arlington, VA 22202 e: mfraser o: 202-371-9090 c: 202-222-5 166 @mfraserdc 1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000580 Disclaimer The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. This email has been scanned for viruses and malware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast Ltd, an innovator in Software as a Service (Saas) for business. Providing a safer and more useful place for your human generated data. Specializing in; Security, archiving and compliance. To find out more Click Here. Disclaimer The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. This email has been scanned for viruses and malware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast Ltd, an innovator in Software as a Service (SaaS) for business. Providing a safer and more useful place for your human generated data. Specializing in; Security, archiving and compliance. To find out more Click Here . Disclaimer The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. This email has been scanned for viruses and malware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast Ltd, an innovator in Software as a Service (Saas) for business. Providing a safer and more useful place for your human generated data. Specializing in; Security, archiving and compliance. To find out more Click Here . Disclaimer The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. This email has been scanned for viruses and malware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast Ltd, an innovator in Software as a Service (SaaS) for business. Providing a safer and more useful place for your human generated data. Specializing in; Security, archiving and compliance. To find out more Click Here . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000581 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 19 Apr 2018 14:59:11 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Cc: Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Meeting with Administrator Greene, USAID [Accompanied by: Kyle McGowan and Mitch Wolfe] Escort/POC: Shamika Williams 1-202-712-1976 or cell: 571-242-9314] Attachments: RE_ Request 15 min call with Administrator Mark Greene.msg, Re_ Request 15 min call with Administrator Mark Greene.msg Sent : To : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Nikki Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: Shamika Williams , Director of Scheduling and Executive Assistant to the USAID Administrator email: shamwilliams@usa phone: 202-7 12-1976 cell: 571-2429314 CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000582 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000583 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) 19 Apr 2018 20:43:58 +0000 Shamika Williams Elyse Drum RE: Request 15 min call with Administrator Mark Greene I have you r address at 1300 Pennsylvania, is there a room number or location that I can refe rence? From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, April 19, 2018 4:42 PM To : 'Shamika Williams' Cc: Elyse Drum Subject : RE: Request 15 min call with Administrator Mark Greene Won derful, thank you . Kyle McGowan will be acco mpanying Dr. Redfield. From: Shamika Williams Sent: Thu rsday, April 19, 20 18 4:37 PM To: Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) i--(b-)(6-) -~ Cc: Elyse Drum Subject: Re: Request 15 min call with Administrator Mark Greene Hello, Yes, 4:00pm on April 27th. Could yo u t ell me who wo uld be accompan ying Dr. Redfie ld ? Best , Shamik a Shamika Williams Deput y Director of Scheduling and Execut ive Assistant to t he Admin istrator Office of the Admin istrator - 6.09-0051 USAID I Contractor Direct: (202) 712- 1976 Main: (202) 712-4040 Cell: (571) 242-93 14 Email: shamwil li ams@usaid .gov *Please send all scheduling requests for th e Administratorto appointments@usa id.govto ensurethat yourrequestis promptly receivedandreviewed. On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 12:56 PM, Strength , Tracie (CDC /OD/OCS) wrote: Thank you Shamika, An in-person meet ing on the 27 th would be great . Can we confirm 16600 -1630? Respectfully , Tracie HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000584 From: Shamika Williams Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 11:33 AM To: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Elyse Drum Subject: Re: Reque st 15 min call with Administrator Mark Greene Hello Tracie, Unfortunately, the Administrator is not available for a pre-call. Could we schedule a pre-call with the Chief of Staff and a member from your team? Could we schedule time for the in-person meeting on April 27th? Please let me know what times could work. Feel free to call me as well to discuss dates and times. Best, Shamika ShamikaWilliams Deputy Director of Schedul ing and Executive Assistant to the Administ rator Office of the Administrator - 6.09 -005 1 USAID I Contractor Direct: (202) 712-1976 Main :(202) 712-4040 Cell: (571) 242-9314 Email: shamwilliams *Please send all scheduling requests for th e Administrator to appointments@usaid.govto ensure that yourrequestis promptlyreceivedandreviewed. On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 11:03 AM, Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: If we could confirm the 1600-1630 on the 27 th for a meeting that would be great . Dr Redfield will be in DC that day. Can we make this an in person meeting? Respectfu I ly Tracie Strength Advance Team / Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000585 From: Shamika Will iams Sent: Wednesday, Apr il 18, 2018 4 :11 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Elyse Drum Subject : Re: Requ est 15 min call with Adm inistrator Ma rk Gr eene Hello Tracie, The Administrator's can be available on April 27th to meet with Dr . Redfield. Below are some times that may work. 1100-1130 1130-1200 1500-1530 1530-1600 1600-1630 Best, Shamika ShamikaWilliams Deputy Director of Scheduling and Executive Assistant to th e Administrator Office of the Administrator - 6.09-005 I USAID I Cont ractor Direct: (202) 712-1976 Main:(202) 712-4040 Cell: (571) 242-9314 Email: shamwill to ensurethat yourrequest *Please send all scheduling requests for the Administrator to 212po is promptlyreceivedandreviewed. On Wed , Apr 18, 2018 at 3:29 PM, Strength, Tracie (CDC /OD/OCS) wro te: Good afternoon Shamika, I hope you are doing well today . I just wanted to follow up on the below request. Thank you Respectfu Ily, Tracie From: Elyse Drum Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 10:18 AM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000586 To : Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Shamika Williams Subject: Re: Request 15 min call with Admin istrator Mark Greene Hi Tracie, It's wonderful to hear from you! I was actually going to ask you the if you knew the next time Dr. Redfield is planning on coming to Washington, DC. I know there is still interest from our side in having our principal s meet and record a video. Do you have the next trip planned? In the meant ime, the Administrator would we lcome a call. My colleague Shamika Williams is coord inating this week and next so I'm copying her here to see if we might be able to find a time for the call. Best , Elyse On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 10:09 AM , Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Elyse, Good mornin g. I am reaching out to see if it is possible to set up a 15 min introduction call with Administrator Greene and Dr Redfield , CDC Director within the next week. Below is Dr Redfield ' s availability , please let me know if any of these dates and times work with his schedule: • April 18th 2:45-3:00pm • April 19th 2: 15pm-2:30pm • April 24 th 4:00-4:15pm Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team / Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Preventio n (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE , MS D-14 , Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email: tmd9 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000587 Elys e Drum USAIDI U.S Agency for International Director of Sch edulin g & Advance A/ AID Ronald Reagan Building 1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington , D.C 2054 7 Tel : 202-712-404 0 E-mail : Development HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000588 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject : Shamika Williams 20 Apr 2018 16 :05:05 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) Elyse Drum Re: Request 15 min call with Administrator Mark Greene Hello, Yes, that would work. Best, Shamika Shamika Williams Deput y Director of Scheduling and Executive Assistant to the Administrator Office of the Administrator - 6.09-005 1USAID I Contractor Direct: (202) 712-197 6 Main:(202) 712-4040 Cell: (571) 242-9314 Email: shamwilliams@usa *Please send all schedu ling requests for the Adminis trator to appo intme nt~@ usai d.iwv to ens ure that your request is promp tly received a11dreviewed . On Fri, Apr 20, 20 18 at 3:58 PM, Strength , Trac ie (CDC/OD/OCS) wro te: Shamika, Can we do the meeting at 4:30 to make sure he has enough time to get there without delays? Tracie From: Shamika Williams Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 4:37 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Elyse Drum Subject: Re: Reques t 15 min call with Administra tor Mark Greene HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000589 Hello , Yes, 4:00pm on April 27t h . Could you tell me w ho wou ld be accompanying Dr. Redfield? Best, Shamika Shamika Williams Deputy Director of Scheduling and Executive Assistant to t he Administrator Office of t he Administrator - 6.09-0051 USAID I Contractor Direct : (202) 712- 1976 Main:(202) 712-4040 Cell: (571) 242-9314 Email: shamwill iams@usaid .gov *Please send all scheduling requests for t he Administrator to appointments@usaid .govto ensurethat your requestis promptly receivedandreviewed. On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 12:56 PM, Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D /OCS) wrote : Thank you Shamika, An in -person meeting on the 27 th would be grea t. Can we confirm 16600 -1630? Respectful ly, Tracie HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000590 From : Shamika Williams Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 11:33 AM To : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Elyse Drum Subject: Re: Request 15 min call with Admin istrator Mark Greene Hello Tracie, Unfortunately, the Administrator is not available for a pre-call. Could we schedule a pre-call with the Chief of Staff and a member from your team? Could we schedule time for the in-person meeting on April 27th? Please let me know what times could work. Feel free to call me as well to discus s dates and times. Best, Shamika ShamikaWilliams Deputy Dir ector of Schedu ling and Executive Assistant to the Admin istrator Office of the Administrator - 6.09-0051 USAID I Contractor Direct: (202) 712-1976 Main:(2 02) 712-40 40 Cell: (57 1) 242-9314 Email: shamw illiams@usa id .gov *Please send all scheduling requests for the Administrator to appointments @usaid.govto ensurethat your requestis promptlyreceivedandreviewed. On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 11:03 AM, Strength, Tracie (CDC /OD/OCS) wrote: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000591 If we could confirm the 1600-1630 on the 27th for a meeting that would be great . Dr Redfield will be in DC that day. Can we make this an in person meeting? Respectfully Tracie Strength Advance Team / Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE , MS D-14 , Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email : From: Shamika Will iams Sent: Wednesday , April 18, 2018 4:11 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Elyse Drum Subject: Re: Request 15 min call with Administrator Mark Greene Hello Tracie, The Administrator 's can be available on April 27th to meet with Dr. Redfield. Below are some times that may work. 1100 - 1130 1130-1200 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000592 1500-1530 1530-1600 1600-1630 Best, Shamika ShamikaWilliams Deputy Director of Scheduling and Executive Assistant to the Administrator Office of the Administra tor - 6.09 -00 5 1 USAID I Contractor Direct: (202) 712-1976 Main: (202) 712-4040 Cell: (571) 242-9314 Email: shamw ill •Ple ase send all scheduling requests for th e Administratorto appointments @usaid.govto ensure that your requestis promptlyreceivedandreviewed . On Wed, Apr 18, 201 8 at 3 :29 PM, Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D /OCS) wrote: Good afternoon Shamika , I hope you are do ing well today. I just wanted to follow up on the below request . Thank you Respectfully, Tracie HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000593 From: Elyse Drum Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 10:18 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Shamika Williams Subject: Re: Request 15 min call with Administrator Mark Greene Hi Tracie , It's wonderful to hear from you ! I was actually going to ask you the if you knew the next time Dr. Redfield is planning on coming to Washington, DC. I know there is still interest from our side in having our principals meet and record a video. Do you have the next trip planned? In the meantime, the Admin istrator would welcome a call. My colleague Shamika Williams is coordinating this week and next so I'm copying her here to see if we might be able to find a time for the call. Best, Elyse On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 10:09 AM , Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote : Elyse, Good morning. I am reaching out to see if it is possible to set up a 15 min introduction call with Administrator Greene and Dr Redfield, CDC Director within the next week. Below is Dr Redfield' s availability, please let me know if any of these dates and times work with his schedu le: • April I 8th 2:45-3:00pm • April 19th 2: 15pm-2:30pm HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000594 • April 24 th 4:00 -4: l 5pm Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team / Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE, MS D-14 , Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3 210 Email: Elyse Drum US AIDI U .S Agency for Int e rnational Developm e nt Director of Scheduling & Advance A/ AID Ronald Reagan Buildi ng 1300 Pennsy lvan ia Ave, NW Wash ington, D.C 20547 Tel: 20 2- 712 - 40 40 E-mail: edru m HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000595 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000596 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 22 May 2018 14:04:22 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Meeting with Charge D'Affairs Ted Allegra HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000597 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 22 May 2018 14:07:49 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Meet ing with Dr. Stewart Simonson, Asst. DG Management HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000598 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 22 May 2018 14:11:01 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Meeting with Dr. Swaminathan, WHO Programs HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000599 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 31 May 2018 15:16:54 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: Meeting with Kyle & Sherri HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000600 From: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 11 Jun 2018 19:47 :39 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS);Lapinski, Mary -Sumpter (HHS/IOS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/0D/OCS) ( Subject: Meeting with Mary-Sumpter Lapinski & Dr. Redfield HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000601 From: Sent: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 29 Mar 2018 14:09:36 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject: Meeting with Mary-Sumpter Lapinski and Dr. Robert Redfield HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000602 From: Sent: To: Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/10S) 6 Jun 2018 14:32:01 +0000 Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/10S);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/0D);Campbell , Amanda (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject : M eet ing with Peter Urbanowicz, Dr. Redfield and Amanda From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) [ ] Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 9:04 AM To: Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Request 15 min with Peter Urbanowicz on Monday Damaris , Good morning . Kyle McGowan, Dr. Redfield's Chjef of Staff, has requested that I reach out to see ifwe could schedule 15 mins with Peter Urbano wicz before Dr. Redfield (CDC Director) meets with Secretary Azar on Monday. We would like to request a meeting on Monday June 11•h from 10:15-10:30 for Dr. Redfield and Amanda Campbell will be joining him. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Respectfully, Tracie Strength Executive Assistant to the Director , Dr Robe1i Redfield Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE, MS D-14 , Atlanta GA 30333 (b)( 6) 11 Direct Line: 404-498-6482 I Cell : 404-718-0962 Mail: I Email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000603 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 29 Mar 2018 13:02:50 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Yassanye, Diana (CDC/OD/OCS);Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) Subject: Meeting with Shannon Royce, HHS Partnerships Center Director Attachments: FW_ Dr. Redfield's Calendar.msg, RE_ Dr. Redfield's Calendar.msg 1. Contact s: Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts (Dee Dee will staff) Event Contact: Sonia Jones-Croft, OMHHE email: SCroft@cdc .gov Office : 770-488-8065 CDC Staffer Accompany ing CDC Direct or: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Cont act (if applicabl e): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Numbe r of Attendees and Compo sition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000604 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000605 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) 29 Mar 2018 08:55:16 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/00/0CS);McCa ll ister, Jeremy (CDC/00/0CS) ;Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Berger,Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: FW: Dr. Redfield 's Calendar From: Sent: To : KM agreed to fitting this in on this date . Please work to schedule 30 min when able this day, and KM should join too . Thx! From : Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 7:27 PM To: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Subject: Dr. Redfield 's Calendar Hello Jeremy, Dr. Redfield has spoken briefly with Shannon Royce, Director, and Heidi Christensen, Public Affairs Specialist, of the Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships (HHS/Office of the Secretary). He would like to meet with them on April 24th during the scheduled meeting with the Center for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Meeting. Please let me know if he will be able to attend at 8:45am. Below is the email Dr. Liburd received concerning the request. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks, Sonia ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks for letting me know, Heidi! We will move forward today to get him scheduled on the agenda ... Leandris From: Christensen, Heidi (HHS/CFBNP) Sent : Monday, March 26, 2018 2:29 PM To : Liburd, Leandr is C.(CDC/OD/OMHHE)< > Cc: Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP) Subject: Dr. Redfield, HHS Partnersh ip Center visit Atlanta, Apr il 24, 2018 visit Hello Leandris, Shannon had a brief conve rsation with your new director, Dr. Redfield, and he asked for an opportunity to meet with the Partnership Center to ta lk about faith-based collaborat ion . We hope that wi ll be possible during our time w ith the CDCon the 24t h, with great thanks, Heidi HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000606 From: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 12:36 PM To: Liburd, Leandris C.(CDC/OD/OMHHE)< >; Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; DIRECTOR'SINCOMING (CDC) ; Seider, Regina (CDC/OD/OCS); Weitzman, Katherine (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR); Lee, Chanel (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR) Subject: RE: Dr. Schuchat's Calendar I wanted all of you to know that Dr. Schuchat felt Dr. Redfie ld should weigh in on this, so once he's here in place , we'll run it on his first DL and get back to you ASAP. Thanks and have a good weekend! Jeremy Jeremy Mccallister Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Phone : 404-639-7989 BB: 404-384-2610 From: Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR)On Behalf Of Liburd, Leandris C. (CDC/OD/OMHHE) Sent : Tuesday, March 13, 2018 11:58 AM To: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Subject: RE: Dr. Schuchat's Calendar Dear Jeremy, On April 24th , Shannon Royce, Director, and Heidi Christensen, Public Affairs Specialist, of the Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnersh ips (HHS/Office of the Secretary) will be visiting CDCand have asked to meet with you. The purpose ofthe visit is to introduce the Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships and get acquainted with CDC programs that are inte rested in working more closely with faith-based inst itutions and communities. They are particularly interest ed in CDC's efforts to address the opioid crisis (including prescriber guidelines and prevention), chronic disease prev ention, emergency preparedness, and HIV prevention. The meetings will be held on the Roybal campus in building 21, room 12116. The time slotted for your meeting is 9:00am. If you have questions or need additional information, please let me know. Thanks, Leandris Leandris C. Liburd, PhD, MPH HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000607 Associate Director for Minority Health and Health Equity Office of Minority Health and Health Equity Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4770 Buford Hwy Mailstop K-77 Atlanta, GA 30341 770-488-8343 770-488 -8140 (FAX) For appointments contact: Sonia Croft - 770-488 -8065 Heal thy Lives For Everyone. OFTIC£or W~OIUTY ltEALffl A,#DHu.t.TH EQUITY CEU:BRATlNG 30 YEARS OF SERVICE From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, February 28, 2018 12:53 PM To : Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Cc: Turner, Cheryl L. (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR); Liburd, Leandris C. (CDC/OD/OM HHE) <>; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Schuchat's Calendar Good afternoon Sonia, Thank you for your request. Your request wi ll be submitted to Dr. Schuchat's Decision List for approval and scheduling. Please forward the additional details to Jeremy once you have received them. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000608 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30333 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: From: Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Sent: Wednesday, Februa ry 28, 2018 12:48 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Turner, Cheryl L. (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR); Liburd, Leandr is C. (CDC/OD/OMHHE) Subject: RE: Dr. Schuchat's Calendar Good afternoon Teresa and Tracie, 1 hope all is well. I am checking to see if Dr. Schuchat has any availability between 10am - lpm on April 24, 2018 to attend a meeting with Shannon Royce, HHS Partnersh ips Center Director ? A follow up email with additional details will come later this week. Best Regards, Sonia S. Croft Sonia S. Croft Contractor , Laulima Government Solutio ns Executive Support to the Director Office of Minority Health and Health Equity (OMHHE) Centers for Disease Control and Prevent ion (CDC) University Park , Columbia Building 2900 Woodcock Blvd. MS K-77 Atlanta, GA 30341 Office: (770) 488-8065 ~BlackBerry : (404) 441-1388 ~Fax: (404) 471- 8637 Email: SCroft Healthy Lives For Everyone . omcc or Hl:.oam HU.Lffl IU{D HtALTHtQOITY CELEBRATING30 YEARSOf' SERVICE HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000609 From : Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, February 28, 2018 12 :43 PM To : Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) ; Turner, Cheryl L. (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Dr. Schuchat's Calendar Carma is no long here . Teresa Williams and myse lf do the schedu ling for Dr. Schuchat . It would depend on what you are requesting who you would contact for scheduling . If yo u provide more deta ils we would be able to point you in the right direction . Respectfully , Tracie Strength Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Preventio n (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email: tmd9 @cdc.go v From: Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Sent : Wednesday, Februa ry 28, 2018 12:40 PM To : Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Turner, Cheryl L. (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR) Subje ct: Dr. Schuchat's Calendar H ello Ch eryl and Tracie , I ne ed your help . Can you send me the link to requ est time on Dr. Schuchat's calendar ? Is Carma Davis her assistant? Thank s for your tim e. -Sonia Best Regards, Sonia S. Croft Sonia S. Croft Contractor , Laulima Government Solutio ns Executive Support to the Director Offic e of M inority Health and He alth Equity (OMHHE) Centers for Disease Control and Pr event ion (CDC) University Park, Co lumbia Building 2900 Woodcock Blvd. MS K-77 Atlanta , GA 30341 Office: (770) 488 -8065 ~ BlackBerry : (404) 441-1388 ~ Fax: (404) 471-8637 Email : SCroft HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000610 Healthy Lives For Everyone. omct or HINOm'Y KEAL'ffiIU'O ffWffl tQVITY CELEBRATING30 YEARSOf SERVICE HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000611 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 29 Mar 201817:37:54 +0000 Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Dr. Redfield's Calendar Good afternoon Sonia, I will update Dr. Redfield's calendar. Have a wonderful day . Thanks, Teresa From : Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Sent : Thursday, March 29, 2018 12:31 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Dr. Redfield's Calendar Good morning Teresa, Yes, please confirm the time. Thanks for your time and help. Thanks, Sonia Best Regards , Sonia Jones -Croft Sonia Jones-Croft Contractor , Laulima Government Solutions Executive Support to the Director Office of Minority Hea lth and Health Equity (OMHHE) Cente rs for Disease Control and Preventio n (CDC) University Park, Columbia Building 2900 Woodcock Blvd. MS K-77 Atlanta, GA 30341 Office : (770) 488-8065~BlackBerry : (404) 44 l - 1388~Fax : (404) 47 1-8637 Email : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000612 Healthy Live s For Everyone. CELEBRATING30 YEARSOf SERVICE From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 11:10 AM To: Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield's Calendar Importance: High Good morning Sonia, I am following up on the email below . Dr. Redfield is availab le April 24th from 9-9 :30 a.m. Please advise if we can confirm this time. Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: From: Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 7:27 PM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000613 To: Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Subject: Dr. Redfield's Calendar Hello Jeremy, Dr. Redfield has spoken briefly with Shannon Royce, Director, and Heidi Christensen, Public Affairs Specialist, of the Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships (HHS/Office of the Secretary). He would like to meet with them on April 24th during the scheduled meeting with the Center for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Meeting. Please let me know if he will be able to attend at 8:45am. Below is the email Dr. Liburd received concerning the request . Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks, Sonia ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks for letting me know, Heidi ! We will move forward today to get him scheduled on the agenda ... Leandris From: Christensen, Heidi (HHS/CFBNP) Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 2:29 PM To: Liburd, Leandris C.(CDC/OD/OMHHE)< > Cc: Royce, Shannon (OS/CFBNP) Subject: Dr. Redfield, HHS Partnersh ip Center visit Atlanta, Apr il 24, 2018 visit Hello Leandris, Shannon had a brief conversation with your new director, Dr. Redfield, and he asked for an opportunity to meet with t he Partnership Center to talk about faith-based collaborat ion. We hope that will be possible during our time with the CDCon the 24th, with great thanks, Heidi From: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 12:36 PM To: Liburd, Leandris C. (CDC/OD/OMHHE) ; Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Cc: W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; DIRECTOR'SINCOMING (CDC) ; Seider, Regina (CDC/OD/OCS); Weitzman , Katherine (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR); Lee, Chanel (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR) Subject: RE: Dr. Schuchat's Calendar I wanted all of you to know that Dr. Schuchat felt Dr. Redfield should weigh in on this, so once he's here in place , we'll run it on his first DL and get back to you ASAP. Thanks and have a good weekend ! HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000614 Jeremy Jeremy Mccalliste r Advance T earn Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Phone: 404-639-7989 BB: 404-384-2610 isn8@cdc .gov From: Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR)On Behalf Of Liburd, Leandris C. (CDC/OD/OMHHE) Sent : Tuesday, March 13, 2018 11:58 AM To: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Subject: RE: Dr. Schuchat's Calendar Dear Jeremy, On April 24th, Shannon Royce, Director, and Heidi Christensen, Public Affairs Specialist, of the Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships (HHS/Office of the Secretary) will be visiting CDCand have asked to meet with you. The purpose of the visit is to introduce the Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships and get acquainted with CDC programs that are interested in working more closely with faith-based institutions and communities . They are particularly interested in CDC'sefforts to address the opioid crisis (including prescriber guidelines and prevention), chronic disease prevention, emergency preparedness, and HIV prevention. The meetings will be held on the Roybal campus in building 21, room 12116. The time slotted for your meeting is 9:00am. If you have questions or need additional information, please let me know. Thanks, Leandris Leandris C. Liburd, PhD, MPH Associate Director for Minority Health and Health Equity Office of Minority Health and Health Equity Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4770 Buford Hwy Mailstop K-77 Atlanta, GA 30341 770-488-8343 770-488-8140 (FAX) For appointments contact: Sonia Croft - 770-488-8065 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000615 Healthy Live s For Everyone. CELEBRATING30 YEARSOf SERVICE From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 12:53 PM To : Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Cc: Turner, Cheryl L. (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR); Liburd, Leandris C. (CDC/OD/OM HHE) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Schuchat's Calendar Good afternoon Sonia, Thank you for your request. Your request will be submitted to Dr. Schuchat's Decision List for approval and scheduling. Please forward the additional details to Jeremy once you have received them. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30333 Direct : (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 emai l: From: Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Sent : Wednesday, February 28, 2018 12:48 PM To: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000616 Cc: Turner, Cheryl L. (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR); Liburd, Leandris C. (CDC/OD/OMHHE) Subject: RE: Dr. Schuchat's Calendar Good afternoon Teresa and Tracie, I hope all is well. I am checking to see if Dr. Schuchat has any avai lability between 10am - 1pm on April 24, 2018 to attend a meeting with Sha nnon Royce, HHS Partner ships Center Director ? A follow up email with additional details will come later this week . Best Regard s, Sonia S. Croft Sonia S. Croft Contractor, Laulima Government Solutions Executive Support to the Director Office of Minority Health and Health Equity (OMHHE) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) University Park, Columbia Building 2900 Woodcock Blvd. MS K-77 Atlanta, GA 3034 I Office : (770) 488 -8065~BlackBerry : (404) 44 l-l 388~Fax: (404) 47 1-8637 Email: Healthy Lives For Everyo ne. OFFICEOf MtNORITYXEA. Lffl A.. '10 HEIJ.TlftQUITY CELEBRATING 30 YEARSor SERVICE From: Strength, Traci e (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 12:43 PM To: Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) ; Turner, Cheryl L. (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Schuchat's Calendar Carma is no long here . Teresa Williams and myself do the schedu ling for Dr. Schuchat . It would depend on what you are requesting who you would cont act for scheduling. If you provide more detai ls we would be able to point you in the right direct ion . Respectfully , HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000617 Tracie Strengt h Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE , MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498 -6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Emai l: From : Croft, Sonia (CDC/OD/OMHHE) (CTR) Se nt : Wednesday, February 28, 2018 12:40 PM To : Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Turner, Cheryl L. (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR) Subje ct: Dr. Schuchat's Calendar Hello Cheryl and Tracie, I need your help . Can you send me the link to request time on Dr. Schuchat's calendar? ls Canna Davis her assistant? Thanks for your time. -Sonia Best Regards , Sonia S. Croft Sonia S. Croft Contractor , Laulima Government Solutions Executive Support to the Director Office of Minority Health and Health Equity (OMHHE) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) University Park, Columbia Building 2900 Woodcock Blvd . MS K-77 Atlanta, GA 3034 l Office : (770) 488-8065- BlackBerry : (404) 441-1388 - Fax : (404) 471-8637 Email : Healthy Lives For Everyo ne. OrrtC£or MlNOAJTY HtAI.TllANOH£AL'rn 1:QUITY CELEBRATING30 YEARSOF SERVICE HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000618 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 4 May 2018 18:26:13 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: NIH Visit with Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins (2 hours: Meeting and Tour] Attachments: RE_ NIH Visit_ Meeting with Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins .msg 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: Nikki Romani k Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Amy Blackb urn CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Directo r: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Cont act (if applicabl e): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Numbe r of Attendees and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000619 Key Participants (if applicable): Mitch Wolfe Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000620 From: Se nt: To : Ayanna (NIH/OD) [El Cc: Subject: Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) 4 May 2018 18:26:01 +0000 Wood, Gretchen (NIH/OD) [El;Conrad, Patricia (NIH/NIAID) (El;McManus, Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS);Vance, Meaghan (NIH/NIAID) [Cl RE: NIH Visit: Meeting with Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins Good afternoon Ayanna, I hope you are doing well. I am following up on the request to schedule a NIH Visit with Ors. Fauci and Collins on June 12th at the NIH Office? Dr. Fauci is available between 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Would Dr. Collins be available for two hour during this time period for a meeting and tour of NIH? Thank you for your consideration. Best, Teresa From : Williams , Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) Sent : Wednesday , May 2, 2018 2:08 PM To: Wood, Gretchen (NIH/OD) [El ; Conrad, Patricia (NIH/N IAID) [El ; McManus, Ayanna (NIH/OD) (El Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Vance, Meaghan (NIH/NIAID) [Cl Subject : RE: NIH Visit: Meeting with Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins Thank you Gretchen. Teresa From : Wood, Gretchen (NIH/OD) [El Sent : Wednesday, May 2, 2018 2:07 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Conrad, Patricia (NIH/NIAID) [El ; McManus, Ayanna (NIH/OD) [El Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Vance, Meaghan (NIH/NIAID) [Cl Subje ct: RE: NIH Visit: Meeting with Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins Looping in Ayanna .. .thanks! HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000621 From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [ ] Sent: Wednesday, May 2, 2018 1:52 PM To: Conrad, Patricia (NIH/NIAID) [E) ; Wood, Gretchen (NIH/OD) [E) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Vance, Meaghan (NIH/NIAID) [CJ Subject: RE: NIH Visit: Meeting with Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins Hi Patty, Thanks so much for your prompt response. Yes we wou ld like to have the meeting at NIH. I will get back wi t h you soon to confirm a time. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Schedu ler for the CDC Director From: Conrad, Patricia (NIH/NIAID) [E) Sent: Wednesday, May 2, 2018 1:48 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Wood, Gretchen (NIH/OD) [E] Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Vance, Meaghan {NIH/NIAID) [CJ Subject: RE: NIH Visit: Meeting with Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins Hi Teresa: I presume the meeting will be at NIH - if yes - we can make Dr. Fauci available between 11 am and 6 pm . Let us know what works. -patty Patri cia L. Conrad Special Assistan t t o the Direct or HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000622 Disclaimer: The information in this e-mail and any of its attachments is confidential and may contain sensitive information. It should not be used by anyone who is not the original intended recipient. If you have received th is e-mail in error please inform the sender and delete it from your mailbox or any other storage devices. Nationa l Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) shall not accept liability for any statement made that are sender's own and not expressly made on behalf of the NIAID by one of its representatives. From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2018 1:35 PM To: Conrad, Patricia (NIH/NIAID) [El ; Wood, Gretchen (NIH/OD) [El Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: NIH Visit: Meeting with Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins Good afternoon Patty and Gretchen, I hope you both are doing well. Dr. Redfield would like to schedule a visit to NIH to meet with Drs. Fauci and Collins on June 12th if they are available. They are both available, could you please offer some times that may work for them? Thank you for your consideration. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000623 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 May 2018 15:46:26 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: No Host Social Attachme nts: RE_ Dr. Redfield - Global Health Impact Across the US Government_ Accelerating Progress through Partnerships .msg From: Se nt: Waiting on CGH for details . 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Nikk i Romanik Special As sistant: Ashley Kno tts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agend a (if applicable): TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000624 Number of Attendees and Composition: 200 CGH field staff Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points {TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000625 From: Se nt: To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 4 May 2018 12:27:52 -0400 Moore, Melissa (CDC/CGH/OD);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Stanojevich, Joel G. (CDC/CGH/OD);CGHPOLICYREQUESTS (CDC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Dr. Redfield - Global Health Impact Across the US Government: Accelerating Progress through Partnerships Jumping in ... all highlights below are fine . Thx! ! From : Moore, Melissa (CDC/CGH/OD) Sent : Friday, May 4, 2018 12:22 PM To: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Stanojevich, Joel G. (CDC/CGH/OD) ; CGHPOLICYREQUESTS (CDC) Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield - Global Health Impact Across the US Government: Accelerating Progress through Partnerships Hi Jeremy , I have some follow up on this . So to confirm , Dr. Redfield wi ll sit in the audie nce during the panel, not participate on it, right? Also Dr. Martin suggested that rathe r than having a formal dinner , we instead invite the panelists and Dr. Redfield to the no host socia l event that we are holding after . ft would give Dr. Redfield a chance to meet and interact with our country office staff and it would allow him and the other panelists to leave whenever they like . Let us know if this is an option . Working on the agenda now . Thanks. From : Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, May 4, 2018 11:38 AM To : Moore, Melissa (CDC/CGH/OD) ; Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Stanojevich, Joel G. (CDC/CGH/OD) ; CGHPOLICYREQUESTS (CDC) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield - Global Health Impact Across the US Government : Accelerating Progress through Partnerships Dr. Redfield agreed to this request so if you could get us an agenda, and more details on the dinner afterwards , that'd help . Thanks and have a good weekend . Jeremy HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000626 Jeremy McCallister Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404-639-7989 iPhone : 404-384-2610 isn8@cdc .gov From: Moore , Mel issa (CDC/CGH/O0) Sent : Monday , Apr il 30, 2018 10:12 AM To: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/O0/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/O0/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/O0/OCS) Cc:Stanojevich, Joel G. (CDC/CGH/O0) Subje ct: RE: Dr. Redfield - Global Health Impact Across the US Government : Accelerating Progress through Partnerships Importance: High Hi Jeremy, I just sat down with Dr. Martin 's Chief of Staff on this item. In reviewing it, we actually think it would be better for him to attend the panel and sit in the audience, but not serve on the panel itself . We would also like to propose that after the closing remarks session, that he attend a dinner with the USG panelists noted below . We have confirmation from Amb . Birx, are waiting on a response from Amb. Green and Adm Ziemer, and will be inviting an attendee from DoD. Do you want the dinner event on a separate DL item? Thanks!!! From: McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Friday, April 27, 2018 9:31 AM To : Moore , Melissa (CDC/CGH/OD) ; CGHPOLICYREQUESTS (CDC) Cc: Stanojevich, Joel G. (CDC/CGH/O0) Subje ct: Dr. Redfield - Global Health Impact Across the US Government : Accelerating Progress through Partnerships Is this something we could use a delegate with in case he can't make this particula r event? Jeremy HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000627 Global Health Impact Across the US Government: Accelerating Progress through Partnerships Melissa Moore (CGH) 6/4/18, Mon., 3:30 - 4:30 PM ATL (Hyatt Regency) • Present remarks as a panelist on the subject of Global Health Impact Across the US Government : Acce lerating Progress through Partnership . Moderator : Rebecca Martin, CGH Dir.; USG Panel: Amb. Green (USAID) , Amb. Debbie Birx, Tim Ziemer (NSC), and the CDC Director or possibly Garrett Grigsby (HHS) . • This session wil l prov ide an opportunity to hear from and interact with senior policy leaders from within the USG regarding trends and emerg ing priorities for USG investments in global health. This session will include a strategic overview of USG global health work from th e perspectives of White House and implementing agenc ies from HHS, USAID, and other USG high level organizat ions. Speakers are asked to discuss challenges and opportunities in a whole of gove rnment approach in addressing major health threats and trends, and providing perspectives on major themes that will drive the USG's success in improving health outcomes. • Audience : 500+ US-based and Country -based CGH staff, including Country Directors , Deputy Country Directors , Division Directors , Branch Chiefs, program staff, locally-employed staff and other guests. • The Director is providing closing remarks at this event from 4:30 - 5 PM . • Possible conflict with tentative PR Press Conference from 2 - 3 PM. • Pending delegate acceptable or not. Jeremy Mcc alliste r Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404-639-7 989 iPhone: 404-384-2610 isn8@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000628 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 Apr 2018 19:21:35 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) No Scheduling HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000629 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 19 Apr 2018 14:11:24 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Guest, Mega n (CDC/OD/OADC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: OADC Media Training Attachments: RE_ Media trai ning at HHS.msg 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : Brad Bartee Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: TB D CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Directo r: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): Megan Guest 2. Event Information : Event Host : TB D Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000630 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000631 Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC) 20 Apr 2018 11:10:29 -0400 To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Media training at HHS From: Sent : And just a heads up that KLD would like to plan another media training some time later in June, but that one would be in Atlanta. We haven't talked with HHS and the trainer about potentia l dates, but just generally that they'd all like to plan a 3rd session in the summer in CDC's studio . From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, April 20, 2018 11:08 AM To: Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: RE: Media t raining at HHS Deal ! Thanks From: Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent : Friday, Apr il 20, 2018 11:07 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject : RE: Media training at HHS Hi Scott, this time on May 14 works for the t rainer and HHS, so we can lock in 3:30-5:30. It will be in the same location as the last one. Thanks!! From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, April 19, 2018 10:02 AM To: Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject : RE: Media training at HHS If we want to say 3:30-5:30 now, we can do that, otherwise it'll need to wait until I connect with Kyle. Let me know ... From : Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent : Thursday, April 19, 2018 9:58 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000632 Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Media training at HHS OK, thanks. I believe she's available the entire afternoon so if we need to start later, after 1:30, that would be fine. That is just the time her availability starts. From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Thursday, April 19, 2018 9:56 AM To : Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: RE: Media training at HHS Thanks. I'll need to discuss with Kyle first. That would conflict with R3's preparedness briefing. I'll circle back when th ings are clear. From : Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent : Thursday, April 19, 2018 9:52 AM To: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS)< > Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: Media training at HHS Import ance: High Scott, Katherine and Kyle discussed yesterday scheduling another media training session fo r R3 at HHS sometime in May . The trainer is only available the afternoon of May 14 starting at 1:30 . It would be at HHS studios again. This session would be 2 hours. Is there any open time on that afternoon t hat we can work this in? Thanks so much, Megan HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000633 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) Sent: 27 Mar 2018 20:43:29 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: OADC/ASPA Media Training HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000634 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 2 Apr 2018 13:26:32 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Whitney Warren (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Yassanye, Diana (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: OCOS CIO Visit Note locat ion change to DCR HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000635 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 19 Apr 2018 20:09:31 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Mitchell Wolfe (CDC/OD/CDCWO) (;Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) (;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: OD Senior leadership (Small Group) Meeting From: Se nt: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000636 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 Apr 2018 14:26:39 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Mitchell Wolfe (CDC/OD/CDCWO) (;Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) ( Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: OD Senior leadership (Small Group) Meeting From: Se nt: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000637 From: Sent: To: Tracie (CDC/O0/OCS) Subject: Schmoyer, Michael {OS/OSSI) 12 Jun 2018 13:15:09 +0000 Schmoyer, Michael {OS/OSSl);Redfield, Robert R. {CDC/OD);Strength, Office Call w/Dr. Schmoyer Caf Christa Freas Executive Assistant to Michae l Schmoyer, Ph.D Assistant Deputy Secretary for National Security Director, Office of Security & Strategic Information (OSSI) CAPT , U.S. Public Health Service U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office: 202.260.7507 Cell: 202.480.5651 chr ista.freas@hhs .gov ■ TIil 011 I l 0 1 ',I l/lUI V '-c I RAH :<.1<. l t~IOlt~ I I ON HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000638 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 18 Jun 2018 19:16:18 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Office of Financial Resources (OFR) Virtual All Hands Meeting Office of Financial Resources (OFR) Virtual All Hands Meeting .pdf Attachments: From: Sent: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Sarah Mclaulin (OFR), 0 : 404-639-7754, C: 470-728-67 10, xga7@cdc .gov CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Redfield: John Patterson, Rachel Holloway (OCOO) CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: OFR Purpose of Event: OFR will host its annual virtual all-hands for staff . Last summer Dr. Schuchat presented at this meeting and this was very well received by OFR staff. OFR seeks to provide exemplary financial stewardship and except ional customer service for managing CDC's acquisition and ass istance processes wh ile serving as diligent stewards of public funds. As a unit within CDC 's Office of the Chief Operating Officer (OCOO), OFR shares its vision to be partners in protecting health through exemplary business service, innovative practices and continuous workforce development. Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: 250+ CDC employees , Public Health , and Medical Professionals . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000639 Key Participants (if applicable): OFR Director Christa Capazzola will be present also. Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on the 6/11/18 DL; Dr. Anne Schuchat (POD) recommends if possible. John Patterson (OCOO) recommends . 3. Dr. Redfield's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Dr. Redfield 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: Present introductory remarks on the role as Director and his vision for CDC in FY 2019 , FY 2019 funding , CDC's plan , and the FY 2018 closeout. Length of Presentation: (5- 10 min.) Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000640 Cc: cpc speakers Bureau ScalesScottL 1coc1001ocs1 : MccallisterJeremy/CDC/00/0CSl : Williams Teresa/CDC/00/0CSl PIBECTOR"S INCOM ING/CDC} : BondsMichelleE 1cpc1op10APC} : HeldmanAmyB CGPC!QP/OAPCl Subject: Date : Thursday, May 3 1, 20 18 4:32:26 PM From : To : FW: Directo rs Request - Office of Financia l Resources Virtua l All Hands Meeting Hi Scott and team, Please find below a request for Dr. Redfield to provide opening remarks at OFR's virtual all hands meeting on 6/28/18. They are amenable to other CDC delegates but not a video teleconference or prerecorded remark s. Additional details are included below. Thank you, Mansi -----Original Message----From: McLaulin, Sarah E. (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OPPC) Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 11:04 AM To: CDC Speakers Bureau Subject: Directors Request New request from Request Director form -Event Overview: Event Title: Office of Financial Resources Virtual All Hand s Meeting Name of Organ ization Hosting Event: Office of Financial Resources Description of Organization : The Office of Financial Resources (OFR) seeks to provide exemplary financial stewardship and exceptional customer serv ice for managing CDC' s acquisition and assistance processes while serving as diligent stewards of public funds. As a unit within CDC's Office of the Chief Operating Officer (OCOO), OFR shares its vision "to be partners in protecting health through exemplary business service, innovative practices and continuous workforce development." Event Location: Roybal , Bldg 19 in the DLA (Distance Leaming Auditorium) Event date: 06/28/2018 Evenr start time: 10:00 AM I End Time: 11:00 AM Director 's participation reque sted start time: I0:00 AM Director 's participation requested end time: 10: 15 AM Contact Person Contact Person: Sarah McLaulin Contact Office Phone: 404-639-7754 Contact Cell Number: 4 70-728-6710 Contact Email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000641 Event Details What is the purpose of this event?: On June 28 from 10 -11 AM, OFR will host it's annual virtual all-hands for staff. OFR's director , Ch1ista Capozzola, would like to invite Dr. Redfield to speak to OFR staff and welcome him as the new CDC director. Last summer Dr. Schuchat presented at this meeting and this was very well received by OFR staff. Proposed role of Director?: speaker If the Director is unable to attend, would you still be interested in a CDC speaker 9 : YES If the Director is unable to attend in-person, would joining by video teleconference be an option? : NO If the Director is unable to attend in-person or by VTC, would a pre-recorded message be an option?: NO Presentation Details Topic of Presentation: Introductory remarks related to Dr. Redfield's new role as CDC Director and the end of FY 2018 and preparing for FY 2019. Type of Presentation: Opening Remarks Presentation Special Notes: Additional Speakers: OFR Director, Christa Capazzola Length of Presentation: 5-10 minutes Power Point requested: [ppt-available] Will there be Q&A ?: NO Specific topic/points you would like the Director to address: New role as Director and vision for CDC in FY 2019; FY 2019 funding and CDC's plan; FY 2018 closeout/end Audience and Key Participants?: Public Health/Medical Professionals Audience Size?: 251-1000 Expected Media Coverage?: NO Will this event be videotaped?: NO Additional details?: [Additional-details] HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000642 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 12 Apr 2018 14:56:25 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Ashley Knotts (CDC/OD/OCS) (vqf0@cdc .gov);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subje ct: Office of Infectious Diseases (OID) Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC) Attachme nts: Office of Infectious Diseases (OID) Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC).pdf From: Se nt: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TSO Special Assistant: TBD Event Contact: Robin Moseley (0 10), 0 : 404 .639.4461, Mobile: 404.247 .0457, rrm CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Redfield: TSD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TSD 2. Event Information : Event Host: 010 Purpose of Event: The 0 10 SSC is one of CDC's federa l advisory comm ittees , which work to achieve stakeho lder and public engagement in CDC's efforts and comm itment to improve people's health . CDC's infectious disease BSC was originally establ ished in 1962, making it one of the agency's oldest advisory committees . The OID SSC advises the Secretary, HHS; the Director, CDC; the Director, 010; and the Directors of CDC's 3 infectious disease national centers concerning strategies , goals, and priorities for the programs and research within the national centers and monitors the overall strategic direction and focus of OID and the national cente rs. The board consists of 17 members , including the chair; 6 ex officio HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000643 members from federal agencies; and 7 liaison representatives from other CDC federal advisory committees , the Mexico Ministry of Health , and the Public Health Agency of Canada. Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: 50 public health professionals and CDC staff. The Directors of OID, NCEZID , NCHHSTP, NCIRD , and CGH will also attend and present remarks . Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on the 4/9/18 DL; Dr. Schuchat is already scheduled to speak to the group on 5/3 @ 9:30 AM. 3. Dr. Redfield's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Dr. Redfield's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: Provide a brief overview and update (5 - 10 min.) followed by Q & A (5 - 10 min.). Length of Presentation: see above. Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000644 From: To: Cc: Subject : Date: cpc speakersBureau ScalesScottL /COC/00/0CS) : Williams Teresa/COC/00/0CS) : McCal lister Jeremy/CDC/00/0CS) PIBECTOR"S INCOM ING/CDC} : Bonds MichelleE 1cpc1op10APC} : HeldmanArnyB /GPC!QP/OAPC} : Qra.n1. Llelwyn /CDC/00/0ADCl FW: Directo rs Request Friday , March 2, 2018 10:05:39 AM Hello Scott, Teresa and Jerem y, Please find below a request for Acting Director Schuchat to prov ide opening rema rks at the CDC Board of Scientific Counselors, Office of Infectious Diseases ' federal advisory com mittee meeting on May 2 at Roybal. The Committee has allotted 5-10 minutes for Dr. Schuchat to provide an Agency overv iew/update followed by a 510 minute Q&A. The Committee is not amenable to hosting an alternate speaker if Dr. Schuchat is unavailable . Additional request details are included below. If the Speakers Bureau can assist the OCS with this request, please let me know . Thank you. Warm regards, Ashante Dobbs Cooper, MPH, MS CDC Speakers Bureau 404-498-0146 speakersbureau@cdc .gov -----Original Message----From: Moseley, Robin (CDC/O ID/O D) Sent: Thursday , March 1, 2018 5:52 PM To: CDC Speakers Bureau Subject: Directors Request New request from Request Director form -Event Overview: Event Title: Board of Scientific Counselors , Office of Infectious Diseases Name of Organization Hosting Event: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Description of Organization: CDC's infectiou s disease federal advisory committee meeting Event Location: Building 19, Auditorium B3 Event date: May 2-3, 2018 Event start time: 8:30 AM I End Time: 5:00 PM Director's participation requested start time: 9:30 AM Director 's participation requested end time: 10:00 AM Contact Person Contact Person: Robin Moseley Contact Office Phone: 404-639 -446 l Contact Cell Number: 404-247 -0457 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000645 Contact Email: rrml Event Details What is the purpose of this event?: Federal advisory committee meeting. Proposed role of Director?: speake r lf the Director is unable to attend, wo uld you still be interested in a CDC speake r?: NO If the Director is unable to attend in-person, wou ld joining by video teleconfe rence be an opt ion? : NO lf the Director is unable to attend in-perso n or by VTC, wou ld a pre-reco rded message be an option ?: NO Presentation Deta ils Topic of Presentation: CDC brief update Type of Presentatio n: Opening Remarks Presentation Special Notes : Additional Speakers: the directors ofOID , NCEZJD, NCHHSTP, NCIRD, and CGH Length of Presentat ion: We are requesting that Dr. Schuchat speak to the group for 5-10 minutes , then take questions for 5-10 min. We are flexible on time , and can schedule her whenever she is available . Power Point requested : [ppt-available] Will there be Q&A?: YES Specific top ic/points you would like the Director to address: CDC update Audience and Key Participants?: Public Health/Medical Professionals Audience Size?: 10-50 Expected Media Coverage?: NO Will this event be videotaped?: NO Additional details?: [Additional -detai ls] HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000646 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 29 Mar 2018 13:48:0 1 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC);Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject : Official Passport Photos Attachments : RE_ Tomorrow morning .msg From: Sent : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000647 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 29 Mar 2018 09:45:51 -0400 To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Myers, Brad (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Skinner, Bryon (CDC/OD/OADC);Johnson, Marsha (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subje ct: RE: Tomorrow morning From: Se nt: Thanks Brad. If ok, Let's go w ith Monday and anticipate an arriva l between 3:40 & 4pm as they both are returning from Chamblee at about 3:40 -ish pm . We ' ll delay Sherri's follow on meeting by 10- 15 min to accommodate the photos . Much appreciated sir. From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, March 29, 2018 9:38 AM To: Myers, Brad (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie , Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) ; Skinner, Bryon (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Johnson, Marsha (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: Tomorrow morn ing Sharing with Marsha Johnson for scheduling for Kyle. From : Myers, Brad (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt: Thursday, March 29, 20 18 9 :32 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) ; Skinner, Bryon (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject : RE: Tomorrow morning Were ready for one or both this afternoon and can accommodate Monday as we ll for Kyle if today does not work out. Portrait+ passport photo . From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Thursday, March 29, 2018 9 :05 AM To: Myers, Brad (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) ; Skinner, Bryon HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000648 (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE:Tomorrow morning Somewhere between 4:40-4:45 today for only R3, and we could get Kyle at a later time, or we can try both next week is in flux but if I had to guess, I' d think maybe 3:50-4:00 pm Monday From: Myers, Brad (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent : Thursday, March 29, 2018 8:24 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) ; Skinner, Bryon (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE:Tomorrow morn ing Let me check on availability today afte r all hands if that is the preference. Otherwise do you have a spec ific date and time next week that is preferred? From : Wi lliams , Tere sa (CDC /OD/OCS) Date: March 29, 2018 at 7:39:53 AM EDT To: Myers, Brad (CDC /OD/OADC) Cc: Daniel , Katherine Lyon (CDC /OD /OADC) , Scale s, Scott L. (CDC /OD/OCS) , Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC /OD/OCS) , Bartee , Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) , Strength , Tracie (CDC /OD/OCS) , Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Knotts , Ashley (CDC /OD/OCS) , Downie , Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC /CGH/DGHP) , Skinner, Bryon (CDC /OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Tomorrow morning Importance: High Good morning Brad, I'm following up on Dr. Daniel's email below . Could you share the stud io's availability? Thanks, Teresa From: Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 8:19 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Myers, Brad (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Skinner, Bryon (CDC/OD/OADC) ; HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000649 Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth {CDC/OD/OCS); Knotts, Ashley {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie , Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) Subject: Re: Tomorrow morning Either one works for me - will let Brad's team tell you the studio's availability . Katherine Lyon Daniel, Ph.D. On Mar 28, 2018, at 8:14 PM, Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov> wro t e: R3 now has a 9am call with AMA, so we have to move photos to another time. What do you think about after AHM tomorrow, or to another day next week? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000650 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 5 Apr 2018 13:50:20 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: OGC/Eth ics Meeting (POC: Mikia Turner 202 -690-7741) 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : Seth Kroop (not attending) Event Contact: Mike Turner, Legal Assistant, Office of the General Counsel/Ethics Division, HHS email: Mikia.Turner@hhs .gov Office : (202) 690-7258 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: Kyle McGowan CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000651 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000652 From : Sent : To : (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Attachments : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 13 Jun 2018 16:32 :39 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie Opening Remarks Disease Detective Camp CDC Disease Detectives Camp.msg, June 2018 final.docx 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Tracie Strength Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Llelwyn Grant email: lcg7@cdc .gov phone: 404.498.0144 CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: OADC Purpose of Event: CDC Museum's Disease Detective Camp {DOC) is an educational program for high school juniors and seniors offered since 2005 by the David J. Sencer CDC Museum. DOC is an interdi sciplinary educational program that reflects the museum's mission of educating the public about CDC's work . Topics include : public health interventions, global health, infectious disease, chronic disease, injury p revention , data analysis, surveys, health disparities, environmental health, emergency preparedness, outbreaks , scientific communication, laboratory technology, disease surveillance, epidemiology, and public health law . Each summer sixty-six slots are available in the two iterations of camp, and each year an average of 450 applications are received . The June 2018 campers are from the US states of California, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan , Mississippi, North Carolina, Nebraska, Ohio , Texas, Pennsylvania , and Virginia, and the country of Uganda . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000653 Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: 33 students Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: Opening Remarks beginning at 2:05pm Length of Presentation : 5-10 mins Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000654 From: Sent: To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 13 Jun 2018 09:43:52 -0400 Grant, Llelwyn (CDC/OD/OADC);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);Heldman, Amy B. (CDC/OD/OADC);GainesMcCollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO);Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC);Smith, April (CDC/OD/OADC);Gantt, Judy M. (CDC/OD/OADC);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC);Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: CDC Disease Detectives Camp Im portance: High We are a go for Friday, for R3 to make some brief remarks at the Museum. Tracie will work with you to narrow down the exact time and location for him to be involved, and since your event times will impact the OADC bi-weekly comms meeting, there will be some time changes to that meeting, as a result of him doing this. Again, Tracie will coordinate that with you Llelwyn. Please submit your brief TPs to Seth Kroop by COB t od~ , so we can get them to R3 before he departs DC tonight . Would it be possible for Mrs. Redfield to join the event too? Unfortunately R3 will be in Africa on July 27, so he can't do t hat one. You may want to ask Anne about doing it . Let us know if there are other questions . Thanks! Scott From: Grant, Llelwyn (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent : Friday, June 8, 2018 1:57 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Heldman, Amy B. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Gaines-Mccollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO); Grusich, Katherina HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000655 (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Smith, April (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Gantt, Judy M . (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CDC Night at SunTrust Park Thanks much and will do. Llelwyn From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Friday, June 8, 2018 1:10 PM To: Grant, Llelwyn (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Heldman, Amy B. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Gaines-Mccollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Smith, April (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Gant t , Judy M. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CDC Night at SunTrust Park We'll talk to him next week to see what's possible (he's already gone for the day). I'd recommend you start some TPs now ... If he's able, I'm sure he' ll want to do it From : Grant, Llelwyn (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt : Friday, June 8, 2018 1:05 PM To: Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Heldman, Amy B. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Gaines-Mccollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) {CDC/OD/OADC) ; Smith, April (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Gantt, Judy M. (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: CDC Night at SunTrust Park HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000656 Jeremy and Scott - Thanks for your follow-up. I hope you don't mind, but I would like to add another item to the Director's decision list. The David J. Sencer CDCMuseum would like to cordially invite Dr. Redfield to give opening remarks at Disease Detective Camp closing program scheduled at the GCC,Alexander D. Langmuir Auditorium, from 2:00-3:30 p.m. on Friday, June 15 and again on Friday, July 27 for the second camp closing session. Dr. Redfield would not have to stay for the entire program. The audience will consist of student campers, CDCvolunteers, museum staff, and friends and families of the campers . We would like Dr. Redfield to provide 2-3 opening remarks welcoming the program attendees, congratulating the campers for completing the week, and commenting on the importance of inspiring young people to pursue public health . Below is background information about the camp. CDC Museum's Disease Detective Camp (DDC) is an educational program for high school juniors and seniors offered since 2005 by the David J. Sencer CDC Museum. DDC is an interdisciplinary educational program that reflects the museum 's mission of educating the public about CDC's work. Topics include: public health interventions, global health, infectious disease, chronic disease, injury prevention, data analysis, surveys, health disparities, environmental health, emergency preparedness, outbreaks, scientific communication, laboratory technology, disease surveillance, epidemiology, and public health law. Each summer sixty-six slots are available in the two iterations of camp, and each year an average of 450 applications are received. The June 2018 campers are from the US states of California, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nebraska, Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, and the country of Uganda. Thanks in advance for your support. Sorry for the late request. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000657 Llelwyn F. Grant Chief External and Employee Relations Branch Division of Public Affair s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention w ww Phone: 404 498-0144 Email : cocG "Protecting Americ{I 's he{l/th, S{lfety, {Ind sec urity. " From : McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, June 8, 2018 12:36 PM To: Grant, Llelwyn (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OA DC) ; Heldman, Amy B. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Gaines-Mcco llom, M olly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO); Grusich, Kather ina (Kate ) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Smit h, Apr il (CDC/O D/ OADC) Subject: RE: CDC Night at SunTrust Park It's on the DL that will go out shortly and he'll decide on it next week . Jeremy HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000658 Jeremy Mccallister Advance Tea m Office of the Chief of Staff Cen ters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404-639-7989 iPhone : 404-384-2610 isn8@cdc .gov From: Grant, Llelwyn (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent : Friday, June 8, 2018 12:34 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Heldman, Amy B. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Gaines-Mccollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Smith, April (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: CDC Night at SunTrust Park Just checking in to see if Dr. R3 had an opportunity to consider att endin g th e annual CDCNight at SunTrust Park form erly CDC Night at Turner Field. Llelwyn From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Monday, June 4, 2018 8:55 AM To: Grant, Llelwyn (CDC/OD/OADC) < >; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Heldman, Amy B. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Gaines-Mccollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO) ; Grusich, Kather ina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Smith, April (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: CDC Night at SunTrust Park Thanks Llelwyn . We'll get it added to this week's DL. Can you share what the Braves are offering for CDC recognition and R3's involvement? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000659 From : Grant , Llelwyn (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt : Friday, June 1, 2018 5:00 PM To: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS)< >; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Heldman, Amy B. {CDC/OD/OADC) ; Gaines-Mccollom , Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO); Grusich, Kather ina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Smith, Apr il (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: CDC Night at SunTrust Par k It is that time of the year again . OADC is starting plans for the annual "CDC Night at SunTrust Park." I mentioned this event to Dr. Redfield during his CDC Connects' leadership profile interview in April. He seemed very interested and excited about attending, if his schedule permits . Below are some game and date options for "CDC Night at SunTrust Park" : • • • • Thursday, July 26 - Braves vs. Dodgers Friday, August 17 - Braves vs. Rockies Friday, August 31 - Braves vs. Pirates Friday, September 14 - Braves vs. Nationals We are hoping that one of these proposed games and dates work well with Dr. Redfield 's schedule . Let me know if you require additional information. Thanks much, Llelwyn F. Grant Chief External and Employee Relations Branch Division of Public Affairs HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000660 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention www Phone: 404 498-0144 Email : coc@ "Pmtecting Americll's hettlth, safety, and secur ity. " HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000661 CDC Museum Disease Detective Camp June 11-15, 2018 MONDAY 8:45-10 :00 Orientation CDC Museum Lower Level Trudi Ellerman 10:00-10:15 Break 10: 15-10:45 CDC 10 1 CDC Museum Lower Level + CDC Library Trudi Ellerman 10:45-11:15 Int ro to Outbreaks Bldg 19, 247/ 248 Trudi Ellerm an 11:15-12:15 Lunch Bldg 21 cafe 12:15-1:15 Lecture: Thinkin g Like an Epidemiologist Bldg 19, 247/248 Fatima Coronado 1:15-2:00 Camp Outbreak Invest igation : Creating a Quest ionnaire Bldg 19, 247/248 Trudi Ellerman 2:00-2 :15 Camp Outbreak Investigation: Interview Prep Bldg 19, 247/248 Trudi Ellerman Latoya Simmon s I TUESDAY 8:45-9:15 Icebreaker CDC M useum Classroom 9:15-10:00 Ebola Epidem ic CDC Museum Upper Level Trudi Ellerman Jen Bornemann 10:00- 11:30 Camp Outbreak Investigation: Data Organization DescriptiveEpidemiology AnalyticEpidemiology Bldg 19, 247/248 Jessica Marus 11 :30-12:30 Working Lunch: Vid eo Bldg 19, 247 /248 12:30-1:00 Out br eak Investig at ion: The Reveal Bldg19, 247/248 Trudi Ellerman 1:30-3:50 Camp Outbreak: PressBriefing CDC Press Suite Iverson Dantae Daniel DeNoon LarryYoung Adria Lee Angela Guo Bertram Kelly 3: 50-4:00 Feedback WEDNESDAY 8:45-9:00 Introduction to PulseNet CDC M useum Classroom Monica Im Ashley Sabol Thom as Waltz Jenny Troun g Lavin Joseph Mauric e Curtis Angela Poates 9 :00-12 :00 PulseNet: Lab techniques & surveillance Bldg 23 labs Monica Im A shley Sabol Thoma s Waltz Jenny Troung Lavin Joseph Maurice Curtis Angel a Poat es 12:00- 12:45 Lunch & PulseNet Debrief CDC M useum Classroom Monica Im Ashley Sabol Thomas Waltz Jenny Troung LavinJoseph Maurice Curtis Angela Poates 12:45-1:00 Group Pie! CDCAtrium Stairs Alex Rogers 1:00-2: 15 Influenza and Polio THURSDAY 8:45-10:30 Health Disparities Bldg 10, Distance Learning Aud Jeffrey Hall 10:30-10:45 Break 10:45-11:15 Oral Health Bldg 10, Distance Learning Aud Greg Holder 11:15-12:00 Lunch 12:00-12 :30 Smallpox CDC Muse um Lower Level Trudi Ellerman 12:30-1:45 BSL4 CDC M useum Classroom Ashley Kondas Christina Hutsch 1:45-2:15 Mystery Speaker CDCM useum Classroom Paul Malpiedi 2: 15-2:30 Break 2:30-3:15 Present at ion Preparation M useum Lower Level Trudi Ellerman FRIDAY 8:45- 10:45 Public Health Law Bldg 10, Distance Learning Aud Montrece Ransom Rose Abraha Meredith Bennett Shade Olowooke re 10:45-11:00 Break 11:00-11 :30 Folic Acid + Neural Tube Defects Bldg 10, Distance Learning Aud Lorraine Yeung 11:30-12: 15 Lunch 12:15-1:00 Camp Trivia! Bldg 19 Aud A Trudi Ellerman 1:00-2:00 Camp Presentat ion Dress Rehearsal Bldg 19, Aud A Trudi Ellerman 2:00 -3:30 CDC Disease Detective Camp Final Presentations Bldg 19, Aud A 3:00 Camp Reception Bldg 19 Atrium 3:15-3:50 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000662 2:15 -3 :45 Outbreak Investigation: Data Collection CDC Museum Lower Level Ana Chong Betty Wong Bruce Everett Almea Matanock Lea A. Trujillo Laurie D. Elam-Evans Laura Gravesen Sarah Tinker Jaber Hossain Anna Paulino Jessica Rae Maru s Matthew Stockton Sonia Singh Daniel F. Stowell Isaac Benowitz Christo pher Moore Mit suru Toda Susan McCarthy Babita S. Ganguly Kevin R. Clarke Lindy Liu Amanda Powell Mary Wimer Marcia Revelez Crystal Bruce Sarah Genzer Lakshmi Mal apati Sarah Thomas Carlos Quijada Tammy Evans-Strickfaden Lauren Andersen Lauren Finklea Jen January Therrien Ryan Malone Adam Harper Sundak Ganesan Magdalene Chouinard Rachel Gundaker Judy Gant CDCMuseum Classroom Trudi Ellerman Presentation Walk-Through Bldg 19, Aud A Trudi Ellerman 2:15-3:45 CDC Public Health Fair CDCMuseum Lower Level Andrew Ruiz Brenda Chen Neil Murthy Bhavini Murthy Willie D Taylor Patrick Mills Azizat Adediran Martha Knuth Latoya Simmons Cynthia Goldsmith Shivani Murthy Marla Mae Martine z Susan Van Duyne Johnathan Strysko Belen Moan Bradley Simone Wien Kiberten Hailu Alex Landon Gilli an McAllister Mackenzi e Zendt Lauren Withbart Mona Patel Shelby Pape Tsigereda Shimelis Ranju Datta Eugenia Zulu Quan Bui 3:50-4 :00 Feedback 3:45-4 :00 Feedback HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000663 Louise Shaw I'u?larwI Hilpertshauser' 3:45-4:00 Feedback AIVI ERICAN RSI From: Sent : To : Subject: Attachments : CDC Directors Schedule (CDC) 22 Mar 2018 14:58:49 +0000 CDC Directors Schedule (CDC);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Opening Session - EIS Conference 67th Annual EIS Conference Schedule - CDC Director.docx HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000665 67™ ANNUALEIS CONFERENCESCHEDULE CDCDIRECTORCONFERENCEEVENTS Room 219 is available on Monday and Wednesday to be utilized as Ors. Redfield and Schuchat's administrative office. CONFERENCELOCATION Hilton Atlanta 255 Courtland Street NE Atlanta, GA 30303 MONDAY,APRIL 16, 2018 8:00 am 8:15 - 8:45 AM Welcome and Call to Order 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am Hilton Hotel {Salon) Opening Session • • Moder ate Opening Session Ask first question during Q&A 10:30 am 11:00 am HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000666 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 2018 l'imm 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 12:00 pm Lunch with Surgeon General Southern Element (Hilton Atlanta Hotel Lobby) 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm Meet and Greet time with Incoming EIS Officers/LLS Fellows Hilton Hotel (Ballroom C) 2:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4 :00 pm 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM Langmuir Hilton Hotel (Salon) 6:30 - 9:00 PM Oral International Night Hilton Hotel (Ballroom East) 4 :30 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000667 From: Sent: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:46:27 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/0D);Smith, Howard M. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO);Avery, Charles (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) Subject: Office Automation Equipment Issue/Log-in of laptop and iPhone Import ance: High HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000668 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 2 Apr 2018 12:52:31 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Opioid Op-Ed Discussion HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000669 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 7 May 2018 13:34:23 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Braden, Chris (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Cardo, Denise M. MD (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Bell, Michael MD (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Basavaraju, Sridhar (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Helfand, Rita (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Clasp, Samuel (CDC/OID/NCEZID) (CTR);Grant, Celeste (CDC/OID/NCEZID) (CTR);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Zeig ler, Sara (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Nguyen, Lyn (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD); Rose-Wood, Alyson (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Brooks, John T. (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) Subject: Organ Transplant Classification HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000670 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 31 May 2018 17:58:25 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Cardo, Denise M . MD (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: Organ Transplant Conversation HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000671 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 15 May 2018 13:02:21 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Out Of Office HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000672 From: St. Louis, Mike (CDC/CGH/DGHT) Sent: 5 Jun 2018 19:2 6:2 2 +0000 To : St. Louis, Mike (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Ayele, Sergut (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Behel, Stephanie (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Pathmanathan, lshani (CDC/CGH/DGHT);CDC CGH DGHT OSMB Country Directors;NgAngA, Lucy W. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Okubo S.N., Grace 0. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Kabatesi, Donna (CDC/CGH/DGHT);CDC CGH DGHT OSMB Country Deputy Directors;CDC CGH DGHT OSMB;Bridwell, Matthew (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Storm, Ina (Gracie) (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Brown, J-Lynne (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Benech, Irene (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Premjee, Sharmeen (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Yamoah, Evans (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Adeyemo, Adesubomi (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Williams-Singleton, Nickie (CDC/CGH/DGHT);;Cassity, Victoria (Divya) (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Grant-Greene, Voran (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Pappas-DeLuca, Katina A. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Piper, Tracey (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Stong, Emily (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Tomlinson , Hank (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Pumphrey, Heather (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Porter, Laura (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Amann, Josef (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Alexander, Heather (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Katoro, Joel Sua (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Jafari, Hamid (CDC/CGH/OD);Simonds, R. J. (CDC/CGH/OD);Sobush, Kathleen (CDC/CGH/DGHT) Cc: Bunga, Sudhir (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Williams, John K. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Hughes, Marlisa (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Conner, Deborah A. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Ma rtinez, Samuel A. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Roca, Angel (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Threat, Cecil (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Pelletier, Mark (CDC/CGH/DGHT);King, Ashley (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Wilson, Todd (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Blandford, John (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Morfin, Luis (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Roland, M ichel le (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Macdonald, Gene (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Hall, Lara (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Townes, Debra (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Morgan, Paula (CDC/CGH/DGHT);LaFontaine, Margaret E. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Pelletier, Andy (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Dziuban, Eric (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Auld, Andrew (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Holtz, Timothy (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Cain, Kevin (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Westman, Suzanne (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Herman-Roloff, Amy (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Swaminathan, Ma hesh (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Killam , William P. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Melchior, Michael A. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Roels, Thierry (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Greby, Stacie (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Duffy, Meghan C. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Basso, Michael (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Bhatia, Ramona (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Williams, Melody Harvey (CDC/CGH/DGHT) (CTR);Vitek, Charles (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Jackson, Cassandra (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Evans, Maestro (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Fuller, Laurie (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Kirivong, Douan (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Ryan, Caroline (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Kale, Kashmira (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Nyendak, Melissa (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Northbrook, Sanny Chen. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Young, Paul Rashad (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Desai, Mitesh (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Barzilay, Ezra (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Heitzinger, Kristen (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Khan, Omer (CDC/CGH/ DGHT);Mur ray, Rachel (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Wingate, There se I. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Albalak, Rachel (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Sharman, Donald (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Bicego, George (CDC/CGH/DGHT);King, Winifred (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Hanson, Jeff (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Diallo, Nwando S. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Kim, Bryan (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Bailey, Amy F. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Ross, Kaee (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Cora, Sherene (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Das, Subrat (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Gruduah, Pamela (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Lorenzo, Andres (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Diaz-Peralta, Vanessa P. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Miric, Marija (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Brice, Kimberly (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Nelson, Lisa J. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Roberts, Nathalie A. (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Mikus, Kristie (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Conley, Jessica (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Fitzmaurice, Arthur (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Liveoak, Clint A. (CDC/CGH/DGHT);Forbes, Theodore (Ted) (CDC/CGH/DGHT);OSMB Social (CDC);Judith Chezmar (;Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Subject: Overseas Leadership Get -t ogether and Hang Out Colleagues, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000673 05MB would like to welcome you (CDs and ODs, plus 05MB HQ, plus a few additional FOMs) to Mike's house and garden on Wed, June 6, 6:00-8:30 (or to whenever, since my wife will be out of state©). Our 05MB social committee is having a fun time brainstorming things to drink, stuff to eat, and entertainment. We'll hope for a sunny day but we will do our best with whatever they give us. More to follow, but please mark your calendars! Mike HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000674 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) Sent: 27 Mar 201817:59:37 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7@cdc .gov);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Arias, Ileana (ATSDR/DCHI/OD);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) Subject: Opioid Briefing with Dr. Debra Haury and SM Es HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000675 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 4 May 2018 15:43: 49 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: Panel: Global Health Impact Across the US Government: Accelerating Progress through Partnersh ips Attachments: Global Health Impact Across the US Government - Accelerating Progress through Partne rships.pdf 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: Nikki Romanik Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: Melissa Moore (CGH), 0: 404.639 .8557 , C: 678.428.4858, apo3@cdc .gov CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Redfield: TB D CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Cont act (if applicabl e): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: CGH Purpose of Event: This session will provide an opportu nity to hear from and interact with senior policy leaders from within the USG regarding trends and emerging priorities for USG investments in global health . This session will include a strategic overv iew of USG global health work from the perspectives of White House and implementing agencies from HHS, USAID , and other USG high level organizations. Speakers are asked to discuss challenges and opportun ities in a whole of govern ment approach in addressing major health threats and trends, and providing perspectives on major themes that will drive the USG's success in improving health outcomes . Agenda (if applic able): HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000676 CGH Annu al Meeting Closing Session Grand Hall West The special USG panel will feature principals from the White House and federal agencies that lead USG global health initiatives . Panelists will discuss their vision for USG global health programs, expected achievements, and critica l themes for a USG staff audience to understand as they implement programs in the field. Panelists will outline their view of the role of the U.S. in global health and the changing global context of our work , discuss the future of USG global health programs over the next 5-10 years, and highlight key opportunities for USG programs to intensify the use of data, technology , innovation , and new partnership models to accelerate progress. Panelists will provide guidance and clearly articulate expectations for results and continuous improvement in the field. Moderator: Garrett Grigsby, Director, Office of Global Affairs, Department of Health & Human Services Panel: Andrea Hall, Senior Director for WMD and Biodefense, National Security Council; Amb. Deborah Birx , U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator & U.S. Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy , Department of State; Ken Staley, Coordinator, President's Malaria Initiative, U.S. Agency for International Development; Terry Rauch, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health Readiness Policy & Oversight (acting) , Department of Defense Numbe r of Attendees and Composition: 500+ US-based and Country-based CGH staff, including Country Directors , Deputy Country Directors , Divis ion Directors , Branch Chiefs , program staff , locally-emp loyed staff and other guests. Key Participants (if applicable): Moderator: Ga rrett Gr igsby, Director , Office of Global Affairs , Department of Health & Human Services Pane l: Andrea Hall , Senior Director for WMD and Biodefense , Nat ional Security Council ; Amb. Deborah Birx, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator & U.S . Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy, Department of State; Ken Staley , Coordinator , President's Malaria Initiative , U.S . Agency for Internat iona l Development; Terry Rauch , Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health Readiness Policy & Oversight (acting), Department of Defense. Bios: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000677 Source Invitation: Yes on the 4/30/18 DL 3. Or. Redfield's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Or. Redfield's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: N/A Proposed Role and Topic: Attend the panel on the subject of Global Health Impact Across the US Government: Accelerating Progress through Partnership. Length of Presentation : N/A Press: TBD Teleprompter: N/A 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000678 From : To : Subj ect : Dat e: MooreMelissa/CQC/CGH/OP} McCal!ister JeremyICDC/ODIOCS ) RE: DL Item for Dr. Redfield Monday, Apri l 16, 2018 1 :05:19 PM Yes. From : Mccall ister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, Apr il 16, 2018 1:03 PM To: Moore, Mel issa (CDC/CGH/OD) Subject : RE: DL Item for Dr. Redfield We're going to have to ask that separately now because it's getting looked at shortly. Is this all late breaking stuff? Jeremy Jeremy McCallister Advance Tearn Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Phone: 404-639-7989 BB: 404-384-2610 From: Moore, Melissa (CDC/CGH/OD) Sent: Monday, Apr il 16, 2018 12:32 PM To: Mcc allister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: DL Item for Dr. Redfield Jeremy, In addition to the corrected date of 6/04/2018 for the item below, we would also like to ask for Dr. Redfield participation in a panel discussion from 3:30- 4:30 pm that day as wel l. The session entitled Global Health Impact Across the U.S.Government: Accelerating Progress through Partnerships is proposed to be from 3:30-4:30 on June 4 th . We are hoping that this session will provide an opportunity to hear from and interact with senior policy leaders from within the US government regarding trends and emerging priorities for US government investments in globa l health. This session w ill include a strateg ic overview of the U.S. government's globa l health work from the perspect ives of White House and implementing agencies from the Department of Health and Human Services, United States Agency for International Development , and other USG high level. We are asking speakers discuss challenges and opportunities in a whole of government approach in addressing major health threats and trends. Also that they provide your perspective on major themes that will dr ive the U.S. government's success in improving health outcomes. Moderator : Rebecca Mart in, CGH Director USG Panel: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000679 TBD: Dr. Redfield, CDC if available. Possible back up : Garrett Grisgby HHS • Ambassador Green (United St ates Agency for Internationa l Developme nt) • Ambassador Birx • Rear Admi ral Tim Ziemer (Nat ional Security Counc il); Do you m ind including t his as a separat e Decision List item fo r Dr. Redfield ? Thank you! M EM From: Moore, Melissa (CDC/ CGH/ OD) Sent: Tuesday, Ap ril 10, 2018 11:17 AM To: Mcc allist er, Jeremy (CDC/ OD/ OCS) (isn8@ cdc .gov) Subject: DL Item fo r Dr. Redfield Hi Jeremy, I am not sure if Pam Dougherty submitted a Decision List Item to yo u or not, so I apo logize if t his is duplicative . Subject for Requested Meeting/Call: Closing Add ress at CGH Ann ual Meet ing Suggested Date : 6/5/ 2018 Time: 4:30-5:00 pm Duration : 30 minutes Location if Outside of CDC: At Hyatt Regency Dow nt ow n: 265 Peacht ree St NW, At lanta , GA 30303 Purpose of Meeting/Brief Description : The CGH Annual mee t ing is held the fi rst f ull week of June. Country Directo rs, Deput y Directors, Division and Center staff all com e togeth er for 1-2 days of meet ings. The pu rpose of the meet ing w ill be to discuss and def ine/posi t io n ourselves for success in th e f utur e. Que stion(s) : Dr . Redf ield provide closing rema rks t o the CGH Annual meet ing. Agenda (if applicable) : Draft agenda wi ll be shared by the middle of May. Number of Attendees and Composition: Over 500 US-based and Count ry-based CGH st aff, including Count ry Directors, Dep uty Count ry Direct ors, Division Direct ors, Branch Chiefs, program st aff, locally-emp loyed staff and other guests. Key Participant s (if applicabl e): The pane l j ust pr ior to t he closing remar ks w il l include represe ntatives from across the USG who wil l present on USG globa l prio rit ies. Panel ists are TBD. Source Invitation if Applicable : NA In add it ion, Dr. Redf ield, and ot hers from t he OD, includ ing Dr. Schuchat w ill be invited to a social event fr om 5-7p that evening. Locatio n and final t imes TBD and I w il l send a separat e DL it em fo r it. Thanks Jeremy ! HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000680 MEM Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 May 2018 14:45:35 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/ OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Partner Meeting RE_ Proposed times for Partner meeting at CDCW.msg Attachment s: From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Nikki Romani k Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Aimee Schattner CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000682 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000683 Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 4 May 2018 10:43:00 -0400 To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales,Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Schwarcz, Cristi L. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Proposed times for Partner meeting at CDCW From: Sent: Teresa - location is CR 9000@ CDCW Thanks all! From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, May 4, 2018 10:42 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wolfe, M itchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schwarcz, Cristi L. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Proposed times for Partner meeting at CDCW Will do. From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, May 4, 2018 10:41 AM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wolfe, Mitche ll (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schwarcz, Cristi L. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Proposed times for Partner meeting at CDCW Let's go with his involvement from 2-2:30pm . Teresa can add that to the calendar . Thanks! From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Friday, May 4, 2018 9:53 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schwarcz, Cristi L. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Proposed times for Partner meeting at CDCW Hi ScottPer Mitch ' s email below and as mentioned on the call this week, we wanted to suggest possible t imes on Monday, June 11 for Dr. Redfield's attendance at the Partner meeting at CDCW. Our firs t choice is a 1pm start but seeing that he has a meet ing scheduled during that time slot, starting at 1.30 or 2pm would also be great . Given that he has to leave by 2.30pm for the Pew meeting, we wouldn't want to start any later than 2pm to allow him to be there for the first half . The meetings HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000684 typically last one hour, and he has the option of attending the entire meeting (as outlined below) or just the first 15 mins - either is completely fine . Please let us know if any of these options work, and thanks in advance for accommodating! Aimee From : Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Se nt : Monday, April 30, 2018 4:04 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Recommendation for Dr. Redfield meeting in Washington, DC Hi Scott, We have a recommendation for some time that Dr. Redfield is in Washington, DC. Several times a year, CDC/W convenes a group of government affairs leads for DC-based policy partners (see the list below) to discuss important issues, make sure we are in touch with cross-cutting partners, share information, etc. Each meeting begins with a welcome and policy discussion led by CDC/W followed by a budget discussion by Sherri Berger and Alison Kelly. We usually like to have a third speaker (a CIO director or other CDCleader) at the meeting to discuss a CDCprogram or initiative or agency priority. We also use these as a forum to introduce CDCleaders to this group so that they can get to know partners and vice versa. I think it would be good for Dr. Redfield to meet with t his group . Normally about 25 or 30 people come, and it's an interesting and useful discussion and the introductions, and their hearing about his priorities , would be very helpful. **** American Academy of Family Physicians American Academy of Pediatrics AAP American Cancer Society/Cancer Action Network American College of Preventive Medicine American Diabetes Association American Heart Association American Lung Associatio n American School Health Association America's Health Insurance Plans Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs Association of Public Health Laboratories American Public Health Association Association of Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health ASTHO Campaign for Public Health Coalition for Health Funding CGA CSTE HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000685 Friends of NCBDDD Global Health Council Infectious Disease Society of America March of Dimes Foundation NACCHO NASTAD National Association for Chronic Disease Directors National Network of Public Health Institutes PATH PEW Charitable Trusts Research America Robert Wood Johnson Foundat ion Trust for America 's Health The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America YMCA Mitchell Wolfe, MD, MPH RADM, USPHS Chief Medical Officer, Office of the Director Acting Director , CDC Washington Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Ph: (202) 245-0600 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000686 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 7 Jun 2018 20:07:31 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Campbe ll, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Mitche ll Wolfe (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ( Subje ct: PATH Brief Attachment s: 15 minutes tomorrow_ .msg From: Sent : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000687 McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) 7 Jun 2018 16:02:24 -0400 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: 15 minutes tomorrow? From: Sent: To : Hi Scott, Michelle and Kyle spoke earlier, and they are hoping to brief Dr. Redfield in person re the PATH event. Is it possible to add 15 minutes to the calendar tomorrow, for the following people to brief him? Kyle Amanda Michelle Kate Galatas Happy to talk through more details if helpful. Thanks so much! Delaney HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000688 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 1 Jun 2018 18:01:36 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Ashley Knotts (CDC/OD/OCS) (vqf0@cdc .gov);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);McGu ire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: PATH Partnership Event Attachme nts: PATH Partnership Event.PDF, RE_ Invitation to speak at June 11 event in Washington, DC .msg, Board Reception 2018 Draft Agenda_ 6.7 .18.docx, PATH Rece ption list of Potential Congressional Attendees .docx From: Se nt: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Nikki Romanik Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts / Hugh Green Event Contact: Kelly Healy (PATH), CDC Staffer Accompanyi ng Dr. Redfield: Amanda Campbell (RSVP is done for Amanda) CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: PATH Purpose of Event: This event will serve as an opportun ity to shine a spotlight on how partnering across sectors to develop and deliver innovations will help transfo rm our ability to address emerging threats as well as long-standing health scourges. PATH sees this as an opport unity for the Director to share his thoughts, at the outset of his tenu re, about the role CDC will play in protecting the health of Americans, and populations around the globe, in an interconnected wo rld. PATH is the leader in globa l health innovation. An internationa l nonprof it organ ization , we save lives and improve health, especially among women and children. We accelerate innovation across five platforms-vaccines, drugs , diagnostics, devices , and system and HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000689 service innovations-that harness our entrepreneurial insight, scientific and public health expertise , and passion for health equity . By mobilizing partners around the wor ld, we take innovation to scale , working alongside countries primarily in Africa and As ia to tackle their greatest health needs. Together , we deliver measurable results that disrupt the cycle of poor health . Agenda (if applicable): attached Number of Attendees and Composition: 75-100 people and will be a mix of USG colleagues, other NGOs, private sector , and a handful of Congress ional staff Key Participants (if applicable):Attached Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on the 5/29/18 DL 3. Dr. Redfield's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Dr. Redfield's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: Present remarks at the program and reception hosted by PATH that will bring together a cross-section of senior leaders from the private sector , government, and civil society to discuss the role of innovation in advancing public health globally . Fireside chat Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: Pending approval from OGC; sent 6/1/18 . The ethics rules permit Dr. Redfield to participate in the PATH partnership event and accept the complimentary attendance should he choose to do so. Generally , employees are prohibited from accepting a gift given from a prohibited source or because of the employee 's official position . 5 C.F.R. §2635.202. Excluded from the definition of gift is free attendance to an event provided by the sponsor of the event to an employee who is assigned to present information on behalf HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000690 of the agency at the event on any day when the employee is presenting . 5 C.F .R. §2635 .203(b)(8) . Because Dr. Redfield is assigned to present information at the PATH partnership event, he is permitted to accept the complimentary attendance to the event , which includes a reception with light hors d'oeuvres. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000691 ~ PATH May 23, 2018 Dr . Robert Redfield Director US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dear Dr. Redfield, I am writing to invite you to speak at a program and reception hosted by PA TH on the evening of Monday , June 11 at our Washington , DC offices at 455 Massachusetts A venue NW Suite 1000. The event will bring together a cro ss-section of senior leaders from the private sector, government and civil society to discuss the role of innovation in advancing public health globally. This event will serve as an opportunity to shine a spotlight on how partnering acro ss sectors to develop and deliver innovations will help transform our ability to address emerging threats as well as long-standing health scourges. We see this as an opportunity for you to share your thoughts , at the outset of your tenure, about the role CDC will play in protecting the health of Americans, and populations around the globe, in an interconnected world. Many thanks for considering this request , and I look forward to seeing you in Washington or Seattle in the coming months. Warm regards , Steve Davis President and CEO PATH 455 Massachusett s Avenue NW Suite 1000 Wash ingto n, DC 2000 1-2621 USA HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000692 FAX 202.457.1466 www.pat TEL 202.822.0033 Healy, Kelly 1 Jun 2018 15:05:21 +0000 Banin, Elana;McCallister, Jeremy {CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Invitation to speak at June 11 event in Washington, DC From: Se nt: To : Subject: Hi Jeremy, Yes, happy to provide these details. The reception will have light hors d'oeuvres and will be approximately $22/person. We are anticipating 75-100 people. It will be a mix of USGcolleagues, other NGOs, private sector, and a handful of Congressional staff . Thank you for keeping us posted on the formal acknowledgement. We hope to get the invitation out today with Dr. Redfield named, but will hold until we hear from you all. Best, Kelly From : Banin, Elana Sent : Friday, June 1, 2018 10:55 AM To : Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Healy, Kelly Subject : RE: Invitation to speak at June 11 event in Washington, DC Jeremy, Thanks so much for getting in touch and we are extremely excited that Dr. Redfield will be participating . I am looping in Kelly Healy who is planning the event and should be able to provide you with some answers on costs. She can also be your POCmoving forward if you need anyth ing else but feel free to continue to reach out to me if needed . Have a wonderful weekend . Best, Elana Banin Tel: 202.540.4391 I www .path .org From: Mccallister, Jeremy {CDC/OD/OCS)[mailto:] Sent : Friday, June 1, 2018 10:39 AM To: Banin, Elana Subject : RE: Invitation to speak at June 11 event in Washington, DC Ms. Banin, Dr. Redfield has agreed to speak at your event on 6/11 . Could you give us specifics on the attendees and the cost per person for the reception so that we can get that cleared with our legal team? Thanks and once we hear back and are cleared he'll be able to do the reception as well . We'll also work on getting you a formal acknowledgement today but it may come next week . Thanks and if you have any questions until then please feel free to reach out directly to me. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000693 Jeremy Jeremy Mcca llister Advance T earn Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) From: Banin, Elana Date: May 23, 2018 at 9:32:39 PM GMT+2 To: Wolfe , Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) , Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD) Cc: Reynolds, Carolyn Subject: FW : Invitation to speak at June 11 event in Washington , DC Dear Dr. Martin and Dr. Wolfe, On behalf of Carolyn Reynolds, kindly see request below and att ached for Dr. Redfield to speak at an upcoming PATH event. Best, Elana Banin Tel: 202.540.4391 I www .path .org From: Banin, Elana Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 3:17 PM To: '' Cc: '' ; Reynolds, Carolyn ; Robinson, Matt ; Ball, Brandon ; Healy, Kelly ; Kobrin, Cassie ; Ignatius, Heather Subject: Invitation to speak at June 11 event in Washington, DC Dear CDCColleagues, Greetings and hope this message finds you well. This morning PATH's CEO, Steve Davis, and Dr. Redfield met in Geneva and discussed the possibility of Dr. Redfield attending and speaking at an upcoming event the evening of June 11th at our Washington, DC office. Please find attached a formal letter of invitation . We would be honored to have Dr. Redfield join us. Please let me know if I can be of help in providing add itional information . With best regards, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000694 * PAT~ O ElanaBanin Senior Policyand AdvocacyAssociate 455 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 1000 Tel: 1.202.540.3291 www Facebook I Twitter I Linked ln I Washington, DC 20001 USA HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000695 Page1552 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000696 Page1553 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000697 Page1554 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000698 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 7 May 2018 12:21:53 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Damon, Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD);Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Richards , Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Gemella, Athena (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Zaki, Sherif (CDC/OID/NCEZID); McQuiston, Jennifer H. (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Mcleod, Timothy (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Subject: Pathology Lab Tour HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000699 From: Sent: To: Subje ct: Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) 6 Jun 2018 18:08:00 +0000 Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS);Redfiel d, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Paula Stannard Lunch with Dr.Redfield POC: Mary Jones at 202 -260 -7338 or mary .jones@ HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000700 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Se nt: 9 Apr 2018 12:07:47 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subje ct: Personnel Attachme nts : FW_ Mtg request for today.msg, RE_ Mtg request for today .msg HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000701 From: Sent: To : Subject: Import ance: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 9 Apr 2018 08:04:01 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) FW: Mtg request for today High FYI.... From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent : Monday, April 9, 2018 8:03 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject: Mtg request for today w/ Kyle's approval, can we set up an appointment w/ bridge 330-400, re: Personnel? Thank you HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000702 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) 9 Apr 2018 08:15:00 -0400 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Mtg request for today Kyle, he and I only From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Monday, April 9, 2018 8:14 AM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Mtg request for today Just you and he, or others for the invite? From : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Se nt : Monday, April 9, 2018 8:03 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject : Mtg request for today w/ Kyle's approval, can we set up an appointment w/ bridge 330- 400, re: Personnel? Thank you HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000703 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 8 Jun 2018 15:17:29 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);Harben , Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Phone Media Interview: Associated Press Attachments: RE_ Media interview for Friday.msg, RE_ Media interview for June 28.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TSO Special Assistant : TB O Event Contact: TS O CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : T SO CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TSO CDC Media Contact (if applicabl e): Katherine (Kate) Grusich email: yhb3@cdc .gov 2. Event Information : Event Host : TSO Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applic able): TS O Number of Attendees and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000704 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000705 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) 8 Jun 2018 11:40:56 -0400 To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday From: Sent : To be clear, the hour is 30 min for prep and 30 min for interview . © From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/00/0CS) Sent : Friday, June 8, 2018 11:39 AM To: Grusich, Kather ina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Media interview for Friday Hi Kate, Dr. Redfield is open to having the interview on Monday, June 18th from 5-6 p.m . Also, per our conversation, I am holding Thursday, June 28th from 3:30-4:30 p.m . Please advise how you would like to proceed . Thanks, Teresa From : Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/00/0ADC) Sent : Friday, June 8, 2018 11:07 AM To : Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject : RE: Media interview for Friday Hi Tracie, Can we put a hold on his calendar for 3 to 4 pm on Wednesday , June 20th (after the CERCtraining)? We'd like to see if we can arrange the interview (3 to 3:30 prep; 3:30 to 4 pm interview) at that time . Also, if you know of any other 1-hour windows that we may be able to claim on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday (June 18-20), please let me know. Thanks, Kate From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) Sent : Thursday, June 7, 2018 1:56 PM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000706 To : Grusich, Kather ina {Kate) {CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Williams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Harben, Kathy {CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday Thank you From: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt: Thursday, June 7, 2018 1:55 PM To : Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Williams , Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Harben , Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday Hi Tracie, You can release the holds for tomorrow. We'll be following up soon with options to reschedule next week. Michelle Bonds will be reaching out to Dr. Redfield with an update . Thanks, Kate From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Thursday, June 7, 2018 11:58 AM To : Grusich, Katherina {Kate) {CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. {CDC/OD/OADC) ; Williams , Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Harben , Kathy {CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Med ia interview for Friday Kate, Just wanted to follow up to see if you have received any confirmation on the media holds for Friday. Thanks Kind regards, Tracie From : Grusich, Kather ina {Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 12:46 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday Will do . Thanks Tracie! HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000707 From: Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 12:43 PM To: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L.{CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) ; (bl( 5l Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday I I I can do 11:00-12:00 for you. Also when confirmed, please be sure to share the media template so we can put in the invite. Thanks Respectfully, Tracie From: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent : Wednesday, June 6, 2018 11:50 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) ; (b)(S) Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday I I Looks like he currently has 10:30 to noon open on Friday. Would it be possible to also ho ld th at time for the possible interview? We'll confirm (and release, if needed) as soon as we know more. Thanks, Kate From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 11:07 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGu ire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(S) Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday I I Okay . © From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 11:04 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGu ire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000708 ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) (b) {5l Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday I I Delaney stated in-person (she is standing right here) From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, June 6, 2018 11:03 AM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(5) Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday I I Is this a phone interview or in-person interview? From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Date : June 6, 2018 at 10:57:47 AM EDT To: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) {bJ(5l Bonds, Michel le E. (CDC/OD/OADC) , Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) , Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) , Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) , Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) , Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct : RE: Media interview for Friday I I We can add that hold and I will let Teresa answer about Sepsis From: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent : Wednesday, June 6, 2018 10:49 AM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/00/0CS) ; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/00/0ADC) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/00/0ADC) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/00/0ADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/00/0ADC) Subject : Media interview for Friday Hi Scott, Thanks for talking through Dr. Redfield's availability for an interview on Friday. I talked with folks here, and they are working with the reporter on her availability from 9:30-10 :00am . Can we please put a hold on his calendar for 9:30-10 :00, media interview? We will confirm as soon as possible . Additionally, has the Sepsis pre-brief by chance moved? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000709 Thanks so much! Delaney 0 Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) 22 Jun 2018 10:35:43 -0400 To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: RE: Media interview for June 28 From: Se nt: Hi Teresa, The interview with Associated Press on June 28th is a go. We're currently planning to spend 3:30 to 3:45 pm prepp ing Dr. Redfield, followed by in-person photos/portraits with an AP photographer from 3:45 to 4 pm, and the interview w ill be from 4 to 4:30 (along with any wiggle room on the back-end, if possible) . As of now, the interview will be by phone since the reporter isn't located in Atlanta. I'll let you know if that changes. Please let me know if you need any further information, but I'll continue to update as we finalize the details . Thanks, Kate From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Thursday , June 21, 2018 9:21 AM To : Grusich, Katherina {Kate) {CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Scales, Scott L.{CDC/OD/OCS); Bonds, Michelle E. {CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject : RE: Media interview for Friday Will so. Thanks . From : Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt: Thursday, June 21, 2018 9:19 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov>; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday Yes, please continue to hold . Should have an update on that soon . From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, June 21, 2018 9:19 AM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000711 To : Grusich, Kather ina {Kate) {CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Scales, Scott L.{CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy {CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) Subjec t: RE: Media interview for Friday Hi Kate, We are holding time on the calendar for a possible media interview on June 28th from 3:30-4:30 p.m . Do we still need this time? Thanks Teresa From: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent : Friday, June 8, 2018 2:44 PM To: Williams , Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Scales, Scott L. {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bonds, Michelle E. {CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: RE: Media interview for Friday Hi Teresa, Betsy has confirmed the June 18th interview, so let's proceed with prep from 5 to 5:30 pm, and the interview from 5:30 to 6 pm. Please also keep the hold on June 28th as time for a possible interview with another reporter/outlet - and we'll circle back on that as details are final ized. FYI: I'm on leave next week, but Michelle and Kathy will follow up with any needed updates regarding the interview . Thanks for all your help on this today! Kate From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, June 8, 2018 11:39 AM To: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Scales, Scott L.{CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; Bonds, Michelle E. {CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kat hy {CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday Hi Kate, Dr. Redfield is open to having the interview on Monday , June 18th from 5-6 p.m. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000712 Also, per our conversation , I am holding Thursday, June 28th from 3:30-4:30 p.m . Please advise how you would like to proceed . Thanks, Teresa From: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent : Friday, June 8, 2018 11:07 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday Hi Tracie, Can we put a hold on his calendar for 3 to 4 pm on Wednesday , June 20t h (after the CERCtraining)? We'd like to see if we can arrange the interview (3 to 3:30 prep ; 3:30 to 4 pm interview) at that time . Also, if you know of any other 1-hour windows tha t we may be able to claim on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday (June 18-20), please let me know . Thanks, Kate HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000713 From: Sent: To : (CDC/OD);John Germ Subject: Chris Elias 26 Apr 2018 22:41:51 +0000 Chris Elias;GHEBREYESUS, Tedros Adhanom;Henrietta H Fore;Redfield, Robert R. POB-member only call ➔ Join Skype Meeting Trouble Joining? Try Skype Web App Join by pho ne 4006240468 "China All Cities" (Region) +9111 3378 1635 " India" {Region) +234 14405224 "Nigeria Lagos" {Region) 0800014682 "South Africa" {Region) 08003761896 " United Kingdom" {Region) + 1 (877) 320-5879 " United States" {Region) Find a local number Conference ID: I m1m1 I I Secondary: I CbVGl Forgot your dial-in PIN? IHelp Use Conference ID to join by Phone or VTC. See Help link for more information . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000714 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 8 Jun 2018 18:41:40 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Polio Cases in Venezue la HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000715 Spencer, Laura (CDC/OC00 /0D) Subject: Location: Polio Oversight Board Teleconference (internal invite) Bldg 21 / OCR DIN: 1-800-289-5126 I Passcode: ~I- ,b-H6-l Start : End: Thu 6/28/2018 11 :30 AM Thu 6/28/20 18 2:00 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status: Meeting organ izer Organizer : Required Attendees: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Martin , Rebecca (C DC/CGH/O0); Vertefeuille , John F. (CDC/CGH/G ID); Green, Hugh (CDC/O0/OCS) ~ HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000716 GLOBAL ERADICAT POLI INITIATIVE Global Polio Eradication Initiative Finance update June 2018 POB Meeting I ~~ '\.World_He BILL & MELINDA GATESfoundation EVERY LAST , CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000717 GLOBAL ERADICAT POLI INITIATIVE Finance Update • 2017 final expenditure 8% under budget($79M) - 2016 - 19% under budget variance - 2017 total exp $1.004 billion; 2018 budget set at $942M • 2018 Ql Expenditure $239M (17% under $288M budget) - Variance due mostly to delayed immunization campaigns • 58% of annual campaign planned for Ql, several postponed to Q2 • Cash Forecast - Encouraging for this year - GPEIfully funded for 2018 - 2019 also fully funded in principle - need to secure pledges to address timing and specificity of late-year contributions • Multi-year Budget development underway, 2019-2022 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000718 EVERY LAST CHILD GLOBAL ERADICAT POLI INITIATIVE Key Issues and Risks: • 2018 Expenditure and budget: - Outbreaks, e.g. Horn of Africa, DRC, hard to predict • Could push budget up, require new financing or consume flexible funds • Cash forecast: - $7B PEESPfunding sufficient through 2019, with timely monetization and absent new large demands • Multi-year budget, need to: - Avoid reducing too much or too soon - Sustain donor commitment EVERY - Ensure cost-effectiveness and efficiency LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000719 GLOBAL [R,, l nON INITIATIVE POLI Requests of POB 1. Comments or questions about GPEI budgets, expenditures, cash forecasts presented here 2. Support mobilization of additional resources required for GPEI post-2019 EVERY LAST , CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000720 . . ANNEXES EVERY LAST CHILD GLOBAL ERADICAT POLI INITIATIVE 2018 G PEI Budget Overview • $942 Million - $177m below 2017 budget - More than 2/3 of budget in AFRO and EMRO - Endemic countries absorb $469 million (50%) of budget - Majority of SIAs planned in first half of year : Ql 59%, Q2 19%, Q3 1%, and Q4 21% - GPEI budget online http: //po Iioe rad ication. o rg/ fin ancin g/ fin an ciaIneeds/fin an ciaI-re source-require men ts-f rr /g pe i-b ud get2018 / EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000722 GLOBAL ERADICAT POLI INITIATIVE Challenges& Next Steps: Challenges Progress/ Achievements Next Steps Cash management late 2019 and beyond Ongoing and improved cash-gap forecasting and reporting Commence fund -raising through the Polio Advocacy and Communication s Team (PACT). Coordinate with UNICEFand WHO organization -wide fundraising efforts . Multi -year budget development 2019-2022, and its financing; Integrated budget development (top -down and bottom -up) underway by GPEI Finance Management Team (FMT) and Eradication and Outbreak Management Group (EOMG) Produce cost-conscious and feasible budget sufficient to achieve eradication , with risk-rated scenarios and option s for the Strategy Committee , the FACand the POBto consider . Communicate approved budget to donors, partners to secure necessary funding commitment s Transparency and accountability Process improvements in financial reporting and budgeting . Positive external review s of GPEIfinances (most recently DFID and Rotary) . Ongoing "value for money inquiry (e.g. SIAs, Surveillance , Outbreak s). Deepen engagement with countries/regions . 11 EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000723 ■ OVERALL GOAL: To mobilize the resources and secure the enabling environment necessary to eradicate polioPACT'S OBJECTIVES: Monetize donor pledges from 2017Update:Monetization rate on 2017 pledges improving (31 % in December 2017, 43% in January, 56 % as of May)Programme fully funded in 2018, well funded in 2019 with potential cash gaps as of mid-2019Raise the additional resource requirements - still to be defined HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000725 ■ CURRENT STATUS OF RESOURCE MOBILIZATION At the recent WHA, many donors reiterated their strong commitment and support to GPEI and the need to finish the job To secure additional funding PACT is focusing its approaches on annua l donors in 2018 and 2019 Visits to key donors in Q2 to Germany, EU Brussels and Japan , scoping additional donor visits and technical briefings for the remainder of the yearPACT will start approaches to other (multi-annual) donors as early as 2019 to secure funds for 2020 and beyondDonors are inquiring about updated budgets for 2019 and beyond, a new plan, clarity on the funding needs (transition, containment, post certification), alignment with other transition and replenishment processes as well as clarity on GPEI costs/ WHO investment case costs The latest known additiona l financia l requirements are $500 to $750 million as discussed at the January 2018 POB in-person meelingF inal budget figures for programme extension to be finalized by September POBln lieu of budget numbers , PACT has developed an interim budgeting tool for use with annual donors HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000726 3 ■ ~5,Jp Elp§l ~gVe~o§ o~ ea~J§ nts g~ ndscape in globa l health is challenging as Global Financing Facility , Global Fund, Gavi, & WHO in current or imminent financ ing and replenishment processesP ACT factor ing in funding needs for outbreaks, and stockpiles in addition to regular programme resource mobilization With current funding projections , GPEI would not be meeting funding level requirements up to 2021 PACT's ability to raise funds in 2018 and outer years is challenged by absence of budget and plan for 2019 to 2022Status of programme progress, stagnation in Afghanista n, incremental progress in other areas, continu ing surveillance gaps in critical areas, perceived lack of prioritization by endemic country governments , donors' focus on Africa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000727 I No available budgets until September PACT is developing a budget tool for donor meetings in 02 / 03 Presentation of budget tool in Japan in June and to other donors during future visits Keep momentum on polio for donors in crowded and competitive global health environment GPEI will revise its Investment Case and increase dialogue with donorsCoordinating with other multilateral global health organizations on a common narrative. Start revision of Investment CaseUpdating communications strategy to support Resource Mobilization effortslncrease dialogue with donorsCoordinate joint WHO/GPEI messaging and ask to donors to avoid confusion with new WHO Investment Case Projected shortfall with initial funding projections from existing and potential donors Amplify resource mobilization efforts Initiate series of road shows to donors and potential donorsUpdate Individual resource mobilization market strategiesDonor mapping to prioritize resource mobilization effortsReengage with lapsed donors and Multilateral Banksldentify Innovative Financing possibilities HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000728 ■ REQUESTS OF POB POB member voices and advocacy needed within respect ive organ izations , and externally , to ensure polio stays a priorityAvailability for potent ial high-leve l meetings during UN General Assembly HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000729 6 THANK YOU UPDATE 0 . .POLIO VAcrri Update to the Polio Ove? I Board28 June 2018 mnbA 4.4" mOPV stockpile; purpose, governance & management GLOBAL ION, POLIINITIATIVE The purpose of the global stockpiles of monovalent Oral Polio Vaccine is to ensure timely supply of vaccines to respond to outbreaks of specific poliovirus types at a time when OPV is no longer used in routine immunization systemsmOPV2 stockpile was established in 2015 ahead of the withdrawal of type 2 containing vaccines - the Switch from tOPV to bOPV. Establishment of the mOPVl and mOPV3 stockpiles is in progress; to be in place before withdrawal of bOPV from the routine immunization systems, 4 years after last virusWHO governs the global stockpile of bulk and finished mOPVs. Day to day management of the stockpile is carried out jointly by UNICEFand WHO EVERY HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000732 LAST CHILD Activities and outcome of efforts to establish the global mOPV stockpile • GLOBAL ION, POLIINITIATIVE Gavi investment case approved for Gavi-eligible countries to access stockpile after OPV is withdrawn from routine immunization system - $191.28M/2.25Bds (Sept 2006}Expression of interest issued to industry with 5 manufacturers responding but indicated technical constraints (2007}Bulk stockpile established with two manufacturers (2015}mOPV1: 300MdsmOPV2: 519MdsmOPV3 : 300Mds5ervice contract established with one manufacturer to convert, store, ship (2016}Thorough review of the size and timelines of the stockpile carried out in 2016-17. As a result the forecasted quantity increased from l .19Bds to 2.3Bds (+0.81,dsof type 2, net increase of lS0Mds mOPVl and mOPV3), to be secured across three manufacturers, ti e~~8s establishment of the stockpiles for the mOPV1&3 shifted in view of delays of WPVl eradica ion Negotiations ongoing to explore options and adjust the contractual arrangement with the manufacturers to new GPEIprogram timelines EVERY HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000733 LAST CHILD CHALLENGES & MITIGATION MEASURES ■- Next_Steps Discussions to reengage suppliersExplore, monitor, consider alternative options Suppliers exiting the market, with one major mOPV bulk producing manufacturer remaining in 2020 • Divest and contract alternative back up supplier No agreed mechanism yet in place to finance establishment of the stockpile for the Post Certification Period • Immediate short term funding of $7.SM committed by BMGF to replenish mOPV2SC/EOMG/FMT agreed on mechanism for budgeting of the stockpile PACTengagement PACTto start fund raising on behalf of GPEI and PCSfor stockpiles Expiry of mOPV2 in global stockpile due to non-usage (insurance policy); in the future, similar for mOPVl and mOPV3 • Managing across bulk/semi-finished/finished product considering production lead timesPushing for shelf life extension Extension of shelf life to 9 years from end 2018; later 7 years for mOPVl and mOPV3 Securing additional bulk for stockpile to bring it up from l.19Bds to 2.256Bds • Explored with preferred supplier, awaiting offerEarly discussions with potential back up supplier If acceptable, contracting supply to secure accessto bulk and filling capacitylf not acceptable, to reconsider approach Extension of contracts • Contracts extended through 2021&2022, MoUs in progress WHO/UNICEF Utility of taking ownership of mOPV2 bulk stocks by 2022 if not converted Planning and management of the stockpile in changing operational and epidemiological environment • Continue quarterly review and adjustment of the mOPV stockpiles • Early engagement with the 'new' owners of polio program on the issues of capacity building and handover HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000734 GLOBAL ION, Requests of POB POLIINITIATIVE 1. Endorse the mOPV stockpile arrangement agreed by the SC:explore options to increase bulk stockpiles to 2.256Bds across three OPV types;rely on a primary stockpile holder that offers 7 -9 years shelf life across the three mOPV types; GPEIto fundraise (outside of FFR)for the mOPV stockpiles which will be used post certification and after GPEIhas dissolvedTake note of necessity to write off of up to 90.7Mds/$10.9M of finished mOPV2 due to expiryFor informationPOB to take note that the global stockpile will undergo regular reviews and may be modified before the Certification to adjust to evolving operational (including supply) and epidemiological contexts EVERY HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000735 LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000736 GLOBAL ION, POLIINITIATIVE Status of global stockpile of finished product mOPV2 1SO 130 1.10 70 ii I "° =ati "° 10 ~D l!IO -so • - s....- - Lako - s,......... Chad - - ~·"- S~{to __ p .. .. ) - DRC Total delivery of 105, 7Mds of mOPV2 to 10 countries over 2 years; 94.2Mds in stocks as of end of May 2018mOPV2 bulk fully converted with one supplier; stockpile products now starting to expire, requiring replenishment HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000737 EVERY LAST CHILD GLOBAL r POLIINITIATIVE Recap of Scenario 1: out break response in the phases 1&2 2018-20 62,400,000 119,000,000 837,000,000 24,240,000 Parameter N > a. 0 Estimated consumption Order QTYfinished E Order Additional Bulk Total Cost {USO) .-t Estimated consumption > a. Order QTYfinished 0 Order Additional Bulk E Tota l Cost (USO) M Estimated consumption 0 Order QTYfinished Order Additional Bui k > a. E Total Cost (USO) Additional cost of sto rage ,.. 150,000,000 300,000,000 41,400,000 2021-25 165,600,000 200,000,000 2026-31 Total N/A 87,000,000 406,000,000 31,068,241 14,408,254 337,000,000 59,716,496 183,600,000 300,000,000 181,200,000 450,000,000 300,000,000 88,542,361 47,142,361 96,000,000 250,000,000 91,200,000 200,000,000 300,000,000 18,000,000 720,000 38,880,301 1,840,000 33,576,201 2,040,000 450,000,000 300,000,000 90,456,503 4,360,000 84,360,000 118,930,904 50,024,456 243,075,359 Cost of disposa l Cost Grand Total Parameters/assumptions:Based on the operational scenario endorsed by the EOMGRelies on supplies from preferred manufacturer on lyShelf life of finished product: m0PV2 - 9 years; m0PV1&3 - 7 years Residual stock at the end of the Phase 2 mOPV2 224,800,000 mOPVl 85,200,000 m0PV3 262,800,000 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000738 EVERY LAST CHILD GLOBAL POLIO ~NITIA \1vE Transition Update to the Polio Oversight Board Mike McGovern, TMG Chair 28 June , 2018 Rotary··· . rti1iTiil BILLo-MHINDA GATE$f111,ndattt111 un•1cefQ)~ ) World .He~lth 1:11 (:~ ~ l"{fe Organazat,on ~ ~ C• Hl'l:IU "0 • Dnc1o•c C::c»IUIO L AHO ~ftlEVt! tltflO N EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000739 GLOBAL POLIO ~NITIA \1vE Post-certification Strategy Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan (PEESP) 0 • 0 0 • PCS goals :olioviru~ detection & interruption OPV2 withdrawal, IPV introduction, immunization system strengthening Containment & global certification Transition Planning Mainstream polio essential functions to sustain global eradication • Support country transition planning • Capture lessons learned Description t····· ........... ....... ................ . n :: .. .. ... : . Post-Certification Strategy (PCS) Purpose: Defines the technical standards for the polio-essential functions that will be needed to sustain a polio-free world. Contain Poliovirus Sources Protect Populations Detect and ..·.. Respond ·.J .......................................................................................... PCShas been published and endorsed at the 71st World Health Assembly Links to English and translated versions are available on the GPEI website Ensure poten t ial sources of poliovirus are properly controlled or removed Withdraw OPV from use and immunize populations with IPV Promptly detect any poliovirus reintroduction and rapidly respon d to prevent tr ansm ission Note : Research & Development is included in the PCS as a crosscutting enabling function EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000740 GLOBAL GPEI Partner Transition Update POLIO ~NITIA \1vE BMGF: An internal BMGF leadership meeting was held in March 2018 to review the PCSand get input on the foundation's role postcertification . BMGF will continue to support and advocate for a successful implementation of the PCSfunctions and will plan its contribution to the PCSin collaboration with current and future partners . CDC: CDC's Polio Transition Roadmap is undergoing cross-center clearance and is awaiting final approval by the Director . CDC remains committed to the successful implementation of the PCS,and will remain deeply involved in polio transition planning and implementation as one of the future owners . Rotary International: Rotary has committed to advocate for the implementation of the polio post-certification strategy with a group of donor and at risk countries after certification of the eradication of polio . Rotary is finalizing the lessons learned in carrying out its PolioPlus program to be shared with other programmatic areas of the organization . UNICEF: UNICEF'sPolio Transition and Post-Certification Management Plan will have been shared with the agency's Deputy Executive Director for endorsement prior to the POB meeting . The Plan is a living document and will be updated periodically and as needed . WHO: WHO's Strategic Action Plan was presented at the 71st World Health Assembly. The plan puts country ownership at its center and outlines how WHO will continue to provide support at the country level, with the goal to gradually transfer essential polio function EVERY costs into the core WHO budget . LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000741 GLOBAL Transition Management Group Sunset POLIO ~NITIA \1vE RATIONALE: • TMG mandate is completed: transition plans for 14 priority countries will be finalized by May 2018 • Current country planning activities will be transferred to WHO and UNICEFregional and country offices • High-level approach and guidance needed at country level • Secretariat provided support and guidance and will be needed in future activities and groups BACKGROUND: • Decision to "sunset" TMG in June 2018 was communicated to WHO and UNICEFRegional Directors in December 2017 • Decision was endorsed by the Strategy Committee • Decision to continue secretariat to support lessons learned projects and proposed high level advisory group of future owners For POB awareness: Country Planning TaskTeam: 1. Transfer of all activities to WHO and UNICEF 2. Partners and stakeholders will receive regular quarterly updates LessonsLearned TaskTeam: 3. Activities will continue and report directly to the SC (collection of Lessons Learned projects and the GPEI History Project) EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000742 GLOBAL POLIO ~NITIA \1vE Transition Independent Monitoring Board (TIMB) Sir Liam Donaldson, TIMB Chair, postponed the June meeting for the following reasons: • Member state's position on polio transition is to be finalized after the WHA • Polio transition is coming under "new ownership", not yet fully defined, WHO management is not yet finalized • WHO leadership may wish to consider how the TIMB fits into the new management structures Decision on future and direction of the TIMB is needed EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000743 GLOBAL Requestsof the Polio Oversight Board POLIO ~NITIA \1vE Endorsement and guidance on the following: 1. Defining the future role and direction of the TIMB as a neutral and independent convening body 2. Need for high-level advocacy and technical support made up of core and expanded immunization partners and future owners that will support WHO and UNICEFactivities in transition priority countries and PCSimplementation - Ask the POB to advocate with future stakeholders and commit their agencies to the group - Ask for a firm commitment to hold an introductory meeting and define the terms of reference for the group EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000744 ??iN?er?l?ATiVE Questions and Discussion 5 Building Consensus for Certification of Poliovirus Eradica tion: Meeting of the chairs of the committees which advise and support the GPEI WHO, Geneva, room M 105 April 16, 2018 MEETING NOTE HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000746 Ba ckgro und Since January 2017 there have been 25 WPV l cases worldwide (21 in Afgha nistan , 9 in Pakistan) and 99 cases of c VDPV2s (74 in Syria , 25 in DRC). In this context , where the last detection (case or environmental pos itive samp le) of wild po liov iru s (WPV) is in sight, but circ ulating vacc ine de ri ved poliovirus (cVDPV) outbreaks co ntinue, there is a need to reac h a con sensus on how certificat ion of wild pol iovims eradication w ill be defined . At the meeting of the Global Certification Commiss ion in 2017, as well as at meetings of other polio overs ight committees, it was recommended to bring together the Chairs of the relevant advisory groups to ensu re all partners are aware that recommendations that each can make may impact on the eventual cert ificat ion of polio virus eradicatio n. lt is acknow ledged that the Global Certification Commissio n (GCC) remains responsible for certifying the eradication of Wild Poliovirus. Objectives of the meeting 1. Rev iew progres s toward WPV eradication and consider the crite ria for ce1tificat ion of WPV eradication in the context of the ongoing risk of polio due to VDPV that may occur post certification and beyond OPV cessat ion . 2. Develop consensus around the roles of each committee cun-ently and once WPV t ransmissio n has ceased , until certification, and including in the context ofVDPV even ts and outbreaks. 3. Agree on key messages concerning ( l) and (2) above 4. Provide informat ion on other key policy dec isions req uired to impleme nt the PCS and suggest roles of relevant committees in providing further recommendations Attendees The meeting was attended by the chairs of various advisory bodies to the Po lio Erad ication Prog ramme ; namely the Globa l Certification Comm ission (GCC), International Health Regulations Emergency Commit tee (IHR-EC), SAGE , SAGE Polio Worki ng Group , Containment Advisory Group (CAG), Independent Mon itoring Board (IMB), and the GCC-Containment Working Group (CWG) and focal perso ns from GPEI part ners. Full list of attendees is in Annex 2. Summar y of outcome The group agreed that an options appra isal documen t for the requireme nts for cer t ification of poliovirus eradication will be developed by the GCC secretariat. The document will outline the pros and cons of each optio n regard ing requirements for certification of WPV eradicat ion and the relative impact that each option would have on the time line and process of certification. The three opt ions highlighted were: 1. Certificatio n of erad icat ion based on the intermption of WPV alo ne 2 . Certification of erad ication based on the interruption of WPV, with consideration of the context of ongo ing or recent cV DPV outbreaks 3. A multi-phase process for certification of eradication, suggested as: - Step 1: Eradication of WPV Step 2: Eradication of c VDPV s - Step 3: Certification of Containment of all PV s. Once the option s appra isal has been produced , it will be fully co nsidered by the GCC with careful consideration of the communica tions ' implications and impacts on certification of each of the options. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000747 Minutes of the meeting and recommendations Opening and Welcome M. Zaffran A programmatic update and overv iew for the context of this meeting was prov ided Update on the process of Certification and key points from the 17th Meeting of the Global Commission for the Certification of Poliomyelitis Eradication (CCC) D. Salisbury The 17th meeting of the GCC took place in February 2018, with Chairs from each of the six Regional Certification Com missions (RCC) in attendance. A summary of the GCC recommendat ions were provide d for each of the five meeting sessions. The GCC recommended the following criteria to be applied for cert ificat ion of WPV eradication: 1. No WPV transmission detected from any population source for the previous three years , and 2. Global poliovirus surveillance meeting certification criteria , and 3. Safe and secure containment of WPV retained in facilities , such as laboratories and vaccine manufacturing facilities Additionally, the GCC recommended that the announcement of the eradicatio n ofWPV should take into consideration the epidemiology of cVDPV s at that time. The following requirements we re sugges ted: 1. No detection of a persistent [>6 months of confirmed circulation] cVDPV2 outbreak from any population source in the previous l 8 months; and 2. No detection of a cVDPV 1 or 3 outbreak from any population source in the previous six months. Update from SAGE WG discussions on criteria for certification of poliovirus eradication I. Jani A presentation provided the key recommendations of the 15th meeting of the SAGE Polio Working Group, 20-21 February , 2018. The Work ing Group noted the proposed changes to the precond itions for cert ification and requested GCC to maintain communi cation with other advisory bodies (such as IMB , IHR, CAG). The role of different committees from cessation of transmission up until global certification B. Burkholder The proposed responsibilities of the committees advising the GPEI for developing the policy guidance on certification, containment, protection , detect ion and response was presented. The WHO will convene a future meeting for the responsibilities for implementing these policies. Severa l attendees emphasised that after certification, the responsibility shifts to SAGE and raised the possibility of retaining the GCC to carry the post-certification process throug h to the end, with the GCC having a primary role in certifying the erad ication of VDPVs. Discussions also highlighted that the docume nt Public Health Management of a Containment Breach of Type 2 Poliovirus has been drafted and needs to be c irculated for input. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000748 Discussion and consensus on what it means to certify eradication Summary of the main discussion points: 1. The criteria to be applied for the certification of WPV eradication Adequate global poliovirus surve illance - How to deal with countries where there may be surve illance that does not meet accepted criteria. In these areas, such as Somalia and Northern Niger ia, the standard criteria of AFP performance indictors and the absence of wild poliovirus detection may not be suffic ient. The need for surve illance data from non-standard sources was discussed . - In many industrialised countries, APP-surve illance has been replaced with enterovirus and/or environmental survei llance. The sens itivity and spec ificity of these supplemental surveillance methods are unknown, withou t criteria to link them to AFP surveillance standards . - As IPV is introduced globally , the risk of silent transmission will increase and AFP survei llance may not be a reliable indicator. - The GCC Chair confir med that all countries must provide clear evidence to the GCC, based on factors including population immunity , surveillance quality, outbreak preparedness , containment andhealth system status for certification . Safe and secure containment of WPV retained in facilities There is a high probability that completing certification of containment will not coincide with the cert ification of inten-uption of transmission and will happen later. The status of non-PEF facilities (such as academ ic institutions) that may contai n WPV samples was discussed. Member states will conduct inventories and identify facilities that could have potentia l infectious material. The World Health Assemb ly could emphas ize the importance of conta inment. At the time of WPV certification, the GCC will conside r the status of biorisk manageme nt of potentially infectious materials and readiness to respond to containment breaches. All facilities retaining WPVs should have at the leastan Interim Containment Certificate, with a clear plan to achieve a full Certificate of Co ntainme nt. 2. Certification of eradication in the context of VDPVs - The recommendat ion from GCC ( of cert ification when there has been no detection of a persistent cVDPV2 outbreak in the previous 18 months at the time of certifica tion), is to avoid recent, or conctment outbreaks of polio due to cVDPV at the time ofWPV cert ification. Outbreaks of cVDPV s will be perceived as polio outbreaks in the public view and would undermine the cred ibility of WPV certification . It was emphasised that the absences of cVDPVs are not criteria for the eradication ofWPV , but considerations for when cert ification takes place. - Substantial concern was raised over linking cVDPV s with WPV certification, such as : the impact on the erad icat ion strategy and timeline (as related to WPV alone); the polit ical and media pressure to cert ify after three years without poliovirus detection; and not defining a clear separa tion betwee n cVDPVs and WPV. However , there was lack of agreeme nt on the solution. - An option of a multi -phase approach, with separate stages of certification of erad ication was suggested: first, the certification of erad ication of wild polioviruses; second, the certificatio n of eradication of cVDPV s; and third, certification of containment of all polioviruses. It was mentioned that the disappearance ofV DPV s emanating from immunodeficient persons (iVDPVs) would also need to be validated, perhaps in a separate later stage. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000749 Proposed next steps: The deve lopment of an options appraisal document for the different options for certification of poliovirus eradica tion was agreed. The document will outline the pros and cons of each option and the relative impact that each would have on the timeline and process of certificat ion of eradication . It will then be carefully cons idered by the GCC. The three options highlighted : 1. Certificatio n of eradicat ion based on the interruption of WPV alone 2. Certification of eradication based on the interruption of WPV, with considera tion of the context of cVDPV outbreaks . One option for this is the recommendat ion from GCC, with no detection of a persistent cVDPV2 outbreak from any populat ion source in the previous 18 months 3. A multi-phase process for certification of eradication, suggested as: o Step I : eradicatio n ofW PV o Step 2: validation of absence of cVDPVs o Step 3: containment of all PY Rotary highlighted that commun ication to donors has been that certifying the eradication of WPV has been the stated goal of their PolioPlus program and this should be considered when assessing the opt ions. The appraisal is to be deve loped by the secretariat of the GCC and then discussed by the GCC and Polio Oversight Board. Once a consensus is reached, it will be shared with SAGE and presented to the World Hea lth Assembly in May 20 19. 3. Communica tion - There may be a challenge in communicating the different possible scenarios to the lay public, as AFP caused by either WPV or cVDPV will probably all be seen as 'paralysis/death caused by polio. ' - There needs to be clear communication plan in the certification of eradicat ion, which would align with the selected certification option. This should include clear validation steps to move from the Polio Eradicat ion and Endgame Strateg ic Plan to the PostCertificat ion Strategy . - The difference betwee n cert ificat ion of WPV erad ication and VPDV eradicat ion needs to be clearly commun icated . - All partners and committees need to be aligned in their communicat ion. 4. Certifying the eradication of type 3 poliovirus - Certifying the global eradication of type 3 poliovirus would provide an opportunity for a test run for the eventual certification of all wild polio viruses . - The declaration of type 3 certification would provide a good milestone to give enthusiasm to the programme, donors and the public. - This would not necessari ly be followed by the withdrawal of Sabin Type 3 from the oral poliovirus vaccine. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000750 ANNEX 1: AGENDA Building Consensus for Certification of Poliovirus Eradication WHO, Geneva, room M 105 April 16, 2018 AGENDA Objective s of the meeting : 1. 2. 3. Review progress toward WPV eradication, and consider the criteria for certification of WPV eradication in the context of the ongoing risk of polio disease due to V DPV that may occur post certification and beyond OPV cessation. Develop consensus around the roles of each committee once WPV transmission has ceased until certification, including in the context ofVDPV events and outbreaks . Agree on key messages concerning (l) and (2) above April 16 14:00 - 14:15 Welcome and opening remarks M. Zaffran 14: 15 -14:45 Update from the I Th Meeting of the D. Salisbury Global Commission for the Certific ation of Poliomyelitis Eradicatio n .14:45- 15:00 Update on SAGE WG I. Jani 15:00 - 16:0 0 Discuss ion and consensus building ALL 16:00 - 16:15 Coffee Break 16.15 - 17.00 Discussion on role of different committees ALL from cessation of transmission up until global certification 17:00 - 18:00 Consensus on what it means to certify eradication HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000751 ANNEX 2: List of Participants Building Consensus for Certification of Poliovirus Eradication WHO, Geneva, room M 105 April 16, 2018 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Committee chairs David Salisbury Global Certification Commission (GCC) European Regional Certification Commission (RCC) Sir Liam Donaldson Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) Polio Transition Independent Monitoring Board (TIMB) Alejandro Cravioto Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) Peter Figueroa SAGE Wo rking Group on Polio (SAGE WG) Ilesjh Jani SAGE Wo rking Group on Polio (SAGE WG) David Heymann Containment Advisory Group (CAG) Arlene King (by phone) GCC -Containment Working Group (CWG) Helen Rees Interna tional Health Regula tions Emergency Committee (IHR-EC) GPEI Partners BMGF : Jay Wenger Centers for Disease Control and Prevention : Rebecca Martin (by phone) and John Vertefeuille (by phone ) Rotary International Carol Pandak UNICEF : Jalaa Abdelwahab World Health Organisation: Michel Zaffran , Roland Sutter , Ond rej Mach , Graham Talli s, Harish Verma , Grace Mac klin, Rosamund Lewis , Arshad Quddu s, Jamal Ahmed , Andre Doren , Brent Burkholder (con sultant to WHO) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000752 GLOBAL CRfoG ATIO INITIATIVE POLIQ Agenda PolioOversightBoardMeeting 28June, 2018 8:30-11:00 PST/ 11:30 - 14:00 EST/ 17:30- 20:00 CEST DIN: Inside US: 1-800-2 89-5126 I Out side US: 1-913-227-1300 I Passcode: I ____.. llJ ·~ ll"•l}J.15 r, .... '-111~ ~l l~ II ,ni -l " 'l.:...:j~ ll~- . ,,, 0 • "'J,t)AI ~NCO' 0 0 15 fou l u 52 •'6tlll¥lt&.10il HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000757 ■ AFGHANISTAN - KEY ISSUES AND RISKS Risk of ongoing transmission in the Southern & Eastern regions due to access and securityOngoing ban on house to house campaign in South region and risk of further spreadlncreasing inaccessibility in Eastern region Deteriorating security situation creating an environment of fear among front line workers/monitors and program staff which negatively affects qualitylnability to implement interventions to improve quality leading to ongoing missed childrenBan on house marking, house-to-house tally sheet and full time social mobilization in some areasChallenges in getting females front line workers particularly in high risk areaslimitation in full implementation of accountability framework Clusters of chronically missed children due to refusalsOn-going transmission in the northern and southern corridors which constitute a common epidemiological block along with Pakistan due to frequent population movement and spread of transmission across the border.Upcoming parliamentary elections in October and possible impact on the program HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000758 3 ■ CHALLENGES & NEXT STEPS TO ADDRESSING THE RISKS _CJJalle□gesffijsksc.___ __. :=rogressL Acbie'ieme □tsc___ ._~extSteps'---------- Orphan viruses in East region: ongoing undetected transmiss ion in Northern corridor Northern corridor plan established & tracked with Pakistan 1) Implement Northern Corridor Plan; 2) cluster specific approach to tracking missed children; 3) special focus on High Risk Mobile Populations 4) strengthening surveillance Risk of continued transmission in the southern region & spread to other regions due to inaccessibility; Recent ban in large parts of south- allowing only mosque to mosque campaigns Ongoing dialogue at multiple levels to gain access; expansion of polio+ in the South; Southern Corridor being tracked with Pakistan cluster specific approach to access, vacc ine acceptance & high risk mobile populations; Expansion of comp lementary vaccination 1) Continued dialogue with multiple stakeholders , with no compromise on house-to-house campaigns; 2) Further expansion of complementary vaccination activit ies , including trans it teams; 3) Additional campaign when there is a window of opportunity ; 4) Tracking of Southern Corridor Plan Ability to undertake quality campaigns in areas with access limitations Deployment of appropriate monitors to oversee campaign ; expansion of remote monitoring to triangulate quality; Continued dialogue with all parties to allow program basics, including implementation of revised microplan where feasible Chronically missed children (due to refusal, access, quality) Cluster approaches implemented as part of Northern/Southern corridor act ion plans ; improvement in quality in some areas The trends & reasons for missed children, along with the methodology and impact of interventions should be tracked over time in both fully accessible and access compromised areas. Sub-optimal quality in accessib le areas Establishment of Frontline worker selection committees; implementation of accountability framework; efforts to focus on improving training quality and intra-campaign monitors Further implement NEAP activities aimed at improv ing quality - house-based microplanning; triangulation of data ; HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000759 ■ AFGHANISTAN- REQUESTS TO THE POB • Continue to ensure adequate & timely resources to fully implement the NEAP and support fund raising for important complementary vaccination activities that are not core FRR (health outreach, nutrition, WASH, etc. as required)Advocacy with the Government:Call from Bill Gates to President Ghani stressing the need to sustain efforts; to refrain from making drastic changes in program implementation approaches; or to penalize when new cases are identified; reiterate that polio should remain a priority following upcoming elections in OctoberUrgent advocacy to gain house-to-house access for quality SIAs in areas where restrictions on immunization activity are being imposed. The TAG requested all stakeholders at global & country level to explore all options for facilitating house to house access. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000760 5 . Pakistan ■ PAKISTANSUMMARYOF CURRENTSTATUS 2018 CasesNorthern CorridorNangarhar - WPVl CASES& ES+,BY CLUSTER,PAKISTAN& AFGHANISTAN2018 R4B5C5B2,1 -..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=.---! As of 28 May, 2018 JanuaryGhaziabad - R4B5C5B2, 14 FebruaryGhaziabad - R4B5C5B2,3 MarchSouthern CorridorShahwalikot R4B5C4C,5 JanuarySpin Boldak - R4B5C4C,6 Blue = R4B5C5B2 Black = R4B1 C1 Green = R4B5C4B Red = R4B5C4C Brown = R4B5C4O Hig li~la~Wii~ompare to 3 as WPVl cases r ported oft e~p1917AII fro ~bY.llH~4¥ibjna_!l. Most rece t case had a'r~~is oMe'tH~tA'May 2018Duki out rJlfP~~iismission persists i the c!S sho n by sam lfq!Qma.mrhwati~ envi ES+a e decl ni~ io ~araa1i(~!ld Uj!~j.R'RR<· J..3° of ES sam ,~Wf2~1™,l>r ~a:Jm;M,~t 11% in 201 . IMatfQb li.wlrai!-f\84Bi56:~ ~uth rn a d this Corr dffl.ff,i"~~~-aiigsk risk xtend's beyond the corridors themse es. ol\'4~e!4ff:"21~;~& May HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000762 ■ PAKISTAN KEY ISSUES AND RISKS • Stopping poliovirus transmission in common corridors and Karachi. Stopping the WPV1 outbreak in Duki District Balochistan on a priority basis and responding immediately to any new outbreak outside core reservoirsSustaining motivation and commitment to a long-running program and building upon prior gains in the face of multiple other national public health prioritiesldentifying and characterizing any population clusters not yet reached by immunization effortsCountering persistent resistance (both overt and covert) and addressing remaining gaps in SIA operational implementation which lead to insufficient immunity among geographically accessible populationsSustained transmission throughout the epidemiologic block of PakistanAfghanistan which requires highly coordinated efforts to halt both national spread and persistent cross border poliovirus transmission associated with highly mobile populationsStrengthening systemic weaknesses in EPI throughout many parts of the countrySustaining government commitment at all levels after upcoming national elections HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000763 ~ CHALLENGES AND ACHIEVEMENTS SINCE JANUARY POB & NEXT STEPS hallenges Progress/ Achievements since last POB Next Steps Persjstent transmissjon i..,__________ Quetta Block (especially Killa Abdullah) and Karachi Significar:it pwgrammatic JmpwYemeoUollowiog establisbmenUQciden,._ ________ Management Committee (IMC) instituted in PEOC and enhanced oversight in Killa Abdullah; Gulistan Action Plan developed including Jirgas, long term deployment of some key staff, more female involvement etc Rollout of Special Mobile Strategy in 89 UCs of Karachi that were covered by mobile team from Jan-May 20 18. CBV conversion in these 89 UCs from July Karachi Communication strategy developed with "bottom up approach"Communication Consultation and Focus Group Discussions in Karachi and Quella Sustair:Lp[OgLessio~Quetta blockCluster a□clstill missed__ children analyses should be overlaid with a social analysisEvaluate recent communication interventions to determine their impact on direct refusal and misconceptions Conduct an in-depth analysis on operational challenges in SIAs from Area- In-Charge level up in key high risk areas in Karachi and develop an action Ensure a smooth transition to CBV/CHW across all UCs in Karachi Mjssedpopu\atjons particularly in the northern corridor between eastern Afghanistan and Khyber-Peshawar, Islamabad/Rawalpindi block._ Northern corridor action plan developed and implemented Abu Dhabi cross border meeting with Pak-Afghan istan held on 29-30 March 2018 for effective coordination and campaign synchronization.Communication consultation and Focus Group Discussions Fully implement and joint ly track Northern and Southern Corridor action plansCoordinate Pakistan and Afghanistan programme activities (geographical mapping, social analysis of risk groups, intervention design, commun ication/media, and impact evaluation) Programmatic chal\eoges /poor SIAaua\ity security compromjsed areas) along the South FATA, South KP and South Punjab corr idor Natjona\ e\ectjons io 201s Contjnued slow administrative action on program requests Developed Central Pakistan Coordination concept and unit in RY KhanSpecial campaigns with support of Law Enforcement Agencies in Shaktoi belt, SWA and BajourProgrammat ic and surveillance review in South KP and development of Central Corridor Action PlanEstablishment of ES in SWA and Bajour in April 2018 Health Secretary sent note to Chief Secretaries focusing on the importance of the continued momentum of activitiesFollow-up communication from the Secretary to Prime Minister Risk of election on polio program included in talking points with GoPBMGF telephone call with Chief of Army staff on 7th June - complete Visa issues genera lly resolvedDelays continue receiving NOCs (with a maximum durationof 1 months duration each when received) Develop Central Pakistan coordination planContinue UC level analysis for missed children in the most problematic areas including Rawalpindi and South Punjab Continue program analysis on vacated, bordering, and secur ity challenged areas to identify and reach any potentially missed populations Advocacy with new caretaker government by partners (e.g. RD EMRO, POB, BMGF) NEOC to follow-up with GoP to ensure timely issuance of HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000764 blanket NOCs for Bahichistan, FATA, and KP so GPEI partners can deploy staff in key high risk areas. 9 _ ■ PAKISTAN - REQUESTS TO THE POB • Advocacy with caretaker government to ensure that polio eradication remains a priority during political transition.Blanket No Objection Certificates for international staff to visit security-sensitive areas of Balochistan , FATA and KP Approval of 2019/21 PCI (i.e. Multi Year Budget)Advocacy with GoP and donors to continue ensuring adequate resources to fully implement the TAG approved SIA calendar and strategies in NEAP 2018/19 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000765 . Nigeria HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000766 ■ NIGERIA- CURRENT STATUS No WPV circulation detected in almost two years; Nigeria currently responding aggressively to VDPV2 circulation in three states - Jigawa, Gombe and SokotomOPV2 used more extensively in Nigeria than any other country in the world; has maintained high population immunity against Type 2 but insufficient to prevent circulationRoutine immunization at disastrous levels in all three states - well below 20% These outbreaks are manageable; country program has good oversight and high coverage; management of mOPV2 vaccine supply has improved 2018 ESVDPV2/cVDPV2 in Nigeria !JI! Type Sin SrA"'- OONE·J&!ll,(,GIH!-OJ4 FP\11 /PIil ~ !lf~N(,J&ll.Mll6-a«IE IXP\11 )gm 1,1\ II.O ~ BAall Ell\!-NE-Gl~WE·!ll'l·li-0Pl'! I !flfl'-l:IE-/5-RJl<,G0-18<1!1 t:P\11 J~~IOOl OO-NE-l6-IL\,\!1& 11-«ll m'I e,,,NH1&s(u00-1so::il'IP/2 lffi'I E!fl.NH&KMll&ll-Oll )pr, 1 Jpr, 1,11 11.0 ('IP/I ~ 00-11!-Stl!