31912020 uc San Diego Mail Coionavirus42ampusvnde S|a|us Update UC San Diego Coronavirus--Campuswide Status Update message Chancellor Khosla 3/9/2020 UC San Diego Mail - Coronavirus—Campuswide Status Update Starting in Spring Quarter, all lecture and discussion courses will be delivered remotely. In the context of our campus, this will mainly involve offering conventional courses via online teaching and learning tools. Zoom can be used to deliver real-time online lectures, hold interactive sessions and office hours, or to pre-record short lectures. Course materials of all types can be placed on or linked to the Canvas LMS, including videos or podcasts of lectures, readings, and assignments; Canvas can also mediate tests and chat-based discussions. Laboratory and studio courses for which remote instruction is not possible will continue to meet in person, for the time being. Educational Technology Services, in collaboration with the Teaching and Learning Commons has developed a resource page where faculty can access tools, support and guidance for remote delivery of course materials or instruction. Questions can be directed to edtech@ucsd.edu. Comprehensive information on educational continuity at UC San Diego is available at https://aps.ucsd.edu/facdev/covid-19/index.html Specific steps that faculty, chairs/directors/provosts, and deans are expected to take to ensure educational continuity are discussed at https://aps.ucsd.edu/facdev/covid-19/campusrequirements.html An FAQ site addressing issues of interest to faculty is at https://aps.ucsd.edu/facdev/covid-19/faq.html Housing and Dining services will continue normal operations. Travel Considerations All students, faculty and staff should consider whether any mode of personal travel is necessary. We also encourage the campus community to seek alternatives to business-related travel such as virtual meetings or conference calls. Additionally, given the rapidly changing conditions of the global outbreak, University of California President Janet Napolitano issued a directive (https://tinyurl.com/trrhjqd) for all members of the UC community. Faculty, staff and students are instructed to avoid all non-essential, university-related travel to countries determined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to be of high risk for widespread and sustained community transmission of the virus. This would be countries that have COVID-19 Level 3 Travel Health Notices – China, Iran, Italy and South Korea - and COVID-19 Level 2 Travel Health Notices, which currently includes Japan. To view UC San Diego’s interim policy, visit https://aps.ucsd.edu/chinatravelpreapproval.html. If you do need to travel on university business, be sure to use Connexxus https://blink.ucsd.edu/travel/booking/connexxus/. If you do not use Connexxus, be sure to register your trip with UC Away. Learn more at https://www.ucop.edu/risk-services-travel/registering.html. Health and Wellness We understand that members of the campus community are worried about the virus and may be experiencing heightened feelings of anxiety. If you would like counseling services, there are resources available. If you are a student, please contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPs) at (858) 534-3755. If you’re a campus employee, contact the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program at (858) 534-5523. If you’re a UC San Diego Health employee, please contact your Employee Assistance Program provider aligned with your medical coverage or call (619) 543-3200. As a reminder, we recommend observing these simple tips to help stay well: * Always wash your hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1?ik=33d01c858e&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1660743414872764134&simpl=msg-f%3A16607434148… 2/3 3/9/2020 UC San Diego Mail - Coronavirus—Campuswide Status Update * Cover your mouth with your elbow when you cough. * Clean and disinfect surfaces often. * If you are sick, stay home and do not travel. * Call ahead before visiting your doctor or the Student Health Center to arrange a time to be seen. Finally, we want to remind you that UC San Diego is a proud community of international scholars. We thrive when we respect one another and stay committed to each other’s well-being. Your continuing compassion and empathy will make a tangible difference on our campus. Please stay abreast of the latest communications from UC San Diego at the COVID-19 webpage at http://coronavirus.ucsd.edu. We will continue make regular updates and provide details about modified campus operations as new information is available. Pradeep K. Khosla Chancellor Elizabeth H. Simmons Executive Vice Chancellor https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1?ik=33d01c858e&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1660743414872764134&simpl=msg-f%3A16607434148… 3/3