-!l(l-llJO-lm 1,11 11.0 ~ 1::1ao, ldaD1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000767 12 ■ KEY RISK: SOME 104K CHILDREN REMAIN UNREACHED IN BORNO Coverage map showing vaccination reach in Borno as at April 2018 Breakdown of vacc ination reach in Borno state as at April 2018 (Number of settlements) N = 20,343 • • Reached • Unreached XAbandoned • Reached settlements • Unreached settlements So far over 340,000 children have been reached by the RES/RIC intervention but;An estimated 104,000 chi ldren yet to be vaccinated remain trapped in -5,000+ unreached settlements 1 • As at August 2016, the insurgency in Borno prevented over 600,000 children across over 10,000 communities from being reached with OPVToday, that number is about 104,000 children , thanks to the innovation from NPHCDA, GPEI and the Borno state government through the Reach Every Settlement (RES) and Reach Inaccessible Children (RIC)RES was implemented in the partially accessible settlements using local security support and RIC was implemented in fully inaccessible settlements using special immunization teams I I-·-·--·--·- - -·- -·- -·-·- - · -·-·-·-·- HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000768 ■ CHALLENGES AND NEXT STEPS CHALLENGES PROGRESS /ACHIEVEMENTS NEXT STEPS Access to fully inaccess ible communities in Barno, mostly due to security challenges Innovation from NPHCDA , GPEI and the Barno state government through the Reach Every Settlement (RES) and Reach Inaccessible Children (RIC) has led to a reduction of children not being reached with OPV from 600 ,000 to 104,000 Continued negotiation and advocacy with military to reach inaccessible settlements with a focus on the islands in Lake Chad, Marte and Abadam ; focus is on the brigade commander level; advocacy led by national government Significant gaps across many wards for ward level AFP reporting ; particularly Barno Nigeria has continued to meet the Annualized NAFP and stool adequacy targets since 2014 Continue to deploy innovative approaches to reach the inaccessible communities with surveillance , e.g. engagement of community informants from security-compromised areas ; WHO leading th is work Political commitment to polio eradication remains low across the country Absolute decline in the involvement of Governors in polio; LGAs late/default ing on their share to polio funding; federal government released its 2017 funding commitment in Q1 2018; increasingly difficult environment due to 2019 national elections Targeted outreach to key governors and LGA chairmen by National EOC and Executive Director , NPHCDA; Alika Dangote with Governor of Borne directly in June during state visit Routine immunization across the north continues to be poor Minimal improvement in the RI-LQAs performance since the baseline in 20 17 Involving traditional structures in RI uptake in their communities - strategy being rolled out in northern states with Gates support HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000769 © Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation I 14 1-1 ■ NIGERIA - REQUESTS TO THE POB Key areas Borno access Cl challenges Government leadership & participation What needs to happen • Continued advocacy to ensure >5,000 inaccessible settlements with children reached, especially Marte, Abadam and the island s; POB to send letter to Governor of Borno State encouraging urgent close of remaining gaps • Encourage Government of Nigeria to allocate N4 billion to polio in the 2018 budget; POB to send letter to President Buhari on budget and request for 2fld quarter National Task Force meeting chaired by him personally HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000770 GLOBAL POLIO ~NITIA \1vE Transition Update to the Polio Oversight Board Mike McGovern, TMG Chair 28 June , 2018 Rotary··· . rti1iTiil BILLo-MHINDA GATE$f111,ndattt111 un•1cefQ)~ ) World .He~lth 1:11 (:~ ~ l"{fe Organazat,on ~ ~ C• Hl'l:IU "0 • Dnc1o•c C::c»IUIO L AHO ~ftlEVt! tltflO N EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000771 GLOBAL POLIO ~NITIA \1vE Post-certification Strategy Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan (PEESP) 0 • 0 0 • PCS goals :olioviru~ detection & interruption OPV2 withdrawal, IPV introduction, immunization system strengthening Containment & global certification Transition Planning Mainstream polio essential functions to sustain global eradication • Support country transition planning • Capture lessons learned Description t····· ........... ....... ................ . n :: .. .. ... : . Post-Certification Strategy (PCS) Purpose: Defines the technical standards for the polio-essential functions that will be needed to sustain a polio-free world. Contain Poliovirus Sources Protect Populations Detect and ..·.. Respond ·.J .......................................................................................... PCShas been published and endorsed at the 71st World Health Assembly Links to English and translated versions are available on the GPEI website Ensure poten t ial sources of poliovirus are properly controlled or removed Withdraw OPV from use and immunize populations with IPV Promptly detect any poliovirus reintroduction and rapidly respon d to prevent tr ansm ission Note : Research & Development is included in the PCS as a crosscutting enabling function EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000772 GLOBAL GPEI Partner Transition Update POLIO ~NITIA \1vE BMGF: An internal BMGF leadership meeting was held in March 2018 to review the PCSand get input on the foundation's role postcertification . BMGF will continue to support and advocate for a successful implementation of the PCSfunctions and will plan its contribution to the PCSin collaboration with current and future partners . CDC: CDC's Polio Transition Roadmap is undergoing cross-center clearance and is awaiting final approval by the Director . CDC remains committed to the successful implementation of the PCS,and will remain deeply involved in polio transition planning and implementation as one of the future owners . Rotary International: Rotary has committed to advocate for the implementation of the polio post-certification strategy with a group of donor and at risk countries after certification of the eradication of polio . Rotary is finalizing the lessons learned in carrying out its PolioPlus program to be shared with other programmatic areas of the organization . UNICEF: UNICEF'sPolio Transition and Post-Certification Management Plan will have been shared with the agency's Deputy Executive Director for endorsement prior to the POB meeting . The Plan is a living document and will be updated periodically and as needed . WHO: WHO's Strategic Action Plan was presented at the 71st World Health Assembly. The plan puts country ownership at its center and outlines how WHO will continue to provide support at the country level, with the goal to gradually transfer essential polio function EVERY costs into the core WHO budget . LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000773 GLOBAL Transition Management Group Sunset POLIO ~NITIA \1vE RATIONALE: • TMG mandate is completed: transition plans for 14 priority countries will be finalized by May 2018 • Current country planning activities will be transferred to WHO and UNICEFregional and country offices • High-level approach and guidance needed at country level • Secretariat provided support and guidance and will be needed in future activities and groups BACKGROUND: • Decision to "sunset" TMG in June 2018 was communicated to WHO and UNICEFRegional Directors in December 2017 • Decision was endorsed by the Strategy Committee • Decision to continue secretariat to support lessons learned projects and proposed high level advisory group of future owners For POB awareness: Country Planning TaskTeam: 1. Transfer of all activities to WHO and UNICEF 2. Partners and stakeholders will receive regular quarterly updates LessonsLearned TaskTeam: 3. Activities will continue and report directly to the SC (collection of Lessons Learned projects and the GPEI History Project) EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000774 GLOBAL POLIO ~NITIA \1vE Transition Independent Monitoring Board (TIMB) Sir Liam Donaldson, TIMB Chair, postponed the June meeting for the following reasons: • Member state's position on polio transition is to be finalized after the WHA • Polio transition is coming under "new ownership", not yet fully defined, WHO management is not yet finalized • WHO leadership may wish to consider how the TIMB fits into the new management structures Decision on future and direction of the TIMB is needed EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000775 GLOBAL Requestsof the Polio Oversight Board POLIO ~NITIA \1vE Endorsement and guidance on the following: 1. Defining the future role and direction of the TIMB as a neutral and independent convening body 2. Need for high-level advocacy and technical support made up of core and expanded immunization partners and future owners that will support WHO and UNICEFactivities in transition priority countries and PCSimplementation - Ask the POB to advocate with future stakeholders and commit their agencies to the group - Ask for a firm commitment to hold an introductory meeting and define the terms of reference for the group EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000776 ??iN?er?l?ATiVE Questions and Discussion 5 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 20 Apr 2018 17:33:53 +0000 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Schieber, Richard A. (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DPHID);Sokler, Lynn (CDC/OD/OADC);Peaker, Brandy (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DPHID);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);Omisore, Shannon L. (CDC/OD/OADC);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6J Marjo rie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Petersen, Lyle (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Visser, Susanna (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Partridge, Sue (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Rosenberg, Ronald (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Lockwood, Amy E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Hooks, Holley (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC);Kelly, Bertram (CDC/OD/OADC);GainesMcCollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ ITSO) (CTR);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (b)(6) Anne MD (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (b)(6) (Kyle) (CDC) Cc: lngratta, Maryanne (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Haynes, Benjamin (CDC/OD/OADC);Fowlie, Kate (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Skinner, Thomas W. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Subje ct: Pre-Brief for Vital May 1st Vital Signs w/Director From: Se nt: I I I I I I I I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000778 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 22 May 2018 13:13:43 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) (b)(G) Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (b)(G) Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);LoBue, Philip (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Braden, Chris (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Subje ct: Pre-Brief Secretaries TB Call Combined CDC AMA TB Presentation .pptx, AMA Meeting on TB Pre-Brief Attachme nts: Agenda.docx From: Se nt: I I I I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000779 CDC'sFight to End TB Dr. Robert Redfield, Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dr. Rebecca Martin, Director, Center for Global Health, CDC Dr. Jonathan Mermin, Director, National Center for HIV/ AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, CDC HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000780 1 Progress in reducing TB in the United States is stalling 10000 • 8000 • • • • 6000 • 9,093 TB cases in 2017* Casc;is resultrng from recent transmission in US Cases due to reactivated LTBI 4000 2000 E/Jm,nat,on threshold < 1 case per 1,000 , 000 popu lat 1on or~ 300 cases 0 -!-----===:::;::::=====::;::::====:::=======::=====::::;:=== ----. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Up to 13 million Americans have latent TB infection (LTBI) *Provisiona l data, as of February 12, 2018. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000781 About 81% of the non-U.S.-born people diagnosed with TB disease had been in the United States 1 year or longer and 50% for 10 years or longer <1 year 1-4 years NOTE: Non-U.S.-born cases in 2016 with data available on number of years in U.S. before TB diagnosis =5,792 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000782 Drug resistance resulting from incomplete TB therapy is rare in the United States because almost all patients complete TB therapy Approximately 1% of annual reported U.S. TB casesare multidrug-resistant. No. of cases 450 • Number of cases -+- Percentage of total cases A few casesper year may be extensivelydrug-resistant. Percentage 12 3 400 10 2.5 350 300 2 250 1.5 200 150 1 100 O.S 50 0 -i---.---.------.___...._~----.---.------.___...._~----..---.---...-.+ 0 • XOR·TB . •xtens~ drua-r,s1.iant TS. Year OSTdrua 'SUSCephbltrty teit. Prov,sionol d.a1a .•• of Febtuary 12, 2018 Note . XOR-TSi, defined H resistance tolsoniaztd an>drrf1mp,n, plus re.is1anu to •nv fluoroqu1110lone and II least one of thrtt injec1alm! s«on>d-hne ant>-TB drugs t" Year 'Provt=n• I data, as or Febru1ry 12. 2018 Note: 80,ed on mr~ol isol.1<5 from persons w,th no poor htstorvof TB; multldroa res1stan1TB (MOR-TB) deftned • • res1stonce to at lea>t 1soniaz>don>d rrfampm. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000783 DRUG-RESISTANT TBISCOMPLEX& COSTLY. Drug-resistancethreatensour abilityto treat & controlTB. TOTAL2016 CASES DIRECTTREATMENTCOSTSPERCASE ------- ExtensivelyD~g-ResistantTB --------- ------------ $513,000 Multidrug-ResistantTB ----------- $160,000 ------- Tuberculom(Nonmulttdrug -Reststant) --- --- -· Testing and treatment for LTBI = $600 - $700 per patient CDCPrevents the Development and Spread of Drug ResistanceSupports state and TB programs that ensure treatment completionProvides rapid, molecular detection of drug resistance service for statesMaintains a small stockpile of TB drugs to ensure that patient treatment will not be interrupted HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000784 Eliminating TB in the United States is possible Expand efforts to identify and cure persons with active TB disease Expand capacity in highburden jurisdictions for targeted testing and treatment of persons with LTBI Dual Approach HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000785 Dual approach should focus on high burden states • Fund TB programsSharpen surveillance and responseConduct research • Curtail recently transmitted TB disease Find and treat TB diseaseDete recent transmission through whole genome sequencingShorter regimens ······················································································································································································································ Accelerate screening and treatment for latent TB infection Expand targeted LTBI testing and treatmentlGRA3H P/4R • Outreach to & engagement with affected communitiesPa rtner with primary care providers who serve affected communities \ Opportunity~ to target resources to four highesA,,t burden states Sl % HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000786 o CDC's Regulatory Authority • • Immigration& NationalityAct Required medical examDefines inadmissible medical conditions (e.g. TB, STls, harmful behavior , drug abuse)Vaccines required for immigrants International & interstate movement of people, animals, & cargoPrevents importation & spread of communicable diseases PublicHealth ServiceAct RefugeeAct • Prevent & control infectious diseases at origin Diseasesof PH significanceMeet at ports of entryNotification of state/local health departments ---------- HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000787 8 United States Panel Sites • .... .. .••• .. • • e • • ,i;• ...• • •.:, : • • ........ .... ~ • • •• • - •• • • ~ --~ . • ~.I •"-e • •• •• •• ••• ~ • . ,, . ...... ·- •••• .... • ., • •••• • ••• • • ... • .. •• • •••• • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• 354 Sites in 159 Countries HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000788 9 Non-immigrant Visa (NIV) Applicant Medical Screening Initiative • Addressing importation of TB is a critical part of controlling AM RCDCis working closely with Department of State to implement Proposes screening approximately 1.2 million NIVs in 45 countries that contribute to foreign-born TB in the United States or are a World Health Organization high-burden country Currently screened Over 1 million immigrants and refugees are screened annually No routine screeningAbout 10 million NIVs do not receive medical screening currently -t z .... m .... < ;;; Ill 0 "0 3 tD ID :::, :::, • • • -t m .. ~ tD tD :::, 3· .. CIQ • 0 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000789 10 Tuberculosis is th e world's top infectious disease killer, TBIS AMONG THEGREATEST HEALTH THREATS WORLDWIDE CLAIMING 1.8 MILUON LIVES EACH YEAR l1N4 . PEOPLE ..-119! wor ldwi11e i;; infected with !;,tent TB 10.4 IMILLION NEARLY 1 I people b e-come ill I wit h t h e dis ea se ea ch y e ar WHAT TB ANYWHERE IS J!r!~s~r~!~r~!~E. across person and ca n mov e borders J S DRIV I N G THE C ONTINUED S P READ OF TB? _._ -- Missed TB M o.-et1Yn40% of all TB cases go undet ected or urveported Weak Health Care Systems Patients are not being tre.ted effectiV'ely, which contributes tD the growing thre.t of drug -.-esisbn t TB TB/HIV Co-Infection TB is the top ti ll« of people liv ing with HIV. whose ~lcened immune systems make them more susce ptible to becoming ill with TB Multidrug Resistant TB Multidrug-resi stant T'8 is now found in every country in the world.with 480 .000 new Gil5eS and more than 200.000 cte.ths eMII ye.11r Key Challenge: Inadequate investment in new tools, technologies, and approaches1 .SM TB HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000790 deaths/year 4658 deaths/day 194 deaths/hour >3 deaths/min 11 = = = Why Invest inTB? Benefits per $US spent for various development targets I INro-brai n ers Ben~fit p!?r doUar -Stp€!nt for vario:us d!lVE!lopment targets,$ 0 20 rrade, liter.alis.aition A..oces.s, to oontn:ice.-pti on Rediuc1n9 t.aixt?'Vas; ion I ncr-eas.; rtg migratic:n Recfa .1d11gstunti rt91 Redudflg tuberculosis Red1Jci11g mataria Greatierpre-sohoolaccess in sub-Saharan Africa lrnc.r~as.'ing ciroumcision for th os.-eat ri:sk fro m HlV Redudng c;(lrallo:ss 40 60 An Expert panel including Nobel Laureates identified 19 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Targets with the best value for money for 20162030Focus on these would quadruple impact of aid budget without extra spendingReducing TB deaths by 95% would result in a $43 gain in environmental , economic & social benefits per $1 spent84 % of TB funding already comes from government's of affected countries, but there remains a $28 shortfall to reach global targets Source; u>penhagel'l Co'nSiilr'l~!:iCentre HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000791 12 Sources : Copenhagen Consensus Center; The EconomistJan 24 2015 Accelerate Impact to End TB & MDRTB by 2035: Scale-up What Works & Invest in Innovations 100 - - _ Cu nt glob I tr nd: -1.S - - - ----- /y r - - - --- --- ... 111 > ... QI QI ProjectedYear to End TB:2170(>1 billion deaths from TB) --- - ·- ...--- ----- 12. Ill C 0 i QI I ... Ill 12. 0 0 0 o' 0 ... .-t QI 12. Ill QI Ill 111 u -... ..... f t cov r g prot ct ion ' lntroduc• new tools : I- QI treatment treatment 25 Political will and supportive policies ......... .... a vaccine . new drugs & CID 0 .......... regimens for of 11ctive TB - - - --- .... -5%/ r -17 %/y r --- - - - diHase •nd latent TB .c E ::, inf z 10n , 11nd • poin-t-of- ure test 10 2015 2( 2025 2035 Source: WHO End TB Strategy & Stop TB Partnership Global Plan to End TB HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000792 13 CDC's Global TB Efforts Innovations for Impact Scaling-up ART, screening for TB, and TB preventive treatment among PLHIVand other vulnerable populations Expanding access to treatment and adherence support for high-risk groups (including miners,children) TB preventive treatment (3 HP) for incoming immigrants TB BASICS to stop transmission Prevent Enhanced TB casefi ndi ng , diagnosis and treatment for children Cure Find Improving Operational Research implementation of Xpert ® training courses Innovative approaches to diagnosis, treatment prevention of MDR-TB Prevalence and catastrophic cost HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000793 14 Model TB Project: India Implementing protocols to prevent healthcare facility acquired infections Tele-mentoring to guide treatment and share information on best practices in treating MDR TBDeveloping , testing, implementing adherence counseling for MDR TB Prevent Testing feasibility of use of advance molecular tools to improve contact tracing Cure Improving lab capacity Find Laboratory quality assurance HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000794 15 TB Preventive Therapy Scale-up Through PEPFAR 4,000,000 By the end of 2019, > PEPFAR is planning to scale up TPT for people living with HIV 3.5X over .... 0 2016 :5 3,000,000 c.. ._ 2,000,000 Cl) ..0 5 1,000,000 z 0 Started TPT in Started TPT in To start TP m To start T 2016 {WHO) FY17 {PEPFAR) FY18 {PEPF FY19 {PEP AR) ) For 22 Priority Countries HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000795 16 in BridgingCDC's Domestic & Global . Mandates:Domestic Returns from Investment 1n Global TB Control CDC Global TB Focus Countries l~l __________ s_~_ E _ c_' _1_A_L_ A _. _R_T_, ]_c_·L _, _E _________ ~II Domestic Returns from Investment in t h e Control ofTuberculosis in Q ,ther Countries Kei1in Schwartzman, M.D., M.P.H., Oli,,.•ja Oxlade, M.Sc., Ban, M.D., D r. P.H., Franque Gr jmard, Ph.D., Ivelisse Ac.osta, M.D., Jeannette Baez, M.D., El izabeth Ferreira, M.D., Rkardo Elras Melgen, M.D., W"illy Morose, M .D, A rt uro Cruz Salgado, D.!D., M . P.H., Vary Jacquet, M .D., Susan Ma loney, M . D., Kayla Laserson, Sc:.D., Ariel Pab los Mendez, M.D., M.P.H., and Dick Menzies., M.D. R. Graham Coupled with a strong domestic program, strengthening TB control programs abroad (in conjunction with overseas screening) has a greater ROI than overseas screen ing and followup and treatment of cases in the US HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000796 CDC'sGlob aI TB Efforts Current Resources $12 Million in Global TB Funding$7.2M in LHHS appropriations for U.S. TB prevention allocated to CDC's global activities$4.8M for projects funded by GHSA, CARB, and through the USAID IAA$69.4 Million in FY 2017 PEPFAR Country Operational Plans for TB5% of CDC PEPFAR funding and 1°/oof all USG PEPFAR funding HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000797 18 Looking Ahead to UN General Assembly Sept. 26- UN High-level meeting on TBBuilds on 2017 Ministerial Conference and 2018 WHAOpportunity to show U.S. leadership to shape outcomes HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000798 19 Pre-Brief for Meeting with Secretary Azar on TB Agenda 1. Introductions 2. Follow-Up Questions from Dr. Redfield 3. Review Run of Show - Rebecca Martin/ Ashley Knotts Draft Run of Show 4. • Int roductions and Overview of Upcoming TB Events (OGA: 2 min) • Domestic TB epidemiology and programs (CDC: 11 min) • Domestic and Global TB (FDA: 4 min) • Global TB Research (NIH: 11 min) • Global TB epi and programs (CDC: 11 min) • Q&A (6 min) DiscussPresentation Format - All Reference mater ials: 1. Slide Presentation 2. Brief fo r Dr. Redfield HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000799 From: Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent: 5 Apr 2018 19:35:20 +0000 To : Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Redfie ld, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject: Pre-Brief: Media Training Please respond with your availability. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000800 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 26 Jun 2018 17:14 :32 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Pre-discussion for Williams Institute call Attachments : RE_ Call w_ Members of The Williams Institute RE_ Importance to public health of collecting data on risk behaviors of LGBTAmerica ns,.msg From: Se nt: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000801 Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) 26 Jun 2018 12:27:56 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Call w/ Members ofThe Williams Institute RE: Importance to public health of collecting data on risk behaviors of LGBTAmerica ns, From: Sent: To : Subject: If Anne is around, it would be good to include her. Sorry for the multiple emails! From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, June 26, 2018 12:17 PM To : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Call w/ Members of The Williams Institute RE: Importance to public health of collecting data on risk behaviors of LGBTAmericans, Sherri ._l_____ Date: June 26, 2018 at 12:14:37 PM EDT To: Williams, Teresa (CD/OD/OCS) , Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Call w/ Members of The Wi lli ams Institute RE: Impo rtance to publ ic health of collecting data on risk behaviors of LGBTAm ericans, Hi, ladies ! Can we get Jono added to th is invite? If we need to make a separat e invite so that he doesn't see t he deta ils that we add in that's ok t oo . Also, can we put 5-10 minutes on the calendar Thursday or Friday w/ Kyle and Sherri to discuss this meet ing? Thanks, Ashley HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000802 From: Sent : To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 8 Jun 2018 19:05:04 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC);Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Prep for In-person Media Interview w/ Betsy McKay, Reporter, Wall Street Journal Attachment s: RE_ Media interview for Friday .msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : TB D Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact : TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): Katherine (Kate) Grusich email : yhb3@cdc .gov 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TB D Key Participants (if applicabl e): TB D Bios: TB D Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs) : CDC Director 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentatio n: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TB D HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000803 4. SupportingiLoqistics Materials: 5. 066 Review Materials: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 8 Jun 2018 19:02:40 +0000 To : Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: RE: Media interview for Friday From: Se nt: Hi Kate, I will confirm June 18th per your email below. Have a wonderful vacation . Thanks, Teresa From : Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt : Friday, June 8, 2018 2:44 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS); Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday Hi Teresa, Betsy has confirmed the June 18th interv iew, so let's proceed with prep from 5 to 5:30 pm, and the interview from 5:30 to 6 pm. Please also keep the hold on June 28th as time for a possib le interview with another reporter/outlet - and we'll circle back on that as details are finalized. FYI: I'm on leave next week, but Michelle and Kathy will follow up with any needed updates regard ing the interview . Thanks for all your help on this today! Kate From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, June 8, 2018 11:39 AM To : Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< >; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Media interview for Friday Hi Kate, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000805 Dr. Redfield is open to having the interview on Monday , June 18th from 5-6 p.m . Also, per our conversation, I am holding Thursday , June 28th from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Please advise how you would like to proceed. Thanks, Teresa From : Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt : Friday, June 8, 2018 11:07 AM To : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subjec t: RE: Media interview for Friday Hi Tracie, Can we put a hold on his calendar for 3 to 4 pm on Wednesday , June 20th (after the CERCtraining)? We'd like to see if we can arrange the interview (3 to 3:30 prep ; 3:30 to 4 pm interview) at that time . Also, if you know of any othe r 1-hour windows that we may be able to claim on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday (June 18-20), please let me know . Thanks, Kate From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Thursday, June 7, 2018 1:56 PM To: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject : RE: Media interview for Friday Thank you From : Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt : Thursday, June 7, 2018 1:55 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Media interv iew for Friday Hi Tracie, You can release the holds for tomorrow . We' ll be following up soon w ith options to reschedule next week . Michelle Bonds w ill be reaching out to Dr. Redfield with an update . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000806 Thanks, Kate From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OO/OCS) Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2018 11:58 AM To: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday Kate, Just wanted to follow up to see if you have received any confirmation on the media holds for Friday. Thanks Kind regards, Tracie From: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent : Wednesday, June 6, 2018 12:46 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Media interview for Friday W ill do . Thanks Tracie! From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 12:43 PM To: Grusich, Katherina {Kate) {CDC/OD/OADC) ; W illiams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L.{CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Harben, Kathy {CDC/OD/OADC) ; Galatas, Kate {CDC/OD/OADC) ; (b)(5) Bonds, Miche lle E. {CDC/OD/OADC) Green, Hugh {CDC/OD/OCS) I I Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday I can do 11:00 -12:00 for you . Also when confirmed, please be sure to share the med ia temp late so we can put in the invite . Thanks Respectfully , Tracie From: Grusich, Katherina {Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 11:50 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OO/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney {CDC/OO/OADC) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000807 Cc: Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) ; (t>)( 5) Bonds, Miche lle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Media interview for Friday I I Looks like he currently has 10:30 to noon open on Friday . Would it be possible to also hold that time for the possible interview? We'll confirm (and release, if needed) as soon as we know more . Thanks, Kate From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, June 6, 2018 11:07 AM To : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) (t>)(5) Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject : RE: Media interview for Friday I I Okay. © From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, June 6, 2018 11:04 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; M cGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc:Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OA DC) ; Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) (bJ(5J Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: RE: Media interview for Friday I I Delaney stated in-person (she is standing right here) From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Wednesday, June 6, 2018 11:03 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Grusich, Katherina (Kate) {CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) (t>J(5J Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Media interview for Friday I I Is th is a phone interview or in-person interv iew? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000808 From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Date: June 6, 2018 at 10 :57:47 AM EDT To: McGu ir e, Delaney (CDC/OD/ OADC) Cc: Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) , Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) , Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) , Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) , Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) , Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) , Will iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Media interview for Friday We can add that hold and I will let Teresa answer about Sepsis From: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt : Wednesday, June 6, 2018 10:49 AM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: Media interview for Friday Hi Scott, Thanks for talking through Dr. Redfield's availability for an interview on Friday. I talked with folks here, and they are working with the reporter on her availability from 9:30-10:00am . Can we please put a hold on his calendar for 9:30 - 10:00, media interview? We will confirm as soon as possible. Additionally, has the Sepsis pre-brief by chance moved? Thanks so much! Delaney HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000809 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 22 May 2018 12:26:46 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) (;Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Kelly, Alison (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Prep for Secretary Budget Council (SBC) Attachment s: AGENDA FOR SBC PREPMEETING 2 .docx Im port ance : High HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000810 SBC PREP MEETING #2 June 7, 20 18 Agenda Content Review • Review each initiative • Identify infomrntion gaps • Confirm critical messages PowerPoint Review Act ion items Timeline for Prep: Date Activity May-June Gather prep materials from CIOs and draft PPT May25 Package submitted to HHS with follow up Q&A over next few weeks June 5 Dr. Redfie ld SBC Prep Meeting # 1 (discuss logistics and initiatives) June 7 Dr . Redfie ld SBC Prep Meeting #2 (discuss initiatives and PPT) June 6 - 20 Dr . Redfield meets with or calls all "impacted" OpDiv heads to discuss initiatives June 6- 15 Gather additional prep materials and update PPT June 15 Dr. Redfield SBC Prep Meeting #3 (discuss initiatives and finalize PPT) June 15 PPT , names, and titles of attendees due to HHS June 20 Dr . Redfie ld SBC Prep Meeting #4 (if needed) Jlme 21 SBC in DC 1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000811 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 22 May 2018 12:22:05 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) (;Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Kelly, Alison (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Prep for Secretary Budget Council (SBC) Importance : High HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000812 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 22 May 2018 12:17:44 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) (;Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Kelly, Alison (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Prep for Secretary Budget Council (SBC) Att achments : AGENDA FOR SBC PREPMEETING.DOCX Importance : High HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000813 AGENDA FOR SBC PREP MEETING #1 June 5, 20 18 Introductions Review Logistics (see pages 2-3) • What to expect for the SBC • Major steps between today and June 21 Content Review • Review each initiative • Identify information gaps • Confirm critical messages Action items 1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000814 Timeline for Prep: Date Activity May-June Gather prep materials from CIOs and draft PPT May25 Package submitted to HHS with follow up Q&A over next few weeks June 5 Dr. Redfield SBC Prep Meeting # 1 (discuss logistics and initiatives) June 6- 20 Dr. Redfield meets with or calls all "impacted" OpDiv heads to discuss initiatives June 6-15 Gather additional prep materials and update PPT June 15 Dr. Redfield SBC Prep Meeting #2 (discuss initiatives and finalize PPT) June 15 PPT, names, and titles of attendees due to HHS June 20 Dr. Redfield SBC Prep Meeting #3 (if needed) June 21 SBC in DC Meeting Logistics and Guidance from HHS Structure • • • There will be one discretionary SBC meeting for each OpDiv, as we ll as ASPR. These meetings will be one hour in length. The SBC meetings will be held in the Humphrey Building. Please note that we are not able to accommodate a remote call-in line for the meetings. Presentation • • • • Up to thirty minutes of the hour-long meeting will be available for your OpDiv/StaffDiv presentation. We ask that you complete a PowerPoint presentation for use in the meeting, and send ASFR (both myself and your program analyst) the slide deck no later than five busine ss days prior to your SBC meeting. The slide deck should discuss the key changes proposed at each funding level for FY 2020 , as well as budgetary A-19 legislative proposals. There are no limits on the number of slides you may bring, but please be mindful of time. 2 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000815 Attendance • • OpDiv /StaffDiv attendance is limited to 5 attendees total, including up to 3 seated at the table. Plea se email the names and titles of attendees to me no later than five business days before the SBC meeting. Please indicate which attendees should be seated at the table , as we will need to prepare name tents in advance of the meeting. HHS Leaders and Staff invited to CDC 's SBC: Hargan , Eric (OS/IOS);Brady, Will (HHS/IOS);Keckler , Charles (HHS/IOS);Urbanowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS);Harrison , Brian (HHS/IOS) ;Moughalian, Jen (HHS/ASFR) ;De stro, Brenda (HHS/ ASPE);Lapinski , Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS);Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS);Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IOS) ;Caliguiri , Laura (HHS/IOS);O'Brien , John (HHS/ASPE);Charrow , Robert (HHS/OGC) ;Bassett, Matthew (HHS/ASL);Arbes, Sarah (HHS/ASL);Best , Daniel (HHS/10S);Giroir, Brett (HHS/OASH);Parker , Jim (HHS/IOS) ;Agnew , Ann (HHS/IOS) ;Cochran , Norris (HHS/ASFR);O'Keefe , Erin (HHS\ASFR);Bailey , Katherine (OS/ASFR);Pence, Laura (HHS/IOS); Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS);Moreno , Rafael (OS/ASA/10S);Coughlin, Janis (HHS/ASFR);Cabezas, Miriam (HHS/ASFR);Curtis, Jillian (HHS/ASFR);Willis , Mollie (HHS/ASFR); 3 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000816 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 22 May 2018 12:14:50 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Kelly, Alison (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) Cc: Parikh, Sapana (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subject : Prep for Secretary Budget Council (SBC) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000817 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 8 Jun 2018 15:40:58 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Prep Review for DC HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000818 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 22 Jun 2018 14:39 :31 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);Mitchell Wolfe (CDC/OD/CDCWO) (;McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) (;Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) Subje ct: Prep: Phone Media Interview w/ Associated Press From: Se nt: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000819 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 18 Jun 2018 19:26:57 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Green, Hugh (CDC/0D/OCS) ;Campbell, Amanda (CDC/0D/OCS) ;McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);DeNoon, Daniel (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR);Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC);Harben, Kathy (CDC/OD/OADC) ;Lansdale, Ashley (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR) Subject: Prep-Walter Reed HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000820 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 12 Apr 2018 12:49:13 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) Quick Chat w/ Dr. Anne Schuchat HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000821 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 15 Jun 2018 19:36 :03 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Quick Meeting with Sherri HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000822 Polio Oversight Board 15 May 2018 17:51:31 +0000 Polio Oversight Board;Chris Elias;Schuchat, Anne MD ' (CDC/OD);'';'hfore@unicef .org';'';' l~-(-b)-(6-) --~L';Jay Wenger ;Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);'akiyer@unicef .org';'';Suchita Guntakatta;Sara Rogge;Sarah Standard;Lynn Banks;'';'';'';'';Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Warner, Agnes (CDC/CGH/GID);WALTER,Daniel John;Michiyo Shima;Vertefeuille, John F. (CDC/CGH/GID);'Ann Ottosen' Cc: DOREN,Andre Subject: Polio Oversight Board Teleconference From : Sent : To : Adjusting the t iming due to a conflict. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000823 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 18 Apr 2018 16:26:47 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Vertefeuille, Joh n F. (CDC/CGH/GID);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) ;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD) ;Schluter, W . William (CDC/CGH/GID);Ehrhardt, Derek T. (CDC/CGH/GID);Wassilak, Steve (CDC/CGH/GID);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Pallansch, Mark A. (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Hill, Gena (CDC/CGH/GID);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ;Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) Subject: Polio Q&A Sent: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000824 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 9 Apr 2018 13:50:35 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ;Roman ik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Possible WHA Side Meetings Attachments : WHA Side Meetings .msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accomp anying CDC Director : TB D CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000825 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000826 From: Sent: To : Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D/OCS) 9 Apr 2018 09:48:12 -0400 Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: WHA Side Meetings Can you touch base with Mitch and CGHto see what side meetings they'd recommend for WHO or others while in GVA? It might be best to target Thursday and Friday (24-25 May) for these. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000827 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 26 Apr 2018 12:26:44 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Yassanye, Diana (CDC/OD/OCS);Anason, Andrea P. (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Pre-Brief CDC Foundation Attachments : RE_ Help needed _ scheduling time with R3 and Kyle before 5_8.msg From: Sent: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000828 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Yassanye, Diana (CDC/OD/OCS) 26 Apr 2018 08:13:55 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Johnson, Marsha (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Help needed: scheduling time with R3 and Kyle before 5/8 No more than 30 and if it could be me, Kyle, and Andrea please . From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 6:26 PM To: Yassanye, Diana (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Johnson, Marsha (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Help needed: scheduling time with R3 and Kyle before 5/8 Diana, I will be happy to schedu le. Who needs to be included and do you need more than 30mins? Respectfully Tracie From: Yassanye, Diana (CDC/OD/OCS) Date: April 25, 20 18 at 5:08:41 PM EDT To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) , Johnson, Marsha (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: Help needed: scheduling time with R3 and Kyle before 5/8 Hi Tracie and Marsha, In our lxl today, Kyle agreed that we need a little time with Dr. Redfield before he goes to the CDC Foundation Board dinner and meeting May 8-9. W ill you please find us a 30 minute window for a prebrief? We may not need that whole time either. Diana HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000829 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 19:25:25 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Required Secretarial briefing: HHS Principals' Opioids Steering Committee Retreat Import ance: High From: Sent: To : Event Name: Requir ed Secret arial briefi ng: HHS Principals' Op ioids Stee ring Comm itt ee Retreat Date: April 9, 2018 Location : Hump hrey Building, Room 800 Time: 8:30-4 :00 [Principals' Commitment: 9:00 - 1:15 - Meeting starts at 9am] Reason: The purpose of the Principals' Retreat is to convene an all-day meeting of top HHS leadership t o develop a set of proposals to fu rther HHS work to address the opioids epidem ic and to help foster collabo ration among the OpDivs and StaffDivs on the topic . A formal invitation for this working meet ing of Principals will soon fo llow. Please be on the lookou t for this formal invitation which will describe the subject matter expertise we are requesting for this meet ing. At a minimum, we are requesting you, the Principals, commit to personally being there from 9:00 - 1:15. The Secretary is planning on attending from 12:00-1:15. Lead: Mary -Sumpter Lapinski, Secretarial Counselor POC: Sam Shipley, 105, 202-205-9162; Samuel.Shipley@hhs .gov Sarah Potter, ASPE,202-260-6518; Sarah.Potter@hhs .gov Briefing Materials : Briefing materials w ill be sent at least a week ahead of the meeting. Notes : o Formal invitation forthcoming o Agenda forthcoming HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000830 From: Sent: To : Subject: Import ance: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:47:22 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS) Review Thursday's Schedule High HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000831 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 10 Apr 2018 13:51:12 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bart ee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);McGu ire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Rotary lnternational's Congressional Champions of Polio Eradicat ion Reception (Accompanied by Anstice Brand) Attachmen ts: Rotary lnternational's Congressional Champ ions of Polio Eradication Reception.pdf, RE_ ONDCP meeting - Friday at 3_ 30pm.msg, Directions to The Mansfie ld Room 5207 US Capitol.doc, FW_ Dr. Redfield's particia t ion in the 15 May Reception Honor ing Congressiona l Champ ions of Polio Eradicat ion .msg, 2018Recept iondraftagenda11MayRevised .docx From: Se nt: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee Special As sistant: Ashley Knotts Event Contact : Carol Pandak , Director , PolioPlus, Rotary International , Tel 1.847.866 .3304 , Carol .Pandak@rotary .org CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Redfield: Anst ice Brand , CDC -W, 202-247 -7925, atb6@cdc .gov CDC Program Contact (if applicable ): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: PolioP lus, Rotary Internat ional Purpose of Event: Rotary Internat ional has had the privilege of working side by side with the CDC as a core partner of the Global Polio Eradicat ion Initiative (GPEI) since 1988 . Togethe r, we have near ly eliminated this disease . with your continued leade rship and the ongo ing commitment and scient ific expert ise of CDC 's incredible staff, Rotary International is confident we will soon achieve the goa l of a polio free world . In light of the critical role CDC plays as a spearheading partner of the Globa l Polio Eradication Initiative , Rotary International would like to give you the opportun ity to make brief remarks highl ighting progress toward globa l polio eradication and the leadersh ip role of HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000832 the CDC therein. CDC's work on the technological and programmatic innovations that contributed to addressing the transm ission of polio in Nigeria, progress in the Afghanistan/Pakistan epidemiologic block; the critical role of the STOP and NSTOP programs, and the importance of ensuring that the US investment in the polio infrastructure is translated to benefit global public health after polio eradication would be of particular interest to this key group of Congressional leaders. Agenda (if applicable): see attached. Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): Rotary will be recognizing Rep. Dan Donovan (R-NY), Rep. Gwen Moore (D-W I), Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI), and Rep. Tom Rooney (R-FL) as the 2018 Champions of Polio Eradication. Congressional Champions of prior years will also be recognized at the event. Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on the 4/2/18 DL 3. Dr. Redfield's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Dr. Redfield's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: Participate as an honored guest at the annual Rotary International reception honoring Congressiona l Champions of Polio Eradication to recognize key members of Congress fo r their leadership in the global polio eradication effort. Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: Entry Instructions You will enter The United States Capito l Building via the NORTH DOOR, located on the ground level/first floor on the Senate side of the U.S. Capitol Building [facing Constitution Avenue and HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000833 the Russell Senate Office Building, and Union Station in the distance] . The North Door is located at the top of a wa lking ramp on the side of the U.S. Capitol Building. You will be required to pass through a U.S. Capitol Police security screening building on the U.S. Capitol Plaza, prior to being permitted entry to The Capitol through the NORTH DOOR. Please advise U.S. Capitol Police personnel that you are a guest at the Rotary International Polio Eradication Champ ions Reception in Room S207, The Mansfield Room (2nd Floor) of the United States Capitol. Once you enter the NORTH DOOR, please stop at the Senate Visitors Desk on your left, where you will be asked to provide your name and destination and receive a Visitor Pass. ,; 11guests must be prepared to show proper identification . Guests should not arrive earlier than 15 minutes before the start of the function as early access to the reception room will not be bl/owed. The names of all guests who have RSVP'd in advance of the event will be included on the Reception Guest List and will be cleared to proceed to Room S207, the Mansfield Room. Turn LEFT immediately past the Senate Visitors Desk and follow to elevators. Take elevator to 2nd floor . Exit elevator and turn away from the doors facing outside and the US Supreme Court in the distance. Turn LEFT; immediate RIGHT; and immediate LEFT to a hallway and the entrance to the Mansfield Room is on the RIGHT. Please stop at the reception desk to receive a guest name badge before entering the reception 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000834 26 March 2018 Dr. Robert Redfield Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dear Dr. Redfield: On behalf of members of Rotary clubs throughout the United states, I would like to congratulate you on your appointment to serve as the Director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rotary International has had the privilege of working side by side with the CDC as a core partner of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) since 1988. Together, we have nearly eliminated this disease. With your continued leadership and the ongoing commitment and scientific expertise of CDC's incredible staff, I am confident we will soon achieve the goal of a polio free world. I also take this opportunity to invite you to pa1ticipate as an honored guest at the annual Rotary International reception honoring Congressional Champions of Polio Eradication to recognize key members of Congress for their leadership in the global polio eradication effort. This event will be held on Tuesday evening, 15 May, 2018 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the historic Mike Mansfield Room, S -207, U.S. Capito l Building. Rotary will be recognizing Representative Dan Donovan (R-NY), Representative Gwen Moore (D-WI), Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI) and Representative Tom Rooney (R-FL) as 2018 Champions of Polio Eradication at this reception. Congressional Champions of prior years will also be recognized at the event . The event invitation is attached for your reference. In light of the critical role CDC plays as a spearheading partner of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, Rotary International would like to give you the opportunity to make brief remarks highlighting progress toward global polio eradication and the leadership role of the CDC therein. CDC's work on the technological and programmatic innovations that contributed to addressing the transmission of polio in Nigeria, progress in the Afghanistan/Pakistan epidemiologic block; the critical role of the STOP and NSTOP programs, and the importance of ensuring that the US investment in the polio infrastructure is translated to benefit global public health after polio eradication would be of particular interest to this key group of Congressional leaders. I wish you every success as you assume your new leadership responsibilities at the CDC; and I look forward to hearing from you regarding your availability to join us on the 15th of May. Sincerely, Michael McGovern Chair, International PolioPlus Committee ONE ROTARY CENTER 1560 SHERMAN AVENUE EVANSTON, ILLINOIS 60201-3698 USA • WWWROTARY.ORG HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000835 Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 25 Apr 2018 10:51:46 -0400 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Thomas, Marissa (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: ONDCP meeting - Friday at 3:30pm From: Sent: To : Thanks! Also, Mitch is not attend ing the Rotary Polio event May 15, but Anstice likely is. We' ll confirm closer to the date . If not Anstice , definitely another Account Manager from CDCW. Thank you! From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 5:42 PM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Thomas, Ma rissa (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS); Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Re: ONDCP meeting - Friday at 3:30pm Thx. Ashley can share that with Kyle too. Sent from my iPhone On Apr 24, 2018, at 5:40 PM, Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) wrote: Hi ScottWe double checked and Mitch ~ attending the ONDCP meeting Friday at 3:30pm . Let us know if there are concerns with this. Also, we'll get back to you on the May 15 Polio Champions event when we know if Mitch or Anstice will attend . Thanks! Aimee HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000836 DIRECTIONS for ROTARY INTERNATIONAL RECEPTION Honoring 2018 Congressional Champions of Polio Eradication and Past Congressional Champions Tuesday, May 15, 2018 ~ 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The Mike Mansfield Room, S-207(SecondFloor) The United States Capitol Building UNITED STATES CAPITOL BUILDING ENTRANCE: The North Door: You will enter The United States Capitol Building via the NORTH DOOR, located on the ground level/first floor on the Senate side of the U.S. Capitol Building [facing Constitution Avenue and the Russell Senate Office Building, and Union Station in the distance]. The North Door is located at the top of a walking ramp on the side of the U.S. Capitol Building. You will be required to pass through a U.S. Capitol Police security screening building on the U.S. Capitol Plaza , prior to being permitted entry to The Capitol through the NORTH DOOR. Please advise U.S. Capitol Police personnel that you are a guest at the Rotary International Polio Eradication Champions Reception in Room S207, The Mansfield Room (2nd Floor) of the United States Capitol. Once you enter the NORTH DOOR , please stop at the Senate Visitors Desk on your left, where you will be asked to rovide your name and destination and receive a Visitor Pass. II guests must be prepared to show proper identification. Guests should not arrive earlier than 15 minutes before the start o(the function as early access to the reception room will not '{J e allowed . The names of all guests who have RSVP'd in advance of the event will be included on the Reception Guest List and will be cleared to proceed to Room S207, the Mansfield Room. Turn LEFT immediately past the Senate Visitors Desk and follow to elevators. Take elevator to 2nd floor. Exit elevator and turn away from the doors facing outside and the US Supreme Court in the distance. Turn LEFT; immediate RIGHT; and immediate LEFT to a hallway and the entrance to the Mansfield Room is on the RIGHT . Please stop at the reception desk to receive a guest name badge before entering the reception. HANDICAPPED ENTRANCE: Handicapped individuals may also enter the Capitol Building via North Door and take direction from a uniformed U.S. Capitol Police officer to the Mansfield Room on the 2nd Floor of the U.S. Capitol Building. Wheelchairs are available for use by visitors in the HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000837 Capitol Complex. Constituents visiting The Capitol may request the use of a wheelchair through their Senators' or Representative's office. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000838 Capitol South llllMMi• https://www ride r-gu ide/stat ions/cap ito l-south .cfm BLUE/ORANGE LINES to Capitol South METRO. Exit at corner of First and C Streets, behind the Cannon House Office Building. Walk straight ahead one block to First and Independence Avenue and see the U.S. Capitol grounds and U.S. Capitol Building to your left. Proceed across Independence Avenue and proceed through the U.S. Capitol East Front Plaza. As you near Constitution Avenue, look for the small white U.S. Capitol Police security screening building on your left on the sidewalk. Pass through this security building and proceed up the walking ramp on the side of the U.S. Capitol and enter the building through the NORTH DOOR. Once you enter the NORTH DOOR, please stop at the Senate Visitors Desk on your left, where you will be asked to provide your name and destination and receive a Visitor Pass . The names of all guests who have RSVP'd in advance of the event will be included on the Reception Guest List and will be cleared to proceed to Room S207, the Mansfield Room. Turn LEFT immediately past the Senate Visitors Desk and follow to elevators. Take elevator to 2nd floor. Exit elevator and turn away from the doors facing outside and the US Supreme Court in the distance. Turn LEFT; immediate RIGHT; and immediate LEFT to a hallway and the entrance to the Mansfield Room is on the RIGHT. Please stop at the reception desk to receive a guest name badge before entering the reception Union Station llllMMi• https ://www.wmata .com/rider-guide/stat ions/u nion-station.cfm RED LINE to Union Station METRO . Exit front of Union Station and walk three long blocks south on Delaware A venue toward the Capitol Building [Senate office buildings will be on your left as you approach Constitution Avenue and the U.S. Capitol Building]. Enter Capitol Building via North Door entrance directions described above. SUGGES TED PARKING: Public parking is very limited around the Capitol complex. The closest public paid parking facility is the garage attached to the rear of Union Station [First Street and Massachusetts Avenue, NE]. Park and walk inside Union Station and exit front of Un ion Station to taxi stand in front of the station. Take taxi to "Senate side" of Capitol Building and enter Capitol via North Door [see North Door entrance directions above]. The District of Columbia does recognize accessible parking permits issued by the states and territories . Parking is permitted at designated handicapped spaces or any metered/on-metered parking space (no fee required), within the hours allowed for general parking in that area. Visitors must display state-issued handicapped tags or permits . Parking is not allowed where stopping, standing or parking is prohibited to all vehicles, in spaces reserved for special vehicles (buses, taxis , etc.), or where it would clearly be a traffic hazard. Handicapped visitors who have an appointment in a Senator's or Representative's office may request accessible parking through that office. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000839 (Senate side) us 21 Supreme Court THECAPITOL ~ piriil=st=SE:= ,.._._ lo __::::::::---=: (House slde) Library of Con,;,ess Washington , D.C. Jefferson Building - ~-~ Congress Library of Madison Building 1n uc ~ --("'.l~ ----- - C....S I Capitol Hill Club 300 1st St SE bldg w~h green caoopy _,,,~ Folger Pltrk ~ - r.1 -i--- .,, ### HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000840 DIRECTOR'SINCOMING (CDC) 25 Apr 2018 12:33:21 -0400 To: Mccall ister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: Dr. Redfield's particiation in the 15 May Reception Honoring Congressional Champions of Polio Eradication Attachments: Directions to The Mansfield Room S207 U S Capitol.doc, 2017ReceptionAgenda .pdf From: Sent: Please see email below and attached documents. Thanks, Kelly From: Kris Tsau Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 12:18 PM To: CDCExecSec(CDC) Cc: Subject: Dr. Redfield's particiation in the 15 May Reception Honoring Congressional Champions of Polio Eradication Dear Ms. Cashman, I am writing to follow up on the introduction made by my colleague, Carol Pandak as related to the participation of Dr. Redfield in the 15 May reception honoring Congressional Champions of Polio Eradication . We are delighted that Dr. Redfield will be joining us. I take this opportunity to provide summary information we have provided in the past as related to the participation of CDCleadership in th is reception. I anticipate these deta ils will be helpful for planning Dr. Redfield's participation and knowing what to expect. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Points of Contact for the day of the reception in case of emergency: (b)( 6l Ms. Pam Jackson) Ms. Kris Tsau,I (b)(6) Are there any added security approvals needed for the evening? We will be providing a list of participants to Capitol Security . Photo ID will be needed. Which entrance should the director enter? North entrance - full instructions attached. What time do you want the director to arrive? (event starts at 5:30pm) For now I would say 5:45, this may change a bit as we get an indication of when Members plan to arrive . Please send me a program agenda for the evening. I am attaching last year's program to give you a sense. The program is fairly fluid to accommodate the participat ion of Members, and that often varies, however, the overall flow of how the event typ ically goes is reflected in the attached program from last year. How many people will be at the reception? 125-150 Will media be present or invited? We have not typically invited media . They would be welcome, but this event is not typically deemed to be of interest to media . I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000841 I'd be happy to answer and additional questions or concerns that have not been addressed in the points above. Kind regards, Kris Kris Tsau Advocacy Specialist I PolioPlus Tel 1.847.866.3333 Fax 1.847.556.2189 Rotary$ II I ROTARY INTERNATIONAL I One Rotary Center J 1560 Sherman Ave. I Evanston, IL 60201 USA Take action to END POLIO NOW at www HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000842 DIRECTIONS for ROTARY INTERNATIONAL RECEPTION Honoring 2018 Congressional Champions of Polio Eradication and Past Congressional Champions Tuesday, May 15, 2018 ~ 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The Mike Mansfield Room, S-207(SecondFloor) The United States Capitol Building UNITED STATES CAPITOL BUILDING ENTRANCE: The North Door: You will enter The United States Capitol Building via the NORTH DOOR, located on the ground level/first floor on the Senate side of the U.S. Capitol Building [facing Constitution Avenue and the Russell Senate Office Building, and Union Station in the distance]. The North Door is located at the top of a walking ramp on the side of the U.S. Capitol Building. You will be required to pass through a U.S. Capitol Police security screening building on the U.S. Capitol Plaza , prior to being permitted entry to The Capitol through the NORTH DOOR. Please advise U.S. Capitol Police personnel that you are a guest at the Rotary International Polio Eradication Champions Reception in Room S207, The Mansfield Room (2nd Floor) of the United States Capitol. Once you enter the NORTH DOOR , please stop at the Senate Visitors Desk on your left, where you will be asked to rovide your name and destination and receive a Visitor Pass. II guests must be prepared to show proper identification. Guests should not arrive earlier than 15 minutes before the start o(the function as early access to the reception room will not '{J e allowed . The names of all guests who have RSVP'd in advance of the event will be included on the Reception Guest List and will be cleared to proceed to Room S207, the Mansfield Room. Turn LEFT immediately past the Senate Visitors Desk and follow to elevators. Take elevator to 2nd floor. Exit elevator and turn away from the doors facing outside and the US Supreme Court in the distance. Turn LEFT; immediate RIGHT; and immediate LEFT to a hallway and the entrance to the Mansfield Room is on the RIGHT . Please stop at the reception desk to receive a guest name badge before entering the reception. HANDICAPPED ENTRANCE: Handicapped individuals may also enter the Capitol Building via North Door and take direction from a uniformed U.S. Capitol Police officer to the Mansfield Room on the 2nd Floor of the U.S. Capitol Building. Wheelchairs are available for use by visitors in the HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000843 Capitol Complex. Constituents visiting The Capitol may request the use of a wheelchair through their Senators' or Representative's office. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000844 Capitol South llllMMi• https://www ride r-gu ide/stat ions/cap ito l-south .cfm BLUE/ORANGE LINES to Capitol South METRO. Exit at corner of First and C Streets, behind the Cannon House Office Building. Walk straight ahead one block to First and Independence Avenue and see the U.S. Capitol grounds and U.S. Capitol Building to your left. Proceed across Independence Avenue and proceed through the U.S. Capitol East Front Plaza. As you near Constitution Avenue, look for the small white U.S. Capitol Police security screening building on your left on the sidewalk. Pass through this security building and proceed up the walking ramp on the side of the U.S. Capitol and enter the building through the NORTH DOOR. Once you enter the NORTH DOOR, please stop at the Senate Visitors Desk on your left, where you will be asked to provide your name and destination and receive a Visitor Pass . The names of all guests who have RSVP'd in advance of the event will be included on the Reception Guest List and will be cleared to proceed to Room S207, the Mansfield Room. Turn LEFT immediately past the Senate Visitors Desk and follow to elevators. Take elevator to 2nd floor. Exit elevator and turn away from the doors facing outside and the US Supreme Court in the distance. Turn LEFT; immediate RIGHT; and immediate LEFT to a hallway and the entrance to the Mansfield Room is on the RIGHT. Please stop at the reception desk to receive a guest name badge before entering the reception Union Station llllMMi• https ://www.wmata .com/rider-guide/stat ions/u nion-station.cfm RED LINE to Union Station METRO . Exit front of Union Station and walk three long blocks south on Delaware A venue toward the Capitol Building [Senate office buildings will be on your left as you approach Constitution Avenue and the U.S. Capitol Building]. Enter Capitol Building via North Door entrance directions described above. SUGGES TED PARKING: Public parking is very limited around the Capitol complex. The closest public paid parking facility is the garage attached to the rear of Union Station [First Street and Massachusetts Avenue, NE]. Park and walk inside Union Station and exit front of Un ion Station to taxi stand in front of the station. Take taxi to "Senate side" of Capitol Building and enter Capitol via North Door [see North Door entrance directions above]. The District of Columbia does recognize accessible parking permits issued by the states and territories . Parking is permitted at designated handicapped spaces or any metered/on-metered parking space (no fee required), within the hours allowed for general parking in that area. Visitors must display state-issued handicapped tags or permits . Parking is not allowed where stopping, standing or parking is prohibited to all vehicles, in spaces reserved for special vehicles (buses, taxis , etc.), or where it would clearly be a traffic hazard. Handicapped visitors who have an appointment in a Senator's or Representative's office may request accessible parking through that office. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000845 (Senate side) us 21 Supreme Court THECAPITOL ~ piriil=st=SE:= ,.._._ lo __::::::::---=: (House slde) Library of Con,;,ess Washington , D.C. Jefferson Building - ~-~ Congress Library of Madison Building 1n uc ~ --("'.l~ ----- - C....S I Capitol Hill Club 300 1st St SE bldg w~h green caoopy _,,,~ Folger Pltrk ~ - r.1 -i--- .,, ### HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000846 Rotary9 B MAKE HISTORY TODAY - END POLIO NOW! 2017 Tribut e to American Leadership in the Campaign to Eradicate Polio 25 April 20 17 5:30-7:30 5:30 Welcome by Master of Ceremonies, John Germ; Presentation of awards and recognition of past champions • Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) no estimated time of arrival • • Representative Katherine M. Clark (D-MA-5) plans to arrive between 5:30 and 6:00 Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-W A-5) estimated arrival at 6:00 *Note-S enator Rubio is unable to attend. Honor ees and Past Champi ons will be ackn owledge d and welcomed to the podium as they arrive throug hout the reception 6:05 Update on progress toward global polio eradication • 6:25 CDC - Represented by Dr. Anne Schuchat, Acting Director Introduction of the US Coalition for the Eradication of Polio 1. Rotary International John Germ, Rota,y International President Michael McGovern, International PolioPlus Committee Chair Polio Eradication Advocacy Task Force members and LocalRotarians 2. American Academy of Pediatrics - Represented by Aaron Emmel, Manager of Global Health Advocacy Initiatives 3. March of Dimes Foundation - Represented by Jaimie Vickery, Director of Federal Affairs 4. The Task Force for Global Health - Represented by Samantha Kluglein, Deputy D irector, Center for Vaccine Equity 5. United Nations Foundation- Represented by Peter Yeo, Vice President of Public Policy 6. U.S. Fund for UNICEF - Represented by Mr. Martin Rendon, Vice President of Public Policy and Advocacy 7:15 Closing Remarks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000847 *Note: Past Congressional honorees and other Members of Congress who have indicated that they will attend will also be given an opportunity to make remarks . To date, these include: Past Congressional Honorees who have indicated they will attend include: Representatives Senators Rep. Ed Royce (CA-39) Senator Thad Cochran (MS) Rep. Joe Wi lson (SC-2) Senator Bob Corker (TN) Senator Sheldon Wh itehouse (RI) tentative Other Members of Congress Rep. Rodney L. Davis (IL-13) Rep. Theodor Deutsch (FL-22) tentativ e Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX-1) tentative Rep. French Hill (AR-2) Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18) Rep. Henry C. "Hank"Johnson , Jr. (D-GA-4) Rep. Roger Marshall, M.D. (KS-1) Rep. John Rutherford (FL-4) Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH-1) tentativ e 2 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000848 COUNTDOWN TO IDSTORY - END POLIO NOW! 2018 Tribute to American L eadership in the Campaign to Eradicate Polio 15 May 20 18 5:30-7:30 Agenda - as of 11-May -2018 5:30 Welcome by Master of Ceremonies, Mike McGovern; Presentation of awards and recognition of past champions Honorees and Past Champions will be acknowledged and welcomed to the podium as they arrive throughout the recepti on • Representative Daniel Donova n (R-NY- 11) arriva l from 5:45 - 6: 15 • Representative Gwe n Moore (D-WI-4) time of arrival pending • Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI-2) time of arriva l pending • Rep resentative Tom Roon ey (R-FL-19) is unable to attend and will receive the award in his office earlier in the day. * 5:55 Introduction of the US Coalition for the Eradication of Polio ; and acknowledgement of Red Nose Day Individual s indicated for each org anization will be identified, but will not speak • Rotary Interna tional - Mr. Mike McGovern , and introduction of Dr. Anne L. Matthews, Chair, Polio Eradication Advocacy Task Force for the United States; and Mr . J ohn Germ, Chair, Countdown to History Campaig n • Ame rican Academy of Ped iatrics - Represen ted by Aaron Emmel , Manager of Global Health Advocacy Initiatives - pending confirmation • March of Dimes Foundation - Represented by Cindy Pellegrini, Senior Vice P resident, Public Policy and Government Affairs • The Task Force for Global Hea lth -R epresented by David A. Ross, President and Chief Executive Officer, Task Force for Global Health • United Nations Foundati on - Represented by Ambassador John E. Lange (Ret), Senior Fe llow, Global Health Diplomacy • U.S. Fund for UNICEF - Represented by Mr. Martin Rendon, Vice President of Public Policy and Advocac y HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000849 6:10 Introduction of Spearheading Partners and update on progress toward global polio eradication • CDC - Represented by Dr. Robert Redfield, Director Dr. Redfield will present the update on progress toward global polio eradication With the exception of Dr. Redfield, individuals indicated for the other GPEI organizations will be identified, but will not speak 6:45 • World Health Organization-Represented Strategy Support and Coordination • UNICEF - Represented by Jalaa ' Abdelwahab, Deputy Global Polio Team Lead • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Represented by Mr. Michael Galway, Deputy Director, Global Development Introduction of Special guests Guests will be ident~fied but will not speak • USAID -R epresented by Ms. Ellyn Ogden, Worldwide Coordinator, Polio Eradication Initiative • 7:05 by Dr. Vachagan Harutyunyan , Red Nose Day - Represented by Ms. Janet Scardino or Ms. Emma Leavy, Grants Manager Closing Remarks *Note: Past Congressional honorees and other Members of Congress who have indicated that they will attend will also be given an opportunity to make remarks. To date, these include: Past Congressional Honorees who have indicated they will attend include: Representatives Senators Rep . Jan Schakowsky (D-IL-09) - arrival at Senator Bob Corker (TN) 5:30 PM Se nator Richard Durbin (IL) Rep. Joe Wi lson (R-SC-2) - arrival at 7 PM Other Members of Congress who have indicated they will attend include: Representatives Senators Rep . Ken Buck (R-CO-4) Senator Charles Grassley (IA) Rep . Mike Coffman (R-CO-6) Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX-18) Rep. Ron Es tes (R-KS-4) tentative Rep . Henry C. "Hank"Johnson, Jr. (D-GA-4) Rep . Roger Marshall, M.D. (R-KS-1) Rep. John Rutherford R-(FL-4) tentative 2 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000850 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 2 Apr 2018 20:02:19 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Holloway, Rachel (CDC/OCOO/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McDonald , Caroline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM);Wi ll iams, Jeffe ry (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Subject: Roybal Campus Facilities Tour (Sherri) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000851 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 14 May 2018 12:55:07 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) R3 to take photos with Honor Award Winners HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000852 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 7 May 2018 19:39:32 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Reception to Celebrate the Cholera Control Resolution https ://www -hospita lity -ecosystem-tra ining-prog ram/ restaurant-vieux-bois-ingeneva/restaurant -menu-in-geneva-2/ HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000853 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 21 May 2018 16:52:50 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: Redfield Call HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000854 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 19:29:09 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Relocation HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000855 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 18 Jun 2018 18:41:55 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) Cc: Aleshire, Noah (CDC/OD/OADLSS) Subject: ReOrg Review HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000856 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 9 Apr 2018 12:03:04 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) [Accompanied by: Kyle McGowan ] Attachments : RE_ CDCW schedu li ng updates .msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Nikki Romani k Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts (not attending) Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: Kyle McGowa n CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : Aimee Schattner CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director 's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000857 Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000858 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OO/OCS) 6 Apr 2018 17:10:22 -0400 To : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OO/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OO/CDCWO);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: CDCW scheduling updates From : Se nt: Yes, Teresa will add it on Monday morning From : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OO/CDCWO) Se nt : Friday, April 6, 2018 4 :39 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OO/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OO/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: CDCW scheduling updates Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) can meet at 10am on Thur, April 26 in Cannon 432. May we confirm? From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OO/OCS) Sent : Friday, April 6, 2018 3:42 PM To: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS)< ixi3@cdc .gov >; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson , Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OO/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: CDCW scheduling updates Disregard. © I will hold 10-10:30 a.m . for Rep. Burgess. From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Friday, April 6, 2018 3:40 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OO/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: CDCW scheduling updates Hi Aimee, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000859 Are you asking for Apri l 11th from 10-10:30 a.m. for Rep. Burgess? We have Buddy Carter confirmed for Apri l 11th from 10-10:30 a.m . Please advise . Thanks, Teresa From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D/OCS) Se nt: Friday, April 6, 2018 3:37 PM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/0D/CDCWO) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/0D/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: Re: CDCW scheduling updates If you think it will work, then yes Sent from my iPhone On Apr 6, 2018, at 3:35 PM, Schattner, Aimee (CDC/0D/CDCWO) wrote: Three updates: • • • Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) is confirmed for 9am Wed , April 11. Russell 217 Unfortunately , Rep. Carter is being pulled into a hearing so can longer meeting April 11, but will try to make April 26 work Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) cannot do 1pm on April 11, but we are trying to make 10am work . May we put a hold there? Thanks! Aimee From : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/0D/CDCWO) Sent : Friday, April 6, 2018 12:23 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M . (CDC/00/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Miche lle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000860 Will let you know soon on confirmations. Michelle - let us know if you had someone for those time frames and we can discuss. Thanks all! From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, April 6, 2018 12:14 PM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. Please make sure OA is good with this, but we can make 9am work, and 1pm too . Let us know if either get confirmed ... From : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent : Friday, April 6, 2018 12:10 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wil liams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subject: RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. CDCW scheduling update: unfortunately, doesn't look like we can fill the time Monday . However, two questions/comments for Wed, April 11. Sen. Burr may be available at 9am that day . May we put a hold? Rep. Burgess may be available at 1pm that day? Is that feasible? If so, may we put a hold? From : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Se nt: Thursday, April 5, 2018 1:45 PM To: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov>; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson , Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. Totally understand and thank you! Is noon tomorrow ok? From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Thursday , April 5, 20 18 1:42 PM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000861 Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. When will you know? We just bumped KLD off of Tues morn so I'd prefer not to bump her again once scheduled on Mon afternoon From : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent : Thursday, April 5, 2018 1:37 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. Hi TeresaWe are trying for two Member meetings in that window, but we'll def er to whatever you all tell us © Thanks, Aimee From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Thursday, April 5, 2018 1:36 PM To: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle {CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. Good afternoon, We are currently holding April 9 th from 3:30-5:30 p.m . for scheduling. We are trying to schedule a 30 minutes pre-brief for training with KLD and Dr. Redfield on Monday possibly at 4:30-5 p.m. or 5:00-5:30 p.m. Please advise if we can use any of this time for scheduling. Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000862 Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639- 7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000863 From: Sent : To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 16 Apr 2018 17:37:25 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Aimee Schattner (CDC/OD/OCS) (xjj4@cdc .gov);Mitchell Wolfe (CDC/OD/CDCWO) (msw6@cdc .gov);Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject : Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) [Accompanied by: Mitch Wolfe) Dr. Redfield meeting with Rep. DeGette - Apri l 27.msg Attachments : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: NA Special Assistant: TBD Event Contact: TB D CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Aimee Schattner CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TB D Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000864 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000865 From: Sent: To: Schattner, Aimee {CDC/0D/CDCWO) 11 Apr 2018 18:41:53 -0400 Scales, Scott L. {CDC/0D/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) Cc: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/0D/CDCWO);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OC00/0D);Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS);Wi lson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: Dr. Redfield meeting with Rep. DeGette - April 27 For tomorrow?may we add a hold for Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) for Friday , April 27 at 9:30am in Rayburn 2111? From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday , April 11, 2018 8:52 AM To: Sewell , Jenny (C DC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Brand , Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Representative Moolenaar (R-MI) - 4/ 13 Yes, confirm. Tracie can provide the number. We expect R3 will be in the office at that time. Thanks Jenny! From: Sewell , Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent: Wednesday , April 1l , 2018 8:50 AM To: Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) >; Scales , Scott L.(CDC /OD/OCS) >; McCallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) >; Strength, Trac ie (CDC/OD/OCS) >; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) >; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) >; Schattner , Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) > ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO /OD) >; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: Dr. Redfield and Representative Moolenaar (R-MI) - 4/ 13 Rep. Moolenaar can speak with Dr. Redfield at 2:45 this Friday , April 13th. Can I confim1? Also, what phone number should r provide ? Jenny Sewell, JD, MPA Congressional Team I Office of Appropriations HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000866 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jsewell 1678.475.4696 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000867 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 18 Apr 2018 20:19:16 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) (;Aimee Schattner (CDC/OD/OCS) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Mitchell Wolfe (CDC/OD/CDCWO) (;Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) [Accompanied by: Mitch Wolfe ] From : Sent: To : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000868 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 15 Jun 2018 17:56:50 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) Attachments : RE_ Dr. Redfield and Rep. Cummings - June 26.msg, RE_ Dr. Redfie ld and Rep. Womack (R-AR) - 6_ 26 .msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Aimee Schattner, (202) 245-0592, xjj4@cdc .gov CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: Amanda Campbell CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : Aimee Schattner CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speec h Information or Talking Points (TPs) : CDC Director's Remarks /Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press: T BD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting / Logistics Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000869 5. 060 Review Materials: From: Sent: To : Subject: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 15 Jun 2018 13:57:56 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Cummings - June 26 Thanks! From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 1:56 PM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO); Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA); Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS); McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS); Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA); Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS); Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: Re: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Cummings - June 26 Will update the calendar From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Date: June 15, 2018 at 1:54:41 PM EDT To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) , Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) , Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) , Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) , Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) , Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) , Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) , McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Cummings - June 26 Glad that worked out! May we put a hold for Tuesday, June 26 from 4:15-4 .30pm for Dr. Redfield to "drop -i n" on Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) in Rayburn 2163? Dr. Redfield mentioned during our Meet & Greet at CDCW that he'd like to stop by to see how his recovery is going . From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 11:59 AM To: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/00/0CS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OC00/00) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/00/0CS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/00/0CS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/00/0ADC) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Thanks . Teresa w ill get it added From: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 11:58 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/00/0CS) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000871 ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Please add Lowey for 2:30 that day. Location is 2365 Rayburn House Office Building . Jenny Sew ell, JD, MP A Congressional Team I Office of Appropriat ions Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jsewe ll I 678.475.4696 From : Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Se nt : Thursday, June 14, 2018 10:29 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: Re: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Yes--wil l try for one of the othe r times. Jenny From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: T hursday, June 14, 2018 10:20 AM To: Schatt ner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS); Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA); Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS); Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD); Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS); McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS); Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO); Grusich, Kather ina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC); Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS); McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) • 6/26 Thanks Aimee. Hi Jenny, are you trying for one of the other open times? • 6/26 2:30-3 :00 p.m . • 6/27 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Thanks, Teresa From : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Se nt : Thursday, June 14, 2018 10:19 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wi lson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000872 Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Pallone can only do 5pm. I' m sorry, I tried! From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent : Wednesday, June 13, 2018 10:14 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 No, they haven 't agreed to 5:30pm yet, but I'm work ing on it . May we please keep 5pm for now? From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, June 13, 2018 10:11 AM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mcca llister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Hi Aimee, Were you able to confirm Pallone on 6/26 from 5 :30-6:00 p.m.? Thanks, Teresa From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Monday, June 11, 2018 3:36 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth {CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri {CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/00/0ADC) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000873 Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Just had another thought. If Pallone is amenable to 5:15 or 5.30pm (and that's not too late for Dr. Redfield), I can try to make that work. From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, June 11, 2018 3:33 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anst ice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< >; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Apologies updated Pallone for 5-5:30 pm. Sorry 4:30 pm is not available. Teresa From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Date: June 11, 2018 at 3:24:47 PM EDT To: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) , Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) , Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) , Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) , Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) , Will iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) , Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) , McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc:Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) , Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) , McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Hi All Sorry to jump in! Rep. Pallone should be on the calendar as 5pm, not 5.30pm for June 26 (see attached). From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, June 11, 2018 3:16 PM To: Sewell , Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire , Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Yes, we'll get it added. Thanks Jenny HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000874 From : Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent : Monday, June 11, 2018 3 :15 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/ 26 Sorry - fixed subject title. Jenny Sew ell, JO, M PA Congressional Team I Office of Appropriations Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jsewell I 678.475.4696 From : Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Se nt : Monday, June 11, 2018 3:14 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: McGowa n, Ro bert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Campbell, Ama nda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject : Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lower (D-NY) - 6/26 Rep. Lowey can meet with Dr. Redfi eld on the 26 th at 4:30. Can I confi rm? Jenny Jenny Sewell , JD, MPA Congressional Team I Office of Appropriations Office of Financial Resources I Office of the Chief Operating Officer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jsewe ll I 678.475.4696 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000875 From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: 19 Jun 2018 12:12:26 -0400 To : Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales,Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Womack (R-AR) - 6/26 In that case, would it be possible to move Rep. Cummings to 4pm? They asked if we could come earlier . From : Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, June 19, 2018 12:01 PM To : Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Womack (R-AR) - 6/26 Scott said yes! Thanks , Jenny! Fr om: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) D ate: June 19, 2018 at 11:59:24 AM EDT To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D /OCS) , Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , Wi lson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) , McCa llister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) , Brand , Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) , Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) , Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO /OD) , Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Campbell , Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) , McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subj ect : RE: Dr. Redfie ld and Rep . Womack (R-AR) - 6/26 Mark -up of the LHHSAppropriations Bill by Full Committee has been rescheduled to the 26th . Womack's office reached out to say he can no longer meet that day and I expect to hear soon from Lowey's office. Can I offer the 27th ? They may still hesitate to confirm because the mark-up of this bill has been known to run long. Jenny Sewe ll, JD, MPA Congressional Team I Offic e of App ropriations Centers for Disease Control and Prevention I 678.475.4696 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000876 From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 8:49 AM To: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Womack (R-AR) - 6/26 Yes, thanks! From: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent : Wednesday, June 6, 2018 8:43 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Womack (R-AR) - 6/26 Rep. Womack is not be available to meet next week but could on the 26th at 3:30. Can I confirm with his office? Location would be Rayburn 2412. Don't know yet who would accompany him. Jenny Jenny Sewell, JD, MPA Congressional Team I Office of Appropriations Office of Financial Resources I Office of the Chief Operating Officer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jsewell@cdc .gov I 678.475.4696 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000877 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 8 Jun 2018 16:48:33 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) CDCW update.msg Attachme nts: From: Se nt: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant: Seth Kroop Event Contact: Aimee Schattner, (202) 245-0592, xjj4@cdc .gov CDC Staffer Accomp anying CDC Director: Amanda Campbell CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : Aimee Schattner CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000878 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting / Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000879 Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 8 Jun 2018 12:44:26 -0400 To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC);McGui re, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subje ct: CDCW update From: Se nt: We we ren't able to confirm the two pending meetings for next week's trip; however, we would like to confirm Rep. Frank Pallone (D- NJ) in Cannon 237 on Tuesday, June 26 at 5pm ifthat's possible . They can't meet at 4:30pm due to votes. Thank you for your pat ience! From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, June 8, 2018 12:24 PM To: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Graves (R-GA) - 6/13 Team, for next week in DC, should we assume that you do not have any demands for 1015-11 on Tuesday and 11-1130 on Wednesday? If that's correct, we'll take the time now for other things. Thanks! -Scott From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Thursday, June 7, 2018 5 :51 PM To: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Graves (R-GA) - 6/13 Yes. Teresa will get it added in the morn ing. Thanks Jenny! From : Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent : Thursday, June 7, 2018 4:51 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000880 (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS); Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Graves (R-GA) - 6/13 Rep. Graves is available as of right now to meet with Dr. Redfield on Wednesday the 13th at 10:30 am. There is a possibility he would have to cancel if a mark -up was scheduled during that time but otherwise he is free. Can I confirm? I think we will know by Tuesday am if he would need to cancel (if not sooner) . Jenny Jenny Sewe ll, JD, M PA Congressional Team I Office of Appropriations Office of Financial Resources I Office of the Chief Operating Officer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jsewell@cdc .gov I 678.475.4696 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000881 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 13 Apr 2018 14:08:16 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Rep. Gene Green (D-TX) [Accompan ied by: Kyle McGowan] Attachments : RE_ Scheduling updates from CDCW fo r April 26.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : Nikki Romanik Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Aimee Schattner CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000882 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000883 From : Se nt: To : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 13 Apr 2018 10:03:39 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subje ct: RE: Scheduling updates from CDCW for April 26 Hi TeresaOne more update to the list below. We'd like to add Rep. Gene Green (D-TX) on April 26 at 5:30pm in Rayburn 2470. May we confirm? Thanks! Aimee From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Thursday, April 12, 2018 6:07 PM To : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Sewell, Jenny {CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subject : Re: Scheduling updates from CDCW for April 26 Thanks Aimee. We w ill make the updates. From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Date : Apri l 12, 2018 at 5:26:25 PM EDT To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) , Strength, Trac ie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mcca ll ister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) , Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) , Brand, Anst ice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) , Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) , Wi lson, M ichelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subject : Scheduling updates from CDCW for Apr il 26 Hi allA few updates from CDCW for April 26 : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000884 • • We'd like to move Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) from 10am to 4 :30pm (Cannon 432). We' d like to confi rm Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) for 10:30am in the Capitol, 5-221- / have entrance instructions if needed. • We (CDCW) no longer need the call ho lds for tomorrow (4/13) Thank you! Aimee From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 7:56 AM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mcca lliste r, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield meet ing with Rep. DeGette - April 27 Added to the calendar. From : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 6:42 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mcca llister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. Redfield meeting with Rep. DeGette - April 27 For tomorrow ...may we add a hold for Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) for Friday, April 27 at 9 :30am in Rayburn 2111? From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday , April 11, 2018 8:52 AM To: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield and Representative Moolenaar (R-MI) - 4/13 Yes, confirm. Tracie can provide the number. We expect R3 will be in the office at that time. Thanks Jenny! HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000885 From : Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent : Wednesday , April 11, 2018 8:50 AM To : Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Dr. Redfield and Representative Moolenaar (R-MI) - 4/13 Rep. Moolenaar can speak with Dr. Redfield at 2:45 this Friday, April 13th . Can I confirm? Also, what phone number should I provide? Jenny Sewell, JD, MPA Congressional Team I Office of App ropriations Centers for Disease Control and Prevention I 678.475.4696 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000886 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 7 May 2018 19:49:15 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Mitchell Wolfe (CDC/OD/CDCWO) (;Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject : Rep. Gregg Harper (R-MS) Accompanied by Dr. Wolfe and Anstice Brand Attachments : Scheduling update from CDCW for May 15.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: TB D CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : Aimee Schattner CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points {TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting /Logistics Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000887 5. OGC Review Materials: From: Se nt: To : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 7 May 2018 15:45:06 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subje ct: Scheduling update from CDCW for May 15 Hi All May we confirm Rep. Gregg Harper (R-MS) at 1:30pm in Rayburn 2227 on May 15? Thanks! Aimee From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, April 26, 2018 11:08 AM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Brand, Anstice M. {CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subject: RE: Scheduling update from CDCW for May 15 Hi Aimee, We can confirm . Thanks, Teresa From : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent : Wednesday, April 25, 2018 4:30 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subject: Scheduling update from CDCW for May 15 Hi EveryoneRep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) is available to meet Tuesday, May 15 at 3:45pm in the Capitol , H-148. May we confirm? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000889 Thanks! Aimee From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 22 Jun 2018 15:00 :46 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-IN) (15 minute meeting} Attachments: Dr. Redfie ld in DC- June 27.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : Brad Bartee Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: Aimee Schattner CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Aimee Schattner CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Numbe r of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000891 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000892 Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 22 Jun 2018 10:54:57 -0400 To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Dr. Redfield in DC - June 27 From: Se nt: May we confirm Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-IN) for Wed, June 27 at 12pm in Longworth 1005? They can on ly offer a 15 minute meeting. From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, June 21, 2018 3:17 PM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Dr. Redfield in DC - June 26 Updating the calendar now . From : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent : Thu rsday, June 21, 2018 3:16 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Dr. Redfield in DC - June 26 May we confirm Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ) on Tuesday, June 26 at 4pm in Rayburn 2352? We are also trying to fill the 2.30pm slot that day - just FYI. From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Thursday, June 21, 2018 2:45 PM To: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000893 Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Thank you we w ill update the calendar From: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Se nt : Thursday , June 21, 2018 2:39 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OO/CDCWO) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Lowey has officially cancelled for the afternoon of the 26 th . I know I mentioned it was likely when we spoke on Tuesday . I offered the 10t h but as of now that will not wor k. Will keep trying . Jenny Jenny Sewell, JD, M PA Congressional Team I Office of Appropr iation s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention I 678.475.4696 From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, June 15, 2018 11:59 AM To : Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Will iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Thanks. Teresa will get it added From : Sewell , Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent : Friday, June 15, 2018 11:58 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000894 ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Please add Lowey for 2:30 that day. Location is 2365 Rayburn House Office Building. Jenny Sewell, JD, MPA Congressional Team I Office of Appropriations Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jsewell@cdc .gov I 678.475.4696 From : Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent : Thursday, June 14, 2018 10:29 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: Re: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Yes--will try for one of the other times. Jenny From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Th ursday, June 14, 2018 10:20 AM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS); Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA); Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS); Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD); Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS); McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS); Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO); Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC); Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS); McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Thanks Aimee. Hi Jenny, are you try ing for one of the other open times? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000895 • 6/26 2:30 -3:00 p.m . • 6/27 9:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m . Thanks, Teresa From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2018 10:19 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mcca llister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Pallone can only do 5pm. I'm sorry, I tried! From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent : Wednesday, June 13, 2018 10:14 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 No, they haven't agreed to 5:30pm yet , but I'm working on it . May we please keep 5pm for now? From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, June 13, 2018 10:11 AM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Strength, Traci e (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000896 Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Hi Aimee, Were you able to confirm Pallone on 6/26 from 5:30-6:00 p.m.? Thanks, Teresa From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Se nt : Monday, June 11, 2018 3:36 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGui re, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Just had another thought . If Pallone is amenable to 5 :15 or 5.30pm (and that's not too late for Dr. Redfield), I can try to make that work . From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : M onday, June 11, 20 18 3 :33 PM To: Str ength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand , Anstice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< >; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Apo logies up dated Pallo ne for 5-5:30 pm. Sorry 4:30 pm is not available. Teresa From: Schattner, Aim ee (CDC/OD/C DCWO) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000897 Date: June 11, 2018 at 3:24:47 PM EDT To: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) , Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) , Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) , Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) , Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) , Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) , Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) , McGuire , Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc:Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) , Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) , McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Hi All Sorry to jump in! Rep. Pallone should be on the calendar as 5pm, not 5.30pm for June 26 (see attached). From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, June 11, 2018 3:16 PM To: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/O FR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGu ire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Yes, we ' ll get it added . Thanks Jenny From: Sewell , Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent : Monday , June 11, 2018 3:15 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, M ichelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccalli ster, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Traci e (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGu ire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lowey (D-NY) - 6/26 Sorry-fixed subject t itle. Jenny Sewell, JD, MPA Congressional Team I Office of Appropriations Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000898 jsewell@cdc .gov I 678.475.4696 From : Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Se nt : Monday, June 11, 2018 3:14 PM To : Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mcca ll ister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Lower (D-NY) - 6/26 Rep. Lewey can meet with Dr. Redfield on the 26 th at 4:30. Can I confir m ? Jenny Jenny Sewell , JD, MPA Congressional Team I Office of App ropriations Office of Financial Resources I Office of the Chief Operating Officer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jsewell@cdc .gov I 678.475.4696 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000899 From: Sent : To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 6 Jun 2018 20:03:00 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA) Attachments : RE_ Dr. Redfield and Rep. Roybal-Allard (D-CA) - 6_ 26.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Nikki Romanik Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentatio n: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000900 5. OGC Review Materials: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 6 Jun 2018 15:58:07 -0400 To : Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Roybal-Allard (D-CA) - 6/26 From: Se nt: Yes, thanks. Teresa will add it From: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Se nt: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 3:56 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS); Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA); McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS); Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO); Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO); Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. Redfield and Rep. Roybal-Allard (D-CA) - 6/26 Rep. Roybal-Allard can meet with Dr. Redfield on Tuesday the 12th at 9:15am. Location would be Rayburn 2083. Don't know yet who would accompany him. Can I confirm? Jenny Jenny Sew ell, JD, MPA Congressional Team I Office of Appropriations Office of Financial Resources I Office of the Chief Operating Officer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jsewe ll I 678.475.4696 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000902 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 13 Apr 2018 19:10:25 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Roman ik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Street, Amanda (HHS/1OS) Subject: Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) [Accompanied by: Ama nda Street-Campbell] Attachments : RE_ Scheduling updates from CDCW fo r April 26.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : Nikki Romanik Special Assistant : TB D Event Contact: TB D CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : Aimee Schattner CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host: TB D Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000903 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000904 From: Se nt: To : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 13 Apr 2018 15:07:06 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subje ct: RE: Scheduling updates from CDCW for April 26 Hello againRep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) can meet at 9 :30am April 26 in Rayburn 2336. May we confirm? From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Friday, April 13, 2018 11:04 AM To : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subje ct: RE: Scheduling updates from CDCW for April 26 Hi Aimee, I've confirmed the meeting with Rep. Gene Green for Apri l 26th at 5 :30 p.m . Thanks, Teresa From : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Se nt : Friday, April 13, 2018 10:04 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subject : RE: Scheduling updates from CDCW for April 26 Hi TeresaOne more update to the list below . We' d like to add Rep. Gene Green (D-TX) on April 26 at 5:30pm in Rayburn 2470 . May we confirm ? Thanks! Aimee HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000905 From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 6:07 PM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Brand, Anstice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subject: Re: Scheduling updates from CDCW for April 26 Thanks Aimee. We will make the updates. From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Date: April 12, 2018 at 5:26:25 PM EDT To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) , Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) , Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) , Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) , Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) , Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subject: Scheduling updates from CDCW for April 26 Hi allA few updates from CDCW for Apr il 26 : • • • We'd like to move Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) from 10am to 4 :30pm (Cannon 432) . We'd like to confirm Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) for 10:30am in the Capitol , S-22 1 - / have entrance instructions if needed. We (CDCW) no longer need the call ho lds for tomorrow (4/13) Thank you! Aimee From: W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thur sday, Apr il 12, 2018 7:56 AM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michel le (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000906 Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield meeting with Rep. DeGette - April 27 Added to the calendar. From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 6:42 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. Redfield meeting with Rep. DeGette - April 27 For tomorrow ...may we add a hold for Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) for Friday, April 27 at 9:30am in Rayburn 2111? From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 8:52 AM To: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson , Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Representative Moolenaar (R-MI) - 4/13 Yes, confirm. Tracie can provide the number . We expect R3 will be in the office at that time . Thanks Jenny! From: Sewell, Jenny {CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 8:50 AM To: Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. Redfield and Representative Moolenaar (R- MI) - 4/13 Rep. Moolenaar can speak with Dr. Redfield at 2:45 this Friday, April 13t h . Can I confirm? Also, what phone number should I provide? JennySewell, JO, MPA Congressional Team I Office of Appropr iation s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jsewe I 678.475.4696 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000907 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 6 Apr 2018 16:26:44 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Sen. Richard Burr (R- NC) Attachments : RE_ HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3_30 -5_ 30 p.m ..msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : Seth Kroop (not attending) Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: Kyle McGowan CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable) : TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000908 5. 060 Review Mgteriais: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 6 Apr 2018 12:23:41-0400 To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. From: Sent: Will let you know soon on confirmations. Michelle - let us know if you had someone for those time frames and we can discuss. Thanks all! From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, April 6, 20 18 12:14 PM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS); Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO); Wilson, M ichelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA); Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. Please make sure OA is good with this , but we can make 9am wo rk, and 1pm too. Let us know if either get confirmed ... From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent : Friday, April 6, 2018 12:10 PM To: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< >; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, M ichelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subject: RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. CDCW scheduling update: unfortunately, doesn't look like we can fill the time Monday . However , two questions/comments for Wed, April 11. Sen. Burr may be available at 9am that day. May we put a hold? Rep. Burgess may be available at 1pm that day? Is that feasible? If so, may we put a hold? From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2018 1:45 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. Totally understand and thank you! Is noon tomorrow ok? From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2018 1:42 PM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Traci e (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000910 When will you know? We just bumped KLD off of Tues morn so I'd prefer not to bump her again once schedu led on Mon afternoon From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Se nt : Thursday, April 5, 2018 1:37 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. Hi TeresaWe are trying for two Member meetings in that window, but we'll defer to whatever you all tell us© Thanks, Aimee From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Thursday, April 5, 2018 1:36 PM To : Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m . Good afternoon, We are currently holding Apri l 9th from 3:30-5:30 p.m. for scheduling. We are trying to schedule a 30 minutes pre-brief for training with KLDand Dr. Redfield on Monday possibly at 4:30-5 p.m . or 5:00-5:30 p.m. Please advise if we can use any of this time for schedu ling. Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000911 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 5 Jun 201815:17:19 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Ashley Knotts (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ;Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) (Chairman, Senate Appropriations Committee) Attachments: RE_ Dr. Redfield and Senator Shelby (R-AL) - 6_12 .msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : Nikki Romanik Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Numbe r of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000912 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000913 Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) 5 Jun 2018 11:52:33 -0400 To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield and Senator Shelby (R-AL) - 6/12 From: Sent : The location is 304 RussellSenate Office Building. I am not sure yet who will accompany Dr. Redfield. Thank you! JennySewell, JD, MPA Congressional Team I Office of Appropriations Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jsewell@cdc .gov I 678.475.4696 From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:50 AM To: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield and Senator Shelby (R-AL) - 6/12 Hi Jenny, Yes, we can confirm the meet ing. Do you have a loc at io n? Who w ill accompany Dr. Redfie ld? Thanks, Teresa From: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent : Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:14 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson , Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. Redfie ld and Senator Shelby (R-AL) - 6/12 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000914 Sen. Shelby (new chair of the Senate appropriations committee) could meet with Dr. Redfield at 11:30 on the 12th . Can I confirm? This is just outside the window currently on the schedule but it looks like it could be accommodated . Jenny Jenny Sewe ll, JD, MPA Congressional Team I Office of Appropriations Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jsewell@cdc .gov I 678.475.4696 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000915 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 Apr 2018 17:14 :50 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subje ct: Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) [Accompanied by Kyle McGowan] Attachment s: RE_ 4_9 Dr Redfield mtg w_ Chairman Blunt.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: TSO Special Assistant: Seth Kroop (not atte nding) Event Contact: TS O CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: Robert (Kyle) McGowan CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Miche lle Wilson CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TSO 2. Event Information: Event Host: TSO Purpose of Event: TBO Agenda (if applicable): TS O Number of Attendees and Composition : TBO HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000916 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000917 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OO/OCS) 2 Apr 2018 12:51:02 -0400 To: Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OO/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OO/CDCWO);Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OO/CDCWO) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: RE: 4/9 Dr Redfield mtg w/ Chairman Blunt From: Sent: Yes. Teresa will get it added . From: Wilson, M ichelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 12:28 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OO/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OO/OCS) ; Mccall ister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OO/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: 4/9 Dr Redfield mtg w/ Chairman Blunt Hi All, Chairman Blunt can meet with Dr Redfield on Apr il 9 at 2:30pm for the ir in person meet and greet. Kyle will accompany Dr. Redfield. Location: 260 Russell May we please confirm. Thanks, MW Sent from my iPhone On Mar 28, 2018, at 2:01 PM, Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) wrote: Update on Chairman Cole meeting and Senator Murray . 1. 2. Update : Chairman Cole meeting now 10:30 on 4/10 Senator Murray can meet with Dr. Redfield at 11 :30am on 4/10 - Location 154 Russell May we please confirm both . Thank you!!! From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:52 PM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000918 To : Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: RE: 4/10: Dr. Redfield mtg w/ Chairman Cole Hi Michelle, I'm adding the meeting to the calendar now. Who will accompany Dr. Redfield? Thanks, Teresa From : Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:34 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Brand, Anstice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: 4/10: Dr. Redfield mtg w/ Chairman Cole Hi All, Chairman Cole can meet with Dr. Redfield on April 10 at 11:00am for their introductory meeting . Location : 2467 Rayburn House Office Building May we please confirm . Thanks, MW Michelle M. Wilson, MSW Congressional Team Lead I Office of Appropriations Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office: 678•475•4706 I Cell: 678•386•3451 MWilson2@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000919 From: Sent : To : Subject: Attachments : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:36:02 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Senior Leader Meeting/Introductions SLRDAgenda 2018 - Mar 28 sp.docx HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000920 CENTERS CONTROL FOR AND DISEASE -.. PREVENTION CDC Leadership Roundtable Discussion Wednesday, March 28, 2018 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Building 21, 12th Floor, OD Conference Room (12302) I. Welcome and Introduction of Dr. Robert Redfield Dr. Anne Schuchat II. Opening Remarks Dr. Redfield Ill. Around the Table Introductions HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000921 From: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: 31 May 2018 01:34:33 +0000 To : Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Liburd, Leandris C. (CDC/OD/OMHHE);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Richards,Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);lademarco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Boyle, Coleen (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Bauer, Ursu la (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Cc: Johnson, Marsha (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR);Scales,Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Senior Leadership Team Meeting with Secretary Azar Dear Senior Leaders, As we mentioned Monday at the leadership meeting, HHS Secretary Alex Azar will be at CDCfor a visit on June 1, 2018, and we are planning a Senior Leadership team meeting while he is visiting. We ask that you be at Roybal campus, 12 th Floor, Room 12105 from 8:45 to 10:00 a.m. The actual meeting will be 1 hour , but the limited timeline and unpredictable Atlanta traffic call for all leaders to arrive a few minutes before Secretary Azar. We would like each of you to introduce yourselves and give a one m inute introduction that includes a description of your work at CDC. Please try not to only list your center name or the center acronym, but instead , state the topic of work in t he center. We do not plan to use Envision or telephone bridge. There will be no delegates. Please respond to Nikki (0)(6) cc'd here) by COB Friday, May 25, to let us know if you will attend this Jo Romanik meet ing. I I Please let me know if you have any questions . Kyle McGowan HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000922 From: Sent: To: Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 17 May 201812:10:16 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Secretary Hosted Dinner Additionally , for the dinner, please see the details below: Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 Time: 7:30- 9:30PM (7:30 arrivals, 8:00 sit down for dinner) Location: La Vie des Champs, La-Vie-des-Champs 15, 1202 Geneve Press: Closed The Secretary will host a dinner on the margins of the World Health Assembly. This dinne r will be focused on pandemic preparedness and outbreak response, as well as relationship bui lding. This is an informal dinner with no set agenda, but there will be a small, informal discussion on national challenges to addressing infectious diseases, IHR imp lementation, WHO support to member states during emergencies, and sustainable progress on health security goals. Dinner Menu - Tartare de saumon (cold salmon tartare) - Pave de boeuf, beurre maison, pommes sautees et legumes (roast beef with butter, potatoes sauted and veg) - Coulant au chocolat et sorbet passion (warmed chocolate cake and warmed runny chocolate in the centre and passion sorbet) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000923 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 3 Apr 2018 20:21:20 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Secure Thumb Drive Set-Up HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000924 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 23 Apr 2018 19:03:58 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7@cdc .gov) Subject: Security Awareness Training (SAT) 2018 Attachments : FW_ Security Awareness Training (SAT) 2018 Campaign Kick-Off Announcement.msg From: CDC OCOO-OCISOAnnouncements Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 1:42 PM To: CDC All - CDC & ATSDR and non-CDC & non -ATSDR Subject: Security Awareness Training (SAT) 2018 Campaign Kick-Off Announcement 8 8 QCIQ Office of the Ctllef Information Officer Office of the Chief Informat ion Security Officer (OCISO) 2018 Security Awareness Training This message launches the mandatory 2018 Security Awareness Training Program. CDC achieved a 100% comp letion rate during t he 2017 Campaign, and everyone's effort toward improving CDC's information security program is appreciated. This course includes Security Awareness Training , Privacy Awareness Training, and the OSSAM insider Threat and Counterintelligence courses. Every employee, contractor, or affiliate with a CDCaccount must complete 2018 Security Awareness Training (SAT) by June 13, 2018 at 5:00 P.M. EDT. Please act promptly and complete the training as soon as possible. Along with fu lfilling mandatory training requirements, the new and improved Scenario Based course prov ides real world simulations to encourage you to be more vigilant when dealing with cyber security issues. Here are a few of the highlights of the new course: • • New and improved interface Real world/scenario based simulations • Updated SAT resource page: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000925 --· ............... -- Subject: Security Awareness Tra ining (SAT) 2018 Campaign Kick-Off Announcement 8 8 QC IQ Office of the Chief Information Officer Office of the Chief InformationSecurttyOfficer (OCISO) 2018 Security Awareness Training This message launches the mandatory 2018 Security Awareness Training Program. CDCachieved a 100% complet ion rate during the 2017 Campaign, and everyone 's effort toward improving CDC's information security program is appreciated. This course includes Security Awareness Train ing, Privacy Awareness Trai ning, and the OSSAM insider Threat and Counterintelligence courses. Every employee, contractor, or affiliate with a CDCaccount must complete 2018 Security Awareness Training (SAT) by June 13, 20 18 at 5:00 P.M. EDT. Please act promptly and complet e the t raining as soon as possible. Along with fulfilling mandatory train ing requ irements , the new and improved Scena rio Based course provides real world simulat ions to encourage you to be more vigilant when dealing with cyber security issues. Here are a fe w of th e highlight s of t he new course: • • New and improved interface Real wor ld/scenario based simulat ions • Updated SAT resource page: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000928 c.-........... --a,no,,,-~ m ,_ connects MISOOnOemand - ~---___ __-·-------- .,._. ....... ........... .....-... ___ ............... .......... _....,..,.,. __________ ...... ___ ,.._.. ....... ______ ........, __.. ___,, --..,.,,_ ~~----~~-----------~ --- <- .. IA,uj __ _ .......-- - ---- --·-- ....._._. .... --- 2018 SAT Online from CDC Intranet The 2018 Security Awareness Training course can be accessed at . Please click on the plus sign beside the "Security Awareness Training (SAT)" entry and select the "2018 Security Awareness Course" link to begin the training . Other SAT Training Options I will be presenting the one and a half hour SAT training onsite at each CDCAtlanta campus. The Live 2018 SAT training session schedule is provided on the OCIO Security Awareness Training Web page. We now have a new delivery model for the 2018 SAT course for those who do not have an active CDCnetwork account. First t ime users, users without network access, as well as users who do not have remote access will be able to access the 2018 training through SAMS. Information on requesting remote Internet access to the training is available on the OCIO Security Awareness Training Web page. Completion Requirements Failure to take this Security Awareness Training by the deadline of June 13, 2018 at 5:00 P.M. EDT may result in your access to CDC's network being suspended. If your access is suspended, you will need to make arrangements with your Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO) or supervisor to take the training. Once you have completed the training, your network access will be reactivated. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000929 All employees and contractors using CDC's IT resources are vital to the protection, confidentiality, integ rity, and availability of these critical assets. I appreciate your prompt attention to completing this required training. Thank you for contr ibuting to CDC's overall IT security progr am. Cheri Gatland-Lightner Chief Information Security Officer HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000930 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 20 Apr 2018 20:37:03 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Security Clearance Interview HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000931 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 9 Apr 2018 12:19:30 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS) Subject: Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) [Accompanied by: Amanda Street-Campbell ] Attachments : RE_ CDCW scheduling updates .msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : Nikki Romanik Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts (not attending) Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: Kyle McGowan CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : Aimee Schatt ner CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attend ees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000932 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000933 Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 6 Apr 2018 17:48:15 -0400 To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CDCW scheduling updates From: Sent: Thanks! For Monday ....Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) meeting at 11:30am on April 26 in Russell 393 . From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, April 6, 20 18 5:23 PM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, M ichelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CDCW scheduling updates ok From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Friday, April 6, 2018 5:22 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson , M iche lle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CDCW scheduling updates Thanks! Also, Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) can meet at 11:30am on Thur , April 26. I know it's outside of t he hold , but wanted to check if it's possible to add for this time? From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, April 6, 2018 5:10 PM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CDCW scheduling updates Yes, Teresa will add it on Monday morning HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000934 From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Friday, Apr il 6, 2018 4 :39 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wi lson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CDCW scheduling updates Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) can meet at 10am on Thur, April 26 in Cannon 432. May we confirm? From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, April 6, 2018 3:42 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Schattner , Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Trac ie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; W ilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CDCW scheduling updates Disregard. © I will hold 10-10:30 a.m. for Rep. Burgess. From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, April 6, 2018 3:40 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Trac ie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; W ilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CDCW scheduling updates Hi Aimee, Are you asking for Apri l 11th from 10-10 :30 a.m. for Rep. Burgess? We have Buddy Carter confirmed for April 11th from 10-10:30 a.m. Please advise . Thanks, Teresa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000935 From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) Se nt: Friday, Apr il 6, 2018 3:37 PM To : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/00/CDCWO) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/00/0CS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/00/0CS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/00/CDCWO) ; Wilson, M ichelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/00/0CS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject : Re: CDCW scheduling updates If you th ink it will work, then yes Sent from my iPhone On Apr 6, 2018, at 3:35 PM, Schattner, Aimee (CDC/0D/CDCWO) wrote : Three updates: • • • Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) is confirmed for 9am Wed, April 11. Russell 217 Unfortunately, Rep. Carter is being pulled into a hearing so can longer meeting April 11, but will try to make April 26 work Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) cannot do 1pm on April 11, but we are trying to make 10am work . May we put a hold there? Thanks! Aimee From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/0 D/CDCWO) Se nt: Friday, April 6, 2018 12:23 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/0 D/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/00/0CS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/0 0/0CS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/00/CDCWO) ; Wilson, M ichelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. Will let you know soon on confirmations. Michelle - let us know if you had someone for those time frames and we can discuss. Thanks all! From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) Sent: Friday, Apr il 6, 2018 12:14 PM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/0D/CDCWO) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Strengt h, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/00/CDCWO) ; Wilso n, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000936 Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. Please make sure OA is good with this, but we can make 9am work, and 1pm too. Let us know if either get confirmed ... From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Friday, April 6, 2018 12:10 PM To: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cd>; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subject: RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. CDCW scheduling update: unfortunately, doesn't look like we can fill the time Monday. However, two questions/comments for Wed , April 11. Sen. Burr may be available at 9am that day . May we put a hold? Rep. Burgess may be available at 1pm that day? Is that feasible? If so, may we put a hold? From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2018 1:45 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. Totally understand and thank you! Is noon tomorrow ok? From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday, April 5, 20 18 1:42 PM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. When w ill you know? We just bumped KLD off of Tues morn so I'd prefer not to bump her again once scheduled on Mon afternoon From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2018 1:37 PM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000937 To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3:30-5:30 p.m. Hi TeresaWe are trying for two Member meetings in that window, but we'll defer to whatever you all tell us © Thanks, Aimee From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, April 5, 2018 1:36 PM To : Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: HOLD for scheduling on April 9th between 3 :30-5 :30 p.m. Good afternoon, We are currently holding April 9 th from 3:30 -5:30 p.m . for scheduling. We are trying to schedule a 30 minutes pre-brief for training with KLD and Dr. Redfield on Monday possibly at 4:30-5 p.m. or 5:00-5:30 p.m. Please advise if we can use any of this time for scheduling. Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000938 email: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 8 May 2018 11:44:38 +0000 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Mitchell Wolfe (CDC/OD/CDCWO) (;Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject : Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) [Accompanied by: TBD} Attachments : RE_ Dr. Redfield meeting with Sen. Van Hollen on the 15th.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Jenny Sewell CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000940 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000941 Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) 7 May 2018 17:03:24 -0400 To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield meeting with Sen. Van Hollen on the 15th From: Sent : Not sure who will staff but the locat ion is 110 Hart. Michelle or I will update as soon as we confirm who will staff Dr. Redfield . JennySewell, JD, MPA Congressional Team I Office of Appropriations Centers fo r Disease Control and Prevention jsewe ll I 678.475.4696 From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, May 7, 2018 4:18 PM To: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield meet ing with Sen. Van Hollen on the 15th Yep ! Location and staffing © ? From : Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent : Monday , May 7, 2018 4:13 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Will iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anst ice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts , Ash ley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. Redfield meeting with Sen. Van Hollen on the 15t h Hi all-Sen . Van Hollen can meet at 8 :30 am on the 15t h . Can I confirm? Jenny Sewell, JD, MPA Congressional Team I Office of Appropriations Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jsewe ll I 678.475.4696 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000942 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 13 Apr 2018 14:06:09 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Street, Amanda (HHS/IOS) Subject: Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) [Accompanied by : Amanda Street-Campbell] Attachments : Scheduling updates from CDCW for April 26.msg, Schumer Meeting.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable) : TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000943 5. 060 Review Materials: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 12 Apr 2018 17:26:25 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales,Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie From: Sent: To: (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);McCallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Scheduling updates from CDCW for April 26 Hi allA few updates from CDCW for April 26 : • • We'd like to move Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) from 10am to 4 :30pm (Cannon 432). We'd like to confirm Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) for 10:30am in the Capitol , S-221- / have entrance instructions if needed. • We (CDCW) no longer need the call holds for tomorrow (4/13) Thank you! Aimee From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 7:56 AM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield meeting with Rep. DeGette - April 27 Added to the calendar . From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 6:42 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. Redfield meeting with Rep. DeGette - April 27 For tomorrow ...may we add a hold for Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) for Friday, April 27 at 9:30am in Rayburn 2111? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000945 From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 8:52 AM To : Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield and Representat ive Moolenaar (R-MI) - 4/13 Yes, confirm . Tracie can provide the number. We expect R3 will be in the office at that time. Thanks Jenny! From : Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 8:50 AM To : Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Dr. Redfield and Representat ive Moo lenaar (R- MI) - 4/13 Rep. Moo lenaar can speak with Dr. Redfield at 2:45 th is Friday, April 13th . Can I confirm? Also, what phone number should I provide? Jenny Sewell , JD, MPA Congressional Team I Office of Appropriations Centers for Disease Control and Prevention isewel I 678.475.4696 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000946 From: Sent: To : Subject: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/0D/CDCWO) 12 Apr 2018 17:28:21-0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS);Williams , Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) Schumer Meeting Hi LadiesSpecific instructions for entrance to 5-221 for the Schumer meeting . Thanks! Aimee MEETING CONFIRMATION: LOCATION: S-221, THE CAPITOL TIME : 10:30AM DATE: THURSDAY , APRIL 26 This email confirms your meeting with Leader Schumer . The meeting will take place in our office located in S-221 , the Capitol. S-221 is located on the Senate side of the Capitol (closest to Union Station) . You will want to use the North business entrance to the Capitol, wh ich is located at the corner of Constitution Ave and Delaware Avenue NE. You should enter through the white guard shack, and will go through metal detectors . Once inside the Capitol the appointme nts desk will direct you up to S-221. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early so that you can have time to go through security and check-in with the appointments desk . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000947 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 30 Mar 2018 11:34:33 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) Attachments: Re_ Two updates for Dr. Redfield 's schedule .msg, Sen. Isakson confirmed.msg 1. Contact s: Logisti cs Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : Seth Kroop "not traveling" Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accomp anying th e Director: Kyle McGowan email: omc2@cdc .gov Mobile: (bl <6l I Office: I (bl <6l I I CDC Progran:1Contact (if appl icable) : Aimee Schattner email: xjj4@cdc .gov; MobilG (bJ(6l Office: 202- 245-0592 I CDC Media Contact (if applicabl e): TBD 2. Event Infor mation : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if appl icable): TBD Numbe r of Atten dees and Compo sition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000948 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000949 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) 29 Mar 2018 20:06:56 -0400 Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0CS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/00/0CS) Subject : Re: Two updates for Dr. Redfield's schedule From : Sent : To : We will Sent from my iPhone On Mar 29 , 2018, at 8:05 PM, Berger , Sherri (CDC/OC00 /0D) wrote: Yes, great work Scheduling team, after you add, can you block time for lunch on 4/10 before the training and do I need t o ask M-S to move back an hour or you'll handle? Thanks From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 8:02 PM To : Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov> Cc: Berger , Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) ; McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wi ll iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Two updates for Dr. Redfield's schedule For tomorrow morning ... Per our earlier discussion, Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) is available to meet with Dr. Redfield on Monday, April 9 at 4:30pm in Russell 131. May we confirm? Also, may we put a hold on Tuesday, Apri l 10 at 12:15- 12:4Spm for Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN)? He' s located in Dirksen 455 . Thanks! Aimee From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) Sent : Thursday, March 29, 2018 4:43 PM To : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000950 ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wi ll iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: 4/10 : Dr. Redfield call with Chairman Walden Yes. Tracie can add it and include Kyle. Thx! From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent : Thursday, March 29, 2018 4:42 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennife r (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/O FR/OA) ; Wi ll iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: 4/10 : Dr . Redfield call with Chairman Walden Hi ScottChairman Greg Walden (R-OR) is availab le Wed, Apr il 4 to call Dr. Redfie ld at 2pm. May we confirm? Thanks, Aimee HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000951 Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 5 Apr 2018 11:06:57 -0400 To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subje ct: Sen. Isakson confirmed From: Se nt: Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) is confirmed for Tues, April 10 at 9am in Russell 131. Thanks so much for your patience! As discussed with Scott, we're working with OA on additional Member meetings for Monday afternoon. Thanks! From : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent : Wednesday, April 4, 2018 12:43 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Sen. Alexander confirmed Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN) is confirmed for Tuesday, April 10 at 12:15pm in Dirksen 455. Should have Isakson confirmed shortly too. Thanks for your patience! From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Thursday, March 29, 2018 8 :07 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc:Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; St rength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Re: Two updates for Dr. Redfield's schedule We wi ll Sent from my iPhone On Mar 29, 2018, at 8:05 PM, Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) wrote : Yes, great work Scheduling team, after you add, can you block time for lunch on 4/10 before the train ing and do I need to ask M -S to move back an hour or you'll handle? Thanks From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Thursday, M arch 29, 2018 8:02 PM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000952 To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Two updates for Dr. Redfield's schedule For tomorrow morning ... Per our earlier discussion, Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) is available to meet with Dr. Redfield on Monday, April 9 at 4:30pm in Russell 131. May we confirm? Also, may we put a hold on Tuesday, April 10 at 12:15-12:45pm for Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN)? He's located in Dirksen 455. Thanks! Aimee From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Thursday, March 29, 2018 4:43 PM To: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wi ll iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: 4/10: Dr. Redfield call with Chairman Walden Yes. Tracie can add it and include Kyle. Thx! From : Schattner , Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Thursday, M arch 29, 2018 4:42 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: 4/10: Dr. Redfield call with Chairman Walden Hi Scott Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) is available Wed, April 4 to call Dr. Redfield at 2pm. May we confirm? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000953 Thanks. Aimee Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 30 Mar 2018 11:38:55 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) Attachments : Re_ Two updates for Dr. Redfield's schedule .msg, Sen. Alexander confirmed.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TS O Special Assistant : Seth Kroop "not traveling" Event Contact: TSO CDC Staffer Accompan ying the Director: Kyle McGowan email: omc2@cdc .gov Mobile: (b)( 6l I Office: I (b)( 6) I I CDC Progra":1Contact (if applicable) : Aimee Schattner email: ; Mobile: pfflce: 202- 245-0592 (b)(6) I (b)( 6) CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TSO 2. Event Information : Event Host: TSO Purpose of Event: TSO Agenda (if applicable): TSO HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000955 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000956 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) 29 Mar 2018 20:06:56 -0400 Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0CS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/00/0CS) Subject : Re: Two updates for Dr. Redfield's schedule From : Sent : To : We will Sent from my iPhone On Mar 29 , 2018, at 8:05 PM, Berger , Sherri (CDC/OC00 /0D) wrote: Yes, great work Scheduling team, after you add, can you block time for lunch on 4/10 before the training and do I need t o ask M-S to move back an hour or you'll handle? Thanks From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 8:02 PM To : Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov> Cc: Berger , Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) ; McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wi ll iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Two updates for Dr. Redfield's schedule For tomorrow morning ... Per our earlier discussion, Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) is available to meet with Dr. Redfield on Monday, April 9 at 4:30pm in Russell 131. May we confirm? Also, may we put a hold on Tuesday, Apri l 10 at 12:15- 12:4Spm for Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN)? He' s located in Dirksen 455 . Thanks! Aimee From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) Sent : Thursday, March 29, 2018 4:43 PM To : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000957 ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wi ll iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: 4/10 : Dr. Redfield call with Chairman Walden Yes. Tracie can add it and include Kyle. Thx! From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent : Thursday, March 29, 2018 4:42 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennife r (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/O FR/OA) ; Wi ll iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: 4/10 : Dr . Redfield call with Chairman Walden Hi ScottChairman Greg Walden (R-OR) is availab le Wed, Apr il 4 to call Dr. Redfie ld at 2pm. May we confirm? Thanks, Aimee HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000958 Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 4 Apr 2018 12:43:17 -0400 To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Sen. Alexander confirmed From: Sent: Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN) is confirmed for Tuesday, April 10 at 12:15pm in Dirksen 455. Should have Isakson confirmed shortly too. Thanks for your patience! From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 8:07 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, M iche lle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Two updates for Dr. Redfield's schedule We will Sent from my iPhone On Mar 29, 2018, at 8:05 PM, Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) wrote: Yes, great work Scheduling team, after you add, can you block time for lunch on 4/10 before the train ing and do I need to ask M-S to move back an hour or you'll handle? Thanks From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 8:02 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallist er, Jerem y (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Two updates for Dr. Redfield's schedule For tomorrow morning ... Per our earlier discussion, Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) is available to meet with Dr. Redfield on Monday, April 9 at 4:30pm in Russell 131. May we confirm? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000959 Also, may we put a hold on Tuesday, April 10 at 12:15 - 12:45pm for Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN)? He's located in Dirksen 455 . Thanks! Aimee From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, March 29, 2018 4:43 PM To : Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE:4/10 : Dr. Redfield call with Chairman Walden Yes. Tracie can add it and include Kyle. Thx! From: Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 4:42 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: 4/10: Dr. Redfield call with Chairman Walden Hi Scott Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) is available Wed, April 4 to call Dr. Redfield at 2pm. May we confirm? Thanks, Aimee HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000960 From: Sent : To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 28 Mar 2018 18:18:24 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject : Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) [Accompanied by: Kyle McGowan) Attachments : 4_ 10_ Dr. Redfield mtg w_ Sen. Murray and update - Chairman Cole.msg 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TBO Special Assistant : Seth Kroop "not traveling" Event Contact: TBO CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: Kyle McGowa n ema il: omc2@cdc .gov Mobile: 470-786-4941 Office : 404-718-5265 CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : Michelle M. Wilson, MSW , Congress ional Team Lead, Office of Appropr iations (COC/OCOO/OFR/OA) email: MWilson2@cdc .gov Office : 678-475-4706 CDC Media Contact (if applicabl e): TSO 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBO Purpose of Event: TSO Agenda (if applicable): TSO Number of Attende es and Composition: TBO Key Participants (if applicabl e): TSO Bios: TSO Source Invitation : Yes on OL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBO Proposed Role and Topic: TS O Length of Presentation : TSO Press: T BO Teleprompte r: TSO HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000961 4. SupportinqiLoqistics Materials: 5. 060 Review Materials: Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) 28 Mar 2018 14:01:58 -0400 To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales,Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: 4/10: Dr. Redfield mtg w/ Sen. Murray and update - Chairman Cole From: Sent: Update on Chairman Cole meeting and Senator Murray. 1. Update: Chairman Cole meeting now 10:30 on 4/10 2. Senator Murray can meet w ith Dr. Redfield at 11:30am on 4/10 - Location 154 Russell May we please confirm both. Thank you!!! From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:52 PM To: Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccall ister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: RE: 4/10: Dr. Redfield mtg w/ Chairman Cole Hi Miche lle, I'm adding the meeting to the calendar now . Who will accompany Dr. Redfield? Thanks, Teresa From: Wilson, M iche lle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:34 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Greaser, Jennifer (CDC/00/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: 4/10: Dr. Redfield mtg w/ Chairman Cole Hi All, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000963 Chairman Cole can meet with Dr. Redfield on April 10 at 11:00am for their introductory meeting. Location : 2467 Rayburn House Office Building May we please confirm. Thanks, MW Michelle M. Wilson, MSW Congressional Team Lead I Office of Appropriations Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office: 678·475·4706 I Cell: 678 ·386·3451 MWilson2@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000964 Spencer, Laura (CDC/OC00 /0D) Subject: Location: Sepsis Pre-brief Bldg. 21, OCR Start : End: Thu 6/ 14/2018 3:00 PM Thu 6/ 14/2018 3:45 PM Recurrence : (none) Meeting Status: Meeting organ izer Organizer : Required Attendees: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) ; Khabbaz , Rima (CDC/OI0/NCEZID) ; Bell, Michael MD (CDC/O I0 /NCEZ ID); Fiore, Anthony (CDC/O I0/NCEZ ID); Miller, Rebecca (CDC/O I0/ NCEZ ID); McClure , Susan (CDC/OI0/ NCEZ ID); Green , Hugh (CDC/O0 /OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/O0/OCS) Braden, Chris (CDC/OI 0/NCEZI D); Cardo, Denise M. MD (CDC/OI0/NCEZID); Kroop, Seth (CDC/O0/OCS) Optional Attendees : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000965 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Overview of CDCSepsis Activities Briefing with HHS Deputy Secretary and HHS Leadership Robert R. Redfield, M.D. Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC}, and Administrator, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) June 19, 2018 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000966 INFECTIONS ANDSEPSIS: RISK FACTORS ANDOPPORTUNITIES FOR PREVENTION PATHOGENS HOST SUSCEPTIBILITY IDENTIFIABLE PATHOGEN PREmfTION DEMOGRAPHICS • Support vaccine deve lopmen t and promotion (e.g., age , socloeconom le status, access to care) • Antlmicroblal stmvardship HEALTH BEHAVIORS • Disease surveillance • Outbreak response • Infection prevention for healthcare-associated Infections (e.g., smoking) MICROBIOME IMMUNE ANDGENETIC FACTORS COMORB IDITIES • Advanced diagnostic techniques (e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. congestive heart failure, cance r, diabetes) PATHOGEN NOTIDENTIRED IN >SOI SEPSIS HEALTH FACTORS (e.g., indw0lling devices) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000967 CDC'sunique role and activities to address • sepsis NY Epi-Aid CDC's Emerging Infections Program CDC Prevention Epicenters Administrative and EHR Data Sources ' • Descr iptive ep i of sepsis, pathogens , sources of infection. and diagnosis • Build on NYq:,i-Aid lessons learned to define sepsis cpi and identify potential prevention, early intervention stra tegies • National 2014 burden estimate • 2008-2014 incidence+ mortality • Oinical researc h • Policy impact • Surveilla nce definition developme nt Sepsis Recognition HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000968 Other Partner Engagement 3 CDC Vital Signs Report {2016} Call to action: Sepsisis a medical emergency • CDCcalled on healthcare providers to: Educate patients and their families about symptoms and when to seek medical attention Remind patients that taking care of chronic illnesses helps prevent infections 80% Sepsisbevlns outside ol llle llos,ital tor nearty 10%ofpalleiu . ~e~sis is~aa~l1 wlrnn ii's not ~uic~1 reco~nu~ an~ rreate~. -,QIC_.._..,..,M~a,,'"'M\~ ~ ••-• •..,IWI• •-- Collil • ....-. lM-lull• 1~otda;riti.111 .Sto,ao:aia,ffddla,.lbW11«*•~ Think sepsis by knowing sepsis signs and symptoms to identify and treat patients early Act fast if sepsis is suspected. Reassesspatient management and antibiotic therapy • Focus on preventability, need for education, and early recognition 7 in 10 A COCevalallon lo11Dd 7 Ill19 patients wn sepsis had recaally used healdl care senlces or hiid cllro■lc lllseases req■lrtng frequent aedlcal care. ~- ........... ,................ - --'-"'''"" ,.~ -. .• ...... ====--= .. dililn~w,sal.:l ,........... .rtw~d~•'""'N'ICIMIII oil____ ..,,"'"" - ~~flllma;,.Mffln ....... u.o,,.,~m~.. ........ .,,. ..........111.""' ... ._... CII -- Fourtypes ot IITlectlons■re mosl olteeassoclaledwllJI sepsll!:laog.mlary tract.i.lrln.andpt. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000969 Get Ahead of Sepsis (2017) Goal Emphasizes the importance of sepsis early recognition, timely treatment, reassessment of antibiotic needs, and prevention of infections that could lead to sepsis l!l!l~ll'il•I oFSEPSIS KNOW THE RISKS. SPOT THE SIGNS. ACT FAST . Example of Impact from CDC Educational Outreach and Promotion of Sepsis Consumers reached reported intended behavior change: 71% of consumers who saw CDC's messaging said they searched for more information about sepsis Over half of the consumers who saw CDC's messaging said they asked a healthcare professional for more information about sepsis PROTECT YOURPATIENTS FROM SEPSIS . WtctiNspvl ,o1MpatMf!b: ltristfot "flJil,14'1ltrtto lh• iigia• nd. I 111J,-Ch,•.ct Wit. IT'STIMETOTALK ABOUT SEPSIS. llltKUNlplllJIIIINJID 1 Jik,tht41t-1ag 65 years 125. 100. 75. 50. 25. ... <50verall ... <5 PCV13 ..... 65+0verall 65+ PCV13 Prevention of Central -line Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSl)in U.S. Hospitals , 2008-2016 1.2 1.0 0. 0 .8 1998 2001 2004 2007 Year 2010 2013 0 .6 0.4 0.2 0.0 2006-8 - 2009 20 10 All Locations 20 11 - 2~Jf, ICUs 20 13 - 20 14 Wards - 20 15 20 16 NICUs HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000974 Sepsis Burden and Risk Factors in the United States based on CDC's Data Vita l Signs: Epid e miology of Sepsis: Prevalence of Health Care Factors and Opportun ities for Prevention Pl;\~"-f'...-,rttI)/ \"l'UIIMIII.-\ ,\~\,MUI Uit'll(~O'\"-' .,...IAl . ~~Jl "' MlilUIWIJ"'.1l\'ML4Ji.lllllwtlll ~::u/l!.w'-:"•,~;J2";.=~~~~~~~~'"~~! U 11,u1&.1i~ 1 On A"'.fr.11.l.,l. ~,r~ 1J•u "J»'I 1,,-q,-1,J,n11• .. 1}-U~Ml))i ;;!':~ ~~f3't·MA ·. M\1WR 1-.11, 11,1,_,,,_,. 111' \tM"'-'R 1,.:,1,,11ufh u r•1J-wcdc .~o1,.IMM""-'t/- A.b' ,..a..i,.C mtm lflf«sl"-'n lnh'um .11 ioh nn ~,._,kt,1 lbd c;~rU.,fl•h ~ •I• 11• w,1o.,.. ~ Ool'\NI ~ d.fti,Qf ~. J.t111•!ft"-l'h~,. 1lJ. b 1.mr1, .1.1\0J tnfn.u(rfu k ...... t••~ h ~ k• "-q1..,e '-"•np1dlr'111lwic~.,_1, p11:w-11(l\•ft :~r 1:1~i;;.:~ and,...,_.,_ :,:=~~:..-:.v::iinlb ..-uh aq..... 1,.fl(. '-''l•Wl.t«I a ttlf•\>p('I.IIW',b.Jt rn1t,io In four~ \'t)r\. holpiul, RJl1dcam ,1tr,(IIN.CI~' w.u.0011("1. f.l11:l 1ty-hw, 12:S"'tl~ p,a,UCl"lt, ,i;p,Ucli-O\'ttol.ll e-- t iw:t1t µJr-ty. """Ii ■ Sepsis begins outside of the hospital for nearly 80% of patients. ■ 7 in 10 patients with sepsis had recent ly interacted with healthcare providers or had chronic diseases requiring frequent medical care. ■ Four types of infections were most often associated with sepsis: lung, urinary tract, skin, and gut. ■ Estimated 1.7 million cases of sepsis among adults patients and nearly 270,000 deaths. ■ 22% of patients with sepsis did not survive their hospitalization or went to hospice. Sepsis was present in nearly 1/3 of all hospitalizations that culminated in death. ■ Efforts are underway to figure out how to apply these definitions to children to get a reliable assessment of pediatric burden of sepsis. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000975 Thinking Holistically to Protect Patients Prevent Infections Early Detection • Implement effective recommendations • Faster diagnostic tools • Innovation • Sepsis Appropriate Treatment • Antibiotic Stewardship • Emerging Resistant Bacteria • Inter-facility Transmission Protecting Across the Patient Care Spectrum HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000976 Core Messages- Healthcare Professionals ■ ■ ■ You can protect your patients by recognizing and BEALERTTO THE treating sepsis quickly. SIGNSOF SEPSIS Know your facility's existing guidance for AND, WHEN diagnosing and managing sepsis. If you suspect SUSPECTED, sepsis: ACTFAST . Immediately alert the clinician in charge if it is not you. ltl!•il@!ti orSEPSIS Start antibiotics as soon as possible,in &o wTHERllKS , SPO l lH! llsN!.ACJFAS!, addition to other therapies appropriate for that individual patient . Check patient progress frequently. Reassessantibiotic therapy 24-48 hours to stop or change therapy as needed. Be sure antibiotic type, dose, and duration are correct. Sepsis is a medical emergency. Protect your patients by acting fast. Delayed recognition and treatment of sepsis increases your patients' risk of death. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000977 Educational Materials - Healthcare Professionals Materials for Healthcare Professionals • • • lnfographic: All healthcare professionals Brochure: All healthcare professionals Fact Sheets: • • • • • • Primary care settings Long-term care Hospitals and home care Emergency departments and urgent care Poster: All healthcare professionals Pocket cards: All healthcare professionals _ PROTECTYOUR - ~ ________ .._..... ::,.-_ -~.. S(pgs ~m ~ . ~• - ... ...,!. ,. . .... ._ .... •l•n - -- PATU:NTS FROM SEPSIS. liilJlml __ .:!~. . ---PROTECT YOUR PATIENTS - FROM SEPSIS . ,~,....,, ----~-... -----.""'"-· --. ---- "'.,.. .._ - .000 BO. 1■3 ,nm -==- 250 -=:::-= ~;:..- -:.·:- 1.5- ...... ._ .... :.~.:=.-:.t":..-:=i:=:.. ""'51 11111111 PROTECT YOUR PATIENTS FROM SEPSIS . iii -i :~ IJJl!!!'I _.,:!~ .. .-..:::,,::.:..-·-· _ _ .. __ __ ,,,....,. _I"' _ .. ....... ~ ..,,_ _..,,.,,.,n• ..i t.t. ·- IB1l!lllJ l!lll!2!il •• =-~:':'-:;=--· IE'IIGILAIIT . PROlfCT YOUR llIIl!:lB -~,........ ......... _....,_, ,.,.__ ....: ~ - BEALERT. SUSPECT SEPSIS . _..__ _____ _ PATIENTS 1110M SEPSIS . i,,-, ,_ _._ • , ......... ......-- ..-,r,.. ....,: ~ BEVIGILANT. PROlfCT YOUR RfSIOENTS FRO MSEPSIS . WNloo • .,.,.., ..... r,--1-. SAVEUYES. ..1....-- ••,•~--:-•u",:".,"' •,. ·.'"'•-•· •.•--•• ··--"-··-··-·--=----·... _____ .. ;;;,;_,,-,=·· - 111111111 ::.:c.=-·--. q?J) (j) ~~:=.:.::: .......... __··•--~..--, ...... ··--~--a. -- ·=-,·, .,,,.,;, (J) CJ)CD ~ ~ CI> . ·-... .. . ,. . ::.<:-..::....-:::."":::".:: ..-- . ··••·-•-··-···-- (f) (t) (f1 :;:;_-:::::_ : ..-=--·-~ (,t g HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000978 - ~ !1!11 Core Messages - Patients and Families ■ Talk to your doctor or nurse about steps you can take to prevent infections. Some steps include taking good care of chronic conditions and getting recommended vaccines. How can I preventinfections that couldlead to sepsis? 1 • rniii:1~1 oF SEPSIS ■ Practice good hygiene, such as handwashing, and keeping cuts clean until healed. ■ Know the symptoms of sepsis. ■ ACT FAST.Get medical care IMMEDIATELY if you suspect sepsis or have an infection that's not getting better or is getting worse. ■ Always remember, sepsis is a medical emergency . Time matters. If you or your loved one suspects sepsis or has an infection that's not getting better or is getting worse, ask your doctor or nurse, {{Could this infection be leading to sepsis?" lKOVi THIRISKS . SP011HE SIGNS. ACTFAST . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000979 Educational Materials - Patients and Families Materials for Patients and Families • • • Brochure: All patients and families Video: All patients and families Fact Sheets: • • • IT'STIME TOTALK ABOUT SEPSIS . People living with chronic conditions Aging adults, their caregivers, and mothers of young children The Dom ino Effect ------- __________ _• . -- ------:::----.:-.-·----------......... _ _..,.,_ -■.. ... ~ ----·-···--· · -·----- mtm!]J - · .: ~ ··- - ·- ···- . .~ STAY HEALTHY. PREVENT INFECTIONS ANDSEPSIS . _ _--~__ ........... ..,_._. ... ..,. ,. t~.......... mE!!Jil _ ............ .. _,: !:,'!,_ PROTECTYOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY FROM S£PSIS . OIMII.... Conversation starter: All patients and families • • _ __ ..... --- ""''""' .,_., lnfographic: All patients and families Posters: All patients and families HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000980 Page1837 Page1838 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000982 Page1839 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000983 Page1840 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000984 Page1841 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000985 Page1842 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000986 Page1843 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000987 Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) 27 Feb 2018 19:39:00 +0000 To : Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Lehman, Stan (CDC/OD/PPEO);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: SL Meeting with OASH, Dr. Don Wright (OADP coordinating) Attachments : RE_ Dr. Schuchat availability for HHS meeting .msg, RE_ HHS HP2020 All Hands meet ing 4_23_18 .msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: TS O Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TSO CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Schuchat : TSO CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TSO CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TS O 2. Event Information: Event Host: TSO Purpose of Event: TBO Agenda (if applicable): TSO Number of Attendees and Composition: TBO HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000988 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. Dr . Schuchat 's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Dr. Schuchat 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000989 Lehman, Stan (CDC/OD/PPEO) 26 Feb 2018 16:43:16 -0500 To : Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS};McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Kidder, Daniel (CDC/OD/PPEO) Cc: Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Dr. Schuchat availabi lity for HHS meeting From: Se nt: Sounds good - Carter actually preferred that window as well! From: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Se nt: Monday, February 26, 2018 4:41 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Lehman, Stan (CDC/OD/PPEO) ; Kidder, Daniel (CDC/OD/PPEO) Cc: Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Dr. Schuchat availability for HHS meeting Works for me. Stan, can you communicate with ODPHP at HHS. From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Date : February 26, 2018 at 4:18:24 PM EST To : Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/ OADP) , Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) , Lehman, Stan (CDC/OD/PPEO) , Kidde r, Daniel (CDC/OD/PPEO) Cc: Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) , Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) , Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subj ect : RE: Dr. Schuchat availab ility for HHS meet ing If that's the case, we can proceed to confirm 4/23 unless you prefe r one of the other dates From : Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Se nt: Monday , February 26, 2018 3:55 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS} ; Lehman , Stan (CDC/OD/PPEO) ; Kidder, Daniel (CDC/OD/PPEO) Cc: Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000990 Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Dr. Schuchat availability for HHS meeting It is preferred for Anne to be present but not absolutely necessary. It will be more important that Don and Carter speak with the wider CDC leadership team to update them on HP 2030 plans. From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, February 26, 2018 3:53 PM To: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) ; McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Lehman, Stan (CDC/OD/PPEO) ; Kidder, Daniel (CDC/OD/PPEO) Cc: Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS); Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Dr. Schuchat availability for HHS meet ing Hi Von, 4/23 may be best but we need to first confirm that Anne is not needed in DC for an OGC event. The other dates you mentioned will have conflicts and thus she likely won't be here . Teresa can let us know in the next day or two if that could be confirmed and then we can put the weekly SLand this visit on her calendar. From: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Sent : Monday , February 26, 2018 3:48 PM To: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Lehman, Stan (CDC/OD/PPEO) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kidder, Daniel (CDC/OD/PPEO) Cc: Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Subject: RE: Dr. Schuchat availabili t y for HHS meet ing Hi Jeremy, I spoke with Anne and she suggested I try to tag on a 30 minute meeting with Don Wright and Carter to the end of a Monday senior leadership meeting . The idea would be to use the last 30 minutes of the senior leadership meeting for a Healthy People 2030 discussion . Based on recent communications with HHS,they can make it down on 4/23 , 4/30, or 5/7 . I noticed that the SL meetings have not been scheduled this far out. Will this be a problem? -Von From: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, February 20, 2018 3:34 PM To: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) ; Lehman, Stan (CDC/OD/PPEO) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Dr. Schuchat availability for HHS meeting HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000991 Sounds good Von - thanks! Jeremy Jeremy Mccallister Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Phone: 404-639-7989 BB: 404-384-2610 Fro m : Nguyen, Von {CDC/OD/OADP) Sent : Tuesday, February 20, 2018 3:31 PM To: Lehman, Stan (CDC/OD/PPEO) ; McCall ister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. {CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Dr. Schuchat availab ility for HHS meet ing Hey Jeremy , Let me talk to Steve Redd about this one. Even if Dr. Schuchat can't make it, I think it would be productive for Don Wright and Carter to mee t with the full senior leadership team to discuss changes to Healthy People 2030. Once I get Steve's input, I will come back to you and we can find a date . -Von From : Lehman, Stan {CDC/OD/PPEO) Se nt : Tuesday, February 20, 2018 3:25 PM To : Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject: RE: Dr. Schuchat availability for HHS meeting Thnaks! From : McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, February 20, 2018 3:22 PM To : Lehman, Stan (CDC/OD/PPEO) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Subjec t: RE: Dr. Schuchat availability for HHS meeting Stan , We 'll get this in front of Dr . Schuchat for a decision but it'll take a few days . Until then, if you have any questions, you can direct them to me. Thanks for your patience and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000992 Jeremy Jeremy McCallister Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention (CDC) Phone: 404-639-7989 BB: 404-384-2610 isn8@cdc .gov From: Lehman, Stan (CDC/OD/PPEO) Sent : Tuesday, February 20, 2018 1:39 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS); Mccallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject: RE: Dr. Schuchat availability for HHS meeting Hi- spoke to Von Nguyen this morning and he suggested we try to set up a one hour meeting wi t h Dr. Schuchat and other Senior CIO staff immediately following the Monday morning OD Sr. Staff meeting . Our target date is 4/30. Would she be free on that day? From: Lehman, Stan (CDC/OD/PPEO) Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 10: 17 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS); Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. Schuchat availability for HHS meeting Hi- I am beginning to schedule our nearly annual All Hands meeting for Healthy People 2020, led by Dr. Don Wright, Director, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion at HHS/OASH. Dr. Schuchat participated in our last All Hands (fall 2016), hosting a 1 hour meeting with Dr. Wright and staff. I am inquiring about her availability and interest in meeting with them again. At this point, we would be looking for a 1 hour meeting during the period 5/1-5/8. Our Acting PPEODirector (Von Nguyen) has suggested that we may want to engage cross-Clo leadership as part of that meeting, so wonder ing if there may some meeting here at Roybal that already brings a number of them to Building 21 during that window and would be a good piggyback. Thanks! J. Stan Lehman, MPH Senior Performance Lead Program Performance and Evaluat ion Off ice Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Slehman@cdc .gov Office - 404-639-2041; cell- 404-513-8704 fax- 404-639-7121 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000993 From: Sent: To : Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) 13 Mar 2018 10:18:37 -0400 Lehman, Stan (CDC/OD/PPEO);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS};Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Bart, Sandra (Sandy) (CDC/OD/OADP) (CTR) Subject: RE: HHS HP2020 All Hands meeting 4/23/18 Looping in Teresa and Tracie who can remove the holds . Thanks for letting us know . Jeremy Jeremy Mccallister Advance T earn Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Phone : 404-639-7989 BB: 404-384-2610 isn8@cdc .gov From : Lehman, Stan (CDC/OD/PPEO) Sent : Tuesday, M arch 13, 2018 10:16 AM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bart, Sandra (Sandy) (CDC/OD/OADP) (CTR) Cc: Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP) Subject: HHS HP2020 All Hands meeting 4/23/18 Hi- HHS staff (Don Wright, Carter Blakey) are scheduled to meet with the CDC Senior Leadership team on 4/23 from 10-10:30. This is confirmed . We had also scheduled additional time with Dr. Schuchat from 10:30-11 on 4/23 . Per discussion within OADPS(Proposed) we think the latter meeting time can be released and the calendar holds from 10:3011 for Ors Schuchat and Nguyen can be released. Please let me know if you have any questions . Thanks! HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000994 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 15 Jun 2018 12:18 :48 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Pope, Kristin (CDC/01D/NCIRD);Berge r, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/0D);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Patel, Anita (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristi n (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) Subject : SNSAntiviral Distribution HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000995 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 7 May 2018 11:48:19 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) (;Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Cc: Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: SNS Attachment s: RE_ Wednesday.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: N/A Special Assistant: Seth Kroop Event Contact: TB D CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TB D CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TB D Number of Attendees and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000996 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000997 From : Sent: To: Cc: Subject : Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) 7 May 2018 07:45:15 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales,Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Wednesday Yes pleAse . You can list me as SA Fr om : Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Date : May 7, 2018 at 7:44:34 AM EDT To : Scales, Scott L.(CDC /OD/OCS) Cc: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , K.roop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE : Wednesday Do you want me to set up the other meeting she mentioned? Tracie From: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, May 7, 2018 6:03 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Fwd: Wednesday Pis cancel Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From : "McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS)" Date: May 6, 2018 at 4:21:35 PM EDT To : "Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD)" , "Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS)" , "Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS)" Subject: Re: Wedne sday Sounds good . Fr om : Berger , SheITi (CDC/OCOO/OD) Date: May 6, 2018 at 3 :50: 11 PM EDT HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000998 To: Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D /OCS) , Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D /OCS) Cc: McGow an, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/0D /OCS) Subject: Wednesday With Kyle's OK, please cancel OD on Wednesday. Instead, it will be a meeting on SNS with KM, SB. AS and Steve Redd. Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-000999 From: Sent: To : (;Green, Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 14 Jun 2018 15:55:04 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) Hugh (CDC/O0/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Speaker Ready Room Reserved from 9:00-5:00 for Dr. Redfield Use HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001000 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 19 Jun 2018 19:43 :38 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Green, Hugh (CDC/0D/OCS) Sepsis Slide Review HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001001 From: Sent: To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 30 Apr 2018 17:44:47 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Shepard Award Ceremony (Closing Remarks) Attachments: RE_ Scheduling Shepard Award ceremony.msg, 18_29038 4-A_Shepa rd Program_ 5918.pdf, FW_ Shepard Awards 10_00-11_30am June 14th ..msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Nikki Romanik Special Assistant: Hugh Gre en Event Contact: John Iskander, M.D , MPH (CDC /OD/OADS) Office of the Associate Director for Science emai l: Office: 404-639 -8889 CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Schuchat: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: OADS Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. Dr. Redfieldt's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Dr. Redfield 's Remarks/PresentationffPs: 2-3 minute closing remarks Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001002 S. OGC Raview Materials: 003 From: Sent: To: Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) 13 Mar 2018 14 :38:4 1 +0000 lskander, John (CDC/0D/OADS) Murphy, Joh n P. (CDC/0D/OADS) ;McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/0D/OCS);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/0D/OCS );Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject : RE: Scheduling Shepard Awa rd ceremony Hi John, I?ve confinned June 14th from I 0-11 :30 a.m. on Dr. Schuchat?s calendar. Do you have a location confinned? Thanks , Teresa From: lskander , John (CDC/ OD/OADS) Sent: Tuesday , March 13, 2018 10:28 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Murphy , John P. (CDC/OD/OADS) ; McCall ister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sorrells, Marjori e J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Scheduling Shepard Award ceremony Thank you Teresa. Let?s lock down Thursday June 14, IO to 1130 AM. Thanks, I will infonn others in OADS and on the Shepard committee. John From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday , March 13, 2018 9:47 AM To: Iskande r, John (CDC/OD/OADS) > Cc: Murphy , John P. (CDC/OD/OADS) >; McCallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) >; Sorrells , Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) >; Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) >; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: RE: Scheduling Shepard Award ceremony HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001004 Good morning John, Dr. Schuchat is available June 12, 13 and 14th from 10 a.m.? 11:30 a.m. I am holding these dates on the calendar. Please advise. Thanks, Teresa From: Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 9:37 AM To: Tskander, John (CDC/OD/OADS) >; Kroop, Setb (CDC/OD/OCS) >; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) >; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) > Cc: Murphy, John P. (CDC/OD/OADS) >; McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: RE: Scheduling Shepard Award ceremony Thanks John. I?m adding Teresa Williams and Tracie Strength from our team to please follow up with her availability. From: Iskander, John (CDC/OD/OADS) Sent: Monday , March 12, 2018 8:57 AM To: Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) >; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) > Cc: Murphy, John P. (CDC/OD/OADS) > Subject: Scheduling Shepard Award ceremony Marjorie and Seth; Dr. Roberta Ness has agreed to give this year?s Shepard Award lecture. Could you please let me know Dr. Schuchat?s availability June 12, 13, and 14th? The ceremony typically begins at 10 AM and lasts for 90 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001005 minutes. Thank you, John I. John lskander MD MPH CAPT, US Public Health Service Senior Medical Consultant Office of the Associa te Director for Science Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (404) 639-8889 /cdcgrandrounds HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001006 CHARLESC. SHEPARD2018 SCIENCEAWARDS ItvtvOVATI Otv ct Gll~ATIVITl in modern ,,g.ublic ,heq_ lth ■ Keynote Speaker: Dr. Roberta Ness June 14, 2018 • 10:00 AM. to 11:30 P.M. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001007 ShepardAwards2018 GWAlll~S G. SW~DAllD • QIOGllADW':1 .... w tf The preeminentscienceawardsof CDC/ATSDR,inaugurated in 1986,arenamedin honorof CharlesC.Shepard,MD,the internationally recognized microbiologist who was chief of the Leprosyand Ricketts ia Branchat CDCfor morethan 30years,until his death on February 18, 1985. CharlesCarterShepardwas born in Ord,Nebraska, on December18, 1914.HeattendedStanfordUniversity (19321935)and then transferredto NorthwesternUniversity, wherehe received BS,MS,and MDdegrees.In 1941, hejoinedthe Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service.From 1942through 1948,he workedat the National Institutesof Health (NIH)in Bethesda, Maryland. While on sabbatica l during 1948 through 1949,he workedin the laboratory of ArneTiselius in Uppsala,Sweden,and learnedthe new physicalsepara t ion techniquesthat would revolutionizeimmunology and biochemistry.He returned to Bethesdafor a year before movingto the RockyMountain Laboratory, National Institute of Allergyand InfectiousDiseases,NIH,in Hamilton,Montana, to studyvariouspathogenicbacteriaandt heirphagesat t he biochemical and ultrastructural levels.In 1953he cameto CDC,wherehe continuedhis outstandingworkwith rickettsiaeand beganhis distinguishedand definitive experimentswith mycobacteria,culminating in the cultivationof the leprosy bacillus,Mycobacterium feprae, in mice.His landmark article,"The Experimental Diseasethat Followsthe Injection of HumanLeprosyBacilli into Foot-Padsof of Experimental Medicine l 960;112:445-454),is stillconsidered Mice"(Journal a classic in microbiology.Hisachievementmadepossiblethe large-scale evaluation of antibiotic efficacyand reducedtestingtime from severa l yearsto only months.It also pavedthe wayfor leprosyvaccinestudies. Dr. Shepardmade significant early contributionsto the diagnosis,naturalhistory, and epidemiologyof RockyMountain spottedfever; Q fever;and scrub,murine, and epidemic typhus. Hewasalso codiscoverer (with JosephMcDade)of the Legionnaires'diseasebacterium (Legionella pneumophifa) afterthe now famous outbreakof virulentpneumonia in Philadelphiain 1976. Dr.Shepard received numerousawards,amongthem the GorgasMedal (1962), the KimbleMethodologyAward(1962), the Philip R.EdwardsAward(1964),the World LeprosyDayAward(1970), and the first CDCMedalof Excellence(1977). HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001009 Healsoreceived the HEWDistinguishedServiceMedal(1978),the RaolFolleraux Award(1978),andthe Richardand HindaRosentha l Award(1979).Hewasactive in mult iple profess ionalorganizat ions,including the ArmedForcesEpidemiologic BoardCommissionon Ricketts ial Diseases; the WHOImmunology of Leprosy Program;theWHOAdvisoryPanelon Leprosy;the HeiserProgramfor Research in Leprosy; and the LeprosyResearch Council, which hechaired.He wasalso involvedin manyeditorial activities,havingservedon the boardof directorsof the International Journal ofLeprosy andasa frequentreviewerfor numerous prestigious journals. AlthoughDr.Shepard'scontributionsto scienceand public health were prodigious,perhapshis greates t legacyis the influencehe hashadon the CDCscientistswho havefollowed in hisfootstepsand havecont inuedto find inspiration in thescientificintegrityandexcellencehe hascometo represen t. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001010 AWAD-DS DD-OGD-AM June 14, 2018 • 1O:am TomHarkinGlobalCommunications Center Building19, AlexanderD. LangmuirAuditorium CDCRoybalCampus 1600 CliftonRoad, Atlanta, Georgia IntroductoryRemarks SamGroseclose, OMV,MPH,DACVPM Introduction of KeynoteSpeaker RobertR.Redfield,MD "Innovationand Creativity in Modern Public Health" RobertaNess,MD Presentation of the 2018 CharlesC.ShepardScienceAwards CAPTJohnlskander,PhD Assessment DataMethods and Study Design LaboratoryScience Preventionand Control Lifetime ScientificAchievement Closing CAPTJohnlskander,PhD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001011 k8':1tvOT8 SD8Ak81l 'S l?IOGllADl-1':1 Roberta B. Ness, MD, MPH RobertaB. Ness,MD,MPH,RockwellProfesso r of Public Health at the UniversityofTexas, hasbeencalled one of America'sforemostexpertsin innovativethinking. Sheis authorof four books,Innovation Generation, a systematicmethod abouthowto maximizeyourcreativity; aswell asCreativityin theSciences, GeniusUnmasked, and TheCreativity Crisis, a workbook,storybook,andcriticalappraisalof institutional barriersto innovation. Dr.Nesshasgivenover90talksandworkshopson innovativethinking at America's top universities, research anddevelopment-intensive corporations,and scienceand technologyprofessiona l societiesincludingthe NationalAcademies, AmericanAssociation forthe Advancement of Science, the Assoc iationfor AmericanPhysic ians,andthe AmericanSocietyfor Clinical Investigation.She offersa freeonlinecourse,Reimagining Innovation, which hasbeenaccessed by more than 100,000viewers.Shehasgiventwo TEDtalksandwasfeaturedon the Bill Nye-hostedpodcast,StarTalkRadio. A recognize d expertin medicineandpublic health,Dr.Nessisformerdeanof TheUniversity ofTexasSchoolof Public Health,one of the largestsuch schools in the nation. Dr.Ness's internationa l acclaim isshownby membership in the mostesteemed professiona l societyin the UnitedStates, the NationalAcademiesof Science,as well asother prestigioushonorarysocietiesincluding theAmericanSociety for Clinical Investigation, Delta OmegaHonorary,andthe AmericanEpidemiologic Society.Sheis formerpresident of the top two professiona l societiesin herfield, a fellowof the AmericanCollegeof Phys icians,and associate edit or or on the editorialboardof numerous scientificjournals.Other honorsinclude a 1996 Leadership Awardfromthe FamilyHealth Council,2006LaureateAwardfrom the AmericanCollegeof Physic ians,2008DistinguishedProfessor of Women'sHealth fromthe SocietyforGeneral Internal Medicine,2011 presidential appointment to the MickeyLelandCenterfor EnvironmentalRes earch,2013Petersdorf Lecturesh ip fromthe AmericanAssociation of MedicalColleges,and 2014 AthenaSwanlecturesh ip at Oxford University.Shehasreceivedtwo of the most prestigiouslifetime achieve ment awardsin herfield:the 2013 SnowAwardfrom HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001012 the AmericanPublicHealth Associat ion,andthe 2017 Lillienfeld Awardfrom the AmericanCollegeof Epidemiology. Dr. Nessreceivedhermedicaldegreefrom Cornell Universityandher master'sin public healthfrom ColumbiaUniversity. Sheestablishedthe leadingparadigm in thefield of women'shealth research,termed "gender -basedbiology"in her book,HealthandDisease AmongWomen.In almost400 publicationsand more thanthreedozenfederally fundedgrants,Dr.Nesshasdiscovered causesand established best preventionandtreatmentapproachesfor diseases asvaried as cancer,pregnancycomplications,andcardiovascular disease. Dr.Ness hasbeen anadvisorto the National Institutesfor Health, the Centersfor DiseaseControl and Prevention, NASA,andthe Departmentof Defense, amongothers. Dr. Ness's insightsasa scientis t andadministratorhaveput herina unique position to imagineand provethe usefulness of techniquesto improvecreativity both persona l andorganizationa l. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001013 gel-tyimages Fiid'M mags pugucATIOtv AWAD.D tv0Mltv88S Nominated by theCentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention andtheAgencyfor ToxicSubstances andDisease Registry (CDCIATSOR) for the2018CharlesC.Shepard Science Awards. Thenominated articleswerejudgedonscientificmeritand thesignificance of theireffecton themissionof COCIATSOR. Following is a complete citationandbriefdescription of eacharticle,listedbycategoryandin alphabetical orderby thefirstauthor'slastname. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001015 ASS(?SSM(?N T YutakaAoki,JenniferYee,andMaryE.Mortensen Blood Cadmium byRace/H ispanic Origin :TheRole ofSmok ing American Journal ofPublicHealth 2016;106(11):2049-2056 Cadmium,a soft,bluish-whitemetal thatsharescharacteristics Withzinc andmercury, causeslung cancers and isassociated with kidneyandprostatecancer.Theauthors usedNHANESdata,whichincludedblood cadmiumandself-reportedsmoking status, to explorehow bloodcadmiumvaried by race/ethnicity andsmoking statusamong U.S.adultsandthe extentto which the difference maybeexplainedby intensity of smoking, a knownmajorsourceof cadmiumexposure. NancyF.Butte, KathleenB.Watson, KateRidley,IssaF.Zakeri,Robert G. McMurray, Karin A Pfeiffer,ScottE.Crouter,StephenD.Herrmann,David R Bassett, AlexanderLong,Zekarias Berhane,StewartG.Tros t, BarbaraE.Ainsworth, David Berrigan,andJanet E.Fulton AYouth Compendium ofPhysical Activities :Acti vityCodes andMetabolic Intensities Medicine andScience in SportsandExercise 2018;50(2):246-256 Gathering accuratedata on humanenergyexpenditurecan improvethe design and evalua t ion of physica l activityand obesity interventions.Thisstudydescribesthe developmentof a compilationtool used to identify the energyexpenditure of 196 physicalactivitiesusingdataon youth only.Thetool fillsa criticalgapandcanbe used by a varietyof audiences-including researchers, health professionals,teachersand coaches, andfitnessprofessio nals. ZhuoChen,KatherineKolor,ScottD.Grosse, Juan L.Rodriguez,Julie A.Lynch, , andMuin J. Khoury RidgelyFisk Green,W.David Dotson,M.ScottBowen Trends in Utilizat ionandCos tsofBRCA Testing Among Women Age d 18-64years inthe UnitedStates,2003- 2014 GeneticsinMedicine2017; doi: 10.1038/gim.2017 .118 About300,000U.S.womenhavemutations of BRCA genes,which help suppress geneticmutationsincreasethe riskof breastandovariancancers. Early tumors.BRCA discoveryof BRCA mutations allowsfor prevention measures.Thisstudyidentified changesin BRCAtesting ratesandcostsconsistent with effectsof severa l inAuencing factorsthat could help inform public health approachesto promoting effectiveand appropriateBRCA testing. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001016 NicoleL.Davis,DonnaL Hoyert, DavidA.Goodman, AshleyH.Hirai, andWilliamM.Callaghan Contribution ofMaternal AgeandPregnancy Checkbox onMaternal Mortality Ratios intheUnited States , 1978- 2012 American Joumalof Obstetrics andGynecology2017; 217:352e1- e7 Womenin the UnitedStatesaremore likelyto die fromchildbirth or pregnancyrelatedcausesthanwomenin otherhigh-incomecountries.Theauthors character izedmaterna l death in the UnitedStatesandexaminedpotential contributorsto increas ing maternal mortality ratiosfrom 1978through 2012.The resultsshow the urgentneedfor partners hips betweenstate maternalmortality review committeesand vitalstatistics officesto identifythe bestopportunitiesfor improving reportingof pregnancystatuson deathcertificates. Knust,FodayR.Sesay, GibrillaF Deen,NathalieBroutet,Wenbo Xu,Barbara Ervin, Jaclyn E.Marrinan,PhilippeGaillard, SuzannaL.R.McDonald,Elizabeth Yamba, NdemaHabib, Hongtu Liu,WilliamLiu,Anna E.Thorson,Francis uoi, Faust in James, Archchun Ariyaraja h, ChristineRoss, ThomasA Massaq KyleBernstein. Antoine Coursier, John Klena,Marylin Carino,Alie H.Wurie, YongZhang,MarionS.Dumbuya,Neetu Abad,BaimbaIdriss, Teodora Wi, SarahD. Bennett, Tina Davies , FaiqaK.Ebrahim, Elissa Meites,Dhamar i Naidoo, Malik, Anshu Banerjee, SamuelJ.Smith, Patricia Ongpin,Tasneem YongjianLiu,YangLiu,KeXu,AaronBrault, Kara N.Durski, Bobbie R.Erickson, JornWinter,TaraSealy, StuartT.Nichol, MargaretLamunu,JamesBangura, Sihem Landoulsi, AmaraJambai, Oliver Morgan,GuizhenWu, MifangLiang, Qiudong Su,Yu Lan,YanzheHao,PierreFormenty,UteStroher,and FodaySahr Ebola RNAPersistence inSemen ofEbola Virus Disease Survivors-Final Report TheNewEngland Journalof Medicine2017;377( 15):1428-1437 TheWestAfrica Ebolaepidemic presented the opportunityto testa largernumber of maleEbola survivorsfor EbolavirusRNAin theirsemen,andit wasurgent to understandhow long sexcouldbe a riskfactor for Ebolatransmission. Thestudy showedthatmanysurvivorshadvirusRNA persistingin their semen andemphasized the importance of testingandcounselingprogramsfor Ebolasurvivorsto reduce the riskof sexualtransmission. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001017 AlphaOumarDiallo,HeidiM.Soeters,lssakaYameogo,Guetawe nde Sawadogo, Flavien Ake,Clement Lingani, Xin Wang,Andre Bita,Amadou Fall, LassanaSangare, Rasmata Ouedraogo-Traore, lsateMedah,Brice Bicaba,and RyanT.Novak,for the MenAfriNet Consortium Bacterial Meningitis Epidemiology andReturn ofNeisseria meningitidis Serogroup ACases Faso intheFive Years Following MenAfriVac Mass Vaccination Campaign inBurkina PLoSOne2017;12(11):e0187466 The authorsevaluatedthe effectiveness over a 5-year periodof a new serogroup A meningococcalconjugatevaccine introducedduring national massvaccina t ion campaignsin sub-SaharanAfrica.Thispaper measuresprogresstowardCDC's StrategicFrameworkfor Global Immunizationsby 2020goal to control,eliminate,or eradicatevaccine-preventable diseases, which includesthe elimination of Neisseria A (NmA)epidemicsinthe meningitis belt. meningicidis serogroup ElaineW.Flaggand Elizabeth A.Terrone Declines inAnogenital Warts Among AgeGroups MostLikely toBeImpacted by Human PapillomavirusVaccination , United States, 2006 - 2014 American Journal ofPublicHealth20 18;108(1):112-1 19 Vaccinemonitoring iscrucial for assess ing the progressof immunizationprograms, demonstrating impacton disease, and evaluating policy needs.Thisstudy assesses the impactof human papillomavirus vaccinationon the prevalence of anogenital wartsamongprivateinsuranceenrolleesin the United States.Theauthorsreport that decreases in the occurrenceof anogenital wartsamong U.S.females,previously limitedto thoseaged 15- 19 years,arenow occurringthrough age29 years. KatherineA.Fowler,LindaL.Dahlberg,TadesseHaileyesus,CarmenGutierrez,and Sarah Bacon Childhood Firearm Injuries intheUnited States Pediatrics 2017;140(1 ):e20163486 International studies indicate that 91%of firearm deaths of children amonghighincomecountriesoccur in the United States. This paper characterizesfirearminjuries and their causesamongchildreninthe UnitedStates.Reporteddataon fatal and nonfatal firearminjuries include the magnitude and nature of theseinjuriesfor the nation, by state, overtime,andacrossage, sex,and racial andethnicgroups.The authorsalsodiscussprevention strategies. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001018 H. FrederickFrasc h and AnaM. Barbero InVitroHuman Epidermal Permeation ofNicotine fromElectron icCigarette RefillLiquids andImplications forDermal Exposure Assessment Journal ofExposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology2017 ;27(6):618 - 624 Useof electronic cigaretteshasgrown substantiallyover the past severa l years. E-cigarettescan potentially helpweannicotine addicts from cigarettesmoking, but thereareseveralconcernsraisedby their use.Theseincludeuseof theseproducts by young peopleand the potential fore-cigarettesto becomea gateway to cigarette smoking.This paper describesa new data-drivenapproachto determinethe riskof skincontactwith nicotinecontained in liquids usedin e-cigarettes. andYao-HsuanChen ChaitraGopalappa,Stephanie L.Sansom,PaulG.Farnham, Combinations ofInterventions toAchieve a National HIVIncidence Reduction Goal: Insights fromanAgent-based Model AIDS2017;31 (18):2533 - 2539 A majorgoal of CDC'smissionisto allocateresourcesefficiently. Understanding which intervention combinationswill besthelp reachnational HIV prevention goals will inform decision makers and programdirectorsabout how to allocateHIV prevention resources.This paper used modeling to analyzecombinationsof carecontinuum targetsthat cangeneratea 25%reduction in new infections by 2020. Findings will help healthdepartments fine tune their HIV prevention efforts. Jeremy A.Grey,KyleT Berns tein, Patrick S.Sullivan, SarahE_Kidd,ThomasL.Gift,Eric W.Hall, Abigail Hankin-Wei, Hillard S. Weinstock, and Eli S. Rosenberg Rates ofPrimary andSecondary Syphili sAmong WhiteandBlack Non-Hispanic Men WhoHave SexWithMen,United States, 2014 Journal ofAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome s 2017;76(3):e65-e73 Trends in syphilis caseshavefollowed the increasi ng trajectoryseenamong men who have sexwith men.Earlydetection of disparitiesand improvedpreventionof syphilis amonggroupsat riskcan influenceoverall syphilis rates.Thispaper characterizesthe burdenof syphilisamongracial, ethnic,and sexualminority populations, specifically non-Hispanic black andwhite men who have sexwith men. Findingssupplement what can be determined by usingnational surveillancedata alone. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001019 JoseE. Hagan,Yoshihiro Takashima,Amarzaya Sarankhuu, OtgonbayarDashpagm a, BaigalmaaJantsansengee, RobertaPasto re,GunregjavNyamaa,Buyanjargal Yadamsuren,Mick N.Mulders, KathleenA.Wannemuehl er,Rayde l Anderson, Bettina Bankamp,PaulRota,andJames L.Goodson Risk Factors forMeasles Virus Infection Among Adults During a largeOutbreak in Postelimination ErainMongolia, 2015 TheJournal ofInfectious Diseases 2017;216(10):1187 - 1195 CDCcontributesto globaleffortsto control vaccine -preventable diseases. This studyanalyzedmeasles risksduring a nationwide outbreak Authors identified a previouslyunknownriskgroupfor measlessusce ptibility in Mongolia(youngadults, particularlythosebornoutsidethe capital).Theyalsofound evidence sugges ting that latent effectsof the immunizationprogrambreakdownthat occurred during the collapseof theSoviet Union might haveledto waningmeaslesimmunity among certain populations. JohnC.Clark,XiaoyunYe, CynthiaJ. Hines,MatthewV.Jackson, JamesA Deddens, Annette L. Christianson, JulianaW.Meadows, andAntoniaM.Calafat Urinary Bisphenol A(BPA) Concentrations Among Workers inIndustries that Manufacture andUseBPA intheUSA Annalsof WorkExposure andHealth2017;61(2):164-1 82 PracticallyeveryAmerican isexposedto bisphenolA (BPA), a man-madechemical usedto makeplastics,andepoxyresins thatareusedto protectively line somefood cans. BPAmayalsobe addedto certain specialtywaxesusedto makewaxpatterns forcasting metalpartsin manufacturing plants.Thismanuscriptdescribes the first assessment of exposure to BPA,a chemical suspected to affecttheendocrine system, among American manufactur ing workers. Joy Hsu, Jess icaChen,andMaria C.Mirabelli Asthma Morbidity, Comorbidities , andModifiable Factors Among Older Adults TheJournalofAllergy andClinical Immunology : In Practice 2018;6(1):236-243 By2030,the numberof U.S.adultsaged65or older will morethan double.This rapid growth in the numberof older Americans will placestrongdemandson healthcare andaging-relatedservices .This paperidentifiesandassesses causesandriskfactors for higherratesof asthmadeathsamongolderU.S.adults.Theauthorsfoundthat health professio nalscanuseexistingreporting systemsto identify thosewith asthma who could benefit fromadditional interventions. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001020 A Daniel le Iuliano,Katherine M.Roguski, HowardH.Chang,DavidJ Muscatel lo, Rakhee Palekar, Stefano Tempia,CherylCohen,Jon MichaelGran,Dena Schanzer, J.Cowling,PengWu,Jan Kyncl,LiWeiAng,MinahPark,MonikaRedlbergerBenjamin Fritz,HongjieYu,LauraEspe nhain,AnandKrishnan,GideonEmukule,Liselottevan Asten, Susana Pereirada Silva,SuchunyaAungkulanon,UdoBuchholz,Marc-A lain Widdowson,andJosephS. Bresee, fortheGlobalSeasonal Influenza-associa ted Mortality CollaboratorNetwork Estimates ofGlobal Seasonal Influenza -associated Respiratory Mortality: AModelling Study TheLancetdoi: 10.1016/S0140 -6736(17)33293 -2 Reliable country-speci fic influenzadeath estimatesthatdescribeinfluenzaburden arecriticalfor nationaland international decision making. Althoughinfluenza vaccines aredistributedglobally,vaccineuseis limited due to uncertaintyabout influenzaburden.This studyanalyzedmethodsusedand accountedfor differences amongcountries.Theauthorsworkedwith collabora torsfrom47 countriesto model vital recordsandsurveillancedatato calculatedeath estimatesfor 1999-20 15 andappliedestimatesto countrieswithoutdata. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001021 Heeso o Joo,BrianMaskery,TarissaMitchell, Andrew Leidner,AlexanderKloso vsky, andMichelleWeinberg AComparative Cost Analy sisoftheVaccination Program forU.S.-bound Refugees Vacc1ne2017; doi: 10.1016/j.vacci ne.2017.09.023 Thisstudyestimatesthe costof the Vaccinat ion Programfor U.S.boundRefugees (VPR) andcanhelp inform policies. TheVPR,a collaborationbetweenCDCand the StateDepartment, offersvaccinesto U.S.-bound refugeesoverseas . By providing vaccinesbeforedeparture,theVPRimprovesthe health of refugeesand U.S.communitiesby reducing the probability that refugeesarrive with vaccinepreventab le diseases. Theassessme nt of costs of strategies clarifiesVPRexpenses andassists governments with refugeehealth programs . le, MoniqueA Foster, Rick L.Pesano, KathleenN.Ly, RuthB.Jiles,EyasuH.Tesha andScottD.Holmberg Hepatitis (VirusInfection Among Reproductive -agedWomen andChildren inthe United States , 2006to2014 AnnalsofInternal Medicine 2017;166(11):775-782 HepatitisCvirus (HCV)infection amongpregnant women hasbeendifficult to quantifybecause screeningamong thispopulation isnot routinely performed. Many HCVinfections among womenandtheir infantsgo undetected because of underrecognition of riskbehaviorsandconcerns aboutstigmaand legal repercus sions. Thisstudydescribes the natureof HCVinfection amongpregnant womenandtheir infantsandadvances understanding of the changing epidemiologyof HCV during thenation'sopioidcrisis. MarilynJ. Manco-Johnson,J. MichaelSoucie, andJoanCoxGill, for the Joint OutcomesCommitteeof the UniversalData CollectionU.S.Hemophilia TreatmentCenter Network ProphylaxisUsage , BleedingRates , andJointOutcomesofHemophilia, 1999to2010: ASurve illance Proj ect Blood2017;129(17):236&-237 4 Hemophiliais a genetic disorderprimarilyaffecting malesandcharacterizedby the lackof a protein criticalto normalbloodclotting.Thispaperusessurveillance data from a large population of boysandmenwith severe hemophilia to trackchanges in the useandoutcomesof treatmentto prevent bleedingintojoints.Thesamedata analyzedlongitudinallyprovidesinsightsthat will guide effort sto improvethe health impactof this preventionstrategy . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001022 ~ ' 0 -■ ' - , , ' r.,-- . - LouiseB.Murphy,MiriamG.Cisternas,KurtJ Greenlu nd,WayneGiles,CaseyHannan , and CharlesG.Helmick Defining Arthritis forPublic HealthSurveillance: Methods andEstimates inFour U.S . Populat ionHealth Surveys ArthritisCare& Research 2017;69(3) :356-367 Arthritis isa commonchronic diseasein the United Stateswith significant economic, persona l, andsocietalimpact.Accurateprevalence estimatesof arthritisare important to publichealth.Thisstudyexaminedarthritis prevale ncefrom fourfrequently used U.S.population health surveys.The authorsusedtwo definition (arthritisdefinedby doctor diagnosis and by ICDcodes)to makecomparisonsamongthe surveysand guidedreadersin appropriatelyinterpretingandchoosingestimates. SaraE.Oliver,ElizabethR.Unger,Rayleen Lewis,DariusMcDaniel,JuliaW Gargano, MartinSteinau, and LauriE.Markowitz Prevalence ofHuman Papillomavirus Among Females AfterVaccine Introduction -Nationa l Health andNutrition Examination Survey , United State s,2003-2014 TheJoumalof Infectious Diseases 2017;216(5):594--603 Thispaperprovidesan assessment of thehuman papillomavirus(HPV)vaccine programin the UnitedStatesusing high-quality,nationallyrepresentative data. Theauthorsshowedthat within 8 yearsof HPVvaccineintroduction,vaccine-type HPVprevalence decreased71%among14-to 19-year-oldsand61%among20- ro 24-year-olds.Estimated vaccineeffectivenesswashigh. A decreasein HPV vaccine-typeprevalence amongunvaccinated femalessuggestsherd immunity. RobertM.Parkand Shannon L.Berg Manganese andNeurobehavioral Impairment. Apreliminary riskassessment Neurotoxicotogy2017; doi: 10.1016/ j.neuro.2017 .08.003 Exposure to manganesedustoccursprimarily in miningand metallurgy. Rece nt studiesindicate neurologicaldeficits mayoccurwhenworkersareexposedto manganese. The authorsusedquantitativerisk assessme nt methodsto determinethe risksof impairmentin workers'exposure in severalindustries.Althoughthereisclear scientificevidenceof the health effectsat higher exposure levels , thisstudyhelps informdecisionmakersof the health effects of low-leve l exposur es. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001023 Gabriela Paz-Bailey, Eli S. Rosenberg, Kate Doyle,Jorge Munoz-Jordan, Gilberto A.Santiago,Liore Klein,Janice Perez-Padilla, FreddyA Medina, Stephen H.Waterman, CarlosGarci a Gubern, LuisaI.Alvarado, andTyler M.Sharp Persistence ofZikaVirusin Body Fluids-Prel iminaryReport TheNewEngland Journal ofMedicine 2017;doi:10.1056/N EJMoa16 13108 Between thediscovery of Zika virus in the 1950sand its emergence in theearly 2000s,only20 humancases of Zikavirus infection had been documented. Assuch, little wasknownabout Zikavirus infection.The authorsenrolled 150 people early in the course of their infection and followedthem for 6 monthsafter their illnessbegan. CDCmadetwo major publichealth recommendat ionsbecauseof thisstudy. MatthewD. Ritchey,FleetwoodLousta lot, Hilary K.Wall, ClaudiaA.Steiner, CathleenGillespie,Mary G.George, andJanetS. Wright Million Hearts: Description oftheNational Surveillance andModeling Methodology Usedto 2012-2016 Monitor theNumbe rofCardiovascular Events Prevented During Journal of theAmerican Heart Association 2017;doi: 10.1161/ JAHA.117 .006021 Despite beingthe numberone causeof deathin the United States,there is no national surveillance systemto trackcardiovascular events.This studydescribeshow the Million Heartsinitiative combinesemergencydepartment,hospital,and mortality datasystemsto track cardiovasc ulareventswhile preventingdouble-counting. Developmentof this methodhashelpedovercomethe limitations of national surveillanceand helpedthe initiativeto measureits success in meeting the aim of preventing 1 million events. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001024 JorgeRosenthal, Natalia Largaespada,Lynn B.Bailey,MichaelCannon,C.J. Alverson, DayrinOrtiz,Gail PaKauwe ll, Joe Sniezek, RamonFigueroa,RobynDaly,and PeterAllen FolateDeficiency IsPrevalent inWomen ofChildbearing AgeinBelize andIsNegatively Affected byCoexisting Vitamin 8-12Deficiency: Belize National Miaonuttient Survey 2011(1- 4) TheJournal ofNutrition 2017;147(6):1183 -1 193 Neuraltube defectssuchasspina bifida andanencephalyresultin death or lifelong disabilityfor thoseaffected,but theyareusuallypreventedwhenwomen consume enough folic acidbeforeandduring early pregnancy.However,manycountrieshave not established preventionpolicies,often becauseawarenessof the burdenof neural tubedefectsis low.Toguide public healthprogramssuch asfood fortification,this paper assesses the risk of folateandother micronutrient deficiencies. LaurenM.Rosse n, Katherine A.Ahrens,andAmyM.Branum Trends inRisk ofPregnancy Loss Among U.S. Women, 1990-2011 Paediatric andPerinatalEpidemiology 2018;32(1):19--29 Pregna ncy lossis an experiencesharedby about20%of U.S.womenwho become pregnant, and the riskof lossappearsto haveincreasedover thepastseveral decades . More recently,therehavebeen population-levelchangesin various risk factorsfor pregnancyloss, includingthe prevalenceof obesityandincreasesin materna l age. Usingnationally represe ntativedata on women of childbearing age,this paper details how the riskhasincreasedoverthe pastseveraldecades . Isaac See,PaulWesson, Nicole Gualandi,Ghinwa Dumyati, LeeH. Harrison, LindseyLesher, JoelleNadle,SusanPetit, Claire Reise nauer,William Schaff ner, AmyTunali,YiMu,andJennifer Ahern Factors Explain Racial Disparities inInvasive Community -Associated Socioeconomic Methicill in-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Disease Rates Clinical Infectious Diseases 2017;64(5):597-604 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) isa common causeof antibioticresistantinfections. SinceCDCbegansurveillancein 2005,incidence hasdeclined significantly for invasive healthcare-assoc iatedbut not community-associated MRSA. This papersuggestsstrategiesfor reducing health disparitiesin invasive community-assoc iatedMRSArates,basedon the finding that depressed socioeconomicstatus drivesracial disparitiesin invasiveMRSArates.Thesefindings provideinsights into interventionsthat couldreduceracial disparitiesandcommunityassociated invasiveMRSA. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001025 N.Sarita Shah, SaraC.Auld, JamesC.M. Brust,Barun Mathema,NazirIsmail, PraviMoodley,Koleka Mlisana,Salim Allana,Angela Campbell, Thuli Mthiyane, V.Omar, Natashia Morris,PrimroseMpangase, Hermina vanderMeulen, Shaheed TylerS.Brown, ApurvaNarechania,ElenaShaskina, ThandiKapwa ta,BarryKreiswirth, andNeel R.Gandhi Transmission ofExtensively Drug -resistant Tuberculosis inSouth Africa The NewEngland JournalofMedicine2017;376 (3):243- 253 Drug-resista nt tuberculosisisthe leading causeof antimicrobialresistance-related deathsworldwide. Drug-resistantTB is 50- 100 timesmoreexpensiveto treatthan drug-susce ptibleTB,yet only 50%of patientsarecured.This paperchallenged a long-standing beliefaboutdrug-resistant TBand involved groundbreaking workto characteri ze how and where transmissio n isoccurringin South Africa,the epicenter of the HIV anddrug-resistantTBepidemic. n, GyanBhushan, AakashShrivastava, Anil Kumar,Jerry D Thomas,Kayla F Laserso MelissaD.Carter,MalaChhabra, VeenaMittal, ShashiKhare, JamesJ.Sejvar, RudolphJohnson,JamesL.Pirkle, MayankDwivedi,Samant ha L.Isenberg, h Yadav, AnoopVelayudhan,Mohan Papanna, Panka j Jon D.Sharer, PatriciaL.Hall,Rajes Singh,D.Somashekar, ArghyaPradhan,KapilGoel,RajeshPandey, Mohan Kumar, l, A.Ramesh Kumar,JoshuaG. Schier, Satis h Kumar,Amit Chakrabart i, P.Sivaperuma Arthur Chang,Leigh Ann Graham,ThomasP.Mathews,DarrylJohnson,LizaValentin, Kathleen L.Caldwell,Jeffery M.Jarrett,LeslieA.Harden, GaryR.Takeo ka, Suxia ngTong,KristaQueen, Clinton Paden, AnneWhitney,DanaL.Haberling, RamSingh,RaviShankarSingh,KennethC.Earhart,A.C.Dhariwal,LS. Chauhan, S.Venkatesh,and Padmini Srikantiah Association ofAcute Toxic Encephalopathy withlitchiConsumption inanOutbreak inMuzaffarpur, India,2014: ACase-control Study TheLancetGlobal Health 2017;5(4):e458-e466 Outbreaksof an acute neurologicalillnesswith high rateof death among children occur everyyear in Muzaffarp ur- lndia'slargestlitchi cultivation region. In 2014, the authorsinvestigatedthe causeand riskfactorsfor this illness.In thishospital-based surveillanceand age-matchedcase-control study,laboratoryinvestigatorsassessed potential causesof the illness.Findingssuggestedminimizing litchi consumption, ensuring receipt of an evening meal, and carrying out rapidglucosecorrection for suspectedillness. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001026 JamesTsai,ItaliaV.Rolle,TusharSingh, ShereeL.Boulet,Timothy A McAfee, andAltheaM.Grant Patterns ofMarijuana andTobacco UseAssociated withSuboptimal Self -rated Health Among U.S . Adult Ever Users ofMarijuana Preventive Medicine Reports 2017;6:251-257 Althoughstudieshaveevaluated the effectsof marijuana and tobaccouseon health, combinedpatternsof their impact on health areuncertain.Thispapercharacterized marijuanaand tobaccousein relation to self-ratedhealthamongU.S.adults aged20 yearsor older using datafromthe NationalHealthandNutrition Examination Survey In the contextof legalization of marijuanain someU.S.states,thisstudy provides importantinformation about the healthimpact of theseactivities. JohnM.Violanti,DestaFekedu legn,Michael E.Andrew,TaraA Hartley, DianeB. Miller,and CecilM. Burchfiel LuendaE.Charles, TheImpact ofPerceived Intensity andFrequency ofPolice Work Occupational Stre ssors ontheCortisol Awakening Respon se (CAR) : Findings fromtheSCOPS Study Psychoneuroendocrino/ogy 2017;75:124-131 Because law enforcementcanbe stressful, policeofficersareidealfor examining workplacestresson physicalandpsycholog icalhealth.This cross -sectionalstudy rsandexaminedtheir effecton poor health identifiedfivetypesof workplacestresso in a high-stressoccupatio n. Findings indicated thatofficerswho experienceelevated levelsof the most stressf ul eventshada dysregulatedstressresponsesystemthat could leadto a variety of adversehealth outcomesincludingcardiovascular disease. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001027 DATAM~TWODS AtvDSTUD\iD~SIGtv PallaviD. Annambhotla, BrianM.Gurbaxan i, MatthewJ. Kuehnert, and SridharV.Basavaraju AModel toEstimate theProbability ofHuman Immunodeficiency Virus andHepatitis C Infection Despite Negative Nucleic Acid Testing Among Increased -riskOrgan Donors Transplant Infectious Disease 2017;19(2):e12676 Accordingto theOrgan Procurementand Transpla nt Network, morethan 120,000 peoplearewaitingfor organs,but only 30,000transplantsurgeriestake placeeach year.Furthercomplicating the picture,about20%of organsofferedfor transplant aredesignated"increasedrisk"due to their potential for harboring HIVand hepatitis viruses.Thispaper describesa non-laborato ry mathematicalmodelto better estimatethe riskof undetectedHIV and hepatitisC transmiss ion related to organ transplan tation. HenryC.Baggett,NoraL.Watson,Maria DeloriaKnoll, W.Abdullah Brooks, DanielR.Feikin,LauraL.Hammitt,StephenR.C. Howie,KarenL.Kotloff,OrinS.Levine, Shabir A.Madhi, DavidR.Murdoch,J.AnthonyG.Scott,Donald M.Thea, MartinAntonio,Juliet0. Awori,VickyL.Baillie,AndreaN.Deluca,AmandaJ. Driscoll, Julie Duncan,BernardE.Ebruke,DoliGoswami,MelissaM. Higdon,RuthA. Karron, David P.Moore,SusanC.Morpeth,Justin M.Mulindwa,DanielE.Park, WantanaPaveenk ittiporn, BaramehtPiralam,Christine Prosperi, Samba0. Sow, MilagritosD.Tapia, Khaleq u Zaman, ScottL.Zeger,and Katherine L.O'Brien, forthe Perch Study Group HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001028 Density ofUpper Respiratory Colonization withStreptococcus pneumoniae andIts oleintheDiagnosis ofPneumococcal Pneumonia Among Children Aged<5Years inthePERCH Study Clinical Infec tiousDiseases 2017;64(Suppl3):S317 -S327 Pneumococcal pneumoniais difficult to diagnosein youngchildren,because commonlyavailablemethods(bloodculture)lacksensitivity Thisstudy employed pneumonioe, improved estimatesof childhoodpneumoniacausedbyStreptococcus a leading andvaccine-preventab le causeof severe diseaseanddeathin children under 5 years old.Theinvestigatorsuseddatafromthe Pneumo nia EtiologyResearch forChildHealth(PERCH ) study,a seven-co untry case-control studythat aimedto determinethe causesof pneumoniain young children. EllsworthM.Campbe ll,HongweiJia,AnupamaShankar, DebraHanson, Wei Luo, SilvinaMasciotra, S.MicheleOwen,Alexandra M.Oster,RomeoR.Galang, JeremyC.Roseberry, Jessica Gentry, MichaelW.Spiller,SaraJ. Blosser,ErikaChapman, JeannetteM.Whitcomb, PamelaPontones,JoanDuwve,Paula Peyrani, RonM. Kagan, andWilliam M.Switzer PhilipJ. Peters,Walid Heneine,John T.Brooks, Detailed Transmission Network Analysis ofa Large Opiate-Driven Outbreak of HIVInfection intheUnited States TheJournalofInfectious Diseases 2017;216 (9):1053--1062 TheU.S.opioid epidemicandincreasein thenumberof peoplewho injectdrugsare a healthemergency . Resea rchersmergeddatascience, a simulation,and network theorywith traditional epidemiologyandlaboratorymethods.Theyalsoadapted methodsanddevelopedcomputational techniquesto answerquestionsduringthe investigation . Findingssuggest mostinfectionswere presen t whentheinvestigation began, andearlytransmiss ion mayhavebeenassociated with sexualactivity and injectiondrug use. n, Stephanie L.Foster, GreteE.Wilt,Barbara Miles,BrianLewis, BrigetteL.Gleaso KatherineCauthen,MichaelKing,Franc is Bayer,SerieConteh, TomSesay, Serie1.8.Kamara,GregLambert, PatrickFinley, WalterBeyele r,ThomasMoore, JenniferGaudioso,PeterH.Kilmarx,andJohnT.Redd Geospatial Analysis ofHousehold Spread ofEbola Virus ina Quarantined VillageSierra Leone , 2014 Epidemiology andInfection 2017; 145(14):2921 - 2929 Allocatingscarceresourcesduring the2014 Ebolaoutbreakprovedcontentious. This paperdescribesa field studyaimedat reducingdeathfrom Ebola virusdisease(EVD) in SierraLeoneby usinghousehold interview dataandthe household GPSfor onsite geocoding with Google Earthto characterize the spreadof EVDwithin oneaffected village.Researche rs identified risk factorsfor household Ebola acquisition thatcan helpguidepublic healthinterventionsin futureoutbreaks. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001029 Lee S.Katz,TaylorGriswo ld, Amanda J.Williams-Newkirk, DarleneWagner, Aaron Petkau,Cameron Sieffert,GaryVanDomsel aar, XiangyuDeng, and Heather A Carleton AComparative Analysis oftheLyve-SET Phylogenomics Pipeline forGenomic Epidemiology ofFoodborne Pathogens Frontiers in Microbiology2017; doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00375 Modernepidemiologyof foodborne bacterial pathogensrelies increasinglyon whole genome sequencing (WGS) . Since2013,U.S.agenciesresponsiblefor food safetyhaveperformedWGSon all Listeria monocytogenes found in clinical,food, and environmen tal samples. The authors built a whole-genomesingle-nucleotide polymorphism phylogenomicspipelinecalled Lyve-SET to aid in epidemiological investigatio ns.Lyve-SET hasbeenplacedin the public domainandis used routinelyworldwide to enhance public health practiceand reducethe burden of infectiousdisease . DibaKhan,Lauren M. Rossen,BradyHamilton,Erin Dienes,YuleiHe,andRong Wei SpatiotemporalTrends inTeen BirthRates intheUSA , 2003- 2012 Journal of theRoyalStatistical Society 2018;181(1):35-58 Teenbirth rateshavedeclined overthe past severalyearsacrossthe UnitedStates. However, county-levelvariations andtrendsovertime havenot beenexplored. Althoughteenbirths arecollected at the county level, resulting raw county rates areoften too imprecisefor practical usefor manysmall counties. In this analysis researc hers explored countyvariations in teen birth ratesacrosscountiesin the United States,from 2003to 2012,by using hierarchica l Bayesia n models. Ji Lin, Xiaohui Zhuo, BarbaraBarde nheier, Deborah B.Rolka,W.Edward Gregg, Yuling Hong,GuijingWang, Ann Albright,and Ping Zhang Cost -effectivene ssofthe2014U.S.Preventive Services Task Force {USPSTF) Recommendation sforInten siveBehavioral Counseling Interventions forAdults with Cardiovascular Risk Factors Diabetes Care2017;40(5):640-646 Diabetesisthe nation'smost expensivediseaseandcardiovasculardiseaseis our numberonekiller.Thisstudyuseda diabetescomputer simulation model to assess the long-term cost-effect ivenessof the newlyrecommended behavioral counseling servicefor preventing diabetesand cardiovascular diseaseby the U.S.Preven tive Services Task Force.The model canbe used to accurately quantify the long-term health andeconomic consequences of severalinterventions usedfor preventing and managingtype2 diabetes. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001030 Claire M.Midgley,AmberK.Haynes, Jason L.Baumgar dner,ChristinaChommanard, SaraW.Demas,MilaM. Prill, Glen R.Abedi,AaronT.Cums,JohnT.Watson, andSusanI.Gerber Determining theSeasonality ofRespiratory Syncytial Virus intheUnited States : TheImpact ofIncreased Molecular Testing TheJournalof Infectious Diseases 2017;216(3) :345- 355 Respira tory syncytialvirus(RSV)isa major causeof respiratory infectionsin children andolder adults.RSVdiagnostic testing increasinglyemploysmolecular diagnostic assays. Polymerasechainreaction resultsarenow reported more widely and have becomeincreasingly importantfor routine RSVsurveillance.Determining RSV seasona lity with PCR-based reports yieldsa better understanding of viruscirculation for epidemiologic purposes.This paper assesses the impactof suchmethodson RSV surveillanceand determining the seaso nalityof RSV. Cora Peterso n,CurtisFlorence,RobertThomas,andJoanne Klevens Cost-Benefit Analysis ofTwo Child Abuse andNeglect Primary Prevention Programs forU.S. States Prevention Scien ce2017;doi: 10.1007/s11121-017-0819-8 Onein four children experiencechild maltreatmentsuchasneglect,physicalor sexual abuse,and psychological maltreatment, all of which canleadto serioushealth effects,but malt reatment can be prevented.The authors merged andtranslateda variety of unrelatedpreviousscientificfindings on preventionprograms'effectiveness . In presenting cost-benefit resultsspecific to eachU.S.state,thispapercanhelp scale up cost-effectivepublic health approachesto a serious publichealth problem. r HarrisonQuick,LanceA.Waller,and MicheleCaspe AMultivariate Space-time Model forAnalysing County Level HeartDisease Death Rates byRace andSex Journalof theRoyalStatistical Society SeriesCAppliedStatistics 22017;67(1):291 - 304 While many resea rchershaveemployed multivariate spatialor spatiotempora l extensionsof theconditionalautoregressivemodel, multivariate space-time analyses have beenscarce. In thisstudy,the authorsdeveloped,evaluated,andapplieda Bayesia n multivariate spatiotempora l statisticalmodelappliedto heart diseasedeath.Themodel canbe used forother health conditionsand datasources,and theapproach yields preciselocal-level data that allow researchers to accurately assess the burden of heart diseasein communities. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001031 Steven Russell, Kyle Ryff,CarolynGould,StaceyMartin,and MichaelJohansson Detecting localZikaVirus Transmission intheContinental United States: AComparison of Surveillance Strategies PLoSCurrents : Outbreaks 2017;doi:10.1371/ currents.outbreaks. cd76717676629d47704 170ecbdb5f8 20 Public health decisionsareoftenbasedon uncertain dataandpotentialoutcomes. The 2015-2017Zikavirusepidemicdroveeffortsto improvesurveillancesystems andto develop interventions,testing, andtravelrecommendations.Theauthors developeda simulationmodel to incorporate the uncertaintiesand estimate outcomesreflectingthoseuncertainties.Thisapproachincludedcritical components of eachapproachandallowedassessment of all outcomesof interest. Pavithra Vijayak umar,AnnikaHoyer,RobertG. Nelson,Ralph Brinks,andMeda E.Pavkov Estimation ofChron icKidney Disease Incidence fromPrevalence andMortality Data inAmerican Indians withType 2 Diabetes PLoSOne2017;12(2):e0171 027 No population-based incidencedataexiston chronickidneydisease, except for during itsadvancedstages.Thispapervalidatesa new useof the illness-deat h model- a mathematicalrelationship between incidence,prevalence, and mortality-for computing the incidencedensity rateof chronic kidney disease.The new procedure addsa methodological toolwith whichto deriveinformation from CDCcross-sectiona l surveysto improveunderstanding of chronic disease processe s. FuyuenYip,BryanChristense n, KantaSirca r,LukeNaeher, Nigel Bruce,DavidPennise, MatthewLozier,TamaraPilishvili, Jennifer LooFarrar, DebbiStanistreet, RonaldNyagol, JustusMuoki, Lindseyde Beer, Michael Sage,andVikasKapil Assessment ofTraditional andImproved Stove UseonHousehold AirPollution and Personal Exposures inRural Western Kenya Environm entlntemational 2017; 99:185-191 Morethan 40%of familiesrelyon solidfuelsfor heatingandcooking.Thisposes risksfor respiratory andcardiovascu lardiseases that most oftenaffectwomenand children.Thisstudy improvesour understandingof exposuresto cookstoveemissions fromtraditionalandimprovedstoves. The authors useda single-armpre-and postintervention study to determinethe performa nceof six improvedcookstoves in a settingof daily stoveuse. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001032 LA(?OD.ATOD.\.J SGl~tvG~ Justin M. Hettick,BrandonF.Law,Chen-Chung Lin,AdamV Wisnewski, and Paul D.Siegel Mass Spectrometry -based Analysis ofMurine Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid Following Diphenyl Diisocyanate Aerosol Respiratory Exposure to4,4'-Methylene Xenobioti ca2017: doi: 10.1080/00498254.20 17.1344791 Diisocyanates area familyof chemicalbuilding blocksusedto manufacture polyurethaneproducts,particularly sprayfoaminsulation,truckbed liners,and adhesives. Theyarealsoknownto causeasthmaandallergicreactions. Methylene diphenyldiisocyanate (MDI)is the mostwidelyuseddiisocya nate.Thisstudy confirms that albuministhe majorprotein haptenatedby MDIandshowsthespecific amino acidsto whichit reactsafter liveexposure. Amrita Kumar,Jin HyangKim,PriyaRan j an,MaureenG.Metcalfe, WeipingCao, MargaritaMishina,Shivaprakash Gangappa, ZhuGuo,Edward S.Boyden, Sherif Zaki, IanYork,Adolfo Garda-Sast re,MichaelShaw,andSuryaprakash Sambhara Influenza Virus Exploits Tunneling Nanotubes forCell-to -CellSpread Scientific Reports 2017; doi: 10.1038/srep40360 Thefindingsof thisstudyprovide anexplanationforobservat ionsregarding lowerthan-expectedvaccineandantiviraleffectivenessfor influenza. Thestudy fillsthe knowledgegapin our understand ing by proposinga mechanismbywhichinfluenza virusescan spreadfroman infectedcell to an uninfectedcell usingintercellular networksthatconnect epithelialcells,andtherebyevadedetectionbythe immune surveillancesystemandinhibition byantiviraldrugs. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001033 SreekumarOthumpangat, Nicole B.Bryan, DonaldH. Beezhold,andJohn D.Nati Upregulation ofmiRNA-4776 inInfluenza Virus Infected Bronchial Epithelial Cells Is Associated withDownregulation ofNFKBIB andIncreased ViralSurvival Viruses 2017; doi:10.3390/v9050094 In the United States,theannualcostsof influenzaareabout $4.6 billion.Another $7billionarelost to sickdaysandlostproductivity.Understandinghow influenza spreads is essentia l for developingintervention strategies.Thefailureof vaccines to combatinfluenzaemphasizesthe needto developnew methodsthattargethost genesusedby the virusfor itssurvival.This studyidentifieda regulatorymolecule involvedin the surviva l andreplication of the influenzavirus. CarrieL.Pierce,Tracie L.Williams,WandaI.Santana,MarnieLevine,Li-Mei Chen, HeFang, HansC.Cooper,Maria I.Solano,Adrian R.Woolfitt,WayneA.Marasco, Ruben0. Donis,andJohnR.Barr lmmunocapture Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry inResponse toa Pandemic Influenza Threat Vaccine 2017;35(37) :5011- 5018 The spreadof an unknowninfluenzatype canquicklybecomea public health emergency.Vaccination is the primarymeansto reducesickness anddeathcaused by influenza,but preparing vaccinesfor a new strain takes6 to 9 months.The authors describethe useof immunocapture coupledwith isotopedilution massspectrome try to ensure high-quality vaccines .The result of this work canacceleratevaccine delivery to combat pandemics. Eric Rogier,MateuszPlucinski,Naomi Lucchi, Kimber ly Mace,Michelle Chang, JeanFrantz Lemoine,Baltazar Candrinho, James Colborn,Rafae l Dimbu, Filomena Fortes,VenkatachalamUdhayakuma r, andJohn Barnwe ll Bead-based Immunoassay Allows Sub-picogram Detection ofHistidine-rich Protein 2from Plasm odium Falciparum andEstimates Reliability ofMalaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests PLoSOne2017;12(2):e0172139 Malariaaffectsnearly 50%of theworld population, causing millionsof clinicalcases .Thispaperdescribesa new assay andcontributing to about 400,000deathsannually that is more than200timesmoresensitivethanconventional fielddiagnostictests for malaria andcanbe usedto screenlargenumbersof samplesfor detection.The assayhasbeenusedto develop additional studiesof malariainfection dynamicsin varioussettings. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001034 MaryE.Schmitz,SimonAgolory,Muthoni Junghae,LauraN.Broyles,MuthusiKimeu, Joseph Ombayo,MamoUmuro,Irene Mukui,KennedyAlwenya,MosesBaraza, KennethNdiege,SamuelMwalili, EmiliaRivadene ira,LucyNg'ang'a, ChunfuYang, andClementZeh, fortheVL-DBSStudyGroup Field Evaluation ofDried Blood Spots forHIV-1ViralloadMonitoring inAdults and Children Receiving Antiretroviral Treatment inKenya: Implications forScale-up in Resource -limited Settings Journal ofAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 2017;74(4):399-406 In 2013,the WorldHealthOrganization recommended useof HIV viralloadtesting to monitorpatientson antiretroviraltherapy.However, suchtesting requiresblood samplesbetransportedto laboratories within 24hoursor centrifugedto obtain plasma,whichmustthenbe transported. In this paperthe authorsdetermined that collectingdriedbloodspot specimens,whichareeasily collected,stored,and transportedat regulartemperatures,is a reasonable alternativeto standardviral loadtesting. AmyJ.Schuh, BrianR.Amman,MeganE.8.Jones,TaraK.Sealy,LukeS.Uebelhoer, BrockE. Martin,Jo AnnD.Coleman -McCray, StuartT Nichol, Jess icaR.Spengler, andJonathanS.Towner Modelling Filovirus Maintenance inNature byExperimental Transmission of Marburg Virus Between Egyptian Rousette Bats NatureCommuni cations 2017;8:14446 It haslong beenunclearhow Marburgvirus (theclosecousin of Ebola virus)isspread fromhostanimalsThis study,usingMarburgvirusandits naturalhost,the Egyptian fruitbat,describes the developmentof a working animalmodelfor measuringthe spreadof the virusfroma batspecies.Theauthors'useof biosafety level-4laboratory conditionsenabledthem to measureandunderstandvirus and hostconsiderat ions that drivespilloverto humans.. IrinaButkyaviche ne, JamesM.Smith,John A Moss,PriyaSrinivasan, ManjulaGunawardana, RobFanter, Christine S.Miller,Debbie Sanchez, FloraYang, Craig W.Hendrix,ArnitaKapoor, ShanonEllis,Jining Zhang,MarkA.Marzinke, andMarcM. Baum Novel Multipurpose Pod-intravaginal Ring forthePrevention ofHIV , HSV, and Unintended Pregnancy : Pharmacokinetic Evaluation ina Macaque Model PLoSOne2017;12(10):e0185946 Preexposure prophylaxis(PrEP)for preventingHIVacquisition hasshown encouraging results. Stickingto PrEPusein clinicaltrialsisa majorfactorin its effectiveness.This paper describesthe developmentandevaluationof the pod-intravaginal ring. to target multiple Thering candeliverasmanyas1Odrugsandbecustomized pathogens. Thering should help womenstickto their medication regimen better andwork moreeffectivelythantaking pillseveryday HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001035 Aleksandr B.Stefaniak, RyanF.LeBouf,MatthewG.Duling,JinghaiYi, Alaeddin B.Abukabda,Carroll R.McBride, andTimothyR Nurkiewicz Inhalation Exposure toThree-dimensional Printer Emissions Stimulates Acute Hypertension andMicrovascular Dysfunction Toxicology andApplied Pharmacology 2017;335:1- 5 Beforethe expirationof patents,three-dimensional printerscostthousandsof dollars,but todaytheycanbe bought for lessthan $300.Asthree-dimensional printing becomesmore commonit is critical that exposuresandrisksof emissions areunders tood.This paperdescribes the harm fromexposureto three-dimensional printeremissionsandshould stimulateresea rch on the toxicityof exposures.Findings suggestexposurelevelsthat causeadverseresponseswere lowerthan manyknown hazardousmaterials. RoryM.Welsh,MeghanL.Bentz,Alicia Shams, HollisHouston,AmandaLyons, ia PLitvintseva LauraJ. Rose,and Anastas Survival , Persistence, andIsolation oftheEmerging Multidrug-resistant Pathogenic Yeast Candida auris ona Plastic Health Care Surface Journal of Clinical Microbiology2017;55(10 ):2996- 3005 Candida aurisisa newly discoveredmultidrug-resistant yeastthat is causing Thispapershows outbreaksof infectionswith high death rateson fivecontinents. that the survivalandpersistenceof C.aurisoutside a humanhostallowsampletime for transmis sion within a healthcare facility.Theauthorsdescribe the development andevaluation of a laboratorymethodto isolateC.aurisfrom clinicaland environmentalsamplesthat oftencontain a complexcommunityof microbes. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001036 DD.f)Vf)tvTIOtv AtvDGOtvTD.OL RahiAbouk,ScottD.Grosse, Elizabeth C.Ailes,andMatthewE.Oster Association ofU.S. StateImplementation ofNewborn Screening Policies forCritical Congenital HeartDisease withEarly InfantCardiac Deaths JAMA2017;318(21):2111-2118 Before2011,about 1,000U.S.infantsdiedeach yearof sometypeof congenitalheart diseaseor defectbefore6 months of age.MostU.S.statesmandatescreeni ng, but mostcountriesdo not Popula tion-basedstudiesof newbornscreening arescarce. Thisstudy calculatedreductionsin early infant cardiacdeathsin eightstatesthat establis hed screening mandatesbyJune1,2013 but foundno reduction in deaths associated with voluntaryscreening policies. RobertBelknap, David Holland, Pei-JeanFeng,Joan-Pau Millet,Joan A.Cayla, NeilA.Martinson, AliciaWright,MichaelPChen,Ruth N.Moro, Nigel A.Scott, Jose M.Miro,Margarita E.Villarino, MarcWeiner,andAndreyS.Borisov,f BertArevalo, or theTBTrialsConsort ium iAdhereStudyTeam Self -administered Versus Directly Observed Once -weekly lsoniazid andRifapentine Treatment oflatentTuberculosis Infection :ARandomized Trial Annalsof Internal Medicine 2017;167(10):689-697 Reac t ivation of latent tuberculos is infection is responsiblefor the majority of active TBcasesin the UnitedStates. Thisrandomiz ed trial showedthatself-adm inistration of the 12-dose, 3-monthregimenof isoniazid andrifapentine, known as3HP,in the UnitedStateswassafeandachieveda level of adherenceandcompletion of therapy that wassimilarto administrationbydirectly observedtherapy,whichisa highly effectivebut intrusiveandcostly. r,Guang-Xia ng Chen,Rache l D.Kirk, JenniferL.Bell.MatthewA.Taylo andErin R.Leatherman Evaluation ofanln-vehide Monitoring System (IVMS) toReduce Risky DrivingBehaviors Drivers :Comparison ofIn-cab Warning Lights andSupervisory Coaching inCommercial withVideos ofDriving Behavior Journalof SafetyResearch 2017;60:125-136 Roadway collisionsareconsistentlythe leading causeof injury anddeathfor U.S. workers.This studyevaluatedin-vehicle monitoring systemsinstalledin company vehiclesandrecordedbehaviorssuchashardbraking,swerving,andspeedingfor 30 seconds beforeandaftereachincident. Datawerecollectedfromdifferent vehicles and driving patterns(oil andgasextractionoperationsor local trucktransportat ion), asdriversat 20 locationsin 12 U.S.statesperformed theirwork. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001037 AdamBjorkandDaniel M. Sosin Characterization ofDepartures fromRegulatory Requirements Identified During Inspections Conducted bytheU.S.Federal Select Agent Program, 2014-2015 Health Security2 017;15(6):587- 598 CDC's Federal Selec t AgentProgramregulates66 biological agentsand toxins that threaten the health of people,animals,andplants.This investigation led to improved practicesto increasebiosafetyandbiosecurityof biological agentsand toxins.In doingso,the United Stateswill havea decreasedriskof terrorismby constraining access to theseagentsanddecreas ing the riskof accidenta l releasethrough enforcement of biosafetystandards. GeorgeNiezgoda, TylerM.Brady,AmandaL.Strauch,ClaudiaM.Almaguer, Ronald E.Shaffer,PatrickL.Yorio,andEdward M. Fisher Transfer ofBacteriophage MS2andFluorescein fromN95Filtering Facepiece Respirators toHands: Measuring Fomite Potential Journal of Occupational andEnvironmental Hygiene 2017;14(11):898--906 Acquiring or spread ing pathogensbytouching persona l protectiveequipment is a concernwithin the healthcareindustry.During public health outbreaks,resources become constrainedand personal protectiveequipment, suchasN95filtering facepiecerespirators,mayhaveto be reused .The authorsof this study measured the efficiency with which virusesmovedfrom N95respiratorsto humanhands during exercisesthat mimic respirator usein health care. a M.Dahl,LisaJames,KathleenWannemuehler, CristinaV.Cardemil, Rebecc Howard E.Gary,MineshShah, MonaMarin,JacobRiley,Daniel R.Feikin, Manisha Patel, andPatricia Quinlisk Effectiveness ofaThirdDose ofMMRVaccine forMumps Outbreak Control TheNewEngland Journal ofMedicine 2017;377(10):947 - 956 Mumpscaseshave increase d in the past 2 yearsto morethan 5,000casesannually in the UnitedStates , with most casesoccurring during outbreaksin vaccinated populations.The effectof a third doseof the measles-m umps- rubella(MMR)vaccine in stoppinga mumpsoutbreakis unknown.Thisstudycharacterizes the effectiveness of the third doseof MMR- a critical question for the U.S.vaccinationprogramat a timewhen mumpscaseshavesurged. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001038 MiteshA. Desai, Dancun0. Okal, Charles E. Rose, Richard Ndivo,BoazOyaro, Samandar i FredrickO Otieno,Tiffany Williams,RobertT.Chen,ClementZeh, andTaraz Effect ofPoint -of-careCD4CellCount Results onLinkage toCare andAntiretroviral Initiation During a Home-based HIVTesting Campaign: ANon -blinded , Cluster-randomised Trial TheLance t HIV2017;4(9):e393-e4 01 The burdenof the HIVepidemic is highestin Africa,where 68%of the 37 million peopleliving with HIVreside.Effortsto bring HIVunder controlrely on promoting antiretrov iraltherapy.Thispaperreports on a randomizedcontrolledtrial of an interventionfor linking people with HIV to care.Theauthorsidentified a strategyfor improving that linkto HIVcare bygiving people immune-cell testingdevices. RichardDunville,AmyPeterson, Nicole Liddon, MaryRoach, Kenneth Coleman, and Patricia Dittus Sustained Reduction inChlamydia Infections Following a School -based Screening : 2010-2015 Detroit, American Journalof PublicHealth2018;108(2) :231- 233 Chlamydiais themostcommonlyreportednationally notifiable disease. In 2014, anestimated 28%of infectionswereamongthoseaged15 to 19 years This paper evaluatesa school-based screen ing intervention amonga highlyvulnerable populationin Detroit, Michigan;describesa reductionin chlamydia prevalence assoc iatedwith the program;andoffersrecommendationsfor carryingout the intervention. C.Ewing, CarolineC.King,JeffreyB.Wiener,CharlesS.Chase la, Alexander Michael G.Hudgens, Debbie Kamwendo, Gerald Tegha,MinaC.Hosseinipour, DeniseJ.Jamieson,CharlesVan der Horst, and AthenaP.Kourtis Effects ofConcurrent Exposure toAntiretrovirals andCotrimoxazole Prophylaxis Among HIV-exposed , Uninfected Infants AIDS2017;31(18):2455-2463 Giventhe potential of cotrimoxazo le preventive therapy (CPT)to preventbacterial and malarial infections in HIV-exposed, uninfected(HEU)infants,the authors evaluatedCPT toxicity whenused with antiretroviral agents.In HIV-positivechildren, CPThasbeenassoc iatedwith a 43%decreasein death,while in HEUinfants, CPTis assoc iatedwith decreasedsickness anddeath. Findingssuggestthat interactions betweenCPTandantiretroviraltreatment werenot significant. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001039 LeslieA.MacDonald, Stephe n Bertke,MistyJ. Hein, Suzanne Judd, SherryBaron, Robert Merritt,andVirginiaJ.Howard Prevalence ofCardiova scularHealth byOccupation :ACross -sectional Analysis Among U.S.Workers Aged2:45Years American Joumalof Preven tiveMedicine 2017;53(2):152 - 161 Heart diseaseandstroke areleading causesof deathin the United States.In this study, theauthorscompilea comprehensive profile of thecardiovascular health of U.S.workersaged45yearsor older.Thestudyinformstargetedefforts to sustain the health of agingworkers.Findingssuggestthe workforce'scardiovascu lar health profile is not randomly distributed within the labormarket,even whenadjusting for education andincome. Emily Mosites,AnnaFrick, PrabhuGounder,LouisaCastrodale, YuanLi,Karen Rudolph, DebbyHurlburt,KristenD.Lecy,TammyZulz,ToluAdebanjo, Jennifer Onukwube, JosephMcLaugh lin,and BernardBeall,ChrisA.VanBeneden,ThomasHennessy, MichaelG.Bruce Outbreak ofInvasive Infections fromSubtype emm26.3 Group AStreptococcus Among Homeless Adults - Anchorage, Alaska , 2016-201 7 Clinical Infectious Diseases 2017;66(7):1068 - 1074 Group A Streptococcus can causea rangeof infectionssuch asstrepthroatand impetigo. In the pasttwo years,threeoutbreaks of a rare invasivegroupA strep have been reported in Canada,andtwo havebeenreported in EnglandThis paper describesoutbreakscommon among homelesspopulationsin thesecountriesand an inexpensive response to the outbreaksthat decreasedweeklyincidenceof the strain by90%without increasing antibiotic resista nce. TamiH.Skoff,AmyE.Blain,JamesWatt, Karen Scherzinger , MelissaMcMahon, ShelleyM.Zansky,KathyKudish,Paul R.Cieslak, MelissaLewis,Nong Shang, andStaceyW. Martin Impact oftheU.S.Maternal Tetanus, Diphtheria, andAcellular Pertussi sVaccination Program onPreventing Pertussis inInfants <2 Months ofAge:ACase -control Evaluation Clinical Infectious Disea ses2017;65( 12):1977-1983 Effective pertussisvaccine programs have reducedU.S.pertussis incidence,but reportedpertussiscases have been on theriserecently. Infantsremain vulnerable to pertuss isfrom birth until theyreceivedirectprotectionthrough primary immunizationbeginningat 2 months old.Theauthorspresent a case-co ntrol evaluation of effectivenessof maternal Tdap (tetanus,reduceddosediphtheria,and pertussisvaccine)vaccination duringpregnancyat preventingpertussisamong infants under 2 monthsold. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001040 Meghan Weinberg, StephanieDietz, Rachel Potter,Robert Swanson, Corinne Miller, andJevon McFadden Vaccine Shot -limiting: Estimating thePrevalence , Indicators, andImpact on Vaccination Status-Michigan , 2012 Vaccine 2017;35(7):10 18-1023 Vaccines are oneof public health'sbest preventiontools,but this studyfound some parentslimit thenumber of shotstheir children receivepervisitandarelesslikely to have their children'svaccination record up to date,possibly increasing their risk for vaccine-preventablediseases. Thispaperencourages healthcareprovidersto follow the AdvisoryCommitteeon Immunization Practices-recommended scheduleandto takestepsto ensure children on delayedschedulesfinish their vaccine series. ChristineYoshinagaltano, AllisonL.Sedey,MalleneWiggin, andWinnieChung Early Hearing Detection andVocabulary ofChildren withHearing loss Pediatrics 2017;140(2):e20 162964 Childrenwho aredeafor hardof hearing usually fall behindtheir hearing peersin language,cognit ion,and social-emotional development.This paperreports on a CDC-fundedeffort to preventlanguagedisabilityin children with bilateralcongenital hearing loss. Findingssuggestadherence to theobjectivesof the Early Hearing Detectionand Intervention program improvesvocabularyamongchildren with congenital hearing loss,even when controllingfora varietyof factorsassociated with language development. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001041 LIF~TIM~ SGl~tvTIFIG AGl-ll~V~M~tvT Thefollowingcurrentor formerCDC/ATSDR employees were nominated for theLifetimeScientific Achievement Award, whichrecognizes individuals fora bodyof workcontributing to publichealth.Nominees arejudgedon theirwork'sscientific merit,its effectonpublichealthandtheCDCIATSDR mission, andontheirleadership andrecognition bypeers. StevenL.Cochi, MD, MPH Centerfor GlobalHealth For 35years,Dr. StevenCochi hasbeen shapingandcarryingout national and internationalimmunizationpolicy andstrategies to reducetheburdenof vaccinepreventable diseases. He pioneeredtheGlobalPolio Eradication Initiative,which has broughtthe worldcloseto eradicat ing polio.Four of six World Health Organiza t ion (WHO) regions havebeencertified polio-free.Only threecountriesremain polio-endemic (Nigeria,Afghanistan, and Pakistan);and only 37 caseswerereported in 2016. He also has ledthe Measlesand Rubella Initiative, which hasdecreased measle s deaths by 790/4>, from 546,800in 2000to 114,900in 2014. Measleselimination goals havebeen established in allWHOregions.Rubella elimination hasbeenachievedin theAmerica s,andelimination goalshave beenestablished in two additional WHOregions . Dr. Cochi's contributionsto studiesof Hib diseasewere instrumentalin achieving licensure of the nrstHib vaccine in 1985forroutine use in children. He alsocoordinated a seriesof studies to define the burden of varicelladisease in the United States, determinethe cost-effectivenessof a routine varicella vaccination program,and mathematically model a vaccination program, whichled to licensure of varicella vaccine in 1995for children. Dr. Cochi has authored or coauthored more than130journalarticles,150CDC publications,and25bookchapters,which haveprovided an evidence-base for national andinternational immunizationpolicy and program strategies. Hehasalsobeen an editor for sixcompilations issues forjournal supplementsdescribing progres stowards globalimmunization initiatives. Dr.Cochi hasreceivedmorethan 30CDCawardsin validation of his bodyof scientific work by scientific peersincluding the Public Healt h Distinguished ServiceMedalin 1996 andCharlesC.Shepard Scienceawards in 1996forthe bestoverall scientific paper,and in 2003forthe bestscientific paper in the Assessme nt andEpidemiology category.Heis a memberof the AmericanAcademyof Pediatrics, AmericanPublic Health Assoc iation, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, Infectious Diseases Societyof America,and the AmericanEpidemiologicalSociety. In 2013,he wasrecognized asof one 50most influential peoplein thevaccine fieldglobally.In 2016, he wasnominated to the U.S. National Academyof Medicinefor hiscontributionsto the field of global immunization HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001043 DeniseJamieson,MD, MPH NationalCenterfor ChronicDisease Prevention andHealthPromotion Dr.DeniseJamieson's scientific work hasimprovedmaternal andchild health worldwide.Sincepediatric HIV infection wasfirstdocumented, Dr.Jamieson hasled landmarkresearch on HIVin pregnancythat helpedshapeantiviral prophylaxis for perinatal HIVtransmiss ion,which decreased perinatalsickness anddeatharoundthe world. From2000to 2003,Dr. Jamiesonplayeda leadership role in the Mother-InfantRapidInterventionat Deliverystudy,which documentedthe role rapidtestingin laboranddelivery settingshasfor reducing perinatal HIVtransmission.This work ledto worldwide useof rapidHIVtesting in laboranddelivery. Dr. Jamieson'sleadersh ip in threeof CDC'smostcomplexemergencyresponses overthe pastdecade hashelped protectpregnantwomenandtheir infantsfrom inAuenza,Ebola,andZika.In January2016,sheco-ledthe Pregnancy& Birth DefectsTaskForce(PBDT F) andcoauthoreda keypaper publishedin TheNew England JournalofMedicinethat helpedestablish the link betweenZikavirus infection and birth defects.Thispaper wasthe sixth most discussed andshared academic paper of 2016 among 2.7 million research papers tracked by Altmetric. Beginningin October2016,Dr. Jamiesonassumedthe roleof incident manager for theentire Zikaresponse, leadingmorethan 500staff.Under her leadership, CDCissuedtravel noticesfor pregnant womenand their partners,published clinical guidancedocuments forthe care of pregnantwomenandtheir infants, identifiedsexualtransmiss ion of Zika,monitoredblood andtissuesafetyissues in Zika-affectedareas,developed laboratorykitsandreagents, andcarried out vector control strategies.Herwork in establishing the causallink between the Zika virusand birth defects,coupledwith the issuingof clinicalandtravel guidance,weakenedthe fetal effectsof Zikavirusinfection. Dr.Jamiesonhasauthored morethan 400peer-reviewedpublicationsand earneda varietyof awards,including the 2005and2011CharlesC.Shepard ScienceAward. Shehasbeena finalistfor thisawardfivetimes. Shehasalsowon the CDC& ATSDRHonorAward for Excellencein EmergencyResponse three times. Shehasreceived numerousCommiss ionedCorpsOutstandingService Medals andthe U.S.Department of Health andHumanServicesSecretary's Award for DistinguishedService. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001044 JamesL.Pirkle,MD,PhD NationalCenter for Environmental Health During a careerthat haslasted morethan36years at CDC,Dr.JamesPirkle has helpedsolvean arrayof public healthproblemsthat affecteveryAmerican. His effortsto improvehumanexposureassessment havehelpedestablish biomonitoring asa vital partof public health practice.He helpedcreate laboratory methodsleading to effortsto limit harmful exposures,including those from tobaccosmokeand leadin gasoline.Dr Pirkle hashelped the Division of LaboratoryScience(DLS)improvethe precision of clinical measurement s used to diagnose,treat,andpreventchronicdisease . Hehasalsohelped introduce the measurementof trans-fats anddocumenta majordecline in trans-fatlevels through food labelling. ThroughDr. Pirkle'sresearchand leadership, DLShasworld-classexpertisein all major areasof clinicalanalytic laboratory measurements:metals,radionuclides, small molecules,peptides,proteins,lipids, and nucleic acids.Bywidelysharing division laboratorymethods,Dr.Pirkle anddivision scientistshavehelped to raise standards andimprovemethods at thousandsof laboratoriesaroundthe world. Dr.Pirkle analyzednational blood lead dataand identified a correlation with use of leadin gasolinein the United States.Thesefindings influencedEPAto remove leadfromgasoline. Aslead wasremoved from gasoline,blood lead levels in the U.S.population decreased by 78%andthe percentage of children 1to 5 yearsof agewith lead levels abovethe health concernthreshold decreasedfrom88% to 8.9%.Thesedecreases in children'sblood leadlevelshaveimprovedthe cognitive ability of U.S.children.Further,these findingsinfluenced manycountriesto removeleadfromgasolineandachievesimilardeclinesin blood leadlevels.In the sameway,Dr. Pirkle'steamcharacterizedthe U.S.population'sexposureto secondhand smoke,which led to lawsprohibitingsmokingin public places. Dr.Plrkle's mostimportant accomplishments havebeenhiscontributionsto building DLSlaboratorieswhosequality and scientific achievementsin public health are widely recognized.Hehasauthoredor coauthored133 published articlesand hasreceived morethan 20honorsof recognition includingthe Arnall PatzLifetimeAchievementAward,AssistantSecretaryfor Health'sAwardfor Except ionalAchievement,Commissione d Corps DistinguishedServiceMedal, andthe Charles C.Shepard Award for LaboratoryandMethods. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001045 LawrenceB.Schonberger, MD, MPH NationalCenterforEmerging andZoonoticInfectious Diseases Duringa careerspanning morethan40years,Dr.LawrenceSchonberger hasmade substantial contributionsto the epidemiology of viral,prion,andrickettsial infections. Heis internationallyknownfor hiscontributionsto discovering the epidemiology and bestpreventive practicesfor a seriesof mysteriousillnesses, includingReye Syndrome, vaccine -associated Guillain-Barre syndrome(GBS), and priondiseases . Dr. Schonberge r'sworkis notedfor taking on challengingepidemiologicquestions andanalyzing data to identify risksand connectionsfor diseases andsyndromes with unknowncauses . His leadershipand visionhavehelpedto control Reye syndrome,andhisfindingsled to changesin labelling and medicationpractices. Similarly,hiswork on influenzavaccine-associa ted GBSaltered the courseof a national vaccination program in 1976,savinglives. Hisworkalsoinspiredandsometimes challengedothers. In 1991, anepidemiologic studyon GBSassoc iatedwith the 1976influenzavaccination campaign was publishedthat hadbeenconductedwith input from other expertswho,despite Dr.Schonberger's analyses,persistently questionedthe existence of anincreasedrisk of GBSafter swineflu vaccinations. A later studyconducted in two statescorroborated Dr.Schonberger's findings,showing an increased GBSriskaftervaccination. For decades,Dr.Schonberger hasdisplayedexemplaryleadersh ip, initiative,and achievement,result ing in substantialimprovementsin the preven t ion andcontrol of multiplediseases . Hehascoauthored morethan250publicationsin peer-reviewed journals and CDCreports,includingsevenShepard Award-nominatedpapers.His leadershipof the Epidemio logy Officein the Division of Viral Diseases hasinfluenced the careerpaths of scoresof CDCepidemiologists. Dr. Schonberge r hasreceived numerous honors andawards,including CommissionedCorpsmedals such asthe MeritoriousServiceMedal for his prion diseasework and,from hiscolleagues for his supportworking with j unior-level epidemiologists,a PhillipS.BrachmanDistinguishedFriendof the EISAward. In 2011, hewasawardedthe JamesM. HughesMedal of Excellence bythe National Centerfor Emerging andZoonotic InfectiousDiseases for hisexemplaryleadership, initiative,andachievements . Dr.Schonbe rgerisa pastpresidentof the American EpidemiologicalSociety . Evenafter40 years,hestill comesto workeachday, mentoringj unior staff,workingwith peers,andcreating lasting and meaningful relationshipswith partnersacrossthefederal governmentandacademia. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001046 JohnW.Ward,MD, NationalCenterfor HIV/AIDS, ViralHepatitis,STD,andTBPrevention Since1984,Dr.JohnW.Wardhasbeena principalcontributorto the bodyof scientificknowledgeon someof the mostchallenging andconsequent ial public healthproblemsof the 20thand21st centuries.He beganhiscareeras an EpidemicIntelligenceServiceofficerassignedto CDC's AIDSActivitySince then,hisscientificachievements in the field of HIV/AIDSandviralhepatitishave includedthe discoveryandelaboration of riskfactors,transmiss ion modes, vulnerablepopulation needs,and racial andethnicdisparities.Hehasalsohelped develop effectivewaysto preventand control infection,diseasecomplications, and premature death from HIV/AIDSandviral hepatitis. Dr.Ward'sscientific achievementsaremanyandvaried.Heprovided the first evidencefor a new laboratorytestfor HIVthat improvedthe safetyof the nation's blood supply.Heidentified newroutes bywhich HIVspreads,suchascorneaand bonetransplantsandplasmadonations,aswell asthe actionsneededto stop suchtransmission.Heconducted the first naturalhistory studyof HIVamong adults andchildren infectedwith the virusby unscreene d blooddonationsto document the high death ratesfor people infectedwith HIVandfactorsrelated to diseaseprogression. Heimprovedsurveillanceof HIV-related illnesses to includetuberculosis,toxoplasmos is,andother opportunistic infectionsamong people infected with HIVto guidenationalrecommendationsfor HIV prevention, care,andtreatment.Heexpandedthe casedefinitionfor HIV/AIDSsurveillance, which remainsthe surveillancestandardtoday. He developedthe firstCDC recommendat ionsfor hepatitis 8 andCtesting for people bornbetween1945 and 1965.HealsoguidednewWorldHealth Organizationpoliciesfor hepatitisA and Bvaccination, hepatitisCtesting,viral hepatitismodelling,anddevelopment of the WHO strategicprevention framework, includingthe firstglobal goals for the elimination of hepatitisBandCaspublic healththreats. During his31yearsat CDC,Dr.Ward hassupervisedsome150multidisciplinary senior-level professionals.Heis frequently askedto provideexpertreviews for TheLancet,TheNewEnglandJournalofMedicine, JAMAandmanyother journals.He isofteninvitedto serveon organizing committeesfor numerous nationaland internationalconferences and to give keynoteaddresses, lectures, and present ations. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001047 PaulA. Schulte,PhD,MS NationalInstitutefor Occupational Safetyand Health Dr. PaulSchulte hasmadesignificant contributionsto thefieldof occupational safetyand health, public health,and the protectionandwell-being of the workforcein the UnitedStatesand around the world. Hehasbeenat the leading edgeof advancing scientificknowledgeandworkplacesafetyand health policyin numerousareas,includingmolecularepidemiology,geneticsin the workplace,risk communication, prevention through design,surveillance,and nanotechnology . Hewasa pioneer in the developmentof policiesand methodsto ensureresearch studysubjectsare informedof study results. He wasan early proponentof workers' rightto knowtheir risksof workplaceexposuresand identifiedthisasan important emergingpublic health issue. AmongDr. Schulte'smostnotable contributionshasbeenhisdevelopmentof guidanceto protectworkersfrom chemical, physical,and biological hazards, whichledto preventionof workforcesickness , death, and injury.He led the effort to developa detailedprotocolfor identifyingthe levelof chemicalexposure that is immediatelydangerousto lifeand healthand fostered aneffort to recalibrate existing values,thusproviding useful informationto emergencyresponders and othersduringdisasters . To combatoneof the mostcostly occupationaldiseases, dermat itis,Dr. Schulte coordina t edthe NIOSH effortto develop guidancefor more than 100 high-volume chemicalsubstan ces.He haspromoted the effort to consider the occupational hazardsof greenjobs,and he coordinatedthe developmentof a major communitydemonstrationproject to reduceneedlesticksin healthcare workers. Dr. Schulte isa three-time winnerof the AmericanCollegeof Occupational and Environmental Medicine'sKammer Awardfor Meritin Authorship.Hehas beena Charles C.ShepardScienceAwardnomineethreetimesandan Alice Hamilton ScienceAwardHonorab le Mention recipient four times.He receive d the Secreta ry of DHHSAward for DistinguishedServicein 2002.In 2011,he led the group that won the Bullard -SherwoodResea rch-to-PracticeAward for outstanding application of occupationalsafetyand health research. He haswritten or contributed to more than349 NIOSHreportsanddocuments,143 published papers and abstracts, and 54 chapters in booksandreports,and 11 NIOSHblog posts,and315scientific presentations that provided widely usedinformationand guidanceto protect workers. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001048 DDJ?VIOUS Wltvtv~llS 2017 ASSESSMENT Katherine E.Fleming-D utra,AdamL.Hersh, DanielJ Shapiro,Monina Bartoces, EvaA.Enns, ThomasM.File,Jr., Jonathan A Finkelstein, Jeffrey S.Gerber, DavidY.Hyun,JeffreyA.Linder,RuthLynfield, DavidJ Margolis,LarissaS.May, illo, DanielMerenstein,JoshuaPMetlay,JasonG.Newland,JayF.Piccir KatieJ.Suda,AnnThomas, Rebecca M.Roberts, GuillermoV.Sanchez, Teri MoserWoo,RachelM. Zetts,andLauri A.Hicks Prevalence ofInappropriate Antibiotic Prescriptions Among U.S.Ambulatory Care Visits, JAMA2016;315(17):1864- 1873 DATAMETHODS ANDSTUDYDESIGN SamuelS. Shepard, Sarah Meno,Justin Bahl,MalaniaM.Wilson,John Barnes, and Eliza beth Neuhaus ViralDeepSequencing Needs anAdaptive Approach :IRMA, theIterative Refinement Meta-Assembler BMCGenomics 2016;17:801 LABORATORY SCIENCE SabineM. G.van der Sanden, WeilinWu,Naomi Dybdahl-Sissoko, WilliamC.Weldon, PaulaBrooks,Jason O'Donnell,LesP.Jones,Cedric Brown,S.MarkTompkins, M. StevenOberste,Jon Karpilow,and Ralph A.Tripp Engineering Enhanced Vaccine CellLines toEradicate Vaccine -Preventable Diseases: ThePolio EndGame Journalof Virology 2016;90 (4):1694-1704 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL PhilipJ. Peters,Pamela Pontones,Karen W Hoover,Monita R.Patel, Romeo R.Galang, JessicaShields,SaraJ. Blosser,MichaelW. Spiller, BrittanyCombs,William M.Switzer, Caitlin Conrad, Jess icaGentry,YuryKhudyakov, DorothyWaterhouse, ry,VeronicaMccants, S. MicheleOwen, ErikaChapma n, JeremyC.Roseber PaulJ Weidle, Dita Broz,TarazSamandari, Jonathan Mermin, JenniferWalthall, andJoanM.Duwve,for the IndianaHIVOutbreakInvestigationTeam JohnT.Brooks, HIVInfection Linked toInjection UseofOxymorphone inIndiana , 2014- 2015 TheNewEnglandJournalof Medicine2016;375(3 ):229-239 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001051 LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT PatrickJ.Lammie,PhD Dr.Lammie wasrecognized for hiswide-rangingresearc h and workto controland eliminateneglectedparasitic diseases, particularlylymphatic filiariasis. 2016 ASSESSMENT AlexandraM.Oster , Joel 0. Wertheim,AngelaL. Hernandez, MarieCherylBanezOcfemia,Neeraja Saduvala, and H. Irene Hall Using Molecular HIVSurveillance DatatoUnderstand Transmission Between Subpopulations intheUnited States Journal ofAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2015;70:444-451 DATAMETHODSANDSTUDYDESIGN JacekSkarbins ki, Eli Rosenberg,Gabriela Paz-Bailey, H.IreneHall,CharlesE.Rose, Abigail H.Viall,JenniferL.Fagan,AmyLansky,Jonathan H.Mermin Human Immunodeficiency Virus Transmission atEach StepoftheCare Cont inuum intheUnited States JAMAInternal Medicine 2015;175(4):588-596 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001052 LABORATORY SCIENCE DavidS.Campo , Guo-Lia ng Xia,ZoyaDimit rova,Yulin Lin,Joseph C.Forbi, Lilia Ganova-Raeva, Lili Punkova,Sumathi Ramachandran,HongThai, PavelSkums, Seth Sims,Inna Rytsareva,GilbertoVaughan, Ha-Jung Roh, MichaelA.Purdy, Amanda Sue,andYury Khudyakov s Accurate Genetic Detection ofHepatitis CVirus Transmissions inOutbreak Settings TheJournal ofInfectious Diseases 2015;213(6):957 - 965 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL Concepcion F.Estfvariz,Abhij eet Anand,HowardE.GaryJr.,MahmudurRahman, Wassilak, SusanY.Chu,WilliamC.Weldon, Jannatul Islam,TajulI.Bari, StevenG.F. MarkA.Pallansch,JamesD. Heffelfinger, Stephen P.Luby,Khalequ Zaman lmmunogenicity ofThree Doses ofBivalent, Trivalent, orType 1 Monovalent Oral Poliovirus Vaccines witha 2-Week Interval Between Doses inBangladesh: AnOpen-labe l, Non-inferiority, Randomised, Controlled Trial TheLancetInfectious Diseases 2015;15:898 - 904 LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT RearAdmiralKennethG.Castro, MD Dr.Castrowasrecognized for his leadership, expertise, andpioneeringbodyof scientific workin HIV/AIDSandtuberculosis. 2015 ASSESSMENT Shelley S.Magill, Jonathan R.Edwards,WendyBamberg, ZintarsG. Beldavs, GhinwaDumyati,Marion A.Kainer,RuthLynfield , Meghan Maloney , LauraMcAllister -Hollod,Joelle Nadle,SusanM.Ray,DeborahL.Thompson, LucyE.Wilson,and ScottK. Fridkin, for the Emergi ng Infections Progra m Healthcare-AssociatedInfectionsandAntimicrobial UsePrevalenceSurveyTeam Multistate Point-Prevalence Survey ofHealth Care-Associated Infections TheNewEngland Journal ofMedicine2014;370( 13):1198-1208 DATAMETHODS ANDSTUDYDESIGN KristaS.Crider, OwenDevine, LingHao, Nicole F.Dowling, SongLi,Anne M. Molloy, t J. Berry ZhuLi,JianghuiZhu,and Rober Population RedBlood CellFolate Concentrations forPrevention ofNeural Tube Defects: Bayesian Model TheBMJ(clinical research edition) 2014;349:g4554 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001053 LABORATORY SCIENCE HuaYang,Jess ie C.Chang,ZhuGuo,Paul J. Carney, David A.Shore,Ruben 0. Donis, AlexanderI. Klimov,andJamesStevens NancyJ. Cox,Julie M.Villanueva, Structural Stability ofInfluenza A(HlN1)pdm09 Virus Hemagglutinins Journal of Virology 2014;88(9):4828-4838 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL TheRTS,S ClinicalTrials Partnership Efficacy andSafety oftheRTS,S /AS01 Malaria Vaccine During 18Months AfterVaccination: APhase 3 Randomized , Controlled TrialinChildren andYoung Infants at11African Sites PLoSMedicine 2014;11(7):e1001685 LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT PatriciaM.Griffin,MD Dr.Griffin wasrecognizedfor her expertisein foodborneand enteric infections andhercontributionsto the scienceof foodsafety 2014 ASSESSMENT Nadira K.Sultana, SamirK.Saha,Hassan M.AI-Emran, Joyanta K.Modak, M.A.Yushuf Sharker,ShamsEI-Arifeen,AdamL. Cohen,Abdullah H. Baqui, andStephenP.Luby Impact ofIntroduction oftheHaemophilus lnfluenzae Type bConjugate Vaccine into Childhood Immunization onMeningitis in Bangladeshi Infants JAMA2016;315(17):1864-1873 DATAMETHODS ANDSTUDYDESIGN MatthewW.WheelerandA.John Bailer AnEmpirical Comparison oflow-doseExtrapolation fromPoints ofOepa rture(PoD) Compared toExtrapolations Based uponMethod sthatAccount forModelUncertainty Regulatory Toxicology andPharmacology2 013;67:75-82 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001054 LABORATORY SCIENCE James M. Smith,RachnaRastog i, RyanS.Teller,PriyaSrinivasan, Pedro M. M. Mesquita, Umadev i Nagaraja, JanetM.McNicholl,R.MichaelHendry,ChuongT Dinh, AmyMartin,BetsyC.Herold,and Patrick F.Kiser lntravaginal RingEluting Tenofovir Oisoproxil Fumarate Completely Protects Macaques fromMultiple Vaginal Simian -HIVChallenges Proceedings of theNational Academy ofSciences of theUnited States ofAmerica 2013;110(40):1614516150 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL TimMcAfee,Kevin C.Davis,RobertL.Alexander Jr.,TerryF.Pechacek, and Rebecca Bunnell Effect oftheFirstFederally Funded U.S . Antismoking National Media Campaign TheLancet2013;382(9909):2003 - 2011 LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT NancyJ. Cox,PhD Dr.Coxwasrecognized for hergloballeadersh ip,expertise, mentorship,and scientific innovation in theepidemiologyof influenzavirusesand immunization. 2013 ASSESSMENT Rache l M. Smith,MelissaK.Schaefer,MarionA.Kainer,MatthewWise,JennieFinks, Joan Duwve,Elizabeth Fontaine,AlvinaChu,Barbara Carothers, AmyReilly,JayFiedler, AndrewD. Wiese,ChristineFeaster, LexGibson,Stephanie Griese, AnnePurfield, AngelaA.Cleveland,KaitlinBenedict,JulieR.Harris,MaryE.Brandt, Dianna Blau, John Jernigan,J.ToddWeber,and BenjaminJ. Park,forthe Multistate Fungal InfectionOutbreakResponse Team TheNewEngland Journal ofMedicine Joumal ofAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2012;doi:10.1056/NEJ Moa12139 78 DATAMETHODS ANDSTUDYDESIGN Joseph Y Abrams,John R.Copeland,RobertV.Tauxe,Kashmira A Date, ErmiasD.Belay,RajaI K. Mody,and Eric D.Mintz Real -TimeModeling Used forOutbreak Management During aCholera Epidemic , Haiti,2010-2011 Epidemiology andInfection 2012; doi: 10.1017 /$0950268812001793 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001055 LABORATORY SCIENCE YenT.Duong,MaofengQiu,AnindyaK.De,Keisha Jackson, TrudyDobbs, ng, andBharatS.Parekh AndreaA Kim,John N. Nkengaso Detection ofRecent HIV-1 Infection Using a NewInfection Limiting -Antigen Avidity Assay: Potential forHIV-1 lnddence Estimates andAvidity Maturation Studies PLoS0Nf2012;7(3):e33328 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL YanT.Novak,JeanLudovic Kambou, Fabie nV K.Diomande, TigaFTarbangdo, Rasma ta Ouedraogo -Traore,Lassa na Sangare,Clement Lingani , Stacey W Martin, CynthiaHatche r, Leonard W Mayer,F.MarcLaForce,Fenelia Avokey, ier,SylvestreR.Tiendrebeogo, Mamoudou H.Djingarey,NancyE.Messonn andThomasA Clark Serogroup AMeningococcal Conjugate Vaccination in Burkina Faso :Analysis of National Surveillance Data TheLancet Infectious Diseases2012; 12(1):757- 764 LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT LarryJ.Anderson,MD Dr.Andersonwasrecognizedfor his innovative research on respiratorysyncytial virus andits diseaseburden in the UnitedStates. 2012 ASSESSMENT Concepcion F.Estfvariz,Hamid Jafari,Roland W Sutter,T.JacobJohn,Vibhor Jain, Ashutos h Agarwal,Harish Verma,Mark A Pallansch,Ajit PSingh, SherineGuirguis, JitendraAwale,AnthonyBurton,Sunil Bahl, Arani Chatterjee,andR.BruceAylward! lmmunogenicity ofSupplemental Doses ofPoliovirus Vaccine forChildren Aged6- 9 Months inMoradabad , India:ACommunity-Based Randomized Controlled Trial TheLancet Infectious Diseases 2012;12(2):128- 135(publishedonline2011) DATAMETHODS ANDSTUDYDESIGN Alula Hadgu,Nandini Dendukuri,andLiangliangWang Evaluation ofScreening Tests forDetecting Chlamydia Trachomatis Bias Associat ed withthePatient -Infected-Status Algorithm Epidemiology Epidemiology 2012;23(1):72- 82 (published online 2011) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001056 LABORATORY SCIENCE BrianH.Bird, LouisH. Maartens, ShelleyCampbell, SaltusJ. Erasmus, BobbieR.Erickson, F Spiropoulo u, Deborah Cannon, Clifton P.Drew, KimberlyA.Dodd,Christina Barba ra Knust Anita K.McElroy,MarinaL.Khristova,CesarG. Albarino, and Stuartl Nichol RiftValley Fever Virus Vaccine Lacking theNSs andNSmGenes IsSafe, Nonteratogenic , andConfers Protection fromVirema, Pyrexia, andAbortion Following Challenge inAdultandPregnant Sheep 2011;85(24) :12901- 1290949 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL TimothyR.Sterling,M.ElsaVillarino,AndreyS.Borisov, NongShang,FredGordin, Erin Bliven-Sizemore, Judith Hackman, CarolDukesHamilton,DickMenzies, AmyKerrigan, Stephen E.Weis,MarcWeiner,DianeWing,MarcusB.Conde, C.RobertHorsburgh,andRichardE.Chaisson,fortheTBTrials LornaBozeman, Consortium PREVENT TBStudyTeam Three Months ofRifapentine andlsoniazid forLatent Tuberculosis Infection TheNewEngland Journal ofMedicine201 1;365(23):2 155-2166 LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT HenryFalk,MD,MPH Dr. Falk wasrecogni zedforhisexpertiseandglobal leadership in environmental healthscience andpublic health policyandpractice. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001057 2011 ASSESSMENT ANDEPIDEMIOLOGY StacyM. Holzbauer, Aaron S. DeVries,JamesJ. Sejva r, Christine H. Lees, Jennifer Adjemian, JenniferH. McQuiston,Carlota Medus,CatherineA.Lexau, ErmiasD.Belay,JamesF.Howell, Bryan F.Buss, Julie R.Harris, Sergio E.Recuenco, MadyHornig,John D. Gibbins,ScottE.Brueck,Kirk E. Smith, RichardN.Danila, W Ian Lipkin,DanielH. Lachance,PJamesB.Dyck,andRuth Lynfield Abattoir Workers Exposed toPorcine Brain PLoSOne2010;5(3):e9782 LABORATORY ANDMETHODS RobertD. Gilmore,Jr.,Rebeka h R.Howison, Gabrielle Dietrich,Toni G. Patton, DawnR.Clifton,andJamesA.Carroll Thebba64 Gene ofBorrelia Burgdorferi, theLyme Disease Agent, IsCritical for Mammalian Infection viaTickBiteTransmission TheProceedings of theNationalAcademy ofSciences of theUnited StatesofAmerica 2010;107(16):7515-7520 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL CharlesS. Chasela, MichaelG.Hudgens,DeniseJ.Jamieson,Dumbani Kayira, nipour,AthenaP.Kourtis,Francis Martinson, GeraldTegha, MinaC.Hossei IrvingF.Hoffman, RodneyJ. Knight,YusufI.Ahmed,DeborahD.Kamwendo, R.Ellington,ZebroneKacheche, AliceSoko,JeffreyB.Wiener,SusanA.Fiscus, Sascha PeterKazembe, InnocentA.Mofolo,MaggieChigwenembe,Dorothy S. Sichali, andCharlesM.van derHorst TheBreastfeeding, Antiretroviral , andNutrition Study Group Maternal orInfant Antiretroviral Drugs toReduce HIV-1Transmission The NewEngland Journal of Medicine 2010;362(24):2271- 2281 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001058 LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT KathleenKreiss , MD Dr. Kreisswasrecognizedasa world-renownedexpertin occupational respiratory disease. She hasimprovedworkplacesafetybyencouragingthe useof safer materials and better workpracticesandcontrols. 2010 ASSESSMENT ANDEPIDEMIOLOGY Fatima h S Dawood,SeemaJain, Lyn Finelli,MichaelW Shaw,Stephen Lindstrom, Rebecc aJ. Garten,LarisaV.Gubareva,XiyanXu,Carolyn B. Bridges,and Timothy M.Uyeki Emergence ofa Novel Swine -Orig in Influenza A(HlN1)VirusinHumans TheNewEngland JournalofMedicine2009;360:2605 - 2615 LABORATORY ANDMETHODS Joseph U. lgietseme, Qing He, Kahaliah Joseph, Francis0. Eko, Deborah Lyn, Godwin Ananaba,Angela Campbe ll, Claudiu Bandea,andCarolyn M.Black RoleofTlymphocytes inthePathogenesis ofChlamydia Disease TheJournalofInfec tiousDiseases 2009;200:926-93451 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL Sandra L.Decker Proceedings oftheNational Academy ofSciences oftheUnited States ofAmerica Inqui ry2009;46(3)291- 304 Manish Patel,CristinaPedrei ra, LuciaHelenaDeOliveira,Jacqueline Tate, MaribelOrozco, Juan Mercado,AlcidesGonzalez, OmarAlespin, JuanJoseAmador, Maria CelinaPerez,Jon Gentsc h,TaraKerin, JazminaUmana,Angel Balmaseda, Jennifer Hull, SlavicaMijatovic,JonAndrus,and Umesh Parashar Association Between Pentavalent Rotavirus Vaccine andSevere Rotavirus Diarrhea Among Children inNicaragua JAMA2009;301(21):2243- 2251 LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT PollyMarchbanks,PhD,MSN Dr.Marchbankswasrecognizedfor her globalleadership and research,particularly in the area of contraception. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001059 2009 ASSESSMENT ANDEPIDEMIOLOGY H.Irene Hall, RuiguangSong, Philip Rhodes, Joseph Prejean, QianAn,LisaM.Lee, JohnKaron, RonBrookmeye r, Edwar d H. Kaplan,MatthewT McKenna, and RobertS.Janssen, for the HIVIncidenceSurveillanceGroup Estimation ofHIVIncidence intheUnited States JAMA2008;300:520-529 LABORATORY ANDMETHODS TracieL.Williams,LeahLuna,ZhuGuo,NancyJ Cox,JamesL.Pirkle, Ruben0. Donis,andJohn R.Barr Quantification oflnfluenza Virus Hemagglutinins inComplex Mixtures Using Isotope Dilution Tandem Mass Spectrometry Vaccine 2008;26:2510-2520 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL LarissaRoux,MichaelPratt,TammyO Tengs, Michelle M.Yore, Teri L Yanagawa, JillVanDenBos,CandaceRutt,RossC.Brownson,KennethE.Powell,GregoryHeath, I-Min Lee,LindaWest,and Harold W.KohlIll,StevenTeutsch, John Cawley, DavidM.Buchner Cost Effectiveness ofCommunity-Based Physical Activity Interventions American Journal ofPreventive Medicine 2008;35:578-588 LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT StephenB.Thacker,MD,MSc Or.Thacker wasrecognizedfor hisleadershipandhisworkin fostering scientific communication andtraining of future leadersin public health. Hehasoverseen the Epidemic IntelligenceService(EIS)programsince 1989,andunderhisdirection,the firstCDCplanfor surveillancewascompletedin 1985. 2008 ASSESSMENT AND EPIDEMIOLOGY EarlS.Ford,UrnedA Ajani,JanetB.Croft,JuliaA Critchley,Darwin R.Labarthe, ThomasE.Kottke,WayneH.Giles,andSimonCapewell Explaining theDecrease inU.S . Deaths fromCoronary Disease , 1980- 2000 TheNewEngland Journal of Medicine 2007;356:2388-2398 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001060 LABORATORY ANDMETHODS Terrence M.Tumpey, Christopher F. Basler, PatriciaV.Aguilar,Hui Zeng,AliciaSolorzano, Peter Palese , David E. Swayne,NancyJ.Cox,JacquelineM.Katz,Jeffery K.Taubenberger, andAdolfoGarcia-Sastre ATwo-Amino AcidChange intheHemagglutinin ofthe1918Influenza Virus Abolishes Transmission Science 2007;315:655-659 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL R.LouiseFloyd,Mark Sobel!,MaryM.Velasquez,KarenIngersoll,MaryNettleman, LindaSobell,PatriciaDolanMullen,Sherry Ceperich,Kirkvon Sternberg,BurtBolton, BradleySkarpness,andJyothi Nagaraja, forthe ProjectCHOICES EfficacyStudy Group Preventing Alcohol -Exposed Pregnancies :ARandomized Controlled Trial American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2007;32:1-10 LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT VincentCastranova,PhD Dr. Castranova wasrecognized for hisleadership in laboratory-basedoccupationa l health research. His contributions to theunderstanding of the biology of lungcells havebeentranslatedinto the practicalstudyof lungdiseases anddevelopmentof preventio n programs. 2007 ASSESSMENT ANDEPIDEMIOLOGY WolfgangHladik,SheliaC.Dollard, JonathanMermin,AshleyL.Fowlkes, RobertDowning,MinalM.Amin, FloraBanage , Esau Nzaro, Peter Kataaha, Timothy J. Dondero,Philip E.Pellett,andEve M. Lackritz Transmission ofHuman Herpesvirus 8 byBlood Transfusion TheNewEngland Journal of Medicine 2006;355:1331-1338 LABORATORY ANDMETHODS MaryA.Hoelscher,San jayGarg,DineshS.Bangari, JessicaA.Belser,Xiuhua Lu, lainStephenson, Rick A.Bright, Jacque lineM. Katz,Suresh K.Mittal, and Suryap rakash Sambhara Development ofAdenoviral -Vector -Based Pandemic Influenza Vaccine against HSNlStrains inMice Antigenically Distinct Human TheLancet2006 ;368:1495- 1502 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001061 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL Cynthia G.Whitney,TamarPilishvili, MonicaM.Farley,William Schaffner, Allen S.Craig, Ruth Lynfield, Ann-Christine Nyquist, Kenneth A.Gershman, MariettaVazquez, R.Zell, NancyM. Bennett,Arthur Reingold, AnnThomas,MaryP.Glode,Elizabeth BernardBeall, and AnneSchuchat JamesH.Jorgensen, Effectiveness ofSeven -Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Against Invasive Pneumococcal Disease: AMatched Case-Control Study TheLancet2006 ;368:1495-1502 LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT Roger I.Glass,MD,PhD,MPH Dr.Glass wasrecognized for his leadership and accomplishmentsin viral gastroenteritis. Hiswork led to the recognition of rotavirus as a problem in the United Statesand to development of a rotavirusvaccineto be used worldwide. 2006 ASSESSMENT ANDEPIDEMIOLOGY LeeWarner, MaurizioMacaluso,HarlandD.Austin, David K.Kleinbaum, LynnArtz, MichaelE.Fleenor,IleneBrill,DanielR Newman,and Edward W HookIll App licationoftheCase -Crossover Des igntoReduce Unmeasured Confounding in Studies ofCondom Effectiveness American Journalof Epidemiology 2005;161:765-773 Katherine M.Flegal, Barry I.Grauba rd, David FWilliamson, and Mitchell H. Gail Excess Deaths Associated WithUnderweight, Overweight , andObesity JAMA2005;293:1861- 1867 LABORATORY ANDMETHODS TerrenceM.Tumpey,Christopher F. Basler,PatriciaV Aguilar,HuiZeng,Alicia Solorza no, NancyJ Cox,Jacqueline M. Katz,Jeffery K.Taubenberger,PeterPalese, David E.Swayne, andAdolfo Garcia-Sastre Characterization oftheReconstructed 1918Spanish Influenza Pandemic Virus Science2005;3 10(5745):77-80 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL Stephe n P.Luby,Mubina Agboatwal la,Daniel R Feikin,John Painter, Ward Billhimer, Arsha d Altaf,and RobertM. Hoekstra Effect ofHandwashing onChild Health: ARandomised Controlled Trial TheLancet 2005;366:225-233 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001062 LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT Robert V.Tauxe,MD,MPH Dr.Tauxewasrecognizedfor hisleadershipin the prevention andcontrol of foodborne diseases in the United Statesandinternationally. Hiswork andthat of hiscolleagues haveresultedin dramaticchangesin foodborne disease surveillance , outbreak detection,practices, andpolicies. 2005 ASSESSMENT ANDEPIDEMIOLOGY Barbara LopesCardozo, OlegO Bilukha,Carol A GotwayCrawford, lrshad Shaikh, Mitchell I.Wolfe,Michael L.Gerber,andMarkAnderson Menta l Health , Social Functioning, andDisability inPostwar Afghanistan JAMA2004;292:575-584 LABORATORY ANDMETHODS Justin M.Hettick,MichaelL Kashon, JanetPSimpson,PaulD.Siege l, Gerald H. Mazurek, and David N.Weissman Proteomic Profiling ofIntactMycobacteria byMatrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Analytical Chemistty2004; 76:5769-5776 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001063 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL MarcBulterys,DeniseJ.Jamieson,MaryJoO'Sullivan,MardgeH.Cohen, RobertMaupin, Steven Nesheim, Mayris P.Webber,RussellVanDyke, JeffreyWiener, andBernardM.Branson, forthe Mother-Infant RapidIntervention at Delivery (MIRIAD)StudyGroup Rapid HIV-1Testing During Labor: AMulticenter Study JAMA2004;292:219-223 OUTSTANDING SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION TO PUBLICHEALTH William H.Hannon, Barbar aW.Adams,andRobertF.Vogt National Center forEnvironmental Health /Agency forToxic Substances andDisease Registry Newborn Screening Quality Assurance Program LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT JamesM. Hughes,MD Dr.Hugheswasrecognizedfor his expertisein infectiousdiseases andbioterrorism andresponse. Hisleaders hip in addressingemergingandreemerging global threatshasbroughtglobal prominenceto CDCandimprovedpublic health infrastructu resnationwide. 2004 ASSESSMENT ANDEPIDEMIOLOGY Jennita Reefh uis,MargaretA Honein, Cynthia G.Whitney,ShadiChamany,E KarenBroder, Susa n Manning, SwatiAvashia, ric A Mann,Krista R.Biernath, MarciaVictor,Pamela Costa,OwenDevine,AnnGraham , andColeenBoyle Risk ofBacterial Meningitis inChildren withCochlear Implants TheNewEngland Journal ofMedicine 2003;349:435-445 LABORATORY ANDMETHODS ThomasG.Ksiaze k, DeanErdman,CynthiaS.Goldsmith, Sherif R.Zaki,Teresa Peret , Shannon Emery, SuxiangTong,Carlo Urbani,JamesA Comer,WilinaLim, Pierre E.Rollin, ScottF.Dowell,Ai-Ee Ling,CharlesD. Humphrey,Wun-Ju Shieh, JyhJeannetteGuarner,Christop her D.Paddo ck,PaulRota,Barry Fields,Joseph DeRisi, Yuan Yang, NancyCox,JamesM.Hughes,JamesW.LeDuc, William J.Bellini, Working Group Larry J.Anderson, andthe SARS ANovel Coronavirus Associated withSevere Acute Respiratory Syndrome TheNewEngland Journal ofMedicine 2003;348:1953- 1966 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001064 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL CynthiaG.Whitney,MonicaM.Farley,JamesHadler, LeeH.Harrison, NancyM. Bennett, Ruth Lynfield,Arthur Reingol d, PaulR.Cieslak,TamaraPilishvili,DeloisJackso n, RichardR.Facklam, JamesH.Jorgense n,andAnne Schuchat, for theActiveBacter ial CoreSurveillanceof the Emerging Infections ProgramNetwork Decline in Invasive Pneumococcal Disease AftertheIntroduction ofProtein -Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine TheNewEngland Journal ofMedicine 2003;348:1737-1746 LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT HaroldW. Jaffe,MD Dr.Jaffe wasrecognizedasa national and internationalleaderin thedisease investigation of HIV/AI DS,which hasincreased scientific knowledgeabout HIV/AIDS andimproved nationalandinternational approachesto prevention andcontrol. WalterA.Orenstein, MD Dr.Orenstein wasrecognizedfor his leadership in reducing the occurrence of vaccinepreventable diseases in children.Hisworkhas beencriticalto the developmen t of nationalvaccine policyandglobal immunizationstrategies. 2003 ASSESSMENT ANDEPIDEMIOLOGY PollyA.Marchbanks , Jill A.McDonald, HoytG.Wilson,Suzan ne G. Folger, MicheleG.Mandel,Janet R.Daling, Leslie Bernstein,KathleenE.Malone,GiskeUrsin, BrianL. Strom,SandraA. Norman, Linda K. Weiss,PhyllisWingo,Michael S. Simon, RonaldT.Burkman,JesseA.Berlin, and RobertSpirtas OralContraceptives andtheRisk ofBreast Cance r TheNewEngland JournalofMedicine 2002;346:2025 - 2032 LABORATORY ANDMETHODS BharatS.Parekh, M. SusanKennedy, Trudy Dobbs,Chou-Pong Pau,Rober t Byers , Timothy Green,Dale J. Hu, SuphakVanichseni, Nancy L.Young, Kachit Choopa nya, Timothy D. Mastro, andJ.StevenMcDougal Quantitative Detection ofIncreasing HIVType1Antibodies AfterSeroconversion : ASimple Assay forDetecting Recent HIVInfection andEstimating Incidence AIDSResearch andHuman Retroviruses 2002;18:295-307 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001065 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL Robert E.Quick, Akiko C.Kimura, AngelicaThevos, MathiasTembo,Isidore Shamputa, Lori Hutwagner, and Eric Mintz Diarrhea Prevention Through Household -levelWaterDisinfection and SafeStorage inZambia TheAmerican Journalof Tropical Medicine andHygiene 2002:66:584-589 OUTSTANDING SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION TOPUBLICHEALTH BarbaraLopesCardozo,BradleyA. Woodruff,Muireann Brennan, and PaulB. Spiegel National Center for Environmental Health Internation al Emergency andRefugee Health Branch LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT William R.Jarvis,MD Dr. Jarviswas recognizedasa leader in the study of nosocomial infectionsand other threatsto thesafety of patientsand healthcareworkers. Hisresearchhas led to interventionsto reducetheserisks and to the development of prevention guidelines. 2002 ASSESSMENT ANDEPIDEMIOLOGY TrudyV.Murphy,PaulM.Gargiulio,MehranS. Massoudi, DavidB. Nelson, na Setia,ElizabethFair, Aisha O Jumaan,Catherine A.Okoro,LynnR.Zanardi,Sabee and Benjam in Schwartz, CharlesW LeBaron, MelindaWharton,John R.Livengood, forthe Rotavirus lntussuscep tion InspectionTeam lntussusception Among Infants Given anOralRotavirus Vaccine TheNewEngland Journal of Medicine 2001;344:564-572 LABORATORY ANDMETHODS Brent S. Davis, Gwong-Jen J. Chang, BruceCropp,JohnT Roehrig, DeniseA. Martin, Carl J. Mitchell, Richard Bowen, and Michel L Bunning WestNileVirus Recombinant DNA Vaccine Protects Mouse andHorse fromVirus Challenge andExpresses invitroa Noninfectious Recombinant Antigen thatCanBeUsed inEnzyme -Linked lmmunosorbent Assays Journal of Virology 2001;75:4040- 4047 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001066 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL BelindaE.Ostrowsky,William E.Trick,Annette H. Sohn, Stephen B.Quirk, StaceyHolt, LorettaA Carson, Bertha C Hill, Matthew J. Arduino,MatthewJ Kuehnert, and WilliamR Jarvis Control ofVancomycin -Resistant Enterococcus inHealth Care Facilities ina Region TheNewEngland Journal ofMedicine 2001;344:1427- 1433 OUTSTANDING SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION TOPUBLICHEALTH RonaldM. Davis,GaryA Giovino, Michael D. Erikson, and the Office on Smoking and Health National Center forChronic Disease Prevention andHealth Promotion LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT GeraldR.Cooper, MD,PhD Dr.Cooper wasrecognizedfor his leadership in improving laboratory measuresof lipidsthat led to the establishment of the CDCLipid Standardiza t ion Program. 2001 ASSESSMENT ANDEPIDEMIOLOGY Paul B.Spiegeland PeterSalama WarandMortality inKosovo , 1998-99:AnEpidemiological Testimony TheLancet 2000;335:2204- 2209 LABORATORY ANDMETHODS K.B.Chua, William J. Bellini, PaulA Rota,BrianH.Harcourt, Azaibi Tamin, S.K.Lam, Thomas G.Ksiazek, Pierre E.Rollin, Sherif R.Zaki, Wun-Ju Shieh, CynthiaS Goldsmith, DuaneJ Gubler,JohnT Roehrig,B.Eaton, A R Gould,JimOlson,H.Field,P.Daniels, AE.Ling,ClarenceJ Peters,LarryJ Anderson,and BrianWJ Mahy Nipah Virus :ARecently Emergent Deadly Paramyxovirus Science2000;288:1432- 1435 PREVENTION ANDCONTROL CarolynBuxtonBridges,WilliamW Thompson,Martin I.Meltzer,Gordon R.Reeve, Walter J Talamonti, Nancy J Cox,Heather A Lilac,HenriettaHall,Alexander Klimov, andKeiji Fukuda Effectiveness andCost -Benefit ofInfluenza Vaccination ofHealthy Working Adults : ARandomized Controlled Trial JAMA2000;284:1655-1662 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001067 OUTSTANDING SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION TOPUBLICHEALTH National Center for Chronic Disease Preventionand Health Promotion Behavioral RiskFactor Surveillance System LIFETIME SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT JosephEdwardMcDade,PhD Dr.McDadewasthe first to identify the bacterium Legionella pneumophila asthe causeof thewell-known outbreakof Legionnaires'disease. In the 1980s,he identified the causeof a previouslyunknown tickbornedisease, ehrlichiosis. 2000 ASSESSMENT AND EPIDEMIOLOGY NathanShaffer, RuttChuachoowong, Philip A.Mock,ChaipornBhadrakom, WimolSiriwasin, Nancy L.Young,TaweeChotpitayas unondh, SanayChearskul, AnuvantRoongpisuthipong, PratharnChinayon,John Karon,Timothy D.Mastro, Simonds andR.J. Short-Course Zidovudine forPerinatal HIV-1Transmission inBangkok, Thailand : ARandomised Controlled Trial TheLancet 1999;353:773 - 780 1999 RobertS.Janssen,GlenA.Satten,Susa n L.Strame r, Bhupat D. Rawal,ThomasR.O'Brien, J.Weiblen,Frederick M. Hecht,Noreen Jack,FarleyR.Cleghorn,James0. Kahn, Barbara Margaret A.Chesney, andMichaelP.Busch NewTestingStrategy toDetect Early HIV -1Infection forUseinIncidence Estimates andforClinical andPrevention Purposes JAMA1998;280:42-48 1998 DeniseM.Cardo,David H.Culver, Carol A.Ciesielski,Pamela U.Srivas tava, RuthanneMarcus, DominiqueAbiteboul, JuliaHeptonstall,GiuseppeIppolito, FlorenceLot, Penny S. McKibbe n, andDavid M. Bell,fortheCentersfor Disease Control andPreventio n NeedlestickSurveillanceGroup ACase -Control Study ofHIVSeroconversion inHealth Care Workers after Percutaneous Exposure TheNewEngland Journal ofMedicine 1997;337:1485-1490 ,I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001068 1997 Jennifer S.Rota,JanetL.Heath, PaulA.Rota,GailE. King, Maria L. Celma,Juan Carabana, Rafa el Fernandez-Munoz,DavidBrown,LiJin, andWilliamJ. Bellini Molecular Epidemiology ofMeas lesVirus: Identification ofPathways ofTransmission andImplications forMeasles Elimination TheJournal ofInfectious Diseases 1996;173:32- 37 DianaE.Schendel, Cynthia J. Berg, MarshalynYearg in-Allsopp,Coleen A.Boyle, andPierreDecoufie Prenatal Magnesium Sulfate Exposure andtheRisk forCerebral Palsy orMental Retardation Among VeryLow-Birth-Weight Children Aged 3to5 Years JAMA1996;276:1805- 1810 1996 Peter M. Strebel,Nicolaelon-Nedelcu, AndrewL.Baughman, Roland W.Sutter, and Stephen L.Cochi Intramuscular Injections Within 30Days ofImmunization withOralPoliovirus VaccineARisk Factor forVaccine-Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis TheNewEngland Journal of Medicine 1995;332:500-506 1995 RobertD. Brewer,Peter D.Morris,ThomasB.Cole, StephanieWatkins,Michael J. Patetta, and Carol Popkin TheRisk ofDying inAlcohol-Related Automobile Crashes Among Habitual Drunk Drivers TheNewEngland Journal ofMedi cine1994;331:513- 517 1994 Michael E. St. Louis,MunkolenkoleKamenga , ChristopherBrown,Ann Marie Nelson, TarandeManzila,Veronique Batter,FriedaBehets,UwaKabagabo,RobertW. Ryder, Margaret Oxtoby,ThomasC.Quinn, and William L. Heyward Risk forPerinatal HIV-1 Transmission According toMaternal Immunologic, Virologic, andPlacental Factors JAMA1993;269:2853-2859 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001069 1993 BrianR. Edlin,Jerome I.Tokars,MichaelH. Grieco,JackT Crawford, Julie Williams, Emelia M.Sordillo, Kenneth R.Ong,James0. Kilburn, SamuelW.Dooley, Kenneth G. Castro, WilliamR.Jarvis,andScottD. Holmberg AnOutbreak ofMultidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Among Hospitalized Patients with theAcquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome TheNewEngland Joumal ofMedicine 1992;326:1514- 1521 1992 MartaGwinn,Margueri te Pappa ioanou,J. Richard George, W.Harry Hannon, Martha A.Redus, RodneyHoff,GeorgeF.Grady,AnneWilloughby, ShariC.Wasser, Antonia C.Novello,LyleR.Petersen,TimothyJ. Dondero,andJamesW.Curran Preva lence ofHIVInfection inChildbearing Women intheUnited States JAMA1991;265:1704- 1708 1991 EdwardA Belongia, Craig W.Hedberg, Gerald J. Gleich,KarenE.White, ArthurN. Mayeno,DavidA Loegering,SandraL.Dunnette,PhyllisL.Pirie, ld, and MichaelT Osterholm KristineL.MacDona AnInvestigation oftheCause oftheEosinophilia -Myalgia Syndrome Associated withTryptophan Use TheNewEngland Journal ofMedicine 1990;323:357- 365 1990 PatriciaM. Griffin, RobertV.Tauxe, Stephe n C.Redd,NancyD. Puhr, NancyHargrett-Bea n, and PaulA Blake Emergence ofHighly Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole-Resistant Shigella ina Native American Population :AnEpidemiologic Study AmericanJournalof Epidemiol ogy1989;129:1042- 1051 1989 Chin-Yih Ou,Shirley Kwok,SheilaW.Mitchell,DavidH. Mack,JohnJ. Sninsky, DonnaWarfield,andGerald Schochetman JohnW.Krebs,PaulFeorino, DNA Amplification forDirect Detection ofHIV -1 inDNA ofPeripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell s Science 1988;239:295-29 7 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001070 1988 RebecaRico-Hesse, Mark A. Pallansch, BaldevK.Nottay,and Olen M.Kew Geographic Distribution ofWildPoliovirus Type 1Genotypes Virology 1987;160:311-322 1987 J. Steven McDougal, M. Susan Kennedy,Julie M. Sligh,Sheila PCort, Alison C.Mawle, andJanet K. A. Nicholson Binding ofHTLV-111/LAVto T4+HellsbyaComplex ofthe100KViral Protein andtheT4 Molecule Scienc e 1986(4736);231:382-385 1986 Arthur L.Reingold,Claire V.Broome,AllenW.Hightower, GloriaW.Ajello, Gail A.Bolan, Catherine Adamsbaum, Ellen E.Jones,Catherine Phillips, Hilaire Tiendrebeogo, andAdamou Yada Age-Specific Differences inDuration ofClinical Protection After Vaccination withMeningococcal Polysaccharide AVaccine TheLancet1985;2:114-1 18 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001071 Following is a list of colleagues whohavemadekeynotespeeches at theShepard Science AwardsCeremony sinceits inception. 2017 2014 John Cacioppo, PhD John E.Wennberg,MD, MPH University of ChicagoCenter for Cognitive & Social Neuroscience TheDartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice "Loneliness: PublicHealthImplications andPotentialMechanisms" "UnwarrantedVariationin HealthCare" 2016 2013 Zulfiqar A. Bhutta,PhD,MBBS The Hospital for Sick Children No keynotespeech "GlobalChildSurvival:Challenges andOpportunities" 2015 Anthony S.Fauci, MD National Institute of Allergyand InfectiousDiseas es ''Advances to PublicHealth Implementation" 2012 JamesS. Marks,MD, MPH Robert WoodJohnsonFoundation Health Group "MakingScience and HealthMatter" 2011 Brian Greenwood,MD, CBE London School of Hygiene &Tropical Medicine,University of London "Vaccines for GlobalHealth" HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001072 2010 2004 John Holdren,PhD ShirikiKumanyika,PhD,MPH White HouseOfficeof Science andTechnologyPolicy University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 11 Science and Technology Policy for EnsuringthePublic'sHealth "Obesity, HealthDisparities, and PreventionParadigms: HardQuestions andHardChoices" 11 2009 2003 PaulKrugman,PhD PrincetonUniversity Columnist,The NewYorkTimes 11 Jo IveyBoufford,MD NewYorkUniversitySchoolof Medicine "Assuring the Public'sHealthin the 21stCentury:A Research Agenda 11 Healthandthe EconomicFuture 11 2008 2002 NealNathanson,MD University of Pennsy lvaniaSchool of Medicine MarcL. Miringoff, PhD Fordham Institute for Innovation in SocialPolicy 11 "AIDSVaccine at the Crossroads 11 ''TheSocialDeterminants of Health 2007 2001 MichaelMarmot,PhD,MPH JeffreyD.Sachs , PhD Institute for Society andHealth, University College,London HarvardUniversity "Reinvigorating theFightAgainst Disease in theDevelopingWorld 11 "Healthin an UnequalWorld 2006 2000 DonaldM. Berwick,MD,MPP Institute for Healthcare Improvement ''The100,000LivesCampaign: Lessons froma NationalMobilization" 2005 HarveyV.Fineberg,MD, PhD NationalAcademy of Medicine "Science, Policy,andPublicTrust" LynnR.Goldman, MD,MPH,MS JohnsHopkinsUniversity Bloomberg Schoolof Public Health 11 "Healthof the World 1999 StevenN. Blair, PED TheCooperInstitute Columnist,The NewYorkTimes "Physical Inactivityasa PublicHealthProblem" HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001073 1998 1992 FrederickP.Rivara,MD,MPH Harborview InjuryPrevention andResearch Center BarryR.Bloom,PhD HowardHughesMedical Institute "Revisiting Mycobacteria" "InjuryControl- TheUsesof Sciencefor Prevention" 1991 LawrenceK.Altman,MD 1997 TheNewYorkTimes DavidR.Cox,MD,PhD "Science and theMedia" StanfordUniversitySchoolof Medicine 1990 "TheHumanGenomeProject andHumanDisease" PurnellW.Choppin,MD Howard HughesMedical Institute 1996 Morehouse College "TheRoleof a PrivateMedical Research Organizationin Biomedical Research andEducation" "Science - The(Ever-Expanding) Endless Frontier" 1989 WalterE.Massey,PhD JosephL.Goldstein,MD 1995 Univers ity ofTexasHealth SciencesCenter NancyS. Wexler,PhD "LipoproteinReceptors: A Genetic Defense AgainstandAtherosclerosis" Columbia University "Uncongenial Genealogies: Prediction andProtectionin thePublicInterest" 1988 DavidBaltimore,PhD 1994 HospitalWhitehead Institute Massach usettsInstitute ofTechno logy ThomasJ. Coates,PhD University of California at SanFrancisco "Genetics andModernDisease" "HIVPreven tionPrograms in Research: WhatHaveWeAccomplished, and Where DoWeNeedtoGo?" 1987 FrankPress,PhD National Academyof Sciences "DNAin Washington " 1993 W.FrenchAnderson,MD 1986 Universityof SouthernCaliforn ia Schoolof Medicine James0. Mason,MD ''TheScientific,Ethical,and RegulatoryIssuesof GeneTherapy" "CDC , Science , and theFuture" Centers for DiseaseControl HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001074 of theCharles C.Shepard Science Awards ExecutiveCommittee Chair: Samuel Groseclose, DVM, MPH. DACVPM Co-Chair:JohnBelt rami, MD,MPH, TM FullCommittee Samuel Groseclose,DVM ,MPH, DACVPM John Beltrami, MD,MPH, TM DataMethodsand Study DesignSubcommittee Chair:SarahTinker,PhD,M PH Brenda Chen, MS Bill Levine,MD,MSc DavidBlackley,DrP H SergeySotnikov,PhD Ruben Smith, PhD Chair:Pam Meyer,PhD, MSP H Shailen Banerjee, PhD GwenBergen, PhD, MPH, MS Assessment Subcommittee EddieWeiss,MD,MPH, CMQ BillThompson, PhD Barb Marston, MD Terry Wasse ll, PhD BradGreening,PhD EdwardGregg,PhD MakramTalih, PhD Ying Zhou, ScD, SM Paul Z.Siegel, MD Lorraine Yeung,MD,MPH Ramal Moonesinge,PhD Statistician:Phil Rohodes,PhD Kristin Holland, PhD,MPH Carrie Reed , DSc, MPH LindaValleroy,PhD, MA PreetaKuny,MD,MPH DanielPayne,PhD,MSP H Yulei He,PhD Michael King,PhD Statistician:RyanWiegand, MS HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001075 LaboratorySubcommittee Katrin Kohl, MD,PhD,MPH/DTM Chair: Suzanne Kalb,PhD Sandra Steinger, PhD JoeBresee,MD Lauren Rossen, PhD,MS CharlotteKent,PhD Statistician: BetsyGunnels, MSPH Tun Ye,MO,PhD,MSPH MikeElliott, PhD AnneSowell, PhD Jodi Jackso n, PhD Stephanie Johnston,MS ScottBearden,PhD JamesStevens,PhD NamanjeetAhluwalia,PhD,DSc ColletteFitzgerald Leaumont Statistician:MelissaDanielson, MSPH ProgramExecutive Johnlskander,MD,MPH ExecutiveSecretaries DeeBryant JohnMurphy,MBA AdministrativeAssistant NinaWareRherrass Preventionand ControlSubcommittee Chair: David Homa,PhD,MPH Nykicon ia Preacely, DrPH,MPH JulietteMorgan, MD Jerry Joy,MS,MSHyg Marilyn Radke,MD,MPH,MA JoanneKlevens,MD,PhD,MPH Hillard Weins tock, MD,MPH Publicity PaulEriksen SusanK Laird, MSN,RN Editing Luis M. Luque,MFA,MPA GraphicDesign PeggyDana HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001076 - • •• • Charles C. SheRard 2018 Science Awards U.S. Department of Health and Human Service• Centers for Disease Cont rol an d P,eventio n HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001078 CS290334-A Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OO/OCS) 15 May 2018 14:25:49 -0400 To: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OO/OCS); McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: Shepard Awards 10 :00- 11:30am June 14th . From: Sent: FYI From: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 2:24 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OO/OCS) Cc: Galatas, Kate (CDC/OO/OADC) ; Gaines-McCollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO) ; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OO/OADC) ; Lansdale, Ashley (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR); Kroop , Seth {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Shepard Awa rds 10:00 -11:30am June 14th . Sounds great, thanks. Will let OADS know and proceed with coordination of open ing and closing. Thanks! DM From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 2:22 PM To: McGuire, Delaney {CDC/OD/OADC) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Gaines-Mccollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO) ; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OO/OADC) ; Lansdale, Ashley (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR); Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Shepard Awards 10:00 -11:30am June 14th . That's fine with us. OK to proceed with planning for him to make closing remarks From: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 2:19 PM To: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Gaines-McCollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO) ; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OO/OADC) ; Lansdale, Ashley (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR) Subject: RE: Shepard Awards 10:00-11:30am June 14th . Without OADS and with Scott . OADC talked about the Shepard awards remarks with Dr. Schuchat today . It sounds like her recommendation would be for Dr. Redfield to attend as much of the Shepard awards as possible . Regarding the rema rks however , she recommended that she handle opening remarks, and then R3 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001079 deliver 2-3 min closing remarks (talking about the importance of CDC as a data-driven , science-based agency). Would th is plan be feasible and/or need to go back through any portion of the DL process? We haven't touched base with OADS to see their interest , but wanted to check wit h you all first. Thanks so much! Delaney From: lskander, John (CDC/OD/OADS) Sent : Monday, May 14, 2018 6:23 PM To : McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Ware, Nina (CDC/OD/OADS) ; Lewis, Sarah R. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Gaines-Mccollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO); Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Lansdale, Ashley (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR) Subject: RE: Shepard Awa rds 10:00-11:30am June 14th . Delaney I will get draft ta lking points to you as soon as possible, let me know if there is a preferred deadline. See my answers to your? below, Sarah Lewis may weigh in as well. Thanks, John From : McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt : M onday , May 14, 20 18 4:17 PM To: Ware, Nina (CDC/OD/OADS) ; lskander, Joh n (CDC/OD/OADS) ; Lewis, Sarah R. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Gaines-McCollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO); Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Lansdale, Ashley (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR) Subject: RE: Shepard Awa rds 10:00-11 :30am June 14th . Hi All , Thanks so much for this information! John, if you can send the TPs to me, that would be much appreciated. We are meet ing with Katherine tomorrow, and then Dr. Redfield later th is week to talk through the remarks , so I can also circle back to let you know if there are any details he would like to include while you develop the remarks . I'm hoping you can answer a few quest ions about some different details than what Nikk i has been working on © (b)(5) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001080 (b)(5) If possible to answer these quest ions by noon tomorrow, May 14 , that would be much appreciated . Thanks so much for your time and help, and please let me know if it's easier to talk through any of th is. Best, Delaney From: Ware, Nina (CDC/OD/OADS) Sent : Monday, May 14, 2018 11:58 AM To: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; lskander. John (CDC/OD/OADS) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject : RE: Shepard Awards 10:00-11 :30am June 14th. Good afternoon Nikki, Dr. Schuchat has been asked to give the Introductory remarks and Dr. Redfie ld is asked to introduce the keynote speaker. Below is a proposed "run of show ' . Introductory Remarks: RADM Anne Schuchat (could include acknowledgment of the recent passing of last year's keynote speaker) approx. 5 minutes Introduction of Keynote Speaker: Dr. Robert Redfield, approx. 10 minutes HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001081 Keynote: Innovation and Creativity in Modern Public Health, Dr. Roberta Ness (approx. 45 minutes including Q and A) Presentation of Awards: John lskander, MD (approx. 25 minutes) Closing: John lskander, MD(< 5 minutes) Nina Ware Rherrass Program Specialist Office of the Associate Director for Science, Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road NE Roybal Campus, Bldg. 21, MS: D-50 Atlanta, GA 30329 404-639-4758 evy5@cdc .gov From: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 11:36 AM To : lskander, John (CDC/OD/OADS) ; Ware, Nina (CDC/OD/OADS) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC} Subject : RE: Shepard Awards 10:00-11:30am June 14th. Hi John, One quick question, I was under the impression that Dr. Schuchat was still giving the remarks for this event. Is OADS under the same impression? It has been hard to get clarification on this. Thanks, Nikki From: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, May 14, 2018 10:06 AM To : lskander, John (CDC/OD/OADS) ; Ware, Nina (CDC/OD/OADS) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC} Subject: RE: Shepard Awards 10:00-11:30am June 14th. Hi John and Nina, Please share the TPs with me and Delaney McGuire (OADC liaison to Dr. Redfield). I will work with Nina on coordination as well. Thanks, Nikki HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001082 From : lskander, John (CDC/OD/OADS) Sent : Monday , May 14, 2018 9:58 AM To : Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS); Ware, Nina (CDC/OD/OADS) Subject: RE:Shepard Awards 10:00-11:30am June 14th. Nikki, thanks for reaching out . You can work with Nina Ware re logistics coordination. I will be drafting talking points to Dr. Redfield; at this point we have tentatively scheduled him to be introduced by Dr. Schuchat, and subsequently to introduce our keynote speaker Dr. Roberta Ness. Please let me know who the best person to share the TPs is with. Best, John John lskander MD MPH CAPT, US Public Health Service Senior Medical Consultant Office of the Associate Director for Science Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (404) 639-8889 www -rounds The mission of the Office of the Associate Director for Science is to promote quality, integrity, and innovation of CDCscience to improve the public's health. From : Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, May 14, 2018 9:50 AM To : lskander, John (CDC/OD/OADS) Subject: Shepard Awards 10:00-11:30am June 14th . Hi John, I will be hand ing logistical coordination for Dr. Redfield during the Shepard Awards Ceremony. Who is the best person to coordinate w ith regarding this event? I want to make sure all requests and asks related to Dr. Redfield are received and coordinated, as this ceremony is so impo rtant! I don't want anything to slip through the cracks! Looking forward to working with OADS on this! Best, Nikki Nikki Jo Romanik Office of the Director, Office of Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 404.498 .0810 (o) 470 .217.1558 (b) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001083 kon?chcgov CDC 2? 24/? mm, magma: From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 28 Mar 2018 16:43:56 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Holloway, Rachel (CDC/OCOO/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) Cc: Capozzola, Christa (CDC/OCOO/OFR);Taylor, Dia (CDC/OCOO/HRO);Connor , Suzi (CDC/OCOO/OCIO);McDonald, Caroline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM); Patterson, John (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: Sherri Berger, OCOO's Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director Impo rtance: High HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001085 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 28 Mar 2018 11:22:45 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Olivares, Dagny (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Simon, Gia M. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cc: Fox, Kate (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Wolfe, Mitche ll (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subje ct: SHOs & ASTHO Call (take from CDC W Office Let Operato r know you will be a Speaker) Attachment s: RE_ Scheduling fist call with state health officers & ASTHO.msg, RE_ Scheduling fist call with state hea lth officers & ASTHO.msg, RE_ Schedu ling fist call with state health officers & ASTHO.msg, Reminder _ Call with CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield .msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TB D Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: TB D CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TB D Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition : TBD Key Participants (if applicabl e): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director 's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TB D Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001086 Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001087 From: Sent: To: Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) 28 Mar 2018 11:19:38 +0000 Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/0D);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OC00/0D) Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/0D/CDCWO) Subject: RE: Scheduling fist call with state health officers & ASTHO Good morning, I will send a calendar invite for April 6th from 4:00-4: 15 p.m. for the pre-call. I will add the SHOs call on Dr. Redfield's calendar for April 6th from 4:30-5 :00 p.m. Dr. Montero, will you provide the call- in number for the SHOs call? Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta , GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001088 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4 From: Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTL TS/OD) Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 I 0:55 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson , Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ;; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) ; Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Re: Scheduling fist call with state health officers & ASTH O Absolutely Sent from my iPhone On Mar 27, 20 18, at 9: 18 PM , Berger, Sherri (CDC /OCOO/OD) > wrote: Good evening, I just spoke with Michael Fraser (cc'ed here) and we would like to set up a 30 min call for Dr. Redfield and the SHOs on Friday April 6, 430-500pm. Dr. Redfield can take the call from CDC/W . Perhaps we can work in a pre-call with Michael and Jose from 400-415pm? Can you work with Jose and Michael Fraser to confirm both? Thank you, Sherri HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001089 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 28 Mar 2018 14:32:31 +0000 To: Olivares, Dagny (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Wilkinson, Kelly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) (CTR);Simon, Gia M . (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Payne, Chelsea C. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject: RE: Scheduling fist call with state health officers & ASTHO From: Sent: Hi Dagny, Yes, the correct time is 4:30 -5 p.m ., sent by another email. Thank you. Teresa From: Olivares, Dagny (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 10:27 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wi lkinson, Kelly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD)(CTR) ; Simon, Gia M. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Payne, Chelsea C. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject: RE: Scheduling fist call with state health officers & ASTHO Hi, Teresa . Thank you for contacting us about this . We have already scheduled the call but were given a d ifferent t ime-4:30-5:00 pm. Can you confirm which is the correct time . Also, we are working on draft invitation messages. We'll consult with Dr. Montero about that and get back to you once we've met with him at 12:30 pm. From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 10:22 AM To: Olivares, Dagny (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Wilkinson, Kelly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) (CTR) ; Simon, Gia M. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: Scheduling fist call with state health officers & ASTHO Good morning, Please note the email below . Please advise if OSTLTSwill send out the invitation with a call-in number to the State Health Officers and ASTHO for the call scheduled April 6th from 4:00-4:30 p.m. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001090 Thanks, Teresa Teresa William s Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7 111 email: From: Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Se nt: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 9:23 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; mfraser@astho .org ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/I EA) ; Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Re: Scheduling fist call with state health officers & ASTHO We wi ll set it up from OSTLTS and I will send the info later on today or tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone On Mar 28, 2018, at 7:19 AM , Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote : Good morning, I will send a calendar invite for April 6th from 4 :00-4 :15 p.m. fo r the pre -call. I w ill add the SHOs call on Dr. Redfield's calendar for April 6th from 4 :30-5 :00 p .m. Dr. Montero, will you provide the call-in number for the SHOs call? Thanks, Teresa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001091 Teresa Williams Sched uler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Cent ers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Ma il Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Dir ect: (404) 639 -5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4@cdc .gov From: Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Sent : Tuesday, March 27, 2018 10:55 PM To : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) ; Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Re : Schedul ing fist call w ith state health officers & ASTHO Absolutely Sent from my iPhone On Mar 27, 2018, at 9 :18 PM, Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) wrote: Good evening , I just spoke with Michael Fraser (cc'ed here) and we would like to set up a 30 min call for Dr. Redfield and the SHOs on Friday April 6, 430 -S00pm . Dr. Redfield can take the call from CDC/W. Perhaps we can work in a pre-call with Michael and Jose from 400-415pm? Can you work with Jose and Michael Fraser to confirm both? Thank you, Sherri HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001092 Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) 28 Mar 2018 15:06:23 -0400 To : Simon, Gia M . (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Olivares, Dagny (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Wilkinson, Kelly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) (CTR);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Payne, Chelsea C. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Cashman, Sandra (CDC/OD/OCS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) Subje ct: RE: Schedul ing fist call wit h state health officers & ASTHO From: Sent : Thanks, Gia. I've passed along to our OADC colleagues to look at the proposed message. From : Simon, Gia M. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Se nt : Wednesday, Ma rch 28, 2018 2:02 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Olivares, Dagny (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilkinson, Kelly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD)(CTR) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Payne, Chelsea C. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Cashman, Sandra (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Clark, Cynt hia K. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) Subje ct: RE: Scheduling fist call with state health officers & ASTHO Hi, We think it ' s okay to come from the Exec Sec outward facing box. I have attached a draft of the invitation for review . The reminder we propose that we send is below the original invitation . I apologize for stating the obvious, but we purposely didn't include " local" or " tribal" in the first sentence because no local or tribal health official will be on the call. Please let us know if you'd like us to make any revisions. Gia From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:16 PM To : Olivares, Dagny (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilkinson, Kelly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD)(CTR) ; Simon, Gia M . (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Payne, Chelsea C. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) ; Cashman, Sandra (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) Subject : RE: Scheduling fist call with state health officers & ASTHO Hi all. Are you wanting to send it under his name or have it sent from his Exec Sec outward facing e-mail box, but under his name, so that any replies can be coordinated rather than having up to SOSHOs HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001093 emailing him directly? If everyone agreed and you could provide the distribution list, it may be possible. Looping others to help once you can clarify the intent. From: Olivares, Dagny (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:12 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilkinson, Kelly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD)(CTR) ; Simon, Gia M. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cc: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Payne, Chelsea C. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject: RE: Scheduling fist call with state health officers & ASTHO Importance: High Good afternoon . We have spoken with Dr. Montero and would recommend that Dr. Redfield send the initial invitation to the health officers; Dr. Montero would then send reminder messages next week. If this recommendation is accepted, we will send the draft invitation we have written for Dr. Redfield. From: Olivares, Dagny (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 10:27 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilkinson, Kelly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD)(CTR) ; Simon, Gia M. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cc: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Payne, Chelsea C. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject: RE: Scheduling fist call with state health officers & ASTHO Hi, Teresa. Thank you for contacting us about th is. We have already scheduled the call but were given a different time-4:30-5 :00 pm. Can you confirm which is the correct time . Also, we are working on draft invitation messages. We'll consult with Dr. Montero about that and get back to you once we've met with him at 12:30 pm. From: Williams, Ter esa (CDC/O0/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 10:22 AM To: Olivares, Dagny (CDC/OSTLTS/OD); Wilkinson, Kelly (CDC/OSTLTS/OD)(CTR) ; Simon, Gia M. (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Cc: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OO/OCS) Subject: FW: Scheduling fist call with state health officers & ASTHO Good morning, Please note the email below . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001094 Please advise if OSTLTSwill send out the invitation with a call-in number to the State Health Officers and ASTHOfor the call scheduled April 5th from 4:00-4:30 p.m. Thanks, Teresa Teresa Willi ams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road , NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email : From : Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 9:23 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; mfraser@astho .org ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/I EA) ; Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject : Re: Scheduling fist call with state health officers & ASTHO We will set it up from OSTLTSand I will send the info later on today or tomorrow . Sent from my iPhone On Mar 28, 2018, at 7:19 AM , W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Good morning, I will send a calendar invite for April 5th from 4:00-4:15 p.m. for the pre-call. I will add the SHOs call on Dr. Redfield's calendar for April 6th from 4:30-5:00 p.m. Dr. Montero, will you provide the call-in number for the SHOs call? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001095 Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protoco l Specialist Office of the Directo r Centers for Disease Control and Prev ention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direc t : (404) 639 -5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (40 4) 639-7111 email: coo4 @cd From: Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Sent : Tuesday, March 27 , 2018 10:55 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; mfraser@astho .org ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) ; Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Re: Schedul ing fist call with state health officers & ASTHO Absolutely Sent from my iPhone On Mar 27, 2018, at 9:18 PM, Berger , Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) wrote : Good evening, I just spoke with Michael Fraser (cc'ed here) and we would like to set up a 30 min call for Dr. Redfield and the SHOs on Friday April 6, 430 -S00pm . Dr. Redfield can take the call from CDC/W. Perhaps we can work in a pre -call with Michael and Jose from 400-415pm? Can you work with Jose and Michael Fraser to confirm both? Thank you, Sherri HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001096 From: Sent: Cc: Subject: OSTLTSDirector (CDC) 3 Apr 2018 14:05:03 -0400 Reminder: Call with CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield Dear Colleagues: I look forward to speaking with you during our call with CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield on Friday, April 6, 2018 , from 4 :30 to 5:00 pm {EDT). Call-in information is provided below . JT Jose T. Montero, MD, MHCDS Director, Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support (proposed) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention From : Robert R. Redfield MD (CDC) Sent : Friday, March 30, 2018 9:52 AM Subject : Call with CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield Dear Colleagues: This week, I assumed my new role as the D irector of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevent ion (CDC) and Admin istrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (A TSDR). One of my highest priorities is speaking with you, the leaders working on the frontlines, to address the public health challenges our country faces. Please jo in me for my first call with state and territorial health offic ials on Friday, April 6, 2018 , from 4 :30 to 5:00 pm (EDT). Thro ughout my caree r, I have deeply adm ired my public health colleagues, and I am excited to work close ly with you to achieve our shared mission of protecting the public's health. I look forward to this initial conversation. Call-in information appears below. Sincerely, Robert R. Redfield, MD Director, CDC, and Admi nistrator, ATSDR Dial in num bers:* Toll-free numbe r: (800) 988-9482 Toll number: (312) 470-0032 Participant passcode: I (bl(6l I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001097 * The operator will ask you a short series of quest ions before adding you to the call. If your sched ule permits, please call in five minutes early to allow time for this check-in proce ss. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001098 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 12 Apr 2018 16:22:37 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Travel: The Metro Atlanta Chamber Attachme nts : 191 Building Directions-Final.pdf From: Se nt: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001099 PARKING METRO ATLANTA C & DIRECTIONS 191 PEACHTREE STREET SUITE 3400 ATLANTA, GA 30303 H A M B E R By MARTA NE PARKING & TRANSIT OPTIONS 191 Peachtree Towe r is located at the Peachtree Cente r MA RTA statio n From 1-85/75 Trav eling South METRO ATLANTA CHAMBER 191Peachtree Tower Parking Garage Take the Courtla nd Street Exit (249-A) toward Georgia State Univers ity; Turn right onto Andrew Young Interna tiona l Blvd NE; Take a left at your second light onto Peachtree Street , NE; Take a left at your first light onto Ellis Street; Take a left at the second entrance into the One Ninety One Peachtree Tower Parking Garage. Peachtree Center MARTA Station Ellis St / Peachtree St EAST Exit Self Park 0 221 Peac htr ee Center Ave , Atlanta, GA 30303 Centra l Parking System From 1-85 / 75 Traveling North 218 Peachtree St NW. Atlanta, GA 30303 Take the Andrew Young Inte rnational Blvd/ GA-10 (248-C) Exit; Ramp becomes Fort St NE; Take a left at Andrew Young Inte rnatio nal Blvd NE; Take a left at Peachtree St NE; Take a left at your first light onto Ellis Street; Take a left at the second entrance into the One Nine ty One Peachtree Tower Parking Garage. t,/) t,/) :E <( ...J ..I ~ - D - ..• .. • International Garage 192 Peach1ree Center Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30303 I 0: w z 0: ::> ~ a w ~ w z ~ (I) w w 0: ~ z w > [Ml BLVD 0: w ANDREW 0 YOUNG INTL BLVD w w w 0: I- :I: u w w z I- <( It,/) - a z <( ...J ELLIS ST NE I0: ::> 0 u D. JOHN WESLEY DOBBS z -' D. ~ 0: <( NE <( u T I I PORTMAN ' w <( D. JOHN 0 J: w 161 Peacht ree Center Ave NE, At lanta, GA 30303 I z u Peachtree Center Garage 0 t ' HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001100 AVE Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:24:44 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS) Norton (CTR) ( Subject: Travel: Wash ington DC Attachments : updated ltineraryZ7DXQ8 _23MAR.PDF, Redfield Travel Orders .pdf From: Sent : Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee CDC-W room: 9166 Reserved-co nfirmed HHH Room: reserved Weather : Traveling SA : Seth Kroop "not traveling" Travel Coordinator : Jenn Norton Flight Schedule: Hotel: E-Ticket Receipt : Travel Authorization: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001101 _&OMEGA __ MORLD~ Omega Trave Federal Services Hotel/Car/Air/Rail 855.326.541 1 7A-10P EST 855 .326.5411 Emergency A-2E6H-CDC Your Con nection to the World Friday, 23MAR 2018 01 :38 PM EDT Pas senger s: ROBERT RAY REDFIELD (TANUM0FCBS ) Agency Record Locator: Z7DXQ8 »V iewTrip » TSA PreCheck »FAA Airport Info » Federal Travel Online Please do not reply to this email. This is an unattended email box Omega World Travel must be notified with in 24 hours regarding corrections . Thank you. AIR Tuesday , 27MAR 2018 Delta Air Lines Flight Number : 2608 Class: Y-Coach/Economy From : (BWI) Baltimore Wash MD, USA Depart: 10:00 AM To: (ATL) Atlanta GA, USA Arriv e: 11:50AM Stops: Nonstop Durat ion: 1 hour(s) 50 minute(s) Seats: 17A Status : CONFIRMED Miles: 578 / 925 KM Equipment: McDonnell Douglas MD-88 Jet ARRIVES ATL TERMINALS NO HOTEL BOOKED FOR ATLANTA GA NO FREQUENT FLYER NUMBER IN YOUR PROFILE FOR CARRIER BOOKED Delta Air Lines Confirma tion number is HIEVIE Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass: Delta Click here for Baggage polic ies and fees: Delta CAR Tuesda y, 27MAR 2018 Enterpri se Cars Co nfirm ation Numb er: 1260573494COUNT Pickup : ATLT01 Pick up Time : 11:50 AM Loc ation : 2200 RENTAL CAR CNTR PKWY Phon e: 833 315-5894 Drop Off : ATLT01 Return: Thursday, 5APR 2018 09:58 AM Type: Midsize Car Auto A/C Rate : USO 389.00 Weekly Rate - unlim ited free mi Car membersh ip Nbr: Reserved For: REDFIELD ROBERT RAY Corp Discount ID: FGTDYHH Approximate tota l: USD758.61 Base rate does not include taxes and surcharges Car renter must be 25 years of age with a valid drivers license. Government Rate Car renter must be 18 years of age with a HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001102 Page 1 of 2 valid drivers license Credit card in the name of driver is required for rental AIR Thursday , SAPR 2018 Flight Number : 2660 Delta Air Lines From : (ATL) Atlanta GA, USA Depart : 09:58 AM To: (BWI) Baltimore Wash MD, USA Arrive: 11:50 AM Class: L-Coach/Economy Stops : Nonstop Durat ion: 1 hour(s) 52 minute(s) Seats: 23C Status: CONFIRMED Miles: 578 / 925 KM Equipment: McDonnell Douglas MD-88 Jet DEPARTS ATL TERMINALS Delta Air Lines Confirmation number is HIEVIE Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass : Delta Click here for Baggage polic ies and fees: Delta TOUR Friday, 3AUG 2018 THANK YOU FOR BOOKING WITH OMEGA WORLD TRAVEL CHECK-IN TIME ARE 90 MINUTES PRIOR TO DEPARTURE FOR DOMESTIC FLIGHTS OR 120 MINUTES FOR INTERNATIONAL OMEGATRAVEL.COM FEDERAL SERVICES-HOTEUCAR/AIR/RAIL 855.326.5411 7A-10P EST 855.326.5411 EMERGENCY CHECK CARRIER WEB SITE FOR CHANGE/CANCEL AND BAGGAGE POLICIES Ticket/Invoice Information : Ticket for: ROBERT RAY REDFIELD Date issued: 03/22/2018 Invoice nbr: 27480 Ticket Nbr: 0067013012582 Electronic: Yes Amount: 357.60 USD Base: 306.05 USD US Tax: 22.95 USD GST/HST Tax: 0.00 XT Tax: 28.60 USD Charged to: Cbl/fil Service Fee: ROBER REDFIELD Date issued: 03/22/2018 Document Nbr: 8900721449807 Amount: 8.26 USD Total Tickets: 357.60 Total Fees: 8.26 Total Amount: 365.86 Changes to airline reservations may result in an increase in fare and/or carrier penalties. Please verify the validity of picture ID, passport and/or any visa requirements if traveling abroad FaceDOck lnstaaram Unkedln Twlttet YouTube HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001103 Page 2 of 2 Document Header Information Docum ent Type: TA Number: TA Date: Organization: Purpose: Type Code: Auth TANUM0FCBS 03/22 / 18 HHSHCAT MEETJNG TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) Document Name: Trip Name: Currency : Current Status: Document Detail : TRIP 00DY2O Baltimor e to Atlania 3/27-4/5 2018 USD Posack Obligation Traveler will anend meetings with senior leaders on multiple CDC campuses. Traveler Profile Name: Tille: Offi ce Phon e: Redfield, Robert Ray 00 11410477 TfD: EMAIL: (b)(6) (b)(6) Document Information Trip Number: I Purpose: Itin era ry Locations From 03/27/18 Traveler will atte nd meetings with senior leaders on multiple CDC campuses. To 04/05/18 Itinerary Lo cati on ATLA NTA . GA Purp ose Per Diem Rates 148.00 1 69.00 Document Totals Total Expe nses : Reimbursable Expenses: Non-Reimbursable Expenses : Advance Authorized: Advance Requested: 2,668.1 l 2,287.50 380.61 .00 .00 Document Totals by Expense Category Cost 357.60 1,332.00 655 .50 300.00 14.75 8.26 2,668 . I I Ex~ nse Categor y: COM.CARR. LODGING M&IE RENTAL CAR TAY EXP-C T MC FEE Total Expen ses : Advance Amount .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Trip 1 Details Reservation s Summar y Reservatio n Type COMM-CARR COMM-CARR Vendor Delta Delta Ticket# 100 398 4544 1003984544 Location Cost 357.60 .00 Trip Itinerar y rom: BWI-Baltimore , MD (USA) (Balt. lntL. Apt TO: ATL-Atlanta, GA (USA) (Hartsfie ld IntL. Air Tuesday March 27, 2018 BWI-Baltimore , MD (USA) to ATL-Atlanta , GA (USA) (H ar 27 Delta 260 8 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001104 Durati on: l Hour 50 Minutes Non stop Baltimore , MD (USA) (Bait. IntL. Apt) 03/27/2 018 10:00AM Confirmation Number: HIEVIE Flight Information Distance 576 miles No Seat Assigned Atlanta , GA (USA) (Hartsfield lntL. Apt) 03/27/2 018 11:50AM Emissions 224.6 lbs of CO2 Cost 357.60 USO Thurs day Ap ril 05 , 2018 TL-Atlanta, GA (USA) (H to BWI-Ba ltimore, MD (USA) Apr 05 Delta 2660 Atlanta , GA (USA) (Hartsfield lntL. Apt) 04/05/2018 9:58AM Confirmation Number: HIEYIE Flight Information Distance 576 miles No Seat Assigned Duration: I Hour 52 Minutes Nonstop Baltimore , MD (USA) (Bait. Intl. Apt) 04/05/2018 11:50AM Emissions 224.6 lbs of CO2 Expenses rip#: l Date Description 03/2 2/2018 TDY Voucher Fee 03/22 /2018 T ravel Fee Comment: OTRS Domes tic-Intl w-Air-Rail 03/27 /2018 Airfare 03/27/2018 Lodging 03/27/2018 M&IE 03/27/2018 Rental Car 03/28/2018 Lodging 03/28/2018 M& IE 03/29 /2018 Lodging 03/29/2018 M&IE 03/30/2018 Lodging 03/30/2018 M& IE 03/31/2018 Lodging 03/31/2018 M&IE 04/01/2018 Lodging 04/01/2018 M&IE 04/02/2 018 Lodging 04/02/2018 M&IE 04/03/2018 Lodging 04/03/2 018 M&IE 04/04/2 018 Lodging 04/04/2018 M&lE 04/05/2018 M&IE Total Non-Per Diem Expenses: Category TAY EXP -C TMCFEE 680.61 Cost 14.75 8.26 Total Per Diem Expenses: Pay Method CBA-CENTRALL Y BlLLEDACCT CBA-CENTRALL Y BILLED ACCT COM.CARR. LODGING M&IE RENTAL CAR LODGING M&IE LODGING M&IE LODGrNG M&TE LODGING M&IE LODGING M&IE LODGING M&IE LODGING M&IE LODGING M&IE M&IE 357.60 148.00 5 l.75 300 .00 148.00 69.00 148.00 69.00 148.00 69.00 148.00 69.00 148.00 69.00 148.00 69 .00 148.00 69.00 148.00 69.00 51.75 CBA-CENTRALLY BlLLEDACCT PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONA L PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL 1,987.50 Per Diem * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Per Die m Allowa nces Total Per Diem Allowance s: ate 03/27 /2018 03/28/2018 03/29/2018 03/30/2018 03/ 31/2018 04/01/2018 04/02/2018 04/03/2018 04/04/2 018 04/05/2018 Rate 148.00/ 148.00 / 148.00 / 148.00 / 148.00 / 148.00/ 148.00/ 148.00/ 148.00/ 148.00/ 69 .00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69 .00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 Ldg Cost 148.00 148.00 148.00 148.00 148.00 148.00 148.00 148.00 148.00 0.00 1,9 87.50 Ldg Allowed 148.00 148.00 148.00 148.00 148.00 148.00 148.00 148.00 148.00 0.00 M&IE Cost 51.75 69.00 69 .00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69 .00 69 .00 69 .00 51.75 M&IE Allowed 51.75 69.00 69 .00 69.00 69.00 69 .00 69 .00 69 .00 69 .00 51.75 BL D Conf% Ot her Autho rization s Other Authorization otel booked directly or via other means Remarks

Nearby lodging not available . Location of lodging HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001105 is unknown at this tirne.

Payment Detail Information Organization HHSHCAT HHSHCAT Label 9210001 92 10001 Account ing Stri ng 2018/// 9210001/D /21202 //// 2018///921000 l /D/21202// // 921000 I Total 2018///921000 l /D/21202/// / Payment Method CBA-CENTRALL Y BILLED ACCT PERSONAL Amo unt 380.6 1 2,287.50 Totals by Label HHSHCAT 2,668.11 Totals by Payment Method CBA-CENTRALL Y BILLED ACCT Total PERSONAL Tota l 380 .6 1 2,287.50 Audits Audit Name Result EXPENSE THRESHOLD FAIL Traveler Justification: Reason Rental Car exceeds the sing le thresho ld of 1.00 Thi s expense requiTes a justification . ln order to meet with agency sen ior leaders on different CDC campuses a rental car is needed. Document History 04/04 /2018 Auth: TRIP00DV2O Copyright 1989-2009 Concur Government Edition: Concur Inc . Redfield , Robert Ray. 0011410477 STATUS CREATED DATE 03/22/2018 TIM E 8:53AMES T SIGNED 03/22 /2018 10:S0AMEST ADJUSTED 03/22/2018 10:SlAMEST REVIEWED 03/22/2018 I0:54AMEST ADJUSTED 03/22 /2018 ll:12AMCST APPROVED 03/22/20 1. 8 JJ :13AMCST PENDING 03/22 /2018 l l:13AMEST PENDJNG UFMS 03/23 /2018 2 :50AMES T Posack Obligation 03/27 /2018 6:49AMES T SIGNATURE NAME Jennifer Norton Net Adj ustment:0.00 Norton , Jennifer Clare Net Adjustmcnt :2.668.1 1 Norton, Jennifer Clare Net Adj ustment:0 .00 Norton , Jennifer Clare Net Adj ustm ent:0 .00 RONEY.LlSAK Ne t Adjustment:0.00 RONEY, LISA K Net Adjustment:0 .00 SYSUTILITY Net Adjus tm ent:0.00 User , EAI Net Adjustment:0.00 User, EAT Net Adju stment:0 .00 REASON I certify that the electronic signature s listed above are valid and on file SIGNED DATE Docum ent Signatures Traveler /Preparer Name: Traveler/Preparer Signature : Date: Approver Name : Approver Signature : Date: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001106 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) Sent: 27 Mar 2018 19:23:52 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS) Norton (CTR) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: TRAVEL: Washington, DC (April 9-10) Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee CDC-W room: HHH Room: Weather : Traveling SA : Seth Kroop "not trave ling" Travel Coo rdinato r: Jenn Norton Flight Schedule : Hotel : E-Ticket Receipt : Travel Authorization : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001107 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 29 Mar 2018 14:13:37 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Ashley Knotts (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ;Down ie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Norton, Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subje ct: TRAVEL: Washington, DC (April 26-27) Attachme nts: RE_ April 26-27 in DC_.msg, ltineraryM6D122 _ 1SAPR.PDF, StandardConfirmation .pdf, DC Trip 4_26_ 18_v2 .docx, StandardConfirmation.pdf From: Se nt: Logistics Specialist: Nikki Roma nik CDCW Office for R3: 9166 CDCW Office for Kyle McGowan: 9 169 HHS Office 724D Reserve d SA: Ash ley Knotts (Not traveling) Travel Coord inato r: Jenn Norton Flight Schedule : Hotel: E-Ticket Receipt: Travel Authorization: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001108 From: Sent: To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 29 Mar 2018 10:04:13 -0400 Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Kelly, Alison (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: RE:April 26-27 in DC? Seems fine to me . I asked KM about any personal commitments for R3, and he's not aware of any before this summer, so it seems fine From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 9:22 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:W ilson, M ichelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Kelly, Alison (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: April 26-27 in DC? I would like to talk to Kyle about another DC trip before FY19 markup is too far along. Looking at the calendar , th is is what I suggest. Thoughts appreciated, thanks Sherri A. Berger, MSPH Chief Operating Officer Centers for Disease Control and Prevent ion (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road NE Mai lstop D-14 Atlanta, Georgia 30329 404 -639 -7000 phone 404 -639 -7171 fax HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001109 _&OMEGA __ MORLD~ Omega Federal Services Hotel/Car/Air/Rail 855.326.541 1 7A-10P EST 855 .326.5411 Emergency A-2E6H-CDC Your Conne ction to the World Sunday, 15APR 2018 09:21 PM EDT Passengers : ROBERT RAY REDFIELD (TANUM0FJ34) Agency Record Locator: M6D122 »V iewTrip » TSA PreCheck »FAA Airport Info » Federal Travel Online Please do not reply to this email. This is an unattended email box Omega World Travel must be notified with in 24 hours regarding corrections. Thank you. AIR Wednesday , 25APR 2018 Delta Air Lines Flight Number : 875 Class: L-Coach /Eco nomy From : (ATL) Atlanta GA, USA Depart: 05:08 PM To: (BWI) Baltimore Wash MD, USA Arrive : 07:00 PM Stops: Nonstop Durat ion: 1 hour(s) 52 minute(s ) Seats: 23D Status : CONFIRMED Miles: 578 / 925 KM Equipment: McDonnell Douglas MD-88 Jet DEPARTS ATL TERMINALS NO HOTEL BOOKED FOR BALTl MORE MD NO FREQUENT FLYER NUMBER IN YOUR PROFILE FOR CARRIER BOOKED Delta Air Lines Confirmation number is HIG7G9 Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass: Delta Click here for Baggage polic ies and fees: Delta AIR Sunday, 29APR 2018 Delta Air Lines Flight Number : 2613 From : (BWI) Baltimore Wash MD, USA Depart: 06:18 PM To: (ATL) Atlanta GA, USA Arrive : 08:29 PM Stops: Nonstop Duration: 2 hour(s) 11 minute(s) Seats: 27D Status: CONFIRMED Class: L-Coach/Economy Miles: 578 / 925 KM Equipment: McDonnell Douglas MD-88 Jet ARRIVES ATL TERMINALS Delta Air Lines Confirmation number is HIG7G9 Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass: Delta Click here for Baggage polic ies and fees: Delta HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001110 Page 1 of 2 TOUR Monday, 27AUG 2018 THANK YOU FOR BOOKING WITH OMEGA WORLD TRAVEL CHECK-IN TIME ARE 90 MINUTES PRIOR TO DEPARTURE FOR DOMESTIC FLIGHTS OR 120 MINUTES FOR INTERNATIONAL CHECK CARRIER WEB SITE FOR CHANGE/CANCEL AND BAGGAGE POLICIES OMEGATRAVEL.COM FEDERAL SERVICES-HOTEUCAR/AIR/RAIL 855.326.5411 7A-10P EST 855.326.5411 EMERGE NCY Ticket/Invoice Information: Ticket for: ROBERT RAY REDFIELD Date issued: 04/16/2018 Invoice nbr: 34014 Ticket Nbr: 0067014974785 Electronic: Yes Amount: 262.40 USO Base: 217.68 USO US Tax: 16.32 USO GST/HST Tax: 0.00 XT Tax: 28.40 USO Charged to: Cbll6l Service Fee: ROBER REDFIELD Date issued: 04/16/20 18 Document Nbr: 8900722008452 Amount: 8.26 USO Total Tickets: 262.40 Total Fees: 8.26 Total Amount: 270.66 Changes to airline reservations may result in an increase in fare and/or carrier penalties. Please verify the validity of picture ID, passport and/or any visa requirements if traveling abroad FaceDOok ln!tagram Unk&(Jln lwltter Youlube HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001111 Page 2 of 2 Car Service Solutions P.O. Box 14818 Atlanta, GA 30324 Confirmation us Tel: (678) 559-5509 Email: rese r vations@carserviceso Reservation Confirmation # 19931 Last Modified On : 04/ 2 3/20 18 04: 22 PM Thank You For Choosing Car Service Solutions! Pick-up Date: 04/29/201 8 - Sunday Pick-up Time: 08:29 PM Service Type: From Airport Passenger : Dr. Redfield Phone Number: No. of Pass : 1 Vehicle Type: Primary/ Billing Contact: CDC Director Booking Contact : Nikki Jo Romanik Payment Method: Not Specifi ed Trip Routing Information: PU: -- : ATL - Harts fi eld - Jackson Atlan t a Internatio nal Air port/ DL - Delta Air Lines , From/To: BWI - Baltimore/Was h ington I nternational Thurgood Marshall Airport, Term/Gate: S, Flt# 2613 , ETA/ETD: 20:29:00 DO: - - : Emory Point (bJ(6J Atlanta , GA 30329 I Cha rges & Fees Terms & Conditions/ Reservation Agreement: Rate Reservation Total: Payments/ Deposits : Authorizations: Total Du e: I $70 .00 $70.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $7 0 .00 All res ervations requ ire a credit card in order to be boo ked . Reservations 12 hours of pickup will be charged the full amount of t he pickup . cancelled w ithin HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001112 DC Travel Itinerary DC Days Apr il 26-27 2018 5 :08-7 :00pm 7 :30-8:30am 9:00-9 :30am 9 :30-10:00am 10:00-10 :30am 10:30-11:00am 11:00-11 :30am 11:30-12 :00pm 12:00-1:00pm 1:00pm 1:30-2 :00pm 2:00-3:00pm 3 :00 -3:30pm 3:30-4:00pm 4 :00-4:30pm 4:30 -5:00pm 5:00 -5:30pm 5:30-6:00pm Thursday April 25 ATL➔ BWI, Delta 0875 Thursday April 26 CDC Washington Office #9166 Reserved Transit to CDC-Washington, Office #9166 Tran sit to Rayburn House Office Building Independence Ave, SE & S Capitol St SE,Washington DC 20515 Location: Meeting with Representative Michael Burgess (R-TX) Location: Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2336 Transit to Capitol Building, S-221 Location: Constitution Ave, NE & Delaware Ave NE, Washington DC 20002 Meeting with Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Location: Capitol Building, 5-221 Transit to Russell Senate Office Building Location: Constitution Ave, NE & 1st NE, Washi ngton DC 20002 Meeting with Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) Location: Senate Russell Office Building, Room 393 Lunch TBD Location: Depart : Transit to Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB) Location: Corner of 17th Street and State Place Clear EEOBSecurity Budget Meeting with Sherri Berger Location: Eisenhower Executive Office Build ing, Room 238 Transit to Senator's Leadership Office (S-321) in the Capitol Building Location: Constitution Ave, NE & Delaware Ave NE, Washington DC 20002 Meeting with Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) Capit ol Building, 5-321 Location: Transit to Cannon House Office Building Independence Ave, SE & 1st St SE,Washington DC 20540 Location: Meeting with Representative Buddy Carter (R-GA) Location: Cannon Office Build ing, Room 432 Transit to Rayburn House Office Building Independence Ave, SE & S Capitol St SE, Washington DC 20515 Location: Meeting with Representative Gene Green Location: Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2470 Friday, April 27, 2018 CDC Washington Office #9166 and HHS Office #724D Reserved 7:30-8:30am Tran sit to HHS Location: 200 Independence Avenue , SW 9 :00-9:30am Transit to Rayburn House Office Building Location: Independence Ave, SE&S Capitol St SE Washington DC 205 15 9:30-10:00am Meeting with Representative Diana DeGette (D-CO) Dr. Redfield attending with Location: Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2111 Mitch Wolfe HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001113 DC Travel Itinerary DC Days Apr il 26-27 2018 9 :30-10:00am Kyle attending HHS Senior Leadership Meeting location: HHS; Secretary's Conference Room 610-F 10:00-10 :30am Transit to Rayburn House Office Building location : Independence Ave, SE & S Capitol St SE,Washington DC 20515 CALLw/ Representative Nita lowey (D-NY) location: Soundproof phone booth outside of cafeteria at Rayburn House (Tentative) Conference line: 1-866-692-3158 Participant: (b) {6) Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) Location: Rayburn House Office Building; Room 2163 Transit to HHS Humphrey Building location: 200 Independence Avenue, SW lunch location: HHS Cafeteria Meeting with ADM Brett P. Giroir, Assistant Secretary for Health location: HHS Humphrey Building, 7th Floor, Room 715-G CALLwith Senator Shelly Moore Capito (R-WV) Location: HHS Office 724-D Conference line: 1-866-692-3158 Participant Cod (bJ(6J Transit to Eisenhower Executive Office Building Location: 1650 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washing t on, DC Meet & Greet Jim Carroll, Director, ONDCP & Dr. Richard Baum, Senior Advisor to the Director , ONDCP Location: Eisenhower Executive Office Buildi ng (EEOB); Room 530 Transit to USAID location : Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center 1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington DC 20547 Meeting with Administrator Greene , USAID Location: Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center 10:45-10 :SSam 11:00-11 :30am 11:30-12 :00pm 12:00-1 :00pm 1:30-2 :00pm 2 :30-3 :00pm 3 :00-3 :30pm 3 :30-4 :00pm 4:00-4:30pm 4 :30-5 :00pm HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001114 Car Service Solutions P.O. Box 14818 Atlanta, GA 30324 Confirmation us Tel: (678) 559-5509 Email: rese r vations@carserviceso Reservation Confirmation # 19930 Last Modified On : 04/ 24/20 18 01:48 PM Thank You For Choosing Car Service Solutions! Pick-up Date: 04/25/2018 Pick-up Time: 02:00 PM Service Type: To Ai rport Passenger : Dr. Redfield - We d nesday Phone Number: No. of Pass : 1 Vehicle Type: Primary/ Billing Contact: CDC Director Booking Contact : Nikki Jo Romanik Payment Method: Not Specifi ed Trip Routing Information: PU: -- : 1600 Clift on Rd Bui lding 21 Atlanta, GA DO : -- : ATL - Hartsfield - Jackson Atlanta International Airport/ DL - Delta Air Lines, From/To: BWI - Baltimore/Was hington I nternational Thurgood Marshall Airport, Term/ Gate: S, Flt# 875, ETA/ETD: 17:08 :00 Cha rges & Fees Terms & Conditions/ Reservation Agreement: Rate Reservation Total: Payments/ Deposits : Authorizations: Total Du e: $70 .00 $70.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $7 0 .00 All res ervations requ ir e a credit card in order to be boo ked . Reservations 12 hours of pickup will be charged the full amount of t he pickup . cancelled w ithin HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001115 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 14 May 2018 18:00:06 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS) Norton (CTR) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subje ct: TRAVEL: Washington, DC Attachme nts: StandardConfirmation.pdf, ltineraryN3630Y _llJUN.PDF, DC Trip 21 June 2018 .docx From: Se nt: Logistics Specialist: CDC-W room: 9166 ReseNed and 9170 Reserved. HHH Room: 724d reseNed Weathe r: Special Assistant: Travel Coord inato r: Jenn Norton Flight Schedul e: Hotel: E-Ticket Receipt: Travel Authorization : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001116 Car Service Solutions P.O. Box 14818 Atlanta, GA 30324 Confirm ation us Tel: (678) 559-5509 Email: rese r vations@carserviceso Reservation Confirmation # 2010 3 Last Modified On: 06/11/2018 02:57 PM Thank You For Choosing Car Service Solutions! Pick-up Dat e: 06/27/2018 Pick-up Tim e : 05:00 PM Service Type : From Airport Passenge r: Dr. Redfield - Wednesday Phone Numb e r: No. of Pass : 1 Vehicl e Type: Primary/ Billing Contact : CDC Director Booking Contact : Nikki Jo Romanik Payment Method : Amex Trip Routing Information: PU: -- : ATL - Hartsfield - Jackson Atlanta Internatio nal Air port/ DL - Delta Air Lines , From/To: DCA - Rona ld Reagan Washington National Airport, Term/Gate: S, Flt# 151, ETA/ETD: 17:00:00 DO: - - : Emory Point (bJ(6J Atlanta, GA 30329 ** 5005 I Cha rges & Fees Term s & Conditions/ Reservation Agre e ment: Rate Reservation Tot al: Payments/ Deposits : Authorizations: Total Du e: I $70 .00 $70.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $7 0 .00 All reservations require a credit card in order to be booked . Reservations 12 hours of pickup will be charged the full amount of the pickup. cancelled within HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001117 _&OMEGA __ MORLD~ Omega Federal Services Hotel/Car/Air/Rail 855.326.541 1 7A-10P EST 855 .326.5411 Emergency A-2E6H-CDC Your Conne ction to the World Monday, 11JUN 2018 08:54 PM EDT Passengers : ROBERT RAY REDFIELD(TANUM0G6JZ) Agency Record Locator: N3630Y »V iewTrip » TSA PreCheck »FAA Airport Info » Federal Travel Online Please do not reply to this email. This is an unattended email box Omega World Travel must be notified with in 24 hours regarding corrections. Thank you. AIR Thursday , 21JUN 2018 Delta Air Lines Class: L-Coach/Economy Flight Number : 150 From: (ATL) Atlanta GA, USA Depart: 11:01 AM To: (DCA) Washington Reagan Natl DC, USA Arrive : 12:47 PM Stops: Nonstop Durat ion: 1 hour(s) 46 minute(s ) Seats: 29C Status : CONFIRMED Miles: 541 / 866 KM Equipment: Airbus A321 Jet DEPARTS ATL TERMINALS -ARRIVES DCA TERMINAL B Frequent Flyer Number· I (b)(6l I NO HOTEL BOOKED FOR WASHINGTON DC Delta Air Lines Confirmation number is GTINM2 Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass: Delta Click here for Baggage polic ies and fees: Delta AIR Wednesday , 27JUN 2018 Class: L-Coach/Economy Delta Air Lines Flight Number : 151 From: (DCA) Washington Reagan Natl DC, USA Depart: 03:00 PM To: (ATL) Atlanta GA, USA Arrive : 05:00 PM Stops: Nonstop Duration: 2 hour(s) 0 minute(s) Miles: 541 / 866 KM Status: CONFIRMED Equipment: Airbus A321 Jet DEPARTS DCA TERMINAL B -ARRIVES ATL TERMINALS Frequent Flyer Number· I (b)(6l I PREFERRED SEAT NOT AVAILABLE. CHECKS CONTINUE UNTIL DEPARTURE DATE Delta Air Lines Confirmation number is GTINM2 Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass: Delta Click here for Baggage polic ies and fees: Delta HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001118 Page 1 of 2 TOUR Thursday, 25OCT 2018 THANK YOU FOR BOOKING WITH OMEGA WORLD TRAVEL CHECK-IN TIME ARE 90 MINUTES PRIOR TO DEPARTURE FOR DOMESTIC FLIGHTS OR 120 MINUTES FOR INTERNATIONAL CHECK CARRIER WEB SITE FOR CHANGE/CANCEL AND BAGGAGE POLICIES OMEGATRAVEL.COM FEDERAL SERVICES-HOTEUCAR/AIR/RAIL 855.326.5411 7A-10P EST 855.326.5411 EMERGE NCY Ticket/In voice Information : Ticket for: ROBERT RAY REDFIELD Date issued : 06/ 1212018 Invoice nbr: 52064 T icket Nbr: 0067188161448 Electronic: Yes Amount: 318.40 USO Base: 269.76 USO US Tax: 20.24 USO GST/HST Tax: 0.00 XT Tax: 28.40 USO Charged to : CblC6l Service Fee: ROBER REDFIELD Date issued : 06/12/20 18 Document Nbr: 8900723265829 Amount: 34.30 USO Total Tickets: 318.40 Total Fees: 34.30 Total Amount: 352.70 Changes to air line reservations may result in an increase in fare and/or carrier penalties. Please verify the validity of pictu re ID, passport and/or any visa requirements if traveling abroad FaOilbOOklnstaaram llnkadfn Twitter Vouluba HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001119 Page 2 of 2 DC Travel Itinerary DC Days June 21st-27th 2018 Thursday June 21, 2018 CDC Washington Office #9166 Reserved and HHS Office #724D Reserved 9:00-9:30am 11:0lam -12:47pm 12:47-1:17pm 2 :00 -3:00pm 3:30-3:45pm 3:45-4:4Spm S:00-5:30pm Taxi to Airport (from Metro Atlanta Chamber Event) Delta 0150 A TL to DCA Tra nsit to HHS Humphrey Building 200 Independence Ave, Washington DC 20024 Location: CDC Secretary's Budget Council (SBC) Meeting Humphrey Building, Deputy Secretary's Conference Room 607-G Location: Transit to CDC-Washington, Location: 395 E Street SW, Washington DC 20024 HIV /STD Executive Director Meeting Location: CDCWashington Office , Conf. Room 9150 Transit to HHS Humphrey Building 200 Independence Ave, Washington DC 20024 Location: Friday,June22, 2018 CDCWashingtonOffice#9166 and HHS Office#724D Reserved Amanda: Office#9170 7:00-7:45am Transit to Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) Location : 503 Robert Grant Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910 8:00-900am Call: Briefing on Sepsis Landscape Location: Private Room on WRAIR Installation POC: Dr. Nathanial Copeland will escort you to room, Celli 9 :30-10:00am 10:00am-3:00pm (bl (6l Meeting with Amba ssador Debbie Birx Location: Private Room on WRAIR Installation POC: Dr. Nathanial Copeland will escort you to meeting room, Cell:I I I WRAIR Celebration of the Walter Reed Army Institute or Research Location: Behnke Auditorium, WRAIR POC: Amanda J. Tatum, 240-460-6551, Amanda.j (b)(6) 125 th Anniversary 8 :00-8 :4Sam Tran sit to HHS Humphrey Building, 200 Independence Ave, SW, Washington DC 8:45-9:lSam Hold: A-Team Scheduling Meeting 9 :30-10:00am HHS Senior Leadership Meeting Location: HHS Humphrey Building, Secretary' s Conference Room 610F 10:00-10 :30am Meeting with Peter Urbanowicz Location: HHS Humphrey Building, Peter's Office 615F.3 10:30-11 :00am AMA Recurring Meeting with CDC Director Location: HHS Humphrey Building, Room 615-F 11:00am -12:00pm Transit to FDA White Oak Campus MD , Campus (Lunch dur ing Transit) Location: 10903 New Hampshire Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20993 POC: Janice Sheehy, 301-796-4552, Janice.sheehy@fda 12:00 -4:00pm FDA Visit and Meeting w/Dr . Scott Gottlieb, Commissioner, FDA 1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001120 DC Travel Itinerary DC Days June 21st-27th 2018 3:00-3:30pm 9;00-9:30am 9:30-10:00am 10:00-12:00pm 12:00-1:00pm 1:00-1:30pm 1:30-2:00pm 2:00-2:30pm 2:30-3:00pm 3:15-3:30pm 3:30-3:45pm Location: FDA White Oak Campus POC:Janice Sheehy, SA to Commissioner, , 301-796-4552 AMA Brief Regarding Venezuela Regional Crisis Conference Line: 1-877-928-9808 PC: 9389931 Hold: A-Team Scheduling Meeting Transit : Mary E. Switzer Building, DHHS Location: 330 C. Street, SW, Washington, DC 20201 Training: New Employee EEOOrientation Location: HHS Mary E. Switzer Building, Room 2201 Lunch Transit: CDCWashington Office Location: 395 E. Street, SW, Washington DC 20201 Meeting: Dr. Victor Dzau, National Academy of Medicine Location: CDCW Office, Room 9166 POC: Morgan Kanarek, 202-334-2531, Transit : Rayburn House Office Building Location: Independence Ave, SE& S. Capitol St, SE,Washington DC 20515 Meeting: Representative Nick Lowey (D-NY) Location: Rayburn, Room 2365 POC:Jenny Sewell, 678-475-4696, Transit to Rayburn Office Room 2163 Meeting: Representative Elijah Cummings {D-MD) Location: Rayburn, Room 2163 (b)(6J POC:Aimee Schattner, (202) 245-0592, Transit to Cannon House Office Building Location: Independence Ave, SE& 1' 1 St, SE,Washington DC 20540 Meeting: Representative Frank Pallone (D-NJ) Location: Cannon, Room 237 (b)(6) POC:Aimee Schattner, (202) 245-0592, I }c?:•--:r--•,-.~~t -,·~:~·~F: ..,\-,~i·~7:i ~ I 4:30-5:00pm 5:00-5:30pm I 8:00-9:00am 9:30-11:00am 11:30-12 :30pm 12:30-1:00pm 2:00-2:30pm 3:00-5:00pm 5:00-5:30pm I (~~:jr~~trr::r:}rt~~:£):[it~A:iti:if:.iD.ri}::,:t(~l~:;;~·-.f:: Transit: HHS Humphrey Building Location: 200 Independence Avenue SW, Washington DC Meeting with ADM Brett Giroir, ASH Location: HHS Humphrey Building, CR 716-G POC: Dinah Bembo, 202-690-7694 Hold : CDCW/OA Scheduling Transit to DCA Call: Dr. Anne Schuchat, POD Call Dr. Shuchat's Office: 404-639-8701 Delta 151 DCA➔ ATL Car Service to Residence 2 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001121 DC Travel Itinerary DC Days lune 213t-27th 2018 122 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 17 Apr 2018 18:42:43 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik , Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Norton, Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : TRAVEL: Washington, DC Attachments : DC Dates to add to calendar .msg, RE_ Please reserve HHS Room 724D for Dr. Redfield on June 11,12,13th .msg, Dr. R upcoming DC Days.msg, ltineraryJMP92G _ 04JUN.PDF, StandardConfirmation.pdf, DC Trip 11 June 2018.docx, DC Days June 11_ 13 Bland Agenda.docx, NIH Map .pdf From: Sent : Logistics Specialist: Nikki Romanik CDC-W room : 9166 Ama nda Campbell CDC-W Room #9169 HHH Room: 724D Weather: Special Assistant: Seth Kroop Travel Coordinator : Jenn Norton Flight Schedule : Hotel: E-Ticket Receipt : Travel Authorization: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001123 From: Sent: To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) 17 Apr 2018 14:22:29 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/0D/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/00/0CS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: DC Dates to add to calendar Cc: 11-12, 25-26 June 9-10 July 6-7, 20-21 Aug HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001124 Bryant, Anthony (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) 23 May 2018 13:53:14 -0400 Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Corbin, Alfreda (CDC/NIOSH/OD) (CTR) RE: Please reserve HHS Room 724D for Dr. Redfield on June 11,12,Bth From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: 7240 will be reserved for Dr. Redfield from June 11-13th . Anthony Bryant ITSO I RFSS Contractor Tel: 202 .245-0580 From: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, May 23, 2018 1:45 PM To: Bryant, Anthony (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) Cc: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Please reserve HHS Room 724D for Dr. Redfield on June 11,12,Bth Hello Anthony, Could you please reserve the NIOSH Director's Office Room #724D on June 11, 12, 13th (from 8amSpm) for Dr. Redfield. He will be in DC for HHS meetings. Thank you, Nikki Nikki Jo Romanik Office of the Director , Office of Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road NE, Room 12002.1 , MS D-14 Atlanta , GA 30333 404.498.0810 (o) 470.217.1558 (b) CDC@n Soving I.Nes. Protecting Peo~ ~ HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001125 Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) 3 May 2018 12:12:51-0400 Pogue, Denise E. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. R upcoming DC Days From: Sent: To : Hi Denise, The following dates we expect Dr. Redfield and Kyle to be in DC. They will be needing a place to sit at CDC-W. If anything changes with any of these dates, I will let you know. Thanks for your help. May 14-16 June 11-12 June 25-26 July 9-11 August 6-7 August 20-21 Brad Brad A. Bartee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404 -718-5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email: bbartee@cdc .gov Rm: 12107 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001126 _&OMEGA __ MORLD~ Omega Trave Federal Services Hotel/Car/Air/Rail 855.326.541 1 7A-10P EST 855 .326.5411 Emergency A-2E6H-CDC Your Con nection to the World Monday, 4JUN 2018 01:28 PM EDT Pas senger s: ROBERTRAY REDFIELD(TANUM0FX1C) Agency Record Locator: JMP92G »View Tr ip » TSA PreCheck »FAA Airport Info » Federal Travel Online Please do not reply to this email. This is an unattended email box Omega World Travel must be notified with in 24 hours regarding corrections . Thank you. AIR Wednesd ay , 13JUN 2018 Delta Air Lines Flight Number: 2010 Class: Y-Coach/Economy From: (DCA) Washington Reagan Natl DC , USA Depart: 05:58 PM To: (ATL) Atlanta GA, USA Arrive: 08:03 PM Stops: Nonstop Durat ion: 2 hour(s) 5 minute(s) Status : CO NFIRMED Miles: 541 / 866 KM Equipment: Airbus A321 Jet DEPARTS DCA TERMINAL B - ARRIVES ATL TERMINALS (bJ(6J I Frequent Flyer Number· I Delta Air Lines Confirmation number is HPAFDL Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass : Delta Click here for Baggage policies and fees: Delta TOUR Saturday, 25AUG 2018 THANK YOU FOR BOOKING WITH OMEGA WORLD TRAVEL CHECK-IN TIME ARE 90 MINUTES PRIOR TO DEPARTURE FOR DOMESTIC FLIGHTS OR 120 MINUTES FOR INTERNATIONAL OMEGATRAVEL.COM FEDERAL SERVICES-HOTEUCAR/AIR/RAIL 855.326.5411 7A-10P EST 855.326.541 1EMERGENCY CHECK CARRIER WEB SITE FOR CHANGE/CANCEL AND BAGGAGE POLICIES TICKET NUMBER - 7188159665 INVOICE NUMBER -49605 AIRFARE CHARGE - $ -56.20 TOTAL CHARGES INCL TRANS FEE - $-21.9 Ticke t/Invoice Informatio n: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001127 Page 1 of 2 Ticket for: ROBERT RAY REDFIELD Date issued: 06/04/2018 Invoice nbr: 49605 Ticket Nbr: 0067188159665 Electronic: Yes Amount: 262.20 USO Exchange for: 0067188158045 Issued: 29MAY18 mi@ Charged to: Service Fee: ROBER REDFIELD Date issued : 06/04/20 18 Document Nbr: 8900723011932 Amount: 34.30 USO Total Tickets: 262.20 Total Fees: 34.30 Total Amount: 296.50 Changes to airline reservations may result in an increase in fare and/or carrier penalties . Please verify the validity of picture ID, passport and/or any visa requirements if traveling abroad Fac:ebook. lnsta11ram Unkadln Twitter YouTubt HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001128 Page 2 of 2 Car Service Solutions P.O. Box 14818 Atlanta, GA 30324 Confirmation us Tel: (678) 559-5509 Email: rese r vations@carserviceso Reservation Confirmation # 20032 Last Modified On: 06/04/2018 OS: 25 PM Thank You For Choosing Car Service Solutions! Pick-up Date: 06/13/2018 Pick-up Time: 08:03 PM Service Type: From Airport Passenger : Dr. Redfield - Wednesday Phone Number: No. of Pass : 1 Vehicle Type: Primary/ Billing Contact: CDC Director Booking Contact : Nikki Jo Romanik Payment Method: Not Specified Trip Routing Information: PU: -- : ATL - Hartsfield - Jackson Atlanta Internatio nal Air port/ DL - Delta Air Lines , From/To: DCA - Rona ld Reagan Washington National Airport, Term/Gate: S, Flt# 2010, ETA/ETD: 20:03:00 DO: - - : Emory Point (bJ(6J Atlanta, GA 30329 I Cha rges & Fees Terms & Conditions/ Reservation Agreement: Rate Reservation Total: Payments/ Deposits : Authorizations: Total Du e: I $70 .00 $70.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $7 0 .00 All reservations require a credit card in order to be booked . Reservations 12 hours of pickup will be charged the full amount of the pickup. cancelled within HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001129 Page1986 Page1987 131 DC Days June 11-13t h, 2018 Monday, June 11 1 201 8 7:30-8:30am Transit to HHS 9:30-10:00am HHS Senior Leadership Meeting, HHH Building, Room 610F 10: 15-10:30am Meeting with Peter Urbanowicz, HHH Building, Room 614F.3 10:30-11:00am AMA Reoccurring Meeting, HHS Room 615F ll:45-1 2:45pm 1:1 Introductory Lunch Meet ing w/ Paula Stannard, Senior Advisor to t he Secretary, HHH Building, 609 F.3 Executive Dining Room 1:00-1:30pm Meeting with Dr. Donald Rucker, National Coordinator for Health Informa t ion Technology (ONC), HHH Building, Room TBD 1:30-2:00pm Transit to CDC-Washington 2:00-2:30pm Partner Meeting, CDCWashington Office, Conf. Room 9000 3:00-3:45pm Meeti ng with the Leadership from The Pew Charitable Trusts, CDCW Office, Conf. Room 9150 4:30-5:00pm Transit to HHS 5:00-5 :30pm Meeting with Dr. Scott Gottlieb, FDA, HHH Building, Suite 729D 5:30-6:00pm Transit to PATH Office, 455 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 1000 6:00-7:00pm PATH Partnership Event Tuesday, June 12 1 201 8 8:15-9:15am Transit to Rayburn House Office Building 9:15-9:45am Meeting with Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), Rayburn House, Room 2083 ll :00-ll:30am Transit to Russell Senate Office Building, Constitution Ave & 1st St, NE DC 20002 Room 304 11:30-12:00pm Meeting with Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL), (New Chair of Senate Appropriations Committee] 12 :00-1 :00pm Russell Senate Office Building, Room 304 Lunch 1:00-1:55pm Transit to NIH, 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20892 1:55-4:lOpm NIH Visit with Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins 4:10 -5:lOpm Transit 5:30-6:00pm TENTATIVEHOLD: Call with Dr. Sigounas Bridge-line: 1-877-937-6518 Participant Code: 56533095# HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001132 W ednesday, June 13, 2018 8:00-9:00am Transit to HHS Humphrey Buil ding, 200 Independence Ave, SW, Washington DC 9 :00-10 :00am Meeting with Deputy Secretary on CDC-Re-Organization Package, HHH Building, Room 607G 10:00-10:30am Transit to Rayburn House Office Build ing, Independence Ave, SE & S Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20515, Room 2078 10:30-11 :00am Meeting with Rep. Tom Graves (R-GA) 11:30-12:15pm Lunch 12:15-12:45pm Transit to USAID Headquarters, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington DC 20547 12:45-1:00pm Security Check in and Processing at USAID Security Desk 1:00-2:00pm USAID/CDC Joint Message Taping, Ronald Reagan Building, Trivision Studio 3:30-4:00pm Transit to DCA 5:58-8:03pm Delta #2010 DC➔ ATL 8:03pm Transit: Car Service to Residence HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001133 Updated 06/2712017 NIH Visitor Map Street Address: National Inst itutes of Hea lt h 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20892 A ... . ~- . T N m llw_ ~ 0 Main Vehicle Entrance: NIH Gateway Drive Rockville Pike & NIH Gateway Drive 15 ~ .i ~ -■ NIH Gateway Center Vehicle Inspection: 5am - 10pm , Monday -Friday I It) It) .., .. ii 0 Aft er 10pm on weekdays, all day weekends and ho lidays, all visitor (commercial, non commercial) vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles must enter campus at the Commercial Vehicle Inspection Facility (CVIF) -- Building 67 (on Rockv ille Pike between North and Wilson Drives) Pe des t r ians : * Open Monday - Friday, 6 am - 1 0 pm * Closed on Weekends and Observed Holidays ~ P"1dng MCIOH After 1 0 pm on weekdays, all day weekends and holidays , pedes tr ian visitors should en t er campus v ia t he Commerc ial Veh icle Inspection Facilit y (CV IF) - Bui ld ing 67 (on Rockville Pik e between North Drive and Wilson Dr ive) Emp1-oParitre -n Employeo-EJ'Jlry 'Y Patilnl & P1'1ienl'Jisiloo'En11y 0 0 Visllor -V.ho; Wingate, Michelle D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) Subject: Request 724d for 14-15 May Hi Anthony, Dr. Redfield will be up in DC and will have meetings at the Humphrey building on 14&15 May. Can we please request to reserved 724d for those days? Thanks, Brad Brad A. Bartee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404- 718-5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email: bbartee@cdc .gov Rm: 12107 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001143 Car Service Solutions P.O. Box 14818 Atlanta, GA 30324 Confirm ation us Tel: (678) 559-5509 Email: rese r vations@carserviceso Reservation Confirmation # 19997 Last Modified On: 05/10/2018 08:55 AM Thank You For Choosing Car Service Solutions! Pick-up Dat e: 05/16/2018 Pick-up Tim e : 03:37 PM Service Type : From Airport Passenge r: Dr. Redfield - Wednesday Phone Numb e r: No. of Pass : 1 Vehicl e Type: Electric Vehicle Primary/ Billing Contact : CDC Director Booking Contact : Brad Bartee Payment Method : Direct Bill/Invoice Trip Routing Information: PU: -- : ATL - Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport/ DL - Delta Air Lines - DL, From/To : DCA - Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Term/Gate: S, Flt# 844, ETA/ETD: 15:37:00 DO: - - : Emory Point (bJ(6J Atlanta, GA 30329 I Cha rges & Fees Term s & Conditions/ Reservation Agre e ment: Rate Reservation Tot al: Payments/ Deposits : Authorizations: Total Du e: I $70 .00 $70.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $7 0 .00 All reservations require a credit card in order to be booked . Reservations 12 hours of pickup will be charged the full amount of the pickup. cancelled within HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001144 Page 2001 Page 2002 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 13 Apr 2018 12:36:40 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: The Celebration of Life Service of Commander Timothy J. Cunningham, SCD Attachments : RE_ R3.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001147 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001148 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 13 Apr 2018 08:24:33 -0400 Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: R3 Thx. Will do From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Se nt : Friday, April 13, 2018 8:24 AM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Cc:Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) ; Warren, Whitney (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michel le (CDC/OCOO/O FR/OA) Subje ct: RE: R3 In addition, they would like to attend this so please add to his calendar. Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001149 CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF " -~ Co .mmander Timothy J.Cunningham , ScD I ~ t ' + t-~ ~ r t{·.-1( ·j( .{< . C ,.,~ W '( 'll tff.tE CELEBR ~ OF LIFE SERVICE PRIL 211110:00AM SATURD TH [ M /, R T I N L U T H [ R V I N G J R IN MOR[HOUS[ 8 3O W ES TV I ( 1\TLANT GROT ► •[RS MURR,\Y I N L I[ u O r r L.0 \1/ [ R s /, Of '-J,\ L C H ,~ P [ L S '.•/ GA 30_,1.t FUN[R,\L 1M!3F• ◄ HOM[ H [ L p [ XT [ N D TIM ORG s :..E G A C y 8 '( 1 GIV ' NG T0 COL LEG[ INST!TUT!ON,\L ,, T L /, N T /, TIMOTHY GIVING J Flf?ST G ,\ 3 0 3 l .; MOR[l!OUS[ EDU CUNNINGHAM HOMELESS ATL!\NT,\ IO ADV,\NCEM[NT 8 1 O W f S T V I [ \1/ D R ; \I E S \ 1/ \//\; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) ; Warren , Whitney (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wi lson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subject: R3 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001150 Just called me. He & Joy arrived at the Emory Conf Center last night and they are moving into the apartment today. As of now, he's not planning to come into the office, and we'll reschedule his on-line trainings from today, but he will take the two congressional calls from either his apartment or possibly from the office. Seth, he asked that you e-mail him the documents for the calls. Teresa, I'll stop over and we can talk about moving the trainings accordingly. Happy Friday all. .. Scott HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001151 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 20 Jun 2018 12:48 :24 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) Annual Conference Attachments : The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) Annual Conference.pdf, NACCHOAnnual Conference Agenda .pdf, Dr . Redfield - Plenary Speaker Confirmation July 12, 2018.pdf From: Sent: 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: Nikki Romanik Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Chandra M. Champion, NACCHO's Meeting Manager , 0: 202-507-4245, cchampion@naccho.o rg Day of POC: Maeve Carey, or by cell phone 650-676-9547 . Meet Maeve in the lobby and she will escort you. CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Redfield: Seth Kroop CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: NACCHO Purpose of Event: The theme of this year's largest gather ing of local public health officials in the US is: Unleashing the Power of Local Public Health. The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO )'s vision is health, equity, and security for all people in their communities through public health policies and services . NACCHO 's mission is to be a leader, partner , catalyst, and voice for local health departments in order to ensure the conditions that promote health and equity, combat disease , and improve the quality and length of all lives. NACCHO is governed by a 27member Board of Directors, compr ising local and tribal health officials from across the HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001152 coun try elected by their peers, and including ex officio membe rs represen ting the National Association of Counties, of which NACCHO is an affiliate , and the US Conference of Mayors . NACCHO 's members are the near ly 3000 local health departments across the US. Agenda: see attached. Number of Attende es and Composition: 1500 local governmental public health officials and staff members from across the range of public health and across the country. Key Participants (if applicable): l Judy Monroe CDC Foundation Garth Graham , Aetna Foundation Abby Gilbert, Humana Humana Loel Soleman Kaiser Permanente Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on the 6/11/18 DL; R3's comments: Yes to a day trip (a few hours); cou ld meet w/ the SHO and NOLA Health Officer; topics for discussion: HIV (hotbed); Hep C; and opioids . 3. Dr. Redfield's Speech Information or Talking Points {TPs): Dr. Redfield's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: Speaking 12:50-1 :20pm (see below) Run of Show: General Session (SOminutes) I I 12:30,12:35 Welcome back and 2019 Video , 12:35 •12:45 Mo Mullet (Rex Archer) Carol Moehrle ' 12:45 12:50 Introduct ion of Dr. Robert Redfield Lori Freeman Remarks Dr. Robert Redfield 12:50 1:20 Lori Freeman r- I I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001153 i Plenary Session (70 minutes) "Unleashing the Power of Payers to Improve Population Health" voice over and intro of Judy 1:20 1:40 I Moderator : remarks and intros Judy Monroe 1:40 11:50 Speaker Garth Graham, Aetna Foundation 1:50 12:00 Speaker Abby Gilbert, Humana 12:00 2:10 Speaker Loel Solemon, Kaiser Permanente 2:10 2:30 Q&A Judy Monroe - • 1 Proposed Role and Topic: Present remar ks addressing the Director's vision for CDC and how local health departments can work to ach ieve it. Length of Presentation : TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Support ing/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001154 NACCHO National Association of County & City Health Officials TheNational Connectionfor Loco/Public Health May 7, 2018 Robert Redfield, M D Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road Atlanta, GA 30333 Dear Dr. Redfield: On behalf of the National Association of County and City Healt h Officials (NACCHO),I am writing to invite you to address the leaders of the nation's local health departments as a keynote speaker at our 2018 Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana held July 10-12. The conference will be held at the New Orleans Marriott Hotel. NACCHOrepresents nearly 3,000 city, county, metropolitan, district, and tr ibal health departments working every day to protect and promote health for all people . As you know, local health departments are on the front lines responding to health threats every day and helping to keep the American public healthy and safe. The theme of this year's largest gathering of local public health officials in the United States is Unleashing the Power of Local Public Health . Attendees include 1,500 local governmental pub lic health officials and staff members from across the range of public health and across the country . Our members would appreciate hearing your vision for CDCand how local health departments can work to achieve it. Ideally we wou ld like to speak on the morning of Thursday, July 12. I sincerely hope that you can join us for a plenary session on July 12, but we are flexible and will try our best to work with your schedule as needed. Insights from a national leader, such as yourself, on these critical issues would mean so much to local health department professiona ls. For further information about this speaking opportunity , please contact NACCHO'sMeeting Manager, Chandra M. Champion, by phone at 202-507-4245 or email cchampion@naccho .org. Thank you for your consideration and we hope to see you in New Orleans in July! Sincerely, Lori Tremmel Freeman, MBA Chief Executive Officer 1201EyeStreetNW.FourthFloor,Washington,DC20005 Public Health P (202) 783 5550 F (202) 783 1583 www Prevent . Prom o te;. Prote c t . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001155 Full Schedule Pag e 1 of 6 + + Welcome to the 2018 Annual Meeting event scheduler. Use the Quick Start Guide on the left side of the screen to learn more about how to: • Search or browse for Sessions and activities using the options at left. • Review descriptions and presenters by clicking on session titles. • Use 'My Itinerary' to build a personalized list of your preferred Sessions and activities.* * Please note that using the 'My Itinerary' feature requires an account. You will be prompted to create an account when saving your agenda . This account will be separate from your registration login , but will be the same that you use to access the app that will be available for use during the Annual Meet ing . Please contact nacchoreg@naccho .com to register for all pre/post-conference workshops . Selecting items on this page creates a reminder for you but does not alert the Meetings Team at NACCHO that you would like to attend these events. Adding these items to your favorites does not guarantee you access into these events Full Schedu le 199 results found. Monday, July 9, 2018 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM Registration Open Location: Acadia Foyer Tuesday , July 10, 2018 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM Registrat ion Open Location: Acadia Foyer 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pre Conference - 120 Minutes V 9:30 AM - 11:45 AM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001156 https ://www.even 01 8/NA CCH O Annual/ p ?pfp=FullSchedule 6/20/2018 Page 2 of 6 Full Schedule WT1 - Pest and Rodent Control Tour of the French Quarter 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM Pre Conference - 120 Minutes V 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM WS14 - Sheltering Requirements : Integrating Individuals with Access and Functional Needs Location: Balcony L 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM GS1 - Opening General Session 3:00 PM - 3:15 PM Break 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM Sharing Session - 60 Minutes V Sharing Session - 60 Minutes V 4:15 PM - 4 :30 PM Break 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM President's Welcome Reception Location : Acadia 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM WT3 - French Quarter History Walking Tour Location: Offsite 6:00 PM - 7:45 PM WT2 - French Quarter Phantoms ' New Orleans Ghost & Vampire Tour Location : Offsite Wednesday, July 11, 2018 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM Morning Exercise Location: Pre-function on 41 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Networking Breakfast Location : Acadia 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM New Member Breakfast Location: Salon D 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001157 https ://www.even A CCH O Annual/agenda.asp ?pfp=FullSchedule 6/20/2018 Page 3 of 6 Full Schedule Poster Presentations Location : Exhibit Hall 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM Registration Open Location: Acadia Foyer 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM GS2 - Unleashing the Power of Policy Location: CarondeleUBissonet 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Exhibit Hall Open Location: Acadia 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM NACCHO Website Usability Study Location : Salon C 10: 15 AM - 11: 15 AM Sharing Session - 60 Minutes V 11 :30 AM - 12:00 PM Sharing Session - 30 Minutes V 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Networking Lunch in Exhibit Hall Location : Acadia 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Poster Presentations Location: Acadia 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM WS6 - HIV in the South: How Community Health Workers are Improving Outcomes and Addressing Stigma and Discrimination Location : Salon H 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM Sharing Session - 30 Minutes V Sharing Session - 90 Minutes V 2:00 PM - 2:15 PM Break 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM F11 - Vegas Strong Location: Riverview 1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001158 https ://www.even A CCH O Annual/agenda.asp ?pfp=FullSchedule 6/20/2018 Page 4 of 6 Full Schedule 3:45 PM - 4:00 PM Break 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM G1 - Preparing a Pueblo for Emergency Operations and Tribal Law Location : Bonaparte 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Sharing Session - 60 Minutes V 5:15 PM - 6:45 PM Grand Reception Location : CarondeleUBissonet 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM WTS - French Quarter History Walking Tour Location : Offsite 6:00 PM - 7:45 PM WT4 - French Quarter Phantoms' New Orleans Ghost & Vampire Tour Location: Offsite Thursday, July 12, 2018 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM Morning Exercise Location : Pre-function on 41 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Networking Breakfast Location: Acadia 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Poster Presentations Location : Acadia 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Responding to Congenital Syphilis: Meet and Greet Location: Salon H 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM Registration Open Location : Acadia Foyer 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Exhibit Hall Open Location: Acadia 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM GS3 - General Session 3 Location : CarondeleUBissonet HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001159 https ://www.even A CCH O Annual/agenda.asp ?pfp=FullSchedule 6/20/2018 Page 5 of 6 Full Schedule 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Break 9:45 AM - 11 :15 AM H7 - Immigration and Health Equity: Local Health Departments Taking Action for Immigrant Rights Location: Salon E Track 4 - Health Equity 9:45 AM -11:15 AM Sharing Session - 90 Minutes V 11:15 AM - 11 :30 AM Coffee Break 11 :30 AM - 12:00 PM Sharing Session - 30 Minutes V 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Networking Lunch in the Exhibit Hall Location: Acadia 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM GS4 - General Session 4 Location: Carondelet/Bissonet 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Break 2 :45 PM - 3:15 PM Sharing Session - 30 Minutes V Sharing Session - 60 Minutes V 3:15 PM - 3:30 PM Break 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001160 https ://www.even A CCH O Annual/agenda.asp ?pfp=FullSchedule 6/20/2018 Full Schedule Page 6 of 6 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001161 https :// A CCH O Annual/agenda.asp ?pfp=FullSchedule 6/20/2018 NACCHO National Associationof County & City Health Officials TheNational Connectionfor Local Public Health June 20, 2018 Dear Dr. Redfield, Thank you for accepting our invitation to be a speaker at the upcoming NACCHOAnnual 2018 Conference, July 10-12 in New Orleans, LA a the New Orleans Marriott . You will be speaking during the "Unleashing the Powe r of Payers to Impro ve Populati on Healt h" Plenar y Session on Thursday, July 12 th from 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm in the Carondelet/B issonet meeting room. Prior to the Plenary we will have a rehearsal from 11 :00 am -11:45 am. NACCHOAnnual is the year's largest gathering of local health officials in the United States. The conference provides a venue for local public health department staff, partners, funders, and others who are interested and invested in local public health to share the latest research, ideas, and strategies in local public health . More information about the conference is available at www . To facilitate the planning process, please send us the following information by Friday, June 29: • Picture and Biography Please provide us with an updated picture and biography. Your picture and biography will be published in the NACCHOAnnual 2018 online program located here : www • Regist ration NACCHOAnnual will cover your registration for the full conference . Please let us know if you have any dietary requests or ADA needs that we should note on your registration . • Conflict of Int erest and Consent to Record Please complete and return the attached two forms via email or fax to Chandra M . Champion at cchampion@naccho.o rg or 202 -280-1043 • Emergency Contact Please email us your cell phone number and name and number of your emergency contact. • Hot el Reservati on and Airlin e Ticket NACCHOAnnual will cover your flight as well as one-night room and tax on your behalf at the New Orleans Marriott Hotel. Please send us your arrival and departure dates. You will be responsible for any remaining room nights. NACCHOwill assist in booking your round-trip airfare. To expedite this process, please send us your full legal name as it appears on your government issued identification by June 22 . We will have a personalized account set up and directly emailed to you from NACCHO'sATC/DEEM account. You will need to book your airfare by July 27. Please allow one week from the time you submit your information for your ATC account to be set up. 1100 17t h St reet . NW, Seventh Floor, Washmgton, DC 20036 P 1202) 783 5550 F 12021783 1583 www .naccho .org Public Health Pre vent . Promo te . Protect . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001162 If you have any questions about your participation in this panel or the travel logistics communicated in th is document, please contact Chandra M . Champion by phone at 202-507-4245 or email cchamp . Once again, thank you for agreeing to speak at NACCHOAnnual 2018. We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans in July! Sincerely, Laura Hanen Chief of Governmental Affairs NACCHO Chandra M. Champion, MSSA, CNM Events and Meetings Manager NACCHO HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001163 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 7 May 2018 19:44:03 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Subject: Towards Ending TB - BRICSEfforts to achieve UHC in the context of preparations for the UN High-Level Meeting on TB HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001164 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 14 Jun 2018 14:59 :03 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) (b)(6) !Teresa Williams to Cover I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001165 From: Sent: To : Subject: Attachments : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 3 Apr 2018 15:59:24 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Transit to ATL Airport StandardConfirmation.pdf, Re_ Today's pick up for Dr Redfield .msg HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001166 Car Service Solutions P.O. Box 14818 Atlanta, GA 30324 Confirmation us Tel: (678) 559-5509 Email: rese r vations@carserviceso Reservation Confirmation # 19930 Last Modified On : 04/ 2 3/20 18 04:21 PM Thank You For Choosing Car Service Solutions! Pick-up Date: 04/25/2018 Pick-up Time: 03:00 PM Service Type: To Air port Passenger : Dr. Redfield - We d nesday Phone Number: No. of Pass : 1 Vehicle Type: Primary/ Billing Contact: CDC Director Booking Contact : Nikki Jo Romanik Payment Method: Not Specifi ed Trip Routing Information: PU: -- : 1600 Clift on Rd Bui lding 21 Atlanta, GA DO : -- : ATL - Hartsfield - Jackson Atlanta International Airport/ DL - Delta Air Lines, From/To: BWI - Baltimore/Was hington I nternational Thurgood Marshall Airport, Term/ Gate: S, Flt# 875, ETA/ETD: 17:08 :00 Cha rges & Fees Terms & Conditions/ Reservation Agreement: Rate Reservation Total: Payments/ Deposits : Authorizations: Total Du e: $70 .00 $70.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $7 0 .00 All res ervations requ ir e a credit card in order to be boo ked . Reservations 12 hours of pickup will be charged the full amount of t he pickup . cancel led w ithin HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001167 From: Sent: To: Subje ct: Joe Jr CSS 25 Apr 2018 10:45:37 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Re: Today's pick up for Dr Redfield Sounds good. Right now, it is very possible that I will be the driver. I'll keep you informed . Thank you! Joseph Jones Jr Car Service Solutions 678-559 -5509 Please visit our website: or send trip requests to On Apr 25, 2018, at 10:40 AM, Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Joe, Dr Redfield just let me know that he would like for you to pick him up at 1520 Avenue Place (Emory Point right behind CVSbefore you get to Marlow's Tavern) please do not hesitate to call me if you have questions. Also please feel free to (bl (6 l I text or call Dr Redfield personally at I Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team / Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE, MS D-14 , Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email : tmd9@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001168 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 15 May 2018 15:42:12 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit to Big Kahuna [Walk 2 minutes ] From: Sent: To : Subject: MaxLager's Wood El Fired Grill & Brewery SimpsonSt NW Aloft Atlanta Downtown Har dy Ivy Park t ~ Peachtree Package Store White Oak Kitchen & Cocktails ' ! • C Big Kahuna At lanta 2 min L0* .1mile El S 'Vd~ Hyatt Regency Atlanta Q ciety ml •••••• •o ft Y Folk Art Park, Homage to Finster @ ~ 'f" Folk Art Park. A Faces on the Wall Y 1 f Polaris ~ Baker St NE ~ f {ll Hilton Atlanta Atlanta Marriott Marquis 0 .... El q, I1sine El q, El AmericasMart Atlanta Pittypat s Porch John Portman Blvd NE El Rays In the City El 9 'i» ~ Thrifty Car Rental Harlem Nights Ultra Lounge Benihana f Hard Rock Cafe \..looers +- Hertz ~ q A Walking Directions 2 min walk (0.1 mi le) Hyatt Regency Atlanta Start at 265 Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, GA 30303 Head east on Baker St NE toward Peachtree Center Ave Turn left onto Peachtree Center Ave NE Destination will be on the right Arr ived at Big Kahuna Atlanta 303 Peachtree Center Ave NE, At lanta, GA 30308 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001170 Gee From: Sent: To : (ons3@cdc .gov) Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 12 Jun 2018 18:32 :17 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Transit to CDCW HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001171 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 19 Apr 2018 14:04:30 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Transit to CDC-W HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001172 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 5 Apr 2018 13:50:25 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit to CDCW HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001173 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 30 Mar 2018 19:41:10 +0000 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subje ct: Transit to Chamblee Campus [Note: 2 parking spaces reserved in front of Building 107 directly in front of the black gated area (There are cones in the parking spaces] Attachment s: Map-Chamblee _Visitor Parking Marked.pdf From: Se nt: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001174 CHAMBLEE CAMPUS ACCESS MAP UPDATED JULY 24, 2014 C & /IIITI!!•· CO N TIIOL. ,o. AftD Olall& P'•EYllNTION a & BEVERLY IIlLl.S / 5TH AVE ENTRANCE (CDC ENTRANCE FOR PEDESTRIANS, ......-----' .J p,urnoN r '----- -t ~~ .._smic, ~-'~ AND DELWEruFS ONL\1 ( ~ 4 WALKING RO UTE 1/ CAMP US BUILDINGS j -------162 VISITOR CEN . TER ' ~ .p - //1 p s< ll .. CAMP US ACCESS POINTS MAIN ENTRANCE BUEORDHWY , 0 /// HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001175 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 Apr 2018 19:30:22 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7@cdc .gov);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Transit to EEOB Attachments : building_entry_instructions.pdf From: Sent: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001176 Arrival Instructions Dear Guest, Entry Information All atte ndees will enter the Eisenhowe r Executive Office Building (EEOB) at the corne r of 17th Street and State Place (see attached map). Please arr ive ear ly and note that late arrivals may not be accommodated. You will be standing outdoors while in line, so please dress appropriately for the weat her conditions. Identification All guests 18 yea rs of age or older will be required to present a valid, government-issued photo identification (detailed below). All foreign nationals must prese nt their passport. All other forms of foreign identification will not be accepted. All information submitted (e.g. name,date of birth, city, etc.) must exactly match the governmentissued photo ID you will present when arriving at the White House. The following forms of photo JD are acceptab le for prese ntation to USSS upon entry to the White House complex: -Valid government-issued United States identification card(e.g. drivers license, military ID) -Valid United States or other official government -issued passports No other forms ofidentification will be accepted; photocopies , expired IDs, or other transmissions of these docum ents are NOT valid. Prohibited Items The following items are prohibited: -Cam eras or video recorder s -Any pointed object , including {X)Cketknives -Strollers and diaper bags -Aerosol containers -Guns, ammunition, firewo rks, electric stun guns, mace , martia l arts weapon s/ devices, or knives No storage facilities are available on or arow1d the White House complex. Individuals who arrive with prohibited items will not be permitted to enter. Parking On-street parking is not available near the White House, and use of public transportation is strongly encouraged. Other Information Guests should be advised to wear clothing appropriate for the nature of the White House - business or business casual. Jeans and shorts are not allowed. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001177 EEOBAppointments ,. PennsylvaniaAvenue t : McPherson Sq. M ---~---------rr--.,...._ = r;::....=--=---.~----;:::==~ Farragut Wtst; Farragut North ;-+ Metro Center Eisenhower Executive Office Building -"' □ - Q) Q) ... ... en .c: ... ,... G) G) .c: rt:: ,... Lt) Hamilton Place State Place Appointment Entrance 'c, 1~ E Street Closed I'~-------- The Ellipse HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001178 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 May 2018 16:54:10 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, From: Sent: To : Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Transit to Emory University: [Note: Nancy Sterk is available to meet Dr. Redfield (b)(6) at the parking deck to escort him. Please call Nancy when close by a~ Directions to RSPH/Dr. Jim Curran's office: Turn right out of CDConto Clifton Road. Proceed ahead to Houston Mill Road - turn right at light. As you start down the hill, take the first left onto Rollins Way . Enter the first parking deck on the right -you will need to press the buzzer to have them lift the gate. Drive ahead and you will see a parking spot w/an orange cone w/Dr. Redfield's name on it. Once parked, walk back across Rollins Way . You will see two building connected by a bridge. Enter the one to the left (Claudia Nance Rollins Building). Proceed ahead to the elevators and take them to the 8th floor - left off the elevator into the Dean's Suite. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001179 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 20 Apr 2018 15:09:28 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit to HHS Humphrey Building HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001180 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 5 Apr 2018 13:50:38 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit to HHS HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001181 From: Sent: To : Subject: Attachments : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 24 Apr 2018 14:19:42 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Transit to Home StandardConfi rmation. pdf HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001182 Car Service Solutions P.O. Box 14818 Atlanta, GA 30324 Confirmation us Tel: (678) 559-5509 Email: rese r vations@carserviceso Reservation Confirmation # 19931 Last Modified On : 04/ 2 3/20 18 04: 22 PM Thank You For Choosing Car Service Solutions! Pick-up Date: 04/29/201 8 - Sunday Pick-up Time: 08:29 PM Service Type: From Airport Passenger : Dr. Redfield Phone Number: No. of Pass : 1 Vehicle Type: Primary/ Billing Contact: CDC Director Booking Contact : Nikki Jo Romanik Payment Method: Not Specifi ed Trip Routing Information: PU: -- : ATL - Harts fi eld - Jackson Atlan t a Internatio nal Air port/ DL - Delta Air Lines , From/To: BWI - Baltimore/Was h ington I nternational Thurgood Marshall Airport, Term/Gate: S, Flt# 2613 , ETA/ETD: 20:29:00 DO: - - : Emory Point (bJ(6J Atlanta , GA 30329 I Cha rges & Fees Terms & Conditions/ Reservation Agreement: Rate Reservation Total: Payments/ Deposits : Authorizations: Total Du e: I $70 .00 $70.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $7 0 .00 All res ervations requ ire a credit card in order to be boo ked . Reservations 12 hours of pickup will be charged the full amount of t he pickup . cancelled w ithin HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001183 From: Sent: To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 14 May 2018 18:45:38 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Transit to NIH Attachments : Map.pdf Enter the campus at South drive and Rockville Pike Entrance. (bJ(6J POC: Amy Blackburn cell hone Lt. Lawrence Brown (b)(6l 1---------' HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001184 Updated 06 / 2712014 NIH Visitor Map Street Address: Nat iona l Inst itutes of Hea lth 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20892 .... ---- T N Mai n Vehicle Entran ce: NIH Gatew ay Driv e Rockville Pike & NIH Gateway Drive m NIH Gateway ., Center Ve hicl e In specti on : .;(. t£ ~ ! .----...,..-- 1- /j_ ' .., It) It) .. a? 0 MLP1 1 el .., .. /j_ en,plo)oMPn_lr,g- ..., .., Emplo)'MPlllllng 6 Emplo)'eePeclestri1111 E ntry ~ P•lieol & "-llenlVisitcfEntiy ·;;; ... ,._ T 0- ~ ~•nEntiy o -v. ..... En,,. 0 C-.WC.olllohoclo&cry 5am - 10pm , Monday -Friday Afte r 10pm on weekdays , all day weekends and hol idays, all v isit or (commercia l , non comme rcial) vehicles, motorcycles and bicy cles must ent er campus at the Commerc ial Vehicle Inspection Facility (CVIF) -- Bu ilding 67 (on Rockville Pike between North and Wi lson Drives) Pe des t r ia ns: * Open Monday - Friday , 6 am - 1 0 pm * Closed on Weekends and Obs erved Hol idays After 1 0 pm on weekdays , all day weekends and holidays , pedes tr ian visitors shou ld ent er campus v ia t he Commerc ial Veh icle Inspection Facilit y (CV IF) - Bui ld ing 67 (on Rockville Pike between North Drive and W ilson Drive) ::> t; C C: 8 §"' We st Gateway Center (Pedes t rians Only) Near Old Georgetown Rd & South Dr 6am - 12pm Monday - Friday Pati en t and Patient Vi sit or Ent ranc e Cedar Lane & West Drive Valet Park ing at Clin ical Cen t er Main Ent rance (Monday - Friday, 7am - 7pm) Inbound Traffic Only: 6am - 10pm , 7 days a week Commerci a l Ve hi cle In spec tion Fac ility (CVIF) Building 67: Com me rcial Ve hi cles Only Rockville Pike - between North Dr. and Wilson Dr . Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week After 1 0pm on weekdays, all day weekends and ho l idays , all v isitors in vehicles or as pedestria ns shou ld ente r via the CV IF. To learn more abou t visitor and secur ity issues at t he N IH, v isit : http ://www .nih .gov/ about/visitor/index. htm For quest ions abou t campus access , please con t act the ORS Information Line at orsinfo or 301 -594 -667 7, TTY - 30 1- 435-1908. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001185 Information for Patients and Visitors to the National Institutes of Health Stre e t Address: Nationa l Institutes of Health 9000 Rockvi lle Pike Bethesda, MD 20892 We lcome to the NIH. Pleas~ take t~e time to read this bulletin. It contains important information you need when visiting t he NIH campus. Patient and Patient Visitor Parking: General Visitor Parking Information: Clinical Center - P1 Entrance Parking Ticket Validation Required Monday - Friday, 7am - 9pm Visitors (other than patients) parking at the Gateway Parking Garage (MLP-11}and in designated v isitor parking lot: Pat ient & Patient Vis itor Parking Va lid ation : B1 Lobby at Hospi t ality Desk No va lidation required weeknights after 9pm, weekends & holidays Monday - Friday: 6am - 9pm (entrance) 6am - 11pm (exi t ) $2.00 per hou r for t he fir st t hree hours $12.00 fo r the entire day Valet Parking Service: Ava ilab le at the Clinical Center Main Entrance Metered parking lots : Monday - Friday, 7am - 7pm $2 per hour Monday - Friday 7am - 7pm Ticket validat ion required Va let Parking Validation : North Lobby at Hospitality 7am - 7pm Desk Unclaimed vehicles aft er 7pm will be parked in the front of the Clinical Center roadway and keys wi ll be transferred to the CRC/B ldg .10 Adm issions desk . Patient and Patient Visitor Ext e nded Acces s Pass : You can request an optional , extended visitor Photo ID and Campus Access Pass t o expedite your campus and bu ild ing entry. Vis it the Clinical Center Admissions Desk or see your pat ient care coordinator for these timesaving services. The NIH has implemented security measures to help ensure the safety of our patients, employees, guests and facili t ies. All visi t ors must ent er th rough the N IH Gateway Center at Metro or the West Gateway Visitor Center. You w ill be asked to subm it to a vehicle or personal inspection. Visitors over 15 years of age must prov ide a form of government -issued ID such as a driver's license or passport. Visit ors under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adu lt . Vehicle Insp ec tions - All vehicles and the ir contents will be inspected upon enter in g the campus. Additiona lly, all vehicles entering certain parking areas wi ll be in spect ed, regardless of any prior in spection . Drivers wi ll be required to present the ir driver 's license and may be asked to open the t runk and hood . If you are physically unab le to perf orm this function, please inform the inspector and they will assis t you . parking and security Vehicle inspection may cons ist of any comb in at ion of the follow in g: Detection Dogs Teams (K -9), Electronic Detection Devices and Manual In spection. After inspec t ion, you will be issued a vehicle inspect ion pass. It must be d isplayed on your veh icle 's dashboard whi le you are on campus . The inspection pass is not a "park in g permit." It only grants your veh icle access to enter the campus . You can on ly park in designated parking areas. ( See campus map) Personal Inspections - A ll visitors shou ld be prepa red to submit to a personal inspection prior to entering the campus. These inspections may be conducted with a handhe ld monitoring device , a meta l detector and by visible inspection. Additiona lly, your persona l belongings may be in spected and passed through an x - ray mach i ne. Firearms , explosives, archery equipme nt , dangerous weapons , knives with blades over 2 1/2 inches , alcoho lic beverages and open conta i ners of alcoho l are examp les of prohibited items on the NI H campus. Visitor passes must be prominently displayed at all times while on the NIH campus. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001186 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 19 Apr 2018 14:12:09 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit to Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2227 U.S. CAPITOL MAP o -ScNICOl'"~ f> cno,o---♦ o--~....- --·-hl:"O f> ui.11«> .. ~ o __ ..,,._~ lb4r<11Cc...,..., 0 ~v-c.. ..,.. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001187 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:57:41 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Transit to Roybal Campus and Lunch HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001188 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 May 2018 16:55 :15 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit to Roybal Campus HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001189 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 3 Apr 2018 11:59:52 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Transit to Roybal Campus HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001190 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 Apr 2018 17:26:00 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Transit to Russell Senate Office Building, Room 260 From: Sent: To : Subject: Bf.4moo1Paul Q Womwu[qu a ... A""NE ffflO COur'Iof 11 n • ia .. UnI~ StA'es y ~ lh USCoi,,1ol Vtli'OfC,,n, e0 II C<>odSlut UIIIW R HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001191 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 11 May 2018 13:29:01 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit to The Communication Center HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001192 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) From: Sent: To : Subject: 5 Jun 2018 18:51:41 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Transit: (b)(6) I (b)(6) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001193 Page 2050 Page 2051 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 25 Jun 2018 17:37 :44 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Transit: BIO, 1201 Maryland Ave . SW, Ste. 900, Washington, DC 20024 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001196 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 6 Jun 2018 12:56:02 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Transit: Cannon House Office Building, Room 237 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001197 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 9 Apr 2018 12:03:30 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: Cannon House Office Building HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001198 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 13 Apr 2018 14:06:20 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: Capitol, S-221 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001199 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 19 Jun 2018 18:13 :34 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Transit: CDC/ W Room 9000 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001200 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 Apr 201817:53:14 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: CDC/ W HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001201 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 9 May 2018 20:05:17 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (b)(5) Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) (omc2@cdc .gov);Hugh Green (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Transit: CDC Roybal Campus I I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001202 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 30 Apr 2018 16:08:49 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Transit: CDC Roybal Campus HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001203 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 21 Jun 2018 13:42:56 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Transit: CDCW HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001204 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:36:23 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Transit: CDC Washington Office (Parking Garage Detai ls included) From: Sent: To : Subject: FYI: There is a Public Parking Garage under the Patriot's Plaza building where NIOSH and CDC-Ware located. The address is: Patriot ' s Plaza I 395 E Street SW Wash, DC 20546 (corner of E & 4th ) - enter on 4 th Street SW 202.68 2.1450 ,r a .. q CE) ■VIIIH 1 wc;,oo .'" ' ..... U tt ll!lttT lltlll,fl, 1011 llNCOUI ......s - Washington L ; OWII Q Tl!e\',1•~1lOUU .. ( 1.. ...... NOM,_ H I TAI T JC:OARIDOII CilllVE ■ lANCllt0/1 , c.;;.,o1 H,OQ'>.tt 1. ~I ~? /7 Ml • Vrll~ I I l ✓ ' Cou,OWll r- '~ ~IA,t • " \ \',~UM.ti ~ " "' ....r.L HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001205 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 30 Apr 2018 14:22:21 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Transit: CDC Washington Office HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001206 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 4 May 2018 14:46:10 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Transit: CDC Washington, Office - 395 E Street, SW HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001207 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 9 May 2018 20:05:14 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (b)(5) Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) (omc2@cdc .gov);Hugh Green (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Transit: Chamblee Campus I I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001208 From: Sent: To: Subject : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 6 Jun 2018 17:58:13 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Transit : DCA Airport HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001209 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 Apr 2018 16:49:19 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: Dirksen Senate Office Building HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001210 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 20 Apr 2018 20:12:40 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: EEOB HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001211 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 8 May 2018 11:45:49 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: Hart Senate Office Building, Room 110 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001212 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 7 May 2018 13:19:32 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Transit: HHSBldg HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001213 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 7 Jun 2018 14:48:03 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Transit: HHS Humphrey Bldg HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001214 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 19:24:13 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Transit: HHS Humphrey Building - 200 Independence Avenue, SW HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001215 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 14 May 2018 20:03:36 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: HHS Humphrey Building/ Room 300E HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001216 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 May 2018 17:12 :14 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: HHS Humphrey Building/ Room 615-F HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001217 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 9 Apr 2018 17:00:51 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) Transit: HHS Humphrey Building/ Room 615-F I ._ __ (b_l (_6l _ ___, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001218 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 12 Jun 2018 13:16:52 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Transit: HHS Humphrey Building Room 523B HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001219 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 6 Jun 2018 20:04:43 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Transit: HHS Humphrey Building Room 600-E HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001220 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 20 Jun 2018 14:38 :07 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Transit: HHS Humphrey Building, SW HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001221 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 29 May 2018 18:17:20 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Transit: HHS Humphrey Building HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001222 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 10 Apr 2018 14:42:26 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: HHS Humphrey Building HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001223 From: Sent: To : Subject: 30303 ~ ~ Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 30 Apr 2018 17:38:25 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: Hyatt Regency Atlanta, 265 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, The parking pass is for valet parking only. Pam will meet you in valet parking with the pass and walk them in. y: text Pam's cell when you are about 10 minutes out: ~I -~ (b~l<6~ >-~I (personal mobile .... (b_l<_Gl_ _. (work mobile) . ! __ Ashley please return parking pass to Melissa or Pam before leaving that day. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001224 From: Se nt: To : Subject: Attachme nts: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:34:34 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: Hyattsville, MD (Parking Instruct ions Attached) Directions-Parking NCHS.PDF HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001225 National Center for Health Statistics (Metro 4 Building) 3311 Toledo Road Hyattsvi lle, Maryland 20782-2064 NCHS Directory 30 1-458-4000 Directions and Map Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA), Arlington, VA Start out going North on S. Smith Blvd. and follow the signs marked "Washington" to exit the airport onto George Washington Parkway. Merge onto 1-395 North toward Washington . Continue on 1-395 for approximately 2 miles and then keep left to take 1-295 South. Take Southeast Freeway/ I-695 South toward Pennsylvania Ave. Merge onto DC-295 North on the left. Continue for approximately 7 miles and take the MD 410/ Hyattsville exit. Turn left at the end of the ramp onto MD 410/East-West Highway . Continue to approximately 3 miles and turn right onto Adelphi Road and then a left onto Toledo Road. The Metro 4 building is located on the left after the parking garage. Total Travel Estimate: 27 minutes / 15.7 miles Baltimore/Wash ington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI), Baltimore, MD Take the Baltimore-Wash ington Parkway (Route 295) toward Washington . Cross 1-495and take the next exit (Riverdale/ Hyattsville/New Carrollton). Turn right at the first traffic light (Riverdale Road/Route 410). At the 6th traffic light, turn right onto Adelphi Road and then left onto Toledo Road. The Metro 4 building is located on the left after the parking garage . Total Travel Estimate: 38 minutes I 26.3 miles Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD), Dulles, VA Start out going Northeast on Saarinen Circle toward the Airport Access Road. Merge onto VA-267 E toward I-495/ Exit 18-19/VA - 123/Baltimore-Richmond. Merge onto 1-495 via Exit 18 toward Baltimore. Continue on 1-495 to exit 28B (New Hampshire Avenue/Takoma Park). At the second traffic light, turn left onto Adelphi Road. Continue on Adelphi Road through 5 traffic lights and turn right onto Toledo Road. The Metro 4 building is located on the left after the parking garage . Total Travel Estimate: 53 minutes I 35.3 miles Metro Rail NCHS is located approximate ly 0.5 from the Prince George's Plaza Metro station on the GREEN line. For additional information including fares , trip planner, bus schedules, maps, and etc. contact the Washington Metropolitan Area Trans it Authority HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001226 ToledoRd ~ ~ NCHS, Metro IV 0 NIVE.1fS1TY =~ TOWN CENTE, j - fd,a(joRd '' 1*- I I CooslUlooDr J The MaHat PrinceGeorges FreocbnWayW - 1O> ~~E ] ll,e,tyu,w l East-WestHwy~ ~ L c::: u )> tl East-West1-my~ PRl,ICEGEOO.GES PLAZA Me:TRO $TATOII C fl Shuttle Bus Service from and to PG Plaza Metro Rail Station Atlantic Parking operates a courtesy Shuttle Bus service hours are: 6:00 - 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 - 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to/from the PG Plaza Metro Rail Station. Look for a white 15-passenger bus with the lettering Atlantic Parking. The Shuttle Bus departs from Parking Garage A (southwest side, next to our building, Metro 4) at 6:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and travels back and forth to the PG Plaza Metro Rail Station (picks up/drops off on side facing PG Plaza). In the mornings, it takes the Shuttle Bus roughly 15 minutes to make a complete circuit, and in the evenings approximately 25 minutes. In the event that the wait for the Shuttle Bus becomes long, which may occur due to rush-hour traffic or weather , you can call 301-779-9696 to determ ine its location and estimated time of arrival to Parking Garage A or the PG Plaza Metro Rail Station stop. Par king Atlantic Parking Garage A (301-779-9696) is next to the NCHS Metro 4 building. Visitors are encouraged to lock vehicle doors and not leave valuables in plain view . First 2 hours - Free 2 - 3 hrs. $ 5.00 3 - 4 hrs. $ 7.00 $ 9.00 4- 12 hrs. 12 - 24 hrs. $15.00 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001227 From: Sent: To : (ons3@cdc .gov) Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 22 Jun 2018 14:58 :35 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Transit: Longworth House Office Building HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001228 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 30 Apr 2018 16:08:22 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Transit: Lullwater Park (Emory Campus), 1463 Clifton Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30329 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001229 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 7 May 2018 13:23:30 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Transit: Ma ry E. Switze r Building, Department of Health and Human Services, Room 2201, 330 C Street , SW, Washington, DC 20201 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001230 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 25 Jun 2018 17:23:56 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) (ons3@cdc .gov) Subject: Transit: Newseum Knight Conference Center, 555 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20001 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001231 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 1 Jun 2018 19:39:49 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Transit: PATH Office PATH event is 1.6 miles from Humphrey building . Suggest a cab for transit . There is one entrance to the building on the westbound side of Massachusetts Avenue NW, between 4th and 5th Streets . Kelly Healy will meet Amanda and R3 in the lobby of the building and escort them to the meeting. Call or text her when you are on your way so that she can be waiting in the lobby. (b-)(6-) -~ !Cassie Kobrin (back up to Kelly) I <0 l<6l Kelly Healy Cell:~I-- HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001232 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 19 Jun 2018 18:14:06 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Transit: Pentagon and Security Clearance [Note: Dr. Eric Deussing will escort Dr. Redfield to the Pentagon and through security] Attachments: Re_ DoD Follow up meetings for Dr. Redfield in DC.msg From: Sent: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001233 Deussing, Eric {CDC/OPHPR/OD) 20 Jun 2018 09:00:21 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. {CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: DoD Follow up meetings for Dr. Redfield in DC From: Sent: To : Teresa and Scott , I spoke with Mr. McCaffery's office, and I will plan to accompany Dr. Redfie ld and can take care of arranging transportation. Very Respectfu lly, Eric Deussing, MD, MPH, FACPM Commander, Medical Corps, US Navy Department of Defense Liaison to the CDC (404) 639-0392 (office) (470) 303 -2924 (mobile) CDC email : ncu0@cdc .gov Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (OPHPR) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Mailstop D-44 Atlanta, GA 30333 On Jun 20, 2018, at 8:22 AM, Scales, Scott L.(CDC /OD/OCS) wrote: Hi Eric. He'll likely take a cab or metro (which is what we'd recommend) From: Deussing, Eric (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Se nt : Wednesday, June 20, 2018 8 :21 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Green, Hugh (b) (Sl Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; (CDC/OD/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/00/0CS) Subject : Re: DoD Follow up meetings for Dr. Redfield in DC I I That may be tight based on traffic and security procedures. I will connect you with Mr. McCaffery's scheduler, Ms. Diana Atkins, to work out the fine r details of timing and logistics. Very Respectfully, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001234 Eric Deussing, MD, MPH, FACPM Commander, Medical Corps, US Navy Department of Defense Liaison to the CDC (404) 639-0392 (office) (470) 303-2924 (mobile) CDCemail: Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (OPHPR) 1600 Clifton Road. NE, Mailstop D-44 Atlanta, GA 30333 On Jun 20, 2018, at 8:16 AM, Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Dr. Redfield w ill have one hour from his last meet ing to travel from the CDC Washington Office to the Pentagon . Will this give him enough time to travel and get through security? Thanks, Teresa From: Deussing, Eric (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Sent : Wednesday, June 20, 2018 8:15 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS)< >; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(5) M ccall ister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: DoD Follow up meetings for Dr. Redfield in DC I I Okay, please keep in mind it will take time to get through security at the Pentagon. How tight is his schedule prior to 4pm? I will connect you to Mr . McCaffery's scheduler to work details. Very Respectfully, Eric Deussing, MD, MPH, FACPM Commander, Medical Corps, US Navy Department of Defense Liaison to the CDC HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001235 (404) 639 -0392 (office) (470) 303-2924 (mobile) CDC email: ncu0@cdc .gov Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (OPHPR) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Mailstop D-44 Atlanta, GA 30333 On Jun 20, 2018, at 7:55 AM, Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Good morn ing Eric, Let's con fi rm July 9th from 1600-1630 (4:00-4:30 p.m.) w ith Mr . Mccaffery. I will forward some dates and times to yo u shortly to schedule a VTC with RADM Chinn . Dr. Redfie ld's rank is 3 stars. Thank you so much for your assistance. Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protoco l Specia list Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639 -5998 Main : (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7 111 email: From: Deussing, Eric (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Se nt: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 7:44 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001236 (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) (b) (5l Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: DoD Follow up meetings for Dr. Redfield in DC I I Hi Teresa, Mr. Mccaffery is available from 1600-1730 on the 9th. Unfortunately, RADM Chinn is not available during that time, but he can do a VTC at another time. RADM Chinn's staff were asking for Dr. Redfield's rank equivalent. Do you know this? Please let me know how you want to proceed . Very Respectfully, Eric Deussing, MD, MPH, FACPM Commander, Medical Corps, US Navy Department of Defense Liaison to the CDC (404) 639-0392 (office) (470) 303-2924 (mobile) CDCemail: ncu0@cdc .gov Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (OPHPR) 1600 Clifton Road. NE. Mailstop 0-44 Atlanta . GA 30333 On Jun 19, 2018, at 9:47 AM, Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Thank you . Teresa From : Deussing, Eric (CDC/OPHPR/O0) Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 9:00 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OO/OCS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001237 Cc:Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(5) Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: DoD Follow up meetings for Dr. Redfield in DC I I Thank you Teresa, I will let you know how this date looks once I hear back from the folks in DC. Very Respectfully, Eric Deussing, MD, MPH, FACPM Commander, Medical Corps, US Navy Department of Defense Liaison to the CDC (404) 639 -0392 (office) (470) 303 -2924 (mobile) CDC email: Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (OPHPR) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Mailstop D-44 Atlanta, GA 30333 On Jun 18, 2018, at 1:46 PM, Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote : Good afternoon Eric, Dr. Redfield is availab le in DC on July 9 th from 3:30-5:30 p.m. I will hold this time until I hear back from you. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001238 If this is not acceptable, we could look into the options of meeting by VTC or phone and I can pro vide you those times if needed. Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Schedu ler for the CDC Director Protoco l Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlan ta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4@cdc .gov From: Deussing, Eric (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2018 7:19 AM To: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: DoD Follow up meetings for Dr. Redfield in DC Thank you, Seth! Teresa, I was out of the office at AFRICOM last week, and am out of the office this week (moving my HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001239 family-internal to Atlanta). I will be monitoring email, though. Please let me know which dates/times you were looking at for these meetings in DC. I can set up the VTC as well, but recommend making the DC trips first in order to ensure Senior leadership is connected first. Best, Eric From: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 11:21 AM To: Deussing, Eric (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Green, Hugh (b)(5) (CDC/OD/OCS) Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: DoD Follow up meetings for Dr. Redfield in DC I I think VTC would be good for that meeting . Scott also pointed out to me the key players were based in Europe for that meeting . Sounds good on the other DC meeting you suggest as well-let's add that to our DC list for upcoming trips . From: Deussing, Eric (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Sent : Tuesday, June 12, 2018 11:15 AM To: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001240 Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(5) Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Re: DoD Follow up meetings for Dr. Redfield in DC I Hi Seth and Teresa, I am actually with a CDC delegation over at AFRICOM (Stuttgart) now . I will discuss tomorrow when we meet with the AFRICOM Surgeon. Setting up a VTC is probably best for that meeting, unless Dr. Redfield wants to make a trip to Germany, which I could help arrange. Additionally along these lines, I think there is benefit in Dr. Redfield meeting with the Joint Staff Surgeon, Admiral (Dr.) Colin Chinn, whose office is in DC at the Pentagon. I can help arrange a meeting with Mr . Mccaffery as well, also in the Pentagon . Please let me know the possible dates/times Dr. Redfield will be available in DC. Very Respectfully, Eric Eric Deussing, MD, MPH, FACPM Commander, Medical Corps, US Navy Department of Defense Liaison to the CDC (404) 639-0392 (office) (470) 303-2924 (mobile) CDCemail : Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (OPHPR) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001241 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Mailstop 0-44 Atlanta, GA 30333 On Jun 12, 2018, at 3:44 PM, Kroop, Seth (CDC/O0/OCS) wrote: Hi Eric, Dr. Redfield would like your assistance in setting up some followups meetings in DC with DoD folks. • Thomas Mccaffery, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs • Appropriate AFRICOM contact Teresa Williams is on this email and is Dr. Redfield's schedulershe can work with you to help arrange these meetings . Teresa: he would like to try to get these meetings in person over his next 2 DC trips, prior to week of July 23 if possible. Phone or VTCwould be a secondary option, but in-person is preferred. Seth Seth Kroop Special Assistant to the Direc tor HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001242 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office: 404-639-6206 Cell: 404-860-7750 Email: skroop@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001243 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 20 Apr 2018 14:25:48 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: Rayburn House Office Bldg/ Room 2111 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001244 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 12 Apr 2018 16:12:55 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Transit: Rayburn House Office Bldg/ Room 2163 From: Sent: To : Two booths that Dr. Redfield can choose from. I have marked the location in yellow below. #1: Next to the door to a Men's bathroom and near/across from room 2166 . This is the one closest to Rep. Cummings' office. #2: Also next to a Men 's bathroom, this one is near/across from room 2129. This one is about mid-way between Rep. Degette 's office and Rep. Cummings' office. Rayburn 2#79co2#88 --- 2"#07to2# 16 fl---2000 to 2#-06 ~ -..J ,.. t,..) =t:t "' ,.. "' 0 0 t,..) t,..) =t:t -..J =t:t t,..) ex, [JUnde rground Tunne l_s '° 2#4 1 to 2#54 2#55 to 2#65 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001245 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 14 May 2018 19:00:31 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Transit: Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2083 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001246 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 6 Jun 2018 12:53:55 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Transit: Rayburn House Office Building/ Room 2163 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001247 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 13 Apr 2018 19:09:19 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: Rayburn House Office Building HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001248 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:21:59 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: Roybal Campus HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001249 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:32:28 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Transit: Roybal Campus HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001250 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 14 May 2018 19:00:39 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Campbe ll, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Transit: Russell Senate Office Building, Room 304 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001251 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 9 Apr 2018 16:57:39 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: Russell Senate Office Building HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001252 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 9 Apr 2018 12:20:01 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: Russell Senate Office Building HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001253 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 5 Apr 2018 15:11:26 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: Senate Russell Office Building HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001254 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 12 Apr 2018 16:21:29 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: Taxi to ATL Airport HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001255 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 30 Apr 2018 17:38:42 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: To Residence HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001256 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 7 May 2018 12:43:20 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: Transit: US Capitol (North Entrance) Directions to The Mansfield Room S207 U S Capitol.doc Attachme nts: From: Se nt: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001257 DIRECTIONS for ROTARY INTERNATIONAL RECEPTION Honoring 2018 Congressional Champions of Polio Eradication and Past Congressional Champions Tuesday, May 15, 2018 ~ 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The Mike Mansfield Room, S-207(SecondFloor) The United States Capitol Building UNITED STATES CAPITOL BUILDING ENTRANCE: The North Door: You will enter The United States Capitol Building via the NORTH DOOR, located on the ground level/first floor on the Senate side of the U.S. Capitol Building [facing Constitution Avenue and the Russell Senate Office Building, and Union Station in the distance]. The North Door is located at the top of a walking ramp on the side of the U.S. Capitol Building. You will be required to pass through a U.S. Capitol Police security screening building on the U.S. Capitol Plaza , prior to being permitted entry to The Capitol through the NORTH DOOR. Please advise U.S. Capitol Police personnel that you are a guest at the Rotary International Polio Eradication Champions Reception in Room S207, The Mansfield Room (2nd Floor) of the United States Capitol. Once you enter the NORTH DOOR , please stop at the Senate Visitors Desk on your left, where you will be asked to rovide your name and destination and receive a Visitor Pass. II guests must be prepared to show proper identification. Guests should not arrive earlier than 15 minutes before the start o(the function as early access to the reception room will not '{J e allowed . The names of all guests who have RSVP'd in advance of the event will be included on the Reception Guest List and will be cleared to proceed to Room S207, the Mansfield Room. Turn LEFT immediately past the Senate Visitors Desk and follow to elevators. Take elevator to 2nd floor. Exit elevator and turn away from the doors facing outside and the US Supreme Court in the distance. Turn LEFT; immediate RIGHT; and immediate LEFT to a hallway and the entrance to the Mansfield Room is on the RIGHT . Please stop at the reception desk to receive a guest name badge before entering the reception. HANDICAPPED ENTRANCE: Handicapped individuals may also enter the Capitol Building via North Door and take direction from a uniformed U.S. Capitol Police officer to the Mansfield Room on the 2nd Floor of the U.S. Capitol Building. Wheelchairs are available for use by visitors in the HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001258 Capitol Complex. Constituents visiting The Capitol may request the use of a wheelchair through their Senators' or Representative's office. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001259 Capitol South llllMMi• https://www ride r-gu ide/stat ions/cap ito l-south .cfm BLUE/ORANGE LINES to Capitol South METRO. Exit at corner of First and C Streets, behind the Cannon House Office Building. Walk straight ahead one block to First and Independence Avenue and see the U.S. Capitol grounds and U.S. Capitol Building to your left. Proceed across Independence Avenue and proceed through the U.S. Capitol East Front Plaza. As you near Constitution Avenue, look for the small white U.S. Capitol Police security screening building on your left on the sidewalk. Pass through this security building and proceed up the walking ramp on the side of the U.S. Capitol and enter the building through the NORTH DOOR. Once you enter the NORTH DOOR, please stop at the Senate Visitors Desk on your left, where you will be asked to provide your name and destination and receive a Visitor Pass . The names of all guests who have RSVP'd in advance of the event will be included on the Reception Guest List and will be cleared to proceed to Room S207, the Mansfield Room. Turn LEFT immediately past the Senate Visitors Desk and follow to elevators. Take elevator to 2nd floor. Exit elevator and turn away from the doors facing outside and the US Supreme Court in the distance. Turn LEFT; immediate RIGHT; and immediate LEFT to a hallway and the entrance to the Mansfield Room is on the RIGHT. Please stop at the reception desk to receive a guest name badge before entering the reception Union Station llllMMi• https ://www.wmata .com/rider-guide/stat ions/u nion-station.cfm RED LINE to Union Station METRO . Exit front of Union Station and walk three long blocks south on Delaware A venue toward the Capitol Building [Senate office buildings will be on your left as you approach Constitution Avenue and the U.S. Capitol Building]. Enter Capitol Building via North Door entrance directions described above. SUGGES TED PARKING: Public parking is very limited around the Capitol complex. The closest public paid parking facility is the garage attached to the rear of Union Station [First Street and Massachusetts Avenue, NE]. Park and walk inside Union Station and exit front of Un ion Station to taxi stand in front of the station. Take taxi to "Senate side" of Capitol Building and enter Capitol via North Door [see North Door entrance directions above]. The District of Columbia does recognize accessible parking permits issued by the states and territories . Parking is permitted at designated handicapped spaces or any metered/on-metered parking space (no fee required), within the hours allowed for general parking in that area. Visitors must display state-issued handicapped tags or permits . Parking is not allowed where stopping, standing or parking is prohibited to all vehicles, in spaces reserved for special vehicles (buses, taxis , etc.), or where it would clearly be a traffic hazard. Handicapped visitors who have an appointment in a Senator's or Representative's office may request accessible parking through that office. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001260 (Senate side) us 21 Supreme Court THECAPITOL ~ piriil=st=SE:= ,.._._ lo __::::::::---=: (House slde) Library of Con,;,ess Washington , D.C. Jefferson Building - ~-~ Congress Library of Madison Building 1n uc ~ --("'.l~ ----- - C....S I Capitol Hill Club 300 1st St SE bldg w~h green caoopy _,,,~ Folger Pltrk ~ - r.1 -i--- .,, ### HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001261 From: Sent: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 1 Jun 201817:57:43 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Transit: USAID HQ, Washington, DC POC: Shamika Williams ! (bJ(6J l(cell), 202-712 -4040 (office) Make sure to arrive at 12:45 to allow for security processing . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001262 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 20 Apr 2018 20:10:45 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Transit: USAID HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001263 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 14 May 2018 18:46:57 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Transit HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001264 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 201817:27:36 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) Transition from W Hotel to CDC HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001265 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 5 Apr 2018 18:52:22 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Travel & clear security: NSC - White House (West Wing, Ground Floor) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001266 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 Apr 2018 18:12:11 +0000 To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Whitney Warren (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Travel Card Training Attachments : Travel Card Training - Registrat ion lnformatio n.pdf, Job_Aid_HowtoPrintCertificateOfCompletion.doc From: Sent: For Questions Contact Whitney Warren wjw5@cdc .gov Office: 404.718.8396 Instructions Log in to the HHS Learning Portal at https ://iam and register for the following course: Course Name: Health and Human Services Travel Charge Card Training Offering ID: 00047851 Please print and save your Training Certificate HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001267 HHSTravel Charge Card Job Aid: Registering for Training Purpose: To provide a step-by-step guide to registering for the official travel card training via LMSand downloading the training certificate. PSC Audience: Travel Cardholders and A/OPCs Registering for the HHS Travel Charge Card Training (Course ID 00047851} Login AMS Access the HHS Learning Portal {LMS) Search for "HHS Travel Charge Card Training" or "00047851" in the Catalog Search box. When the course appears in the search results, click the blue colored text " Launch Content " found under the course description. DO NOT click the coursename. 5. Select "Continue Registration" to complete course registration. You should receive an email from notifying you that you have been registe red for the course. 1. 2. 3. 4. Downloading your HHS Travel Charge Card Training Completion Certificate Select the "Learning" tab Select ''Transcript" Click "Print Certificate of Completion" next to the completed course title The Crystal Report Viewer will open in a new browser window displaying your comp letion certificate. In the top left corner, select the Export icon. 5. The export window will appear in the middle of your screen. From the File Format drop down list, select "PDF". 6. Click "Export" 7. A PDFfile will open displaying your training completion certificate. Save the PDFand send to your local A/OPC. 1. 2. 3. 4. If you are having technical issues with your LMS user profile such as being unable to register for the training or opening your training certificate, please contact the LMS Helpdesk at 855-4952184 or . PSCTransportation Services: Charge Card Management Last updated: 08/2015 Page 1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001268 Step -by-Step Screen Shots - Registering for the HHSTravel Charge Card Training 1. Login AM S lmprnving the health , s ofoty and well - being of Amened J.iffl@I-II-IS IOEfrl.'TiN .t AC'CESS MANAGfJ.tENT ATHl-'LTII ~((_ AMS I Access Manage1nent Systen1 a HL-MAN S.El.\1CES Sunpllf\r,w-.c.'t'IW to lM D~tflU'N ~ ,,,,,, ,"1$ Log in Methods to AMS HSPD-12 Access Cards l rNetwork Credentials l Insert your HSPD· 12 AMS Credentials Applies to: ACF, ACl, AHRQ, CDC/ATSDR, CMS, HRSA, !HS, NIH, OIG, OS, PSC, SAMHSA Access Card 11 yo ur smart card reader before you try to login. ISelect one... v ! [ Select OpDiv: l AMS Username: AMS Password: Network Username: l ogin l ogi n INetwork Password: rf[st -trmeAMS \/sec? Eomot AMSlJsemame? logi n 11 , Forgot AMS Password? J ---Need Help? I Self- Help Web Portal I HHS Privacy Policy 2. Access the HHS Learning Po rta l (LMS) HHS . Hom e OV Unk/O~ink Applications lmvrovlno the health , soletv and wt'-ll·bPino ol AmPrirn ~(("_ My AMS Profile Welcome , Select from the llst of links below to access your applications. Customize your list by linking or delnking available applications. Restricted Access, HHS Network ..i I Announ ce ments &Jsiness Intelligence lnforrret ion Systems {BUS) !HS and PSC Customers - Trans it Subsidy Program w ill now be handled fl:IBe..!islrr Electronic Official Personnelfolder {eOPE) through •GovZone 11 Portal IIAS for OS ACF PSC HRSA SAMHSA AHRO DMAT OIG OPHS ACL NDMS ESS Managing/Account ing Cred~ Card System IPSCl , V Parking ., Open Access, Internet AMSuserSearch ~ GovZonePortal • HHS Learning Porta l ( LMS) myPay ~ • ';' HSPD-12 Access card Required V 111ane- Time Password or HSP0-12 Access Card Required ~ Internet PSCTransportation Services: Charge Card Management Last updated: 08/2015 Explorer Required Page 2 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001269 3. Search for "HHS Travel Charge Card Training" or "0004785 1" in t he Catalog Search box. Cata log Search Enter the course title, course ID, or offering IDin the search field. The LMSwill search on each ord or numeric IDseparately. For example, if Word 2010 is entered as the search criteria, all fferings with either Word OR 2010 in the title, description, abstract , or keywordswill be returned. Use the AdvancedSearch to narrow your search criteria , or check the Exact Match if ou know the exact title of the course. vi( XI In ILearning Catalog Searchl 000478511 Search ) D Showexact matches only Advanced Search I Browse: Category 4. When the course appea rs in the search results, click th e blu e colored text " Launch Cont ent " found under the course description. DO NOT clickthe coursename. All Leaming Activity Search Catalog Search Catalog Knowledge Center Advanced Searc h I Search Tips I Search Prefe re nces Learning Requests RequestApproval Eva!uatiom>a Surveys I In LearningCatalog Searchj00047851 D Show exact matchesonly Showing1 oot of 1 results for •00047851" sort by IRelevance " Refine/Expand search results PageSiz~15 results per page i" Health and Human ServicesTravel Charge Card Trainins (00047651, Ver,lon: 1.0) NOTE:For best results, pleaseuse Internet Explorer 8 when launching this course. The HHSTravel ChargeCard coursegives cardholdersand Administrative / Organization ProSramCoordinators (A/OPC ... Offered As: O!lline Training lani',Jaie: I Price: 0.00 USO vi ◄ Resource-Typc ◄ Delivery Types My 0 ◄ Locations Learn ing Catalog l8l Any □ ◄ Start Date In Next Six Months 0 ◄ Price ◄ C.tegorles My Ii! My 1810 Showfree resourcesonlt English Launch Content I st Add to I Requ~ Private Offenng I Request Pubtic t PSCTransportation Services : Charge Card Management Last updated: 08/2015 Offeiing ◄ Competencies Any 0 ◄ Laneua:ees My Ii! ◄ D Hide coursesnot currently offer ed ◄ Page 3 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001270 5. Select "Continue Registration" to complete course registration. The training course wi ll launch in a new browser w indow following selection of "Complete Registration". AULeaming Activity Please read ... Search Catalog KnowledgeCenter You are already registered for this offering . Are you sure you want to register aga in? Learni ng RE!GUOSts RequestApproval Evaluations a Surveys Current Enrollments and completed co urse items Name Registered On Actions Healt h and Human Services Travel Charge Card Training 03/1 712014 View Completed Course Item Health and Human Services Travel Chari:e Card Training 06/1 1/ 2015 View Completed Course Item Hea,lthand Hu~n Services Travel Chc;1rge Ca.rdTraining 08114 /20 15 View Completed Course Item ( PSCTransportati o n Services: Charge Card Management Last upd at e d: 08/2 0 15 Back to Search Rewlts ) f: ontinue Registration ,. Page 4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001271 Step-by-Step Screen Shots - Downloading your Training Certificate 1. From the LMS Home screen, select the "Learn ing" ta b. configure This Page Catalog Search ,... Welcome to th111 HHS Le.arning Port.all IMPORTANT : HHSmo is OJrrentlyworking to fix Issue that prevents os personnelfrom receiving HHS Leaming Portal (LMS)notifk:atioos and email subscriptions. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause. We witl provide update ont"e the issue has been ter ltle course title, course tO, or offering IOin the search field. The LMSwiU ~arch on each d or numeric )0 separatety. For example, if Word 201(1is entered as the search criteria, atl fferings with either Word OR201o in the title, desaiptioo, abstra ct. or keywords wrube erurned. use dle AdvancedSearch to narrow yoor search criteria, or ched< the £xac.t Match if ou know the exact title of the course. resolved. Search v j~ In ( Leatning Catalog Now Available! D Showexact matches onty The Employee Preparedness Training Advanced Seorch l The HHSEmployeePreparedness.onlineTraining fs.designed to M!lp M,ployee-sbecome f!lmiliarwith EmergelltyPreparednes'5,HHSOctupant EmersencyPlans (OEP)and Proredures, the HHSContinuity of Opefations l>taJI(COOP)and how these relate to you. ln~Progreu communicate in the eve"t that an emergenty OCOJrsa.ndthe r~e that you play in these l@a rmng Activit1es Sort Per OSHAfederal regubtlon and the HHSsafety Manual, employeeswrube provfde.d general x1fety .iware~s training and task-s pecific training In areas needed for the ~fe and efficient exewtion of their work. The actions taken lO the first minutes of an emergencycan be life threatening and e<1ucatiog emPtoveeson practical s.afety measures usl:!d for M\etge-ncy sit uaUons ts ~sen tb,L It ls Important to know wh,U to do and how t o ~egwstratJon Date v j Nome Registration Oo:te Actions I ' ! Health and Hu~n SeNk:es Travel Charge Card 08/14/20 15 Launch Content Training v sibJations. View A.II In-Progress Activities 2. Select "Transcript". .I) Calendar ~ Preferences © , . He lp LogOut L~ming All Learning Activity My In-Progress Learning ExternalLeam_in_g=~Curricula ContinuingEducation No enrollments a.,rreotly available Order History SearchCatalDg Knowledge Center Learning Re{luests Request Approval Evaluati ons &.Surveys PSCTransportation Services : Charge Card Management Last updated: 08/2015 Page 5 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001272 3. Click "Print Certificate of Completion" next to the completed course title Skills Home CoUaboration Success Plan Profile Reports My Compl eted Cours@s All Learn ing Activity 1.n•Progress Learning Transo1pt For Klformation on fH R.Ivatue-s,please refer to the OPMGuide to Data Standards. Certi fication s Curr icula. View the courses you have completed. Continuing Education orde r History --~- Ac.trve lnactwe Seardl Catalog Leaming Requests completion Dat E!a fte r Request Approval Evaluations Q Surveys Completion Date ~fore ~========::::~ ii Delivery Type IAtl 11 Print Completed I~ / Mo,my T•bt• Showing first 25 out of 29 resu lts I!!!! Delivery Type Comp4etion Stat us Date Marked Complete MartcedComplete by Score Grade Duration (HH:MM) Ended/Compl eted On Date Credits Actions Health and ~;!~~ng ,tt ;;, ~;;, ~ ';:_ ;;_ ~ ~=..=.,~ ~ 100 00:30 08/ 14/ 2015 ActiOflS Servkes Travel ChargeCard Tr-alnlnq 4. The Crystal Report Viewer will open in a new browser window displaying your completion certificate. In the top left corner, select the Export icon . . CERTIFICATE of COMPLETION lllliiiilill success.[ 11 //y completed HH S-TCC Health and Human Servic es Travel C har ge Card Trainin g 08/14/2015 '] ~ ~ HHS umvers1ty . J~/~ Trina Greer Chief uarnil)(I omeer Dt1» 1tmtl'tl Of ~al1tl 1n<1HU!Nl'I Strwlttt Unlvtf titf ' ~ u)O,r, ... PSCTransportation Services : Charge Card Management Last updated: 08/ 201S Page 6 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001273 5. The export window will appear in the middle of your screen. From the File Format drop down list, select "PDF". CERTIFICATE of COMPLETION This is to certify that: X FdeFonnat Micros oft Excel (97-2003 ) Micros oft Excel(9 7-2003 ) Dat a-Only Health and H Micros oft Word (9 7-2003 ) Card Training ~ ICfosoft Word (9 7-2003 }- EdaRich Texl Form at (RTF) SeparatedValues (CSV) XML /if; . 11 \ .. ! 6. Click "Export". CERTIFICATE o/COMPLETION This is to certify that : Ellport X Fdefomm PDF Page Range: @ All Q Pages From~ ~-~I To:I --._ IExi> iiiiiiii ort~J Health and H ________ ~ g 08/14/2015 PSCTransportation Services : Charge Card Management Last updated: 08/2015 Page 7 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001274 7. A PDF file wi ll open displaying your training completion certificate. Open and save the PDF to your desired file location. Send the PDFcertificate to your local A/ OPC. CERTIFICATE of COMPL ETION successfully completed HHS-TCC Healt h and Human Services Travel Charge Card Trai ning 08/ 14/2015 HHS un1vers1ty Doyqu want to open or save s.baRq,ortViewff .pdf (112KB)from reportin! PSCTransportation Services: Charge Card Management Last updated: 08/2015 TrinaGreer Chief Learnin Offic ~ Save f• C.ncel Page 8 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001275 Dcp1.1rtmen1of Health & Human Services learnina Portal The Joy of Leornmg Enabled Through Access/ --------------------------------------------- Job Aid: How to Print Completion Certificates Purpose: Use this job aid to learn how to print completion certificates. 1) After logging into the HHS Learning Portal , locate the Navigation Links portlet. Click the View Completed Learning link. Navigation Links I View In-Progress Learning Search the Knowledge View Completed Center 1 Learning View your profile 1I Job Aid: How to Print Certificate of Completion HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001276 Dcp1.1rtmen1of Health & Human Services learnina Portal The Joy of Leornmg Enabled Through Access/ -------------------------------------------------------------- 2) The window will refresh to the My Comp leted Co urses page where the list of most recent completed courses are populated. Click on the Print Certificate of Comple tion link located in the Comp letion Status column of the comp leted course. Home Success Plan All Learning Activity Collaboration Skills Profile My Comp leted Courses MyCertifica tions My Curricula 3 View th e courses you have completed . For su gge stions of a dditional cours e s you can compl ete , Trans cript Continuing Educa ti on Active Inactive ~ Orde r Histo ry In-Progr ess Learn ing Knowledge Cente r Lea rn ing Requests Reques t Approval Evaluations 8: Surveys Completi on Date af ter 09/ 14/201 1 Completio n Date before @d_ 31201 1 Delivery Type jAtl L3 Print Completed Cou r se s Expor t I Modify Tab le Showing 2 ou t of 2 resu lts Vers ion Delivery Type Registration Title 21 Job Aid: HHS 2010 Annua l Ethics Tra ining 1 .0 HHS Initia l Ethics Orientati on 1 .0 How to Print Online Tra ining 12/ 09 /2 011 Online Train ing 12/ 09 / 2011 Date Completion Status 2 Certificate of Date Marked Complete Marked Complete by Score Grade Successf u l Print Certificate of Com12 letion 12 / 09 /2 011 JOAN BERNAL Successfu l Print Certificate of Com12leti on 12/ 09 / 2011 Cre d its Ac tion s 0 Completion HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001277 Dcp1.1rtmen1of Health & Human Services learnina Portal The Joy of Leornmg Enabled Through Access/ --------------------------------------------------------- 3) A window will open with the user's Completion Certificate. Select the Print icon located in the upper left hand corner of the window. It is located just below the Favorites icon. 4 The Print to PDF window will a ear. Click the Ex ort button. ~ http s : /Jiepons . hh s-s tag54 . g peho s tin g . co m/ - c , ys t a l Re po, t Viewe, - Windows Int ernet Explo1e1 - □ i;j • fii:l D rib • Page • Safety • Too ls • 8 • fe, ► 1,00% I. '--------' Pnnt tffi X to PDF ------------ Pa9e Range CEE 0 AII 0 COMPLE --~! From ·~! ? Pnnl T o·! 10 PDF ~he v>ewer must export lo PDF to pnnt Choose the Print option •rom the PDF re,ide-r applicllbon once tne document s openec Note Y ou must halo'e a PDF reoder 111staled to pr nL { eg -.. Ill Aid: How to Print Cert Training i ficate of Completion HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001278 Dc p1.1rt me n1 of Healt h & Huma n Services l ear nina Port al The Joy of Leornmg Enabled Through Access/ -------------------------------------------------------------- 5) The File Download window will open. Click the Open button. ~ tntr ~, n * 1t.r-0r~s nh .. ~, - Favorites ~ ~ El ◄ ~ I 1 .... . 5-4 ep ·h 0 ► .. ~ - 0) Page - 1100% - I ..ta F _,.or Safet y - I- .Ntndows l t. Inter net Explor e , - 111 Tools - ft ~ ~ ~ J . ·-Fil e Im Download Do ,11ou w a n t to open CEI ~ Name: 01 save thi s file ? SabaReportViewer. Type : Adobe Acrobat Do cument, Fro m: reports.hhs-stag54 11 5 Open 2 LEI pdf 111KB .gp ehost ing .c om lll Sav e II Can c el I ~ wr , ~ Whil e files from th e lnt emet c an be u se ful. so me files c an pot enti a lly harm your computer. If you do not tru st the source, do no t open or th,=-r,~~? save thi s file . Vv nat HHS HHS-AET 2010 Annual Ethics 12 / 09 / 2011 Training v] < .I 41 Job I JIil Aid: How to Print Certificate of 12. Completion HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001279 Dcp1.1rtmen1of Health & Human Services learnina Portal The Joy of Leornmg Enabled Through Access/ ----------------------------------------------------------------- 6) The PDF viewer will open. Click the printer icon located on the left hand side. 7) The Print window will open. Click the OK button. ~ ..-.b,.,fi:.-.po, 1 ,,...w~[ t] p t ti• ,...._A 11 I ..,._. ---------------------------------,.,::'.) Create ... ~ Comb ine .... E3 Multimedia I / ~ .... I Pr int CER Pr in ter (iuE'.ot;t.AficloMJ! C3000 po; 'i Name, S t atus : Type : Print •EJ Ready RICOH A flclo MP C3000 IDoc ument PCL 6 Ra:ng e 0 A II 0 Cur r ent ':u t n 1--1 and Mairkups v iew ~ l P&g e Handltng Co p ie s: ..,__ _____ ~ j Shrir. Scali ng : 0 Auto -Rotate D Choose C k to Printable ------0;! T 1 AFea and Center pape r source ,, 8.5 4t _ by PDF page sfze " D D aind Forms : Prev iew : C omposite subset: Page Pr'Ope;r'ties comments ;;;- Un its ; I nches Pr int to fi le Zoom __ : 9 6 °/o Pr-int c o lo r- a s black ~ tj :::fV t::tJ. .:'P=,;=nt=;ng =T=ip~s~I.:: ' ~Ad ~v~anc ~e~d~ --=Su:m:ma.-:::..•:::=e~C=omm=en:t•:__ •~-l ..1 •!::: '==0=K=::!J ~ l!.:: [::::'. C:'.: an::'.: ce~I ::::'.,___ o..,..,,n.en, o• - • - and Human $enn<>t5 _Jj Unlv<>r5i'ty 8) This concludes the job aid. 51 Job Aid: How to Print Certificate of Completion HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001280 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 20:42:21 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Travel to HHS Humphrey Building - 200 Independence Avenue, SW HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001281 From: Sent: To : (omc2@cdc .gov);Kroop, Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 Apr 2018 14:29:39 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Travel: CDC Roybal Campus HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001282 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 28 Mar 2018 14:38:19 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Travel: CDC Roybal Campus HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001283 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 Apr 2018 19:21:15 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Travel: Chamblee Campus, Building 106 [Two Parking Spots reserved at Visitor's Center, Map Attached) Attachment s: Map-Chamblee _Visitor Parking Marked.pdf From: Se nt: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001284 CHAMBLEE CAMPUS ACCESS MAP UPDATED JULY 24, 2014 C & /IIITI!!•· CO N TIIOL. ,o. AftD Olall& P'•EYllNTION a & BEVERLY IIlLl.S / 5TH AVE ENTRANCE (CDC ENTRANCE FOR PEDESTRIANS, ......-----' .J p,urnoN r '----- -t ~~ .._smic, ~-'~ AND DELWEruFS ONL\1 ( ~ 4 WALKING RO UTE 1/ CAMP US BUILDINGS j -------162 VISITOR CEN . TER ' ~ .p - //1 p s< ll .. CAMP US ACCESS POINTS MAIN ENTRANCE BUEORDHWY , 0 /// HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001285 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) From: Sent: To : Subject: 25 Apr 2018 19:53:57 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Travel: Cherokee Town and Country Club 22 Minutes/ 6.4 miles . 1 I @ '- .... ~ l 0 Qj .... ., euc~ttuo ~, .. ........... Allt @ PUC .. TRU H U I ~h• • lI - I Q r u l••EU• PARK ~ ttf'ar~ rvM, 0 ULAKTIC 11:f.ATIOtl HOME l' AI IO' - \ • Au,mu 9Qta.,,;c,,l Gar<.M,Jn,j 8 1lodo!ffls-,,OdlUUd,g 0 twtSc •~ o...,_"""'"'""""""o --~ l)IQyolCDr9ffl -~--•Mllfl9 G u.s.-c.a,d,,, 0 c:.,p«dllll«or(om., HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001296 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 25 Apr 2018 19:59:00 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Travel: Residence HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001297 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 28 Mar 2018 18:18:49 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Travel: Russell Senate Office Building HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001298 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 May 2018 16:25:42 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Hug h Green (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)( 5) Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Norton, Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: TRAVEL: Silver Spring , MD ltineraryN3630Y _ 16MAY .PDF Attachme nts: From: Se nt: I I Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee CDC-W room: HHH Room: Weathe r: Special Assistant: Hugh Green Travel Coordinator: Jenn Norto n Flight Schedule : Hotel : E-Ticket Receipt : Travel Autho rization : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001299 _&OMEGA __ MORLD~ Omega Federal Services Hotel/Car/Air/Rail 855.326 .5411 7A-10P EST 855 .326.5411 Emergency A-2E6H-CDC Your Conne ction to the World Wednesday, 16MAY 2018 08:51 AM EDT Passengers : ROBERT RAY REDFIELD (TANUM0G6JZ) Agency Record Locator: N3630Y »V iewTrip » TSA PreCheck » FAA Airport Info » Federal Travel Online Please do not reply to this email. This is an unattended email box Omega World Travel must be notified within 24 hours regarding corrections. Thank you. Fare Quote: 318.40 USO Fares are not guaranteed until ticketed. The quoted fare does not include any applicab le service fees. AIR Thursday, 21JUN 2018 Delta Air Lines Flight Number : 150 From : (ATL) Atlanta GA, USA Dep art: 11:01 AM To: (DCA) Washington Reagan Natl DC, USA Arrive : 12:47 PM Stops: Nonstop Duration: 1 hour(s) 46 minute(s) Seats: 29C Status: CONFIRMED Class: L-Coach /Economy Miles: 541 / 866 KM Equipment: Airbus A321 Jet DEPARTS ATL TERMINALS -ARRIVES DCA TERMINAL B Frequent Flyer Number: I (bl{6l I Delta Air Lines Confirmation number is GTINM2 Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass: Delta Click here for Baggage policies and fees: Delta AIR Wednesday , 27JUN 2018 Delta Air Lines Class: L-Coach/Economy Flight Number : 2020 From : (DCA) Wash ington Reagan Natl DC, USA Depart : 12:36 PM To: (ATL) Atlanta GA, USA Arrive : 02:34 PM Stops: Nonstop Duration: 1 hou r(s) 58 minute(s) Seats: 24C Status: CONFIRMED Miles: 541 / 866 KM Equipment: Airbus A321 Jet DEPARTS DCA TERMINAL B -ARRI VES ATL TERMINALS Frequent Flyer Number· I (bl{6l I Delta Air Lines Confirmation number is GTINM2 Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass: Delta HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001300 Page 1 of 2 Click here for Baggage policies and fees: Delta TOUR Thursday, 25OCT 2018 THANK YOU FOR BOOKING WITH OMEGA WORLD TRAVEL CHECK-IN TIME ARE 90 MINUTES PRIOR TO DEPARTURE FOR DOMESTIC FLIGHTS OR 120 MINUTES FOR INTERNATIONAL CHECK CARRIER WEB SITE FOR CHANGE/CANCEL AND BAGGAGE POLICIES Changes to air line reservations may result in an increase in fare and/or carrier penalties. Please verify the validity of picture ID, passport and/or any visa requirements if traveling abroad Facebook lnstaaram llnkedfn Twitter VouTube HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001301 Page 2 of 2 From: Sent: To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 7 May 2018 12:24 :19 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbel l, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: WA LK: Bldg. 21, DCR HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001302 From: Sent: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 16 Apr 2018 18:25:52 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: WALK: Bldg. 21, DCR HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001303 From: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 1 May 2018 18:14 :51 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov) ;Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7@cdc .gov) ;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: WA LK: CDC Campus Bldg. 19, GCC HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001304 From: Sent: To : (;Knotts Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 13 Apr 2018 14:53:35 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) , Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) Walk: CDC Clinic HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001305 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 14 Jun 2018 12:35 :04 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Walk: DCR HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001306 From: Sent: To : Subject: Attachments : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 14 Jun 2018 11:44:22 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) WALK: Greet ADM Brett Giroir (ASH) ***Arr ives between 11:30-11:40 AM*** R3 schedule addition tomorrow _ 11_30am.msg HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001307 From: Sent: To : Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) 13 Jun 2018 18:07:18 -0400 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Subject: Att achments: Import ance: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) R3 schedule addition tomorrow : 11:30am ASH visit Agenda 6.14.2018_final.docx High Hi all, I received word from Dr. Redfield that he would like to greet ADM Giroir (ASH) when Giroir arr ives on campus tomorrow between 11:30-11 :40. Dr. Redfield's Shepard remarks end right at 11:30. I wonder if we can have the Shepard fo lks try to get 5 minutes ahead of schedule so that he can finish at 11:25? Nikki-you ' re in contact with them, right? Anyway, at 11:30 on his calendar tomorrow, please add that he w ill meet ADM Giroi r in the Visitor ' s Center . Robin Ikeda w ill also be the re. I can let her know. Nikki-can you let othe r cont acts work ing on Giroir's visit know? Thanks all. Seth Seth Kroop Special Assistan t to the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevent ion Offi ce: 404-639-6206 Cell: 404-860-7750 Email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001308 Agenda U.S. 0-epart m ent of Hea lth and Human ~rvices Cente rs for Dlseasl! Con trol and P,~cntion June 14, 2018 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Welcomes Assistant Secretary for Health Brett Giroir, MD ADM , U.S. Public Health Service CDC Roybal Campus, 1600 Clifton Road, NE, 30329 Arrival and Security Check-in *Please bring a valid passport or government-issued ID Location: Roybal Campus, Building 19, Visitor's Center 11:30 am - 11:40 pm ADM Giroir Arrives, Welcom ed by Dr. Robin Ikeda (RADM, USPHS) CDC Deputy Director; Director of t he Offi ce of Non-com mu nicable Diseases, Injury, and Environmen t al Health (ONDIEH) Travel to building 21 and take elevator to 12 th floor. Location: Roybal Campus, Buildin g 21, Floor 12, Room 12302 Topic: Briefing on Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Report 11 :40 am -12 :00 pm Participants: • ADM Brett Giroir, Assistant Secretary for Health, HHS • CAPT Meena Vythili ngam, Senior Menta l Health Advisor, OASH • • • • M r. Steven Valentine, Deputy Chief of St aff, OASH M s. Laura Pence, Policy Adv isor for Public Health and Science, HHS RADM Jonathan Mermin, Director, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP) Dr. Kathleen Ethier, Director, Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH), NCHHSTP • • M s. Sara Zeigler, Associate Director for Planning and Policy Coordina t ion, NCHHSTP M s. Rebecca Payne, Associat e Direct or fo r Policy, Comm unicat ion and Strategy, DASH/NCHHSTP • M s. Kate Galatas, Deputy Associate Director for Communication , CDC • M s. Sara Patt erson , Act ing Direct or , Program, Perf orm ance and Evaluat ion Office (PPEO) Location: Roybal Campus, Building 21, Floor 12, Room 12302 Lunch Topic: HIV/HCV Work ing Lunch with the Nationa l Center for HIV/A IDS, Viral Hepat it is, STD, and 1 of 4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001309 TB Prevention (NCHHSTP) Participants: 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm • • • • ADM Brett Giroir, Assistant Secretary for Health, HHS CAPT Meena Vythilingam, Senior Mental Health Advisor, OASH Mr . Steven Valentine, Deputy Chief of Staff, OASH Ms. Laura Pence, Policy Advisor for Public Health and Science, HHS • Dr. Sonja Rasmussen, CDC Deputy Director, Director of the Office of Infectious Diseases RADM Jonathan Mermin, Director (NCHHSTP) CAPT Paul Weidle, Acting Director, Division of Viral Hepatitis (DVH), NCHHSTP Dr. Eugene McCray, Director, Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP), NCHHSTP Dr. Kathleen Ethier, Director, Division of Adolescent and School • • • • Health , NCHHSTP • • M s. Sara Zeigler, Associate Direct or fo r Planning and Policy Coordination, NCHHSTP Ms. Sara Patt erson, Acting Director, Program, Performance and Evaluation Office (PPEO) Location: Roybal Campus, Building 21, Floor 12, Room 12302 Conference Bridge Line: 1-866-790-5704 Passcode: I 'b)l6' I CDC Influenz a Lab Tour 12:45 pm- 1:30 pm Participants: • ADM Brett Giroi r, Assistant Secretary for Health, HHS • CAPT Meena Vythilingam, Senior Mental Health Advisor, OASH • Mr. Steven Valent ine, Deputy Chief of St aff, OASH • Ms. Laura Pence, Policy Advisor for Public Health and Science, HHS • Dr. Sonja Rasmussen, CDC Deputy Director, Director of the Office of Infectious Diseases Dr. Nancy Messonnier, Director, National Cent er for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) • • • CAPT Daniel Jernigan, Director, Influenza Division, NCIRD Escort: Ms. Sara Patterson, Acting Director, PPEO Location: Roybal Campus, Building 21, Lobby to meet Dr. Messonnier; walk to Building 17 Topic: Physical activity/Obesity/Nutrition M eeting with National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP)/Division of Nut rition Physical Activity and Obesity (DNPAO) 1:30 pm - 2:15 pm Participants : • ADM Brett Giroir, Assistant Secretary for Health, HHS • CAPT Meena Vythilingam, Senior Mental Health Advisor, OASH 2 of 4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001310 • M r. St even Valent ine, Dep uty Chief of Staff, OASH • Ms. Laura Pence, Policy Advisor for Public Health and Science, HHS • RADM Robin Ikeda, CDC Deputy Director, Director of the Office of Non-communicable Diseases, Inj ury, and Environmental Health • Dr. Ruth Petersen, Division Director , DNPAO • CAPT Heidi Blanck, Chief, Obesity Prevention and Control Branch , DNPAO • Ms. Janelle Gunn, Associate Director for Policy, DNPAO • Ms. Sara Patterson , Acting Director , PPEO • Ms. Nafisa Jiwani, Team Lead, CMS Policy & Partnerships, Office of the Associate Director for Policy Location : Roybal Campus, Building 21, Floor 12, Room 12302 Conference Bridge Line: 1-866 -790-5704 Passcode: I 'b"6'I 2:15 pm - 2:30 pm BREAK Topic: Public Health Workforce M eeting with the Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services (CSELS) Participants : • ADM Brett Giroi r, Assistant Secretary for Health, HHS 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm • • CAPT Meena Vyt hil ingam , Senior Mental Health Adviso r, OASH M r. Steven Valentine , Deputy Chief of Staff, OASH • M s. Laura Pence, Policy Advisor for Public Health and Science, HHS • RADM Michael lademarco, Director, CSELS • Dr. Leandris Liburd, Associate Director for the Office of Minority Health and Health Equity, CDC • Dr. Patricia Simone, Director, Division of Scientific Education and Professiona l Development (DSEPD),CSELS • Ms . Heather Duncan, Deputy Director, DSEPD,CSELS • M r. Russ Cantrell, Director, Public Health Associate Program, Off ice for Stat e, Tribal, Local, and Terr ito rial Support • Ms . Sara Patterson, Acting Director, PPEO Location : Roybal Campus, Building 21, Floor 12, Room 12302 Conference Bridge Line: 1-866 -790-5704 Passcode: I 'b"fi'I Topic: Opiates and Public Health Surveillance M eeting with National Cente r on Inj ury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) and CSELS Participants : 3 of 4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001311 3:15 pm - 4 :15 pm • • ADM Brett Giroi r, Assistant Secretary for Health, HHS CAPT Meena Vythilingam, Senior Mental Health Advisor, OASH • Mr. Steven Valentine, Deputy Chief of Staff, OASH • Ms . Laura Pence, Policy Advisor for Public Healt h and Science, HHS • Dr. Chesley Richards, CDC Deputy Director, Director of the Office of Public Health Scientific Services • RADM Robin Ikeda, CDC Deputy Director, Director of the Office of Non-communicable Diseases, Injury, and Environmental Health • Dr. Debra Houry, Director, NCIPC • RADM Michael lademarco, MD, MPH, Director, CSELS • Dr. Puja Seth, Lead, Overdose Epidemiology and Surveillance Team, NCIPC, • Dr. Christina Mikosz, Medical Officer, NCIPC • Ms . Elizabeth Solhtalab, Acting Associate Direct or for Policy, NCIPC • Ms. Sara Patterson, Acting Director, PPEO Location : Roybal Campus, Building 21, Floor 12, Room 12302 Conference Bridge Line: 1-866 -790-5704 Passcode: I {bV6l I Small Group Meeting with Dr. Redfield Participants: • ADM Brett Giroir, Assistant Secretary for Healt h, HHS 4:15 pm - 5:00 pm • • CAPT Meena Vythilingam, Senior Mental Healt h Advisor, OASH Mr. Steven Valentine , Deputy Chief of Staff, OASH • Ms . Laura Pence, Policy Advisor for Public Health and Science, HHS • Dr. Robert R. Redfield, Director, CDC, and Administrator, ATSDR • Ms. Sara Patterson, Acting Director, PPEO Location: Roybal Campus, Building 21, Floor 12, Director's Conference Room Assistant Secretary ADM Giroir Departs 5:00 pm • Escort- Ms. Sara Patterson, Acting Director, PPEO Location: Visitor's Center, Building 19 4 of 4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001312 From: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 2 May 2018 19:23 :35 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7@cdc .gov);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: Walking Trans : CDC Campus HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001313 From: Sent: To: (;Knotts Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 May 2018 19:26:56 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Walking Transit : Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health Aud itorium HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001314 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 May 2018 19:22:53 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);SethKroop (CDC/OD/OCS)(wpw7@cdc .gov);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: Walking Transit : Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health Aud itorium From: Sent: To : Directions to event (Driving) Turn right out of CDConto Clifton Road. Proceed ahead to Houston Mill Road - turn right at light . As you start down the hill, take the first left onto Rollins Way. Enter t he first parking deck on the right you will need to press the buzzer to have them lift the gate . Drive ahead and you w ill see a parking spot w/an orange cone w/Dr . Redfield's name on it . Once parked, walk back across Rollins Way . You will see two building connected by a bridge . Enter the one to the left (Claudia Nance Rollins Building) . The Rollins Auditorium (where the event is being held) is immed iately on the left. I .. ~ 1 l -~- HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001315 Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) 30 Mar 2018 12:45:33 +0000 To : Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) (;Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);lademarco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Boyle, Coleen (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Baue r, Ursula (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NC IPC);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD) ;Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) (;Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Sosin, Dan (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Cc: Kitt, Margaret (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Subje ct: Weekly CDC Senior Leadership Roundtable Discussion Attachme nts: Untitled.msg, Untitled.msg, Untitled.msg, Untitled.msg, Untit led.msg, Untitled .msg, Untitled.msg, Untitled.msg, Unt it led .msg, Untitled .msg, Untitled .msg, Untitled.msg, Untitled .msg From: Se nt: Delegates are allowed wi t h prior app roval. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001316 From: Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) Sent: 30 Mar 2018 12:49:51 +0000 To : Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) (;Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);lademarco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Boyle, Coleen (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Bauer, Ursula (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Sorrells, Mar jor ie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) (;Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Sosin, Dan (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) (;Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);lademarco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Boyle, Coleen (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Bauer, Ursu la (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) (;Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Sosin, Dan (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Cc: Kitt, Marga ret (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kit t , Margaret (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Subject: Weekly CDC Senior Leadersh ip Roundtable Discussion Delegates are allowed with prior approval. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001317 From: /o=cdc/ou=exchange administrative group (fyd i bohf23spd It)/ cn=reci pie nts/ en=coo4 To : Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) (;Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);lademarco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Boyle, Coleen (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Bauer, Ursula (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) (;Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Sosin, Dan (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Cc: Kitt, Margaret (CDC/NIOSH/OD) Subject: Delegates are allowed with prior approval. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001318 From: /o=cdc/ou=exchange administrative group (fydibohf23spdlt)/cn=recipients/cn=coo4 To: Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) (;Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);lademarco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);Boyle, Coleen (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Bauer, Ursula (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonn ier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) ( ;Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Sosin, Dan (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Cc: Kitt, Margaret (CDC/NIOSH/OD) Subje ct: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001319 From: /o=cdc/ou=exchange administrative group (fydibohf23spdlt)/cn=recipients/cn=coo4 To: Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) (;Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);lademarco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);Boyle, Coleen (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Bauer, Ursula (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonn ier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) (;Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ ITSO) (CTR);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Sosin, Dan (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Cc: Kitt, Margaret (CDC/NIOSH/OD) Subject: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001320 Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) 10 Apr 2018 22:44:01 +0000 To : Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) (;Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);lademarco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Boyle, Coleen (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Baue r, Ursula (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD) ;Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Sorrells, Mar jor ie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) (;Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Envision -Wash DC (CDC);Johnson, Edward L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ;Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) (;Wolfe, M itc hell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);lademarco, Michael {CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charl es J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Boyle , Coleen {CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Bauer, Ursula (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Self, Sonya L. {CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) (;Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Sosin, Dan (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Cc: Kitt, Marga ret (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD);Mac Kenzie, William R. (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS) (;Kitt, Margaret (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Subject: Weekly CDC Senio r Leadersh ip Roundtable Discussion (Agenda Attached) Attachments: SLRDAgenda 2018 - April 12.docx From: Sent: Delegates are allowed with prior approval. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001321 CENTERS CONTROL FOR AND DISEASE -.. PREVENTION CDC Leadership Roundtable Discussion Tuesday , April 12, 2018 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Building 21, 12th Floor, OD Conference Room (12302) I. Updates & Announcements Dr. Anne Schuchat II. Healthy People 2030 Dr. Von Nguyen Ill. Around the Table Discussion HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001322 From: /o=cdc/ou=exchange administrative group (fydibohf23spdlt)/cn=recipients/cn=coo4 To: Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) (;Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);lademarco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);Boyle, Coleen (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Bauer, Ursula (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonn ier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) (;Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ ITSO) (CTR);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Sosin, Dan (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Cc: Kitt, Margaret (CDC/NIOSH/OD) Subject: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001323 From: /o=cdc/ou=exchange administrative group (fydibohf23spdlt)/cn=recipients/cn=coo4 To: Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) (;Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);lademarco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);Boyle, Coleen (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Bauer, Ursula (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonn ier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) (;Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ ITSO) (CTR);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Sosin, Dan (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Cc: Kitt, Margaret (CDC/NIOSH/OD) Subject: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001324 From: /o=cdc/ou=exchange administrative group (fydibohf23spdlt)/cn=recipients/cn=coo4 To: Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) (;Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);lademarco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);Boyle, Coleen (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Bauer, Ursula (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonn ier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) (;Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ ITSO) (CTR);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Sosin, Dan (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Cc: Kitt, Margaret (CDC/NIOSH/OD) Subject: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001325 From: /o=cdc/ou=exchange administrative group (fyd i bohf23spd It)/ cn=reci pie nts/ en=coo4 To : Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) (;Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);lademarco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Boyle, Coleen (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Bauer, Ursula (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) (;Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Sosin, Dan (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Cc: Kitt, Margaret (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Subject: Delegates are allowed with prior approval. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001326 From: /o=cdc/ou=exchange administrative group (fyd i bohf23spd It)/ cn=reci pie nts/ en=coo4 To : Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) (;Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);lademarco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Boyle, Coleen (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Bauer, Ursula (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) (;Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Sosin, Dan (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Cc: Kitt, Margaret (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Subject: Delegates are allowed with prior approval. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001327 From: /o=cdc/ou=exchange administrative group (fyd i bohf23spd It)/ cn=reci pie nts/ en=coo4 To : Sosin, Dan (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) (;Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);lademarco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);Boyle, Coleen (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Bauer, Ursula (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) (;Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Envision-Wash DC (CDC);Johnson, Edward L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Peeples, Amy B. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Ruiz, Roberto (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Cc: Kitt, Margaret (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Jafari, Hamid (CDC/CGH/OD) Subje ct: Weekly CDC Senior Leadership Roundtable Discussion (Agenda Attached) Attachme nts: SLRDAgenda 2018 - April 19.docx Delegates are allowed with prior approval. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001328 CENTERS CONTROL FOR AND DISEASE -.. PREVENTION CDC Leadership Roundtable Discussion Thursday , April 19, 2018 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Building 21, 12th Floor, OD Conference Room (12302) I. Updates & Announcements Dr. Anne Schuchat II. Around the Table Discussion HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001329 Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) 17 Apr 2018 15:53:40 +0000 To: Sosin, Dan (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Schuchat , Anne MD (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) (bl(6l IRedd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD ); Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD );ladema rco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);Boyle, Coleen (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Bauer, Ursula (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);N u en Von CDC/OD/OADP);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR) <0 ><6l orley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Berger , Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Howe , Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Envision -Wash DC (CDC);Johnson, Edward L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Johnson, Kimberly D. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kitt, Margaret (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Briss, Peter (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Jafari, Hamid (CDC/CGH/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Weekly CDC Senior Leadership Roundtable Discussion (Agenda attached) SLRDAgenda 2018 - April 30.docx Attachments: From: Sent: I Delegates are allowed with prior approval. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001330 CENTERS CONTROL FOR AND DISEASE -.. PREVENTION CDC Leadership Roundtable Discussion Monday , April 30, 2018 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Building 21, 12th Floor, OD Conference Room (12302) I. HHS Secretary's Employee of the Month Lisa Clark - April EOM; Supervisor - Dr. Grant Baldwin II. Updates & Announcements Kyle McGowan Ill. Around the Table Discussion HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001331 From: /o=cdc/ou=exchange administrative group (fyd i bohf23spd It)/ cn=reci pie nts/ en=coo4 To: Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OAD cj (b)(6) !Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);lademarco, Michael (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/OD);Rothwell, Charles J. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);Boyle, Coleen (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD);Bauer, Ursula (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP);Breysse, Patrick N. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR)I (b)(6) !Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Howard, John (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);lkeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Mermin, Jonathan (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ ITSO) (CTR);Dauphin, Leslie (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Envision-Wash DC (CDC);Johnson, Edward L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Sosin, Dan (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Cc: Kitt, Margaret (CDC/NIOSH/OD);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Jafari, Hamid (CDC/CGH/OD);Truman, Benedict I. (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Dean, Hazel (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Williams, Michael (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Zeigler, Sara (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP);Knotts, Ashley {CDC/OD/OCS);Johnson, Kimberly D. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Weekly CDC Senior Leadership Roundtable Discussion (Agenda/bios attached) Attachments: SLRDAgenda 2018 - April 23.docx, ODPHP bios.docx Delegates are allowed with prior approval. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001332 CENTERS CONTROL FOR AND DISEASE -.. PREVENTION CDC Leadership Roundtable Discussion Monday , April 23, 2018 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Building 21, 12th Floor, OD Conference Room (12302) I. Updates & Announcements Dr. Anne Schuchat II. HP2030 Dr. Von Nguyen Ill. Around the Table Discussion HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001333 Don Wright, MD, MPH Dr. Don Wright has served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health and Director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) since January 2012. In this capacity, he leads coordination and policy development for public health and prevention activities within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. From February 2017 through January 2018 , Dr. Wright served as the Acting Assistant Secretary for Health and, in the fall of 2017, he briefly served at the Acting Secretary of Health and Human Services. As Director of ODPHP, Dr. Wright provides leadership for the Healthy People initiative and; and oversees the development the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, and national action plans that address adverse drug events and health care-associated infections. Prior to joining ODPHP, Dr. Wright served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Healthcare Quality. From 2007 to 2009, he was the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health. Before joining HHS, Dr. Wright was the Director of the Office of Occupational Medicine for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Prior to entering federal service he had a private medical practice in Texas. Dr. Wright received his undergraduate degree from Texas Tech University , a medical degree from the University of Texas, and an M.P.H. from the Medical College of Wisconsin . He completed his family medicine residency training at Baylor College of Medicine and is board-ce1tified in both Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine . Carter Blake y Carter Blakey is the Deputy Director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Director of ODPHP's Division of Commu nity Strategies (DCS) . ODPHP plays a key ro le in deve loping and coordinat ing disease prevention and health promotion policy for the nation. As the DSC director, she oversees the Healthy People 2020/2030 activities on behalf of HHS and coordinates the initiative across the Federal Government and among non-federa l stakeholders. Since the late 1990s, she has worked on the myriad aspects of the Healthy People initiative, ranging from the development of the specific IO-year health objectives to implementation strategies across multiple sectors. Before joining ODPHP , her consulting career encompassed numerous activities in the health and biomedical arenas, including projects for the National Institutes of Health, the Congressional Office of Techno logy Assessment, the Counc il for Respo nsible Nutr ition, the HHS Office of Public Health and Science, ODPHP, and the National Center for Hea lth Statist ics. Previously , Ms. Blakey worked in public affairs and government relations for the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology; as a managing editor for FDC Reports, Inc. , a publi shing company specializing in health and the pharmaceut ical industry; and as a teaching /resea rch assistant at Georgetown University, Department of Biology. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001334 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 30 Mar 2018 20:08:02 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS) Norton (CTRM (OJ(6) !Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (b)(6) Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO);Gaines-McCollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO);Whitney (b)(6) Warren (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: Weekly Scheduling Meeting Attachme nts: Untitled.msg, Untitled.msg, Untitled .msg, Untitled.msg, Untit led.msg, Untitled .msg, Untitled.msg, Untitled .msg From: Se nt: I I I I I I I I I I I I To discuss: • Schedule • Decision List • Travel HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001335 From : /o=cdc/ou=exchange adm inistrative group (fydibohf23spdlt)/cn=recipients/cn=tmd9 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS) Norton (CTR)! (b){6) !Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (bJ(6J Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (b)(6) Kat herine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) ;Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Hoo, Eli zabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO) Cc: Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: I I I I I I I I I I To discuss: • Schedule • Decision List • Travel HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001336 From : /o=cdc/ou=exchange administrative group (fydibohf23spdlt)/cn=recipients/cn=tmd9 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/0D/OCS);Norton, Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/0D/OADC);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (b)(6) Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Subject: I I I I I I To discuss: • Schedule • Decision List • Travel HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001337 From : /o=cdc/ou=exchange administrative group (fydibohf23spdlt)/cn=recipients/cn=tmd9 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Stre ngth, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Norton, Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Dan iel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: To discuss: • Schedule • Decision List • Travel HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001338 From : /o=cdc/ou=exchange administrative group (fydibohf23spdlt)/cn=recipients/cn=tmd9 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/0D/OCS);Norton, Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/0D/OADC);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDCJI (b)(6l !Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/0D/OADC);Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Campbell, Amanda (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: I I I To discuss: • Schedule • Decision List • Travel HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001339 From: /o=cdc/ou=exchange adm inistrative group (fydibohf23spdlt)/cn=recipients/cn=tmd9 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Stre ngth, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Norton, Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Dan iel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: To discuss: • Schedule • Decision List • Travel HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001340 From : /o=cdc/ou=exchange adm inistrative group (fydibohf23spdlt)/cn=recipients/cn=tmd9 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS) Norton (CTR) (;Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (bJ{6J Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (b)(6) Kat herine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: I I I I I I I I I I To discuss: • Schedule • Decision List • Travel HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001341 From : /o=cdc/ou=exchange administrative group (fydibohf23spdlt)/cn=recipients/cn=tmd9 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/0D/OCS);Norton, Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/0D/OADC);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (b)(6) Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC); Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/0D/PPEO);Green, Hugh (CDC/0D/OCS);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: I I I I I I To discuss: • Schedule • Decision List • Travel HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001342 From: /o=cdc/ou=exchange administrative group (fydibohf23spdlt)/cn=recipients/cn=tmd9 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (b)(6) I Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) I (b)(6) I Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) I (b)(6) I Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, (CDC/OD/OCS);Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) I (bJ(6) IBrad Allen Bartee Nikki Jo (CDC/0D/OCS);Jennifer (CDC/0D/OCS) Norton (CTR~ (b){6) I Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/0D/OCS) I (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Green, Hugh (b)(6) I Katherine Lyon (CDC/0D/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC)I (CDC/0D/OADC);Hoo, Elizabeth CDC/OD/PPEO);Gaines-McCollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO);Whitney (b){6) Warren (CDC/0D/OCS Cc: Campbell, Amanda (CDC/0D/OCS) ;Galatas, Kate (CDC/0D/OADC) Subject: To discuss: • Schedule • Decision List • Travel HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001343 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 2 May 2018 11:56:50 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Stanojevich, Joel G. (CDC/CGH/OD);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: WHA Bilateral Review HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001344 From : Sent: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 19 Apr 2018 20:53:39 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Schaeffer, Alison (HHS/05/0GA);Knotts, Ashley (b) (6J ~;Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OD/OCS);Mitchell Wolfe (CDC/OD/CDCWO) (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (bJ( 6l !Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD) (CDC) I Cc: Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/05/0GA) Subject: WHA Discussion I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001345 From: Sent: To : Subject: (Short Remarks) Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 14 May 2018 12:56:26 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) WHA Launch of the WHO Immunization Business Case for the African Continent HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001346 From : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 18 Apr 2018 16:54:23 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Jafari , Hamid (CDC/CGH/OD) ;Stanojevich, Joel G. (CDC/CGH/OD);Ervin, Elizabeth (CDC/CGH/OD);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD) Cc: Jernigan , Daniel B. (CDC/OID/NCIRD) WHA Pre-Brief Subject: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001347 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 18 Apr 2018 17:30:10 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD);Jafari, Hamid (CDC/CGH/OD);Stanoj evich, Joel G. (CDC/CGH/OD);Ervin, Elizabeth (CDC/CGH/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Corley, Ronald D. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Howe, Kristin (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Johnson, Edward L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) (CTR);Envision -Wash DC (CDC);Self, Sonya L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ ITSO) (CTR);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Thomas, Marissa (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Jernigan , Daniel B. (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Cormier, Justin (CDC/CGH/OD) Subje ct: WHA Trip Pre-Brief ( VTC via CDC/W ) Attachme nts: 00_ Annotated _ Prebrief2 Agenda.docx, 3May2018.v2_WHA Side Event Tracking_ CDC_ S-14.xlsx, 71 WHA Provisional Agenda_ S-4-2018.pdf, Ending.Cholera.Global.Roadmap.Summary.published.pdf, Key Messages fo r Bilats_ WHA2018 _ draft _ CGHpol.docx , PIP info brief_Redfield_05-10-18_NCIRD .DOCX, PIPOverview_ Redfield_05102018.ppt , WHA 20 18 Background Document Cholera.docx, WHA 2018 Bilat CDC recommendations for Robert Redfield _ S-9.xlsx, R3 WHA AAG 05 .15.18 v.2.docx From: Se nt: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001348 71 st World Health Assembly Pre-brief #2 Agenda 1. Logisticsupdate and review At-A-Glance (AAG) - Scott Scales/Joel Stanojevich a. Travel updates b. Chair assignments (if any) c. Side events (speaking roles vs. attendance) d. Scheduled bilats 2. Bilateral meetings - Rebecca Martin/Joel Stanojevich a. HHS bilat assignments (may still be pending) b. Review key messages 3. Readout from WHA listening session {May 11th, 2018)- Mitch Wolfe 4. Other items - Joel Stanojevich a. Final materials deadline b. Remarks for speaking engagements - OADC Reference materials: 1. 2. R3 At-A-Glance (AAG) Provisional Agenda 3. Updated side event list 4. Bilat list 5. Bilat summary table 6. Official delegation list (if available) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001349 Official/ GHSAAction Package Consultation and Review Sat 19-May 20-May The GHSA Post-2018 Subgroup Unofficial Sunday,May 20, 2018 World Economic Forum TBD Rebecca Martin (attending) Bring ing together AP leaders, active members, inte rested SG members, GHSAadvisors and partners to brainstorm on objectives and activities going forward Intercontinental Hotel Or. Redfie ld (attending) Rebecca Martin (active participant) Dr. Wolfe (attending) Alma Golden Open to everyone TBD Stop TB Partnership Roundtable Discussion: The role of multistakeholder collaboration Sun Unofficial l3: 30-lG:OO in bridging the gap I Mon 21-May Accelerating Progress: Planning, Unofficial Prioritization and Partnerships to Advance Global Health 12:00 - 14:00 Security UHCin emergencies- call to Official action/ Operationalizing UHC Mon 21-May 12:30- 14:00 commitments in conflict and crisis affected situation Getting Local with Global Health Unofficial Security: A Path Toward Sustainable Action Mon 21-May 16:00- 18:00 Mon 21-May ENOUGH.Making 2018 the year Unofficial 18:00 - 19:45 for action and accountability on NCDs I Monday, May 21, 2018 Private Sector Roundtable (PSRT) Intercontinenta l Hotel ASH (speaking) Dr. Redfield (attend ing) Dr. Martin (attending) Dr. Wolfe (attending) Switzerland,cosponsoredby The Palais des Nations Rebecca Martin Netherlands/ Afghanistan (att ending) GHSAC, MSH, GHTC, NTI, PATH, Global Health Countil, Global Health Security Agenda Next Generation Network NCOAlliance Or. Redfield (proposed speaking role) Mitch Wolfe (att ending) Rebecca Martin (attending) Intercontinental Rebecca Martin Hote l - Ballroom A (attending) Club Suissede la Presse, Route de Ferney 106 Registration will be open soon (as of 4/ 20) Reception to follow Tuesday,May 22, 2018 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001350 Page 1 of 18 Date Tues 22-May Tues 22-May Time Official/ Unofficial U.S. Global Health Programs and Unofficial Universa l Health Coverage Title Tues 22-May Location Kyle House Group & the Globa l Health Council Inte r conti nental Hote l Kenya and Zimbabwe cosponsored by Benin (On behalf of the African Group), Botswana, Ghana, Haiti, Iran, Lesotho, Luxembourg, Maldives, Mozambique, Panama, Rwanda, Swaziland, Uganda, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Palais des Nations 8:00 • 9:30 Towards Unive rsal Coverage with HIV Prevention Services and Commodities -the Global Prevention 12:30 - 14:00 Coalition and Roadmap Official Taking Civil Society Engagement Official (nonto New Heights to Advance State actor) WHO's 13th General Tues 22-May Organizers lS:OO. 19:30 Programme of Work and Achieve the Triple Billion Targets Country led and country-owned Official efforts to eliminate malaria/ Ministerial Call for Action to 18:00 - 19:30 Eliminate Malaria in the Greater Mekong Subre ion b 2030 PATH, Caritas lnternationalis, Palais des Nations Global Health Council, - Room IX International Federation of Medical Students' Associations, International Pediatric Association and International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation China and Sri Lanka, cosponsored Palais des Nations by Papau New Guinea, Spain, Zambia/ Myanmar U.S. Re resentative OGA Dr . Redfie ld (attend ing only if OGA present as del lead Rebecca Martin (attending) Rebecca Martin (attending at times) Notes Invite only; need to confi rm if OGA should lead; Please RSVP to emily@kyleho usegroup .com No RSVPrequired . First come • first serve space Rebecca Martin (attending at times) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001351 Page 2 of 18 Date Wed Wed Wed Wed 23-May 23-May 23-May 23-May We d 23-M ay Wed 23-May Time Tit le Value of a Globa l Health Security Index Unofficial Health Security 100 Years After the Spanish Flu Pandemic Luncheon Unofficial 7:30 - 9:00 12:00 - 14:00 23-May Organizers NTI- Bio, Johns Hopk ins Center for Health Security, The Econom ist Inte llig ence Unit , Bill & Me linda Gates Foundation , World Bank Group World M edica l Associat ion, the International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations Location U.S. Recresentat ive RSVP: 666766 POC:Jose Fernand ez (Jose .Fernandez@hhs .gov) Humanitarium of the Internation al Committee of the Red Cross, 17 Avenue de la Paix RSVP: https://spa nishinfluen . rsvpify .com/ Rebecca Martin (at t end ing) W HO/ AFRO & WHO/E M RO Dr. Redfie ld (spea king at highleve l part ner view) Dr. M artin (Q&A lead) Dr. Wo lfe (attend ing) From the Ground Up: NCDs, TB, and Resilient Health Systems Unofficial Global Health Council, NCO Club Suisse De la Roundtable, Stop TB Partner ship, Presse, 106 Route ACTION de Ferney Rebecca Martin (at t ending) Offi cial South Africa & Russian Federation, cosponsored by Brazil & India 12:30 - 14:00 16:00 - 18:00 Towa rds Ending TB- BRICS efforts to achieve Universal Hea lt h Coverage 18:00 - 19:30 in t he context of preparations for th e UN High Leve l Meeti ng on Tuberculosis Unfinished Journey: The Global 18:00 - 20:00 Health Response to Children & Road Traffic Not es Int ercontin enta l Rebecca Martin Hote l, Ballroom 8- (at t ending) C Off icial launch of the W HO Technical immun ization busine ss case for Briefing t he Afr ican cont inent Reception to Celebrate the Cholera Control Resolution Wed Official/ Unofficial Register: https ://www /e/from -the -ground -up -ncdstb-a nd -resi lient-hea Ith svstems-tickets -45255849464 Palais des Nations Dr. Redfi eld (attending) M itch Wo lfe (atte nding) Rebecca M art in (at t ending) Unofficial FIA Foundation Intercontinental Hote l Mitch Wo lfe (attending) Unofficial Global Task Force on Cholera Control Restaurant Vieux Bois Dr. Redfield (attending last half) Rebecca Martin (attending) 18:00 - 20:00 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001352 Page 3 of 18 Date Time Titl e Informal Guinea Worm Wed 23_May Wed 23-May 18:00 - Official/ Unofficial Unofficial io:ooEradication Meeting of Ministers of Health Impact of Digital Health on 18:00- 20:30 NCDs and Universal Health Unofficial Diverse Pathways and Unofficial Partnerships to Universal Health Thurs 24-May Fri is-M ay 8 :00 _ lO:OO Coverage Better Access for All with Official (nonSustainable Financing System s: State actor) the Role of the Privat e Sector l 9:00 - l 9 :50 and New Innovation s to Achieve Universal Health Covera e Organizers Location U.S. Re resentative Mitch Wo lfe (attending) WHO Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases Pala is des Nations NCOAllia nce, Novartis Foundation, Inte l Corporation Mandarin Orienta l Rebecca Martin Hote l, (attendin g) Global Health Council, living Goods, lntraHealth International, Frontline HealthWorkers Coalition Club Suisse De la Presse, 106 Route de Ferney Global Diagnostic Imaging, Healthcare IT and Radiation Therapy Trade Associatio n and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturer s and Association s Palais des Nation s Dr. Wolf e - Room IX (attending) Rebecca Martin (attending after AM meeti ng) Not es Register : https ://www .eventbrite .com / e/ diverse -pathways -andpa rtnersh ips-to -universa 1health -coverage -tickets 45069463980 No RSVPrequired . First com e - first serve space HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001353 Page 4 of 18 Offici al/ Sat Sat Location Third Roundt able on Cervical cancer: An NCD we can overcome Unoffici al Globa l Health Object ives, Universite Numerique Francophone Mondiale Int ercontinen t al Hote l Medite rr anee Room Ted Trimb le (speak ing) Contact : Ther ese Let hu tl ethu@ globalhealthobjectiv Netwo rking reception 18:0020:00 GHSAAction Package Consultation and Review Unofficial The GHSA Post-2018 Subgroup TBD Rebecca Martin (attending) Bringing together AP leaders, active members, interested SG members, GHSAadviso rs and partners to brainstorm on objectives and activities going fo rward Walk the Talk Unofficial WHO, Vill e and Canton, Swiss Mi ssion Palais des Nation s: Everyone 3km, 5km, 8km rou t es NCD Alliance , Unio n fo r International Cancer Control, World Heart Federation & fr iend s Palais des Nations World Economic Forum Intercontinental Hote l 19-May 15:30-1 8:00 19-May TBD Sunday, May 20, 2018 Sun Sun Sun 20-May 20-May 20-May 9:45 - 13:00 The Health for All Challenge Unoffici al Booth & Team ' ENOUGH.' 10:30 - 13:00 Together we are stronger. Togeth er w e can #BeatNCDs (At Walk t he Talk) Stop TB Partnersh ip Roundtab le Unofficial Discussion: The role of multistakeholder collaboration in bridging the gap 13:30-16:00 Dr. Redfield (attending) Rebecca Martin (active participant) Dr. Wolfe (attending) Alma Golden (proposed) Open t o everyone Registration and more at iace ntr e/ eve nts/2018/w alk-t het alk/en/ POC:Jess Roach ( and Jacob Eckles ( http ://www room/events/detai l/ 20 18/05/ 20/ defau lt -calendar/walk -the tal k-th e- healt h-for -a IIchalleng e Open t o everyo ne RSVP: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001354 Page 5 of 18 Date Time Titl e Global Health Council WHA Welcome Reception Sun Official/ Unoffici al Unofficial Globa l Health Counci l Hote l Royal, Rue Lausanne 41 Hote l Lobby NCD A lliance Office, 31-33 Avenue Giuseppe Organizers Location 20-May 14:00 - 16:00 Unofficial NCD Alliance Sun 20-May NCD A ll iance Civil Society Advocacy Briefing 15:00 - 16:30 WHO, Bloomberg Philanthrop ies Hote l Kemp inski 20-May Saving Lives, Spending Less: A 17:00 - 18:00 Strategic Response to Noncommunicable diseases Unofficial Sun Traditional German recept ion Unofficial Germany Sun 20-May Unofficial Sun 20-May GEHealthcare, Women in Global I nterContinenta I Health Hote l Sun 20-May Sun 20-May 20:00 Mon 21-May 7:30 - 9:30 Mon 21-May 7:45 Mon 21-May 18:00 Heroines in Health: Celebrating 18:00 - 21:30 Women in Global Health The G20 and Global Health: Unofficial 18:30 - 20:30 Leveraging Innovation to Tackle Global Health Pandemics 8:00 - 10:00 Ted Trimb le (proposed) Not es Open to everyone Register: https://www .eventbr I el glob aI- hea Ith-co u ncil-ghcworld-hea Ith-a ssem b ly-wha we lcome- recept ion-tickets45034050056 Invitation Only Reception to fol low Chateau de Secretary/HOD Penthes, Chemin (invited) de l'lmperatrice 18, Unitaid, Argentina, France Hote l President Wilson Secretary (invited) ASH (proposed) Invitation only Contact Miriel le.Ranade@ RSVP: unita Secretary/HOD (invited) Invitation only; Minister or HOD only; cocktails at 19:30, Launch Event: Alliance of Champions for Mental Health and Wellbein Unofficial Canada Demaine de Penthes, 1292 Transformat ive Approaches to Health Workforce Education, Trainin , and Skills M inisterial breakfast on Antimicrobial Resistance Unofficial GEHealthcare, USAID I nterContinental Hote l Unofficial Sweden Restaurant VieuxBois Unofficial AstraZeneca Intercontinental Hote l Driving Novel Partne rship Throughout the NCD Lifecycle: New Approaches to Preventing and Treating Respiratory and Cardiovascular Diseases in LMICs U.S. Re resentative Garrett Grigsby (proposed) Jeni Healy (proposed) Invitation only; contact Secretary (invited) ASH (attend ing) RSVP:by Friday 11 May: RSVP: ms/d/e/lFAlpQLSclyV0L UI294Poal08FJEIEYFEeuKb6LmRP c9CaoygOtAdlg/viewform HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001355 Page 6 of 18 Date Time Mon 21-May 8:00- 10:00 breakfast at 7:30 Mon 21-May 8:20 - 9:00 Mo n 21-May Mon 21-May Mon 21-May Mon 21-May Mo n 21-May Mon 21-May Tit le Official/ Unofficia l Organizers Location U.S. Reoresenta t ive Healthca re for People, Not Siloes for Diseases: Explor ing Relevant Solutions to Shape a Future of Integ rated Care for NCDs at country level GRUA Heads o f Del meeti ng Unofficial Lilly, NCOAlliance Unofficial Global Health Security Commu nity Meeting Unofficial Palais des Nations, ASH Tracy Carson Room VII Peter Schmeissner Jose Fernandez; Wo rld Econo mic Forum Int er co ntine ntal Jose.Fernandez@h Hot el (invite d ) Hillary Carter; Hillary _ H_Carter@ nsc.eop. gov (invited) ASH (speaking) Private Sector Roundtable (PSRT) Intercontinenta l Dr . Redfield Hote l (attending) Dr. Martin (attending) Dr . Wolfe (attending) 8:30-11:00 (12:00 ?} Accelerating Progress: Planning, Unofficial Prioritization and Partnerships to Advance Globa l Health 12:00 - 14:00 Security Assistive Technology: Making 12:30 - 14:00 Universa l Health Coverage incl usive Prima ry Healt h Care and Unive rsal Healt h Coverage: 12:30 - 14:00 The evidence, contributions and effectiveness of Commu nit y Healt h Wor kers UHC in emergencies - call to action/ Operationa lizing UHC 12:30 - 14:00 commitments in conflict and crisis affected sit uation Geneva Launch of t he Lancet Guttmacher Sexual and Repro 12:30 - 14:30 Health Rights (SRHR) Com mission Repo rt Restaurant Vieux Bois Official Pakistan, cosponsored by China Official Ethiopia & Ecuador, cosponsored Palais des Nations by Algeria & No rway Officia l Switzer land, cosponsored by The Palais des Nations Nether lands/ Afghanistan Unofficial PMNCH Page7 of 18 Notes RSVP: m/s/pf255u8okeka7 f ko4scar2 nal zm48b64 Invitati o n on ly Palais des Nations Rebecca Martin (attending) Chateau de Penthes, Chem in de l'lmperat rice 18, 1292 PregnyChambesy HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001356 Date Time ~lbcilwtttr~ ,,... . ....~.,'A 9~1'.:~ Molt ~-~~ ;;t$ti» :;. --.• -. Mon • 21-May : ,:~ U~til Mon 21-May 18:30 Mon 21-May 18:30 Location ~ ~/GMtc;Jtm,,fil:ttt,ckm~dtta ,~ l:fQlfft~~ Nm WHO 70th Anni ve rsary Reception Global Surgery: A Powerful Strateg y fo r Advan ci ng Wo men's Health Fourth Industr ial Revolution U.S. Reoresenta t ive ' Or,.,~ ~ue~~~e .tpr~ l:erney11:11 jpUkfii.tdli:l ~ i~M: Notes :~~b ·~af 4/#ll ~will Q -ei~n : ~~~ ' ~nr "c • '.. ENOUGH.Making 2018 the year Unofficial 18:00 - 19:45 for action and accountability on NCDs Bui ldi ng Solut ions to Patient Unofficial Challenges in NCDs 21-May 18:00 - 20:00 l Organizers ,":'; .,.~I HO~ Coun~~I j~1;w.~ . Mon Mo n 21-May Official/ Unofficial Tit le I r, - NCD Alliance Intercontinental Rebecca Martin Hot el - Ballroom A (attending) Reception to follow Access Accelerated, NCD Allia nce Intercontinental Hote l RSVP: ms/d/e/ 1FAlpQLSf8WWuZmG _ HSz8kRpyH4i2ffFz5DkOmKvr TSDPw mbJEGlFJAA/viewform Unofficial Switzerland Palais des Nations Unofficial G4 Alli ance, GE Fo undation Inte rcontine nt al Hot el Unofficial World Economic Forum Restaurant Vieux Bois 19:30 - 21:30 Secretary (invited) RSVP& details: theg regist rat ion INVITE ONLY; confirm ing if Head of Del can attend RSVPto ASH • J. "' • II I • Tuesda , Ma 22, 2018 Tues 22-May Tues 22-May 7:30 - 9:30 (10:00?) Fut ure of Globa l Health and Healthcare: Game Changers for Impact Unofficial Daily GRUAmee ti ng Unofficial World Economic Forum I nterContinental Hot el Secretary (invited) Amb Birx (speaking) RSVP: https ://wefor m/s/pf255u8 okeka7fko4scar2 nal zm48b64 Palais des Nations, Room VI I 7:45- 8:45 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001357 Page 8 of 18 Date Tues 22-May Tues 22-May Time 7:45 - 9:30 Title Money & Microbes: Strengthening Clinical Research Capacity to Prevent Epidemics) Official/ Unoffici al Unofficial Notes U.S. Global Health Programs and Unofficial Universa l Health Coverage Kyle House Group & the Global Health Council Int ercontinenta l Hotel Callign to Global Action for Epilepsy International League Against Epilepsy; Internationa l Bureau for Epilepsy International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum, Avenue de la Paix 17 Register at https://goo .gl/ti7M HH World Heart Federation I nterContinenta l Hote l Contact: 8:00 - 9:30 Unofficial Tues 22-May Positioning Circulatory Health in Unofficial Universa l Health Coverage. The Case for 12:15 - 13:45 Hypertension Launch Event : Global Unofficial Antimicrobial resistance Research and Development Hub Tues 22-May U.S. Reoresentative Int ercontin ental Hote l Ballroom AE 12:00- 14:15 Tues 22-May Location International Vaccines Task Force Tues 22-May Tues 22-May Organizers Unofficial OGA Dr. Redfield (attending only if OGA present as del lead) Invite only; need to confirm if OGA should lead; Please RSVP to Oana.Scarlatescu@worldhear Germany W IPO, 34, chemin de Colombettes 13th floor Taiwan Intercontinental Hotel 12:30 Forum on Taiwan 's Approach to 12:30 - 13:30 Promoting Health Equality RSVP:Erika Hartingh at with your name, title and organization Secretary (speaking RSVPby Friday 13 April:; l+l - 3min persons per delegation intervention) Lynn Fil pi (Lynn.Fi Co-sponsor - put our name on it; no obl igations Taiwan will issue press release with attendees names; no formal media Primary Health Care is key to Techn ical achieving Unive rsal Health Briefing Coverage (UHC) and Health For 12:30 - 14:00 All (lead up to 40t h Anniversaryof Alma Ata and 2019 General AssemblyHighlevel meetingon UHC) Page9 of 18 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001358 Date Tues 22-May Tues 22-May Time Title Official/ Unoffici al Organizers Location Tackling noncommunicable Official diseases as a major cont ribution to Unive rsal Health 12:30 - 14:00 Coverage: are regulatory interventions a costeffective alterna t ive? Colombia, cosponsored by Costa Pala is des Nations Rica, Ecuador, Finland, The Nether lands, Uruguay Towards Universal Coverage with HIV Prevention Services and Commodities -the Global Prevention 12:30 - 14:00 Coalition and Roadmap Kenya and Zimbabwe cosponsored by Benin (On behalf of th e African Group), Botswana, Ghana, Haiti, Iran, Lesotho, Luxembourg, Official Palais des Nations U.S. Reoresentative Notes Rebecca Martin (attending) Maldives, Mozambique, Panama, Rwanda, Swaziland, Uganda, Ukraine, Uni ted Kingdom of Great Britain and Tues 22-May Unofficial World Economic Forum World Economic Forum, Route de la Capite 91-93 Turning the Tide on NCDs:Why we needto focus on youth Unofficial Restaurant Vieux Bois, Entre Acte s Room Diagnostics and the Fight Against Superbugs Unofficial Ast raZeneca Young Health Program, Plan International UK, RTI Internationa l, Imperia l College London NCO Child AdvaMedDx The Graduate Institute Geneva Globa l Health Center, Lifebo x Maison de la paix, Auditorium Ivan Pictet 15:00 - 18:00 Tues 22-May 16:30 - 19:30 Tues 22-M ay 17:30 - 19:30 Tues 22-May Primary Care Coalition Workshop: Designingfor success 18:00-17:15 From Paper to Policy in 10 Years: Unofficial How a checklist is informing global po licy Page 10 of 18 Maison de La Paix RSVP: .co m/s/pf25Su8okeka7fko4scar2 nalz m48b64 RSVP -- RSVPto staff@advameddx .org RSVP ng/en/pid/8646 1/ _/ events/globa l health/aconversation-with -atul gawande HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001359 Date Tues 22-May Time Official/ Unofficial Taking Civil Society Engagement Official (nonto New Heights to Advance State actor) WHO 's 13th General Title lS :OO_ 19:30 Programme of Work and Achieve the Triple Billion Targets Tues 22-May Tues 22-May Country led and country-owned Official efforts to eliminate malaria/ Ministerial Call for Action to 18:00 - 19:30 Eliminate Malaria in the Greater Mekong Subregion by 2030 Global action on patient safety Official for achieving effe ctive Universal Health Coverage 18:00 - 19:30 ... Jt.fterfi :;,._d_. : ............. ftwiAlt -.r Organizers U.S. Reoresentative Rebecca Martin (attendin g at times) Location PATH,Caritas lnternationalis, Palais des Nations Global Health Council, - Room IX International Federation of Medical Students' Associations, International Pediatric Association and International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation China and Sri Lanka, cospon sored Palais des Nations by Papau New Guinea , Spain, Zambia/ Myanmar Notes No RSVP required. First come - first serve space Rebecca Martin (attending at times) United Kingdom of Great Britain Palais des Nation s and North ern Ireland , cosponsored by Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Kenya, Luxembou rg, Malta , Oman, Poland, Saudi Arabia , Afric a, Sri Lanka Pfoltctl:liiilffl' ! liil'St.Wola: ......·-,-.. ~ Tues 22-May Nut rition Education and IDF Action on Junk Food and Serving Sizes to tackle Obesity 18:00 - 20:00 and prevent Diabetes among Children, Women and all those at risk Tues 22-May 18:00 - 20:30 Global Health: Partnering for Impact Unofficial International Federation Unofficial Sanofi Diabetes -r~:.:. ..._.,_,, .~ .:.· . ~ '•• :•;.:,,,..:/ ' •••• I nterContinenta I Hote l Restaurant Vieux Bois Invitatio n Only HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001360 Page 11 of 18 Date Tues 22-May Wed Wed 23-May 23-May Time Tit le NCD prevention and adolescents: The imperative for 18:30 - 21:00 action Official/ Unofficia l Unofficial Organizers AstraZeneca Programme, International International, Wednesday, Young Health Plan UK, RTI Imperial College May 23, 2018 Location U.S. Reoresenta t ive Notes Restaurant Vieux Bois - Entre Actes room WHO AFRO Side event - need more deta ils from Elana Unofficial Kempinski Hote l Can Universal Health Coverage be achieved without ending violence against children? Progress in achieving the targets of the WHO Global Plan of Action to address interpersonal violence Value of a Global Health Security Index Unofficial Canada, Ghana, End Violence Against Children, WHO, World Vision Restaurant La Vie des-Champs Light breakfast served RSVP: b/form/abc6ddaf2d604a119b7 79aec2af40f02 Unofficial Intercontinental Rebecca Martin Hotel, Ballroom 8- (attending) C RSVP: 666766 POC: Jose Fernandez ( TBD 7:30 - 8:45 Wed 23-May 7:30- 9:00 Wed 23-May 7:30- 9:00 Wed 23-May 7:30 - 9:30 Wed 23-May 7:45 - 8:45 Wed 23-May 8:00- 10:00 Wed 23-May 8:30- 17:00 Wed 23-May 12:00- Partnerships to Scale Health Foundations Project Development and Financing for Africa Daily GRUA meeting Unofficial NTI-Bio, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, The Economist Intelligence Unit, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Bank Group PMNCH, UN Foundation, etc. Unofficial GEHealthcare Medicines we Can Trust: A Call to Safeguard Quality International Global Health & Antimicrobial Resistance Workshop 2018 Unofficial WHA Townhall: Next Generation Unofficial Unofficial Unofficial USP,Access to Medicine Foundation , PATH, ReAct, etc. World Federation of Public Health Associations NCD Child Intercontinenta l Hote l Intercontinental Hotal Palais des Nations, Room VI I Restaurant Vieux Bois Institute of Global Health Restaurant VieuxBois Invi tation only; contact RSVP: https://www /e/internationa l-globalhea Ith-anti micro bia Iresistance-workshop-2018t ickets-40902299880 Contact: Invitation only HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001361 Page 12 of 18 Date Wed Wed 23-May 23-May Wed 12:00-14:00 12:00 - 14:00 Tit le Value in Healthcare : World Health Policy Session Health Security 100 Years After th e Spanish Flu Pandem ic Luncheon Official/ Unofficial Unofficial Unofficial Games and the Brain: Healt h, 12:00 - 14:30 Education and Video Games Unofficial Official 23-May Why women, chi ldren, adolescen t s and yout h are 12:30 - 14:00 central to advancing UHC, QED and SRHR 23-May Qualit y of Care fo r Better Health Official Out comes: The Next Frontie r t o Fulfill i ng the Promise of UHC/ 12:30 - 14:00 Institutionalizing social part icipatio n and hearin g people's voic e to secure sustainable gain s fo r UHC We d 23-May Wed Time ll¥t~Qt ttiifWffO ~ Organizers Location Wo rld Economic Forum President Wil son Hote l World Medic al Associat ion, the International Federat ion of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies, t he International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations Consortium of National V ideo Game Associations Humanitarium of t he Int ernat iona l Comm ittee of the Red Cross, 17 Aven ue de la Paix Restaurant Vieux Bois '~ • Rebecca Martin (attendin g) Notes RSVP: ht tps://weforum .ent .box .co m/s/pf25Su8okeka7fko4scar2 nalzm48b64 or RSVP: https ://spa nishinfluenza .app . rsvpify .com/ Lunch provide d Sweden & Malawi , cosponsored Pala is des Nation s by Denmark, France, Georgia, Mozambiqu e, Norway, Portuga l, Slovenia Argentina/ Iran, cosponsored by Chil e & Thailan d -.0/.vRl) Pala is des Nations &'~MBQ •Qt..fltWfd imonkituttOnb liWeu Clli for H fbj .\~ U.S. Reoresenta t ive ~:at ttti fi-- feft t,PfflriW~~ :: : Et. u.H n{• t~M ' ~~ '(O ndb,sf Wed 23-May Privat e-Sector Account ability for W om en's, Child ren' s and 14:30 - 16:30 Adolescent Health Unofficial World Economic Forum World Econ om ic Forum Route de la Capit e 91-93 RSVP: Harry Lacsamana lacsamanah@who.i nt HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001362 Page 13 of 18 Date Time Tit le From the Ground Up: NCDs, TB, and Resilie nt Healt h Systems Wed 23-May Wed 23-May Wed Wed 23-May 23-May Wed 23-May Wed 23-May Wed 23-May Wed 23-May Wed 23-May Official/ Unoffici al Organizers Location U.S. Reoresenta t ive Unofficial Globa l Healt h Council, NCD Club Suisse De la Roundtable, Stop TB Partnership, Presse, 106 Route ACTION de Ferney Rebecca Ma rtin (at t ending) Gyneco logical Oncology, early Detect ion and Prevention Membe r States Commitm e nt to the Global Movement towards Univ ersal 18:00 - 19:30 Healt h Coverage : Focused Actions on Primary Health Care and Financing for Effective Del ivery Towards Ending TB- BRICS efforts to achieve Univer sal Health Coverage 18:00 - 19:30 in the conte xt of preparati ons for the UN High Level Meeting on Tuberculosis Official (non State actor) International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Palais des Nations - Room IX Ted Trimb le? Official Indonesia on behalf of Mik t a, cospo nsored by Australia, Ghana, Maldives, Mexico, Repub lic of Korea Palais des Nations Official South Africa & Russian Federation , cosponsored by Brazil & India Palais de s Nations The WHO Transformation Agenda in Africa : Delivering 18:00 - 20:00 Results and Impact Unoffi cial WHO AFRO Kempinski Hote l Unfinished Journey: The Global 18:00 - 20:00 Health Response to Children & Road Traffic Recept ion to Celebra t e the Cholera Contro l Resolut ion 18:00 - 20:00 Unofficial FIA Foundation Intercontinental Hote l Mitch Wo lfe (attending) Unofficial Globa l Task Force on Cholera Control Restaurant Vieux Bois Informal Guinea Worm Eradication Meeting of 18:00 - 20:00 Ministers of Health Unofficial WHO Department of Control of Neglected Tropi cal Diseases Pala is des Nations Dr. Redfield (attending last half) Rebecca Martin (at t ending) Mitc h Wo lfe (attending) Launch of the Framework on 18:00 - 20:00 Nurt ur ing Care for Early Childhood Developm ent Unofficial PMNCH, UN Foundation , etc. Restaurant Vieux Bois 16:00 - 18:00 18:00 - 18:50 Notes Register : https ://www /e/from -the -ground -up- ncdst b-and -r esi lient -hea Ith svstems-tickets-4 5255849464 No RSVPrequ ired. First come - fir st serve space Dr. Redfield (attending) Mitch Wolf e (attending) Rebecca Martin (attendi ng) RSVPto Chi bi Moredreck chibim@who. int HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001363 Page 14 of 18 Date Wed Wed Wed 23-May Time Tit le Impact of Digital Health on 18:00 - 20:30 NCDs and Universal Health Coverage Official/ Unofficia l Organizers Location Unofficial NCOAlliance, Novartis Foundation, Inte l Corporation Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Quai Turrettini 1 Rebecca Martin (attending) Continuing progress in global Unofficial health: work ing together for the future (IFPMA 50th Anniversary) International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (IFPMA) Intercontinental Hotel Secretary (invited to speak) ASH (proposed) RHOAction side even t World Heart Federat ion Graduate Institute of Internationa l and Development Studie s, Chemin Eugene- Every Child, Everywhere: Unofficial Leveraging Innovation for Childfriendly Medicines for Poverty 18:30-20:00 related and Neglected Tropical Diseases Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi), the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tube rculosis and Malaria, and Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum Av. de la Paix 17 TBC first anniversary panel on the Global 19:00 action plan and national response Mobi lizing Society: Inspiration 19:00 - 19:50 for Developing National Responses to Dementia Unofficial Alzheimer's Disease International Palais des Nations Official (non State actor) Alzheimer's Disease International Palais des Nations, Room IX 23-May 18:00 - 21:00 23-May Unofficial 18:30 - 20:00 Ri~.-,t Wed 23-May Wed 23-May Wed 23-May U.S. Reoresenta t ive Notes Can adapt timing of speech to fit schedule POC: Emily Bleimund (Emi ly.Bleimund@hhs .gov) Contact: Alastair.White@worldheart.o rg 'J RSVP childfriendlymedicines@mm Refreshments served at 18:00 No RSVPrequired. First come - first serve space Thursday, May 24, 2018 TBC WASH/I PC/AMR Unofficial WHO IPCTeam, WaterAid Happiness, Health and NCDs Mind the Gap! Unofficial Global Psoriasis Coalition, International Feder ation of Psoriasis Associations, NCO Alliance Thurs 24-May Thurs 24-May TBC Page 15 of 18 Int ernational Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001364 Date Time Tit le Annual GCM/NCD Breakfast Thurs 24-May Official/ Unofficia l Unofficial Organizers WHO GCM on NCDs 7:00 - 9:00 Location U.S. Reoresenta t ive Notes Chateau de Penthes - Chemin de l'lmperatrice 18, 1 ?Q? PrP""V- Thurs 24-May 7:30 - 9:00 Thurs 24-May 7:45- 8:45 Thurs 24-May Thurs 24-May 8:00- 10:00 Changing the Story: Creating a New Obesity Narrat ive Unofficial Daily GRUAmeeting Unofficial World Obesity Foundation, Restaurant Vieux World Economic Forum, Govt Bois of Denmark, Novo Nordisk, NCD Child, Healthv Caribbean Coalition Palais des Nations, Room VI I Diverse Pathways and Unofficial Partnerships to Universal Health Coverage Global Health Council, Living Goods, lntraHealth International, Frontline HealthWorkers Coalition Club Suisse De la Presse, 106 Route de Ferney Towards Universal Access to Solid Organ Transplantation Official Spain, cosponsored by Algeria, Argentina, Costa Rica, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Portugal, Qatar, Russian Federation, Uruguay Palais des Nations Inc lusive Formulation of Evidence-based Policies and Programmes for Universal Health Coverage Official Uganda, cosponsored by Ethiopia Palais des Nations & European Union 12:30- 14:00 Thurs 24-May 12:30 - 14:00 Thurs 24-May lnteragency Technica l Briefing: 12:30 - 14:00 "Health,E n~ronm entand Climate Change" RSVP:Amira Ghouaibi amira.ghouaibi@weforum.or g Rebecca Martin (attending after AM meeting) Register: https://www .eventbrite .com le/diverse-pathways -andpa rtne rsh ips-to-u niversa Ihealth-coverage-tickets45069463980 Technical Briefing HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001365 Page 16 of 18 Date Thurs 24-May Thurs 24-May Thurs 24-May Time Titl e Human Rights in Global Health: Rights- based Governance for a 15:30 - 17:00 Globa li zing Wor ld book launch & panel discussion From Burden to Solution Ending Tube rculosis, Beat ing Non -Communicabl e Diseases 18:00 - 18:50 and Achiev ing Health for All Through A lcohol Policy Best Buvs Imp lementat ion Combatting the Challenges of Substandard and Falsified 18:00 - 19:30 Medic al Products: the Critical Role of Regulators . .. ~-· ,, ,, .. --- Thu~ ::..-. '"" ' " A~..., .. ~ ., ~ Official/ Unoffici al Unoffici al -- U.S. Reoresentative Location O'Neill Institut e and Graduate Inst itut e Graduate Institut e / M aison d e la Paix Official (nonState actor) IOGT Internationa l and suppor t ed by the delegat ions of Botswana, Lithu ania, Sloveni a and Tha iland Palais des Nations, Room IX Official M exico, cosponso red by Irel and, Palais des Nation s Mark Abdoo? Japan, United State s of Am er ica Pffldl l } ---·• ·.:w. ----~~ Flj\----~~ .. .c:· .:.o1---•~ Dr.~ -~~ • Thurs 24-May Thurs 24-May (f fiqlij ~ of~ ·~ :D,.MMJil : Thur s 24-May Not es No RSVPrequ ired . First come - firs t serve space : --0,M· ·- Organizers The Path to Universal Health Coverage - Access to Affordable 18:00 - 19:30 Treatments reception 19 :30 - 21:00 Unofficial Elevating Quality, Equity and 18:00 - 20:00 Dignity for eve ry woman and child on th e road to UHC Unofficial The World Breastfeeding Trends Official (non In itiative (WBTI) as a Vehicle to St ate actor) Galvan ise Action t o Achiev e World Health Assemb ly and 19:00 - 19:50 Global Breastfeeding Collective Targets to Increase Exclusive and Cont inued Breastfeeding Medicines Patent Pool Red Cross Humanitar ium, 17 Avenue de la Paix - Henry Dunant Room PMNCH, UN Foundation, etc. Intercontinenta l Hot el International Baby Food Action Netwo rk Palais des Nations - Room IX - RSVP: office@medicinespatentpoo org No RSVPrequired . First come - fi rst serve space Friday, May 25, 2018 Page 17 of 18 l. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001366 Date Time Fri 25-May 7:45- 8:45 Fri 25-May Fri 25-May Fri 25-May Fri 25-May Fri Fri 25-May 25-M ay Tit le Daily GRUAmee t i ng lncen t ivizing Invest ments in Access to Quality Medicines Access t o M edicines: Ove rcoming Obstacles created by monopolies - Essential t o UHC 12:30 - 14:00 and the 2030 Agenda 9:00- 11:00 Official/ Unofficia l Unofficial Unofficial Official Nourish ing UHC- country Official successes, lesso ns-learnt and new to ols on int egrating infant and young ch ild nutrition in health, with a focus on br eastfeed ing/ Invest mo re 12:30 - 14:00 m illi ons t o cover more bil li o ns: Invest more t o achie ve Universa l Healt h Coverage for SDG t hro ugh com mu nit y level he alth and nut ritional in t erventi o ns The role of Parliamentarians in 12:30 - 14:00 achieving UHC and globa l hea lth securi t y Digit al Health and Art ifi cial Int ellige nce for Delivery of 18:00 - 18:50 Quali t y Services Tow ards Universa l Acces to Healthcare Bet ter Access for All wit h Sustainable Financing Systems: th e Role of th e Privat e Sector 19:00 - 19:50 and New Innovat ions to Achieve Universal Health Coverage Organizers United St at es Pharmacopeial Convention Mo rocco, India, Senegal, cosponsored by Brazil, Tha iland Location U.S. Reoresenta t ive Palais de s Nations, Room VII I nterCo ntinenta I Garrett (invited) Hote l Palais des Nations Notes POC: Emily Bleimund (Emily Bleimund@ Ireland & Madagascar, cospon so red by Burkin a Faso, Canada, France/ Bangladesh Palais des Nations Official (non State actor) International Society for Teleme d ici ne and eHealth Palais Des Nati ons - Room IX No RSVP require d . First come - fi rst serve space Officia l (nonState acto r) Globa l Diagnost ic Imaging, Healthca re IT and Radiati on Therapy Trade Associat ion and t he Int ernatio nal Federatio n of Pharmaceut ical M anufactu rers and Associat ions Palai s des Nation s Dr. Wolf e - Room IX (at t endi ng) No RSVP re quired. First come - first serve space Techn ical Briefin g HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001367 Page 18 of 18 (it~~\WorldHealth INTERACTIVE DOCUMENT ~~ __,, Organization ~ A71/1 8 March 2018 SEVENTY-FIRST WORLD HEAL TH ASSEMBL V Geneva, Switzerland 21-26 May 2018 Provisional agenda PLENARY 1. Opening of the Health Assembly l .l Appointm ent of the Committe e on Credentials 1.2 Electio n of the President L.3 Election of the five Vice-Pre sidents, the Chairmen of the main committees, and establ ishment of the General Committee 1.4 Adopti on of the agenda and allocation of items to the ma in com mittees Docum ent A7 1/l 2. Report of the Executive Board on its 141st and 142nd sessions , and on its special session on the draft thirteenth general programme of work, 2019-2023 Docume nt A71/2 3. Address by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General Doc ument A71/3 4. Invited speakers 5. Admission of new Members and Associate Members [if any] 6. Executive Board: election 7. Awards Document A71/INF ./1 8. Reports of the main committees 9. Closure of the Health Assembly HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001368 A71l1 COMMITTEE A 10. Opening of the Committee 1 11. Strategic priority matters 11. l Draft thirteen th general programme of work, 20 19- 2023 Documents A71/4, A71/4 Add.1 and EB142/2018/REC/l, resolution EB 142.R2 11.2 Public health preparedness and response • Report of the Independent Oversight and Advisory Committee for the WHO Health Emergencies Programme Documen t A 71/5 • WHO 's work in health emergencies 2 Docu ment A71/6 • Implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005) Documen ts A71/7 , A71/8 and EB142/20 18/REC/ l , decision EB142(1) 11.3 Polio tra nsition and post-certifica tion Documen t A 71/9 11.4 Health, environment and climate change Documents A7 1/10 , A71/10 Add.I and A71/1 l 11.5 Addressing the global shortage of, and access to, medicines and vaccines Documents A71/ 12 and EB142/2018/REC/ l , decision EB142(3) 11.6 Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovat ion and intellectual property Documents A71/ 13 and EB142/2018/REC/l , decision EB142(4) 11.7 Preparatio n for the third High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-comm unicable Diseases, to be held in 2018 Documents A7 1/14 and A71/14 Add.1 1 Including election of Vice-Chairmen and Rapporteur. 2 The Director-General's report will also cover cho lera prevention. 2 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001369 A7lll 11.8 Preparation for a high-level meeting of the General Assembly on ending tuberculosis Documents A7 l /15, A71/ 16, A71/ 16 Add.1 and EB142 /2018/REC/ 1, resolution EB l 42.R3 12. Other technical matters 12.1 Global snakebite burden Documents A71/17 and EB142/2018/REC / l, resolution EB142.R4 12.2 Physical activity for health Documents A71/ 18 and EB142/2018/REC/ l, resolutio n EBJ42.R5 12.3 Global Strategy for Women 's, Children' s and Adolescents' Health (2016--2030): sexual and reproductive health, interpersonal violence, and early childhood development Document A 71/ 19 12.4 mHealth Document A71/20 12.5 Improving access to assistive technology Documents A71/2 1 and EBJ42 /2018/REC/l , resolution EB142.R6 12.6 Materna l, infant and young child nutrition • Comprehensive implementation plan on maternal, infant and young child nutrition: biennial report Document A71/22 • Safeg uarding against possible conflicts of interest in nutrition programmes Docum ent A 71/23 12.7 Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework for the sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits Documents A7l/24 , A7 1/24 Add.I and A71/42 12.8 Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease Docum ents A71/25 and EB141/2017 /REC/1, resolution EB141.Rl 3 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001370 A71l1 12.9 Eradicatio n of poliomyelitis Document A71/26 , A71/26 Add.I and A71/26 Add.2 COMMITTEEB 13. Opening of the Committee 1 14. Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan Document A71/27 15. Programme budget and financial matters l 5. l WHO programmatic and financial repo rts for 20l6-2017, statements for 20 17 including audited financial Documents A71/28, A7 1/29 and A71/INF ./2 15.2 Finan cing of the Programme budget 20 18-20 19 Document A 71/30 15.3 Status of collect ion of assessed contribut ions, includ ing Member States in arrears in the payment of their contrib utions to an extent that would justify invoking A,ticle 7 of the Constitution Document A 7 l/3 1 15.4 Special a1nngemen ts for settlement of arrears [if any] 15.5 Assessment of new Members and Associate Members [if any] 15.6 Amendme nts to the Financial Regulations and Financial Rules [if any] 16. Audit and oversight matters 16.1 Report of the External Auditor Document A71/32 l Including election of Vice-Chairmen and Rapporteur. 4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001371 A7lll 16.2 Report of the Internal Auditor • Annual report Document A71/33 • External and internal audit recommendations: progress on implem entation Document A71/34 17. Staffing matters 17 .1 Human resources: annual report Document A71/35 17.2 Report of the International Civil Service Commission Document A71/36 17.3 Amendments to the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules Documents A71/37 and EB142/2018/REC/1, resolutions EB142.R8 and EB142 .R9 17.4 Appointmen t of representatives to the WHO Staff Pensio n Committee Document A71/38 18. Management and legal matters 18.1 Agreements with intergovernmental organizatio ns [if any] 19. Collaboration within the United Nations system and with other intergovernmental organizations 20. Matters for information 20.1 Global vaccine action plan Document A71/39 20.2 Rea l estate: update on the Geneva buildings renovation strategy Document A 71/40 20.3 Progress reports Document A71/4 1 5 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001372 A71l1 Communicable diseases A. Global health sector strategies on HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infectio ns, for the pe1iod 2016- 2021 (resolutio n WHA69.22 (2016)) B. Eradication of dracunculiasis (resolution WHA64.16 (2011)) C. Elimination of schistosomiasis (resolution WHA65.21 (2012)) Noncommunicable diseases D. Public health dimensio n of the world drug problem (decision WHA 70(18) (2017) ) E. Global bw-den of epilepsy and the need for coordinated action at the country level to address its health , social and public knowledge implications (resolution WHA68.20 (2015)) F. Comprehensive mental health action plan 2013-2020 (resolut ion WHA66 .8 (2013)) G. Comprehensive and coordinated efforts for the management of autism spectrum disorder s (resolution WHA67.8 (2014)) Promoting health through the life course H. Global strategy and action plan on ageing and health 20 16- 2020: toward s a world in which everyone can live a long and healthy life (resolut ion WHA69.3 (2016)) Health systems I. Promoting the health ofrefugees and migrants (reso lution WHA 70 .15 (2017)) J. Strengthening integrated, people-centred health services (resolution WHA69.24 (2016)) K. Promoting innovation and access to quality, safe , efficac ious and affordable medic ines for children (reso lution WHA69.20 (2016)) L. Sustainable health financing (resolution WHA64.9 (2011)) M. Availability, safety and quality of blood products (resolution WHA63.12 (2010)) N. Human organ and tissue transplantation (reso lutio n WHA63.22 (2010)) 0. WHO strategy on research for health (resolution WHA63.21 (2010)) P. Workers ' health: global plan of action (resolution WHA60.26 (2007)) structures and universal coverage 6 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001373 A7lll Health emergencies programme Q. Smallpox eradication: destruction of variola viru s stocks (reso lution WHA60.1 (2007)) Corporate services/enabling functions R. Multilinguali sm: implementation of action plan (resolution WHA61.12 (2008 )) = = = 7 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001374 GLOBAL TASK FORCE ON CHOLERACONTROL OVERVIEWOF INGCHOLERA A GLOBALROADMAPTO 2030 EndingCholera -A GlobalRoadmapto 2030 operationalisesthe newglobalstrategyfor choleracontrolatthecountrylevel andprovides a concrete pathtowardaworldin whichcholerais nolongerathreatto publichealth.Byimplement ingthe strategybetweennowand2030,theGlobalTaskForceonCholeraControl(GTFCC) partnerswill supportcountries to reduce cholera deathsby90 percent. Withthecommitment of cholera-affected countries, technicalpartners, anddonors,asmany as20 countries couldeliminatedisease transmission by2030. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001375 ENDING CHOLERA-A CALL TOACTION Choleraisa disease of inequity - anancientillnessthattodaysickens andkillsonly the poores t andmostvulnerable people.Themap Yeteverydeathfromcholerais preventable withthetools wehave ofcholera isessentially thesameasa mapofextreme poverty. today,puttingthegoal of endingits public healthimpactwit hin our reach.Choleracanbecontrolled witha multi-secto ralapproachincluding basicwater,sanitation, andhygiene(WASH) services, andoral choleravaccines (OCV). Endingcholerais a moralobligation andanimportantachievementin itsownright, andit is alsocritical to achieving theSusta inable Development Goals(SDGs). If wefail to act,climatechange,urbanization, andpopulationgrowth will createanincreased riskof cholerain thecomingyears . Map1. Areasreportingcholeraoutbreaks 2010-2014 WWW .WHO.INT /CHOLERA/EN 2 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001376 IMPLEMENTING THE GLOBAL ROADMAP Thestrategy focuses onthe47 countries affected bycholeratoday,and consists of multi-sectoral interventions supported bya nimbleand effec t ivecoordina tionmechan ism.TheGlobalRoadmap focuses onthree strategic axes: 1. Earlydetection andquickresponse tocontain outbreaks :The strategyfocuses oncontaining outbreaks-wherever theymayoccurthroughearly detection andrapidresponse, whicharecriticalelements for reducingtheglobal burdenof cholera. Throughinterventions like robustcommunity engagement, strengthening earlywarning surveillanceandlaboratory capaci ties,health systems and supply readiness , andestablishingrapidresponse teams,wecandrastically reducethenumberof deathsfromcholeraevenin fragilesettings. 2. Atargetedmulti-sectoral approach toprevent cholera recurrence: Thestrategyalsocalls oncountries andpartners tofocusoncholera "hotspots", therelativelysmall areasmostheavilyaffected bycholera , whichexperience cases onanongoingor seasonal basisandplayan importantrolein thespreadof cholerato other regionsandareas. Cholera transmiss ioncanbestoppedin theseareasthroughmeasures includingimproved WASH andthroughuseof 00/. InAfricaalone,40 to 80 millionpeoplelivein cholerahotspots. 3. Aneffective mechanism ofcoordination fortechnical support, advocacy, resource mobilisation, andpartnership atlocaland provides astrongframework to support globallevels:TheGTFCC countries in intensifying effortsto controlcholera, buildingupon country-led cross-sectoral choleracontrolprograms, andsupporting themthroughhuman,technical, and financia l resources . Asaglobal networkof organisa tions,theGTFCCis positioned to bringtogether partne rs fromacross all sectors, andoffersaneffective country-driven platformto supportadvocacy andcommunications , fundraising, inter· sectoralcoordination,andtechnicalassistance. Figure1: Theoryof changeof the GlobalRoadmap Countries committo implementation of· . evidence ·. basedcholera controlplans, By-2030 • 20 countries eliminatecholera Partners committo providing oversight andtechnical expertise • Nomore catastrophic cholera outbreaks in fragilesettings Donors committo supporting theglobal mechanism and/orthe country plans WWW.WHO.INT /CHOLERA/EN 3 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001377 MULTI-SECTORAL INTERVENTIONS IN CHOLERA HOTSPOTS TheGlobalRoadmap calls forcholerahotspots to become theprimarytargetsof a package of effectivecholeracontrolmeasures adaptedto thelocaltransmission pattern. Figure2: Multi -sectoralinterventions to controlcholera Water,Sanitation & Hygiene Implementa tionof adaptedlon -term sustaina 6le WASH solutionsfor populations mostat riskof cholera Leadership and Coordination Inter-sectoral collabora tion andbuildinj,of a strong preparenessand responsestrategy HealthCareSystem Strengthening Enhancedreadiness for choleraoutbreaks throughcakacity building forsta , andpreposition ingofresources fordiagnostics, patient care, andemergency WASH intervention INVESTING INA CHOLERA -FREE WORLD Implementing theGTFCC strategy will require aligning existinghealthandWASH resources tothe Global Roadmap. This alignmentrepresentsa sound investmentbecause it channels resources to areas mostin need,andbeginsto reducethesignificant economic burdenof cholera, whichcostsan estima t edUS$2billionperyear globallyin health carecostsandlostproduct ivity.TheRoadmap offers anestimateof the costof controlling cholera in the Democratic Repub licof Congo(DRC) thathelps to demonstrate theresource needsfor controlling choleraat countryleveloverthe next tenyears. TheDRCcasestudyshowsthatthesuccessful implementation oftheGlobalRoadmap may allowupto 50 percentcostsavingscompa redwith theongoing average yearly costof continuously respondingto emergingcholeraoutbreaks.Most important ly,theproposed long-termcholera controlinvestmentswill alsosignificantly reducethe impactof all water-related diseases, while contributing to improvemen ts in poverty, malnutrition,andeducation, representing a significantsteptowardtheachievement ofthe SDGs fortheworld'spoorestpeopleandtoward aworld freefromthethreatof cholera . TheGTFCC will inviteall keystakeholde rs to reconvene in early2019to takestockof thefirst 18 monthsof implementat ionof theGlobal andto mobilizeresources to end Roadmap, choleraasathreatto publichealthby2030. WWW.WHO.INT/CHOLERA/EN Survei llance& Reporting Effe ctiveroutine surveillanceand laboratorycapacity at theperiphera l levelto confirm suspec ted cases, informtheresponse, and trackprogress towards controlandeliminat ion UseofOral Cholera Vaccine (OCV) Large -scaleuseofOCV toimmediatelyreduce diseaseburdenwhile longer-term cholera controlstrategies areputinplace Community Engagement Enhance communication on cholera control strategies, hygiene promotion,andcholera risk,bymobilising communityleadersas agentsofchange Figure3: Investing inthe Global Roadmap vsthe statusquo Preliminary estimates indicatethatthesuccess( ul implementationof thecontrolstrategy in DRCmayallowupto 50%savings compared to theperpetualaverage yearlycostof continuously responding to emergingcholeraoutbreaks withOCVvaccination anda basicminimalpackage of WASH interventions. MILLIONS 100 90 80 70 I\ 60 50 40 30 20 10 WASH Investment 0 YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 Implementi ngthe Global Roadmap •····· Linear(lmplementing theGlobal Roadmap) 4 YEAR 6 YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 Curre nt approach responding tooutbreaks Linear(Curre nt approac h respondi ngtooutbreaks) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001378 Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) WHA 2018 - Bilats - Key Messages Country or Organization Tier Key Issues and Positions CDC Only Bilateral Meetings (b)(5) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001379 Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) WHA 2018 Bilats - Key Messages {b){S) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001380 Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) WHA 2018 - Bilats - Key Messages (b)(5) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001381 Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) WHA 2018 - Bilats - Key Messages (b)(5) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001382 Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) WHA 2018 - Bilats - Key Messages (b)(5) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001383 Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) WHA 2018 Bilats - Key Messages (b){5) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001384 Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) WHA 2018 Bilats - Key Messages (b)(5) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001385 Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) WHA 2018 - Bilats - Key Messages (b)(5) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001386 Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) WHA 2018 Bilats - Key Messages {b)(5) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001387 May 10, 2018 Information Brief 71 st World Health Assembl y Side Event on Pandemic Influenza WHA Side Event "100 Years after the Pandemic: Preparedness to Protect Health for All" • The US has received approval to sponsor a WHA side event enti tled "10 0 Years after the Pandemic: Preparedness to Protec t Health for All" and is in the process of seeking co-sponsors of the event. Potential co-sponsors include Norway, UK, Ge1many, Japan, Aus tra lia, Canada , Finland, Netherla nd s, China, Thailand, Indonesia , and Braz il. • The side event will be held on Tuesday, May 22 nd from 1800-1930 and w ill cove r the follow ing: 1) Welco me and Introduction by WHO Di rector-General Dr. Tedros Adhano m Ghebreysus, U.S . Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex M. Aza r II, and a co-s ponso r Minister of Hea lth. 2) Pane l D iscuss ion - "Ho w the 19 18 Influ enza Pandemic Revolutionized Public Health History." 3) Panel D iscuss ion - "Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Today and Tomorrow: state of the globe, remaining gaps, existing tools, and new technologies and emerging paradigms for pandemic preparedness " 4) Questions and Di scussions 5) Conclusion by a co-sponso r country leade r • The objective s of the side event are to: 1) Galvanize supp01i for redoub led prioritization of pandemic influ enza preparedness by Member States and the need to develop, implement , and strengthen national pandemic influen za preparedness plans. 2) Stress the impor tance of rapid, consistent, and continu ous sha ring of influenza viru ses to global pandemic prep aredness 3) Highlight ongoing preparedness needs and refocus discussions around revisiting and refining strategic approaches and new innova tions • The event wi ll include panelists and other invited speakers from ministries of health or other relevant ministries , non-governmen tal thought leaders, and subject matter experts, and provides an opportunity to build political and financial suppo rt for pandemic influenza preparedness and response, and inform Member State discussions on a WHA decision. 1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001388 May 10, 2018 Information Brief Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework Bottom Line Up Front: • The Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework (PIP-FW) was negotiated with and agreed to by all Members States. The USG positions is that it should not be re-opened for renegotiation. • As negotiated , the PIP-FW relates only to influenza viruses with pandemic potential; the USG position is that seasonal influenza viruses should not become part of the PIP-FW. • The USG position is that genetic sequence data (GSD) should not become PIP-biological materials. Background: Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework (PIP-FW) • • The PIP Framework was adopted by Member States in 2011 and brings together WHO, Member States, industry , civil society, and other stakeholders with the aim to: o Share influenza viruses with pandemic potential within WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS) o Improve pandemic influenza preparedness and response in all countries o Provide fair, transparent, equitable, and effective benefit sharing. There are two mechanisms whereby the PIP-FW ensures equitable benefits: o o Influenza vaccine, diagnostic , and pharmaceutical manufacturers that make use of GISRS make an annual Partnership Contribution (PC) to WHO to ensure sustainable financing of the PIP benefit sharing system .. • The PC was established to be equivalent to 50% of the running costs of the WHO GISRS, roughly estimated to be $56M in 2010. • To date, approximately $142M has been collected; 70% of the funds have been allocated to pandemic preparedness and 30% to response. • Guiding the expenditure of the PC is the High-Level Implementation Plan (HLIP). The HLIP I (2013-2017) out lined five areas of work and prioritized 72 countries. • The HLIP II (2018-2023) was approved in December 2017 and focuses on six outputs : 1) laboratory and surveillance, 2) burden of disease , 3) regulatory capacity building, 4) risk communications and community engagement , 5) planning for deployment , and 6) influenza pandemic preparedness planning. The second mechanism of benefit sharing requires non-GISRS entities that obtain influen za viruses with pandemic potential (IVPP) to sign a Standard Material Transfer Agreement 2 (SMT A2). Eac h SMT A2 is individually negotiated to ensure that products (or other benefits) arising from access to IVPP are provided to WHO (e.g., vaccines, antiv irals, diagnostic kits). • WHO has 12 SMTAs signed with vaccine and antiviral manufacturers that secures approximately 405M doses of pandemic vaccines and 1OM treatment courses of antivirals HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001389 2 May 10, 2018 • WHO negotiation with other industry partners continues • Academic and research institutions must also sign SMTA2s and are encouraged to commit to provide benefits ( e.g. trainings to develop skills of GISRS lab personnel) The 2016 Pandemic Influenza Prepar edness Framework Review and Key Recommendations • The PIP-FW underwent a comprehensive review in 2016, following five years of implementa tion. The 2016 report was submitted to the 70th WHA in May 20 17 through the 140th Execut ive Board . • The final report presents 73 findings and 36 recommendations in the five areas assessed: virus sharing, genetic sequence data (GSD), benefit sharing, governance, and linkages with WHO programs and other legal instrnments. • Key Recommendations: 1. The need for clearer guidance on virus sharing for the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS) labs; 2. The potential classification of genetic sequence data (GSD) as a PIP biological materia l; 3. The potential classificat ion of seasonal influenza viruses as a PIP biological material; and 4. The PIP-FW should be considered a specialized international instrument to clarify the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol (NP) in relation to pandemic influenza preparedness and response. • Key Recommendation 1: the WHO GISRS , in consultation with WHO Collaborating Centers, released clarifying operational guidance for the sharing of influenza viruses with human pandemic potential under the PIP-FW. • Key Recommendations 2 through 4: the 70th WHA adopted the decision -WHA 70(10) - to conduct a thorough and deliberative analysis of the implicat ions of pursing the recommendations regard ing seasonal influenza and GSD , and for the Director General (DG) to report to the 71st WHA on progress to implement the decision and to make recommendations on further action. o The recommendations to consider GSD and seasonal influenza viruses in the context of the PIP-FW were raised, in part, due to the uncertainly regarding the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol (NP). o The NP is a lega l framework agree ment to support the Convention on Biological Diversity's (CBD) fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from use of genetic resources. The NP dictates that the use of genetic resources within a Party' s borders should be based upon mutually agreed terms, and specifies that access to genetic resources should be subject to prior informe d consent unless otherwise detennined by the Party with the genetic resource. o Parties to the NP are required to take legislative, admin istrative, or policy measures as appropriate to implement their obligations. The USG is not a Party to the CBD or the NP. o The USG position is that pathogens are not subject to the NP; howeve r, CDC and other WHO Collaborating Centers as well as most member states continue to work under the assumption that influen za virus sharing will be subject to the terms of the NP. o Primary concern is the potential adverse impact on virus sharing within the GISRS due to the need to establish bilateral Prior Informed Consent (PIC) and Mutually Agreed upon Terms (MAT) with virus sharing partners . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001390 3 May 10, 2018 o The NP requires parties to pay "due regard" when developing access and benefit-sharing legislation to gove rn health emergencies; howeve r, the details of implementing legislation will be determined by each Party. o Arti cle 4 of the NP exempts genetic resources that are covered by another "specia lized international instrument" to facilitate access and benefit sharing, consistent with the NP and CBD objectives . • • GISRS and the PIP-FW could be designated as "spec ialized international instrumen ts", which wou ld obviate the requirement to nego tiate bilateral agreemen ts that outline MAT and PIC for seasona l influenza viruses, influenza viruses with pandemic potential, and GSD related to the aforement ioned. • As technolo gies become more advanced, manufacturer s and researchers are increasingly using GSD to deve lop pandemic -related supplies. • The PIP Framework does not currently address access and benefit sharing related to GSD. • According to its 2014 Annual Repor t, the PIP Framework Advisory Group agrees that GSD falls within the parameters of the Framework; howeve r, there is disagreement as to whether GSD should be included in the definition of PIP biolo gical materia l. o The USG is not in favor of consider ing GSD or seasonal influenza viruses in the context of the PIP-FW. o The USG is not in favor of opening up the text of the PIP-FW for revision. In accordance with decision WHA 70( l 0), the DG submitted to Member States for the 7 1st WHA the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework for sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits, whic h outlines the progress review of the PIP-FW Review Recommendations. Current status of the World Health Assembly Pandemic Influenza Prepar edness Framework draft resolution to be submitted by the USG • The U.S. will be submittin g a draft resolution to Committee A for consideration by Member States. The current version is below: The Seventy-first World Health Assemb ly, having considered the report by the Director-General on progress to implement decision WHA70(10), 1) Approves the recommendations contained at paragraph 19 and to request the DirectorGeneral to report thereon to the 72nd WHA through the EB; 2) To request the Director -General to work with Member States to.facilitate the rapid sharing of samples of influenza viruses of pandemic potential with the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Respons e System (GISRS), including through engage ment of all relevant ministries, regulat01y authorities, and stakeholders responsible.for facilitating the sh aring of virus samples, in order to ensure they understand the importance of timely virus sharing and have processes in place to respond effectively in support of global publi c health,3) Tofurther request that the Director General report on implementation of the PIP Framework prov isions for the timely sharing of virus samples [with the aim of reinforcing PIP Framework implementation by Member States}. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001391 4 May 10, 2018 • The USG is conducting outreach to other Member States to assess support for the draft resolution. Member States that have been consulted are No 1way, UK, Germany, Japan , Australia, Canada, Finland, Netherlands, China, Brazil, Indonesia, and Thailand. The Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID) • The GISAID platform was launched in May 2008 , in conjun ction with the 61st WHA as an alternative to the publi c domain sharing model for GSD. It promotes the sharing of all influenza virus sequences and related metadata associated with human and animal influenza viruses as well as influenza viruses with pandemic potential. • GISAID is the primary database used by WHO GISRS labs, includin g WHO Collaborating Centers, for vaccine virus decision-making. It operates throu gh public-private paitn erships, gran ts, and technica l partnerships. • The initiative ensures that open access to data in GISAID is provided free-of-charge to everyone, provided individuals identify themsel ves and agree to uphold the GISAI D Database Access Agreemen t (DAA), which requ ires users to acknow ledge the originating laboratories providing the spec imen and the submitting laboratories who gene rate the sequence data. • CDC has suppo 1ted GISAID since 2007 by provid ing technical guidance, public funding , and inkind contributions for the design and development of the EpiFlu™ database applications and their functionalities. • Germany became the official host of the GISAID platform in 20 10. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001392 5 Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework Sharing of influenza viruses & access to vaccines and other benefits Overview 16 April 20:18 l rr: '\ Worlcf Health ~ $'~§Organization if;. -~.... ~ HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001393 WHO Health Emergencies Programme (HQ) Infectious Hazard (IHM)Management (IHM) January 2018 Direc tor D1380925 S. Briand (FT) Technlcal Officer N. Shindo (Fn P2 393790 ITJ(M. Mathis 02 18) PS 381097 Managemen t Offi ce Assisg'~~~~t~ Assistant to Direct or GS 380928 S. Mort ier (FT) Assistant GS 381096 (T) (H. Divecha 02/18) I Programme Manager PS380931 R. Slattery (FT) Programme MedicalOfficer rog.) S. Joucla (FT) Budget:/!;~; Officer C. Oswald (FT) Budget Assistant Technical Office r G6 380940 P4 3809 45 S. Garnier (FT) E. Leroy (FT) Finance Officer P3 383141 V, Sicilia (T) Assistant , 65381002 E. Mu dasia (FT) PAT IPR PIP Framewo, k Global Influenza Epidemics with Emerging and Re• Secret ar iat Programme Mass emerging Disease s Interventions Support for Response Manager D Assistant GS 381024 V. Mill ot (FT) Cholera DETAILED ON NEXT PAGE PS 380954 W. Perea (FT) Yellow Fever Secretary Assistant GS 381100 Assistant GS 380956. Neyro ud (FT) A. Ment hon (FT) Secretary G4 381697 G. Putman (T) G4 38103 1 N. More lli (TI Men ingiti s D. Legros(Fn Global Risks Team leader TechnicalOfficer PS 380977 PS 381046 A. KhalakdinaFT Social Science Medical Officer PS 382380 E. Lackritz (Tl P. Formenty (FT) P4 380965 L. Pez:z_o li (T) Medical Officer Occupied, P Occupied, G ■ Vacant P Vacant G P4 380968 D.Olson(T) Technical Officer P3 380973 Technical Officer P4 381112 L. Cibrel us (T) Technical Officer P3 380996 K. Fernandez FT Technical Officer P3380983 A. Legand IT) P4 381038 E. Garcia (FT) and Risk Comm. TechnicalOfficer P4 381119 A, Bathiasevi (FT) Technical Officer P2 381184 M. Frigo IT) Lab Support TechntcalOfficer P4 381108 Technical Officer P3 381109 D. Naidoo (T) lnte rventlon Med. Office r IT) Clinical Scientist PS 38105l( TI M. van Kerkhove Technical Officer P2 381123 A. Hill (FT) Stockpil e Governance Technical Officer TechnicalOffk:er Assistant GS 38111 4 Z, Alemu (FT) Secretary 64381101 H. Twa l (FT) VHF TechnicalOfficer K.Albert i fTi A. Heedh (Tl Secretary Team le ade r PS380962 P4 380970 G4 381102 M anager, PS (HQ.381113) (FT) G. Gam ewage P4381105 (D. Dixit 02/18) Guidance Dev Medlcal Officer PS 381048 E. Bertherat (FT) and Support Technical Officer P3 381094 K. Durski (T) Knowledge Transfer of HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001394 Health Emergencies Programme (HQ) Infectious Hazard Maf!fla ement (IHM) - Influenza 1 January 2018 •• 1 . Chief P6 HQ.38 1783 A. Mo e n (FT) Assista nt G5381002 E. Mudasi3 (FT) Globa l Influenza Programm e Manager Manager Secretary, i W Zhang (FT) ----------· 11 GISRS ·· G. Gamhew age GS 380951 H.T. Ooan (FT] EPISurv PS 381113 A. Huvo, (FT] Assistan t -------~: :-=: _~-~ ,------L----1 I PIP Lab & Surv I Manager PS 381147 PS3 80998 I · Project Off icer As.slstant 'I P3 381149 GS 3811 48 ' A Bowman (Tl C. Cipr iano FT Gove rna nce t- --- .....--- ' r------L·:---~--------, I - -1Benefit Sharing P4 381005 FT Med ical Offi cer PS32837 8 Tech Offic er (Legal) T. Sesselaar W. Zhou FT P3 381153 Partners hip Contrib uti o n SMTA-2 I PIP ~isk 1 '---r---,,-------. 1 Tech. ,Offieer II : PIP Deployment : : • • Communications : A. R;oux (Tl Tech . Officer Medleal. Off leer P4 38 1007 C. Fuster FT P4 381019 FT l<.Vandemaele P2 38115 4 (T) C. Ve ll a (T) Technic.alOfficer Tech.Offi cer, P4 381011 Tech. Officer, M. Samann FT J. Fit::ner FT D, Hougendob ler P4 381020 Technical Off icer PS 382392 P4 38 1180 G. Samaan (Tl 0 Stueke (T) P4 381152 S. Kontl e (Tl Secreta ry G4 381872 Tech.Offi cer, Tech. Offi cer Techn ical Off icer Techn ical Officer P4 381182 P2 381158 P3 381172 H. Utunen (T) P. Huria (T) E. Awi t (T) Techn ical Officer P2 381151) P3 38 10 16 M . Uevre FT P33833 8 1 A. Hammond (D Techn ical Office r Team Leade r Tech Officer (Legal) L. Bellonl (Tl Tech . Off icer Data Manager, 1 J J. Barragan (T') P23 81159 Tech. Officer S. Hirve 02/18 P2 381184 .. P funds P2 383380 M . Frigo (T) A. Mamahlt (T) Positions already in Base I 1 1 P2 381183 u.Zhao(T) T. Resnjkoff (Tl P4 393764 ST Tech.Officer Tech. Off icer - - (PIP PC areas of Work ; 2018-19, ant icipated) - I 1 1 '----------------------- -- HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001395 What is the PIP Framework? . ➔ ➔ Innovative instrument to increase public health security by increasing global preparedness to respond to pandemic influenza Brings together Member States, industry , civil society orgs, other key stakeholders, e.g. non-governmental, and philanthropic orgs, and WHO • Guiding principles include transparency, equity & partnership Focus is on increasing equity of access to life saving measures such as vaccines ■ ( ~ \ WorldHealth ~~# Organizat ion c World Healtl' Organizaflon 2017 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001396 Objectives of PIP Framework ➔ Section 2 specifies two objectives to be pursued on an equal footing: - Improve sharing of influenza viruses with the potential to cause a pandemic among humans - - Member states agree to share influenza viruses of pandemic potential (IVPP) Achieve more predictable, efficient, and equitable access to benefits arising from the sharing of viruses, notably vaccines and antiviral medicines ( ~ \ WorldHealth ~~# Organization c World Healtl' Organizaflon 2014 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001397 Benefit sharing ➔ (Section 6) PIP Framework establishes a Benefit Sharing System to provide: - Surveillance & risk assessment information - Technical assistance to strengthen key capacities, e.g. pandemic surveillance, risk assessment - Equitable access to vaccines, antivirals and other critical pandemic response supplies - Support to strengthen national pandemic influenza response capacities Regulatory Capacity Building ✓ ( ~ \ WorldHealth ~~# Organization Word He.,llh Organ1l lion J1.,ly201& HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001398 Benefit Sharing Two principal benefit-sharing mechanisms: - SMTA2 ➔Standard Material Transfer A greement (SMTA 2) (Annex 2) : Advance donation (or purchase) agreements that ensure that at the time of the next pandemic , WHO will have real-time access to pandemic products (e.g. vaccines, antivirals, diagnostics). ➔ P artnership Contribution (PC) (Section 6.14 .3): Annual payments of US $28M to WHO from manufacturers that use GISRS (Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System). Funds support preparedness and response capacity st~~ngthening in countries where they are weak. / ~ )..WorldHealth ~~} Organization ,f,\l\v' WO O ne .. llh Organ, I(' 1 ly 201& • HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001399 SMT A 2 (Standard Material Transfer Agreement - S'MTA2 ➔ Establishes an equitable , predictable and structured access by WHO to pandemic response products (e.g. vaccines, antivirals, diagnostics) for countries in need ➔ Legally binding contracts with non-GISRS entities, notably influenza vaccine manufacturers, that received PIP biological materials ➔ Manufacturers select benefit sharing options based on their nature and capacities ( ~ \ WorldHealth ~~# Organization World f-le400M doses 10 million 250,000 of vaccines treatment courses of antivirals diagnostic kits 12 agreements signed, including with all multinational manufacturers (as of 31 December 2011) ( ~ \ WorldHealth ~1f.# Organization c World Healtl' Organizaflon 2017 vaccine HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001402 Partnership Contribution (PC) • ➔ Annual payment of US$ 28M ➔ Paid to WHO by 'influenza vaccine, diagnostic and pharmaceutical manufacturers that use G/SRS.' ➔ 70% of funds used by WHO to strengthen preparedness capacities ➔ 30% of funds set aside until next pandemic for Yo u(G response ► ► Video explains process to identify contributors and how much they should pay Available in all WHO offic ial languages •••-. • •i •:; • .. ..• -,. WHOw n : ___ PIP Framework _- PartnershipContnbution E a:= "' +- • <- ···( ~ \ WorldHealth ~~# Organization c World Healtl' Organizaflon 2014 178vlews • l ,. I HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001403 Partnership Contribution: US$ 28M / annum ➔ Percentage of total partnershipcontributionreceived for each year ______ 30 <,_ ;> ___ 98% <, __ ? ___ 96% 9 25 ~ ____ 0% Ci""""7 ___ __ TARGET 28M 97% ~ 20 ::> z Q 15 ...J ...J ~ FROM 50% 2012 TO 2017 10 5 0 2012* * 2013 In 20 12, contribut ions were made vo luntarily. ( ~ \ WorldHealth ~~# Organization 2014 2015 2016 2017** ** Amount receive d through 31 December 2017 . PC collec tion for 2017 is in process c World Heaitl' Organizaflon 2017 CONTRIBUTED BY INDUSTRY HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001404 Use of PC funds for Preparedness ➔ Director-General decides on use with advice from Advisory Group & interaction with industry other stakeholders ➔ High level PC Implementation Plan II (2018-2023) published in March 2018 builds on HLIP I (2013-2017) ~--~ and focuses on 6 areas of work: • • • • • • ➔ • ro1,'t'Jffllk:+f'A.rt-ntA P,~i!'Pif<.,,,...,0 Lab & surveillance capacity building Burden of disease studies Regulatory Capacity building Planning for Deployment Risk Communications National Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plans Detailed work plans developed for activities in countries & . regions ( ~ \ WorldHealth ~~# Organization Word He.,llh Organ1l lion J1.,ly201& HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001405 .. Governance & review ➔ 3-pillared oversightmechanism - ➔ World Health Assembly: oversees implementation Director-General: promotes implementation Advisory Group: • Advises Director-General on the use of the Partnership Contribution • Monitors & assesses implementation of Framework • Interacts with Industry & other stakeholders Full Framework review in 2016 - Report submitted to WHA70 WHA70 considered and adopted decision WHA70(10) ( ~ \ WorldHealth ~~# Organizat ion c World Healtl' Organizaflon 2014 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001406 Page 2263 Page 2264 Page 2265 Page 2266 Page 2267 Page 2268 Page 2269 Page 2270 From : Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/0D/OCS) Sent: 31 May 2018 01:40:43 +0000 To : Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/0D/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/0D);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/0D);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/0D/OCS);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OC00/0D);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/01D/NCIRD);Fry, Alicia (CDC/01D/NCIRD);Pope, Kristin (CDC/01D/NCIRD);Stevens, James (CDC/01D/NCIRD);Wharton, Melinda (CDC/01D/NCIRD) Subject: Working Lunch with Secretary Azar UPDATE : Times have shifted. We have added 15 minutes onto this lunch. The lunch now begins at 12:05pm and goes until 12:50pm. Small Group Working Lunch & Discuss ion Lunch Topics: 1. Preparing for next year's influenza season 2. Strengthening the nation's public health immunization system Participants: • • Secretary Azar • • Dr. Anne Schuchat • Sherri Berger • • Dr. Nancy Messonn ier • Kristin Pope • Dr. James Stevens • Dr. Melinda Wharton Dr. Robert Redfield Kyle McGowan Dr. Alicia Fry Set up: Lunch discussion will have a few slides to ignite the conversat ion. NCIRD materials will arrive 5/30. Location: Building 19, 2nd Floor, Room 248 Let me know if you need anything! Best, Nikki HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001415 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 30 Mar 2018 15:18:45 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Ashley Knotts (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6l Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(6) Subject: World Health Assembly (WHA) Attachments : Travel Orders.pdf, A71_JourP-en.pdf, R3 WHA AAG 05.17.18 v.6.docx, 3 Informat ion for US Delegation to 71st WHA_ S.16.18.docx , 7 MAP_ Palais_des_ Nations.pdf, US Delegation to 71st World Health Assembly.docx, US Delegation to 71st WHA Contact List.docx, A71_JourP-en .pdf, ltineraryNP9NBV _ 18MAY.PDF From: Sent: I I I I 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts Important Contact: Jacob Eckles - Mobile 202-494-3668, email: Jacob .eckles@hhs .gov CDC Personnel Aecom an CDC Director: ,..........--~------------, Mitch Wolfe - Mobile: ~-;::::===== (b=J<6=J ===-===-= (b)(6) Rebecca Martin - Mobile: =----~ CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: World Health Organization Purpose of Event: The World Health Assembly is the decis ion-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board. The main functions of the World Health Assembly are to determine the policies of the Organization , appoint the Director-General , supervise financia l policies, and review and approve the proposed program budget. The Health Assembly is held annually in Geneva, Switzerland Agenda (if applicable): See Attached Director At-A-Glance Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: Included in SA Materials Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001416 Length of Presentation : TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: Wo rld Health Assembly locat ion Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva 10 Hotel Most U.S. delegates are staying at the Intercontinental Hotel 7-9 chemin du Petit-Saconnex Tel: [41] (22) 919 39 39 Control Room We wi ll have a control room at the Intercontinental Hotel (room number TBC} from May 18 through May 25. All U.S. delegates are welcome to use the control room 24/7. It has computers, printers, a photocopier, office supplies, a meeting table and wireless internet . When you check-in at the hotel, you should receive a key to the control room, but please ask for a key if for some reason you do not . All delegates names are on cleared list of people to get keys (even for those not st aying at the Intercontinental Hotel). Alison Schaeffer, from the Office of Global Affairs, is managing t he control room. Please be in touch with her with any questions (e: Al ison.Schaeffer@hhs .gov or m: 202-713-6 137). If you lose you r key to th e control room, please contact Alison; do not ask for a new one at the front desk as th is usually ends up in the deactivation of all our keys to the control room . Credential s The U.S. Mission in Geneva has registered the full U.S. delegation. We will give you your badge at the delegation meeting on Sunday. If you cannot attend this meeting, we will leave your badge with the front desk at the Intercontinental Hotel. For entrance into the Palais. you will need to show your passport in addition to your badge. Please remember to take your passport with you each day! General Tran sport ation Each delegation member is responsible for his/her travel to/from the airport . There are metered tax i cabs available just outside of baggage claim (cost will be about CHF30). Alternatively, there are free tickets for public transportation available from a machine in the baggage collection area at the Geneva International Airport (on the left hand side just before passing customs). This Unireso ticket allows you free use of public transport in Geneva for a period of 80 minutes. All hotels provide a free Geneva transport card that gives you free access to public transportation, including buses and trains to the airport. You should receive this card when you check-in to the Intercontinental Hotel. You MUST carry this card with you when you use the buses or must purchase a ticket before boarding. Although infrequent, Geneva police do sometimes board buses to verify that all passengers have proof of payment. You can find a Geneva public transport trip planne r here . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001417 The WHO building is within 15 minutes walking distance of the Intercontinental. Many delegates choose this option and can show you the way. Transportation to/from Palais des Nations Shuttle Buses We have a shuttle buses for U.S. Delegates that will go between the Intercontinental Hotel and Palais from Monday , 5/21 to Wednesday, 5/23. Please note that the shuttle is not available 24/7; first pick-up from the Intercontinental will be at 7:00am, and last drop-off will be at 11:00am. Alison Schaeffer, from the Office of Global Affairs, is managing the vehicles. Please contact her with any questions (e: Alison.Schaeffer@hhs .gov or m: 202-868-9310). Walking The Intercontinental Hotel is a short 10 minute walk from the Palais. Taxis A taxi stand is located on Avenue de la Paix, SO meters uphill from the Palais gate, and are available any time. Taxis cannot enter the UN compound-passengers will have to get off at the Pregny or Nations gates. Technology When you arrive in Geneva, you may need to take your battery out of your phone/B lackBerry for a few moments and then put it back it. This will help it find the network. You will receive free wireless access at the Intercontinental Hotel. At check-in, you will receive a username and password. If you want to access wireless in the lobby, you need to ask the front desk for a separate username and password. Electrical outlets often only take low-profile EU adapters (see below). If you plan on charging your phone or laptop at the EB, please remember to bring an adapter . 5. OGC Review Materials: The 71 st World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board. The main functions of the World Health Assembly are to determine the policies of the Organization, appoint the Director-General , supervise financial policies, and review and approve the proposed program budget. The Health Assembly is held annually in Geneva, Switzerland. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001418 Document Header Information Document Type: TA Number: TA Date: Organization: Auth TANUM0F MGK 04/10/18 HHSHCAT Purpose : MEETING Type Code: TEMPORARY DUTY (TOY) Do cument TRIP00E4IE - l Name: Tri p Name:Atlanta to Geneva May 18-26 2018 Currency: USD Current Posack Obligation Status: Document Dr. Redfield will present at the annual WHA meeting. The 71 st World Health Assemb ly is the decision Detail: making body of WHO. It is atte nded by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a spe cific health agenda prep ared by the Executive Board. The main functions of the World Hea lth Assembly are to determine the policies of the Orga niza tion, ap point the Director -General , supervise financ ial policie s, and review and approve the propose d prog ram budget. The Health Assembly is held annually in Geneva. Traveler Profile Name: Title : Offic e Phone: Redfield , Robert Ray TID: EMAIL: 0011410477 (b)(6) (b)(6) Document Information Trip Number: I Purpose: Dr. Redfie ld will present at the annual WHA meeting. Th e 7 1st Wor ld Hea lth Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Membe r States and foc uses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Exec utive Board. The main functions of the World Hea lth Assembly are to determine the policies of the Or ganiza tion, appoint the Director -General, supervise financial policies , and review and approve the propo sed program budget. The Hea lth Assembly is held annuall y in Geneva, Itin erary Location s Itinerary Location Purp ose Per Diem Rates From To GENEVA,C HE 329.00 I 169 .00 05/18/1 8 05/26/1 8 Notification of Foreign Travel f rip Number : I Trav eler In formation Job Titl e( "&" character not allowed) Passport Type Passport Issuing Country ("& " chara cter not allowed) Organizat ion & Trip Informati on Agency Additional Orga nization Descript ion ("&" chara cter not allowed) Mult ilate ral Travel Activity? Destination In formation GENEVA , CHE (05/ 18/18 - 05 /26/ 18) Hotel Name( "&" character not allowed) Hotel Addr ess( "&" character not allowed) Hotel Phone ("&" charac ter not allowed) Area of Activi ty Purpo se of Tra vel (" & " characte r not allowed) CDC Director Officia l USA CDC No GS Empl oyee Statu s Pa ssport# and Expira tion Date( "& " 999999999 character not allowed) Country of Birth ("& " character not allowed )USA Center Country Clearance Cable Prepared? No Yes Are Multipl e Employees Traveling Toget her? Addit ional Employee Name s List ("&" character not allowed) Late Reason Int ercontin entalln -Country Poin t of Contact characte r not allowed ) fn-Country Point of Co ntact characte r not allowed) In -Country Poin t of Contact character not allowed) In -Country Point of Contact chara cter not allowed) NIA Addit ional Area of Act ivity Ashley Knotts Name ("& " US Embassy Addr ess("&" Chambesy, Route de Pregny l.l , 1292 Chambesy, Switzer land 4122 7494 1 II Phone (" &" Other ("&" HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001419 Funding Information Fundin g Source I CDC Funding Detail s I ("&" charact er not allowed) Funding Source 2 Funding Details 2 (" &" charac ter not allowe d) Cost In format io n ls business or premium class used for any leg of Yes this tr ip? Bu siness/Prem ium Cla ss Explanation Funde

Payment Detail Information Organization HHSHCAT HHSHCAT Label 9210001 9210001 Accounting String 2018///9210001/D/21204//// 2018///921000 I /D/21204 //// 921000 1 Total 2018/// 921000 I/D/21204/ /// Payment Method CBA-CENTRALL Y BILLED ACCT PERSONAL Amount 9,646.56 4,158.50 Totals by Label HHSHCAT 13,805.06 Totals by Payment Method CBA-CENTRALL Y BILLEDACCT Total PERSONAL Tota l 9,646.56 4 , 158.50 Audits Audit Name NONCONTRACT FARE Result FAIL Reason FLIGHT: 82, DEPARTING: 05/18/18, NON-CONTRACT FARE: IFFUS (UNKNOWN AIRPORT CODE) A noncontract fare was selected . Please provide a ju stificat ion why a contract fare was not used . Traveler Justificat ion: These are the flights that work best with Dr. Redfield 's schedule and the schedule of the WHO meetings. Dr. Redfield is not required to use the contract carr ier in this case because that air line does not provide a business class city pair fare. Dr. Redfield has an approved reasonable accommodation for premium class tlight s on file with CDC's Reasonable Accommodations Office and the Office of Finan cial Resources Document History 05/15/2018 Auth: TRIP00 E4IE- 1 Copyright 1989 -2009 Concur Gove rnment Edition: Concur Inc. Redfield, Robert Ray. 0011410477 STATUS CREATED DATE 04/ 11/20 18 TIME 9:27AMEST SIGNED 04/ 16/20 18 6:50AMEST SIGNED 04/18/20 18 7 :32AMEST SIGNATURE NAME REASON Robert Redfield Net Adjustment:0.00 Norton , Jennifer Clare Net Adj ustment: 13,805.06 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001422 Norton, Jennifer Clare Net Adjustment:-3,5 l 3 .00 ADJUSTED 04/ 18/20 18 8:14AMEST SIGNED 04/18 /2018 8:32AMEST ADJUSTED 04/ 18/20 18 8:36AMEST SIGNED 04/18 /20 18 8:36AMES T PREMIUM AI R APPROVED 04/ l 8/2018 12:00PMEST ADJUSTED 04/19 /20 18 8:02AMEST REVIEWED 04/ 19/20 18 8:03AMEST ADJUSTED 04/l9 /20 18 8:09AMEST ADJUSTED 04/19 /2018 8:18AMES T FGN SECURITY APPROVD 04/ 19/2018 8:19AMEST ADJUSTED 04/27/20 18 5:56AMEST APPROVED 04/27 /20 18 5:57AMEST PENDING 04/27/20 18 5:58AMEST Posack Obligation 04/27/20 18 10:18AMEST Norton, Jennifer Clare Net Adjustment:0.00 Norton, Jennifer Clare Net Adjustment:0.00 Nor ton, Jennifer Clare Net Adjustment :0.00 Norton, Jenn ifer Clare Net Adjustment:0.00 Kearney , Mary Ruth Russell Net Adjustment:0.00 Norto n, Jennifer Clare Net Adjustment:0.00 Norton, Jennif er Clare Net Adjustment:0.00 Warr en, Dionne Net Adjustment:0.00 Warren , Dionne Net Adjustment :0.00 Warren. Dionne Net Adjustment:0.00 Will iams, Denitre R Net Adjustment :0.00 Williams , Denitre R Net Adjustment:0.00 SYSUTTUTY Net Adjustment.:0 .00 User, EAT Net Adjustment:0 .00 I certify that the electronic signature s listed above are valid and on fde SIGNEDDATE Docum ent Signatures Trave ler/Preparer Name: Traveler/Preparer Signature: Date: Approver Name: Approver Signature : Date: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001423 W O R L D H E A L T H ASSEMBLY • WorldHealth Organization Issued in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish Available on Internet : Seventy-first World Health Assembly Preliminary Journal 9 May 2018 Th is preliminary journal is intended to give delegates, representatives and other participants advance indicatio ns of the Health Assembly's tentative programme of work. Additional information can be found in the Guide for delegates to the World Health A ssembly (docu ment A71/DIV./2 ). The Journal does not constitute an officia l record of the Health Assembl y's proceedings. The Journal is published in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish on every working day d uring the Health Assembly. Content 1. Date, location and working hours ...................................................................................................... 2 2. Ten tat ive programme of work of the Health Assembl y .................................................................... 3 3. Technical briefings ................................ ............................................................................................ 6 4. Other meetings ...................... ......................... ............ ........................ ............................................... . 8 5. Arrangements for conduct of discussion in plenary meetings ............ ....... ...................................... 13 6. Provisional list of speakers for the general discussion in plenary ................... ........................ ........ 14 Badges For security reasons, all delegates will be required to wear photo ID badges in order to access the meeting rooms . Durin g the online registration process, the focal point will be asked to upload a passport style photograph of each member of the delegation . Brief instructions on how to upload and resize an existing image are available at: http ://www nce/en/ . Please note that delegates must registe r at WHO headquarters and obtain their badge before goi ng to the Palais des Nations . Access to the des Nations and the meeting rooms will be res tricted to persons wearing badges. Interpretation Interpre tation is provided in the official languages (Arab ic, Chinese, Engli sh, French , Russian and Spanish) to help delegat es follow the discussions. To ensure statemen ts are interpreted as clear ly as possible, delegates are requested to send a copy of statements they plan to make to interpret@who .int at least 30 minut es in advance. For further information on length and delivery of stateme nts please see sect ion 5 of the Journal. Seventy· first World Health Assemb ly• Palais des Nations . Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001424 1. Date, location and working hours Th e Seventy-first World Health Assemb ly will open in Geneva on Monda y, 21 May 2018 at 09:30. The Health Assembly will be held in the Palais des Nations, located near the Place des Nations and A venue de la Paix and most eas ily reached by the entrance gate on the Route de Pregny. The wor king hour s of the Health Assembly are from 09 :00 to 12:00 and from 14:30 to 17:30, exce pt for the first plenary meeting, which will comme nce at 09 :30 . The Health Assem bly will close no later than Saturday, 26 May 2018, as decided by the Executive Board at its 142nd session . Seventy -first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 2 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001425 2. Tentative programme of work of the Health Assembly Monday , 21 May 2018 First plenary meeting 09:30 Delegatio ns will sit in the French alphabetical order of names of Member States com menci ng with the letter "X" as decided by the drawing of lots. Delegations are requested to take their sea ts a few minutes before 09:30 . Item 1 Opening of the Health Assembly Item 1.1 - Appointment of the Committee on Creden tials Item 1.2 - Election of the President of the Seventy -first World Health Assemb ly Item 1.3 - Electi on of the five Vice-Presidents, the Chairmen of the main co mmittees, and establishment of the General Committee High-Level Segment 10 :30 1 Immediately after conclusion of the High-Level Segment in plenary General Committee Examination and submi ssion to the Health Assembly of recommendations on such questions as: - Adopt ion of the provisional agenda as proposed by the Execu tive Board - Addition of supplementary items, if any, to the provisional agenda - Initial allocation to the main co mmitte es of items of the agenda - Deferment of any item to a future Health Assembly - Pro gramme of work of the Health Assembly 14:30 Second plenary meeting Presidential address Item 1 (continued ) Opening of the Health Assembly Item 1.4 - Item 2 Report of the Executive Board on its 141st and 142nd sessions and on its special session on the draft thirteenth general programme of work, 2019-2023 Adopt ion of the agenda and allocation of items to the main committees Announceme nt by the President inviting suggest ions regarding election of Members entitled to designate a person to serve on the Executive Board Item 3 Address by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-Ge neral - 1 Genera l discussion Rules 29 and 30 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assemb ly define me mbership of and attendance at the Genera l Committee. Web link: http://www .who .int/governance . Seventy -first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 3 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001426 First meeting of Committee A Item 10 After commencement of general discussion under Item 3 Opening of the Committee - Item 11 Including election of Vice-Chairmen and Rapporteur Strategic prior ity matters Tuesday, 22 May 2018 Third plenary meeting Item 3 (continued) 09:00 - General discussion Second meeting of Committee A Item 11 (continued) 09:00 Strategic priority matters Committee on Credentials 14:00 Fourth plenary meeting 14:30 Item 3 (continued) - General discussion 14:30 Third meeting of Committee A Item 11 (continued) Strategic priorit y matters Wednesday, 23 May 2018 09:00 Fifth plenary meeting Report of the Committee on Credentials Item 5 Admission of new Members and Associate Members [if any] Fourth and fifth meetings of Committee A Item 11 (continued) St rategic priority matters First and second meetings of Committee B Item 13 Immediately after conclusion of Item 5 in plenary and 14:30 Opening of the Com mittee - Item 14 Immediately after conclusion of Item 5 in plenary and 14:30 Including election of Vice-Chairmen and Rapporteur Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory , including east Jerusalem, an d in the occupied Syrian Golan General Committee 17:30 Seventy- first World Health Assemb ly • Palais des Nations , Geneva , 21-26 May 2018 • Page 4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001427 Thursday, 24 May 2018 Sixth and seventh meetings of Committee A Item 12 09:00 and 14:30 Other technical matters 09:00 and 14:30 Third and fourth meetings of Committee B Item 15 Programme budget and financial matters Item 16 Audit and oversight matters Item 17 Staffing matters Item 18 Management and legal matters Item 19 Collaboration within the United Nations system and with other intergovernmental organizations Friday, 25 May 2018 Sixth plenary meeting 09:00 Item 7 Awards Item 6 Executive Board: election Item 8 Reports of the main committees Eighth and ninth meetings of Committee A Item 12 (continued) Other technical matters Fifth and sixth meetings of Committee B Item 20 Immediately after conclusion of Item 8 in plenary and 14:30 Immediately after conclusion of Item 8 in plenary and 14:30 Matters for information Saturday, 26 May 2018 Tenth meeting of Committee A 09:00 Finalization of resolutions and reports Seventh meeting of Committee B 09:00 Finalization of resolutions and reports Seventh plenary meeting Immediately following the closure of Committees A and B Item 8 (continued) Reports of the main committees Item 9 Closure of the Health Assembly Seventy-first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 5 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001428 3. Technical briefings The following tech nical briefings will take place during the Seven ty-first World Health Assembly. Tuesday , 22 May 2018 12:30- 14:00 Room XII Primary health care is key to achieving universal health coverage and health for all (lead up to 40th Anniversary of Alma Ata and 2019 General Assembly High-level meetin g on UHC ) The 1978 Declaration of Alma-Ata was the first international declaration to advocate for p1imary health care as the main strategy to achieve WHO 's stated goal of health for all. Since then, strong primary care systems, based in local communities, are recognized to be es sential to achieving universal health cove rage. The core values and principles of the I 978 Alma-Ata Declaratio n still stand, and at the Global Conference on Primary Health Care : Towards Health for All, to be held in October this year in Astana , Republic of Kazakhstan the global community is expected to renew the emphasis on primary care as the main driver of peop le-centred health systems leading to universal health coverage. Making health care truly universal requires a shift from health systems designed around diseases and health institutions towards health systems designed around and for people. The tech nical briefing will review lessons learn t on the imple mentation of primary hea lth care overt hese past four decades. This will inform the future implem enta tion of pri mary health care toward univer sal heal th coverage in our globaLized world. Wednesday, 23 May 2018 12:30-14:00 Room XII Official launch of the WHO immunization busines s case for the African continent While the African continent has made tremendou s gains toward increasing access to immunization in the last 15 years, progre ss has stagnate d, leaving one in five African children without access to life-saving vaccines. As a result, vaccine-preventable diseases continue to claim too many lives . On 31 January 2017 at the 28 th African Union Summit, Heads of Sta te from across Africa endorsed the Addis Declaration on Immunization (ADI ), thereby comm itting to advance un iversal access to immunization across Africa , which is a core component of attainin g universal health coverage and the Sustainable Deve lopment Goal s. In this context, WHO/ AFRO and WHO/EMRO jointly developed the WHO immunization business case for the Africa n Continent. Th is business case has been develo ped to mobilize sufficient resources for WHO to continue supporting all 54 Member States of the African continent to fully achieve the ADI commitments . During this technical bri efing, new frameworks and developments on immuni zation will be presented including: • the paradigm cha nge and new approac h for immunization as a core compo nent of attaining universal health coverage on the African contine nt • the immunization maturity grid • country categorization for the African continent • 2030 ambition to save 1.9 million lives • WHO ' s new value proposition and county -tailored approach, and transformation of the immunization programme . Seventy-first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 6 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001429 Thursday , 24 May 2018 12:30-14:00 Room XII Health, environment and climate change The Marrake sh Mini ster ial declaration relea sed in 2016 at COP22 mandated WHO, UN Environment and World Meteorolo gical Organization (WMO) to convene a globa l coa lition between relevant Ministries, includin g Mini stries of Hea lth and Ministries of Environment , and key UN agenc ies and stakeholders, to drive forward action s that will reduce the harmful impacts on the environment and climate that affect human health and well-being. The main goal of the coalition is to join tly promote and achieve better manageme nt of env ironm ental and climate risks to health. Notably, in its first phase, the coalition is prioritizing immediate act ions to reduc e the annual 12.6 million deat hs caused by env ironm ental risks and is specifica lly commi tted to suppo rt Member States and stakeho lders in their effo rts to tackle air poll ution. Th is interagency techn ical briefing will: • enable th e heads of agencies and Member States to reconfirm their com mitm ents to support the Hea lth, En vironme nt and Climate Change Co alition (HECCC) in the effort to address the root env ironmental causes of ill health • present a joi nt action plan for air pollution and detail the scope and purpose of the upcom ing first WHO Global Co nference on Air Pollution • provid e a scien tific briefing on the state of knowledge o n environmental determinants of health, including in rela tion to the non-communicable disease agenda • rep ort on the achievement s of the BreatheLife Campaign. Friday , 25 May 2018 12 :30-1 4:00 Room XII The role of parliamentarians in achieving univers al health coverage and global health security Toda y at least 400 million people globally have no access to essentia l health services, and 40 % of the world' s population lack social protection. Achieving universal health coverage, including for the most marginalized and vulnerab le groups of our societies, such as women, children , ado lesce nts and the elderly, is a crucial objective for each and every country. Universal health coverage enables all people to receive the health services they need throughout their lives without suffering financial hardship. Universal health coverage also includes health promotion and prevention and requires a broad public health approach to strengthening health systems . As the best defence to prevent disease outbreaks from becom ing epidemics, and to respond to health emergencies, strong health systems are the best way to safeguard against health crises. In this way, universal health coverage and global health security are two sides of the same coin. Universal health coverage and global heath security are key pillars to the achievement of the Sustainab le Development Goals, but ultimately they are a political choice. It is the responsibi lity of every country to pursue them , and parliamentarians have a key role to play in moving national health agendas forward. This technical briefing will provide an opportunity to hear the voice of parliamentarians and share experiences on concrete actions in terms of legislation, accountability, bud get allocation and advocacy. The briefing will also serve to share with parliamentarians the draft thirteenth general programme of work, 20 19- 2023. The technica l briefing is organ ized in collaboration with the Inter-Parliamen tary Union (WU). Seventy- first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva , 21-26 May 2018 • Page 7 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001430 4. Other meetings The Secretariat has been advised that the following meetings will take place during the Seventy-first World Health Assembly . Thi s represents information received up to 8 May 2018: Monday , 21 May 2018 08:00- 08 :50 Concordia 4 Nordic Group meeting. 08:00-09 :00 Room TV Meeting of the delegations of Member State s of the WHO South-East Asia Reg ion. 08:00-09 :00 Room XVI Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO African Region. 08:20-09 :20 Room VIT Meeting of heads of delegations of Member State s of the Regio n of the Amer icas . 08:30-09 :20 Room VIII Meeting of the delegation s of Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Regio n. 08:45- 09 :20 Room IX Meeting of the delegations of Memb er States of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. 12:30-14:00 Concordia 1 Meeting of the Pacific Health Minist ers. 12:30-14:00 Room Vil Universal health coverage in emergencies - a call to action. Organ ized by the delegations of Afghanistan, the Netherlands, Nige ria and Switzerland. 12:30-14:00 Room XX.Ill Assistive techno logy: making universal health coverage inclusive. Organized by the delegations of China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan and Pakistan. 12:30-14:00 RoomXX IV Primary health care and universal health coverage: the evidence, contributions and effectiveness of community health workers. Organized by the delegations of Algeria, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Norway and the United Republic of Tanzania. 13:00- 14:00 Concordia 4 Meeting of the Council of the Arab Ministers of Health. 15:00-17:00 RoomX 4 th Economic Cooperation Organization Ministerial Meeting on Health. By invitation only. 18:30- 21:30 at the Palais des Nations, Court of Honour (in case of rain at the Serpentine Bar) WHO 70 anniversary recep tion. Co-organized with Switzerland. th Seventy-first World Health Assembl y• Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21- 26 May 2018 • Page 8 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001431 Tuesday , 22 May 2018 07:45-08:45 Room VII Meeting of the delegation s of Member States of the Americas Region (AMRO/GRUA ). 08:00-08:50 Concordia 4 Nordic Group meeting. 08:00-08:50 Room IV Meeting of the del.egations of Member State s of the WHO South-East Asia Region. 08:00-08:50 Room XVI Meeting of the delegations of Member State s of the WHO African Region. 08:15-08:45 Room IX Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region . 08:15-08:45 RoomXXill Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO European Region . 08:30-08:50 Room VIII Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Region. 12: 15- 14: 15 Room XVI Meeting of the Ministers of Health of the Non-aligned Movement (NAM) . 12:30--14:00 Room XX.Ill Tackling noncommun icable diseases as a major contribution to universal health coverage: are regulatory interventions a cost-effective alternative? Organized by the delegations of Brazil, Colombia , Costa Rica, Ecuador, Finland, the Netherlands and Uruguay. 12:30-14:00 RoomXXIV Towards universal coverage with HIV prevention services and commodities - the Global Prevention Coalition and Roadmap. Organized by the delegations of Ecuador, Haiti , the Islamic Republic of Iran, Luxembourg, Maldives , Mexico , Panama , Ukraine, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the African Group. 18:00--19:30 Room VIII Country-led and co untry-owned efforts on malaria elimination to achieving universal health coverage. Organized by the delegations of Australia, China , Lao People's Democratic Republic , New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Spain, Sri Lanka, the U nited Republic of Tanzan ia and Zambia. 18:00--19:30 Room IX Takin g civil society engagement to new heights to advance WHO 's thirteenth genera l programme of work and achieve the Tripl e Billion targets. Organized by Caritas Internation alis, International Federation of Medical Students' Associations, International Pediatric Association, International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation and PATH. 18:00-19:30 RoomXXill Global actio n on patient safety for achieving effective universa l health coverage. Organized by the delegation s Czechia , Denmark, Germany , Japan, Kenya, Luxembourg, Malta, New Zealand, Oman, Poland, Saudi Arabia , South Africa, Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 18:00--19:30 Room XXIV I 00 years after the pandemic: preparedness to protect Health for All. Organized by the delegations of Finland and the United States of America. 18:00-20:00 Room IV Regional coordination meeting of the Member States of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Seventy-first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 9 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001432 Wednesday, 23 May 2018 07:45- 08:45 Room VII Meeting of the delegation s of Member States of the Americas Region (AMRO/GRU A). 08:00- 08:50 Concordia 4 Nordic Group meeting . 08:00- 08:50 Room IV Meet ing of the del.egations of Member State s of the WHO South-East Asia Region . 08:00- 08:50 Room XVI Meeting of the delegat ions of Member State s of the WHO African Region. 08:15- 08:45 Room IX Meeti ng of the delegat ions of Member States of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region . 08:15- 08:45 Room XXIII Meeting of the delegat ions of Member State s of the WHO European Region . 08:30- 08:50 Room VIII Meeting of the delegat ions of Member State s of the WHO Western Pacific Region. 12:30-1 4:00 Room VIII Why women, children, adolescents and youth are central to advanc ing unive rsal health coverage, quality, equity, dignity, and sexua l and reproductive health rights. Organized by the delegations of Denmark, France, Georgia , Malawi, Mozambique , Norway, Portugal, Slovenia and Sweden. 12:30- 14:00 Room XXIV Institutiona lizing social participation and hearing people's voice to secure sustainab le gains for universa l hea lth coverage . Orga nized by the delegations of Chile, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Tha iland . 12:30-1 4:15 Room XXIII Meeting of the delegations of Member State s of the WHO Europe an Region . 18:00- 18:50 Room IX Gyneco logical onco logy, early detection and prevention. Organized by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 18:00- 19:30 Room VII Memb er State s commitment to the globa l movement towards universal health coverage: focused actions on primary hea lth care and financing for effec tive delivery. Organized by the delegations of Australia, Ghana, Indonesia, Maldives, Mexico, Repub lic of Korea and Turkey. 18:00-1 9:30 Room VIII Towards ending tuberculosis-BRICS efforts to achieve universal health coverage in the context of preparations for the UN High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis. Organized by the delegations of Brazil , India , the Russian Federation and South Africa. 18:00- 20:00 RoomXXII Informa l meeting with the Mini sters of Health of guinea -worm affected countr ies. Organi zed by the WHO Secretariat. By invitation only. 19:00- 19:50 Room IX Mobilizing society: inspiration for deve loping national respon ses to dementi a. Organized by Alzheimer ' s Disease International. Seven ty-first World Health Assembl y • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 10 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001433 Thursday , 24 May 2018 07:45-08:45 Room VII Mee ting of the delegations of Member States of the Americas Region (AMR O/GRUA). 08:00- 08:50 Concordia 4 Nordic Group meeting. 08:00- 08:50 Room IV Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO South-East Asia Region. 08:00- 08:50 Room XVI Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO African Region. 08:15- 08:45 Room IX Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. 08:15- 08:45 Room XXIII Meeting of the delegatio ns of Member States of the WHO European Region. 08:30- 08:50 Room VIII Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Region. 12:30-1 4:00 Room VII Inclusive formulation of evidence -based policies and programmes for universa l health coverage. Organized by the delegations of Eth iopia, Uganda and the European Union. 12:30- 14:00 Room VIII Towards universal access to solid organ transplantation. Organized by the delegations of Algeria , Argentina , China , Costa Rica, Croatia, Dominican Republic , Italy, Portugal, Qatar, the Russian Federation, Spain and Uruguay. 12:30- 14:30 Room IX Small Island Developing States (SIDS) ministerial meeting. 18:00- 18:50 Room IX From burden to solution- ending tuberculosis, beating noncommu nicable diseases and achieving Health for All through alcohol policy best buys implementation. Organized by the delegations of Botswana, Lithuania, Slovenia, Thailand and IOGT International. 18:00- 19:30 Room VII Addressing antimicrobial resistance: a threat to global health and the achieveme nt of universal health coverage. Organized by the delega tions of Canada, Chile, Fiji, Italy, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Sweden and Viet Nam. 18:00- 19:30 Room VIII Combatting the challenges of substandard and falsified medica l products: the critical role of regulators. Organized by the delegations of Canada, Ireland, Japan, Mexico and the United States of America . 19:00- 19:50 Room IX The World Breastfeeding Trend s Initiative as a vehicle to galvanise action to achieve World Health Assemb ly and Global Breastfeeding Collective targets to increase excl usive and continued breastfee ding. Organized by the International Baby Food Action Network. Seven ty-first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations, Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 11 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001434 Friday, 25 May 2018 07:45-08:45 Room VII Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the Americas Region (AMRO/GRUA). 08:00- 08:50 Concordia 4 Nordic Group meeting. 08:00- 08:50 Room IV Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO South-Ea st Asia Region. 08:00- 08:50 Room XVI Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO African Region. 08:15- 08:45 Room IX Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. 08:15- 08:45 RoomXX III Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Europea n Region. 08:30- 08:50 Room VIII Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Region. 12:30- 14:00 Room VII Nourishing universal health coverage-country successes, lessons learnt and new tools in integrating infant and young child nutrition in health, with a focus on breastfeeding. Organized by the delegations of Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Canada , Fran ce, Ireland, Madagascar and the Phili ppines . 12:30- 14:00 Room VIII Access to medicines: overcoming obstacles created by monopo lies-essential to universal health coverage and the 2030 Agenda. Organized by the delegations of Brazil, India, Morocco, Senegal and Thailand. 18:00- I 8:50 Room IX Digita l health and artificial intelligence for delivery of quality services towards universal access to health care. Organized by the Internationa l Society for Telemedicine and eHealth. 19:00- 19:50 Room IX Better access for all with sustainable financing systems: the role of the private sector and new innovations to achieve universal health coverage. Organized by the Global Diagnostic Imaging, Healthcare IT and Radiation Therapy Trade Association and the Internat ional Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturer s and Associations. Saturday , 26 May 2018 08:00- 08:50 Concordia 4 Nordic Group meeting. 08:00-08:50 Room IV Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO South-East Asia Region. 08:00-08:50 Room XVI Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Africa n Region. 08:15-08:45 Room IX Meeting of the delegations of Memb er States of the WHO Eastern Medit erranean Region. 08:15- 08:45 Room XXIII Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO European Region. 08:30-08:50 Room VIII Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Region. Seventy-first World Health Assemb ly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 12 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001435 5. Arrangements for conduct of discussion in meetings Plenary. Theme of general discussion : "Health for All: commit to universal health coverage " Resolution WHA52.21 on refom1 of the Health Assem bly requested the Director-Ge neral to make appropriate arrangements for a shortened plenary meet ing and, to this end, encouraged group or regional stateme nts in plenary debate. Delegates are requested to limit their statements to five minutes (550 words) in this debate. Group or regional stateme nts may last up to 10 minutes. Delegates wishing to have their name placed on the list of speakers for the general d iscussion should notify the Department for Governing Bodies and External Relat ions by e-mai l (piazzap@who.i nt) or fax +41 22 791 4173. Copies of statements to be made in the genera l discussion should be submitted by email (interpret@w or to the Office of the Assista nt to the Secretary of the Health Assembly (Room A.656) by the morning of Monday, 21 May 2018. When submitti ng by email, please specify in the "Subject" and at the top of the stateme nt, the name of the country and the meeting: "Genera l Discussion". Delegates wishing to have their statements posted on the Assembly website http ://apps .who.i nt/gb/e/e wha7 l .html may send it to and include in the subject line of the email the agenda item to which the stateme nt relates. Additional information provided in this manner will not be included in the official record of the meeting. Other meetings Interpretation is provided in the official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) to help delegates follow the discussions. Delegates are requested to send a copy of statements they plan to make to interpret@who .int or to give a paper copy to the conference officers in the room at least 30 minutes before delivery. This does not prevent delegates from making changes on delivery but will facilitate clarity and accuracy in all languages. Under 'Subject' and at the top of the statement please state the name of the country/group, the meeting (e.g. Plenary, Committee A, Committee B, Executive Board) and the relevant agenda item number. Individual statements in Committees A and B are limited to 3 minutes (330 words) and group statements to five minutes (550 words). Delegates are requested to deliver statements at a normal speaking pace. Rapid delivery risks impeding clarity and accuracy in interpretation. Statements provided in advance are treated as confidential and checked against delivery for the purpose of the official record . Delegates wishing to have their statements posted on the Health Assemb ly website http ://apps wha7 1.html may send it to statements@who .int and include in the subject line of the email the agenda item to which the statemen t relates. Additional information provided in this manner will not be included in the official record of the meeting. Non-Sta te actors stateme nts at the Health Assembly Non-State actors in official re lations with WHO may req uest to speak in Committee A or B of the Heal th Assembly under a technical item in which they have a particular expertise. Non -State actors wishing to have their name placed on the list of speakers should notify the Secretariat of Partnerships and non -State actors Department (PNA) by email (nsastatement s@w t) latest by 08:00 am of the day of the meeting in question. Non-State actors may submit their statements in advance for the Secretariat to post on a dedicated website and are invited to register at http s://extrane t.who .int/nonstateactorss tateme nt s/. Statements should be limited to 2 minutes (300 words). Seven ty-first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 13 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001436 6. Bulgaria Canada Zimbabwe India China Lebanon Provisional list of speakers for the general discussion in plenary (The delegate of Bulgaria will speak on behalf of the European Union) (The delegate of Canada will speak on behalf of the Member States of the Region of the Americas) (The delegate of Zimbabwe will speak on be half of the Member States of the African Region) (The delegate of Lebanon will give the stateme nt of the Arab Ministers Counc il) France United States of America United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Cuba Russian Federation Kenya Colombia Netherlands Algeria Maldives Argentina Niger Ecuador Philippines Poland Australia Finland Brazil (The delegate of Brazil will speak on behalf of the Community of Portuguese Language Countrie s/Lusophone Commonwealth (CPLP)) Portugal Japan Greece Ghana Republic of Korea Slovakia Nepal Turkey Trinidad and Tobago Belarus Mexico New Zealand Senegal Monaco Indonesia Costa Rica Islamic Republic of Iran Cote d'Ivoire Spain Seven ty-first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 14 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001437 Peru United Republic of Tanzania Germany South Africa Slovenia Tuni sia Czechia Guyana Namibia Georgia Uruguay Luxembourg Liberia Italy Mauritania Morocco Israel Banglades h Sweden Zambia Romania Boljvarian Repub lic of Venezuela (The dele gate of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will speak on behalf of the Non-aligned Movement (NAM)) Iceland Burkina Faso The former Yugoslav Republi c of Macedonia Panama Malta Nigeria Singapore Cypru s Plurinational State of Bolivia Belgium Chile San Marino Ethiopia Turkmenistan Botswana Malaysia Andorra Cameroon Thailand Lithuania Brunei Daru ssalam Syrian Arab Republic Myanmar El Salvador Iraq Mongolia Central African Republi c Pakist an Jamaica Viet Nam Democratic People 's Republic of Korea Togo Seven ty-first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 15 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001438 Denmark Madagascar Paraguay Guinea Kazakhstan Guatemala Angola Qatar Equatorial Guinea Lao People's Democratic Republic Benin Saint Kitts and Nevis Seychelles Bhutan Democratic Republic of the Congo Repub lic of Moldova Nicaragua Bahrain Gabon Oman African Unio n Palestine Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) the Order of Malta Seventy-first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 16 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001439 Page 2296 Page 2297 DC-1 441 Page 2298 INFORMATION FOR UNITED STATES DELEGATION TO 71ST WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY MAY 21 - 25, 2018 LOG ISTICS World Health Assembl y location Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva 10 Hotel Most U.S. delegates are staying at the Intercontinental Hotel 7-9 chem in du Petit -Saconnex Tel: [41] (22) 919 39 39 Control Room We will have a control room at the Intercontinental Hotel (room number TBC) from May 18 through May 25. All U.S. delegates are welcome to use the control room 24/7. It has computers, printers, a photocopier, office supplies, a meeting table and wireless int ernet. When you check-in at the hotel, you should receive a key to the control room, but please ask for a key if for some reason you do not. All delegates names are on cleared list of people to get keys (even for those not staying at the Intercontinental Hotel). Alison Schaeffer, from t he Office of Global Affairs, is managing the control room. Please be in touch with her with any questions (e: Alison.Schaeffer@h or m: 202-713-6137). If you lose your key to th e control room, please conta ct Alison; do not ask for a new one at the front desk as t his usually end s up in the deactivat ion of all our keys to th e control room . Delegation M eet ings Sunday, May 20 5:00pm U.S. Delegation Me etin g Intercontinental Hotel, Madrid room 7:30pm Inform al Delegati on Dinner Luigia, Chemin de la Tourelle 2 Meet in the lobby of the Intercontinental at 7:20 if you want to walk to dinner toge t her Monday , May 22 No formal delegation meeting. Daily meeting Tuesday, May 22 - Friday, May 25 7:30 - 7:50am U.S. Delegation M eet ing Intercontinental Hotel Control Room # TBC Credenti als The U.S. Mission in Geneva has registered the full U.S. delegation. We will give you your badge at the delegat ion meeting on Sunday. If you cannot attend this meeting, we w ill leave your badge with the front desk at the 1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001443 Intercontinental Hotel. For entrance into the Palais, you will need to show your passport in addit ion to your badge. Please remember to take your passport with you each day ! Gener al Transportati on Each delegat ion member is responsible for his/her travel to/from the airport. There are metered taxi cabs available just outside of baggage claim (cost will be about CHF 30). Alternatively, there are free tickets for public t ransportatio n available from a machine in the baggage collection area at the Geneva International Airport (on the left hand side just before passing customs). This Unireso t icket allows you free use of public transport in Geneva for a period of 80 minutes . All hotels provide a free Geneva transport card that gives you free access to public t ransportation, includi ng buses and trains to the airport. You should receive this card when you check-in to the Intercont inenta l Hote l. You MUST carry this card with you when you use the buses or must purchase a ticket before boarding . Although infrequent, Geneva police do sometimes board buses to verify that all passengers have proof of payment. You can find a Geneva public transport trip planner here . The WHO building is within 15 minutes walk ing distance of the Intercontinental. Many delegates choose this option and can show you the way . Transport ation to/ from Palais des Nat ions Shuttle Buses We have a shuttle buses for U.S. Delegates that will go between the Intercontinental Hotel and Palais from Monday, 5/2 1 to Wednesday, 5/23 . Please note that the shuttle is not available 24/7; first pick-up from the Intercontinental will be at 7:00am, and last drop-off will be at 11:00am. Alison Schaeffer, from the Office of Global Affairs, is managing the vehicles. Please contact her with any questions (e: Alison or m: 202868-9310). Walking The Intercontinental Hotel is a short 10 minute walk from the Palais. Taxis A taxi stand is located on Avenue de la Paix, 50 meters uphill from the Palais gate, and are available any time . Taxis cannot enter the UN compound-passengers will have to get off at the Pregny or Nations gates. Technology When you arrive in Geneva, you may need to take your battery out of your phone/BlackBerry for a few moments and then put it back it . This will help it find the network. You will receive free wireless access at the Intercontinental Hotel. At check-in, you will receive a username and password. If you want to accesswireless in the lobby, you need to ask the front desk for a separate username and password. Electrical outlets often only take low-profile EU adapters (see below). If you plan on charging your phone or laptop at the EB, please remember to bring an adapter. 2 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001444 WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY SESSIONS Daily Journals Each morning, the Secretariat puts out an updated agenda ("journal") for the day. Because negotiat ions take differing amounts of time, the schedule for when agenda items will be brought to the floor can change greatly from day to day. These journals are available at the Palais and uploaded on the WHA website here. OGA will also pick up the daily journals from the Palais and have them available in the control room for delegation members each morning. Me eting rooms Plenary: Assembly Hall (Salle des Assemblees) accessible from doors 13 and 15 Committee A: Conference Room XVIII on the first floor of Building E Committee B: Conference Room XVII on the f irst floor of Building E For the first several days of the Assembly access to the Plenary room will be limited. Overflow seat ing is available in the gallery upstairs, and proceedings other than the election will be broadcast on televis ions and via webcast. Position Papers OGA coordinates all position papers and talking points for Committee A and Committee Band will have a binder w ith these documents available at the chair when it is occupied . We do not leave the binders unattended so if you are in the chair prior to a break, please take the binder with you until the next session begins. USG Coverage Schedules OGA wil l share schedules detailing who from the U.S. delegation will sit in the U.S. seat dur ing plenary sessions and during specific agenda items in Committee A and Committee B. Timing for each agenda item can vary greatly so we will update this internal -USGschedule each morning and share it at the morning delegation meeting . Reporting and readouts Each night, a representative from OGA will collect the summaries of negotiations from the Assembly f loor and bilateral meetings. We will be in touch with delegates throughout the day if we do not receive your readouts. DELEGATION PARTICIPATION The U.S. delegation is a working delegation . Members are assigned responsibility for particular agenda items or sessions. OGA will share schedules deta iling who from the U.S. de legation will sit in the U.S. seat during plenary sessions. The assignment list represents an initia l attempt to identify responsibil ities for support to the Head of Delegation who is the spokesperson on all issues, and who may delegate the opportunity to speak to other members of the delegation. Since timing for each agenda item can vary greatly, we will update this internal -USG schedule each morning and share it at the morning delegation meeting. Any changes or additions to assignments w ill be discussed at the daily U.S. delegation meetings. If you are unable to cover an event, please let Maya Levine (maya.lev } or Rachel Wood (rachel } know immediately . Assignments are made so that at least two members of the delegation w ill be present at all times at each session. The suggested assignments are based on dynamics of the Assembly, areas of expertise and interest, competing responsibilities of delegates, and the itineraries of U.S. delegation members. As long as assignment s are being covered, U.S. delegates may attend any session they wish, provided participation is not limited for reasons of space and/or need to limit participation to essential people only (e.g., resolution 3 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001445 drafting sessions). The head of delegat ion and alternate representat ive will coordinate assignments for negotiations and drafting groups as they arise . Dependi ng on the Assembly dynamics, delegates may rece ive other specific assignments, i ncluding part icipat ion at representational events, bilatera l meetings w ith Member States, special technical briefings, resolut ion drafting sessions, meetings wit h WHO staff, etc . The responsibilities for any assignment include that a designated delegate(s): 1) attend the entire specified session; 2) take brief not es or h ighlights of particular presentation(s) and/or discussions; and 3) submit 2-4 bu llets following the discussion to Jacob Eckles (Jacob.eck les@hhs .gov ) fo r inclusion in the U.S. repor t ing cable. Note-taking guidance If you are the assigned note -taker for an agenda discussion, event or bilatera l meeting, please familiarize yourself with the briefing document, report and/or our position paper so that you have the conte xt of the conversation to help capture meaningful notes. Summar ies of the committee discussion should be 3-6 sentences and able to answe r the following quest ions: What action did the Assemb ly take? (This should be referenced under the "Issue" section of our posit ion papers) What are the important outcomes and/or next steps for t his issue? Did the United States play a role in achieving this outcome? What were some key discussion themes or noteworthy rema rks (and who delivered them)? Note-taking tips: Spell out all acronyms the first time they are used. If a summary is "SBU" indicate which items within the summary are SBU vs. Unclassified. Both plenary and bilateral meeting summaries will be shared w ith the wider interagency. Please write keeping in mind the broader audience . 4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001446 PRACTICAL INFORMATION UNITED NATIONS OFFICEAT GENEVA -UNOG 8 - 14 avenue de la Poix CH-1 211 Geneva 10 T +41 (0)22 91712 34 PUBLICTRANSPORTATION Pre-paid cords and season tickets are on sale at the newspaper kiosks in the Polois des Nations. QTRAMWAY PLACEDES NATIONS 15 tJBus PLACEDES NATIONS 5 (AIRPORT), 8, 11, 22, 28 (AIRPORT) V, F,Z RIGOT 1, 11, 28 (AIRPORT) APPIA 8, 28 (AIRPORT) V, Z, F QTAXIS PLACEDES NATIONS 0223314133 MAKING TELEPHONECALLS p>FROM INSIDE 111 UNOG switchboard 112 Medical emergency 112 Security emergency 112 Fire emergency 729 53 Pregny Gate 719 48 Lost and found Telephones are available in the Palais for internal calls only. p>FROMOUTSIDE T +41 (0)22 91 followed by the five-figure extension number. or call the switchboard. T +41(0)2291712 34 LEAGUEOF NATIONSMUSEUM Building B - 1st Floor ACCREDITATION All delegates visiting the Polois des Nations must first register with the Security and Safety Service, which will issue identity badges upon arrival. ACCREDITATIONREQUESTS The conference Secretariat at the delegate's request will send out a registration form . The completed form with accompanying official letters regarding the delegation must be sent back to the conference Secretariat at l east four workin g days i n advance of the conference. IDENTIFICATION BADGES On arriving for a conference, accredited delegates should vi sit the Security and Safety Service at the Pregny Gate to collect their identificat i on badges. Delegat es must present the original of the registration form sent beforehand to the conference Secretariat and their notional identification cord or passport. On the first day of a conference, there could be a bit of a wait so you may wish to arrive in good time. PARKING AUTHORIZATIONS Delegates wishing to park on the premises should request authorization in advance through their individual Permanent Mission in Geneva. The UNOG Security and Safety Service at Pregny Gate will issue the parking authorization at the same time as the delegate's identification badge. SECURITYAT THE PALAIS DES NATIONS For security reasons, the identification badge must be worn and visible to UNOG Security staff at all times while visiting the UNOG. UNOG The United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) is a centre of multilateral diplomacy that provides a dynamic platform for coll aboration. dialogue and action on global priorities. It is the representative office of the Secretory-General in Switz erland and t he second largest UN duty station, with more than 1,500 staff representing close to 120 nationalities. Learn more at: TWITTER UNArchivesGeneva @UNGeneva @UNOG_DG FACEBOOK OPENING HOURS PREGNYGATE From Monday to Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm T +41 (0)22 917 50 02 F +41 (0)22 917 04 94 ACCESSDOORSTO THE BUILDINGS 7:00am-7:00pm For access to the offices outside these hours, call the Security and Safety Service. T +41(0) 22 917 29 00 T +41(0) 22 917 29 02 SERPENTBAR Building E - 1st Floor ARCHIVES Consul tation of the League of Nations and United Nations Archives at Geneva i n the reading room is opened to externa l researchers {professors, hi storians, etc.). unive rsity students as well as UN affiliates for the purpose of their professional work or research studies . More information at : www.unog .ch/orch i ves BUILDING B - 3Ro FLOOR 8:30 am - 5:30 pm @UNAchi vesGE LEAGUEOF NATIONS MUSEUM The Museum relates , from 19 19 to 1946, the histo ry of the very first intergovernmental organ i zation for peace and cooperation, without whi ch the United Notions would not be what it i s today. It also evokes current issues and the work of the UN today. The League' s Archives have been registered since 2009 in the Memory of the World Regi ster of UNESCO. Inquiries for guided tours and group visi ts at : leaguemuseum@unog .ch BUILDING B - ,ST FLOOR 9:00 am - 5:00 pm FLICKR ·-~~ ~~ LeogueofNationsMuseum SAFISHOP Building S - Floor -1 BOOKSHOP ISOUVENIRS Building E Floor z•• u OFICINA oe LAS NACION£$ UNIOAS eN GIN£B HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001447 •• @ • + REDCROSS 8. 28 (AIRPORT) F(APPIA) V. Z (APPIA) J MAIN ENTRANCE PREGNV GATE 'V ~ ANNEXES LE BOCAGE RECEPTION ACCREDITATION Access for all VISITORS (delegates, conference participants, etc) ,,_, • TAXIS COUNCILCHAMBER Building C - 1stFloor ASSEMBLY HALL Building A - 3rd Floor ROOMXX Building E - 3" Floor VILLA LE BOCAGE (O'\ • 5 (AIRPORT).8. 11. • 22. 28 (AIRPORT) V. F.Z PLACE DES NATIONS BLDG . s Access only for persons with UN badges re, • - !23 28 (AIRPORT) ACCESSFOR PERSONS CONFERENCE WITH DISABILITIES ROOMS BUILDING A ROOM Ill ROOMV ROOMVI ROOMVII ROOMVIII ROOM IX ROOMX ROOMXI ROOMXII ROOMXIV ROOMXV ROOMXVI ASSEMBLY HALL BUILDING B SALLEDESPASPERDUS Building A - 3r' Floor FLOOR DOOR 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 5 3 FLOOR DOOR LIBRARY 8 30c• n S 30 prn CYBERSPACE 8 30c· n - S 30pn LEAGUEOF NATIONS MUSEUM g ooc, n - S OOrrr ARCHIVESREADING ROOM 8 J0c· n - 5 30,:rn C6 C6 A13 A13 A13 A1 3 A15 A15 A15 A18 A1 1 A13 l75 A1 3l15 B20 B20 3 BUILDING C 1 ROOM II 1 ROOM IV 3 COUNCIL CHAMBER 1 ROOM XVII ROOM XVIII ROOM XIX ROOM XX ROOMXX I ROOM XXII ROOM XXIII ROOM XXIV ROOM XXV ROOM XXVI ROOM XXVII BUILDINGS B20 ROOM S1 B20 ROOM S3 ROOM S2 ROOM S4 ROOM ss SERVICES FLOOR DOOR FLOOR DOOR ROOM I BUILDING E LIBRARY Building B - 1st Floor C6 C6 C6 C6 0 fl FLOOR DOOR 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 E40 E40 E40 E40 E40 E40 E40 E40 E40 E40 E40 52 S2 S2 52 S2 -l : :,51 -.T .52 BANK 8:30arii • 4:30 pm TRAVELAGENCY 9 OOarn-5 :00pm NEWSPAPER :KIOSK 8:00 om- 5:30 pm 8 : POSTOFFICE 0 SOUVENIRS 9_:000111 - s:~opm cirn ~'s:66 0 NEWSPAPERKIOSK 7:30am-5 :00pm (ID BOOKSHOPISOUVENIRS 9 00am - 5:30pm SERPENTBAR 900am - 5:15pm BANK 8:30am-4 :30pm @ CULTURALKIOSK .9 boam--:s•oo pm PRESSBAR 8 00 am-6:30 pm DELEGATESLOUNGE 830 pni CAFETERIA 8:15am - 4:45pm DELEGATESRESTAURANT 12:00am-2 :30pm GUIDEDTOURS TRAVELAGENCY 9 00am-5 :30pm m UN STAMPS 9:Q()am-4:00pm 0 0 0 0 0 1C6l23 B:OOam-5 :00pm FLOOR DOOR 0 3 3 3 4 SAF.I SHOP 12:ooarri-6 :30 p"rn MEDICALSERVICE 8:00am - 5:00pm COUNCILCHAMBERLOBBY FLOOR DOOR 0 .C6l23 . 3 .A13 BAR/ SNACKPALETTE 8:15 am- 5:00 pm ~ DEFIBRILLATORS 0 A13I15 8 A13l15 2 E39 2 E40 E40 2 E40 6 E40 Door 52 I Door C6 I Door E40 I Pregny, visitor entrance Le Bocage Annexes. ground floor I library , B buildi ng, 1" floorHHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001448 I Hall des Pas Perdus, A building. 3rd floor I Quai 30 I I U.S. Delegation to the 71 st World Health Assembly Geneva, Switzerland May 21 - 26, 2018 Chief Delegate The Honorable Alexander M. Azar Secretary U.S. Dep artment of Health and Human Services Delegates Theodore Allegra Charge d'Affair es ad interim U.S . Mission to the United Na tions and Other International Organizations Brett Giroir Assistant Secretary for Health U.S. Departme nt of Health and Human Services Garrett Grigsby Director Office of Global Affairs U.S. Dep artment of Health and Human Services Kevin Moley Assistant Secretary Bureau of International Organization Affairs U.S. Dep artment of State Robert Redfield Dir ector Centers for Disease Control and Preven tion U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Alternate Delegates MarkAbdoo Deputy Commissioner (Acting) Global Regulatory Opera tions and Policy Food and Drug Administration U.S . Dep artment of Health and Human Services Deborah Birx U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and U.S. Special Repre sentative for Global Health Diplom acy U.S . Dep artment of State HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001449 Ann Blackwood Senior Health Advisor Bureau of International Organization Affairs U.S. Department of State Tracy Carson Health Attache U.S. Mission to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva U.S. Dep artment of State Roger Glass Director Fogarty International Center National Institutes of Health U.S. Dep artment of Health and Human Services Alma Golden Deputy Assistant Administrator Global Health Bureau U.S. Agency for International Development Jerold Mallory Director Office of International Health and Biodefense Bureau of Oceans and Interna tional Environmental and Scientific Affairs U.S . Department of State Colin Mciff Director, Europe Office Food and Drug Administration U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Peter Schmeissner Director, Multilateral Relations Office of Global Affairs U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Mari Stull Senior Policy Advisor o the Assistant Secretary Bureau of International Organization Affairs Department of State Advisors Elisa Adelman 2 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001450 Health Officer Bureau for Global Health U.S . Agency for International Development Emily Bleimund Director, Office of Trade and Health Office of Global Affairs U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Julie Callahan Senior Director, Agricultural Affairs Office of the U.S. Trade Representative Hillary Carter Director for Countering Biological Threats, National Security Council White House National Security Council Megan Crowe Senior International Economis t International Trade Administration Office of Consumer Goods U.S. Department of Comme rce Jacob Eckles Global Health Officer , Global Health Security Office of Global Affairs U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Jose Fernandez Deputy Director , Global Health Security Office of Pandemics and Emerging Threats Office of Global Affairs U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Karin Ferriter Deputy Chief Policy Officers Office of Policy and Internat ional Affa irs U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Katherin Gorove Legal Advisor U.S . Miss ion to the United Nat ions and Other Internat ional Organizations in Geneva Brian Harrison Deputy Chief of Staff 3 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001451 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Jenifer Healy Chief of Staff Office of Global Affairs U.S . Department of Health and Human Services Nance Kyloh Senior Humanitarian Advisor, Humanitarian Affairs Section U.S. Mission to the United Nations and Other International Organ izations in Geneva U.S . Department of State Gabrielle Lamo urelle Deputy Director, Multilateral Relations Office of Global Affairs U.S . Department of Health and Human Services Deborah Lashley-Johnson Intellectual Property Attache U.S . Mission to the World Trade Organization Maya Levine Senior Global Health Officer, Multilateral Relations Office of Global Affairs U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Matthew Lim Deputy Health Attache U.S. Permanent Mission to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva Rebecca Martin Director Center for Global Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention U.S . Department of Health and Human Services Lauren Mikulsky Political Assistant U.S. Permanent Mission to the Un ited Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva Holly Moore Legal Advisor U.S . Mission to the United Nations and Other International Organizations Allison O'Donnell Global Health Officer, Americas 4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001452 Office of Global Affairs U.S . Department of Health and Human Services Jessica Roach Global Health Officer, Europe /Eurasia Office of Global Affairs U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Alison Schaeffer Execut ive Assistant to the Director Office of Global Affai rs U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Karen Sliter Minister Counselor andGlobal Health Senior Advisor APHIS, Veterinary Services U.S. Department of Agriculture Edward Trimble Director National Cancer Institute's Center for Global Health Nationa l Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Robert Waller Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) ad interim US Mission Geneva Mitch Wolfe Chief Medical Officer and Acting Director CDC Washington Centers for Disease Control and Prevention U.S . Department of Health and Human Services Rachel Wood Global Health Officer, Multilateral Relations Office of Global Affai rs U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Mamadi Yilla Deputy Coordina tor for Multi-Sector Respons ibility and Diplomacy Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Health Diplomacy U.S. Department of State Non-governmental Advisors Kolleen Kennedy President 5 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001453 Varian Oncology Systems Varian Medica l Palo Alto, Ca lifornia Additional U.S . Officials who need access to the UN Palais George Adams Special Agent U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Carolyn Olson Director of Advance, Office of the Secretary U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Ryan Murphy Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs U.S . Department of Health and Human Services Andrea Parada Special Agent U.S . Department of Health and Human Services Patrick Salazar Assistant Special Agent in Charge U.S . Department of Health and Human Services James Stephens Special Agent U.S . Department of Health and Human Services John Twomey Special Assistant to Secretary Azar, Office of the Secretary U.S . Department of Health and Human Services 6 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001454 71st WHA US Delegation Contact List Name US Mobile I Email Abdoo, Mark Adams, George Adelman, Elisa Amb . Birx, Deoborah Blackwood, Anne Bleimund, Emily Callahan, Julie Carter, Hillary Crowe, Megan Eckles, Jacob Fernandez, Jose Ferriter, Karen Giroir, Brett Glass, Roger Golden, Alma Grigsby, Garrett (b)(6) Harrison, Brian Healy, Jenifer Kennedy, Kolleen Lamourelle, Gabrielle Levine, Maya Mciff, Colin Mallory, Jerold Martin, Rebecca Amb. Mol ey, Kevin Murphy, Ryan O'Donnell, Allison Olson, Carolyn Parada, Andrea Redfield, Robert Roach, Jessica HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001455 Russo, Leonard Salazar, Patrick Schaeffer, Alison Schmeissner, Peter Sliter, Karen Stephens, James (b)(6) Stull, Mari Trimble, Ted Twomey, John Wolfe, Mitch Wood, Rachel Villa, Mamadi *For calling US numbers, remember to dial +land the number Geneva Team Allegra, Theodore {Ted) Bridiers, Eric Carson, Tracy Chao,Ann Moore, Holly Kyloh, Nance Houk, Dragana (Dani) (b)(6) Lashley-Johnson, Deborah Lim, Matt Lubetikin, Wendy Martin, Julia Mikulsky, Lauren Waller , Rob Zieseniss, Mireille HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001456 W O R L D H E A L T H ASSEMBLY • WorldHealth Organization Issued in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish Available on Internet : Seventy-first World Health Assembly Preliminary Journal 9 May 2018 Th is preliminary journal is intended to give delegates, representatives and other participants advance indicatio ns of the Health Assembly's tentative programme of work. Additional information can be found in the Guide for delegates to the World Health A ssembly (docu ment A71/DIV./2 ). The Journal does not constitute an officia l record of the Health Assembl y's proceedings. The Journal is published in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish on every working day d uring the Health Assembly. Content 1. Date, location and working hours ...................................................................................................... 2 2. Ten tat ive programme of work of the Health Assembl y .................................................................... 3 3. Technical briefings ................................ ............................................................................................ 6 4. Other meetings ...................... ......................... ............ ........................ ............................................... . 8 5. Arrangements for conduct of discussion in plenary meetings ............ ....... ...................................... 13 6. Provisional list of speakers for the general discussion in plenary ................... ........................ ........ 14 Badges For security reasons, all delegates will be required to wear photo ID badges in order to access the meeting rooms . Durin g the online registration process, the focal point will be asked to upload a passport style photograph of each member of the delegation . Brief instructions on how to upload and resize an existing image are available at: http ://www nce/en/ . Please note that delegates must registe r at WHO headquarters and obtain their badge before goi ng to the Palais des Nations . Access to the des Nations and the meeting rooms will be res tricted to persons wearing badges. Interpretation Interpre tation is provided in the official languages (Arab ic, Chinese, Engli sh, French , Russian and Spanish) to help delegat es follow the discussions. To ensure statemen ts are interpreted as clear ly as possible, delegates are requested to send a copy of statements they plan to make to interpret@who .int at least 30 minut es in advance. For further information on length and delivery of stateme nts please see sect ion 5 of the Journal. Seventy· first World Health Assemb ly• Palais des Nations . Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001457 1. Date, location and working hours Th e Seventy-first World Health Assemb ly will open in Geneva on Monda y, 21 May 2018 at 09:30. The Health Assembly will be held in the Palais des Nations, located near the Place des Nations and A venue de la Paix and most eas ily reached by the entrance gate on the Route de Pregny. The wor king hour s of the Health Assembly are from 09 :00 to 12:00 and from 14:30 to 17:30, exce pt for the first plenary meeting, which will comme nce at 09 :30 . The Health Assem bly will close no later than Saturday, 26 May 2018, as decided by the Executive Board at its 142nd session . Seventy -first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 2 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001458 2. Tentative programme of work of the Health Assembly Monday , 21 May 2018 First plenary meeting 09:30 Delegatio ns will sit in the French alphabetical order of names of Member States com menci ng with the letter "X" as decided by the drawing of lots. Delegations are requested to take their sea ts a few minutes before 09:30 . Item 1 Opening of the Health Assembly Item 1.1 - Appointment of the Committee on Creden tials Item 1.2 - Election of the President of the Seventy -first World Health Assemb ly Item 1.3 - Electi on of the five Vice-Presidents, the Chairmen of the main co mmittees, and establishment of the General Committee High-Level Segment 10 :30 1 Immediately after conclusion of the High-Level Segment in plenary General Committee Examination and submi ssion to the Health Assembly of recommendations on such questions as: - Adopt ion of the provisional agenda as proposed by the Execu tive Board - Addition of supplementary items, if any, to the provisional agenda - Initial allocation to the main co mmitte es of items of the agenda - Deferment of any item to a future Health Assembly - Pro gramme of work of the Health Assembly 14:30 Second plenary meeting Presidential address Item 1 (continued ) Opening of the Health Assembly Item 1.4 - Item 2 Report of the Executive Board on its 141st and 142nd sessions and on its special session on the draft thirteenth general programme of work, 2019-2023 Adopt ion of the agenda and allocation of items to the main committees Announceme nt by the President inviting suggest ions regarding election of Members entitled to designate a person to serve on the Executive Board Item 3 Address by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-Ge neral - 1 Genera l discussion Rules 29 and 30 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assemb ly define me mbership of and attendance at the Genera l Committee. Web link: http://www .who .int/governance . Seventy -first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 3 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001459 First meeting of Committee A Item 10 After commencement of general discussion under Item 3 Opening of the Committee - Item 11 Including election of Vice-Chairmen and Rapporteur Strategic prior ity matters Tuesday, 22 May 2018 Third plenary meeting Item 3 (continued) 09:00 - General discussion Second meeting of Committee A Item 11 (continued) 09:00 Strategic priority matters Committee on Credentials 14:00 Fourth plenary meeting 14:30 Item 3 (continued) - General discussion 14:30 Third meeting of Committee A Item 11 (continued) Strategic priorit y matters Wednesday, 23 May 2018 09:00 Fifth plenary meeting Report of the Committee on Credentials Item 5 Admission of new Members and Associate Members [if any] Fourth and fifth meetings of Committee A Item 11 (continued) St rategic priority matters First and second meetings of Committee B Item 13 Immediately after conclusion of Item 5 in plenary and 14:30 Opening of the Com mittee - Item 14 Immediately after conclusion of Item 5 in plenary and 14:30 Including election of Vice-Chairmen and Rapporteur Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory , including east Jerusalem, an d in the occupied Syrian Golan General Committee 17:30 Seventy- first World Health Assemb ly • Palais des Nations , Geneva , 21-26 May 2018 • Page 4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001460 Thursday, 24 May 2018 Sixth and seventh meetings of Committee A Item 12 09:00 and 14:30 Other technical matters 09:00 and 14:30 Third and fourth meetings of Committee B Item 15 Programme budget and financial matters Item 16 Audit and oversight matters Item 17 Staffing matters Item 18 Management and legal matters Item 19 Collaboration within the United Nations system and with other intergovernmental organizations Friday, 25 May 2018 Sixth plenary meeting 09:00 Item 7 Awards Item 6 Executive Board: election Item 8 Reports of the main committees Eighth and ninth meetings of Committee A Item 12 (continued) Other technical matters Fifth and sixth meetings of Committee B Item 20 Immediately after conclusion of Item 8 in plenary and 14:30 Immediately after conclusion of Item 8 in plenary and 14:30 Matters for information Saturday, 26 May 2018 Tenth meeting of Committee A 09:00 Finalization of resolutions and reports Seventh meeting of Committee B 09:00 Finalization of resolutions and reports Seventh plenary meeting Immediately following the closure of Committees A and B Item 8 (continued) Reports of the main committees Item 9 Closure of the Health Assembly Seventy-first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 5 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001461 3. Technical briefings The following tech nical briefings will take place during the Seven ty-first World Health Assembly. Tuesday , 22 May 2018 12:30- 14:00 Room XII Primary health care is key to achieving universal health coverage and health for all (lead up to 40th Anniversary of Alma Ata and 2019 General Assembly High-level meetin g on UHC ) The 1978 Declaration of Alma-Ata was the first international declaration to advocate for p1imary health care as the main strategy to achieve WHO 's stated goal of health for all. Since then, strong primary care systems, based in local communities, are recognized to be es sential to achieving universal health cove rage. The core values and principles of the I 978 Alma-Ata Declaratio n still stand, and at the Global Conference on Primary Health Care : Towards Health for All, to be held in October this year in Astana , Republic of Kazakhstan the global community is expected to renew the emphasis on primary care as the main driver of peop le-centred health systems leading to universal health coverage. Making health care truly universal requires a shift from health systems designed around diseases and health institutions towards health systems designed around and for people. The tech nical briefing will review lessons learn t on the imple mentation of primary hea lth care overt hese past four decades. This will inform the future implem enta tion of pri mary health care toward univer sal heal th coverage in our globaLized world. Wednesday, 23 May 2018 12:30-14:00 Room XII Official launch of the WHO immunization busines s case for the African continent While the African continent has made tremendou s gains toward increasing access to immunization in the last 15 years, progre ss has stagnate d, leaving one in five African children without access to life-saving vaccines. As a result, vaccine-preventable diseases continue to claim too many lives . On 31 January 2017 at the 28 th African Union Summit, Heads of Sta te from across Africa endorsed the Addis Declaration on Immunization (ADI ), thereby comm itting to advance un iversal access to immunization across Africa , which is a core component of attainin g universal health coverage and the Sustainable Deve lopment Goal s. In this context, WHO/ AFRO and WHO/EMRO jointly developed the WHO immunization business case for the Africa n Continent. Th is business case has been develo ped to mobilize sufficient resources for WHO to continue supporting all 54 Member States of the African continent to fully achieve the ADI commitments . During this technical bri efing, new frameworks and developments on immuni zation will be presented including: • the paradigm cha nge and new approac h for immunization as a core compo nent of attaining universal health coverage on the African contine nt • the immunization maturity grid • country categorization for the African continent • 2030 ambition to save 1.9 million lives • WHO ' s new value proposition and county -tailored approach, and transformation of the immunization programme . Seventy-first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 6 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001462 Thursday , 24 May 2018 12:30-14:00 Room XII Health, environment and climate change The Marrake sh Mini ster ial declaration relea sed in 2016 at COP22 mandated WHO, UN Environment and World Meteorolo gical Organization (WMO) to convene a globa l coa lition between relevant Ministries, includin g Mini stries of Hea lth and Ministries of Environment , and key UN agenc ies and stakeholders, to drive forward action s that will reduce the harmful impacts on the environment and climate that affect human health and well-being. The main goal of the coalition is to join tly promote and achieve better manageme nt of env ironm ental and climate risks to health. Notably, in its first phase, the coalition is prioritizing immediate act ions to reduc e the annual 12.6 million deat hs caused by env ironm ental risks and is specifica lly commi tted to suppo rt Member States and stakeho lders in their effo rts to tackle air poll ution. Th is interagency techn ical briefing will: • enable th e heads of agencies and Member States to reconfirm their com mitm ents to support the Hea lth, En vironme nt and Climate Change Co alition (HECCC) in the effort to address the root env ironmental causes of ill health • present a joi nt action plan for air pollution and detail the scope and purpose of the upcom ing first WHO Global Co nference on Air Pollution • provid e a scien tific briefing on the state of knowledge o n environmental determinants of health, including in rela tion to the non-communicable disease agenda • rep ort on the achievement s of the BreatheLife Campaign. Friday , 25 May 2018 12 :30-1 4:00 Room XII The role of parliamentarians in achieving univers al health coverage and global health security Toda y at least 400 million people globally have no access to essentia l health services, and 40 % of the world' s population lack social protection. Achieving universal health coverage, including for the most marginalized and vulnerab le groups of our societies, such as women, children , ado lesce nts and the elderly, is a crucial objective for each and every country. Universal health coverage enables all people to receive the health services they need throughout their lives without suffering financial hardship. Universal health coverage also includes health promotion and prevention and requires a broad public health approach to strengthening health systems . As the best defence to prevent disease outbreaks from becom ing epidemics, and to respond to health emergencies, strong health systems are the best way to safeguard against health crises. In this way, universal health coverage and global health security are two sides of the same coin. Universal health coverage and global heath security are key pillars to the achievement of the Sustainab le Development Goals, but ultimately they are a political choice. It is the responsibi lity of every country to pursue them , and parliamentarians have a key role to play in moving national health agendas forward. This technical briefing will provide an opportunity to hear the voice of parliamentarians and share experiences on concrete actions in terms of legislation, accountability, bud get allocation and advocacy. The briefing will also serve to share with parliamentarians the draft thirteenth general programme of work, 20 19- 2023. The technica l briefing is organ ized in collaboration with the Inter-Parliamen tary Union (WU). Seventy- first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva , 21-26 May 2018 • Page 7 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001463 4. Other meetings The Secretariat has been advised that the following meetings will take place during the Seventy-first World Health Assembly . Thi s represents information received up to 8 May 2018: Monday , 21 May 2018 08:00- 08 :50 Concordia 4 Nordic Group meeting. 08:00-09 :00 Room TV Meeting of the delegations of Member State s of the WHO South-East Asia Reg ion. 08:00-09 :00 Room XVI Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO African Region. 08:20-09 :20 Room VIT Meeting of heads of delegations of Member State s of the Regio n of the Amer icas . 08:30-09 :20 Room VIII Meeting of the delegation s of Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Regio n. 08:45- 09 :20 Room IX Meeting of the delegations of Memb er States of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. 12:30-14:00 Concordia 1 Meeting of the Pacific Health Minist ers. 12:30-14:00 Room Vil Universal health coverage in emergencies - a call to action. Organ ized by the delegations of Afghanistan, the Netherlands, Nige ria and Switzerland. 12:30-14:00 Room XX.Ill Assistive techno logy: making universal health coverage inclusive. Organized by the delegations of China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Jordan and Pakistan. 12:30-14:00 RoomXX IV Primary health care and universal health coverage: the evidence, contributions and effectiveness of community health workers. Organized by the delegations of Algeria, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Norway and the United Republic of Tanzania. 13:00- 14:00 Concordia 4 Meeting of the Council of the Arab Ministers of Health. 15:00-17:00 RoomX 4 th Economic Cooperation Organization Ministerial Meeting on Health. By invitation only. 18:30- 21:30 at the Palais des Nations, Court of Honour (in case of rain at the Serpentine Bar) WHO 70 anniversary recep tion. Co-organized with Switzerland. th Seventy-first World Health Assembl y• Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21- 26 May 2018 • Page 8 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001464 Tuesday , 22 May 2018 07:45-08:45 Room VII Meeting of the delegation s of Member States of the Americas Region (AMRO/GRUA ). 08:00-08:50 Concordia 4 Nordic Group meeting. 08:00-08:50 Room IV Meeting of the del.egations of Member State s of the WHO South-East Asia Region. 08:00-08:50 Room XVI Meeting of the delegations of Member State s of the WHO African Region. 08:15-08:45 Room IX Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region . 08:15-08:45 RoomXXill Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO European Region . 08:30-08:50 Room VIII Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Region. 12: 15- 14: 15 Room XVI Meeting of the Ministers of Health of the Non-aligned Movement (NAM) . 12:30--14:00 Room XX.Ill Tackling noncommun icable diseases as a major contribution to universal health coverage: are regulatory interventions a cost-effective alternative? Organized by the delegations of Brazil, Colombia , Costa Rica, Ecuador, Finland, the Netherlands and Uruguay. 12:30-14:00 RoomXXIV Towards universal coverage with HIV prevention services and commodities - the Global Prevention Coalition and Roadmap. Organized by the delegations of Ecuador, Haiti , the Islamic Republic of Iran, Luxembourg, Maldives , Mexico , Panama , Ukraine, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the African Group. 18:00--19:30 Room VIII Country-led and co untry-owned efforts on malaria elimination to achieving universal health coverage. Organized by the delegations of Australia, China , Lao People's Democratic Republic , New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Spain, Sri Lanka, the U nited Republic of Tanzan ia and Zambia. 18:00--19:30 Room IX Takin g civil society engagement to new heights to advance WHO 's thirteenth genera l programme of work and achieve the Tripl e Billion targets. Organized by Caritas Internation alis, International Federation of Medical Students' Associations, International Pediatric Association, International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation and PATH. 18:00-19:30 RoomXXill Global actio n on patient safety for achieving effective universa l health coverage. Organized by the delegation s Czechia , Denmark, Germany , Japan, Kenya, Luxembourg, Malta, New Zealand, Oman, Poland, Saudi Arabia , South Africa, Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 18:00--19:30 Room XXIV I 00 years after the pandemic: preparedness to protect Health for All. Organized by the delegations of Finland and the United States of America. 18:00-20:00 Room IV Regional coordination meeting of the Member States of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Seventy-first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 9 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001465 Wednesday, 23 May 2018 07:45- 08:45 Room VII Meeting of the delegation s of Member States of the Americas Region (AMRO/GRU A). 08:00- 08:50 Concordia 4 Nordic Group meeting . 08:00- 08:50 Room IV Meet ing of the del.egations of Member State s of the WHO South-East Asia Region . 08:00- 08:50 Room XVI Meeting of the delegat ions of Member State s of the WHO African Region. 08:15- 08:45 Room IX Meeti ng of the delegat ions of Member States of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region . 08:15- 08:45 Room XXIII Meeting of the delegat ions of Member State s of the WHO European Region . 08:30- 08:50 Room VIII Meeting of the delegat ions of Member State s of the WHO Western Pacific Region. 12:30-1 4:00 Room VIII Why women, children, adolescents and youth are central to advanc ing unive rsal health coverage, quality, equity, dignity, and sexua l and reproductive health rights. Organized by the delegations of Denmark, France, Georgia , Malawi, Mozambique , Norway, Portugal, Slovenia and Sweden. 12:30- 14:00 Room XXIV Institutiona lizing social participation and hearing people's voice to secure sustainab le gains for universa l hea lth coverage . Orga nized by the delegations of Chile, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Tha iland . 12:30-1 4:15 Room XXIII Meeting of the delegations of Member State s of the WHO Europe an Region . 18:00- 18:50 Room IX Gyneco logical onco logy, early detection and prevention. Organized by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 18:00- 19:30 Room VII Memb er State s commitment to the globa l movement towards universal health coverage: focused actions on primary hea lth care and financing for effec tive delivery. Organized by the delegations of Australia, Ghana, Indonesia, Maldives, Mexico, Repub lic of Korea and Turkey. 18:00-1 9:30 Room VIII Towards ending tuberculosis-BRICS efforts to achieve universal health coverage in the context of preparations for the UN High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis. Organized by the delegations of Brazil , India , the Russian Federation and South Africa. 18:00- 20:00 RoomXXII Informa l meeting with the Mini sters of Health of guinea -worm affected countr ies. Organi zed by the WHO Secretariat. By invitation only. 19:00- 19:50 Room IX Mobilizing society: inspiration for deve loping national respon ses to dementi a. Organized by Alzheimer ' s Disease International. Seven ty-first World Health Assembl y • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 10 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001466 Thursday , 24 May 2018 07:45-08:45 Room VII Mee ting of the delegations of Member States of the Americas Region (AMR O/GRUA). 08:00- 08:50 Concordia 4 Nordic Group meeting. 08:00- 08:50 Room IV Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO South-East Asia Region. 08:00- 08:50 Room XVI Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO African Region. 08:15- 08:45 Room IX Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. 08:15- 08:45 Room XXIII Meeting of the delegatio ns of Member States of the WHO European Region. 08:30- 08:50 Room VIII Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Region. 12:30-1 4:00 Room VII Inclusive formulation of evidence -based policies and programmes for universa l health coverage. Organized by the delegations of Eth iopia, Uganda and the European Union. 12:30- 14:00 Room VIII Towards universal access to solid organ transplantation. Organized by the delegations of Algeria , Argentina , China , Costa Rica, Croatia, Dominican Republic , Italy, Portugal, Qatar, the Russian Federation, Spain and Uruguay. 12:30- 14:30 Room IX Small Island Developing States (SIDS) ministerial meeting. 18:00- 18:50 Room IX From burden to solution- ending tuberculosis, beating noncommu nicable diseases and achieving Health for All through alcohol policy best buys implementation. Organized by the delegations of Botswana, Lithuania, Slovenia, Thailand and IOGT International. 18:00- 19:30 Room VII Addressing antimicrobial resistance: a threat to global health and the achieveme nt of universal health coverage. Organized by the delega tions of Canada, Chile, Fiji, Italy, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Sweden and Viet Nam. 18:00- 19:30 Room VIII Combatting the challenges of substandard and falsified medica l products: the critical role of regulators. Organized by the delegations of Canada, Ireland, Japan, Mexico and the United States of America . 19:00- 19:50 Room IX The World Breastfeeding Trend s Initiative as a vehicle to galvanise action to achieve World Health Assemb ly and Global Breastfeeding Collective targets to increase excl usive and continued breastfee ding. Organized by the International Baby Food Action Network. Seven ty-first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations, Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 11 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001467 Friday, 25 May 2018 07:45-08:45 Room VII Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the Americas Region (AMRO/GRUA). 08:00- 08:50 Concordia 4 Nordic Group meeting. 08:00- 08:50 Room IV Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO South-Ea st Asia Region. 08:00- 08:50 Room XVI Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO African Region. 08:15- 08:45 Room IX Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. 08:15- 08:45 RoomXX III Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Europea n Region. 08:30- 08:50 Room VIII Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Region. 12:30- 14:00 Room VII Nourishing universal health coverage-country successes, lessons learnt and new tools in integrating infant and young child nutrition in health, with a focus on breastfeeding. Organized by the delegations of Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Canada , Fran ce, Ireland, Madagascar and the Phili ppines . 12:30- 14:00 Room VIII Access to medicines: overcoming obstacles created by monopo lies-essential to universal health coverage and the 2030 Agenda. Organized by the delegations of Brazil, India, Morocco, Senegal and Thailand. 18:00- I 8:50 Room IX Digita l health and artificial intelligence for delivery of quality services towards universal access to health care. Organized by the Internationa l Society for Telemedicine and eHealth. 19:00- 19:50 Room IX Better access for all with sustainable financing systems: the role of the private sector and new innovations to achieve universal health coverage. Organized by the Global Diagnostic Imaging, Healthcare IT and Radiation Therapy Trade Association and the Internat ional Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturer s and Associations. Saturday , 26 May 2018 08:00- 08:50 Concordia 4 Nordic Group meeting. 08:00-08:50 Room IV Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO South-East Asia Region. 08:00-08:50 Room XVI Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Africa n Region. 08:15-08:45 Room IX Meeting of the delegations of Memb er States of the WHO Eastern Medit erranean Region. 08:15- 08:45 Room XXIII Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO European Region. 08:30-08:50 Room VIII Meeting of the delegations of Member States of the WHO Western Pacific Region. Seventy-first World Health Assemb ly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 12 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001468 5. Arrangements for conduct of discussion in meetings Plenary. Theme of general discussion : "Health for All: commit to universal health coverage " Resolution WHA52.21 on refom1 of the Health Assem bly requested the Director-Ge neral to make appropriate arrangements for a shortened plenary meet ing and, to this end, encouraged group or regional stateme nts in plenary debate. Delegates are requested to limit their statements to five minutes (550 words) in this debate. Group or regional stateme nts may last up to 10 minutes. Delegates wishing to have their name placed on the list of speakers for the general d iscussion should notify the Department for Governing Bodies and External Relat ions by e-mai l (piazzap@who.i nt) or fax +41 22 791 4173. Copies of statements to be made in the genera l discussion should be submitted by email (interpret@w or to the Office of the Assista nt to the Secretary of the Health Assembly (Room A.656) by the morning of Monday, 21 May 2018. When submitti ng by email, please specify in the "Subject" and at the top of the stateme nt, the name of the country and the meeting: "Genera l Discussion". Delegates wishing to have their statements posted on the Assembly website http ://apps .who.i nt/gb/e/e wha7 l .html may send it to and include in the subject line of the email the agenda item to which the stateme nt relates. Additional information provided in this manner will not be included in the official record of the meeting. Other meetings Interpretation is provided in the official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) to help delegates follow the discussions. Delegates are requested to send a copy of statements they plan to make to interpret@who .int or to give a paper copy to the conference officers in the room at least 30 minutes before delivery. This does not prevent delegates from making changes on delivery but will facilitate clarity and accuracy in all languages. Under 'Subject' and at the top of the statement please state the name of the country/group, the meeting (e.g. Plenary, Committee A, Committee B, Executive Board) and the relevant agenda item number. Individual statements in Committees A and B are limited to 3 minutes (330 words) and group statements to five minutes (550 words). Delegates are requested to deliver statements at a normal speaking pace. Rapid delivery risks impeding clarity and accuracy in interpretation. Statements provided in advance are treated as confidential and checked against delivery for the purpose of the official record . Delegates wishing to have their statements posted on the Health Assemb ly website http ://apps wha7 1.html may send it to statements@who .int and include in the subject line of the email the agenda item to which the statemen t relates. Additional information provided in this manner will not be included in the official record of the meeting. Non-Sta te actors stateme nts at the Health Assembly Non-State actors in official re lations with WHO may req uest to speak in Committee A or B of the Heal th Assembly under a technical item in which they have a particular expertise. Non -State actors wishing to have their name placed on the list of speakers should notify the Secretariat of Partnerships and non -State actors Department (PNA) by email (nsastatement s@w t) latest by 08:00 am of the day of the meeting in question. Non-State actors may submit their statements in advance for the Secretariat to post on a dedicated website and are invited to register at http s://extrane t.who .int/nonstateactorss tateme nt s/. Statements should be limited to 2 minutes (300 words). Seven ty-first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 13 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001469 6. Bulgaria Canada Zimbabwe India China Lebanon Provisional list of speakers for the general discussion in plenary (The delegate of Bulgaria will speak on behalf of the European Union) (The delegate of Canada will speak on behalf of the Member States of the Region of the Americas) (The delegate of Zimbabwe will speak on be half of the Member States of the African Region) (The delegate of Lebanon will give the stateme nt of the Arab Ministers Counc il) France United States of America United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Cuba Russian Federation Kenya Colombia Netherlands Algeria Maldives Argentina Niger Ecuador Philippines Poland Australia Finland Brazil (The delegate of Brazil will speak on behalf of the Community of Portuguese Language Countrie s/Lusophone Commonwealth (CPLP)) Portugal Japan Greece Ghana Republic of Korea Slovakia Nepal Turkey Trinidad and Tobago Belarus Mexico New Zealand Senegal Monaco Indonesia Costa Rica Islamic Republic of Iran Cote d'Ivoire Spain Seven ty-first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 14 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001470 Peru United Republic of Tanzania Germany South Africa Slovenia Tuni sia Czechia Guyana Namibia Georgia Uruguay Luxembourg Liberia Italy Mauritania Morocco Israel Banglades h Sweden Zambia Romania Boljvarian Repub lic of Venezuela (The dele gate of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will speak on behalf of the Non-aligned Movement (NAM)) Iceland Burkina Faso The former Yugoslav Republi c of Macedonia Panama Malta Nigeria Singapore Cypru s Plurinational State of Bolivia Belgium Chile San Marino Ethiopia Turkmenistan Botswana Malaysia Andorra Cameroon Thailand Lithuania Brunei Daru ssalam Syrian Arab Republic Myanmar El Salvador Iraq Mongolia Central African Republi c Pakist an Jamaica Viet Nam Democratic People 's Republic of Korea Togo Seven ty-first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 15 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001471 Denmark Madagascar Paraguay Guinea Kazakhstan Guatemala Angola Qatar Equatorial Guinea Lao People's Democratic Republic Benin Saint Kitts and Nevis Seychelles Bhutan Democratic Republic of the Congo Repub lic of Moldova Nicaragua Bahrain Gabon Oman African Unio n Palestine Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) the Order of Malta Seventy-first World Health Assembly • Palais des Nations , Geneva, 21-26 May 2018 • Page 16 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001472 _&OMEGA __ MORLD~ Omega Federal Services Hotel/Car/Air/Rail 855.326 .5411 7A-10P EST 855 .326 .5411 Emergency A-2E6H-CDC Your Conne ction to the World Friday, 18MAY 2018 06:35 PM EDT Passengers : ROBERT RAY REDFIELD (TANUM0G7WV) Agency Record Locator: NP9NBV »View Tr ip » TSA PreCheck » FAA Airport Info » Federal Travel Online Please do not reply to this email. This is an unattended email box Omega World Travel must be notified within 24 hours regarding corrections. Thank you. AIR iTuesday , 22MAY 2018 United Airlines Flight Number : 1194 Class: A-First From : (ATL) Atlanta GA, USA Depart : 02:37 PM To: (IAD) Washington Dulles DC, USA Arrive : 04:22 PM Stops: Nonstop Duration: 1 hour(s) 45 minute(s) Miles: 541 / 866 KM Status: CONFIRMED Equipment: Airbus A320 Jet MEAL:REFRESHMENTS DEPARTS ATL TERMINAL N PREFERRED SEAT NOT AVAILABLE. CHECKS CONTINUE UNTIL DEPARTURE DATE NO FREQUENT FLYER NUMBER IN YOUR PROFILE FOR CARRIER BOOKED United Airlines Confirmation number is IM7XE6 Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass: United Click here for Baggage policies and fees: United AIR iTuesday , 22MAY 2018 C lass: C-B usiness United Airlines Flight Number : 97 4 From : (IAD) Washington Dulles DC, USA Depart : 05:35 PM To: (GVA) Geneva , Switzerland Arrive: 07:40 AM 23MAY Stops: Nonstop Duration: 8 hour(s) 5 minute(s) Status: CONFIRMED Equipment: Boeing 767 Jet Miles: 4073 / 6517 KM MEAL: DINNER ARRIVES GVA TERMINAL 1 NO HOTEL BOOKED FOR GENEVA SWITZERLAND FOR AFTER HOURS ASSISTANCE FROM THIS DESTINATION CALL 0-800-89-0011-800-50 1-9478 PREFERRED SEAT NOT AVAILABLE. CHECKS CONTINUE UNTIL DEPARTURE DATE United Airlines Confirmation number is IM7XE6 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001473 Page 1 of 3 Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass: United Click here for Baggage policies and fees: United AIR Friday, 25MAY 2018 Delta Air Lines Operated By: KLM CITYHOPPER Flight Number : 9456 From: (GVA) Geneva , Switzerland Depart : 08:55 AM To: (AMS) Amsterdam , Nether lands Arrive : 10:35 AM Stops: Nonstop C lass: C-Business Duration: 1 hour(s) 40 minute(s) Status: CONFIRMED Equipment: EMBRAER EMB Miles: 424 / 678 KM MEAL: BREAKFAST DEPARTS GVA TERMINAL 1 FOR AFTER HOURS ASSISTANCE FROM THIS DESTINATION CALL 001-800-872-2881-800-501-94 78 PREFERRED SEAT NOT AVAILABLE. CHECKS CONTINUE UNTIL DEPARTURE DATE NO FREQUENT FLYER NUMBER IN YOUR PROFILE FOR CARRIER BOOKED Delta Air Lines Confirmation number is HVUQSX Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass: Delta Click here for Baggage policies and fees: De lta Check operating carrier website for any policies that may vary. AIR Friday, 25MAY 2018 Delta Air Lines Flight Number : 75 From: (AMS) Amsterdam , Nether lands Depart: 01 :00 PM To: (ATL) Atlanta GA, USA Arrive : 04:40 PM Stops: Nonstop Duration: 9 hour(s) 40 minute(s) C lass: C-Business Status: CONFIRMED Equipment: Airbus A330 Jet Miles: 4393 / 7029 KM MEAL: LUNCH ARRIVES ATL TERMINAL I PREFERRED SEAT NOT AVAILABLE. CHECKS CONTINUE UNTIL DEPARTURE DATE Delta Air Lines Confirmation number is HVUQSX Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass: De lta Click here for Baggage policies and fees: De lta TOUR J hursday , 13SEP 2018 THANK YOU FOR BOOKING WITH OMEGA WORLD TRAVEL CHECK-IN TIME ARE 90 MINUTES PRIOR TO DEPARTURE FOR DOMESTIC FLIGHTS OR 120 MINUTES FOR INTERNATIONAL OMEGATRAVEL.COM FEDERAL SERVICES-HOTEUCAR/AIR/RAIL 855.326.5411 7A-10P EST 855.326.5411 EMERGENCY FROM OUTSIDE U.S. 703-359-8869 COLLECT CHECK CARRIER WEB SITE FOR CHANGE/CANCEL AND BAGGAGE POLICIES A TRANSACTION FEE OF $ 39.90 HAS BEEN CHARGED TO YOUR CARD THE TRANSACTION FEE NUMBER IS - 8900722476051 TICKET NUMBER - 7186320155 INVOICE NUMBER -44022 AIRFARE CHARGE-$-169.90 TOTAL CHARGES INCL TRANS FEE- $-130 Ticket/Invoice Information : Ticket for: ROBERT RAY REDFIELD Date issued: 05/18/2018 Invoice nbr: 44735 T icket Nbr: 0067186320625 Electron ic: Yes Amount: 9421.51 USO Exchange for: 0067186320155 Issued: 11APR18 Charged to: Cbl@ HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001474 Page 2 of 3 Service Fee: ROBER REDFIELD Date issued: 05/18/2018 Document Nbr: 8900722476701 Amount: 39.90 USO Service Fee: ROBER REDFIELD Date issued : 05/18/2018 Document Nbr: 8900722476657 Amount: 39.90 USO Total Tickets: 9421.51 Total Fees: 79.80 Total Amount: 9501.31 Changes to airline reservations may result in an increase in fare and/or carrier penalties. Click here for travel health advisories Click here for trave l alerts and warn ings Proper documentation is required for entry into arrival country . Airport fees may be collected upon arrival or departure View US Department of Transportation website listing the countries requiring or permitting application of insecticides on aircraft Click Here Facet>ook fnstagram Unk&dl11 Twitter YouTube HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001475 Page 3 of 3 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 18 May 2018 19:51:53 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) United Flight 0974 Departs IAD 5:35pm (EST)Arrives GVA 7:40am (CEST) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001476 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 18 May 2018 19:49:10 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) United Flight 1194 Departs ATL 2:37pm Arrives IAD 4:22pm HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001477 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 17 May 201815:16:34 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) US Delegation Touch Base HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001478 From: Sent: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 8 Jun 2018 13:38:53 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Wolfe, Mitche ll (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: USAID Security Check in and Processing HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001479 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 23 May 2018 17:59:07 +0000 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC);Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC);Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC);Hoffmann, Lauren (CDC/OD/OCS);Vinter, Serena (CDC/CGH/OD);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: USAID/CDC Joint Message Taping Attachments: RE_ Meeting Request from Dr. Schuchat~March 20.msg, Re_ Meeting Request from Dr. Schuchat~March 20 .msg More to follow, but likely we'll be scheduling one hour for prep, rehearsal, and multiple takes for an ultimate 3 min video . 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001480 Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001481 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 30 May 2018 19:37:42 +0000 To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Meeting Request from Dr. Schuchat~March 20 From: Sent: We offer 1-2 p.m . on June 13th . Thanks, Teresa From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 3:24 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) (b)(5) Mccall ister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Meeting Request from Dr. Schuchat~March 20 I I We are waiting for comms to confirm that we are ready to schedule. If they are ready we can do 13th at 1-2 pm I'd say. Sent from my iPhone On May 30, 2018, at 3: 11 PM , Williams, Teresa (CDC /OD/OCS) wrote: Hi Scott and Delaney , Please note the ema il below from Shamika (USAID). Any word on confirming the video -tap ing? Thanks, Teresa From: Shamika Williams Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 3:08 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Elyse Drum ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: Re: Meeting Request from Dr. Schuchat~March 20 Hi Teresa, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001482 I believe our teams were waiting for the scheduling teams to confirm the date and time. If Dr . Redfield will be in D.C. on June 13th, are there times that work best? The Administrator could be available the morning of June 13th or at 1:00pm. Best, Shamika ShamikaWilliams Deputy Director of Scheduling and Executive Assistant to the Administrator Office of the Administrator - 6.09-0051 USAID I Contractor Direct: (202) 712-1976 Main:(202) 712-4040 Cell: (57 1) 242-9314 Email: shamwilliams@usa id .gov aid.govto ensurethat your *Please send all scheduling requests for the Administrator to filmOintments@us requestis promptlyreceivedandreviewed . On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 2:59 PM, Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Good afternoon Shamika, I hope you are doing well. Our CDC Communications Department have been communicating with your (USAID's) Communication Department regarding a possibility of scheduling the video -taping on June 13th . 1 We haven t received a response yet. Thanks Teresa From: Shamika Williams Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 2 :53 PM To: Elyse Drum Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/ CDCWO) Subject: Re: Meeting Request from Dr. Schuchat~March 20 Hello Everyone , HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001483 I wanted to check to see Dr. Redfield will be in town the week of June 12th . If so, would he like to film the video then? Best, Shamika ShamikaWilliams Deputy Director of Scheduling and Executive Assistant to t he Administrator Office of the Administrator - 6.09-0051 USAID I Contractor Direct: (202) 712-1976 Main:(202) 712-4040 Cell: (571) 242-9314 Email: *Please send all scheduling requests for the Administrator to appo intments @usaid.govto ensure that yourrequest is promptlyreceivedandreviewed. On Tue , May 22, 2018 at 2:38 PM, Elyse Drum wrote: Hi all, I wanted to circle back on this note. Our public engagement folks have been in touc h with your public engagement folks about the content of the video for Dr. Redfield and Adm. Green so we wanted to work on finding a time. We were told that there is a chance Dr. Redfield might be in Wa shington, DC on June 12-13 . If that's the case, I would be happy to provide times during which the Administrator is available to record the video. Thanks! Elyse On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 3:54 PM , Shamika Williams wrote: Hi Tracie, How are you? I wanted to reach out to see if Dr. Redfield will be traveling to DC in the coming weeks. I wanted to see if we could reschedule the CDC/USAID for some time at the end of May or in June. Please let me know if there are any possible dates in the future. Best, Shamika HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001484 Shamika Williams Deputy Directo r of Scheduling and Executive Assistant to the Administrato r Office of the Administrator - 6.09-00 51 USAID I Contractor Direct: (202) 712-1976 Main:(202) 712-4040 Cell: (571) 242-9314 Email: shamwilliams *Please send all scheduling requests for th e Administratorto appointments@us to ensurethat yourrequestis promptlyreceivedandreviewed. On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 2:57 PM, Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote : Thank you Shamika I will let everyone know. Also if Administrator Green is going to be in Atlanta we could arrange to do the video in our studios here . Respectfully , Tracie Strength Executive Assistant to the Director , Dr Robert Redfield Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Mail: 404-639- 7002 I Direct Line: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-718-0962 Email: tmd9 From: Shamika Williams Sent : Thursday, April 26, 2018 2:11 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Elyse Drum ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Re: Meeting Reque st from Dr. Schuchat ~March 20 Hello Everyone, I was informed that we are going to hold on the recording until the next visit. We will provide dates that work for Administrator Green to record the video soon. Best , Shamika HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001485 Shamika Williams Deputy Directo r of Scheduling and Executive Assistan t to the Adm i nistrator Office of the Adm inistrator - 6.09 -005 1 USAID I Contractor Direct: (202) 712-1976 Main:(202) 712 -4040 Cell: (571) 242-9314 Email: *Please send all sched uling requests for th e Administrator to appointments @usaid.govto ensure that your reques t is promptly received andreviewed. On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 9:50 AM, Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote : Will do, thank you so much From : Shamika Wi ll iams [mailto: shamw ] Sent : Tuesday , March 13, 2018 9:30 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Elyse Drum ; W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Thompson , Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject : Re: Me eting Request from Dr. Schuchat~Ma rch 20 Hello Tr acie, Please feel fre e to reac h out t o us th e next tim e Dr. Schuchat is in t ow n. Al I th e best , Shamik a Shamika Williams Deputy Director of Scheduling and Executive Assistant to the Administrator Office of the Adm i nistrator - 6.09-005 i USAID I Contracto r Direct: (202) 712-1976 Main:(202) 712 -4040 Cell: (57 1) 242-93 14 Email: shamwi ll iams@usai *Please send all scheduling requests for t he Administrator to to ensure that your request is promptlyreceived andreviewed. On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 9:21 AM , Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001486 Elyse, Dr Schuchat's travel plans have been changed and will not be able to make a meeting on the 20th as we originally planned. Thank you for your assistance and look forward to working with you on a plan for a future meeting date. Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email : tmd9@cdc .gov From: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, March 9, 2018 2:35 PM To: 'Elyse Drum' Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Shamika Williams ; Thompson , Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject : RE: Meeting Request from Dr. Schuchat~Ma rch 20 Elyse, I hope you are having a fabulous Friday!! Dr Schuchat will be in DC on March 20th and we were wondering if Administrator Green and Dr Steiger would be available to meet with Dr Schuchat and Dr Mitch Wolfe for about 30 minutes . We currently have 3:30-5:00 avai lable on Dr Schuchat's schedule. Please let us know if any of th ese times will work, thanks so much!! Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 1Cell: 404-944-3210 Emai l: tmd9@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001487 ElyseD1·um USAID I U .S Agency for International Director of Scheduling & Advance A/ AID Ronald Reagan Building 1300 Pen nsylvania Ave. NW Washingto n . D.C 20 .547 Tel: 202-712-4040 E-mail: edrum @usaid .gov Development HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001488 From: Sent: To: Shamika Will iams 31 May 2018 09:05:32 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Ely se Drum;Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/O CS);Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/C DCWO);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/ OD/OADC) Subject: Re: Meet ing Request from Dr. Schuchat~Ma rch 20 Hello, Yes, it w ill happen at USAID . I w ill greet the director at the 14th street entrance and escort him to the location. Best , Shamika Shamika WiJliams Deputy Director of Schedu ling and Executive Assistant to the Admin istrator Office of the Administrator - 6.09-005 1USAlD I Contractor Direct: (202) 712-1976 Main:(202) 712-4040 Cell: (571) 242-9314 Email: shamwilliams@usaid .gov *Please send all scheduling requests for the Administrator to appoi nt mcnts@l.usaid .gov to ensure that your request is promp tly rece ived and re.viewed. On Thu, May 3 1, 20 18 at 8:58 AM, Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote : Good morning Shamika, Per your email below we are confirmed June 13th from 1-2 p.m. Just to be clear, the video-taping will take place at USAID, is that correct? If not, cou ld you provide the location? Thanks, Teresa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001489 From: Shamika Williams To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Elyse Drum ; Strength, Trac ie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Thompson , Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; McGuir e, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: Re: Meeting Request from Dr. Schuc hat~March 20 Hello, Yes, let's confirm for June 13th from 1:00pm-2:00pm. Thanks, Shamika Shamika Williams Deputy Director of Scheduling and Execut ive Assistant to the Administrator Office of t he Administrato r - 6.09-0051 USAID I Contractor Direc t: (202) 712 -1976 Main:(202) 712-4040 Cell: (571) 242-93 14 Email: shamwill *Please send all scheduling requests for t he Administrator to to ensurethat your request is promptly received and reviewed. On Wed , May 30, 20 18 at 3:38 PM , Will iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001490 Hi Shamika, Dr. Redfield is available 1-2 p.m . on June 13th . Should we confirm? Thanks, Teresa From: Shamika Williams Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 3:08 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Elyse Drum ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: Re: Me eting Reque st from Dr. Schuchat~March 20 Hi Teresa, I believe our teams were waiting for the scheduling teams to confirm the date and time. If Dr. Redfield will be in D.C. on June 13th, are there times that work best? The Administrator could be available the morning of June 13th or at 1:00pm. Best, Shamika HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001491 Shamika Williams Deputy Director of Scheduli ng and Executive Assistant to the Admin istrator Office of the Admi nistrato r - 6.09-0051 USAID I Contractor Direct: (202) 712-1976 Main:(202) 712-4040 Cell: (571) 242-9314 Email: •p [ease send all schedu li ng requests for t he Administrator to aooointments @usaid .govto ensurethatyour requestis promptlyreceivedandreviewed. On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 2:59 PM , Will iams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Good afternoon Shamika, I hope you are do ing we ll. Our CDC Communications Department have been communicating with your (USAID' s) Communication Department regarding a possibility of scheduling the video-taping on June 13th . We haven't received a response yet. Thanks Teresa From: Shamika Williams Sent: Wednesday, M ay 30, 2018 2:53 PM To : Elyse Drum Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS} ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS} ; Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO} HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001492 Subject: Re: Meeting Request from Dr. Sch uchat~Marc h 20 Hello Everyone, I wanted to check to see Dr . Redfield will be in town the week of June 12th. If so, would he like to film the video then? Best, Shamika Shamika Williams Deputy Director of Scheduling and Executive Assistant to the Administra to r Office of the Administrator - 6.09-005 1 USAID I Contractor Direct: (202) 712-1976 Main:(202) 712-4040 Cell: (571) 242-9314 Email: shamwill *Please send all scheduli ng requests for the Adm inistratorto appo intmen to ensure that your request is promptly receivedandreviewed . On Tue , May 22, 2018 at 2:38 PM , Elyse Drum wrote: Hi all, I wanted to circle back on thi s note. Our public engagement folks have been in touch with your public engagem ent folks about the content of the video for Dr. Redfi eld and Adm. Green so we wanted to work on finding a time. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001493 We were told tha t there is a chance Dr. Redfield might be in Washington, DC on June 12-13. If that's the case, I would be happy to provide times during which the Administrator is avai lable to record the video. Thanks! Elyse On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 3:54 PM , Shamika Williams wrote: Hi Tracie, How are you? I wanted to reach out to see if Dr. Redfield will be traveling to DC in the coming weeks . I wanted to see if we could reschedule the CDC/USAID for some time at the end of May or in June. Please let me know if there are any possible dates in the future. Best, Shamika ShamikaWilliams Deputy Director of Scheduling and Executive Assistant to the Administrator Office of the Administrator - 6.09-0051 USAID I Contractor Direct: (202) 712-1976 Main:(202) 712-4040 Cell: (571) 242-9314 Email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001494 "Please send all scheduling requests fo r the Administratorto appointments@usaid.govto ensure that your request is promptly received and reviewed. On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 2:57 PM, Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Thank you Shamika I will let everyone know . Also if Administrator Green is going to be in Atlanta we could arrange to do the video in our studios here . Respectfully, Tracie Strength Executive Assistant to the Director, Dr Robert Redfield Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Mail: 404-639- 7002 I Direct Line: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-718-0962 Email: From: Shamika Williams Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 2:11 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Elyse Drum ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Re: Meeting Request from Dr. Schuchat~March 20 Hello Everyone, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001495 I was informed that we are going to hold on the recording until the next visit. We will provide dates that work for Administrator Green to record the video soon. Best, Shamika Shamika Williams Deputy Director of Scheduling and Executive Assistant to the Administrator Office of the Administrator - 6.09-0051 USAID I Contractor Direct: (202) 712-1976 Main:(202) 7 12-4040 Cell: (571) 242-9314 Email: shamw i ll *Please send all scheduling requests for the Administrato r to aooointments@usa id.govto ensurethat yourrequestis promptlyreceivedandreviewed. On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 9:50 AM, Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Will do, thank you so much From : Shamika Williams [mailto :shamwilliams@usa id .gov ] Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 9:30 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Elyse Drum ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Re: Meeting Request from Dr. Schuchat~March 20 Hello Tracie, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001496 Please feel free to reach out to us the next time Dr. Schuchat is in town. All the best, Shamika ShamikaWilliams Deputy Director of Scheduling and Executive Assistant to the Administrator Office of t he Administ rator - 6.09-0051 USAID I Contractor Direct: (202) 712- 1976 Main: (202) 712-4040 Cell: (571) 242-9314 Email: shamwill *Please send all scheduling requests for t he Administrator to to ensure t hat your request is promptly received and reviewed. On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 9:2 1 AM, Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Elyse, Dr Schuchat's travel plans have been changed and will not be able to make a meeting on t he 20th as we originally planned. Thank you for your assistance and look forward to working with you on a plan for a future meeting date. Respectfully, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001497 Tracie Strength Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE, MS 0 - 14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email: From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, March 9, 2018 2:35 PM To: ' Elyse Drum ' Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Shamika Williams ; Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: RE: Meeting Request from Dr. Schuchat~March 20 Elyse, I hope you are having a fabulous Friday!! Dr Schuchat will be in DC on March 20th and we were wondering if Administrator Green and Dr Steiger would be available to meet with Dr Schuchat and Dr Mitch Wolfe for about 30 minutes . We currently have 3:30-5:00 available on Dr Schuchat's schedule. Please let us know if any of these times will work, thanks so much!! Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001498 Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS 0 - 14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6 482 I Cell: 404 -944-32 10 Emai l: tmd9 Elyse Drum USAIDI U .S Agency for International Development Direct or of Scheduling & Advance A/ AID Ronald Reagan Building 1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, D.C 20547 Tel: 202-712-4040 E-mail: edrum@usaid .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001499 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 24 Apr 2018 12:37:55 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Daniel, Katheri ne Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Bonds, Michelle E. {b)(5) (CDC/OD/OADC);Skinner, Bryon (CDC/OD/OADC);Hugh Green (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Video Taping (Welcome Videos) Attachments: RE_ Director Tapings.msg, RE_ Director Tapings .msg I 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TSO Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: TS O CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : T SO CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TSO CDC Media Contact (if applicabl e): TSO 2. Event Information : Event Host : TSO Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applic able): TS O Number of Attendees and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001500 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001501 McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) 24 Apr 2018 08:32:48 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Director Tapings From: Se nt: To : Subject: Hi Tracie, Could we do 2:00 pm on May 29, for the start of the 1 hour block of tap ing time? Thanks so much! Delaney From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, April 23, 2018 10:58 AM To: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: FW: Director Tapings Delaney, I can do the following dates on R3's calendar • • • MAY 17TH 3:30-4:30 May 29 th 2:00-4:00 May 31 st 11:00-12:00 or 3:30-4:30 Let me know if any of these will work From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Monday, April 23, 2018 9 :59 AM To : McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Gaines-Mccollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO) ; McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Director Tapings + Jeremy so he and Tracie can help you with this . Thx! From: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt : Monday, April 23, 2018 9 :50 AM To: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< > Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Gaines-Mccollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO) Subject: Director Tapings Hi Scott, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001502 In last week's comms meeting, Dr. Redfield agreed to scheduling two more taping when available : a welcome video for CDC Museum, and a welcome video for CDC-INFO staff . Would it be possible to add these to the calendar, after the HHS media training on May 14? Katherine has also asked we move the New Employee Orientation taping to after the 14th, as this training will help prepare him for these videos, and none of the videos are t ime sensitive. If possible to schedule all three together, we'd recommend tha t he will need the following time : 5 min travel to studio 15 min prep time 1 hour for taping 5 min travel back to OCR Thanks so much, and please let me know if you have any questions . Best, Delaney HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001503 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) 2 May 2018 15:51:02 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Director Tapings Thanks for letting me know, Tracie . If we can move to the 31 st at 11:00am, that would be much appreciated. KLD will be out that day, so can you please add Michelle Bonds to the invite? We can keep KLD on there so it's still on her calendar. Thanks! Delaney From : Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, May 2, 2018 3:43 PM To: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Director Tapings Import ance: High Delaney, We just got word that Dr Redfield will not be in the office on May 29th so we will need to find another date for the tapings. The May 31st times I originally provided you are still available . (May 31 st 11:0012:00 or 3:30-4:30) Let me know if that works or if we need to find another date. Respectfully, Tracie From : McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Sent : Wednesday, April 25, 2018 3:23 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Director Tapings Hi Tracie, I'm just going through speeches on the calendar, and we can delete the May 4 taping invites. That taping was rolled into the May 29th taping you added. Thank you ! Delaney HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001504 From : Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 8 :43 AM To : McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: RE: Director Tapings Done, please let me know if there is anything else you need Tracie From : McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 8:41 AM To: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Director Tapings Thanks Tracie! When you have a second, can you please also add KLD to the taping and prep invites? Thanks so much! Delaney From : Strength , Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, Apri l 24, 2018 8:34 AM To: McGuire , Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: RE: Director Tapings Will do I will add you to the calendar invite From : McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt : Tuesday, Apri l 24, 2018 8 :33 AM To : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Director Tapings Hi Tracie, Could we do 2:00 pm on May 29, for the start of the 1 hour block of taping time? Thanks so much! Delaney From : St rength , Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday , Apr il 23, 2018 10:58 AM To: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subje ct: FW: Director Tapings Delaney, I can do the following dates on R3's calendar HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001505 • MAY 17TH 3:30-4:30 • May 29 th 2:00-4:00 May 31 st 11:00-12 :00 or 3:30-4:30 • Let me know if any of these will work From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Monday, April 23, 2018 9:59 AM To : McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Gaines-Mccollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO); Mccalliste r, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct : RE: Director Tapings + Jeremy so he and Tracie can help you with this . Thx! From: McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Sen t : Monday , April 23, 2018 9:50 AM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Gaines-Mccollom, Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO) Subject : Director Tapings Hi Scott, In last week's comms meeting, Dr. Redfield agreed to scheduling two more taping when available: a welcome video for CDC Museum , and a welcome video for CDC-INFO staff. Would it be possible to add these to the calendar, after the HHS media t raining on May 14? Katheri ne has also asked we move the New Employee Orientation taping to after the 14th , as this training will help prepare him for these videos, and none of the videos are time sensitive . If possible to schedule all three together, we'd recommend that he will need the following time: 5 min travel to studio 15 min prep time 1 hour for taping 5 min travel back to OCR Thanks so much, and please let me know if you have any quest ions. Best, Delaney HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001506 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 6 Apr 2018 18:07:03 +0000 To: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: Visit of Angelique Berg, Director General for Health, the Netherlands : Meet and Greet with Dr. Redfield HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001507 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 Jun 2018 15:44:50 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Visitor : Working Lunch w/ John Matthews (10 a.m. - 3 p.m .) [Escort : Teresa Williams ] Attachme nts: FW_ Visitor for Dr. Redfield on Thursday , June 7.msg, RE_ Visitor for Dr . Redfield on Thursday, June 7.msg, RE_ Meeting with Dr. Robert Redfield _ Thursday, June 7, 2018.msg, RE_ Request for Security Clearance_ Mr. John Matthews - Meeting with Dr. Robert Redfie ld, Director, CDC_ June 7, 2018 - 10_00 a.m . - 3 p.m ..msg, Re_ Visitor for Dr. Redfield on Thu rsday, June 7.msg, RE_ 54989632062 _ SEA43862-38 78 -42 E9-AB0 E-668CF044A90 B.JPG.msg, 06.07 .2018_John_ Matthews _ Visit .docx From: Se nt: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : Teresa Williams Special Assistant: TBD Event Contact: John Matthews email: ._I ____ c_oJ_C6_J ___ ___, .__ __ ..__ , oi...._ ,6.._l__ __. CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Sherr i Berger CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : TBD 2. Event Informati on: Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agend a (if applicable) : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001508 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: • Requested Visitor's Office: Reserved by Tamika Brown: 6/4/18 • Request for Security/Campus Clearance: Confirmed 6/4/18 • Note : Mr. Matthews plane lands at 9:00 a.m. • Taxi Reservation: TBD 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001509 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 4 Jun 2018 15:13:14 +0000 Brown, Tamika (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) FW: Visitor for Dr. Redfield on Thursday, June 7 From: Se nt: To : Subject: Hi Tamika , Could you please reserve a visitor's office for John Matthew on Thursday, June 7th from 8 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.? Thanks, Teresa From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : M onday, June 4, 2018 11:11 AM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Visitor for Dr. Redfield on Thursday, June 7 Thanks. Teresa will take lead for us, and contact John then arrange his visit and escort as needed From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent : Monday, June 4, 2018 11:02 AM To : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov > Cc: McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Visitor for Dr. Redfield on Thursday , June 7 Dr. Redfield will have a visitor coming Can you work w/ OSSAM to clear him for campus access, badge, etc. Here is his contact information so you can coordinate directly: (b)(6) John Matthews: I (b)(6) I I I He is planning to be on campus 10-3pm More to come on scheduling meetings that day Thanks Sherri A. Berger, MSPH Chief Operating Officer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention desk (b) (G) _cell l HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001510 51 1 Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) 4 Jun 2018 11:52:41 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Visitor for Dr. Redfield on Thursday, June 7 From: Se nt: To : Subject: Sorry -1 __ ,h_,m _, _~ From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Monday, June 4, 2018 11:42 AM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subje ct: RE:Visitor for Dr. Redfield on Thursday , June 7 Hi Sherri, There is a number missing out of John's contact information below . Could you please resend the number? Thank you. Teresa From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, June 4, 20 18 11:11 AM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccall ister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subjec t: RE: Visitor for Dr. Redfield on Thursday, June 7 Thanks. Teresa wi ll take lead for us, and contact John then arrange his visit and escort as needed From : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Se nt : M onday , June 4, 2018 11:02 AM To : Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; W il liams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Visit or for Dr. Redfield o n Thursday, June 7 Dr. Redfield wi ll have a visitor coming Can you work w/ OSSAM to clear him for campus access, badge, etc . Here is his contact informati o n so you can coord inate directly : (b)(6) John Matthews : I {b)( 6) I I I He is planning to be on campus 10-3pm More to come on scheduling meetings that day Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001512 Sherri A. Berger, MSPH Chief Operating Officer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention desk (bJ(GJ _cell l HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001513 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 4 Jun 201817:54:41 +0000 john matthews 'Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) (' RE: Meeting with Dr. Robert Redfield: Thursday, June 7, 2018 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Good afternoon Mr. Matthews, Thank you for your prompt response. I will meet you at our CDCVisitor's Center at our CDC Roybal Campus Headquarters. Please bring an official government identification such as your driver's license or passport. Please plan to arrive by 9:45 a.m. so I may meet and escort you to Dr. Redfield's office . Please contact me should you have any questions . Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: I From: john matthews (b)(6J Sent : Monday, June 4, 2018 12:26 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Meeting with Dr. Robert Redfield: Thursday, June 7, 2018 Hi, Teresa . Here you go : John Wesley Matthews HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001514 US Citizen Arriving in a Taxi Thanks. On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 10:36 AM, Wi lliams, Teresa (CDC /OD/OCS) wrote: Greeting Mr. Matthew, I am contacting you to confirm your appointment with Dr. Robert Redfi eld, Director , Centers for Disea se Control and Prevention (CDC), scheduled Thursday, June 7, 2018 from 10 a.m. 3:00 p .m. at our CDC Headquaiier s, 1600 Clifton Ro ad, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329 . Please provide the following security clearance information below in order to clear you throu gh security. If you will have someone accompanying you, I will need their security clearance information as well. • Visitor's full name • Are you a U.S. citizen? o If not, could you please provide your passport information? • What mode of transportation will use to arrive on campus? o Taxi o Personal Vehicle - please provide the year, make and model of your vehicle • Contact number to reach you. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions. Kind Regards, Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road , NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001515 Dire ct: (404) 639 -5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4 @cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001516 Swilley, Lendale (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) on behalf of CDCSecurity (Physical) 4 Jun 2018 14:37:15 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) From: Sent: To : Cc: I (b)(6) I (b)(6) 1-~-,~-~~,~~~•"•'I l'--'"I Subject: RE: Request for Security Clearance: Mr. John Matthews - Meeting with Dr. Robert Redfield, Director, CDC: June 7, 2018 - 10:00 a.m. - 3 p.m . Access Approved Lendale Swilley HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001517 Security Specialist Security Services Office (SSO) Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management (OSSAM) Office of the Chief Operating Officer (OCOO) Fux7@cdc .gov (Office) 404-639-2888 8 8 QSSAMOffice of Safety,Security,and AssetManagement Security Services Office (SSO) G CDC L,vos 7 SiJ...,ng Pro1ect,ngPeople.- From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Mo nday, June 4, 2018 2:01 PM To: CDC Security (Physical) Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Request for Security Clearance: Mr. John Matthews - Meeting with Dr. Robert Redfield, Director, CDC: June 7, 2018 - 10:00 a.m. - 3 p.m. Good afternoon, Please note the request below for security clearance . o o o o Visitor's full name: John Matthews If the visitor is a U.S. citizen or not: Yes - U.S . Citizen Date and time of visit: Thmsday, June 7, 2018 - 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p .m. A list of all campuses, buildings, and rooms that will be visited: Roybal Campus, Building 2 1, 12th Floor o Where the visitor will anive on campus: CDC Roybal Campus Visitor' Center o CDC host name, campus, building, room, and phone number: Dr. Robert o o o Please contact Redfield, Director , CDC, Roybal Campus, Building 21, 12th Floor, Director's (b)( 6l I Conference Room ; phone: I Escort name and contact number: Teresa Williams - 404-639-5998 Purpose of visit: Meet ing with Dr. Robert Redfield , CDC Director Visitor will arrive by taxi me should you have any questions. Best, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001518 Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001519 Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) 5 Jun 2018 08:09:28 -0400 To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth {CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Visitor for Dr. Redfield on Thursday, June 7 From: Sent: Morning, John will meet with a few peop le throughout the day. I drafted a schedule and placed it on Tracie ' s desk last night to put in front of Dr. R for approval. My thought is 1230-2 would be the Dr. R time slot street. a working lunch at Bl6 or across the Meeting him at the visitor center and escorting him out would be great. Thank s, Sherri On Jun 5, 2018, at 7:26 AM, Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Good morning Sherri, Mr. Matthews is cleared through security and I w ill escort him . Please advise if Mr . Matthews will be meeting with Dr. Redfield from 10:00 a.m. - 3 p.m. Should I escort Mr. Matthews to the visitor's office reserved for him at 10 a.m .? Thanks, Teresa From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:12 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE:Visitor for Dr. Redfield on Thursday, June 7 I will also reserve a visitor's office. Thanks, Teresa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001520 From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:11 AM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE:Visitor for Dr. Redfield on Thursday, June 7 Thanks. Teresa will take lead for us, and contact John then arrange his visit and escort as needed From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:02 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Visitor for Dr. Redfield on Thursday, June 7 Dr. Redfield will have a visitor coming Can you work w/ OSSAM to clear him for campus access, badge, etc. Here is his contact information so you can coordinate directly: (b)(6J John Matthews: I (b)(6) I I I He is planning to be on campus 10-3pm More to come on scheduling meetings that day Thanks She rri A. Berger, MSPH Chief Operating Officer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention SBerger@cdc .gov desk 6 {b)( l _cell l HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001521 From: Se nt: To : Subject : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 5 Jun 2018 12:15:15 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: 54989632062_SEA43862-387B -42E9-AB0E-668CF044A90B.JPG © Good protocol schoo l experience ! From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:15 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS); Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: 54989632062_SEA43862-387B-42E9-AB0E-668CF044A90B.J I sure can. PG From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:14 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: 54989632062_5EA43862 -387B-42E9-AB0E-668CF044A90B.JPG You should. Can you also get a RESERVEDtable tent and go to the cafe , choose a quiet seat setting and put that on the table and preserve the seats until they arrive? From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, June 5, 20 18 12:12 PM To: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: 54989632062_ 5EA43862-38 7B-42 E9-AB0E-668CF044A90 B.JPG Can we confirm 12:30-2 p.m. and the lunch location? From : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:10 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: 54989632062_SEA43862-387B-42E9-AB0E-668CF044A90B.J PG I' m making a packet for all with agenda bio and some other materials. From: Scales, Scott L.(CDC /0 D/OCS) Date: June 5, 2018 at 11:53:41 AM EDT To : Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) , Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: 54989632062_ 5EA43862-387B-42E9-AB0E-668CF044A90B .JPG OK, thanks From : Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, Jun e 5, 2018 9:40 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/O CS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW : 54989632062 _ 5 EA43862 -38 7B-42 E9-AB0E-668CF044A90 B.JPG Hi Scott, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001522 Please note the email and copy of the draft agenda below that was shared with Dr. Redfield. Ashley instructed Tracie to make sure there is a hold on everyone's calendar. Also, there is a hold on Dr. Redfield's calendar for the 12:30-2 p.m. working lunch. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Teresa From: Strength , Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) Sent : Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:36 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/00/0CS) Subje ct: FW: 54989632062 _ SEA43862-387B-42E9-ABOE-668CF044A90B.JPG Was provided to R3 as a recommendation for agenda for Thursday , nothing confinned at this time and holds are on everyone's calendar. Tracie JohnMatthew's Visit Thursday , June 7, 2018 10 :00am A r rival 10:00-11 :00am lxl w/ Kyle 11:00-11 :30am lxl w/ Anne 11:30-12:30pm lxl w/ Sherri 12:30-2:00pm 2 :00pm -3:00pm Sent from my iPhone HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001523 John Matthews Visit 07 June 2018 I Centersfor Dise-ase Control and Prevention •·,,.frtiiT:l ~..(Hi t:i Teresa Williams will Escort from Visitor Center to Director 's Suite 10 :00-11 :00am 1 :1 with Kyle McGrowan Location: Mr. McGrowan 's Office 11 :00-11 :30am 1 :1 with Dr . Anne Schuchat Location : Dr. Schuchat's office 11 :30am-12:30pm 1 :1 with Sherri Berger Location: Mrs. Berger 's Office 2 :00-3:00pm C4~ U.S. Department of Health and Human Suvlces Arrives at CDC 10:00 12:30-2 :00pm ........ .. Working Lunch with Dr. Redfield Location: Bldg 16 or Emory Point Meeting : Prep for Secret ary Budget Council (SBC) Location: Bldg 21 I Director 's Conference Room OCoS POC : Ashley Knotts: mobile: 404 .6372 .5199 , ~; McCallister, Jeremy (CDC /OD/OCS ) < isn8 > ; Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC /OD /OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC /OD /OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC /OCOO /OFR/OA) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC /OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner , Aimee (CDC /OD/CDCWO) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC /OD /OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Patterson , Sara S. (CDC /ONDIEH/NCIPC) Subject: RE: Location RE:: AS/Chairman Rogers mtg, April 4 Hi Michelle. Has anyone clarified if this meeting is for AS and R3, or just one of them ? Just want to make sure we're all on the same page. From: Wilson, Michelle (CDC /OCOO /OFR/OA) Sent: Monday , March 26, 2018 l:21 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC /OD/OCS) >; Mccallist er, Jeremy (CDC /OD/OCS) >; Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC /OD /OCS) < isg > ; Kroop, Seth (CDC /OD /OCS) >; Williams , Teresa (CDC /OD /OCS) > ; Strength , Tracie (CDC /OD/OCS) > ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC /OCOO /OFR/OA) > ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC /OD/CDCWO) >; Schattner , Aimee (CDC /OD/C DCWO) > Subject: Location RE:: AS/Chairman Rogers mtg, April 4 Hi All , Here is the room location for the meeting with Chairman Roger's next week , April 4 at 4:00pm at the Rx Summit. Meeting will be in the Chairman's private meeting room - Chicago E. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001548 Thanks, MW From: Wilson, Mich elle (CDC /OCOO /OFR/O A) Sent: Friday, March 9, 2018 3:32 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC /OD/OCS) >; McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) >; Marjo rie J. Coy (C DC/OCOO /OSSAM) (isg8 @cdc .gov ) < isg8 @cdc .gov > ; Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7 ) > ; Teresa Williams (CDC /OD/OCS) (coo4 ) > ; Strength, T racie (CDC/OD/O CS) > ; Sewell, Jenny (CD C/OCOO /OFR/OA) > ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) > ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC /OD/CD CWO) > Subject: AS /Chairman Rogers mtg, April 4 Chainnan Rogers has avai labiJity to meet with Dr. Schuchat at 4pm on Wednesday , April, 4 *at* the Rx Summit. T his would be right before the plenary . Wo uld this work for Dr. Schuchat? Michelle M . Wilson, MSW Congressional Team Lead I Offic e of Appropr iations Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention O ffice: 678-475·4706 Cell: 678·386·3451 J MWilson2 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001549 From : Sent: Subject : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 14 Jun 2018 16:16:29 +0000 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001550 From : Sent: Subject : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 19 Apr 2018 13:19:53 +0000 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001551 From: Sent : To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 11 Jun 2018 18:10:35 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: *** FOR MATERIALSONLY****Meeting w/ the Liberian Minister of Health (MoH) Attachments : Meeting with the Liberian Minister of Health (MoH).pdf 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Nikki Romanik Special Assistant : Hugh Green Event Contact: Melissa A. Ely-Moore (CGH) , 404-639-8557 - Office , 678-428-4858 Mobile, apo3@cdc .gov CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Redfield: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Melissa A. Ely-Moore (CGH) , 404-639-8557 Office , 678-428-4858- Mobile, apo3@cdc .gov CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: CGH Purpose of Event: Meet with Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah , the new MoH of Liberia sometime during her one-day visit to CDC to introduce the Minister to CDC and CGH leadership , provide an overview of CDC's activities in Liberia, and discuss shared public health priorities in Liberia , in order to foster productive collaborations in the future . Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001552 Key Participants (if applicable): Dr. Martin will jo in this meeting. Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on the 5/21/ 18 DL 3. Dr. Redfield's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Dr. Redfield 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: N/A Length of Presentation : N/A Press : N/A Teleprompte r : N/A 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: *No gift exchange* 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001553 From : To : Subject : Date: MooreMe!jssa/CQC/CGH/OP} McCal!ister JeremyICDC/ODIOCS) DL Request: Liberian Minister of Health [6/ 11-6/ 15] Thursday, May 3, 2018 12 :55:04 PM Hi Jeremy, See below for the deta ils of a reque st for Dr. Redfield to meet with the new M inister of Healt h of Liberia some t ime during the week of June 11th - 15th . We are look ing to see if Dr. Redfield wou ld have any preferre d dates fo r t his meet ing w it hin t his window . The M inist er wi ll be in t he U.S. in June, and the CDC Country Office has req uested CGH coord inate a one-day visit to CDC dur ing th is tri p. Let us know if you have any quest ions. Who: Dr. Wi lhelmina Jallah, M inister of Health of the Republic of Liberia When: 30 minutes on 06/11/2018 Why : CGH is coordinating a visit t o CDC HQ by t he new Min ister of Healt h of Liberia to intro duce t he Minister to CDC/CGH leadership, prov ide an overview of CDC's activities in Liberia, and discuss shared public healt h prio ritie s in Liberia. We are request ing a meeting with Dr. Redfield (to be accomp anied by CGH leadersh ip) fo r a short meet and greet to foster productive collabo rati ons in t he future. Dr. Mart in w ill joi n th is meet ing. CGH Recommendation: Dr. Ma rt in Recommends Thanks! MEM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001554 From: Sent : To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 13 Apr 2018 15:09:46 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ****FOR MATERIALSONLY* Meet & Greet w/ Dr. Eric Deussing, Depart. of Defense liaison to CDC (10-10:30 a.m.) Attachments : RE_ DoD Meet and Greet with Dr. Redfield.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: NA Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Dr. Eric Deussing (CDC/ODPHPR/OD) email: Office: 404639-0392 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): Topics for discussion provided by Dr. Eric Deussing HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001555 (tl ){5) Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points {TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001556 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 13 Apr 2018 15:28:44 +0000 Deussing, Eric (CDC/OPHPR/OD) McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: DoD Meet and Greet with Dr. Redfield Hi Eric, My apologizes, unfortunately we will need to reschedule this meeting for later in May . Dr. Redfield has some competing events that we are scheduling. Would May 18th at 2-2:30 p.m. work? My apologizes for the inconvenience . Best, Teresa From : Deussing, Eric (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Se nt : Friday, April 13, 2018 11:14 AM To: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: DoD Meet and Greet with Dr. Redfield Thank you Teresa, That day/time works fine. Please let me know what read-a heads to send you in advance. Also, I would appreciate knowing Dr. Redfield's preferred briefing/meeting format (slides, one pager, etc). Best, Eric Eric Deussing, MD, MPH, FACPM Commander, Medical Corps, US Navy Department of Defense Liaison to the CDC (404) 639-0392 (office) (470) 303-2924 (mobile) CDC email: ncu0@cdc .gov Off ice of Public Health Preparedness and Response (OPHPR) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Mailstop D-44 Atlanta, GA 30333 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001558 On Apr 13, 2018, at 11:06 AM, Williams, Teresa (CDC/00/0CS) wrote: Good morning Eric, Per Jeremy's email below, would you be available to meet with Dr. Redfield on April 30th from 2-2:30 p.m.? Please let me know if we need to explore other dates . Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for th e CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Conh·ol and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road , NE Building 21, OD Suite , 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639 -5998 Main : (404) 639 -7000 Fax: (404) 639- 7111 email: From: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/00/0CS) Sent: Friday, April 13, 2018 10:56 AM To : Deussing, Eric (CDC/OPHPR/00) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/00/0CS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: DoD Meet and Greet with Dr. Redfield Eric, Dr. Redfield has agreed to meet with you for an introductory meeting . Teresa will work with you on finding a time a few weeks out from now that will work for both you and the Director . If you have any questions until then about th is meeting, please don't hesitate to ask us. Have a good day! Jeremy Jeremy McCall ister Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001559 Phone: 404-639- 7989 BB: 404-384-2610 isn8@cdc .gov From : Deussing, Eric (CDC/OPHPR/00) Sent : Wednesday, April 4, 2018 4:47 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/00/0CS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/00/0CS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0 CS) Subject: RE: DoD Meet and Greet with Dr. Redfield Thank you Teresa, Included topics would be: {b)(5) Best, Eric Eric Deussing, MD, MPH, FACPM Commander, Medical Corps, US Navy Department of Defense Liaison to the CDC Assistant Specialty Leader, Navy Preventive Medicine (404) 639-0392 (office) (470) 303-2924 (mobile) Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (OPHPR) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Mailstop D-44 Atlanta, GA 30333 From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/00/0CS) Sent : Tuesday, April 3, 2018 1:25 PM To : Deussing, Eric (CDC/OPHPR/00) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/00/0CS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) Subject : RE: DoD Meet and Greet with Dr. Redfield HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001560 Good afternoon Dr. Deussing, Thank you for your request. We will respond to you soon. Kind Regards, Teresa Teresa Will iams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: From: Deussing, Eric (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 12:26 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: DoD Meet and Greet with Dr. Redfield Good afternoon Teresa and Tracie, My name is Eric Deussing, and I am the DoD Liaison to the CDC. As you may be aware, my position was created jointly between a previous CDC Director and the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs. My predecessors and I have worked across all the CIOs to increase collaboration between our two agencies. Dr. Redfield clearly has a working knowledge of DoD, based on his professional history. I would like briefly meet with Dr. Redfield to introduce myself and discuss CDC/DoD collaboration (both current and future). Please let me know if he is available for a meeting. Thank you for your consideration . Best, Eric Eric Deussing, MD, MPH, FACPM Department of Defense Liaison to the CDC HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001561 Commander, Medical Corps, US Navy Assistant Specialty Leader, Navy Preventive Medicine (404) 639-0392 (office) (470) 303-2924 (mobile) ncu0@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001562 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 Apr 2018 15:42:34 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ****For MATERIALSONLY*** Call: Kaplan/Barfield Discussion (9:30-10:00am) Attachments : RE_ Phone Call Request with Dr. Jeff Kaplan and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001563 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001564 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) 4 Apr 2018 11:57:45 +0000 Smith, Ayanna Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Phone Call Request with Dr. Jeff Koplan and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Ayanna, I am certain that an in-person would be preferred . Dr Redfield will actually be in DC on the 6th . If Dr. Koplan wou ld rather have in in-person we can schedule something for the 24th or 25th . Please let me know his preference. Respectfully, Tracie From : Smith, Ayanna Se nt : Tuesday, April 3, 2018 5:45 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Phone Call Request with Dr. Jeff Koplan and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Also, Dr. Koplan mentioned that he can meet in person. We are located across the street from CDC, so he was wonder ing if an in-person meeting would be better. Thank you, Ayanna Smith Executive Admin istrative Assistant Global Health Institute 1599 Clifton Road NE, Suite 6.105 MS: 1599 001 lAH Atlanta, GA 30322 Phone : (404) 778-2444 Fax: (404) 727-9745 From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, April 3, 2018 5:27 PM To : Smith, Ayanna Cc:Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Phone Call Request with Dr. Jeff Koplan and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Ayanna, Would Dr Koplan be available on Friday April 6th from 9:30 -10:00am? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001565 Sincerely, Tracie From: Smith, Ayanna Sent : Tuesday, April 3, 2018 5:21 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Phone Call Request with Dr. Jeff Koplan and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Hello Tracie, Dr. Koplan will be traveling from April 13-19th and will not be able to attend the call on the 17th . He is very interested in ta lking with Dr. Redfie ld, so please let me know if there is anothe r availability. Thank you, Ayanna Smith Executive Administrative Assistant Global Health Institute 1599 Clifton Road NE, Suite 6.105 MS: 1599 001 lAH Atlanta, GA 30322 Phone : (404) 778-2444 Fax: (404) 727-9745 From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 1:21 PM To: Smith, Ayanna Cc:W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Phone Call Request with Dr. Jeff Koplan and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Ayanna, Per the below request we would like to see if Dr. Koplan would be available for a 30 min call with Dr Robert Redfield, CDC Director on April 17th from 4:00-4 :30 for a phone call. Sincerely, Tracie Strength Advance Team / Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001566 Email: From : Arthur, Alice Sent : Tuesday, Apri l 3, 2018 1:12 PM To : Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Smith, Ayanna Subje ct: Re: Phone Call Request with Dr. Jeff Kaplan and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Hi Tracie, I retired from Emory and have copied Ayanna Smith, Dr. Kaplan' s Executive Assistant. Please work with her to find a time. All the best, Alice Sent from my iPhone On Apr 3, 2018, at 12:36 PM, Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) wrote: Alice, Good afternoon , I am reaching out to request a 30min call wi t h Dr. Jeff Kaplan and Dr Robert Redfield, CDC Director. Would Dr Kaplan be available on April 17th from 4:00-4:30 for a phone call introduction? Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team/ Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email: This e-mail message (including any attachments) is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any dissemination , distribution or copying of this message (including any attachments) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail message and destroy all copies of the original message (including attachments). HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001567 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 14 May 2018 14:56:27 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7@cdc .gov);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : * ***For Materials Only*** Meeting with Dr. Redfield (Peter Urbanowicz 2:303:00) Attachments: RE_ Pre-brief Request.msg 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying th e Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001568 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001569 From: Sent: To: Subje ct: McGowan, Robert {Kyle) {CDC/OD/OCS) 14 May 2018 10:50:48 -0400 Thomas, Marissa {CDC/OD/CDCWO);Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Pre-brief Request Tracie can you make sure this gets on his calendar? Thank you both. From: Thomas, Maris sa (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Date: May 14, 2018 at 10:47:03 AM EDT To: McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) , Kendall , Damaris (HHS/OS) Cc: Brand , Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) , Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: RE: Pre-brief Reques t Yes, that wou ld be great. Thank you. From: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Date: May 14, 2018 at 10:41:39 AM EDT To: Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) , Thomas , Marissa (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Brand , Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) , Wo lfe, M itchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: RE: Pre-brief Request Let' s do 2:30. Maris sa, that works with his schedule correct? F rom: Kendall, Damar is (HHS/OS) Date : May 14, 2018 at 10:35:46 AM EDT To: McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) , Thomas , Marissa (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Brand , Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) , Wolfe, Mitc hell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: RE: Pre-brief Request Yes, can we schedule between 230-330? Does something within that time work? Damaris HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001570 From: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto] Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 10:24 AM To : Thomas, Marissa (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Cc: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Re: Pre-brief Request Damari s, are we able to get Dr Redfield on Peter's calendar sometime today? From: Thomas, Marissa (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Date: May 14, 2018 at 10:01:30 AM EDT To: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/0D /OCS) Cc: Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) , Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Pre-brief Request Hi Kyle, Dr. Redfield asked that I contact you to set up a pre-br ief with Peter before any of his upcoming meetings with the Secretary. Please let me know if I can assist with this request. Thank you, Marissa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001571 From: Se nt: To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 19:36:32 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: ****FOR MATERIALSONLY**Dr . Coleen Boyle, NCBDDD CIO leadership Meet ing with the CDC Director (9- 10 a.m.) Attachments : RE_ NCBDDD CIO leadership Meeting with the CDC Director .msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: Marjorie Ramsey, Execut ive Ass istant to Dr. Coleen Boyle, NCBDDD ema il: hwj6@cdc .gov CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable) : TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TB D Key Participants (if applicabl e): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic : TBD Length of Presentatio n: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001572 5. OGC Review Materials: From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Ramsey, Marjorie (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD) (CTR) 27 Mar 2018 14:04:33 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: NCBDDD CIO Leadership Meeting with t he CDC Director Yes ma'am. Marjorie L. Ramsey Executive Assistant , McNeal Professional Services 770-488-5569 Hwj6@cdc .gov From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, March 27, 2018 2:04 PM To: Ramsey, Marjorie (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD) (CTR) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: NCBDDD CIO Leadership M eeting with the CDC Director Hi Marjorie, Thanks so much for confirming the meeting on April 1ih from 9-10 a.m. Are you in building 106? Thanks, Teresa From : Ramsey, Marjorie (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD) (CTR) Se nt: Tuesday, March 27, 20 18 1:59 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Stre ngth, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: NCBDDD CIO Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director Hello! I have cleared Dr. Boyle' s calendar for this meeting and placed a hold on the date/time . NCBDDD has a conference room for its director (4A) and it has been reserved for this meeting . Marjorie L. Ramsey Executive Assistant, McNeal Professional Services 770-488-5569 From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Tuesday, March 27, 20 18 9:41 AM To: Ramsey, Marjorie (CDC/ONDIEH/NCBDDD) (CTR) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001574 Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: NCBDDDCIO Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director Importance : High Good morning Marjorie, Please advise if Dr. Boyle and the NCBDDD Leadership would be available to meet with Dr. Redfield on Tuesday, April 17th from 9:00-10:00 a.m. in the NCBDDD office. If yes, please respond back with a room location that would be suitable for NCBDDDplus 3 additional OD staff personnel. Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Preve nti on 1600 Clifton Road , NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001575 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 27 Apr 2018 12:21:58 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: ***FOR MATAERIALS ONLY*** POB-member only call Attachme nts : RE_ POB call update.msg From: Se nt: 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant: TBD Event Contact: Lynn Banks, Executive Assis tant to Dr. Chris Elias, Gates Foundation email: Lynn .Banks@gatesfoundat ion .org CDC Staffer Accomp anying CDC Director : T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agend a (if applicabl e): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001576 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001577 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject : Lynn Banks 25 Apr 2018 16:11:40 +0000 Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) Knotts, Ashley (CDC/00/0CS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/00/0CS) RE: POB call update Fantastic! Appreciate if you could hold the time for now and I'll confirm shortly . Thanks much, Lynn From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) (mailto :tmd9@cdc .gov] Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 9:08 AM To: Lynn Banks Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: POB call update We can make this time work, thanks!! Tracie From: Lynn Banks > Sent: Wednesday , April 25 , 2018 12:05 PM To: Streng th, Tracie (CDC /OD/OCS) > Cc: Knotts, Ashley {CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: POB call update Dear Tracie, I'm writing to see if Dr. Redfield could be available for the POB call on Monday , April 30 from 12:30l :30pm ET. Thanks! HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001578 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 5 Apr 2018 12:39:53 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject: ***FOR MATERIAL ONLY** ASTHO Leadership Meeting [30 minutes] [Invite: Dr. Jose Montero and Kyle McGowan ] (2-2:30 p.m .) Attachme nts: RE_ Leadership visit with Dr. Redfield .msg, RE_ Leadership visit with Dr. Redfield.msg From: Se nt: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant: Ashley Kno tts Event Contact: Dr. Michael Fraser , Executive Director, AST HO ema il: mfraser@astho .org Office: 1-202-371-9090 Ass istant: 1-571-527-3 142 Mob ile: I (b)( 6J I CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): T BD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: T BD Agenda (if applicable) : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001580 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): CDC Participants: Dr. Robert Redfield Robert (Kyle) McGowan Dr. Jose Montero ASTHO Leadership Participants: Dr. Michael Fraser, Executive Director Dr. Wiesman (SHO-WA) Dr. Alexander-Scott (SHO-RI) Dr. Butler (SHO-AK) Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001581 4. SupportingiLoqistics Materials: 5. 060 Review Materials: 582 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 5 Apr 2018 08:34:44 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth {CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Leadership visit with Dr. Redfield Jose and KM From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, April 5, 2018 8:34 AM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Leadership visit with Dr. Redfield Should we invite Von or Jose Montero? From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Thursday , April 5, 2018 8 :29 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop , Seth {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Leadership visit with Dr. Redfield 30 min From : Williams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, April 5, 2018 8:28 AM To : Scales, Scott L. {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley {CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Leaders hip visit wi t h Dr. Redfiel d Should we schedule an hour? From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Thursday, April 5, 2018 8:05 AM To: Knotts, Ashley {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Leadership visit with Dr. Redfiel d Thanks . TW can schedule it then . From : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Thu rsday, Apri l 5, 2018 8:00 AM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001583 To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Leadership visit with Dr. Redfield He did agree. From: Scales, Scott L.(CDC /0D /OCS) Date: April 5, 2018 at 7:47 :26 AM EDT To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) , McCallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) , Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Leadership visit with Dr. Redfield Let's see what Ashley knows first since she was with R3, because if R3 did agree, then we can just arrange . If not , then DL. Thx From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 10:13 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Fwd: Leadership visit with Dr. Redfield Hi Scott, Should we add this request to the DL? Thanks Teresa From: Michael Fraser Date: April 4, 2018 at 8:14:28 PM EDT To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Joe Davis , Montero , Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD), Amber Williams Subject : Leadership visit with Dr. Redfield Dear Teresa, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001584 I had a great meet ing today with Dr. Redfield. We discussed setting up a visit between Dr. Redfield and a few of our ASTHO leaders during the new health officer orientation week since he will be in town and we could invite a few of our leadership to visit in person around that event to meet with him specifically Dr. Wiesman (SHO-WA), Dr. Alexander -Scott (SHO-RI), and Dr. Butler {SHO-AK)who I believe will be in town for a meeting at CDCthat week too. Would Dr. Redfield have any time on May 2 in the afternoon to meet with our ASTHO President, President-Elect, and Past- President? Thanks for your help. Mike Michael Fraser, PhD MS CAE FCPP Executive Director Association of State and Territorial Health Officials National Headquarters: 2231 Crystal Drive, Suite 450, Arlington, VA 22202 Regional Office: 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30308 Tel: (202) 371-9090 I Asst: (571) 527-3142 I 24/7 S/THO Help Line (571) 527-3131 Mobile: ! (bl(6l I Follow me on Twitter @mfraserdcl astho .org I Facebook I Twitter I Blog Disclaimer The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. This email has been scanned for viruses and malware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast Ltd, an innovator in Soltware as a Service (SaaS) for business. Providing a safer and more useful place for your human generated data. Specializing in; Security, archiving and compliance. To find out more Click Here . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001585 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 5 Apr 2018 13:35:50 +0000 Michael Fraser Amber Williams;Joe Davis;Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Leadership visit with Dr. Redfield My pleasure. Have a wonderful day. Teresa From: Michael Fraser Se nt : Thursday, April 5, 2018 9:12 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Amber Williams ; Joe Davis ; Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Leadership visit with Dr. Redfield Perfect . Please confirm and I wi ll send you the attendee confirmation early next week . Many thanks for your speedy assistance! Mike From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto 1 Sent : Thursday, April 5, 2018 08:40 To : Michael Fraser Cc:Amber Williams ; Joe Davis ; Jose T. M ontero, M D, MPH ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Leadership visit with Dr. Redfield Good morn ing Dr. Fraser, Dr. Redfield is available to meet with the ASTHO leaders per your request below on May 2nd at CDC. Would 2:00-2:30 p.m. be an option? Kind Regards, Teresa Teresa William s Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001586 Cente rs for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21 , OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct : (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: From: Michael Fraser Sent : Wednesday, April 4, 2018 8:13 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Amber Williams ; Joe Davis ; Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD) Subject: Leadership visit with Dr. Redfield Dear Teresa, I had a great meeting today with Dr. Redfield . We discussed setting up a visit between Dr. Redfield and a few of our ASTHO leaders during the new health officer orientation week since he will be in town and we could invite a few of our leadership to visit in person around that event to meet with him specifically Dr. Wiesman (SHO-WA), Dr. Alexander-Scott (SHO-RI),and Dr. Butler (SHO-AK) who I believe will be in town for a meeting at CDCthat week too . Would Dr. Redfield have any time on May 2 in the afternoon to meet with our ASTHO President, President-Elect, and Past-President? Thanks for your help. Mike Michael Fraser, PhD MS CAE FCPP Executive Director Association of State and Territoria l Health Officials National Headquarters: 2231 Crystal Drive, Suite 450, Arlington, VA 22202 Regional Office: 600 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30308 Tel: (202) 371-9090 I Asst: (571) 527-3142 I 24/7 S/THO Help Line (571) 527-3131 Mobile: (bJ(6J I I Follow me on Twitter @mfraserdcl astho .org I Facebook I Twitter I Blog Disclaimer The information contained in this commun ication from the sender is confidential. It is intended so lely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disc losure, copy ing, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strict ly prohibited and may be unlawful. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001587 This email has been scanned for viruses and malware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast Ltd, an innovator in Software as a Service (SaaS) for business. Providing a safer and more useful place for your human generated data. Specializing in; Security, archiving and compliance. To find out more Click Here . Disclaimer The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. This email has been scanned for viruses and malware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast Ltd, an innovator in Software as a Service (SaaS) for business. Providing a safer and more useful place for your human generated data. Specializing in; Security, archiving and compliance. To find out more Click Here . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001588 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 6 Jun 2018 13:05:42 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : * **FOR MATERIAL ONLY*** Meeting w/ Peter Urbanowicz (9:45-10:00AM) Attachments : RE_ Request 15 min with Peter Urbanowicz on Monday.msg, Meeting with Peter Urbanowicz.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : Nikki Romanik Special Assistant: TBD Event Contact: Demaris Kendall email: Damaris .Kendall@HHS .GOV office: (202) 6907000 CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001589 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001590 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) 6 Jun 2018 14:12:47 +0000 Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Request 15 min with Peter Urbanowicz on Monday That would be great, thank you so very much. Their emails are and ons3@cdc .gov Greatly appreciative , Tracie From : Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Sen t : Wednesday, June 6, 2018 10:07 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request 15 min with Peter Urbanowicz on Monday Hi there . We can accommodate this. Should the invites go to Amanda and Dr. Redfield? Thanks. Damaris From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto:tmd9@cdc .gov] Se nt : Wednesday, June 6, 2018 9:04 AM To: Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Cc:Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Request 15 min wi t h Peter Urbanow icz on M onday Damaris, Good morning . Kyle McGowan, Dr. Redfield's Chief of Staff, has requested that I reach out to see if we could schedule 15 mins with Peter Urbanow icz before Dr. Redfield (CDC Director) meets with Secretary Azar on Monday. We would like to request a meeting on Monday June 11th from 10:15-10 :30 for Dr. Redfield and Amanda Campbell w ill be jo ining him. Thank you in advance for yo ur assistance. Respectfully, Tracie Strength Executive Assistant to the Director , Dr Robert Redfield Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D- 14, Atlanta GA 30333 Mail: 404-639- 7002 I Direct Line: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404- 718-0962 Email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001591 From: Sent: To: Dareshori, Zack (05/105) 10 Jun 201817:34:12 +0000 Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/0CS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/0D/0CS);Street, Amanda (HHS/105) Subject: Meeting with Peter Urbanowicz Hi all, Peter is no longer available at I 0: I Sam tomorTow to meet with Dr. Redfield and Amanda. Could you swing by at 9:45am instead? Thank you Best , Zack Zack Dareshori Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff U.S. Department of Health and Human Services I (b)(6) Ioffice 202.868.9231 cell HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001592 From: Sent : To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 30 Mar 2018 19:11:52 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Subject: Attachments: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ***FOR MATERIAL ONLY*** Flu Briefing EOCTour.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Numbe r of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001593 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks /Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001594 From : Sent: To : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) 28 Mar 201817:04:11-0400 Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D/OCS) Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/0D/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: EOCTour Cc: I just wanted to get everyone on the same page about this request. Kyle asked that Dr. Redfield receive a tour of the EOCin advance of his flu briefing (which is a follow-up from the NCIRD orientation), that Teresa and Tracie are now working to schedule. To get this done as soon as possible, we are building in 30 minutes just before/after his OPHPR orientation tomorrow morn ing. Timing-wise, we will have to wait and see what T& T hear back from EOC,but Seth, you should plan for an early start and/or late end to the OPHPRmeeting tomorrow. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001595 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 28 Jun 2018 16:12:10 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject : * **FOR MATERIALS ONLY Call w/ Dr. Elinore Mccance-Katz, SAMHSA RE: Follow-up (4-4:30 p.m .) Attachments : RE_ Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore Mccance -Katz, SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : NA Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Dolkie Encarnacion , Executive Assistant email: Dolkie.Encarnacion@h Office: 1-240-276-2011 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TB D Key Participants (if applicabl e): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentatio n: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001596 4. SupportingiLoqistics Materials: 5. 066 Review Materials: 597 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Encarnacion, Dolkie (SAMHSA/OA) 28 Jun 2018 19:07:09 +0000 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore Mccance-Katz, SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Genera l Issues I Budget. Actually, it's a follow up to Dr. Redfie ld's request. I will make July 17 th at 4pm work. I'll send a calendar invite with Dr. McCance-Katz direct line. Dolkie Encarnacion Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Office of the Assistant Secretary Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building, Room !8E37A Rockvi lle, MD 20857 240-276-201 !--Phone 240-276-20 I 0--Fax From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Thursday, June 28, 2018 12:35 PM To : Encarnacion, Dolkie (SAMHSA/OA) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore Mccance-Katz, SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Dolkie, Could you please share the topic for discussion? Thanks, Teresa From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, June 28, 2018 12:33 PM To: Encarnacion, Dolkie (SAMHSA/OA) Cc: Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ) Subject: FW: Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore Mccance-Katz, SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Dolkie, All is well and I hope so with you . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001598 Dr. Redfield has conflicts at the times you offered. Would any of the dates/times be an option? 7/17 9:00 -9:30 a.m. 4:00 -4:30 p.m. 7/18 1:00-1:30 p.m. Thank you for your consideration. Best, Teresa From: Encarnacion, Dolkie (SAMHSA/OA) Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 5:44 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore Mccance-Katz, SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Good afternoon Teresa , I hope all is well, Dr. McCance-Katz had a quick conversation with Dr. Redfield and they agreed to schedu le a formal confe rence ca ll. Please let me know if any of the times listed below work for Dr. Redfield. Tue., July 10th at 3pm Tue. , July 17th at 11:30am or 3pm Fri., July 20 th at 11am Thanks! Dolkic Encarnacion Exec utive Assistant to the Assista nt Secretary Office of the Assistant Secretary Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building, Room 18E37A Rockville , MD 20857 240-276-2011- -Phone 240-276-20 I 0--Fax From: Williams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 12:41 PM To: Encarnacion, Dolkie (SAMHSA/OA) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001599 Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore Mccance-Katz, SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Good afternoon Dolkie, I hope you are doing well. Dr. Redfield will be in DC on June 11th and would like to schedule a 30 minute in-person meeting with Dr. Mccance -Katz to discuss the FY2020 HHS Budget Process. If Dr. Mccance-Katz is not available for an in-person meeting on June 11th , could you offer some dates and times to schedule a ca ll some time the week of June 11th ? Thanks for your consideration. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D- 14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4 @cdc.go v HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001600 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 17 May 201813:38:13 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALSONLY** 1:1 Introductory Lunch meeting w/ Paula Stannard, Senior Advisor to the Secretary (11 :45 a.m . - 12:45 p.m.) Attachments : FW_ Request.msg, RE_ Request for Introductory Lunch Meeting with Paula Stannard and Dr. Robert Redfield .msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : Nikki Romanik Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Mary Jones, Legal Assistant to Paula Stannard (HHS/OGC) email: CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentatio n: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001601 4. Suggortianl?gistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: From: Se nt: To : Subject: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 17 May 2018 09:32:17 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) FW: Request Please handle From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Se nt : Thursday , May 17, 2018 9:22 AM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Request Please reach out to Paula Stannard for an "introductory 11 at HHS around 1145am please lunch" with Dr. Redfield, see if she can do June HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001603 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject : Jones, Ma ry (HHS/OGC) (CTR) 29 May 2018 16:12:04 +0000 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Request for Introductory Lunch Meeting with Paula Stannard and Dr. Robert Redfield Good afternoon and nice to meet you also!, Paula is available at that time this Thursday . Does that work for you? If so, please send a list of attendees and I will forward an invite . Thank you! Mary Jones U.S. Departmen t of Health and Hum an Services 200 Independence Avenue. S.W Washing ton. DC 2020 1 (202 ) 260- 733 8 Mary From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, May 29, 2018 12:04 PM To: Jones, Mary {HHS/OGC) {CTR) Cc: Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Introductory Lunch Meeting with Paula St annard and Dr. Robert Redfie ld Good afternoon Mary, It' s a pleasure meet you virtually. Would Paula be available for an introductory meet and greet lunch at HHS from 11:45 a.m . - 12:45 p.m .? Thank you for your consideration. Best, Teresa From : W illiams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 11:39 AM To: Stannard , Paula (HHS/IOS) Cc:Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Jones, Mary (HHS/OGC) {CTR) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001604 Subject: RE: Request for Introductory Lunch Meeting with Paula Stannard and Dr. Robert Redfield Good morning Paula, Thank you so much for your response. I will contact Mary to confirm you availabi lity. Have a wonderful day. Teresa From: Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) Sent : Tuesday, May 29, 2018 11:07 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Jones, Mary (HHS/OGC) (CTR) Subject : RE: Request for Introductory Lunch Meeting with Paula Stannard and Dr. Robert Redfield Adding Mary Jones, who handles my calendar . I think that June 11th would work . Paula From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, May 29, 2018 11:00 AM To: Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Introductory Lunch Meeting with Paula Stannard and Dr. Robert Redfield Good morning Paula, I am following up on the request below. Would you be available for an introductory lunch meeting with Dr. Redfield on June 11th in DC from 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.? Thank you for your consideration. Best, Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Directo r HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001605 Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 ema il: From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) Sent : Thursday, May 17, 2018 10:06 AM To: Stannard, Paula (HHS/IOS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject : Request for Introductory Lunch Meeting with Paula Stannard and Dr. Robert Redfield Good morning Ms . Stannard, Dr. Redfield is scheduled to be in Wash ington, DC June 11th and would like to schedule an introductory lunch meeting wit h you from 11:45 a.m. -12:45 p.m., if you are available . Please advise who I should cont act in your off ice for scheduling. Thank you for your consideration . Kind Regards, Teresa Will iams Schedule r for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Center s for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001606 From: Sent : To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 3 Apr 2018 13:44:51 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALSONLY** AMA to meet with CDC Director (Regular recurring meet ing) (10:00-10:30am) Attachments : RE_Apr 10.msg, RE_ Apr 10 (possible move to April llth).msg, RE_ Cancelled Meet ing Inquiry for April llth.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TSO Special Assistant : Seth Kroop (not attending) Event Contact: Beth Tignor, Scheduler, HHS Secretary email: Beth.Tigno r@hhs .gov CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : Kyle McGowan CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TSO CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TSO 2. Event Information : Event Host: TSO Purpose of Event: TBO Agenda (if applicable): TSO Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001607 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001608 Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) 3 Apr 2018 12:37:47 +0000 To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OO/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OO/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE:Apr 10 From: Sent: Good Morning All~ We can have them meet at 2pm on Tuesday April 10th . Will that give Dr. Redfield enough time to get here and get to HHS? Thanks Beth From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) [] Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 7:58 AM To: Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OO/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie {CDC/OO/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley {CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Apr 10 Hi Beth! Dr. Redfield wi ll be there from 1:15pm onward. Can you share what may work? Thanks! Scott From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent : Monday , April 2, 2018 5:53 PM To: Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cd > Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject: Apr 10 Dr. Redfield will be at HHS in the afternoon doing media training. Peter asked that we work with you to find a time for him to step out and meet with the Secretary. Scott can provide details on the schedule. Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001609 Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) 4 Apr 2018 18:51:03 +0000 To: Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: RE:Apr 10 (possible move to April 11th) From: Sent: Hi Beth, Apologizes, Could we make 11:30 a.m. on April 11th work? Thanks, Teresa From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 2:50 PM To: Tignor, Beth (HHS/10S) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS); Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: RE: Apr 10 (possible move to April 11th) Hi Beth, That would be great . Thank you for your consideration . Teresa From: Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) Sent : Wednesday, April 4, 2018 2:49 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/00/0CS) Subject: RE: Apr 10 (possible move to April 11th) Hi Teresa, We could move it to 11:30am on April 10th is that a better t ime? Beth From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) (ma ilto :coo4@cdc .gov 1 Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 2:31 PM To: Tignor, Beth (HHS/10S) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: RE: Apr 10 (possible move to April 11th) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001610 Good afternoon Beth, Would it be possible to move the meeting with AMA and Dr. Redfield currently scheduled April 10th from 2-2:30 p.m. to any time on April 11th ? Thank you for your consideration. Best, Teresa Teresa Willi ams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4 From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, April 3, 2018 4:50 PM To : Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Set h (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Apr 10 Hi Beth. It's the regular reoccurring meeting. Many thanks for your help arranging! -Scott From : Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) Se nt : Tuesday, April 3, 2018 3:30 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Apr 10 Thank you Scott, Do you know if this is the" regular reoccurring meeting" or does this have a specific topic? If it's a specific topic please complete the attached request memo and return as soon as possible, if this is the reoccurring meeting no need for the memo for that meeting. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001611 Thanks Beth From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) (mailto:ixj3@cdc .gov ] Se nt: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 8:41 AM To : Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/O0/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OO/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/O0/OCS) Subject : RE: Apr 10 Thanks Beth. Yes, 2pm will work for him to step out of his media training for a bit . From : Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) Se nt : Tuesday, Apri l 3, 2018 8:38 AM To : Scales, Scott L.(CDC/00/0CS)< > Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Apr 10 Good Morning All~ We can have them meet at 2pm on Tuesday April 10th . Will that give Dr. Redfield enough time to get here and get to HHS? Thanks Beth From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) (mailto:ixj3@cdc .gov ] Se nt : Tuesday, April 3, 2018 7:58 AM To : Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) Cc: W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Set h (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Apr 10 Hi Beth! Dr. Redfield will be there from 1:15pm onward . Can you share what may work? Thanks! Scott From : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Se nt : M onday , April 2, 2018 5:53 PM To: Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixi3@cdc .gov > Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject : Apr 10 Dr. Redfield w ill be at HHS in the afternoon doing med ia train i ng. Peter asked that we work w it h you t o fi nd a time fo r him t o step out and meet with t he Secreta ry . Scott can provide details on the schedule. Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001612 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) 10 Apr 2018 14:21:00 +0000 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Cancelled Meeting Inquiry for April 11th Great lets go for 10-10:30am, if that needs to change, I 'II come back with some additional times. Thanks Tracie! From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) [ ) Se nt : Tuesday, April 10, 2018 10:19 AM To: Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Cancelled Meeting Inquiry for April 11th For the 11th we could have 10:00-10:30 or 10:30-11:00 and another option is 8:30 -9:00. Wi ll either of these work, if not please let me know your availability and we will move some meetings around to accommodate . Respectfully , Tracie From: Tignor, Beth (HHS/IOS) Sent : Tuesday, April 10, 2018 9:54 AM To : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Cancelled Meeting Inquiry for April 11th Hi Tracie Yes we have to reschedule this meeting time since the Secretary will now be doing an event at the WH at that time . What are Dr. Redfield's available times for this week? Thank you for being patient with us Beth From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) fmai lto :tmd9@cdc .gov) Sent : Tuesday, April 10, 2018 9:42 AM To : Tignor, Beth (HHS/1OS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Cancelled Meeting Inquiry for April 11th Beth, Good morning, we j ust received a cancellation for April 11th meeting "AMA to meet wit h CDC Director, Dr. Robert Redfield" . Do you know why this was cancelled and if it will be rescheduled? Thank you HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001613 Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team / Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001614 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 28 Mar 201817:07:19 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subje ct: * **FOR MATERIALS ONLY** CDC Deputy Session (2-3 p.m .) Attachment s: CDC Deputy Directors Session with the CDC Director.msg, RE_ CIO session for the deputies .msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact : TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TB D Key Participants (if applicable) : Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Anne Schuchat Stephen Redd, Deputy Director for Public Health Services Chesley Richards, Deputy Director for Public Health Science Robin Ikeda , Deputy Director for Noninfectious Diseases Sonya Rasmussen, Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs) : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001615 CDC Director's Remarks /Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Mater ials : 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001616 From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: 28 Mar 201817:08:06 +0000 To : Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) (;Dilley, Frank D. (CDC/OPHSS/OD);Hemphill, Kathy D. (CDC/ONDIEH/OD);Mclntyre, Georgia (CDC/OSTLTS/OD)(CTR);King, Dawn R. (CDC/OID/OD) (CTR) Cc: Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: CDC Deputy Directors Session with the CDC Director Import ance: High Good afternoon everyone, Dr. Redfield would like to schedule a one hour CDC Deputy Directors Session. Please advise "all" dates your Principal would be available. May 1st nd 2:00-3:00 p.m. May 2 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 pm . May 3 rd 11:00 a.m . -12:00 p.m. Thanks, Teresa Teresa Willi ams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001617 From: Sent: To: Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) Cc: Subject: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OC00/0D) 28 Mar 2018 11:46: 45 -0400 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D/OCS) ;Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS);Williams, Roberts, Ursula (CDC/0D/OCS) (CTR) RE: CIO session for the deputies Arrange in late Apr or early May -----Original Message---- From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday , March 28, 2018 11:45 AM To: Berg er, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: CIO session for the deputies Want us to arrange or delay? -----Original Message----From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 11:43 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Roberts , Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) Subject: FW: CIO session for the deputies Fyi only -----Original Message---- From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO /OD) Sent: Wednesday , March 28, 2018 10:45 AM To: Richards , Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS /OD) ; Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) ; Rasmussen, Sonja (CDC/OID/OD) ; Ikeda , Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/ OD) Cc: Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) {CTR) Subject: CIO session for the deputies This session will be scheduled, likely late April. It will be the four of you and Anne. Anne will have a prep session with you beforehand. Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001618 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 14 May 2018 19:22:19 +0000 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: ***FOR MATERIALSONLY** CDC Monthly Meeting with the Deputy Secretary (4:30-5:00 P.M.) Attachments: CDC Monthly Meeting w_ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Redfield_ Thursday, June 21, 2018@ 1_00-1_30 p.m ..msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001619 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001620 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 14 May 2018 19:25:01 +0000 Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS);Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: CDC Month ly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Redfield : Thursday, June 21, 2018@ 1:00-1:30 p.m . From: Sent: To: Good afternoon Rafael and Ken, I hope you both are doing well. Would it be possible to reschedule Dr. Redfield's meeting schedule June 21st @ 1-1:30 p.m .? His f light wi ll not land in DC unt il 12:47 p.m . Would any of the dates/times work below? 6/25 6/26 8:45-9:15 a.m . (in person) 10:00-11 :30 a.m. (in person) Thank you for your consideration. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001621 From: Sent : To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 19:37:42 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikk i Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY** Debra Houry, NCIPC CIO Leadership meeting with the CDC Director {9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.) Attachments : RE_ NCIPC CIO Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director .msg, RE_ CIO Leadership Sessions at Chamblee.msg, RE_ CIO Leadership Sessions at Chamblee .msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Mara Golden, Executive Assistant to Dr. Debra Houry , NCIPC CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points {TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting /Logistics Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001622 5. OGC Review Materials: From: Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Sent: 27 Mar 2018 09:45:52 -0400 To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: NCIPC CIO Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director i mage00l. png Cc: Subject : Attachments: Good morning Teresa , I do believe we can accommodate. Dr. Houry will be serving as a moderator at the EIS Conference until I 0: 15 am, but that should allow her time to return to Chamb lee. l believe our OD conference may suffice, but I will also reserve a larger conference room to be safe. OD Conference Room: Chamblee Bldg. 106 9th Floor OD Conference Room #09108E (can accommodate 10 attendees) Larger Conference Room: Chamblee Bldg. 106 8th Floor Conference Room 8A (can accommodate 16 attendees) Once I confirm who will attend from NCIPC , I will follow up to confinn which conference room will be used. Respectfully , Mara R. Golden Executive Assistant to Dr. Deb Houry, Director and Amy Peeples, Deputy Director National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) I Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 4770 Buford Hwy, MS-F63 I Chamblee, GA 30341 I Office: (770) 488-1343 I Fax: (770) 488-4422 I Email: From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 9:38 AM To: Golden , Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCJPC) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: NCIPC CJO Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001624 Importance: High Good morning Mara, Please advise if Dr. Hou1y and the NCIPC Leadership would be available to meet with Dr. Redfield on Tuesday, April 17th from 11:30 a.m.? 12:00 p.m. in the NCIPC?s office. If yes, please respond back with a room location that would be suitable for NCIPC plus 3 additional OD staff personnel. Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road , NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-711 l email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001625 CDC'sInjury Cente.r Preventing Injuries and Violence Through Science and Action HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001626 CDC's Injury Center DC-19-0276-A-001627 Preventing Injuries and Violence Throug h Science and Action From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Davis, Andrea (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) 2 Apr 2018 14:12:25 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR) Golden, Ma ra (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: CIO Leadership Sessions at Chamblee Hello ; 9-lOam should work for Dr. Houry . Will you book to hold the slot as I do not have access to her calendar? Andrea From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Monday, April 2, 2018 1:16 PM To : Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR) Cc: Davis, Andrea (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: CIO Leadership Sessions at Chamblee Hi Vivian , Same location: Building 106, Room 7A- 7th floor? Thanks, Teresa From: Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR) Se nt : Monday, April 2, 2018 1:10 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: CIO Leadership Sessions at Chamblee We will take 10:15- 11:15 NCEH/ATSDR From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Monday, April 2, 2018 1:05 PM To : Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR) ; Davis, Andrea (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Cc: Davis, Andrea (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subjec t: RE: CIO Leadersh ip Sessions at Chamblee Wonderfu l news . Could we schedule the CIO Leadership meetings as follows: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001628 9:00 -10:00 a.m. 10:15- 11:15 a.m . Vivian and Andrea, is there a preference who receives what time? Thanks, Teresa From: Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR) Se nt : Monday, April 2, 2018 1:02 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: CIO Leadership Sessions at Chamblee Fine here, my friend From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Monday, April 2, 2018 12:07 PM To: Davis, Andrea (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Jones, William E. Ill (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Sessions at Chamblee Hi Andrea and Vivian, Thank you both for your response . th Would it be possible to schedule the CIO Leadership meetings on April 20 ? Thanks Teresa From : Davis, Andrea (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Se nt : Monday, April 2, 2018 11:00 AM To : Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Subject : RE: CIO Leadership Sessions at Chamblee Hello Teresa; Great talking with you on the phone just now . On April 19th , Dr. Houry's schedule is booked from 812pm (POC: Tami ma Brown) I didn't see a meeting subject , but she also has conflicts at 8 :30-9am , and th 10am. On April 20 , 8:30-llam further. is open as well as 1-3pm. Hope this helps . Let me know if I can help HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001629 Andrea From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 10:09 AM To : Davis, Andrea (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Cc: Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Subj ect : FW: CIO Leadership Sessions at Chamblee Import ance: High Good morning Andrea, I received Mara's out of office. Could you please respond the email below as soon as possible? Thanks so much. Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639 -7111 email: From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, April 2, 2018 9:58 AM To: Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: CIO Leadership Sessions at Chamblee Importance: High Good morning Mara and Vivian, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001630 Unfortunately we w ill need to reschedule NCIPCand NCEH'sCIO Leadership meeting scheduled with Dr. Redfield on April 1ih. Dr. Redfield is available to reschedule the visits at Chamblee on April 19th or April 20th . The preference is to schedule both CIO Leadership meetings on the same date . Also, we will reschedule the Chamblee tours as well on the date that works best for your CIO Leadership. Please respond as soon as possible. (Reminder: Please copy Tracie Strength on all scheduling requests and responses.) Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Proto col Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road , NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001631 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 2 Apr 2018 17:04:53 +0000 To: Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR);Davis, Andrea (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Cc: Davis, Andrea (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Sessions at Chamblee From: Sent: Wonderfu l news. Could we schedule the CIO Leadership meetings as follows: 9:00 -10:00 a.m. 10:15 - 11:15 a.m . Vivian and Andrea, is there a preference who receives what time? Thanks, Teresa From: Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR) Sent: Monday , April 2, 2018 1:02 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Sessions at Chamblee Fine here, my fr iend From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday , April 2, 2018 12:07 PM To: Davis, Andrea (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Jones, William E. Ill (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc:Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Subject: RE: CIO Leadership Sessions at Chamblee Hi Andrea and Vivian, Thank you both for your response . Would it be possible to schedule the CIO Leadership meetings on April 20th ? Thanks Teresa From: Davis, Andrea (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 11:00 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001632 Cc:Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Subject : RE: CIO Leadership Sessions at Chamblee Hello Teresa; Great talking with you on the phone just now. On April 19th , Dr. Houry's schedule is booked from 812pm (POC:Tami ma Brown) I didn't see a meeting subject, but she also has conflicts at 8:30-9am, and th 10am. On April 20 , 8:30-llam further. is open as well as 1-3pm. Hope this helps. Let me know if I can help Andrea From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Monday, April 2, 2018 10:09 AM To : Davis, Andrea (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Cc: Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Subject : FW: CIO Leadership Sessions at Chamblee Importance : High Good morning Andrea, I received Mara's out of office. Could you please respond the email below as soon as possible? Thanks so much . Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001633 From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, April 2, 2018 9:58 AM To: Golden, Mara (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: CIO Leadership Sessions at Chamblee Importance: High Good morning Mara and Vivian, Unfortunately we will need to reschedule NCIPCand NCEH's CIO Leadership meeting scheduled with Dr. Redfield on April 17th . Dr. Redfield is available to reschedule the visits at Chamblee on April 19th or April 20th . The preference is to schedule both CIO Leadership meetings on the same date . Also, we will reschedule the Chamblee tours as well on the date that works best fo r your CIO Leadership. Please respond as soon as possible. (Reminder: Please copy Tracie Strength on all scheduling requests and responses .) Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Preventio n 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639 -7111 ema il: coo4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001634 From: Sent : To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 6 Jun 2018 12:16:50 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY** DLS Briefing (Security Level TBD) (3-4 p .m.) Attachments : RE_ DLS Meeting.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TB O Special Assistant : Hugh Green Event Contact: CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TSO CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBO CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TSO 2. Event Information : Event Host: TSO Purpose of Event: TSO Agenda (if applicable): TBO Number of Attendees and Composition: TSO Key Participants (if applicable): TSO Bios: TBO Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBO Proposed Role and Topic: TSO Length of Presentation: TBO Press: TSO Teleprompter: TBO 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001635 Cc: Green , Hugh {CDC/OD/OCS) 6 Jun 2018 08:06:23 -0400 Williams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth {CDC/OD/OCS) Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: DLS Meeting From: Sent: To: Should be ok. Don't want to go into July that wou ld be too late. Does Kyle have clearance? From: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Date: June 6, 2018 at 7:34:41 AM EDT To: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS), Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ash ley (CDC/OD/OCS) , Scales , Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS), Strengt h, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: DLS Meeting The earliest we are able to schedule is June 28 th from 2-3 p.m. and this is with only Dr. Schuchat I (b)(6l being available. Sherri l There are several compet ing schedu ling issues; Dr. Redfield's travel schedule (June 11-13, June (b)(6) land travel (June 21-22) . 25-27) Dr. Schuchat ! From: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:48 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley {CDC/OD/OCS); Scales, Scott L. {CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: DLS Meeting Please include dr Schuchat and Sherri when scheduling. At least one of them will need to attend From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Date: June 5, 2018 at 5:20:09 PM EDT To: Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) , Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) , Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Scales, Scott L. {CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: DLS Meeting Hi Hugh, I will schedule. Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001637 Teresa From: Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Date: June 5, 2018 at 4:46:39 PM EDT To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) , Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) , Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: DLS Meeting Hi Tracie, Dr. Redfield would like an hour briefing on current and past activities from Jim Pirkle in the SCIF, ideally next week or the week after . Can you look into available times? Thanks, Hugh Hugh Green , MPH Special Assistant to the Director Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevent ion 404.639.7544 Office [ 404.376.6033 Cell HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001638 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 19:38:49 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY** Dr. Ursula Bauer, NCCDPHPCIO Leadership Meet ing with the CDC Director (10:15-11:15 a.m .) Attachments : RE_ NCCDPHPCIO Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Sylvia Greggs, Executive Assistant to Dr. Ursula Bauer , NCCDPHP CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentatio n: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001639 5. 060 Review Materials: From: Sent: To: Subje ct: Greggs, Sylvia L. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP) (CTR) 27 Mar 2018 10:51:21 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: NCCDPHP CIO Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director Will do? .. From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 10:50 AM To: Greggs, Sylvia L. (CDC/ONDfEH/NCCDPHP) (CTR) Cc: Andrade, Nancy (CDC/ONDIHVNCCDPHP) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: NCCDPHP CIO Leader ship Meeting with the CDC Director Hi Sylvia, Thanks for your prompt response. Please reserve two parking space for now. If anything changes , we will let you know. Thanks, Teresa From: Greggs, Sylvia L. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP) (CTR) Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 10:12 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) > Cc: Andrade, Nancy (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP ) > Subject: RE: NCCDPHP CIO Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director Yes, the NCCDPHP leadership is available to meet with Dr. Redfield. Please note the following meeting information: Tuesday , April 17, 2018 10:15 am? J 1:15 am Chamblee Campus HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001641 Bldg 107, 8th floor, Room 8A Twill reserve parking spaces in front of Bldg. 107. Please let me know how many spaces you will need. Sylvia From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 9:55 AM To: Greggs, Sylvia L. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP) (CTR) > Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: NCCDPHP CIO Leadership Meeting with the CDC Director Importanc e: High Good morning Sylvia, Please adv ise if Dr. Bauer and the NCCDPHP Leadership would be available to meet with Dr. Redfield on Tuesday, April 17th from 10: 15-11: 15 a.m. in the NCCDPHP?s office. Tfyes, please respond back with a room location that would be suitab le for NCCDPHP plus 3 additional OD staff personnel. Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention l 600 Cl ifton Road , NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001642 Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404)639-7 111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001643 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 8 Jun 2018 18:59:37 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALSONLY** In-person Prep for POB Call (10:45-11:35 a.m.) Attachments: FW_ polio meeting request w ith Dr. Redfield .msg, RE_ polio meeting request with Dr. Redfield.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : Hugh Green Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): John Ve rtefeulle (CDC/CGH/CI D} CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Numbe r of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001644 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001645 Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) 8 Jun 2018 14:40:14 -0400 To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales,Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: polio meeting request with Dr. Redfield From: Se nt: Can you please reach out to John Vertefeuille to schedule the following in-person briefing for Polio Oversight Board prep . Looks like June 25t h, llam-12pm separate email he sent me). or 2-3pm is best for John's group (per a Hugh wil l be SA. When wo uld be a good day/time to brief Dr. Redfi eld face to face prior to the POB call scheduled for 28 June . Ideally we could maybe shoot for 25/26 June or 20 th as a fall back . We would have final materials from the POB secre tariat by the 25/26 dates . Earlier is ok ay but we 'd be work ing from draft materials. (Ideal if 25th 11-12 or 2-3) • • From : Vertefeuille, John F. (CDC/CGH/GID) Se nt : Friday, June 8, 2018 9:41 AM To : Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS); Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Hill, Gena (CDC/CGH/GID) ; Turner, Kenya D. (CDC/CGH/OD); Cecil, Jason (CDC/CGH/GID) ; Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: FW: polio meet ing request with Dr. Redfield Hi Seth, Ashley indicated you'd be following up in her absence. Given the relatively short time for scheduling I wanted to follow up on these things: 1. Whether a written preparatory note for next Friday's meeting with Rotary would suffice (as suggested below) . Also, when the invite will be issued from the OD? 2. When would be a good day/ t ime to bri ef Dr. Redfield F2F pri or to t he POB call scheduled for 28 ~une. Ideally w e cou ld maybe shoot for 25/26 June or 20 th as a fall back. We wou ld have fina l mater ials from t he POB secreta riat by the 25/26 dates. Earlier is okay but we'd be work ing from draft mater ials. 3. For the CSISevent on July 10, I understand CSIShas changed the agenda and is now requesting 20-25 minute closing presentation from Dr. Redfield . Originally he had been on a panel with Mark Green but in the latest version SENMitch McConnell is giving a keynote . Since this request came from HHSto OD/OD we've been a little out of the loop, but I want to make sure if Dr. Redfield is still intending to participate that we understand the information needs and start getting the materials together. All the best, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001646 John From: Vertefeuille, John F. (CDC/CGH/GID) Sent : Wednesday, June 6, 2018 5:17 PM To: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD) ; Ervin, Elizabeth (CDC/CGH/OD) ; Turner, Kenya D. (CDC/CGH/OD) Subject: polio meeting request with Dr. Redfield Hi Ashley, I ran into Dr. Redfield at the annual meeting and he indicated that he'd like to have an update in advance of the June POB call which is 28 June. Further , I know there that it is likely that John Germ, Mike McGovern, and Carol Pandak of Rotary International will meet with Dr. Redfield on June 15. Could we set up a time to brief him? Of note, if we did an brief before the John Germ meeting we would not likely have the final materials for the POB Board meetin g. Also, it may be possible to provide prep for the Germ meeting in writing. Please let me know. Thanks, John HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001647 W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 11 Jun 2018 11:56:53 +0000 To : Vertefeuille, John F. (CDC/CGH/GID) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Hill, Gena (CDC/CGH/GID);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Cecil, Jason (CDC/CGH/GID);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Turner, Kenya D. (CDC/CGH/OD) Subject : RE: pol io meeting request with Dr. Redfield From: Sent : Good morning John, I will confirm June 20 th from 4-5 p.m. on Dr. Redfield's calendar. Could you please confirm who should be invited? Thanks, Teresa From : Vertefeuille, John F. (CDC/CGH/GID} Sent : Friday, Jun e 8, 2018 4:29 PM To: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS} Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Hill, Gena (CDC/CGH/GID} ; Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Cecil, Jason (CDC/CGH/GID) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Turner, Kenya D. (CDC/CGH/OD) Subject : RE: polio meeting request with Dr. Redfield Hi Teresa, We will take the option of June 20 at 4pm. While we won't have a final packet of POB provided materials, we will know very well what the key issues are. It will be better to do it face to face. Copying Kenya to ensure it is also blocked on Rebecca's calendar. I appreciate it. John From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS} Sent : Friday, June 8, 2018 2:58 PM To: Vertefeu ille, John F. (CDC/CGH/GID) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS} ; Hill, Gena (CDC/CGH/GID) ; Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Cecil, Jason (CDC/CGH/GID) ; Strengt h, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: FW: polio meeting request with Dr. Redfield Good afternoon John, Unfortunately Dr. Redfield will be in DC on June 25th and 26th , with scheduling conflicts. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001648 Our very best option would be June 20th from 4:00-5:00 p.m. (in-person) and the second opt ion wou ld be June 26th from 12:30-1:30 p.m. (by phone or VTCfrom our CDCWashington Office) . Please advise. Thanks, Teresa Teresa Willi ams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atla nta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4 From: Vertefeuille, John F. (CDC/CGH/GID) Se nt : Friday, June 8, 2018 9:41 AM To : Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS); Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Hill, Gena (CDC/CGH/GID) ; Turner, Kenya D. (CDC/CGH/OD) ; Cecil, Jason (CDC/CGH/GID) ; Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: polio meet ing request with Dr. Redfield Hi Seth, Ashley indicated you'd be follow ing up in her absence. Given the relatively short time for scheduling I wanted to fol low up on these things : 1. Whether a written preparatory note for next Friday's meeting with Rotary would suffice (as suggest ed below) . Also, when the invit e w ill be issued from the OD? 2. hen w ould be a good day/t ime to bri ef Dr. Redfie ld F2F prior to the POB call scheduled fo r 28 ~une. Ideally we could maybe shoot for 25/26 June or 20th as a fall back. We w ould have fina l mate rials from the POB secretariat by the 25/26 dates . Ear lier is okay but we' d be work ing from draft materia ls. 3. For the CSISevent on July 10, I understand CSIShas changed the agenda and is now request ing 20-25 minute closing presentation from Dr. Redfield. Originally he had been on a panel w ith Mark Green but in the latest version SENMitch McConnell is giving a keynote. Since this request came from HHSto OD/OD we've been a little out of the loop, but I want to make sure if Dr. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001649 Redfield is still intending to participate tha t we understand the information needs and start getting the materials together. All the best, John From: Vertefeuille, John F. (CDC/CGH/GID) Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 5:17 PM To: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD) ; Ervin, Elizabeth (CDC/CGH/OD) ; Turner, Kenya D. (CDC/CGH/OD) Subject : polio meeting request with Dr. Redfield Hi Ashley, I ran into Dr. Redfield at the annual meeting and he ind icated that he'd like to have an update in advance of the June POB call which is 28 June. Further, I know there that it is likely that John Germ, Mike McGovern, and Carol Pandak of Rotary International will meet with Dr. Redfield on June 15. Could we set up a time to brief him? Of note, if we did an brief before the John Germ meeting we would not likely have the final materials for the POB Board meeting . Also, it may be possible to provide prep for the Germ meeting in writing. Please let me know . Thanks, John HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001650 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 20 Jun 2018 15:23 :06 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY** Recurring Meeting : Peter Urbanowicz, CofS, HHS and Dr. Redfield Attachments : RE_ Meeting Request with Peter Urbanowicz from Dr. Redfield .msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : Brad Bartee Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Damaris Kendall, Assistant to Peter Urbanowicz, Chief of Staff, HHS email: Damaris .Kendall@hhs .gov CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001651 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001652 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 20 Jun 2018 15:05:59 +0000 Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Meeting Request with Peter Urbanowicz from Dr. Redfield Much appreciated. Thanks, Teresa From : Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Sent : Wednesday, June 20, 2018 10:54 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Meeting Request with Peter Urbanowicz from Dr. Redfield Since these dates are not consecutively every two weeks I'll resend each invite separately. Stand by. From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ] Sent : Wednesday, June 20, 2018 10:41 AM To: Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Cc:St rengt h, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Meeting Request with Peter Urbanowic z from Dr. Redfield Thanks Damaris . Teresa From : Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Sent : Wednesday, June 20, 2018 10:40 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:St rength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Meeting Request with Peter Urbanowic z from Dr. Redfield Yep, I'll send invites . From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ] Se nt : Wednesday, June 20, 2018 10:36 AM To: Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Meeting Request with Peter Urbanowicz from Dr. Redfield HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001653 Hi Kendall, We had to change the frequency due to Dr. Redfield's travel schedule, would the schedule provided be acceptab le? Thanks, Teresa From: Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Se nt : Wednesday, June 20, 2018 10:03 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Meeting Request with Peter Urbanowicz from Dr. Redfield Hi Teresa. After October 22 every other Monday should be November 5, November 19, December 3, December 17, and December 31. Your dates below after October 22 are off . Please clarify . Damaris From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) (mailto :coo4@cdc .gov) Sen t : Wednesday, June 20, 2018 9:52 AM To: Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Meeting Request with Peter Urbanowicz from Dr. Redfield Good morning Damaris, I hope you are doing well. Dr. Redfield is scheduled to be in DC every other Monday, so his next DC day on a Monday would be July gth _ Could we schedule the recurring meetings as follows from 10-10:30 a.m.? July 9th ***No meet ing th e week of July 23 rd , Dr. Redfield w il l be internat ional travel*** August 6th August 20th Septembe r 10th September 24 th October 22nd November 26th December 10th December 24th HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001654 October 8th and November 12th falls on a holiday, we haven't confirmed Dr. Redfield's travel schedule to DC. Thank you for your consideration. Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: From : Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Se nt: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 9:22 AM To : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Meeting Request with Peter Urbanowicz from Dr. Redfield Just got approval to schedule the reoccurring meetings so let me know timeframe. mentioned that doing these by phone is also an option and ok with him. Also, Peter Just let me know what the preference will be. Thanks. Damaris From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto:tmd9@cdc .gov] Sent : Wednesday, June 20, 2018 8:56 AM To: Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001655 Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Meeting Request w ith Peter Urbanowicz from Dr. Redfield Can we do the 10:00am so that Dr. Redfield can meet with him prior to his reoccurring wit h Sec. Azar? If so it would probably be best to have it scheduled to end at 10:25 for transition to his next meeting . Please let me know if this is okay. Thank you Respectfully, Tracie Strength Executive Assistant to the Director , Dr Robert Redfield Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Mail: I (bH6l 1 1 Direct Line: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404- 718-0962 Email: tmd9@cdc.go v From : Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Sent : Wednesday, June 20, 2018 8:52 AM To: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Meeting Request w ith Peter Urbanowicz from Dr. Redfield Good morning. Unfortunate ly Peter has standing meetings from 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. on Mondays therefore he is unavailable during your requested time below . He could meet either at 10:00 a.m ., 11:30 a.m . - 2:00 p.m ., or 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m . on June 25. I still need to fo llow up on the second part of your request about setting up the reoccurring meetings . Are there particular dates Dr. Redfield is expected to be in DC for these reoccurring meetings? Damaris From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto :tmd9@cdc .gov] Sent : Tuesday, June 19, 2018 3:05 PM To: Kendall, Damaris (HHS/OS) Cc: W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Meeting Request w ith Peter Urbanowicz from Dr. Redfield Damaris, Good afternoon, hope all is well with you . Dr. Redfield is requesting a meeting with Peter Urbanowicz for Monday June 25th . Would it at all be possible at 8:45-9:l Sam. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001656 Also Teresa will be reach ing out at a later date to inquire about setting up reoccurring meetings for when Dr. Redfield is in DC. Many thanks. Respectfully , Tracie Strength Executive Assistant to the Director , Dr Robert Redfield Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Mail: I (b)( 6l 1 1 Direct Line: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404- 718-0962 Email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001657 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 28 Mar 2018 19:33:38 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALSONLY**(By Phone) CDC Monthly Meeting with the HHS Deputy Secretary (4:30-5:00 p.m.) Att achment s: RE_ Dr. Redfield's Monthly meetings with the HHS Deputy Secretary.msg , RE_ Request for Bridge-line _ CDC Monthly Meeting w_ HHS Deputy Secreta ry and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3_ 16 @ 2-2_30 p .m .. msg, RE_ Request fo r Bridge-line_ CDC Monthly Meeting w_ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Redfield.msg , RE_ Request for Bridge-line _ CDC Month ly Meeting w_ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Redfield .msg Impo rtance: High 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : TBD Special As sistant: TBD Event Contact: Kenneth Callahan (HHS/IOS) Assistant to the HHS Deputy Secretary email: Kenneth.Callahan@hhs .gov Office: (202) 260-7363 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001658 Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicabl e): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting /Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001659 Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) 28 Mar 2018 16:08:00 -0400 To : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Scales,Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield's Monthly meetings with the HHS Deputy Secretary From: Se nt: 2 business days before, so Tuesday April 17. I can give you a reminder as we get closer to that date. From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Se nt : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 4:06 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Dr. Redfield's Monthly meetings with the HHS Deputy Secretary Great, thanks - Kyle and I will work on an agenda. Seth, please remind me of the deadline to subm it From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 3:30 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/I EA) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield's Monthly meetings with the HHS Deputy Secretary I will have the invites added to both your calendars . Thanks, Teresa From : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Se nt : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 3:18 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; M cGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Dr. Redfield's Monthly meetings with the HHS Deputy Secretary Phone is OK this month. Kyle and I will do this with Dr. Redfield. Pls add to our calendars. Thanks From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D /OCS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001660 Date: March 28, 2018 at 3: 16:24 PM EDT To: William s, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , Berger , Sherr i (CDC/OCOO /OD) , McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) , Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfie ld's Month ly meetings with the HHS Deputy Secretary Looping Sherri and Kyle to comment about R3 attending in person , or via phone with Dep Sec, and yes, that is also the tentative date for the Surgeon General to visit CDC, but no agenda has been set for him yet . From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 2:08 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. Redfield's Monthly meetings with the HHS Deputy Secretary Import ance: High Hi Scott, The HHS Deputy Secretary's schedulers reached to ask if Dr. Redfield's first meeting with the HHS Deputy Secretary which is currently scheduled April 19th from 2-2:30 p.m. (this was Dr. Schuchat's current schedule) would be by phone or in person . The SG's visit to CDC is also scheduled April 19th . Should we schedule Dr. Redfield's meeting as a call? Thanks, Teresa Teresa Willi ams Scheduler for the Acting CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Cent ers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta , GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 ema il: coo4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001661 Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) 28 Mar 2018 19:43:0 1 +0000 To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Request for Bridge-line: CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. From: Se nt: Teresa, Sounds good, the call in#, Sherri and Kyle are all added to the calendar invite for the 19th . Best, Ken Callahan From: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [] Se nt: Wednesday, Ma rch 28, 20 18 3:31 PM To : Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Month ly Meet ing w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today , 3/16@ 2-2 :30 p.m. Hi Ken, Dr. Redfield would like to schedule the meeting by phone on Apr il 19th from 2-2:30 p.m . Could you also include Sherri Berger and Robert (Kyle)McGowan on the invite? Thanks so much . Teresa From : Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Se nt: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 2:01 PM To: W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mo reno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Month ly Meet ing w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. Of course, thank you . From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [ ] Se nt: Wednesday, March 28, 20 18 1:58 PM To: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001662 Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line: CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. Hi Ken, There's a possibility that Dr. Redfield may be in Atlanta on April 19th . May I get back with you shortly to confirm is this meeting would be a call? Thanks, Teresa From : Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:42 PM To: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Bridge-line: CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2 :30 p.m. Hi Teresa, Thank you that's good to know. Tracie I have added you to the monthly meeting with the Dep. Sec. and CDC Director. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns . Also will Dr. Redfield be in DC for the Apri l 19th meeting or should we set up a call-in#? Best, Ken Callahan Fro m : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) (mailto:coo4@cdc .gov) Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:35 PM To : Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line: CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. Hi Ken, Yes, I am scheduling for Dr. Redfield. Tracie Strength is Dr. Redfield's Executive Assistant, Carma is no longer with CDC. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001663 Could you please copy Tracie when requesting any meetings, etc. with Dr. Redfield. Also, Ursula Roberts is Dr. Schuchat's Executive Assistant. Thanks, Teresa From: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:28 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mo reno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Subje ct: RE: Request for Bridge-line: CDC Monthly Meet ing w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m . Hi Teresa, Are you doing the scheduling for Dr. Redfield as well? Thank you. Ken Callahan From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) (mailto ] Se nt : Friday, March 16, 2018 8:16 AM To : Moreno , Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Subje ct: RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Month ly Mee t ing w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. Thank you so much . From : Moreno , Rafael (OS/ASA/ IOS) Se nt : Friday, March 16, 2018 8:09 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Mon t hly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today , 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. No worries . I will add it now . From: W illiams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) ( ] Se nt : Friday, March 16, 2018 8:08 AM To : Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Cc: Moreno , Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Subject : Request for Bridge-line : CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001664 Today, 3/16 @ 2-2:30 p.m. Importance: High Good morning Ken, Would it be possible to request a bridge-line to include Sherri Berger in the meeting with the Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat? Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the Acting CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001665 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Dr. Redfield Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 13 Apr 2018 12:57:33 +0000 Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS);Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Request for Bridge-line: CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Good morn ing Ken, We can move the call to 4:30-5 p.m . on Apr il 19 th . Have a wonderful day . Teresa From: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Sent : Friday, April 13, 2018 8 :25 AM To: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mo reno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc:Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Redfield Hi all, Can we please move the this call to one of the following times on April 19th ? 8:30-9:00 AM 1-1:30 PM 4 :30-5 PM Thank you . Ken From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto ] Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 20 18 3 :5 1 PM To: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/1O5) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line: CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m . Hi Ken, Th anks so m uch. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001666 Best, Teresa From: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Date: March 28, 2018 at 3:44:16 PM EDT To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line: CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. Teresa, Sounds good, the call in#, Sherri and Kyle are all added to the calendar invite for the 19th . Best, Ken Callahan From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto:coo4@cdc .gov] Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 3:31 PM To: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m . Hi Ken, Dr. Redfield would like to schedule the meeting by phone on April 19th from 2-2:30 p.m . Could you also include Sherri Berger and Robert (Kyle)McGowan on the invite? Thanks so much. Teresa From: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 2:01 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc: Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Month ly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001667 Of course , thank you. From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto :coo4@cdc .gov) Se nt: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:58 PM To : Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Bridge-line: CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m . Hi Ken, There's a possibility that Dr. Redfield may be in Atlanta on April 19th . May I get back with you shortly to confirm is this meeting would be a call? Thanks, Teresa From: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Se nt : Wednesday , March 28, 2018 1:42 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Mo reno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Bridge- line : CDC Month ly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. Hi Teresa, Thank you that's good to know . Tracie I have added you to the monthly meeting with the Dep. Sec. and CDC Director. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Also will Dr. Redfield be in DC for the April 19th meeting or should we set up a call-in#? Best, Ken Callahan From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mai1to:coo4@c Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:35 PM To: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc: St rength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line: CDC Mon t hly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001668 Hi Ken, Yes, I am schedu ling for Dr. Redfield . Tracie Strength is Dr. Redfield's Executive Assistant, Carma is no longer with CDC. Could you please copy Tracie when requesting any meetings, etc. with Dr. Redfield. Also, Ursula Roberts is Dr. Schuchat's Executive Assistant. Thanks, Teresa From : Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Sent : Wedn esday, March 28, 2018 1:28 PM To : W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mo reno , Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Subje ct: RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. Hi Teresa, Are you doing the scheduling for Dr. Redfield as well? Thank you . Ken Callahan From: Williams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto ] Se nt : Friday, March 16, 2018 8:16 AM To: Moreno , Rafael (OS/ASA/ IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Subject : RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Month ly Mee t ing w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today , 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. Thank you so much. From : Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/ IOS) Se nt : Friday, March 16, 2018 8:09 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Subject : RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Month ly Meet ing w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today , 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. No worries . I will add it now . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001669 From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [ ] Sent : Friday, March 16, 2018 8:08 AM To : Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Cc: Moreno , Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Subject: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat Today, 3/16 @ 2-2:30 p.m. Import ance: High Good morning Ken, Would it be possible to request a br idge- line to include Sherri Berger in the meet ing with the Deputy Secreta ry and Dr. Schuchat? Thanks , Teresa Teresa Willi ams Scheduler for the Acting CDC Director Protocol Specialis t Office of th e Director Cent ers for Diseas e Contr ol and Pre venti on 1600 Clifto n Road , NE Building 21, OD Suit e, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlan t a, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639 -5998 Mai n : (404) 639 -7000 Fax: (404) 639 -7111 ema il: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001670 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject : Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) 13 Apr 2018 13:07:08 +0000 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Request for Bridge-line: CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Redfield Sure can you send me the best emai l address for Dr. Redfield . From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [ Sent : Friday, April 13, 2018 9:05 AM To : Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Bridge-line: CDC Month ly Meet ing w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Redfield Hi Ken, You sent the invite to Dr. Schuchat's calendar, could you send it to Dr. Redfield ' s? Thanks Teresa From : Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Sent : Friday, April 13, 2018 9:03 AM To: Willia ms, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mo reno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc:St rength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Mon t hly Mee t ing w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Redfi eld Thanks Teresa, I just updated the calendar invite . From : W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto :coo4@cdc .gov ] Se nt : Friday, April 13, 2018 8 :58 AM To : Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc:St rength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Mon t hly Mee t ing w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Redfi eld Good morning Ken, We can move the call to 4 :30-5 p.m. on April 19th . Have a wonderful day. Teresa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001671 From: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Sent: Friday, April 13, 2018 8:25 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line: CDC Month ly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Redfield Hi all, Can we please move the this call to one of the following times on April 19th ? 8 :30-9 :00 AM 1-1 :30 PM 4 :30-5 PM Thank you . Ken From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto ) Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 3:51 PM To: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Month ly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m . Hi Ken, Thanks so much . Best, Teresa From: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Date: March 28, 2018 at 3:44:16 PM EDT To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m . Teresa, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001672 Sounds good, the call in#, Sherri and Kyle are all added to the calendar invite for the 19th . Best, Ken Callahan From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto :coo4@cdc .gov] Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 3:31 PM To: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line: CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. Hi Ken, Dr. Redfield would like to schedule the meeting by phone on April 19th from 2-2 :30 p.m. Could you also include Sherri Berger and Robert (Kyle)McGowan on the invite? Thanks so much. Teresa From : Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 2:01 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m . Of course, thank you. From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [ ] Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:58 PM To: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc:Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-li ne: CDC Month ly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. Hi Ken, There's a possibility that Dr. Redfield may be in Atlanta on April 19th . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001673 May I get back with you shortly to confirm is this meeting would be a call? Thanks, Teresa From: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:42 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. Hi Teresa, Thank you that's good to know. Tracie I have added you to the month ly meeting with the Dep. Sec. and CDC Director. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Also will Dr. Redfield be in DC for the April 19 th meeting or should we set up a call-in#? Best, Ken Callahan From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [ma ilto ] Sent : Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:35 PM To: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m . Hi Ken, Yes, I am schedu ling for Dr. Redfield. Tracie Strength is Dr. Redfield's Executive Assistant, Carma is no longer with CDC. Could you please copy Tracie when requesting any meetings, etc. with Dr. Redfield. Also, Ursula Roberts is Dr. Schuchat's Executive Assistant. Thanks, Teresa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001674 From: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:28 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line: CDC Month ly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m . Hi Teresa, Are you doing the scheduling for Dr. Redfield as well? Thank you. Ken Callahan From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto ] Sent: Friday, March 16, 2018 8:16 AM To: Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Month ly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. Thank you so much. From: Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Sent: Friday, March 16, 2018 8:09 AM To: W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Subject: RE: Request for Bridge-line : CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat - Today, 3/16@ 2-2:30 p.m. No worries . I will add it now . From: W illiams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) [ ] Sent: Friday, March 16, 2018 8:08 AM To: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Cc: Moreno , Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Subject: Request for Bridge-line: CDC Monthly Meeting w/ HHS Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat Today, 3/16 @ 2-2:30 p.m. Importance: High Good morning Ken, Would it be possible to request a bridge-line to include Sherri Berger in the meeting with the Deputy Secretary and Dr. Schuchat? Thanks, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001675 Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the Acting CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001676 From: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 8 May 2018 19:02 :26 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7@cdc .gov) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY*** Anthrax Discussion 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: N/A Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TB D CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001677 Bios: TBD Source Invitation : 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks /Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001678 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 9 Apr 2018 19:56:05 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject : * **FOR MATERIALSONLY*** AMA Briefing on Global Health Security (2:303:00PM) Attachments: RE_ FYI, re_ OGA Briefings with AMA.msg, AMA Issue Briefing on Globa l Health Security docx.docx 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TSO Special Assistant : TB O Event Contact: TS O CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : T SO CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TSO CDC Media Contact (if applicabl e): TSO 2. Event Information : Event Host : TSO Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applic able): HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001679 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001680 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) 9 Apr 2018 15:47:01-0400 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: FYI, re: OGA Briefings with AMA Agree we should confirm he's ok to participate by phone. Who had the initial outreach on scheduling these? From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, April 9, 2018 3:40 PM To : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Sorrells, Marj orie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: FYI, re: OGA Briefings with AMA Adams is an easy move or reschedule. Recommend getting HHS to commit to phone for R3 and then we go from there. Thoughts? From : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, April 9, 2018 3:39 PM To: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: FYI, re: OGA Briefings with AMA No option for VTC from Hilton . I also noticed that this collides w/ Adams meet and greet. We might want to revisit that scheduling block to ensure he can focus on AMA brief at 1:30. From: Sorre lls, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : M onday, April 9, 2018 2:38 PM To: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/O CS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: FW: FYI, re: OGA Briefings with AMA See below- this is most recent I know of. They just moved time of Friday's, so AS now going to do from Atlanta instead of DC. From : Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) Sent : Tuesday, April 3, 20 18 5:14 PM To: Sorre lls, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: FW: FYI, re: OGA Briefings with AMA From : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent : Tuesday, April 3, 2018 2:37 PM To: Schuchat , Anne MD (CDC/OD) ; Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) ; Wolfe, M itchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Martin , Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001681 Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: FYI, re: OGA Briefings with AMA Kyle and I went through the schedule, here is the plan: April 13: • Briefing on Combating Antibiotic -Resistant Bacteria (CARB)/Antimicrobia l Resistance (AMR)@ 1:30 PM Anne & Mitch will attend in person April 18: • Briefing on Global Health Security@ 1 PM Unfortunately, OGA won't move this one (tough week with the EISconference). Dr. Redfield via VTC (to be confirmed) and Mitch in person. April 23: • Briefing on TB @ 2 PM Dr. Redfield via VTC and Rebecca (need to confirm in-person or VTC) Thanks, Sherri Sherri A. Berger, MSPH Chief Operating Officer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road NE Mailstop D-14 Atlanta, Georgia 30329 404-639-7000 phone 404-639-7171 fax HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001682 DEPARTMENT OF HE ALT H & H UMAN SERVI CES Office of the Secretary Scheduling Request Memo for Secretary Azar Topic: Global Health Security Lead IOS Counselor : Maggie Wynne Has this request been approved by (Peter/ Brian): Brian AMA's Role: To be briefed issues surround ing Global Health Security Request POC (Name, Cell and email): Kyle Zebley, 202-815-6991 Is Conference Call Line needed? No Who will initiate the conference call? N/ A Will there be Briefing Materials provided? Y ~ If yes, who will send them to Kristina Pelekoudas (Name)? Kyle Zebley HHS Staff Attendees: • OGA -Garrett Grigsby • OGA - Larry Kerr • OGA - Jose Fernandez • OGA - Kyle Zebley • CDC-Anne Schuchat • CDC-Rebecca Martin External Attendees: N/ A Additional Notes : N/ A HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001683 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 17 May 201818:40:47 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: * **FOR MATERIALSONLY*** AMA visit Attachments: June 1st Visit to CDC.msg 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : Nikki Romanik Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying th e Director: TB D CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Cont act (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): Proposed • • Start ing at CDC around 9am Senior Leadership M eeting -1 hour o Format and speak ing guidance TBD • Emergency Operations Center (EOC) visit & walking discussions (not usual EOCtour) -30-40 min o Discussion topics TBD but possibly may include GHSA & Ebola HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001684 • • • • Laboratory Tours -1.5 hours (Maybe HCL Corridor and lnsectary--thoughts?) Small Group Leadership Working Lunch & Discussions with AMA- 45 min o Discussion topics TBD 10-15 min of Opening Remarks at CDC's All Staff Honor Awards Ceremony@ 1pm o Brad, hope this works for Honor Awards, rather than trying to squeeze in an AHM this date Depart CDC by 1:20 pm Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting /Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001685 From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : 18 May 2018 09:40:03 -0400 To : Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD);Mi ller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID);McDonald, Caroline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM);Edwards, Jacqueline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM);Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC);Myers, Brad (CDC/OD/OADC);Gallagher, Kathryn M. (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Johnson, Gregory (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Roney, Lisa K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Warren, Whitney (CDC/OD/OCS);Dougherty, Pamela (CDC/CGH/OD);Stanojevich, Joe l G. (CDC/CGH/OD) Cc: Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Daniel, Kathe rine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Bryant, Jeffrey (Jeff) (CDC/OPHPR/DEO);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Stewart, Tracy E. (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO);Nguyen, Von (CDC/OD/OADP);Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR);Johnson, Marsha (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Patte rson, John (CDC/OCOO/OD);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Holloway, Rachel (CDC/OCOO/OD);Yassanye, Diana (CDC/OD/OCS);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Arias, Ileana (ATSDR/DCHI/OD);Montero, Jose (CDC/OSTLTS/OD);Richards, Chesley MD (CDC/OPHSS/OD);Houry, Debra E. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) Subject: June 1st Visit to CDC Colleagues: Secretary Azar is confirmed to visit CDC (Roybal campus) on Friday, June 1st . Below is the anticipated DRAFT agenda, FYI, that is pending final approval from HHS. Seth will be our lead for content and Nikki will be our lead for agenda development and logistics (and our planning calls). Nikki will schedule our first planning huddle early next week, so please plan to call-in or join and include others from your team that have a need to be involved. We expect walk-thru rehearsals on 30 & 31 May, and they'll be similar in demands to Dep Sec Hargan's visit to CDC late last year. Finally, please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions as we start. Thank you! -Scott (b) (5) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001686 From: Se nt: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 Apr 2018 11:42:40 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Attachme nts : * **FOR MATERIALS ONLY*** Budget Briefing Part 2 (1-1 :20 p.m.) RE_ HOLD_ Budget Briefing Part 2.msg 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TB D CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001687 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001688 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 4 Apr 2018 07:36:05 -0400 To : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: HOLD: Budget Briefing Part 2 From: Sent: Perfect , we'll book that. Thx ! From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 7:35 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: HOLD: Budget Briefing Part 2 Yes, thanks we can do 1- 120 if necessary. Then let's schedule another later in Apr. Thanks From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, April 4, 2018 7:33 AM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: HOLD: Budget Briefing Part 2 R3 has lunch with KAC unti l 1255, but we could squeeze in 1-1:30 but he' ll have to leave by 1:30 to get to the Summit to meet FDA Commish at 2:30. Assume that will work for you? From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 5:24 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject: Re: HOLD: Budget Briefing Part 2 No jury duty - I'd like to keep this mtg on the calendar. Thanks On Mar 30, 2018, at 9:33 AM, Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) wrote: Just a reminder, I may have jury duty. I will let you know Tuesday evening. If so, Dr. Redfield should use this time to make phone calls v. scheduling a meeting. I will provide a list. Thank you -----Origi na I Appointment----From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001689 Sent : Tuesday, March 27, 2018 2:51 PM To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC); Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: HOLD: Budget Briefing Part 2 When : Wednesday, April 4, 2018 12:45 PM-1:45 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where : DCR HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001690 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 12 Apr 2018 11:55:56 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY*** Call Rep. Rosa Delaura (D-CT) Attachments : RE_ Dr. Redfield and Representative Delaura (D-CT) - 4_ 24.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : NA Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Aimee Schattner CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001691 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001692 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 16 Apr 2018 17:35:05 +0000 Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield and Representative De Lauro (D-CT) - 4/24 From: Sent: To : Hi Jenny, Dr. Redfield is availa ble as fo llows: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m . 1:00-1:30 p.m. Please advise . Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (40 4) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, April 16, 2018 1:33 PM To : Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccall ister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Will iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield and Representative Delauro (D-CT) - 4/24 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001693 Yes for a phone call. Teresa will work with you to arrange a time. We'l l remove that meeting hold from the 27 th in DC and then plan for R3 & KM to attend the HHS SL Meeting that morning, in person. Thanks Jenny! From: Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent : Monday , April 16, 2018 1:19 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wilson, M ichelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Mccal liste r, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Dr. Redfield and Representative Delaura (D-CT) - 4/24 Heard back from Delauro's scheduler (I had reached out to her last week about a possible phone call on the 13th ). The scheduler asked if Dr. Redfield would be available to speak on the 24 th . It looks like there would be some opportunities . Can you confirm? Jenny JennySewell, JD, MPA Congressional Team I Office of Appropriations Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jsewel I 678.475.4696 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001694 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 5 Jun 201817:22:20 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY*** Call w/ Colonel Deborah Wh itmer, WRAIR Commander Attachment s: 125 Years of Infectious Disease at WRAIR agenda.pdf From: Se nt: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: N/A Special Assistant: Hugh Green Event Contact: Jeffrey Osgood email: Jeffrey .osgood and Debra L. Yourick , PhD, Director, Science Education and Strategic Communicat ions, WRAIR, Voice : 301-3199471 , Mobile: I (bJ(6J Idebra .l.yourick.civ@mai, CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: For Dr, Redfield to speak with Colonel Deborah Whitmer Commander regarding what she would like him to discuss at the 125 th Ann iversary Celebration of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research on June 22 nd in Silver Spring , MD Agenda (if applicable): TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001695 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001696 WRAIR 125 Walter Reed Army Institute of Research YEARS 1893 -2018 125 Yearsof Infectious DiseaseResearchat WRAIR 930am-1030am Open House & Poster Session 1030am-1045am Seating in Behnke Auditorium & Entry of Official Parties 104Sam-11 am Introduction and Greeting of Distinguished Guests Colonel Deborah Whitmer, WRAIR Commander 11am-12pm Celebrat ing 125 Years of Research Excellence • Thoma s Mccaffery, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Global Health Engagement and National Security • Ambassador-at-Large Dr. Deborah Binc, Global AIDS Coordinator and U.S. Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy International Enterprise for Better Health • Dr. Wayne T. Hackmeyer , Founder and Former Chair and CEOof Medlmmune, Inc. Private-Public Collaborations in Translational Medicine • Dr. Robert R. Redfield , Centers for Disease Control Director USG Working toward Common World Health Goals 12pm-lpm Lunch Reception & Poster Session lpm -3 pm Infectious Disease Breakout Sessions (1) Magill Malaria Forum • "Past contributions made by WRAIR in the fight against malaria and where current and future efforts fit into global efforts moving forward" • Keynote: Dr. Dennis Shanks (Director, Australian Army Malaria Institute) fo llowed by a panel discussion. Malaria Panel Discussion, Moderator : Dr. Chandy John, President-Elect of ASTMH • Dr. Dennis Shanks, Australian Defence Force • Dr. Ann Stewart, Uniformed University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) • Dr. Dennis Kyle, University of Georgia • Dr. Kent Kester, Sanofi Pasteur • Lee Hall, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) • Dr. Ken Staley, US Agency for International Development (USAID)/President 's Malar ia Initiative (2) A Look Back in History Presentations and Displays (3) Infectious Diseases: Challenges, Triumphs, and LessonsLearned 3pm-4pm • Viral Diseases I Mil itary HIV Research Program • Bacterial Diseases I Antimicrobial Resistance I Emerging Infectious Diseases Netwo rking Reception HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001697 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 14 Jun 2018 11:37 :30 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY*** Call with Alison Kelly RE: 0MB RE_ Call request for tomorrow.msg Subject: Attachments : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: NA Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Alison Kelly, Director, Office of Appropriations, OD email: ayk7@cdc .gov cell: 404-992-4610 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TSO CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TSO CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TSO 2. Event Information : Event Host: TSO Purpose of Event: TSO Agenda (if applicable): TSO Number of Attendees and Composition: TSO HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001698 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001699 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 14 Jun 2018 11:34:50 +0000 Kelly, Alison (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD);Scales,Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: RE: Call request for tomorrow From: Sent: To : Good morning Alison, I've scheduled the call for 1:30-1:45 p.m . today . You should have received a calenda r invite . Thanks, Teresa From : Kelly, Alison (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent : Wednesday, June 13, 2018 10:10 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS); Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Call request for tomorrow I am flexible , cell is 404 992 4610 Fr om: Berger , Sherri (CDC/OCOO /OD) Date: June 13, 2018 at 10:01:33 PM EDT To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) , William s, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) , Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kelly, Alison (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Subj ect: Call request for tomorrow 15 mins Dr. R & Alison, re: 0MB I t hink bet ween 1&2pm will work for both of them Thank you, maybe he can call her cell directly when ready HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001700 From: Sent : To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 11 Jun 2018 15:17:55 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ***FOR MATERIALSONLY*** Country Planning with Dr. Rebecca Martin 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics TBD Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001701 From: Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) Sent : 29 Mar 2018 14:17:16 +0000 To : Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Subject: (drop-in) Rep. Katherine Clark (D-MA) Visit to CDC [Dr Schuchat's meeting] Attachments: RE_ For AS calendar_ Rep. Clark visit during Rx Summit, April 3.msg, Rep Clark visit 040318 Final.doc 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TS O Special Assistant : TB O Event Contact: TSO CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Schuchat : TSO CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TSO CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TS O 2. Event Information : Event Host : TSO Purpose of Event : TBO Agenda (if applicable): TSO Number of Attendees and Composition: TBO HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001703 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. Dr. Schuchat's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs) : Dr. Schuchat 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001704 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OO/OCS) 9 Mar 2018 14:29:56 -050 0 To : Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OO/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OO/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OO/CDCWO);Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Brandon, Andreia (CDC/OCOO/OD) (CTR);Holloway, Rachel (CDC/OCOO/OD);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: For AS calendar: Rep. Clark visit during Rx Summit, April 3 From: Sent : We'll add it to AS's calendar and I'm looping SB's team to do the same From : Wilson, Michelle (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) Sent : Friday, March 9, 2018 2:28 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sewell, Jenny (CDC/OCOO/OFR/OA) ; Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brand, Anstice M . (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; Schattner, Aimee (CDC/OO/CDCWO) Subject : For AS calendar: Rep. Clark visit during Rx Summit, April 3 Hi, AllMay we please put this on AS' calendar (and Sherri's). Rep Kather ine Clark (D-MA) is currently able to come to the Roybal campus for a visit on Tuesday, Apr il 3. Window we are looking at is 11am - 2pm . Thanks. Michelle M. Wilson , MSW Congressional Team Lead I Office of Appropriations Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office: 678 ·475·4706 I Cell: 678·386 ·3451 MWilson2@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001705 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Welcomes Representative Katherine Clark TUESDA Y, APRIL 3, 2018 FOR INTERNAL USE TIME SES SION SPEAKER/PROGRAM EXPERT LOCATION 12:00pm Arriv e at CDC Roybal Campus Sherri Berger Front of Bldg.21 12:00 -12 :0Spm Transition Time 12:05 -1:00pm Briefi ng Highlight: Anne Schuchat Sherri Berger Deb Haury Peggy Honein Carla Cuthbert Erica Dawson Mary (Molly) Evans EOCConf. Rm. Dan Sosin EOC Sherif Zaki Pathology Lab o o o o 1:00 - 1:20pm EISOs Newborn screening Emerging Threats to Moms & Babies Opioids EOC Tour Highlight: 0 0 Work with states GHSA 1:20 - 1:30pm Transition Time 1:30 - 2:00pm Pathology Lab visit 2:00pm Dep art CDC 1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001706 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 Apr 2018 13:58:24 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: (Remarks) PHGR Attachments : PHGR on 17 Apr.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : Nikki Romanik Special Assistant: TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001707 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting / Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001708 From: Sent: To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 2 Apr 2018 09:57:17 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/0D/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: PHGRon 17 Apr Importance: High Cc: Please add it to R3's calendar. He'll deliver the remarks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001709 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) Sent : 27 Mar 201817:45:06 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY*** Dr. Breysse, NCEH CIO Leadership Meeting w/ New CDC Director (2:00-3:00pm) Attachments: RE_ NCEH Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Numbe r of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001710 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001711 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject : Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR) 26 Mar 2018 13:03:13 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Knutson, Donna (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) RE: NCEH Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Yes, Dr. Breysse and his leadership staff can meet April 2, 2-3 p.m . I?ll find a room and get back with you. From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 12:15 PM To: Jones, Vivian K. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH ) (CTR) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: NCEI-1Leadership Meeting with New CDC Director Importance: High Good Afternoon, We are reaching out to see if Dr. Breysse and NCEH Leadership would be available to meet with the CDC Director on April 2nd from 2:00-3:00pm at NCEH?s office. If yes, please respond back with a room location that will be suitable for NCEH plus 3 additional OD staff personnel. Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team / Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-49 8-6482 1Cell: 404-944-3210 Email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001712 From: Se nt: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 28 Jun 2018 14:10 :44 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Attachme nts : * **FOR MATERIALS ONLY**: Foreign Travel Security Briefing (9:30-10:15 a.m.) RE_ R3 July Travel.msg 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : NA Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: Larry Masti n, Intelligence Research Specialist (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) email : vfi1@cdc .gov Office: 404 .639 .0642 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001713 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001714 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Mastin, Larry (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) 28 Jun 2018 10:09:00 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Allin, Robert (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Subject: RE: R3 July Travel Good morning Teresa, That will work for us. Larry From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Thursday, June 28, 2018 10:05 AM To : Mastin, Larry (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS); Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: R3 July Travel Good morning Larry, Would you be available Tuesday, July 3 rd from 9:30-10:15 a.m.? Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Cente rs for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Thursday, June 28, 2018 8:50 AM To : Mastin, Larry (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: R3 July Travel HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001715 Thanks. I'll plan to join him then, but if Ashley's clearance is adjudicated by then, she wil l instead. TW, please schedule w ith Larry in the SCIF From: Mastin, Larry (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2018 8 :46 AM To: Scales, Scott L. {CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: R3 July Travel secret From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2018 8:46 AM To : Mastin, Larry (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subjec t: Re: R3 July Travel Thanks. Secret or Top Secret? Sent from my iPhone On Jun 28, 2018, at 8:44 AM, Mastin, Larry (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) wrote: Good morning Scott, There are no security concerns for any of the listed countries. We have a classified country brief for each of the locations that we can present; I would say 45 minutes total for all three locations. Larry From: Scales, Scott L. {CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 4:39 PM To: Mastin , Larry {CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Dancy, Kevin L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) ; McGuire, Delaney {CDC/OD/OADC) ; Williams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Gaines-McCollom , Molly (CDC/OPHPR/DEO) ; Grusich, Kather ina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Warren, Whitney (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Moore, Melissa (CDC/CGH/OD) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Norton, Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: R3 July Travel Imp ortan ce: High HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001716 Team, R3 and Ashley will be traveling to Amsterdam 19-22 July for PEPFARmeeting, and then OA & CGH are coordinating a follow-on trip to Uganda, Tanzania, and possibly Mozambique, thru 31 July. Can you please let us know if you have any concerns about security or communications in those countries and their capital cities. Dates are expected to be: 19-22 July Amsterdam July 26 travel to Dar Es Salaam July 28 or 29 travel to Maputo July 31 return Atlanta Larry, can you also work with Teresa to schedule the FSTB'sfor these locations so that it can be delivered to R3 and Ashley before trave l? Kevin, let us know if there are any hardware or phone changes necessary for this trip. Delaney/Kate/Molly, we do not have any expected formal presentations for him to deliver, but we expect he'll do a mini All Hands with each country team. Likewise we have no insights if med ia is being pitched or planned, but I suspect you're already in discussions with CGH about that. Please let me know if I can answer any questions or concerns . Many thanks! Scott HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001717 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 3 Apr 2018 18:33:38 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALSONLY*** Meeting w/ Dr. William (Bill) Foege and Dr Redfield (meeting from 3:00-3:30) Escort: Brad Bartee Attachments: phone call.msg, Phone Call Request with Dr. William (Bill) Foege and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director .msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001718 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001719 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Foege, William Herbert 3 Apr 2018 17:28:27 +0000 Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) Polly Hogan;Sterk, Nancy phone call Tracie, I am in Atlan t a on April 19th and would be pleased to have a phone conve rsation with Dr. Redfield. If he is in Atlanta at that time I wou ld be very happy to come by his office at 3 pm. Your call. If by phone, my cell is _I __ on an errand . ro_J< -6__ J I and house phone i.s1-- - Date : May 23, 2018 at 12:18:39 PM EDT To: Berger , She1Ti(CDC/OCOO /OD) Cc: Stre ngth, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) , Ellie Faust ino Subject: Re: Dr. Redfield meeting request Thank s so much If po ssible the early afternoon would be better. because Task Force meeting ends about noon and others may already have plans to return home in early afternoon but I will stay as long as necessary and hop e the others can as we ll. Look forward to celebratin g birthd ays together, even though you are about 1/2 my age! On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 6:25 AM, Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) wrote: All Dr. Fielding will be in Atlanta June 13 and 14 for a Task Force meeting. Given Dr. Redfie ld's travel schedule , can you identify a 30-minute slot on June 14 for a meet and greet with Dr. Fielding? Dr. Fielding may include John Clyme r (and poss ibly 2 others from the Task Force) in the meeting as well. Thanks, Sherri She1TiA. Berger , MSPH Chief Operating Officer HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001725 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention SBer er cdc. ov esk (b)(6) ell HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001726 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) 23 May 2018 13:36:53 +0000 Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD); Fielding, Jonathan ( Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Dr. Redfield meet ing request From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Sherri, Please let me know if the following times will work for Dr. Fielding and others on June 14th : • • • 12:30-1:00 1:00-1:30 4:00-4:30 • 4 :30-5:00 Respectfully, Tracie Strength Executive Assistant to the Director , Dr Robert Redfie ld Office of the Director Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Mail: 404-639-7002 I Direct Line: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-718-0962 Emai l: From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Wednesday , May 23, 2018 9 :28 AM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Fielding, Jonathan ( ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield meeting request Sure. With Tracie to handle From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Se nt : Wednesday , May 23, 2018 9:25 AM To : Fielding, Jonathan (CDCdrjonathanfie ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject : Dr. Redfield meeting request AllDr. Fielding will be in Atlanta June 13 and 14 for a Task Force meeting. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001727 Given Dr. Redfield' s travel schedule, can you identify a 30-minute slot on June 14 for a meet and greet with Dr. Fielding? Dr. Fielding may include John Clymer (and possibly 2 others from the Task Force) in the meeting as well. Thanks, Sherri Sherri A. Berger, MSPH Chief Operating Officer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ~ esk (bJ(6J fell HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001728 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 14 May 2018 18:53:06 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikk i Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY*** NCEZID Meeting w/ Bob Kadlec and Chris Meekins, ASPR (1:15-1:45 p.m .) Attachments: RE_ Tuesday, June 19.msg, Final ASPRVisit Agenda 6.19.18 .doc3.docx, RE_ Agenda ASPR Visit to CDC_ Tuesday, June 19, 2018.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Teresa Williams Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001729 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001730 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 14 May 2018 14:50:37 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE:Tuesday, June 19 sure From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, May 14, 2018 2:50 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : FW: Tuesday, June 19 Please confirm if this is correct: 30 minutes 1 hour 1 hour 1:1 meeting Group Discussion lunch Thanks, Teresa From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : M onday, May 14, 2018 2:48 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: FW: Tuesday, June 19 From : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Se nt : M onday, M ay 14, 20 18 2:42 PM To: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) ; Redd, St ephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Subject: Tuesday , June 19 Bob Kadlec and Chris Meekins will spend the day at CDC. Please block time for a lxl meeting, as we ll as time for Dr. Redfield to join at least one group discussion, and place a hold for lunch in case he'd like to join. Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001731 ASPR's Agenda: 06/ 19/ 2018 Agenda U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Cente,sfo, Disease Control and Prevention June 19, 2018 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Welcomes Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Health and Human Services Dr. Robert Kadlec , Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Mr. Chris Meekins, Chief of Staff CDC Chamblee Campu s -4770 Buford Highway , Chamblee , GA 30341 CDC Royb al Campu s -1600 Clift on Road , NE, Atlant a, GA 30329 9:45-10 :00 AM Dr. Robert Kadlec and Mr. Chris Meekins Arrives Greeted by Kyle McGowan , Chief of Staff, CDC and Dr. Ileana Aria s Location: Chamblee Campus, Visitor 's Center - Walk to Building 110 Nation al Cent er for Environm ental Health Participants: 10 :00 - 11 :00 AM • Kyle McGowan , Chief of Staff • Dr. Ileana Arias, Acting, Principal Senior Advisor to the Deputy for Noncommunicable Diseases , National Center for Environmenta l Health • Dr. James L. Pirkle, Director, National Center for Environmental Health Location: Building 110, Environmental Health Laboratory 11 :00-11:30 AM Transition from Ch amblee to Roybal Campus Tr ansport at ion provided by Kyle McGowan , Chie f of Staff, CDC Escort : Bryan Heart sfield , OPHPR and Teresa Will iams, OCoS Divi sion of Str ategic Nation al Sto ckpile Meeting Participants : DSNS Staff and Leadersh ip 11 :30-12 :00 PM • Greg Burel, Director , Strateg ic National Stockp ile • Shirley Mabry, Branch Chief , Logistics • Fran Harrell, Branch Chief, Prog ram Planning and Analysis Branch (PPA) • Lisa Dillard, Branch Chief, Responses Branch • Ron Ottem , Chief, Commun ity Resilience Activity Location: Building 21, ?th Floor, Room 7116 12:00-12 :15 PM 12 :15-1: 15 PM Bre ak/Walk to Building 21 , 12th Floor , Director 's Conference Room Escort : Te resa Willia ms, OCoS Worki ng Lun ch HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001732 ASPR's Agenda: 06/19/2018 Dr. Robert Kadlec and Dr. Robert Redfield Location: Building 21, 12th Floor, Director 's Conference Room National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Participants: 1:15-1:45 • • • Dr. Robert Redfield, Director, CDC • Dr. Toby Merlin, Director , Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Dr. Inger Damon, Director, Division of High Consequence Pathogens and Pathology, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases PM • • Ms. Sher ri Berger, Chief Operating Officer , CDC Dr. Rima Khabbaz, Director, Nationa l Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Dr. Nicki Pesik, Assoc iate Director for Infectious Disease Preparedness, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Location: Building 21, 12th Floor, 12302 1 :45-1 :52 PM Transition from Building 21 to Building 18 Escort: Dr. Rima Khabbaz , Director, NCEZID Accompanied by: Gregory Johnson , OSSAM and Teresa Williams , OCoS Tou r of the High Containment Laboratory Participants: • • 1 :52-2:37 PM Dr. Steve Monroe , Associate Director for Laboratory Science and Safety, CDC CAPT Daniel Jernigan , Director , Influenza Division, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases • Dr. Rima Khabbaz, Director, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases • Dr. Inger Damon, Director, Division of High Consequence Pathogens and Pathology , National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases • Dr. Stuart Nichol, Branch C hief, Viral Special Pathogens Branch, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases • Dr. Victo ria Olson , Branch Chief, Poxvirus and Rabies Branch , National Center fo r Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases • Teresa Williams - OD (Escort) Location: Building 18 2:37 - 2:45 PM Transition from Building 18 to Building 21, Room 12302 Escort: Gregory Johnson , OSSAM and Teresa Williams, OCoS Page 2 of 3 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001733 ASPR's Agenda: 06/ 19/ 2018 SNS Security Meeting Participants : 2:45- 3:15 PM • • • • Jackie Edwards , Director, Security Services Office James Brand Duncan, Physical Security Specialis t Neil Muckinhoupt, Physica l Security Specialis t Paul Radnoti, Secur ity Specialist Location: Building 21, Room 12302 3:15-3:30 PM Walk to Building 45, Visitor 's Center Escort: Teresa Williams , OCoS Dr. Robert Kadlec and Mr. Chris Meekins Departs 3:30 PM Location: Exit Building 45, Visitor 's Center Roybal Campus: OCoS POC : Teresa Williams , Office : 404-639-5998 ; Mobile : 404-889-7957; OCoS POC : Seth Kroop , Office : 404-639-6206 ; Mobile : 404-860- 7750 ; wpw7@cdc .gov Security POC: Gregory Johnson , Mobile : (b)(6) I Chamblee Campus: NCEH POC: Dr. Ileana Ar ias, Office :--...iz===== Secur ity POC: John C. Shephard ,; Mo,.. b=il .._______ Security POC: Blake Bayless , Mobile: ~---------~ I 61 ; Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Edwards, Jacqueline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Burel, Greg (CDC/OPHPR/DSNS) ; Knutson, Donna (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) ; Ar ias, Ileana (ATSDR/DCHI/OD) ; Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Johnson, Gregory (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Pirkle, Jim (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) Cc:Smith, Lauren (CDC/OD/OAD LSS) (CTR) ; Grant, Celeste (CDC/OID/NCEZID) (CTR) ; Boeckel, Ashley (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR) ; Hemphill, Kathy D. (CDC/ONDIEH/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Agenda ASPR Visit to CDC: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 Good morning, Sherri informed me that Dr. John Redd will attend all meetings today, except the working lunch with Dr. Redfield and Dr. Kadlec. Dr. Pirkle and Phoebe, could you please request secur ity access for Dr. Redd to attend your lab tours? I will send a revised agenda soon . Thanks for your patience. Teresa From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Date: June 18, 2018 at 5:57:00 PM EDT To: Knutson, Donna (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) , Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID) , Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS) , Burel, Greg (CDC/OPHPR/DSNS), Pirkle, Jim (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) , Janflone , Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) , Edwards, Jacqueli ne (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) , Arias, Ileana (ATSDR/DCHI/OD) , Johnson, Gregory (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc: Hemphill, Kathy D. (CDC/ONDIEH/OD) , Boeckel, Ashley HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001735 (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR) , Grant, Celeste (CDC/01D/NCEZID) (CTR) , Smith, Lauren (CDC/0D/OADLSS) (CTR) , Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: RE: Agenda ASPR Visit to CDC: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 Importance: High Good evening, Please note the updated agenda attached . Please discard the previous version. Thanks, Teresa From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 1:06 PM To: Arias, Ileana (ATSDR/DCHI/OD) ; Pirkle, Jim (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) ; Burel, Greg (CDC/OPHPR/DSNS) ; Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS) ; Edwards, Jacqueline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Knutson, Donna (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) ; Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Johnson, Gregory (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc: Hemphill, Kathy D. (CDC/ONDIEH/OD) ; Boeckel, Ashley (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) (CTR) ; Grant, Celeste (CDC/OID/NCEZID) (CTR) ; Smith, Lauren (CDC/OD/OADLSS) (CTR) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Agenda ASPRVisit to CDC: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 Importance: High Good afternoon Everyone, Please find attached the updated agenda for the ASPRVisit scheduled Tuesday, June 19, 2018. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001736 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639 -7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001737 Battle, Edward J. (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) on behalf of CDC Security (Physical) From : Sent: To : Cc: 18 Jun 2018 18:11 :05 -0400 Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/O10/NCEZID) I (b)(6) I (b)(6) Subject: RE: Security clearance fo r June 19 HCL viewing Access approved . Sincerely, Edward Battle Security Specialist HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001738 Security Operation s Center Security Services Office Offi ce of Safety, Security, and Asset Managem ent Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevent ion Dire~ (bJ(6J Fax 404 -639-0 837 I (b)(6) From: Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent : Monday , June 18, 2018 5:27 PM To: CDC Security (Physical) Cc: Brathwaite, George (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Brykailo Pearce, Melissa (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Carroll, Serena (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Cooke, Stacey L.(CDC/OID/NCEZID); Vick, Michael (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; M iller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Subject: RE: Security clearance for June 19 HCL viewing Good afternoon, We just received notice that there will be an additional CDCstaff member on this tour. His name has been added below in red . All other information for the tour is the same . List of nam es for the Lab tour CDC Steve Monroe -OADLSS Rima Khabbaz- NCEZID Dan Jernigan - NCIRD Teresa Williams- OD Gregory Johnson - OSSAM • • • • • • John T. Redd - OPHPR ASPR • • Robert Kadlec Chris Meekins From : Brathwaite , George (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) On Behalf Of CDCSecurity (Physical) Sent : Thursday, June 14, 2018 2:06 PM To: Janflone , Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID)I (b)(6) I (b)(6) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001739 (b)(6) Subject : RE: Security clearance for June 19 HCL viewing Access Approved George Brathwaite I Security Specialist Security Services Office (SSO) Office of Safety, Security , and Asset Management (OS SAM) Office of the Chief Operating Officer (OCOO) I I (b)(6) (b)(6) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001740 8 8 QSSAM Office of Safety, Security,and Asset Management Security Services Office (SSO) coc@, SavingLives . f>rotectmg People:' From: Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2018 2:05 PM To: CDCSecurity (Physical)..! ---(-b)-( 6)-----, Subject: RE: Security clearance for June 19 HCLviewing The answer is "to" to both questions. From: Brathwaite, George (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) On Behalf Of CDCSecurity (Physical) Sent : Thursday, June 14, 2018 12:30 PM j To: Janflon e, Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) (b)(6) Subject: RE: Security clearance for June 19 CLviewing Will any portion of the visit include laboratory work or training? No. Will any portion of the visit include work or training in animal areas? No. From: Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent : Thursday, June 14, 2018 12:15 PM To: CDCSecurity (Physical) (b)(6) I I (b)(6) Subject: Security clearance for June 19 HCLviewing Hello CDC Physical Security, As you may know, the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR),Robert Kadlec, will be visiting CDC Roybal campus on June 19. CDCOD has requested an HCLtour for him, and I write to request lab security clearance for this tour . The HCLViewing Request Form has been processed and approved through the appropria te channels, and is attached for reference. Visitors' Full Names: • • Robert Kadlec, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Chris Meekins, Deputy Assistant Secretary HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001741 U.S. Citizen? Yes Date and Time of Visit : Tuesday, June 19, 2018; 1:45-2:30 p.m Campus/Bldg/Room of Visit : Roybal/18/Basement Corridor Entry Point of Visitor: Bldg. 18: Main entrance lobby CDC Point of Contact and Phone Number : Teresa Williams; ; 404.639.5998 Point of Contact's Campus, Building, and Room: Roybal, Bldg. 21 Room 12121.2 Escort Name and Contact Number : Rima Khabbaz \bl(6l Purpose: To provide ASPRRobert Kadlec and his Deputy Assistant Secretary w ith a greater understanding of the mission of CDC's HCL labs, their importance to public health, and how they protect US national interests and public health. d list of names for the Lab tour CDC • Steve Monroe-OADLSS Rima Khabbaz- NCEZID Dan Jernigan- NCIRD Teresa Williams- OD • • • • Gregory Johnson- OSSAM ASPR • • Robert Kadlec Chris Meekins Thank you, Phoebe Janflone, MPH Policy Analyst Nationa l Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Rd. NE (Bldg 16) MS C-12 Atlanta GA 30329-4027 Phone ,....... _____ (b)(6) ---r Emai (b)(6) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001742 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 23:45:54 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY* * * OADC/ASPA Media Training (2-5 p.m.) Attachment s: RE_ R3 Tomorrow.msg, RE_ R3 & AMA.msg From: Se nt: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant: Seth Kroop "not trave ling" Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accomp anying the Director: Kyle McGowan email: omc2@cdc .gov Mobile: 470-786-494 1 Office : 404- 718-5265 CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001743 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001744 Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) 27 Mar 2018 19:27:19 -0400 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie From: Se nt: To : (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Subject: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) RE: R3 Tomorrow Updates: April 10 media training is 130-S00pm at HHS Mary-Sumpter is April 9 at 5pm. Please add both she and Kyle to the invite. No SA on this one Thanks From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, March 27, 2018 5:07 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Warren, Whitney (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Roney, Lisa K. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Johnson, Gregory (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM ) ; Edwards, Jacqueline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM ) ; Gantt, Judy M. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Hollowa y, Rachel (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject : R3 Tomorrow Updates from Sherri for tomorro w: • Dr. Redfield and Kyle will arrive via Uber cab tomorrow morning and we'll meet them in the Visitor Cent er circle to begin agenda o Only change to agenda tomorrow is that we wil l not do campus tour, but instead Mrs . Joy Redfield will be join ing us on campus for a 12th floor impromptu meet/greet followed by lunch in Bldg 16 (12:25-1:40pm, followe d by a museum tour@ 1:40pm (Wh itney w ill arrange campus access, escort, and connect her w ith OADC for muse um tour) o She will return for CDC All Hands on Thursday too, so Whitney will need to do access again, escort , and seating next to Kyle in Aud-A - Brad, please make a name tent for her • 10 April in the afternoon, while in DC, KLD will be arranging media training with HHS, so the afternoon has already been blocked accordi ngly and with more details to follow Thanks for everyone's flexibility and continued professionalism. quest ions. See you tomorrow! -Scott Let me know if there are any HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001745 Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC) 5 Apr 2018 10:11:00 -0400 To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Turner, Cheryl L. (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR);McGu ire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: R3 & AMA From: Se nt: Here's the location informat ion . Need anything else? It's the HHS studio on the first floor next to the Great Hal l. Bill Hall can meet him by the guard desk at the HHH main entrance . It's a short walk across the Great Hall to the studio entrance. From: Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt : Thursday, Apr il OS, 2018 10:05 AM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Daniel , Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Turner, Cheryl L. (CDC/OD/OADC) (CTR) Subje ct: RE: R3 & AMA Scott, moving this back to 2 PM is good on ASPA's end, so we will plan on that . Also, I' ll send you the room information shortly . Thanks! From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Wednesday, April 04, 2018 2:59 PM To: Daniel , Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OA DC) ; Bonds, Michelle E. {CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Guest, Megan (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject : RE: R3 & AMA We've moved AMA's meeting to the 11th , so you can start the media training at 2pm on the 10th. Hope that helps. Also, we still need to know the room number for the tra ining ... Thx! From : Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) Se nt : Tuesday, Apri l 3, 2018 3:31 PM To : Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: FW: R3 & AMA HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001746 Checking on this from our side (I think Michelle and I both have flights back), but what can you tell us about Dr Redfield's schedule? From: Hall, Bill (HHS/ASPA) Sent : Tuesday, April 3, 2018 3:17 PM To: Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: R3 & AMA How late can we go on the other end? Within reason of course. Can we extend to 5:30? From : Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) [ ] Sent : Tuesday, April 3, 2018 2:59 PM To: Hall, Bill (HHS/ASPA) Cc: Bonds, Michelle E. (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: FW: R3 & AMA Just (belatedly) saw this after we got off our call. I'm asking if there's any way for the AMA meeting not to go that late, but obviously he trumps us. From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 3, 2018 8:42 AM To: Daniel, Katherine Lyon (CDC/OD/OADC) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Galatas, Kate (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Grusich, Katherina (Kate) (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: R3 & AMA Have a short meeting@ 2pm on the 10th while at HHS. May need to delay med ia training till 2:30 for a start. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001747 From: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 7 May 2018 13:34 :25 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7@cdc .gov) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALSONLY*** Organ Transplant Classification (10:00-10:30 a.m.) Attachments: Fwd_ Organ Transplant Classification .msg, RE_ Request for Bridge -line_ Organ Transplant Classification _ June 5, 2018 @ 4_ 15-4_ 45 p.m ..msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : N/A Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Numbe r of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001748 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001749 Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) 7 May 2018 08:41:28 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Fwd: Organ Transplant Classificat ion From: Sent: To: Subject : Happy Monday, ladies. Can you he lp get a meeting on the calendar for 30 min in the next few days/week to discuss organ transplant classification. Attendees list can be found in Rebecca ' s email below. Thanks , Ash ley From: Miller , Rebecca (CDC /OID/NCEZID) Date: May 4, 2018 at 8:48:19 AM EDT To: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Organ Transplant Classification Hi Ashley, in follow-up to this we would like the following people at the briefing: Rima, Chris Braden, Denise Cardo, Mike Bell, Sridhar V. Basavaraju, and Rita Helfand. I'd also like to be there, but don't plan around me . I'll get you days in May and early June in which key individuals are out of town. Will that work? From: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, May 2, 2018 2:45 PM To: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Subject: RE: Organ Transplant Classification Hi, Rebecca, Dr. Redfield would like to schedule an in-person discussion on this topic . (b)(5) (b)(5) (b)( 5) Can you let me know who you think might need to join? Happy to provide more context by phone. Thanks, Ashley From: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent: Wednesday, Apr il 4, 2018 1:27 PM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001750 To: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Organ Transplant Classification Ashley, see attached and below information from DHQP for Dr. Redfield. As mentioned this morning, we hope this hits the mark in terms of what Dr. Redfield wants but if he wants more information on either the clinical vs. public health aspects (or something more specific), happy to get him more information . Please let me know if he has any questions . Rebecca INFORMATIONAL BRIEF CDC'S ROLE IN POSSIBLE DONOR-DERIVIVED TRANSMISSION THROUGH ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION (b)(5) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001751 From: "Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS)" Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 1:16 PM To: "Miller, Rebecca (CDC/O1D/NCEZID)" Subject: Organ Transp lant Classification Hi, Rebecca, I'm sorry I missed your CIO orientation last week. Seth said it went really well. I'm wr it ing because this morning Dr. Redfield had a question about what we are doing to classify organs for transplant, similar to the way that we classify blood for transfusion . If we have any updated one pagers with guidelines, that would be great . Thanks, Ashley HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001752 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject : 2018@ 4:15-4:45 p.m. Knotts , Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) 11 May 2018 08:14 :59 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) RE: Request for Bridge-li ne: Organ Transplant Classification: June 5, Yes, that sho uld be fine. From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Fr iday, May 11, 20 18 7:47 AM To: Knott s, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Request for Bridge-line: Organ Transplan t Classification: June 5, 2018 @ 4: 15-4:45 p.m. Hi Ashley, Please note the response below from Dr. Helfand. Okay to add a bridge-line ? Thanks, Teresa -----Original Appointment----From: Helfand, Rita (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent: Thursday , May I 0, 2018 4: I 8 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Tentat ive: Organ Transplant Classification When: Tuesday , June 5, 20 18 4: I 5 PM-4:45 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: Bldg 21 / DCR I will be in Geneva but if there is a call in, I will try to attend via phone. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001753 Spencer , Laura (CDC/OC00 /0D) Subject: Location: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY*** Possible POB Call to be moved DIN: Inside US: 1-800-289 -5126 Outside US : 1-913-227-1300 Start : End: Show Time As: Thu 6/28/2018 12:00 AM Fri 6/29/2018 12:00 AM Free Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Meeting organ izer Organizer : Required Attendees: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS); Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS); Green , Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Categories : Prep Material J I Passcode: I lbll6l 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: N/A Special Assistant: Hugh Green Event Contact : Lynn Banks email: office: 206-770-1884 CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicab le): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitat ion : 3. Director 's Speech Information or Talking Points {TPs) : Director's Remarks /Presentation /TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001754 Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting /Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: 2 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001755 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) 1 Jun 2018 12:03:00 -0400 Lynn Banks Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE:June 27 POB call Lynn, Yes Dr. Redfield is available on the 28th . Respectfully, Tracie Strength Executive Assistant to the Director, Dr Robert Redfie ld Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE, MS D-14 , Atlanta GA 30333 (bl<6l 1 1 Direct Line: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-718-0962 Mail: I Emai l: tmd9@cdc .gov From: Lynn Banks Se nt : Friday, June 1, 2018 11:57 AM To: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : June 27 POB call Hi Tracie and Teresa, We've learned that Dr. Tedros is not available on June 27 so we need to move the POB call. Could Dr. Redfield do it on June 28 at the same time (10:30-1:00pm ET)? Thanks, Lynn Lynn Banks Executive Assistant to Chris Elias, President Global Development Program V +1.20 6.770 .1884 C +1.206 .948-0233 F + 1.206.494. 7 110 E lynn.banks@gatesfoun dat Bill & Melinda Gates Founda tion www .gatesfoundatio HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001756 GLOBAL ERADICAT INITIATIV POLI Global Polio Eradication Initiative Finance updateJune 2018 POB Meeting I ~, World.Hec!lth ~ Organ1zat1on R'otary m unicef~I) BTLL6·M [ LINDA GATESformd,uirm EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001757 Finance Update • GLOBAL INITlATIVE N POLI I 2017 final expenditure 8% under budget($79M)2016 - 19% under budget variance2017 total exp $1.004 billion; 2018 budget set at $942M2018 Ql Expenditure $239M {17% under $288M budget)Variance due mostly to delayed immunization campaigns58% of annual campaign planned for Ql, several postponed to Q2Cash Forecast Encouraging for this year - GPEIfully funded for 20182019 also fully funded in principle - need to secure pledges to address timing and specificity of late-year contributionsMulti-year Budget development underway, 2019-2022 EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001758 Key Issues and Risks: • GLOBAL INITlATIVE N POLI I 2018 Expenditure and budget:Outbreaks, e.g. Horn of Africa, DRC, hard to predictCould push budget up, require new financing or consume flexible fundsCash forecast: $7B PEESPfunding sufficient through 2019, with timely monetization and absent new large demands Multi-year budget, need to:Avoid reducing too much or too soonSustain donor commitmentEnsure cost-effectiveness and efficiency EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001759 GLOBAL Requestsof POB lDN POLI INITIATIVE Comments or questions about GPEIbudgets, expenditures, cash forecasts presented hereSupport mobilization of additional resources required for GPEIpost-2019 EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001760 5 -- . ANNEXES EVERY . LAST .V: I GLOBAL 2018 G PEI Budget Overview • N POLI INITlATIVE $942 Million$177m below 2017 budgetMore than 2/3 of budget in AFRO and EMRO Endemic countries absorb $469 million {50%) of budgetMajority of SIAs planned in first half of year : Ql 59%, Q2 19%, Q3 1%, and Q4 21%GPEI budget online http :// po Ii oe rad ication .o rg/ fin a n c in g/fi nan c ia I-needs/fin an c ia 1re source-require ments-f rr / gpe i-budget-2018/ EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001762 GLOBAL N POLI INITlATIVE Challenges& Next Steps: Challenges Progress/ Achievements Next Steps Cash management late 2019 and beyond Ongoing and improved cash-gap forecasting and reporting Commence fund-raising through the Polio Advocacy and Communications Team (PACT). Coordinate with UNICEFand WHO organization -wide fundraising efforts. Multi-year budget development 2019-2022, and its financing; Integrated budget development (top-down and bottom-up) underway by GPEI Finance Management Team (FMT) and Eradication and Outbreak Management Group (EOMG) Produce cost-conscious and feasible budget sufficient to achieve eradication, with risk-rated scenarios and options for the Strategy Committee, the FACand the POBto consider . Communicate approved budget to donors, partners to secure necessary funding commitments Transparency and accountability Process improvements in financial reporting and budgeting. Positive external reviews of GPEIfinances (most recently DFID and Rotary). Ongoing "value for money" inquiry (e.g. SIAs, Surveillance, Outbreaks) . Deepen engagement with countries/regions. EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001763 ■ OVERALL GOAL: To mobilize the resources and secure the enabling environment necessary to eradicate polioPACT'S OBJECTIVES: Monetize donor pledges from 2017Update:Monetization rate on 2017 pledges improving (31 % in December 2017, 43% in January, 56 % as of May)Programme fully funded in 2018, well funded in 2019 with potential cash gaps as of mid-2019Raise the additional resource requirements - still to be defined HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001765 ■ CURRENT STATUS OF RESOURCE MOBILIZATION At the recent WHA, many donors reiterated their strong commitment and support to GPEI and the need to finish the job To secure additional funding PACT is focusing its approaches on annua l donors in 2018 and 2019 Visits to key donors in Q2 to Germany, EU Brussels and Japan , scoping additional donor visits and technical briefings for the remainder of the yearPACT will start approaches to other (multi-annual) donors as early as 2019 to secure funds for 2020 and beyondDonors are inquiring about updated budgets for 2019 and beyond, a new plan, clarity on the funding needs (transition, containment, post certification), alignment with other transition and replenishment processes as well as clarity on GPEI costs/ WHO investment case costs The latest known additiona l financia l requirements are $500 to $750 million as discussed at the January 2018 POB in-person meelingF inal budget figures for programme extension to be finalized by September POBln lieu of budget numbers , PACT has developed an interim budgeting tool for use with annual donors HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001766 3 ■ ~5,Jp Elp§l ~gVe~o§ o~ ea~J§ nts g~ ndscape in globa l health is challenging as Global Financing Facility , Global Fund, Gavi, & WHO in current or imminent financ ing and replenishment processesP ACT factor ing in funding needs for outbreaks, and stockpiles in addition to regular programme resource mobilization With current funding projections , GPEI would not be meeting funding level requirements up to 2021 PACT's ability to raise funds in 2018 and outer years is challenged by absence of budget and plan for 2019 to 2022Status of programme progress, stagnation in Afghanista n, incremental progress in other areas, continu ing surveillance gaps in critical areas, perceived lack of prioritization by endemic country governments , donors' focus on Africa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001767 I No available budgets until September PACT is developing a budget tool for donor meetings in 02 / 03 Presentation of budget tool in Japan in June and to other donors during future visits Keep momentum on polio for donors in crowded and competitive global health environment GPEI will revise its Investment Case and increase dialogue with donorsCoordinating with other multilateral global health organizations on a common narrative. Start revision of Investment CaseUpdating communications strategy to support Resource Mobilization effortslncrease dialogue with donorsCoordinate joint WHO/GPEI messaging and ask to donors to avoid confusion with new WHO Investment Case Projected shortfall with initial funding projections from existing and potential donors Amplify resource mobilization efforts Initiate series of road shows to donors and potential donorsUpdate Individual resource mobilization market strategiesDonor mapping to prioritize resource mobilization effortsReengage with lapsed donors and Multilateral Banksldentify Innovative Financing possibilities HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001768 ■ REQUESTS OF POB POB member voices and advocacy needed within respect ive organ izations , and externally , to ensure polio stays a priorityAvailability for potent ial high-leve l meetings during UN General Assembly HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001769 6 THANK YOU UPDATE 0 . .POLIO VAcrri Update to the Polio Ove? I Board28 June 2018 mnbA 4.4" mOPV stockpile; purpose, governance & management GLOBAL ION, POLIINITIATIVE The purpose of the global stockpiles of monovalent Oral Polio Vaccine is to ensure timely supply of vaccines to respond to outbreaks of specific poliovirus types at a time when OPV is no longer used in routine immunization systemsmOPV2 stockpile was established in 2015 ahead of the withdrawal of type 2 containing vaccines - the Switch from tOPV to bOPV. Establishment of the mOPVl and mOPV3 stockpiles is in progress; to be in place before withdrawal of bOPV from the routine immunization systems, 4 years after last virusWHO governs the global stockpile of bulk and finished mOPVs. Day to day management of the stockpile is carried out jointly by UNICEFand WHO EVERY HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001772 LAST CHILD Activities and outcome of efforts to establish the global mOPV stockpile • GLOBAL ION, POLIINITIATIVE Gavi investment case approved for Gavi-eligible countries to access stockpile after OPV is withdrawn from routine immunization system - $191.28M/2.25Bds (Sept 2006}Expression of interest issued to industry with 5 manufacturers responding but indicated technical constraints (2007}Bulk stockpile established with two manufacturers (2015}mOPV1: 300MdsmOPV2: 519MdsmOPV3 : 300Mds5ervice contract established with one manufacturer to convert, store, ship (2016}Thorough review of the size and timelines of the stockpile carried out in 2016-17. As a result the forecasted quantity increased from l .19Bds to 2.3Bds (+0.81,dsof type 2, net increase of lS0Mds mOPVl and mOPV3), to be secured across three manufacturers, ti e~~8s establishment of the stockpiles for the mOPV1&3 shifted in view of delays of WPVl eradica ion Negotiations ongoing to explore options and adjust the contractual arrangement with the manufacturers to new GPEIprogram timelines EVERY HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001773 LAST CHILD CHALLENGES & MITIGATION MEASURES ■- Next_Steps Discussions to reengage suppliersExplore, monitor, consider alternative options Suppliers exiting the market, with one major mOPV bulk producing manufacturer remaining in 2020 • Divest and contract alternative back up supplier No agreed mechanism yet in place to finance establishment of the stockpile for the Post Certification Period • Immediate short term funding of $7.SM committed by BMGF to replenish mOPV2SC/EOMG/FMT agreed on mechanism for budgeting of the stockpile PACTengagement PACTto start fund raising on behalf of GPEI and PCSfor stockpiles Expiry of mOPV2 in global stockpile due to non-usage (insurance policy); in the future, similar for mOPVl and mOPV3 • Managing across bulk/semi-finished/finished product considering production lead timesPushing for shelf life extension Extension of shelf life to 9 years from end 2018; later 7 years for mOPVl and mOPV3 Securing additional bulk for stockpile to bring it up from l.19Bds to 2.256Bds • Explored with preferred supplier, awaiting offerEarly discussions with potential back up supplier If acceptable, contracting supply to secure accessto bulk and filling capacitylf not acceptable, to reconsider approach Extension of contracts • Contracts extended through 2021&2022, MoUs in progress WHO/UNICEF Utility of taking ownership of mOPV2 bulk stocks by 2022 if not converted Planning and management of the stockpile in changing operational and epidemiological environment • Continue quarterly review and adjustment of the mOPV stockpiles • Early engagement with the 'new' owners of polio program on the issues of capacity building and handover HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001774 GLOBAL ION, Requests of POB POLIINITIATIVE 1. Endorse the mOPV stockpile arrangement agreed by the SC:explore options to increase bulk stockpiles to 2.256Bds across three OPV types;rely on a primary stockpile holder that offers 7 -9 years shelf life across the three mOPV types; GPEIto fundraise (outside of FFR)for the mOPV stockpiles which will be used post certification and after GPEIhas dissolvedTake note of necessity to write off of up to 90.7Mds/$10.9M of finished mOPV2 due to expiryFor informationPOB to take note that the global stockpile will undergo regular reviews and may be modified before the Certification to adjust to evolving operational (including supply) and epidemiological contexts EVERY HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001775 LAST CHILD GLOBAL ION, POLIINITIATIVE Status of global stockpile of finished product mOPV2 1SO 130 1.10 70 ii I "° =ati "° 10 ~D l!IO -so • - s....- - Lako - s,......... Chad - - ~·"- S~{to __ p .. .. ) - DRC Total delivery of 105, 7Mds of mOPV2 to 10 countries over 2 years; 94.2Mds in stocks as of end of May 2018mOPV2 bulk fully converted with one supplier; stockpile products now starting to expire, requiring replenishment HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001777 EVERY LAST CHILD GLOBAL r POLIINITIATIVE Recap of Scenario 1: out break response in the phases 1&2 2018-20 62,400,000 119,000,000 837,000,000 24,240,000 Parameter N > a. 0 Estimated consumption Order QTYfinished E Order Additional Bulk Total Cost {USO) .-t Estimated consumption > a. Order QTYfinished 0 Order Additional Bulk E Tota l Cost (USO) M Estimated consumption 0 Order QTYfinished Order Additional Bui k > a. E Total Cost (USO) Additional cost of sto rage ,.. 150,000,000 300,000,000 41,400,000 2021-25 165,600,000 200,000,000 2026-31 Total N/A 87,000,000 406,000,000 31,068,241 14,408,254 337,000,000 59,716,496 183,600,000 300,000,000 181,200,000 450,000,000 300,000,000 88,542,361 47,142,361 96,000,000 250,000,000 91,200,000 200,000,000 300,000,000 18,000,000 720,000 38,880,301 1,840,000 33,576,201 2,040,000 450,000,000 300,000,000 90,456,503 4,360,000 84,360,000 118,930,904 50,024,456 243,075,359 Cost of disposa l Cost Grand Total Parameters/assumptions:Based on the operational scenario endorsed by the EOMGRelies on supplies from preferred manufacturer on lyShelf life of finished product: m0PV2 - 9 years; m0PV1&3 - 7 years Residual stock at the end of the Phase 2 mOPV2 224,800,000 mOPVl 85,200,000 m0PV3 262,800,000 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001778 EVERY LAST CHILD GLOBAL POLIO ~NITIA \1vE Transition Update to the Polio Oversight Board Mike McGovern, TMG Chair 28 June , 2018 Rotary··· . rti1iTiil BILLo-MHINDA GATE$f111,ndattt111 un•1cefQ)~ ) World .He~lth 1:11 (:~ ~ l"{fe Organazat,on ~ ~ C• Hl'l:IU "0 • Dnc1o•c C::c»IUIO L AHO ~ftlEVt! tltflO N EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001779 GLOBAL POLIO ~NITIA \1vE Post-certification Strategy Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan (PEESP) 0 • 0 0 • PCS goals :olioviru~ detection & interruption OPV2 withdrawal, IPV introduction, immunization system strengthening Containment & global certification Transition Planning Mainstream polio essential functions to sustain global eradication • Support country transition planning • Capture lessons learned Description t····· ........... ....... ................ . n :: .. .. ... : . Post-Certification Strategy (PCS) Purpose: Defines the technical standards for the polio-essential functions that will be needed to sustain a polio-free world. Contain Poliovirus Sources Protect Populations Detect and ..·.. Respond ·.J .......................................................................................... PCShas been published and endorsed at the 71st World Health Assembly Links to English and translated versions are available on the GPEI website Ensure poten t ial sources of poliovirus are properly controlled or removed Withdraw OPV from use and immunize populations with IPV Promptly detect any poliovirus reintroduction and rapidly respon d to prevent tr ansm ission Note : Research & Development is included in the PCS as a crosscutting enabling function EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001780 GLOBAL GPEI Partner Transition Update POLIO ~NITIA \1vE BMGF: An internal BMGF leadership meeting was held in March 2018 to review the PCSand get input on the foundation's role postcertification . BMGF will continue to support and advocate for a successful implementation of the PCSfunctions and will plan its contribution to the PCSin collaboration with current and future partners . CDC: CDC's Polio Transition Roadmap is undergoing cross-center clearance and is awaiting final approval by the Director . CDC remains committed to the successful implementation of the PCS,and will remain deeply involved in polio transition planning and implementation as one of the future owners . Rotary International: Rotary has committed to advocate for the implementation of the polio post-certification strategy with a group of donor and at risk countries after certification of the eradication of polio . Rotary is finalizing the lessons learned in carrying out its PolioPlus program to be shared with other programmatic areas of the organization . UNICEF: UNICEF'sPolio Transition and Post-Certification Management Plan will have been shared with the agency's Deputy Executive Director for endorsement prior to the POB meeting . The Plan is a living document and will be updated periodically and as needed . WHO: WHO's Strategic Action Plan was presented at the 71st World Health Assembly. The plan puts country ownership at its center and outlines how WHO will continue to provide support at the country level, with the goal to gradually transfer essential polio function EVERY costs into the core WHO budget . LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001781 GLOBAL Transition Management Group Sunset POLIO ~NITIA \1vE RATIONALE: • TMG mandate is completed: transition plans for 14 priority countries will be finalized by May 2018 • Current country planning activities will be transferred to WHO and UNICEFregional and country offices • High-level approach and guidance needed at country level • Secretariat provided support and guidance and will be needed in future activities and groups BACKGROUND: • Decision to "sunset" TMG in June 2018 was communicated to WHO and UNICEFRegional Directors in December 2017 • Decision was endorsed by the Strategy Committee • Decision to continue secretariat to support lessons learned projects and proposed high level advisory group of future owners For POB awareness: Country Planning TaskTeam: 1. Transfer of all activities to WHO and UNICEF 2. Partners and stakeholders will receive regular quarterly updates LessonsLearned TaskTeam: 3. Activities will continue and report directly to the SC (collection of Lessons Learned projects and the GPEI History Project) EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001782 GLOBAL POLIO ~NITIA \1vE Transition Independent Monitoring Board (TIMB) Sir Liam Donaldson, TIMB Chair, postponed the June meeting for the following reasons: • Member state's position on polio transition is to be finalized after the WHA • Polio transition is coming under "new ownership", not yet fully defined, WHO management is not yet finalized • WHO leadership may wish to consider how the TIMB fits into the new management structures Decision on future and direction of the TIMB is needed EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001783 GLOBAL Requestsof the Polio Oversight Board POLIO ~NITIA \1vE Endorsement and guidance on the following: 1. Defining the future role and direction of the TIMB as a neutral and independent convening body 2. Need for high-level advocacy and technical support made up of core and expanded immunization partners and future owners that will support WHO and UNICEFactivities in transition priority countries and PCSimplementation - Ask the POB to advocate with future stakeholders and commit their agencies to the group - Ask for a firm commitment to hold an introductory meeting and define the terms of reference for the group EVERY LAST CHILD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001784 ??iN?er?l?ATiVE Questions and Discussion 5 Building Consensus for Certification of Poliovirus Eradica tion: Meeting of the chairs of the committees which advise and support the GPEI WHO, Geneva, room M 105 April 16, 2018 MEETING NOTE HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001786 Ba ckgro und Since January 2017 there have been 25 WPV l cases worldwide (21 in Afgha nistan , 9 in Pakistan) and 99 cases of c VDPV2s (74 in Syria , 25 in DRC). In this context , where the last detection (case or environmental pos itive samp le) of wild po liov iru s (WPV) is in sight, but circ ulating vacc ine de ri ved poliovirus (cVDPV) outbreaks co ntinue, there is a need to reac h a con sensus on how certificat ion of wild pol iovims eradication w ill be defined . At the meeting of the Global Certification Commiss ion in 2017, as well as at meetings of other polio overs ight committees, it was recommended to bring together the Chairs of the relevant advisory groups to ensu re all partners are aware that recommendations that each can make may impact on the eventual cert ificat ion of polio virus eradicatio n. lt is acknow ledged that the Global Certification Commissio n (GCC) remains responsible for certifying the eradication of Wild Poliovirus. Objectives of the meeting 1. Rev iew progres s toward WPV eradication and consider the crite ria for ce1tificat ion of WPV eradication in the context of the ongoing risk of polio due to VDPV that may occur post certification and beyond OPV cessat ion . 2. Develop consensus around the roles of each committee cun-ently and once WPV t ransmissio n has ceased , until certification, and including in the context ofVDPV even ts and outbreaks. 3. Agree on key messages concerning ( l) and (2) above 4. Provide informat ion on other key policy dec isions req uired to impleme nt the PCS and suggest roles of relevant committees in providing further recommendations Attendees The meeting was attended by the chairs of various advisory bodies to the Po lio Erad ication Prog ramme ; namely the Globa l Certification Comm ission (GCC), International Health Regulations Emergency Commit tee (IHR-EC), SAGE , SAGE Polio Worki ng Group , Containment Advisory Group (CAG), Independent Mon itoring Board (IMB), and the GCC-Containment Working Group (CWG) and focal perso ns from GPEI part ners. Full list of attendees is in Annex 2. Summar y of outcome The group agreed that an options appra isal documen t for the requireme nts for cer t ification of poliovirus eradication will be developed by the GCC secretariat. The document will outline the pros and cons of each optio n regard ing requirements for certification of WPV eradicat ion and the relative impact that each option would have on the time line and process of certification. The three opt ions highlighted were: 1. Certificatio n of erad icat ion based on the intermption of WPV alo ne 2 . Certification of erad ication based on the interruption of WPV, with consideration of the context of ongo ing or recent cV DPV outbreaks 3. A multi-phase process for certification of eradication, suggested as: - Step 1: Eradication of WPV Step 2: Eradication of c VDPV s - Step 3: Certification of Containment of all PV s. Once the option s appra isal has been produced , it will be fully co nsidered by the GCC with careful consideration of the communica tions ' implications and impacts on certification of each of the options. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001787 Minutes of the meeting and recommendations Opening and Welcome M. Zaffran A programmatic update and overv iew for the context of this meeting was prov ided Update on the process of Certification and key points from the 17th Meeting of the Global Commission for the Certification of Poliomyelitis Eradication (CCC) D. Salisbury The 17th meeting of the GCC took place in February 2018, with Chairs from each of the six Regional Certification Com missions (RCC) in attendance. A summary of the GCC recommendat ions were provide d for each of the five meeting sessions. The GCC recommended the following criteria to be applied for cert ificat ion of WPV eradication: 1. No WPV transmission detected from any population source for the previous three years , and 2. Global poliovirus surveillance meeting certification criteria , and 3. Safe and secure containment of WPV retained in facilities , such as laboratories and vaccine manufacturing facilities Additionally, the GCC recommended that the announcement of the eradicatio n ofWPV should take into consideration the epidemiology of cVDPV s at that time. The following requirements we re sugges ted: 1. No detection of a persistent [>6 months of confirmed circulation] cVDPV2 outbreak from any population source in the previous l 8 months; and 2. No detection of a cVDPV 1 or 3 outbreak from any population source in the previous six months. Update from SAGE WG discussions on criteria for certification of poliovirus eradication I. Jani A presentation provided the key recommendations of the 15th meeting of the SAGE Polio Working Group, 20-21 February , 2018. The Work ing Group noted the proposed changes to the precond itions for cert ification and requested GCC to maintain communi cation with other advisory bodies (such as IMB , IHR, CAG). The role of different committees from cessation of transmission up until global certification B. Burkholder The proposed responsibilities of the committees advising the GPEI for developing the policy guidance on certification, containment, protection , detect ion and response was presented. The WHO will convene a future meeting for the responsibilities for implementing these policies. Severa l attendees emphasised that after certification, the responsibility shifts to SAGE and raised the possibility of retaining the GCC to carry the post-certification process throug h to the end, with the GCC having a primary role in certifying the erad ication of VDPVs. Discussions also highlighted that the docume nt Public Health Management of a Containment Breach of Type 2 Poliovirus has been drafted and needs to be c irculated for input. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001788 Discussion and consensus on what it means to certify eradication Summary of the main discussion points: 1. The criteria to be applied for the certification of WPV eradication Adequate global poliovirus surve illance - How to deal with countries where there may be surve illance that does not meet accepted criteria. In these areas, such as Somalia and Northern Niger ia, the standard criteria of AFP performance indictors and the absence of wild poliovirus detection may not be suffic ient. The need for surve illance data from non-standard sources was discussed . - In many industrialised countries, APP-surve illance has been replaced with enterovirus and/or environmental survei llance. The sens itivity and spec ificity of these supplemental surveillance methods are unknown, withou t criteria to link them to AFP surveillance standards . - As IPV is introduced globally , the risk of silent transmission will increase and AFP survei llance may not be a reliable indicator. - The GCC Chair confir med that all countries must provide clear evidence to the GCC, based on factors including population immunity , surveillance quality, outbreak preparedness , containment andhealth system status for certification . Safe and secure containment of WPV retained in facilities There is a high probability that completing certification of containment will not coincide with the cert ification of inten-uption of transmission and will happen later. The status of non-PEF facilities (such as academ ic institutions) that may contai n WPV samples was discussed. Member states will conduct inventories and identify facilities that could have potentia l infectious material. The World Health Assemb ly could emphas ize the importance of conta inment. At the time of WPV certification, the GCC will conside r the status of biorisk manageme nt of potentially infectious materials and readiness to respond to containment breaches. All facilities retaining WPVs should have at the leastan Interim Containment Certificate, with a clear plan to achieve a full Certificate of Co ntainme nt. 2. Certification of eradication in the context of VDPVs - The recommendat ion from GCC ( of cert ification when there has been no detection of a persistent cVDPV2 outbreak in the previous 18 months at the time of certifica tion), is to avoid recent, or conctment outbreaks of polio due to cVDPV at the time ofWPV cert ification. Outbreaks of cVDPV s will be perceived as polio outbreaks in the public view and would undermine the cred ibility of WPV certification . It was emphasised that the absences of cVDPVs are not criteria for the eradication ofWPV , but considerations for when cert ification takes place. - Substantial concern was raised over linking cVDPV s with WPV certification, such as : the impact on the erad icat ion strategy and timeline (as related to WPV alone); the polit ical and media pressure to cert ify after three years without poliovirus detection; and not defining a clear separa tion betwee n cVDPVs and WPV. However , there was lack of agreeme nt on the solution. - An option of a multi -phase approach, with separate stages of certification of erad ication was suggested: first, the certification of erad ication of wild polioviruses; second, the certificatio n of eradication of cVDPV s; and third, certification of containment of all polioviruses. It was mentioned that the disappearance ofV DPV s emanating from immunodeficient persons (iVDPVs) would also need to be validated, perhaps in a separate later stage. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001789 Proposed next steps: The deve lopment of an options appraisal document for the different options for certification of poliovirus eradica tion was agreed. The document will outline the pros and cons of each option and the relative impact that each would have on the timeline and process of certificat ion of eradication . It will then be carefully cons idered by the GCC. The three options highlighted : 1. Certificatio n of eradicat ion based on the interruption of WPV alone 2. Certification of eradication based on the interruption of WPV, with considera tion of the context of cVDPV outbreaks . One option for this is the recommendat ion from GCC, with no detection of a persistent cVDPV2 outbreak from any populat ion source in the previous 18 months 3. A multi-phase process for certification of eradication, suggested as: o Step I : eradicatio n ofW PV o Step 2: validation of absence of cVDPVs o Step 3: containment of all PY Rotary highlighted that commun ication to donors has been that certifying the eradication of WPV has been the stated goal of their PolioPlus program and this should be considered when assessing the opt ions. The appraisal is to be deve loped by the secretariat of the GCC and then discussed by the GCC and Polio Oversight Board. Once a consensus is reached, it will be shared with SAGE and presented to the World Hea lth Assembly in May 20 19. 3. Communica tion - There may be a challenge in communicating the different possible scenarios to the lay public, as AFP caused by either WPV or cVDPV will probably all be seen as 'paralysis/death caused by polio. ' - There needs to be clear communication plan in the certification of eradicat ion, which would align with the selected certification option. This should include clear validation steps to move from the Polio Eradicat ion and Endgame Strateg ic Plan to the PostCertificat ion Strategy . - The difference betwee n cert ificat ion of WPV erad ication and VPDV eradicat ion needs to be clearly commun icated . - All partners and committees need to be aligned in their communicat ion. 4. Certifying the eradication of type 3 poliovirus - Certifying the global eradication of type 3 poliovirus would provide an opportunity for a test run for the eventual certification of all wild polio viruses . - The declaration of type 3 certification would provide a good milestone to give enthusiasm to the programme, donors and the public. - This would not necessari ly be followed by the withdrawal of Sabin Type 3 from the oral poliovirus vaccine. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001790 ANNEX 1: AGENDA Building Consensus for Certification of Poliovirus Eradication WHO, Geneva, room M 105 April 16, 2018 AGENDA Objective s of the meeting : 1. 2. 3. Review progress toward WPV eradication, and consider the criteria for certification of WPV eradication in the context of the ongoing risk of polio disease due to V DPV that may occur post certification and beyond OPV cessation. Develop consensus around the roles of each committee once WPV transmission has ceased until certification, including in the context ofVDPV events and outbreaks . Agree on key messages concerning (l) and (2) above April 16 14:00 - 14:15 Welcome and opening remarks M. Zaffran 14: 15 -14:45 Update from the I Th Meeting of the D. Salisbury Global Commission for the Certific ation of Poliomyelitis Eradicatio n .14:45- 15:00 Update on SAGE WG I. Jani 15:00 - 16:0 0 Discuss ion and consensus building ALL 16:00 - 16:15 Coffee Break 16.15 - 17.00 Discussion on role of different committees ALL from cessation of transmission up until global certification 17:00 - 18:00 Consensus on what it means to certify eradication HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001791 ANNEX 2: List of Participants Building Consensus for Certification of Poliovirus Eradication WHO, Geneva, room M 105 April 16, 2018 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Committee chairs David Salisbury Global Certification Commission (GCC) European Regional Certification Commission (RCC) Sir Liam Donaldson Independent Monitoring Board (IMB) Polio Transition Independent Monitoring Board (TIMB) Alejandro Cravioto Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) Peter Figueroa SAGE Wo rking Group on Polio (SAGE WG) Ilesjh Jani SAGE Wo rking Group on Polio (SAGE WG) David Heymann Containment Advisory Group (CAG) Arlene King (by phone) GCC -Containment Working Group (CWG) Helen Rees Interna tional Health Regula tions Emergency Committee (IHR-EC) GPEI Partners BMGF : Jay Wenger Centers for Disease Control and Prevention : Rebecca Martin (by phone) and John Vertefeuille (by phone ) Rotary International Carol Pandak UNICEF : Jalaa Abdelwahab World Health Organisation: Michel Zaffran , Roland Sutter , Ond rej Mach , Graham Talli s, Harish Verma , Grace Mac klin, Rosamund Lewis , Arshad Quddu s, Jamal Ahmed , Andre Doren , Brent Burkholder (con sultant to WHO) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001792 GLOBAL CRfoG ATIO INITIATIVE POLIQ Agenda PolioOversightBoardMeeting 28June, 2018 8:30-11:00 PST/ 11:30 - 14:00 EST/ 17:30- 20:00 CEST DIN: Inside US: 1-800-2 89-5126 I Out side US: 1-913-227-1300 I Passcode: I ____.. llJ ·~ ll"•l}J.15 r, .... '-111~ ~l l~ II ,ni -l " 'l.:...:j~ ll~- . ,,, 0 • "'J,t)AI ~NCO' 0 0 15 fou l u 52 •'6tlll¥lt&.10il HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001797 ■ AFGHANISTAN - KEY ISSUES AND RISKS Risk of ongoing transmission in the Southern & Eastern regions due to access and securityOngoing ban on house to house campaign in South region and risk of further spreadlncreasing inaccessibility in Eastern region Deteriorating security situation creating an environment of fear among front line workers/monitors and program staff which negatively affects qualitylnability to implement interventions to improve quality leading to ongoing missed childrenBan on house marking, house-to-house tally sheet and full time social mobilization in some areasChallenges in getting females front line workers particularly in high risk areaslimitation in full implementation of accountability framework Clusters of chronically missed children due to refusalsOn-going transmission in the northern and southern corridors which constitute a common epidemiological block along with Pakistan due to frequent population movement and spread of transmission across the border.Upcoming parliamentary elections in October and possible impact on the program HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001798 3 ■ CHALLENGES & NEXT STEPS TO ADDRESSING THE RISKS _CJJalle□gesffijsksc.___ __. :=rogressL Acbie'ieme □tsc___ ._~extSteps'---------- Orphan viruses in East region: ongoing undetected transmiss ion in Northern corridor Northern corridor plan established & tracked with Pakistan 1) Implement Northern Corridor Plan; 2) cluster specific approach to tracking missed children; 3) special focus on High Risk Mobile Populations 4) strengthening surveillance Risk of continued transmission in the southern region & spread to other regions due to inaccessibility; Recent ban in large parts of south- allowing only mosque to mosque campaigns Ongoing dialogue at multiple levels to gain access; expansion of polio+ in the South; Southern Corridor being tracked with Pakistan cluster specific approach to access, vacc ine acceptance & high risk mobile populations; Expansion of comp lementary vaccination 1) Continued dialogue with multiple stakeholders , with no compromise on house-to-house campaigns; 2) Further expansion of complementary vaccination activit ies , including trans it teams; 3) Additional campaign when there is a window of opportunity ; 4) Tracking of Southern Corridor Plan Ability to undertake quality campaigns in areas with access limitations Deployment of appropriate monitors to oversee campaign ; expansion of remote monitoring to triangulate quality; Continued dialogue with all parties to allow program basics, including implementation of revised microplan where feasible Chronically missed children (due to refusal, access, quality) Cluster approaches implemented as part of Northern/Southern corridor act ion plans ; improvement in quality in some areas The trends & reasons for missed children, along with the methodology and impact of interventions should be tracked over time in both fully accessible and access compromised areas. Sub-optimal quality in accessib le areas Establishment of Frontline worker selection committees; implementation of accountability framework; efforts to focus on improving training quality and intra-campaign monitors Further implement NEAP activities aimed at improv ing quality - house-based microplanning; triangulation of data ; HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001799 ■ AFGHANISTAN- REQUESTS TO THE POB • Continue to ensure adequate & timely resources to fully implement the NEAP and support fund raising for important complementary vaccination activities that are not core FRR (health outreach, nutrition, WASH, etc. as required)Advocacy with the Government:Call from Bill Gates to President Ghani stressing the need to sustain efforts; to refrain from making drastic changes in program implementation approaches; or to penalize when new cases are identified; reiterate that polio should remain a priority following upcoming elections in OctoberUrgent advocacy to gain house-to-house access for quality SIAs in areas where restrictions on immunization activity are being imposed. The TAG requested all stakeholders at global & country level to explore all options for facilitating house to house access. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001800 5 . Pakistan ■ PAKISTANSUMMARYOF CURRENTSTATUS 2018 CasesNorthern CorridorNangarhar - WPVl CASES& ES+,BY CLUSTER,PAKISTAN& AFGHANISTAN2018 R4B5C5B2,1 -..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=.---! As of 28 May, 2018 JanuaryGhaziabad - R4B5C5B2, 14 FebruaryGhaziabad - R4B5C5B2,3 MarchSouthern CorridorShahwalikot R4B5C4C,5 JanuarySpin Boldak - R4B5C4C,6 Blue = R4B5C5B2 Black = R4B1 C1 Green = R4B5C4B Red = R4B5C4C Brown = R4B5C4O Hig li~la~Wii~ompare to 3 as WPVl cases r ported oft e~p1917AII fro ~bY.llH~4¥ibjna_!l. Most rece t case had a'r~~is oMe'tH~tA'May 2018Duki out rJlfP~~iismission persists i the c!S sho n by sam lfq!Qma.mrhwati~ envi ES+a e decl ni~ io ~araa1i(~!ld Uj!~j.R'RR<· J..3° of ES sam ,~Wf2~1™,l>r ~a:Jm;M,~t 11% in 201 . IMatfQb li.wlrai!-f\84Bi56:~ ~uth rn a d this Corr dffl.ff,i"~~~-aiigsk risk xtend's beyond the corridors themse es. ol\'4~e!4ff:"21~;~& May HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001802 ■ PAKISTAN KEY ISSUES AND RISKS • Stopping poliovirus transmission in common corridors and Karachi. Stopping the WPV1 outbreak in Duki District Balochistan on a priority basis and responding immediately to any new outbreak outside core reservoirsSustaining motivation and commitment to a long-running program and building upon prior gains in the face of multiple other national public health prioritiesldentifying and characterizing any population clusters not yet reached by immunization effortsCountering persistent resistance (both overt and covert) and addressing remaining gaps in SIA operational implementation which lead to insufficient immunity among geographically accessible populationsSustained transmission throughout the epidemiologic block of PakistanAfghanistan which requires highly coordinated efforts to halt both national spread and persistent cross border poliovirus transmission associated with highly mobile populationsStrengthening systemic weaknesses in EPI throughout many parts of the countrySustaining government commitment at all levels after upcoming national elections HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001803 ~ CHALLENGES AND ACHIEVEMENTS SINCE JANUARY POB & NEXT STEPS hallenges Progress/ Achievements since last POB Next Steps Persjstent transmissjon i..,__________ Quetta Block (especially Killa Abdullah) and Karachi Significar:it pwgrammatic JmpwYemeoUollowiog establisbmenUQciden,._ ________ Management Committee (IMC) instituted in PEOC and enhanced oversight in Killa Abdullah; Gulistan Action Plan developed including Jirgas, long term deployment of some key staff, more female involvement etc Rollout of Special Mobile Strategy in 89 UCs of Karachi that were covered by mobile team from Jan-May 20 18. CBV conversion in these 89 UCs from July Karachi Communication strategy developed with "bottom up approach"Communication Consultation and Focus Group Discussions in Karachi and Quella Sustair:Lp[OgLessio~Quetta blockCluster a□clstill missed__ children analyses should be overlaid with a social analysisEvaluate recent communication interventions to determine their impact on direct refusal and misconceptions Conduct an in-depth analysis on operational challenges in SIAs from Area- In-Charge level up in key high risk areas in Karachi and develop an action Ensure a smooth transition to CBV/CHW across all UCs in Karachi Mjssedpopu\atjons particularly in the northern corridor between eastern Afghanistan and Khyber-Peshawar, Islamabad/Rawalpindi block._ Northern corridor action plan developed and implemented Abu Dhabi cross border meeting with Pak-Afghan istan held on 29-30 March 2018 for effective coordination and campaign synchronization.Communication consultation and Focus Group Discussions Fully implement and joint ly track Northern and Southern Corridor action plansCoordinate Pakistan and Afghanistan programme activities (geographical mapping, social analysis of risk groups, intervention design, commun ication/media, and impact evaluation) Programmatic chal\eoges /poor SIAaua\ity security compromjsed areas) along the South FATA, South KP and South Punjab corr idor Natjona\ e\ectjons io 201s Contjnued slow administrative action on program requests Developed Central Pakistan Coordination concept and unit in RY KhanSpecial campaigns with support of Law Enforcement Agencies in Shaktoi belt, SWA and BajourProgrammat ic and surveillance review in South KP and development of Central Corridor Action PlanEstablishment of ES in SWA and Bajour in April 2018 Health Secretary sent note to Chief Secretaries focusing on the importance of the continued momentum of activitiesFollow-up communication from the Secretary to Prime Minister Risk of election on polio program included in talking points with GoPBMGF telephone call with Chief of Army staff on 7th June - complete Visa issues genera lly resolvedDelays continue receiving NOCs (with a maximum durationof 1 months duration each when received) Develop Central Pakistan coordination planContinue UC level analysis for missed children in the most problematic areas including Rawalpindi and South Punjab Continue program analysis on vacated, bordering, and secur ity challenged areas to identify and reach any potentially missed populations Advocacy with new caretaker government by partners (e.g. RD EMRO, POB, BMGF) NEOC to follow-up with GoP to ensure timely issuance of HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001804 blanket NOCs for Bahichistan, FATA, and KP so GPEI partners can deploy staff in key high risk areas. 9 _ ■ PAKISTAN - REQUESTS TO THE POB • Advocacy with caretaker government to ensure that polio eradication remains a priority during political transition.Blanket No Objection Certificates for international staff to visit security-sensitive areas of Balochistan , FATA and KP Approval of 2019/21 PCI (i.e. Multi Year Budget)Advocacy with GoP and donors to continue ensuring adequate resources to fully implement the TAG approved SIA calendar and strategies in NEAP 2018/19 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001805 . Nigeria ■ NIGERIA- CURRENT STATUS No WPV circulation detected in almost two years; Nigeria currently responding aggressively to VDPV2 circulation in three states - Jigawa, Gombe and SokotomOPV2 used more extensively in Nigeria than any other country in the world; has maintained high population immunity against Type 2 but insufficient to prevent circulationRoutine immunization at disastrous levels in all three states - well below 20% These outbreaks are manageable; country program has good oversight and high coverage; management of mOPV2 vaccine supply has improved 2018 ESVDPV2/cVDPV2 in Nigeria !JI! Type Sin SrA"'- OONE·J&!ll,(,GIH!-OJ4 FP\11 /PIil ~ !lf~N(,J&ll.Mll6-a«IE IXP\11 )gm 1,1\ II.O ~ BAall Ell\!-NE-Gl~WE·!ll'l·li-0Pl'! I !flfl'-l:IE-/5-RJl<,G0-18<1!1 t:P\11 J~~IOOl OO-NE-l6-IL\,\!1& 11-«ll m'I e,,,NH1&s(u00-1so::il'IP/2 lffi'I E!fl.NH&KMll&ll-Oll )pr, 1 Jpr, 1,11 11.0 ('IP/I ~ 00-11!-Stl!-!l(l-llJO-lm 1,11 11.0 ~ 1::1ao, ldaD1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001807 12 ■ KEY RISK: SOME 104K CHILDREN REMAIN UNREACHED IN BORNO Coverage map showing vaccination reach in Borno as at April 2018 Breakdown of vacc ination reach in Borno state as at April 2018 (Number of settlements) N = 20,343 • • Reached • Unreached XAbandoned • Reached settlements • Unreached settlements So far over 340,000 children have been reached by the RES/RIC intervention but;An estimated 104,000 chi ldren yet to be vaccinated remain trapped in -5,000+ unreached settlements 1 • As at August 2016, the insurgency in Borno prevented over 600,000 children across over 10,000 communities from being reached with OPVToday, that number is about 104,000 children , thanks to the innovation from NPHCDA, GPEI and the Borno state government through the Reach Every Settlement (RES) and Reach Inaccessible Children (RIC)RES was implemented in the partially accessible settlements using local security support and RIC was implemented in fully inaccessible settlements using special immunization teams I I-·-·--·--·- - -·- -·- -·-·- - · -·-·-·-·- HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001808 ■ CHALLENGES AND NEXT STEPS CHALLENGES PROGRESS /ACHIEVEMENTS NEXT STEPS Access to fully inaccess ible communities in Barno, mostly due to security challenges Innovation from NPHCDA , GPEI and the Barno state government through the Reach Every Settlement (RES) and Reach Inaccessible Children (RIC) has led to a reduction of children not being reached with OPV from 600 ,000 to 104,000 Continued negotiation and advocacy with military to reach inaccessible settlements with a focus on the islands in Lake Chad, Marte and Abadam ; focus is on the brigade commander level; advocacy led by national government Significant gaps across many wards for ward level AFP reporting ; particularly Barno Nigeria has continued to meet the Annualized NAFP and stool adequacy targets since 2014 Continue to deploy innovative approaches to reach the inaccessible communities with surveillance , e.g. engagement of community informants from security-compromised areas ; WHO leading th is work Political commitment to polio eradication remains low across the country Absolute decline in the involvement of Governors in polio; LGAs late/default ing on their share to polio funding; federal government released its 2017 funding commitment in Q1 2018; increasingly difficult environment due to 2019 national elections Targeted outreach to key governors and LGA chairmen by National EOC and Executive Director , NPHCDA; Alika Dangote with Governor of Borne directly in June during state visit Routine immunization across the north continues to be poor Minimal improvement in the RI-LQAs performance since the baseline in 20 17 Involving traditional structures in RI uptake in their communities - strategy being rolled out in northern states with Gates support HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001809 © Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation I 14 1-1 ■ NIGERIA - REQUESTS TO THE POB Key areas Borno access Cl challenges Government leadership & participation What needs to happen • Continued advocacy to ensure >5,000 inaccessible settlements with children reached, especially Marte, Abadam and the island s; POB to send letter to Governor of Borno State encouraging urgent close of remaining gaps • Encourage Government of Nigeria to allocate N4 billion to polio in the 2018 budget; POB to send letter to President Buhari on budget and request for 2fld quarter National Task Force meeting chaired by him personally HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001810 GLOBAL ERADICAT INITIATIV POLI CURRENT POLIO OUTBREAKS June 2018 POB Meeting I ~, World.Hec!lth ~ Organ1zat1on R'ot ary m unicef~I) BTLL6·M [ LINDA GATESformd,uirm HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001811 I OVERALL OUTBREAK RESPONSE ISSUES • Multiple cVDPV outbreak and VDPV event responses that span endemic (Nigeria) and non-endemic high risk countries (Lake Chad; Syria; DRC; HOA; PNG)Recently detected VDPV emergences have been genetically distant from Sabin indicating months/years of circulation before detectionlnsecurity and limited access are often encountered in responses and negatively impact response capacityResource distribution has been a frequent challengeDRC responses are way off track and a high risk for the region DRC should prioritize a long term RI strengthening plan with GAVIEarly progress in HOA at risk due to slow fund processing/ disbursement and programmatic issues HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001812 2 I SUMMARY OF VDPV OUTBREAKS & EVENTS IN NON-ENDEMIC COUNTRIES (2017-2018) Country Eventor outbreak 11 No Type Source AFP ES Dates 1stAFPOnset Mast recent ores Collection Syria DRC Outbreak 1 cVDPV2 74 3/3/2017 9/21/2017 No ca~5 for >8 month s. Next OBRA scheduled 09/18 . Out break 3 cVDPV2 29 2/20/2017 S/5/2018 • Event 2 aVOPV2 2 11/15/2017 12/29/2017 N/A . . . Event l aVDPVl 1 4/1/2017 N/A . Outbreak 1 cVDPV2 1 11 10/22/2017 05/17/2018 . Event 1 aVOPV2 1 03/08/2018 N/A Out break 1 cVOPV3 3 05/17/2018 05/30/2018 Event 1 aVDPV3 1 04/24/2018 N/A Outbreak 1 cVDPV2 03/21/2018 03/21/2018 Genetically linked to the Somalia outbreak , but evidence of an extended period of undetected circulation Out break 1 cVOPVl 4/25/2018 4/25/2018 1 case + 2 community contacts bOPV response planned and funded In 3 provinces Somalia Kenya PNG Comment/Risk AFPOnsetor ESCollec:tlon 1 1 . Maniema outbreak: last case onset April 2017 "Haut Lomaml outbreak area": Breakthrough transmission after several SIAs Recent geographic expansion increasing risk of international spread Mongala outbreak: 1 case + 2 community contacts Risk of furthe r geographicand International spread The AFP case with cVDPV2was co-infected with cVDPV3 that Is genetically linked to the ongoing type 3 outbreak cVDPV = circulating Vacc ine Derived Poliovirus outbreaks have evidence of circulationaV DPV = ambiguous Vac HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001813 3 I DRC- cVDPV2 OUTBREAKS CONTINUE TO EXPAND (2017-2018) KWU.U 2017: 22 cVDPV2 + 1 aVDPVl + 2 aVDPV22018: 7 cVDPV2Total emergences: 6 Ongoing transmission with 3 different cVDPV2 outbreaks: Maniema 2 cases; last case onset 07 April 2017Haut Lomami/Tanganyika/Haut Katanga/lturi: 26 cases; last case onset in lturi 5 May 2018; geographic spread despite multiple SIAsMongala: 1 case with onset 26 April 2018Difficult context: insecurity, inaccessibility, poor infrastructure, and competing priorities (i.e. ongoing Ebola outbreak)Key risks: Lack ofurgencytorespond;Poor preparednessMonitoring shows repeated suboptimal SIA quality Risk of continued transmission to neighbouring areas/countries USA J Health zones with mOPV2 SIAs conducted & planned • 0 - Ebola affected province (Equateur) c.:• HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001814 I HOA cVDPV2 & cVDPV3 OUTBREAK RESPONSE (2017-2018) ., ~: ~ _ . ' .,. ,.,..,. ~•o '• ~• ....( 'In~ TOi.Ot!lf• .. ''"" .,,, / ~.. Current situationRegional outbreak with virus detected in both Somalia and Kenya; Response also includes Ethiopia; Prolonged undetected transmission with uncertain origin/place of transmissioncVDPV2 outbreakKenya: 1 cVDPV2 in ES,on 21 March 2018Somalia: 1 cVDPV2 in AFP on 11 May 2018 in Hiran and 11 cVDPV2 positives in ES(Banadir), last virus (ES) detected on 17 May 2018cVDPV3 outbreakSomalia : 3cVDPV3 in AFP (1 in Hiran, 2 in Middle Shabelle), last onset on 30 May 2018, and 8 in ES(Banadir)Main risks:High population movement and inaccessible areas poses risk of geographic and international spread Slow funding execution negatively impacting response mQPY2SIAs condu cted or planned 0 1 AF~~ e . 3 0• a2 r~ 2cvo6PYjwnmemrviot1ccessible Area ■ cVDPV type 2cVDPV Typ~ =J • HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001815 I ASKS TO THE POB • Ensure WHO and UNICEF systematically implement existing emergency procedures for the release of funds and deployment of staff in the context of outbreak responses. Polio, as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, should be prioritized as other emergencies are (e .g., DRC Ebola response compared to DRC polio response) DRCDirect advocacy with the highest political leadership of DRC (PM, President, Health Minister) to improve ownership & accountabilityRequest WHO/UNICEF Regional Directors rapidly host a high level meeting in Kinshasa followed by monthly calls to put response back on trackEnsure full implementation of the emergency administrative / security SOPs for DRC; including flexible in-country travel options (e.g., UN air-bridges where warranted)HoAContinue high level advocacy with the HoA countries ' leadership, using any available opportunity to promote an effective, coordinated polio response HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001816 6 EVERY LAST Thank you Extra Slides PNG - cVDPVl outbreak and response Current situationcVDPVl in Lae, Morobe province 1 AFP case with onset on 25 April 2018, and 2 community sampling positives.Response: 2 bOPV rounds in 3 provinces (Morobe, E.Highland, Madang)Main risks:Low population immunity, weak heath system, security and logistical issues pose risk of further geographic spread .. _ ·' . Manus .,::::,a : j. . : . .. ~ : ·: ... ' .~ ... .,. ...... --~ I .. cVDPVl 0 bOPV planned response - 2 rounds HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001819 Data in WHO HQ as of 25 June 2018 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 Jun 2018 14:14:54 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY**: Sepsis Pre-brief (3-3:45 p .m.) Attachments : RE_ Sepsis pre-brief - 6_ 5.msg, RE_ Sepsis Landscape _. msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : NA Special Assistant : Hug h Green Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001820 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001821 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 4 Jun 2018 15:48:46 +0000 Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Sepsis pre-brief - 6/5 Hi Hugh, Dr. Redfield is departing the office at 1:30 p.m. We moved the hold on 6/8 from 10:45-11:45 a.m. Thanks, Teresa From : Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, June 4, 2018 10:24 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Sepsis pre-brief - 6/5 Excellent thanks From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : M onday, June 4, 2018 10:14 AM To: Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; St rength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Sepsis pre-brief - 6/5 Hi Hugh, We can hold 6/8 from 3:30-4 :30 p.m. and 6/14 from 3:00-3:45 p.m . Let me know what works best from Program. Thanks, Teresa From: Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : M onday, June 4, 2018 10:11 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS)< >; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Sepsis pre -brief - 6/5 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001822 Program also said 6/8 would work for them (no reply on 6/14). Can you drop the one tomorrow and hold both? Depending on when we get materials we can go from there . 45min should be fine. From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday , June 4, 2018 10:06 AM To: Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov >; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: Sepsis pre-brief - 6/5 Hi Hugh, Do you think 45 minutes would work on 6/14 from 3:00-3:45 p.m.? There is a hold on the calendar for a meeting with ASH from 4-5:30 p.m. Thanks, Teresa From : Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, June 1, 2018 11:24 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Sepsis pre-brief - 6/5 Hi All, Sepsis briefing pushed to 6/19. Can we place a hold on 6/14 for pre-brief. That should be a better date for program . We can delete the Thursday hold . Thanks, Hugh From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Friday, June 1, 2018 9:02 AM To: Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov > Subje ct: RE: Sepsis pre -brief - 6/5 Hi Hugh, I will add it. Thanks, Teresa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001823 From : Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, June 1, 2018 9:01 AM To : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Sepsis pre-brief - 6/5 Hi Tracie, Can you put a hold on R3's Cal for "Sepsis Landscape pre-brief." Should be 1 hour on Tuesday in preparation for the br iefing on Thursday. Work ing to find out who all to invite now. Thanks, Hugh Hugh Green, MPH International Experience and Technica l Assistance (IETA) Fellow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ethiopia Mobile : +251 096 731 2366 Email: hgree HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001824 From: Sent: To : McClure, Susan (CDC/OID/NCEZID) 6 Jun 2018 09:13:40 -0400 Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Sepsis Landscape ? Yes. We are checking Rima' s calendar but assume she will join . Thanks From: Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, June 6, 2018 8:56 AM To: McClure, Susan (CDC/OID/NCEZID); Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID); Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS); Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO); Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Sepsis Landscape? Thanks Susan! We will proceed with the 14th. Will Rima plan to join? Theresa , would you drop the hold for Friday and add Mike and Tony to the invite for Thursday the 14th? Many thanks, Hugh From: McClure, Susan (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Date: June 6, 2018 at 8:47 :44 AM EDT To: Green , Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) , Miller, Rebecca (CDC/O1D/NCEZID) , Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO) Subject: RE: Sepsis Landscape ? Hi Hugh, Mike Bell and Tony Fiore from DHQP are available on June 14. Materials should be coming later today . Thanks From: Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, June 4, 2018 3:38 PM To: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McClure, Susan (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO) Subject: RE: Sepsis Landscape? Hi Rebecca and Susan, I was just typing an email to you! No additional guidance from HHStoday, but I did clarify that it is on Sepsis and it will follow the same format as the AMR briefing. We have also identified two possible times for a pre-brief: • June 8 -10 :45am HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001825 • June 14 - 3:00pm Please let us know who you wou ld like to include and which date works best for you. Working back from Friday as our earliest date please send materials by COB Wednesday, June 6. Also as and FYIthe actual briefing to the Dep Sec is 3 :00pm on June 19. Kind regards, Hugh Hugh Green, MPH Special Assistant to the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 404.639.7544 Office I 404 .376.6033 Cell From : Miller, Rebecca (CDC/0ID/NCEZID) Sent : Monday, June 4, 2018 3:30 PM To: Green, Hugh (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS) ; McClure , Susan (CDC/0ID/NCEZID) ; Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/0D/PPEO) Subject : RE: Sepsis Landscape? Hugh and Ashley, just wanted to loop back on this . When you have new information about pre-brief dates, needed materials, etc. please loop-in in Susan McClure. She will serve as POCfor NCEZIDon this briefing request. Thanks, Rebecca From: Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/0D/PPEO) Sent : Friday, June 1, 2018 12:34 PM To : Green, Hugh (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Miller, Rebecca (CDC/0ID/NCEZID) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/00/0CS) (CTR) Subject : RE: Sepsis Landscape? Sounds good. Just wanted to make you aware . From : Green, Hugh (CDC/0D/OCS) Sent: Friday, June 1, 2018 12:15 PM To: Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/0D/PPEO) ; Miller, Rebecca (CDC/0ID/NCEZID) Cc: Knotts , Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/0D/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: Sepsis Landscape? Thanks for t he heads up. If she can join the pre-brief t hat would be best. We have contro l over that. We don't have control over the Dep See' s cal, so we'll do what we can. From: Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/00/PPEO) Sent : Friday, June 1, 2018 12:11 PM To: Green, Hugh (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Miller, Rebecca (CDC/0 I0/NCEZID) Cc: Knotts , Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/00/0CS) ; Roberts, Ursula (CDC/0D/OCS) (CTR) Subject: RE: Sepsis Landscape? Hi Hugh, Just an FYI Dr. Schuchat is on leave that day . Liz From: Green , Hugh (CDC/00/0CS) Sent : Friday, June 1, 2018 11:22 AM To: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/0ID/NCEZ ID) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001826 Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO) Subject : RE: Sepsis Landscape? If we want to get materials up to HHS 48hrs in advance with his input then the 14 th would be the latest dat e we could do. Can you check availability or your side? Looking at the calendar we could have a window around 2pm. Separately, I'm still working on getting mo re clarity on desired focus for our piece and what other are sharing (e.g. slides) From : Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent : Friday, June 1, 2018 11: 14 AM To: Green, Hugh {CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO) Subje ct: RE: Sepsis Landscape? l ______ {_b)_(6_) _____ _,IHowever, Mike Bell and/or Cliff McDonald Thanks. Denise is out .... might be available next week . But if I remember right , Mike is also out part of next week . So is there a way to squeeze this in after he gets back from DC? Or too late? From: Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, June 1, 2018 11:10 AM To : Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO) Subject : RE: Sepsis Landscape? Hi Rebecca, Breaking news - the Sepsis briefing has been pushed back to the 19th . "We are pushing the original date back a week to allow everyone more preparation time." When does Denise get back from vacation? It would be good to have her in the pre-brief if possible. If she is out for a while then I think we should go with a pre-brief at the end of next week, June 7 or 8, because he is DC the following week. If she is back by June 14 we might be able to squeeze something in, but that would be the latest opportunity. Thanks, Hugh From : Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, June 1, 2018 9:51 AM To : Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subjec t: RE: Sepsis Landscape? Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH) https ://www leadersh ip/brett -giro ir/ index .htm l I'm calling Caliguiri again now and wi ll give you a call shortly if I get through . From : Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Se nt : Friday, June 1, 2018 9 :50 AM To: Green , Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Sepsis Landscape? Ok, thank you . So it really doesn't look like it's sepsis, not AMR. Especially given agenda. Who is Dr. Giroir? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001827 From: Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, June 1, 2018 9:48 AM To: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Sepsis Landscape? That I actually can answer! It's interagency. Here are the participants: Topic: Briefing on Sepsis Landscape Lead: Dr. Giroir Agenda: Dr. Giroir - 7-10 minute overview Dr. Fauci- 7-10 minute overview Dr. Redfield - 7-10 minute overv iew Dr. Kadlec - 7-10 minute overview Laura Caliguiri - 7-10 minute overview Mary - Sumpter Lapinski - 7-10 minute overview Notes: Briefing Materials due 48 hours in advance. From: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent: Friday, June 1, 2018 9:46 AM To: Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Sepsis Landscape? Hugh, one big question I am going to get immediately is whether this is inter -agency or j ust CDC. Do you know that yet? AMR is usually inter -agency with NIH, FDA, etc . Sepsis is probably a different ballgame . Based on the invite, do we know? Also what time is the official briefing next Thursday? Thanks From: Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, June 1, 2018 9:16 AM To: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Sepsis Landscape? Hi Rebecca, I understand you just spoke with Ashley, but I wanted to let you know where this stood as well. We are seeking further clarity, but our operating understanding is that this is a briefing on Sepsis for the Dep Sec in the style of the AMR briefing for the Secretary (April 13). I have talked to a number of people at HHS and will send additional clarity the moment I have it. I agree with you suggestion for Dr. Schuchat as she is very familiar with both topics. In the interim, would you please inform the program and start pulling together materials? We have the Vital signs as well as some correspondence from IMAC, but there isn't anything more recent than 2016. We will also be scheduling a pre-brief for Tuesday 1-2pm for Dr. Redfield/ Dr. Schuchat to talk though some of the issues with EZIDcolleagues. Would you please let me know who all should be invited? Thank you in advance and apologies for the short timeframe! Hugh From: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent : Wednesday, May 30, 2018 4:19 PM To: Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Sepsis Landscape? Ok, interest ing. Just let us know what he needs HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001828 From: Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 3:53 PM To: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/O1D/NCEZID) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Sepsis Landscape? It's a bit of a mystery at the moment. The deputy secretary ' s schedule sent us an invite for Dr. Redfield to present 7 to 10 minutes overview on sepsis. since then we've been trying to figure out what it's about.. . From: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Date: May 30, 2018 at 3:30:52 PM EDT To: Green , Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) , Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Sepsis Landscape ? Can I inquire the impetus of this? Thanks From: "Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS)" Sent : Wednesday, May 30, 2018 3:29 PM To: "Miller, Rebecca (CDC/O1D/NCEZID)" CC: "Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS)" ,"Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS)" Subject : Re: Sepsis Landscape ? Thanks for the detective work! I'll circle back with HHS and see what more we can glean . AMR is a good theory. From: Miller , Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Date: May 30, 2018 at 3:10:29 PM EDT To: Green , Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) , Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Sepsis Landscape? So this really isn't ringing a bell to our side. Dr Schuchat did do a briefing for Azar on AMR in April. We worked with her office on it and it was interagency. Sepsis sometimes comes up in AR. Maybe that? From: "Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS)" Sent : Wednesday, May 30, 2018 1:46 PM To: "Miller, Rebecca (CDC/O1D/NCEZID)" CC:"Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS)" ,"Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS)" Subject: Sepsis Landscape? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001829 Hi Rebecca, I hope you are well! We're trying to track down some information on a Sepsis briefing that may have been given to the Secretary in the April-May timeframe (see below). Does that ring any bells? Any insights appreciated. Many thanks, Hugh Hugh Green, MPH Special Assistant to the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 404.639.7544 Offic e I 404.376.6033 Cell From: Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 10:21 AM Subject: RE:Sepsis Landscape Meeting Hello Teresa, I spoke with ADS Caliguiri and she mentioned that the request did not come out of the WHA meeting through the Secretary . The request came from the Deputy Secretary prior to the WHA. ADS Caliguiri also mentioned that it is her understanding that a br ief was given to t he Secretary pr ior t o WHA and t his br ief would be sim ilar to that . V/r Rafael Mor eno Ill Office of the Deputy Secretary HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001830 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 5 Jun 2018 20:34:06 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov) ;Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject : ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY***CDC Re-Org Package w/ Deputy Secretary RE_ CDC ReOrg Package.msg Attachment s: From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: Kenneth Callahan Email: Kenneth .Callahan@hhs .gov Office: (202) 260- 7363 CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001831 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001832 From: Se nt: To : Subject: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) 7 Jun 2018 14:27:00 +0000 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: CDC ReOrg Package Tracie - The Secretary just requested the dep sec during that time. Can Dr. Redfield do 9- 10 AM? Ken From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) [] Se nt : Thursday, June 7, 2018 10:12 AM To : Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Lapinski, Mary -Sumpter (HHS/IOS) Subject : RE: CDC ReOrg Package Sounds great, thank you From : Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Sent : Thursday, June 7, 2018 10:09 AM To: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) Subject: RE: CDC ReOrg Package Perfect - I am going to send out the calendar invite shortly . From : Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto:tmd9@cdc .gov ] Se nt : Thursday, June 7, 2018 9:24 AM To: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Cc:Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Lapinski, Mary -Sumpter (HHS/IOS) Subje ct: FW: CDC ReOrg Package Kenneth, We can confirm Dr. Redfield' availability for June 13 th from 8 :00-9 :00am with the Deputy Secretary . Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist with . Respectfully , Tracie Strength Executive Assistant to the Director, Dr Robert Redfield Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Mail: I (bl< 6l 1 1 Direct Line: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404- 718-0962 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001833 E mail: tmd9 From: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Date: June 5, 2018 at 4:24:00 PM EDT To: McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) , Brady , Will (HHS/IOS) , Berger, Sherri (CDC /OCOO /OD) , Lapinski , Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) Subject: RE: CDC ReOrg Package Kyle - How does 4-5 pm on June 12 th or 8-9 AM on June 13th work for everyone? From: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) [mai1t o:omc2@cdc .gov] Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:36 AM To: Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) Subject: RE: CDC ReOrg Package He will be in town next Monday through Wednesday . Are t here some times that work best for the Deputy Secretary? From: Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:33 AM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) Subject: Re: CDC ReOrg Package Kyle - when is Dr. Redfield back in DC? I'd prefer the DepSec be briefed in person but if phone is necessary we can work something out. On: 05 June 2018 09:06, "Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD)" wrote: Good morning, We have the package moving up to HHS today . In order to have the new structure in place effective Oct 1, we'd like to publish the FRN soon . We have some work on hold until then, I am hop ing we can discuss soon . I don't see a monthly DepSec meeting on the agenda any time soon . Thanks, Sherr i HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001834 From: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, June 4, 2018 10:21 AM To: Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: RE: CDC ReOrg Package We had hoped we could chat before Dr. Redfield was in DC next . Is there time this week for them to chat about this? From: Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) Sent : Monday, June 4, 201810:17 AM To: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: Re: CDC ReOrg Package Kyle- I thought Dr Redfield and DepSec were going to discuss at their next meeting in M id June? Are you guys here earlier ? Happy to get them together before. On: 04 June 2018 10:06, "McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS)" wrote: Will, Do you have an update regarding our ReOrg package? We plan to transmit the package to HHS for the CN and FRN process. Dr. Redfield discussed the package with the Secretary when he was here on Friday and he expressed support. Kyle From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent: Monday , May 21, 2018 2:57 PM To: Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: CDC ReOrg Package Sorrv iust realized I for11ot to resnond the Os we discussed in writin11: (b)(5) Thanks, Sherri HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001835 From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 1:19 PM To: Brady, Will (HHS/IOS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: CDC ReOrg Package Hi Wi ll, In follow up to our chat, attached you will find before and after org charts. The change s fall into two major bucket s: (b)(5) As mentioned, we have been working with the ASA and socialized this plan with CDC staff and leaders. Next step, with HHS approval , is to post in the FRN and issue CNs (a CDC-wide email will be sent before the FRN posts). We will also work with ASL & ASFR to offer follow up staff level briefing s (we briefed committee staff when we first kicked off the process). Please let us know if you need additiona l information. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001836 Thanks, Sherri 837 From: Sent: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 28 Jun 2018 20:07 :31 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: * **FOR MATERIALS ONLY* * *Dr. Redfield (CDC) and SP Discussion 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: N/A Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: Tina Helle r email: m phone: 570-957-5094 CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TB D Number of Attende es and Composition : TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : TB D HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001838 Bios: TBD Source Invitation : 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks /Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001839 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 29 May 2018 18:16:26 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: * **FOR MATERIALSONLY*** ln-Person Meeting: Dr. Robert Redfield/ Dr. Scott Gottlieb Note: Either Lauren Silvis (Chief of Staff) or Anna Abram (Deputy Commissioner) will attend with Dr. Gottlieb. Attachments: RE_SBC Prep Calls_Meetings w ith HHS Leaders to Schedu le.msg, Request for meeting with Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Commissioner, FDA.msg, RE_ Request for meeting with Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Commissioner, FDA.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Cont act (if applicabl e): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host : TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001840 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001841 From: Sent: To: Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) 22 May 2018 16:12 :02 +0000 Berger, Sherri (CDC/OC00/0D);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/0D/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS);Knotts , Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS);Johnson, Marsha (CDC/0D/OCS) (CTR);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject : RE: SBC Prep Calls/Meetings with HHS Leaders to Schedule Will do . From: Berger, Sherri {CDC /OCOO /OD) Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 12:03 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC /OD/OCS ) Cc : Strength , Tracie (CDC /OD /OCS) ; McCaHi ster, Jeremy (CDC /OD/OCS) < isn8 > ; Kroop, Seth (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Johnson, Marsha (C DC/OD/OCS) (CT R) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (C DC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: SBC Prep Calls /Meetings with HHS Le aders to Schedule Let?s say topic is FY 2020 HHS Budget Process Thank you From: Scales , Scott L. (CDC /OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday , May 22, 2018 10:28 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC /OD /OCS) > Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC /OD /OCS) >; McCalli ster, Jeremy (CDC /OD/OCS) >; Kroop , Seth (CDC /OD/OCS) >; Knotts , Ashley (C DC/OD/OCS ) > ; Berger, Sherri (CDC /OCOO /OD) > ; Johnson, Marsha (C DC/OD/OCS ) {CTR) > ; Romanik , Nikki Jo (CDC /OD/OCS) > Subject: SBC Prep Calls/Meetings with HHS Leaders to Schedule Per KM, ple ase try to arrange in-person whi le at HHS on 11 or 12 Jun e, 30 min each. If can?t be in-person, please try to arrange as calls on those days, or later that week, Top ic is SBC. Sherri can comment if different , but pis includ e R3, KM, and SB ? FDA-Gottlieb ? ASH-Giroir ? SAMSHA-McCance -Katz HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001842 ? HRSA-Sigounas They will discuss with NIH during the visit, so no need for a separate call with them. Thx! HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001843 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 22 May 2018 16:33:51 +0000 Sheehy, Janice (FDA/ORA) Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Request for meeting w ith Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Commissioner, FDA Good afternoon Janice, I hope you are doing well. Dr. Redfi eld would like to schedule a 30 minute meeting with Dr. Gottlieb at HHS on June 11th to discuss the FY 2020 HHS Budge t Process? Would Dr. Gottlieb have any time available to meet between 4:30-5:30 p.m. at the HHS Humphrey Building ? Thank you for your consideration. Best , Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road , NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001844 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7 111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001845 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Sheehy, Janice 7 Jun 2018 12:42:57 +0000 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Request for meeting with Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Commissioner, FDA Good morning, Teresa! I am doing well, thank you, and hope that you are too . Great, thank you so much. Either Lauren Silvis (Chief of Staff) or Anna Abram (Deputy Commissioner) will attend with Dr. Gottlieb. Hope you have a wonderful day too! -janice From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [ ] Sent : Thursday, June 7, 2018 7:26 AM To: Sheehy, Janice Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC) Subject : RE: Request for meeting w it h Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Commissioner, FDA Good morning Janice, I hope you are doing well. Amanda Campbell, Deputy Chief of Staff will accompany Dr. Redfield . The topic is still to discuss the FY2020 HHS Budget Process. Please let me know if you have any additional questions . Have a wonderful day. Teresa From : Sheehy, Janice (FDA/ORA) Se nt : Wednesday, June 6, 2018 6:38 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for meeting wit h Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Comm issioner, FDA Hi Tracie! For Monday's meeting with Dr. Redfield and Dr. Gottlieb, is the topic still to discuss the FY2020 HHS Budget Process? Also, is it a 1:1 or will staff be attending? We're of course fine either way, just want to check to be sure. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001846 Thanks so much! -janice From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) fmailto :tmd9@cdc .gov] Sent : Tuesday, May 29, 2018 2:02 PM To: Sheehy, Janice Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC) Subject: RE: Request for meeting with Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Commissioner, FDA Great, if you can send an invite that would be perfect . Sincerely, Tracie From : Sheehy, Janice (FDA/ORA) Sent : Tuesday, May 29, 2018 1:59 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for meeting with Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Commissioner, FDA Hi Tracie, I can make 5:00-5:30 work for Dr. Gottlieb on Monday, June 11 at HHS. Will you be sending the invite? Thank you! -janice From: Sheehy, Janice Sent: Friday, May 25, 2018 6:37 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC) Subject: RE: Request for meeting w ith Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Commissioner, FDA Hi Tracie, Thank you for your email. Dr. Gottlieb isn't currently scheduled to be in DC on June 11; however, I'm trying to rearrange his schedule to make it work. I hope to let you know next week. Thanks! -janice From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) [mai lto:tmd9@cdc .gov] Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2018 9:58 AM To: Sheehy, Janice Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC) Subject: RE: Request for meeting with Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Commissioner, FDA HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001847 Janice, Unfortunately, Dr. Redfield is not available on May 29th . Dr. Redfield will be in DC on June 11th if Dr. Gottlieb is available to meet in person (preferred) . If not a phone call would be possible in the afternoon of June 14th . Please let me know what wo uld work for Dr. Gott lieb. Respectfully, Tracie Strength Exec utive Assistant to the Director, Dr Robert Redfie ld Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Mail· I (bl( 6l 1 1 Direct Line: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-718-0962 Email: tmd9@cdc.go v From: Sheehy, Janice (FDA/ORA) Sent : Wednesday, May 23, 2018 12:09 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for meeting w it h Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Commissioner, FDA Hi Teresa, I am doing well thank you, and hope that you are too. By chance, could we do this as telecon instead? Perhaps next Tuesday, May 29? I could make Dr. Gottlie b available at 11:00, 2:30, 4:30-6:30. If none of these work well for Dr. Redfield, please just let me know when does and I'll do what I can to make Dr. Gottlieb available. Thanks so much! -janice From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS)(mailto] Sent : Tuesday, May 22, 2018 12:34 PM To : Sheehy, Janice Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC) Subject: Request for meeting with Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Commissioner, FDA Good afternoon Janice, I hope you are doing well. Dr. Redfield would like to schedule a 30 minute meeting with Dr. Gottlieb at HHS on June 11th to discuss the FY 2020 HHS Budget Process? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001848 Would Dr. Gottlieb have any time available to meet between 4:30-5:30 p.m. at the HHS Humphrey Building? Thank you for your consideration. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 emai l: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001849 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 19 Apr 2018 14:30:56 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7@cdc .gov) Subject : * **FOR MATERIALSONLY***lntroductory Call: Robert Redfield I Chris Elias (2:30-3:00pm) 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : N/A Special Assistant : TB D Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accomp anying the Director : TB D CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host: TB D Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001850 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001851 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 9 May 2018 15:06:10 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McDonald , Caroline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Subje ct: * **FOR MATERIALS ONLY***Lawrenceville Campus Facilities Tour {12:30-2:30 p.m.) Attachmen ts: RE_ 17 Apr Chamblee Visit.msg, Lawrenceville Facilities Tour .docx, RE_ Reschedule_ Lawrenceville Campus Facilities Tour_ Thursday, May 10th@ 12_15-2_ 00 p.m .. msg From: Se nt: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee Special Assistant : Seth Kroop (Hugh driving) Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TB D CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Rebecca Miller (CDC/O 1O/NCEZID) ema il: Office: 404.639.4470 CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agend a (if applicable): TBD Number of Attend ees and Composition: TB D Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitatio n: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs) : CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentatio n: TBD Press: TBD Telepromp ter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001852 5. OGC Review Materials: From: Berge r, Sherr i (CDC/OCOO/O0) Sent: 3 Apr 2018 09:16:07 -0400 To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/O0/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/O0/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Williams, Teresa (CDC/O0 /OCS) ;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/O0/OCS);M cCallister, Jeremy (CDC/O0 /OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/O0/OCS) Subject : RE: 17 Apr Chamblee Visit Let's do May 11 but finished by 3pm before traffic hits From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/ OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 9:14 AM To: Berger , Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson , Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McCallister , Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: I 7 Apr Chamblee Visit Done. How 's the afternoon of 11 or 30 May for L-ville? From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent: Monday , April 2, 2018 8:50 PM To: Scales, Scott L.(CDC /0D /OCS) > Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) >; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDTEH/NCIPC) >; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) >; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D /OCS) >; McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) >; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: RE: I 7 Apr Chamb lee Visit Roybal - let's move this one to May and make it a full hour. I would like to show him where the new lab will go etc. Can you send a few options? Chamblee - good, I think 30 mins is plenty. l will have lunch with them (please send invite) then do the tour as you have in on the calendar (maybe extend to 45 mins) L-ville - May dates please HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001854 Thanks From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC /OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, Apri l 2, 2018 3:06 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC /OCOO /OD) > Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS ) > ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC /ONDIEH/NCIPC) > ; Williams, Teresa (CDC /OD/OCS) > ; Knotts , Ashley (CDC /OD /OCS) > ; McCallister, Jeremy (C DC/OD/OCS) < < ma ilto:isn8 @cdc .gov > > ; Strength, Tracie (CDC /OD/OCS ) > Subject: RE: 17 Apr Chamblee Visit Ro ybal on 4/ 19 between 3-3:30 pm? Chamblee on 4/20 12:30-lpm? L-ville on afternoon of 4/24, or morning of 25 April? From: Berger , ShetTi (CDC /OCOO /OD) Sent: Monday, Apri l 2, 2018 2:50 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC /OD/OCS) > Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) > ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) > Subject: Re: 17 Apr Chamblee Visit Can we map out all three campus wa lk around so I can get OSSAM ready? Thank s HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001855 ........ .. Lawrenceville C4~ Fac ilities Tour U.S. Department of Health and Human Suv lces Centersfor Dise-ase Control and Prevention Robert Redfield, MD, Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Kyle McGowan, Chief of Staff, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Seth Kroop, Special Assistant to the Director ~WID· 12:15- 12:30 pm OCOO Briefing: Continuity of Operations (COOP) Location: Start in front of Building A, end in front of Building B POC: Rachel Holloway , 404-639-7013 , khx1@cdc .gov Attendees: Caroline McDonald (OSSAM Director); Angela Wagner (Lawrenceville Campus Portfolio Manager). 12:30- 12:35 pm Walk back to front of Building A 12:35 - 1:15 pm CDC Biorepository Location : Building A: Biorepository new facility Building C: Biorepository main facility POC: Ami Putman , 404-498-1889 , ibv5@cdc .gov; Charles Shepherd , 678-4754711, Attendees: Dr. Michael lademarco (Director, CSELS), Ren Salerno, PhD; Jasmine Chaitram , MPH; Angela Butler, Julie Chatt, Rob Davidson 1:15-1:20 Walk pm 1 :20 - 2:00 pm NCEZID: Plasmapheresis Procedure Location: NCEZID Spaces POC: Rebecca Miller, 404-639 -4470, ; Angela Oliver, 404-6266188, irr7@cdc .gov Attendees: Carolyn Black (Director DSR), George Lathrop, (Deputy Branch Chief, Comparative Medicine Branch , DSR), Kim Benjamin (Program Manager for Charles River Labs) , Rebecca Miller (ADP, NCEZID) , Chris Braden (Deputy Director for NCEZID). OCoS POC : Seth Kroop: mobile: 404.860.7750, wpw7@cdc .gov Brad Bartee , office: 404.718.5097; mobile: 202.600.6537; yza0@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001856 Page 1 of 1 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 9 May 2018 19:26:49 +0000 To : Miller, Rebecca (CDC/0I0/NCEZID);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);McDonald, Caroline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM);Edwards, Jacqueline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) (tmd9@cdc .gov) Subje ct: RE: Reschedule: Lawrenceville Campus Facilities Tour: Thursday, May 10th @ 12:15-2:00 p.m. From: Se nt: I will send a calendar invite for June 18th from 12:30 -2:30 p.m . Thanks, Teresa From : Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent : Wednesday, May 9, 20 18 2:33 PM To: Scales, Scott L. {CDC/OD/OCS) ; McDonal d, Caroline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Edwards, Jacquel ine (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Reschedule : Lawrenceville Campus Facilities Tour : Thursday, May 10th@ 12:15-2:00 p.m . Scott , June 18th is best for DSR but June 20th is also ok . June 15th is a little more complicated from DSR given some staff that will be out . From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 12:52 PM To: McDonald, Caroline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; M iller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Edwards, Jacqueline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Reschedule: Lawrenceville Campus Facilities Tour: Thursday , May 10th @ 12:15-2:00 p.m. No new date yet . Looking at three options June 15th 10:00 a.m . -12 :00 p.m . June 18 th 12:30 -2:30 p.m . June 20 th 12:30 -2:30 p.m . Any objections with any of these? From : McDonald , Caroline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Se nt: Wednesday, May 9, 20 18 12:50 PM To: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< >; Miller, Rebecca (CDC/0I0/NCEZID) ; Edwards, Jacqueline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001857 Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Reschedule: Lawrenceville Campus Facilities Tour: Thursday, May 10th@ 12:15-2:00 p.m. So when is this scheduled for now? Caroline McDonald Acting Director Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management (OSSAM) Office of the Chief Operating Officer (OCOO) I 404 -639-6328 office I 404-639-4912 fax Executive Assistant Ms. Kathi Reeves 404-639-5984 Telework: Wednesday 8 8 QSSAMand AssetManagement Office of Safety, Security, From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 11:18 AM To: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; McDonald, Caroline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Edwards, Jacqueline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Reschedule: Lawrenceville Campus Facilities Tour: Thursday , May 10th@ 12:15-2:00 p.m. Correct, Friday, not tomorrow © From: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 11:17 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McDonald, Caroline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Edwards, Jacqueline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Reschedule: Lawrenceville Campus Facilities Tour: Thursday , May 10th@ 12:15-2:00 p.m. Scott, we can check on other dates .... but wasn't the tour originally for Friday not tomorrow? to make sure we didn't miss something big. But we'll check for June I just want From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 11:14 AM To: McDonald, Caroline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Edwards, Jacqueline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Miller, Rebecca (CDC/O1D/NCEZID) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: Reschedule: Lawrenceville Campus Facilit ies Tour: Thursday, May 10th @ 12:15-2:00 p.m . Importance: High FYI HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001858 From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday , May 9, 2018 11:11 AM To : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS)< >; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC); Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Reschedule: Lawrenceville Campus Facilities Tour: Thursday, May 10th @ 12:15-2:00 p.m. Importance : High Good morning Sherri, We need to reschedule the Lawrenceville Campus Facilities Tour scheduled tomo rrow, Thursday, May 10th from 12:15-2:00 p.m. Would it be possible to reschedule on any of the dates listed below? June 15th 10:00 a.m. -12 :00 p.m. th June 18 12:30-2:30 p.m. June 20 th 12:30-2:30 p.m. Thanks, Teresa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001859 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 25 Jun 2018 16:28 :45 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY*** Pre-Brief AFRICOM (2:00-2:30 p.m.) Attachments : RE_ Scheduling Assistance_-- -Debrief - Dr. Redfield (Time-Sensitive .msg, RE_ Scheduling Assistance_---Debrief- Dr. Redfie ld (Time-Sensitive.msg To : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : N/A Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts (CGH); Hugh Green (OPHPR) Event Contact: Charleen Ross email: vxy5@cdc .gov Desk: 404-639-2632 CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001860 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001861 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Ross, Charleen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) 25 Jun 2018 12:20:40 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Scheduling Assistance:---Debrief- Dr. Redfield (Time-Sensitive Good afternoon Traci, Commander Deussing prefers to have a conference call debriefing with them before July 9. I'm includi ng below Dr. Redd availability. Which date and time works best for Dr. Redfields? 07/02- Monday 2:00-pm -2:30pm 7/-3-Tue sday 11:1Sam-11:4Sam OR 2:00pm-2:30pm 07/05 -Thursday 10:45am -11:15am 07/05 -Friday 11:15am-11:45am Thanking you in advance, CharleenRoss SpecialAdvisorto Arnetra Herbert Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response Management Resource Office 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329 Mailstop-D-44 Phone: 404-639 -2632 Mobile: 404-263-6906 Fax: 404-471-8545 Telework days: MIW CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email and the attached document(s) may contain confidential information and may be otherwi se protected by law. Its content should not be disclosed and it sho uld not be given or copied to anyone other than the person(:,') named or referenced above. If you have received this email in error, ple"se contact the sender immediately and destroy all copie s of the original HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001862 From: Ross, Charleen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Sent: Monday , June 25, 2018 11:33 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Scheduling Assistance:--- Debrief- Dr. Redfield (Time-Sensit ive Hello Traci, Thank you for your call. I'll share with Commander Deussing Dr. Redfield's availability . Many thanks , CharleenRoss SpecialAdvisorto Arnetra Herbert Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response Management Resource Office 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta , GA 30329 Mailstop -O-44 Phone: 404 -639-2632 Mobile : 404-263 -6906 Fax: 404-471 -8545 Telewo rk days: M/W From: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday , June 25, 2018 11:17 AM To: Ross, Charleen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Cc: W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Schedul ing Assistance:--- Debr ief- Dr. Redfield (Time-Sensitive Please give me a call at ~I-~ Subject: Scheduling Assistance:--- Debrief- Dr. Redfield (Time-Sensitive Importance: High Good morning Ms. Strength, My name is Charleen Ross and I'm currently assisting with scheduling appointments on behalf of Dr. Redd while Ms. Gershman is away. Commander Eric Deussing is requesting an 30 minute debriefing with Ors. Redfield and Redd concerning his recent trip to USAFRICOM Dr. Redd currently has availability to meet this Thursday, June 28th , between 1:00-1:30pm or 1:30m-2:00pm. Would either one of those time work? I also might be able to free some time up for this Friday, ll:30am12:00noon? Please advise Thanking you in advance, CharleenRoss SpecialAdvisorto Arnetra Herbert Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response Management Resource Office 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329 Mailstop-O-44 Phone: 404-639-2632 Mobile: 404-263-6906 Fax: 404-471-8545 Telework days: MIW CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email and the attached document(s) may contain confidential information and may be othenvis e protected by law. Its content should not be disclosed and it should not be given or copied to anyone other than the person(Y) named or referenced above. If you have received this email in error, please contact the sender immediately and destroy all copies of the original From: Deussing, Eric (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Sent: Monday , June 25, 2018 9:54 AM To: Ross, Charleen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Subject: USAFRICOMMtg Debrief - Dr. Redfield Hi Charleen, Please let me know if there is a window of time available for Dr. Redd and I to debrief Dr. Redfield on our recent trip to USAFRICOM. The purpose of this meeting is to advise Dr. Redfield on our meetings in Stuttgart and prep him for his upcoming meetings with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs), Mr. Mccaffery and the Joint Staff Surgeon, Admiral Chinn. Dr. Redfield's meeting with Mr. Mccaffery is on Monday, July 9th . I The only days available (Dr. Redd and I are both in the office) are Thursday and Friday of this week. I am {b){6) jThank you for your help with this! HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001864 Best, Eric Eric Deussing, MD, MPH, FACPM Commander, Medical Corps, US Navy Department of Defense Liaison to the CDC Assistant Specialty Leader, Navy Preventive Medicine (404) 639-0392 (office) (470) 303-2924 (mobile) Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (OPHPR) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Mailstop D-44 Atlanta, GA 30333 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001865 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) 25 Jun 2018 11:10:14 -0400 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Scheduling Assistance:---Debrief- Dr. Redfield (Time-Sensitive I think that would be good to schedule . Dr. Redfield is very interested in this topic and this could serve as a pre-brief for upcoming DoD meetings that R3 has on July 9 and the VTC with AFRICOM that Teresa is arranging. From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, June 25, 2018 10:59 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Scheduling Assistance:--- Debrief- Dr. Redfield (Time-Sensitive Seth to decide or ask if needed From : Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, June 25, 2018 10:54 AM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Set h (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: Scheduling Assistance:---Debrief- Dr. Redfield (Time-Sensitive Im port ance: High Is it okay to schedule this request? Tracie From: Ross, Charleen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Sent : Monday, June 25, 2018 10:52 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Scheduling Assistance:---Debrief - Dr. Redfield (Time-Sensitive Im port ance: High Good morning Ms . Strength, My name is Charleen Ross and I'm currently assisting with scheduling appointments on behalf of Dr. Redd while Ms. Gershman is away. Commander Eric Deussing is requesting an 30 minute debr iefing with Drs. Redfield and Redd concerning his recent trip to USAFRICOM Dr. Redd currently has availability to meet this Thursday, June 28th , between 1:00-1:30pm or 1:30m -2:00pm . Would either one of those time work? I also might be able to free some time up for this Friday, 11:30am 12:00noon? Please advise Thanking you in advance, Charleen Ross HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001866 Special Advisor to Arnetra Herbert Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response Management Resource Office 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329 Mailstop-D-44 Phone: 404-639-2632 Mobile: 404-263-6906 Fax: 404-471-8545 Telework days: MIW CONFIDENTIALITY N OTICE : This email and the attached document(s) may con tain confidential information and may be otherwise protected by law. Its content should not be disclosed and it should not be given or copied to anyone other than the person(s) named or referenced above. If you have received this email in error, please contact the sender immediately and destroy all copies of the original From: Deussing, Eric (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Sent : Monday, June 25, 2018 9:54 AM To: Ross, Charleen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Subject: USAFRICOMMtg Debrief- Dr. Redfield Hi Charleen, Please let me know if the re is a window of time available for Dr. Redd and I to debrief Dr. Redfield on our recent trip to USAFRICOM. The purpose of this meeting is to advise Dr. Redfield on our meet ings in Stuttgart and prep him for his upcoming meetings with the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs), Mr. Mccaffery and the Joint Staff Surgeon, Admiral Chinn. Dr. Redfie ld's meeting with Mr. Mccaffery is on Monday, July 9 th . The only days available (Dr. Redd and I are both in the office) are Thursday and Friday of this week. I am (b)(6) Thank you for your help with this! I Best, Eric Eric Deussing, MD, MPH, FACPM Commander, Medical Corps, US Navy Department of Defense Liaison to the CDC Assistant Specialty Leader, Navy Preventive Medicine (404) 639-0392 (office) (470) 303-2924 (mobile) Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (OPHPR) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Mailstop D-44 Atlanta, GA 30333 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001867 From: Sent : To : Subject : Attachments : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 15 Jun 2018 12:20 :22 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ***FOR MATERIALSONLY***SNS Antiviral Distrib ut ion RE_ information brief for Dr. Redfield _ SNSantiviral distr ibution.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: N/A Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001869 Bios: TBD Source Invitation : 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks /Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001870 McGowan, Robert {Kyle) {CDC/OD/OCS) 14 Jun 2018 18:00:46 -0400 To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Pope, Kristin {CDC/OID/NCIRD) Cc: Berger, Sherri {CDC/OCOO/OD);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Messonnier, Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Redd, Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD);Scales,Scott L. {CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: information brief for Dr. Redfield : SNSantiviral distribution From: Sent: Needs to be before Tuesday. This is prep for a meeting on Tuesday. From: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Date : June 14, 2018 at 5:44 :38 PM EDT To: McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) , Pope, Kristin (CDC/OID/NCIRD) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO /OD) , Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) , Messonnier , Nancy (CDC/OID/NCIRD) , Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Redd , Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) , Scales, Scott L.(CDC /OD/OCS) , Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: info1mation brief for Dr. Redfield: SNS antiviral distribution Is Tuesday an option? If not then we may need to see what we need to bump for this meeting. Respectfully, Tracie Stre ngth Executive Assistant to the Director, Dr Robert Redfield Office of the Director Cente rs for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Mail : 404-639- 7002 I Direct Line : 404-498-6482 I Cell : 404- 718-0962 Email: From: McGowan, Robert {Kyle) {CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2018 5:37 PM To: Pope, Kristin {CDC/OID/NCIRD) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Schuchat, Anne MD {CDC/OD) ; Messonnier, Nancy {CDC/OID/NCIRD) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Redd, Stephen {CDC/OPHPR/OD) ; Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: information brief for Dr. Redfield: SNSantiviral distribution HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001871 Thanks. Tracie- is there time for a 30 minute briefing tomorrow or Monday? From: Pope, Kristin (CDC /OID/NCIRD) Date: June 14, 2018 at 4:52: 16 PM EDT To: McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC /OD/OCS) Cc: Berger, Sherri (CDC /OCOO /OD) , Schuchat , Anne MD (CDC/OD) , Messonnier , Nancy (CDC/O1D/NCIRD) , Kroop , Seth (CDC /OD/OCS) , Redd , Stephen (CDC/OPHPR/OD) Subject: information brief for Dr. Redfield : SNS antiviral distribution Importance: High Hi Kyle, In follow up to our meeting yesterday, attached is an information brief on the topic of the SNS antiviral issues we discussed. We provided what we think is enough background information so that Dr. Redfield will be prepared if Dr. Kadlec raises this issue when he is here next week. However, this paper brief doesn't provide enough information or recommendations to enable Dr. Redfield to make a decision, so we would like to have an opportunity to brief him in more detail. Yours, Kristin Kristin Pope, M.Ed. Deputy Director for Management and Operations National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office: 404-639-8714 Cell:I (b)(6l HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001872 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 6 Apr 2018 14 :33:50 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject : * **FOR MATERIALS ONLY***Vital Signs Pre-Release - Mosquito and Tick-borne Diseases, U.S., 2004-2016 (11: 40 a.m. - 12:00 p.m .) Attachment s: FW_ Next Vital Signs May 1.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact : TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TB D Key Participants (if applicable) : Dr. Anne Schuchat Dr. Stephen Redd, Deputy Director for Public Health Services Dr. Chesley Richards, Deputy Director for Public Health Science Dr. Robin Ikeda , Deputy Director for Noninfectious Diseases Dr. Sonya Rasmussen, Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs) : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001873 CDC Director's Remarks /Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Mater ials : 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001874 From : Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 6 Apr 2018 14:24:35 +0000 Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) FW: Next Vital Signs May 1 Good morning Ursula, Could you please add Dr. Redd to the calendar invite for Vital Signs Pre-release and release on May 1st at 11:40 a.m. and 12 p.m .? Thanks, Teresa From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, April 6, 2018 10 :23 AM To: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS); Williams, Teresa (CDC/O0/OCS) Cc: Mccallis t er , Jeremy (CDC/O0/OCS); St rength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Next Vital Signs M ay 1 +JM and TS From : Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Friday, April 6, 2018 10 :20 AM To: Willia ms, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov > Subject : Next Vital Signs M ay 1 They discussed at the OD SL meeting this morning and would like to add to R3's calendar . Exact role for him TBD, but please add the pre-release and telebriefing to his calendar that day Seth Kroop Special Assistant to the Director Centers for Disease Control and Preven tion Office: 404-639-6206 Cell: 404-860-7750 Email: skroop @cd HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001875 From: Se nt: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 6 Apr 2018 14:35:46 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject: * **FOR MATERIALSONLY*** Vital Signs Tele-briefingDiseases, U.S., 2004-2016 (12-12:30 P.M) Attachment s: FW_ Next Vital Signs May 1.msg Mosquito and Tick-borne 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : Dr. An ne Schuc hat Dr. Stephen Redd , Deputy Director for Public Health Services Dr. Chesley Richards, Deputy Director for Public Health Science Dr. Robin Ikeda , Deputy Director for Noninfectious Diseases Dr. Sonya Rasmussen, Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talk ing Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001876 Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001877 From : Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 6 Apr 2018 14:24:35 +0000 Roberts, Ursula (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) FW: Next Vital Signs May 1 Good morning Ursula, Could you please add Dr. Redd to the calendar invite for Vital Signs Pre-release and release on May 1st at 11:40 a.m. and 12 p.m .? Thanks, Teresa From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, April 6, 2018 10 :23 AM To: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS); Williams, Teresa (CDC/O0/OCS) Cc: Mccallis t er , Jeremy (CDC/O0/OCS); St rength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Next Vital Signs M ay 1 +JM and TS From : Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Friday, April 6, 2018 10 :20 AM To: Willia ms, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov > Subject : Next Vital Signs M ay 1 They discussed at the OD SL meeting this morning and would like to add to R3's calendar . Exact role for him TBD, but please add the pre-release and telebriefing to his calendar that day Seth Kroop Special Assistant to the Director Centers for Disease Control and Preven tion Office: 404-639-6206 Cell: 404-860-7750 Email: skroop @cd HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001878 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 Apr 2018 18:29:04 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALSONLY**ADM Brett P. Giroir, OASH [30 minutes) (1:30-1:50 p.m.) Attachments : RE_ Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director .msg, RE_ Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director.msg, RE_ Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: Dina Bembo, Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health email: Dinah.Bembo@hhs .gov Office: 1-202-690-7694 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: Kyle McGowan CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001879 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001880 From : Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 5 Apr 201817:55:38 +0000 Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Hi Dinah, Thanks so much for your patience. Could we please confirm 3:15-3:45 p.m. (30 minutes)? Also, could you provide a meeting location in the Humphrey Building? Thanks, Teresa From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, April 4, 2018 3:37 PM To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting wi t h ADM Brett P Giroir , M D and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Hi Dinah, Thank you so much for your prompt response . Could you please hold 3-4 p.m.? I will get back with you shortly . Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001881 email: From: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Se nt : Wednesday, April 4, 2018 3:33 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Good Afternoon Teresa, I hope all is well today! ADM Giroir would be available on the 11th from 11-12pm and 3-4pm - Please confirm which time works for Dr. Redfield. Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690-7694 From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto:coo4@cdc .gov] Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2018 2:28 PM To : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Good afternoon Dinah, I hope you are doing well. Dr. Redfield will be in DC on Apri l 11th and would like to schedule a 30-45 minute meeting w ith Dr. Giroir? If so, could you please offer some times? Best, Teresa Teresa Willi ams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Di rector Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001882 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 ema il: coo4@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001883 From : Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) 10 Apr 2018 14:02:31 +0000 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Tracie, 1:30pm on the 27 t h works ; Thank you! Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690-7694 From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) [ma] Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 9:32 AM To : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Anytime between 1:30 And 4 :30 would work for Dr. Redfield on the 27 th . Please let me know what works for ADM Giroir and I can update the current invite. Thank you Respectfully , Tracie From : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent : Tuesday, April 10, 2018 9:29 AM To: Str engt h, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir , M D and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Good Morning Tracie, I hope all is well today! Yes, what time do you have for the 26th and 27 t h of April. Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 20 2-690-7694 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001884 From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) [ ] Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 7:44 AM To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Dinah, Good morning, unfortunate ly Dr. Redfield has a commitment at 4:00. Dr Redfield will be back in DC April 26th and 27th , is it possible for us to look at available times to set up a meeting then ? Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team I Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE, MS D-14 , Atlanta GA 303 33 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell : 404-944-3210 Email : tmd9@cdc .gov From: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent : Monday, April 9, 2018 5:19 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield , CDC Director Good Afternoon Teresa, I hope all is well today! Regrettably, due to ADM Giroir ' s schedule he is no longer available at 3;15pm ; would Dr. Redfield be availab le at 4pm? Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690-7694 From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto:coo4@cdc .gov] Sent: Friday, April 06, 2018 12:07 PM To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001885 Hi Dinah, Thanks again for all your help. I am sending an invite now . Have a wonderful weekend . Teresa From : Bembo, Dinah {HHS/OASH) Sent : Friday, April 6, 2018 12:01 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Good Afternoon Teresa, I hope all is well today! Please forward an invite and the room number is 716-G; we're one floor up from the Secretary's office . Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to t he Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690-7694 From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [ ] Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2018 1:56 PM To : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Hi Dinah, Thanks so much for your patience. Could we please confirm 3:15-3:45 p.m. {30 minutes)? Also, could you provide a meeting location in the Humphrey Building? Thanks, Teresa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001886 From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, April 4, 2018 3:37 PM To : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Hi Dinah, Thank you so much for your prompt response. Could you please hold 3-4 p.m.? I will get back with you shortly. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4@cdc .gov From : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Se nt : Wednesday, April 4, 2018 3:33 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Good Afternoon Teresa, I hope all is well today! ADM Giroir would be available on the 11th from 11-12pm and 3-4pm- Please confirm which time works for Dr. Redfield. Thanks, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001887 Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690 -7694 From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [ ] Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2018 2:28 PM To : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Good afternoon Dinah, I hope you are doing well. Dr. Redfield will be in DC on Apri l 11th and would like to schedule a 30-45 minute meeting with Dr. Giroir? If so, could you please offer some times? Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 ema il: coo4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001888 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: CDC Director Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) 25 Apr 2018 14:28:13 +0000 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, Good Morning Tracie, I hope all is well today! Certainly, ADM Giroir has a 2pm meeting on the 6th floor as well. Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690-7694 From : Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto ] Se nt: Wednesday , April 25, 2018 10:19 AM To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Cc: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, M D and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Dinah, Dr Redfield has an appointment with the Secretary at 2:00pm on Friday, is it possible to have this meeting end by 1:50pm so that he can make his next meeting? Respectfully, Trac ie Strengt h Advance Team / Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Preve ntion (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email: tmd9@cdc .gov From : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Se nt: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 10:03 AM To : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001889 Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Tracie, 1:30pm on the 27 th works; Thank you! Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690-7694 From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) [ ] Sent : Tuesday, April 10, 2018 9:32 AM To : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Anytime between 1:30 And 4:30 would work for Dr. Redfield on the 27 th . Please let me know what works for ADM Giroir and I can update the current invite. Thank you Respectfully, Tracie From : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent : Tuesday, April 10, 2018 9:29 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Good Morning Tracie, I hope all is well today! Yes, what time do you have for the 26th and 27 th of April. Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690-7694 From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) [ mailto:tmd9@cdc .gov] Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 7:44 AM To : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001890 Dinah, Good morning, unfortunately Dr. Redfield has a commitment at 4:00 . Dr Redfield w il l be back in DC April 26th and 2ih , is it possible for us to look at available times to set up a meeting then? Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team / Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE, MS D-14 , Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email : tmd9@cdc .gov From : Bembo, Dinah {HHS/OASH) Sent : Monday , Apr il 9, 2018 5:19 PM To: Williams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength , Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, M D and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Good Afternoon Teresa, I hope all is well today! Regrettably, due to ADM Giroir ' s schedule he is no longer available at 3;15pm ; would Dr. Redfield be availab le at 4pm? Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690-7694 From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto:coo4@cdc .gov] Sent: Friday, April 06, 2018 12:07 PM To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Hi Dinah, Thanks again for all your help. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001891 I am sending an invite now . Have a wonderful weekend. Teresa From: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent : Friday, April 6, 2018 12:01 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Good Afternoon Teresa, I hope all is well today! Please forward an invite and the room number is 716-G; we're one floor up from the Secretary's office . Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690 -7694 From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto Sent : Thursday, April 05, 2018 1:56 PM To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Hi Dinah, Thanks so much for your patience . Could we please confirm 3:15-3:45 p.m. (30 minutes)? Also, could you provide a meet ing location in the Humphrey Building? Thanks, Teresa From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Wednesday, April 4, 2018 3:37 PM To : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subjec t: RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001892 Hi Dinah, Thank you so much for your prompt response. Could you please hold 3-4 p.m.? I will get back with you shortly. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta , GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: From: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 3:33 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Good Afternoon Teresa, I hope all is well today! ADM Giroir would be available on the 11th from 11-12pm and 3-4pm - Please confirm which time works for Dr. Redfield. Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690-7694 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001893 From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto] Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2018 2:28 PM To : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Request for Meeting with ADM Brett P Giroir, MD and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director Good afternoon Dinah, I hope you are doing well. Dr. Redfield will be in DC on Apri l 11th and would like to schedule a 30-45 minute meeting with Dr. Giroir? If so, could you please offer some times? Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001894 From: Se nt: To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 17 Apr 2018 14:18:10 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: ***FOR MATERIALSONLY**AMA OGA Briefing on TB (9:00-9:45 a.m.) [Dr. Rebecca Martin attending in person ] Attachment s: RE_ AMA OGA Briefing on TB - Monday, Apr il 23, 2018@ 2-2_30 p.m ..msg, RE_ AMA OGA Briefing on TB - Monday, April 23, 2018 @ 2-2_30 p.m ..msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TSO Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts Event Contact: Kyle Zebley , HHS emai l: Kyle .Zebley@hhs .gov Office : 1-202-815 -6691 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : T SD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TSD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TSD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TSO Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001895 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001896 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 17 Apr 2018 14:46:55 +0000 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE:AMA OGA Briefing on TB - Monday, April 23, 2018 @ 2-2:30 p.m. Will get the call in information and confirm with Flo Mitch is attending in person in DC. From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 17, 2018 10:46 AM To : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: AMA OGA Briefing on TB - Monday, April 23, 2018@ 2-2:30 p.m. Please get the call in for R3, and I believe Mitch is in-person for it, in DC, right? From : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 17, 2018 10:31 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS)< ixi3@cdc .gov>; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: AMA OGA Briefing on TB - Monday, April 23, 2018 @ 2-2:30 p.m. It looks like he did not request a call-in for this brief. I think it's fine to contact 105 directly, cc'ing Kyle, to request the number. He should have no problem with the request and I'm sure it was a simple oversight. From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 17, 2018 10:22 AM To: Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Scales, Scott L.{CDC/0D/O CS)< ixi3@cdc .gov>; Kroop, Seth {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: AM A OGA Briefing on TB - M onday, April 23, 2018 @ 2-2 :30 p.m. Importanc e: High Hi Ashley, Please advise if a call-in number was requested from Kyle Zebley for the AMA OGA Briefing on TB scheduled April 23 rd from 2-2:30 p.m. If not, I will request one. Thanks, Teresa HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001897 -----Or iginal Appointment----From: Secretary Scheduler (05/105) Sent : Tuesday, Ma rch 27, 2018 2:26 PM To: Secretary Scheduler (05/105); AMA2 (05/105); Harr ison, Brian (HHS/IO5); Olson, Carolyn (05/ 105) ; Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IO5); Tignor, Beth (HHS/IO5); Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Ur banowicz, Peter (HHS/IO5); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IO5); Zebley, Kyle (HHS/O5/OGA); Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/O5/OGA); Kerr, Lawrence (HHS/O5/OGA); Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD); Fauci, Anthony (NIH/N IAID) [E]; Ma rtin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD); Strengt h, Trac ie (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: AMA OGA Briefi ng on TB When : Monday, April 23, 20 18 2:00 PM -2:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: 615-F Scheduling Request Memo for Secretary Azar Topic : Tuberculosis Lead 10S Counselor: Maggie Wynne Has this request been approved by (Pete r / Brian): Brian AMA's Role: To be briefed issues surrounding Tuberculos is Request POC (Name, Cell and email): Kyle Zebley, 202-815-6991 Is Conference Call Line needed? No Who will initiate the conference call? N/ A Will there be Briefing Materi als provided? Y ~ If yes, who will send them to Kristina Pelekoudas (Name) ? Kyle Zebley HHS Staff Attendee s: • OGA - Gar rett Grigsby • OGA - La rr y Kerr • OGA - Kyle Zebley • CDC - Ann Schu ch at • CDC- Rebecca Mar tin HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001898 NIH - Tony Fauci External Attendees : N/ A Additional Notes: N/ A Teresa Williams Schedu ler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7 111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001899 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Zebley, Kyle (HHS/OS/OGA) 17 Apr 2018 14:58:08 +0000 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE:AMA OGA Briefing on TB - Monday, April 23, 2018 @ 2-2:30 p.m. Very strange that you didn't receive a cancellation. Yes, I think you should decline. From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto:coo4@cdc .gov] Se nt: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 10:56 AM To : Zebley, Kyle (HHS/OS/OGA) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: AMA OGA Briefing on TB - Monday, April 23, 2018@ 2-2:30 p.m. Hi Kyle, I am doing well and hope you are too. Thank you so much for clarify ing. Should we decline the meeting on April 23 rd, we did not receive a cancellation? Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Pro tocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email : From : Zebley, Kyle (HHS/OS/OGA) Se nt: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 10:53 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001900 Cc:Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: AMA OGA Briefing on TB - Monday, April 23, 2018@ 2-2:30 p.m . Teresa, I hope you are doing well today. That meeting has been rescheduled for May 31 @ 9 AM and does have a conference line: 866-613-6570 PC: ! (b)(6) ! Leader code: I tblt6l Kyle Zebley Senior Advisor for Global Affairs Office of Global Affairs Office of the Secretary U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Direct: 202-260-6494/Mobile : 202-815 -6991 Confidential and pre-decisional communi cation From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) l Sent : Tuesday, Apri l 17, 2018 10:50 AM To: Zebley, Kyle (HHS/OS/OGA) Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: AMA OGA Briefing on TB - Monday, April 23, 2018 @ 2-2:30 p.m . Good morning Mr . Zebley, rd Dr. Robert Redfield is scheduled t o be in Atlanta on April 23 . Would it be possible to provide a call-in number for Dr. Redfield to participate in the AMA OGA Briefing on TB from 2-2:30 p.m .? Thank you for your consideration. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Directo r HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001901 Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 ema il: -----Original Appointment ----From : Secretary Scheduler (05/105) Sent : Tuesday , March 27, 2018 2:26 PM To : Secretary Scheduler (OS/IOS); AMA2 (OS/IOS); Harrison, Brian (HHS/IO5); Olson, Carolyn (OS/IOS); Pelekoudas, Kristina (HHS/IOS); Tigno r, Beth (HHS/IOS); Twomey, John K. (HHS/ASL); Urb anowicz, Peter (HHS/IOS); Wynne, Maggie (HHS/IO5); Zebley, Kyle (HHS/OS/OGA); Grigsby, Garrett (HHS/OS/OGA); Kerr, Lawrence (HHS/OS/OGA); Schuc hat, Anne MD (CDC/OD); Fauci, Anthony (NIH/N IAID) [E]; Martin, Rebecca (CDC/CGH/OD) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/O CS); Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: AMA OGA Briefing on TB When : Monday, Ap ril 23, 2018 2:00 PM- 2:30 PM (UTC-05 :00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: 615-F SchedulingRequestMemo for SecretaryAzar Topic: Tuberculosis Lead 10S Counselor: Maggie Wynne Has this request been approved by (Pete r / Brian): Brian AMA 's Role: To be briefed issues surrounding Tuberculosis Request POC (Name, Cell and em ail): Kyle Zebley, 202-815-6991 Is Confer ence Ca ll Line needed? No Who will initiate the conference call? N/ A Will there be Briefing Materi als provided? Y ~ If yes, who will send them to Kristina Pelekoudas (Name) ? Kyle Zebley HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001902 HHS Staff Attend ees: • OGA- Garrett Grigsby • OGA - Larry Kerr . OGA - Kyle Zebley • CDC -Ann Schuchat • CDC- Rebecca Martin • Nm - Tony Fauci External Attendees: N/ A Additional Notes: N/A Teresa Williams Schedu ler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlant a, GA 30329 Direct: (404 ) 639-59 98 Main: (40 4) 639-70 00 Fax: (40 4) 639-7111 ema il: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001903 From: Sent : To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 23:56:59 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Subject: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) ***FOR MATERIALSONLY***Meeting w/ Mary -Sumpter Lapinski HHS/IOS (6:00-6:30 p.m.) Attachments : meet & greet.msg RE_ R3 Tomorrow.msg , RE_ Dr. Redfield meet & greet .msg, RE_ Dr. Redfield 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : Seth Kroop "not traveling " Event Contact: Geraldine Adair (OS/IOS) email: Geraldine.Adair@hhs .gov Office: (202) 260-6149 CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: Kyle McGowan email: omc2@cdc .gov Mobile: 470-786-4941 Office: 404-718-5265 CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001904 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001905 Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) 27 Mar 2018 19:27:19 -0400 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie From: Se nt: To : (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Subject: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) RE: R3 Tomorrow Updates: April 10 media training is 130-S00pm at HHS Mary-Sumpter is April 9 at 5pm. Please add both she and Kyle to the invite. No SA on this one Thanks From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, March 27, 2018 5:07 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Warren, Whitney (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC) ; Roney, Lisa K. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Johnson, Gregory (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM ) ; Edwards, Jacqueline (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM ) ; Gantt, Judy M. (CDC/OD/OADC) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Hollowa y, Rachel (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject : R3 Tomorrow Updates from Sherri for tomorro w: • Dr. Redfield and Kyle will arrive via Uber cab tomorrow morning and we'll meet them in the Visitor Cent er circle to begin agenda o Only change to agenda tomorrow is that we wil l not do campus tour, but instead Mrs . Joy Redfield will be join ing us on campus for a 12th floor impromptu meet/greet followed by lunch in Bldg 16 (12:25-1:40pm, followe d by a museum tour@ 1:40pm (Wh itney w ill arrange campus access, escort, and connect her w ith OADC for muse um tour) o She will return for CDC All Hands on Thursday too, so Whitney will need to do access again, escort , and seating next to Kyle in Aud-A - Brad, please make a name tent for her • 10 April in the afternoon, while in DC, KLD will be arranging media training with HHS, so the afternoon has already been blocked accordi ngly and with more details to follow Thanks for everyone's flexibility and continued professionalism. quest ions. See you tomorrow! -Scott Let me know if there are any HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001906 From : Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 29 Mar 2018 14:06:23 +0000 Adair, Geraldine (05/105) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Dr. Redfield meet & greet Hi Geraldine , Thanks for confirming the meeting and location . I will send a calendar invite. Teresa From : Adair, Geraldine (05/105) Sent : Thursday, March 29, 2018 10:04 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield meet & greet Good morning Teresa, Yes, April 9, 5-5:30 is confirmed with Mary-Sumpter. I' ve reserved the Counselors Conference Room, Humphrey Building, Rm 611E. Will you be sending a calendar invite? Geraldine From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [ ] Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 8:52 AM To : Adair, Geraldine (OS/1OS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: Dr. Redfield meet & greet Good morning Geraldine, I hope you are doing well. Per the email below, please advise if the meeting with Mary-Sumpter is confirmed for April 9th from 55:30 p.m . If so, could you provide a meeting location? Thanks so much . Teresa Teresa Williams HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001907 Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: From: Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 6:10 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield meet & greet +Geraldine I think either time is fine, so whatever is best for him From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) [ ] Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 5:42 PM To: Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS); McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield meet & greet OK. Option 1: April 9 at 5pm Option 2: April 10, 1-130pm (they will do media training w/ ASPA at 130) Thanks From: Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) Sent: Tuesday, Ma rch 27, 2018 5:38 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov>; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/I EA) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield meet & greet I have to be at the opioids retreat in its entirety until 4:45 From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) [mailto:sob8] Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 5:36 PM To: Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001908 Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OO/OCS); McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) Subject : Dr. Redfield meet & greet Any chance you can do Apr 9 at 1:30pm? Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001909 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 6 Apr 2018 16:38:33 +0000 Adair, Geraldine (05/105) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Dr. Redfield meet & greet Good afternoon Geraldine, I hope you are doing we ll. Dr. Redfield has an earlier time available on April 9 th from 5:15-5 :45 p.m ., and possibly between 3:003:45 p.m. Would any of these times work or should we keep the appointment at 6:00 p.m.? Thanks, Teresa From: Adair, Geraldine (05/105) Se nt: Friday, March 30, 2018 10:42 AM To: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Dr. Redfield meet & greet Tracie, that should work for Mary-Sumpter . From: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) [ ) Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 7:43 AM To : Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield meet & greet Geraldine, Good morning and happy Friday!! I am reaching out to see if we could move the meeting on April 9th to 6:00pm w ith Dr. Redfield? Please let me know if this is suitable. Thank you Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team / Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email: From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt: Thursday, March 29, 2018 10:06 AM To : Adair, Geraldine (05/105) Cc:Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Dr. Redfield meet & greet Hi Geraldine, Thanks for confirming the meeting and location . I wi ll send a calendar invite. Teresa From : Adair, Geraldine (05/105) Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 10:04 AM To : W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001910 Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield meet & greet Good morning Teresa, Yes, April 9, 5-5:30 is confirmed with Mary -Sumpter . I've reserved the Counselors Conference Room, Humphrey Building, Rm 611E. Will you be sending a calendar invite? Geraldine From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto] Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 8:52 AM To : Adair, Geraldine (OS/IOS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : FW: Dr. Redfield meet & greet Good morning Geraldine, I hope you are doing well. Per the email below, please advise if the meeting with Mary -Sumpter is confirmed for April 9th from 5- 5:30 p.m. If so, could you provide a meeting location? Thanks so much . Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road , NE Building 21, OD Suite , 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639 -7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4 From: Lapinski, Mary -Sumpter (HHS/1O5) Sent : Tuesday, March 27, 2018 6:10 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Adair, Geraldine (05/105) Subject : RE: Dr. Redfield meet & greet +Geraldine I think either time is fine , so whatever is best for him From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) [ ] Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 5:42 PM To: Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS); McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield meet & greet OK. Option 1: April 9 at 5pm Option 2: April 10, 1-130pm (they will do media training w/ ASPA at 130) Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001911 From : Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) Sent : Tuesday, March 27, 2018 5:38 PM To : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Cc: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS)< >; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/I EA) Subject: RE: Dr. Redfield meet & greet I have to be at the opioids retreat in its entirety until 4:45 From: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) [ ] Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 5:36 PM To: Lapinski, Mary-Sumpter (HHS/IOS) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS); McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (HHS/IEA) Subject: Dr. Redfield meet & greet Any chance you can do Apr 9 at 1:30pm? Thanks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001912 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent: 11 Jun 2018 19:49:02 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Campbell, Ama nda (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY***Meeting with Mary-Sumpter Lapinski & Dr. Redfield 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant: TBD Event Contact: Gera ldine Adair , Ema il: Gera ldine .Ada ir@h hs .gov Phone: (202) 260 -6149 CDC Staffer Accomp anying the Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agend a (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001913 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001914 From: Se nt: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 Apr 2018 13:34:17 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Attachme nts : * **FOR MATERIALS ONLY***OCOS CIO Visit (10-11 a.m.) OCOS CIO Visit.msg 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TB D CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001915 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001916 From : Sent: To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) 2 Apr 2018 08:31:39 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC);Brown, Tamika (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR);Warren, Whitney (CDC/OD/OCS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/OD/OCS);Yassanye, Diana (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: OCOS CIO Visit Cc: Pis schedule for 18 April , 10am . Pis also reserve Dixie Snyder or 12126, across from my office, for the meeting. Invite Sara, Cindy, Whitney, Diana, and me. Thx! HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001917 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 22 May 2018 13:13:28 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7@cdc .gov) Subject : * **FOR MATERIALS ONLY***Pre-Brief Secretaries TB Call Attachments : RE_ AMA Brief on TB.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accomp anying the Director : TB D CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Atte ndees and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001918 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001919 From: Sent: To : Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) 16 May 2018 11:11:39 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS);Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS) Subject: RE:AMA Brief on TB Can we scheduled a pre-brief for the Secretary's TB briefing, which is scheduled for May 31? Ideally the pre-brief would take place on the 28 th or 29 th . Participants include: Rebecca Martin, Anne Schuchat, Rima Khabbaz, Jona Mermin . Thank you! HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001920 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 29 May 2018 16:45:29 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (yxa0@cdc .gov) Subject: * **FOR MATERIALS ONLY* * Briefing on Sepsis Landscape with the HHS Deputy Secretary (8-9 a.m.) Attachment s: RE_ Sepsis Landscape Meet ing.msg, RE_ Sepsis Landscape Meeting.msg, Sepsis Meeting .msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist: Brad Bartee Special Assistant : Hugh Green Event Contact: Kenneth Callahan, Assistan t to the HHS Deputy Secre tary , HHS email: Kenneth .Ca llahan@hhs .gov Office: 1-(202) 260-7363 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host: TB D Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable) : TB D HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001921 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001922 From: Sent: To: Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) 29 May 2018 16:41:29 +0000 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/0D/OCS) Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/0D/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/0D/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/0D/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS);Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/0D);Berger , Sherri (CDC/OC00/0D);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/0D/OCS);Campbell, Amanda (CDC/0D/OCS);Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC/0D/OCS);Kennedy, Veronica (CDC/0D/OCS);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/0D/CDCWO) Subject : RE: Sepsis Landscape Meet ing Twill offer June 7th from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. , and will ask if phon e or VTC is an option. From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 12:27 PM To: Will iams, Teresa (CDC /OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Gree~ Hugh (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Romanik , Nikki Jo (CDC /OD/OCS) ; McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) < >; Strength , Tracie (CDC/ OD/OCS) ; Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC /OD) ; Berger , Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Campbell , Amanda (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Clark, Cynthia K. (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Kenned y, Veronica (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: RE: Sepsis Landscape Meeting Assume it can be done via phone or VTC? Including others for awareness and/or comment , but seems fme however he?U likely need a prep session a day or two before (Seth or others may know more about his level of awareness). l?d target the morning time to hold for now? From: William s, Teresa (CDC /OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 12:01 PM To: Scale s, Scott L.(CDC /0D /OCS) > Cc: Kro op, Seth (CDC /OD/OCS) >; Knotts , Ashley (CDC /OD/OCS) >; Green, Hugh (CDC /OD/OCS) >; Romanik , Nikki Jo (CDC /OD/OCS) >; McCallist er, Jeremy (CDC /OD/OCS) >; Strength, Traci e (CDC /OD/OCS) > Subje ct: FW: Sepsis Landsc ape Meeting Importanc e: High Hi Scott, The HHS Deputy Secretary would like to schedule an hour briefing with Dr. Giroir and Dr. Redfield to discuss Sepsis Landscape. Dr. Giroir?s is available June 7th from 9:30-J 0:30 a.m. and 3-4 p.m. Dr. Redfield could move the meet and greet with Dr. Deussing from 10-10:30 a.m . to accommodate 9:3010:30 a.m.; and we could move the Prep for SBC to 2-3 p.m. to accommodate 3-4 p.m. Plea se advise. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001923 Thanks, Teresa From: Bembo, Dinah (HHS /OASH) Sent: Friday, May 25, 2018 3 :33 PM To: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) >; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) > Cc: Moreno , Rafae l (OS/ASA/IOS) > Subject: RE: Sepsis Landscape Meeting Good Afternoon, I hope all is well today! ADM Giroir will be on travel until June 7th and his availabi]jty: Thursday, June 7 9:30-10:30am and 3-4pm Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202 -690-7694 From: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS / IOS) Sent: Friday, May 25, 2018 3:23 PM To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS /OASH) > ; Williams, Teresa (CDC /OD/OCS) > Cc: Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/lOS) > Subject: Sepsis Landscape Meeting Hello, The Deputy Secretary has requested an hour briefing with Dr. Giroir and Dr. Redfield, can you please provide 60 minute segments they have available during the week of June 4th? Best , Ken Callahan Office of the Deputy Secretary U.S . Depm1ment of Health & Human Services 0: (202) 690-0962 C: (202) 713-7488 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001924 From : Sent: To: Cc: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IO5) 29 May 2018 18:52:48 +0000 Williams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) Moreno, Rafael (O5/ASA/IOS);Bembo, Dinah {HHS/OASH);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Sepsis Landscape Meeting Hi Teresa, Thank you . Phone would be a great option. I w ill send out the calendar invite short ly. Best, Ken Callahan From: Williams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) [ma ilt o :coo4@cdc .gov ] Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 12:43 PM To: Callahan, Kenneth {HHS/IOS) Cc: Moreno, Rafael {OS/ASA/IO5) ; Bembo, Dinah {HHS/OASH) ; Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Sepsis Landscape Meeting Good afternoon Ken, My apologizes for the delayed response, I was out of the off ice on Friday. Dr. Redfield is available June 7th from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Would phone or VTC be an option? Dr. Redfield is not scheduled to be in DC the week of June 4th • Best, Teresa From : Callahan, Kenneth {HHS/IOS) Sent: Friday, May 25, 2018 3:35 PM To: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Subject: RE: Sepsis Landscape Meeting Thank you Dinah . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001925 Teresa - please let me know if those times/dates work for Dr. Redfield . Best, Ken From: Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) Sent: Friday, May 25, 2018 3:33 PM To: Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Subje ct: RE: Sepsis Landscape Meeting Good Afternoon, I hope all is well today! ADM Giroir will be on travel until June 7th and his availability: Thursday, June 7 9:30-10:30am and 3-4pm Thanks, Dinah Bembo Senior Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Health 202-690 -7694 From : Callahan, Kenneth (HHS/IOS) Se nt: Friday, May 25, 2018 3:23 PM To : Bembo, Dinah (HHS/OASH) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Moreno, Rafael (OS/ASA/IOS) Subject : Sepsis Landscape Meeting Hello, The Deputy Secretary has requested an hour briefing with Dr. Giroir and Dr. Redfield, can you please provide 60 minute segments they have available during the week of June 4th ? Best, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001926 Ken Callahan Office of the Deputy Secretary U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 0: (202) 690-0962 C: (202) 713-7488 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001927 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 5 Apr 2018 18:35:52 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( Subject: * **FOR MATERIALSONLY** Budget meeting w/ Sheri Berger (2-3 p.m.) [Note : Building entry instructions and map provided] Attachment s: FW_ Meeting scheduled for April 26 at 2pm.msg, Wave Confirmation of receipt 4.26.18.pdf, Wave 4 .26.18.pdf, RE_ M eeting schedu led for April 26 at 2pm .msg From: Sent : 1. Contact s: Logistics Specialist: Nikki Romani k Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts (Not attending) Event Contact: Robert C. Pyron, 0MB email: Robert.C .Pyron@omb CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : Kyle McGowan CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicabl e): TBD 2. Event Information: Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001928 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001929 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OO/OCS) 5 Apr 2018 14:28:56 -0400 Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Johnson, Marsha (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OO/OCS) Subje ct: FW: Meeting scheduled for Apr il 26 at 2pm building _entry _instructions.pdf Att achments: High Im port ance: From: Sent: To : Brad, FYIfor entry instructions/calendars . Marsha and Tracie, please complete the below link for both R3 and KM . Let Brad & I know when finished . Please be careful to make sure what you submit on their behalf and what is on their cards are accurate . Thx! ! From : Pyron, Robert C. EOP/OMB Sent : Thursday, Apr il 5, 2018 2:21 PM To: Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Burton, Nicholas S. EOP/OMB Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: Meet ing scheduled for Ap ril 26 at 2pm Thanks, Sherri. Scott, please have all attendees submit their information exactly as it appears on their ID here : https :// events .wh itehouse .gov/?r id =PM P27F466G The meeting will take place in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building room 238. Also, I've attached further building entry instructions. Let me know if you have any questions . ThanksRob From : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent : Wednesday, April 4, 2018 2:10 PM To: Pyron, Robert C.EOP/OMB< Robert .C.Pyron@omb .eop .gov>; Burton , Nicholas S. EOP/OMB Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Meeting scheduled for Apr il 26 at 2pm Good afternoon We are looking forward to the meeting late r this month. I have included Scott Scales, he leads Dr. Redfield's advance team. Can you let us know what's needed in advance for building access, etc. Thank you HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001930 Sherri A. Berger, MSPH Chief Operating Officer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road NE Mailstop D-14 Atlanta, Georgia 30329 I 5Beceec@cdcfiov (bl (6l _phone 404-639- 7171 fax HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001931 Arrival Instructions Dear Guest, Entry Information All atte ndees will enter the Eisenhowe r Executive Office Building (EEOB) at the corne r of 17th Street and State Place (see attached map). Please arr ive ear ly and note that late arrivals may not be accommodated. You will be standing outdoors while in line, so please dress appropriately for the weat her conditions. Identification All guests 18 yea rs of age or older will be required to present a valid, government-issued photo identification (detailed below). All foreign nationals must prese nt their passport. All other forms of foreign identification will not be accepted. All information submitted (e.g. name,date of birth, city, etc.) must exactly match the governmentissued photo ID you will present when arriving at the White House. The following forms of photo JD are acceptab le for prese ntation to USSS upon entry to the White House complex: -Valid government-issued United States identification card(e.g. drivers license, military ID) -Valid United States or other official government -issued passports No other forms ofidentification will be accepted; photocopies , expired IDs, or other transmissions of these docum ents are NOT valid. Prohibited Items The following items are prohibited: -Cam eras or video recorder s -Any pointed object , including {X)Cketknives -Strollers and diaper bags -Aerosol containers -Guns, ammunition, firewo rks, electric stun guns, mace , martia l arts weapon s/ devices, or knives No storage facilities are available on or arow1d the White House complex. Individuals who arrive with prohibited items will not be permitted to enter. Parking On-street parking is not available near the White House, and use of public transportation is strongly encouraged. Other Information Guests should be advised to wear clothing appropriate for the nature of the White House - business or business casual. Jeans and shorts are not allowed. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001932 EEOBAppointments ,. PennsylvaniaAvenue t : McPherson Sq. M ---~---------rr--.,...._ = r;::....=--=---.~----;:::==~ Farragut Wtst; Farragut North ;-+ Metro Center Eisenhower Executive Office Building -"' □ - Q) Q) ... ... en .c: ... ,... G) G) .c: rt:: ,... Lt) Hamilton Place State Place Appointment Entrance 'c, 1~ E Street Closed I'~-------- The Ellipse HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001933 Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) The White House <> Friday, April 6, 2018 8:11 AM Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) RSVPConfirmation From: Sent: To: Subject: THE WHITE WAS HOUSE H INGTON Dear Robert , Thank you for submitting your RSVP. We have received your information. Please reach out to your point of contact with any questions. Sincerely, The White House The White House• 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W. • Washington, D.C. 20500 • 202-456-1111 1 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001934 White House Event RSVP Pag e 1 of 1 EN * I * ES * (https://www .whitehouse .gov) Thank you. We have received information for Robert. If you have any questions, please reach out to your point of contact. Continue to ► Click here to submit another RSVP (/rsvpform?rid=PMP27F466G) Note that this screen serves only as a confirmation that your security information was received . It does not guarantee entry into the White House Complex. Privacy Policy (https://www.whitehouse .gov/privacy) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001935 https ://events. whi tehouse .gov /?rid= PMP2 7F 466G 4/6/2018 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Att achments: Pyron, Robert C. EOP/OMB 11 Apr 2018 18:56:08 +0000 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Burton, Nicholas S. EOP/OMB Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Meeting scheduled for April 26 at 2pm building_entry _instructions .pdf Hi Tracie, Yes, confirming that I have received and submitted Dr. Redfield, Sherri Berger, and Robert McGowan's WAVES informat ion. Also, I've re-attached building entry instructions for his arrival. Thank youRob From : Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) [ ] Sent : Wednesday, April 11, 2018 2:14 PM To: Pyron, Robert C.EOP/OMB; Burton , Nicholas S. EOP/OMB Cc: W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: Meeting scheduled fo r April 26 at 2pm Mr. Pyron, Good afternoon, I am Dr. Redfield's Executive Assistant and wanted to reach out to confirm that his WAVES for April 26 th is all set. Please let me know if there is anything further you need from us regarding his entrance . Thank you Respectfully, Tracie Strengt h Advance Team I Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell : 404-944 -32 l 0 Email: From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Thursday, April 5, 2018 2:29 PM To : Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Johnson, Marsha (CDC/OD/OCS) (CTR) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: Meeting scheduled fo r April 26 at 2pm Import ance: High HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001936 Brad, FYIfor entry instructions/calenda rs. Marsha and Tracie, please complete the below link for both R3 and KM. Let Brad & I know when finished. Please be careful to make sure what you subm it on their behalf and what is on their cards are accurate . Thx! ! From : Pyron, Robert C. EOP/OMB Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2018 2:21 PM To : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) ; Burton, Nicholas S. EOP/OMB Cc:Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Meeting scheduled for April 26 at 2pm Thanks, Sherri. Scott, please have all attendees submit their information exactly as it appears on the ir ID here: https ://events .whitehouse .gov/?r id=PMP27F466G The meeting will take place in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building room 238. Also, I've attached further building entry instructions . Let me know if you have any questions. ThanksRob From : Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Sent: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 2:10 PM To: Pyron, Robert C.EOP/OMB< Robert .C.Pyron@omb .eop .gov>; Burton, Nicholas S. EOP/OMB Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< > Subject: Meet ing scheduled for April 26 at 2pm Good afternoon We are looking forward to the meeting late r this month. I have included Scott Scales, he leads Dr. Redfield's advance team. Can you let us know what 's needed in advance for building access, etc. Thank you Sherri A. Berger, MSPH Chief Operating Officer Centers for Disease Control and Preventio n (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road NE Mailstop D-14 Atlanta , Georgia 30329 I (bJ(6J !phone HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001937 404-639-?1?1fax 938 Arrival Instructions Dear Guest, Entry Information All atte ndees will enter the Eisenhowe r Executive Office Building (EEOB) at the corne r of 17th Street and State Place (see attached map). Please arr ive ear ly and note that late arrivals may not be accommodated. You will be standing outdoors while in line, so please dress appropriately for the weat her conditions. Identification All guests 18 yea rs of age or older will be required to present a valid, government-issued photo identification (detailed below). All foreign nationals must prese nt their passport. All other forms of foreign identification will not be accepted. All information submitted (e.g. name,date of birth, city, etc.) must exactly match the governmentissued photo ID you will present when arriving at the White House. The following forms of photo JD are acceptab le for prese ntation to USSS upon entry to the White House complex: -Valid government-issued United States identification card(e.g. drivers license, military ID) -Valid United States or other official government -issued passports No other forms ofidentification will be accepted; photocopies , expired IDs, or other transmissions of these docum ents are NOT valid. Prohibited Items The following items are prohibited: -Cam eras or video recorder s -Any pointed object , including {X)Cketknives -Strollers and diaper bags -Aerosol containers -Guns, ammunition, firewo rks, electric stun guns, mace , martia l arts weapon s/ devices, or knives No storage facilities are available on or arow1d the White House complex. Individuals who arrive with prohibited items will not be permitted to enter. Parking On-street parking is not available near the White House, and use of public transportation is strongly encouraged. Other Information Guests should be advised to wear clothing appropriate for the nature of the White House - business or business casual. Jeans and shorts are not allowed. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001939 EEOBAppointments ,. PennsylvaniaAvenue t : McPherson Sq. M ---~---------rr--.,...._ = r;::....=--=---.~----;:::==~ Farragut Wtst; Farragut North ;-+ Metro Center Eisenhower Executive Office Building -"' □ - Q) Q) ... ... en .c: ... ,... G) G) .c: rt:: ,... Lt) Hamilton Place State Place Appointment Entrance 'c, 1~ E Street Closed I'~-------- The Ellipse HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001940 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 22 Jun 2018 14:05:09 +0000 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: ***FOR MATERIALSONLY**Call w/ Members ofThe Williams Institute RE: Importance to public health of collecting data on risk behaviors of LGBTAmericans [Include Dr. Jono Mermin ] (4:00-4:30 p.m.) Attachmen ts: RE_ Redfield call with The Williams lnstitute.msg, RE_ Redfield call with The Williams lnstitute .msg, Call w_ Members ofThe Williams Institute RE_ Importance to public health of collecting data on risk behaviors of LGBTAme ricans,.msg, RE_ Redfield call with The Williams lnstitute .msg, Re_ Redfield call with The Williams lnstitute.msg From: Se nt: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : NA Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts Event Contact: Jeff Trammell, Member, Board of Advisors, The Williams Institute email: Cell:I (b)( 6l I CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TSO CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: Call to discuss imp orta nce to pu b lic health of co llecti ng data o n risk behaviors of LGBT Americans. Agend a (if applicable): TS O HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001941 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): Dr. Robert Redfield Dr. Jonothan Mermin The Williams Institute .---------, Ms. Kerith Conron : Mr. llan Meyer: Ms. Laura Durso Mr. Jeff Trammell (b}(6) Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001942 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 22 Jun 2018 15:05:43 +0000 Jeff Trammell;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Hi Jeff, It is a pleasure to meet you as well. I will hold the t ime on Dr. Redfield's calendar. Look forward to hearing from you. Best, Teresa From: Jeff Trammell Sent : Friday, June 22, 2018 11:01 AM To: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Dear Ashley, It is a pleasure to meet you. Very much appreciate your assistance with this . Teresa, I received your email also and I will reach out to the group re 4-5 pm EDT a week from today, Friday, June 29. I will be back in touch as soon as I hear back from them. Thanks. Jeff Make note that my cell number is!~_ (_b)_(6) _~ From : "Knotts, Ashley {CDC/OD/OCS)" Date : Friday, June 22, 2018 at 9:55 AM To : Jeff Trammell Cc:"Stre ngth, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS)" , "Williams , Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS)" Subject: RE: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Dear Jeff, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001944 Dr. Redfield alerted me to your request and let me know that you spoke briefly on the phone last night. I am adding the Director's schedulers to this thread to determine a date/time (prefe rably later next week, if that works for you?) that might work for a call with the folks you mentioned below . We agree that this is a critically important issue, and look forward to hearing more from you and others in the field. All the best, Ashley Knotts Special Assistant to the Director Office of the Director I Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention office : 1-404-639-7037 I mobile: 1-404-372-5199 Iemail: vgf0@cdc .gov From : Jeff Trammell Se nt : Wednesday, June 20, 2018 8:25 PM To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Subje ct: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Dr. Redfield, Following up on our conversation about the letter from The Williams Institute, signed by over 700 academics, regarding the importance to public health of collecting data on risk behaviors of LGBT Americans, I have underta ken to help arrange a call for you with several of the signatories. The William Institute offic ials are apprec iat ive of your long-term commitment to fighting the HIV epidemic and look forward to hearing your thoughts and sharing theirs . You will find them seasoned scholars who, like you, have devoted most of their professional careers to this effort . There are five individuals (listed below) who will be on the call, which we discussed as ideally occurring this coming Friday, June 22, between 4 and 6 pm EDT (with the exact time to be determined as your schedule is refined). Three of these individuals - Adam Romero, llan Meyer and Kerith Conon -- are currently at The Williams Institute. The fourth - Laura Durso -- is a former Williams scholar who is now at American Progress (You met Dr. Durso and discussed the HIV epidemic with her year before last). And I will be on the call to facilitate. With appreciation, Jeff Trammell jt rammel l@t ramme Adam P. Romero Director of Legal Scholarship and Federal Policy Arnold D. Kassoy Scholar of Law The Williams Institute, UCLASchool of Law https://wil liamsinstitute -romero/ HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001945 llan H. Meyer, Ph.D. Distinguished Senior Scholar of Public Policy The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law https://wil liamsi nstitute. law. expe rts/i lan-meyer /i lan-meyer / Kerith Conran, Ph.D. Distinguished Scholar and Research Director The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law https://williams institute .law.u rith -conron/ Laura Durso, Ph.D. Vice President of the LGBT Research and Communications Project at American Progress (Former Scholar at The Williams Institute) https://www / du rso-laura/b io/ Jeffrey B. Trammell Member, Board of Advisors Institute of Human Virology University of Maryland Medical School HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001946 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 22 Jun 2018 17:36:42 +0000 Jeff Trammell Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Hi Jeff, Let's confirm the call for 30 minutes from 4-4:30 p.m. Also, we would like to connect the participants ind ividually, could you provide their numbers, unless you all will be in one location. Thanks, Teresa From : Jeff Trammell Sent : Friday, June 22, 2018 1:22 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Hi Teresa, I have confirmed with The Williams Institute folks that 4-5 pm ET on the 29th works. Will you set up a call in number or should I ask them to do so? Many thanks . Jeff From : "W ill iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS)" Date : Friday, June 22, 2018 at 10:03 AM To: Jeff Tramme ll Cc: "Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS)" , "Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS)" Subj ect: RE: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Good morning Mr. Trammell, Per Ashley's email below, I am following up on your request for a call with Dr. Redfield. Please advise if the members ofThe Will iams Institute would d be available for a call on Friday, June 29th between 4-5:00 p.m. ET. I look forward to hearing from you . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001947 Kind Regards, Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road , NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4 From: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, June 22, 2018 9:56 AM To: jt rammell@trammellandcompany .com Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS); Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Redfield call w ith The Williams Institute Dear Jeff, Dr. Redfield alerted me to your request and let me know that you spoke briefly on the phone last night . I am adding the Director's schedulers to this thread to determine a date/time (preferab ly later next week, if that works for you?) that might work for a call with the folks you mentioned below. We agree that this is a critically important issue, and look forward to hearing more from you and others in the field . All the best, Ashley Knotts Special Assistant to the Director Office of the Director I Centers for Disease Control and Prevention office : 1-404-639-7037 I mobile: 1-404-372-5199 Iemail: vqf0@cdc .gov From : Jeff Trammell Sent : Wednesday, June 20, 2018 8:25 PM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001948 To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Subject: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Dr. Redfield, Following up on our conversation about the letter from The Williams Institute, signed by over 700 academics, regarding the importance to public health of collecting data on risk behaviors of LGBT Americans, I have undertaken to help arrange a call for you with several of the signatories . The William Institute offic ials are appreciative of your long-term commitment to fighting the HIV epidem ic and look forward to hearing your thoughts and sharing theirs . You will find them seasoned scholars who, like you, have devoted most of their professional careers to this effort. There are five individuals (listed below) who will be on the call, which we discussed as ideally occurring this coming Friday, June 22, between 4 and 6 pm EDT (with the exact time to be determined as your schedule is refined) . Three of these individuals -Adam Romero, llan Meyer and Kerith Conon -- are currently at The Williams Institute. The fourth - Laura Durso -- is a former Williams scholar who is now at American Progress (You met Dr. Durso and discussed the HIV epidemic with her year before last). And I will be on the call to facilitate . With appreciation, Jeff Trammell jt rammel l@tramme Adam P. Romero Director of Legal Scholarship and Federal Policy Arnold D. Kassoy Scholar of Law The Williams Institu t e, UCLA School of Law htt ps://wil liamsi nstitute. law adam-romero/ llan H. Meyer, Ph.D. Distinguished Senior Scholar of Public Policy The Williams Institute, UCLASchool of Law https://williams institute .law lan-meyer/ilan-meyer/ Kerith Conron, Ph.D. Distinguished Scholar and Research Director The Williams Institute, UCLASchool of Law https ://w il liamsi nstitute .law .ucla .edu/staff /kerith -con ron/ Laura Durso, Ph.D. Vice President of the LGBTResearch and Communications Project at American Progress (Former Scholar at The Williams Institute) https ://w ww .americanprogress .org/about/staff/du rso-laura/b io/ Jeffrey B. Trammell Member, Board of Advisors Institute of Human Virology University of Maryland Medical School HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001949 Knotts, Ashley (CDC/0D/OCS) 26 Jun 2018 12:14:36 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) Call w/ Members ofThe Williams Institute RE: Importance to public health of collecting data on risk behaviors of LGBTAmericans, From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi, ladies! Can we get Jona added to this invite? If we need to make a separate invite so that he doesn't see the details that we add in that's ok too. Also, can we put 5-10 minutes on the calendar Thursday or Friday w/ Kyle and Sherri to discuss this meeting? Thanks, Ashley HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001951 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject : Import ance: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 27 Jun 2018 15:59:35 +0000 'Jeff Trammell' Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Redfield call with The Williams Inst itute High Good morning Jeff, Thank you so much for providing the contact information for the participants for the conference call scheduled Friday, June 29 th from 4-4:30 p.m. EDT. Below, please find a confidential blidge-line to share with the participants for the call. Bridge-line: 770-488-3600 Conference ID: I (bl(Gl Tracie Strength, Dr . Redfield's Executive Assistant will be managing the conference call and will ask each patiicipant to be identified on the call. If there are any concerns on the day of the call, please contact Tracie at ~l-~ Date: Friday , June 22, 2018 at 1:43 PM To: Jeff Trammell Cc: "Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS)" , "Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS)" Subject: RE: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Thank you . Best, Teresa From: Jeff Trammell Sent : Friday, June 22, 2018 1:41 PM To: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength , Tracie HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001953 (CDC /OD /OCS) Subject: Re: Redfield ca ll with The W illiam s Institute Teresa, Will confirm 4-4:30 with them and get phone numbers. Thanks. Jeff From: "Williams , Teresa (CDC /OD /OCS)" Date : Friday, June 22, 2018 at 1:36 PM To: Jeff Trammell Cc: "Knotts, Ashley (CDC /OD /OCS)" , "Strengt h, Tracie (CDC /OD /OCS)" Subject: RE: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Hi Jeff , Let' s confirm the call for 30 minutes from 4-4 :30 p .m. Also, we would like to connect the participants individually, could you provide their numbers, unless you all will be in one location. Thank s, Teresa From : Jeff Trammell Sent: Friday , June 22 , 2018 1:22 PM To: Williams , Teresa (CDC /OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, A shley (CDC /OD /OCS) ; Stre ngth , Tracie (CDC /OD /OCS) Subject: Re: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Hi Teresa , I have confomed with The Wi lliams Institute folks that 4 -5 pm ET on the 29 th works. W ill you set up a ca ll in number or should I ask them to do so? Many thanks. Jeff From : "Williams, Teresa (CDC /OD /OCS)" Date : Friday, June 22, 2018 at 10:03 AM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001954 To: Jeff Trammell Cc: "Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS)" , "Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS)" Subject: RE: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Good morning Mr. Trammell, Per Ashley's emai l below, I am following up on your request for a call with Dr. Redfie ld. Please advise if the members of The Williams Institute would d be available for a call on Friday , June 29th between 4-5:00 p.m. ET. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind Regards, Teresa Will iams Schedul er for th e CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Directo r Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road , NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: From: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, June 22, 2018 9:56 AM To: jtrammell Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Dear Jeff, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001955 Dr. Redfield alerted me to your request and let me know that you spoke briefly on the phone last night. I am adding the Director's schedulers to this thread to determine a date/time (preferably later next week , if that works for you?) that might work for a call with the folks you mentioned below. We agree that this is a critically important issue, and look forward to hearing more from you and others in the field. All the best, Ashley Knotts Special Assistant to the Director I Centers for Disease Control and Prevention office: 1-404-639-7037 I mobile: 1-404-372-5199 Iemail: Office of the Director From: Jeff Trammell Sent: Wednesday , June 20, 2018 8:25 PM To: Redfield , Robert R.(CDC /OD) Subject: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Dr. Redfield, Following up on our conversation about the letter from The Williams Institute, signed by over 700 academics, regarding the importance to public health of collecting data on risk behaviors of LGBT Americans, I have unde1taken to help arrange a call for you with several of the signatories. The William Institute officials are appreciative of your longterm commitment to fighting the HIV epidemic and look forward to hearing your thoug hts and sharing theirs. You will find them seasoned scholars who, like you, have devoted most of their professional careers to this effort. There are five individuals (listed below) who will be on the call, which we discussed as ideally occurring this coming Friday, June 22, between 4 and 6 pm EDT (with the exact time to be determined as your schedu le is refined). Three of these individuals - Adam Romero, Ilan Meyer and Keri th Canon -- are currently at The Williams Institute. The fourth - Laura Durso -- is a fom1er Williams scholar who is now at American Progress (You met Dr. Durso and discussed the HIV epidemic with her year before last). And I will be on the call to facilitate. With appreciation, Jeff Trammell jtrammell Adam P. Romero HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001956 Director of Legal Scholarship and Federal Policy Arnold D. Kassoy Scholar of Law The Williams Institute, UCLA Schoo l of Law https://wi lliamsinsti /adam-romero / Ilan H. Meyer, Ph.D. Distinguished Senior Scholar of Pub lic Policy The Williams Institute, UCLA Schoo l of Law /experts /ilan-meyer /ilan-meyer/ Kerith Conron , Ph.D . Distinguished Scholar and Research Director The Williams Institute, UCLA Schoo l of Law .edu/staff /kerith-conron/ Laura Durso , Ph.D. Vice President of the LGBT Research and Communications Project at American Progre ss (Former Scholar at The Williams Institute) https://www /about/staff/durso -laura/bio / Jeffrey B. Trammell Membe r, Board of Advisors Institute of Human Virology University of Maryland Medical School HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001957 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Jeff Trammell 27 Jun 2018 14:19:05 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Re: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Thanks, Teresa. I have provided the call in number and code to all four participants and we will call in at (b) (G) that time. I appreciate your help. If there are problems, call me on my cell! Best. Jeff From : "Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS)" Date: Wednesday, June 27, 20 18 at 12:00 PM To : Jeff Trammell Cc: "Knotts, Ashley {CDC/0D/OCS)" , "Strength, Tracie {CDC/0 D/OCS)" Subject : RE: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Good morn ing Jeff, Thank you so much for providing the contact information for the participan ts for the conference call scheduled Friday, June 29th from 4-4:30 p.m . EDT. Below, please find a confidential bridge-line to share with the participants for the call. Bridge-line : 770-488-3600 Conference ID: I CbJ(§l Tracie Strength, Dr. Redfield's Executive Assistant will be managing the conference call and will ask each participant to be identified on the call. {bJ( 6l If there are any concerns on the day of the call, please contact Tracie at I Please let me know if you have any questions. Kind Regards, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDCDirector Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop 0-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct : (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email : coo4@cdc .gov From : Jeff Trammell Sent : Wednesday, June 27, 2018 11:48 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Re: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Teresa, Here are the four individuals for the call with Dr. Redfield at 4 EDTthis coming Friday afternoon, June 29th . There is a chance that Jocelyn Williams, the Executive Director ofThe Williams Institute, will join HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001958 but let's plan on the four below. I included Ms or Mr as a couple of the names don't automatically help you know the gender of the person to whom Dr. Redfield will be speaking. Please let me know if you need anything else for the call. I provided background info on each of these four last week. Best. Jeff Trammell -l -Ms. Kerith Conron 1-- Date : Friday, June 22, 2018 at 1:43 PM To: Jeff Trammell Cc:"Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS)" , "Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS)" Subject: RE: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Thank you . Best, Teresa From : Jeff Trammell Sent : Friday, June 22, 2018 1:41 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Teresa, Will confirm 4-4:30 with them and get phone numbers. Thanks. Jeff From : "W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS)" Date : Friday, June 22, 2018 at 1:36 PM To: Jeff Trammell Cc: "Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS)" , "Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS)" Subject: RE: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Hi Jeff, Let's confirm the call for 30 minutes from 4-4:30 p.m. Also, we would like to connect the participants individually, could you provide their numbers, unless you all will be in one location. Thanks, Teresa From : Jeff Trammell Sent : Friday, June 22, 2018 1:22 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS); Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : Re: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Hi Teresa, I have confirmed with The Williams Institute folks that 4-5 pm ET on the 29th works. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001959 Will you set up a call in number or should I ask them to do so? Many thanks. Jeff From : "W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS)" Dat e: Friday, June 22, 2018 at 10:03 AM To: Jeff Tramme ll Cc: "Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS)" , "Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS)" Subj e ct : RE: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Good morning Mr. Trammell, Per Ashley' s email below, I am following up on your request for a call with Dr. Redfield. Please advise if the members ofThe Williams Institute would d be available for a call on Friday, June 29th between 4-5:00 p.m. ET. I look forward to hearing from you . Kind Regards, Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDCDirector Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop 0-14 Atlanta , GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4@cdc .gov From : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, June 22, 2018 9:56 AM To : Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS); Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Dear Jeff, Dr. Redfield alerted me to your request and let me know that you spoke briefly on the phone last night . I am adding the Director's schedulers to this thread to determine a date/time (preferably later next week, if that works for you?) that might work for a call with the folks you mentioned below . We agree that this is a critically important issue, and look forward to hearing more from you and others in the field . All the best, Ashley Knotts Special Assistant to the Director Office of the Director I Centers for Disease Control and Prevention office: 1-404-639 -7037 I mobile: 1-404-372-5199 Iemail: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001960 From: Jeff Trammell Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 8:25 PM To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Subject: Redfield call with The Williams Institute Or. Redfield, Following up on our conversation about the letter from The Williams Institute, signed by over 700 academics, regarding the importance to public health of collecting data on risk behaviors of LGBT Americans, I have undertaken to help arrange a call for you with several of the signatories . The William Institute officials are appreciative of your long-term commitment to fighting the HIV epidem ic and look forward to hearing your thoughts and sharing theirs. You will find them seasoned scholars who, like you, have devoted most of their professional careers to this effort. There are five individuals (listed below) who will be on the call, which we discussed as ideally occurring this coming Friday, June 22, between 4 and 6 pm EDT (with the exact time to be determined as your schedule is refined). Three of these individuals -Adam Romero, llan Meyer and Kerith Conan -- are currently at The Williams Institute. The fourth - Laura Ourso -- is a former Williams scholar who is now at American Progress (You met Dr. Durso and discussed the HIV epidemic with her year before last). And I will be on the call to facilitate. With appreciation, Jeff Trammell Adam P. Romero Director of Legal Scholarship and Federal Policy Arnold D. Kassay Scholar of Law The Williams Institute, UCLASchool of Law https ://wil liamsi nstitute .law .ucla .edu/ ada m-romero/ llan H. Meyer, Ph.D. Distinguished Senior Scholar of Public Policy The Williams Institute, UCLASchool of Law https://wil liamsi nstitute .law .ucla .edu/ experts/i lan-meyer /i lan-meyer / Kerith Conran, Ph.D. Distinguished Scholar and Research Director The Williams Institute, UCLASchool of Law https ://wi l liamsi nstitute .law .ucla .edu/staff /kerith -con ron/ Laura Durso, Ph.D. Vice President of the LGBT Research and Communications Project at Amer ican Progress (Former Scholar at The Williams Institute) https://www -laura/b io/ Jeffrey B. Trammell Member, Board of Advisors Institute of Human Virology University of Maryland Medical School HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001961 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Se nt: 12 Apr 2018 16:00:39 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: 9:30 a.m.) Attachme nts: * **FOR MATERIALSONLY**Call w/ Prof. George Gao, China CDC Director (9- RE_ §] j[ : Request for Call with the CDC Director, China and Dr. Robert Redfield, Director, CDC.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant: TBD Event Contact: Xiaoqi (Doris) Wang , Executive Assistant email: Office: +86 10 58900218 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001962 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001963 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) 2 Apr 2018 08:07:14 -0400 From: Sent: To: .= £lt%nt Cc: Subject: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: @)l : Request for Call with the CDC Director, China and Dr. Robert Redfield, Director, CDC Thank you Doris. I just sent a calendar invitation for that date and time to you . We truly appreciate your assistance and let us know if we need to make any adjustments to the calendar . Tracie From: .3:.IJ1EJ~ Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 8:01 AM To: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: @]i : Request for Call with the CDC Director, China and Dr. Robert Redfield, Director , CDC Dear Tracie, George will be travelling that day, but may answer the call in the evening. If April 19th is the earliest time convenient for Dr Redfield, let's mark it for them, I will confirm with you the exact time for George one week before 19th, probably around 9 am/pm (Atlanta/Beijing) that day. Many thanks. Doris wangxq tllf; -~'f'itBIAAJ$A!ll~:ffi;;l;Jiji >'Eilill tt201 8fF04J:l0 2 B 19:50, Strength. Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ~~: Dr Redfield has commitments that we can not move during those times. How does the morning of Thursday April 19th look? Tracie HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001964 .3:.~m From: Sent: Sunday, Apr il 1, 2018 7 :28 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: @]i : Request for Call with the CDC Director, China and Dr. Robert Redfield, Director, CDC Tracie, How about next Tuesday or Wednesday morning, say 8:30 or 9:00 EST (8:30 or 9:00 pm in Beijing). George can be reached at his mobile I I since he won't (b)(6J be in office then. Let me know which time fits Dr Redfield's schedule better. Doris wangxq fllll+ti: wangxg @chinacdc .cn ~ :l<,ffi!AAJ¥!,lllllffl;fl::ml ~mil tt2018fF03}=l 30 B 22:17, Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS)~~ : Doris, Could you provide a couple of dates and t imes that expand over the next 3-weeks and we can work together on availability? Sincerely, Tracie From:.:E B*!¥t< wangxq@chinacdc .cn> Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 9:31 AM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Wil liams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: @]I : Request for Call with the CDC Director , China and Dr. Robert Redfield, Director, CDC Sorry, Tracie, George is fully tied up in meetings today, let's explore other possible time next week. Doris HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001965 wangxq BlBm: wangxg @ch t£20181f03.!9 308 20:48 , Strength. Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) ~~ : Doris, This meeting will just be a simple meet and greet. Respectfully, Tracie Strengt h Advance Team / Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email: From: 3:~H'! Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 7:02 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: Request for Call with the CDC Director, China and Dr. Robert Redfield, Director, CDC Dear Teresa, will check Prof. George Gao's schedule today and let you know the possible time slot on our end. Any topics we need to prepare for this call between two directors? Doris wangxq mBi§: wangxg @chi nacdc .cn HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001966 1.f2018~03J:l 30 B 05:26, Will iams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) ~li : Good afternoon Doris, I hope you are doing well. Dr. Redfield would like to schedule a 30 minute conference call with the CDC Director for China. Could you please offer some times when a call would be possible on Friday, March 30 th or the week of April 2, 2018? Thanks you so much for your consideration. Kind Regards, Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protoco l Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road , NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001967 From: Sent : To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 May 2018 17:00:32 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik , Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: * **FOR MATERIALS ONLY* * Dr. Donald Rucker, ONC (1:00-1:30 p.m.) Attachments : OCOSSL Notes.msg , RE_ Meeting Request with Dr. Don Rucker, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and Dr. Robert Redfield, Director, CDC.msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: Kathleen Zook (OS/O NC) email: CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: T BD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable) : TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attend ees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Dr. Schuchat 's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs) : CDC Director's Remarks /Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press: T BD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting /Logistics Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001968 5. OGC Review Materials: From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OO/OCS) Sent: 2 May 2018 11:01:20 -0400 To : Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OO/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OO/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Brand, Anstice M. (CDC/OO/CDCWO) Su~ect : OCOSSLNo~s All: From Kyle, for us to arrange during an upcoming DC trip (possibly 15 May if member meet ings don't fill the day, otherwise 11-12 June bette r): • • • • • Plan a visit to NIH to meet with Fauci and Collins (12 June best if possible) Meet with HRSADirector, George Sigounas** Meet with HHSChief Technology Officer, Bruce Greenstein** Meet with ONC Director, Don Rucker** Possible meeting at Pentagon with DoD Asst. Secy for Health (Seth is pulling bio and contact details to reaffirm R31 s interest , and if moving forward, we could schedule via OPHPR'sDoD LNO) ** Try to schedule for in-person at HHH Building SK: • • KM mentioned the tentat ive topics for the 5/14 AMA meeting might be flu and GHSA Please begin to include Cindy on SL meeting notes so she can help with follow-ups AK: • Please provide KM with an ACD on-pager (this week if possible) about status of current ACD membership and ongoing activities of existing subcommittees and workgroups. (AS, KM, and R3 will meet to discuss R3's vision for ACD before we proceed with any in-person update brief to KM) JM/T & T: • • • Don't add anything to 5/8 after flu briefing Continue to keep 30-45 min buff er following key events & meetings (like flu brief, AMA Meetings, B-fasts, CDC-FMeetings, VIP visits, etc ...) o On 5/14, need space between ASTHOBoard meeting and Shepard Awards Please reach out to see availability of above meetings for DC & NIH Thank you all, and please let me know if you have questions . -SS HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001970 Zook, Kathleen {OS/ONC) 8 Jun 2018 15:10:12 +0000 To : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Swain, Matthew {OS/ONC);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Meeting Request with Dr. Don Rucker, National Coordinato r for Health Information Technology (ONC) and Dr. Robert Redfield, Directo r, CDC From: Se nt: Hi Tracie, Of course! Humphrey Building, ih floor, Room 733-D Have a great weekend! -Kathleen From: Strength , Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) [] Se nt : Thursday, June 07, 2018 3:48 PM To : Zook, Kathleen (OS/ONC) Cc: Swain, Matthew (OS/ONC) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Meeting Request with Dr. Don Rucker, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and Dr. Robert Redfield, Director, CDC Kathleen, I am trying to finalize Dr. Redfield ' s travel for next week and wondering if you have a room number that you could share fo r Dr. Redfield's visit with Dr. Rucker on the 11th at 1:00 that day. Many thanks Respectfully, Tracie Strength Executive Assistant to the Director , Dr Robert Redfield Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road , NE, MS D-14 , Atlanta GA 30333 (bl( 6l 1 1 Direct Line: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404- 718-0962 Mail: I Emai l: tmd9 From : Zook, Kathleen (OS/ONC) Sent : Wednesday, May 2, 2018 1:40 PM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Swain, Matthew (OS/ONC) Subject: RE: Mee t ing Request with Dr. Don Rucker, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and Dr. Robert Redfield, Director, CDC HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001971 Hi Teresa, I am well , thanks . I hope you are, too! Yes, Dr. Rucker is available from 1-1:30 on June 11th to meet with Dr. Redfield. I currently have the time held on his calendar . Let me know if you would like us to reserve a room at Humphrey and/or send out an invite . Best, Kathleen Fro m : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS)[mai 1t o:coo4@cdc .gov] Se nt : Wednesday, May 02, 2018 1:04 PM To: Zook, Kathleen (OS/ONC) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Meeting Request with Dr. Don Rucker, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and Dr. Robert Redfield, Director, CDC Good afternoon Kathleen, I hope you are doing well. Dr. Redfield is scheduled to be in DC on June 11th and would like to schedule a 30 minute meeting with Dr. Rucker. Would Dr. Rucker be available to meet with Dr. Redfield on June 11th at HHSat 1:00-1:30 p.m.? Thanks so much for your consideration. Best, Teresa Teresa Willi ams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30333 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001972 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Sent : 22 Jun 2018 19:35:51 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY**DRC Ebola Debrief (2:30-3:15 p.m.) Attachments : RE_ DRC Ebola Debrief.msg, RE_ Ebola Debrief.msg To : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : NA Special Assistant : Seth Kroop Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001974 Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Pres entation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TB D Length of Presentation: TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materi als : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001975 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 22 Jun 2018 19:34:50 +0000 Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: DRC Ebola Debrief From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Hi Seth, Per our conversation, I've scheduled the meeting the week of July 9 th on Wed., July 11th from 3-3:45 p.m . Thanks, Teresa From : Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, June 22, 2018 3:23 PM To: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : DRC Ebola Debrief Can you schedule an Ebola debrief Thursday or Friday next week w R3 and : • • • • • • • • Ben Dahl Pierre Rollin Dr. Schuchat Rebecca Martin Rima Khabbaz Chris Braden Hamid Jafari Kyle Thanks. I think 45 mins. Let me know if you're not able to find a time that works for folks HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001976 From: Sent: To : Subject: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) 25 Jun 2018 10:17:39 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Ebola Debrief Don't do it next week ~I___ Subject: RE: Ebola Debrief Will do From: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Date: June 25, 2018 at 10:07:0 1 AM EDT To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Ebola Debrief All of the ones on the list are key, unfortunately, including Ben Dahl and Pierre. I would just push it out further-I don't want to squish it into his full schedule this week From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 10:06 AM To: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Ebola Debrief I was on my way to talk to you about the schedule for later this week . It will be difficult unless Dr. Redfield would like to do a meeting around 5 p.m . on Thursday or Friday. Also, are their others that key to attending? From: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday , June 25, 2018 10:03 AM To: Braden, Chris {CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Jafari, Hamid {CDC/CGH/OD) Cc:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Ebola Debrief We'll probably have to go a little later . Dr. Redfield is in DC through Wednesday and his Thursday and Friday are packed. Do you know when Pierre is back in the office? From: Braden, Chris {CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 10:01 AM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001977 To: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Jafari, Hamid (CDC/CGH/OD) Subject: RE: Ebola Debrief Seth, We received a calendar invite for July 11. However, Pierre will be l (b)(6) ls there not a time late this week that will work? If not, then we may have to postpone til later . I think it will be most helpful if Pierre can participate. I Chris From: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Friday, June 22, 2018 3:28 PM To: Braden , Chris (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Jafari, Hamid (CDC/CGH/OD) Subject: RE: Ebola Debrief Teresa from our office is trying to align some schedules-she'll be in touch soon. From: Braden, Chris (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent: Friday, June 22, 2018 3:20 PM To: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Jafari, Hamid (CDC/CGH/OD) Subject: RE: Ebola Debrief Seth- any update on scheduling debrief with Dr. Redfield? From: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 2:38 PM To: Braden, Chris (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Jafari, Hamid (CDC/CGH/OD) Subject: RE: Ebola Debrief Thanks From: Braden, Chris (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Date: June 19, 2018 at 2:25:03 PM EDT To: Jafari, Hamid (CDC/CGH/OD) , Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Ebola Debrief Checking with Rima and Inger ... I will get back to you . From: Jafari, Hamid (CDC/CGH/OD) Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 2:02 PM To: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Braden, Chris (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Subject: RE: Ebola Debrief HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001978 Yes, Thursday or Friday next week would be great, I know Rebecca is in the office . Chris, assuming Pierre is back in the office by Thursday and Rima is in town? From: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, June 19, 2018 1:47 PM To : Jafari, Hamid (CDC/CGH/OD) Cc: Braden, Chris (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Subject : RE: Ebola Debrief I think that would be great . Dr. Redfield will be in DC from Thursday morning of th is week through the end of the day Wednesday next week. Dr. Schuchat ! (bl (Gl So maybe I can look at a time for Thursday or Friday next week? I Seth From : Jafari, Hamid (CDC/CGH/OD) Sent : Tuesday, June 19, 2018 1:41 PM To: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Braden, Chris (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Subje ct: Ebola Debrief Seth, Ben is back from DRCand Pierre will return next week. Would Anne and Dr. Redfield be interested in a debrief? We wi ll schedule one for Rebecca and Rima, wou ld be helpful to do one with all of them toge th er, if there is interest in the OD. Thanks Hamid Hamid S Jafari Principal Deputy Director Center for Global Health Centers for Disease Control & Prevention HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001979 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 16 May 2018 13:55:50 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley 2~ =~ ~-----------~ (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc..= Subject: ***FOR MATERIALSONLY (b)(5) Sent : To : b 5 Attachments: RE_ (bJ(5J (DLG) Second Meeting Mon. June 4, 2018 @ 12-1 p.m ..msg, R (b)(5) Second Meeting _ Mon. June 4, 2018@ 12-1 (b)(5) p.m ..msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : NA Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: TB D CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : Dr. Kadlec is convening a Classified DLG, at the support of the Secretary and Deputy Secretary's Offices, to inform Principals across HHS of Planning efforts related tol Cb)C5l I (b)(5) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001980 (b)(5) Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): CDC Participants : Dr. Robert Redfield Dr. Stephen Redd Dr. Dan Sosin Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001981 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: • SC IF reserved . 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001982 From: Sent: To: Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 16 May 2018 10:32:25 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, El"iz """'a-'be"""' t""'" h....._ (C -'-' D '--C"'/ -'O-'D._ / P_P"""' E-'O.,_ ) -----------------, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS);Hoo, ,cSubject: RE: (bl (5l I (DLG): Second Meeting: Mon. June 4, 2018 @ 12-1 p.m. Let's plan for him to join them in the SCIF. From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, May 16, 2018 10:32 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mcca llister , Jerem y (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO) Subject: RE: (bJ(5J Second Meeting: Mon. June 4, 2018@ 12-1 p.m . SR and Dan are joining by SVTC in the SCIF. To be clear, Dr. Redfield w ill join by phone in his off ice? From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 10:26 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mcca llister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO) Subject: RE (bJ(5J econd Meeting : Mon. June 4, 2018@ 12- 1 p.m. KM said to go ahead and plan for R3 to join via phone . Will SR and Dan be in person? From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 9:49 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mcca llister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/OD/PPEO) Subject: REf Mee ting: Mbn . rnne 4 , 2018@ (bJ(5J fecond 12 - 1 p.m. Drs. Redd and Sosin are both participating . Ursula will follow up with Dr. Schuchat when her flight lands in DC today. Also, Dr. Schuchat was planning to attend the CGH Annual meeting. I' ve reserved the SCIF and gave them a heads up that Dr. Redfield may take the call from his office and may need assistance connecting . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001983 From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) Se nt : Wednesday, May 16, 2018 9:30 AM To : Kroop, Seth (CDC/00/0CS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/00/0CS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/00/0CS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) ; Mccal lister, Jeremy (CDC/00/0CS) ; Hoo, Elizabeth (CDC/00/PPEO) Subje ct: RE: (bJ(5J Second Meeting : Mon. June 4, 2018@ 12- 1 p.m. TW will confirm is SR (or Dan) and AS are avail and also plan for R3 to call in with them if able. She'll reserve the SCIFand tell below POC as well From : Kroop, Seth (CDC/00/0CS) Sent : Wednesday, May 16, 2018 9:06 AM To : Williams, Teresa (CDC/00/0CS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) Cc: Knotts, Ashle CDC/00/0CS ; Stren th, Tracie CDC/00/0CS Date: May 16, 2018 at 8:58:07 AM EDT To : Kroop , Seth (CD C/OD/OCS) , Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Knotts , Ashley (CDC /OD/OCS) , Strength , Traci e (CDC/OD/OCS) bjecr R£ (b) (5) Second Meeting : Mon. June 4, 20 18 @ 12-1 p.m . IS Please advise how you would like to proceed . Thanks, Teresa From : Kroop, Seth (CDC/00/0CS) Se nt : Wednesday , May 16, 2018 8:56 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/00/0CS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) Cc: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/00/0CS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/00/0CS) Subject : R (bJ(5J Meeting : Mon . June 4, 2018@ 12- 1 p.m. Hang on. Dr Schu chat if some advice on this one. Let me find and forw Ard From : Wi lliams, Tere sa (CDC /OD/OCS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001984 Date: May 16, 2018 at 8:52:53 AM EDT To: Scales, Scott L.(CDC /0D /OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Hi Scott , Dr. Redfield received the above -referenced invite. Dr. Redd is availab le to participate . Okay to defer? Thanks, Teresa -----Original Appointment----From : DLGDESK(HHS/ASPR/OPP) Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 5:29 PM To:I I (b)(5) IL.------------::-:-:'.:::------ -7 (b-)(5_) ----- (b)( 5) ,---,--::--:,-,---,----,--,--,-_l ~ Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD); l (b)(5) (OS/ASP..... 8..... LI...... Q.,_ \ ____________________________ Subject! __, (b)(5) Meeting When: Monday, June 4, 2018 12:00 PM -1:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: HHH, 5238 SCIF(OSSl)--SVTCfor those off site with access Dear HHS Colleagues: Topic: ,..._ ___________________________ (b)(5) __. Second Meeting Objectiv e : Dr. Kadlec is convening a Classified DLG, at the support of the Secretary and Deputy (b)( 5l Secretary's Offices, to inform Principals across HHS of Planning efforts related to l HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001985 (b)(5) Lead Staff from the 10: Dr. Robert Kadlec, ASPR; Briana Stephan, Senior Advisor Has this request been approved by 10 staff? If yes, by whom? Yes, by Dr. Kadlec Dr. Kadlec's Role: Presenter and Meeting Facilita tor Request P0C (Name, Cell and email): Briana Stephan, ~I__ ; Teague, Melvin 8. (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc:Strength Tracie CDC OD OCS Subject: R (b)(5) Meeting : Thanks Will. From: Dawson, William (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 9:50 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Teague, Melvin 8. (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc:Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Rtl (b)(5) Me eting: Mon. June 4, 2018@ 12- 1 p.m. Teresa, The briefing is now on our calendar . Thanks , Will HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001988 Telecommunication Specialist Public Health Intelligence Office (PHIO) Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management (OS SAM) Office of the Chief Operating Officer (OCOO) Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road NE Mailstop A-22 Atlanta, Georgia 30333 Phone: 404-639-7686 Cell: (404) 978-3802 Fax: (404) 639-3282 From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 9:38 AM To: Dawson, William (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Teague, Melvin B. (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ~~~ ~~ econd Meeting: Mon. June 4, 2018@ 12-1 p.m. Importance: High Good morning Williams and Melvin, (bJ(5J Could you please reserve the SCIFfor the Dr. Redfield to participate in anl (bJ(5J pecond Meeting [Secret Level] scheduled Monday, June 4, 2018 from 12-1 p.m.? I Also, just a heads up that Dr. Redfield may want to take the call from his office and we may need someone to assist with connecting the call. Thank you so much for your assistance. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001989 Main: (404) 639 -7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email : -----Original Appointment----From: DLGDESK(HHS/ASPR/OPP) Sent : Tuesday, May 15, 2018 5:29 PM To: I I (bJ(5J I I {b) (5) (b) (5) edfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD); (b) (5) Subject ! fecond (b) (5J Meeting When: Monday, June 4, 2018 12:00 PM -1:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) . Where: HHH, 523B SCIF (OSSl)--SVTCfor those off sit e with access Dear HHS Colleagues: Topic: Emergency Repatriat ion and Adapt ive Planning Disaster Leadership Group (DLG): Second Meeting Objectiv e : Dr. Kadlec is convening a Classifi ed DLG, at the support of the Secretary and Deputy Secretarv's Offices to inform Princioals across HHS of Planning efforts related t a l b1151 (b) (5) Lead Staff from th e 10: Dr. Robert Kadlec, ASPR; Briana Stephan, Senior Advisor Has th is request been approved by 10 staff ? If yes, by whom ? Yes, by Dr. Kadlec Dr. Kadlec's Role: Presenter and Meeting Facilitator HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001990 I Request POC (Name, Cell and email): Briana Stephan, (202) 690-8340, br Proposed Timing: 1 hour; in the OSSISCIF523B, June 4, 2018 Is Conference Call Line needed? A SVTCor call line will be provided for those connecting from external campus areas Who will initiate the conference call? Kevin Todd andAndy Garrett/OSSI Will there be Briefing Materials provided? Yes, they will be submitted to Andy Garret for printing and distribution in the SCIF;materials MUST be left in the SC/Fupon departure. HHS Staff Attendees: Principals +l from the following: IOS, IEA, ASA, ASFR,ASL, ASPA, OASH, OGA, OGC, ACF, CDC, CMS, FDA, HRSA, NIH, SAMHSA, ASPR External Attendees : NIA-Internal HHS meeting Additional Notes: SECRE T level briefing-OSSI will verify clearance level of individuals attending. PLEASEbe sure to arrive 10 minutes early so you can sign into the SCIFlog and be escorted to the meeting room. If you are bringing a plus one, please notify Briana , Kristin.debord@hhs .gov,and so we can ensure your access to the SCIFand participation in the DLG. **Also, please note the limited space in the SCIFso please ensure no more than the Principal +1 attend from your respective office** We ask that you do not forward this meeting request to other staff, please contact the policy leaders identified above in the additional notes section with any requests to modify the distribution of this invitation. Attachments: The agenda will be provided as an update to this meeting request. Meeting materials will be at the SECRETlevel and made available in the SCIF. Thank you. Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Pro tocol Specialist Office of the Director HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001991 Centers for Disease Control and Preve nti on 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001992 From: Se nt: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 17 Apr 2018 14:12:55 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: Attachme nts : * **FOR MATERIALS ONLY**FTSB with Larry Mastin, OSSAM {10- 10:30 a.m.) FW_ Geneva Itine rary- 5_ 18 & 5_ 26 to Geneva Switzerland {RMFLPY).msg 1. Contacts : Logistics Specialist : NA Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TB D CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TB D 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001993 Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks /Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001994 From: Sent: To : Subject: Import ance: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) 10 Apr 2018 15:26:11 +0000 Mastin, Larry (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) FW: Geneva Itinerary- 5/18 & 5/26 to Geneva Switzerland (RMFLPY) High Larry, How does a call on May 9th at 10:00am look for you? Respectfully, Tracie From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 10, 2018 11:22 AM To: Mastin , Larry (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM ) Cc: War ren, Whitney (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Roney, Lisa K. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Geneva Itinerary - 5/18 & 5/26 to Geneva Switzerland (RMFLPY) Importance: High Thanks Larry... figured that . Tracie, please connect with Larry to schedule the 30 min FTSBfor R3 sometime before the trip. We should also include Kyle and Ashley, although Kyle is not going on this trip. Whitney is finalizing R3's HTSOSenrollment and he'll start the training this Friday, and it'll be done before the trip. I imagine she's doing or will do the same for Kyle's HTSOS,but I'll let her comment about that enrollment, and if there's been any decisions about the resident FACTtraining dates for R3 and Kyle/ Ashely. From : Mastin, Larry (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Sent : Tuesday, April 10, 2018 11:17 AM To: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS)< ixj3@cdc .gov> Subject: RE: Geneva Itinerary- 5/18 & 5/26 to Geneva Switzerland (RMFLPY) Good morning Scott , No issues or concerns for Geneva, however, he will need the FTSBand the HTSOStraining . We can setup the FTSBin his office or conference room and Bob can present . The HTSOSis the on-line course that we will need to register him at the FSIregistrars' office . If you need the form, let me know and I will resend them to you. Larry HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001995 From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 11:06 AM To: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/00/0CS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/00/0CS) Cc: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/00/0CS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/00/0CS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/00/0CS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Mastin, Larry (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Warren, Whitney (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Roney, Lisa K. (CDC/OD/OCS) < >; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: FW: Geneva Itinerary - 5/18 & 5/26 to Geneva Switzerland (RMFLPY) FYI and Brad, please add to the calendar. AK, can you share with MW and RM/CGH? I'm including Larry for awareness of the pending travel to see if he's got any insights or concerns for the WHAtrip . Thx! From: Norton, Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 9:10 AM To: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Cc: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Geneva Itin erary- 5/18 & 5/26 to Geneva Switz erland (RMFLPY) Good morning Dr. Redfield , Please find attached your May 18/26 Geneva business class itinerary. The May 18 layover in Paris is for 2.5 hours and on May 26, the layover is for 2 hours 5 minutes. As an aside there are plenty of additional seats in coach/business class for these flights. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Jennifer From: Omega World Travel Sent : Tuesday, April 10, 2018 8:51 AM To: Norton, Jennifer (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Burt, Kevin (CDC/OD/OCS) ; OPS.CDC@OWT.NET Subject: Itiner ary for ROBERTRAY REDFIELDon 5/18/18 to Geneva Switzerland (RMFLPY) Omega Federa l Services Hote l/Car/Air/Rail 855.326.5411 7A-10P EST 855.326.5411 Emergency A-2E6H-CDC HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001996 Your Connection to the World Tuesday, 10APR 2018 08:50 AM EDT Passengers : ROBERT RAY REDFIELD Agency Record Locator: RMFLPY >>View Trip >> TSA PreCheck >>FAA Airport Info >>Federal Travel Online Please do not reply to this email. This is an unattended email box Omega World Travel must be notified within 24 hours regarding corrections. Thank you. Fare Quote: 13104.91 USD Fares are not guaranteed until ticketed. The quoted fare does not include any applicable service fees. AIR Friday, 18MAY 2018 Delta Air Lines Flight Number: 82 From: (ATL) Atlanta GA, USA Depart: 03: 15 PM To: (CDG) Paris De Gaulle, France Arrive : 06:00 AM 19MAY Stops: Nonstop Duration: 8 hour(s) 45 minute(s) Status: CONFIRMED Equipment: Airbus A330 Jet Class: C-Business Miles: 4390 / 7024 KM MEAL: DINNER DEPARTS ATL TERMINAL I -ARRIVES CDG TERMI NAL 2E Delta Air Lines Confirmation number is GZRLXC Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass: Delta Click here for Baggage policies and fees: Delta AIR Saturday , 19MAY 2018 Delta Air Lines Operated By: AIR FRANCE Flight Number : 8522 Class: C-Business HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001997 From : (CDG) Paris De Gaulle, France Depart : 08:30 AM To : (GVA) Geneva, Switzerland Arrive : 09:40 AM Stops : Nonstop Duration: 1 hour(s) 10 minute(s) Miles: 250 / 400 KM Status: CONFIRMED Equipment: Airbus Jet DEPARTS CDG TERMI NAL 2F - ARRIVES GVA TERM INAL 1 Delta Air Lines Confirmation number is GZRLXC Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass: Delta Click here for Baggage policies and fees: Delta Check operating carrier website for any policies that may vary . AIR Saturday , 26MAY 2018 Delta Air Lines Operated By: AIR FRANCE Flight Number : 8603 Class: C-Business From : (GVA) Geneva, Switzerland Depart : 12:00 PM To : (CDG) Paris De Gaulle, France Arrive: 01: 15 PM Stops: Nonstop Duration: 1 hour(s) 15 minute(s) Miles: 250 / 400 KM Status : CONFIRMED Equipment: Airbus A318 Jet MEAL: SNACK DEPARTS GVA TERMINAL 1 - ARRIVES COG TERMINAL 2F Delta Air Lines Confirm ation number is GZRLXC Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass: Delta Click here for Baggage policies and fees: Delta Check operating carrier website for any policies that may vary . AIR Saturday , 26MAY 2018 Class: C-Business Delta Air Line s Flig ht Number : 85 From : (CDG) Paris De Gaulle, France Depart: 03:20 PM To : (ATL) Atlanta GA, USA Arrive : 07:01 PM Stops: Nonstop Duration: 9 hour(s) 41 minute(s) Status : CONF IRMED Equipment: Airbus Jet Miles: 4390 / 7024 KM MEAL: DINNER DEPARTS CDG TERMI NAL 2E-ARRIVES ATL TERMINAL I Delta Air Lines Confirmation number is GZRL XC Check in on-line to obtain boarding pass: Delta Click here for Baggage policies and fees: Delta iTOUR Saturday , 1DEC 2018 THAN K YOU FOR BOOKING WITH OMEGA WORLD TRAVEL CHECK-IN TIME ARE 90 MINUTES PRIOR TO DEPARTURE FOR DOMESTIC FLIGHTS OR 120 MINUTES FOR INTERNATIONAL HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001998 Changes to air line reservat ions may result in an increase in fare and/or carrier penalties. Click here for travel healt h advisories Click here for travel alerts and wa rnings Proper documentation is required for entry into arrival country. Airport fees may be collected upon arr ival or departure View US Department of Transportat ion webs ite listing the countries requiring or permitt ing application of insecticides on aircraft Click Here Facebook ln.stat11m llnksdlll YouTube HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-001999 From: Sent : To : (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: a.m.) Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 25 Apr 2018 18:00:19 +0000 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY**Lab Briefing in the SCIFw/ Dr. Jim Pirkle (11-11 :30 Attachments: RE_ F_ U from Pirkle Lab Tour.msg, RE_ Follow-up _ Lab Briefing and Lab Tour.msg, RE_ Lab Briefing in the SCIF_ Tuesday, May 9 2018@ 11_00-11_30 a.m ..msg 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TSO Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TSO CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TSO CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TSO CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TSO 2. Event Information : Event Host: TSO Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TSO Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002000 Key Participants (if applicable): Dr. Robert Redfield Robert (Kyle) McGowan Dr. Jim Pirkle Optional: Dr. Robin Ikeda Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002001 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 25 Apr 2018 11:54:55 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour Go direct Pirkle and cc IA From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday , April 25, 2018 11:54 AM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tou r Import ance: High Hi Scott and Ashley, Per the highlighted email below, we worked the lab tours through Dr. Arias. Okay to work with Dr. Arias or Dr. Pirkle to schedule? Please advise . Thanks, Teresa From: Arias, Ileana (ATSDR/DCHI/OD) Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 6:15 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCI PC) ; Ikeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: 17 April Chamblee Visit I'll be at a meeting at Royal on Monday at 11 and then have to get back to Chamblee . If you have time in the morning before 111 can come by your office and prepare . Let me know . On Mar 30, 2018, at 4:35 PM, Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) wro t e: Hi Ileana! As you're aware, Dr. Redfield will be visiting Chamblee on Tuesday 17 April for three CIO visits in the morning (9am to 12:30pm), followed by lunch at Bldg 106 Cafe (12:45-1:45pm) . After lunch, he's expressed interest with possibly doing a campus tour and/or a coup le of lab tours between 2 & 4pm? When convenient next week, can you please let me know what you think is feasible and how you'd like to proceed? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002002 Thank you and have a great weekend! Scott From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 2:22 PM To : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OO/OCS) Subje ct: RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour OK then . T & T can proceed and ask SCIFwhen reaching out. Thx! From : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 2:19 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OO/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OO/OCS) Subject : RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour I believe it's TS, but not SCI. He said to check with OSSAM on classification, and that they would know . From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 2:18 PM To : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OO/OCS) Subje ct: RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour Sounds good. What is classification of Jim's material? If SECRET,we may be able to do it in R3's office rather than SCIF From : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OO/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 2:07 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OO/OCS); Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour As we were pressed for time (so that he cou ld get home to have his computer installed), Dr. Pirkle cut the tour off early. We were unable to see two sections/branches in the lab that Dr. Redfield had hoped to see. Instead of staying late, we agreed that Dr. Redfield would return to finish the tour, but also that Jim would give him a classified briefing in advance, for more information/context related to the labs. If you could reach out to the same people we worked with to schedule the first lab tour, they are expecting us to be in contact to schedule these two events . I'd plan for 1 hour fo r the lab and 30 minutes for the SCIFbriefing, unless scott thinks we need more? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002003 From: Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 2:01 PM To: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour T&T we are dynamite!! More information would be helpful, thanks From: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 1:37 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour T& T, let me know if you're having any trouble scheduling, or if you need more context to get this rolling . Thanks! (PS, I love the T& T nickname - just rolls off the tongue.) From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, April 23, 2018 8:51 AM To: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour TS and TW can work with you to arrange . They may need a bit more context to schedule both . Thx From: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, April 20, 2018 3:37 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour We need to schedule another hour with Pirkle and a TS briefing for him in the SCIF. Not urgent . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002004 Pirkle, Jim (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) 25 Apr 2018 15:16:56 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Arias, Ileana (ATSDR/DCHI/OD);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Follow -up: Lab Briefing and Lab Tour From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Teresa, My answer wasn't clear enough. Both times are fine. I will mark them down. Jim From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 2:09 PM To: Pirkle, Jim (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) Cc:Arias, Ileana (ATSDR/DCHI/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Follow-up: Lab Briefing and Lab Tour Good afternoon Dr. Pirkle, Dr. Redfield would like to schedule a 30 minute Lab briefing in the SCIFpr ior to scheduling a second visit to continue touring the Labs at Chamblee. Please advise if the following dates and times would be acceptable for scheduling. 5/9 5/10 11-11:30 a.m. Lab Briefing in the SCIF 2:00 -3:00 p.m. Lab Tour at Chamblee. If these dates and times are unacceptable, we could look at some alternatives on May 3 rd . I look forward to hearing from you. Kind Regards, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Spec ialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002005 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002006 Teague, Melvin B. (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) 25 Apr 2018 15:39:19 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Bryant, Lawrence Gregory (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Dawson, William (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Lab Briefing in the SCIF:Tuesday, May 9 2018 @ 11:00-11:30 a.m. From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Got it Melvin B. Teague Lead, Classification Security Officer (CSO) Public Health Intelligence Office (PHIO) Office of Safety , Security, and Asset Management Office of the Chief Operating Officer (OCOO) & Prevention (CDC) Centers for Disease Control (bl< 5l Office I Ce Ill (OSSAM) I (b)( BJ Fax : 404-639 -3282 SIP~ (b)(6) JWII~ . ___________ 8 8 QSSAM ___, Office of Safety, Security, and Asset Management From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, April 25, 2018 3:38 PM To: Bryant , Lawrence Gregory (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM ) Cc:Teague, Melvin B. (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Dawson, William (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Lab Briefing in the SCIF:Tuesday, M ay 9 2018@ 11:00-11:30 a.m . Hi Lawrence , My apologizes, we would like to reserve the SCIFfor May 9th from 11-11 :30 a.m. Thanks, Teresa From : Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, April 25, 2018 3:35 PM To: Bryant, Lawrence Gregory (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc:Teague, Melvin B. (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Dawson, William (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ) Subject : FW: Lab Briefing in the SCIF:Tuesday, May 8, 2018@ 11:00-11:30 a.m. Good afternoon Lawrence, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002007 I received William's out of office . Could you please respond to the email below? Thank you. Teresa From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday, April 25, 2018 3:34 PM To : Dawson, William (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc: Teague, Melvin B. (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Tracie Strength (CDC/OD/OCS) ( ) Subje ct: Lab Briefing in the SCIF:Tuesday, May 8, 2018@ 11:00-11:30 a.m. Good afternoon Will, I hope you are doing well. Dr. Redfield will be meet ing with Dr. Jim Pirkle in the SCIFfor a Lab briefing on May 8th from 11-11:30 a.m . Robert (Kyle) McGowan may accompany Dr. Redfield . Could you please reserve the SCIF? Thanks, Teresa Teresa Willi ams Schedul er for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road , NE Building 21, OD Suite , 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlant a, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639- 70 00 Fax : (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002008 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 9 May 2018 14:18 :08 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan , Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik , Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY* *Lab Tour (2:30 -3:30 p.m.) Attachments : RE_ F_ U from Pirkle Lab Tour.msg, RE_ Follow -up_ Lab Briefing and Lab Tour.msg, RE_ Follow -up_ Lab Briefing and Lab Tour.msg From: Sent : 1. *Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : Dr. Jim Pirkle's Executive Assistant: Ash ley Boeckel (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) email : Office 770-488-7950 CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : Dr. Robert Redfield Robert (Kyle) McGowan Dr. Jim Pirkle Optional: Dr. Robin Ikeda Bios: TBD Source Invitation : 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002009 Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: OGC Review Materia HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002010 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 25 Apr 2018 11:54:55 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour Go direct Pirkle and cc IA From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Wednesday , April 25, 2018 11:54 AM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tou r Import ance: High Hi Scott and Ashley, Per the highlighted email below, we worked the lab tours through Dr. Arias. Okay to work with Dr. Arias or Dr. Pirkle to schedule? Please advise . Thanks, Teresa From: Arias, Ileana (ATSDR/DCHI/OD) Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 6:15 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Patterson, Sara S. (CDC/ONDIEH/NCI PC) ; Ikeda, Robin (CDC/ONDIEH/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Re: 17 April Chamblee Visit I'll be at a meeting at Royal on Monday at 11 and then have to get back to Chamblee . If you have time in the morning before 111 can come by your office and prepare . Let me know . On Mar 30, 2018, at 4:35 PM, Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) wro t e: Hi Ileana! As you're aware, Dr. Redfield will be visiting Chamblee on Tuesday 17 April for three CIO visits in the morning (9am to 12:30pm), followed by lunch at Bldg 106 Cafe (12:45-1:45pm) . After lunch, he's expressed interest with possibly doing a campus tour and/or a coup le of lab tours between 2 & 4pm? When convenient next week, can you please let me know what you think is feasible and how you'd like to proceed? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002011 Thank you and have a great weekend! Scott From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 2:22 PM To : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OO/OCS) Subje ct: RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour OK then . T & T can proceed and ask SCIFwhen reaching out. Thx! From : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 2:19 PM To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength , Tracie (CDC/OO/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OO/OCS) Subject : RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour I believe it's TS, but not SCI. He said to check with OSSAM on classification, and that they would know . From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 2:18 PM To : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OO/OCS) Subje ct: RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour Sounds good. What is classification of Jim's material? If SECRET,we may be able to do it in R3's office rather than SCIF From : Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OO/OCS) Se nt : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 2:07 PM To: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OO/OCS); Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:W illiams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour As we were pressed for time (so that he cou ld get home to have his computer installed), Dr. Pirkle cut the tour off early. We were unable to see two sections/branches in the lab that Dr. Redfield had hoped to see. Instead of staying late, we agreed that Dr. Redfield would return to finish the tour, but also that Jim would give him a classified briefing in advance, for more information/context related to the labs. If you could reach out to the same people we worked with to schedule the first lab tour, they are expecting us to be in contact to schedule these two events . I'd plan for 1 hour fo r the lab and 30 minutes for the SCIFbriefing, unless scott thinks we need more? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002012 From: Strength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 2:01 PM To: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour T&T we are dynamite!! More information would be helpful, thanks From: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 1:37 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour T& T, let me know if you're having any trouble scheduling, or if you need more context to get this rolling . Thanks! (PS, I love the T& T nickname - just rolls off the tongue.) From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, April 23, 2018 8:51 AM To: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour TS and TW can work with you to arrange . They may need a bit more context to schedule both . Thx From: Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Friday, April 20, 2018 3:37 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: F/U from Pirkle Lab Tour We need to schedule another hour with Pirkle and a TS briefing for him in the SCIF. Not urgent . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002013 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject : Pirkle, Jim (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) 25 Apr 2018 15 :16:56 -0400 Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) Arias, Ileana (ATSDR/DCHl/0D);Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/ OCS) RE: Follow-up: Lab Briefing and Lab Tour Teresa, My answer wasn?t clear enough. Both times are fine. I will mark them down. Jim From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday , April 25, 2018 2:09 PM To: Pirkle, Jim (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) Cc: Arias, Ileana (ATSDR/DCHI /OD) ; Strength , Trac ie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Follow-up: Lab Briefing and Lab Tour Good afte rnoon Dr. Pirkle , Dr. Redfield would like to schedule a 30 minute Lab briefing in the SCIF prior to scheduling a second visit to continue touring the Labs at Chamblee . Please advise if the following dates and times wou ld be acceptab le for schedu ling. 5/9 L1-Ll :30 a.m. 5/ 10 2:00-3:00 p.m. Lab Tour at Chamblee. Lab Briefing in the SCIF If these dates and times are unacceptable , we could look at some alternatives on May 3rd. I look forward to hearing from you. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002014 Kind Regards, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404)639 -7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002015 From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS) Sent: To: Cc: Subject : 9 May 2018 14:22:14 +0000 Import ance: Pirkle, Jim (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) Arias, Ileana (ATSDR/DCHl/0D);Strength, Tracie (CDC/0D/OCS) RE: Follow-up: Lab Briefing and Lab Tour High Good morning Dr. Pirkle, Unfortunately Dr. Redfield is not available to attend the Lab Tour scheduled tomorrow, May 10th at Chamblee from 2:00-3:00 p.m. Would it be possible to resch edule on any of the dates listed below? June 5 2:30-3:30 p.m. June 7 2:00-3:00 p.m. June 8 l l :00 a.m.? 12 p.m. My apologizes for any inconvenience . Thanks, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road , NE Buildin g 2 l , OD Suite, 12th Floor HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002016 Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404)639-7 111 email: From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday , April 25, 2018 3:28 PM To: Pirkle, Jim (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) Cc: Arias, Ileana (A TSDR/DCHI/OD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Follow-up: Lab Briefing and Lab Tour Hi Dr. Pirkle , Thanks for clarifying. I will send calendar invites for the lab briefing and the tour at Chamblee. What level is the lab briefing in the SCIF? Thanks, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002017 Teresa From: Pirkle, Jim (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 3:17 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) > Cc: Arias, Ileana (A TSDR/DCHl /OD) >; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: RE: Follow-up: Lab Briefing and Lab Tour Teresa, My answer wasn?t clear enough. Both times are fine. J will mark them down . Jim From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 2:09 PM To: Pirkle, Jim (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) > Cc: Arias, Ileana (A TSDR/DCHr/OD) >; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) > Subject: Follow-up: Lab Briefing and Lab Tour Good afternoon Dr. Pirkle, Dr. Redfield would like to schedule a 30 minute Lab briefing in the SClF prior to scheduling a second visit to continue touring the Labs at Chamblee. Please advise if the following dates and times would be acceptable for scheduling. 5/9 11-11:30 a.m. Lab Briefing in the SCIF HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002018 5/ 10 2:00-3:00 p.m. Lab Tour at Chamblee. If these dates and times are unacceptable , we could look at some alternatives on May 3rd. I look forward to hearing from yo u. I(jnd Regards , Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21 , OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002019 From: Sent: To : Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 6 Jun 2018 20:48:15 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Green, Hugh (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: ***FOR MATERIALSONLY**Meeting w/ John Germ, President of Rotary International (4:30-5:00 p.m.) Attachments: Meeting with the President of Rotary lnternational.pdf 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: Nikki Romanik Special Assistant : Hugh Green Event Contact: Melissa A. Ely-Moore , MPH, Associate Director for Policy (Acting), Center for Global Health, 404-639-8557 - Office, 678-428-4858 - Mobile, Apo3@cdc .gov CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Redfield: Jason Cecil and/or Gena Hill will escort John Germ to the meeting with Dr. Redfield CDC Program Contact (if applicable): N/A CDC Media Contact (if applicable): N/A 2. Event Information: Event Host: CGH Purpose of Event: Conduct an introductory meeting with John Germ (Pres., Rotary International and former chair of the International PolioPlus Committee) and discuss CDC's Polio efforts and collaboration with Rotary International. The preference, if possible, is to have the meeting prior to the Rotary International Convention which is 6/23 - 6/27/18, Sat. Wed. in Toronto , Canada. Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors , friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change - across the globe , in our communities , and in ourselves . Solving real problems takes real commitment and vision. For more than 110 years, Rotary's people of action have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to take action on sustainable projects. From literacy and peace to water and health, we are always working to better our world , and we stay committed to the end. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002020 Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on the 5/29/18 DL 3. Dr. Redfield 's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs) : Dr. Redfield 's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: N/A Length of Presentation : N/A Press: N/A Teleprompter: N/A 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials : 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002021 Meeting with the Melissa A ElyMoore (CGH) Present time to NLT 6/22/18, Fri. CDC . HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002022 From : To : Subject : Date: MooreMe!jssa/CQC/CGH/OP} McCal!ister JeremyICDC/ODIOCS) Item fo r DL Friday, May 18, 2018 5 :0 1:27 PM Hi Jeremy, Rotary is hop ing to meet w it h Dr. Redfield possible prior to t he Rotary conventio n scheduled to begin 24 June. The meet ing will include John Germ, the President of Rotary Interna t io nal and former chair of the Int ernat ional Polio Plus Comm ittee. Dr. Mart in supports th is and it is on t he list th at we ju st sent up t o Scott Scales and Ashley Knotts fo r OD review . Can we run it on the DL? Thanks! Me lissa A. Ely-Moore, MPH Team Lead, Budget Formulation and Performance Management Office of t he Associate Direct or fo r Policy Center for Global Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevent ion 1600 Clifton Road, MS 069 Atlanta, GA 30329 404-639-8557 - Office 678-428 -4858 - Mobile HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002023 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 24 Apr 2018 14:41:07 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts , Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: ***FOR MATERIALS ONLY* *Pathology Lab Tour (1-2 p.m.) Attachments : RE_ Pathology Lab Tour.msg, RE_ Pathology Lab Tour.msg, FW_ Pathology Lab tour request for Director and CoS.msg, RE_ Pathology Lab tour for Dr. Redfield and Kyle.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TS O Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts/Hugh Green Event Contact: TSO CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TSO CDC Program Contact (if applicable): Rebecca Miller, NCEZ IO ema il: ckqO@cdc .gov phone: 404.639.4470 CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TSO 2. Event Information : Event Host: TSO Purpose of Event: TSO Agenda (if applicable): TBO Number of Attendees and Composition: TBO HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002024 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics • Materials: Note: Lab tour approved (see attached email) 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002025 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) 24 Apr 2018 10:36:37 -0400 To: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Damon, Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS);Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) Subject: RE: Pathology Lab Tour From: Sent: Great , thank you! Let's confirm 12:30-1:30 and please let me know what you need from us to confirm everything, and who you ' d like to meet them in the lobby of 21 to walk over for the tour. From our side, It' ll be R3 and Kyle, and possibly Seth or Ashley. Tracie, please add to the calendar for May ih 12:30 -1:30. Thx From: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 10:29 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Damon, Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS) ; Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) Subject: RE: Pathology Lab Tour Hi Scott, that time works. Rebecca From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 8:31 AM To: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Cc: Damon, Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS) ; Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) Subject: RE: Pathology Lab Tour Thanks Rebecca. May 7th w ill work, but can we say 12:30-1 :30 or 2-3? From: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent: Monday , April 23, 2018 3:18 PM To: Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS)< >; W iley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) Cc: Damon, Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS) ; Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002026 ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Pathology Lab Tour Hi Scott, DHCPPis indicated that Monday May availab ility from 12-1 or 3-4 on that day? ih is probably best on their end. Does Dr. Redfield have Thanks From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday , April 23, 2018 10:59 AM To: Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) Cc: Damon, Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS) ; Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Subject: Pathology Lab Tour Hi Sarah. Building upon today's HCL lab tour, we'd like to schedule a visit for Dr. Redfield and Kyle, to visit & tour the Pathology Lab sometime during the week of 7 May, if that's feasible. We do have availability each day that week, with the 10th being the most flexible. Can you share any preferred dates or times for that week? Alternatively, we could consider the week of 29 May if that's more convenient. Thank you! Scott HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002027 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 7 May 2018 12:19:49 +0000 Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/O1D/NCEZID) Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Pathology Lab Tour Good morning Phoebe, I am confirming June 6 th from 1-2 p.m . I will update the calendar invite. Thanks, Teresa From: Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/O1D/NCEZID) Se nt : Friday, May 4, 2018 3:57 PM To : Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Pathology Lab Tour 1-2pm works best for the lab. Thanks very much! From: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Friday, May 4, 2018 1:58 PM To: Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/O1D/NCEZID) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Pathology Lab Tour Hi Phoebe, Dr. Redfield is available June 6th between 1-4 p.m . I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks, Teresa From : Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/O1D/NCEZID) Se nt : Friday, May 4, 2018 1:56 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Pathology Lab Tour Teresa, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002028 It looks like June 6 will work for the lab tour. Would you let me know what availability there is on that date? Thanks, Phoebe From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2018 3:08 PM To: Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Pathology Lab Tour Hi Phoebe, Thanks so much for the update . Let me know if you need any assistance. Thanks, Teresa From: Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent : Thursday, May 3, 2018 3:06 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Pathology Lab Tour Hi Teresa - I' m trying to move this question along and get times that work for the pathology lab out of the options you provided. Just wanted to give you a status update , we're working on it ! Thanks, Phoebe From: Janflone , Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent: Wednesday, May 2, 2018 4:29 PM To: Williams, Teresa {CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Miller, Rebecca {CDC/OID/NCEZID) Subject: RE: Pathology Lab Tour Teresa - Thanks for reaching out about rescheduling this tour . Let me check availability and I'll get back to you about which date looks prom ising. Thanks, Phoebe Phoebe Janflone, MPH HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002029 Policy Analyst National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Rd. NE (Bldg 16) MS C-12 Atlanta, GA 30329-4027 Phone: 404-639-5134 Email: wpc3@cdc .gov From: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent : Wednesday, May 2, 2018 4:23 PM To: Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Subject: Fwd: Pathology Lab Tour From: "Williams, Teresa (CDC/0D/OCS)" Sent : Wednesday, May 2, 2018 3:01 PM To: "Miller, Rebecca (CDC/0ID/NCEZID)" CC:"Damon, Inger K. (CDC/0ID/NCEZID)" ," Monroe, Steve (CDC/0D/OADLSS)" ,"Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID)" < rf >,"Strength, (CDC/0D/OCS)" Tracie Subject: RE: Pathology Lab Tour Good afternoon Rebecca, Do you have a preference of June 6, 7 or 8 th ? If you prefer to schedule the tour in the morning, June 7th and 8th wou ld have your best options. Please advise . Thanks, Teresa From: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent: Wednesday, May 2, 2018 2:57 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Damon, Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID); Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS) ; Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) Subject: RE: Pathology Lab Tour HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002030 Thanks Scott, we understand, no problem. We will work with Teresa on new times Rebecca From: "Scales, Scott L.(CDC/0D/OCS)"< > Se nt : Wednesday, May 2, 2018 2:19 PM To : "Miller, Rebecca (CDC/O1D/NCEZID)" ,"Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS)" CC: "Damon, Inger K. (CDC/O1D/NCEZID)","Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS)" ,"Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/O1D/NCEZID)" ,"Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS)" ,"Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS)" ,"Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS)" ,"Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS)" ,"Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS)" ,"Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS)" ,"Wi ley, Sarah D. (CDC/O1D/OD)" Subject : RE: Patho logy Lab Tour Hi Rebecca! I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but Dr. Redfield has changed his plans for Monday 5/7, and now will be at the Emory Influenza Commemoration for most of the day, so we'll have to reschedule the lab tour for another week. Teresa wi ll wor k w ith you to determine a new date and time . Perhaps now that the PRtrip is cancelled , we could consider 6, 7, or 8 June? Please let me know if I can clarify or assist with anything and thanks to everyone for their understanding! Scott From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 10:37 AM To: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Damon, Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID); Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS) ; Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID); Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; W iley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) Subje ct: RE: Pathology Lab Tour Great, thank you ! Let's confirm 12:30-1:30 and please let me know what you need from us to confirm everything, and who you'd like to meet them in the lobby of 21 to walk over for the tour. From our side, It' ll be R3 and Kyle, and possibly Seth or Ashley. Tracie, please add to the calendar for May 7th 12:30-1:30. Thx HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002031 From: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 10:29 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Damon, Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS) ; Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Will iams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) Subject: RE: Pathology Lab Tour Hi Scott, that time works . Rebecca From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 8:31 AM To: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Cc: Damon, Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS) ; Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) Subject: RE: Pathology Lab Tour Thanks Rebecca. May 7t h w ill work , but can we say 12:30 - 1:30 or 2-3? From: Miller, Rebecca (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent: Monday , April 23, 2018 3:18 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) Cc: Damon, Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS) ; Khabbaz, Rima (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Pathology Lab Tour Hi Scott, DHCPPis indicated that Monday May availab ility from 12- 1 or 3-4 on that day? ih is probably best on their end. Does Dr. Redfield have Thanks From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday , April 23, 2018 10:59 AM To: Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) Cc: Damon, Inger K. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Monroe, Steve (CDC/OD/OADLSS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002032 ; Khabbaz, Rima {CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Kroop, Seth {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Miller, Rebecca {CDC/O1D/NCEZID) Subject: Pathology Lab Tour Hi Sarah. Building upon today's HCL lab tour, we 'd like to schedule a visit for Dr. Redfield and Kyle, to visit & tour the Pathology Lab sometime during the week of 7 May, if that's feasible. We do have availab ility each day that week, with the 10th being the most flexible . Can you share any preferred dates or times for that week? Alternatively, we could consider the week of 29 May if that's more convenient. Thank you! Scott HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002033 Brathwaite , George (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) on beha lf of CDCSecurity (Physical) 14 May 2018 07:58:45 -0400 Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) From : Sent: To : Cc: I I (b)(6) (b)(6) Subject: FW: Pathology Lab tour request for Director and CoS Access Approved George Brathwaite Security Specialist Security Services Office (SSO) Office of Safety, Security , and Asset Management (OS SAM) Office of the Chief Operating Officer (OCOO) (Office) 404-639-2888 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002034 8 8 QSSAM coc@, Office of Safety, Security,and Asset Management Security Services Office (SSO) SavingLives . f>rotectmg People:' From: Cooke, Stacey L. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent : M onday , May 14, 2018 7 :53 AM To: CDC Security (Physical) ; Brathwa ite , George (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc: Vick, Michael (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Subject : FW: Pathology Lab tour request for Director and CoS Good morning! Approved From : Brathwaite, George (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Se nt : Monday, May 14, 2018 7:34 AM To : Cooke, Stacey L. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Vick, Michae l (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Subject : FW: Pathology Lab tour request for Director and CoS For your approval. From: Brathwaite, George (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Se nt : Wednesday, May 9, 2018 7:31 AM To: Cooke, Stacey L. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) ; Vick, Michae l (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Subject : FW: Pathology Lab tour request for Director and Cos For your approval. From : Swilley, Lendale (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) On Behalf Of CDC Security (Physical) Se nt : Tuesday, May 8, 2018 1:25 PM To: Batt le, Edward J. (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM ) ; Brathwaite, George (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Carr, Stephanie (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Davis, Billy R. (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Hairst on-Nash , Diane (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Josey, John L. (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Lowe, Jenie G. (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Robinson, Otha L. (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Swilley, Lendale (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Woods, Donald (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) Cc:Johnson, Gregory (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM ) Subje ct: FW: Pathology Lab tour request fo r Director and CoS HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002035 FYI From: Aleshire, Noah (CDC/OD/OADLSS) Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 1:21 PM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; CDC Security (Physical) ; Johnson, Gregory (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM} Cc: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Pathology Lab tour request for Director and CoS OADLSSapproves that list. Thanks. From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 1:00 PM To: CDCSecurity (Physical) ; Johnson, Gregory (CDC/OCOO/OSSAM) ; Aleshire, Noah (CDC/OD/OADLSS) Cc: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Pathology Lab tour request for Director and CoS Good afternoon CDC Security, Greg, and Noah, * * The Pathology Tour originally scheduled for 7 May for the Director and Chief of Staff was rescheduled for 6 June 2018 . The below serves as a new request for the tour on that day.** Request clearance for Dr. Redfield and Kyle McGowan to tour the Pathology Lab on Wednesday, June 6th . The tour is currently scheduled from 1:00-2:00pm and the following CDCStaff will be participating : Dr. Robert Redfield (OD) Kyle McGowan (OD) Dr. Steve Monroe (ADLSS) Dr. Rima Khabbaz (NCEZID) Dr. Inger Damon (DHCPP/IDPB) Dr. Jenni McQuiston (DHCPP/IDPB) Dr. Sherif Zaki (DHCPP/IDPB) Sarah Wiley (OID) Location: Build ing 18, Sub-Basement, Rooms SB-212 and SB-605 All attendees are US Citizens and no one external to CDCwil l be taking part in the tour . Thank you and please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions . Brad A. Bartee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002036 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404 -718-5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email: bbartee@cdc .gov Rm: 12107 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002037 From: Sent: To : Cc: Subject: Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) 7 May 2018 14:59:21 -0400 Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: Pathology Lab tour for Dr. Redfield and Kyle Yes, that's my understanding. From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, May 7, 2018 2:59 PM To: Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Cc: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Pathology Lab tour for Dr. Redfield and Kyle I imagine it will be the same participants for this tour? From : Janflone , Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent : Monday, May 7, 2018 2:53 PM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Pathology Lab tour for Dr. Redfield and Kyle Hi Brad, Yes, I did catch that. Let me know if you need any more information for the security request. Phoebe From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday, May 7, 2018 2:52 PM To: Janfl on e, Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Cc: Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Pathology Lab tour for Dr. Redfield and Kyle Hi Phoebe, Just checking whether you were aware of the reschedu le date for the Pathology Lab tour for Dr. Redfield and Kyle. It is 6 June, 1:00-2:00pm . I will go ahead and reach out to physical security to let them know they are coming . Thanks, Brad From: Janflone , Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent : Tuesday, May 1, 2018 12:21 PM HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002038 To : Bartee, Brad Allen {CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Pathology Lab tour for Dr. Redfield and Kyle Got it, thanks . I'll pass the word along that Inger should plan to meet folks in 18, not 21. From: Bartee, Brad Allen {CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 12:13 PM To: Janflone, Phoebe E. {CDC/OID/NCEZID) Subject : RE: Pathology Lab tour for Dr. Redfield and Kyle Yes, certainly . Probably want to keep the escorts down to a minimum . Sending now . From : Janflone, Phoebe E. {CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 12:11 PM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: Pathology Lab tour for Dr. Redfield and Kyle Can you forward me the tour invite that someone from the OD sent out? It apparently says that everyone is meet ing in bldg. 21, so everyone on the invite is escorting him from 21 to 18? That seems like a lot... just trying to get a handle on who thinks what is happening when. From : Bartee, Brad Allen {CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, May 1, 2018 10:50 AM To: Janflone, Phoebe E. (CDC/OID/NCEZID) Subject : RE: Pathology Lab tour for Dr. Redfield and Kyle Thanks Phoebe, I'm pretty sure that Dr. Monroe is going to meet him in the lobby of 21 and walk him over, but not sure about anyone else. Brad From : Janflone , Phoebe E. {CDC/OID/NCEZID) Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 10:46 AM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Pathology Lab tour for Dr. Redfield and Kyle Hi Brad - I'll double-check who will meet them in 21 and walk them over. From : Wiley, Sarah D. {CDC/OID/OD) Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 10:29 AM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc:Janflone , Phoebe E. {CDC/O1D/NCEZID) Subject: RE: Pathology Lab tour for Dr. Redfield and Kyle HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002039 Good morning. No, I'm not planning to go on this one. Pheobe has been making the arrangements and can f/u with you on the escort details. From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, May 1, 2018 8:52 AM To: Wiley, Sarah D. (CDC/OID/OD) Subject: Pathology Lab tour for Dr. Redfield and Kyle Hi Sarah, Are you planning to go on the tour with Dr. Redfield and Kyle on Monday? And, do you know if anyone is planning to meet them in the lobby of Bldg 21 and walk them over? Thanks, Brad Brad A. Bartee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404-718-5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email: bbartee@cdc .gov Rm: 12107 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002040 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 2 Apr 2018 17:29:36 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject : * *FOR MATERIALSONLY**: Meet & Greet: Elinore Mccance-Katz, Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Abuse (SAMHSA Administrator) (3:00-3:30 p.m.) Attachments : RE_ Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore Mccance -Katz, SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : Brad Bartee Special Assistant : TBD Event Contact: Dolkie Encarnacion (SAMHSA), Execut ive Assistant to Dr. Elinore F. Mccance-Katz, SAMHSA Office : (240) 276-2011 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director : TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition: TB D Key Participants (if applicabl e): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentatio n: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002041 4. SupportingiLoqistics Materials: 5. 066 Review Materials: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 4 Ap r 2018 15:01 :37 +0000 Encarnacion, Dolkie (SAMHSA/OA) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Ames, Phillip (SAMHSA/OA);Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: RE: Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore Mccance-Katz, SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Import ance: High From: Sent: To: Good morning Dolkie , I was just informed that the Fair lie Room is not available from 3-3:30 p.m. today. Do you have a room they could meet in? If not, we will look for another alternative. Thanks, Teresa -----Original Message----From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Tuesda y, April 3, 2018 11:41 AM To: Encarnacion, Dolkie (SAMHSA /OA) Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Ames , Phillip (SAMHSA /OA) ; Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) ( Subject: RE: Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore Mccance-Katz , SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfield , CDC Good morning Dolkie , This is exce llent news. I will send a ca lenda r invite. The meeting will take place in the Fai rlie Room. Thanks, Teresa -----Original Message----From: Encarnacion, Dolkie (SAMHSA /OA) Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 11:39 AM To: Williams, Tere sa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Ames, Phillip (SAMHSA/OA) Subject: RE: Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore McCance-Katz, SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC GM, We were able to reshuffle Dr. McCance-Katz schedule to accommodate 3pm tomorrow at the Hyatt Regency. Plea se send a calendar invite with locat ion. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002043 Thanks Dolkie Encarnacion Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Office of the Assistant Secretary Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration 5600 F ishers Lane Parklawn Building , Room l8E37A Rockvi lie, MD 20857 240 -276-201 1--Phone 240-276-2010--Fax -----Original Message----From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [] Sent: Monday, April 02, 2018 1:34 PM To: Encarnacion, Dollcie (SAMHSA /OA) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Ames, Phillip (SAMHSA/OA) Subject: RE: Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore McCance-Katz, SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Dol.kie, This would be great. Dr. Redfield is availab le. Twait to hear back from you to confirm. Best , Te resa -----Original Message----From: Encarnac ion , Dolkie (SAMHSA /OA) Sent: Monday, Apri l 2, 2018 11:53 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Ames, Phillip (SAMHSA /OA) Subject: RE: Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore McCance-Katz, SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfield , CDC I added a 3pm but will try to change it. I will contact the person now and will let you know shortly . Dolkie Encarnacion Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Office of the Assistant Secretary Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building, Room 18E37A Rockvi lie, MD 20857 240-276-201 1--Phone 240 -276-2010--Fax -----Original Message----From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [] Sent: Monday, Apri l 02, 2018 11 :26 AM To: Encarnacion, Dolkie (SAMHSA /OA) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002044 Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Ames , Phillip (SAMHSA /OA) Subject: RE : Meeting Request between Dr. El inore McCance -Katz , SAMHSA and Dr. Robe rt Redfield , CDC Good morning Dolk ie, Would Dr. McCance-Katz still have 3 p.m . available on Apri l 4th to meet with Dr. Redfield at the Rx Summit? Thanks, Teresa -----Original Message----From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 20 I 8 1:48 PM To : Encarnacion, Dolkie (SAMHSA /OA) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Ames , Phillip (SAMHSA/OA) Subjec t: RE: Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore McCance-Katz , SAM HSA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Hi Dolkie , Unfortunate ly Dr. Redfield has confl icts at those times . Twill contact you soon. Maybe we cou ld schedule a meeting when Dr. Redfield is sched uled to be in DC. Th anks so much for yo ur assis tance. Teresa -----Original Message----From: Encarnacion, Dolkie (SAMHSA /OA) Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 20 18 I :40 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC /OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Ames, Phill ip (SAMHSA/OA) Subject: RE: Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore McCance-Katz , SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfield , CDC Can it be done earlier? Maybe at 3, 3:30 or 4pm? The proposed time is a little too close to her speaking time. Dolkie Encarnacio n Execut ive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Office of the Assistant Secretary Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building , Room 18E37A HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002045 Rockville , MD 20857 240-276-2011--Phone 240 -276 -20 I 0--Fax -----Original Message ---- From: Williams, Te resa (CDC /OD /OCS) [mailto:coo4 @cdc .gov] Sent: Wednesday , March 28 , 20 18 I :37 PM To: Encarnacion, Dolkie (SAMHSA /OA ) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC /OD /OCS) Subject: RE: Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore McCance-Katz, SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfi eld, CDC Hi Dolki e, Would it be possible to schedule a meeting on 4/4 from 4:40-5: 10 p.m. at the Rx Summit? Thanks , Teresa -----Original Message----From: Encarna cion , Dolkie (SAMHSA /OA) Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:34 PM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC /OD /OCS) Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC /OD /OCS) Subject: RE: Meeting Requ est betwee n Dr. El inore McCat1ce-Katz, SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Good mornin g, Th e meeting organizers at the Rx Summit con finned Dr. Mccance -Katz session for Apri l 4t at 5: l 5pm. She arrives ATL at 12:58pm and depaits at 10:05pm on April 4th. She will not be arriving the day before due to her schedule. Does Dr. Redfield have any availabi lity to meet on April 4th? Dolki e Encarnacion Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Offic e of the Assistant Secretary Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawt1 Building, Room 18E37A Rockville, MD 20857 240-276-2011--Phone 240-276-2010--Fax -----Original Message ----From: Williams, Teresa (CDC /OD /OCS) [mai lto:coo4 @cdc .gov] Sent: Wednesday , March 28 , 2018 12: 17 PM To: Encarnacion, Do lkie (SAMHSA /OA ) Cc: Strength , Tracie (CDC /OD /OCS) Subject: RE: Meeting Request between Dr. El inore Mccance -Katz, SAMHSA and Dr . Robert Redfield , CDC Good morning Dolkie , HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002046 Please advise if you have had a chance to review Dr. McCance-Katz schedule. Thanks, Teresa -----Original Message---- From: Encarnacion , Dolkie (SAMHSA /OA) Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 9:40 AM To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore Mccance-Katz, SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Good morning Teresa, We're still working on Dr. McCance-Katz travel to AIL for the Rx Summit. There's been a change to the time of her presentation. Will keep you posted. Dolkie Encarnacion Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary Office of the Assistant Secretary Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Parklawn Building, Room 18E37A Rockville, MD 20857 240-276-2011--Phone 240-276-2010--Fax From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) [] Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 9:23 AM To: Encarnacion, Dolkie (SAMHSA /OA) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: Meeting Request between Dr. Elinore Mccance -Katz, SAMHSA and Dr. Robert Redfield , CDC Importance: High HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002047 Good morning Dolkie, I hope you are doing well. Dr. Redfield is scheduled to attend the Rx Summit in Atlanta at Hyatt Regency hotel and would like to schedule a 30 minute meet and greet with Dr. Mccance-Katz on April 3, 2018. Would Dr. McCance-Katz be available from 11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.? If not, could you offer some times between 11 a.m. - 2p.m.? Thanks for your consideration. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the Acting CDC Director Protocol Specialist Office of the Director Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639-7000 Fax: (404)639 -7 111 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002048 email: c004@cdc.g0v Subject: RE: EISconference Hi Twanda, good morning . I was wondering I you had any reserved parking at the Hilton for EISand if so, how we could apply to get a pass for Dr. Schuchat's vehicle when she comes on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday? Thanks, Brad Brad A. Bartee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevent ion (CDC) Office: 404- 718-5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email: Rm: 12107 From: Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 9:23 AM To: Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) ; Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Cc: Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) ; Lee, Beth (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) ; Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tra cie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Schroeder, Betsy A. (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Subject: RE: EISconference Hi Dee Dee, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002051 The EISSatirical Review will be held on Thursday , April 19, 2018 at 7 :30 PM at the Hilton Atlanta (Salon Room). The 2016 Class Skit Manager is Betsy Schroeder . She can prov ide you more informa ti on on the production. I have copied her on this email. Please let me know if any additional information is needed. Regards, Twanda Twanda Broughton, CGMP Epidem iology Workforce Branch Division of Scient ific Education and Professiona l Development Center fo r Surveillance, Epide mio logy and Labo ratory Services 404 -498 -0026 vqt6@ From: Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 8:55 AM To: Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Cc: Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD); Lee, Beth (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) ; Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD); Mccallister, Jeremy (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: EIS conference Thank you so much! We look forward to hearing from your colleagues. © Respectfully, Dee Dee From : Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Sent : Monday, March 12, 2018 8:48 AM To: Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) Cc: Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD); Lee, Beth (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) ; Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Subject: RE: EIS conference Thanks for your note. The Thursday night event is not really an official part of the conference and is organized by the Class of 2016. One of my colleagues can give you the time and place information and the point of contact for more information from the Class of 2016. We look forward to Dr. Schuchat's participation in the conference. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002052 Pattie Patricia M. Simone, M .D. Director, Division of Scientific Education and Professiona l Development (DSEPD) Center for Surveil lance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services (CSELS) Office of Public Health Scient ific Services (OPHSS) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention psimone@cdc .gov 404 -498-6484 Assistant - Kathy Young - vhu9@cdc .gov - 404 -498 -6391 http://www From: Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) Sent: Monday , March 12, 2018 8:03 AM To: Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Subject: EISconference Good morning . Can you tell me who in your office may be coordinating the Thursday Night (April 19th ) Satirical Review for the upcoming EISconference? I am looking for a POCto get more details on the event for Dr. Schuchat t o possibly attend. Respectfully, Dee Dee LCDR Dee Dee Downie, MPH Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Office Phone: (404) 718-3110 Cellphone: (404) 538-0875 Email: ddownie@cd HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002053 Scales, Scott L. (CDC/00/0CS) 22 Mar 2018 16:09:57 -0400 To : Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Downie , Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS);Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);McCallister, Jeremy (CDC/00/0CS) Subject : EISConference Agenda EISAgenda At -a-glance 2018.pdf Attachments : From: Sent : FYI HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002054 67 th Annual Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Confe rence Draft Agenda-at-a -Glance Apri l 16-19, 2018 WELCOME AND CALL TO ORDER ...... ........................ .... ................................ ........................ ........................ ........... 8:15- 8:45 am l sESSIONA : Stephen B. Thacker Opening Session ............. .......... ......................................................................... CONCURRENT SESSION81 : Influenza ............................................................... 8:45-10:30 am ................. ......... ............... .... 10:50 am- 12: 15 pm CONCURRENTSESSION82 : Chronic Disease Prevention ...................... ........................................................ LUNCH (on your own) .......................... ........................................................................ 10:50 am-12 :15 pm .......................................... 12:20-1 :35 pm CONCURRENTSPECIAL SESSION1: Rohingya Refugee Crisis .............. ..................... ............ ............ ............ ......... 12:25-1:25 pm CONCURRENTSPECIALSESSION2: Big Data in a Fast-changing World ......... ..... ....... .................. ........ ................. 12:25-1:25 pm EIS FELLOWSHIPRECRUITMENT INFORMAT ION SESSION................................ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...... 1:45-2 :45 pm SESSIONC: J. Virgil Peavy Memorial Awar d Finalists ................................ ........ ................ ........ ................ ........ ...... 1:45-3 :30 pm CONCURRENT SESSIONDl: Vaccine Preventable Diseases .............................. .............................. ........................ 3:45-5 :10 pm CONCURRENTSESSIOND2: Antimicrobial CONCURRENTSESSION D3: Mortality Resistance and Treatment .......................... .................. ...... ................ . 3:45-5:10 pm Surveillance ............. ................. ........................ ........................ .................. 3:45-5:10 pm EIS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION MEETING (private event sponsoredby EISAA-AII current EISofficers & alumni are welcome) .. 5:30-7:30 pm CONCURRENTSESSIONEl : Healthcare-associated Infections ........... ................. ........ .......................... ................ 8:30-10:15 am CONCURRENTSESSIONE2: Injury : V iolence and Opioid Overdose ........ ........................ ............ .............. .......... .. 8:30-10 :15 am SESSIONF: Donald C. Mackel Award Finalists ................... ................ ......... ......... ............... ......... ............... .. 10:35 am-12:00 pm LUNCH (on your own) ...................... ...................................................................................................................... 12:05 - 1:20 pm SPECIAL SESSION3: TED Talks: Behind the Scenes with Officers and Fellows .................................................. 12:10-1:10 pm POSTERSYMPOSIUM I ............... .............................................................................................................................. 1:30-2:55 pm SESSION G: Laboratory Leadersh ip Service Presentatio ns ........................................... ............................ .............. 1:30-2 :55 pm CONCURRENTSESSION Hl: Global Health ...................... ........................................................................................ CONCURRENT SESSION H2: Occupational and Environmental 3:lo-4:55 pm Health ............................................................. ...... 3:lD-4 :55 pm LLS FELLOWSHIPRECRUITMENT INFORMAT ION SESSION........................................ ...... ............................... ......... 3:3D-4:30 pm PREDICTION RUN (Sponsored by EIS A lumni Association) .............................................. ........................ ........................ 6:00 pm SESSIONI: FETPInternational Night - Poster Presentations (co-sponsored by CDC Foundation) ........................ 6:00-8:30 pm CONCURRENT SESSION Jl : Hurricane Response .... ............. .................................................................................. 8:30-10:15 am CONCURRENTSESSION J2: HIV, Tuberculosis, and Hepatitis ........................ ........................... ............................. 8:30-10:15 am ................................................................... 10:30-11:45 am LUNCH (on your own) ....................................................................... ............................................................... 11:50 am-1:05 pm POSTERSYMPOSIUM 11..... .... ............................................................ SPECIALSESSION4: The 1918 Influenza Centenary ....................... ................ .......... .............. .......... ............ . 11:55 am-12:55 pm CONCURRENT SESSION Kl: One Health ............... ......... ............... ......... ............... ......... ............... ........................... 1:15-3:00 pm I CONCURRENTSESSION K2: Respiratory Outbreaks ................................................................................................ 1:15- 3:00 pm SESSION L: Alexander D. Langmuir Lecture ............................................................................................................. 3:15-4:45 pm SESSIONM : FETPInternational Night - Oral Presentation s (co-sponsored by CDC Foundation) ................. ......... 6:30-9 :00 pm CONCURRENT SESSION Nl: Fungal Infections ............ .................. ...... .................. ................ ......... .......................... 8:30-9:55 am CONCURRENTSESSIONN2: Preconception, Pregnancy, and Maternity Care ....................................................... CONCURRENTSESSION01 : Food and Water ................................................................................. 8:30-9:55 am ..................... 10:10-11 :55 am CONCURRENT SESSION02 : Child Health ................................................ ........ ....... .......... .............. .......... ........... 10:10-11 :55 am LUNCH (on your own) ................................................................ ..................... ........................ ........................ ....... 12:00-1 :10 pm SPECIAL SESSION5: U.S. Opioid Epidemic: Maternal and Child Health Response Opportunities .................... ... 12:05- 1:05 pm CONCURRENTSESSIONPl : Notes from the Field .................... ............................................................................... 1:15-3:00 pm CONCURRENTSESSION P2: Emerging and High Consequence Pathogens ........................ ...................... ............... 1:15-3: 00 pm . SESSIONQ: Awards and Late-breaking Reports ..................................................................................................... 3:15-5 :15 pm CLOSING REMARKS ........ ..... ....... ....... ... ... ..... ... . ..... ... . ... ... ..... .... ..... ... . ... ... ..... .... ..... ... . .... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ... 5:15-5:25 pm POST-CONFERENCE EIS SATIRICAL REVIEW ........ ......................... ........................ ........................ ................ .................... 7:30 pm I Awards presented during thi s session HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002055 67™ ANNUALEIS CONFERENCESCHEDULE CDCDIRECTORCONFERENCEEVENTS Room 219 is available on Monday and Wednesday to be utilized as Ors. Redfield and Schuchat's administrative office. CONFERENCELOCATION Hilton Atlanta 255 Courtland Street NE Atlanta, GA 30303 MONDAY,APRIL 16, 2018 8:00 am 8:15 - 8:45 AM Welcome and Call to Order 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am Hilton Hotel {Salon) Opening Session • • Moder ate Opening Session Ask first question during Q&A 10:30 am 11:00 am HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002056 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 2018 l'imm 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 11:00 am 11:30 am 12:00 pm Lunch with Surgeon General Southern Element (Hilton Atlanta Hotel Lobby) 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 2:00 pm Meet and Greet time with Incoming EIS Officers/LLS Fellows Hilton Hotel (Ballroom C) 2:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4 :00 pm 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM Langmuir Hilton Hotel (Salon) 6:30 - 9:00 PM Oral International Night Hilton Hotel (Ballroom East) 4 :30 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002057 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 Apr 2018 18:14 :07 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);War ren, Whitney (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Smith, Howard M. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO);Dancy, Kevin L. (CDC/OCOO/OCIO/ITSO) Cc: McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: "BEGIN" High Threat Security Overseas Seminar Train ing (HTSOS) From : Sent : To : POCfor Questions: • Training material : Whitney Warren Email: Off ice : 404 .718.8396 • Network or IT Issues: Kevin Dancy Email: kgd5@cdc .gov Office : 404 .639 .8943 : Howard Smith Email: Office : 770.488.8209 Please pr int and save you r Training Certi fi cate HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002058 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 16 Apr 2018 16:57:17 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Anne Schuchat MD (CDC/OD) ( 1:1 Dr Schuchat & Dr Redfield HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002059 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 30 Mar 2018 19:44:48 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik , Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: 1:1 w/ Dr. Jerome Adams, Surgeon General RE_ Surgeon General Visit to CDC.msg Attachments : From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : Brad Bartee Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: Amber Channer (OS/OASH) email: Amber.Channer@hhs .gov Office : (202) 401-5622 CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: Kyle McGowan CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002060 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs}: CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002061 Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) 3 Apr 2018 15:46:13 +000 0 To: Channer, Amber (OS/OASH) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Dee, Deborah L. (CDC/OCOO/HRO);Adams, C. Renee (HHS/OASH/OSG);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD);Bartee,Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP);Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) ;Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD);Scales,Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Surgeon General Visit to CDC From: Sent: Good morning Amber, The meeting will take place at the Hilton Atlanta in Room 219 on Wednesday, April 18th from 1:15-1:45 p.m . Thanks again. Teresa From: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Monday , April 2, 2018 6:15 PM To: Channer, Amber (OS/OASH) Cc:Strength , Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Dee, Deborah L. (CDC/OCOO/HRO) ; Adams, C. Renee (HHS/OASH/OSG) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Simone, Patr icia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) ; Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) ; Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD ) ; Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD); Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Surgeon General Visit to CDC Good afternoon Amber, This is excellent news. I will contact you tomorrow with a meeting location. Thanks, Teresa From : Channer, Amber (OS/OASH) Date: April 2, 2018 at 4:12:18 PM EDT To: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) , Adams, C. Renee (HHS/OASH/OSG) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002062 , Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) , Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) , Dee, Deborah L.(CDC/OCOO/HRO)< gdq7@cdc .gov >, Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) , Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD), Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) , Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) , Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) , Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Subject: RE: Surgeon General Visit to CDC Hi Teresa, Yes, that time will work. We will make the adjustment to Dr. Adams' schedule. If you need any information from us, please let us know. Thank you, Amber From:Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) (mai lto ) Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 3:11 PM To: Channer, Amber (OS/OASH) Cc:Scales, Scott L.(CDC/OD/OCS)< >; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) ; Adams, C. Renee (HHS/OASH/OSG) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) ; Dee, Deborah L. (CDC/OCOO/HRO) ; Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) ; Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) ; Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: Surgeon General Visit to CDC Good afternoon Amber, th Would Dr. Adams be available Wednesday, April 18 from 1:15-1:45 p.m.? Please advise if this time is acceptable. Best, Teresa Teresa Williams Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Specialist Offic e of the Dir ector Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite , 12th Floor HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002063 Mail Stop D-14 Atlanta, GA 30 329 Dir ect : (404) 639-5998 Main: (404) 639 -7000 Fax: (404) 639-7111 email: coo4@cdc.go v From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, April 2, 2018 1:47 PM To: Channer, Amber (OS/OASH) ; Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) ; Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Broughton, Latwa nda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) ; Adams, C. Renee (HHS/OASH/OSG) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) ; Dee, Deborah L. (CDC/OCOO/HRO) ; Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Subject: RE: Surgeon General Visit to CDC Hi Amber. I think we can make something work at the EISvenue that afternoon . I'm including Teresa Williams , who can help us confirm the time opt ions on the 18t h for Dr. Adams and Dr. Redfie ld to meet. -Scott From: Channer, Amber (OS/OASH) Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 12:44 PM To: Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) ; Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Broughton, Latwa nda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) ; Adams, C. Renee (HHS/OASH/OSG) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) ; Dee, Deborah L. (CDC/OCOO/HRO) ; Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Subject: RE: Surgeon General Visit to CDC Hi Pattie and Scott, Thank you both for the tentative agendas. We are still in the process of finalizing Dr. Adams' travel arrangements. As of now, it looks like Dr. Adams will only be available Wednesday morning and evening for additional meetings. The meetings listed below for Wednesday should definitely work . Scott, do you think there is any possibil ity we could move some of the proposed meetings on Thursday to Wednesday morning? Specifically, the meeting with Dr. Redfield? Please let us know. Thank you, Amber HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002064 From: Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD)(mailto:pms6@cdc .gov ] Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 10:31 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Channer, Amber (OS/OASH) Cc: Kroop , Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Broughton, Latwa nda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) ; Adams, C. Renee (HHS/OASH/OSG) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) (CDC/CGH/DGHP) ; Dee, Deborah L. (CDC/OCOO/HRO) ; Pevzner, Eric (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Subject: RE: Surgeon General Visit to CDC Hi Amber For Wednesday, right now we have the only fo llowing scheduled and await word on Dr. Adams arrival and departure times and decisions about Thursday before doing any further scheduling. We have a room set aside for him all day on Wednesday so depending on his arrival time, we would be happy to arrange additional meetings. Wednesday April 18, Hilton Downtown Atlanta 12-1:30 - lunch with Dr. Schuchat and some other CDC leaders 2-2:45 - meet and greet with EISOsand LLSfellows (incoming class of 2018 and classes of 2016 and 2017) 3:15-4:45- Langmuir session (a few awards, 30 min of Dr. Adams remarks and 30 min of Q&A) Pattie Patricia M. Simone, M.D. Director, Division of Scientific Education and Professional Development (DSEPD) Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services (CSELS) Office of Public Health Scient ific Services (OPHSS) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 404 -498 -6484 Assistant - Kathy Young - vhu9@cdc .gov - 404 -498 -6391 http://www From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 1:56 PM To: Channer, Amber (OS/OASH) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Broughton, Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) ; Adams, C. Renee (HHS/OASH/OSG) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Sorrells, Ma rjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Downie, Diane (Dee Dee) {CDC/CGH/DGHP) ; Scales, Scott L. {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Simone, Patricia (Pattie) (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Subject: RE: Surgeon General Visit to CDC HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002065 Thanks Amber and Hello Renee. After consulting with CDC Leadership , please see the attached proposal for a CDCvisit . All feedback is welcome and we're completely flexible if there are other areas of interest . Consider this a partial menu of options and know that we're open to other ideas too . Best, Scott Scott L. Scales Director of Scheduling and Advance Office of the Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Rd. NE Atlanta, GA 30329 -4027 404 -639-7015 From: Channer, Amber (OS/OASH) Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 1:44 PM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Broughton , Latwa nda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) ; Adams, C. Renee (HHS/OASH/OSG) Subject: RE: Surgeon General Visit to CDC Hi Scott, Send the tentative agenda t o me and LCDRAdams (cc'd) . Thank you, Amber From: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) fmailto ] Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 1:21 PM To: Channer, Amber (OS/OASH) Cc: Kroop, Seth (CDC/0D/OCS) ; Broughton , Latwanda (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD) Subject: Surgeon General Visit to CDC Hi Ambe r. Can you please point me to the best person on the SG's team that I should share our draft agenda with for the tentat ive visit on 19 March? Many thanks! Scott HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002066 From: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 9 Apr 2018 16:55:51 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (omc2@cdc .gov);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7@cdc .gov);Thompson , Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO);Wolfe, Mitchel l (CDC/OD/CDCWO);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Seth Kroop (CDC/OD/OCS) (wpw7@cdc .gov) Subject: 2 :1 w/ Mitch Wolfe {3:15-3:4Spm) Attachments: RE_ 2_ 1 meeting request for Wednesday .msg Sent : To : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TSO Special Assistant : TB O Event Contact: TS O CDC Staffer Accompanying the Director: TSO CDC Program Contact (if applicable): TSO CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TS O 2. Event Information : Event Host : TSO Purpose of Event : TBO Agenda (if applic able): TS O Number of Attendees and Composition : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002067 Key Participants (if applicable): TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Email 3. Director's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation : TBD Press : TBD Teleprompte r : TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Mater ials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002068 From: Se nt: To : Cc: Subject: Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 9 Apr 2018 13:05:57 -0400 Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) RE: 2:1 meeting request for Wednesday 9:55-10:25 it is then - thank you! Likely in Dr. R's office which is 9166. Will you send a calendar invite? From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Monday, April 9, 2018 1:05 PM To: Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : RE: 2:1 meeting request for Wednesday Can you let me know what room they will meet in? From : Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : Monday, April 9, 2018 1:03 PM To: Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: 2:1 meeting request for Wednesday They will be coming from the Russell Senate Office Building, I would feel more comfortable with 9:55. From: Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Sent : M onday, April 9, 2018 1:01 PM To: Str ength, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Williams , Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct: RE: 2:1 meeting request for Wednesday Is there any way we could do 9:50 or 9:55 to 10:20 or 10:25? He has a 10:30 at HHS? Even the extra 5 minu t es would be great . From: St rength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) Se nt : M onday, April 9, 2018 12:58 PM To: Thompson, Florence (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Cc: Williams, Teresa (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject : 2:1 meeting request for Wednesday Flo, HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002069 Would Mitch be available for a 2:1 meeting with Dr. Redfield and Kyle McGowan on Wednesday the 11th from 10:00-10:30? Respectfully, Tracie Strength Advance Team I Executive Assistant to the Director Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1600 Clifton Road, NE, MS D-14, Atlanta GA 30333 Phone: 404-498-6482 I Cell: 404-944-3210 Email : tmd9@cdc .gov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002070 From: Sent: To : (omc2@cdc .gov);Kroop, Subject : CDC Directors Schedule (CDC) 22 Mar 2018 14:59:36 +0000 CDC Directors Schedule (CDC);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) 3 :15-4:45 p.m. In-Person TB Briefing 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist: TBD Special Assistant : Ashley Knotts Event Contact: TBD CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event: TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD Number of Attende es and Composition : TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002071 Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks /Presentation/TPs: TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompte r: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002072 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC) 27 Mar 2018 18:21:34 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) 5:15-5:45 p.m. National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002073 From: Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD) Sent: 12 Apr 2018 13:37:38 +0000 To: Schuchat, Anne MD (CDC/OD);Sorrells, Marjorie J. (CDC/OD/OCS);Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subject: 10:30am -10:40am Meet & Greet w/Science Olympiad Scholars (w/Dr. Redfield) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002074 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) 22 Jun 2018 19:54 :27 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD) Ad d itional Prep for SBC HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002075 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 Apr 2018 12:12:52 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) (;Brad Allen Bartee (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Ro manik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Subject: Admiral Timothy Ziemer and staff (NSC) [Accompanied by Dr. Mitch Wolfe] POC: Luciana Borio cell: 1-202-321-8289 Attachment s: FW_ Welcome Aboard!.msg, RE_ Meeting Request with Admiral Timothy Zeimer and Thomas Bossert, (NSC) and Dr. Robert Redfield (CDC).msg, RE_ Meeting Req uest with Admi ral Timothy Zeimer and Thomas Bossert, (NSC) and Dr. Robert Redfield (CDC).msg, RE_ NSC meeting.msg From: Sent : 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : TBD Special Assistant: Ashley Knotts (not attending) Event Contact: Hillary Carter, NSC emailj Borio email: (bJ(6J Iand Luciana (b) (6) CDC Staffer Accompanying CDC Director: Mitch Wolfe, Kyle McGowan CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: TBD Purpose of Event : TBD Agenda (if applicable): TBD HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002076 Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable) : TBD Bios: TBD Source Invitation : Yes on DL 3. CDC Director Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): CDC Director's Remarks/Presentation/TPs : TBD Proposed Role and Topic: TBD Length of Presentation: TBD Press: TBD Teleprompter: TBD 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials: HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002077 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002078 Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) 10 Apr 2018 11:14:19 -0400 To : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS);Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: RE: NSCmeeting From: Se nt: Talked to NSC. Meeting still on. Will be with Tim Ziemer and his staff. Mitchell Wolfe , MD, MPH RADM, USPHS Chief Med ical Officer, Off ice of the Director Acting Director, CDC Washington Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Ph: (202) 245-0600 From : Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) Sent : Tuesday, April 10, 2018 11:07 AM To: Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Cc: Strength, Tracie (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Berger, Sherri (CDC/OCOO/OD) Subject: RE: NSCmeeting Thanks, got it... standing by From : Wolfe, Mitchell (CDC/OD/CDCWO) Se nt : Tuesday, April 10, 2018 11:06 AM To: Scales, Scott L. (CDC/OD/OCS) ; McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC/OD) Subje ct: NSCmeeting Alert: Tom Bossert at NSCjust resigned . I have reached out to NSCto see if meeting still on with Dr. R. If it is, I recommend we keep it, with Tim Ziemer and his staff. Mitchell Wolfe, MD, MPH RADM, USPHS Chief Medical Officer, Office of the Director Acting Director, CDC Washington Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Ph: (202) 245-0600 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002079 From: Sent: To : Subject: Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 25 Apr 2018 14:03:07 +0000 Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);McGowan, Robert (Kyle) (CDC) ( AMA to meet with CDC Director, Dr. Robert Redfield HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002080 Redfield, Robert R. (CDC/OD) 4 May 2018 16:22:03 +0000 To : Redfield , Robert R. (CDC/OD);Kroop, Seth (CDC/OD/OCS);Hugh Green (CDC/OD/OCS) (;Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS);Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Romanik, Nikki Jo (CDC/OD/OCS);McGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: 125th Anniversa ry Celebration of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) [Note: Invite forwarded reflects 9:30-4:00 p.m.] (Escort is Major Nathanial Copeland) Attachme nts: 125th Anniversary Celebration of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR).pdf, RE_ [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR.msg, RE_ [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR (UNCLASSIFIED).msg, 125 Years of Infectious Disease at WRAIR agenda.pdf, RE_ [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR (UNCLASSIFIED).msg,RE_ [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR (UNCLASSIFIED).msg,WRAIR 125th Celebrat ion (UNCLASSIFIED).ics From: Se nt: 1. Contacts: Logistics Specialist : Brad Bartee Special Assistant: Hugh Green Event Contact: Amanda J. Tatum , Strategic Communicat ions Office, 240 -460 -655 1, Amanda .j.tatum.ctr@mail.mi l; Debra L. You rick, PhD , Director , Science Education and (bl(6l I Strategic Communications, W RA IR, Voice: 301-3 19-9471 , Mobile: I debra .l.your ick.civ@mail.m il, CDC Staffer Accompanying Dr. Redfield: TBD CDC Program Contact (if applicable) : TBD CDC Media Contact (if applicable): TBD 2. Event Information : Event Host: WRAI R Purpose of Event: WRAIR traces its origins to the Army Medical Schoo l, established by Surgeon Gene ral George Miller Sternbe rg on 6/24/1893 . WRA IR will celebrate its found ing with an event that comb ines the 3rd annual Alan Magill Malar ia Forum with all resea rch elements of the Center for Infectious Disease Research (CIDR) at WRAIR. HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002081 http://www .wrair Agenda (if applicable): See Attached Number of Attendees and Composition: TBD Key Participants (if applicable): In addition to current WRAIR researchers, speakers will include WRAIR alumni: Amb.-at-Large Deborah L. Birx, MD, US Global AIDS Coordinator & US Special Represen tative for Global Health Diplomacy , and Wayne T. Hockmeyer, PhD, founder of Med Immune Inc. Bios: TBD Source Invitation: Yes on the 4/30/18 DL; There 's a Netwo rking Reception : 3 - 4 PM , FYI 3. Dr. Redfield's Speech Information or Talking Points (TPs): Dr. Redfield's Remarks/Presentation/TPs: Participate in opening session - "Celeb rating 125 Years of Research Excellence," with opening remarks along with 3 others (Thomas Mccaffery, Dr. Birx, Dr. Hockmeyer and then Dr. Redfield). Proposed Role and Topic: Attend and provide opening remarks to the event at the WRAIR Center for Infectious Disease Research to celebrate both the 125 years of the WRAIR and Alan Magill's important work to end malaria . Length of Presentation: N/A Press: TBD Teleprompter: N/A 4. Supporting/Logistics Materials: 5. OGC Review Materials : HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002082 From : To : Cc: ScalesScottL ICQC/OQ/OCSJ WilliamsTeresaCCDC/00/0CS) KroopSethICDC/00/0CS) : KnottsAshley(CDC/00/0CS) : Mccallister Jeremy(CDC/OD/OCS) : StrengthTracje 1cpc1O01ocs1 Subject : Date: RE: WRAIR 12th Celebration - Friday, June 22, 20 18 ( 10 a.m. - 4 p .m.) - WRAIR Headquarters , Silver Spring, MD Wednesday, April 25, 2018 1 :45:54 PM Yes, DL and please edu cate them about o ut inv ite proc ess or fu nctio nal inta ke IMAC bo x, and not sendi ng cale ndar invites goi ng forwa rd . From: W ill iams, Te resa {CDC/OD/OCS) Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 1:36 PM To: Scales, Scott L. {CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Kroop, Seth {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Knotts, Ashley (CDC/OD/OCS) ; Mcca llister, Jeremy {CDC/OD/OCS) ; Stre ngth, Tracie {CDC/OD/OCS) Subje ct : WRA !R 12th Celeb ratio n - Friday, June 22, 2018 (10 a.m . - 4 p.m.) - WRA !R Headquarters, Silver Spring, MD Hi Scott, Dr. Redfie ld receive d the following calenda r inv it e to attend the WRAIR 1i h Celebrat io n at t he WRA !R Headq uarte rs in Silver Spring, MD on Friday, June 22 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Please adv ise if we should add this invite t he DL. Thanks, Teresa ----- Original Appo intmen t-- --From: Whitmer, Deborah L COL USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR {US) Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 1:31 PM To : Whi t mer, Deborah L COL USARMY MEDCOM WRA !R (US); Redfie ld, Robert R. (CDC/OD) Subject: FW: WRA IR 125t h Celebrat ion {U NCLASSIFIED) When: Friday, Ju ne 22, 2018 10:00 AM -4:OO PM (UTC-O5:OO) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: WRAIR -----Or iginal Appointment----From: W hitme r, Deborah L COL USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR {US) Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2018 5:07 PM To : W hit mer, Debo rah L COL USARMY M EDCOM WRA IR (US); Barnes, W illia m L CSM USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US); Peterson, Karen P CIV USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR {US); M ichael, Nelson L COL USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US); Suarez, Victor A LTC USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR {US); Berecz, M ichael J LTC USARMY MEDCOM WRA IR (US); Davis, Douglas R CIV USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US); Maxwel l, A lbe rt T {Max) CIV USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US); Smith, Georgina B CPT USARMY HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002083 MEDCOM WRAIR (US); Carder, Mark C COL USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Subject: WRA IR 125th Celebrat ion {UNCLASSIFIED) When : Friday, Ju ne 22, 2018 10:00 AM -4 :00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where : WRAIR CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Save the date for the 125th Ann iversary Celebration of t he Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Infect ious Diseases Who: The Walter Reed Army Inst it ute of Research - Center for Infec t ious Disease Research What: 125th Ann iversary of the WRAIR (infect ious d isease emphasis) Where: WRAIR Headquarte rs, 503 Robert Grant Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910 -7500 When: 22 Jun 2018, 1000 -1500, Network ing Rece ptio n from 1500 -1600 Why: Celebrate both the 125 years of the WRAIR and Ala n Magill's important work to end malaria In add it ion to curre nt WRA IR researchers, speakers will include WRAIR alumni : • Ambassado r-at-Large Deborah L. Birx, MD, U.S. Globa l A IDS Coord inator & U.S. Special Representative for Globa l Health Diplomacy • Wayne T. Hockmeye r, PhD, fou nd er of Medlmmune Inc. WRAIR traces its origins to the Army Medica l School, established by Surgeon General George M il ler Sternberg on 24 Jun 1893. WRA IR wil l celebrate it s fou nding on Fr iday, 22 Jun 2018 w ith an event t hat combines the 3rd an nual Alan Mag ill Ma lar ia Forum w ith all research eleme nts of the Center fo r Infect ious Disease Research {CIDR) at WRA IR. We hope to host you here at WRAIR! Debra L. Yourick, Ph.D. Dir ect or, Science Education and Strat egic Comm unicat ions Wa lt er Reed Army Inst it ute of Research 503 Robert Gra nt Ave nue Silver Spring, MD 20910 -7500 Vo ice: 301 -319-9471 Fax: 301 -319 -3194 Mob ile: _!__ (-b)~(6_l -- Email: rick.civ@ma il.m il Follow us on Twitte r @WRAIR Like us on Facebook -- www .face t e rReedA rmy lnstitu teofResea rch CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Scheduler for the CDC Director Protocol Spec ialist Office of th e Director Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifto n Road, NE Building 21, OD Suite, 12th Floor Mail Stop D - 14 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002084 Atlanta, GA 30329 Direct: (404 ) 639 -5998 Main: (404) 639 -7000 Fa x : (404)639 -7111 email: coo4@cdcgov HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002085 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject : Yourick, Debra L CIV USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) 15 May 2018 14:49:03 +0000 Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Tatum, Amanda J CTR USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) RE: [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR She's cc'd now. We would like some comments along with other leaders who are attending . -----Ori ginal Message---- From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) [mail to:yxa ] Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 10:36 AM To: Yourick, Debra L CIV USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Subject: RE: [Non- DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR All active links contained in this email were disabled. Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the authenticity of all links conta ined within the message prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web browser. Thank you Dr. Y ourick , I don't l received Amanda's email address on the return email but will be happy to make contact with her once l get her contact info . Also , I would like to inquire whether you would like Dr. Redfield to make any comments during the ceremony . Thank you, Brad -----Original Message- ---From: Yourick, Debra L CIV USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 I0:26 AM To: Bartee , Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR Thanks for making contact! We have a basic agenda with talk titles and breakout sessions still in the works . I'm including Amanda Tatum on this email for more coordination . Debra L. Yourick , Ph.D. Director, Science Education and Strategic Communications Walter Reed Army Institute of Research 503 Robert Grant A venue Silver Spring , MD 20910-7500 Voice: 301-3 l 9-9471 Fax: 301-3 19-3194 (bl(6l Mobile: I Emai l: debra. l.yourick.civ Follow us on Twitter @WRAJR Like us on Facebook -- Caution /WalterReedAnnyinstituteofResearch HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002086 -----Original Message----F rom: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) [Caution-mailto:yxa0] Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 I 0:09 AM To: Yourick , Debra L CTVUSARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Subject: [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR All active links co ntained in this email were disabled. Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the authenticity of all links contained within the message prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web browser. Hello Dr. Yourick , I hope this finds you wel l. I am a member of the CDC Director's Advance Team and I wanted to know if you have a draft agenda for this event so we can begin planning for Dr. Redfield's attendance on June 22nd. If you have someone else on your team that will be working logistics for this event, you can certainly pass me off to that individual. Appreciate your help. Brad Brad A. Bartee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404- 718-5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email: bbartee < > Rm: 12107 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002087 From: Sent: To: Tatum, Amanda J CTR USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) 21 May 2018 15:20:38 +0000 Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Yourick, Debra L CIV USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source ] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR (UNCLASSIFIED) Attachments : 125 Years of Infectious Disease at WRAIR agenda.pdf CLASSJFTCATJON: UNCLASSIFIED Brad, Thanks for following up. l was out of office last week. Please see attached for the latest agenda. If possible, we'd like Dr. Redfield to participate in our celebration's opening remarks , highlighting the importance of USG agencies working together to support national security and globa l health sectu-ity. Thanks again, Amanda Amanda Tatum ORlSE Fellow Strategic Communication Office Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Phone:240-460-6551 Email : amanda.j.tatum.ctr @mai -----Original Message----From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto:yxa0 @cdc .gov] Sent: Monday , May 21, 2018 10:58 AM To: Yourick, Debra L CTVUSARMY MEDCOM WRATR(US) Cc: Tatum, Amanda J CTR USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Subject: RE: [Non- DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRALR Hi Amanda, Just checking in to see if you have a draft agenda that you can send along in order to get to our Communications Team . Thanks , Brad Brad A. Bartee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404-718-5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email: bbartee Rm: 12107 -----Original Message----- HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002088 From: Yourick, Debra L CIV USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 10:49 AM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Tatum, Amanda J CTR USARMY MEDCOM WRA IR (US) Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR She's cc'd now. We would like some comments along with other leaders who are attending. -----Original Message----From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto:yxaO@cdc .gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 10:36 AM To: Yourick, Debra L CIV USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR All active links contained in this email were disabled . Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the authenticity of all links contained within the message prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web browser. Thank you Dr. Yourick, I don't think l received Amanda's email address on the return email but will be happy to make contact with her once I get her contact info. Also, I would like to inquire whether you would like Dr. Redfie ld to make any comments during the ceremony. Thank you, Brad -----Original Message---- From: Yourick , Debra L CIV USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 10:26 AM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR Thanks for making contact! We have a basic agenda with talk titles and breakout sessions still in the works. I'm including Amanda Tatum on this email for more coordination. Debra L. Yourick , Ph.D. Director, Science Education and Strategic Communications Walter Reed Army Institute of Research 503 Robert Grant Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20910-7500 Voice: 301-319-9471 Fax: 301-319-3194 Mobile: I (b)( 6l Emai 1:de bra. I.yourick.civ @mai I.mi 1 Follow us on Twitter @WRAIR Like us on Facebook -- /WalterReedAnnyln stituteoffi.esearch HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002089 -----Original Message----From: Bartee , Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) [Caution-mailto:yxa0] Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 10:09 AM To: Yourick , Debra L CTV USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Subject: [Non -DoD Source] I 25th Anniver sary Celebration of the WRAIR All active links contained in this email were disabled. Please ve,ify the identity of the sender , and confirm the authenticity of all links contained within the messag e prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web browser. Hello Dr. Yourick, I hope this finds you well. I am a member of the CDC Director's Advance Team and I wanted to know if you have a draft agenda for this event so we can begin planning for Dr. Redfield's attendance on June 22nd . lfyou have someone else on your team that will be working logistics for this event , you can certainly pass me off to that individual. Appreciate your help. Brad Brad A. Bartee Advance Team Office of the Chi ef of Staff Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404- 718-5097 Cell: 202-600-6537 Email: bbartee < Caution-Caution-mailto:bbartee > Rm: 12107 CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002090 WRAIR 125 Walter Reed Army Institute of Research YEARS 1893 -2018 125 Yearsof Infectious DiseaseResearchat WRAIR 930am-1030am Open House & Poster Session 1030am-1045am Seating in Behnke Auditorium & Entry of Official Parties 104Sam-11 am Introduction and Greeting of Distinguished Guests Colonel Deborah Whitmer, WRAIR Commander 11am-12pm Celebrat ing 125 Years of Research Excellence • Thoma s Mccaffery, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Global Health Engagement and National Security • Ambassador-at-Large Dr. Deborah Binc, Global AIDS Coordinator and U.S. Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy International Enterprise for Better Health • Dr. Wayne T. Hackmeyer , Founder and Former Chair and CEOof Medlmmune, Inc. Private-Public Collaborations in Translational Medicine • Dr. Robert R. Redfield , Centers for Disease Control Director USG Working toward Common World Health Goals 12pm-lpm Lunch Reception & Poster Session lpm -3 pm Infectious Disease Breakout Sessions (1) Magill Malaria Forum • "Past contributions made by WRAIR in the fight against malaria and where current and future efforts fit into global efforts moving forward" • Keynote: Dr. Dennis Shanks (Director, Australian Army Malaria Institute) fo llowed by a panel discussion. Malaria Panel Discussion, Moderator : Dr. Chandy John, President-Elect of ASTMH • Dr. Dennis Shanks, Australian Defence Force • Dr. Ann Stewart, Uniformed University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) • Dr. Dennis Kyle, University of Georgia • Dr. Kent Kester, Sanofi Pasteur • Lee Hall, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) • Dr. Ken Staley, US Agency for International Development (USAID)/President 's Malar ia Initiative (2) A Look Back in History Presentations and Displays (3) Infectious Diseases: Challenges, Triumphs, and LessonsLearned 3pm-4pm • Viral Diseases I Mil itary HIV Research Program • Bacterial Diseases I Antimicrobial Resistance I Emerging Infectious Diseases Netwo rking Reception HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002091 WRAIR 125 Walter Reed Army Institute of Research YEARS 1893 -2018 125 Yearsof Infectious DiseaseResearchat WRAIR 930am-1030am Open House & Poster Session 1030am-1045am Seating in Behnke Auditorium & Entry of Official Parties 104Sam-11 am Introduction and Greeting of Distinguished Guests Colonel Deborah Whitmer, WRAIR Commander 11am-12pm Celebrat ing 125 Years of Research Excellence • Thoma s Mccaffery, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Global Health Engagement and National Security • Ambassador-at-Large Dr. Deborah Binc, Global AIDS Coordinator and U.S. Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy International Enterprise for Better Health • Dr. Wayne T. Hackmeyer , Founder and Former Chair and CEOof Medlmmune, Inc. Private-Public Collaborations in Translational Medicine • Dr. Robert R. Redfield , Centers for Disease Control Director USG Working toward Common World Health Goals 12pm-lpm Lunch Reception & Poster Session lpm -3 pm Infectious Disease Breakout Sessions (1) Magill Malaria Forum • "Past contributions made by WRAIR in the fight against malaria and where current and future efforts fit into global efforts moving forward" • Keynote: Dr. Dennis Shanks (Director, Australian Army Malaria Institute) fo llowed by a panel discussion. Malaria Panel Discussion, Moderator : Dr. Chandy John, President-Elect of ASTMH • Dr. Dennis Shanks, Australian Defence Force • Dr. Ann Stewart, Uniformed University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) • Dr. Dennis Kyle, University of Georgia • Dr. Kent Kester, Sanofi Pasteur • Lee Hall, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) • Dr. Ken Staley, US Agency for International Development (USAID)/President 's Malar ia Initiative (2) A Look Back in History Presentations and Displays (3) Infectious Diseases: Challenges, Triumphs, and LessonsLearned 3pm-4pm • Viral Diseases I Mil itary HIV Research Program • Bacterial Diseases I Antimicrobial Resistance I Emerging Infectious Diseases Netwo rking Reception HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002092 From: Tatum, Amanda J CTR USARMY MEDCOM WRAI R (US) Sent: 22 May 2018 14:41: 47 +0000 To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS);Yourick, Debra L CIV USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Cc: M cGuire, Delaney (CDC/OD/OADC) Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source ] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR (UNCLASSIFIED) CLASSJFTCA TJON: UNCLASSIFIED Hi Brad, Thanks for connecting. I've cop ied your questions below and will respond to each directly be low, my text starting with* as occasionally , our formatting is messed up through our .mil servers. I. I see there are 4 speakers in the one hour time block - would it be accurate that Dr. Redfield will have about 15 minutes for his remarks? *T hat is accurate. We'd like each speaker to provide l 0-15 minutes of remarks. 2 . Are you planning to have media attend, any social media promotion, or a photographer at the event? *We will promote on social media and will have several pho togra phers at the event. We have not yet invited any journalists but may invite some of our local media contacts. It is pos sible we may do segments of the day on Facebook or YouTube live, but this has not been confirmed. 3. ls it possible to get an attendee list and an idea of bow many guest you expect in the audience? *We have currently invited about 500 guests, and the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene will be sharing the registration link with their listserv -- unsure a he adcount but quite large global network. We have capac ity for 250 attendees. 4 . Would it be appropriate for Dr. Redfield to back his remark s w ith slides, if he were so inclined? *Ab so lutely . Let me know what additional questions come up or how else I can clarify! A question on our end: will Dr. Redfield be accompanied by any additional staff? If so, how many ? Thanks, Amanda Amanda Tatum OR ISE Fellow Strategic Communication Office Walter Reed Arm y institute of Research Phone: 240-460-6551 Email : amanda.j.tatum.ctr @ -----Original Message----From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC /OD /OCS) [mailto:yxa0 @cdc .gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 22 , 2018 9:46 AM To: Tatum, Amanda J CTR USARMY M EDCOM WRATR (US) ; Yourick, Debra L CTV USARMY MEDCOM WRATR (US) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002093 Cc: McGuire, Delaney (CDC /OD/OADC) Subject: RE: [Non- DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR (UNCLASSIFIED) Hi Amanda, Based on the agenda that you sent yesterday, we have just a few questions. I've also cc'd Delaney McGuire from Dr. Redfield's Comm unication s Tea m who may follow up with additional comments or questions. Thank you very much. 1. I see there are 4 speakers in the one hour time block - would it be accurate that Dr. Redfield will have about 15 minutes for his remarks? 2. Are you planning to have media attend, any social media promotion, or a photographer at the event? 3. Is it poss ible to get an attendee list and an idea of how many guest you expect in the audience? 4. Would it be appropriate for Dr. R edfield to back bis remarks with slides, ifhe were so inclined? Thank s, Brad -----Original Message----From: Tatum, Amanda J CTR USARMY MEDCOM WRAlR (US) Sent: Monday , May 21, 2018 11:21 AM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC /OD/OCS) ; Yourick, Debra L CIV USARMY MEDCOM WRAlR (US) Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAlR (UNCLASSIFIED) CLASSlFTCATTON: UNCLASSIFIED Brad, Thanks for following up. I was out of office last week. Please see attached for the latest agenda. If possible , we'd like Dr. Redfield to participate in our celebration's opening remarks , highli ght ing the importance of USG agencies work ing together to support national security and global health secur ity . Thanks again, Amanda Amanda Tatum ORISE Fellow Strategic Communication Office Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Phone: 240-460-655 l Email: amanda.j.tatum.ctr @ -----Original Message----From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC /OD/OCS) [mailto:yxa0 @cdc .gov ] Sent: Monday , May 21 , 2018 10:58 AM To: Yourick, Debra L CIV USARMY MEDCOM WRATR (US) Cc: Tatum, Amanda J CTR USARMY MEDCOM WRATR (US) Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] I.25th Anniversary Ce lebratio n of the WRAJR Hi Amanda, Just checki ng in to see if you have a draft agenda that you can se nd along in order to get to our HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002094 Communications Team. Thanks, Brad Brad A. Bartee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Cente rs for Disease Contro l and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404-7 18-5097 Cell: 202-600-653 7 Email: bbartee Rm: 12107 -----Original Message----From: Yourick, Debra L CIV USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 10:49 AM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Tatum, Amanda J CTR USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR She's cc'd now. We would like some comments along with other leaders who are attending. -----Original Message----From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto:yxa0 ] Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 10:36 AM To: Yourick, Debra L CTVUSARMY MEDCOM WRATR (US) Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRATR All active links contained in this emai l were disabled. Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the authenticity of all links contained within the message prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web browser. Thank you Dr. Yourick, I don't think I received Amanda's email address on the return email but will be happy to make contact with her once I get her contact info. Also, I would like to inquire whether you would like Dr. Redfield to make any comments during the ceremony. Thank you, Brad -----Ori ginal Message- ---From: Yourick, Debra L CJV USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 10:26 AM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002095 Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR Thanks for making contact! We have a basic agenda with talk titles and breakout sessions still in the works. T'm including Amanda Tatum on this email for more coordination. Debra L. Your ick, Ph.D. Director, Science Education and Strategic Communications Walter Reed Anny Inst itute of Research 503 Robert Grant A venue Silver Spring, MD 20910- 7500 Voice: 301-3 I 9-9471 Fax: 301-3 19-3194 (bJ(6J Mobile: I Emai l: debra. 1.yourick.c Follow us on Twitter @WRAI R Like us on Facebook -- Caution-www.facebook .com/WalterReedArmylnstituteofResearch -----Original Message----From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) [Caution-mailto:yxaO] Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 10:09 AM To: Yourick , Debra L CIV USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Subject: [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR All active links contained in this email were disabled. Please verify the identity of the sender, and confirm the authenticity of all links contained within the message prior to copying and pasting the address to a Web browser. Hello Dr. Yourick , I hope this finds you well. I am a member of the CDC Director 's Advance Team and I wanted to know if you have a draft agenda for this event so we can begin p lanning for Dr. Redfie ld's attendance on June 22nd. If you have someone else on your team that will be working logistics for this event, you can certainly pass me off to that individua l. Appreciate your help . Brad Brad A. Bartee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Cente rs for Disease Contrn l and Prevention (CDC) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002096 Office: 404-718-5097 Cell: 202-600-653 7 Emai l: bbartee < Cautio n-Caution -mailto:bbartee > Rm: 12107 CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIE D CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIE D HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002097 From: Sent: To: Cc: WRAIR (US) Subject: (UNCLASSIFIED) Tatum, Amanda J CTR USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) 18 Jun 2018 22:15:55 +0000 Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Deshpande, Samir S CTR (US);Osgood, Jeffr ey M CPT USARMY MEDCOM RE: [Non-DoD Source ] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR CLASSJFTCATJON: UNCLASSIFIED Brad, thanks for following up! We have conference rooms on hand that will be available as early as 0700. As Dr. Redfield arrives , he will have a dedicat ed escort who will show him the way to the conference room and be on stand-by for whenever he'd like to check out the auditorium. I don't yet have a confirmed POC as his escott but will follow up with that likely before COB tomorrow. Let me know what additional questions come to mind ... and thanks again for your time for a quick call today! Talk soon, Amanda Amanda Tatum Phone:240-460-6551 Email : amanda.j .tatum -----Original Message ----From: Bartee , Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto:yxa0 @cdc .gov] Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 12:43 PM To: Tatum, Amanda J CTR USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Cc: Deshpande, Samir S CTR (US) ; Osgood, Jeffrey M CPT USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR (UNCLASSIFIED) Amanda, I just inquired about the meeting with Dr. Birx and he just needed a time to catch up with her on a few items left over from a previous meeting. If you can help locate a space for them to do that it wou ld be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for all your help. Brad -----Original Message ----From: Tatum , Amanda J CTR USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 10:21 AM To: Bartee , Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) Cc: Deshpande , Samir S CTR (US) ; Osgood, Jeffrey M CPT USARMY MEDCOM WRATR (US) HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002098 Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR (UNCLASSIFIED) CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFI ED Thanks , Brad! Appreciate it. Talk soon, Amanda -----Original Message----F rom: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto: ] Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 I0: 19 AM To: Tatum, Amanda J CTR USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Cc: Deshpand e, Samir S CTR (US) ; Osgood, Jeffrey M CPT USARMY MEDCOM WRAIR (US) Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR (UNCLASSIFIED) Thank you Amanda . I will get the answers to your questions by this afternoon. Will also try to call you after 12pm. Thanks for the info. Brad -----Original Message----From: Tatum, Amanda J CTR USARMY MEDCOM WRATR (US) Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 I0:06 AM To: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC /OD/OCS) Cc: Deshpande , Samir S CTR (US) ; Osgood, Jeffrey M CPT USARMY MEDCOM WRATR (US) Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source ] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAIR (UNCLASSlFIED) CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED Brad, Apo logies we didn't connect on Friday. See below for a coordination email that includes some details. Happy to talk later today - free between 12pm-2pm ET, or after 4pm. I've cc'ed Samir Deshpande and CPT Jeffrey Osgood, who have been essential in the planning and preparation of this event, for their awareness . Thank you for helping us coordinate Dr. Redfield participation during our 125th anniversary. This email has a few questions and details. Please let me know what questions you may have for us. Questions: 1) When does Dr. Redfield anticipate on arriving? 2) What are the names of people accompanying Dr. Redfield on 22 June? 3) Will they be arriv ing in a separate vehicle? If so, how many vehicles total? 4) Does Dr. Redfield plan on using slides and/or notes? Tf so, can you please provide by Wednesday , 20 June? 5) Will Dr. Redfield be interested in seeing the auditorium and podium before speaki ng? 6) To get to the podium, there are 4-5 stairs with a hand rail. There is also an elevator if needed based on accessible. Please advise - which would be best for Dr. Redfield? 7) Is there additional information we should know to facil itate Dr. Redfield's visit? HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002099 Event Details: Arrival & Parkin g : I) Our address is 503 Robert Grant Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Inputtin g this into a GPS will bring you to the correct locati on. 2) You will pass through a sec urity post in which a guard will request photo identification. They will then direct you to a reserved parking area , approximately 1-2 minutes from the main building. Registrat ion: - Upo n entering the building, Dr. Redfi eld will receive a badge then be escorted to a smaller confe rence room with the option of joinin g the morning poster sess ion Auditorium - All speakers will gather 15 minutes before the start of the program and be led by COL Whitmer into the auditorium. Remarks - We anticipate Dr. Redfield will speak to "USG Working toward Common World Health Goals" in a I 0-15 minute time slot. Dr. Redfi eld will be introduced by COL Nelson Michael. - Bo ttled water will be accessible in the auditorium . Social media - We plan on livestreaming the morning session. We will follow up with a link. - WRAlR will be tweeting throughout the day (@WRAIR I #125YearsofWRAIR) - We will not be promoting the event prior to day of Thanks for your time, Amanda Amanda Tatu m Phone: 240 -460 -655 1 Email: amanda.j.tatum.ctr -----Original Message---- From: Bartee, Brad Allen (CDC/OD/OCS) [mailto ] Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2018 3:32 PM To: Tatum , Amanda J CTR USARMY MEDCOM WRAlR (US) Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] 125th Anniversary Celebration of the WRAlR (UNCLASSIFIED) Great, thank you Amanda . I just need to coordinate for a space for Dr. Redfield to take a call early before the event , and a place to meet with the Dr. Birx. Thanks, Brad Brad A. Bartee Advance Team Office of the Chief of Staff Centers for Disease Contro l and Prevention (CDC) Office: 404 -7 J8-5097 Ce ll: 202-600-6537 Email: bbartee @cdc .gov Rm: 12107 HHS-CDC-19-0276-A-002100